
vbabiyHey guys got another question I just asked ubuntuone to sync my music folder which is almost 10gigs I did it about 10mins and the upload has not yet started. does it wait till something finishes on the backend?00:58
vbabiywell I think I figured it out; it looks like it is first creating all the directories on the server01:13
beunovbabiy, right, it creates the structure first, then queues them up for upload01:16
beunoyou going to try out or shiny new music streaming?   :)01:17
vbabiyAlready have with the bought music and love it01:18
vbabiynot adding my music lib01:18
vbabiynow you guys need to add a interface for view photos and I will upload my photo lib01:20
beunovbabiy, I heard rumors that something like that will happen in the near future  ;)01:21
vbabiyawesome, beuno are you on the ubuntu one team?01:21
beunovbabiy, maybe01:21
beunoI'm tired from the release  :)01:21
vbabiyhey do you if I add rating to bought music do they sync to ubuntu one01:22
vbabiythe stuff that is in .ubuntuon01:22
beunoah, we're not scanning ratings at the moment01:22
beunobut, file a bug for it01:22
beunoit's something totally worth adding01:22
vbabiywhat about for my upload lib01:22
beunoI'll make sure it's part of the next cycle of metadata changes we do01:22
beunoright now we are not extracting ratings when we scan mp3s at all01:23
beunojust the basics01:23
beunonow, I'm going to run away to dinner!01:23
vbabiyah okay, enjoy01:23
beunothanks  :)01:24
mrandrzejakhi all. i am getting a .conflict error on some folders & files. any way to fix this? Im running maverick.06:22
duanedesignhello mrandrzejak06:23
mrandrzejakhi duane06:24
mrandrzejaki was excited to purchase the 20GB extra,but still i see the .conflict errors06:24
mrandrzejaki only see the .conflict errors on the computer that downloaded the files06:25
duanedesignthose usually happen when a file is edited on two computers at the same time. Or06:25
duanedesignmrandrzejak: are these files that you uploaded through the web interface?06:26
mrandrzejaki had 3gb here at home and went to work this morning and proceeded to download (sync) all the files. some folders and files had those errors06:26
mrandrzejakall via ubuntuone app06:26
duanedesignoh i see. You added a new computer06:27
mrandrzejakI also notice right now it says "sync complete" but there are still sync icons on some folders06:28
vbabiyI have also noticed the sync icons after its done with the sync06:30
vbabiyhey beuno said that ubuntuone is not extracting rating what is it extracting06:30
vbabiyfrom mp3s06:30
duanedesignmrandrzejak: what type of files are showing up as conflicts? are they just text files, pictures, or are they something like LaTex files or bzr branches?06:32
mrandrzejakwithin those folders shown as still syncing,the files themselves are done and checkmarked06:32
mrandrzejakduanedesign - a mix of files, mostly image files if i recall.06:33
mrandrzejakdo i delete the .conflict stuff?06:33
duanedesignmrandrzejak: a neat command i use a lot is: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l06:33
duanedesignand u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l06:34
mrandrzejakwhat does it do? :)06:34
duanedesignif you are curious if any  items are still remaining to sync06:34
duanedesignit will show the number of metadata and content items remaining in queue06:34
mrandrzejaki'll have to try it at work tomorrow too, thanks06:35
duanedesignmrandrzejak: the .conflict items are ignored as far as further syncing. Look at the original and the .conflict and decide which is the one you want to keep06:36
duanedesignif you want to keep the .conflict, throw away the original and rename the .conflict file06:36
duanedesignor vice-versa06:36
mrandrzejakonline at ubuntuone.com i do not see any .conflict problems06:37
mrandrzejakis there a ppa available? or do i already have the best release?06:38
duanedesignmrandrzejak: there is a nighlies ppa06:40
mrandrzejakok thanks for the help!06:42
duanedesignhello mahen08:55
mahenhello duane08:55
ryeduanedesign, hi09:25
ryeduanedesign, shhhh - http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/10/have-you-seen-my-weather-applet.html09:25
