
=== Barridus_ is now known as Barridus
olskolircwhat is the command to switch from pulseaudio to alsa please?00:29
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kyubutsuany way to switch all window buttos to the left01:58
rav_i just booted my machine, and grub had a background image that says debian02:08
rav_i ran an update this morning and i did see grub been reconfigured02:10
kyubutsugot them buttons on the left now!  :D  figured it out..02:25
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staticvoidusers are losers! so don't do drugs!02:54
staticvoidi hate you ALLLL03:04
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olskolircif im on karmic, will i be foreced to upgrade to kde5x when 10.10 comes out in a few days?03:55
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moetunesThialfi:  fail :]04:19
Thialfianyone can read me?04:20
Thialfiah nice04:20
Thialfii've used irc round about 10 years ago last time^04:20
moetunesit all still works the same04:21
Thialfithink so, but i think I'm a little rusty with it^04:21
moetuneswe have bots to help out now04:22
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:22
Thialfiso ho again will in find the topicss i'm interested in, I'm just a rusty old pc nerd^04:24
Thialfiit comes again i'm gonna join freenode04:26
moetunesthis is a quieter time - more ppl come online in a few hours - and you sometimes need to be a little patient04:26
moetuneswhat comes again?04:27
moetunesThialfi:  ^^04:27
Thialfimy memory how it works04:28
moetuneshehe :]04:28
Thialfii finally managed to setup a linux system easy to handle these days been a bit harder 10 years ago04:29
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:33
olskolircim having a hard time using usb creator to make a bootable kubuntu - any help?04:56
moetuneswhat's the error - always a good place to start :]04:57
RadSurferHow do I get kubuntu to report the drive my home directory is on? sr0, sda0? how do I check05:00
SporkWitchRadSurfer: fdisk -l05:01
RadSurferreturns nothing05:02
SporkWitchman fdisk05:03
SporkWitchsry, that's wrong05:03
SporkWitchshould be a mount command to list all mounted file systems05:03
moetunesor try   df -h05:04
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=== SporkWitch|smoki is now known as SporkWitch
moetunesfiab9000:  hi07:43
fiab9000im new to kubuntu, upgrading07:43
fiab9000to 10.1007:44
moetunesnew to it and already upgrading?07:44
moetuneswell done07:44
fiab9000i   move quikc07:44
fiab9000bettter shell system than unix07:45
fiab9000better gui than mac os07:45
fiab9000i like iiiiiiiit07:45
moetunesbetter packaging for apps afaik to07:45
fiab900028 min remaining to upppgrade07:46
fiab9000i'''m  rrrunning it through   parallels desktop on mac07:46
fiab9000works great07:46
moetunesexcellent to here07:47
fiab9000i allocated 2gb bbbbut  itttt s onlly usinnnnnng like 768888807:47
moetuneshear even07:47
fiab9000any insider tiiiiiiips07:47
moetunes2gb seems small - most use about 1007:47
fiab9000already creeeeeaaaatedd ann irc network07:48
fiab9000sorrry about the repeat characters have to fix that07:48
moetunesleaves room for installing stuff and home pics and vids etc07:48
moetunescreated an irc network?07:49
moetunesok :]07:49
fiab9000brb fix keyboard07:49
fiab9000well thats better07:53
fiab900018 mi n remaining!07:54
fiab9000so wwwhhhhat aareeeeeeee thhe best proggrams07:54
fiab9000i new07:54
moetunesdepends on what you want to do - with only 2gb you won't be installing too much07:55
fiab9000no 2gb ram07:56
fiab9000self expanding disssk space07:56
moetunesdolphin the file manager has some nice uses07:56
moetuneswell ok then - my bad07:56
fiab9000kubunttttttu is rrrrad07:57
moetunesamarok the music player is pretty neat07:57
moetuneslots of nice plasma widgets too07:59
fiab9000and they are responsive07:59
fiab9000ill have to restart08:02
moetunesyou'll have a new kernel to boot into08:02
fiab9000whats taht mean08:03
moetunesthe kernel is what lets the software work the hardware08:03
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages08:03
fiab9000thx ttyl08:04
moetunesdon't worry about compiling your own - rarely necessary08:04
abhilashi am having a problem in Flash08:11
moetunes!flash | abhilash see if this helps08:17
