
jmichaelxskierpage: since upgrading to maverick this afternoon, i have been playing music, and am noticing that i am experiencing some audio issues that i did not have before the upgrade.00:14
jmichaelxskierpage: it does not happen often, but while playing music in amarok, the audio stalls/stops briefly every once in a while... maybe once every two tracks or so00:15
jmichaelxskierpage: this may be a pulse issue.... or may more likely have to do with something the kubuntu team did wrong intheir implementation.... don't know00:16
skierpagejmichaelx , sorry to hear it.  I've always had horrible screeching from my Audigy ZS card in Kubuntu whenever there's ethernet traffic (which is why I need to switch to the dumb on-board audio), maybe it's worse in Maverick.00:16
skierpagejmichaelx you could mention it in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/RC/Kubuntu/Feedback , but it's so close to release it may not matter.00:17
jmichaelxskierpage: i am just using an on-board intel ich9 hd audio controller...00:18
skierpagejmichaelx, before filing a bug it would be useful to figure out if the stalls are related to high CPU, I/O, bus traffic, network...00:19
jmichaelxskierpage: there can be and are problems in any distro, it's just that i think in the kubuntu world we are just often blessed with more than our share00:19
skierpage(I'm deep in PulseAudio just trying to get it to give my two sound outputs different names 8-/ )00:19
jmichaelxskierpage: quad-core cpu is idling.... there is virtually nothing going on network-wise right ow beyond IRC-related traffic, and thunderbird checking email off and on00:20
jmichaelxi liked having the option to use or not use pulsaudio, to be honest00:21
jmichaelxi notice that in maverick, 'asunder' still seg faults just like it did in lucid00:24
jmichaelxman do all of the 20 different pulseaudio-related config GUIs give me a headache. what a chaotic ball of %&*%00:26
JontheEchidnayou can always "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio", reboot, and live life as it has been since before pulseaudio00:27
jmichaelxJontheEchidna: only problem is that i also have gnome on this machine (do not use it much), and if pulseaudio is removed, there is a fair bit of breakage00:29
jmichaelxJontheEchidna: glad to know that is an optionin kubuntu, however00:29
veewhen using apt-get how can i install only KDE dependencies and skip gnome00:42
veecan any1 plz explain ppa for me?00:52
veecan i run cairo dock without gnome support on KDE?00:57
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mikehhvee: if you try and install from one of the package managers, it will bring in the necessary dependancies01:07
mikehhvee: if it needs gnome support it will get it01:08
mikehhvee: same for apt-get01:09
mikehhvee: why are you not wanting gnome support?01:10
mikehhvee: I have kde support in ubuntu 10.10 and gnome support in kubuntu 10.1001:11
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chuckfwhen I type in 'ssh servername' into krunner, I'm given a prompt asking for my ssh key passphrase. i enter it and then the window closes and nothing happens. what am I doing wrong?01:41
chuckfI'm running maverick at the moment, but this occurs on lucid as well01:42
veehow do i add a new 3.5mm jack if kmix does not find it01:55
jmichaelxchuckf: you should run that in a terminal instead of krunner, methinks02:01
chuckfjmichaelx: I typcially do, but I figured I'd see what happened and it fails02:14
chuckfit should do something if it takes the password02:14
jmichaelxchuckf: i am not sureit is failing, but when it goes through, it's job is finished. where are you expecting to see anything else?02:15
chuckfjmichaelx: when I type in 'ssh server' then am asked for the password, I expect to see a terminal open to the server I'm trying ot connect ot02:16
chuckfI don't find that unreasonable02:16
jmichaelxchuckf: you might like it to work that way, and maybe you configure a terminal to pop up when you do that, but i would not have expected anything graphical to pop up if i did that02:18
moetunesI wouldn't either - try something like   xterm -e ssh server02:18
jmichaelxchuckf: openssh does not have any built-in association with anything graphical, to my knowledge02:19
chuckfjmichaelx: I understand that. However if krunner is associating the ssh command to a graphical password enter field, it should automaticlly open a terminal window to complete the task02:20
jmichaelxchuckf: i just don't think krunner is intended to do that...02:21
jmichaelxchuckf: it's not that it would not be an OK feature, but krunner is just supposed to run simple terminal commands, etc. i think each time you ssh into something, it is working....  you're just unable to see it02:23
chuckfno, there are no new connections on the server (i've checked). It just takes the password and dies02:25
jmichaelxchuckf: ok, that part i would not necessarily have expected02:25
olskolircwhat is another nice gui irc program like xchat please?02:27
jmichaelxolskolirc: i like konversation. quassel is the current default IRC client in kubuntu02:28
moetunesolskolirc:  some folk like weechat02:28
jmichaelxchuckf: what do you do to check for new connections on the server you are trying to log into?02:28
jmichaelxolskolirc: also, pidgin can also be used as an IRC client02:29
chuckfjmichaelx: I'm checking the login attempts02:31
chuckfin the logs02:31
getpwnamI installed the 10.10 release candidate, and I've noticed that Xorg seems to have a memory leak i.e. the memory it uses gradually increases over time. Anyone else notice this, or is it nothing to worry about?02:34
getpwnamit was up to 1.4GB until I rebooted02:34
jmichaelxchuckf: there is a PC in the next room, and if i ssh into it, the HD clicks a little.... even if i 'ssh hostname' in krunner, it makes that click...02:36
jmichaelxchuckf: not that this is conclusive, lol02:36
Tekk_after I installed kde tilda has started in ~/Documents02:38
Tekk_any ideas for how to fix that?02:38
olskolircwow thanks jimichaelx moetunes ill check them all out im on pidgin now and it sux but hey, we can cam each other on this right?  if you see me in the room twice don't get mad im testing.02:39
jmichaelxcould anyone tell me a sure-fire way to change the freaking text color in the menu bar in FF? since upgrading to maverick earlier today, the text color is black... and invisible/unreadable with most personas02:39
