
hsquaredhi there00:04
hsquaredseems I somehow killed all my window-stuff with a 9.10 kubuntu00:05
hsquaredthe taskbar only consists of vertical lines00:05
hsquaredwindow title and window borders are also only pixeled stuff00:06
Ubuntu-LinuX<harolddong> Using ubuntuone-kde, I can't get it to show me the "add this computer" page.  I had it set up before but now that I've reinstalled it with the latest packages from the ubuntuone-kde ppa its not completing setup <----so plants vs zombies would run in ubuntu 10.4 using ubuntuone-kde?00:06
hsquaredany hints to get out of this?00:06
geneirosusing u1sync --authorize does it help??00:06
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway
geneirosu1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c00:08
harolddongthe u1sdtool -q line does nothing00:09
harolddongI've been trying that00:09
harolddongI'll try the u1sync --authorize line00:09
harolddong"u1sync --authorize" returns "u1sync: error: no such option: --authorize"00:11
geneirosdo you have ubuntuone-client-tools?00:11
geneiroshum strange00:11
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
harolddongbascially every ubuntuone terminal command throws up a lot of dbus errors.  Is that a bad sign?00:34
harolddonghttp://pastebin.org/82877 for example00:35
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orbitalcommandim connecting with "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid {"essid"} enc {enc}" and it doesnt give me any errors but i cant load web browser and connect.  any ideas on how to resovle this issue?00:51
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angelconsome one know how to use this?02:05
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olskolirc_what angelcon02:10
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:22
ubuntu1152003hey, anyone knows how to use modem-modeswitch?02:23
nobarkinghey everyone02:57
nobarkingis there a chance log for Kubuntu 10.10 i can look at?02:57
moetunesnobarking:  in konsole do   dmesg02:58
nobarkingmoetunes: i mean change log*02:59
moetunesoh - don't know about that sorry02:59
SporkWitchwhich file are $PATH entries stored in?  Starting to make more use of shell scripts and custom commands, would be nice if I didn't need to specify the path each time i want to use one03:38
deborahi tried to ugrade from 8.10-9.04-9.10-10.04 but something happened wrong between 9.10 and 10.04. the package manager and upgrade manager doesnt work, and the mouse doesnt work. it telling me to proceed with the upgrade but nothing happens. what do i do?03:41
moetunesSporkWitch:  have a look at .bash_profile03:41
SporkWitchdeborah: i've noticed sometimes if it asks for authorization (your password) it doesn't always bring that window to the forefront.  check a task manager bar to see if there's a window asking for your password03:42
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SporkWitchmoetunes: normally stored where?03:43
moetunesSporkWitch:  in your home dir03:43
deborahmoetunes: i shut all the windows. how do i bring it back up w/o rebooting?03:43
deborahoops... wrong person. :)03:43
moetunesdeborah:  the upgrade manager?03:44
deborahthe upgrade manager wont come back up now.03:44
deborahi dont know where to find it. the package manager will  come up though,03:44
moetunesdeborah:  in alt+F2 type   sudo update-manger -d   iirc03:45
moetunesor in konsole03:45
deborahdo i includ the iirc?03:46
deboraheither way it reads, " the update manager cannot be found"03:47
moetunesiirc = If I Recall Correctly03:48
dasKreechdeborah: what happens if you type sudo update-manager ?03:48
deborahdasKreech: sudo: update-manager: command not found03:49
moetunesmight be time for   sudo apt-get install -f03:50
SporkWitchmoetunes: so if i don't see a .bashrc or .bash_profile in ~/ i should be able to create a file and just enter the correct path entry i want added, save the file with the name .bash_profile, and it should pull all settings from the default, and add in my added path listing.  is that correct?  or do i need to create an entire .bashrc and/or .bash_profile from scratch?03:51
deborahdone. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:51
moetunesSporkWitch:  those files should be there - do you have   "show hidden files"   enabled in the file manager?03:52
SporkWitchmoetunes: i do most file operations from the terminal, i used locate .bashrc and locate .bash_profile03:52
SporkWitchsome example files in usr/share/doc but nothing in my ~/03:52
deborahone of my friends said it might be better to do a clean install from a 10.04 disk but he was concerned that it might destroy the boot manager that lets me get into vista.03:53
moetunesdeborah:  does   lsb_release   say you have 10.04 ?03:54
SporkWitchdeborah: i used the kubuntu 10.04 amd64 DVD (can provide link if you want to paly it safe and use exact same as me) and it automatically added an entry to boot my Win7 drive03:54
slooksterpsvanyone else in here use colibri?03:54
SporkWitchi had the same worry, so i even installed the boot manager in a different HDD and cahnged my boot order, just in case03:54
deborahlsb_release is 9.1003:54
dasKreechdeborah: I'd say unless you have a crazy amount of custom scripts it's probably always better to do a new install. Having said that I always upgrade03:54
SporkWitchit loads win7 fine, and it set that up automatically03:54
deborahyeah. all of my files are saved on my thumbdrive.03:55
moetunesdeborah:  you could try to install the update-manager03:55
SporkWitchdasKreech: some of us have crap internet, so downloading ISOs and reinstalling tons of apps is a pain lol, especially since Germany likes to send nastygrams if you pass too much data lol03:55
moetunesSporkWitch:  check if /etc/skel has a bashrc03:56
SporkWitchmoetunes: it does03:56
slooksterpsvok colibri, that I've got working just fine, I have another issue, my windows don't maximize all the way, there's a large gap at the top where the add widget and show all windows buttons are, how can I fix this?03:56
moetunesSporkWitch:  I would copy that - cp -iv /etc/skel/bashrc ~/.bashrc03:57
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: right click on the panel those buttons are on, modify panel settings, and "allow windows to cover" under "more setings"03:57
SporkWitchcp -iv /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc03:57
SporkWitchd'oh lol03:57
moetunesis there a bash_profile in there too?03:57
slooksterpsvSporkWitch - uhmmm not seeing that03:58
SporkWitchwill have to check, but when i do what you say, it asks me to overwrite... wtf isn't it showing it lol03:58
deborahi have a disk that was made by my friend who said that it was error free. i havea list of what programs that i like to use on kubuntu, and all my files are already saved. so if it is easier just putting the disk in, than trying to retry to get the ugrade manager to work i would do that. i just dont want to loose vista because i sometimes need it, but i lost the laptop disks.03:58
dasKreechSporkWitch: You pull more data doing an update. At least on the CD the programs are compressed before sending to you03:58
SporkWitchdasKreech: for the update itself, yes, when you factor in all the other stuff you get to download again and reinstall (such as about 50 or 60GB worth of game clients), upgrading is a more viable option lol03:59
dasKreechdeborah: apt-cache search update-manager03:59
slooksterpsvoh nvm got it, thanks =D03:59
slooksterpsvKDE is giving me a rough time :(04:00
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: np :)04:00
* dasKreech hugs slooksterpsv04:00
SporkWitchKDE takes some getting used to if you're used to gnome, but i like it a lot more.  more flexibility and customization, from what i've seen04:00
dasKreechBad kde! Be smooth04:00
SporkWitch(and gnome is ugly :P)04:00
slooksterpsvhaha, now I lost the widget that shows all your windows open like an expose type mode, what is that called04:01
deborahdasKreech: i get four different update managers. gnome, kde, hidon and text.04:01
deborahdasKreech: *hildon04:01
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: you lost it, or it's underneath a window?04:01
slooksterpsvnvm it's still there, phew, yeah gnome and lxde are my cup of tea04:01
dasKreechdeborah: what's the textone say?04:01
slooksterpsvno when I'd go over the top left hand corner area, it would show, but now it has to be completely at the top left04:01
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: you'll learn to love it.  OR ELSE :P04:02
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: oh, did you do autohide instead of "allow windows to cover" ?04:02
deborahdasKreech: update-manager-text - Text application that manages apt updates04:02
slooksterpsvSporkWitch: the biggest trouble I had tonight was getting the folder view to stay sized at what I resized it to04:02
dasKreechdeborah: Funky. I guess that's not installed?04:03
slooksterpsvSporkWitch: Can Cover is what it's set to04:03
SporkWitchi turned off auto-hide on my panels because sometimes it'd be finicky since one of my monitors is a shorter vertical resolution than the other.  i just use "allow windows to cover" and it lets me have full-size windows without worrying about auto-hide wonkiness (and alt+f1 will open the menu by default)04:03
dasKreechdeborah: what does apt-get upgrade do ?04:03
dasKreechslooksterpsv: what would it do?04:03
SporkWitchdasKreech: should update the list of available packages IIRC04:03
dasKreechSporkWitch: I know but I'm trying to  figure out if deborah has all the updates needed04:04
slooksterpsvdasKreech - I'd resize it, and it would resize itself back to the size it was when I started04:04
slooksterpsvdasKreech, the only way I fixed it was by installing kde-full and restarting, that fixed it, oddly enough04:04
SporkWitchdasKreech: thought you were asking what the command did lol04:04
deborahdasKreech: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:05
dasKreechsudo apt-get install update-manager-text04:05
deborahand it makes the mouse die, so i have to plug in an external mouse.04:05
deborahit is fetching something now04:06
deborahdasKreech: it is fetching something now04:06
deborahdasKreech: Setting up update-manager-text (1:0.126.10) ...04:07
deborahdasKreech: Selecting previously deselected package update-manager-text.(Reading database ... 120959 files and directories currently installed.)Unpacking update-manager-text (from .../update-manager-text_1%3a0.126.10_all.deb) ...04:08
