
dantti_noteRiddell: right I'll try to send you a patch this night to disable that, but imo both should be enabled, and for 11.04 i can enumerate a few problems on having just the apt one..00:08
dantti_noteoh this nvidia beta driver is so broken that even skype doesn't work well :(00:11
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CIA-116[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101007232153-nuigpn1usadhbwpg * src/daemon/event.cpp A bit less obnoxious this way.00:22
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1183579 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/event.cpp A bit less obnoxious this way00:23
JontheEchidnacode copies ftl00:23
JontheEchidnawe need a libkdedevent for that event class00:24
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1183605 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Use value() instead of the [] operator when looking up an origin label to prevent the QHash from inserting a value in the case that there isn't a label for the said origin.04:16
valoriejussi, you might already be aware of this, but I just saw it: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/fglrx-finally-works-with-ubuntu-1010.html08:17
valorieI'm thinking that update might be messing with us?08:17
jussivalorie: I reinstalled, and it seems to work now08:18
valoriereinstalled what?08:18
jussinow flash works08:19
valorieoh gads08:19
jussiand fglrx08:19
valorieso, clean install was the key?08:19
jussiwell kind of. I retained my home dir08:20
valorieright, I can't let that go08:20
valorieI guess i should back it up, and reinstall08:20
jussiannoying though08:20
valorieis it worth it, do you think, to rsync the alpha ISO I have08:22
valorieor should I just re-download?08:22
jussiI cant see any reason why not...08:22
jussibut I am not an expert in rsync08:23
valoriemee either, by a long shot08:23
valoriebut I can google.....08:23
jussihrm, however I dont seem to have desktop effects :/08:24
valorieah, I guess I should let amarok finish building first08:29
valoriezsync looks like the way to go08:30
shadeslayerok it seems ill be getting my visa in 5 days \o/08:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell ^08:31
valoriewe should have a kubuntu meetup at some point08:32
valoriewhen are y'all arriving in Orlando08:32
shadeslayerarent we having one @ UDS?08:32
valorieor to the hotel?08:32
* shadeslayer has to check his mail for that08:32
valorieoh, how would I find out08:32
shadeslayerhold on08:32
shadeslayerunfourtunately my return is on the 30th08:33
* valorie still doesn't have tickets, unless they finally acted to day08:33
shadeslayervalorie: ^08:33
valorieI'm flying friday, and staying with a friend for the weekend08:33
valorieflying home sunday08:33
* shadeslayer tries to make sense of those details08:34
valoriehopefully spending Sat/sun with the Halls08:34
shadeslayeri think the first time column is IST, and the second one is whatever orlando follows08:34
jussiIm likely flying in sun and out sat08:34
shadeslayerEDT or something08:34
shadeslayerjussi: likewise for me08:35
valoriethat's the worst god-awful glob of text I've ever seen08:35
shadeslayerhehe... i know...08:35
shadeslayerok ive understood it i think08:36
valorieI understand your name, and the times08:36
shadeslayeri think 22.50 is IST08:36
shadeslayereverything else is EDT .. except last entry which is again IST08:36
valorieso you arrive the 24th, and leave the 30th08:37
valoriehow many hours in the air?08:37
valoriegosh, that's a lot of flying08:37
shadeslayerprobably 18-2008:37
valoriei was thinking about whining, but I'll just shut up08:37
shadeslayervalorie: all the way from india :P08:37
* valorie just has to fly the diagonal across the US08:38
nigelbshadeslayer: did ya get visa? :)08:39
shadeslayernigelb: they kept my passport, will mail it to me in 5 days08:44
shadeslayerso yeah i guess08:44
nigelbshadeslayer: yay, congrats :)08:44
shadeslayerthey were rejecting people left, right and centre :S08:44
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shadeslayernigelb: thanks!08:44
nigelbyeah, I was one of those :p08:44
shadeslayernigelb: ill say re-apply, vish was also rejected :(08:45
shadeslayerthey asked me the same questions as you :)08:45
shadeslayeri guess being a student + UK visa helped alot 08:46
nigelbshadeslayer: can't reapply08:47
nigelbshadeslayer: too late.08:48