ryeand hello mahen who has left before asking anything...09:26
duanedesignrye: awesome09:28
duanedesignrye: i started to look over the code yesterday...got sidetracked09:28
duanedesignrye: hopefully i will get a chance today09:29
ryeduanedesign, suddenly Ubuntu One is not that fast when you get the real numbers, now I have live figures to poke developers with :)09:29
duanedesignhehe, i am sure they will love that ;)09:29
ryeduanedesign, content upload estimated time is coming soon. Metadata queue processing is already estimated.09:30
duanedesigni have spent the last 30 minutes trying to implement a liststore (or table) with colored rows in pygtk.09:30
ryeduanedesign, no, i am not really ready to build something more than gtk.Dialog with gtk.Label. Indicator menu was pretty easy though09:31
duanedesigni think i am on the right track. I am makeing an open source implementation of the 'password card generator'09:33
duanedesignrye: i think that applet is going to be very popular09:35
ryeduanedesign, thanks.09:44
psypher246rye, duanedesign, u guys there?10:44
ryepsypher246, i am here10:44
psypher246hey dude. i figure out a way, i think to have encrypted folders in u1 folder10:44
psypher246but i am still failing to understand why it takes so long to process the data and start uploading. facundobatista said it takes 2 seconds or so to process a file, but I don't get why it has to take 2 seconds. surely you can do tons of processes  in a second with a modern cpu?10:46
ryepsypher246, this is due the network roundtrip. Every request is sent separately resulting in a massive overhead. E.g. even 1 kb file will take ~1 second due to protocol design which will be changed, I was assured earlier...10:50
psypher246awesome, glad to hear, will persevere, thanks. have to re-upload everything now into encrypted folder, but it seems to be working :D10:51
ryenow i know why ubuntuone-client is created from two branches, one for the code and one for debian/ directory... building for different series becomes quite an interesting thing when everything is in one place11:24
* rye needs to pick a name for indicator project - ubuntuone-indicator is blocked, anybody feels fluffycloud-indicator is a really bad name?11:35
duanedesignrye: hmm. is cloud-indicator too generic..11:41
ryeduanedesign, yeah, too generic... I just don't want to pollute the global namespace with playground project names..11:42
duanedesignone-indicator, onedicator :)11:42
ryeduanedesign, one-indicator, hm - yes, don't know with what it can clash in future, it is free and not blocked by lp admins so it is just one click away. 5 minutes more for thinking and I will have my first launchpad project! :)11:45
duanedesignrye: nice. I <3 launchpad for project hosting11:46
ryeduanedesign, i just feel very guilty of hacking up the packaging that way, but I promise I will make it better11:47
duanedesigni just pulled the most recent revision :)11:47
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* vds is away: di cosmo's talk12:34
ryehttps://launchpad.net/one-indicator - ok, basic stuff done, now back to Ubuntu One support...12:45
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ryemahen, hi14:54
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vbabiyHey is there a way to add ubuntu one as indicator to know when it is syncing?15:47
nessitarye: ^ :-)15:50
ryenessita, :-)15:51
ryevbabiy, what release are you running?15:51
vbabiyon one box an what ever is the default in 10.10 on another15:51
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ryevbabiy, ok, you can download a very early alpha version for maveric from my public file - this is described at http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/10/have-you-seen-my-weather-applet.html and the updated file is http://files.lappyfamily.net/ubuntuone-indicator_0.0.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb15:55
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ryevbabiy, i am in the process of creating a proper project for that - after installation it should appear in Application menu under Other category (will fix that later too). This is not an official Ubuntu One project though.15:56