dasKreechtry update-manager -d now04:08
dasKreechYou don't want -d04:08
deborahdasKreech: k waiting04:08
dasKreechsudo update-manager04:08
deborahdasKreech: still get command not found04:09
deborahi must have messed up when i took the laptop home, between the upgrades, because when i rebooted the boot manager asked me if i wanted to fix some files and i typed in yes.04:11
dasKreechupdate- then press tab twice04:11
slooksterpsvok I have another question, I like colibri, it's not bad, but is there a way I can get the gnome notifier in KDE, the one that's black, transparent and with white text?04:12
SporkWitchmoetunes: ok, so there was no .bash_profile, but there was a .bashrc.  I created my own .bash_profile just now, following this example: http://home.ubalt.edu/abento/linux/terminal/addtopath.html So, this should make it so all terminals i open, as well as any GUI links, should now look for commands along the added path, correct?  The main goal was to be able to execute a shell script via an entry on the kmenu, and to make it faster and04:13
SporkWitch easier, i wanted to have it check there for the script (i.e. instead of making the link read: ~/scripts/scriptname modifiers; I could just have the link read "scriptname modifiers")04:13
SporkWitch(have a few downloads going via WINE, dont' want to interrupt them so can't relog to test heh)04:14
deborahdasKreech: k. i pressed tab twice with the updatemanager-text, and i get a list of programs and files04:14
moetunesSporkWitch:  you'll prob have to logout/login to get the bash environment used04:15
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
SporkWitchmoetunes: yup, just wanted to know if it SHOULD work lol.  i can't test it immediately due to the downloads I have going in WINE (finicky in the first place, i try not to test its patience lol).04:15
SporkWitchmoetunes: the "should work" that i'm going to take that response for is sufficient for the time being lol04:16
deborahbrb.  someone is at the door.04:16
SporkWitchmoetunes: you "heh," I say that downloading massive game clients at less than 250KB/s TWICE because EVE's installer crapped out the first time when the screensaver came up is NOT FUN lol04:17
* SporkWitch misses when CCP supported a dedicated Linux client04:17
SporkWitchthey should drop the macheads, and go back to supporting linux; all the macheads just bootcamp anyway lol :P04:17
=== SporkWitch is now known as SporkWitch|AFK
slooksterpsvhey what's the dark theme that kde used to have called, it was a slick black theme, almost like an inverted oxygen theme - SporkWitch deborah - you guys seem in tune with kde04:25
slooksterpsvthis theme, what's it called: http://www.notmart.org/images/plasmakde41.png04:28
SporkWitch|AFKslooksterpsv: the one i've been using is like "obsidian coast" or something close to that04:31
SporkWitch|AFKmostly greys and blacks04:31
slooksterpsv??? that doesn't do my panels?04:33
SporkWitch|AFKslooksterpsv: yeah, that looks like the obsidian theme i have, came pre-installed with kubuntu 10.04 amd64 dvd04:33
SporkWitch|AFKit should...04:33
SporkWitch|AFKshould be under the "appearance" settings04:33
SporkWitch|AFKlast tab04:33
slooksterpsvI went to colors and changed that04:34
SporkWitch|AFKapplications -> settings -> system settings -> appearance -> Colours -> Obsidian Coast.04:34
SporkWitch|AFKand that should change your panels as well (it did for me at least lol)04:34
slooksterpsvright, I did that, it didn't do my panel though04:34
SporkWitch|AFKand you hit apply?04:35
slooksterpsvhaha, KDE hates me04:35
SporkWitch|AFKstyle -> workspace -> oxygen04:35
slooksterpsvoh thank you that is04:36
SporkWitch|AFKyup, now i get to wonder why when i set mine back to oxygen, my panels aren't black again.... lol04:36
SporkWitch|AFKand i get to blame you, since i wouldn't have changed it if i weren't checking to see if it worked lol04:36
slooksterpsvKDE is a pain cause it takes more time to modify things to optimize how you want it to look than Gnome, no offense, they need to get rid of the notification thing in kde04:37
SporkWitch|AFKm'eh, it'll hopefully sort itself out after i relog the session04:38
slooksterpsvdo like Gnome is doing or implement Colibri04:38
SporkWitch|AFKi'll worry about it if/when these downloads every finish04:38
slooksterpsvkopete has too many menu items and icons, reminds me of how messy msn is; the notifications are huge, auto hide, but gather up quickly if you can't click on them to close them quick enough; changing the color scheme is complicated too, Workspace? for real? yeah call it something that normal people find it under haha. what else... I understand the fine tuning, but they need to change it to where its easy for new users - probably my fave p04:41
slooksterpsvoh and KOffice04:41
SporkWitch|AFKslooksterpsv: just use pidgin for chat04:42
slooksterpsvoh I'm using pidgin lol can't stand kopete04:42
SporkWitch|AFKslooksterpsv: i've not been able to find a multiprotocol chat client better04:42
SporkWitch|AFKslooksterpsv: and i still prefer thunderbird for mail, especially since it's the only one i've found that actually is built to play nice with googlemail04:43
slooksterpsvEmpathy would be nice in gnome, if it had some more options04:43
slooksterpsvEvolution does, really well, especially for the calendar04:43
SporkWitch|AFKdelete actually deletes, starring is supported, and there's also archive to archive the mail instead of delete04:43
SporkWitch|AFKeh, still prefer thunderbird.  only complaint i have is that apparently the lightning calendar plugin for it (which i loved in the windows version) doesn't seem to be supported by the current linux thunderbird app04:43
slooksterpsvoh really?04:44
SporkWitch|AFKhaven't looked too deeply into it though, just downloaded, tried ti install, and got an error04:44
SporkWitch|AFKi figure i'll look into it later, i don't use it all that much, it's just a nice convenience04:44
deborahSporkWitch|AFK: ...back... the black one that i use (when i use a black one) is Magnesium04:45
SporkWitch|AFKin any case, AFK again, gonna grab a shower and get ready for work so I can just head out the door when it's time, instead of staring at this clock worrying about getting distracted and not having time to get ready lol04:45
SporkWitch|AFKdeborah: will check it out.  it's not wanting to change the themes for me at the moment, think it's just being stubborn and a session reset ought to fix it04:45
deborahreboot. bbs04:46
SporkWitch|AFKbut yeah, AFK04:46
* SporkWitch|AFK is AFK04:46
slooksterpsvphew, I have a lot to learn with KDE, I know XFCE well, LXDE, Gnome, KDE has just, ever since 4.0, I've disliked it cause it seemed big and bulky04:48
deborahyay the upgrader is working!04:50
slooksterpsvdeborah: what are you upgrading to?04:51
deborahslooksterpsv: from 9.10 to 10.0404:51
slooksterpsvnice lol04:52
slooksterpsvI went from Ubuntu 10.04 to Lubuntu 10.04 to Kubuntu 10.04 (following Psychocats install and uninstall instructions)04:52
deborahit froze up, and this channel helped get it going.04:52
slooksterpsvubottu > kde04:53
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:53
deborahthis was orignially a ubuntu system, but i liked some of the programs on my friends kubuntu.04:53
slooksterpsvsee that's why I want to use Kubuntu, I like a lot of the programs, especially how with kwrite you can rotate images04:54
slooksterpsvwhat proggys do you like04:54
slooksterpsvubottu Slook > kde04:54
slooksterpsvubottu kde > Slook04:55
deborahi like the organizer/planner (i have to look its name up04:55
deborahlol. the personal information manager and kontact04:55
slooksterpsvpim = kontact lol oddly04:55
slooksterpsvI would have thought kontact was the address book04:56
slooksterpsvyeah it's integration is better than Evolution and Zimbra- but I like Evolution for its interface, gnome like, and zimbra cause of its evolution like interface, I don't like zimbra cause I can't write back to my google calendar, and evolution, I wanted more of the items like it has in Kontact04:57
dasKreechslooksterpsv: I take it you aren't on KDE 4.5 ?04:57
deborahi like tomboy. and i leave sticky notes everywhere to remind me, and notebook sticky notes are better than putting real sticky notes all over the laptop. :)04:57
slooksterpsvdasKreech - I think it's KDE 4.5, it's whatever Kubuntu-desktop installs lol04:57
dasKreechslooksterpsv: Are you on 10.10 ?04:58
slooksterpsvdasKreech - no 10.0404:58
SporkWitch|AFK10.04 installs 4.404:58
slooksterpsvahhh ok04:58
SporkWitch|AFK4.5 should be part of the 10.10 upgrade today, i should think, though04:58
=== SporkWitch|AFK is now known as SporkWitch
slooksterpsvdeborah: haven't really used Tomboy too much, I like it, but never really used it a whole lot - can't say I care for the Mono bindings either04:58
dasKreechslooksterpsv: The notifications are way better on 4.5 I jumped on a live CD the other day and was surprised by how annoyed I was with the 4.4 :) You can install colibri as well if you like04:59
dasKreechThere is a KDE version04:59
slooksterpsvdasKreech - I'm using Colibri, hate Kubuntu notifications04:59
SporkWitchnow with the notifications, can you tell it to ignore some apps?04:59
deborah***looks up colibri***05:00
SporkWitchi've noticed that pidgin integrates properly with the little notifier applet in the system tray, but it ALSO integrates with the one that gives me messages about updates, packages that'll make something run better, etc.05:00
dasKreechSporkWitch: yes05:00
SporkWitchrather annoying when the little applet does it perfectly, but the main one leaves all the login/logout notifications there until i close them, one by one, even if they are hidden until i click the button lol05:01
dasKreechForget wehre but I used to play with it. It's not super granular which is quite un KDE like05:01
SporkWitchyeah, when i hit "system tray settings" one of hte toggles is for application notices, but that sounds like it might also include system update notifications and the like, the stuff that i DO want it telling me about lol05:02
SporkWitchbe nice if it timestamped the notifications, too.... lol05:02
slooksterpsvso I may have to download the Kubuntu RC and try it out05:03
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: the release is tonight.... lol05:03
SporkWitchAFAIK kubuntu and ubuntu releases are simultaneous05:03
