
claveHola, queria saber si me pueden ayudar porfavor, para instalar el kernel de ubuntustudio 9.10 ya que intente instalar solo el paquete de audio desde synaptic pero no instaló el kernel07:58
holsteinhey clave08:06
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-rt08:07
claveholstein, gracias08:07
claveeso es todo?08:07
holsteinpara instalar el núcleo, sí08:09
holsteinpara instalar le kernel, si08:10
* holstein using google translate08:10
holsteinyou'll need to edit grub08:10
holsteinor figure out how to boot into that kernel08:10
holsteinpara ver cuál es su uso de08:10
holsteinuname -a08:11
clavei can speak a little of english08:11
holsteinme too ;)08:11
clavei have to use uname -a?08:11
holsteinuname -a08:12
holsteinin a termial08:12
holsteintells you what kernel your running08:12
clave2.6.31-22-generic #65-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 15:48:58 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:13
holsteinafter you install the RT one08:13
clavei will restart then and i guess i will comeback08:14
holsteinif your wondering if you acutally booted into it08:14
holsteinthat can be handy08:14
holsteini think its the 'shift key'08:14
clavelet me write that command somewere08:14
holsteinat boot08:14
holsteinthat lets you see the 'grub' list08:14
clavethank you very much08:15
holsteinclave: anytime :)08:15
* holstein is going to bed ...08:16
=== Kbuzz_ is now known as Kbuzz
matts45acpcan someone help me setp up my wireless adapter20:57
rlameiromatts45acp: are you using ubntustudio?21:05
RPG-MasterHello :)21:31
RPG-MasterI'm trying to follow the guide on the Ubuntu wiki on setting up Jack... I can't seem to find the realtime kernel in synaptic. Is it still necessary?21:32
RPG-MasterThis is 10.10 btw21:33

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