ubottuabhilash see if this helps: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:17
moetunesgnash sucks and blows afaik08:17
abhilashyeah i did open this site and checked well when i clicked to install it said that FLASH IS ALREADY INSTALLED08:26
abhilashTHing is I ALREADY DID INSTALL08:26
moetuneswhich browser are you using?08:27
moetunesand did you close/reopen it?08:27
abhilashBut twhen ever i start a Falsh Video eith on Youtube or metacafe or whatever site. it says a error has occured...although the Video player apperars but video doesnt play08:27
abhilashi use08:27
FloodBotK2abhilash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:27
abhilashand Konqurer08:27
abhilashsudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installe08:29
moetunestried flashplugin-installer ?08:29
moetunes!info flashplugin-installer08:29
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)08:29
abhilashWELL I AM USING KUBUNTU 10.0408:30
moetunesenough with the caps pls08:32
moetunestried flashplugin-installer ?08:33
geekosopherabhilash: this channel is for kubuntu support, so it is already assumed that you are using Kubuntu08:33
abhilash:P lol08:34
abhilashactually m a begiiner n i dono much about linux..just a lil bit08:34
geekosopherabhilash: that is absolutely ok, we all were beginners at some point of time08:35
geekosopherabhilash: so did you try flashplugin-installer as suggested by moetunes08:36
abhilashplease help me with this. kubuntu is awesome but without flash i feel BORED..n i dont wanna use that stupid windows any more08:36
moetunesdoes this clip work (close and open your browser) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSJyJ9JuY5E ?08:36
geekosopherabhilash: one small request, please stop typing in CAPS, its a bit annoying08:37
abhilashmy aplogies geeko...yes it does work08:37
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geekosopherabhilash: great, so problem solved? tried watching videos on "other" sites as well? ;)08:39
abhilashOh yes Thank u so much08:39
abhilashwell i need one more advice08:40
abhilashi need to get the desktop folder(that shows as transparent window) by default08:40
geekosopherabhilash: you mean you removed it some time ago and want to bring it back?08:41
moetunesI don't know that one...08:41
abhilashYes..well i tried in widget but its not ther08:41
geekosopherdid you try adding "Folder View" from the widget list?08:43
abhilashhmmm...wel yes it is there but its just a small square box that shows the folders in home folder.08:45
anygivennamewhat command do I run to get the status of ddclient ?08:46
geekosopherabhilash: and you want to see the desktop items in there instead of home?08:46
abhilashActually its not the Original thing that used to be..its comparatively  very small..i mean its not what i am asking for08:48
abhilashjust see the video u send me the link to and see the folder that shows on desktop08:49
geekosopherabhilash: you mean the video moetunes sent?08:50
anygivennameanyone help please08:50
geekosopherjust a minute08:50
anygivennamewhat command do I run to get the status of ddclient ?08:54
geekosopherabhilash: you referring to the transparent window in the top left corner in that video?08:55
geekosopherits the same08:55
abhilashyes exaclyt08:55
abhilashbut its size is so small08:55
geekosopherabhilash: you can resize it08:56
abhilashwell i went in settings and tried but its not working08:56
geekosopherwhen you hover over that window, are you able to see a small bar sliding out on the side of it?08:57
abhilashOH yes08:57
abhilashdid it08:57
abhilashthank u08:57
geekosopheron that bar, click on the first icon and drag08:57
abhilashsoo much08:57
FloodBotK2abhilash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:57
abhilashthnanks geeko..thank u so much mate08:57
geekosopherabhilash: as the floodbot suggested try not to flood the channel08:58
geekosopheralways welcome.... oh, he already left! :)08:59
moetuneswell done geekosopher :]09:10
SporkWitchanyone help me find where to specify which window manager I want to use?  the manual says to go to system settings -> advanced -> session manager -> window manager, but in session manager i see no such option.  trying to choose compiz fusion as the window manager09:56