vbabiyah, well it should be that is awesome thanks15:56
duffydackjust seen this, nice. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/ubuntu-one-indicator-applet-puts-sync-status-back-into-view/16:33
duanedesignrye: lol, that didn't take long^16:37
duffydackjust needs a package for lucid :)16:37
ryeduffydack, that will be done16:38
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zylogz80Is there any way for me to see exactly what ubuntu one is working on syncing? I bought the mobile service and 20gb and am trying to sync my music. it created the full folder structure up on ubuntu one but I don't see it actually uploading files16:59
beunozylogz80, hi17:01
beunorye, ^17:01
zylogz80beuno, hello17:01
beunozylogz80, there are a few ways of looking at what's on the queue17:02
beunoare you on maverick or lucid?17:02
zylogz80beuno, maverick17:03
mrandrzejakHello! How long does it take for UbuntuOne to connect after turning on the computer? Ive had my system on a good 30 minutes now and it still shows as disconnected. Restarting or Connecting UbuntuOne doesnt do anything.17:03
mrandrzejakIm on Maverick.17:03
beunozylogz80, install "magicicada"17:03
beunomrandrzejak, it takes secnds17:03
zylogz80beuno, installing...17:03
mrandrzejakIt took seconds to find my account info on the UbuntuOne account tab, but U1 wont connect.17:04
zylogz80beuno, ooooh interesting17:04
beunomrandrzejak, let me see if we can get our support guy, rye, in here17:05
beunozylogz80, things looking good?17:05
mrandrzejakthanks. rye helped me delete my old U1 acct info from lucid and reconnect my acct here on maverick.17:05
mrandrzejakgreat tip about magicicada beuno! thanks17:06
zylogz80beuno, well I can't really tell. I can see files in queue but I can't tell if it's actually doing anything. my network monitor shows no outgoing traffic17:06
ryemrandrzejak, hi, you may be experiencing bug #651237, lets try to clean up the installation first so that it won't take that long to start17:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 651237 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "ubuntuone-launch fails to start syncdaemon if dbus call times out (affects: 1) (heat: 487)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65123717:06
beunozylogz80, how many files have you marked for syncing?17:06
zylogz80beuno, just shy of 200017:06
mrandrzejakgreat, thanks17:06
ryezylogz80, alternatively you can install http://ubuntuone.com/p/JAc/, run it from APplications/Other/Ubuntu One Indicator and it should show you some  basic info17:07
beunorye, any ideas what could be making zylogz80's sync slow to start?17:07
ryebeuno, yes, bug #651237 is not fixed atm, I submitted a branch but Chipaca did not like it so it is postponed and I can not set desktop+ the owner of that bug report. That's our beloved startup DBus timeout17:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 651237 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "ubuntuone-launch fails to start syncdaemon if dbus call times out (affects: 1) (heat: 487)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65123717:08
mrandrzejakbeuno... what does the U1 indicator do?17:09
Chipacarye: I'm going to wave your branch into stable for an sru, and figure out the right way for n17:09
ryemrandrzejak, indicator is my side project, don't tell anyone from Ubuntu One team that i've done that :)  - see http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/10/have-you-seen-my-weather-applet.html17:10
kklimondarye: that's too late, it has been posted on OMG! Ubuntu ;)17:11
mrandrzejakrye .. i installed magicicada and clicked connect andf now U1 is syncing17:11
mrandrzejakprivet rye :)17:11
zylogz80rye, so based on the ubuntu one indicator applet it appears that I am currently syncing metadata and the count of metadata items to be synched does appear to be going down over time17:12
zylogz80rye, If I am reading it correctly17:12
ryezylogz80, it should show you the estimated time for metadata too17:12
mrandrzejaki thought there was an U1 indicator on the early releases of U117:12
zylogz80rye, it varies wildly. I'll keep an eye out and see what happens when it finished the metadata. thanks very much.17:13