SporkWitchor they try to be05:03
SporkWitchheck, the kubuntu site says it's ALREADY available lol05:03
slooksterpsvso Kubuntu 10.10 is tomorrow? last time I thought they released Kubuntu's like a week after Ubuntu's latest release... could be wrong05:03
SporkWitchdunno, maybe they're making an extra effort since it's version 10.10, releasing on 10/10/10, and the current theory is that it will release at 1010 GMT05:04
SporkWitchkind of hard to pass up that cheese / marketing potential lol05:04
deborahlol. i forgot my original question. is it better to upgrade to 10.04 or do a clean install?05:04
SporkWitchdeborah: everyone seems to recommend clean install; me? i just spent over 20 hours downloading installers and the like on this POS DSL connection, i'm NOT doing that again05:05
SporkWitchi'll use the upgrade option lol05:05
SporkWitchi feel like i've stepped back in time to the mid-90's or something, the last time i had internet this slow and ****ty was when i didn't have internet at all lol; amazing really, i'd always heard most of the EU telekoms were great, but germany clearly not so much lol05:06
dasKreechdeborah: depends on how much you like redoing your setup05:07
SporkWitch(this is of course an exageration; i still remember how fast my first 14.4k modem was at the time lol; still compared to the 15-20Mb/s i'm used to, 2Mb/s DSL sucks)05:07
deborahSporkWitch: sorry to hear that. i dont have much on it, since most everything is saved on my thumbdrive, but i didnt consider the time. last time i had to REinstall vista all the updates and patches took 3 days.05:07
dasKreechslooksterpsv: No They all release on the same day05:07
dasKreechslooksterpsv: It's one server :)05:07
deborahi dont think the upgrades for 10.04 should take too long.05:07
SporkWitchdeborah: well, assumign they release the DVD iso, it shouldn't be too much trouble, just the one big one and a few random codecs and other dependencies05:08
SporkWitchdeborah: only reason you had that big patch-up when you first install 10.04 is that it's not brand new, so stuff's been updated (including the kernel)05:08
slooksterpsv:| I don't want to change my OS again, but I have a feeling I'm going to be going back to Ubuntu with Gnome lol, KDE and me are just not friends we're archenemies05:10
SporkWitchdon't do it! ubuntu is a gateway OS! it leads to windows!05:11
SporkWitchlol :P05:11
deborahSporkWitch: k. after the nightmare that vista was, kubuntu is a dream.05:11
SporkWitchdeborah: that's not saying much, but yeah, these days a first time linux experience is amazing after windows, vista especially.  that being said, win7 isn't so bad from a gamer's perspective.  you've gotta run windows anyway for a lot of stuff, and if you've gotta do it, win7 is the first version to not make me feel dirty after booting05:13
slooksterpsvouch, ok Kontact is messing up on me clipping and that05:14
deborahmy friend lost an adquaintance back to ms from kubuntu because of gaming.05:14
SporkWitchyeah.  luckily for me, most of my PC gaming is EVE Online these days, which has excellent linux support in WINE.  At the moment it's looking like i'll only need to boot to windows for FFXIV, which so far isn't a big deal, since until the first couple content updtaes come out, there's really not much to do in that game yet (though it shows a ton of promise)05:15
deborahi dont know what some people see in games that make you earn a living in the game to the point you dont earn a living for reals.05:15
SporkWitchthen one of my mates plays WoW and he's finally got a computer again, so i might drink myself into a coma and play that with him again (hate that game so much, but keeping in touch with friends, y'know how it is), and that runs well in linux as well from all reports05:16
SporkWitchdunno.  my first MMORPG was the pay-per-hour NWN game on AOL in 1991 (first graphical MMORPG ever released), with a whopping 50 simultaneous player capacity on the single physical server that ran it lol05:16
deborahWoW and halo. i havent gamed since FFX05:17
dasKreechLoved FFX05:17
deborah* lost a friend to WoW and halo. i havent gamed since FFX05:17
SporkWitchbeen playing them ever since, almost all the major ones, several of the not-so-big ones.  Managed a social life, full-time job (more than full-time, really, I'm military), and at times a girlfriend as well.05:17
dasKreechslooksterpsv: Technically going back to Gnome is still using the same OS :) Different environment though05:17
slooksterpsvhehe yeah, I like Gnome me and it are best buds :D05:18
slooksterpsvsomeone should port koffice to gtk, that'd be cool =D05:18
dasKreechIf you run it under Gnome it takes on the Gtk look05:19
SporkWitchdeborah: i feel your pain.  WoW, Halo, iProducts, Windows, 99% of what's on radio and tv, it's all the same: prefab trash that's managed to become popular in spite of overwhelming mediocrity at best, utter ****tacularness at worst.  And what's worse, other products try to mimic them, and make themselves worse as a result, or ruin potentially good games by trying to copy them instead of going for originality05:19
slooksterpsvnot with mine, it takes the qt look05:19
dasKreechKDE and Qt does a lot of work to be compatible05:19
slooksterpsvlol unless there's an option I can change05:19
dasKreechah I guess it depends on which Qt you have. You can turn on a gtk look in Qt05:19
deborahgtk is gnome, and Qt is KDE?05:20
SporkWitchdunno, i've just always preferred KDE.  gives me more control, behaves better, i like the apps better, and it's usually looked better.  if nothing else, almost any feature in gnome, i've seen in KDE, while the reverse cannot be said05:20
deborahSporkWitch: i stopped watching tv a long ago--except for rare events like dr. who.05:20
SporkWitchone thing glaringly missing from gnome is borderless windows05:21
SporkWitchdeborah: pretty much the same here.  i don't even have tv where i'm living now lol05:21
SporkWitchdeborah: firefly, farscape, doctor who, babylon 505:21
slooksterpsvI guess for what I use, gnome is perfect, where with KDE I struggle to find it, yet LXDE and XFCE I can find what I need quickly and effortlessly... odd, well LXDE I had to learn a few things, like setup xfce4-power-manager to get power management to work05:22
SporkWitchonce those were canceled there wasn't much left worth watching, though Sanctuary is pretty neat, and i confess that I'm addicted to True Blood (though I just wait and buy  the season on Blu-Ray for 30-50 instead of paying 30-50/month for HBO lol)05:22
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: but you'd be doing the same with anything else, is my point.  any time you try to learn something new you have to find where everything is.  at least it's not like windows where they change things around for no reason.  I was ready to shoot someone the first time i tried doing tech support on a vista machine, absolutely nothing was in anythign even approaching a logical place.05:23
deborahSporkWitch: i like firefly/serentity, and dr. who. dont know much about babylon 5 or farscape, except that my friend who does know them gets made when i describe farscape as " it' s kind of like star trek..."   he gets speechless.05:23
slooksterpsvSporkWitch - yup and they even changed it in windows 7 haha05:23
SporkWitchslooksterpsv: not trying to talk you out of going gnome, merely saying, your primary complaint is that it's different, not that there's really anything wrong with it, y'know what i mean?05:23
slooksterpsvyeah, it's with me and using it lol05:24
SporkWitchdeborah: i'm going to send you a file, please give it executable perms and run it ^_-05:24
SporkWitchdon't ever call farscape star trek again lol05:24
deborahSporkWitch: please forgive, but i am very hesitant to exept files from people i dont know.05:25
SporkWitchdeborah: seriously though, those two are probably the greatest pieces of modern science fiction since Star Trek: TNG, Star Wars, and the original Doctor Who05:25
SporkWitchdeborah: lol05:25
slooksterpsvalrighty you guys I'mma try KDE/Kubuntu for a few days, and upgrade to 10.1005:25
deborahgood choise, slooksterpsv!05:26
SporkWitchdeborah: if you can get hold of a copy, pick up the complete series of Farscape, it's only 40 or 50 USD, and they just released the complete box set on DVD a few months back05:27
SporkWitchdeborah: you'll be glad you did.  likewise for Babylon 5, though that one's harder and pricier.  I was able to track down all 5 seasons for US$200 as a set on half.com and the movie collection for another 40 or 5005:27
SporkWitchdeborah: in both cases, though, worth every penny, some of the greatest sci-fi ever made.05:27
deborahSporkWitch: i will check it out.05:28
* Diziara hasn't watched B5, but she can certainly second the recommendation about Farscape.05:28
deborahi have watched 2 seasons of Andromeda, and like it. it seems to be a mixed bag. some episodes are good, and some are mediocre.05:29
SporkWitchlet's put it this way: nearly every episode of B5 was written or co-written by the creator (this is a guiness record for most episodes of a single series written by the same person).  there are clues in the PILOT that aren't explained or understood until the end of the first season, some not until the 3rd and 4th05:29
SporkWitchevery character has a trap door written in, so that if the actor had to leave for some reason, it would make sense and not feel like a kludge or a shark-hop05:29
deborahSporkWitch: i like stories like that05:29
SporkWitchscripts were ALL written 6 episodes in advance, so there was plenty of time for changes and adjustments, because you knew what was coming05:30
SporkWitchno piece of science-fiction is more deserving of the word "art," in my opinion05:30
deborahSporkWitch: kind of like star trek ^__^05:31
dasKreechFunny thing is a lot of people seem to not like KDE's environment cause they feel that it has too many things to flip but love the apps cause they can get them to do exactly what they want05:31
SporkWitchfarscape isn't on THAT  level, but it's stil a great, unique, original, and amazing series.  if you do get the box set of the series, make sure you also get the movie "peacekeeper wars" (the series finale ends with "to be continued" and every fan in the world rioting lol, that movie is the REAL finale)05:31
SporkWitchdasKreech: you're behind the times, this channel is now about Sci-Fi lol05:32