moetuneskde has the same effects now as compiz09:57
SporkWitchmoetunes: some missing that i liked, and i preferred the customisability on compiz; kde offers some of them, with basic customisation, but not as detailed as compiz09:58
moetuneshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSJyJ9JuY5E - shows 'em09:58
moetunesSporkWitch:  I don't do the effects thing - someone else might know - if the option isn't there you could add   compiz --replace   in autostarted apps09:59
SporkWitchmoetunes: well it's not really an "effects thing," it's a "where's the setting to specify window manager" thing lol10:00
moetunesif the option isn't there you could add   compiz --replace   in autostarted apps - best I can offer10:00
SporkWitchd'oh, wrong link10:01
moetuneskubuntu is diff to ubuntu - kde has things in diff places as well as diff options10:01
moetunesk :]10:01
SporkWitchyeah; last time i used KDE was a while back lol10:01
SporkWitchthis is the one i was following, but it doesn't quite match up, even though it IS the right guide lol10:01
moetunesyou haven't installed 4.510:02
moetuneskde4.5 that is10:02
SporkWitchdunno if you were in #linux earlier when we were chatting, i used to use linux somewhat often, mostly gentoo, but not getting TOO deep into it.  since my main PC game these days is EVE Online, my ONLY reason for using windows is gone, since EVE runs in *nix10:02
SporkWitchmoetunes: i'm running w/e the latest livedvd updates to10:03
SporkWitchlemme check10:03
moetunesI am never in #linux10:03
moetunesany about menu in any app should tell10:03
moetunes*nearly any app10:03
SporkWitchand apparently 4.4.210:04
SporkWitchso, step one, update KDE :P10:04
moetunesnot necessarily10:04
moetunesit should be fine with 4.410:05
SporkWitchwell, generally good to be running the latest version, is it not?10:05
moetuneslatest is not always the best10:05
SporkWitchfair enough10:05
moetunestry in konsole   compiz --replace   if that is fine and the guide isn't working add it to autostarted apps maybe10:06
moetunesor ask again in a bit when more folk are here - there might be someone that has done what you want10:07
SporkWitchwell that's a good sign, screen flickered, got an error when it tried to come online10:07
moetunesthe error was?10:07
SporkWitchcompiz (cube) - Warn: Failed to load slide: /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png10:08
SporkWitchgonna try disabling all the compiz effects and then try again10:09
moetunesI would look at installing ccsm10:09
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz10:09
moetunesthese bot links are mostly for ubuntu which means gnome10:10
SporkWitchworth trying, in the meantime, that attempt to bring it online nuked the task bar; what's the default key combo to log out the session? lol10:10
SporkWitch(the original one)10:10
moetunesI don't know10:10
SporkWitchthis could be interesting then lol10:11
moetunesin konsole try   sudo sevice kdm restart10:11
SporkWitchswitching to one of the tty screens and back resolved it10:11
moetunesk :]10:11
SporkWitchpartially.... brought them back visually but thye don't work lol; least i can get to the CLI10:12
SporkWitchbrb, gonna do the lazy man's fix-it and just reboot lol10:12
moetunesluck :]10:12
SporkWitchthanks lol (believe it or not, this doesn't frustrate me, i find the mucking about fun lol)10:12
moetunesheh I like it too10:13
SporkWitchback in a few, probably take the extra time for a smoke while i'm at it10:13
=== sven is now known as Guest2130
votwhats the default window manager with kubuntu 10.0310:47
voter 410:47
geekosophermoetunes: thanks :)10:52
dima__Hello, everyone. I've done apt-get remove apache2 and then have deleted /etc/apache2 by hand. Now when I reinstall apache2, default configs do not get installed. How do I reinstall them?10:56
moetunestry   sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2   the --purge takes the configs10:58
dima__I've tried reinstalling apache2, then doing apt-get --purge remove apache211:03
dima__but configs are still not there11:03
dima__oops. forgot to add. after --purge remove I've executed apt-get install apache2 again11:04
vivek_40Hi everyone here, does anyone know if Kubuntu netbook 10.10 RC is available and where can I download it , if not what is the other best option I have. It has to replace win7 on my lenovo s10 3t and support multitouch functionalities11:05