karnimrandrzejak: there was.17:13
mrandrzejakubuntuone-indicator doesnt seem to work on maverick17:19
ryemrandrzejak, what does it do for you?17:20
mrandrzejakit does not appear on the panel17:20
ryemrandrzejak, could you please run it from the terminal?17:21
mrandrzejaktrying it now17:21
ryemrandrzejak, it is pretty early package so I could have omitted a critical dependency17:22
mrandrzejakrye -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/508898/17:22
mrandrzejakpossibly because my U1 wont connect17:23
ryemrandrzejak, ok, i need a lot of error handling17:23
ryemrandrzejak, ok, let's try running ubuntuone-syncdaemon directly - /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon  - does that work (from terminal)17:23
mrandrzejakso i have been online for 38 min, and U1 will not connect17:24
mrandrzejakbash: usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon: No such file or directory17:24
mrandrzejaki get that error17:24
mrandrzejakohh i need the /17:25
mrandrzejakanother instance is running17:25
* rye reads the backlog properly17:26
ryemrandrzejak, does u1sdtool --status work ?17:27
mrandrzejakits trying. very slow17:27
mrandrzejakOops, an error ocurred:17:27
ryemrandrzejak, ok, dbus error17:28
ryemrandrzejak, how many files do you have in your Ubuntu One folders? rough number17:28
mrandrzejaklooks like similar error as the indicator17:28
ryemrandrzejak, yes, it cannot get status as well, but segfault is interesting17:29
mrandrzejak"u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l" tells me i have 1 item waiting17:31
mrandrzejak"u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l" sates zero items17:31
ryemrandrzejak, if waiting-content is available then u1sdtool --status should work too, could you please retry it?17:34
mrandrzejakit now says READY17:34
mrandrzejakconnection: Not User With Network17:35
mrandrzejak    description: ready to connect17:35
mrandrzejak    is_connected: False17:35
mrandrzejak    is_error: False17:35
mrandrzejak    is_online: False17:35
mrandrzejak    queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT17:35
mrandrzejakUbuntuOne Preferences shows "disconnected"17:35
ryemrandrzejak, now you can run magicicada or the indicator and click connect17:35
mrandrzejaki started your indicator and clicked connect17:37
mrandrzejaksyncronizing content17:37
mrandrzejak901 files to go and counting down!17:37
ryeChipaca, we might need to rate-limit QuotaExceeded signals. As far as I understand we send this signal e.g. every time file upload is resumed leading to a crazy gnome-config-daemon behavior17:37
mrandrzejakdo you know how to fix the fact it would not start connect at all?17:38
ryemrandrzejak, could you please pastebin the output of u1sdtool --list-folders ?17:38
mrandrzejakshould i do that while its syncing?17:40
ryemrandrzejak, it is not intrusive17:41
mrandrzejak650 files to go17:41
ryemrandrzejak, ok, could you please run "find ~/Ubuntu\ One | wc -l" ?17:41
ryemrandrzejak, ok, you have 11957 nodes in Ubuntu One which takes more than a while on startup, let's see whether we can speed up that a little17:43
ryemrandrzejak, could you please run "find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/ -type d -empty | wc -l"17:43
mrandrzejakoutput is: 20117:44
mrandrzejak60 files to go17:48
mrandrzejaksync complete17:49
ryemrandrzejak, eh, 201 items do not make much difference17:51
mrandrzejak201 was the output of your request17:51
mrandrzejakmrandrzejak, could you please run "find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/ -type d -empty | wc -l"17:51
mrandrzejakanswer was: 20117:51
mrandrzejaki have some .conflict errors in the UbuntuOne folder17:53
mrandrzejakcan i just delete those?17:53
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mrandrzejakI am very thankful for the U1 indicator! spaciba!18:00
mrandrzejakdo u know why my U1 does not connect at startup?18:03
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duanedesignbug  65123718:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 651237 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "ubuntuone-launch fails to start syncdaemon if dbus call times out (affects: 2) (heat: 391)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65123718:22