shadeslayerwhut? whai?08:49
shadeslayernigelb: its what... 15 days more to UDS08:49
shadeslayerso submit fees > 2 days waiting > take appointment in any of the 13 days?08:50
nigelbonce you are rejected you can get appointment only at the end08:50
nigelbshadeslayer: ^^08:50
nigelbSo next appointment is only for 22nd08:50
shadeslayermeh... this is lamez08:51
nigelbshadeslayer: yeah, I know.08:51
nigelbyou are the Indian representative this time around :p08:51
shadeslayernigelb: apply for next UDS then, also, i wont get to go to Disneyland :'(08:51
nigelbshadeslayer: lol08:52
nigelbdid you get the gift from mom?08:52
shadeslayernigelb: she's going to get it next week ( probably Monday )08:52
nigelbMoar win :)08:52
shadeslayera shiny new N900 \o/08:52
jussinext uds should be on this side of the world..08:55
valorieshadeslayer: unless we sneak out with apachelogger08:55
jussiI might be staying an extra day at the end :D08:56
jussirecovery day!08:56
shadeslayervalorie: aye... we will take jussi with us :P08:56
valorieBand on the run.....08:56
valoriechecking my email08:56
valoriemaybe they finally bought my tickets08:56
valoriejussi, which ISO did you grab?08:58
jussithe daily from yesterday, linked from the qa site08:58
shadeslayeranyone have a connecting flight from Newark? :)09:08
* valorie is connecting from ......Dallas I think09:09
valorieI do have tickets, thank goodness09:12
valorie7 hours in the air09:13
jussiIm connecting from JFK I think09:17
jussivalorie: short flight then? :D09:17
jussimin is 55mins, 8:40, then 3:02. should be fun :D09:18
jussiso a total of 12:37 :)09:19
jussiplus changes09:19
valorie4 hours to Dallas, another 3 to Orlando09:41
valorieso nicely broken up09:41
jussivalorie: this is way better than before. 09:41
jussifglrx actually helped a _lot_09:41
valorienow that I've done updates, and updated the UDS wiki09:42
valorieI'll restart09:42
valorieand see if today's updates fix it09:43
valorieotherwise, zsync, here I come09:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: yay09:48
shadeslayernow you can clone yourself :P09:48
apacheloggergit clone09:48
shadeslayerok pizza is here, cya in a bit :D09:48
valorienow to learn zsync09:49
valorieand blogging about it, of course10:00
valoriealmost 20% done already10:01
valoriealpha took about 3 hours to download10:01
Riddellshadeslayer: my flight goes via Newark10:08
shadeslayerwhat date/time?10:08
shadeslayer( local time @ Newark )10:08
shadeslayerand if you have the flight number, it would be awesome10:09
valoriezsync is awesome10:11
* shadeslayer is trying to make qt GUI for that10:11
valoriefor zsync?10:12
valorieit's uber-easy10:12
valorieif I can do it, anyone can10:12
valoriewell, anyone over 1010:12
valoriezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20101007/maverick-alternate-amd64.iso10:13
valoriehow hard can it be?10:13
valorie92% done10:14
valorieOMG, this is the best thing evar10:14
Riddellshadeslayer: it's co37 and arrives 16:1510:15
shadeslayermine leaves AWR at 8.3010:17
valoriewell, damn it, I dled the wrong one10:20
valorieshould have been zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20101007/maverick-alternate-amd64.iso.zsync10:20
valoriemaybe a gui would be better10:20
valorieuntil then, my fellow newbs will linuxgrandma's blog to hold their hands10:21
valorieshadeslayer: is this a KDE version of ubuntu-qa-tools10:22
shadeslayervalorie: http://gitorious.org/qzsync10:22
shadeslayerstill heavy WIP10:22
valorieI have a backup app which is a front for rsync10:23
valoriethat's my next step10:24
valoriebackup home10:24
valoriedo you have any screenshots?10:27
valorieheh, it's still almost 60% done10:27
valoriereally rocking10:27
shadeslayervalorie: yus10:28
shadeslayerone sec10:28
shadeslayervalorie: http://imgur.com/3Lb8f10:29
shadeslayeraltho..im thinking of a UI re-write10:29
shadeslayeron the basis of Ktorrent/KGet10:30
* valorie starts writing ISO to the USB10:47
valorieif only I knew how to just sync THAT10:57
valorieit's only 1/3 done10:58
valorieUSB is soooo slow10:58
freglis it expected that I get this when running apt-get update on merverick? Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch12:53
ScottKfregl: not generally, but it sometimes comes up as a transient.13:20
ScottKIf it didn't fix its self in several minutes, then it's potentially concerning.13:20
freglok, I expect it will be more stable after the release13:20