dima__did you visit kubuntu.org?11:05
vivek_40yes but i dont see a kubuntu netbook thing there11:06
vivek_40ok it says:-For 10.10, Kubuntu have merged the Desktop and Netbook images into one  featuring both the Plasma Desktop and Plasma Netbook workspaces. The  appropriate workspace for your machine will be launched at login; you  can also change the workspace in System Settings.11:07
vivek_40will it handle multi touch11:07
dima__don't know. at least on my dell vostro it does not11:07
vivek_40you have maverick on it? dima_:11:08
vivek_40that is sad11:08
dima__it is not a netbook though11:08
dima__normal laptop11:08
vivek_40i am tired of win 7 , want to get rid of it11:08
vivek_40but still touch is supposed to be there for both11:09
vivek_40and kde looks so beautiful.. what a pity11:09
voti wish they would package kubuntu netboot to work with expressgate pc's11:09
votso i could dump that splashtop crap11:10
moetuneswhat is an expressgate pc ?11:11
vivek_40hmm even i would want to know that11:12
vivek_40I sincerely hope in the final release they have multi touch enabled on kubuntu netbook11:13
SporkWitchcrazy question, what's the default entry in kubuntu 10.04's "autostart" section of system settings -> advanced?11:20
SporkWitchmay have accidentally removed that one instead of the one i added that i WANTED to remove, heh....11:21
skramer_anybody could lend a helping hand how to configure jovie properly?11:26
skramer_I can't get it to work with festival. With espeak, I could set up speakers, but still don't get any output. Modifying speaker is not posible either. Just add or delete speakers...11:27
moetunes!find jovie11:30
ubottuPackage/file jovie does not exist in lucid11:30
moetunesskramer_:  where did you get jovie from?11:30
skramer_moetunes: the package name is kttsdmgr11:31
moetunesI've never heard of either of 'em sorry...11:32
skramer_moetunes: ok, no problem ;-)11:32
sresuWhenever I start my computer, after logging in to my account,  Invitation - Desktop Sharing window opens up by itself saying Welcome to KDE Desktop Sharing. What should I do so that this windows doesn't appear in startup?11:47
collabrasresu: you there?11:52
sresucollabra: Yes11:53
collabrasresu: try system settings>Advanced tab>Session manager11:54
collabrasresu: and click "start with an empty session" try that first11:54
sresucollabra: I'm in KDE 4.5.. there is no advanced tab11:54
collabrasresu: then find 'session manager'11:55
collabrawithin system settings11:55
collabraand 'start with an empty session'11:55
sresucollabra: Yes got System Mangemant11:55
collabrasometimes the 'session' will get stuck and needs to be reset...11:56
sresucollabra: Done. Let me check it. I'll be back11:56
collabradid it work?11:59
collabrasresu: did it work?11:59
sresucollabra: It worked. Thanks :)12:01
sresucollabra: As you said,I guess reset was required12:01
collabrasresu: :0) no problem,...12:01
collabrasresu: yeah,...12:01
sresucollabra: Thanks cya12:02
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CrissiD_How can i keep my screen from auto dimming every 15 seconds. If im not moving the mouse. I've turned off all the power saving choices and its still dimming.14:19
moetunesCrissiD_:  every 15 secs?14:29
CrissiD_or so.14:29
CrissiD_i havent exactly timed it.14:29
CrissiD_but its less than a minute14:29
moetunesthat'll be something with the horiz/vert sync afaik - check the X log against your monitors specs14:30
anunnakii got no video on skype?15:04
anunnakimy cam is logitech15:05
b0n3vИма ли Българи?15:08
bazhang!ru | b0n3v15:08
ubottub0n3v: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:08
bazhangwhoops bulgaria15:09
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently15:09
b0n3vi'm not RU :@ i'm BG15:09
bazhangb0n3v, /join #ubuntu-bg15:09
b0n3vbazhang thanks :)15:10
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ZicozicoSalutiiiiino a tutti :P15:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:29
flamihi... Im trying to find a variant for my keyboard that lets me type ^ and ê ... right now I cant type ^ ( default ) or ê (no dead keys) . I had to switch variants to write this sentence actually.15:35
