
intraderAnyone, brasero has Segmentation fault and I can do apport on account of lack of memory for report.00:22
penguin42intrader: Did you try moving the gconf files out of the way for it?00:23
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=== Guest53252 is now known as HarryS
ryokeathoughts on maverick? thinking about downloading a copy to test out in a VM00:33
head_victimryanakca: working well for me over the couple of weeks. I've had several different setups in VMs since alphas00:34
head_victimryokea: ^ sorry ryanakca00:34
TDoubleDgwho here has the final release?00:34
ryokeahead_victim: it's alright. good to hear it is working well. will have to set a disc aside for the final release in a few days then00:35
bazhangTDoubleDg, no one00:35
head_victimTDoubleDg: Doesn't exist yet.00:35
bazhangTDoubleDg, join the release party to wait for it00:36
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/00:36
head_victimryokea: or a usb if you can boot off them00:36
ryokeahead_victim: yea, that is a viable option. just loaned out my drive to a friend though and don't have the cash to pick up another gig drive. i have a few CD-RWs handy though00:37
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/00:37
head_victimryokea: ah k well that will do just fine then.00:38
ryokeahead_victim: yea, it is how i installed 10.04. actually used to have a copy of 9.10 on a usb drive up until i needed the drive for other purposes00:38
head_victimryokea: I actually used a USB persistent install on 10.10 for a few weeks on the wife's pc when the hdd failed before I could get another one.00:39
aljosai'm running maverick on imac (mid 2010) and i have no sound, any ideas?00:39
aljosacard: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)00:39
ryokeahead_victim: oh? nice. if my external hard drive still worked i would still have my persistent usb install as well. the drive failed. luckily it was mostly just a backup drive00:40
edgyaljosa: did you check alsamixer?00:41
aljosaedgy:  "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory "00:41
supremoaljosa: your sound chip's module is not loaded00:42
TDoubleDgOk, next question...... I'm a small business IT consultant. Generally, I set people up with 2K8 Server, primarily because of Active Directory. I would like to be able to sell a Linux solution in place of Windows. I think Ubuntu is the distro I want, butI can't find any good resources on setting up a simple server with LDAP/SAMBA type services integrated00:42
edgyaljosa: then report the bug at #alsa channel or to their mailing list. i also have a similar problem reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/642230 but no one helped  yet00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 642230 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Realtek ALC888 recognized as having 2 channels instead of 8" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:42
edgyaljosa: actually after upgrading alsa the card disappeared00:43
supremomy sound chip can eat 6ch sound by nature without issues00:44
supremoi was surprised when i played a movie which has 6ch sound00:44
supremointel hda is the future!00:45
aljosasupremo: open hardware is the future but it's far away 8-)00:46
supremohigh define audio00:46
supremoi don't need to downmix 4/5.1/7.1ch to 2ch, like alsamixer with ac9700:47
supremomy sound chip eats dolby00:48
TDoubleDgso.... HDA replaces ALSA?00:48
TDoubleDgits a software / driver / library or something?00:49
supremothere is no alsa on ubuntu, it's emulated by pulseaudio00:49
TDoubleDgI havn't been doing linux in like a year, so i'm slighly behind00:49
supremoyou should output your sounds to pulse as possible00:49
supremopulse has some special features00:49
TDoubleDgwell, i guess if i'm using the distro, I'm using it in the first place00:50
* supremo has golden sound settings now00:50
jmichaelxsince upgrading to maverick, the letters in the menu bar in firefox are all black... and therefore impossible to see with a huge percentage of personas. is there any way to change this?00:50
yofeler... pulseaudio is a sound mixer that uses alsa for hardware access, and iirc HDA was a group of audio drivers00:51
TDoubleDgSo...... HDA is just a driver... and not the future?00:52
supremoi have known that pulse is designed for hd audio00:53
supremopulse is better than esd00:53
TDoubleDgand intel's HDA is the driver for the generic intel sound chip that comes on most motherboards?00:53
supremo(of course, you have to fix the bugs made by ubuntu developers)00:54
jmichaelxsupremo: which are often numerous00:54
yofeljmichaelx: probably the same here, but as I use a dark theme for KDE and a light theme for gtk I have white text on light-grey backround in ffx menus, well, just the main menu, the actual menu entries are fine00:54
supremonowadays, all mobos has hda00:54
yofelwell, more specifically, it's a specification http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_High_Definition_Audio00:54
TDoubleDgdigg it00:55
supremoi know what the hda is...00:55
TDoubleDgoh, ok, so it's the new AC'9700:55
TDoubleDggot it00:55
TDoubleDgnuff said00:55
supremoin fact, most hda chips is upto 192khz/24bit for now00:56
jmichaelxis anyone else having problems with intel HD and skipping audio? I am having this problem since upgrading to maverick... playing audio in amarok, the audio stops for a second or more, once every several minutes00:56
TDoubleDgThat's cool00:56
jmichaelxty, yofel00:56
yofeljmichaelx: haven't yet found out what's wrong though :/00:57
supremoin hda spec, it sound be 192khz/32bit at least00:57
pecosplease tell which is the Maverick release test chat channel, thank you00:57
jmichaelxyofel: are you also experiencing the skipping problem?00:57
yofelpecos: this one, for support and discussion at least, idle chatter is #ubuntu-offtopic00:57
TDoubleDgtoo bad it's not the future though00:57
penguin42jmichaelx: It's been fine in Exaile on Gnome for me00:57
TDoubleDgyou had it all talked up00:57
yofeljmichaelx: not that, no00:58
pecosyofel: thank00:58
jmichaelxpenguin42: this could be a problem with kubuntu's implementation of pule.... not sure. i did not have this problem until the upgrade00:58
veeif cairo.dock has black edges around everything is it opengl trouble?00:58
jmichaelximplementation of pulseaudio*00:59
penguin42jmichaelx: Any stuff in /var/log/user.log (which is where pulse stuff ends up)00:59
supremopulse is not perfect at the moment01:01
supremobut it's ready to use01:01
supremothis is my thought after tweaks01:02
pecosI have a flash problem on a pc after upgrade to Maverick flash video after a while are chopping no problem on Lucid what i can do, the pc have not heavy load01:02
jmichaelxpenguin42: not seeing much of anything useful there, i may tail it while playing music, and see if something shows up the next timei get his pause01:02
jmichaelxyofel: using gtk-chtheme, seemingly no selection i make (so far) has any effect on the color of the letters in the FF menu letters01:06
yofelhm, no idea, maybe I'll play around with this tomorrow, need some sleep for now, good night01:07
jmichaelxgood night01:08
dorkfaceSo, when meerkat is released, to go from RC to final, I still have to do a "apt-get dist-upgrade" rather than just "apt-get upgrade", correct?01:09
BUGabundodorkface: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade01:09
BUGabundo!update | dorkface01:10
ubottudorkface: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:10
Jordan_Udorkface: I would be surprised if the kind of dependancy breakage that normally makes that required would still exist in the RC. So no.01:10
jmichaelxdoes this indicate a pulseaudio problem?: Oct  8 20:13:42 ubuntu-dell pulseaudio[1773]: ratelimit.c: 19 events suppressed01:20
supremoit doesn't matter if you can sync your audio and video01:21
supremoand get clear sounds01:21
supremogood luck if your mouse doesn't get mad01:23
jmichaelxsupremo: [if you were responding to me] it's just that my audio is pauing for a second or two every several minutes01:23
supremowhen you are playing a local mp3?01:28
jmichaelxsupremo: yes01:37
coz_jmichaelx,  almost like a cut out of audio?01:38
jmichaelxgrrrrrr, i am trying to change the color of the text for the menu bar in FF.... for some reason the letters in maverick are now black. even if i change the userChrome.css entry for the menu bar, it reverts back each time FF is restarted01:38
jmichaelxcoz_: yes.... i just rebooted a few minutes ago, and so far it has not happened again..... however, it was quite infrequent... once every 5-10 minutes... but enough to be very annoying01:39
coz_jmichaelx,  I have seen this on both lucid and maverick...a pulseaudo issue I am convinced01:39
jmichaelxcoz_: likely so01:39
jmichaelxcoz_:  this is with intel HD audio01:39
coz_jmichaelx,  I get this on occasion on the machine with maverick installed...however on this machine i compiled the alsa driver for my specific ard and have no issues at all01:40
coz_specific "card"  not ard01:40
jmichaelxcoz_: i may be forced to do the same.... if i have more issues, i am removing pulseaudio. pulseaudio did work just fine on this system in lucid, though01:40
coz_jmichaelx,  well on maverick , pulseaudio is pretty well imbedded onto the system01:41
coz_I dont think removing it would do any good at all01:41
coz_jmichaelx,  however a compiling of alsa driver  lib and firmware...<< 3 packages   should work01:41
jmichaelxcoz_: yes, it is.... but i am primarily a KDE user... if i remove pulseaudio, it may just mean also removing gnome01:41
coz_jmichaelx,  ah ok01:42
coz_jmichaelx,  right on kde I believe it is phonon yes?01:42
mgunesyou don't have to remove pulseaudio to disable it01:42
jmichaelxcoz_: that is how it is supposed to be (and how it was under lucid), but in maverick, there is no such selection to be made in phonon01:42
supremoiirc, the pulse is run in userspace01:42
coz_jmichaelx,  oh ok01:43
supremothis is not like esd in the past01:43
jmichaelxleave it to the kubuntu devs01:43
coz_jmichaelx,  well i fyou decide to attempt compiling alsa you must find the correct name of your card according to how also sees it01:44
jmichaelxty mgunes01:44
coz_jmichaelx, the command for alsa driver would be  ./configure --with-cards=nameof your card  --with-oss=yesor no --with-sequencer=yes01:44
jmichaelxahh, will make note of that, coz_01:45
coz_jmichaelx,  I have a link specific to my card you could use as reference hold on01:45
coz_jmichaelx,     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia01:46
jmichaelxcoz_: so far i have not had this problem since rebooting01:46
jmichaelxmy fingers are crossed01:46
coz_jmichaelx,  I have the layla24  so for my card the one part of the command is  --with-cards=layla2401:46
coz_jmichaelx,  but I do know you will need to know alsa's reference to your card for that01:46
jmichaelxcoz_: BOOKMARKED01:46
jmichaelxsorry for the caps01:47
coz_jmichaelx,  I would also go to #alsa channel as well ...I would guess they have some troubleshooting approaches I dont now of :)01:47
jmichaelxcoz_: right now i am blissfully hoping that rebooting magically fixed something01:48
coz_jmichaelx,   fingers crossed then :)01:48
jmichaelxand still mad about the black letters in the FF menu bar....01:48
supremoblack letters?01:49
jmichaelxmaybe 'annoyed' would be stating things more accurately, but cannot fix this01:49
jmichaelxsupremo: yeah, sine the upgrade today, the menu letters in FF are black... and unreadable with many many personas01:50
supremoin fact, the default layout of ff on ubuntu is quite good01:51
supremoi don't even need my golden custom settings for ff01:51
jmichaelxsupremo: i use kubuntu, and i have seen that conflicts between gnome and KDE, when both are installed, have been gradually increasing in number01:51
supremonothing can't be hidden in the .mozilla01:52
jmichaelxprobably another issue with kubuntu implementations.... lots of gnome settings bleeding into kubuntu. did not used to be this way... at least not this much01:52
jmichaelxsupremo: i had edited the userChrome.css in .mozilla, but the changes i make revert back upon restarting FF01:53
supremoi edited more files, i just don't need them so sar01:54
supremoso far01:54
jmichaelxsupremo: i have no idea how to straighten this out, small issue, but quite annoying. i have the same issue in FF on a laptop running kde on fedora 13... and that is not gnome-related, as gnome is not installed there. hmm....01:56
supremoi replaced default fonts with my private 1337 fonts01:57
supremoeverything is clear as crystal01:57
supremoclear and sharp01:58
jmichaelxsupremo: my problem is that i do not want to make a system-wide change.... i just want to fix this issue in FF only01:58
supremoi know, your small fonts are blurred01:59
supremoi don't have this issue01:59
jmichaelxvery very very annoying02:00
jmichaelxsupremo: just this menu bar text color issue.... can't seem to fix it02:02
supremoyou can use custom fonts for that02:02
supremobut i doubt it can help you with ubuntu's poor fonts02:03
supremoespecially, you are not just using english02:03
jmichaelxsupremo: well, i know how to make system-wide changes, but how could i change this specific font? there is a .css file for it, but it reverts back to what was there before i made my edits02:03
jmichaelxsupremo: i don't just use english, but it's what i use 95% of the time02:04
supremoi hope i could tell you in details02:04
supremoi have to recall my old settings somewhere02:05
supremoha ha02:05
* supremo copied golden userChrome.css and userContent.css to someone02:08
jmichaelxsupremo: like i said, it does not allow me to modify the userChrome.css :-(02:11
supremoapparmor something?02:12
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jmichaelxsupremo: maybe, i don't know02:13
rusty2hey guys, i updated to 10.10 and have some weird performance issues02:13
supremosuch as, super-high cpu usage when you are playing audio and video?02:14
rusty2supremo, if you're talking to me that sounds exactly right, actually02:14
rusty2some other weird stuff, too02:15
supremomy cpu usage is zero in most time, and it's 34c02:15
supremoit's too hot i think02:15
rusty2i'm seeing high CPU usage most of the time on the panel monitor, but when i check top or System Monitor it shows 0%...02:15
jmichaelxsupremo: some CPUs do run like that02:16
* supremo fixed most annoying bugs02:16
coz_rusty2,  sounds like the panel applet may be buggy02:16
supremoi don't think so. i have a bunch of sensors on the taskbar02:17
coz_rusty2,  you say this is an upgrade and not a clean install? ...yes?02:17
rusty2coz_, that's correct02:17
coz_rusty2,  and you are using system monitor applet in gnome panel?02:18
rusty2coz_, yes02:18
supremoi have gnome-sensors-applet too02:18
coz_rusty2,  one thing I might try is opening synaptic and reinstalling that applet02:18
rusty2i'm less worried about the panel showing high usage than videos playing choppy on my i7 92002:18
rusty2coz_, will try02:19
coz_russjr08,  do you have all the codecs installed? and which media player are you using?02:19
rusty2mplayer, but flash videos are also slower i believe02:19
area51pilotis there a way to revert back to a specific point in time on the system?02:19
intraderAnyone, brasero has Segmentation fault and I can do apport on account of lack of memory for report.02:19
supremorusty2: i can decode a movie with 4 threads, and it doesn't even rise the p-state02:20
rusty2(p-state?)  movies played great before this upgrade02:20
supremocpu p-states02:21
coz_area51pilot,  not unless you have backed up with something like  back in time or one of those applications02:21
area51pilotI have a problem loading GIMP and other packages, the system says it can repair, but when the option is selected in bounces back to the same dialog box. It say I cant installl the same package at the same time and that there are dependancies that need to be resolved.02:21
area51pilotcoz_: thx02:21
coz_area51pilot,  sudo apt-get install -f02:21
coz_area51pilot, are you installing gimp from a ppa?02:22
area51pilotfrom the software center02:22
coz_area51pilot,  mm  I would suggest opening synaptic   ...hit search...type gimp  or which ever package  and go from there02:22
supremoi only trust the official repos so far02:22
area51pilotcoz_: OK ...been doing that and trying to uninstall 1 X 1\02:23
coz_area51pilot,  yeah I would trust synaptic more than software center...at least for a long while02:23
area51pilotI do have issues not being able to uninstall as well02:24
supremoi guess, the ubuntu software center is the future02:24
supremoit will take over everything in the future i guess02:24
coz_supremo,  most likely and unfortunate... synaptic will eventually be gone at least from default install02:24
supremomy synaptic is there since beginning02:25
rusty2oh, another issue is that eth0 now shows 'no link'...02:25
area51pilotOK ... well no it seems I cant remove any packages???02:26
coz_rusty2,  yikes... download the cd ...burn it at 1x  and clean install :)02:26
SeRVeR01hey all  is there any way to connect my headphone and speaker @ the same time  I got Realtek HD audio02:26
rusty2coz_, was afraid of that, will do.  the upgrade was actually a little botched from a power outage in the middle, but it's not showing broken packages or anything currently02:26
coz_rusty2,  ooo   did you try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:27
rusty2just can't get any idea what's actually wrong02:27
supremohaha, i am lucky again02:27
* supremo is lucky for years02:28
coz_rusty2,   I have used ubuntu from day one... I have never recommended upgrades over clean installs... I have done both and upgrades more often fail  somehow than succeed02:29
rusty2coz_, yeah, thanks02:29
supremois the 10.10 next product of 9.04 team?02:31
supremoi am curious who they are...02:31
Ian_corneso close to release I can smell it!02:32
supremoless than 2 days i think02:32
supremothere is a countdown everywhere02:32
* supremo hates october 1002:33
magikidI don't usually play around with RCs but does much usually change between RC and Final Release?02:33
supremomagikid: it's like a half-finish boat made of wood02:34
magikidok, just got a new desktop and debating waiting or just going with 10.0402:35
IdleOnesupremo: Please be helpful02:35
magikidIdleOne, eh, it was helpful enough02:36
IdleOnemagikid: RC is pretty much what the Final release is going to be with some last minute updates02:37
magikidIf I install the RC would I have to wipe it for the final or just update through synaptic?02:38
Ken8521woot, no new upgrades03:37
neclimdulI'm having a problem where after updating to ubuntu 10.10, my wired connection doesn't work and my wireless is terrible04:41
neclimdulhaving trouble finding any bugs or suggestions on how to fix it though. anyone have any suggestions?04:41
Ken8521hm,hadn't heard that one before.04:42
neclimdulwired connection does show up, just won't connect. e100e(dell e6400 laptop)04:43
neclimduland by terrible wireless, it drops in and out and has ~1sec ping(which makes this typing over ssh misserable)04:45
neclimduleven more interesting, when i dock it at work, the dock ethernet is fine04:47
kionI am experiencing a problem, from time to time the system takes me back to the login page and all work or open applications get lost04:48
kionthis is my log04:48
kionACPI Exception: AE_TIME, Returned by Handler for [EmbeddedControl] (20100428/evregion-474)04:48
kionOct  8 22:33:25 M15x kernel: [ 1823.129014] ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT0.UBST] (Node ffff88013363eb40), AE_TIME04:48
kionOct  8 22:33:25 M15x kernel: [ 1823.129298] ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT0._BST] (Node ffff88013363eb00), AE_TIME04:48
kionOct  8 22:33:25 M15x kernel: [ 1823.129558] ACPI Exception: AE_TIME, Evaluating _BST (20100428/battery-439)04:48
kionI guess it is related to bug # 29397004:49
FFForeverHow can I figure out what is wrong with my sound? It plays music but every few seconds there is an issue and it plays a small clip from the screw up a moment layer while the song is still playing05:00
lucentFFForever: you there?05:22
sol1tudehow can i write 10.10 to usb flash disk from windows?05:27
sol1tudeultraiso doesnt works, but it worked for 10.04, 9.10 and others05:28
Buffcns2sol1tude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:30
sol1tudeusb creator doesnt works under windows 705:31
bazhangsol1tude, what about unetbootin05:32
sol1tudei tried it but all i have is black screen when booting from usb05:33
bazhangsounds like a bad 'burn'05:33
bazhangmd5 the ubuntu iso and try again05:33
sol1tudethe only way was ultraiso app, but for 10.10 it doesnt works - now i have message like "preparing to boot from usb..." and it freezes05:34
sol1tudeok, i will download ubuntu again and check it05:34
lucentsol1tude: in MS Vista the protect-you-from-yourself feature needed disabling05:35
bazhangI'd try the md5 and re-'burn'; sometimes takes me a couple of 'burns' to get it right05:35
lucentI suspect this continues in MS WinVII05:35
sol1tudewhat is protect-you-from-yourself feature ?05:35
lucentuser access controls something or other05:35
lucentthe feature that makes everything broken, thats not a joke, I've seen it in action on MS Vista05:36
sol1tudei use burning apps with administrator rights of course05:36
lucentsol1tude: let's go back a little bit, this is not a Windows support forum, so what are you wanting to do with Ubuntu?05:37
bazhangboot from usb05:38
sol1tudetrying to make usb bootable disk05:38
sol1tudei do it so many times for almost all versions of ubuntu, but for 10.10 i cant05:38
lucentah, that is something I have done on both platforms Ubuntu and Win Tenpee05:38
