marjo | fader: install at 45% | 00:00 |
fader | marjo: It's like crack... you'll just want to install another, and another | 00:00 |
fader | We need to have an intervention | 00:00 |
marjo | fader: i can't quit now; it's "almost done" | 00:01 |
charlie-tca__ | Xubuntu 64bit Desktop image still has to be downsized. It is too big for a cd | 00:02 |
fader | charlie-tca__: CDs are so 20th century anyway | 00:03 |
fader | :) | 00:03 |
marjo | fader: apw calls them "those round things" | 00:04 |
charlie-tca__ | exactly! Xubuntu appeals to those with older equipment | 00:04 |
charlie-tca__ | Many of us can not boot from usb even | 00:04 |
fader | I wonder if we'll get to the point of something like a 'minimal' CD and then only larger images or network installs | 00:05 |
fader | It's so tough to stay on one CD :/ | 00:05 |
* stgraber didn't have to care for CD space for a while with Edubuntu ;) | 00:10 | |
* sbeattie wishes our dvds would let you choose which variant you wanted to install, as well as offer both i386 and amd64 versions. | 01:01 | |
fader | sbeattie: Maybe the blu-ray edition can do that ;) | 01:04 |
fader | OTOH, that would mean respins for a single flavor would mean retesting everything | 01:08 |
charlie-tca__ | yup | 01:08 |
charlie-tca__ | But what's a little test or two, right? ;-) | 01:10 |
fader | Heheh | 01:11 |
fader | bladernr: Still testing? | 02:32 |
bladernr | yeah | 02:32 |
bladernr | fader: I sho' am | 02:33 |
fader | bladernr: You know nobody's catching up with you at this point and you can take it easy, right? :P | 02:33 |
bladernr | someone's gotta get them done ;-) | 02:33 |
bladernr | I can't stop | 02:33 |
bladernr | must keep testing | 02:34 |
bladernr | I told you... I sometimes have trouble stopping | 02:34 |
bladernr | heh | 02:34 |
bladernr | I built a mirror of cdimages today... | 02:34 |
bladernr | well, last night when I was up till 2am doing tests... built it while waiting for installs | 02:34 |
bladernr | tweaked it today and mirrored cdimages... now I think I'm going to turn it into a satellite. | 02:35 |
bladernr | how cool would that be? heh | 02:35 |
fader | Hehe | 02:35 |
fader | I had great plans about testing during the day today but they didn't pan out... lousy work getting in the way of ISO testing | 02:35 |
fader | :P | 02:35 |
bladernr | sigh... but ISO testing IS work | 02:36 |
bladernr | but I know how it is with all those "phone calls" you are on all the time ;-) | 02:36 |
bladernr | hrmmm... I think that oem-config just fired... holy cow... it worked! | 02:37 |
fader | Nice! I've been staying away from those this time, after nobody could reproduce the bugs I found last time :/ | 02:39 |
fader | bladernr: Plus I just have to 'think' a lot, like hggdh | 02:41 |
fader | ;) | 02:41 |
bladernr | I reproduced them on 4 different ISOs... (d-i and ubiquity for Kubuntus) | 02:41 |
bladernr | problem is, I reproduced it again on 64bit kubuntu alt... but not on 32bit alt... so now I gotta go back and double check 64bit alt :( | 02:42 |
bladernr | in any case, I'll stay up late working on these tonight, then I'll do some more tomorrow and I'm cutting out around 3 or 4 so I can head up to Virginia | 02:43 |
fader | Fun plans for the weekend? | 02:45 |
hggdh | fader: oh, I think! Then I must exist, I guess | 02:46 |
fader | hggdh: Secret code :) | 02:46 |
* fader remembers you thinking a lot at UDS | 02:47 | |
fader | Okay folks, I'm calling it a night. I'll pick this back up in the morning, I hope | 02:59 |
fader | Ciao! | 02:59 |
hggdh | fader: thinking, or *drinking*? | 03:06 |
bladernr | hggdh: both, as I remember it | 03:16 |
* bladernr is drinking now | 03:16 | |
* hggdh is not... | 03:22 | |
charlie-tca__ | Studio 386 full lvm encrypted seems much longer than the RC was | 03:49 |
* charlie-tca__ might be just tired, too. | 03:49 | |
charlie-tca__ | Got studio 386 encrypted finished. Going to sleep now. Will test more tomorrow | 04:26 |
ara | good morning all | 07:04 |
ara | good morning jibel | 08:48 |
jibel | Good morning ara | 08:49 |
jibel | I've tested the French install yesterday evening and it's okay now. | 08:49 |
jibel | good news. | 08:49 |
ara | jibel, yes, I just did an installation in French now | 08:49 |
jibel | the sources.list is correct too, | 08:50 |