dasKreechI was noticing that :)05:32
deborahthanx! i will let my friend know. he drones on a bout it ending in a cliff hanger.05:32
deborahhe also rants about primeval ending on a ciffhanger.05:32
SporkWitchdeborah: oh yeah, i used to as well until a friend showed me that movie.  it picks up within minutes of the series finale and gives closure to everything.05:33
SporkWitchhaven't seen that one05:33
SporkWitchdasKreech: if it bothers you we can take it elsewhere, but i figure as long as no one's asking questions / questions are getting answeed, it's kosher05:33
dasKreechThere is #kubuntu-offtopic05:33
deborahbritish sci-fi with a good set of characters, but goes wrong halfway through the first season.05:33
dasKreechYou can geek out there05:33
deborahoops, sorry.05:34
SporkWitchdasKreech: np :)05:34
* dasKreech taps slooksterpsv on the shoulder05:34
dasKreech#kubuntu-offtopic if you are joining them in the stars :)05:35
SporkWitchdasKreech is a party pooper :P (j/k)05:35
* dasKreech plays a weak horn05:35
slooksterpsvdasKreech - ???05:36
dasKreechslooksterpsv: Just saying that if you were part of the SciFi chat it's moved :)05:37
=== SporkWitch is now known as SporkWitch|AFK
=== slooksterpsv is now known as Turkey
=== Turkey is now known as Slook
=== 20QAB7HT0 is now known as reb
deborahi just noticed. both the package server for kubuntu 9.10 is running dl all of the updates and patches AND the updater is running updating 9.10 to 10.04. should i turn one of them off and if so which one?05:48
Slookuhh... I have no clue, I'd leave it as is for now...05:49
moetunessame here- don't mess with 'em05:49
deborah30 minutes to go for the updater to complete. bbiab.05:50
=== SporkWitch|AFK is now known as SporkWitch
moetunesSporkWitch:  best not to do the afk thing in the ubuntu channels mate05:53
SporkWitchmoetunes: really?05:53
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»05:54
SporkWitchfair enough05:54
SporkWitchold habits die hard, heh05:54
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
Slookhow do you have ubottu tell others messages?05:58
Slookoops OT, sorry moving to OT05:58
moetunes!lol | slook :]06:00
ubottuslook :]: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.06:00
moetunesthat's haow :]06:00
moetuneshow even :]06:00
Slookhaha ok06:00
=== carlos is now known as Guest77289
=== Guest77289 is now known as Ludd
FloodBotK2Ludd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
=== walter is now known as Guest20194
moetunes!pt | Ludd06:06
Slookhi Ludd06:06
ubottuLudd: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.06:06
moetunesI think he needs portuguese..?06:06
Slookhaha Ludd please don't flood06:06
=== sh1ft3d is now known as sh1ft33_1
Ludddo you speak portuguese?06:15
sh1ft33_1is anyone good with networking in here?06:15
moetunesLudd:  I don't sorry06:15
SporkWitchsh1ft33_1: depends on the question.  network side yes, specific to linux, maybe lol06:16
Luddbut you recognize it06:17
moetunesLudd:  I took a guess with the ola bit... :]06:17
Slooksh1ft33_1: What can we help ya with?06:18
anirudh24sevenwhen's 10.10 kubuntu releasing ?06:18
Slookok question, when I click on links with Pidgin it opens konqueror, I don't like konqueror06:19
moetunescheck your upgrade manager every now and again 'cause it will depend on the mirror you use06:19
SporkWitchanirudh24seven: Soon[TM]06:20
Slookoh so question is, should I remove konqueror or try to modify the default?06:20
moetunesSlook:  that wasn't a question :]06:20
SporkWitch(damn, alt-0153 doesn't work lol)06:20
sh1ft33_1Slook Many things lol06:21
SporkWitchanirudh24seven: seriously though, the current theory is 1010 GMT, since it's version 10.10 releasing on 10/10/1006:21
sh1ft33_1<Slook> Many things06:21
Luddhey moetunes i can't connect to server06:21
anirudh24sevenSporkWitch: oh ok06:21
Luddhave you got a solution?06:21
SporkWitchanirudh24seven: note that i said "theory," not "deadline" lol06:21
anirudh24sevenSporkWitch: lol06:21
SlookI fixed it lol that was easy lol06:21
moetunesLudd:  which server and how?06:21
Luddit tells I'm bot from brazil06:22
moetunesLudd:  are you using an open proxy or similar?06:22
Luddthere is no how i connect in there06:23
moetunesLudd:  if not try a diff nick06:23
Luddnot that I know06:23
LuddI tried many as possible06:23
moetunesk - what is the starlink server?06:24
Luddit says: pmse bot BRAZIL06:25
Luddwhen i'm going to log in06:26
moetunesLudd:  I don't know what you are trying to do so it is hard to help more06:26
Luddif i'm using a proxy, is that impossible to connect?06:29
moetunesLudd:  some places don't like open proxies - I don't know about the one you want to connect to06:30
LuddI did connect now06:33
moetuneswhat made it work?06:33
Luddhttp chat06:35
moetunesoh ok :]06:35
Luddstarlink option06:35
moetunesjeawy:  hello06:36
moetunesjeawy:  it is quiet in here now - no need for a pm06:39
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:39
moetunesjeawy:  you're going on /ignore mate06:45
sp1408what's the exact release time?06:46
sp1408for maverick?06:46
moetunesthere is no "exact" time - soon06:47
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!06:47
=== david is now known as Guest95079
yevsterAnyone know what time 10.10 is supposed to drop?06:57
moetunessoon is the best you'll get - there is no set time06:58
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!06:58
yevsterIt's like waiting for Harry Potter all over again. ;-)06:59
willstoneydoes anyone know when today kubuntu will be released?07:11
moetunessoon is the best you'll get - there is no set time07:14
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!07:14
willstoneythanks guys ill wait till tomorrow night then07:17
cato37hello room. i was on earlier as deborah. that laptop didnt upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. when the computer boots the AppArmor profiles fail to load and the screen freezes at the login.07:28
=== tyf is now known as bertas
moetunesI wouldn't know how to fix that sorry... - if noone else does now ask again in a bit cato37 :]07:30
cato37i am going ahead with my original plan to do a clean install07:30
moetunesluck :]07:30
cato37my question is, how do i do that so that it only installs over kubuntu and not vista?07:31
moetunesduring install you will get the option to set a partition - make sure  you pick the right one - the first one will be vista if it was installed first07:32
cato37yes, vista was installed first07:33
moetunesthe partitioner will list the partitions - the ntfs one is vista - the ext3/4 one is the kubuntu install - use that one07:34
sp1408waiting eagerly for it07:39
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!07:40
cato37ok. the upgrade disk ready. in Prepare partititons, i have a sda that is all blank. a fat 16 @ size: 49mb, used 33mb07:42
moetunescato37:  it doesn't seem vista is listed in there then...?07:43
cato37a sda2 that is ntfs, a sda5 that is swap, a sda6 ext3, and a sda 7 that is ext3.07:43
cato37sorry. i hit the enter key before i had typed it all07:43
moetunescato37:  sda isn't all blank then - it has sda2 etc - scared me then07:44
geekosopheris it out?07:44
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!07:44
cato37oh, i see. the sda is the header (folder name)07:44
moetunescato37:  I guess you had sda6 for / and sda7 for home then?07:45
cato37for if you want to partition the whole disk07:45
geekosopher:D I like teasing ubottu on this day07:45
cato37i think one of them is the failed upgrade.07:45
cato37they are about equal in size.07:45
cato37my bad. sda6 is 10 gigs and sda7 is 28 gigs07:46
moetunesit is up to you to decide but I like a separate /home so on fresh installs my data is still there07:46
cato37i put all my data on my thumbdrive, so there is no loss with the clean install.07:47
moetunesyou can use sda6 for / and sda7 for /home - if you don't format sda7 then your data "may" still be there07:47
cato37i just want to do it right this time. ^__^07:48
cato37okay. so on linux, sda6 would be a home file for root, and sda7 would be for progam files?07:49
moetuneshome is diff to root07:51
moetunessdag in the partitioner gets mounted as /07:51
moetunessda7 gets mounted as /home07:51
moetunessda6 in the partitioner gets mounted as / - sorry07:51
moetunesand / = root07:52
moetunesroot is the filesystem and /home is where user files and configs are07:53
cato37okay. dont mess fat16, ntfs, or swap. set sda6 as / and sda7 as /home.07:53
cato37and it is okay for home to be three sizes larger than / ?07:54
cato37*three times larger07:54
moetuneswell the filesystem needs only about 5gb at the start - but your home folder can be filled with lots - most use 10gb for / and all the rest for /home07:55
cato37good. that is what it is set at. should i switch to the ext4 journaling file system for both of them?07:56
cato37they are now at ext3 sys.07:57
moetunesI prefer ext4 but it is your choice there07:58
moetunesext3 is journalled too - ext4 has extents which is a little bit of extra space for each file to avoid fragmentation07:59
cato37i am not that technical, and probably wont ever be discussing the merits or flaws of either. if ext4 if the next level, then i should go to it.07:59
moetunesI agree :]08:00
cato37do i want to change the swap file to ext4 also?08:01
moetunesswap has it's own filesytem - it is always   swap08:01
cato37nvrmnd. i dont have that option.08:02
moetunesyou don't get a choice for it once it is selected as swap08:02
cato37i can never remember if i need my name in small and the computer name in all caps, or does it matter?08:06
moetunesdoesn't matter08:08
moetunesbut once you pick caps or not you're gonna have to keep using 'em08:08
cato37okay. i was onced asked to change the computer name because the network couldnt handle it.08:09
moetunesseems strange but ok08:09
cato37it had to be all small or something.08:11
moetunesI always use all small letters08:12
cato37my next option is to "install boot loader" and the device location /dev/sda as it was at first. will this overwrite my first bootloader to the point of loosing the ability to load vista?08:13
moetunesI don't use any windows but it "should" find the vista install and add it to the boot options08:14
moetunesif o the offchance there is a problem there is stuff on the forums for fixing it08:15
cato37keen. thanx all. thank you moetunes. you are all great. this is so much easier than my hassles with vista tech support.08:16