sol1tudei cant boot it*05:38
lucentwhat usb device is it?  brand/size05:39
sol1tudea-data usb flash drive 4gb05:39
sol1tudeot kingston data traveller, i have both05:40
lucentokay, have you been able to make either of these bootable - with any software05:40
lucentnot pertaining to Ubuntu, just tell me if you have and what it was you were able to boot on them05:40
sol1tudeyes i boot from them many times05:41
sol1tudefor example ubuntu 10.04 lts05:41
lucentah, good, and this was from which usb device? the A-Data ?05:41
sol1tudea-data and kingston too05:42
sol1tudethey are both worked for me05:42
lucentI think it would be a good idea, try making Ubuntu 10.04 LTS boot from one of those drives05:43
lucenttry this first with whatever method you were able to do so when you made it work, before05:44
lucent-After- it is working and you are sure, try to make an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS boot from that same drive, but use a different method05:44
lucentI would suggest UNetbootin @ http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:44
sol1tudebut what for 10.10 ?05:45
lucentstart small steps, make sure you know what does work05:45
lucentif you can also make UNetbootin work, try using that to make a bootable 10.1005:46
sol1tudeokay i will try05:49
shiftingcontroli munable to create live usb using live usb creator and unetbootin05:49
lucentshiftingcontrol: may I ask you to try using unetbootin and create a 10.04 LTS livecd usb?05:50
lucentwould like to narrow down, if the 10.04 LTS livecd -> usb is working, then maybe it's specific problem with the 10.10 image05:50
shiftingcontrollucent:i m using unetbootin to create live usb of opensuse05:52
lucentthat's confusing me05:53
sol1tudelucent, i can say that method with ultraiso 100% working for 10.04, now ill try unetbootin05:53
lucentsol1tude: great!  Let me know when you can about UNetbootin05:53
bullgard4Does Maverick install dlocate by default  but Lucid not?05:58
lucentI'd have to ask what dlocate is05:59
lucentit's not installed here05:59
bullgard4lucent: dlocate is a DEB program package (and an executable file too.)06:04
geohackerHi, I upgraded from Lucid to Meerkat this morning. but the system freezes frequently for a moment or two and then comes back to normal. annoying. mouse pointer doesn't move. CPU graphs gets stuck in system monitor. what could be wrong. please help06:06
lucentalso virtual box might be eating your CPU time06:06
lucentjust noticed that06:06
bullgard4geohacker: First consult your dmesg.06:06
geohackerlucent: i'm not using it right now. does it have a background process?06:07
lucentgeohacker's dmesg at http://paste.ubuntu.com/509257/06:07
geohackerbullgard4:  its here http://paste.ubuntu.com/509257/06:07
lucentit's a kernel driver, geohacker... so....06:07
* lucent gives the helpless hand signal of You Tell Me The Source Is Right There ;)06:07
geohackerlucent: you mean virual box?06:08
lucent   32.846537] vboxdrv: Found 2 processor cores.06:08
lucentsomething like that06:09
lucentI'm a troubleshooting god, not a kernel mechanic06:09
geohackerlucent: so what is the shot? we try removing virtual box now?06:09
lucentlivecd of 10.10 would be my starting point06:09
lucentif your stuff works okay just running from livecd, that's a hint06:09
geohackerlucent: don't have one right now. and don't think can get one now.06:10
lucentyeah be patient, see if you can obtain one06:10
sol1tudelucent, i made bootable usb with unetbootin v491 for 10.04 lts but only thing i have when try to boot is black screen with blinking cursor06:10
lucentsol1tude: o_O really.   good for trying, I guess06:11
geohackerlucent: lets anyway remove the virtual box packages06:11
geohackerlucent: will run a purge.06:11
lucentyou know hitler tried running a purge ... nevermind06:12
IdleOne!ops | lucent06:12
ubottulucent: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!06:12
* lucent puts the spoon down06:13
geohackerlucent: will something go wrong if I put the recommended removable packages?06:13
geohackerlucent: i mean. without removing them?06:13
lucentgeohacker: my crystal ball is malfunctioning today.06:13
lucentget a livecd?06:13
geohackerlucent: can't now. :(06:14
lucentespecially if this turns out to be a filesystem issue06:14
geohackerlucent: purged virtualbox.06:14
lucentit will be for nothing if your computer turns into meatspace06:14
geohackerwill restart and come back.06:14
bullgard4geohacker: Line # 794 may be the culprit. Google for this exact line in combination with your computer's type in order to find out if others experienced the same bug before.06:15
lucentgood catch, bullgard406:15
lucentmy other thoughts are if something is doing delayed allocation (bittorrent client) on large files for ext4, and ext4 is choking hard, that can grind things down06:16
lucentor vbox kernel driver interacting poorly with sauce like the apparmor patches06:16
* BluesKaj looks at kde for windows again ..wonder if it's still clunky city ...was a mess a while back when i tried to make it work on XP06:17
geohackerbullgard4: will come after a restart.06:17
lucent...will wish he had a livecd, place y'er bets anyone?06:17
lucentsol1tude: UNetbootin is kind of my preferred tool for crafting bootable USB sticks with distro livecd runtime06:18
lucentshame it's not working right for you and 10.04 LTS06:18
bullgard4lucent: Please use Standard English in this channel and not a language from behind the woods. Others may not understand you.06:18
sol1tudeit doesnt matter i think, i always use ultraiso. but it is very sad that it doesnt works for 10.1006:19
* BluesKaj searches the back woods06:19
* lucent :)06:20
lucentanyhow I can be totally silent, almost perfectly censored if that's preferred by nounverbDigit06:21
BluesKajstill not happy with the crappy ati drivers , almost makes me want to regress06:21
geohackerbullgard4: lucent: I'm back. trying again.06:21
lucentgood good06:21
BluesKajwell, sacktime ...nite folks06:22
geohackerlucent: bullgard4: purging virtual box haven't solved the issue06:22
lucentyeah, but that's reassuring06:22
lucentit's -not- vbox06:23
geohackerlucent: agreed.06:23
lucentgeohacker: no more vbox in your dmesg, confirming?06:23
geohackerlucent: 1 moment06:23
lucenteasy trick is like, 'dmesg | less' and then forward slash to search '/' type your term in 'vbox' and enter06:23
lucent'q' quits less output06:24
geohackerlucent: none06:24
lucentokay check vbox off the list for sure06:24
geohackerlucent: new dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/509265/06:25
lucentnot even going to ask what an EX TRAMPOLINE is06:26
lucentEXT4-fs (sda5): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended06:26
lucentah, boot rescue mode, run fsck?06:27
geohackerlucent: don't get you.06:27
lucentit's okay I was speaking very tersely06:27
lucentif you boot, Grub presents a menu with all kernels, each has "boot" and "rescue boot"06:28
geohackerlucent: what next without a live CD06:28
lucentrescue boot is single user, very simple, you can log in and run a filesystem check (fsck) on that filesystem06:28
geohackerlucent: no menu.06:28
lucentoh, menu is accessed... ah... left shift maybe?06:28
lucentthere's a key shortcut to get at it even though it's hidden up tight by Ubiquity pretty lights and jazz06:28
geohackerlucent: ok06:29
lucentright after BIOS / EFI but before it shows "Ubuntu [xooooo]"06:29
geohackerlucent: i'll come online in another PC and let us see.06:29
lucentsol1tude: let's compare block device layouts... I have a bootable 2GB microSD card that I plug into a USB reader, and it boots reliably on many computers06:30
sol1tudewhat you exactly do to write ubuntu on it?06:31
lucentwell, I use UNetbootin from Ubuntu, or from Windows XP06:31
sol1tudemay be i miss something06:31
lucentboth are working for me06:32
lucentthere's some preparation that I do first06:32
lucentEXT4-fs (sda5): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended06:33
lucentbad paste, sorry. correct paste is a link:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/509268/06:33
lucentmy device is partitioned06:34
geohackerlucent: im here. started the system in reocvery mode.06:34
sol1tudeokay, you just plug this SD,start unetbootin and then choose your iso from disk ? that's it?06:34
* lucent drums up the band for geohacker and his/her glorious return to the future06:34
lucentsol1tude: yeah, that's all06:34
geohackerlucent: it shows a menu. normal boot, clean etc etc06:35
geohackerlucent: :D06:35
lucentoh okay06:35
lucente2fsck -f /dev/path/to/filesystem06:35
sol1tudemay be there is a bug in unetbooting @ windows 7, or i dont know, i do the same things06:35
lucentI think it was /dev/sda506:35
lucent-f is force06:35
lucentsol1tude: it's possible, yes.  I want to know why it is not working06:35
geohackerlucent: which option should I choose? resume? clean? dpkg? failsafeX? grub? netroot?06:36
geohackerlucent: or root?06:36
lucentgeohacker: holy hell.  they've expanded since I last looked06:36
geohackerlucent: :)06:36
sol1tudei want to help but i dont know how06:36
lucentroot, I guess, that's all I used to see06:36
geohackerlucent: i think we'l go to a root shell and06:36
geohackerlucent: yeah :)06:36
geohackerlucent: i'm there. now. e2fsck -f /dev/path/to/filesystem ?06:37
lucentyep yep -f for force06:37
geohackeri.e e2fsck -f /dev/sda5 -f06:37
lucentthat's it06:37
geohackerlucent: that wont kill my data right? :)06:37
lucentmake sure it's not mounted though06:37
lucentwhich partition holds your root filesystem?06:37
geohackerlucent: i can access the data. i think it is mounted by now.06:38
geohackerlucent: sudo umount /media/Data ?06:38
lucentunmount it or if you're talking about a root filesystem then you'll want to remount readonly06:38
lucentmount -o ro,remount /dev/sda5  # in example06:39
lucenttry umount'ing it first06:39
lucenterror should be 'not mounted'06:40
lucentif it says 'filesystem in use' then you remount readonly06:40
geohackerlucent: umounted using sudo umount /media/Data06:40
lucentyep, do that for all your filesystems you want to run a scan on06:40
geohackerlucent: how do we confirm its sda5. i'm not sure06:40
geohackerlucent: all partitions?06:41
lucentuh, do you remember filesystem volume sizes?06:41
geohackerlucent: yeah. kind of06:41
lucentlike oh hey I had a 400M data partion, sort of06:41
lucent'parted -l' should list everything06:42
geohackerlucent: yeah. that was over 150GB part06:42
lucentsuggest you unmount every ext? filesystem and force a check on them all06:43
geohackerlucent: i'm getting confused.06:43
geohackerlucent: shall we start over. ? please06:43
lucentsorry, so am I06:43
lucentcat /proc/mounts06:43
lucentshows you what's mounted06:43
geohackerlucent: thanks!06:43
lucentsee anything that is ext? or uh btrfs, reiserfs, whichever you have06:44
geohackerlucent: sda6. that is my home directory06:44
lucenthome only? or also root filesystem06:44
lucentwhich one is your root filesystem06:45
geohackeryou mean the one with boot right?06:45
geohackerit says rootfd / rootfs rw 0 006:45
geohackerrootfs / rootfs rw 0 006:45
lucentgood, good06:45
geohackerfew other lines starting with none06:46
geohacker"none /sys blah blah06:46
geohackernone / proc blah blah06:46
lucentnot helpful but you're doing good, so too bad06:46
geohackerand finally /dev/sda6 /home etx406:46
lucentinitramfs passes 'rootfs' instead of the actual device, makes me confused06:46
lucentgo ahead and umount /dev/sda6 then06:47
geohackerlucent: ok06:47
lucentjust unmount anything that's ext2/3/406:47
lucentfor each partition containing an ext2/3/4 filesystem, force a filesystem check.06:47
lucentfsck -f /dev/sda606:48
lucentin example.06:48
geohackernothing other than sda606:48
geohackerall umounted. other than rootfs06:48
geohackerand now. fsck -f /dev/sda1 2  3 4 5 6 ?06:48
lucentone at a time, yes06:49
geohackerfirst fsck -f /dev/sda106:49
geohackerok? :)06:49
lucentit's complaining about being mounted?06:50
geohackerit says /dev/sda1 is mounted and might cause damage06:50
geohackerwhat now?06:50
lucentremount it read-only before continuing06:50
lucentso the command is something like:  mount -o ro,remount /06:50
geohackerjust mount -o, remount / ?06:51
geohackerok done that.06:51
lucent-o for option, ro for readonly, remount to remount in-place06:51
geohackernow run fsck right?06:51
geohackerstill warning. says mounted06:51
lucentlivecd would be useful06:52
lucentI don't know why you want to take risks with your data but if you are just plow on ahead06:52
geohackerbut can't get one now. any live CD would do?06:52
lucentanything with ext4 support so it doesn't eat your ext4 partition(s)06:52
geohackeri have 9.10 disks lying here. will that do?06:53
geohackerlet us see06:54
geohackerok got the live cd06:56
geohackernow booting06:56
geohacker_lucent: i'm in the live mode06:59
geohacker_lucent: what now.07:00
lucentsame kind of stuff07:00
lucentjust make sure everything is unmounted07:00
lucentforce a filesystem check07:00
lucentthere won't be any complaint about rootfs 'cause /dev/sda1 won't be mounted, I think?07:00
geohacker_lucent: things are fine07:00
geohacker_lucent: fast. and feels good.07:01
geohacker_lucent: run fsck ?07:01
geohacker_lucent: yeah. running. first fsck -f /dev/sda1 ?07:01
* lucent facepalms "Yes."07:02
geohacker_lucent: permission denied. will run with sudo07:02
lucentif you get bored of typing sudo and want root prompt, quick way is 'sudo su'07:02
lucentruns su with sudo rights, it's just easy to remember07:03
geohacker_lucent: yeah07:03
geohacker_lucent: started the check07:03
geohacker_lucent: done for sda107:03
geohacker_for sda2 ? that is swap07:03
lucentpro tip if you want progress bar, send the progress info to the ZERO file descriptor with -C007:04
lucentfsck -f -C0 /dev/sda107:04
geohacker_lucent: but we are done with sda1. want to run again ?07:04
lucentthat was an example only07:04
geohacker_sda2 is extended. sda3 is swap. sda4 not exists, now sda507:04
lucentI think you can figure out the rest of the devices with filesystems that need checking07:05
geohacker_lucent: is there anyway to remove those obsolete packages now?07:05
geohacker_sda5 done07:05
geohacker_sda6 done07:06
geohacker_lucent: what now?07:06
lucentwe wait for the robots to destroy us07:06
lucentalso congrats you just checked all filesystems07:07
lucentrun 'sync' a couple of times before fashioning a tin foil hat proper and reboot07:07
geohacker_lucent: thanks! now we want to reboot in the normal mode?07:07
lucentsync tells kernel to shut up and flush data buffers07:07
lucentsay you wrote a file to USB stick and want to be sure it actually got on the USB stick, you'd run 'sync'07:08
geohacker_ok :)07:08
lucentwhen sync returns from running, it's all good07:08
geohacker_lucent: okay.07:09
geohacker_lucent: i think. we did it! :D07:12
geohacker_lucent: its kind of running perfect now. :)07:12
lucentwell, filesystems are checked07:12
ChrisBuchholzis there a PureGnome (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome) for 10.10 ?07:12
geohacker_lucent: tell me anything to confirm its done?07:12
geohacker_when i type dmesg it took 2 seconds to show the output. now its just flick of a sec07:13
lucentnothing that doesn't involve explosive targets in a desert shooting gallery and a .22 rifle07:13
lucentwould urge you to ditch ext407:14
lucentstay with ext3.07:14
ChrisBuchholzWhere does apt-get log to on 10.10?07:15
lucentChrisBuchholz: perhaps /var/log/dpkg.log though I am not certain07:16
lucentChrisBuchholz: there are also files in /var/log/apt/*07:16
geohackerlucent: things seems to be okay now.07:16
ChrisBuchholzlucent: yeah, i see that know. Will give it a spin07:16
geohackerlucent: thanks! :D07:18
geohackerwill come back if I'm stuck again :)07:18
geohacker1lucent: hey. i think the problem persists :(07:22
lucentgeohacker1: not surprised really07:24
lucentwas there a problem when you run the livecd?07:24
geohacker1lucent: not at all07:25
geohacker1lucent: i don't find a problem right now. but just few mins ago.07:25
geohacker1lucent: the problem started now.07:27
geohacker1lucent: 1 minute after a restart.07:27
lucentgeohacker1: okay07:29
geohacker1lucent: this is annoying.07:29
geohacker1lucent: what now?07:29
td123is everyone excited for 10.10?07:29
lucentgeohacker1: right.  so you should have a livecd handy, and work at bissecting until you find the problem kernel07:29
lucentI'm excited for being underpaid and expected to do the work of my managers07:30
lucentwoo hoo.  you might not know it because this is internets, but I am sure excited.07:30
bazhang!party | td12307:31
ubottutd123: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/07:31
geohacker1lucent: you mean the meerkat live cd?07:31
lucentgeohacker1: whichever livecd, you need to be able to recover in case a kernel won't boot07:32
lucentbissecting is like, installing older kernels that did work, and you go forward until it breaks07:32
lucentthen you know from A to B that is where the change happened07:32
geohacker1lucent: I think I have more than 5 installed now. the grub menu lists  many.07:32
lucentoh!  right, upgrade.... try running an older kernel07:33
lucentit's that simple I think07:33
geohacker1let me restart07:33
geohackerlucent: i'm on kernel 32.2507:38
geohackerlucent: and display seems to have some issues. unwanted lines here and there. like scratches.07:38
lucent'uname -r' if you please07:38
lucentany issues with performance?07:39
geohackerthere are also 2.6.32-24-generic , 2.6.32-22-generic and 2107:40
geohackernot yet. we'll have to wait a minute or two07:40
lucentI don't think it would be within the same series07:40
lucentskip the -24 -22 i.e.07:40
geohackerthere is problem with display. want a screenshot?07:41
lucentnot interested in your unsupported hardware, thanks anyways ;)07:41
geohackerdidn't get you.07:41
geohackerlucent: i shouldn't have upgraded :(07:42
geohackerlucent: other than the display problem, things are fine, so far. what do you suggest?07:45
lucentthe thing with the explosive targets a .22 rifle and desert shooting gallery.07:45
lucentif you can find out "It works when I do (A) and breaks when I do (B)" then it's time to file a bug report07:46
lucentsomeone told me to use a tool called ubuntu-bug07:47
geohackeri mean what might be wrong with the display then?!07:47
lucentif its definitely related to the kernel, then 'ubuntu-bug linux'07:47
geohackerwhy don't we try other versions too?07:47
lucentright, yes07:47
geohackeri'll switch to 2.6.32-24-generic and come07:48
geohackerlucent: back on 2.6.32-24-generic07:50
geohackerdisplay seems to be fine. let's wait and see the perfomance07:50
geohackerlucent: seems good.07:54
murlidharok.. i thought this was a bug but it seems that it is not a bug at all since i am not the only one who upgraded to maverick from lucid.07:54
murlidharubuntu-software-center refuses to start unless given sude command.07:54
geohackeryeah. previously, whenever i tried starting rythmbox the system was like *don't do this to me* :)07:55
geohackernow. i'm playing a song07:55
geohackergetting dmesg is faster.07:56
lucentthat's good news07:56
geohackerno stucks while typing.07:56
geohackerand the CPU graph seems to be continuous.07:56
geohackeryeah. :)07:56
lucentmight be related to the .. thing... I forget what it's called07:57
murlidharanyone who upgraded to maverick instead of opting for a fresh install ?07:57
lucentmurlidhar: I did, checking now07:57
geohackerso shall we file a bug for kernel 2.6.35-22 on system freeze? and 32-25 on display?07:57
geohackermurlidhar: i did upgrade from Lucid07:57
lucentno use filing a bug on 2.6.32-25, you know07:57
murlidharso you guys have the problem i am getting ?07:58
lucentit's fixed in 2.6.35-22 ;)07:58
lucentI don't -have- an 'ubuntu-software-center'07:58
geohackerlucent: yes. so why not 35-22 ?07:58
murlidharnot ubuntu-software-center07:58
geohackermurlidhar: what is wrong with your software-center?07:59
murlidhargeohacker: it doesn't start unless given sudo command07:59
murlidhargeohacker: not from application menu too07:59
lucentmurlidhar: maybe your keyring got messed up07:59
lucentroot rights UI apps ask the keyring for permission to gain root rights07:59
geohackermurlidhar: right. keyring. and also, better be root to run. it changes system configs.08:00
lucentif you configure your keyring to deny, then you'd have to run sudo explicitly08:00
murlidharlucent: can i reset the keyring ?08:00
lucentI'm not much help beyond giving this hint... sory08:00
murlidharsudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-keyring08:00
lucentsorry* I only know that I've had keyring trouble before and it ended up like you say08:00
murlidhardpkg-maintscript-helper: error: environment variable DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_NAME is required08:00
geohackermurlidhar: what is the error when you start it from the menu?08:00
murlidhargeohacker: no error ...doens't start at all.08:01
geohackerlucent: i'm good now. thinks have settled now.08:01
lucentmurlidhar: 'seahorse' used to be the keyring manager but I'm not sure08:01
geohackermurlidhar: okay. just type software-center in terminal and see what is said.08:01
geohackerlucent: yes seahorse08:01
murlidhargeohacker: do you want me to pastebin it ?08:02
geohackermurlidhar: yeah. would be happy if you can.08:02
murlidhargeohacker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/509303/08:03
lucentthat does not look good.08:03
lucentmurlidhar: try fixing your permissions on ~/.cache08:04
geohackersome issue with permission to write to cache08:05
geohackeryes lucent +108:05
lucentsudo chmod -chR /home/murlidhar/.cache murlidhar.murlidhar08:05
