
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
asacmy NM applet is not visible ;)10:06
didrocksasac: launching unity in the gnome session?10:07
asacaber my final pre-release distupgrade reboot :/10:07
asacdidrocks: no this is gnome session ;)10:07
asacits there somewhere, but seems the icon is gone or something10:07
asacreally just 1px wide where i can click to get nm menu10:07
didrocksasac: ok weird then… just got that when unity steals the systray to GNOME, but not when I'm only using gnome-panel10:08
asacdidrocks: feels too similar to be not the same problem10:08
asacotoh i can still click10:08
asacso the systray applet at least is still there10:08
didrocksyeah, so that's different I guess10:09
asacdidrocks: what process would in your theory be stealing that?10:09
didrocksasac: when another process is stealing it, you have the systray applet crashing and disappearing10:09
didrocksso you can really not click anywhere :-)10:09
didrocksbut apart from a "panel" process, I don't know of other trying to steal it10:10
asaci have /usr/lib/gnome-panel/wnck-applet10:10
didrockswell, things like cairo-dock and family maybe…10:10
asacwhy do i have that?10:10
didrockslet me look10:10
asacisnt that something netbookish?10:11
didrockscairo-dock? no, it's a dock like you have awn and others…10:11
didrocksbut I don't think you install those bling bling things :)10:11
didrocksand you will see them on your desktop10:11
* asac doesnt see anything on his desktop as he always runs full screen windows10:12
* asac looks whats going on there10:12
asaci have one place on the desktop where probably 10000 files are stacked above each other because whenever i download with the Desktop download default of ubuntu it goes there10:13
asaccan we finally move downloads to Downloads ;)?10:13
asacor beter: directly to Videos, Music, etc.10:13
didrocksasac: it's move to Downloads normally, on a fresh install10:14
asacdidrocks: yeah. but mime-type sorted would be much better. or having a mime-type filtered view instead of real folders for music etc.10:15
didrocksoh right :)10:15
asacgood to know ... how can i get a fresh install state ;)?10:15
asachow about a spec: freshify ;)10:15
didrocksheh :-) looking for the xdg file for that, one sec10:15
asacat best without killing those changes i really care about10:15
asacthere are a bunch of changes that i didnt change, but that still stuck. like the three shutdown buttons i stiill have :)10:16
didrocksah, finally got it!10:17
didrocks"$HOME/Téléchargements" here for instance10:17
asacomg. translating those in config files is wrong imo ;)(10:19
asacthose don't change if you change language then :)10:19
asacit hsould be solely on UI level where translation happens for special folders10:20
didrocksasac: right, it's just the language choosed at install time10:22
didrocksgrrr :-)10:22
didrocksand I agree about that being on UI level, but I think it was that before and the CLI didn't map it, of course10:22
* asac tries killing gnome-panel and hopes for a relayout fixing nm being gone10:22
asacyay its back10:23
asacguess its undeterministic/racy10:23
asacdidrocks: do you know that order is random there?10:23
asacmy panel clock was on the right ... now after second killall gnome-panel the systray network thing is on the right10:24
asacand the clock on the left ... odd10:24
asacif it was two systray things changing order i would understand10:24
* asac kills again10:24
asacthree times nm was right, clock was left ... now its flipped again ;)10:25
nigelbmurder all around apparently.10:25
nigelb4th time licky perhaps10:25
didrocksasac: do you mean gnome-panel is buggy? not really a news :-)10:25
didrocksasac: next cycle, we will get the dbus version, hope that's going to get better10:25
asacdidrocks: i block slot to lurk on desktop meetings i guess10:25
asacdidrocks: what happened to the applet for nm?10:26
asacoh right... just connman gets that for now10:26
asacdidrocks: is that going well?10:26
didrocksasac: I just tried it during the cycle. It wasn't as good as NM feature-wise, but it's in better state than when NM began :-)10:27
didrocksasac: stil a lot of bugs and weird behavior, but I think it'll be ok with the natty cycle10:28
didrocksask to mpt, he is using it everyday :-)10:28
asacmaybe i should try as well ... i dont have really special use cases. just wifi ;)10:29
asacwith WPA-PSK10:29
didrocksshould be ok then10:33
didrocksit's in universe10:33
didrocksindicator-network IIRC10:33
didrocksat least, the last time I sponsored it :-)10:33
duanedesigndo my eyes deceive me or is couch replication working :)10:35
didrocksit's working for 3 weeks for me :-)10:42
duanedesigndidrocks: i am anxious to test oneConf and get back to working on Stipple10:45