moetunesheh yw :]08:17
cato37now if i can just figure out how to keep the coffee holder from autotically closing back into the computer. ^__^08:21
moetunesit "should" stay open08:22
=== MichealH is now known as MichealH-iPod
=== MichealH-iPod is now known as MichealH
cato37woot! everything seems to be working.08:34
cato37i am giving cato his computer back. thank you all, again. *deborah*08:41
hugo_nlgood morning guys -- all waiting for release? :P08:44
moetunesseems alot are08:45
hugo_nlyeh here as well... hoping that the most recent kernel included solves some issues on a toshiba laptop powersaving- and temperature wise...08:47
twisterhello everyone...08:48
moetunesyou should ask in #ubuntu+1 about that08:48
hugo_nlah I have good feeling about the latest kernel, been tinkering with that on my own laptop {toshiba is gf's}08:52
hugo_nlPS, what moment today is it going live? Once everybody including Honolulu is on 10/10 or, simply when responsible folks wake up? :D08:53
moetunessoon is the best you'll get - there is no set time08:54
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!08:54
hugo_nlHaha okay, "soon" is good enough for me  -- I'm used to things like "..when it's ready..." ;)08:54
hugo_nlhandy little bot there :D08:54
Unksihugo_nl: atleast with *buntu soon doesnt mean "maybe in 2-3 years or so" :D09:04
hugo_nlhehe yeh like a certain company in redmond lol09:05
ResearchHi all kubuntu community.09:12
dmattResearch: you started so nice... but where's the rest of the toast?09:24
Tm_Tdmatt: ?09:24
dmattTm_T: i am little bit in partying mode now... Research started tio say st.09:25
dmattbut did not finish09:25
Tm_Tdmatt: ah, partying is ongoing in #ubuntu-release-party if you're looking more of it (:09:27
dmattTm_T: I am there already, but the best time is in #ubuntu-trivia09:28
anirudhwhats the best laptop that doesnt come bundled with win7?09:29
dmattanirudh: lots of them are sold without win7, rest is according to your preferences and needs09:30
anirudhbrand, and considering i am in india. not many choices here09:31
dmattanirudh: it always buy HP, my friends buy Lenovo, my wife has MSI ... you have to google notebooks which you like and choose from them09:37
dmattanirudh: we even do not know what is available in your country09:37
anirudhweve got hp dell sony etc. most of the brands. even msi..09:38
Scherenhaendenhey everbody09:39
anirudhdmatt: ill continue my search! :)09:40
ubottuanirudh: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:40
dmattthe same applies to notebooks09:40
Scherenhaendenhi i wanna reinstall my kubuntu cuz im having troubles with it09:40
Scherenhaendenhow could i save all my emails from kmail?09:41
dmattScherenhaenden: now that is something i would like to know too09:42
dmatti was just lazy to google it09:42
Scherenhaendenno... i found them09:43
Scherenhaendenbut here09:43
Scherenhaenden $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kmail09:43
Scherenhaendenbut how could i know if they are all inside this out?09:43
dmattactually i have dual boot with old and new kubuntu so I can test it09:45
dmattScherenhaenden: i copied the kmail folder but inbox is not visible, because the account is not created09:52
dmattbut I see some option "archive", may be it is better to export all emails and import them to new installation09:54
Scherenhaendendmatt: sorry... i have a cat n he was kidding me... for that reason i was not more here10:03
Scherenhaendendmatt: i think i will copie home... to take everything n than neuinstall10:03
dmattScherenhaenden: you should definitely backup home, and than you can try upgrade :) it saves a lot of work10:05
Scherenhaendeni have kubuntu 10.1010:06
TopGearHow do I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10RC, without fresh install/10:08
TopGearbecouse 10.04's got the drivers for my graphics card, ans 10.10 not.10:08
n8wwhats goin on with 10.10?the banner says 1 day left10:09
n8wTopGear:  go the the webpage n read the "how to"10:09
Scherenhaendensince i have kubuntu 9.10 i having problems with my sound i dont know why10:10
Scherenhaendeni was upgrading to repair n nothing10:10
Scherenhaendenn8w: i was asking me why is yet the banner with 1 days left10:10
Scherenhaendenn way is not complete the installation from kubuntu 10.1010:11
n8wScherenhaenden:  well at 0:38 last night, it said 0 days left10:12
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04.1 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-and-kubuntu-netbook-10041 | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Release party in #ubuntu-release-party
Riddelltopicdiff Release party in #ubuntu-release-party10:13
n8wRiddell:  put the new version into the repo n then we can celebrate:D10:15
n8wRiddell:  otherwise ive got nothin to celebrate;)10:15
ResearchCongratulations to all :)10:16
Scherenhaenden163 gigs... from home/edward folder... that funny is that in that folder... is not much...10:18
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
Scherenhaendenhow could i so a list of the installed programms on my pc?10:28
moetunesdpkg -l10:28
Scherenhaendenohhh right10:29
Scherenhaendeni have a problem10:29
Scherenhaendenis to big for my konsole10:30
Scherenhaendeni cant see all10:30
Scherenhaendenit be lost a part of thme10:30
moetunesdpkg -l | less10:30
happyhessianis there anyone here who can help me with a display problem on upgrade from kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10? xorg.conf seems right and xorg is running according to top but the screen is totally black.  tty terminals work fine.10:46
moetunesyou can read the X log to find out what happened10:47
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway
happyhessianmoetunes: i don't see anything that looks wrong in /var/log/Xorg.0.log should i pastebin it?10:49
bruno666happyhessian: is plasma-desktop running?10:51
happyhessianwell i pastebinned it http://pastebin.com/khr00axD10:51
happyhessianummm, i don't know.  i don't see anything at all and since it's at the log-on screen i don't think plasma has loaded yet.  i'll check now.10:51
happyhessianis there a way to scroll in top?10:52
bruno666Could you switch back to graphic mode (Alt+Ctrl+F7) and try to launch krunner with Alt+F210:56
happyhessianbruno666: does krunner open on the login screen? i've never tried.  i pressed alt+f2 on my black screen, is there a command you recommend trying--assuming it's working?10:57
happyhessianbruno666: it's really weird because it's behaving as if it doesn't know that my monitor is plugged in to the pci card but it explicitly recognizes it on line 132 of the log file.10:58
bruno666Ok, I thought that you had a balck screen after login in10:59
moetunesline 145 suggests to me thar vidia driver doesn't know the monitors syncs10:59
happyhessianmoetunes: that's interesting.  is there an option in xorg.conf that i can add to force it?11:02
moetunesyou could add the monitors syncs if you can find them11:02
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1211:03
moetuneswill show you how ^^11:03
happyhessiani only have one screen, it's just that i'm using a pci gpu, not the on-board one.11:03
moetunesI'll get the entries but you need to get the numbers11:04
bruno666I didn't see anything weong in xorg log11:05
bruno666happyhessian: did you try to restart kdm from tty?11:05
bruno666sudo restart kdm11:05
happyhessianjust did it.  my tty screen just went totally black.11:06
moetunesin the Monitor section - HorizSync 31 - 81   VertRefresh 56 - 75   but you need the right numbers for your monitor11:08
moetunestry the next tty11:08
moetunesthere's been a few ppl lately with this issue11:09
happyhessianmoetunes: i'm sorry i don't understand.  try what? restarting kdm? or just open another terminal to get my monitor's information.11:09
happyhessianbtw my xorg.conf is here http://pastebin.com/4ZySbvBG11:10
moetunesare you in a gui terminal or tty? - you said the tty went blank so try tthe next one - ctrl+alt+F3   or whatever11:10
moetunesit has the sync and refresh rate so change those numbers11:11
moetunesto what is suitable11:11
happyhessianhow can i determine what's suitable?11:12
moetunesthere might be sticker on the back11:13
moetunesor a manual or google the monitor11:13
moetunesI think 28-31 is way to short for the sync11:14
Riddell***  it's 10:10:10 on 10/10/1011:14
Riddell*** http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release11:14
moetunesas a guess up that to 28-8011:14
apacheloggerRiddell: I wonder if we should update the topic?11:15
Riddellapachelogger: I think we should11:15
Scherenhaendenthe cd torrent link for kubuntu 10.0 is broken11:16
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.10 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Release party in #ubuntu-release-party
MisterioKubuntu 10.10 released?11:17
MisterioRC or final version?11:17
apacheloggerMisterio: final11:18
apacheloggerScherenhaenden: where is that?11:18
apacheloggerah, true11:18
apacheloggerRiddell: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/maverick/desktop/ not populated with final yet11:18
apacheloggerScherenhaenden: thanks11:18
Misterioapachelogger: I am thinking about staying on LTS11:19
Scherenhaendenapachelogger: will u fix it?11:19
happyhessianmoetunes: google thinks 31-84 and 56-72 are the right numbers.  now i need to restart x.  what's the command again?11:19
Scherenhaendenx please restart XD11:19
moetuneshappyhessian:  I would just do   startx11:20
happyhessiani get this fatal server error, whatever i'll just reboot.11:21
apacheloggerScherenhaenden: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.10/release/ you can use the torrent file from here for the time being11:22
Scherenhaendenmm ok... is the final too?11:22
Scherenhaendenthere are just dvds11:23
apacheloggerScherenhaenden: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.10/ there you go11:23
_kroson_Scherenhaenden: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/maverick/desktop/kubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent11:23
moetuneshappyhessian:  I would check the log to see what the error was11:24
_kroson_if you want 64-bit torrent11:24
Scherenhaenden_kroson_: thanks...11:24
Scherenhaendenapachelogger: thanks11:24
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!11:24
_kroson_geekosopher: it is11:24
geekosopheryes... ubottu is gettting old11:25