moetunesjmichaelx:  it "should" respond to your gtk theme - check in #ubuntu+1 to see if anyone else has this issue02:43
jmichaelxmoetunes: i have tried there, and no one has a clue.... plus it seems not many are kubuntu users. also, this problem did not exist in lucid02:44
jmichaelxmoetunes: additionally, it does not seem to respond to gtk theme at all02:44
moetunesjmichaelx:  all I can suggest is to try another gtk theme - I don't know if the ppl in #mozilla would have a clue as to how it works in a qt environment02:46
jmichaelxmoetunes: i have changed to numerous gtk themes, and none has seemed to have any influence02:46
moetunesjmichaelx:  you have closed the browser after the gtk theme change?02:47
jmichaelxmoetunes: yes, restarted every time02:48
jmichaelxmoetunes: i have a laptop running fedora 13 and KDE.... same problem there. it's just that i didn't have this problem in kubuntu until in lucid02:49
jmichaelxmoetunes: correction... didn't have this problem in kubuntu IN lucid... not until i upgraded to maverick02:51
moetunesjmichaelx:  you could try renaming the .mozilla folder with ff closed and then reopening it02:51
jmichaelxmoetunes: i assume i would also lose bookmarks, etc. that way, huh02:52
moetunesjmichaelx:  I can't beleive ff would retain any gtk settings tho - but it is worth a shot if nothing else works02:52
jmichaelxi guess if it works, i could import that stuff back02:52
moetunesjmichaelx:  yep - but you could copy them over if it works02:52
krookeyeI am trying to connect to a remote desktop like this link has: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=435968&goto=nextoldest  How do i get the ip and port number in kde?02:52
jmichaelxmoetunes: just tried it. does not fix anything.02:53
moetuneskrookeye:  it uses localhost which is the bit and 5900 or 5901 is generally the port number02:55
jmichaelxmoetunes: and i think i screwed up majorly. i mv'ed .mozilla to .mozilla-old. when things didn't worrk, i just mv'ed .mozilla-old to .mozilla.... i have lost all my settings now02:56
jmichaelxthis sucks so severely02:56
moetunesjmichaelx:  if ff was closed when you did the move that shouldn't have happened...02:57
moetunesmight be time to file a bug02:57
jmichaelxmoetunes: it was closed and it did happen02:57
moetunesyep :[02:57
jmichaelxkubuntu has done something screw with ff02:57
jmichaelxgod i hate computers02:58
jmichaelxthat is just pure BS... why the hell would that happen with FF closed02:59
jmichaelxi could have deleted the new .mozilla first to be extra careful, but that should not have been needed03:01
* jmichaelx apologizes for outburst03:02
jmichaelxi could spit fire right now..... my freaking bookmarks are gone03:03
jmichaelxandi still have this unchangeable back text for the menu bar, lol03:04
jmichaelxoh well.... lesson learned. things like that shoud be backed up03:06
olskolircsomeone say my name please? and is my font white?03:10
olskolircoh wow03:13
olskolircdisaster on quassel03:13
jmichaelxolskolirc: nope, text color will appear according to the settings of the client user03:13
jmichaelxolskolirc: i have always liked konversation.03:13
olskolircyes thats where im going next jimmy51_03:14
olskolircoops i meant  jmichaelx03:14
olskolircmy name again please if i don't like it im leaving03:16
olskolircthanks moetunes im still leaving lol03:16
jmichaelxmoetunes: have you upgraded to maverick?03:19
moetunesjmichaelx:  nope - I won't do for a while03:20
jmichaelxmoetunes: gotcha.... the whole upgrade went smoothly enough for me, with the exception of what you just witnessed, lol03:20
moetunesjmichaelx:  I like the whole lts concept for my home comp03:21
drussiis this where i can get help?03:26
moetunesdrussi:  sure :]03:26
drussiwell i updated kubuntu with kpackagekit and i think i got an extra kernel03:27
drussiwhen i start up my computer, the boot loader (grub?) shows an extra option it did not have before03:27
moetunesyou might have - you can look in /boot to check03:27
drussiwhen i try that extra option, it does not load KDE03:28
drussiwhy would i have an extra kernel that does not load kde?03:28
drussii can log on the new kernel03:28
moetunesis it just a command prompt03:28
drussibut i am left at the prompt03:28
drussijust a prompt03:28
moetunesthat would prob be the recovery option - for in case the graphics play up or something03:29
moetunesit should have mentioned recovery in the grub menu03:29
krookeyethanks moetunes but i am still not getting any luv03:29
moetuneskrookeye:  it is not something I have tried03:30
drussii dont select the recovery option for either the old kernel or the new on03:30
drussii am wondering how i can start kde from the prompt from the new kernel prompt once i log in, and whther it will be the same as the old kernel03:31
drussisorrry for this03:31
drussii have no idea really how to start kde from the prompt03:32
drussialso, is this an apprpriate place to ask for help with wine?03:33
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:37
moetunesdrussi:  if it wasn't the recovery option then there is an issue with your graphics - try   sudo service kdm start03:38
moetunesto start kde03:38
moetunesdrussi:  it is a quiet channel here now - no need to pm03:39
moetunesand I don't know everything03:40
drussibut thanks anyway03:40
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Ubuntu_LinuX<Ubuntu_LinuX> hello everyone can i ask u something?03:59
Ubuntu_LinuXahm is it possible to install ms office 2010 in ubuntu (ultimate edition?) coz im using ultimate edition of distro04:01
moetunesmaybe through the app named wine04:02
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:02
Ubuntu_LinuXahhhh ic...04:03
Ubuntu_LinuXso idont to use gparted?04:03
Ubuntu_LinuXso idont to use gparted in order to have partition in my HDD?04:04
moetunesif you want to install ubuntu you do - for ms office it would be best to use windows04:04
moetunesthere is open office for ubuntu04:04
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.04:04
Ubuntu_LinuXahhhh ok.04:05
Ubuntu_LinuXbecause i read on the forum that its possible to install ms office 2010 in ubuntu but there's comes a lot of issue thats why im asking here if its possible.04:06
Ubuntu_LinuXcoz im new in ubuntu04:07
moetunesyou can run it  - but I would check wines' app database at04:07
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:07
Ubuntu_LinuXi just parted the windows xp and im joining in linux world. hehehe04:08
moetunesit's fun here :]04:08