murlidharchmod: invalid option -- 'h'08:06
lucentprobably true08:06
geohackerlucent: quick question. how can I make 2.6.32-24-generic the default ?08:06
lucentmurlidhar: I made a bad mistake08:06
lucentyou see my mistake?08:07
lucentanyone can figure it out.08:07
geohackerchmod -R08:07
lucenttsk, geohacker08:07
geohacker-c -R08:08
geohackerchmod -c _R08:08
lucentgeohacker: uh... yeah good question about making it the default08:08
lucentalso still doin' it wrong08:08
geohackermurlidhar: chmod -c  -R08:08
murlidharah....anyways i got the permissions set from nautilus08:08
murlidhargave the ownership to murlidhar08:08
murlidharnow it works :)08:08
geohackerthere you go! :)08:09
geohackerlucent: now. default ?? :)08:09
murlidharthanks a lot geohacker and lucent :)08:09
lucentI think update-grub takes hints from somethingorother /etc/default/grub08:09
geohackermurlidhar: welcome!08:09
geohackerlucent: you mean it gets the current kernel to the top of the list08:10
lucentgeohacker: changes the default menu selection08:10
geohackeri guessed.08:10
lucentupdate-grub reads a variety of things and generates the config that grub reads, when you run update-grub08:10
geohackerupdate-grub or update-grub2 ?08:10
geohackeri have both here :-/08:10
lucentwhat do you think08:11
lucentI don't know.08:11
geohackergrub2 might be.08:11
lucentif /boot/grub/grub.conf exists, then grub208:11
geohackeri came from Lucid08:11
Jordan_Ugeohacker: They are the same.08:11
geohackerJordan_U: Oh. symlinks ?08:11
lucentif /boot/grub/menu.lst and *NO* /boot/grub/grub.conf then grub08:11
geohackerlucent: just run update-grub2 would do?08:12
lucentyeah, if Jordan_U is correct then you would 'sudo update-grub'08:13
geohackerwe'll see on the reboot.08:13
geohackerbe right back08:13
geohackerlucent: that did not work.08:15
geohackerlucent: same order of the menu list as before.08:16
geohackerlucent: got to go now. will get it done somehow. and we be back later.08:17
geohackerthanks everyone!08:17
dupondjeWe are 1 day before release, and still no medibuntu repo for Maverick it seems :(08:52
Dimyhi to all08:53
DimyI'm new in Ubuntu and I need some help08:53
Dimycan anyone be so kind and answer me to some questions?08:54
bazhangDimy, ask some08:54
ChrisBuchholzI installed kubuntu-desktop, and have now removed it again, but now the usplash (is it called that?) is saying kubuntu and is blue and everything. Also, both with the ubuntu and kubuntu usplash, its only upon installation that it is beautiful. After i've installed ubuntu, the usplash just turns 8bitesque. Like something is broken08:54
DimyI have a Dell N7010 and I have installed yesterday the Ubuntu 10.10 RC08:55
DimyI have problems with my wireless driver...08:55
bazhangDimy, which chipset08:55
DimySorry Chipset Intel I5 M45008:56
bazhangthe wireless chipset?08:56
Dimyit's a broadcomm and in windows it shows DW 1501Wireless N-lan08:59
bazhang!broadcom | Dimy08:59
ubottuDimy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:59
DimyI have tried this site but the PCI E-FAST ETHERNET CONTROLLER it's not working also so I can,t make any update09:02
bazhangalso broadcom?09:02
bazhangdoes ifconfig show it?09:03
Dimythe PCI-E Enthernet it's a Atheros A815109:03
osubuckif i install the ubuntu 10.10 RC will i be able to update it to the final?09:04
osubuckif so, how?09:04
ThomasWaldmannDimy: broadcom behaves strange sometimes09:04
bazhang!final | osubuck09:05
ubottuosubuck: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.09:05
ThomasWaldmanni recently had a acer timeline x with i3 and broadcom wireless and i couldn't get wireless working with a fritzbox access point. at another site, other accesspoint, wireless worked.09:05
osubuckso in other words, i can download the RC, install it and keep it up to date it will BE final tomorrow?09:06
* ThomasWaldmann prefers intel wireless09:06
bazhangosubuck yes09:10
bazhangah he left09:10
ashfaqHi! can someone help me with wine?09:16
bazhangashfaq, #winehq would be better, unless you have an install problem with wine09:16
ashfaqI just installed it, installed yahoo, but failed to connect to internet, any settings I am missing?09:17
ashfaq<bazhang> It installed perfectly, even yahoo messenger was installed perfectly!09:18
bazhangashfaq, then check the appdb and join #winehq09:18
bazhang!appdb | ashfaq09:18
ubottuashfaq: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:18
nigelbSigh, why would you even want ym on linux.09:18
ashfaqnigelb> Any alternative?09:19
ashfaqLike, to talk from voip accounts09:20
nigelbI use that often.09:20
nigelbThere is skype for linux too.09:20
ashfaqOkay I will check, let me have some idea of wine first, why it is not connecting09:21
nigelbyou tried :)09:22
geekphreaklove the new ubuntu :d09:34
takuanwill there be many changes be the version of maverick that is available today and the release tomorrow?09:35
bazhangnot really09:35
takuani guessed so09:37
takuanprobably safe to upgrade today instead of waiting till tomorrow?09:38
bazhangjust keep to date and you'll be there09:38
bazhangof course yes09:38
takuanor are there still major show stoppers?09:38
bazhangbetter in fact09:38
bazhangmiss the hugely overloaded servers09:38
geekphreaktakuan: i just installed it and love it09:39
takuanhere in belgium that won't be much of an issue09:39
bazhanghere either09:39
takuanwhat are the major changes btw?09:39
geekphreakserver were slow here though :(09:39
bazhangcheck the release notes in the /topic09:40
takuani'm using lxde so the user interface changes won't be much visible i guess09:40
geekphreaklet me see if they added eclipse i repos09:40
bazhang!info eclipse09:41
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-6ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 124 kB09:41
geekphreakbazhang: looking for php version09:42
geekphreakbazhang: thanks :)09:42
|ns|nR8got jack audio worked out lucent, feel i owe you a beer or something09:46
=== sol1tude_ is now known as sol1tude
kandinskiI keep reinstalling flash to no avail, I can't see flash content in firefox. I have just dpkg-reconfigured ubuntu-restricted-extras, to no avail. This is 10.10 on AMD64. What do I do next?10:59
l32007Does anyone know if their are going to be differences in Mavrick beetween the final RC and Full?11:02
Pr070caljust to let you know there seems to be a big issue with Maverick and nvidia drivers no working with ASUS EN8400GS SILENT i hope its fixed tomorrow11:04
zfecompiz doesn't work on my machine11:06
zfeand i can't understand much from the11:06
l32007have you got the drivers?11:06
l32007try enable desktop effects by rightclicking on the desktop clicking change desktop wallpaper -> Desktop effects11:07
zfeworks fine11:08
l32007so can you start ccsm?11:08
l32007or what error does it give you?11:09
zfeit says11:10
zfe"desktop effects could not be enabled!"11:10
l32007have you got the latest updates?11:10
zfejust did it11:10
zfelemme reboot11:10
l32007anyone know how to get a syntek driver for the Asus webcam on a f3j11:11
ikoniaf3j ?11:15
zfeno, it doesn't work11:17
zfehow can i get why it says "desktop effects cannot be enabled"?11:17
geekphreakbazhang: you around?11:18
ThomasWaldmannbtw, how many interrupts/s do you see in powertop, if the machine is idle, but connected via wlan?11:21
geekphreakii guess not11:21
zfeuhm, so11:23
zfeno chances for an ATI owner11:23
zfeto have compiz running on 10.1011:23
snikkerhi, i've got this message "The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server." but i've got index.html, after upgrade it' work fine, now i can use only .php file in the web root, .hrml doesn't work11:23
snikkeri forgot to say that i'm using apache 2.2.1611:24
brrrti have upgraded to maverick but now dns resolution does not work anymore, i have to manually do: ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 (dhcp) everytime after reboot to make it work again, how can i fix this ?11:25
estreshi there, does any on know what will be the version of the kernel in the new release of ubuntu?11:27
brrrtnow its 2.6.35-2211:27
l32007zfe go to the software center and install the newest ati driver11:32
brrrtplease :D give me a hint howto setup resolfconf correctly11:34
Uberfajawhen ubuntu will be avaiable to download?12:02
bazhangthe final? or the release candidate?12:03
Uberfajawhat hour?12:03
bazhangno idea. no one knows that12:03
nigelbit happens when it happens :/12:04
Uberfajatoo bad12:04
bazhang10.10.10 at some point12:04
bazhangwhy? just grab the RC and upgrade12:04
nigelbwe're hoping for 10:10:10 on 10/10/10 in at least one time zone12:04
mohraibatjust keep refreshing the homepage to pass the time lol12:04
robin0800Uberfaja: use a daily if you don't want to wait12:04
bazhang!party | Uberfaja12:04
ubottuUberfaja: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/12:04
nigelb#ubuntu-release-announce or #ubuntu-release-party might be a nice place to hang out12:05
nigelbbazhang: -announce is the one thats for less crazier people right?12:05
bazhangnigelb, hehe yeah12:05
=== Uberfaja is now known as Anonimek
Anonimekhmm, would new ubuntu be compatible with 96 drivers for nvidia GPUs?12:10
robin0800http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ gives a view of bugs still needed to be fixed before release12:10
FriarI'm getting an error with sudo apt-get update...http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RyEnhgEQ I'm not really sure if it is a problem or not.12:17
robin0800Friar: try using the update manager12:18
Friarrobin0800, I can do that, but it doesn't really tell me anything about the error message, or how to get rid of it.12:19
lapionis raof in here ?12:27
do0dis there a release time?12:34
do0dor it can happen any time tomorrow?12:34
=== do0d is now known as drcooper
KubaWhere can I look for some usable logs if suspend isn't working? ;>12:47
ikoniathe syslog is a good start12:47
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
KubaHmm, the problem is follows: when I click "suspend" screen goes black and tere is one character: "_" in leftmost upper corner12:52
Kubais it known bug?12:53
=== rapha_ is now known as rapha
ikoniaKuba: did yo ucheck the logs as I suggested ?13:14
penguin42hibernate is really flaky for me on mm13:25
UTFwheres the release party at?13:33
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Maverick release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/13:34
bazhangUTF, ^^13:34
UTFthx bro :)13:34
Mouldy_Punkhey guys. I'm having some intermittent problems with my netbook's touch pad. Every now and then (seemingly at random) the cursor twitches about uncontrollably. Trying to move the cursor myself only works on the y axis, but as soon as I lift my finger it goes back to it's twitching. Does anybody know of a way to fix this?13:35
Squirmcant wait till the official release13:39
penguin42what time exactly is the official release?13:41
Kubaikonia: well, yes; though i cannot find nything abnormal13:44
MartyMacFlyMouldy_Punk: does that only occur on 10.10?13:46
Mouldy_PunkMartyMacFly, I can't say. It's a brand new netbook and the first thing I did was install 10.10 onto it. I used the preinstalled linpus distro briefly and didnt have any problems - but like i said, the problem comes and goes, so it might have just been down to chance13:48
charlie-tcapenguin42: it is release exactly on the day of release, UTC. the closest thing to any schedule has always been before the the next day.13:48
penguin42Mouldy_Punk: Try preferencees->Pointing device (may say mouse) there should be a touchpad setting section13:49
MartyMacFlyMouldy_Punk: i would try another distro first13:49
penguin42charlie-tca: OK so 00:00 UTC?13:49
charlie-tcano. Before 23:59 UTC on 10 October13:49
penguin42charlie-tca: Ah I see13:50
Mouldy_Punkpenguin42, I've tried tweaking those settings and I haven't managed to find a combination that stops the problem occurring.13:51
Mouldy_PunkMartyMacFly, I'll download me a copy of fedora or something and see if I can repeat the problem with that, thanks13:51
penguin42Mouldy_Punk: You might also like to try Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) - I think some touchpad stuff is new in this current release?13:52
Mouldy_Punkpenguin42, I'll give that a go too. I just figured a completely unrelated distro would make a better test set up13:54
Mouldy_PunkI just installed gsynaptics which seems to have more settings regarding mouses/touchpads, the problem seems to have stopped after I set the min speed right down. Hopefully it won't start playing up again...time will tell13:55
TiKpenguin42: touchpad stuff was implement in 10.04 as well13:55
TiKits not "new"13:55
penguin42TiK: Aren't there multitouch changes in MM ?13:55
TiKMouldy_Punk: did you disable "clicking with touchpad"13:56
TiKor whatever it is13:56
TiKunder mouse openions13:56
TiKthat wasa problem in 10.04 as well13:57
Mouldy_PunkTiK, yes, and scrolling13:57
TiKyoujustgot unluck13:57
TiKi guess13:57
Mouldy_Punkit just started twitching again...looks like the min speed setting didn't fix it after all :\13:58
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
glebihanHi sebsebseb14:29
sebsebsebhi glebihan14:31
zylogz80is there no longer a linux-rt in the 10.10 repo? a search for linux-rt in synaptic turns up nothing14:31
BUGabundoONE MORE DAY14:31
BUGabundoONE MORE DAY14:31
BUGabundoONE MORE DAY14:31
BUGabundooh man , gonna miss you all, even if it is just for a week (or two?)14:31
sebsebsebBUGabundo: sure, but any point putting the RC on and getting updates today, or the latest daily build, if wanting a bit early?14:31
BUGabundoget a daily14:32
BUGabundozsync the image tomorrow or after14:32
BUGabundo*if* any changes come14:32
BUGabundowhich I doubt14:32
BUGabundoI forgot to do that last night :(14:32
sebsebsebalso  any point bothering really with btrfs in 10.10,  I mean I had in vm before, but no idea how to use snapshots14:32
BUGabundobetter not do it today or for the next few days14:32
sebsebsebBUGabundo: exactly thats what I mean, todays daily, will probably be tommorows final  really14:32
BUGabundosebsebseb: I'm on BTRFS14:32
BUGabundoso far so good14:32
sebsebsebhow are snapshots used?14:33
BUGabundo3 power failures, zero prob14:33
BUGabundoother then pulse getting corrupt14:33
glebihanzylogz80: do you have universe repos enabled ?14:33
sebsebsebalso uhmm  do I need bigger than 10 or so GB for  /   I mean snapshots take up space right?14:33
zylogz80glebihan, I will check14:33
BUGabundosnapshots don't take space14:33
BUGabundobut changes to them do14:33
BUGabundobut yeah, 10GB will be short14:33
BUGabundoI have this on SSD 64GBs and I'm fine14:33
BUGabundono SWAp either14:34
zylogz80glebihan, yes, I do14:34
sebsebsebBUGabundo: well seperate /home14:34
BUGabundosince I have 4GB ram, and stop hibernating two cicles ago14:34
sebsebseband an old data partition that was a home14:34
BUGabundoreboots are fasters14:34
BUGabundospecially on SSD14:34
sebsebsebhowever yeah I have this feeling that 10GB may not really be enough for a btrfs Ext414:34
BUGabundosebsebseb: I'vent don't that since 8.0414:34
BUGabundoits NOT required or recommend14:34
BUGabundo/dev/sda5              58G   26G   33G  45% /14:35
darthanubisdeluge using 90+% cpu14:35
sebsebsebalso still need a seperate /boot partition for btrfs in 10.10 I guess?14:35
BUGabundoyeah, /boot is on ext2 I thinkg14:35
BUGabundoor ext4 not sure14:35
BUGabundoso I can put ISOs in there and boot from it14:35
BUGabundo/dev/sda1             1.9G   85M  1.7G   5% /boot14:35
sebsebsebBUGabundo: my current partition set up is a bit hmm,  I can't just partition  how I  would like to14:35
sebsebsebBUGabundo: what are the benefits of btrfs anyway, I mean other then this snapshot feature, what is noticed by the user?14:35
glebihanzylogz80: apparently it's been deleted in maverick : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux-rt/2.6.31-10.15314:36
BUGabundoon SSD are huge14:36
BUGabundosince it's a right once FS14:36
sebsebsebBUGabundo: yeah SSD the netbook hardware?14:36
sebsebsebwhat about on a normal hard disk?14:36
BUGabundoshould be a bit faster then ext414:36
BUGabundobut tools are yet top notch14:36
sebsebsebhowever thats the only advantage really, except for snap shots?14:36
BUGabundono fsck yet14:36
BUGabundosebsebseb: well BTRFS is a *new* FS14:37
sebsebsebyeah no fsck or whatever, I did read something about that,  how btrfs isn't really properly implemened into 10.1014:37
BUGabundosupposily doing the btree changes that ext4 didn't manage to do14:37
BUGabundosebsebseb: its not an Ubuntu prob14:37
BUGabundobtrfs is still under *heavy* devel14:37
BUGabundobut dev says API should be _more or less_ stable by now14:38
sebsebsebwell there was Meego or something with it by default I think14:38
BUGabundoand doesn't expect changes to files structure14:38
sebsebsebhow are snapshots used?14:38
BUGabundoI have no doubt 11.x will have it default too14:38
BUGabundoI still don't master that14:38
zylogz80glebihan, that's sad :( means I'll have to use a 2.6.33 from a ppa. I was hoping to have a 2.6.35 without need for a ppa. oh well14:38
BUGabundobut something like btrfs-snapshot /path14:38
BUGabundoor what ever14:38
BUGabundocwillu is my master on that :D14:39
sebsebsebBUGabundo: yeah at the  moment, I guess btrfs is ok, but really for those that know what  they are doing properly with it, and thats not me14:39
BUGabundosebsebseb: its one of those things: I don't care... its too low level for me14:39
BUGabundojust want it to work and not bother14:39
BUGabundowhich I've been doing14:39
BUGabundoits fast, _stable_ and it just works14:39
BUGabundodon't care14:39
sebsebsebBUGabundo: I mean in vm I did it, but that was just vm,  and did the seperate /boot and btrfs /,  but soon I want to put 10.10 on real hardware for a bit, and so I am thinking should I bother with btrfs or just do Ext4, I mean I am probably then going to end up replaceing 10.10  around November 2nd anyway with Fedora 14,  or I might end up putting PC Linux OS on for a bit, don't know yet14:40
sebsebsebBUGabundo:  currently wiating for another distro to be made as well14:41
BUGabundosebsebseb: just go with / ext4 plus 4GBs swap14:41
BUGabundothat's it14:41
BUGabundono more partiion schemes14:41
sebsebsebnah I got 1GB RAM and I think I got some swap at the moment, but I don't really need swap, and 4GB swap would be to much in my case14:41
Skaperenwhat is the "right" amount of swap space?14:42
BUGabundoSkaperen: there's "none"14:42
sebsebsebBUGabundo: yeah I might not bother with it for 10.10, and then  maybe do it for whatever distro I put on next14:42
UnksiSkaperen: i'd say the amount of ram if you wish to be able to hibernate14:42
BUGabundoold rule of thumb said 2.5 times the RAM14:42
Ian_corneBUGabundo: at least as much as your RAM14:42
penguin42Skaperen: If you've only got a little RAM then the old story was 2x RAM, if you've got loads then you don't need to go that high14:42
Unksii havent been using swap at all with systems that have 1gb of ram or more14:43
Ian_cornebecause you can't hibernate otherwise14:43
BUGabundoyou need at least the same amount of RAM to hibernate, if not using compressiong14:43
BUGabundowhich we DON'T since , I don't know, FOR EVER14:43
Skaperenpenguin42: on my big machine (12GB) I have no swap space at all14:43
BUGabundosince it support was taken14:43
sebsebsebBUGabundo: and its not like I need snapshots anyway,  I don't just mess up my install, and if something like that happended, well seperate /home,  installing distros is rather easy as a result14:43
penguin42Skaperen: Yeh that's not unreasonable14:43
BUGabundoplus you need a bit more space for stuff already in swap14:43
Skaperenpenguin42: yeah ... it never gets into a swap tizzy14:44
penguin42Skaperen: I've got 2GB on this machine with 8GB RAM, very rarely touches it though14:44
BUGabundoofc who ever has more then 4GBs I dougb its usefull to hibernate or make 8GBs swap :S14:44
BUGabundosebsebseb: I do a funny thing: btrfs-image and remote backup that14:44
BUGabundoits handy14:44
sebsebsebBUGabundo: from vm  trying, which obvously wasn't really the best way to try a file system, but  from that, I get the impression that,  btrfs for a pshyical install,  in my case,  woudn't really give me much of an advantage if any really over Ext414:44
sebsebsebBUGabundo: of 10.1014:45
BUGabundobut make TWO data partitions14:45
BUGabundoand give it a go14:45
BUGabundo10.10 is OLD14:45
* BUGabundo wants 11.x14:45
penguin42BUGabundo: Let it have it's day before you call it old!14:45
Skaperenpenguin42: I figured for what I was doing, 4GB RAM would be enough ... my then desktop had 2GB and rarely touched swap ... I was at first going for 4GB ... and was guessing 2GB to 4GB swap would be plenty ... then figured I'd put the swap in RAM14:45
sebsebsebBUGabundo: or I just try with the smaller / with btrfs, if  I am able to, and if I run out of space or  whatever, well no big deal, got the seperate /home and other data partition anyway14:46
sebsebseband then can re  do /14:46
sebsebsebwith Ext414:46
Skaperenso 8GB was enough, but this new machine had triple channel north bridge, so a 3x amount would be faster14:46
BUGabundopenguin42: been on 10.10 for 6 months... its old and stale ^Wstable14:47
sebsebseband then when btrfs is more stable in distros,  I can sort out my partition set up a bit better14:47
SkaperenBUGabundo: I assume some people are already putting 11.x together by now :)14:47
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh, it's not been particularly stable for me either14:47
BUGabundoSkaperen: as soon as toolchain opens, I'm there14:48
SkaperenBUGabundo: ah ... that tells me what you are up to doing :)14:48
