
ianm_can anyone recommend a usb/midi interface that's plug'n'play in ubuntu?03:37
holsteinianm_: yup03:38
* holstein busy for a bit though03:38
holsteintry #opensourcemusicians :)03:38
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maavihsanyone here?15:19
jussino :P15:20
maavihsanyone here who can help me out?15:20
jussijust ask, and see!15:20
maavihsi wanted to no wats the defference between15:20
maavihsUbuntu & StudioUbuntu15:21
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org15:21
maavihsother then the extra apps15:21
rlameiromaavihs: the desktop is streamlined15:21
jussinot much, few settings to make it better for audio15:21
rlameiroits ver simple, maximazing the desktop are15:21
rlameiroand uses fixed network setup, to avoid constant polling15:22
rlameirothis way taxes less the CPU15:22
maavihshmmm......any more changes than that?15:22
rlameiroyou have less generalistic software installed by default15:23
maavihsany idea when is the Ubuntu Studio 10.10 coming out?15:23
rlameirobut you can install wathever you want after15:23
rlameirowe hope tomorrow :D15:23
rlameiroperfect 1015:24
rOjoi'm an amateur DJ/Producer from méxico... and have just heard about UbuntuStudio, anyone here have tried xwax (http://www.xwax.co.uk) with ubuntustudio?17:58
SikilHi, i'm an amateur DJ/Producer from méxico... and have just heard about UbuntuStudio, anyone here have tried xwax (http://www.xwax.co.uk) with ubuntustudio?18:02
ScottLhi Sikil or r0jo18:07
ScottLi have heard of others using xwax but i have not myself18:07
ScottLdo you need a tutorial?18:07
Sikillooks like i have problems with the webclient..18:21
holsteinwhats going on Sikil ?18:21
SikilScottL, you mentioned a tutorial for ubuntustudio and xwax is there one?18:21
Sikilkind of google about those topics but i missed it...18:22
Sikili googled about it, i mean..18:22
holsteinhey, looks like xwax is in the repos18:23
* holstein installing18:23
holsteinlooks like its coming from the universe repostitory18:24
Sikilhey holstein, jusr heard about this ubuntu version and i'm going to install it today.. trying to get a DVS form my DJ setup.18:25
holsteini have only used http://sourceforge.net/projects/idjc/18:28
Sikil_arggh.. i guess i'll need to install a desktop IRC client...18:28
ScottLSikil, this is a good place for ubuntu studio   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio18:28
ScottLalthough it's not really a tutorial since ubuntu studio is a operating system geared towards multimedia18:28
Sikil_the thing is that if ubuntu studio supports ALSA it's like almost done with xwax mos people poblems with xwax on ubutun is because the oficial distro does not include ALSA preconfigured...18:29
Sikil_well i'm just assuming that...18:29
ScottLi'm not sur what you mean by 'does not include ALSA preconfigured' Sikil_18:30
ScottLare you referring to the ubuntu studio or to xwax18:30
Sikiljust regular ubuntu i mean.. wich comes with pulseaudio right?18:33
holsteinso does ubuntustudio18:34
holsteinBUT thats not the problem im having with xwax18:34
Sikilyou know what.. i'll better read a about it and try it.. then i'll come back with a good irc lcitn cause this (http://webchat.freenode.net/) and frigg seems to have issues..18:35
Sikilfrigg [~frigg@freenode/utility-bot/frigg] requested CTCP VERSION from Sikil:18:36
rlameiroSikil: that is normal, these request happen always18:36
SikilWell, thanks people...  saludos from México.18:38
holsteinwell, whatever xwax is suppose to do, it doesnt seem to want to do it18:39
Tweakyhi :) could anyone explain the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu studio?23:23
ianm_Tweaky: I think Studio has different default programs and sound configuration, at least23:25
Tweakyianm_:  just curious because i do use linux for audio recording but dunno what the difference is23:26
ianm_Tweaky: I think it uses JACK instead of PulseAudio and comes with more media creation apps installed, plus aesthetic differences23:27
Tweakyianm_: is there an advantage to using JACK?23:29
ianm_Tweaky: depends what you're doing-- I think it's better for low latency / professional audio stuff23:29
ianm_Tweaky: for playing music, for basic recording, ALSA or PulseAudio seems fine23:30
Tweakyianm_: thanks for the info :) appreciate it23:32
* persia idly mentions that ALSA is configured to work by default, and all the pulse stuff is just an overlay23:59

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