
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
webrskhappy morning :)07:50
MichealHHi webrsk12:41
UndiFineDI have been sick for a couple of days13:02
UndiFineDbut I am trying to go out today13:02
UndiFineDwelcome MadnessRed13:25
MadnessRedhow are you?13:25
UndiFineDglad the webchat works for you13:25
MadnessRedyh, was getting a bit worried, coz I couldn't connect with xchat or any desktop clients13:25
UndiFineDI have been sick for a couple of days .. will go out in 15 minutes13:25
UndiFineDdo you have a router ?13:26
UndiFineDmaybe it is blocking port 666713:26
UndiFineDirc bots have also been commonly used for spam bots13:27
UndiFineDso it can also be aprovider thing13:27
MadnessRedkk, I am uni so I though they might be blocking it13:31
MadnessRedthe wireless says it only allows ssh and http, but i thought the cabled internet was free13:32
UndiFineDwhich uni ?13:33
UndiFineDI might know a few admins13:36
* UndiFineD gone13:48
MadnessRedsorry, got distracted by ping-pong, Durham15:08
* UndiFineD is back home15:56
UndiFineDstill no sound card,-ordered one, but out of stock, so ordered another one but more expensive15:57
UndiFineDtime for cooking15:57
MichealHOMG MadnessRed live just near me in that case...16:32
MichealHUndiFineD: ^^16:33
MuscovyHello all. :D16:55
=== Muscovy is now known as Guest99651
celsojuniorhi all18:20
* UndiFineD is getting maverick updates now23:19

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