sebsebsebhoepfuly 11.04 will use Gnome 3 by default :)14:48
sebsebseband with Gnome Shell as well14:48
BUGabundopenguin42: other then a cranked kernel on 100% cpu and some minor userland bugs in audio, this is stable for me14:48
BUGabundoplus old kmail bugs14:48
SkaperenBUGabundo: so open up the #ubuntu+2 channel14:48
bjsnidersebsebseb, that is a very tricky issue14:48
BUGabundoeither I paid very little attention to this cycle, or 10.10 has been one of the most stable devel cycles I've been on14:49
* sebsebseb expects their will be some sort of excuse for not using Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell as default for 11.0414:49
bjsnidergiven that the ubuntnu devbs and fedora/gnome devs are almost in a state of war at this point14:49
BUGabundoSkaperen: *this* is #ubuntu+214:49
BUGabundoat least until tonight14:49
sebsebsebbjsnider: oh?14:49
BUGabundoand we get 1000 crazy users asking: is it out yet14:49
hifiis it out yet?14:50
BUGabundoand then party at #ubuntu-release-party for killing bunnies14:50
sebsebsebbjsnider: got a link or something to confirm that?14:50
* BUGabundo slaps hifi14:50
hifisorry :<14:50
hifijust had to14:50
BUGabundohifi: yes14:50
LinuxLinksis what out? :)14:50
bjsnidersebsebseb, everything canonical tries to do to improve the linux experience for  regular users is rejected by the gnome devs upstream14:50
BUGabundoOH NOES14:50
BUGabundoit has began14:50
BUGabundomental note: 283 users14:50
SkaperenLinuxLinks: someone is out of the closet?14:50
LinuxLinksI thought the cat was out of the bag14:51
BUGabundomy bet: 1083 by 10pm GMT+114:51
penguin42BUGabundo: On my 3 main machines I have kernel issues of one type or another14:51
sebsebsebbjsnider: they also rejected stuff from Novell,  also most of those patches to Gnome that have been done to Ubuntu,  aren't that nice really,  in a lot of peoples opinions, including my own14:51
BUGabundopenguin42: lucky you :P14:51
sebsebsebbjsnider: espeasily when features that are meant to be there aren't, when some of that is enabled, and so on.14:52
sebsebseband those changes didn't really fit in properly with Gnome14:52
bjsnidersebsebseb, in that case why don't you use fedora instead?14:52
sebsebsebhence not being accepted14:52
* Skaperen hands sebsebseb a hat and a can of red spray paint14:52
sebsebsebbjsnider: there have even been people going to the Gnome IRC asking  about those changes.  also yes I do use other distros these days :)  however I still also try Ubuntu14:53
sebsebsebFedora isn't Gnome14:54
sebsebsebFedora is Fedora14:54
bjsniderfedora is sued by the gnome devs since many or most of them work for redhat14:54
sebsebseband yes Redhat  do Gnome, but they aren't the only ones14:54
bjsniderredhat won't have any of those canonical improvements14:54
bjsniderwell, maybe some of the papercuts stuff, i don't know14:55
SkaperenI had been too busy to try the RC and I would have time this weekend, but when I looked at the web site, it said "1 day left" ... so now I have to wait for the 11.x RC14:55
sebsebsebbjsnider: most of them aren't really needed, lets take the replaceing of the notifcation area for example,  nothing wrong or that wrong with the Gnome notification area14:55
bjsniderthere has been a long explanation of what's wrong with it14:55
bjsniderand a very correct explanation i might add14:55
bjsnidercanonical hasn't kept that secret14:56
sebsebsebbjsnider: or how about the replacineg of the Gnome  clock, uh why?  the Gnoem clock is fine.  some people think Canonical are sort of forking Gnome, because of this kind of stuff, there is a lot about this on the web, and this isn't really the best place for this discussion14:56
sebsebsebpersoanlly I have mixed feelings when it comes to most of those changes14:56
sebsebsebI see it from the expereinced view piont, but also the newbie14:57
sebsebsebI see how a lot of those changes get at people like me, but how they can also be quite good for newbies.14:57
* Skaperen didn't like moving the "X" button to the left, so he moved it back to the right14:58
sebsebsebbjsnider: also like you were saying, people that don't like those changes, can use other distros anyway14:58
Skaperenchoice ... change it yourself ... use another distro ... or use that OS from ... no scratch that last one14:59
bjsnideryeah well, regardless of how it ends up, i don't like to see canonical and gnome in such a state of conflict14:59
Skaperenand there is kubuntu14:59
sebsebsebSkaperen: and that was, because of a feature in 10.10 that was meant to be on the right, the windicators, however  no now that won't be in 10.10, because the Gnome feature that was needed, wasn't ready.  Maybe Mark knew all along that it may not be ready.14:59
sebsebsebalso apparently something to do with Unity why they are on the left as well,  ok sure in 10.10, but  that doesn't apply to 10.0414:59
sebsebsebSkaperen: personally I think Kubuntu is a bit pointless really, because of other distros that do KDE better15:00
sebsebsebbjsnider: indeed15:00
* Skaperen wishes it was easier to move so he could put it at 71.3 % up from the bottom along the right side :)15:01
bjsniderwell, if i was going to use kde, i'd use mandriva or suse15:02
sebsebsebbjsnider: indeed :)15:02
sebsebsebyep those are examples of distros with very nice KDE15:02
sobczykhi, is there a way of troubleshooting non working PA? alsamixer shows everything OK, on panel I can set volume, but there is no sound (Kubuntu)15:02
sebsebsebwell not used KDE in SUse or maybe I did, but Mandriva yeah15:02
sobczykok sound indicator disappeared15:03
BluesKajkde is running fine here , bjsnider sebsebseb no glitches yet15:03
sobczykanyone cn help me?15:04
BluesKajmandriva and suse ? you have to be kidding :)15:04
bjsniderhave you used them?15:04
penguin42sobczyk: It's interesting you say that - it has on one of my machines as well15:04
BluesKajbjsnider, yes, otherwise I wouldn't make such a comment15:05
sebsebsebBluesKaj: got to look at things from both sides,  otherwise might be seen as a fan boy by people :D  so heres the other side. So yeah this Gnome patching for Ubuntu,  and not patching that has been done working with them  or at least with them being rather aware of what was going to happen.  Then they basically say to upstream Gnome, here are the patches, take them if you want them.  Well this is basically what I was told by someone who15:05
sobczyksince upping to 10.10 only problems I had was PA15:05
sebsebsebcontributes to Gnome and is an ex Ubuntu user, plus  I have read stuff like this on the web.15:05
penguin42sobczyk: Make sure indicator-applet is added to your panel15:05
sebsebsebBluesKaj: so Ubuntu is starting to do some things, that upstreams are only really meant to do.  Unity is another example of that really.15:06
sebsebsebBluesKaj: however the whole indicator thing is a great example of this15:07
penguin42sebsebseb: Most distros have tended to add some of their own quirks15:07
sebsebsebpenguin42: right, but Ubuntu is starting to do much more than just some15:07
sobczykI'm going to try the windows way, restart the machine, if that helps, Ubuntu is doomed15:07
penguin42sebsebseb: Yeh, and unfortunately not making it switchable15:08
sebsebseboh BluesKaj I messaged you by mistake there, when I was meant to message bjsnider15:09
BluesKajsebsebseb, dunno what you mean ...I'm just commenting that kde runs well on ubuntu ...gnome upstream makes no diff to me .. I prefer the kde look and layout15:09
sebsebsebpenguin42: bjsnider  Maybe really not the best channel to give this link out in, but ah well. Its a bit old now as well, but it basically explains what Ubuntu are doing, or if not are at least seen as to be doing, by many people in the wider LInux community, as well as some of the Ubuntu users. http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/12068_3900296_1/Ubuntu-1010-Alpha-Slouching-Toward-Ubuntu-GNOME.htm15:11
bazhang!ot > sebsebseb15:11
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message15:11
sobczykok, traced part of the PA problem, sound works after 1st login, but I have no sound indicator, if I log-off and login I get the indicator, but that disables the sound15:13
penguin42sobczyk: OK, so you have the indicator - is pulseaudio itslef running? ps  -eaf|grep pulse15:19
BUGabundopenguin42: http://goo.gl/j40z15:19
sobczyksobczyk   2063     1  2 23:09 ?        00:00:17 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog15:19
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh!15:20
penguin42sobczyk: OK, so from the volume thing if you bring up sound preferences what does it show for hardware?15:20
sobczykinternal sound analog stereo and rv710/730 digital stereo15:21
penguin42sobczyk: OK15:22
penguin42sobczyk: And if you go to the output tab which one is selected?15:22
sobczykpenguin42: KDE does not have output tab, but you gave me idea, I think it selects the HDMI output by default15:24
penguin42sobczyk: Ah sorry, didn't realise you are in KDE - I don't know the equivalent stuff in there15:24
ayush1What is the exact time 10.10 is going to be available? Does anyone know?15:24
sebsebsebayush1: probably in about 22 hours from now15:24
sobczykI have to figure out how to set the default15:24
vbgunz_Kuba: I've always had the issue of suspending and seeing an underscore during hibernation. did you figure it out? incredibly I am looking for a solution too15:27
sebsebsebayush1: you can join #ubuntu-release-party  wilst you wait, and tommorow it will be announced in #ubuntu-release-announce15:27
Kubavbgunz_: Are You on eee? ;)15:27
vbgunz_Kuba: eee? asus eee pc? I have an asus motherboard but not the eee15:28
vbgunz_Kuba: why, is this an asus thing?15:28
stahlstiftAnyone found a link für 10.10 netbook? :D15:31
ItsYouxD anyone found a link für :)15:32
stahlstiftItsYou: 10.10 netbook final ;)15:32
Kubavbgunz_: well, I'm using asus eee pc15:32
Kubastahlstift:there is no final ;<15:32
stahlstiftKuba: wh0t?15:33
vbgunz_Kuba: I've been trying to make hibernation as verbose as possible and have always hit a brick wall for as long as I remember. the latest kernels are showing a resume screen that looks great but going down, I always get the blinking underscore and it sucks15:34
vbgunz_I have so far been unable to find any solutions for a more verbose hibernation screen15:34
Ian_cornestahlstift: it's the 9th15:36
Ian_corne10.10 is scheduled to release on 10th15:36
mistere3571If I've installed 10.10 RC 1 will I be able to upgrade it to the final release version without re-installing?15:37
Daekdroommistere3571, yes15:37
stahlstiftIan_corne: I know. It´s a kind of "hobby" to find a mirror which got the final release public a day for launch :)15:37
mistere3571Daekdroom: great!  thanks.15:37
xenogiaDamn Australian Time, it is already the 10th of the 10th here.. Hahaha15:41
charlie-tcaAlways UTC time...15:41
phil42is Maverick ready?15:42
faganits always the date that it is over in the uk15:42
faganso its not15:42
faganits tomorrow15:42
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!15:42
fagancharlie-tca: why did you have to show them the command15:43
charlie-tcawhy not?15:43
faganthats just opening a can of worms15:43
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!15:43
stahlstiftSee thats what fagan taling about15:43
charlie-tcaPlease don't abuse the bot15:43
PhotoJimit'll be an hour behind the UK won't it?  UK is still on summer time.15:43
faganback around hardy the bot used to say "if you ask !isitout then mark pushes the release back an hour"15:44
Unksii wouldnt think it would be out even by now if it was for that ;)15:45
phil42i didn't ask if it is out, i asked if it is ready15:45
DaekdroomDepends on how you define ready.15:45
PhotoJimI've got the testing version on a spare laptop... I don't imagine it would be fatal to upgrade a production system to the testing version so close to launch.15:45
DaekdroomIf it's finalized, yes, it is, if every mirror has it already, I doubt it..15:45
faganwell its not an LTS so there will be a few bugs15:45
faganbut other than that its good and stable15:45
PhotoJimI'm leaving my server on LTS.  that's what LTS is for.15:46
faganlong term support15:46
faganthats what its for :P15:46
PhotoJimfor systems where you value stability over bleeding edge-ness :)15:47
PhotoJimupgrade them only every two years, essentially.  except for bug fixes and security updates.15:47
faganwell the normal releases are far from bleeding edge but we work hard on the LTS releases to make them just that bit more stable15:47
PhotoJimcompared to Debian, the normal releases are pretty bleeding edge ;)15:48
faganwell most people I know that use debain are on testing or unstable15:48
Daekdroomfagan, I don't think LTS is that stable once it's released.15:48
faganI dont know anyone myself that uses debian stable15:49
DaekdroomDidn't it use a beta version of Firefox a few times?15:49
faganDaekdroom: that was hardy15:49
DaekdroomLucid didn't use a beta 3.5?15:49
faganbut the release of the final version of firefox was a week or so after release so it didnt matter much15:49
DaekdroomWell, indeed.15:49
itsonlymeI have a usb problem that I've never seen before.  My USB drives didn't auto-mount so I checked a few things. lsusb shows the internal hub, but dmesg doesn't log anything when I plug or unplug a device.    Anyone know what the problem is?15:50
Daekdroomand it's much better having a beta browser for a week than an obsolete browser for years.15:50
thiebaudeunity sure looks sweet on this 10.10 desktop :)15:50
faganthiebaude: well the old netbook interface worked fine on the desktop too15:51
thiebaudeyes indeed15:51
BluesKajnoticed medibuntu repos isn't maverick ready15:53
xenogiaI'm tempted to try out the RC before release date but is there really any point?16:10
xenogiaIt is only one day.. haha16:10
FriarI get an error when I do sudo apt-get update  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/RyEnhgEQ16:11
mthornMy playstation->usb adaptor that was working on lucid no longer seems to work in Maverick.16:12
mthornif I tail -f /dev/input/js0, there's no response whatsoever when I press on buttons16:12
mthornis there a simple package that I'm missing? What's the best way to debug this?16:12
mthornthe device DOES show up when I run lsusb16:13
xenogiaFriar: Seems the mediubuntu is having some GPG key issues16:13
xenogiaI'd give it a bit16:13
itsonlymemthorn,  I have the same problem16:13
xenogiaI'd heard in the grapevine that your not the only person have the same problem16:13
xenogiaitsonlyme just proved that.. haha16:14
Friarxenogia, thanks....is it still being updated when I do that?16:14
mthornhm. And I take it no one's found a solution? :/16:14
xenogiausually it is16:14
itsonlymeI'm on a vaio though16:15
xenogiai'd give it an hour or so, should be back to normal16:15
xenogiaI always find on release date launchpad gets hard to even connect to get keys for PPAs.. haha16:16
xenogiaI always end up using an alternative16:16
Friarxenogia, how do you do that? I have been having this problem for a week now.16:16
xenogiaFriar: Give me a sec I'll get an alternative place for you16:16
electroHow do you get the nvidia driver to work in xorg 1.9 ?16:21
Kubaikonia: the last log row is: Oct  9 17:16:22 wee kernel: [  241.276341] PM: Preparing system for mem sleep16:22
lapion!seen axion16:26
ubottuI have no seen command16:26
Ken8521@seen axion16:28
sslither2010does anyone know if 10.10 will fully support the glass effect's16:28
Ken8521hmm, nope, doesn't work her.16:28
Ken8521sslither2010, you mean like compiz?16:29
sslither2010yes like compiz that olny partially work's in 10.0416:29
bdoggcan someone help me out with a keyring thing on ubuntu16:51
ayush1bdogg: keyring thing?16:52
bdoggor sorry, password16:52
bdoggi have ubuntu set to auto-login16:52
Ken8521and it asks for your keyring?16:52
bdoggbut it gets really annoying because a pop-up asking for my password comes out16:53
Ken8521bdogg: are you on 10.10?16:53
bdoggi wouldn't mind if it didnt show up 3 times16:53
bdoggafter i enter my password16:53
bdoggyes im on maverick16:53
Ken8521bdogg: go to syste/admin/passwords and encryption keys16:54
bdoggokay there16:54
Ken8521*I believe.. there's somethng there you have to delete16:54
Ken8521i just can't remember what16:54
Ken8521i don't auto-login16:55
bdoggwell ill poke around16:55
Ken8521bdogg: hang on a sec16:55
Ken8521i can't remember if i leftm y PC on or not if i did, i'll vnc into it and look at my settings(my PC auto log in)16:56
Ken8521bdogg: under sys/pref/passwords and encryption keys17:01
porter1Is anyone else having pulseaudio slowness causing audio to be extremely choppy? Using Lucid's last kernel, I don't have the choppiness like in 2.6.35-2217:01
Ken8521on the passwords tab, what do you have there?17:01
KubaI'm having problems with installing eeepc-acpi-scripts; eeepc-acpi-scripts: Depends: acpi-support-base which is a virtual package.17:01
bdoggum lots of things17:01
bdoggbut there are only 2 that use the password17:01
bdoggthat i have to type in17:01
bdoggaccount: idle/irc/brian0; param: param-password17:02
Ken8521hm, i dn't have all that17:02
Ken8521i assume brian0 is your username?17:02
bdoggand account: gabble/jabber/b34tls4ever_40chat_2efacebook_2ecom0; param: param-password17:03
bdoggmy username is just brian17:03
Ken8521hmm, not sure man.17:03
bjsniderelectro, they already do work, except nvidia-9617:03
Ken8521it could be any of those options, but you need to find which one is calling that up to start, and delete it(that's what i did)17:03
Ken8521so now, it starts automatically17:03
bdoggwell im guessing the second password account i typed in is the MEmenu17:04
bdoggbecause it says facebook17:04
Ken8521bdogg: is it making you enter the keyring to sign on to your network, and that is the issue?17:04
bdoggno its just that it ubuntu logs in17:05
bdoggand then a prompts me for my password in a window17:05
bdoggbut it does it multiple times17:05
glebihanbdogg: it may because the passwords are stored in different keyrings, and you have to unlock all of them17:09
bdoggso is the password entry manditory then?17:09
Ken8521glebihan: thats exactly what i was thinking17:09
Ken8521only thing i have in keyring, is vino, thats it.17:10
bdogghow can i fix it?17:10
Cojageis it ready?17:10
Cojagefor tomorrow?17:10
Cojageor will get delayed lol17:10
glebihanbdogg: if my idea is right, I don't think there's anything you can do17:10
bdoggyes your idea is right17:10
bdoggwell thinks for your insight17:11
bdoggat least now i know why17:11
Ken8521that's kind fo a douchebag exit message17:11
Cojageso will 10.10 final be released tomorrow17:11
androidbruce|lapCojage, hooray17:12
glebihanCojage: it should be, Ubuntu releases are usually on time17:12
Assidits out tomorrow right?17:12
Cojagewell yeah i guess17:12
glebihanAssid: yes17:12
Assidwheres the mirror managers17:12
Assidi wanna talk about a mirror17:12
Cojagethey are busy fixing pulseaudio17:12
Cojageor are they?17:12
Assidor a few :D17:12
KubaIs any script from /etc/acpi called when I issue "suspend" from the main ubuntu menu? Or are those only for button press?17:14
penguin42Kuba: I think everything in there is based off events like button presses or plugging AC in happens17:18
yofelKuba: if you want to get a script executed before suspend, see /etc/pm/sleep.d/17:19
Kubayofel: the problem is, my suspend doens't work -._17:20
yofelKuba: it fails on suspend or on resume?17:20
Kubaon suspend: balck screen with underscore as the only character appearing17:21
yofeland https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Debugging%20Suspend might help with debugging17:21
Kubayofel: oh thanks, I will try it17:22
vbgunz_where has the qdbusviewer gone in maverick?17:25
vbgunz_I see I need qt4-dev-tools17:26
Ken8521looks like its gone17:28
Kubayofel: Coud You take a lokk at it? http://kuba.dziwki.edu.pl/up/pm-suspend.png please17:29
KubaOr anyone cold take a look at my suspend-related problem?17:32
andrrI tried to load the 2.6.35 kernel, but an error which ended in "kerneal_thread_helper <some numbers>" was rendered.However, I can load the 2.6.32 kernel.I'm using Ubuntu 10.1017:40
=== vbgunz_ is now known as vbgunz
stahlstifthm if I follow the iso to usb manual on ubuntu.com, I can´t boot from the usb stick on my netbook17:42
vbgunzKuba, you finally got a verbose hibernation on shutdown?17:43
penguin42stahlstift: What happens?17:43
stahlstiftThe netbook tries to boot from the usb stick and then showing the normal grub17:44
stahlstiftfrom the internal hd17:44
stahlstift0:    Ubuntu-Netbook 1   *2.0 GB   disk5  - that looks ok17:45
stahlstiftalso when I mount the USB on the mac there are data17:45
stahlstiftSomething changed with 10.10 ?17:45
stahlstiftI followed the manual from 10.4 with the 10.10 rc117:45
penguin42I know there were earlier problems with creating USB boot images, but I don't think either failed to make something that tried to boot17:45
stahlstiftI followed the steps… hdiutil to convert the iso to an img17:46
stahlstiftunmounting with diskutils, dd with bs=1m17:46
stahlstiftand ejecting...17:46
stahlstiftwell not much options to do something wrong ;)17:47
Kubavbgunz: indeed17:50
atheotskyis it out ?17:51
Kubavbgunz: just run "pm-suspend" from terminal17:51
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!17:51
Kubahowever I know what my problem is17:51
KubaDoes ubuntu 10.10 have any problems with usb 3.0?17:51
KubaKen8521: no? :)17:51
PhotoJimif it's 0000 UTC, it's out.  if it isn't 0000 UTC, it's not out :)17:52
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!17:53
penguin42Kuba: I suspect that there aren't many who have tried it on 317:53
Kubapenguin42: so here I am, having troubles with it ;p17:54