DarthFrogUbuntu_LinuX: If you're new to Linux, you might be better off with CrossOver Office to run MS Office in Linux.04:08
DarthFrogUbuntu_LinuX:  http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxlinux/04:09
Ubuntu_LinuX<DarthFrog> Ubuntu_LinuX: If you're new to Linux, you might be better off with CrossOver Office to run MS Office in Linux. <----yah dats why i decided to use open office 304:10
DarthFrogUbuntu_LinuX: Good choice!  Welcome to the Light Side. :-)04:10
Ubuntu_LinuXthanks darthfrog04:11
Ubuntu_LinuXso how about this one. is it possible to connect to other computer using run application?04:12
SporkWitchi must be missing something.  i can't find any setting (even when i google) for dual-monitor wallpapers (i.e. my nice 3300x1050 wallpaper image).  I can set a wallpaper on each monitor individually from what i can tell, but i can't seem to set a single image to span both monitors04:12
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: not like in windows where you can just do \\computernameorip\, but some connections can be executed in a similar manner, if that's what you're referring to.04:15
Ubuntu_LinuXyah thats what im referring04:15
Ubuntu_LinuXbecause when Alt+F2 the run application window appear but when i try to connect to other computer it doesnt connect04:16
SporkWitchdepending on the machine you're trying to access it can be different.  if it's another linux machine, you'll need nfs-server running on it, if windows, then we get to have some real fun (and by fun, i mean drink a bottle of vodka first, it'll help)04:16
revesnighty everyone04:17
SporkWitchwhat command are you trying to use to connect?04:17
revesI'm looking for a plasmoid similar to one widget I used in KDE3.504:17
revesit was to make the windows menus appear in a panel04:18
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> what command are you trying to use to connect? <----no i didnt use terminal i only press Alt+F2 then try to put ip on it but it doesnt connect im using ubuntu 10.4 LTS04:18
jmichaelxvodka assists when many other means of fixing a problem have failed. in fact, i even recommend vodka as a starting point anymore04:18
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Ubuntu_LinuXhehehehe. sorry jmichaelx i dont drink.04:19
Ubuntu_LinuXthanks for referring. :)04:19
SporkWitchjmichaelx: i'm not really sure what you said, but i'm guessing you decided to start early and have already been drinking :P lol04:19
jmichaelxUbuntu_LinuX: that is your problem, then04:19
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: vodka really does help when trying to make windows play well with others.  and it's only going to get worse if they buy out adobe >_<04:20
SporkWitchon topic, though, are you trying to access a windows machine or another linux machine?04:20
SporkWitchdammit, which desktop did i put that blasted dvd in; whoever decided to make cowboy bebop's theme music an infinite loop of just 20 seconds per rotation, should be shot04:21
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> on topic, though, are you trying to access a windows machine or another linux machine? <----im trying to connect to windows xp and vista04:23
SporkWitchpassword protected sharing, or open sharing of public folders?04:23
SporkWitchxp we should be able to get work, between trial and error, and google (i'm a bit rusty), vista might be more problematic, i know win7 is04:24
Ubuntu_LinuXits a public sharing of folder04:24
SporkWitchexcellent, should be nice and easy then04:25
Ubuntu_LinuXbut why is it that i cannot connect?04:25
SporkWitchjust gotta find the tool in the menus to do it; quick google of "connect to windows share from kubuntu" should give you what you need04:25
SporkWitchbecause \\computernameorip\ is not a valid command or path04:26
Ubuntu_LinuXahhhhh i see....04:26
SporkWitchso just typing that into run (which is the same thing as typing the same thing into a command line and hitting enter) doesn't work04:26
jmichaelxwhat could cause errors like this: "warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 51010 package 'virtualbox-3.1'........". i got hundreds of these today while upgrading to maverick, and now i see them whenever any package management is done04:26
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> because \\computernameorip\ is not a valid command or path <----so meaning the ubuntu doesnt recognize it as a valid command?04:26
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: meaning that windows does things wrong, and linux does it right :P but yeah, that's the gist of it.04:27
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: so what we need to do first is make sure we have a folder ready to mount the network share to04:27
SporkWitchi like using /media/ for my shares so sudo mkdir /media/nameofcomputer04:27
Ubuntu_LinuXso u mean ill use terminal?04:28
SporkWitchobviously do not use any spaces, and it is case sensitive.  the name really doesn't matter, but i like using the name of the share04:28
SporkWitchyeah, easier that way04:28
Ubuntu_LinuXahhhhh i see04:28
Ubuntu_LinuXsporkwitch what i mean is i want to see my cousins file in here laptop hes using windows xp and me is ubuntu04:29
SporkWitchok, so you just want a temporary thing04:31
SporkWitchdoing some googling (that you should have done :P) it looks like you SHOULD be able to open up a file manager and in the path dialog try smb://ipaddress/04:31
SporkWitchlet me know if that works, i'm going outside for a smoke04:32
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> let me know if that works, i'm going outside for a smoke <----instead of this "\" i'll use this one "/"?04:37
moetunes it's \ in windows - /in linux04:38
Ubuntu_LinuXahhhhh ic....04:38
Ubuntu_LinuXwait let me try.04:38
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> doing some googling (that you should have done :P) it looks like you SHOULD be able to open up a file manager and in the path dialog try smb://ipaddress/ <---u mean ill use terminal? in doing smb?04:39
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: the way i remember it is this: windows is backwards so they use \, linux uses forwardslash / like everyone else :P04:40
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: you should be able to type smb://ipaddress/ into konquerer or w/e you use for a file manager, and it should show you the shares on that machine04:41
SporkWitchmoetunes: don't suppose you know how to get my 3300x1050 wallpapers to work on here?  not having much luck with google and can't find anything by wandering through menus04:41