mrandrzejaki marked that it affects me18:23
duanedesignmrandrzejak: :)18:24
mrandrzejakdo you think anything we did just now, might help my problem connecting?18:24
mrandrzejakim thinking of rebooting to see what happens next18:25
ryemrandrzejak, re: spaciba - pozhaluysta :)18:27
ryemrandrzejak, re: did just now - yes, we waited18:27
mrandrzejakwhat about on boot? i dont want to wait 38 minutes next time. :)18:28
zylogz80OK, so after it finished synching metadata it started synching content. It got a bit of they ways in and just appeared to stop. there's been no outgoing traffic for almost an hour. is this normal? does it tar up batches of files and upload that or something?18:30
zylogz80iotop shows no disk activity18:34
duanedesignzylogz80: if you get if you run the command: u1sdtool -s18:34
zylogz80duanedesign, http://paste.ubuntu.com/508949/18:35
duanedesignzylogz80: hmm, how about: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l18:36
zylogz80duanedesign, 191018:36
duanedesignzylogz80: it does look like the service has slowed a bit. I am only getting a 500b upload at the moment.18:41
zylogz80duanedesign, i had made progress for the first 80 or 90 files but at this point it appears to be doing nothing. no network or disk IO and no CPU. It looks like it is stalled on my end.18:43
duanedesignzylogz80: ok. yeah mine has picked up18:45
mrandrzejakive rebooted and U1 status remains at "unknown"18:46
mrandrzejakindicator works fine and comes on at bootup (i added to startup list)18:46
zylogz80if I watch u1sdtool --current-transfers it just stays at the same spot and never moves18:47
duanedesignzylogz80: if you want to pastebin the contents of  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log we can look at that18:50
zylogz80duanedesign, thanks. here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/508963/18:51
duanedesignzylogz80: hmmm. does appear to be stuck. let me ping rye and make sure there is nothing he wants you to try/gather before we try and restart the syncdaemon.18:54
zylogz80duanedesign, ok18:55
* rye is checking upload speed18:57
duanedesignrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508963/18:57
duanedesignrye: it was slow for a bit...but mine seemed to speed up18:58
* duanedesign goes to pick up pizza. mmmmmm pizza18:58
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zylogz80rye, any thoughts on my issue?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/508963/ sync was working then just hung up over an hour ago. pastebin has logs19:11
ryezylogz80, could you please create an empty file in Ubuntu One?19:16
ryezylogz80, are you running maverick or lucid, sorry if i have already asked that19:16
zylogz80rye,  maverick19:21
zylogz80rye, ok, I created an empty file. it increased the queue by one.19:22
ryezylogz80, ok, could you please re-paste your syncdaemon log now?19:22
zylogz80rye, sure, 1 sec19:22
zylogz80rye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/508976/19:23
mrandrzejakany way to speed up ubuntuones upload and download speeds?19:28
ryezylogz80, ok, just tested - i got 6Mbit upload, something wrong with syncdaemon19:29
ryefacundobatista, verterok, are you here?19:30
zylogz80rye, ok, so what should I do? I'm new to ubuntu one. I just paid for it this morning.19:30
ryezylogz80, ok, let's force syncdaemon reconnection - if you are running applet or magicicada - there are disconnect buttons and in the terminal it is u1sdtool --disconnect; u1sdtool --connect19:31
ryeit i snot applet, it is indicator19:32
verterokrye: whatsup_19:32
ryezylogz80, have you already disconnected?19:33
ryeverterok, syncdaemon became stuck during file upload - http://paste.ubuntu.com/508976/ and did not want to advance19:33
verterokrye: do we have debug logs?19:34
ryeverterok, no, but if that does not work now I will ask for debug logs too. I definitely need to sneak in a branch that allows switching to debug level in runtime19:34
zylogz80rye, I disconnected and reconnected via the applet. it appears to be working now I think19:35