freglI commented out th source lines for now13:20
freglthe installation was actually quite pleasing :)13:21
freglkpackagekit didn't like policykit (whichever version that is) much - I could not edit any sources in there13:21
freglit showed a dialog which immediately disappeared again13:22
Riddellfregl: what happens when you start software-properties-kde from the command line?13:44
freglRiddell: as normal user I get a hint: "Please run ... with administrative rights. ... kdesudo."13:46
freglI did add a new user to this machine - what group do I need to be in for this?13:46
ScottKfregl: admin13:46
freglI added the user to all the groups that the originally created user is in. In fact I'll try with the first user.13:46
freglgroups says I'm in admin13:47
ScottKNot sure then.13:47
freglhum, logout seems to not work on my test lappy13:49
freglit returns to shell13:50
fregloh, in var/log/messages I got a segfault in packagekitd - error 4 in libc-2.12.1.so13:51
Riddelllogout not working suggests kdm is crashing13:53
Riddellwhich i think is a problem ScottK has been having13:53
ScottKRiddell: The one I've been having at least appears to be an X crash.  It could be KDM though.13:54
freglok, with the user that was originally created packagekit works13:54
freglsince that user was a demo user, I created a second account for myself... I should have done it the other way around13:55
freglI'll compare groups now13:55
ScottKRiddell: If the work around in bug 651294 solves your crash then I'd agree they are likely the same.13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65129413:55
freglyes, I think it is an intel card13:56
freglI just got the machine13:56
freglRiddell: ScottK: yes, the workaround from 65129 solves my issue with kdm14:02
ScottKIIRC that's an indication to blame X, not KDM, but I wouldn't claim to be an expert.14:02
freglok, my kpackagekit trouble is also solved: I created the user with an empty default group, no clue why kuser allows me to do that ?!? adding a proper group  as primary group helped14:06
freglhm, the select user dialog becomes pretty annoying after a while ;) I whish it would remember my last choice - is that in kde upstream?14:09
Riddellfregl: are you sure it was kuser?  we ship with userconfig by default14:10
freglRiddell: oh, I'm clearly not up to date, is that custom kubuntu?14:12
freglhum, the software selection in kpackagekit is awesome-double-plus-great. but why does it show the list of software in disabled font color?14:13
Riddellfregl: it's pykde author/kubuntu and should replace kuser upstream in everyone's humble opinion but it hasn't happened 14:13
freglah, installed stuff gets proper black font...14:13
freglRiddell: ok, where do I file a bug about it?14:14
freglit was nice to use, but creating a user without group is not so great ;)14:14
Riddellfregl: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/userconfig/+filebug  or poke yuriy_work 14:14
Riddellor both14:14
freglyuriy_work: poke :)14:16
freglRiddell: ScottK: thanks a lot guys! *hug*14:16
ScottKfregl: You're welcome.14:16
Riddellthanks for testing fregl 14:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656880 in userconfig (Ubuntu) "Creating a new user should make sure the user gets a group assigned" [Undecided,New]14:20
shadeslayerlex79: did you review my koffice package?14:37
txwikingerAnd? Maverick finished?15:11
shadeslayerid say yeah15:11
shadeslayerto the SRU mobile!15:11
txwikingersince the logical release day was yesterday15:11
* txwikinger found a problem in pyqt415:12
shadeslayertxwikinger: how come?15:15
shadeslayerhow was the logical release day yesterday? :)15:15
txwikingerreleases are always on Thursdays15:16
txwikingerand yesterday was the last Thursday before 10-10-1015:16
shadeslayertxwikinger: IIRC sabdfl wants to release on 10.10 10/10/10 :D15:26
txwikingerNo.. he said in UDS the official date is 10-10-10 but it should be finished the Thursday before15:27
shadeslayerum... isnt it finished?15:27
shadeslayeri think the archive is frozen solid15:28
shadeslayerfinal ISO's are up15:28
shadeslayeri think were all set for a 10/10/10 release15:28
Riddellwe're not all set, they need testing15:33
Riddellso do upgrades15:33
shadeslayernot enuf bandwidth :S15:34
shadeslayerill bbl .. cya15:34
yuriy_workfregl: pong15:53
freglyuriy_work: hey :) I filed a bug for the user management15:53