SporkWitch(dual-monitor setup)04:42
moetunesall I know is04:42
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:42
Ubuntu_LinuX<SporkWitch> Ubuntu_LinuX: you should be able to type smb://ipaddress/ into konquerer or w/e you use for a file manager, and it should show you the shares on that machine <---- thanks for the info spork it works i could see my cousins file in his windows xp OS04:43
Ubuntu_LinuXi use the file manager04:44
SporkWitchUbuntu_LinuX: try it on the vista machine and let me know if it works04:44
SporkWitchmoetunes: no joy, no mention of how to get it to do a single wallpaper stretched across multiple monitors :(04:45
Ubuntu_LinuXok. ill just give u a shot when i did. but ill try it in the office on monday04:45
SporkWitchmoetunes: appreciate it though; i'll just have to do some more googling04:45
SporkWitchi've got it using the two monitors fine, it's ONLY the wallpaper i'm having trouble with lol04:45
SporkWitchworst case i hop back on digital blasphemy and grab some of the two-file versions, but that's not ideal, since then i can't have it randomly cycle them in a slideshow04:46
Ubuntu_LinuXsprokwitch how about this one. i have an installer the extention file is .exe when i use the terminal i use this command: sudo apt-get install zuma for example it brings me this message couldnt find zuma. how does it happen? my command is ok04:49
moetuneshave you set a virtual screen size?04:49
SporkWitchmoetunes: the nvidia x configuration app set the desktop as the combined resolution, yeah, and i updated xorg.conf with its settings04:50
SporkWitchbut the "desktop activity" window sets things individually by the screen, not the desktop04:51
moetunesthis dude - https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=46206 - has the oppisite prob04:52
SporkWitchmoetunes: worth a shot, but i'm gonna do some more digging first04:54
SporkWitchi ended up uninstalling compiz because the plasma desktop stuff would still fight it on some things, don't want the same to happen with that nitrogen app04:55
SporkWitchmy plot didn't work :(  tried using the "different activity for each desktop" setting, and see if that'd let me adjust the combined workspace at once.  no joy04:57
Ubuntu_LinuXsprokwitch how about this one. i have an installer the extention file is .exe when i use the terminal i use this command: sudo apt-get install zuma for example it brings me this message couldnt find zuma. how does it happen? my command is ok05:03
SporkWitchno package by the name of zuma05:04
SporkWitchuse the GUI package manager, usually easier if you aren't sure of the exact name of the package you need05:04
SporkWitchas to the .exe, is it executable?  is it a LINUX executable?05:04
SporkWitchjust because it says .exe doesn't mean it's written to be understood or work in linux05:04
Ubuntu_LinuXyupz its executable.05:05
SporkWitchjust so we're clear, is it AN executable (.exe extension) or is it actually SET as executable?  in linux there's a difference.05:05
Ubuntu_LinuXits set as executable.05:06
Ubuntu_LinuXso how is it to be installed?05:07
SporkWitchthen assuming that it IS, in fact, a linux program, you should be able to simply run it. just type the path and name and hit enter.  this won't update info about it in the package manager, though, and i don't know the string to get the package manager, from a command line, to install from a specified file05:07
SporkWitchcan probably find it in the man page for it05:07
getpwnamWhen I open KPackageKit or Amarok I get a message that I can install extra functionality, but when I try to do so I get the message "This operation cannot continue since proper authorisation was not provided" without getting a chance to input my password. Any ideas?05:09
Starwatcherhi all, was wondering if any body has been able to get Skype to work with 10.4 64 bit?06:01
jmichaelxStarwatcher: i had it working... but i just upgraded to maverick this afternoon. guess i should check whether or not it is still working06:14
RickMcDdoes anyone know about scanning software for kde?06:42
moetunes!find scan06:43
ubottuFound: exim4-daemon-heavy, exim4-daemon-light, libruby, libruby1.8, arp-scan, btscanner, doscan, flowscan, flowscan-cuflow, flowscan-cugrapher (and 36 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=scan&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all06:43
RickMcDwhy didn't I think so search with the package manager :p06:44
RickMcDty moetunes06:44
moetunesI don't use a scanner so I gave it a shot06:44
moetunesnp :]06:44
moetunesapt-cache search works too06:44
RickMcDyeah I don't think there's actually a scanning problem, I just don't have any software installed fo rit06:44
sresuWhere does Akegator store the articles? Which folder?07:13
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sta11anyone experienced kde 4.5.2? what are the differences between kde 4.5.2 and 4.5.1?09:23
Unksista11: 4.5.2 is only a bugfix release, so there is not gonna be much changes, just some bugs fixed09:26
sta11what are the major bugs?09:30
Mamaroksta11: read the release notes changelog?09:32
sta11_can you give me the link? :)09:33
dr0idguys, mic not working in kubuntu10:02
dr0idwhat shall I do ?10:02
robinjhI just bought a new scanner (a Plustek OpticSlim M12). I downloaded and moved the cism216.fw file to my folder /usr/share/sane/gt68xx/ Both XSsane and gscan2pdf recognise the scanner, but when I click on the Scan button (in Xsane or gscan2pdf) I get the following error message: Document feeder out of documents.  But it seems that the document that I want to scan is correctly put in the scanner. Any idea what is going wrong?11:03
francisco_tCan I create a NTFS partition from ubiquity-kde in "advanced partitions"? I don't see the option11:15
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MichealHfrancisco_t: I can take a look.11:35
francisco_tThanks MichealH11:36
MichealHHrmm.. Cant findpackage ubiquity-ked11:41
MichealHBut I installed ubiquity11:41
MichealHGonna try that11:41
MichealHFound it11:45
MichealHfrancisco_t: It doesnt (unless you are formatting a ntfs over ntfs)11:48
skramer_hi, how can I to change the look of the plasma analog clock panel? Did not find any options...11:51
francisco_tok, thanks MichealH11:58
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leifeSo I want to migrate my home partition to another drive. So I use rsync to copy everything. I then discover this file dolphin.out which is over 32GB big. I assume it is save to delete it?12:49