zylogz80rye, yeah it moved 30 files19:35
verterokrye: it might be a server bug, I think it was fixed, but not released yet19:35
ryeverterok, yes, looks like server-side, client is alredy pinging in case of connection drops so it got probably stuck on the server19:36
verterokrye: yup19:36
ryeverterok, thanks and sorry for bothering :)19:36
verterokrye: we landed a fix for stuck down/uploads19:36
verterokrye: np :)19:36
* rye feels the same way he felt during karmic release19:36
mrandrzejakrye... excited? :)19:38
ryefull with energy19:38
ryemrandrzejak, yeah! but this time it is even more awesome than lucid lynx release during which our server-side became somehow completely stuck. Now the client is not that heavy with server requests.19:39
ryeand couchdb replication is now enabled and there has been no couchdb outage with 1.0.1 that I could spot...19:40
* mrandrzejak is closing his dropbox account.19:40
mrandrzejakis there any way to speed up ubuntuones upload and download speeds?19:41
ryemrandrzejak, the speed of uploads and downloads currently depend on the number of the files that you have, i.e. if you get a big 100 Mb file it will be uploaded much faster than a hundred of files of 1Mb19:43
* rye really needs to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/TechnicalDetails19:44
mrandrzejakthanks for the info19:44
ryemrandrzejak, this cycle (Natty Narwhal) the team will focus on the performance issues19:45
mrandrzejakis there anything i can do to help?19:45
ryemrandrzejak, i understand it may not sound promising but the alpha/beta packages will be available during the cycle so we will need users to help us testing under various conditions19:45
sorenI just installed the Ubuntu One Music client on my phone (HTC Desire, if it matters). It keeps telling me that the SD card can't fit my 500 MB of music cache and that I need to free 2.06 GB to make it fit. That's rather amusing in and of itself, but the fact of the matter is that I have 6 GB free on the SD card. Is there a setting I've failed to find that makes it look in the right place for the SD card storage?19:52
beunosoren, hi19:52
beunoCardinalFang, ^19:52
duanedesignhello soren19:52
kenvandineso where do we file bugs against the u1 music android app?19:54
beunosoren, we have an update that will fix the bug you're experiencing19:54
sorenHey, guys :)19:54
sorenbeuno: Awesome. Need help testing?19:54
beunokenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-music/19:54
kenvandineah, cool19:54
beunosoren, sure, maybe CardinalFang can cut a quick release19:54
kenvandinebeuno, thx19:54
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CardinalFangHi soren.  Thanks for coming to tell us about it.  Let me check on that.   ...20:05
sorenCardinalFang: Sure thing. Let me know if there's anything you need from me.20:07
CardinalFangMy math must be wrong somewhere, or the filesystem reports of blocksize or something.20:07
sorenCardinalFang: From df on phone: /mnt/sdcard 15654912K total, 8934464K used, 6720448K available (block size 32768)20:08
CardinalFangkenvandine or soren, do either of you have android SDK installed on your computer?  I think your system logs will give me a clue as to what's wrong.20:08
kenvandinesoren, you have the same bug?20:11
kenvandineha... i hadn't even read the scrollback, just filed the bug20:11
sorenkenvandine: Cool, because I didn't bother :)20:11
kenvandineCardinalFang, i don't have the SDK installed20:11
kenvandineCardinalFang, this might help though... it started happening after i switched to the version in the android market20:12
sorenI do, but I'm on a call.20:12
kenvandineCardinalFang, i didn't have this problem using that apk you had me install last week20:12
CardinalFangI'm hacking up my own to reproduce it.20:17
CardinalFangkenvandine, soren,  http://sandbox.chad.org/u1m-1.0-2-testing-cache.apk20:24
* kenvandine tries20:24
CardinalFangkenvandine, install "aLogCat" from market, and mail the system log to yourself.20:24
kenvandinebefore or after?20:24
CardinalFangafter installing and running.  This makes the log more verbose and runs cleaning code ever 15 seconds.20:25