happyhessiani don't see anything out of the ordinary but it's still not selecting a mode.  here's the pastebinhttp://pastebin.com/2PwnCFbw11:25
Scherenhaenden_kroson_: that is not what im looking for11:25
Scherenhaendenthat is from september11:25
_kroson_Scherenhaenden: man it isnt, but wait11:25
_kroson_just go here11:25
Scherenhaenden_kroson_: there is not there11:26
Scherenhaendenjust dvds11:26
Scherenhaendenthe page has only the adress to dvds... for cds is the old version from september11:27
_kroson_this is not september, its today's11:28
moetuneshappyhessian:  yep it looks the same as the first log - seen lines 161-163?11:28
happyhessianmoetunes: yea, that's my on-board gpu.  but lines 137-144 show my real monitor--and it's recognized.11:30
Scherenhaenden http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/maverick/desktop/kubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent11:30
moetuneshappyhessian:  then X is trying to show the desktop from the onboard it seems11:30
Scherenhaendentrying to install kubuntu 10.10 today will be so hard like trying to install freebsd11:31
happyhessianmoetunes: even though the correct device is pointed to in xorg.conf and discovered as seen in the log?11:32
moetuneshappyhessian:  tried disabling the onboard in the bios?11:32
moetuneshappyhessian:  I know what you mean but since the obvious isn't working it's time to try something less obvious...11:33
happyhessiannope, didn't know i could.11:33
Scherenhaendenis ther11:34
apacheloggerScherenhaenden: just use releases.ubuntu.com, I recon torrent.ubuntu.com only grabs the torrent files every once in a while from releases.ubuntu.com11:39
moetuneshappyhessian:  I would also give a mode in the screen section in xorg.conf11:39
Scherenhaendenapachelogger: now is there11:39
Scherenhaendenim downloading the version from today11:39
Scherenhaendengreat, isnt it?11:40
happyhessianmoetunes:would that be called "on-chip vga" or is that something else.  it seems like the closest thing in my bios but it's really a cpu option, not an integrated peripherals option.11:40
moetuneshappyhessian:  yep that sounds like it11:40
happyhessianok, let's see what we've got11:41
happyhessianmoetunes: by mode, you mean a line with resolutions on it, like: Modes "1680x1050" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"11:42
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moetuneshappyhessian:  yep11:42
moetuneshappyhessian:  under Depth 2411:43
happyhessianok, i'll try it11:43
happyhessianmoetunes: still nothing.  new x log http://pastebin.com/WVJdKKsD11:47
happyhessianmaybe i should just give up and try to switch drivers--even though i really would rather be using the nvidia ddriver...11:48
moetuneshappyhessian:  as a check is there anything nvidia in the system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" ?11:48
happyhessianmoetunes: nope11:49
moetuneshappyhessian:  at least it picks the mode... and the log is way shorter - anything on the hooked up tv ?11:50
happyhessianthere is no hooked up TV, i'm not sure what that's doing there.11:51
happyhessianmoetunes: what is NV-GLX? is that part of the proprietary nvidia driver or is it part of the nv driver?11:52
moetuneshappyhessian:  my bad - it doesn't give a brand so it is just setting the port - does   xrandr -q   return anything?11:52
happyhessiani don't think i have nv installed--i certainly didn't have it installed before i upgraded from 10.0411:52
happyhessianreturns "Can't open display"11:53
moetuneshappyhessian:  it is nvidias glx - I guess it is just a shortened version for that11:53
moetuneswhat's the return from   startx   ?11:54
happyhessianwhat's the best way to pastebin stdout?11:54
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com11:55
crizna               11:56
crizna           11:56
moetunescrizna:  hello11:56
happyhessianmoetunes: maybe i don't know how to use pipe correctly... startx | pastebinit ??11:59
happyhessianbasically i get a fatal server error, server is already acritve for display 0.  then invaled mit-magic-cookie-1 keygiving up.12:00
moetuneshappyhessian:  startx | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:00
moetunesso server is active but not found with xrandr -q  ?12:01
moetunesyou could try   sudo service kdm restart12:01
moetuneshappyhessian:  ^^12:02
happyhessianwell that just makes the screen go dead12:04
moetunesyep ok - there's a bug with the nvidia driver it seems - they call it a performance regression... - you might have to go to the nv or nouveau driver12:05
happyhessianthe weird thing about this whole problem is that xorg is running and using a nice chunk of memory according to top but the screen is totally black12:06
happyhessianok, so apt-get remove nvidia-current ?12:06
moetunesif that was what you installed yep12:07
moetunesand rename xorg.conf so X sets itself up12:07
happyhessiannot install a different one, just whatever is built-in?12:09
moetunesI think the nv one is built in but I am not sure12:09
moetunesremove the nvidia one and do   pkill xorg  and then try   startx again12:10
moetunesremove the nvidia one and do   pkill xorg  and then try   startx   again12:10
happyhessianthere's no package called anything like nv so let's assume it is.  i just restarted, i'll try that next time12:11
happyhessiani'm probably going to have to give it the pci address to go to anyway now12:11
moetuneswith the onboard disabled it should find it12:11
moetunes*the pci-e one12:12
happyhessiangood call, it's already better now, i'm getting the fancy boot-up screen and not the low-res text graphic one12:12
happyhessianbut it's not booting up--how do i enable verbose boot up?12:13
moetunesremove splash from the kernel line12:13
moetunesyou can do it from grub - hit e to edit the selected kernel12:14
happyhessianhow do i get grub to stop and take orders? it marches right past my "e" bashing12:15
moetunesuse the down arrow first to stop the countdown maybe12:16
tsimpsonpress shift or escape during grub loading12:18
happyhessiani can't get grub to stop but the computer booted up far enough to start the ssh server so i can open terminals on it to see what's going on.  my xlog is now http://pastebin.com/8U0EdcAZ12:22
happyhessianmoetunes: yay! errors!12:23
happyhessianline 104 no drivers found12:23
moetunesyou didn't rename the xorg.conf12:23
moetunesline 1712:23
happyhessianyou're right, i misunderstood you.12:23
moetunesjust rename it xorg.conf.nvidia or something12:24
happyhessianyea, i copied it but somehow i thought it would automatically make a new one without nvidia.  :&12:24
happyhessianmoetunes: score! login shows up, works, and gives me...12:25
happyhessianmy desktop!12:26
moetunesdouble woot!12:26
moetunesa good size resolution?12:26
happyhessianyea, it looks like full 1680x105012:26
happyhessianglxgears look alright12:27
moetunesyou'll have to check how it goes with effects excetera12:27
happyhessianthanks moetunes.  i guess i'll try to switch back to nvidia later.  do you know the specific bug i'm looking for so that i can look for it to be resolved?12:28
moetuneshappyhessian:  it was the bright lads on #archlinux that pointed it out - they've gone to the beta driver from nvidia12:28
moetuneshappyhessian:  I would check the forums12:29
happyhessianok, if urbanterror works with the default driver, then i've got all i need B)12:30
happyhessianmoetunes: thanks a million!12:30
moetuneshappy to help :]12:31
JeroenDeDauwWhat is the difference between the CD and the DVD @ http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download ?12:31
moetunesthe dvd has more on it ?12:32
Tm_TDVD has more languages etc12:32
tsimpsonthe DVD has both the Desktop and Alternate installer, as well as more packages and language packs on it12:33
moetunesDo not be confused, even though DVDs can hold far more data than the typical Kubuntu CD, the main benefit of the DVD downloads is to get access to all of the available language packs. Most people will be fine with the standard CD  - from that page12:33
tsimpsonthere is no difference in the installed system from the CD or the DVD though12:33
JeroenDeDauwok, thanks :)12:34
JeroenDeDauwI have a Kubuntu installed from wubi on one machine, and I don't have enough disk space there. What's the best approach of converting the .disk file I now have on an NTFS partition into an EXT partition?12:39
moetunesI don't think you can -12:40
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:40
JeroenDeDauwMeh... I'd really hate to do a new install on that machine, as I then have to set up my whole working environment again :(12:41
moetunesthere is12:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:41
moetunestakes most of the work out12:42
moetunesof the rebuild12:42
JeroenDeDauwmoetunes: Thanks - I'll give that a try :)12:43
moetunesluck :]12:43
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
JeroenDeDauwWill the 10.10 release show up as an update in "software updates" of my Kubuntu install?12:57
Tm_Thi PhilRod12:57
moetunesJeroenDeDauw:  it's released so it is up to the mirror you use12:58
PhilRodhey Tm_T, how's it going?12:58
JeroenDeDauwmoetunes: Ok, I'll just wait and see what happens then.12:58
Tm_TPhilRod: enjoying the buzz of new release (:12:58
PhilRodooh awesome. Will have to upgrade (I'm still on karmic, so it'll have to be a clean install)12:59
BuuttiI had 10.10RC and now 10.10 is officially out, are there any updated packages at all?13:21
BuuttiThe software updates window doesn't give me any updates13:22
TorchBuutti: i have no details in this particular case, but the whole sense of an RC is that nothing changes for the release... so it wouldn't be too surprising if there were no upadates13:23
Buuttiah, ok :)13:23
Buuttiusually they upgrade at least some tiny bit but i guess there just ain't any updates now :)13:24
BuuttiAnyone have any great ideas how to get my mobile phone to be used as a modem via bluetooth?13:28
volodyaBuutti: regretfully, I don't think bluedevil can do this right now. I've heard bluetooth networking is being worked on as we speak.13:30
Buuttigood to know13:30
volodyaand if you're on 10.04, which is using kbluetooth, it's even worse than that13:30
Buuttilike I said earlier, 10.10RC13:31
thirstydoes anybody know if 10.10 64 bit will install on a netbook? previous versions of ubuntu only supported 32bit for netbooks.  I'm currently downloaing the 64-bit version, but I'm not sure if it will install, and previous version had different images for a netbook install13:31