moetunesleife:  what's in it?12:51
moetunescan't find anything on google about it12:51
leifemoetunes: Just a lot of messages like "resource unavailable". I deleted it. I think that is like the hsper-files or what they are named that are automatically created when Java crashes. Dolphin used to hang a lot on my machin.12:52
moetunesleife:  ok :]12:53
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zeltaki cant get my micropohne on the laptop to work..any ideas?14:12
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maciao a tutti15:00
mami serve15:00
maun aiuto15:00
mac' è qualcuno please15:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:00
maok sorry15:02
RealmkeeperWhat timezone does the kubuntu 10.10 countdown use?15:03
moetunesmaybe check in the party channel15:03
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/15:04
sithlord48i can't seam to install any service menus w/ get new stuff on kde 4.5.1 is this a know issue? or is it just the ones i have downloaded?15:38
igorвсем привет15:42
Unksi!ru | igor15:42
ubottuigor: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:42
sresuHow to access Linux filesystem from Windows? (I've heard about creating FAT as a bridge but not sure)15:49
sithlord48sresu, it depends on the file system you use for your linux stuff.15:52
sresusithlord48: As in? I use ext415:53
sithlord48sresu, there is a tool for mounting ext2+3 directly in windows i can't recall the name its possible that has been updated to also support ext415:53
sresusithlord48: Afaik, a bridge is need to created to access K/Ubuntu files from Windows, like FAT15:54
sresu* is to be created15:55
sithlord48this was a driver for ext2/3 for windows enableing you to mount them directly as like F or what ever let me c if i can find its name15:55
sresusithlord48: Sure15:55
sithlord48sresu: this seams to be an updated version w/ a how to http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/15:57
sresuAntiLiberal: e2fs drivers??15:57
sresue2fs drivers??15:58
sithlord48i long ago used it w/ winxp for ext3, it worked great for me15:59
sithlord48I love how i have 131 mb of upgrades to get  and it will only use 8mb  after install :)16:00
sresusithlord48: Were you talking about e2fs drivers?16:01
sithlord48sresu:  its possible but honestly i can't remember the name its been a few years since i have used it16:02
sresusithlord48: Ah.. sure no probs. I will probably use your link then. Thanks :)16:02
sithlord48sresu:  no problem16:03
Realmkeepersithlord48: you can liken it to getting $131 payment, but ending up with only $8 after tax. :)16:08
sithlord48Realmkeeper: but thats a bad thing,, this is a good thing, like a 131 dollar payment w/ only $8 tax taken out :P16:08
sithlord48im upgrading to 4.5.2, so its worth the 8Mb disk space :P16:10
Realmkeepersithlord48: is 4.5.2 part of 10.10 without backports?16:11
sithlord48Realmkeeper: its in the kubuntu-ppa16:11
sithlord48Realmkeeper:  you can find the repo info on the kubuntu.org page16:12
Realmkeepersithlord48: my computer didn't like 10.04 - couldn't find wireless - so hoping 10.10 is better.16:13
sithlord48Realmkeeper:  my Gf's lappy would lock up on acpi events w/ 10.04, i had to put debian on it,, but 10.10 works perfectly16:14
Realmkeepersithlord48: in fact, I recall it couldn't connect at all even using wire connecting... old computer.16:14
sithlord48Realmkeeper: must be your chips ..16:14
sithlord48Realmkeeper: just about every computer i have tried w/ teh live cd wired or wireless would worked so thats a good thing..16:15
Realmkeepersithlord48: the old computer is currently running Debian... just hoping a LiveCD test of 10.10 shows that all works now. Yes, I would guess it's the chips, etc, but it's not worth changing them.16:16
BluesKajRealmkeeper, try this method , it bypasses the network manager (which is most likely the culprit : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/16:16
sithlord48Realmkeeper: i hear you there.. on my netbook i ended up changing the wifi card , since it was the only thing w/o drivers..16:16
RealmkeeperBluesKaj: thanks16:17
BluesKajRealmkeeper, thank me if it works :)16:17
Realmkeeperokay :)16:17
sithlord48brb gonna log out and check that 4.5.2 went well16:19
BluesKajsit got the repos url ? I'm on 4.5.116:20
sithlord48well everything but the desktop starts...16:22
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sithlord48i have a symbol look up problem when running plasma-desktop..16:24
RealmkeeperCountdown says "Out Now!". Download has "10.04". And my ISP still has only 'rc' versions. Guess I'll download some time this afernoon or tomorrow.16:26
sithlord48here it says 1 day left...16:26
RealmkeeperPS: I want to download from my ISP so as not to eat into my quota.16:26
sithlord48well its right now it seams i have a issue running plasma-desktop other then that all seams well16:27
Realmkeepersithlord48: I'm guessing it's reading my computer's time, as it's 1:23am Sun, 10 Oct now.16:27
Realmkeepersithlord48: the desktop problem is only cause you jumped the gun to 4.5.2, right? 4.5.1 was stable?16:28
sithlord484.5.1 i was using on lucid for a while and only for a few hours on maverick16:29
sithlord48ok i think i fixed it brb16:29
sithlord48ok it all works16:31
sithlord48it was yawp , crashing it .16:31
sithlord48Realmkeeper:  as long as you remove yawp , or don't have yawp installed kde 4.5.2 seams to work just fine16:33
RealmkeeperGuess you'll have to just wet your finger and stick it out the window to get wind direction and speed, now, huh.16:33
sithlord48well there are other weather plasmoids, but only yawp seamed to get my location16:33
sithlord48Realmkeeper: oh it seams to be when u use the search for a location.. or load from accueweather..16:34
RealmkeeperTell me, does anyone actually use the "snow" kwin effect? I just could not see why you'd use it while trying to use the computer.16:34
sithlord48Realmkeeper: that must need an update, so i guess no weather for me16:34
RealmkeeperThose snow flakes just get annoying.16:35
sithlord48Realmkeeper: iirc you can make it snow under your programs16:35
Realmkeepersithlord48: I suppose; just seems an opulent use of computer power.16:37
sithlord48idk my gf likes it but only if its winter , i could see it being cool when used w/ the weather plasma desktop u know if its snowing out side16:38