yuriy_workoh i see it15:53
freglit was just that it allowed me to creat a user with no group15:53
freglthanks for looking at it :)15:53
yuriy_workunfortunately i haven't gotten around to the bugs or any Kubuntu work in about a year :(15:54
txwikingerRiddell: I did 4 upgrades15:55
yuriy_workso if there is someone new looking to get into pykde work, i think userconfig would be a great project for them15:57
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Riddelltxwikinger: groovy, report them on iso.qa.ubuntu.com16:12
txwikingerRiddell: I thought there are only iso tests.. I did do-release-upgrade16:13
txwikingerbut I can do some iso testing later in my vm16:13
Riddelltxwikinger: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4748 http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/474916:13
dev001Is 10.10 slated to have KDE 4.5.1 or 4.5.2?  iiuc, atm 4.5.2 is only avaialble via PPA ...17:06
Riddelldev001: there's your ansewr17:11
Riddelldev001: there's your answer17:11
dev001Riddell: sry, what?17:13
Riddellif 4.5.2 is only in a PPA then the answer must be 4.5.117:14
dev001Riddell: I have no idea what decisions if any have been made about official release, as it's not out yet.  Hence, my question -- and my understanding "at the moment".17:15
Riddellhmm, maybe I was too impolite17:24
shadeslayerRiddell: when are the sessions finalized? any dates?17:52
shadeslayerlike ... when do we have a definitive schedule17:53
jussishadeslayer: you dont, the schedule is fluid, it changes everyday18:18
shadeslayerjussi: uhh... isnt that counter-productive?18:18
shadeslayerwe should have one schedule and stick to it18:18
jussishadeslayer: not really, things come up...18:18
jussishadeslayer: it works pretty well18:18
jussishadeslayer: the schedule is always up on the monitors, so you never lose track18:19
shadeslayerah ok18:19
jussiand there are monitors every where18:19
shadeslayerbut then theres a chance of missing a session ;(18:19
shadeslayerjussi: oh and i suppose we have wifi right :P18:19
jussishadeslayer: well not really, as long as you look at the monitor before every session.18:20
jussishadeslayer: of course18:20
shadeslayerseems rekonq is moving to git.kde.org18:20
shadeslayerjussi: kewl18:20
jussishadeslayer: sometimes you have to choose, because 2 you want to go to are at the same time18:20
jussibut if there is a conflict and you really need to be in both, they can sometimes move them so it works, hence fluid schedule18:21
shadeslayerjussi: how will you be making calls and stuff from US?18:22
jussishadeslayer: skype18:22
shadeslayerjussi: it works for you on Kubuntu? ... my mic doesnt pick up alot of voice...18:23
shadeslayeri have to lean into my screen to speak :P18:23
jussishadeslayer: turn the mic up?18:24
shadeslayerdoesnt work, its at full volume18:24
shadeslayerotoh it works in gnome just fine18:24
jussihave you pulse installed or using normal kubuntu18:25
shadeslayernormal kubuntu18:25
jussiare you sure, pulse keeps kreeping in on me18:25
shadeslayerso maybe ill install guh-no-meh @ UDS for some time :D18:25
shadeslayerlemme check again18:25
shadeslayeri haz pulseaudio installed18:25
jussishadeslayer: sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio18:26
jussiis there any way you can move the "title bars" to the bottom of the window? could be interesting and I wouldnt mind trying it...18:28
shadeslayerdont think so18:30
ScottKTm_T: Any chance to test powerpc final images?18:41
ScottKshadeslayer: Skype works fine for me on Kubuntu.19:21
ScottKjussi: With pulseaudio.19:21
shadeslayerScottK: mic input is low here19:21
shadeslayeralso.. it isnt signing in right now -.-19:21
jussipulse is evil. never works for me19:22
shadeslayerjussi: lol... after removing pulse skype says : Microphone : Pulse Audio Server (local) , hahha19:23
jussishadeslayer: log out and log in19:23
shadeslayerjussi: as in log out of KDE?19:24
shadeslayerit still says PA19:26
macodid you log out of kde yet?19:28
macocuz uninstalling pulse doesnt make it stop running...19:28
jussimaybe restart, I dont remember19:28
shadeslayeryep :)19:28
shadeslayerok will restart then19:29
shadeslayerjussi: maco ScottK it works much better without PA 19:32
macomy only skype related issue happen in webcam-land, not mic-land19:33
shadeslayerwebcam works fine here :D19:33
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