=== v is now known as vorian === pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu [04:42] does "$@" in a shell script quote every argument, or each argument individually? [04:43] micahg, it isn't difficult to test but I think it puts it all in one quote [04:44] cody-somerville: that's what I thought, I guess I should write a test [05:03] requesting upload for Debian RC bug (LP bug 656659) [05:03] Launchpad bug 656659 in ninvaders (Ubuntu) "Sync ninvaders 0.1.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/656659 [05:25] fabrice_sp: good morning, could you look at bug 656659 please [05:25] Launchpad bug 656659 in ninvaders (Ubuntu) "Sync ninvaders 0.1.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/656659 [05:26] good morning micahg! [05:26] sure [05:38] micahg, uploaded. Thanks ! Anything else? [05:38] fabrice_sp: not at the moment, thanks! [05:41] micahg: Two days before release is not time for a packaging overhaul. [05:42] micahg: Could I have a ninvaders with just the minimal fixes. [05:42] ScottK, I know: I checked the changes and this are 3 lines [05:42] OK. I didn't see the diff yet, just read the changelog [05:42] I got scared also :-) [05:42] ScottK: oh, that's why I gave up on it the other night [05:45] ScottK: no, there are packaging changes, go ahead and reject, do you think it's worth making the simple diff? [05:46] packaging changes? which ones? [05:46] micahg: Please just the bug fix and the debian/copyright update. [05:47] fabrice_sp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508509/ [05:49] ok: I thought it would be safe, as this are the equivalent in dh7 of old ones, and do not affect the package, but ok [05:51] is saying that I'm pulling select changes from the Debian version attribution enough? [05:53] I'll file a new bug so that the sync bug is open for natty [05:53] I would mention what the change do, and that it comes from debian [05:53] for each [05:54] fabrice_sp: I copied the changelog entries with a note on top [05:54] could you pastebin the proposal? [05:54] fabrice_sp: sure [05:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/508512/ [05:55] it's ok [05:55] <\sh> moins [05:55] fabrice_sp: should I file a bug and attach it? [05:56] micahg, yes please [05:56] and close the bug in the changelog :-) (to know where it comes from) [05:56] yep :) [05:57] moins \sh [05:57] fabrice_sp: do you want to mark bug 656659 confirmed in the mean time [05:57] Launchpad bug 656659 in ninvaders (Ubuntu) "Sync ninvaders 0.1.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/656659 [05:58] micahg, I was trying to see how we don't loose this sync request [05:59] fabrice_sp: mark confirmed and it'll go during the first sync of natty? [05:59] subscribe archive admin in the meantime, also? [05:59] not sure... [06:00] I'll confirm it anyway [06:00] fabrice_sp: hmm...good point [06:00] it will appear in MOM, so you won't forget ;-) [06:00] fabrice_sp: bug 656678, should I attach a pbuilder log? [06:00] Launchpad bug 656678 in ninvaders (Ubuntu) "Fix RC bug in ninvaders for Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/656678 [06:01] micahg, no: I'll rebuild it anyway ;-) [06:02] fabrice_sp: k, I think you're all set, thanks for the help [06:03] thank you for your contribution ;-) [06:05] np [06:13] ScottK: is bug 646877 worth taking now or ask SRU? [06:13] Launchpad bug 646877 in gjs (Ubuntu) "gjs-console doesn't quote arguments, breaking gnome-shell-clock-preferences" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/646877 [06:16] *as [06:18] micahg: Go for it. [06:18] ScottK: k, thanks [06:20] * ScottK is off to bed. Will look at it tomorrow. [06:22] Also leaving ninvaders in the queue for now so we have something to accept if we need to stimulate a publisher run. [06:22] ScottK: k, I'm test buillding gjs, then I'll upload [06:22] Good night. [06:22] ScottK: you too, good night, and thanks === ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk [08:28] good morning! [08:36] good morning [08:36] :) === Zhenech_ is now known as Zhenech === ara__ is now known as ara [13:17] BlackZ: You added aptitude to build-depends and not depends on ppa-purge. Would you please fix and upload again? [13:20] ScottK: will do, thanks [13:20] Great. [13:31] ScottK: done [13:31] OK. Thanks. [13:39] BlackZ: Looks good. I'm going to leave it in queue for a while in case we need an upload to stimulate a publisher run in LP. [13:40] ScottK: ok === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [13:53] was anyone planning to upgrade wine, or cherrypick the affected patch for http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24193 ? [13:53] bugs.winehq.org bug 24193 in wineserver "ptrace protection in Ubuntu 10.10 breaks debuggers (affects winedbg, wow, ...)" [Normal,Closed: fixed] [13:53] apart from that, yay, no breakage [13:54] Oh, Hobbsee :) [13:54] hi there Rhonda [13:55] Hobbsee the legend [13:55] i'm a legend now? [13:56] YokoZar: ^^^ [13:56] Hobbsee: hehe maybe :P I just wanted say, that I saw some discussions about you, but I see you active on IRC first time. [13:56] Hobbsee: I have a vague recollection that YokoZar looked into it and found side effects from the patch that were worse than the problem it solved, but I don't remember for sure. [13:56] ari-tczew: haven't been here for a while, due to a different client [13:57] Hey Hobbsee :) [13:57] ScottK: right. well, the problem it solves is making programs not crash, and actually run, so i'm hoping you're wrong there ;) [13:57] heya RainCT [13:57] Hobbsee: We'll find out in a bit. It's still early in the day in California. [13:58] ScottK: true that. [13:58] ScottK: maybe it makes other programs break. not seeing any bug reports in the wine tracker about it, though [14:00] ScottK: obviously having it set globally is useful, and i can see why one wouldn't want to revert it there, but i'm not expecting the change in wine to make things suddenly go boom === sebner_ is now known as sebner === jbernard_ is now known as jbernard === sebner_ is now known as sebner [16:14] Hobbsee: The patch doesn't build with wine 1.2 === ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks [16:14] Hobbsee: but it'll be in wine 1.2.1 [16:14] *doesn't apply, rather === ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk === ara__ is now known as ara === ara__ is now known as ara === ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Maverick FINAL Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! (less than 16 hours left) | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi === ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks === ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk === jtrag-AWAY is now known as jtrag [22:06] Is there a way to get pbuilder to build a package with debugging information? [22:07] put "nostrip" in the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable? [22:08] dapal: In the terminal I'm running pbuilder from, or inside pbuilder somehow? [22:08] depends whether pbuilder retains the environment or not :) [22:08] (I don't know that, should google for it) [22:09] Azendale: you could try to set it in ~/.pbuilderrc , should work [22:10] dapal:Ok, thanks, I'll try that === hanska is now known as dapal [22:42] dapal: It didn't seem to work [22:42] Azendale: ouch, then maybe things in pbuilderrc only work for "pbuilder --login" === hanska is now known as dapal === yofel_ is now known as yofel