=== adrian is now known as Guest83871
penguin42Kuba: So to answer the question I would say, yes, someone has problems with USB 3 - you!17:54
penguin42Kuba: What problems?17:54
Kubapenguin42: suspend isn't working17:55
Kubabut that might be hardware/bios problem, not ubuntu's17:55
penguin42Kuba: What makes you think it's USB3 related?17:55
magicianlordhas the iso been fixed yet?17:55
duffydackno updates today... could I  have 'final' installed17:55
Kubawell, I disabled usb 3.0 and it autmagically started to suspend, penguin4217:56
magicianlordit still hangs at syslinux with usb creator.17:56
penguin42Kuba: OK, that's a fair argument17:56
Kubapenguin42: I'm going to turn it on, and post here /var/log/pm-suspend.log17:56
Guest83871The final stable version will be released on October 10, 2010.17:56
penguin42Kuba: I've not noticed any bugs (I look through the bug lists a bit but not too hard) specifically about it17:56
Guest83871what  time zone? :)17:56
penguin42magicianlord: What did you create the image with? Which usb creator?17:57
magicianlordfedora usb creator, unetbootin, image creator, and the usb creator on the iso itself17:57
PhotoJimGuest83871: UTC17:57
magicianlordneither work17:57
magicianlordcannot boot  from flashdrive17:57
duffydackhttp://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html this is what I use for all my usb installs17:57
trismGuest83871: it is unlikely to be for more than 24 hours from now, there is no specific timezone for release, as long as it is October 10th somewhere17:57
magicianlordit drives me MEOW-mad!17:57
trismGuest83871: judging from past releases17:58
penguin42magicianlord: Interesting, you woul dhope the one on the CD would work; if you have the option of not allowing persistent data on the drive I'd say that's a good bet - there used to be problems with that; if you are creating images from Lucid you need a usb-creator in Lucid-updates17:58
magicianlorddo you believe that incompetent individuals surround themselves with connection with others moreso than competent ones, in order to simply survive?17:59
charlie-tcatrism: specific timezone is always UTC17:59
trismcharlie-tca: that is not true17:59
magicianlordpenguin42: no persistance. still didnt work17:59
trismcharlie-tca: the time varies every release17:59
penguin42magicianlord: Hmm not sure what to suggest, you say it hangs, any errors?17:59
charlie-tcayes it is. It will be released 10.10.10 UTC time17:59
magicianlordit hands on bootup at the syslinux white lin17:59
trismcharlie-tca: I find that very unlikely17:59
devuntToday is October 10th!17:59
charlie-tcaIt will not necessarily be released on 10.10.10 anywhere local time18:00
Guest83871devunt: from japan? :>18:00
stahlstifthdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ubuntu.img Downloads/ubuntu-10.10-rc-netbook-i386.iso  && sudo dd if=ubuntu.img.dmg of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m18:00
stahlstiftnot bootable...18:00
devuntfrom seoul, s. korea18:00
stahlstiftcheckum from the iso is correct18:00
charlie-tcait is still October 9 UTC18:00
Guest83871sure ;)18:00
magicianlordwhy dont they fix this?18:00
magicianlordthe basic iso should at least boot18:01
devuntIt October 10 2:00 am KST18:01
atheotskyi think ubuntu was out, but they have yet to provide download links18:01
magicianlordthat's a primary quality check18:01
magicianlordatheotsky: where is hte link18:01
penguin42magicianlord: It seems to for most people18:01
Guest83871in secret place ;)18:01
Guest83871in NYC ;P18:01
magicianlordpenguin42: it boots off cd, but not the usb creator18:01
magicianlordat least the one from windwos18:01
atheotskyserveral versions earlier, i got download links 1 or 2 day before it was officially out18:01
stahlstiftmagicianlord: you also can´t install it from usb?18:01
magicianlordstahlstift: cant boot18:02
magicianlordhangs at syslinux line18:02
stahlstiftmagicianlord: then you coming farer then I come ;)18:02
atheotskymagicianlord: i dont know actually :)18:02
penguin42Kuba: There is a mechanism to blacklist certain modules for suspend/hibernate - never tried it, but you might be able to do that to the module that does USB318:02
atheotskybecause no one gave me the download link this time18:02
Guest83871beer for person who find url with final rel ;)18:03
penguin42magicianlord: So the two I've seen mentioned are the stuff with persistent data and an incompatibility between earlier iamge writers and the new syslinux, but that's just from watching release notes etc18:03
magicianlordlike i said, who is in charge of quality checking the isos at canonical18:03
stahlstift2 beer!18:03
magicianlordis that person/s in this chat?18:03
penguin42magicianlord: I doubt it18:04
penguin42(I don't know who it is)18:04
atheotskypenguin42: me too18:04
magicianlordwell, they need to have a better QC process18:04
Ken8521magicianlord: what do you mean?18:04
penguin42magicianlord: What hardware are you trying to boot it on?18:05
Kubapenguin42: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=2qVcHcAh Here is my /var/log/pm-suspend.log18:05
Guest83871http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/maverick-desktop-i386.iso ?:>18:05
Kubapenguin42: nothing special...18:05
atheotskylet's see18:06
atheotskyi'll check that link18:06
magicianlordpenguin42: netbook18:06
penguin42Kuba: I think the xhci is the usb3 but am not sure18:06
Guest83871atheotsky: but better links for sources.list for upgrade ;)18:06
stahlstiftare there already usb3 devices out?18:07
penguin42magicianlord: Any particular one?18:07
penguin42stahlstift: Yeh18:07
atheotskyevery one, check that link :)18:07
stahlstiftI am going to look for some benchmarks ;)18:07
atheotskythere's no RC18:07
magicianlordpenguin42: they're all the same.18:07
Guest83871beer for me18:07
penguin42Kuba: So I think I'd try creating /etc/pm/config.d/10brokenusb3 and in it put something like SUSPEND_MODULES="xhci_hcd" and try again18:07
penguin42magicianlord: No they aren't, there is quite a wide variety of BIOS, graphics chipsets and general screw ups18:08
stahlstiftGuest83871: Not really :P It´s just the daily build…18:08
atheotskystahlstift : nope18:08
penguin42magicianlord: I have Maverick installed on my Asus eeepc 1001HA from thumbdrive, but it has a problem shutting down - now that's a different problem from you18:08
Guest83871stahlstift: a couple of days there were no changes18:09
atheotskydaily build had RC after iso file's name18:09
stahlstifthm k ;)18:09
stahlstiftno netbook link? :(18:09
atheotskyi wonder if torrent links have a lot of seed18:09
penguin42Kuba: Of course that suggestion could break everything and I've never tried it - but hey I'd be interested to know if you survive18:09
ph0x9in how many hours will release final?18:10
Guest83871< 24 ;)18:10
Ken8521lmao.. question in ubuntu : which timezone will ubuntu follow(i guess for the time it releases)18:10
atheotskyi think i'll wait till ubuntu.com announce it18:10
Kubapenguin42: well, it does NOT work :(18:10
ph0x9samoa time again?18:10
stahlstiftGuest83871: What about daily netbook? :D18:10
Ken8521i guess...lol18:10
magicianlordpenguin42: the usb creator from fedora does not properly boot the netbook remix18:10
Guest83871stahlstift: i dont know, but new UI for netbook is poor18:10
ph0x9i wish the next ubuntu will be released japan time18:11
magicianlordit's poor?18:11
yofelstahlstift: that's in a different directory http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/18:11
atheotskypenguin42: try unetbootin, it's cool18:11
stahlstiftyofel: Cool Thanks!18:11
penguin42magicianlord: I can believe there might be problems with usb creators from different distros might break it - I think maverick is using a very new syslinux and gets confused by some old usb creators; but I don't know the details18:11
magicianlordpenguin42: ok. the one in the iso didnt work either though18:11
penguin42magicianlord: Yeh that sucks; although given how many things don't work for you, I wonder whether the problem is actually something more about booting from usb thumb drives on your machine18:12
penguin42Kuba: Hmm that fix doesn't ?18:12
Assidman.. ubuntui goes slow on my dell d60018:13
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!18:13
magicianlordpenguin42: no18:13
tankdriverHow do I add shortcuts in left panel in Netbook Editon?18:13
magicianlordwhy doesn't canonical just make the iso bootable with a straight disk imager18:14
Kubapenguin42: yeah, config.d solution doesn't work; and `sudo modprobe -r xhci-hcd` works18:14
magicianlordtake the arch linux iso for example18:14
penguin42Kuba: Well make sure it's bug reported - the fact that modprobe -r xhci-hcd works is a great pointer to the problem18:15
prodigymagicianload, iirc, arch linux's install cd  doesn't be adapted as a livecd, unlike ubuntu/mint18:16
Kubapenguin42: would it be reasonable to temporary create /etc/sleep.d/10_brokenusb3 with `modprobe`/`modprobe -r` ?18:17
* Assid needs a faster ubuntu... on his dell d60018:17
penguin42Kuba: It sounds worth a try, I'm surprised that adding to SUSPEND_MODULES doesn't work - can you give me the exact line you tried in config.d ?18:18
* prodigy 's live usbkey ubuntu is running fast like a ghost18:18
Assidis mnaverick any quicker than previous releases?18:18
penguin42Assid: Not that I've noticed18:19
prodigyis libreoffice in the repos of maverick?18:19
mohraibatfor me the rc is running pretty fast on a pentium 318:19
Ken8521prodigy: i don't think so.. not yet18:19
tensorpuddingAssid: it's not slower that i can tell18:19
mohraibati use it as a test18:19
milazhi all!18:20
penguin42milaz: Hi!18:20
prodigymaverick will be released in several hours18:20
milazplease, i need help, or after reboot i won't be able to boot at all :(18:20
penguin42milaz: Explain your problem?18:21
milazI just updated rc of ubuntu, and grup-pc package with it18:21
milazit tells me that update of this package failed.18:21
Assidmy d600 runs slow as hell on this18:21
Assidwell any os18:21
milazif i do something like this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc18:21
penguin42Assid: Everything or just some stuff?18:21
prodigyAssid: it is possible. ubuntu needs more power to run18:22
milazthen it reports "Segmentation fault", then "Generating grub.cfg ...", segmentation fault, and so on18:22
penguin42milaz: Eek it shouldn't do that18:22
Assidprodigy: im thinking of moving that to chrome os or so18:22
penguin42milaz: What's your configuration, what did you update from? What discs have you got?18:22
=== HarryS is now known as K-Lined
Assidis kubuntu any quicker with kde?18:23
prodigyAssid: pclinux(i686) is a better choice for your case18:23
milazRight. I believe when I installed it from USB stick, it offered me to put a boot loader into /dev/sda18:23
milazI didn't suspect anything, and agreed18:23
=== K-Lined is now known as HarryS
prodigyAssid: i have tried it. it's big but it's fast18:23
tensorpuddingAssid: You could try running a netbook system like Ubuntu Netbook Remix, maybe18:23
BluesKajmilaz, I have to ask did you do , sudo update-grub ?18:23
penguin42milaz: OK, so it's a clean install?18:23
milazIn fact, when ubuntu is loaded, /dev/sda is my hard drive18:23
Assidprodigy: pclinux?18:23
Ken8521Assid: i personally think KDE sucks no matter the distroy18:24
milazwell, not already, I updated it several times18:24
prodigyAssid: a mandriva fork18:24
milazI believe previous update also included grub18:24
penguin42milaz: I've not seen update-grub seg before18:24
Assidprodigy: how would it matter sine the packages etc are the same no matter what distro18:24
Ken8521pclinuxOS?  how anyone could suggest that, over Ubuntu, needs their head examined18:24
penguin42milaz: Does it say anything before it seg faults? Do you have a separate /boot ? Do you have other OSs installed?18:24
tensorpuddingAssid: How much RAM does your machine have?18:25
Ken8521w/ that amount of ram, i would not run KDE.. .run Gnome.18:25
Ken8521to much bloat on KDE.18:25
prodigyi won't choose lxde under any situation18:26
stahlstiftno can´t manage to get a bootable usb drive with the manuel on ubuntu.com on my mac18:26
Ken8521i actually had Gnome running on a laptop w/ a 1ghz processor and 768mb of ram, and it ran fine.18:26
magicianlordwho has screenshots of their desktop18:26
tensorpudding768 MB isn't that bad at all18:26
prodigyin old good days, 1ghz with 768m of ram was the magic machine for gentoo18:26
Ken8521tensorpudding: for kde4 it is... i have 2gigs of ram, and it drags on my machine18:27
Ken8521magicianlord: hang on a sec, i'll show you mine18:27
Assidyeah.. but its slow as hell on this18:27
Ken8521Assid: what is?18:27
Assiddell d60018:27
Assidi think 1.4ghz18:27
milazpenguin42: http://pastebin.ca/195824618:27
tensorpuddingit depends on the applications you run18:27
tensorpuddingthat's a Pentium M laptop I think18:28
prodigyp-m is not bad18:28
tensorpuddingi had a lot of annoyance with running firefox on that much ram18:28
Assidi just run chrome now18:28
tensorpuddingit got mitigated a good bit when i switched to chrome18:28
milazI have a lot of previous versions of ubuntu installed, but I afraid it did something bad with MBR18:28
Assidso what should i load on this?18:29
Ken8521magicianlord: this is y desktop, dual montiros, ubuntu host, XP guest.. my laptop.. it looks exactly like my ubuntu desktop in this screen shot...  http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/?action=view&current=ubuntuxp.jpg18:29
penguin42milez: Well even if it is a bad MBR you can always boot off the thumb you used to install18:29
magicianlordok, hold on18:29
Assidto be honest its just sitting around18:29
Assidi want my mom to start using a pc18:29
Assidi got her that chinese pad.. but i gave it in at work18:29
penguin42milez: Can you run /bin/sh -x /usr/sbin/update-grub -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:29
Ken8521chineese pad>18:30
penguin42milez: It should give a lot of output, but should show what the program that's actually segfaulting is18:30
prodigygoogle bugs you even you are using ff. so, i won't trust chrome18:30
Kubapenguin42: well, I did exactly what you said: /etc/pm/config.d/10_something with SUSPEND_MODULES="xhci_hcd"18:30
Assidprodigy: lxde ?18:30
prodigyAssid: i will take xfce18:30
penguin42Kuba: Hmm it's probably worth mentioning that doesn't work in your bug report, I would have expected it to18:30
Ken8521xfce isn't that much lighter than Gnome.18:30
Assidhows pclinux any quicker than ubuntu ?18:31
tensorpuddinglubuntu probably uses less resources, but if you run intensive applications it won't make a huge difference18:31
Ken8521Assid: it's not.. thats why i was surprised someone suggested it... it's actually not near as user friendly IMO.18:31
Ken8521Assid: what does this machine need to do?18:31
prodigyAssid, because pclos is compiled with i68618:31
Kubapenguin42: oh, now it worked18:31
prodigyAssid, pclos is much faster even in a vm18:31
Assidrealistically .. chat/email/facebook :D18:31
milazpenguin42: it still segfaults. http://pastebin.ca/195824918:32
Kubapenguin42: should it be +x chmoded? the config.d/* file?18:32
Assidprodigy: really?18:32
prodigyAssid, i said, i have tested18:32
Assidprodigy: how much quicker can i look for it to be ?18:32
Ken8521Assid: really, any OS will do that...18:32
prodigyAssid, at least, the botting time is less18:32
tensorpuddingit probably runs fewer things at boot18:32
magicianlordcool man18:32
AssidKen8521: i know.. id rather not had windows tho.. then i gotta load an antivirus.. which is gonna sucj more resources18:33
prodigyAssid, to see is to believe18:33
magicianlordare you running debian with xfce?18:33
Ken8521my experience w/ PcLinuxOS is exactly opposite, not to mention hardware recognition is not near the level of Ubuntu18:33
Ken8521Assid: i would look at lubuntu18:33
magicianlordcheck it out18:33
Ken8521if you're that worried about it, but i think Gnome would work fine18:33
magicianlordi'm gonna upload my shot18:33
milazpenguin42: probably it still wants to put MBR to my USB flash?18:33
tensorpuddingdo you have broadcom wifi?18:33
prodigythe ubuntu's forte is that ubuntu supports the lastest hardware18:33
prodigyso, i choose when i get a new toy18:34
tensorpuddingit's not fun to switch distros to something that doesn't easily support those proprietary drivers18:34
Ken8521I used PcLinuxOS for about 4mo(actually the first linux distro I got to work 100%)... after that, I tried Fedora 4, and realized how bad PcLinuxOS sucked.. stayed w/ fedora till 5, then jumped to ubuntu at 6.0618:34
milazpenguin42: it looks like this18:34
milazsudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc18:34
milaz/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `/dev/disk/by-id/usb-USB_2.0_Flash_Disk_00070308825DD7E6A853-0:0'.18:34
Assidmy problem with running linux on my desktop is i mainly use xbmc .. and compiz +xbmc = bad18:34
Ken8521Assid: have you looked at Lubuntu18:35
milazMaybe there's a place where I can tell grub to use /dev/sda instead?18:35
Assidso my main desktop is w718:35
AssidKen8521: checking18:35
Ken8521Assid: you could install lubuntu, add what she needs, remove crap she doesn't and thats that...18:36
prodigyAssid: win7 can do everything linux can do18:36
BUGabundobbl guys18:36
Assidprodigy: i know.. thats why its on my desktop18:36
magicianlordKen8521: http://imagebin.org/11776218:36
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!18:37
magicianlordwhy you lyin, ubottu18:38
Ken8521magicianlord: not bad, not my style, not bad though.. now you want to se an awful one?  the other day, i remote desktop'd this computer to help them w/ a problem.. i've never saw a desktop that looked this awful, i actually took a screenshot and uploaded it. http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/?action=view&current=wtf.jpg18:38
AssidKen8521: yeah will check it out18:38
Ken8521Assid: like i said, just for ease of use, etc..(since you said she's never used a computer) i would stick w/ one of the *buntu's... especially if you'll be expected to install software, etc.. it's a system you are familiar w/... if you can't use it or are not familiar with it, it's going to do her little good.18:39
Ken8521because from the sounds of it, she won't know ho to use it either18:39
tensorpuddingWindows can't do everything Linux can do.18:40
magicianlordKen8521: it's arch/openbox, with tint2 and conky running along the bottom. i used to have conky at the top and tint all the way acrossthe bottom, but for a netbook with 600 horizontal pixels, i just iminimized space last night18:40
Ken8521magicianlord: yeah, i actually like openbox on really old stuff.18:40
magicianlordthe backgrounds is new18:40
penguin42milaz: You see the line where it says exec grub-mkconfig in that output ? can you run that line but instead of starting with exec start it with  sudo /bin/sh -x18:40
penguin42kuba: I didn't think it needed +x but wasn't too sure18:41
magicianlordthe theme is statler-shiki, pulled from the crunchbang alpha2 iso18:41
Assidtomorrow i plan to blow up 1tb bandwith18:41
Assidat the very least18:41
Ken8521magicianlord: i've not looked at the new crunchbang iso... but i've always liked crunchbang18:41
Ken8521Assid: do you have any experience w/ Ubuntu?18:43
Assiderr yes.... enough :D18:43
Assidi just stopped using it cause i preferred w718:43
zeltakhi how can i tell if i got pulse installed in the upgrade fron lucid to maverick (kubuntu)18:43
magicianlordKen8521: it's cool. i started on crunchbang 9.04, then tried archbang, and now i simply recreate a clean install using the arch iso  that uses components of them, more mimimalistically though.18:44
yofelzeltak: apt-cache policy pulseaudio18:44
Ken8521Assid: i find that crazy, but OK>> :)18:44
Kubapenguin42: hmm, it doesn't need +x; i must have mistyped it previously18:44
AssidKen8521: linux packages need to learn to play nice with each other18:44
magicianlordKen8521: the background you saw is from win7, heh. i have two monochrome backgrounds that i prefer mostly, just went for this last night18:45
penguin42Kuba: Ah cool18:45
magicianlordit's a bambu forest and an artistic bird sitting on a tree.18:45
Ken8521magicianlord: it's not bad.. did you see that other one i posted, on th machine I VNC'd... it was awful, not sure how they use it18:45
zeltakyofel: i get this: pulseaudio:18:45
zeltak  Installed: (none)18:45
zeltaki assume that means the install didnt do it18:46
yofelzeltak: then it's not installed currently, do you have 'kubuntu-desktop' installed?18:46
Kubapenguin42: Than You very uch for helping me out; seems like i need to file a bug report, never done that before ;/18:46
prodigymy pulseaudio is working like a charm18:46
robotti^when next ubuntu will be released?18:46
zeltakyofel: sure i only dist-upgraded from kubuntu lucid18:47
penguin42Kuba: Well it'll be a great bug - it says >>that<< module is broken18:47
prodigyrobotti^: it should be 11.0418:47
robotti^prodigy: no! I mean ubuntu 10.1018:47
magicianlordKen8521: the xp one? yes18:47
yofelzeltak: hm, kubuntu-desktop recommends pulseaudio, so as long as installing recommended packages isn't turned off it should have installed it18:47
robotti^prodigy: I am using 10.0418:47
prodigyeverybody is18:48
Ken8521magicianlord: no.. that was actually my machine w/ XP as a guest OS.18:48
zeltakhey thats wierd i apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop and it says none18:48
zeltakyofel: how is that possible18:48
robotti^how to update 10.04 to 10.1018:48
prodigyrobotti^: it's not wise18:48
Ken8521!upgrade | robotti^18:48
ubotturobotti^: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:48