didrocksduanedesign: hehe, once the sync was there, I worked on OneConf to get it in good shape for maverick. I think it is10:46
didrocksduanedesign: now, I have a lot of idea to get better performance, already commited some work yesterday night10:46
didrocksthere are a lot of low hanging fruits :)10:46
duanedesigndidrocks: i have also been working on a script to get my irssi logs into Couch...been having Json searilixation errors though10:47
didrocksalso, I want to talk with u1 guys, as we can have a lot of revisions, like "how to compact the db from desktopcouch" and such10:47
didrocksduanedesign: waow, I'm a little bit scared about the scalibity10:47
didrocks(and I use weechat, not irssi ;))10:47
duanedesigndidrocks: that is understandable (scalability)10:47
duanedesigndidrocks: what bzr branch has the latest work on OneConf?10:49
didrocksduanedesign: it's on my netbook which is upstair, I'll push it this week-end :)10:49
didrocksduanedesign: lp:oneconf is currently the version in universe10:49
duanedesignthat makes sense (lp:oneconf) :D10:50
asacdidrocks: are there any x86 users that get the efl launcher? someone said that some 915 intel chips are not supported10:51
didrocksduanedesign: isn't it? ;)10:51
didrocksasac: it's not seeded10:51
didrocksbut I think the version should work from the repo10:51
asacdidrocks: ok cool. guess that means that no considerable user base has any problem?10:52
didrocksATI cards and old graphic chipset mostly10:52
didrocksI just detect if you have hw acceleration or not10:52
didrocksif not, I prompt a message10:52
didrockschange the default session to GNOME10:52
didrocksand logout10:52
asacah ... so gnome is seeded on netbook?10:52
* asac didnt know that10:53
didrockswell, netbook has most of gnome softwares10:53
didrocksso, we just have gnome-panel which isn't needed in unity10:53
didrocksand the gnome.desktop file in the session dir, which is in gdm in any case10:53
asacright ... is there any difference of that session default to the ubuntu desktop image?10:53
didrocksnot a lot, we don't ship brasero for instance as a netbook doesn't have a burner most of the time10:54
didrocksand simple-scan IIRC10:54
didrocksapart from that, there is no pratical difference10:55
duanedesignhave a good day didrocks10:58
didrocksduanedesign: thanks, enjoy desktopcouch syncing :-)10:59
devildantehello everyone :)11:39
devildanteYokoZar: around?11:44
rickspencer3hi devildante11:59
devildantehi rickspencer3 :)12:00
pittihey rickspencer312:14
rickspencer3hi pitti12:14
rickspencer3how's it going today?12:14
pittirickspencer3: pretty well; not much to do for me, as it seems12:15
* rickspencer3 knocks wood12:15
rickspencer3pitti, skaet is working on release notes with robbiew12:15
rickspencer3other than that, just looking around to make sure no last minute issues arise today, but all seems well12:15
robbiewpitti: go enjoy your Saturday! ;)12:15
pittirobbiew: you mean go out to this hilariously nasty weather today?12:16
pittisun, warm, colourful leaves on the trees12:16
pittiwe'll do some kiting this afternoon12:16
robbiewpitti: heh...it's pretty nasty in London12:18
robbiewbut what's new :)12:18
didrocksrobbiew: beautiful weather in France, you should come! :-)12:47
didrocksoh, there is this "release thing", and so you can't, right? sorry ;-)12:47
robbiewdidrocks: weather is beautiful in Austin, Texas as well...so I'll just go there on Monday ;)12:47
didrocksheh :-)12:48
didrockshope that you will have enough room for your legs this time!12:48
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
faganSo quiet for the day before a release15:40
rickspencer3hi fagan15:54
faganhi rickspencer315:54
didrocksbetter quiet than crazy :)16:00
nigelbfagan: the crazyness has been channeled in to #ubuntu-release-party16:03
faganoh I forgot about #ubuntu-release-party16:06
rickspencer3kenvandine, hey dude around at all?16:15
rickspencer3pitti, are you still around?16:16
ari-tczewis not dude an offensive word?16:16
rickspencer3ari-tczew, it is not16:17
rickspencer3well, not here, anyway16:17
faganari-tczew: nope16:17
fagandude is an awesome word16:17
faganits part of my core lexicon16:18
didrocksrickspencer3: hey, can I help on anything?16:28
rickspencer3didrocks, well, robbiew is seeing a bit of an odd issue with gwibber16:28
rickspencer3he's checking to see if he can see it on the ISO16:29
robbiewyeah...almost done zsyncing and will test16:29
didrocksok, not really my field then, and I'm not really using it (I'm even not twittering), but I'm happy to try to confirm if needed16:29
* robbiew suspects it's just my machine in an odd state16:29
didrocksrobbiew: do you have the same if you try with a guest account?16:29
robbiewdidrocks: let me check16:30