CardinalFangThe order of install doesn't really matter, but capture the log after them both.20:25
CardinalFangkenvandine, soren, suppose you change your cache-size limit to 20GB.  What is the message?  What about at 5GB?  And 500MB?20:42
james_wso, I have a bunch of tracks in the u1 music store that have been reported as "Waiting for download to start" for about 2 months now. The files are in fact on disk, complete. Is there a way to poke it to realise this and to actually make the tracks available in the library?20:42
kenvandineI/CacheCleaner( 5073): Total disk space available: -500170752 B20:45
kenvandineCardinalFang, ^^20:45
kenvandineCardinalFang, ok, i'll change the setting20:45
ryeaquarius, james_w ^20:46
CardinalFangkenvandine, Huh!  That's interesting.20:46
kenvandineCardinalFang, setting cache-size to 20G says it needs to free 20.43G20:46
CardinalFangkenvandine, perfect.  Thank you.20:47
kenvandineand setting it to 5G says it needs to free 5.41G20:47
kenvandineok, want me to give you more of the log?20:47
kenvandineor is that enough?20:47
aquariusjames_w, er. Interesting. Can I get you to nudge rodrigo? He knows the download detection stuff best.20:47
james_wI guess that will be next week then?20:48
aquariusjames_w, sorry to just hand you off to someone else :(20:48
aquariusjames_w, do the files have weird characters in them?20:48
james_wdon't think so20:48
james_wthe "weirdest" would be a space20:49
CardinalFangthe download daemon is such a music snob.20:49
kenvandineCardinalFang, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/509019/20:49
kenvandineCardinalFang, in case that helps20:49
kenvandineCardinalFang, anything in this apk you gave me that would cause it to nag more often? it is kind of out of control now :)20:56
kenvandinei'll jump back to the market version, if you don't need more info from me yet?20:57
CardinalFangkenvandine,  http://sandbox.chad.org/u1m-1.0-2-testing-filesystem-info.apk20:58
CardinalFangkenvandine, yes, this nags more often.  Sorry.20:58
kenvandinenp as long as it is useful20:58
* CardinalFang looks for integer overruns.21:02
=== Guest37994 is now known as cB
=== cB is now known as Guest15819
CardinalFangkenvandine, now in your log should be something like21:07
CardinalFangD/FileUtil( 4328): On partition of /mnt/sdcard/subsonic/music, block size is 32768B and 45598 blocks are available.21:07
CardinalFangI want to know what those numbers are.21:07
kenvandineCardinalFang, any trick with alogcat to make it send the logs with the right content?21:10
kenvandinewhat it is emailing me is nothing like what i see scrolling by...21:11
CardinalFangkenvandine, Eh, no idea.  Double-check the buffer and the filter.21:11
CardinalFangMaybe filter by  ...21:11
kenvandine32768B and 377142 blocks available21:14
CardinalFangkenvandine, and after that, again it says  Total disk space available: -500170752 B ?21:18
kenvandinei don't see that, let me email the log again and see if it is there yet21:19
CardinalFangkenvandine, that should be immediately after any " D/FileUtil( 4328): On partition of /mnt/sdcard/subsonic/music, block size is..."21:20
CardinalFangNext line.21:20
kenvandineoh... wait... i filtered21:21
kenvandine -526385152B21:22
CardinalFangkenvandine, Okay.  I think I got it sorted.  Integer overflow.21:25
kenvandineguess my SD card is too big :)21:25
CardinalFangDividing by 1024 is different than dividing by 1024L.21:26
CardinalFangYeah, it must be.21:26
CardinalFangkenvandine, soren, Try this:  http://sandbox.chad.org/u1m-1.0-2-testing-integer-overflow-fix.apk21:28
CardinalFangIf that works, then there's nothing to do, and what goes into the Market will be the same.21:29
CardinalFangsame as that.21:29
* CardinalFang boggles at 32kByte blocks and wonders if he should be counting block usage instead of byte usage for files calculation.21:33
kenvandineCardinalFang, ok... so no more errors21:33
kenvandineif i bump my cache size up to 20G, shouldn't it tell me i don't have that much space?21:33
CardinalFangYes.  The next time the cache cleaner runs.  It is back to every 5 minutes now,21:34
kenvandineah... ok21:34
kenvandinecool, all good then :)21:34
CardinalFangHope so!21:35