yofelzeltak: maybe it got removed by a dependency conflict? only update-manager makes sure the meta-packages don't get removed, dist-upgrade doesn't handle them in any special way18:48
zeltakhmmm so what do you suggest i do now?18:49
Ken8521magicianlord: this one.. http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/?action=view&current=wtf.jpg18:49
Kubavbgunz: my problem was caused by the usb 3.0 module xhci_hcd18:49
penguin42Kuba: When you file it please tell us the bug number18:49
zeltakyofel: should i apt-get kubntu desktop?18:50
yofelzeltak: btw, are you running netbook? you should have either kubuntu-desktop or -netbook installed though, if it's missing install it18:50
prodigyKuba: too many interrupts in the powertop?18:50
zeltaklaoptop (so desktop version) so if its missing i should apt-get kubuntu-desktop18:50
prodigyKuba: my usb 3.0 is fast like a ghost18:50
Kubaprodigy: I do't have any usb 3.0 capable device ;p18:51
prodigyKuba: usb 3.0 and sata 3.0 can boost your old 2.0 devices18:51
[tla]Hi.  I have an issue with Maverick not muting the speakers when I plug in headphones.  /proc/asound/card0/codec#* lists the Codecs as: Realtek ALC262 and LSI Si3054. Tried adding "options snd-hda-intel model=hp" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf but no improvement.  Laptop is Toshiba Satellite Pro A120.  Any ideas?18:51
Kubaprodigy: and tbh, I don't know what You meant by Your first post, about the powertop ;d18:52
Kubapenguin42: Okay, when I learn how to file it ;d18:52
penguin42Kuba: Run   ubuntu-bug linux18:52
milazpenguin42: sorry, my internet connection failed18:52
milazprnguin42: here it is: http://pastebin.ca/195826118:52
magicianlordKen8521: what's with the blue hearts background? heh18:53
Ken8521magicianlord: i dunno..lol18:53
Ken8521weird folks i guess18:53
penguin42milaz: That's odd, one or more of the scripts in /etc/grub.d is itself causing it to seg fault - if you do dmesg are there any errors at the end of it?18:56
milazpenguin42: yes, [ 4459.336809] grub-probe[15004]: segfault at 0 ip 004c015a sp bf9615ac error 4 in libc-2.12.1.so[44c000+157000]18:57
penguin42milaz: That shouldn't happen!18:58
milazI actually tracked with sh -x 30_os-prober script, and found that offending program is grub-probe18:59
milazsudo /usr/sbin/grub-probe --device /dev/sda6 --target=drive18:59
milazSegmentation fault18:59
penguin42milaz: Want to add a -v to that ?19:00
penguin42milaz: Is there anything odd about your disk setup or installations?19:01
MathuinNot to be neurotic, but what *time* tomorrow is the release?19:02
penguin42Mathuin: We don't know19:04
davidc3Around ten, but I don't know which timezone ;)19:04
MathuinVery nice, davidc3 :-)19:04
MathuinI just finished backing up the three systems I'm going to upgrade, so I'm sorta chomping at the bit.19:04
milazpenguin42: sorry, my internet connection again failed :(19:05
milazhere's a tail of my dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/195827219:05
milazaha, -v gives this: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: info: cannot open `/boot/grub/device.map'19:05
ChogyDanMathuin: folks will be asking all day tomorrow, no one will know, and then it will just happen at some point19:05
Mathuin"segfault at 0 ip" -- does that indicate a null pointer exception?19:05
MathuinChogyDan: so my best bet is to just forget about it until nighttime.19:05
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!19:05
magicianlordoh, come on, ubottu!!!!19:06
* Mathuin thanks ubottu for its blunt but honest approach.19:06
penguin42milaz: I'm going to get food now; You could try manually creating a device.map or maybe trying to figure out what it doesn't like about your system19:06
magicianlordwhat time is the iso out?19:06
magicianlord12 EST?19:06
milazpenguin42: thank you very much19:07
milazI'll read now about device.map and will create it if I figure out :)19:07
Kubapenguin42: #657410 is it okay?19:08
Kubano bot response? :P19:09
ChogyDanbug 65741019:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657410 in linux (Ubuntu) "xhci_hcd breaks the suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65741019:10
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:10
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  there is no set time...19:10
KubaChogyDan: :)19:10
magicianlordthere is no set time...19:11
magicianlordwut a g19:11
yofelmagicianlord: the release isos are being tested currently, once all tests have been finished and no grave issues found it will be released19:14
yofelthe time when that is depends on the time and amount of iso testers19:14
Dr_WillisI wonder if my TERM type will stop getting set to be 'dumb' :)19:15
mohraibatyofel, so lets say they do grave issues then what ???19:15
yofelmohraibat: they'll probably send a message that the release will be delayed? doesn't happen usually, but they have the option to do that19:16
Mathuinyofel: thanks for the update.19:17
magicianlordyofel: thanks. hope they work with usb creator19:17
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!19:18
prodigyjust jerk it off19:18
androidbrucelol @ !isitout19:18
Dr_WillisId rather have them wait.. then release it with issues...19:18
magicianlordis there a place to download the new ubuntu font? also, a local grocery store chain is using the same font on soda bottles.19:18
androidbruceDr_Willis, it's true19:18
magicianlordinteresting, he?19:18
androidbrucemagicianlord, pics or GTFO19:19
yofelmagicianlord: it's installed by default in maverick19:19
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  yes.. i think its even in the topioc..19:19
Dr_Willistheres a ubuntu font ppa also i belive19:19
magicianlordi'll buy a bottle and scan it19:19
magicianlordit's like diet cola19:19
prodigysomebody maintains a font server19:19
androidbrucemagicianlord, cool deal19:19
prodigybut i have my own golden elite fonts19:19
magicianlordyofel: i'd like to pull the font and use it on another distro19:19
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  thats shouldent be too hard.19:20
trismmagicianlord: http://font.ubuntu.com/19:20
Dr_WillisI used the font for some Rummage Sale Signs this weekend.19:21
tensorpuddingIt's not really an impressive font19:21
tensorpuddingthough it's more noticeable than Sans19:22
prodigyfree fonts have only crappy hinting19:22
donniezazenDo you guys think Maverick is resource intensive? My fan kind of runs all the time.19:22
magicianlordi need the font family in raw format that can be extracted to another distro. arch in this case19:22
tensorpuddingmy load average is 0.4719:22
tensorpuddingso i'm thinking not19:23
Dr_WillisHow to force the ubuntu font to be used on web sites with a bookmarklet :) what fun --> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/use-ubuntu-font-on-websites-bookmarklet19:23
ChogyDandonniezazen: try switching the cpu governer19:23
tensorpuddingmagicianlord: it's just fonts, you could probably convert it to a PKGBUILD or whatnot19:23
prodigyyou can install 100+ distros then merge all fonts in a collection19:23
magicianlordtensorpudding: yes, 'll check AUR19:24
prodigybut it's not enough though19:24
donniezazenChogyDan i have never used scaling in Ubuntu i will have to look into it.19:24
tensorpuddingis the source a bunch of fontforge files or something?19:25
magicianlordit's a deb19:25
magicianlordshould be able to rip it open and extract19:25
duffydackdonniezazen, are you using ati19:25
tensorpuddingi'm grabbing the tarball from the website19:25
tensorpuddingi just had the notion of porting it19:26
donniezazenduffydack i use nvidia with nouveau with 3d19:26
magicianlordwhat about just copying the contents to the font directory19:26
magicianlordyep. usr/share/fonts19:27
tensorpuddingah, fontlab19:28
wxlso will tomorrow's release offe a ppc version that fits on a cd (and boots)?19:30
magicianlordnow let's see if openbox sees it19:30
andylanyone have an eta for the final iso ??19:30
wxltomorrow andyl  :)19:31
russjr08I can't wait! :)19:31
Guest83871i got final rel19:32
magicianlordmeh. i prefer the clean font.19:32
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:32
Dr_Williswxl:  ive not kept up woth how current the PPC  releases are. Not heard anytyhing one way or the other about PPC and 10.1019:32
prodigyis powerpc still alive?19:33
wxlDr_Willis: um thx for the info? there's an rc already out19:33
magicianlordprodigy: yes, just like the PowerVR GPU used in Sega's Dreamcast.19:34
wxlprodigy: ppc sux but it's all my PowerBook's got19:34
magicianlordDreamcast 2 is coming.19:34
wxlGuest83871: so wish I could make use of that but being cursed with a ppc my only option is Qemu which is awful slow19:36
Guest83871buy computer with normal hardware ;)19:36
intraderStill unsolved - brasero 'Segmentation fault' - I have reinstalled - apport does not have enough ram to write its report (350K available)19:37
wxlheh yeah, let me give you my PayPal addy so you can donate19:37
Dr_Willisbrasero has had issues in the last few releases - from what ive read..    i tend to use k3b for my needs. :) *ghasp*19:39
Ken8521intrader: install gnomebaker?19:39
Ken8521brasero is awful.. i've never understood why they nuked gnomebaker, in favor of brasero19:39
Dr_Willisto save 2k of disk space?19:40
Dr_Willis!info gnomebaker19:40
ubottugnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 990 kB, installed size 2980 kB19:40
Dr_Willis!info brasero19:40
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 174 kB, installed size 544 kB19:40
Dr_WillisOh wait.. 800+K :)19:40
Ken8521800k isn't all that much19:41
Ken8521it's barely 1mb19:41
Dr_Williswhats scary  is thats proberly IS the reason they picked the smaller...19:41
Ken8521if 1mb was a concern, you probably wouldn't need any burning app19:41
* prodigy uses crappy cdrrecord19:41
penguin42Kuba: Yeh that's great19:41
Ken8521Dr_Willis: yeah, forget the fact one works, and one doesnt..lol19:41
Dr_WillisKen8521:  works most of the time. :)19:41
Dr_WillisKen8521:  they got WUBI on the cd.. so that logic seems commonplace.19:41
Ken8521i never have probs out of Gnomebaker.. it's among the fist apps I install, and brasero is among the first i nuke19:42
Dr_WillisI cant recall any issues with Brasero really,.. but  i dont use it much.19:42
penguin42It did manage to burn me a coaster a couple of days ago19:42
Ken8521Dr_Willis: only issue i recall with it, is it not burning CD's no matter what i done.. always errors, etc...19:42
avoYou guys know the gnome panel bug where they applets move around?19:43
Ken8521where Gnomebaker and k3b, worked fine, no problem19:43
avoHas that been fixed in Maverick?19:43
Dr_WillisI DO recall some odd ness when making a data dvd,. and wanting to verify.. it would spit out the disk.. then ask me to stick it back in..  then pop up a 'what do you want to do with this disk dialog' which seems..  confuseing19:43
Dr_Willisburnign ISO files is about all i do these days19:43
Dr_Willisavo:  ive  not seen anyone in here mention such a problem..19:44
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!19:44
Kubabtw any ideas why my pings are about 50x higher with ac power cord unplugged? ;<19:44
intraderKen8521, Dr_Willis:  I'm installing gnomebaker - but now I am confused - what would be the best way to burn an iso on ubuntu?19:44
prodigyjust jerk it off19:44
avoIt's a very well known bug, and pretty well documented.19:44
Dr_Willisintrader:  any of the tools can proberly handle it.19:44
Ken8521intrader: i always use gnomebaker...19:44
magicianlordwhat's better: notification-daemon, or xfce4-notifyd?19:44
Ken8521but like Dr_Willis said.. any of the tools should be able to burn an ISO19:44
avoI was under the impression that it had been patched, but I don't know if that patch got included in the gnome that maverick has19:44
Dr_Willisintrader:  i recall some right click -> burn to disk   item also.. but im not sure what tool used that.19:44
Dr_Willisbrasero has the smallest feature set of any of the tools...  i imagine k3b has the largest featureset.19:45
Dr_Williswhat i really dont get is that most of these tools are just front ends to the various back end tools..  Not sure why there would be issues with one  and not the others..19:46
Dr_Willisperhaps the defaults they are using/passing to the back end tools..19:46
intraderKen8521, Dr_Willis:  sorry, 'any' does not cut it - brasero is failing. Right click gives me brasero.19:46
Ken8521intrader: ok, so use gnomebaker to burn an ISO.19:46
Dr_Willisintrader:  so you are specifically burning an ISO file ? not createing a iso from data?19:47
Dr_Willisi  dont recall  brasero ever failing to burn an iso for me.  Just when i was making my own data disks it had issues  i recall.19:47
Dr_Willistheres even command line tools you could use to burn an iso to disk.19:47
=== jimqode is now known as Guest28409
intraderDr_Willis, I get 'Segmentation fault' with brasero. And on 9.04 it works fine.19:49
Guest28409hello there. My touchpad is behaving odd after 10.10 rc upgrade. The pointer is too fast and side scrolling does not work. Any ideas?19:49
Dr_Willisdefinatly dont get a seg fault here.. that is weird.19:49
intraderDr_Willis, I want to try mono2.8 which comes in the 11.3 suse iso19:49
=== Guest28409 is now known as jimqode2
Dr_WillisYou may be able to setup grub to boot the iso file. :) or make a bootable usb flash.. but ive not used suse in years...19:50
intraderDr_Willis, memory issue perhaps on my machine?19:50
Dr_Willisor use it in virtualbox ..19:50
Dr_Willisor use k3b, or other tools.. or i just saw the cli command....19:51
phoenix_i am going to upgrade to kubuntu 10.10, i wonder if ktorrent downloads will get affected when i upgrade my os, in case of the settings19:51
intraderDr_Willis, suse offers mono2.819:51
Dr_Williswodim dev=/dev/cdrw -v -data cd_image.iso19:51
jimqode2Sorry, repeating  because of nick change.  My touchpad is behaving odd after 10.10 rc upgrade. The pointer is too fast and side scrolling and tap to click does not work. Any ideas?19:51
Dr_Willisintrader:  that means very little to me. :) You may as well say it comes in 'pink'19:51
intraderDr_Willis, what is the 'wodim' sorcery?19:52
Dr_Willisintrader:  wodim is the backend tool that most of these other tools are using. its the replacement for  the old 'cdrecord' command.19:52
Dr_Willisfrom man wodim --> wodim - write data to optical disk media19:53
intraderDr_Willis, gnomebaker does not come up in the context menu of the .iso file and when I open it, does not offer baking isos19:54
Dr_Willisgnome baker has a 'burn cd image' or 'burn dvd image' right there in the tools menu for me...19:55
Dr_WillisIt dosent seem to support getting passed an iso file as an argument. so no right click on iso to burn it in gnomebaker it seems...19:56
intraderDr_Willis, gnomebaker only offers 'Data DVD' 'Data CD' and 'Audio CD' - it does offer the Burn in the 'Data CD' - will this do?19:57
Dr_Willisgnomebaker, top menu items - TOOLS --> last 2 items, burn cd image, and burn dvd image.19:58
tensorpuddingwait, seriously?19:58
Dr_WillisNot the buttons under 'create new project'19:58
tensorpuddingubuntu's font designed for community editing, is in a format only supported by a windows&mac-only program?19:59
Dr_Willistensorpudding:   are you talking to yourself again? :) or want to give some details..19:59
intraderDr_Willis, gnomebaker offers the 'Data CD' - I am burning the iso with that - will that be correct?19:59
mohraibatintrader: last time i tried that i got a message sayin cannot mount filesystem20:00
tensorpuddingjust being confused20:00
mohraibatit was on 10.04 live cd20:00
Dr_Willisintrader:  I used the item in the MENU  Tools -> burn dvd image , to burn a DVD.iso file i had.. thats how you do it..  If i wanted to MAKE a dvd iso. i would use that Button that says 'Data DVD'  thats Not what you use to burn a preexisting dvd.iso file.20:01
Ken8521intrader: no, in the tools menu, use "Burn CD ISO" then navigate to your ISO20:01
Dr_WillisKen8521:  :) how many times have i said in the Tools menu now. :)20:01
Ken8521oh sorry, i didn't see where you said it20:02
Dr_Willis top menu items - TOOLS --> last 2 items, burn cd image, and burn dvd image.20:02
mohraibatwhat u talkin bout willis20:02
Ken8521is he just not listening?20:03
intradermohraibat, Dr_Willis: unfortunately, this is an old machine with only a CD burner -no dvd. By the way, it it still burning it. I will try when done and let you know.20:03
Dr_WillisThe SUSE thing comes on a cd? :) i though all the other disrtos were using dvd's now.20:04
Ken8521Dr_Willis: naa, there's still a few that hvae CD's20:04
Ken8521frankly, i think there should be a concerted effort to switch to IMG's20:04
Dr_WillisUbuntu is getting harder and harder to squeeze on a cd..20:04
Ken8521and make some good IMG tools.20:04
Ken8521but there's still some machines out there that dn't boot USB20:05
Dr_WillisIve heard the next release is to use grub on the cd's  that will be interesting.20:05
Ken8521Dr_Willis: really?20:05
intraderDr_Willis, I downloaded the .iso from the mono site - there is no ubuntu release available.20:05
Dr_WillisKen8521:  at least its in the plans...20:05
Dr_WillisKen8521:  or so i hear.. I can set up grub2 to boot ISo files. :) so i could make a DVD with grub2 that could boot any of several disrtos.20:05
Dr_WillisNow that would be handy.20:06
prodigyin old good days, it's a dream to download all 8 cds of debian20:06
Ken8521Dr_Willis: set up grub2 to boot iso files on thumb drives(like even when a machine won't boot a thumb drive)20:06
Ken8521how do you get invited to the developer summit?20:08
intraderDr_Willis, burn barely moving down to 3 minutes remaining (from 4) - so at least it is not hanging.20:10
Dr_WillisKen8521:  ive seen some trick for that.. but never needed it.20:10
Ken8521hmm, i'd like to try it(my pc won't boot USB)20:11
Dr_WillisKen8521:  i set up grub2 to boot an ISO file from a hard drive as a 'emergancy' rescue/reinstall option20:11
Ken8521hmm, and where did you put that ISO file?.. on a small partition?20:11
Dr_WillisYou could pull the, do that to it from a 2nd pc..  and then put it back20:11
Dr_WillisKen8521:  yes.  my /boot/ partition is 10gb. :) heh...20:11
Dr_Willisso it has space for like 5+ different ISO files.20:11
Ken8521hmm, thats interesting.... but it wouldn't necessarily have to be /boot would it?20:12
Dr_Willisi edited the /etc/grub.d/40_custom to have the proper entries.20:12
Ken8521the ISO file i mean20:12
Dr_Williseasier to put them in /boot/ that way i can reisntall the rest of the HD.20:12
Dr_Willis'best' would be on a different hd. so you can reformat  the hd you are installing to.20:12
Ken8521Dr_Willis: thats what i was thinking...20:12
Dr_Willisproberly be faster to install also..  from hd1 (iso file) to hd2...20:13
intraderDr_Willis, with the price for a lenovo at $385, maybe I will dump the "dell inspiron 8200' - The problem is money, I am currently not contemplating more expenditures.20:13
Dr_Willisbut in any case that would be a MUCH faster install then from a cd.20:13
Ken8521so if i could set grub2 to boot a thumb drive that i had an ISO on...20:13
Ken8521i could reinstall to the hard drive.20:13
Dr_WillisKen8521:  if i plug in a usb hd. and run update-grub - it does see  my flash drive and set up menu items to boot it. i noticed.. that suprused me. :)20:13
Dr_WillisBut im not sure how  well grub can access the usb - IF your bios dosent have the full support to boot from it.20:14
Dr_WillisI dont have any machines with that limitation any more.20:14
Ken8521wow Dr_Willis i hadn't tried that. might do that right now... now another question.. did you just copy/paste the ISO onto the thumb drive, or did you extract it there, or what?20:14
Dr_Williscopy the iso file to the flash drive..  check the bookmarks i got at....20:14
Dr_Willishttp://delicious.com/dr_willis/grub2  (i think)20:15
Dr_WillisIts not too hard a setup. the main issue is that the grub.cfg has to have  different entries depending on the  disrto/iso.20:15
Ace2I have a USB bluetooth dongle that I am trying to install. I can't seem to get it. Can someone help me?20:15
Dr_Willisubuntu uses differnt grub2 options to boot ITS iso.. then say.. tiny core linux would...20:15
* duffydack still prefers gujin20:15
Dr_Williswhich is different then what   archlinux uses...20:16
Dr_Willisubuntu has some weirdly named boot options. :)20:16
Ken8521Dr_Willis: curious, any particular filesystem the thumb drive should be? would ext2 be OK.. which are you using?20:16
phoenix_is 10.10 out20:16
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!20:16
intraderDr_Willis, can I point Grub2 to the iso of suse?20:16
phoenix_is there any reason for the delay20:17
Ken8521phoenix_: no delay.. 10.10.1020:17
intraderDr_Willis, the iso is sitting in the Downloads directory.20:17
Dr_Willisit can even be fat32 if you are buuting the iso from it i think..   one issue on the url/examples for 10.10  watch out for the disrtos that change the bnames of vmlinuz to be somthing else, or initrd.gz becoming initrd.bz or similer 'little' changes20:17
mohraibatphoenix_: its cause they r testing it rite now20:17
Dr_Willisintrader:  suse may  need special options to boot that way. ive never done it with suse. but in theory the iso could be most anywhere.20:18
Ken8521ok, i'll try fat3220:18
phoenix_mohraibat: you mean they didnt compile the final package20:18
Dr_Willisintrader:  example grub2 entry for suse here...20:19
mohraibatphoenix_: i cant say for sure i just found out they were testing like 1.5 hrs ago20:19
Dr_Willisintrader:  oh wait.. thats a guy asking for one.. :) theres not one there...20:19
Dr_Willisif you got 10.10 installed. and updated/upgraded as of right now.. you basically have the final allready20:20