flamiis there a variant that actually works? ... Im pretty sure it worked in suse and Iirc in debian too.15:36
moetunesis there a name for the keyboard variant you want?15:37
flami used to be able to write ^ when I hit ^ twice.  I think it was in the default variant. right now nothing happens when I push ^ twice ... or even more often15:38
flamiohhh its ^ + space now .15:39
flamiHum I guess the variant changed a little.15:39
flamie.g. to type ` bla | grep blup ` ... to write the ` its no longer "hit the `-key twice" its "hit `-key then space" . strange strange .15:41
moetunesdoes seem strange15:44
moetunesI just use the standard keyboard stuff - to get a ` I hit the ` key once...15:45
flamiwith the hit ` once I cant write è15:46
flamino_dead_keys does the hit ` once for me15:46
neo_ 16:11
lucituno 4.5.2 yet for Lucid LTS?16:20
lucitui read there is big improvements/bug fixes for kdebase- dolphin, plasma, kwin and kdelibs- kdecore16:21
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kexman_i have a problem with my nvidia grafic card16:55
kexman_i enabled nvidia-curr in the hardware settings but my resolution of 1280x1024 cant be selected nowhere16:55
kexman_what could i do about this ?16:55
moetunesI would check to see if the rates for the monitor are right - the X log will tell16:56
kexman_moetunes: ok ill check now16:57
=== babidi is now known as staub
kexman_moetunes: what exactly should i look for ?16:57
moetuneskexman_:  middle of the file it will prob mention the diff resolutions and why each is used or not16:58
moetuneskexman_:  out of range or similar is what you need to look for16:59
fiabhello, whats the terminal command to upgrade to 10..1016:59
fiabfor 64bit16:59
moetunesfiab:  I would check in #ubuntu+1 for that17:00
kexman_moetunes: http://pastebin.com/WEZbP1QV17:01
moetuneskexman_:  lines 153-15617:03
kexman_yeah i noticed that too17:04
kexman_but moetunes what to do with it ? :) how to fix it ?17:04
moetuneskexman_:  either it is an old monitor or nvidias' auto-select sux17:04
kexman_nec 72vm lcd17:04
kexman_moetunes: have any ideas ?17:05
moetuneskexman_:  find out the monitors rates and syncs and add them to xorg.confd17:05
kexman_moetunes: i dont have nvidia-auto-select program17:10
moetuneskexman_:  it seems it is built into the nvidia driver line 14917:11
kexman_moetunes: why does linux grafix and stuff like that needs to have so much problems ? :)17:12
kexman_thats why many many many choose M$17:12
moetuneskexman_:  'cause you get it for free nvidia doesn't make money from it17:13
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SJrSometimes I have a problem where Kubuntu refuses to hiberate17:53
SJrit goes to screenshot, and dims screen17:53
SJrbut can't suspend to disk or to ram17:53
SJrand just sits there chewing battery lige and overheating.17:53
SJrIt's random17:53
SJrwhen it occurs but then it occurs consistently17:53
SJrHmmmm, Sometimes I have a problem where Kubuntu refuses to hibernate, goes to screensave, dims screen, and turns it off. But then doesn't commit and suspend to disk or ram, It just sits there chewing battery life, and overheating. It's random, but when it starts occuring it requires a reboot17:54
kexman_the fuck with nvidia really17:56
kexman_i cant stand 640x480 much more longer17:56
collabraas long as ive been using linux,... i've never been able to use suspend or hibernate : Sjr17:56
kexman_anyone has any solution that is painless ?17:56
kexman_i deleted my xorg.conf17:56
collabraSJr: someone told me i need a 'ram' swap area,....???? idunno17:57
kexman_nvidia-xconfig made a new one but i can only choose 640x480 &&&&&& 320x240 resolutions :) WTF !?17:57
SJrhmmmm I have been able to17:57
collabrakexman_: have you trie loading proprietary drivers for your card?17:59
collabraapplication>system>hardware drivers : kexman_17:59
kexman_loaded nvidia-curr17:59
kexman_should i load some former driver ?17:59
collabrahrm,... well.... aside from the proprietary hardware driver under application>system>hardware drivers,.... i've really no experience.18:00
kexman_collabra: well composite is working well18:01
kexman_and glx too18:01
collabrakexman_: except you cant get past 640x480 ... ?18:01
