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* away_Sgiomlairea is now away - Reason : dinner00:10
ionGee, thanks a lot for the information!00:10
micahg!away | away_Sgiomlairea00:10
ubottuaway_Sgiomlairea: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»00:10
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* Sgiomlaireachd is no longer away : Gone for 2 hours 34 minutes 41 seconds02:44
TheMuso!away | Sgiomlaireachd03:24
ubottuSgiomlaireachd: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:24
poolieTheMuso: that's at least twice today05:05
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pittiGood morning07:10
pittimdeslaur: yes, I did run the tests on maverick, they all succeeded07:10
pittimdeslaur: ah, good07:10
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Crissihow the graphical installer is named?07:45
Crissii found a bug into it07:45
Crissii tested the rc of maverik and install fails07:46
Crissibecause i cant install to the iscsi hdd07:46
Crissiits not selectable07:46
\shpitti: any clue how to change the order of sys.path ? I would like to have /usr/local/lib/python<VER>/dist-packages included before /usr/lib/python...07:55
\shgood morning btw07:56
\shok, sys.path shows me that $HOME/.local/lib/python<VER>/site-packages comes before /usr/lib/python2.6, but it still imports the old version of a lib which is installed in $HOME/.local/... and /usr/lib/python2.6/... argl08:08
YokoZarIs a final ia32-libs update possible (to sync it with the other libraries) ?08:10
pitti\sh: hey08:22
pittiYokoZar: that depends on whether that's shipped on any of the images08:22
pittii. e. xubuntu or edubuntu; probably not, but we need to check08:23
YokoZarpitti: it's larger than the size of a CD, so I imagine it isn't08:23
pittiYokoZar: ? ia32-libs is not that bad08:23
pitti33 MB or so08:23
YokoZarerr nm I'm thinking source pacakge08:23
pittithe source is a hog, sure08:23
pitti\sh: hm, some old .pyc files perhaps?08:24
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pitti\sh: did you try python -v -c 'import mymod' to see what it's doing?08:25
\shpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508583/ <- this looks wrong08:28
\shit's using the pyOpenSSL version from the /usr/lib path, but not from the .local path08:28
dholbachgood morning!08:28
pitti\sh: perhaps add a "print sys.path"?08:29
\shpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508586/ <- this is wrong...$HOME/.local comes after /usr/lib/python2.6 ...08:30
\shbut all easy_install.pth eggs are before...(btw...even installing under /usr/local/lib/python<ver>/dist-packages doesn't help08:31
\shhey dholbach08:31
dholbachheya \sh08:31
\shpitti: I wonder if this is actually right, to set /usr/local after /usr in sys.path, while all setuptools installed modules are coming before /usr... there is (IMHO!) a mistake in setting this path08:37
\shnormally someone wants to overlay the system libs in /usr/local/lib or $HOME/.local/lib/08:38
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jibelmvo, hey, how are things ?08:56
jibelmvo, We received bug 639933 this morning again. This is affecting kubuntu users trying to upgrade to 10.1008:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639933 in x11-xkb-utils (Ubuntu) "10.04 -> 10.10beta: could not install the upgrades - Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63993308:57
mvojibel: I tried to reproduce this yesterday without success, were you be able to reproduce?09:01
mvojibel: I try again today09:02
jibelmvo, no I didn't. I haven't tested hard tough. I finish some wubi testing this morning and I'll try again.09:02
mvojibel: thanks09:04
\shpitti: sys.path.insert(0,"/home/shermann/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/") helps to overcome the bugger now...but I think we need to fix this sys.path problem somehow09:06
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\shdoko: you are my python man ;) do you eventually know why $HOME/.local/lib/python<VER>/site-packages and /usr/local/lib/python<VER>/dist-packages are included in sys.path after /usr/lib/pymodules/* , while I expected that those paths are before the system paths (for overlaying python system libs with newer version)?09:13