rickspencer3I'll check too16:30
robbiewdidrocks: worked fine in guess session...so just my settings...whew! :)16:32
* robbiew stops creating a USB live image16:33
didrocksrobbiew: was it so scary issue? :-)16:33
robbiewnah..not really16:33
robbiewit was just the gwibber icon was popping up in the indicator area16:33
rickspencer3omg, respin!16:33
robbiewand not using the "Broadcast" icon16:33
robbiewbut apparently rickspencer3 found a unity bug :)16:34
didrocksnooooooooo :-)16:34
czajkowskirobbiew: that gwibber icon happens to pop up infrequently atm on 10.1016:37
czajkowskiand I've no idea why and it goes away on reboot16:37
robbiewczajkowski: hmmm16:41
robbiewdidrocks: nevermind on the unity bug...false alarm16:41
didrocksrobbiew: *phew*, I'm still checking :)16:41
czajkowskirobbiew: I cant reproduce it but it was there last week and comes and goes.. not sure what I'm doing that triggers it16:42
robbiewczajkowski: I suspect some part of it is crashing and failing to register with the indicator-applet or something16:43
robbiewwhatever...hardly not worth release noting16:43
czajkowskirobbiew: was a more you're not going mad and you did see the icon comment :)16:44
robbiewaye...thnx ;)16:44
jcastroanyone need help with anything?16:52
robbiewjcastro: we're actually good ;)17:12
jcastroI don't believe you.17:12
jcastrorobbiew: dropping a mention of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek next week for people to learn how to use their shiny new OS would help me out though. :)17:13
robbiewmention where?17:13
jcastrorobbiew: release announcement perhaps? :)17:14
robbiewno way17:14
asacis it out yet? ;)17:15
asacjcastro: can we talk on monday please?17:15
jcastrorobbiew: so I suppose a stackexchange link in your signature is also out of the question?17:15
jcastroasac: yes I read the backscroll, no worries, we'll be fine!17:15
asacjcastro: i am sure that you will be fine! ;)17:16
asacenjoy your weekend!17:16
jcastroasac: have you seen the instructive videos?17:17
jcastrothey should cover like 90% of what you need17:17
asacjcastro: i have seen nothing. i need a personal induction and need to talk about other things17:17
asacyes, thats fine. i doubt it answers my questions though :)17:18
jcastroreplace the urls I mention there with "summit.ubuntu.com"17:18
jcastrobecause they are out of date in the video, we don't really use the wiki anymore, etc.17:18
jcastrosummit and the lp blueprint page is all you need: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n17:19
asacok i will watch them, but i dont think this will answer my questions17:19
asacbut well see17:19
asaclets talk monday17:19
jcastrooh I know it won't17:19
* asac copies those urls to notes17:19
asacbut i will watch them so i am well prepared and dont ask stuff that is already in there. so thanks17:20
Amaranthwhoa, people here on a weekend17:20
jcastrowe'll be fine, if you know what sessions and bp's you want we can knock them out in less than an hour17:20
faganAmaranth: its release weekend17:20
Amaranthwell sure17:20
faganso its kinda a given17:20
asacjcastro: from when are you available monday (in UTC time)17:21
Amaranthbtw, iOS 4.1 jailbreak is going to be released 10/10/10 at 10:10:10 am, stealing our thunder17:21
jcastroasac: 1300 is when I start work17:22
jcastroasac: I'd help you now but I am in and out before the game, but I'll make it priority for monday17:22
asacjcastro: great thats the only slot i have available ... sent you and invite17:22
asacjcastro: sure thats fine. i dont want to talk now anyway17:22
asacits saturday after all ;)17:22
asacok enjoy!17:23
didrocksrebooting, brb17:56
pittirickspencer3: o/18:05
rickspencer3hi pitti18:08
rickspencer3thanks for pinging back, didrocks was around and helped out though18:08
pittiok, cool18:09
didrocksok, after digging, guest-session isn't guilty, gdm isn't guilty, gnome-session either and unity isn't18:50
didrocksbut gconf has an empty environment when forking :/18:50
didrockswhich wasn't the case in lucid18:50
bilalakhtardidrocks: guilty for what?18:52
didrockssome guest session issue in UNE18:52
* bilalakhtar isn't able to run unity18:52
bilalakhtarthanks to bug #61669718:53
ubot2bilalakhtar: Bug 616697 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/616697 is private18:53
bilalakhtarthanks to bug #61699718:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 616997 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "[RV515] Unity keeps reloading with a white background (affects: 14) (dups: 5) (heat: 139)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61699718:53
didrocksah, ATI card…18:53
didrocksok, dinner time there18:53
bilalakhtarbye didrocks !18:53

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