tsimpsonis your netbook 64bit?13:32
tsimpsonmost I've seen are 32bit13:32
thirstyit's an n45013:34
thirstyI thought it was13:35
thirstyyeah I'm pretty sure the n450 supports 64bit13:36
thirstyI guess I'm asking because previous versions had a different image and it was only available in 32bit13:36
Buuttivolodya, any idea when the bt networking is going to be available?13:36
tsimpsonthirsty: looks like only 32bit installs are supported, but you likely don't need a 64bit OS anyway13:37
volodyaBuutti: nope. See http://www.afiestas.org/solid-sprint-day-1-go/13:37
volodyaI am not 100% what is being worked on; in particular I suspect my WM phone might be a bit hard to use for tethering13:37
thirstythank tsimpson, may I ask where you got the information? what website/forum?  I just want to read up on it13:38
cato37hello. i just did a clean install of 10.04 from 9.10. the wireless network connector worked on 9.10  but it isnt working on 10.04. it shows enabled, but it doesn t pick up anything. dead air. what can i do?13:38
Buuttivolodya, thanks13:39
tsimpsonthirsty: I just looked for the netbook install ISOs and found only 32bit versions13:39
cato37hello. i just did a clean install of 10.04 from 9.10. the wireless network connector worked on 9.10 but it isnt working on 10.04. it shows enabled, but it doesn t pick up anything. dead air. what can i do?13:44
Buutticato37, you don't happen to have a separate switch to turn the wlan on and off?13:45
cato37Buutti: no, there is no outside switch. it doesnt respond to the cable connection either.13:47
Buutticato37, do you have a connection added in network management settings -> network connections -> wireless?13:48
cato37Buutti: sorry. i had to switch to wireless on this laptop.13:54
cato37Buutti: yes, the network man agement settings are on13:54
Buutticato37, what's the wlan chip model?13:55
cato37Buutti: sorry, i meant to type that hte network management settings are blank.13:56
smoophhey I have a problem with pidgin I can't add plugins13:56
cato37Buutti: i cant find a settings button13:57
smoophI use Linux and was trying to but the file *.so into the folder user/.purple/plugins/ is that wrong ?13:58
cato37Buutti: no, because i did a fresh intall. everything is blank.13:58
Buutticato37, in the network connections window, and more specifically in the wireless tab, hit "add" and type in the details of your wlan?13:59
cato37i did that. but there is nothing there.14:04
cato37Buutti: i typed in the details but it deosnt pick up anything14:05
Buuttii had 10.04 clean install and my wlan worked like a charm from the beginning14:06
cato37this one isnt playing nice. i can connect with the cable to the router, and i get a connection. and the wifi works on the vista side.14:07
Buuttiwhat driver do you have installed for the wlan?14:07
cato37Buutti: how do i check to see?14:08
cato37aha. proprietary drivers!14:09
_kroson_cato37: if its broadcom then you need to install the restricted driver i think14:10
cato37i have a choice between Broadcom b43 and Broadcom STA.14:11
Buuttior you could try the madwifi driver :P14:11
_kroson_cato37: b43, which is opensource14:12
_kroson_sta is proprietary14:12
cato37k. i have activated b4314:12
Buuttiah, that's not even available to broadcom chips :P14:13
AlexDAKcan you please say, i have a netbook with low resolution, and on some windows can't see ok button because it's below the screen. How to solve this?14:13
Buutticato37, http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/7.10/network/C/connect-wifi.html14:14
James147AlexDAK: alt + left drag the window, that will allot you to move it14:14
anthonyserver irc.explosionirc.net14:14
James147allow ^^14:14
cato37Buutti: thanx for the url. i will give it a go.14:17
Buuttieven though it's and old article, i think that still applies to broadcom chips more or less14:17
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slooksterpsvwow moetunes you're still here14:29
moetunesnope :]14:29
phoenix_how to enable lfe channel in pulse audio14:31
cato37thanx, buuti. using the fwcutter utility worked. that laptop now can connect with wifi.14:31
cato37have a good morning all.14:32
cato37Buutti: thanx again.14:32
Buuttiyou're welcome :)14:32
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n8wive got 10.10 RC but the kpackagekit doesnt give me any option to upgrade to the final version14:37
James147n8w: if you upgrade then you will be on the file version14:38
James147n8w: ^^ the normal upgrades that is14:38
n8wJames147:  well RC is not the final version is it?14:38
James147n8w: No, but when you upgrade the pacakages you will be on final... there is no spical process to upgrade from RC to final14:40
n8wJames147:  see n thats the prob...it doesnt show any updates14:40
James147n8w: run this in ternimal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:41
Buuttin8w, same here, no upgraded packages at all14:41
n8wJames147:  hmm smth must b wrong with the kpackage14:43
n8wJames147:  199 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:43
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JeroenDeDauwThis migt be a bit oftopic here, but how do I wipe all disks of my machine from command line?15:25
moetunesit's not something I've done but you could try   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda*15:29
KottizenThank you all for this amazing, wonderful and lovely release!15:35
KottizenPerfect gift aswell - it's my birthday today.15:36
JontheEchidnaHappy birthday15:36
KottizenThank you :)15:36
BluesKajhappy birthday , Kottizen :)15:37
phoenix_Kottizen: happy birthday :)15:43
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Kottizenphoenix_, BluesKaj: thanks :)15:52
gaelfxwhen will the netbook iso be available?15:56
James147gaelfx: maverick wont ahve a netbook iso, it has been intergrated into the desktop one15:56
James147gaelfx: the installer will attempt to detect which one you want to run and you will be able to change it after install15:57
gaelfxah, spiffy :D15:57
gaelfxI was wondering why they hadn't done that before15:57
gaelfxperhaps I ought to actually read the news next time instead of whining15:58
m_tadeuhi...how do I use the message indicator plasmoid? can't find any config in kopete or kmail16:00
russlarm_tadeu: it's pretty auto16:00
russlarm_tadeu: there shouldn't be any config involved. what are you trying to do?16:00
m_tadeurusslar: but mails are not notified by it16:01
russlarm_tadeu: in kmail prefs, there should be an area that lets you set how you are notified when you get mail16:01
russlarm_tadeu: what sound it plays, etc.16:01
russlarm_tadeu: look for an option labeled something like "marm in taskbar"16:02
russlarm_tadeu: though, I could be making that up. I haven't used kamil in a while. That;s how it's controlled in kopete, anyway16:02
m_tadeurusslar: oki...thx a lot ;)16:03
russlarm_tadeu: ok, so in kopete, go Settings/COnfigure Notifications16:03
russlarm_tadeu: show message in a popup is the option that will use the nitification area16:04
russlarm_tadeu: at least it did in KDE 4.416:04
russlarquiet for a release day16:07
russlarwonder how #ubuntu is faring16:08
mel_I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 live.. and have installed gparted for a patition change.. but when starting gparted.. it asks for a root pass.. what pass do I enter?? running a live boot session..?16:08
Torchmel_: use kde partition manager ;-)16:08
moetunesmel_:  leave it blank and hit enter16:09
mel_is that installed by default?16:09
ubuntu_hi all  i am  cant instaled 10.10 cause when near fnish  instalted  start grub instilatin have issues sent msg charsing instilation  and he said look var syslog and var/log partman  what is wrong16:09
mel_moetunes: blank won't work16:10
MAD-PPAShi there i have i q .... i have i small bug in my kubuntu 10.10 as soon a click on logout it freez  any one what to do ?16:10
Torchmel_: this is kubuntu channel and you're asking about a gnome application... hence my reply.16:10
mel_Torch: you mean the one within the installer??16:11
Torchmel_: no.16:11
MAD-PPASdo any one have same problem ....?16:11
Torchmel_:  http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KDE+Partition+Manager?content=8959516:11
MAD-PPASas soon i logout it freezzzz why16:11
MAD-PPAShelp me  out :)16:13
mel_Torch: in what catagory can I find this manager??16:14
mel_in K-menu in mean16:14
Torchmel_: system, iirc.16:14
n8whow do i openoffice from via cmd?16:14
Torchmel_: just alt+f2 and run partitionmanager16:14
Torchn8w: ooffice?16:14
mel_doesn't find/start16:15
n8wTorch:  hmm not rly16:15
James147mel_: you might need to install it first16:15
mel_I only find parted..16:16
Torchmel_: in your menu? parted is a console application. or do you mean gparted?16:16
mel_I edit the sources.list now and update it.. maybe then i can install/find the app16:17
mel_I now find the app16:18
mel_Thanx guys!! it works like a charm :D16:21
MAD-PPAShow about help me out 2 :)16:24
MAD-PPASthe problem i have whit the kubu is as soon i logout it freez .....:(16:24
mvki got 10.04, when i use kpackagekit to fetch updates16:25
mvki dont get 10.10 updates :/16:25
mvkwhat should i do?16:25
Machtinuhmm.. any suggestions on an OS for 13.3"-notebook? thought about xfce or the netbook-thing.. however, i have no clue about that mobile stuff.16:25
Machtinmvk: tried update-manager -d?16:25
James147mvk: try running: "update-manager"   -d shouldnt be needed (it for development releases)16:26
James147"sudo update-manager" even :)16:27
Machtinpardon then16:27
Machtinoh, 10.10 is released. didn't notice. :D16:27
sh1ft3dlol you just noticed?16:27
James147^^ sorry... its "sudo do-release-upgrade"   not update-manager :)16:27
mvkwell, i do have the release candidate16:28
russlarMachtin: you missed the confetti?16:28
mvkand would like to go final16:28
Machtinrusslar: totally.. however i had it installed anyway.16:28
Machtinsince alpha 3, if i recall correctly.16:28
James147mvk: if you already ahve RC then just update the system you will be on final (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)16:28
mel_I wanted to install 10.10 next to win7.. shaved off 100Gb of my D drive.. is now unallocated space.. started the kubuntu 10.10 installer.. but now I can't choose to install side by side.. what to do??16:28
James147mel_: chose the manual option16:29
mel_yes I did16:29
mel_and then??16:29