doko\sh: I didn't change anything with this. I hope /usr/lib/pymodules/* will be gone in 2.7. ask barry about it09:16
\shbarry: ^^ :)09:17
YokoZarpitti: I'm going to bed, but if you could please check the seeds for any use of ia32-libs and if it comes up clean just do a ./fetch-and-build and reupload it would be great09:29
YokoZaror I suppose I could do that right now and you can accept/reject as you wish09:30
kklimondaslangasek: hmm, have you synced python-django 1.2.3-1 or did you manage to stop it? :)09:34
kklimondaslangasek: i.e should I prepare a 1.2.3-1ubuntu1 or even 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1 or is 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 still valid09:35
cjwatsonCrissi: ubiquity isn't expected to support iSCSI - missing feature rather than bug09:36
persiakklimonda, rmadison (from devscripts) suggests 1.2.1-1 is current (you may find this tool generally useful)09:36
Crissiits a bug09:36
kklimondapersia: oh, it works in the real time? :)09:36
Crissiit should be possible to install on it09:36
cjwatsoncall it what you like.  but it won't be, in 10.1009:36
Crissiit can be the only one system hd09:36
Crissiit should09:36
Crissiin 10.1009:36
cjwatsonit will not.  period09:36
persiakklimonda, My understanding is that it hits a CGI that queries current status: might be old by a publisher run or so.09:36
cjwatsonfar too late to be adding that kind of thing to ubiquity09:36
cjwatsonyou're welcome to file a bug report and we can consider it for later releases09:37
Crissithats bug was in 10.04 and 09.10 too09:37
cjwatsonsure, that feature has never been available in ubiquity09:37
Crissistill done09:37
Crissiits important09:37
cjwatsonubiquity is a desktop installer.  you're literally the first person I'm aware of to care about it having iSCSI support09:38
Crissiif i install a opensuse i can select in graphical installer...09:38
* wgrant hasn't seen an iSCSI desktop before.09:38
Crissiiscsi has nothing to do if desktop or not09:38
cjwatsonwe have a different installer for servers, which supports iSCSI09:38
persiaYokoZar, ia32-libs -> wine1.2 -> lmms-vst -> ubuntustudio-audio -> Ubuntu Studio images09:38
cjwatsonthat's as may be, but you are the first person to ask for it on desktop09:38
Crissiits an media like scsi, ide, flash, ...09:38
cjwatsonyou can use the alternate CD to install a desktop on iSCSI09:38
cjwatsonyou just can't use the desktop CD09:38
Crissihuh? that cant  be true.09:38
cjwatsonit is true.09:39
YokoZarpersia: is that spun yet?09:39
Crissithat a pity.09:39
cjwatsonuse the alternate CD and be happy. :-)09:39
Crissii usedd the server cd which provides it in text installer09:39
cjwatsonthe alternate and server CDs use the same installer, yes09:39
Crissibut it really should be available in graphical installer09:39
cjwatsonthe alternate CD will install desktop packages09:39
persiaYokoZar, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntustudio/all is present, but I admit I'm not sure if there's currently a concern that would result in a respin.09:40
YokoZarpersia: how about a new ia32-libs ;)09:40
persiaYokoZar, You'd have to ask ScottL : it depends on tester availablility more than anything, I think.09:40
Crissijust a hint: download a opensuse cd/dvd and install in a virtual machine (like virtualbox) and see how easy it can be. dont understand me wrong, i like ubuntu/debian but opensuse is has a nice way to install graphically for end users09:41
YokoZarScottL: well hopefully he'll see the backscroll and this gets handled (or not) while I'm asleep09:41
persiaHe's in a timezone not fara removed from your usual, so unlikely to see it for a few hours, at best.09:41
Crissithen you will got some useful ideas for the graphical debian installer :)09:41
Crissibtw: the graphical installer hangs after selecting german and click next if run in kvm :(09:43
Crissivbox works09:43
cjwatsontesting that09:45
cjwatsonseems to work fine for me in kvm09:53
cjwatsonremember that kvm's default memory is set to 128M which is unlikely to be enough09:53
lifelesssladen: ping09:56
lifelesshttps://edge.launchpad.net/~contributor-agreement-canonical/+invitation/uff-contributors - why?09:56
