
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
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ftadpm, hi, re-imported the strings, templates look fine but all translations are missing08:08
dpmhey fta, let me have a look...08:08
dpmfta, I see the templates. They got imported fine as you already noticed. Danilo moved the original templates to somewhere else, and it seems that the translations have been imported, but rather to that "somewhere else" location. Here's one of them (notice the rosetta/deleted-templates in the URL): https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/deleted-templates/+pots/generated-resources/am08:13
dpmLet me talk with henninge08:13
ftaok, thanks08:14
rippshow do you enable sync in chromium? there isn't a "set up sync" option in the wrench menu11:20
ftaprefs, personal stuff11:37
ftaripps, ^^11:53
micahgchrisccoulson: I agree with you that 64 bit flash shouldn't be in the release notes, it's enough of a nightmare as it is17:33
micahgfta: chromium 8, cool, you'll pass Opera in another 4 months :)19:32
ftamicahg, yep, with 8 major versions per year, that's easy19:33
BUGabundofta: ready for 11.04?20:55
ftaBUGabundo, now? hell, no. i'll wait at least for the new toolchain to land20:57
BUGabundobut that will be Friday or so20:58
BUGabundoso, are you ready ?20:58
ftabusy with something else, so no hurry to upgrade here21:02
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, the firefox-4.0 apparmor profile filename should be usr.bin.firefox-4.0 rather than usr.bin.firefox-4.0.apparmor shouldn't it?21:54
chrisccoulson_i wonder if i broke that when i played around with the packaging last week :/21:54
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: yes, usr.bin.firefox-4.022:38
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, oh, i must have broken that then ;)22:39
chrisccoulson_i ended up with 2 profiles, which probably explains why i've had issues switching it in to complain mode ;)22:39
ftajdstrand, got only 1 answer so far.. at least it's a +1 :)22:47
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: yeah, that would be a problem22:48
jdstrandfta: yep :)22:48
ftai assume those guys are busy with the release and uds22:49
chrisccoulson_woah, only 2 more weeks until UDS23:04
ftachrisccoulson_, speaking of uds, if chromium is discussed during UDS, could you please ask those having requests to file bugs with a uds-n tag or something?23:07
chrisccoulson_fta - yeah, no problem23:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ftalast time, i discovered months later when it was already too late that there were unfulfilled tasks23:09
ftappa builds take too long to be published. not good for quick testing.23:15

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