sithlord48i used it w/ compiz, but i changes the flakes to about 100 different tuxes.. but i never used the computer with that effect on16:38
Realmkeeperwhich does not happen in just about all parts of Australia; the snowing that is.16:38
sithlord48yea i could see that16:39
RealmkeeperBut, then again I do use a snow pic for background even now and then when it's summer here... cheeper than using the air conditioner16:40
sithlord48i can never get snow to work w/o changing the default key combo too..16:40
sithlord48Realmkeeper: i can't even get it to work atm16:42
RealmkeeperAh, key combos. I have 9 virtual desktops, and changed the shortcuts to Ctrl+1,2,3...9. Hoping no program in the future uses them.16:42
RealmkeeperThe Meta (win) key is MINE! Annoyingly, Amarok decided that it could start to use a Meta+ combo... LEAVE MY Meta key alone! :P16:44
sithlord48i have media keys :) and a music note button that starts amarok16:46
RealmkeeperAh, but you might find that Amarok uses Meta+1, Meta+2, etc. to change tracks/songs16:47
sithlord48i have never tried those combos..16:48
sithlord48bluedevil looks promising too16:48
sithlord48maybe this time around i can get my bluetooth headset to work correctly ..16:49
Realmkeeperthat is great to here... bluetooth just didn't work well at all for me before.16:49
sithlord48there is a "bluetooh" place in the dolphins places now..16:49
RealmkeeperKept having to, gulp, use the Gnome one.16:49
sithlord48and i have not used it w/ nething yet..16:49
sithlord48blueman.. yea me too ..16:49
sithlord48Realmkeeper: this is so far looking good, devices can be scaned for in dolphin, by clicking the bluetooth place..16:51
RealmkeeperIt's so weird, one computer has 3.5 on it and the other has 4.4 on it... and I pray every day that I get all my programs (Quanta, especially) back plus the stability of 3.5 back.16:51
sithlord48i have not had to many issues w/ unstable kde programs since 4.3 (sept for kdebluetooth and knetwork)16:52
sithlord48oh and KpackageKit, but i don't use that, lately i have been using muon (before that synaptic and mostly apt-get)16:53
BluesKajI prefer aptitude but synaptic still works for me as an app reference16:54
sithlord48i mostly use apt-get and synaptic when im not sure , but now muon has been filling my needs from synaptic16:55
RealmkeeperI've read that KpackageKit has improvements... is muon better than the up-to-date KpackageKit?16:55
sithlord48my Gf uses it on her, laptop about 2 weeks, now..16:56
sithlord48i like muon , its in the maveric repos.. but you have to preview changes, since it don't tell you the dependcies,, (i really dislike how it don't)16:56
sithlord48try it out..16:57
RealmkeeperBluesKaj: I had to look it up on the net. :)16:58
Realmkeepersithlord48: the screen shots of it look kinda similar to KPackageKit.16:58
sithlord48muon is rather new. maybe a month or  two out..16:58
BluesKajRealmkeeper, some strnage results when I google-linuxed  muon16:58
BluesKajer strange16:59
sithlord48similar yes.16:59
sithlord48some where between synaptic and kpackage kit16:59
RealmkeeperBluesKaj: http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/16:59
sithlord48new kpackagekit in maverick is more like the ubuntu software center now17:00
Realmkeepersithlord48: Yea, I've heard that KpackageKit had some great updates done.17:01
RealmkeeperThat's why I wonder if it's not better than your muon, now.17:02
sithlord48idk i have not used it17:05
sithlord48i have also disabled it ability to look for updates automaticly17:05
sithlord48Realmkeeper: nice talking to u but i  gtg.. perhaps i will ttu some other time17:08
Realmkeeperokay, see ya, sithlord4817:09
Scherenhaendenhi everyboy17:09
Realmkeeperis there a 'd' in there, Scherenhaenden?17:09
ScherenhaendenRealmkeeper: hey dude... i didnt get what u say17:10
Scherenhaendenim having troubles to read the cds17:10
Scherenhaendeni dont know why17:10
Realmkeeper[02:05] <Scherenhaenden> hi everyboy... everyboy -> everybody17:10
Scherenhaendenmy machine doesnt wanna read the cds... but is not hardware... is a software problem17:11
Scherenhaendenohhh right... everybody17:11
ScherenhaendenXD hey everyboy n everygirl XD!!17:11
Realmkeepercan't leave the girls out17:11
macoyoud better not be leavin us out17:11
Scherenhaendenu right... the girl are important... really more than the others XD17:12
RealmkeeperI would NEVER leave you out, maco.17:12
* Realmkeeper shakes head at Scherenhaenden17:12
Scherenhaendenim writting really ugly :S17:12
Scherenhaendenoh whats da mean?17:13
Scherenhaendensomeknows how could i read my cds n dvds?17:14
RealmkeeperScherenhaenden: are you using 10.10?17:15
Scherenhaenden :$... yeah17:15
RealmkeeperOh, great... I had that problem in 10.04 and was hoping it would have been fixed in 10.10. :/17:16
Scherenhaendeni have problems with the sound...17:16
Scherenhaendeni had ubuntu 9.10... i upgraded this machine... nothing... upgraded again... nothing :S:S:S:S17:17
RealmkeeperIn the end I just installed Mandriva.17:17
BluesKajmuon looks interesting, the layout makes easy access17:17
Scherenhaendenu r on the false place dude XD17:19
RealmkeeperScherenhaenden: Me? No, I like and prefer KDE, that's why I always try out Kubuntu when I new version comes out. But, thus far none have worked all that well.17:20
RealmkeeperI'll give 10.10 a try, too, but I think I'll wait a few day for all the loose ends (final bugs) to be ironed out.17:21
RealmkeeperIt's KDE I like, so which ever distro implements it the best is the one I use.17:24
RealmkeeperWith the new overlords of Mandriva stating that Mandriva will get back to being KDE centric, Kubuntu 'might' have some stiff competition.17:25
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LeoTheCommAfternoon all17:53
LeoTheCommI'm running Karmic and am using synaptic to try to install Quanta Plus. Keep running into a depend error and I'm not sure how to resolve it17:57
HoellPhello everyone17:58
HoellPi need help with my audio setup17:58
will_1987LeoTheComm: What does the depend error say?17:59
HoellPeverytime i reboot i manually have to open alsamixer and reset "line as output" for the rear speakers to work17:59
LeoTheComm  Depends: kfilereplace-kde3 (=4:3.5.10-0ubuntu4) but 4:3.5.12-0ubuntu6+r1107611 is to be installed17:59
LeoTheComm  Depends: klinkstatus-kde3 (=4:3.5.10-0ubuntu4) but 4:3.5.12-0ubuntu6+r1107611 is to be installed17:59
LeoTheComm  Depends: kommander-kde3 (=4:3.5.10-0ubuntu4) but 4:3.5.12-0ubuntu6+r1107611 is to be installed17:59