phoenix_mohraibat: oh. is there a place where i can see the availablity20:20
Dr_WillisI plan on update/upgrading everything today.. then waiting a week befor i do it again.  becuse the servers will be sooooo overloaded for the next week.20:20
intraderDr_Willis, your nick is showing both with color and black - what gives?20:20
duffydackI bet if you get a daily-live today and try zsync it tomorrow, it`ll be the same :)20:21
Dr_Willisintrader:  no idea...20:21
* Dr_Willis wonders if this is what you mean.20:21
mohraibatphoenix_: <yofel> magicianlord: the release isos are being tested currently, once all tests have been finished and no grave issues found it will be released20:21
mohraibat<yofel> the time when that is depends on the time and amount of iso testers20:21
mohraibatno clue20:21
intraderDr_Willis, what about 'brasero' in the upgrade?20:22
phoenix_mohraibat: thats a good info, thanks :)20:22
yofelmohraibat, phoenix_: see http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ (most are done)20:22
Dr_Willisintrader:  ive no issues with brasero.. so cant really say.20:22
mohraibatyofel: thanks for the update20:22
Ken8521Dr_Willis: strange.. it didn't show up when i updated grub.20:23
Dr_WillisKen8521:  i think update-grub looks for specific named kernels and initrd's for tiny core. I had to rename them to fit the ubuntu pattern. and it auto added them for me.20:23
Dr_WillisKen8521:  i did have a ubuntu installed to flash show up on a different pc after i did a update-grub with it plugged in.20:24
Ken8521Dr_Willis: well, it's an ubuntu ISO...20:24
Dr_Willisan ISO you MUST as i mentioned.. make a entry in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom for it.20:24
Ken8521oh.. i missed that20:24
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Dr_Willisit does not auto-detect-add iso images files.. :) that would be really.. impressive.20:24
Dr_WillisI had like 5 differnt iso entries in my 40_custome for the laptop20:25
Ken8521hmm, lemme check out this link on ubuntuforums...20:25
Dr_Williseach one had to be tweaked - depending on the disrto.. ubuntu does things one way. suse another, tinycore. another...20:25
bigbrovaranyone running kubuntu 10.10 here? I am having issues with kopete and the indicator thingie.20:25
Dr_WillisKen8521:  check that delicious.com/dr_willis links also for grub2.. i got some examples bookmarked.20:26
Dr_Willisbed time for me.20:26
Dr_WillisNiht all.20:26
bigbrovarwhen I close the kopete main window its suppose to continue to on in the indicator plasmoid. But instead the process just freezes and I would have to kill the process again and restart it before it works again20:27
intraderDr_Willis, the data CD does not boot - probably must be specifically a burn of iso20:27
Ace2Can someone help me get my bluetooth USB dongle to work?20:27
mohraibatintrader: did u burn it as a data disk cause it wont work. u have to burn the image20:33
intradermohraibat, I burned it as a data disk - I am now burning it as an image and I will try again to boot. Thanks. Why doesn't gnomebake show up in the context menu?20:35
duffydackKen8521, another (simpler) method is http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html20:36
Ken8521ok... thanks20:36
bareboneHello everyone, If I update my 10.04 to 10.10 using "update-manager -d" command, will all of my previous settings/preferences remain unchaged?20:36
bareboneAnd the installed softwares will work fine?20:37
duffydackbarebone, thats the idea :)20:37
bareboneduffydack, sorry?20:37
duffydackbarebone, I still prefer fresh installs myself..20:37
duffydackbarebone, I habe only performed upgrade with a fresh install of an older ubuntu and it went well,  so yes your programs and settings wont be affected20:38
bareboneOh, that's good news.20:38
intradermohraibat, by the way how do I upgrade to the latest? Perhaps therein I will have a better brasero that does not Segfault.20:38
bareboneThanks duffydack.20:38
duffydackbarebone, backup before you upgrade..20:39
bareboneduffydack, how?20:39
bareboneWhat files I need to backup?20:39
duffydackI usually do a full backup with clonezilla..but its upto you.20:39
bareboneduffydack, I don't know what I need to backup, or what are you referring to?20:41
phoenix_is it relesed. i hear people bursting fireworks20:41
bareboneduffydack, sorry, I am a fresher.20:41
duffydackbarebone, is home on seperate partition?20:42
duffydackwell thats fine then, still good to have a backup of your old installation to revert back to if things go pear shaped20:42
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bareboneduffydack, Oh, no, I didn't get your question first. My home isn't in the different partition. I used the last whole partition to install ubuntu.20:44
bareboneSo, home is in there.20:44
intradermohraibat, I know, first `sudo apt-get update`, then  `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`20:45
bareboneduffydack, do I need to back up my home folder only?20:46
duffydackbarebone, personally, I would.20:46
duffydackbut then I`d have home on a seperate partition.. much easier20:47
duffydackmakes reinstalling a breeze, for example..20:47
bareboneduffydack, when I installed it, I didn't know how to do that. :(20:47
duffydackmaybe now is a good time to repartition and do a fresh install :)20:48
bareboneduffydack, How to uninstall the present version?20:49
phoenix_duffydack: the are some bugs in manual partitioning20:49
phoenix_in kubuntu 10.10 i3820:49
duffydackphoenix_, really?  not when I installed the RC20:49
duffydackphoenix_, it shouldnt be released till its fixed then, if there are bugs in the installer..20:50
bareboneduffydack, gotta go now. Thank you for your help.20:51
bareboneHave a good time.20:51
phoenix_duffydack: they say when the bug happens, when you press the retry button , it works20:51
phoenix_duffydack: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/65735020:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657350 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Crash in ubi-console-setup.py during install" [Undecided,New]20:52
pegasusbilis 10.04 lts upgradable to 10.10 lts?21:00
russjr0810.10 is not lts21:00
russjr08but yea you can upgrade21:00
russjr08you can when it comes out, or now by running update-manager-d, but it is recommended to wait till tomorrow21:01
russjr08oops, that update-manager -d21:01
pegasusbili thought 10.10 released tomorrow was lts?21:01
yofelno, the lts releases are 2 years apart, so after 10.04 the next lts will be 12.0421:02
peto_how many hours to the release?21:11
Pr070calLol thats what I was going to ask21:11
penguin42if I was going to do it I'd do it at 10:10:10 on 10.10 if you'd decided to do it on the 10th, but there again I'd heard a suggestion it would be a bit later than that21:12
andrrI cannot load the 2.6.35-22 kernel, while the 2.6.32-25 one is working.How can I load the latest kernel version?21:15
intradermohraibat, nothing upgraded - brasero starts from the terminal, but fails when started from context menu at the point that the blank CD is mounted.21:15
aguitelat what time will be avaleable 10.10 ?21:15
penguin42andrr: When you say you can't load it, what happens?21:15
duffydack"10 Oct, 16:10 (Samoa time), but now that you've asked, it's been delayed by 1 hour"21:15
intradermohraibat, now 'reliably' I get 'Segmentatioin fault' - I will try reboot21:16
andrrpenguin42:I pick the Ubuntu 2.6.35-22 menu item, it starts charging, but afterwards a few lines of code which are are about "kernel_thread_helper" or smth. alike are rendered.And then, nothing.21:17
penguin42andrr: Have you got a digital camera? If so could you get us a picture of those errors?21:17
andrrpenguin42:I don't, but I guess I could write the lines down, thought it might take a while.21:20
andrrpenguin42:Also, I reckon smth. like "fs mount"...21:20
psusiI've been tracking the daily live build with zsync, but once it is released tomorrow, will there be a zsync generated to go from the daily to release somewhere?21:21
penguin42andrr: Thing is the details of the errors might help us figure out what went on, but the kernel_thread_helper or something is too vague I'm afraid21:22
mgunespsusi: yes, final releases have zsync metafiles; see http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/21:22
andrrpenguin42:Aren't those errors saved in the log viewer?21:24
penguin42andrr: It depends how far it got, it failed really early on then no21:25
duffydackwith Lucid, I had a daily live from the day before, and it didnt need updating :)21:32
intradermohraibat, I have rebooted, same - brasero 'Segmentation  fault' once the blank CD has loaded - the brasero dialog waiting for CD disappears when the CD dialog appears.21:34
intradermohraibat, at least gnomebaker worked - I have mono running on another machine loaded from .iso21:36
Ken8521gnomebaker r0x0rz21:36
intraderKen8521, what is r0x0rz?21:37
Ken8521intrader: i believe it's l33t speak for rocks.21:38
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.21:38
intraderKen8521, I am learning the lingo, lol21:39
Ken8521intrader: lol21:39
intraderKen8521, I wonder why ubuntu is packaged with brasero?. It does not work for me.21:40
Ken8521intrader: i think shuttleworth is getting kickbacks from them21:41
Ken8521ubuntu used to include Gnomebaker.. which.. IMO.. is far superior to brasero(mainly because it works)21:42
danyRintrader: Ken8521not wanting to be rude, but hey, just because it doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean it won't work too to *milions* of other users21:42
Ken8521danyR: i've yet to help a new linux user, that has had brasero work for them.. so.. not to be rude, i'm not just drawing on my experience21:43
area51pilotwhat is a good linux firewall with gui21:43
intraderKen8521, brasero must be failing on this machine 'Dell Inspiron 8200 1Gb'.21:43
Ken8521and for what it's worth, whenever someone says "not tryign to be rude" they are... it's a psychological way of dealing with it21:43
intraderKen8521, only21:43
area51pilotKen8521:  :-D21:44
Ken8521area51pilot: ?21:44
Ken8521intrader: it has never worked on any of my machines21:44
* Skaperen is not trying to be rude by his silence21:44
Ken8521area51pilot: its true.21:44
Ken8521area51pilot: my sister always says "I'm not trying to be mean but.."... well, yeah you are21:44
perlsyntaxwhy is the apt-get build-dep emacs not working for?21:44
area51pilotKen8521: I know exactly where u r coming from ... and I admit I do the same with the same intentions :P21:45
Ken8521perlsyntax: got source repos enabled?21:45
perlsyntaxhow do i do that.21:45
Ken8521area51pilot: i don't.. i speak freely whats on my mind.. if i want to say something, i say it... if i want to say something and feel i should preface it by "not trying to be rude.. but".. i just don't say it, or i say it and don't worry if they are offended21:45
area51pilotany suggestions on a good firewall with gui???21:46
intraderKen8521, I wonder what they packaged with 9.04. The context menu there works on a 'Lenovo R61p 4Gb'; I don't know whether it is brasero or not21:46
Ken8521intrader: i dunno, been a while since i had 9.04...21:46
area51piloti must be bi-polar, cause I do that to sometimes  :)21:46
Ken8521area51pilot: i don't use software firwealls... but there's a few GUI fronts for iptables..21:46
Ken8521!firewall | area51pilot21:46
ubottuarea51pilot: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.21:46
area51pilotok thx21:46
area51pilotI will look it up21:47
Ken8521now how good they are?... not trying to be rude.. but you'll have tof igure that out for yourself.. :)21:47
intraderKen8521, I am sticking with 10.10 (RC?) - only thing that so far does not work is brasero. It is far better than 10.04 or 9.0421:48
Ken8521intrader: i don't know how much better it is than 10.04.. but it's light years better than 9.0421:49
Ken8521if anything, 8.10-9.04 were two of the slowest booting OS's i ever used21:49
area51pilotI thought the Brasero issue was just me ... running beta updated/upgraded21:49
perlsyntaxKen8521,How do you do that?Did it change ?21:50
Ken8521perlsyntax: do what?21:50
perlsyntaxi thought it was the same like ubuntu 9.1021:50
Ken8521perlsyntax: oh i didn't think so at all.21:50
perlsyntaxsource repos21:50
Ken8521i could take a nap while 8.10 booted21:50
Ken8521oh... source repos.21:50
Ken8521go to.... hld on21:51
Ken8521ok perlsyntax i'm assuming your'e using gnome?21:51
Ken8521ok, you'd have better luck w/ a windows user asking me about KDE21:51
Ken8521right click applications menu, click edit menu.. go down, higlight administration... on the right.. put a check next to software sources21:52
Ken8521close menu editor.. sys/admin/software sources..21:52
perlsyntaxi see21:52
Ken8521on the first tab,21:52
Ken8521make sure the "source code" box.. is filled in21:52
Ken8521then close, and reload21:52
perlsyntaxthat what my prob was.21:52
perlsyntaxthank you21:53
intraderKen8521, history of course, 10.04 was very slow on this machine.21:53
Ken8521i'm on a roll, thats like 2 problems i've solved today.. :), even the guy who thought i was trying to steal his IP address, I got his prob fixed..lol21:53
perlsyntaxi try that out when 10.10 stable come out:)21:54
Ken8521intrader: for me, 10.04 was slower than 9.10.. but not near as slow as 8.10 or 9.0421:54
Ken8521perlsyntax: it's pretty stable now...21:54
Ken8521i wouldn't anticipate massive change in the next 10-12hrs21:54
Ken8521plus, you figure tomorrow, all the people upgrading, etc.. servers are gonna be slower than a fat kid in a marathon21:54
perlsyntaxken8521,I really like 10.1021:54
Ken8521so do i21:54
intraderKen8521, for me the GUI on 9.04 was Ok, on 10.04 not so OK. But this is history. Now, about brasero on the newest and greatest ubuntu?21:55
perlsyntaxthe update install when your install it that cool.21:55
Ken8521intrader: i wish i had an answer... i'm gonna skype shuttleworth later and we're going to discuss this.21:55
Ken8521realy.. i have no idea why they ditched gnomebaker for brasero.. dr willis earllier, suggested it was because one took 550k of space, and the other took 800k.21:56
perlsyntaxKen8521,The only prob i have with it is the networkmanager.21:56
perlsyntaxit will not pick up my wireless.21:56
Ken8521perlsyntax: whats your wireless device?21:56
perlsyntaxTrueModile 115021:57
Ken8521is that USB, or PCI, etc..?21:57
perlsyntaxit work fine in 9.1021:57
perlsyntaxpc card21:58
SeRVeR01hey guys can I connect headphone and my speaker at the same time ? i got Realtek audio device21:58
Ken8521perlsyntax: open a terminal and run lspci and see what the chipset on the wireless device is21:58
perlsyntaxi will soon i get 9.10 back on.21:58
Ken8521perlsyntax: ok.. if it's internal PCI.. it should be Intel or Atheros, and one would think that would wrk out of the box.21:59
Ken8521SeRVeR01: i'm not really sure how that would work.. does that even work w/ Windows?21:59
perlsyntaxit works with wicd21:59
Ken8521perlsyntax: well that doesn't make sense... wicd isn't really a driver or anything like that21:59
Ken8521so if it works w/ wicd, it should work w/ network manager21:59
SeRVeR01Ken8521: yup when i plug in any cable a msg pop out asking me what is it and I can connect 2 headphones22:00
perlsyntaxthat what i hope in the 10.10 it will work.22:00
perlsyntaxi see if they fix it22:00
perlsyntaxon sunday..22:00
Ken8521perlsyntax: hve you not booted the 10.10 cd yet?22:00
Ken8521oh for cryin out loud, download it... it's close enough22:01
Ken8521don't be a wuss22:01
Ken8521do it, do it, do it...22:01
perlsyntaxi boot the ubuntu 10.10 and that when i found out my wireless card didn't work.22:01
Ken8521well, when was that?22:01
perlsyntaxit get close being done:)22:01
Ken8521cuz if it was fairly recent, the odds of it all of a sudden working tomorrow, is pretty slim22:01
perlsyntaxit don't i use wicd.22:02
Ken8521perlsyntax: then the odds of it working tomorrow are approximately 1 in 4804 gazillion22:02
perlsyntaxi see22:02
Ken8521give or take a few gaillion22:02
Ken8521so if you use wicd on Ubuntu 10.10, it works?22:02
perlsyntaxi shocked they don't use perl 5.12.2 in ubuntu yet.22:03
perlsyntaxlook like i have to use wicd for my wireless.22:03
perlsyntaxbut eth0 work with network manager.22:03
Ken8521just don't understand why it would wrk w/ wicd, and not regular network manager... wicd isn't a driver22:04
perlsyntaxi know that odd.22:04
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!22:07
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:08
IdleOne!party > mohraibat22:08
ubottumohraibat, please see my private message22:08
mohraibatok sry for the spam22:09
Ken8521!sorry | mohraibat22:13
ubottumohraibat: It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/22:13
iBeefcan somebody help me with lsh-server error when i type sudo apt-get install crossfire-client-gtk2 "i get this error on everything"22:21
DrHalanhey, are translations automatically updated form launchapd to the packages?22:32
milazpenguin42: thanks for help, I tracked an issue with GRUB. It seems like it's actual error in deviceiter.c22:32
DrHalanbecause i am using codeblocks and its fully translated in launchpad but my version here in maverick still isn't translated compeletely22:32
milazI managed to make a patch, but what will be the best way/place to submit it?22:32
DrHalanmilaz: i guess a bugreport is the normal way22:35
intraderShould I try for a bug report on brasero?22:35
milazDrHarlan: will be there any issues with upstream, or I just can submit it for ubuntu?22:35
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!22:36
milazOf course, I want it to be in Ubuntu ASAP :)22:36
DrHalanmilaz: i think in gerneral its wiser to file the bug upstream except its a ubuntu-specific patch22:36
Cojageis it delayed?22:36
DrHalanlike indicator-support22:36
milazDoes anybody here use a wireless modem? Like 3G or 4G?22:37
ovyhellow everyody... it's 10.10.10 in romania22:37
phil42in binary that is 2.2.222:37
Cojagelol ovy22:37
Cojageits in 20 mins22:38
ikoniamilaz: I sometimes use a three.co.uk 3g mobile dongle22:38
ikoniait's not22:38
Cojageso it will be posted in 20 minutes?22:38
ikoniathere is no set release time22:38
Cojageto the ftp server?22:38
ikoniait will be released at some point on 10.10.1022:38
Cojageikonia, no set release time?22:38
Cojageamerican time zones22:38
ikoniaI thought it was GMT22:38
ikoniaor UTC22:38
milazikonia: is it sometimes detected as CD?22:38
ikoniamilaz: no, but it also shows up as a USB disk because of the small storaage on there for the software controller22:39
phil42use the 20101008.1/ daily22:39
milazikonia: for drivers, right?22:39
ikoniawell, for linux it's not a problem as the kernel supports it fine, but there are some windows drivers on it22:39
duffydackphil42, I only see the 7th22:39
duffydackoh, xubuntyu.22:39
phil42i use xubuntu22:40
ikoniaphil42: why are you telling people to use the daily when it will be released very shortly22:40
phil42because it isn't released yet22:40
ikoniaphil42: right, so just hang on for the release22:40
Cojageare they busy working on it now?22:40
step21is it already possible to dist-upgrade? update manager said something weird, like an upgrade but that only could upgrade some things and then didn't work or so22:40
Cojageif its gold they can just upload it?22:40
phil42and run windows in the mean time???   ha!  tis to laugh22:41
Ken8521upgrading is gonna take forever tomorrow.22:41
ikoniait will be released when it's ready in terms of distribution22:41
Ken8521slow repositories, etc22:41
mgunesCojage, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158865822:41
Cojageyes ken22:41
* step21 runs windows on another box anyway ...22:41
Cojagebetter to wait till monday22:41
* phil42 steps away from step2122:42
milazIt would be cool if 10.10 was released 10.10.2010 at 10:10 GMT22:42
Ken8521Cojage: monday?... i bet the servers will be bogged down till at least wed or thursday22:43
Cojagethen better to wait a week lol22:43
danyRlol, step[21] x 2 = phil[42]22:43
Ken8521Cojage: thats been my experience in the past anyway...22:43
Cojageken, you can d/l 10.04 and run that for a week22:43
Cojagethen upgrade to 10.10 next week, right22:44
Ken8521the torrents to download the iso, are usually cooking.. but actually accessing the repositories to install software, update, etc.. it's slow.22:44
duffydackI will get the latest iso in a few days, after all the impatients hog the bandwidth :)22:44
Ken8521Cojage: i guess you could, but i hate upgrading the OS... seems there's to much potential for breakage(even though my only experience upgrading, went well)...22:44
ugliefroganyone having issues with banshee or rythmbox...i try and load them and then they immediatley shutsown22:45
Ken8521duffydack: the impatients have been downloading it the last few days..lol22:45
Cojagehow is there potential for breakage?22:45
Ken8521Cojage: ?.. something goes wrong during upgrading?22:45
phil42install the daily now, update later22:45
Cojagecould happen during a fresh install too though22:45
ikoniaplease stop advising that22:45
ikoniajust wait for the release22:45
Ken8521there's been plenty of reports of problems between 10.04-10.10 during the testing22:45
duffydackthe windows mindset does not allow us to install daily :)22:45
Ken8521Cojage: no, because the OS is on CD22:45
Ken8521not trying to download info from a server22:46
Ken8521yeah, it downloads some stuff, but most of the time, downloads(during a clean install) are not critical22:46
Cojageyou cant upgrade from a cd?22:46
Cojagewhat if you just download the iso and then insert it?22:47
duffydackCojage, using alternate install you can22:47
