
zanthirHi. I'm trying to set up subversion and need to change my apache www* user to the subversion group, but can't figure out how to "view all users." In Ubuntu it is using the gconf-editor. Is there an analogous tool in xubuntu?00:22
charlie-tcagconf-editor on the command line in terminal00:23
zanthirCan I affect the xubuntu users and group settings through gconf-editor? The "show all users" does not work, because I'm not using gnome, and the "User Settings" tool must look at a different variable in xubuntu. Anyone know what variable I'm looking for?00:36
zanthircan I see xfec settings in gconf-editor, or is it only gnome settings?00:37
zanthirHi again. Xubuntu seems to use groups instead of users for names such as www-data, admin, etc.03:37
zanthirCan I add groups to other groups? And if so, how?03:37
ubuXubuall is well in the tranquil binary rainforest known as Xubuntu...11:20
Sysiwell now is11:21
Sysii fight like 2h with nvidia restricted driver11:22
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
MawaAnybody home?13:29
* Mawa rings the door bell13:32
* knome hides13:32
MawaI seem to be having graphics issues with the 10.04 live usb >.>13:33
MawaThere's blue static across the screen O.o13:33
cousin_mariohow do you pick the font size in xubuntu?14:13
MawaThe GUI font?14:21
cousin_mariodesktop, system menus and default ones in general14:23
MawaSettings > Window Manager14:23
MawaThat will take care of the titles of windows.14:23
MawaI can't quite remember where to go for menus though.14:23
MawaIt might be the same.14:24
cousin_mariocan't find it...14:25
cousin_marioI'm on 10.10RC, has anything changed there?14:25
cousin_mariouh oh, my bad14:28
cousin_mariothanks, bbl14:28
MawaThat's odd, no graphics problems with 9.1015:20
abraWe are more than 1% http://www.dudalibre.com/gnulinuxcounter?lang=en15:20
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
autifI tried to install xubuntu 10.10.RC on a virtual box machine (windows XP  host). It did not run - installed fine, but did not boot. Has anyone tried this?16:47
autifubuntu server 10.10 RC works fine16:48
charlie-tcaautif: don't know if it was tested using windows as the host machine. It was tested using Ubuntu/Xubuntu as hosts, though17:05
charlie-tcaDid not boot is not descriptive enough. Were there any errors? Did the grub menu come up? Did you try removing "quiet splash"? Could you switch to a TTY?17:06
iKbhi all17:07
charlie-tcaautif: we are currently testing the final images. Why not grab the daily/current or daily-live/current and try it?17:08
charlie-tca!hi | iKb17:08
ubottuiKb: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:08
autifcharlie: Will do - thanks!18:59
autifI will also try w/o quiet and splash19:00
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DBeetsHow does one go about setting the xfce4-term title from the cli?20:47
mark76Why not do it in preferences?20:57
DBeetsWell I want irssi to set the title to "irssi" when it starts is all.20:57
DBeetsI suppose I could have it open a new tab perhaps20:58
Sysixfce4-terminal -t irssi irssixfce4-terminal -T irssi -x irssi20:59
Sysixfce4-terminal -T irssi -x irssi20:59
DBeetsThat's exactly what I'm looking for but is there a way to just open a new tab, not a whole new window?21:01
mark76I'm confused21:05
mark76I thought you wanted to retitle the terminal window21:05
DBeetstab tile, sorry21:06
=== toga-blue is now known as toga
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion

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