LeoTheComm Recommends: kxsldbg (=4:3.5.10-0ubuntu4) but it is not installable17:59
FloodBotK2LeoTheComm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
LeoTheCommSo it wants to overwrite but needs the old one18:00
HoellPhow can i set it permanently?18:00
LeoTheCommI've searched this out and have found no resolution18:00
lennart_anyone has some good idea of splitting up a really long html line to multiple lines in bash?18:04
orbitalcommandive installed openvpn with GDebi and again with KPackageKit in Kubuntu.  but the openvpn executable is not global.  how do i make it so?  thru a diff install argument?18:04
orbitalcommandanyone know the answer to my question above?18:19
zeltakhya does anyone know if when doing a dist-upgrade to mavrick id your support to get pulse or not?18:25
v3nd3tta``#ubuntu+1 for sure18:30
BluesKajzeltak, yes maverick uses pulseaudio as default in phonon , it may only show your soundcard because it's a hidden soundserver18:31
zeltakmmm so  the pauv etc should work right?18:31
zeltakmmm the pulseserver is not installed i see18:34
zeltakhow can one tell if i got pulse intalled during the upgrade then..i dont seem it did18:43
goodnightviennaantone here18:51
cobra-the-joker_hey guys ... what KDE version will kubuntu 10.10 have ?18:52
will_19874.5.1 with 4.5.2 in the kubuntu ppa iirc18:53
orbitalcommandhi goodnightvienna18:53
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goodnightviennacan anyone tell me why transmission dies when i attempt to down load a 2gb or larger?19:01
orbitalcommanddo you know which are apt-compatible: gdebi? kpackagekit? packager? (sp?)19:01
orbitalcommandgoodnightvienna: my friend had a similar problem.  he updated his drivers for his NIC19:02
orbitalcommandand it resolved the issue19:02
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goodnightviennaah... right19:13
goodnightviennaits anon old crappy laptop...19:14
goodnightviennaan old19:14
goodnightviennaill have a look round19:14
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/19:15
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
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orbitalcommandanyone have a good kubuntu wifi setup tutorial19:51
geekosopheris it out?20:07
phoenix_geekosopher: 10.10?20:12
geekosopherphoenix_: yes, is it released20:12
phoenix_geekosopher: the website says so20:12
phoenix_geekosopher: i cant get the upgrade20:14
geekosopherbut the download page still gives 10.0420:14
phoenix_geekosopher: ya. the alert in the webpage may be a countdown script20:16
phoenix_geekosopher: the fellows in ubuntu+1 says its not out20:17
sresuDoes Meerkat include KDE client for UbuntuOne?20:20
tnt_geekospher:  I think the release date is 10 October-Sunday20:20
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Dimazaur[IL]hi, can anyone help?20:20
Walzmyn!ask | Dimazaur[IL]20:20
ubottuDimazaur[IL]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:20
Dimazaur[IL]my kubuntu wont mount my iphone, y is that?20:20
geekosophertnt_: it is 10/10/10 here20:21
=== ubuntu is now known as pigton
tnt_o, ok sorry - Im in SA :020:22
MadSteini have a question20:22
MadSteincan any one tell me where i can edit the right click menu20:22
MadSteini want konsole on it any one?20:22
Dimazaur[IL]and another q: is there something for kubuntu like software center in ubuntu?20:22
MadSteinstill i use synaptic20:23
pigtonhow do you add servers to konversation?20:23
bigbrovarI have some questions about kubuntu 10.10 is this the best place to ask?20:23
Dimazaur[IL]synaptic is complicated20:23
MadSteinits realy easy to work with20:23
pigtonit will be out tommorow im guessing20:23
sp1408what time will it be out exactly?20:23
pigtonubuntu 10.10.10 binary for 4220:23
Dimazaur[IL]my kubuntu wont mount my iphone, y is that?20:23
MadSteinok any one knows how to add konsole to the right click menu?20:23
geekosopherbigbrovar: its not released yet, so you may want to ask it at #ubuntu+120:24
Walzmynsynaptic is the awesome20:24
pigtonon the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10 year of the 21st century20:24
bigbrovarok thanks20:24
pigtona cultural reference to h2g220:24
Dimazaur[IL]does anyone knows how to automount iphone?20:24
MadSteinplease any one ??20:25
pigtonMadStein: whats the problem?20:25
MadSteinhello :)20:25
sp1408Dimazaur[IL]: try sudo lsusb and see if it's listed20:25
MadSteini want to ad konsole to the right click menu20:25
MadSteinhelp me out mate20:25
pigtonorite, have you tryed googleing it?20:26
MadSteini did it seems that the right click context is hard coded but i duno if its true20:26
MadSteini saw a thread saying to go to kontrol or thing but there is none20:26
MadSteinim used to gnome not this20:26
Dimazaur[IL]spl1408: yes it is20:26
pigtonwell if thats so, it will probably be worth too much effort trying to20:27
MadSteinand my system is a wierd hybrid20:27
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MadSteinhow so?20:27
Dimazaur[IL]sp1408 : yes it is20:27
pigtoni use windows more than *nix20:27
MadSteinhave u ever edited your right context?20:27
MadSteinoh i see20:27
MadSteini use win to on school autocad20:27
MadSteinSystem:    Host madstein-laptop Kernel 2.6.32-25-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 10 Julia20:27
MadSteinim runing a crazy system here eh!20:28
pigtongetting into linux the live distro way. always useful to know20:28
Dimazaur[IL]sp1408, u there?20:28
pigtoni used autocad at school before. it was fun20:28
MadSteini dont like it lol20:28
MadSteinkinda boring20:28
pigtonye, trudat20:28
MadSteini spent more time playing flash games lol20:28
pigtonpain in the arse if you get wrong20:29
pigtonyeah, thats what we did all the time20:29
MadSteinmore easy to patch it then to do plants correctly huhauha20:29
pigtonits why my whole class failed it20:29
sp1408Dimazaur[IL]: I'm currently googling20:29
MadSteinim insane20:29
Dimazaur[IL]i tried googling :(20:29
pigtonteacher was shit and lt us play games all lessons20:29
sp1408Dimazaur[IL]: I have a similar problem with my sony walkman :P Just wanted to check if you have the same thing as me20:30
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway
pigtonhey MadStein where you from?20:30
pigtonah, thought so20:30
MadSteini know bad english20:30
MadSteinfreenode is not giving me a kloack or cloack idk thats why i avoi this server20:31
Dimazaur[IL]so, anyone knows how to mount iphone?20:31
pigtontry pluggin it in20:32
Dimazaur[IL]why didnt i think of it?????20:32