ara | yes, the only thing is that, without internet connection, it keeps trying downloading the langpacks, failing one by one, and making the installation much slower | 08:51 |
ara | bug 656713 | 08:51 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 656713 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity tries to get lang packs from Internet, even though there is no connection (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 08:51 |
jibel | I found something else, in the previous version of ubiquity, the was a stage were you could enter 'advanced settings' | 08:53 |
jibel | IIRC, you could enter your proxy settings in this page. | 08:53 |
jibel | this page has been removed ? | 08:53 |
jibel | How can I set my proxy settings during initial installation ? | 08:54 |
ara | mmm, good point, I guess that's been removed, but ev should confirm that | 08:55 |
ara | I am going to start now with Kubuntu DVD 64bits | 08:57 |
ara | just finished syncing | 08:57 |
jibel | okay, I'm replaying the wubi testcases this morning. | 08:58 |
ara | good morning marjo | 09:06 |
marjo | ara: good morning! | 09:06 |
marjo | ara: had to respin kubuntu last night due to image being too big for CD | 09:07 |
ara | marjo, OK. I am starting now testing Kubuntu DVD | 09:07 |
marjo | ara: thx! | 09:08 |
=== ara__ is now known as ara | ||
charlie-tca | Good morning, everybody | 13:09 |
jibel | Good morning charlie-tca | 13:09 |
pedro_ | morning charlie-tca | 13:12 |
pedro_ | bonjour jibel | 13:13 |
ara | good morning charlie-tca, pedro_ | 13:13 |
pedro_ | buen dia ara | 13:13 |
jibel | buen día pedro_ | 13:15 |
jibel | ara, there's no wubi netbook testcase ? | 13:35 |
ara | jibel, no, there isn't | 13:36 |
jibel | how frustrated I am ! | 13:36 |
ara | jibel, why is that? | 13:37 |
ara | jibel, did you just finish it? | 13:37 |
charlie-tca | Good morning, pedro_ , ara, jibel | 13:37 |
jibel | ara, yes :( I think I'm done with the wubi installations, I'll go for the wubi upgrades now. | 13:39 |
ara | jibel, you can put a comment under wubi ubuntu i386, i.e., saying that you also installed netbook edition | 13:39 |
hggdh | morning, sorry for being late | 13:40 |
ara | good morning hggdh | 13:43 |
charlie-tca | Good morning, hggdh | 13:46 |
hggdh | good morning ara, charlie-tca | 13:46 |
jibel | Good morning hggdh | 13:47 |
primes2h | Good morning hggdh! | 13:49 |
primes2h | 'Morning ara. | 13:49 |
ara | hey primes2h | 13:49 |
hggdh | heh | 13:50 |
hggdh | jibel, primes2h: cheers | 13:50 |
* ara goes for a late lunch | 14:01 | |
* hggdh goes for a late breakfast | 14:03 | |
charlie-tca | jibel: I have to ask, what language did you want "About Xfce" to be in? | 15:03 |
jibel | charlie-tca, french | 15:04 |
charlie-tca | Oh, Okay. Thanks | 15:04 |
jibel | charlie-tca, the other tabs are in french except this one and the licenses | 15:05 |
jibel | I won't ask you to translate the licenses tough :-) | 15:05 |
charlie-tca | Maybe I should have the report carefully. It looks like you did say that too | 15:05 |
jibel | charlie-tca, no problem | 15:05 |
jibel | charlie-tca, I haven't filed a report but in the menu "Raccourcis (Shortcuts)/Search for files" Search for files is not translated (it should be "Rechercher des fichiers...") | 15:09 |
charlie-tca | A lot of these translations come from Xfce; go ahead and file it. I will forward it to them | 15:10 |
charlie-tca | they are doing better than in the past. | 15:11 |
jibel | charlie-tca, yes, that's why I didn't filed it yet, there are a few untranslated menu entries and it needs a translation review. | 15:11 |
charlie-tca | Okay. I will just go to them and request an update on the translations overall instead of seeing all those reports come in | 15:12 |
* ara is back from lunch | 15:24 | |
ara | any news? | 15:24 |
marcavis | Hello guys... do the window resizing arrows (the mouse pointer becomes those when over a window edge) seem more difficult to get for any of you in Maverick? | 15:34 |
marcavis | Totally subjective, so I don't know if there was any change or if I'm just crazy ;) | 15:35 |
charlie-tca | ubuntustudio 32 and 64 rebuild finished | 15:36 |
stgraber | fader: did you really install edubuntu without testing the live session or did you just forget to report the result for that one ? | 16:28 |