dokocjwatson: maybe not the best time, did see the thread about CD space and wanted to point at the fdupes output, but couldn't find any. is fdupes installed on the CD build host?09:57
dokomvo suggested that ...09:58
cjwatsondoko: livefs build logs10:02
cjwatsondoko: e.g. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/maverick/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20101007-i386.out10:03
sladenlifeless: so that @canonical.com employees can commit10:05
dokocjwatson: thanks, was looking at the wrong logs ...10:05
sladenlifeless: is there a better way of doing that?10:05
sladenlifeless: or should I just add anyone who needs to (eg. Mark) individually10:06
cjwatsonsladen: if you do that, aren't we all going to get even more mail about stuff we don't care about?10:15
lifelesssladen: give me some context10:27
lifelesssladen: the group you've invited is the list of folk that have *signed the contrib agreement*, which is a necessary but not sufficient condition for community contributors to canonical projects10:27
lifelesssladen: if you're using this for ACL's, its misguided.10:28
lifelesssladen: that list is a useful hint, its a) not the authoritative list (legal hold that) and b) not appropriate for subscribing (directly or indirectly) to objects in LP.10:28
sladenlifeless: okay, fair enough.  So the answer is eg. to check against that list if somebody makes a request, and then to add them individually10:29
sladenlifeless: awesome, can you DENY that invitation (I can't seem to cancel it, even with hand-hacking +member URLs10:29
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pooliesladen, lifeless, uh if you're happy to grant access to anyone who's signed the agreement, you can use that team10:42
pooliehaving signed the agreement does not necessarily guarantee they know what they're doing10:42
poolies/use/grant access to10:43
poolieexcess mail  being sent to that group could be more or a problem10:44
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kklimondalifeless: btw, should I be added to the ~c-a-c group if I've been asked to sign the agreement? Or should I care about it only when I get asked again to sign it? ;)11:04
pooliekklimonda: normally you will be added when the project lead receives your assent11:04
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dpmhi pitti, re: the e-mail I sent you some days ago about a language pack update schedule, is it ok if I subscribe you to the blueprint to participate in the session at UDS?11:48
pittidpm: sure, please do; right, I still need to get to this mail11:50
dpmpitti, cool, thanks. Don't worry too much about the e-mail, as I said it's not urgent, and I know you've probably got enough on your plate right now11:52
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ScottLpersia, YokoZar : i'm not sure what is being asked, the RC image was tested and now two more images were released, are we asking for a another respin?12:26
persiaScottL, There's been a refresh of ia32-libs, which differs from that on the 20101007 images currently at iso.qa.ubuntu.com.  Since that falls in your image, your input to the release team on whether to accept it or push to a post-release update is likely of considerable interest.  If you request a respin, any tests done to 20101007 would need to be repeated.12:29
ari-tczewslangasek: plymouth in Ubuntu maverick not looks good. I have a photo, I'll file a bug.12:30
ScottLpersia, it appears that on image 20101007 no amd64 test have been completed but 2/3 i386 test have been done12:58
ScottLpersia, however, i can cover all the i386 test tonight if there is a respin today12:58
ScottLpersia, and if we can still get a few days to test the image i imagine we could find someone to test amd64 fully12:59
persiaScottL, Tell the release team: I can't do anything other than give warning that a package does affect an image :)  -release is probably an excellent forum.13:04
sorenAh, and entirely different Scott. :) Sorry :)13:07
pittikirkland: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2010/10/try-ubuntu-server-in-cloud-on-our-dime.html is a great idea!13:12
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kklimondapitti: does apport save crash in /var/crash even if package isn't genuine (and don't remove it) ?13:42
pittikklimonda: yes13:46