kexman_BUT my resolution is stuck at 640x480 or i can choose 320x240 :))) hehe funny nvidia ... really funny18:01
kexman_YES !18:01
collabrakexman_: so, you loaded those drivers yourself,... or did you use the hardware install utility?18:02
collabra^ the above mentioned hardware utility18:03
kexman_collabra: i installed the current drivers yesterday and today i did nvidia-xconfig i didnt load manually anything18:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:04
kexman_ubottu: should i run the one from the site ?18:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
collabrakexman_: i suggest following documented solutions, yes.18:06
cojackhello folks18:07
cojackkdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d" command opens a upgrade program, but it's write Upgrading Ubuntu to version 10.10 not Kubuntu, and his style is in gtk, why? or what I do wrong18:08
collabrakexman_: have you gotten any further?18:27
amgarchIn9hi, what is the replacment for the old KDE command "fsview" ?18:34
IH8Hello, kubuntu-users! I need a program for OCR. Recomend something, please18:39
tjingboemi get the report that i cannot throw abything in the Trash anymore, but the Trash eems empty in Dolphin. What is the matter?19:35
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interfaSysHello. Anybody else with shutdown/restart/logout buttons in 10.10?19:48
PiciinterfaSys : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.19:49
interfaSysok :)19:49
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zeltakhi guys..trying to upgrade to mavrick and getting this:20:03
zeltakError during commit20:03
zeltak'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle.'20:03
zeltakanyone knows of this issue?20:03
Cristiano_Diasjoin #Kubuntu-br20:03
ketanwhen my ubuntu starts it gives message like modprob20:10
masterri need help with my ubuntu please20:32
masterri've installed both ubuntu Gnome and Kubunto KDE20:32
masterrbut on Kubunto KDE i have no internet acess?20:33
masterrcan someone help with this problem20:33
ketanmasterr: do you use pppoe?20:40
BigbOyi installed kubuntu 10.10 64bit, it's not very complete............or is it20:43
PiciBigbOy : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.20:43
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kexman_could anyone lend me a hand with this nvidia problem ?20:59
zegeniekexman_: what is the problem?21:25
=== avihay__ is now known as avihay
jmichaelxany kubuntu users in here? upgraded to 10.10,everything fine, except that the letters in the menu bar in firefox are now all black... and unreadable with any darker persona... any suggestions?21:47
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srseuHibernation caused Network Managment Disabled... please help22:06
srseuI just clicked Hibernate.. and nibernation was fine, But after starting the comp, the  network management was found disabled. What should I do??22:08
=== ubuntu is now known as skierpage
srseuv3nd3tta``: Can you help me?22:10
srseuPlease its urgent.. Anyone??22:11
skierpageI'm trying the Kubuntu 10.10 October 5th live USB and having PulseAudio woes, is this a good channel?22:11
srseuskierpage: Yes and you may also try #ubuntu+1, if needed22:12
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
skierpageMy PC has a built-in VIA 8237 sound chip and an Audigy ZS.  PulseAudio picks the latter, but it screeches horribly when there's any network traffic (has been true in 9.10 and 10.04).22:14
skierpageI don't know how to tell PulseAudio to use the VIA 8237.  System Settings > Multimedia > Phonon > Backends just shows two "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" devices, only one of which works.22:15
skierpageIn good old 10.04 Xine with PulseAudio completely removed, Backends correctly identified the two sound cards, plus advanced options of the Audigy.  In comparison Phonon > Xine > PulseAudio kinda sucks :-(22:16
kexman_zegenie: nvidia 640x48022:20
kexman_using 10.04.1 updated22:20
skierpage<deafening silence> Oh well, I know it's complicated ;-)22:22
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jmichaelxskierpage: deafening silence has become the norm in this channel22:23
dmattjmichaelx: it might be possible that nobody has the answer ready for such specific hw issue22:24