pigtoni plugged mine in, and it worked a treat20:32
MadSteinor turn the bluetooth on20:32
nascentmindHi. I am not able to see my multimedia device hda-intel in the multimedia section of system settings. How do I set this up?20:33
nascentmindI am using maverick20:33
pigtoni love how theres bluetooth options on ubuntu20:33
Dimazaur[IL]i dont see the iphone on dolphin20:33
pigtonlike on xp, you have to go thru aload of crap or plug in the device20:33
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
sresuHow to open .shs file?20:35
MadSteincat file.shs20:36
MadSteinshould print the output20:36
MadSteinpeeps im out sya :)20:36
sresuMadStein: Let me try20:36
MadSteinwath r u trying to do ?20:37
MadSteinoh the shs file20:37
sresuMadStein: I only want to open .shs file20:37
sresuYeah :)20:37
MadSteinrun it ?20:37
MadSteinright click the file on permission set it as executable20:38
MadSteinthen open a console go to where it is and type in20:38
MadSteinbut i never saw an shs file to lol20:38
pigtonanyone knoe any good wireless tools apart from aircrack?20:39
MadSteinpig wath r u trying to do20:39
sp1408Dimazaur[IL]: you won't get anywhere by shouting20:40
sp1408calm down and google up on using dmesg20:41
Dimazaur[IL]igoogled for 2 days20:41
sp1408I tried to load the module manually by using sudo modprobe20:41
sp1408but dmesg gives me this weird error20:42
sp1408 USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd gvfs-gphoto2-vo rqt 192 rq 1 len 1000 ret -11020:42
sp1408Dimazaur[IL]: yeah,that's life on Kubuntu (Linux,in general)20:42
bigbrovargeekosopher: guess I would have to wait till tmr to ask my question then. The ubuntu+1 channel is full of ubuntu users. My kubuntu question was just drowned out.20:43
MadSteinpigton try packeth20:44
sresu_Its an .shs file and NOT .sh file20:44
geekosopherbigbrovar: :(20:44
geekosopherbigbrovar: what is the question anyway, we might as well know the answer here20:45
MadSteinsresu idk20:46
MadSteinany way i have to go bbl20:46
bigbrovarwell kopete seems to hang and stop working if I close th app window and I have no chat window running. Normally it should continue to run in the background accesible from the indicator plamoid. But that is not the case. I would need to kill the process and start kopete again to be able to use it.20:48
bigbrovargeekosopher: it seem to be a bug? cus I can always reproduce it everytime20:48
bigbrovarthis is a clean install of kubuntu 10.10 with all the updates installed20:48
geekosopherbigbrovar: it sure sounds like a bug with indicator applet... I think you should go ahead and file it (not before searching for similar bugs first) :)20:51
bigbrovarcool I would do that. Just wanted to know if it was a known issue. Thanks :)20:51
geekosopherbigbrovar: always welcome20:52
pigtonanyone kow any wifi tools for ubuntu21:05
tsimpsonpigton: watch your language in here21:05
pigtonapart from aircrack21:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:05
pigtonwhat ya gonna do21:06
tsimpsonexcuse me?21:06
pigtonuse the banhammer21:06
pigtonwhere i come from 'shit' is the least vulgar word you can come up with21:07
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ubuntuanyone knows a notepad++ version for ubuntu?21:20
tsimpsonubuntu: notepad++ is just an "advanced" text editor, try kate (pre-installed on Kubuntu) or gedit (pre-installed on Ubuntu)21:22
tsimpsonafail, those do all the things that notepad++ does21:22
Tm_Ttsimpson: he is gone already (:21:23
tsimpsonI should restrict myself to one channel at a time after 9pm21:23
unbeato hai21:25
Machtinuhm.. let's say i consider buying a notebook on which i want to install linux, any preferences in brand?21:25
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unbeatdont you mean distro?21:30
unbeatmendred, hows virgin for you?21:33
mendredunbeat: fast :)22:02
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ResearchCan i download kubuntu 10.10 final?22:25
Rolandhow to make kmail start automatically at login minimized?22:35
PhilRodRoland: kstart would do that in kde3. Not sure about kde 422:39
* PhilRod is very behind the times22:39
PhilRodkstart --iconify kmail22:39
PhilRodand put that in a shell script in ~/.kde/env, I think22:40
Riddellhi PhilRod, haven't seen you around in a while22:40
RolandPhilRod: it still stay's in the app selecor22:42
Rolandit should start in system tray only22:42
PhilRodRiddell: yeah, haven't had the time and inclination for any kde work in a long time. Unfortunately it's too much like my day job22:43
PhilRodRoland: try --skiptaskbar. Also take a look in "kstart --help" for details of the kstart options22:43
PhilRodoh, and --tosystray22:44
RiddellPhilRod: I were looking at the KDE GB membership recently to formalise who's in and who's not before we register as a charity.  do you want to be in or out?22:44
PhilRodfor the purposes of anything official, probably better to leave me out22:45
PhilRodRiddell: I'd like to stay on the mailing list though22:46
RiddellPhilRod: that's what we thought22:46
PhilRodoh also I live in america now, which probably excludes me anyway22:48
* PhilRod can't believe that only just occurred to him22:48
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geneiroshi there everyone...23:07
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=== garry is now known as kaolbrec
n8wive updated to 10.10RC but it doesnt give me any options to upgrade to the final rls23:35
dmattn8w: because it is not released yet23:37
n8wdmatt:  ye?hows that possible?23:38
n8wdmatt:  its 0:3823:38
dmattit is released some time DURING 10.10.1023:39
dmattand it is not 10.10.10 in lots of countries yet :)23:39
phoenix_dmatt: they are testing the iso, they got some bugs23:40
dmattanyway, it will be released when release manager says so, last time with lucid it was around 12 o'clock i think23:42
n8wdmatt:  ye lets see23:43
Ubuntu-LinuXhello guys. when would the ultimate edition 2.8 released?23:50
bazhangUbuntu-LinuX, no idea, as these channels dont support "ultimate"23:52
Ubuntu-LinuXahhhh ok.23:53
Ubuntu-LinuXbazhang is it possible to install plants vs zombies in ubuntu 10.4 LTS? coz my cousin want it installedd in his computer23:54
harolddongUsing ubuntuone-kde, I can't get it to show me the "add this computer" page.  I had it set up before but now that I've reinstalled it with the latest packages from the ubuntuone-kde ppa its not completing setup23:58

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