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Riddellmvo: wibble bug 65687614:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656876 in Ubuntu "distupgrade crashed during conf file change review" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65687614:14
jibelpitti, we are receiving lots of upgrade failures for postgresql since the latest security update.14:14
jibelpitti, the error is FATAL:  could not create shared memory segment: Invalid argument14:14
jibelpitti, do you think they are all misconfigured installations or there is something with the update14:14
jibelpitti, ?14:14
pittijibel: it's bug 26433614:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264336 in postgresql-8.3 (Ubuntu) "pgsql fails to start due to shared buffer setting greater than kernel allows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26433614:14
pittiit's been around for ages, but so far there hasn't been a satisfying solution yet, except for locally changing the size limits :(14:15
ScottKWould that be worth mentioning in a revised USN?14:15
pittiit's not specific to that update really14:15
pittiit's been around for ages14:15
mvoRiddell: looking14:15
mvoRiddell: hm, no backtrace :( ?14:16
Riddellmvo: nothing in the logs no, the DistUpgrade process is still running but the UI is frozen14:16
mvoRiddell: this is the kde frontend, right?14:16
mvoRiddell: can you type into the terminal?14:16
Riddellmvo: I can14:17
Riddellwell not into the DistUpgrade terminal14:17
Riddellthat window is just a grey box now14:17
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jibelpitti, are you okay for a bugpattern then ?14:18
pittijibel: that'd be great14:18
jibelpitti, great, will do, thank you14:18
pittithanks to you!14:19
mvoRiddell: meh, ok, I try to reproduce now14:21
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mvoRiddell: I get a window with the conffile prompt, do you get that as well?14:29
mvoRiddell: can you give me a ps afx output?14:29
Riddellmvo: I got the window with the conffile prompt, then when I clicked on "show more" it crashed14:33
Riddellonly interesting thing in ps was the DistUpgrade process14:33
Riddellbut I'm starting a new install now I'm afraid14:34
mvoRiddell: hm, hm, let me try to reproduce14:37
Riddellmvo: it was started from kpackagekit is that would change anything14:37
scott-workYokoZar, persia:  Scott.K and c.jwaston have agreed to respin ubuntu studio images for ia32lib14:41
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mvoRiddell: so the empty diff can be explained by dpkg lying on its status-fd, it sends "file-old", "file-new", but "fild-old" does not actually point to the right file *sigh*14:53
mvoRiddell: I fix that now (well, workarond)14:53
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jcastrohey mvo, aquarius thinks he can fix apt.ubuntu.com to work with other browsers with a little bit of javascript14:54
mvojcastro: oh, cool14:55
jcastrook so he can fix it, and then it's just filing an RT ticket, but of course we'd like to run it past you14:56
jcastromvo: ok so are there any concerns you are worried about or should we Just Do It and see what you think?14:58
mvojcastro: that is fine with me15:01
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mvoRiddell: what is the thing that looks for restart required messages in kubuntu? the process name of that?15:17
Riddellmvo: it's a kded module15:18
Riddellqdbus org.kde.kded /modules/notificationhelper15:18
Riddellqdbus org.kde.kded /kded org.kde.kded.unloadModule notificationhelper   would be how to stop it15:19
mvoRiddell: will that work as root?15:19
mvoRiddell: when the upgrade starts, this needs to be unloaded15:20
mvoRiddell: or killed15:20
kirklandpitti: thanks :-)15:20
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Riddellmvo: hmm no, needs to be user15:23
mvoRiddell: can you add it to your code then please? bug #650481 fyi15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650481 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "System restart notification while upgrade is in-progress" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65048115:28
mvoRiddell: I will reassign to kpackagekit15:29
mvoRiddell: (assuming that is the right package?)15:29