skierpageI recall blog posts from engineers about how Phonon was going to show PulseAudio details, e.g. http://colin.guthr.ie/2009/10/kde-plus-pulseaudio-does-not-equal-sucks/22:24
jmichaelxskierpage: i now only have one analog stereo device shown in phonon settings... interesting22:27
jmichaelxskierpage: is pulseaudio now a part of kubuntu by default?22:27
skierpagejmichaelx , yes  in 10.10 https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/RC/Kubuntu/#PulseAudio22:28
jmichaelxskierpage: i have been using puleaudio with kubuntu for a few years now, so i had not noticed what you are talking about22:28
jmichaelxskierpage: until now, i mean22:29
skierpagedmatt, yup.  But it looks like Fedora and Suse got Phonon and PulseAudio integrated, their screenshots show device prioritization and actual hardware names.  Looks like Kubuntu 10.10 blew it :-(22:30
jmichaelxdmatt: you may not have noticed, but this channel has really declined from its heyday22:31
skierpageLikewise http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/KDE shows a nice set of detailed PA devices to choose from.22:32
jmichaelxskierpage: could it be that you need to install more of the pulseaudio config tools?22:33
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
skierpagejmichaelx, sure!  I guess I'll grind through http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/KDE and try to puzzle out what Kubuntu 10.10 didnt' do.  <sigh>22:36
jmichaelxskierpage: sorry for the rough time. i am going to have a look at those docs, too22:36
=== ubuntu is now known as naz
dmattskierpage: i checked that page ... in my setting I see only one available device Internal audio analog stereo - which is the wording used on screenshot with working pulseaudio22:38
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zegeniekexman_: are you familiar with the command line?22:44
skierpagedmatt, my problem is I see two of those and none of the more detailed outputs, even if I check "Show advanced devices".  But that may not be Kubuntu's fault, PA gives the chip and sound card identical device.description strings22:45
dmattskierpage: you may want to boot from ubuntu cd to check if pulseaudio settings there are any different22:47
dmatti see only one device even with advanced devices turned on22:48
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sithlord48upgraded to 10.10 today, borked my video reinstalled, and is it just me or has rekonq gotten faster ?23:20
veewhat docks are available for kde??23:30
veecant find kooldock or kxdocker in the repos23:30
veeplz can any1 help me find a dock that is working with KDE23:33
smile4yourselfhello everyone. I'm a newbie here, but fell in love with kubuntu. Now I have to learn how to use it...23:38
smile4yourselfDoes anyne know if Remote desktop works between kubuntu machines? I can't get it to work.23:39
mikehhvee: have you tried kdocker?23:40
veemikehh: no i havent just installed kubuntu 10.10 is it better than awn?23:41
smile4yourselfI have not tried kdocker, but don't think it would help with remote desktop --would it?23:41
mikehhvee: no idea, haven't tried it23:42
veei will try kdocker thx awn tries to install all gnome dependecies =(23:43
=== jason is now known as Guest3378
mikehhvee: I am trying baot ubuntu 10.10 (there at the mo') with a lot of kde apps and kubuntu 10.10 with a lot of gnome apps.23:45
mikehhmostly using as a development environment23:46
veemikehh: sounds nice, i am running gnome on my laptop and kde on my stationary23:49
fantii'm looking for some one who ran recent kubuntu with ATI's fglrx driver23:50
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mikehhvee: I have both on my desktop, different root partitions, same home partition with different logons but can access them23:51
mikehhin fact I have ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 and now 10.1023:52
veemikehh: okay bit overkill ?23:52
mikehhvee: tend to do a lot of testing23:53
veemikehh: you are developing apps for linux then?23:55
mikehhvee: mostly working with parrot and perl623:56
veemikehh: im not familiar with any of them, what are u developing23:56
mikehhvee: mostly doing testing, and cage cleaning - see www.parrot.org and www.perl6.org23:58

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