
Tetsuo55i just realised it happens all the time00:00
Tetsuo55theres a bunch of bugs that are not listed, but that i am subscribed too00:00
Tetsuo55in fact, it looks like its limited to only bugs i reported myself, although i did have one that got closed yesterday, that was reported by someone else\00:01
Tetsuo55anyway, hope someone will respond there, sleep now00:02
RedSingularityQuick question.....can I remove a package from a bug?03:42
hggdhusually no. Can set it invalid, though03:49
geohackerhi. I upgraded to Meerkat this morning. and the system freezes for a second or two. The CPU graph stays still. mouse pointer doesn't move. nothing happens. but it gets back to normal after 2-3 seconds. what could be wrong?05:54
RedSingularityIf anyone in here works with transmission a lot please send a message my way.  I have a bug that I am having trouble with.  The user is getting an interesting message when shutting down transmission and I have a feeling this may lead to a solution if someone knows what it means.  Its a Glib-GObject-warning.  bug 655024  Thanks guys :)06:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 655024 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Using higher cpu usage (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65502406:08
* RedSingularity is away: Away at the moment, be back soon.08:23
maco!away > RedSingularity08:24
ubot2RedSingularity, please see my private message08:24
nigelboh, the bug squad pages are goingg to need a lot of rework with the new theme :/09:35
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* penguin42 yawns15:27
GigacoreAbhiJit: hey!15:32
AbhiJithello Gigacore15:32
GigacoreAbhiJit: sup? just one day to go and I am not able to contain my excitement :P15:33
AbhiJitGigacore, not one day15:33
AbhiJitits some hours!!!15:33
Gigacoreless than15:33
GigacoreI am waiting for my mentor to start teaching me how to triage bugs.. I just gone through some documents though..15:35
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest86207
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penguin42anyone any good with internationalisation stuff?15:51
penguin42bug 657052 seems to be a 'bad flagvector' affecting multiple apps for that user, and as far as I can tell that's some i18n thing15:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 657052 in gedit (Ubuntu) "error when i save a file (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65705215:52
yofelwe won't have a 'Report a problem' menu enty for apport anymore in the future right?18:13
kklimondayofel: hmm, it's getting disabled around RC release.18:28
njinhello to all, is called update manager in kubuntu ?20:01
penguin42heck I wish launchpad wouldn't send a mail for every damn file attached when someone does an apport-collect20:42
yofelnjin: kubuntu uses kpackagekit for updates IIRC20:51
RedSingularityAnyone here have experience with Transmission?  I am stumped on this bug.  bug 65502421:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 655024 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Using higher cpu usage (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65502421:36
crimsonmane_hello all. #ubuntu sent me here for a bug report with Wine & World of Warcraft ...22:22
RedSingularitycrimsonmane_ have you filed the report in Launchpad?22:25
crimsonmane_negative. hang on am in PM with someone who says my issue is a known issue. he's guiding me through something atm.22:27
crimsonmane_http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23323 can someone assist me with this please?22:35
ubot2bugs.winehq.org bug 23323 in -unknown "World of Warcraft crashes upon login after 3.3.5 patch. [NOT WINE BUG]" [Normal,New]22:35
xteejxEvening all...wow not many on! Used to be LOADS!22:43
xteejxAnyone able to renew my membership in BugControl?22:43
xteejxOh..also, I'm on Maverick RC and have the LPGM scripts, but there are no stock replies like there normally was...any ideas guys?22:44
xteejxNo-one awake?22:49
yofelcrimsonmane_: which ubuntu release are you running?22:56
yofelhey xteejx22:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelxteejx: bug 654658 should be about the no responses, the xml file has '</comment>' twice at one place23:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 654658 in launchpad-gm-scripts "no canned responses downloaded from xml file (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65465823:05
yofelbdmurray: it seems something went wrong when you merged my branch back then.. My branch is fine, but maybe you added a second </comment> by mistake23:06
xteejxyofel: Hey yofel :)23:06
xteejxbdmurray isn't in the room afai see, lucky if there's 50 people23:07
yofeleven firefox errors out when trying to open it http://people.canonical.com/~brian/greasemonkey/bugsquad-replies.xml23:07
yofelxteejx: he is here, and I see 117 users23:07
xteejxOh fgs, another empathy bug?23:07
xteejxHmm relogging doesn't make a difference23:10
yofelcrimsonmane_: which ubuntu release are you running? the bug says it's fixed in maverick, which needs a workaround described in comment 18423:12
yofelcrimsonmane_: also, according to comment 183 this should be fixed in lucid too23:14
xteejxbdmurray, pedro: Is it poss to reinstate/renew my BugControl privileges please (I realise I've been away a couple of months but am back) :)23:16
charlie-tcaSeems like it is harder to get of hold of those who need to make things happen these days23:21
xteejxlol So it seems23:21
xteejxFor some reason I can't even see them in this room, might install xchat23:21
crimsonmane_yofel:  i'm using maverick23:21
crimsonmane_wine version 1.223:22
crimsonmane_how can i double check my version of wine?23:22
yofelcrimsonmane_: then you're probably hit by the ptrace restriction, you can disable it in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf if you want23:22
crimsonmane_yofel can you please walk me through this?23:23
crimsonmane_the file opened but it was 100% just a comment file with no commands23:23
yofelcrimsonmane_: open a terminal, or press alt+f2 for the run dialog, run 'gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf' without the quotes and change the '1' in the last line into a '0'23:24
yofelthen reboot23:24
crimsonmane_thank you sir. rebooting now.23:26
xteejxyofel: How can I temporarily fix the LPGM for myself, I assume the extension just downloads that xml file, but to where?23:27
yofelxteejx: IIRC they get integrated into ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/prefs.js so I don't think you can just create them yourself23:28
xteejxDamn :( Ok no worries, I'll wait til it's fixed then23:29
yofelbdmurray: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/canonical-qa-tracking/lp-654658/+merge/3806923:33
crimsonmanewell that worked. game loads and plays as expected. it freezes on exit tho.23:41

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