Riddellmvo: kpackagekit starts DistUpgrade, kubuntu-notifications-helper is the notifier.  You want kpackagekit to kill kubuntu-notifications-helper before starting DistUpgrade?15:32
mvoRiddell: if its kubuntu-notifications-helper then I can kill it when the upgrade starts in u-m (after the point of no-return)15:33
mvoRiddell: otherwise it needs to be done by whatever starts the upgrade15:34
Riddellmvo: kubuntu-notifications-helper is the kded module which needs the dbus bit run as user15:34
mvoRiddell: ok, so after kpackagekit started the release upgrader, it should disable that and re-enable it if the user cancels, I will add that info to the bugreport15:35
Riddellmvo: right15:37
mvoRiddell: I fixed the empty conffile prompt now, but I can reproduce the hang (yet?)15:38
Riddellmvo: can or can't?15:39
mvoRiddell: sorry, I can't15:39
mvoRiddell: but I try some more15:39
Riddellmvo: I'm trying it again too15:39
mvoI have issues with kvm in maverick unfortunately, that makes it less streamlined than it used to be (this kind of testing)15:39
Riddellmvo: what was the empty conffile prompt?15:40
mvoRiddell: dpkg did send a incorrect filename over its status fd15:40
Riddellmvo: but you think that's unrelated?15:40
mvoRiddell: yeah, I don't think its causing the crash15:40
penguin42mvo: Which particular kvm issues?15:51
mvopenguin42: when I do a test upgade from lucid->maverick on a maverick host (amd64) it hangs at some point. but only when running in gui mode, not when I run headless (vnc)15:52
penguin42mvo: Can you just explain what you mean by gui mode?15:53
mvopenguin42: when I run "kvm -m 768 lucid-desktop.qcow2" (the sdl window). when I run my automatic tests, the use -nographics and that seems to be working fine15:55
penguin42mvo: sdl on kvm on maverick is just dead as far as I can tell, there's a bug against it15:55
penguin42mvo: bug 61507715:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615077 in virtinst (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] SDL local window broken in last update" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61507715:55
mvopenguin42: thanks, that is rather unfortunate, if its a known problem at least its known15:55
penguin42mvo: Yeh it's a pain; it seems to be related toa ccess to .Xauthority but IMHO it can fail really badly and try and do framebuffer which kills X15:56
mvopenguin42: thanks, I will try to bring it into the broken state again and report a bug15:59
mvopenguin42: or add info on it at least16:00
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tseliotcjwatson: is this patch for grub still relevant in maverick's grub? I'm asking as grub_memset has changed in maverick: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/508850/16:13
tseliotcjwatson: note: I'm not asking whether it applies cleanly ;)16:14
cjwatsontseliot: it's not - a different version was applied upstream16:14
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tseliotcjwatson: ah, is it already in maverick or only upstream?16:14
cjwatsonthe vast majority of the speed benefit was in doing wordwise writes rather than bytewise writes, and that can be done in plain C, so we did that16:14
mvoRiddell: upgrade test is running, let see how it goes16:14
cjwatsonmaverick too16:14
tseliotcjwatson: ah, great. Thanks16:15
cjwatsonusing rep stos* in assembly was a tiny additional improvement, but not worth maintaining the more delicate code - I think that's true even in OEM, it was milliseconds at most16:15
cjwatsonand I think not even that with the MTRR patch on top16:15
tseliotoh, ok16:16
cjwatsontseliot: see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2010-06/msg00128.html and thread for the history if you care16:16
cjwatsonoh, and http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2010-07/msg00162.html16:18
tseliotcjwatson: thanks. BTW I've also ported your MTRR patch16:19
GPenguinhi guys. where did /etc/inittab go?16:21
GPenguini wanted to change the default runlevel16:22
Riddellmvo: mine went fine that time but I didn't click "show more", going to try again on amd6416:22
cjwatsontseliot: *nod* that should have been a simple forward-port16:24
cjwatsonGPenguin: replaced by upstart16:25
GPenguinwill read up on upstart then, thanks16:25