Ken8521Cojage: from an alt. cd, i'm pretty sure.. but i didn't suggest that was an issue... i was talking about upgrading the way 90% of users do22:47
Cojageyeah okay22:47
Cojagebut if thats not working properly its a bug22:47
Cojageor they should remove that feature alltogether :)22:48
Ken8521Cojage: no, my point is... geez... when you're downloading/installing updates from a server, there's a variable in there you can'tcontrol, server outtages, etc..22:48
Ken8521and thus.. borqed system.22:48
Cojagewhy cant they make it so that it first downloads all the files, and then starts the installer?22:48
Ken8521i didn't think i was in PC 101 here.. and needed to break it down like that22:48
Cojageless potential for breakage22:49
Cojagewell ken i nevre did it thta way so22:49
Ken8521Cojage: i believe it's supposed to... but.. again there's been reports of problems upgrading here(but whether that was dumb users, etc.. ) who knows22:49
phil42i represent that remark22:50
helloI have Ubuntu 10.10 running on my ASUS Eee PC 900-BK039X and Dual Monitors isnt working22:50
Ken8521phil42: lol22:50
seidoswhat's so great about 10.10?22:50
Ken8521hello: tell it to get up and get a job.22:50
helloMultitouch trackpad22:50
Ken8521seidos: it's not 10.04?22:50
Cojageits not 10.0422:50
Cojagestill random freezes22:50
seidosoh tao22:50
seidosi'm still using 9.1022:51
Cojageso 10.10 has a newer kernel i assume?22:51
Ken8521Cojage: i've had zero probs w/ 10.10, on 3 machines.. including a netbook.22:51
phil42i have 10.10 running on a single monitor and it is doing great (with the nvidia factory driver)22:51
Ken8521so.. hello what is your graphics device on your netbook?22:51
ikoniaphil42: the ones shipped with ubuntu or updated ones from nvidia.com ?22:51
phil42(installed by the ubuntu installer)22:51
Ken8521i'm' guessing intel22:51
helloHELP please22:51
mark2010evolution mail 2.30.3 with meerkat, can i send a file email via sendto automatically when evolution mail is not open?22:51
seidos!ask | hello22:51
ubottuhello: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:51
Ken8521phil42: i've got dual screens running w/ nvidia also, works perfect22:51
Ken8521hello: i've asked you for info, stop whining and answer22:52
helloi gave in fo Ken852122:52
phil42heloo asked his question22:52
hellohe re is specs22:52
phil42hello>I have Ubuntu 10.10 running on my ASUS Eee PC 900-BK039X and Dual Monitors isnt working22:52
step21ugliefrog, start from terminal and check the output22:52
ugliefrogstep21, ok ill try that22:53
Ken8521hello: all i see is its an asus netbook and dual monitors isn't working, that doesn't tell me your graphics device, which is what i asked22:53
phil42if you knew much about eee you would know22:53
Ken8521phil42: i know what it likely is(intel).. but i want him to tell me22:53
helloKen8521 am i allowed to post a link tyo the page i bought it from22:54
Ken8521you know what they say about assuming(fwiw, i have 2 netbooks)22:54
Ken8521hello: ...22:54
hellomay i?22:54
Ken8521i'm just not in the mood to spell things out tonight.22:54
Ken8521i can only ask a question 8 different ways.22:54
Supermini_manI'm having a Ad-hoc problem. I want to share internet to a W7 pc but the W7 even that it connects it doesn't receive internet. Anyone knows how to work out this?22:55
helloi know its intel i can tell the model it doesnt say22:55
Ken8521hello: do you knw how to open a terimnal?22:55
helloyes i do22:55
hellolet me start up the laptop22:56
helloi mean netbook22:56
Ken8521open a terminal, and type 'lspci'  no quotes, hit enter, and find your graphics device in the output.22:56
helloVGA is  Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML22:58
espen77the callendar just turned 10.10.10....now the long wait starts... :P23:00
helloKen8521 : VGA is  Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML23:00
Ken8521hello: if i'm not mistaken... and i could be wrong.. id on't think dual screens is supported w/ Intel devices, but i could be wrong23:00
Ken8521never tried w/ Intel.. just know that Nvidia works rather swimmingly23:00
helloI ll look for drivers23:00
Ken8521hello, you now have device info... try googling and see what you come up w/23:00
hellook thanks23:00
Ken8521hello: it's probably not a driver issue...(though it might be)23:01
tenochslbshould i intall the rc now?23:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Ken8521tenochslb: i don't see why not.. i've not had any updates all day, so i'm guessing what we have, is pretty close to final... but.. it's up to you.23:02
Ken8521tenochslb: are you clean installing or upgrading?23:03
hellothe only fix you may need to work on or check is intel23:03
Ken8521well... give it a whack, jsut take proper precautions, back up, etc23:04
phil42i am not going to suggest that you install the latest daily23:04
phil42even though  it is working great for me23:05
ikoniaphil42: please stop23:06
ikoniathis close to release, come on23:06
helloi know how many hours23:07
phil42i didn't suggest he install it23:07
hellowhat 1223:07
ikoniaphil42: you are not suggesting it in a way of suggesting it23:07
ikoniaand you know exactly what you're doing23:07
Ken8521so we shouldn't suggest installing it?23:07
hello10.10 is still a little buggy23:07
Ken8521this is +1, you'd think if people came here, they'd know why they were here23:07
ikoniavery shortly the final release will be released, do you think you should be pushing a not current daily build ?23:08
phil42i bet the release has the exact same kernel23:08
ikoniaphil42: I'm sure it will23:08
Ken8521i dunno.. they hae their own head to make their own decision....23:08
hellowhere are the daily builds23:08
Ken8521if they ask should they install it, then they are asking opinion, likely of folks who've installed it23:08
phil42i better not tell you , ikonia might hurt me23:08
Ken8521i can understand not telling folks in #ubuntu to install it, but here.. thats why folks are here... to ask about maverick23:09
ikoniaKen8521: but the thing is getting released in hours23:09
Ken8521ikonia: i'm aware of that23:09
hellohaw many hours23:09
ikoniawhy not just wait until the release rather than telling people to put another development build23:09
Ken8521hello: sometime tomorrow.23:09
KubaI'm trying to debug my lower-pings-on-ac-power problem, pleeease help me out: this is from dmesg, may be relevant: http://pastebin.com/x7r8gXBu23:09
ikoniathat is just common sense23:10
ikoniaKuba: that is just disk comments23:10
Ken8521ikonia: but someone who is having no issues w/ 10.10, could just as easily say "Why not beat the rush, and go ahead and upgrade today when the servers are still reasonably fast"23:10
helloalso i have a problem where ubuntu thinks there is 1% batery when there really is 100%23:10
phil42Kuba, if your connection to  your modem is ethernet, try usb.  if it is usb try ethernet23:10
ikoniaKuba: you'll probably find your machine is just running on lower power, and scaling down23:10
Kubaphil42: -.-23:11
ikoniaKen8521: you're not beating the rush23:11
ikoniahello: your problems seem to be changing by the minute23:11
KubaNope I'm taliking about wifi23:11
ikoniaKuba: ok, so it's running on less power, so a weaker signal problem23:11
helloikonia i have a few problems currently23:11
KubaIt is much worse if not connected to AC23:11
ikoniaprobably I mean23:11
* phil42 doesn't trust wifi23:12
ikoniait's not really a good bench mark23:12
phil42wip wap wop what?23:12
Kubaikonia: you mean "ping"? ;d23:13
hellohow do i install a tar.bz2 file23:13
ikoniahello: what do you want to install ?23:13
hellointel driver for ubuntu 10.1023:13
devuntwhat time is it?23:13
ikoniahello: you've already got them your running 10.1023:13
ikoniadevunt: where ?23:13
helloikonia i think the drivers arent working23:14
hellocan some one use teamviewer w/ me23:14
KubaCan You point me to right direction with my weaker wifi signal when ac is unplugged? :(23:15
devuntTime to get out Maverick in UTC23:15
ikoniaKuba: think about it, AC power = machine powered well, battery = less power23:15
ikoniaKuba: your signal will drop a little when running on battery23:15
ikoniadevunt: there is no set time23:15
Kubaikonia: but it drops dramatically23:15
ikoniaKuba: what sort of difference in times ?23:16
phil42ikonia, you do know that the dialies after the rc are just the rc with fixes, right?23:16
ikoniaphil42: yup23:16
Kubaikonia: ~1ms and 80-1000ms23:16
Ken8521hello: what happens when you connect the second monitor?23:16
ikoniaKuba: it's never going to be 1ms23:16
Kuba10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9012ms23:17
Kubartt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.492/0.528/0.599/0.044 ms23:17
helloKen8521 i get black ness showing 1 4th of the desktop23:17
Kubafunny... ikonia ^^23:17
phoenix_Kuba: check to if battery is low. if thats not the problem, then check the voltage regulator ic23:17
helloand the second monitor is black23:17
ikoniaKuba: and that's on a wirless connection23:18
ikoniaand then it jumps to 1000ms23:18
Ken8521hello: i'm assuming it kicks out your laptop display.. does it move you rmenus, etc.. over to the display?23:18
Kubaikonia: when AC is unplugged: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.736/125.540/637.715/173.111 ms23:18
helloKen8521 no thats not it23:18
Kubaikonia: with ping -c 1023:19
Kubathat is a huge difference23:19
phoenix_kuba try the hardware channel23:19
ikoniaKuba: agreed that's huge in terms of ratio, but thats still quick, especially on wirless23:19
ikoniaKuba: try it over a longer period, say -c 50 does it reduce then ?23:20
Ken8521wasn't there a 915 resolution package?23:20
phoenix_Kuba: when did you last change your battery23:20
* phil42 wonders if Kuba's processor being slowed would cause his problem23:20
ikoniaphil42: ahh yes, cpu scaling too23:20
Kubawell, in comparance to my 3 other machines it sucks ikonia23:20
helloKen8521 the External monitor is black but i can only move the cursor  i little ,on the monitor on my netbook it only shows the top abr and nothing else i cant move my cursor over the black no bottombar23:20
ikoniadisk slow down the whole thing will slow23:20
helloone sec23:20
Kubaphoenix_: i bought this computer yesterday23:20
phoenix_Kuba: is it new or used23:20
phil42Kuba,  just to check,  set your scaling_governor to performance,  set it back after testing23:21
Kubabrand new, phoenix_23:21
helloim going to make a youtube video23:21
helloon the ishue23:21
Ken8521hello: try this... go to system/preferences/monitors.... open it up, but don't hit anything... then connect the second display, and after it's connected, click "Detect Montiors"23:21
phil42 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor23:22
Ken8521youtube video....23:22
Ken8521anyone know if WxZ got his ugprade mess fixed yesterday?23:23
phoenix_Kuba: may be the power cable acts as some signal booster. is your input ac voltage goes through a ups23:23
Kubaphil42: there is no change after the setting23:23
=== IdleOne is now known as MaverickOne
helloKen8521 do i enable the monitor23:24
Ken8521enable the monitor?23:24
Ken8521what do you mean23:25
hellothe monier is off23:25
helloit says on/off in the options23:25
Ken8521oh.. well, try w/ the monitor off first....23:25
=== duffydack is now known as meerdack
Ken8521see if detect displays, picks up an off display23:25
Ken8521if it doesn't, then turn it on23:25
helloturn it on23:25
Ken8521yeah, turn it on, see if you can detect the other display23:27
helloKen8521 the second display is detected and it is set to be used but it is black and all i can do is move the cursor on the side23:27
penguin42milaz: Ah glad you found it - what bug number?23:28
Kubaphoenix_: oh, gosh, 3 other machines work just fine, either with or without ac power cable23:28
Ken8521hello: ok, so in that utility you opened(sys/pref/monitors) it now sees the display?23:28
helloyes Ken852123:28
Ken8521hello: does it see both of them, or did it change to only list one display?23:28
phoenix_Kuba: that means your input ac voltage is normal. are you using the same poer adaptor for those 3 machines?23:29
helloit is listing 2 displays Ken852123:29
Ken8521and i'm assuming, it shows both displays working properly?23:29
Kubaphoenix_: no, 3 different machines ;d23:29
phoenix_Kuba: do you have a multimeter?23:29
helloKen8521 yes it does but black on the external but i can only put curson on side of external not ant where else23:30
Kubaphoenix_: nope23:30
phoenix_Kuba: do you have another power adaptor23:30
Kubaonly this one23:31
Ken8521hello: just curious.23:31
Ken8521your monitor.. does it have one of those "auto adjust" buttons?23:31
phoenix_Kuba: then how do you charge other machines23:31
helloyes it does its a Acer 20 inch montor23:31
Ken8521ok..(thats what i have also..)... hit auto adjust on the LCD, see if that changes anything23:31
Ken8521prolly won't, but just check23:32
milazpenguin42: Bug 65748923:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657489 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub package update may crash when used with PnP wireless modems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65748923:32
phoenix_Kuba: you are refering to the wifi in your laptop right?23:32
Kubaphoenix_: I'm talking about 4 different notebooks23:32
milazwow, awesome bots!23:32
Kubaphoenix_: and yeas, one of those has issueas with the wifi23:32
Ken8521hello: ?23:33
phoenix_Kuba: then most probably you have to check your power adaptor or battery23:33
helloKen8521 the Normal Rotation isnt working23:33
Ken8521normal rotation?23:33
penguin42milaz: Oh wow, I wouldn't have thought there was a connection between a wireless modem and grub!23:34
Ken8521penguin42: little strange isn't it.23:34
helloKen8521 i mean if i rotate it in the settings to right it works23:34
phoenix_Kuba: or see if your wifi is operating in a power saving mode.23:34
Ken8521must've been some sloppy coding on one of the two sides.23:34
hellobut not right side up23:34
Monotokois 10.10 complete? IE, can i download it early?23:34
helloill just use my monitor upside down i guess23:34
milazpenguin42: absolutely! When I found this out I was surprised too :)23:34
phoenix_Kuba: check your bios to see if there is any setting for that23:34
Ken8521Monotoko: it's not "released" yet.. but... draw your own conclusions, its about 12hrs before release23:35
Kubaphoenix_: already cheked, and bios is a little bit poor23:35
Ken8521hello: lol23:35
penguin42milaz: What makes that storage device so special it manages to trigger that error?23:35
MonotokoKen8521, fair enough...where can i get the most current version?23:35
Ken8521hello: i'm curious, is that progress from where you were before?23:35
Ken8521Monotoko: ubuntu.com23:36
phil42don't use the latest daily23:36
Ken8521Monotoko: phil42 is butthurt23:36
milazpenguin42: it is /sys/$devpath/driver/unbind that is issued by udev rules23:36
phil42run windows for the next 12 hours23:36
phoenix_Kuba: did you try it with any other os23:36
Ken8521hello: you don't have any options on the display, to "flip it"...23:36
milazpenguin42: as I understand, it turns storage device off23:37
Ken8521usually in the on screen controls23:37
Monotokophil42, im running 10.04 ><23:37
phil42if you try to run the latest daily ikonic will kill you23:37
MonotokoKen8521, so its the latest daily?23:37
Kubaphoenix_: yes, but i was having problems installing the driver23:37
helloKen8521 In the Ubuntu Display it has options23:37
milazpenguin42: it gets removed from /dev but remains in /dev/disk/by-id23:37
Monotokoignoring the troll here23:37
penguin42milaz: So I think you're saying that the device disappears while grub is scanning it?23:37
Ken8521hello: no no, not ubuntu display.23:37
ikoniaphil42: don't be stupid, I didn't say that, I'm just asking people to use common sense23:38
* phil42 runs and hides23:38
Ken8521the controls on your big display.. you said it's "upside down"... there's usually a button yo push, which brings up some on screen controls, is there one of those that will flipp it?23:38
helloKen8521 i dont think it has a option like tht let me see23:38
milazpenguin42: it really disappears, but (broken) link to it remains in the place where grub is looking.23:39
helloKen8521 It only is working when set to left or right23:39
Ken8521when what is set to left or right?23:39
* phil42 would call that a win23:39
helloKen8521 it is sendind a signal fliping it in settings of ubuntu23:40
penguin42milaz: I know there is usb_modeswitch to cause the device to disappear, why it's triggering at exactly that point I don't know; but heck it's a nice find23:40
Ken8521hello: oh ok.. gotcha23:40
geneiroshi there everyone...23:40
phil42hi gene23:41
MonotokoKen8521, i see...they were finished on thursday XD23:41
penguin42hello: Have you tried using xrandr from the command line with the --rotate or --reflect options?23:41
Ken8521hello: ok.. lets try one more thing.. if this doesn't work, it's gonna have to go to someone smarter than me23:41
Ken8521Monotoko: i had a few updates yesterday, none today23:41
Ken8521hello: u there?23:41
milazpenguin42: anyway, I believe they should made proper checks in grub to prevent this situation. So, I attached the patch to fix it.23:41
milazpenguin42: thanks :)23:41
helloKen8521 yes i am here23:41
Ken8521hello: open up a terminal23:42
Ken8521and type sudo apt-get install arandr23:42
helloone sec23:42
phil42not xrandar?23:42
Ken8521xrandr is command line... and i don't need that kinda headache right now..lol23:43
penguin42milaz: Really it could be triggered by lots of other things if unplugged at any incorrect point23:43
Ken8521arandr, is a GUI front for xrandr23:43
geneirosdoes anybody have a fix to plymouth in maverick for nvidia??23:43
Ken8521geneiros: whats wrong w/ it?23:43
geneiroswhats wrong with it?23:44
Ken8521brb, my supper is probably ice cold23:44
geneirosdoesnt show...23:44
Ken8521geneiros: yeah, it works fine for me23:44
geneirossince 10.0423:44
helloKen8521 now what23:44
geneirosnor in a nvidia 7600 go23:44
geneirosnor in intel in Acer Aspire one A15023:44
geneiroswhen started from the live cd it runs well...23:45
geneirosbut when i install it simply doesnt shows anything...23:45
helloKen8521 You there?23:45
phil42read a few lines up, hello23:45
Ken8521hello: yeah, sorry, grabbed dinner23:46
erkan^when come ubuntu 10.10 offical version ?23:46
Ken8521hello: now, go to system/preferences/arandr23:46
erkan^how time phil42 ?23:46
Ken8521see if that gives you any luck configuring23:46
phil4212 hours,  thereabouts23:46
erkan^ow ok23:47
erkan^I am very curious23:47
phil42try the live cd of the latest daily, in the meantime,  but don't install it23:47
erkan^i have installed ubuntu 10.10 on another netbook23:48
helloKen8521 i quit this time to go to xp23:49
erkan^why no?23:50
erkan^it was try23:50
Ken8521ok... good luck, ill send you a rootkit.. :)23:50
phil42just juse your monitor sideways for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1123:50
hellorootkit???? Ken852123:50
meerdackI fixed a netbook with xp today.. although "fix" is not the right work.. it still had xp on it23:50
Ken8521hello: it's a joke23:50
phil42my monitor even turns sideways23:50
Ken8521hello: i'm curious, is your system installed, or is it a "live" cd or thumb drive?23:51
hellomy acer monitor costed 150$ and i can even use it :(23:51
phil42i was talking about hello going to xp23:51
phil42use it sideways!!!!23:51
helloKen8521 it is installed on a minipcie ssd23:51
hellophil42 and risk it falling and breaking23:52
phil42please don't go to xp,  i beg you  :|23:52
Ken8521hello: do you know a good woodworker?23:52
Ken8521i'm not really sure what your issue is.. ... what did you say your device was again?23:53
phil42we lost him23:53
helloone sec23:53
phil42he lives!23:53
helloKen8521 ASUS Eee PC 900-BK039X23:53
Ken8521if it's the same as mine, i'll man up, and take my laptop to my PC, and unhook the monitor23:53
Ken8521hello: not your laptop model, the model of your graphics device23:53
Ken8521lspci in a terminal23:54
hellooh on23:54
* penguin42 thinks about VESA mounts on monitors - will they turn upside down?23:54
Ken8521penguin42: lets be realistic though, that;s not a solution23:54
helloKen8521 I'm going to do a fresh install23:55
Ken8521hello: well can you at least tell me what the graphics device is?23:55
penguin42Ken8521: True, although I do wonder if that's the actual cause of the problem23:55
helloMy netbook wont start ubuntu now23:55
Ken8521cuz if we have the same one, i'll work on it.23:55
Ken8521you gotta be kidding me23:55
phil42heloo,  i will personally come to St. Louis and hold your monitor sideways (if my mom will let me)23:55
helloi think it s a GMA91523:55
hellophil42 how did you know tht23:56
phil42phear my skiz23:56
hellowhat did you whois23:56
Ken8521eh, i just scrolled up and found it... we have different devices23:56
Ken8521i have a GM96523:56
hellotime for fresh install23:57
Ken8521i wonder if it's the same though?(i've actually never hooked a display up to this machine)23:57
penguin42hello: What actually happens if you ask for it to be upside down - does it go black or just ignore it?23:57
hellopenguin42 Normal Mode and Upside down is black23:58
penguin42hello: Ah hang on....23:58
penguin42hello: Do you have your main LCD on as well ? And is there an error in /var/log/Xorg.0.log about can't allocate framebuffer?23:58
hellopenguin42 the main lcd sometimes works sometimes its part way black23:59
penguin42hello: I think you have bug 61966323:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619663 in libdrm (Ubuntu) "[maverick] Non-mirrored dual-screen gives narrow display on secondary monitor" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61966323:59

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