kenvandinei'll tell you in about 4m if it complains21:35
CardinalFangkenvandine, thank you!21:35
CardinalFangI leaned something new about Java today.21:35
* kenvandine hugs python21:36
kenvandineok, just told me i don't have enough free space for 20G21:37
kenvandineand the free space looked sane21:37
kenvandineturned it back down to 500M21:37
kenvandinei'll let you know in 5m what it does21:37
karniCardinalFang: neat work with Ubuntu One Music pal :) have you been helping to write the streaming server side :) ?21:45
kenvandineCardinalFang, woot... no errors21:45
CardinalFangkarni, I've been trying to stay out of the server, but I think I landed 4 patches in the last 4 days there.  :)22:00
karniCardinalFang: nice :)22:01
CardinalFangkenvandine, rawk.  Will you double-check that you can see the 1.0-2 in the Market?  My phone is a bit weird right now.22:01
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CardinalFangkenvandine, ah, I found it.  Nevermind.22:02
kenvandineCardinalFang, should it show it as an upgrade for me?22:04
kenvandineor since it is the same, it won't know?22:04
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CardinalFangsame, so no upgrade, kenvandine.22:04
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* CardinalFang goes AFK for a while. Back off and on for 10.10 release.22:20
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doctormobeuno: hey there23:37
doctormoI changed the wording on your information23:37
beunodoctormo, hey hey23:39
beunohope it makes sense23:39
beunoI didn't realize that's how it came across23:39
doctormobeuno: I assume the fact the folder was hidden was a design choice.23:41
doctormoRahter than just having UbuntuOneMusic in the home folder for example.23:41
beunoright, what we want to do is support nested UDFs, rreally23:42
beunoand put your music in the XDG folder23:42
beunoI don't recall what the issue was with creating a folder in the home dir23:42
beunoI think it was managing potential conflicts (ie, an existing folder)23:42
mkarnickibeuno: I had a skype call from aquarius. And I was excited to hear that Matt Griffin, the Product Manager, liked AndroidU1 :)23:42
beunomkarnicki, not just him!23:43
mkarnickibeuno: I'm trying to put together a dashboard right now23:43
beunothe directory of the team!23:43
mkarnickibeuno: whooaa ^ ^23:43
mkarnickibeuno: and I thought to myself 'but theres still so much to do!' ;D23:43
mkarnickibeuno: we talked with sil that we can prep a roadmap, talk about some naming conventions, etc23:44
mkarnickibeuno: and I told him at least 4-5 things that we have to aim (1. (smarter)service stability, 2. UDFs, 3. delta, 4. sharing, 5. "capcha SSO"!)23:45
mkarnickibeuno: so I hope to keep that wheel spinning :)23:45
beunomkarnicki, right23:45
beunoI'll know in a few weeks23:45
doctormobeuno: nested UDFs would be nice, but a solution might be to just unhook the UDF on the subfolder and reassign on the parent.23:45
beunomkarnicki, but I'm trying to allocate some time from our team to work with you23:45
mkarnickibeuno: that would be lovely, sure :)23:46
mkarnickiespecially that publishing is not yet supported by the protocol itself23:46
beunodoctormo, yeap, most likely. We'd have to figure out how to deal with shares within that. But yes, we still need to figure it out, but that technical limitation led to the decision23:46
beunomkarnicki, I'll have some news in a week or two  :)23:47
mkarnickibeuno: ok ^ ^ I hope to have some more of app goodie, too!23:48
beunomkarnicki, what I think we all want23:48
beunois to work on it for a while, until it's in good shape to upload to the market23:49
mkarnickibeuno: correct23:50
beunomkarnicki, so I am going to try really hard to get a good chunk of time out of my team to work with you23:51
doctormobeuno: for share in existing_shares: if new_share_path in share.path: share.unhook()23:52
doctormoI'm paracoding of course.23:52
beunodoctormo, I believe you, but that's outside the range of my expertise  :)23:52
mkarnickibeuno: sure, that would be nice :)23:55
mkarnickibeuno: especially that I might take on a full-time Android Developer work soon23:55

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