cjwatsonGPenguin: you can edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf if for some reason you still care about the default runlevel16:25
GPenguinah, nice16:25
cjwatsonor put DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=3 (or whatever) on the kernel command line, as mentioned in that file16:25
cjwatsoner, sorry, just 316:26
tseliotcjwatson: yes, that was easy16:26
GPenguinthats even nicer16:26
cjwatsontseliot: we may still integrate something like that upstream in future, but it will need to be more configurable ... it's not straightforward16:27
tseliotcjwatson: right, I read that in the mailing list16:28
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YokoZaris -proposed opened?16:44
cjwatsontechnically, it's been open since April ;-)16:44
cjwatsonyou can upload to it, when it gets accepted is a different question16:45
cjwatsonwe probably won't start accepting until tomorrow at the earliest16:45
YokoZarok, then I can be a bit lazy about Wine 1.2.116:45
keesYokoZar: so, what's the deal with the ptrace fix for wine1.2? you reverted it?16:53
slangasekkklimonda: it didn't get synced16:59
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mvoRiddell: when click on show diff I get the issue you described now too18:19
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jbarnesI'm seeing a failure with mountall which prevents pretty much everything from starting18:39
jbarnesI have a sw raid setup, two disks striped to create /dev/md018:39
jbarnesbut they came from a previous hw raid config; I saw some bugs related to that18:40
jbarneswas just curious how to correct things18:40
penguin42jbarnes: Is that a case of kicking dmraid down?18:42
jbarnespenguin42: no it's an mdadm setup18:42
jbarnesoh it could be dmraid related, I think that's used for the so-called "hardware" raid configs?18:42
penguin42jbarnes: So why did you point out they had come from a previous hw raid config?18:43
jbarnessome of the bugs indicated that could be an issue18:43
jbarnesthanks for reminding me about dmraid18:43
penguin42no prob18:43
penguin42jbarnes: Are you the intel_ips person?18:43
penguin42jbarnes: That bug apw posted the patch for where the i915 symbols aren't found and it oopses; I was wondering why the symbols weren't found18:44
jbarnesprobably because i915 hadn't loaded yet18:44
jbarnesor failed to load for some reason18:44
penguin42jbarnes: Yeh so if it's a loading ordering issue then it might need a different fix; although at least one of the reporters that had the problem had an i5 or the like but with an external graphics chip which makes me wonder if the built in graphics was disabled18:45
jbarnesyeah could be18:45
penguin42one to watch out for I guess18:45
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jbarnesyeah if they load out of order, you won't get gfx turbo, which would be sad18:46
Sarvattespecially on ULV parts, ugh18:46
penguin42jbarnes: Yeh hence I'm not sure that fix was the only fix needed, I don't think you can force the ordering since if they are using an extrenlal graphics chip you can't be sure it will load18:47
penguin42not sure what the right fix is though18:48
jbarnesdamn no luck with dmraid18:50
jbarnesit can't find any metadata about my old raid config, so I guess that's not the issue18:51
jbarnes[root@jbarnes-vaio ~]$ service mountall start18:51
jbarnesmountall stop/waiting18:51
jbarnesthat seems wrong18:51
jbarnesUUID="40e6fb47-8d67-4210-858a-64b14ca3025c"       /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       118:51
jbarnesthat's the only entry in /etc/fstab18:51
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achiangjbarnes: maybe #linuxfs? or are you thinking this is a distro issue?19:07
jbarnesachiang: distro issue is my guess right now19:08
jbarnesmountall isn't starting19:08
achianghasn't mountall be upstart'ified?19:09
achiangjbarnes: what if you just say: mountall --daemon ?19:10
jbarnesachiang: nothing happens19:11
achiangjbarnes: btw, for upstart jobs, the syntax is start <jobname>, although i guess service <jobname> might still work for compat reasons19:12
achiangjbarnes: how far are you getting in boot?19:12
jbarnessystem boots up to a prompt19:12
jbarnesbut dbus doesn't start, no gdm, etc19:12