fader | stgraber: I did, because I was having persistence bugs that nobody else could reproduce | 16:29 |
fader | I think my test rig is broken | 16:29 |
jibel | ara, I think the wubi testcases are all covered (including upgrades), what's priority now ? | 16:54 |
ara | jibel, rest of upgrades need love | 16:54 |
jibel | ara, okay, lets go for the upgrades | 16:56 |
ara | jibel, your expertise ;-) | 16:56 |
charlie-tca | I can not get studio 64 to partition | 17:46 |
=== nags_ is now known as nags | ||
charlie-tca | hmm, screwed up configuration here. I got it working now | 17:59 |
=== marcavis_ is now known as marcavis | ||
hggdh | ara__: I am going to download the xubuntu alternate amd64, and run the install (resize) test | 18:30 |
ara__ | hggdh, if you want to go for another one, feel free, I can cover that one | 18:30 |
=== ara__ is now known as ara | ||
charlie-tca | I have studio 32 and 64 going here | 18:31 |
hggdh | ara: OK, I will shop for another | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | hggdh: How about xubuntu desktop 64? | 18:37 |
charlie-tca | or 386, rather | 18:37 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: can do either | 18:37 |
charlie-tca | 386 needs help | 18:37 |
hggdh | right now I am downloading amd64, but I can stop and grab the i386 | 18:37 |
hggdh | will do | 18:37 |
charlie-tca | tied my own stuff up with ubuntu studio dvd's | 18:38 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: np, downloading xubuntu i386 now | 18:39 |
hggdh | (server is done, finally ;-) | 18:39 |
charlie-tca | thanks | 18:39 |
=== ara__ is now known as ara | ||
charlie-tca | only an hour left to finish my edubuntu 64 download | 18:55 |
ara | charlie-tca, \o/ | 18:55 |
charlie-tca | only 6 1/2 hours ! | 18:56 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: it seems I cannot test the xubuntu i386 -- my machine hangs when running KVM and X | 19:13 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: sorry | 19:13 |
charlie-tca | no problem | 19:13 |
charlie-tca | thanks for trying | 19:13 |
hggdh | I think it is my old friend "CPU stuck for 61s" OOPS | 19:15 |
* hggdh *really* has to get a better laptop | 19:16 | |
charlie-tca | oooo! That is a really mean bug, too | 19:16 |
hggdh | yeah. I had been out of it since pretty much the beginning of the Maverick cycle... Now I may have it again... | 19:17 |
hggdh | will try again, but I will probably be offline for a while, if it gets stuck again | 19:17 |
* ara starts to feel a bit tired | 20:25 | |
* charlie-tca thinks ara should be "a bit" tired by now | 20:25 | |
charlie-tca | This has been a long two weeks | 20:26 |
charlie-tca | or maybe only one week? | 20:26 |
ara | hopefully 10.10 is going to be a great release, so it pays off :) | 20:28 |
charlie-tca | I agree. It will be great release! | 20:29 |
bladernr | OK... I think I've done enough damage for this release cycle... | 21:15 |
charlie-tca | studio 64bit done | 21:15 |
bladernr | happy testing everyone... and happy release day (early). I'm off to Virginia for a family thing | 21:15 |
charlie-tca | Have fun | 21:15 |
bladernr | charlie-tca: hope so (as much fun as one can have with one's in-laws anyway) | 21:16 |
charlie-tca | heh | 21:16 |
* ara starts syncing xubuntu desktop i386 | 21:52 | |
jibel | anyone to test edubuntu upgrades ? | 21:58 |
charlie-tca | I don't have any old images, and at 6+ hours each to download... | 21:59 |
jibel | the same here, and still 1 hour to to the end of xubuntu upgrades | 22:00 |
charlie-tca | Well, I'll start with downloading the 64bit image, then | 22:01 |
charlie-tca | Finished studio 32 and 64 | 22:28 |
charlie-tca | Downloading edubuntu 64bit 10.04 for upgrade test | 22:28 |
ara | OK, guys, time to go to bed | 22:36 |
ara | good night! | 22:36 |
charlie-tca | Good night | 22:36 |
charlie-tca | Thanks for your help | 22:36 |
ara | charlie-tca, thanks to you! | 22:37 |
charlie-tca | be back in an hour | 22:54 |
jibel | xubuntu upgrade 32bit done. | 22:56 |
jibel | xubuntu livecd done | 22:56 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jibel | xubuntu upgrade 64bit done | 23:09 |
jibel | xubuntu install entire disk done | 23:14 |
jibel | xubuntu autoresize done | 23:44 |
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