jbarnesand I think it's because local-filesystems is never emitted19:13
jbarnesmountall -v doesn't report errors19:14
achiangjbarnes: if you pass --debug as a kopt, upstart should write a logfile in /var/log somewhere19:15
achiangwell, technically it's not a kopt, but you do pass it on the kernel command line19:15
jbarnesok trying that19:15
Chipzzachiang: I think there never was a non-startup-ified mountall in the first place19:16
Chipzzmountall was written specifically for startup iirc19:17
jbarnesnot sure if this log has anything interesting or not19:25
jbarnesinit: mountall main process (396) became new process (397)^M19:25
jbarnesinit: job_process_handler: Ignored event 20 (19) for process 398^M19:25
jbarnesinit: job_process_handler: Ignored event 1 (0) for process 396^M19:25
jbarnesinit: job_process_handler: Ignored event 40 (1) for process 397^M19:25
jbarnesinit: mountall main process (397) became new process (398)^M19:25
jbarnesinit: mountall state changed from spawned to post-start^M19:25
jbarnesinit: mountall state changed from post-start to running^M19:25
jbarnesinit: event_new: Pending started event^M19:25
jbarnesinit: Handling started event^M19:25
jbarnesinit: event_finished: Finished started event^M19:25
jbarnesinit: job_process_handler: Ignored event 1 (0) for process 397^M19:25
jbarnesinit: event_new: Pending mounted event^M19:26
jbarnesinit: Handling mounted event^M19:26
jbarnesso it's emitting mount events19:26
jbarnesbut I never see local-filesystems get emitted19:26
micahg!pastebin | jbarnes19:28
ubottujbarnes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:28
achiangjbarnes: but the raid actually works i guess? that is, your filesystem isn't hosed?19:33
jbarnesyeah system is working fine other than most stuff not starting up :)19:34
jbarnesI think it's a mountall problem19:34
achiangjbarnes: i gotta run some errands, but i'll be back in an hour or so19:36
* jbarnes needs Keybuk, he could probably solve this in a minute19:40
jcastrohi jbarnes19:44
jcastroare you coming to uds?19:44
jbarnesjcastro: oh sorry the invite got buried in my inbox19:48
jbarnesjcastro: I'm not planning on it, I have too much travel around that time19:48
jcastrono worries19:48
jcastromaybe next time!19:48
jbarnesyeah hopefully! :)19:48
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YokoZarkees: it didn't apply but it's in wine 1.2.120:19
YokoZarkees: which I'm putting in -proposed today20:19
keesYokoZar: oh, heh. I just uploaded a backport that works, but your 1.2.1 will be even better. :)20:23
keesYokoZar: so, feel free to have them reject mine once yours is ready20:23
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DocMAXcan someone help me with cross compiling samba? i make a ./configure --host=arm-linux (also also tried --host=i686 --target=arm-linux)21:04
DocMAXbut i still get an i686 executable21:04
DocMAXcan someone help me with cross compiling samba? i make a ./configure --host=arm-linux (also also tried --host=i686 --target=arm-linux)21:18
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ArtArfonPossibly important...22:42
=== hanska is now known as dapal
ArtArfonPärskans! :)22:46
dawning_Sorry for the support question - how do I get everything a meta package references nuked?22:50
ArtArfondawning_ Que?.. :)22:50
dawning_ArtArfon: I want to remove everything from ubuntu-desktop, but if I go apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, it only removes the meta package and not all the stuff it defines22:51
ArtArfondawning_: Ah, to remove the entire desktop. Easy enough for someone perhaps.22:52
ArtArfondawning_: Remove its first dependency can be a qualified guess.22:53
ArtArfondawning_: kde* :)22:54
ArtArfonWalk the line - Ministry of sound... awesome! :)22:55
dawning_This solved it for me:22:58
ArtArfonHaha, catmonkies :)23:04
ArtArfonTiger valigns23:06
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ArtArfonTiger haligns / Feisty :)23:10
penguin42removing libgtk should remove most of ubuntu-desktop - I hate to think what else it takes with it :-)23:26
ArtArfonyes, kde people really reaks.23:27
ScottKArtArfon: If you want to be insulting, do it elsewhere.23:56

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