James147mel_: formate the unallocated space as ext4 and set its mount point to /16:30
mvkJames147: that gives me nothin new16:30
James147mel_: you may want to create a seperate partition for /home as welll16:30
mvkwith my mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org repos..........16:30
mvkJames147: how do i check if im OFF RC?16:30
James147mvk: then you might be on final...16:30
Machtinmvk: maybe you're up to date?16:30
James147mvk: dont think there is any way to check... if your uptodate then you will be on final...16:31
mvkJames147: i didnt get any updates in the last two days16:31
mel_James147: the unusable space is grayed out..16:31
Machtinanyone got a suggestion for that notebook-question 20 lines or so above?16:31
russlarMachtin: is the plasma-netbook not to your liking?16:31
russlarMachtin: or is KDE too resource intensive for the HW?16:32
James147mvk: you could try changing your mirrors then..16:32
Machtinno clue.16:32
Machtinthat's the problem.16:32
mvkJames147: already did switch to US main16:32
mvkno result16:32
Machtinrusslar: however, i think it shouldn't be.. it's a i3 with 2.23ghz or something like that and 4gbyte ram.16:32
russlarMachtin: sounds liek expermentation is in order16:33
russlarMachtin: in a netbook?16:33
scherenhaendeni have problems with my sound16:33
Machtinrusslar: notebook! 13.3" :)16:33
Machtinit's a lenovo z360.. it should be shipped the next couple of days, just ordered it.. want to be prepared when it arrives ;)16:34
russlarMachtin: screen res 1280x800 ?16:34
Machtinrusslar: note quite, 1366*76816:34
russlarerg. that's short16:34
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adilalpmani wanna install kgrubeditor from kde-apps.org16:42
adilalpmanbut i cant add its repository to sources.list16:43
russlarMachtin: low vertical res16:43
russlarMachtin: and, since you're running an i3, you'll want to install 10.1016:43
russlarMachtin: if you go with a 'buntu16:43
russlarMachtin: earlier ones liekly won't have an xord that supports that gpu16:44
adilalpmancan anybody help me?16:45
russlaradilalpman: I didn't know that kde-apps had a repo16:45
James147adilalpman: from what I can tell kgrubeditor does not support grub2... which is what kubuntu uses since about 9.10, so it will not work with those versions16:45
adilalpmanhow can i edit grub kubuntu 10.10 in kde with gui?16:46
russlaradilalpman: what edits do you want to make?16:46
James147adilalpman: as far as I know there is no gui for editing grub 216:46
adilalpmani am using windows and kubuntu 10.10 together on the same machine16:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:46
Machtinrusslar: okay, fair enough. *buntu would be my preference.. still.. just a usual Kubuntu or some netbookish version?16:47
James147adilalpman: mostly you edit /etc/defaults/grub then run "sudo update-grub" after16:47
adilalpmanand i wanna set windows first os to boot16:47
russlarMachtin: standard kubuntu, I think16:47
Machtinfair enough :)16:47
Machtinthanksie, i'll try that one first then.16:47
russlarMachtin: do they package plasma-netbook with the standard installer, or do they have a seperate installer for that?16:47
Machtinrusslar: who?16:48
adilalpmanis kubuntu 10.10 uses grub2?16:48
James147Machtin: in kubuntu 10.10, the netbook and desktop images have been merged,16:48
Machtini see.16:48
James147adilalpman: yes16:48
mel_how many GB's do you need for a swap partition? I got 222Gb unused in total..? how many for system?16:49
russlarmel_: how much RAM do you have?16:49
russlarmel_: swap is only used when you run out of RAM16:49
russlarmel_: it's not liek windows, which pages everythign16:49
Machtinmel_: if you got /home seperated, i think 30gbyte would suffice for /16:49
mel_ah oke 3Gb mem16:50
russlarmel_: you should be K with 2GB of swap16:50
James147russlar: it is also used for hybernation... so you should have at elast the ammount of ram you have as swap if you are intrested in hybernation16:50
russlarJames147: good point16:50
Machtinmel_: I'd suggest to go with at least 316:50
mel_3 it is :)16:50
James147mel_: you can also create a swap file, allowing more felxability16:51
Machtinguess i'll have to read the differences between netbook and desktop-version16:51
James147(ie its easier to resize/delete)16:51
BluesKajMachtin, I' using 10G for / and i have both kde and gnome installed16:51
samuelhow do I upgrade my Kubuntu?16:52
MachtinBluesKaj: i'm using 15 :) was a genorous suggestion16:52
adilalpmanhow can i edit grub in kubuntu 10.10?16:52
mel_is swappartition  a primary or extended partition?16:52
MachtinBluesKaj: pardon, 11 are used of 14.716:52
James147adilalpman: depends on what you want to do, but mostly by editing /etc/default/grub and running "update-grub" after16:52
BluesKaj!grub | adilalpman16:52
adilalpmani wana set windows my first boting os16:52
ubottuadilalpman: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:53
James147mel_: depends on your other partitions...16:53
russlar!grub2 | adilalpman16:53
ubottuadilalpman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:53
James147mel_: it can be either, but you ahve a limit of 4 primary partitions, use extended if you need mroe then 416:53
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adilalpmananyody help me via connect my pc with ssh?16:59
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:59
adilalpmanwhere is service manager in kubuntu 10.10? :S17:04
russlaradilalpman: service manager?17:04
colinmcclureHi, anyone get Kubuntu to run on VMWare Fusion 3.1.1? Have just tried to install and it hangs at boot17:04
adilalpmanwhere is it?17:05
russlaradilalpman: I don't know17:05
russlaradilalpman: I've never heard of it before17:05
russlaradilalpman: in 'buntu land, I just edit config files under /etc17:05
James147adilalpman: System settings > Startup and Shutdown > Service manager17:07
adilalpmani am checking17:07
krabadorhi people , i just tried kubuntu 10.10, and i must leave it until new order. hidden ssid wireless networks don't works17:12
krabadori can configure a wireless network mucch better than gnome, but for hidden network i can't use kde17:12
James147krabador: you can always use the gnome network applet (nm-applet) or even wicd17:13
krabadorJames147, on live , it's very great use the network, before kubuntu installation17:14
sresuApart from padfedit, is there any application/package which can help editting pdf files?17:15
krabadorand people with only a protected wireless network can't do it17:15
sresuHi James14717:15
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bodomHi there17:21
bodomI'm unable to find "update-notifier-kde" to start upgrade to 10.10, may aomeone help me?17:21
Buuttiwhat release do you have installed atm?17:22
sh1ft3dumm,  update-manager -d?17:22
BuuttiJeroenDeDauw, were you serious earlier asking about the cmd to wipe the disks? :)17:23
bodomBuutti: 10.0417:24
JeroenDeDauwBuutti: yes17:24
Buuttibodom, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu17:25
BuuttiJeroenDeDauw, rm -rf /17:25
BuuttiJeroenDeDauw, that command removes everything without asking anything recursively17:26
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AceNovrili want to install nvidia drivers, to do this i must disable nouveau17:27
AceNovrilknow anyone how to do this17:28
AceNovrili try to blacklist somting17:28
bodomBuutti: ty, it worked!17:28
AceNovrilblacklist nouveau17:28
AceNovriloptions nouveau modeset=017:28
JeroenDeDauwBuutti: Also stuff that's not mounted? (the disk is multiple partitions, and a bunch of free space)17:28
bodomAceNovril: I need to do the same :)17:29
AceNovrilblacklist rivatv rivafb nvidiafb vga16fb, so, but the driver is even enable17:29
bodomAceNovril: rmmod it?17:30
AceNovrilrmmod ?17:30
BuuttiJeroenDeDauw, if you want to wipe out unmounted partitions, i think you have to use a partition manager for that17:30
Buuttisuch as cfdisk17:30
bodomAceNovril: yep: rmmod nuveau17:30
BluesKajAceNovril, http://pastebin.com/qWg96z8C17:31
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AceNovrilthanks BluesKaj , i try this17:38
BluesKajAceNovril, ok hope it works for you17:39
_unforgivenI have a bit problem... after updating to 10.10 in KMix visible only one channel17:58
James147_unforgiven: in kmix: Settings > configure channels17:59
Machtinsame here. using alsamixer instead.. don't know whether this suits you17:59
_unforgivenJames147: only one...17:59
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Machtin_unforgiven: but there's all of them in alsamixer, or not?18:00
_unforgivenalsamixer works perfect... but I want to have controls in KMix18:00
Machtinno clue then, i don't actually need to change these settings often18:01
_unforgivenall of them in alsamixer18:01
sh1ft33_1you can install a linux operating system while running linux right?18:02
_unforgivenUnfortunately I have Leadtek WinFastTV... and I have to disable CD channel after closing Xawtv18:02
sh1ft33_1install another version of linux, while using a different distro*18:02
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_unforgivenI have just read that this problem due to KMix and PulseAudio integration18:05
_unforgivenI hate PulseAudio!!!!18:05
russlar_unforgiven: i think everyoen does18:06
_unforgivenok... I'll try 'sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio'. I think it should solve the problem18:10
Machtinseems i'm too stupid to google.. I need a link to read something about the netbook-plasma18:10
James147Machtin: plasma-netbook you mean ;)18:13
Machtinmight be :)18:13
James147Machtin: http://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmanetbook/18:14
Machtinis it just an optical thing or does it save performance?18:14
James147Machtin: I think its just a better interface for smaller screens18:14
_unforgivennow all OK!18:14
Machtini see.18:15
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James147Machtin: #plasma  will probally know more18:16
Machtinhm, never mind then :)18:16
Machtini thought about xfce.18:16
Machtin*sigh* it's hard if you know so little :)18:17
James147Machtin: What specs does your netbook have?18:17
Machtin2.2ghz i3, 4gbyte ram.. 1366*768 screen18:17
James147Machtin: heh, that should handel kde fine18:17
Machtinnothing too bad, i'd say.. except the display.. but that's fine for me18:18
Machtinwell, i agree.. but i want it to be quite performant, you think i won't notice much of a difference compared to xfce?18:18
James147Machtin: my netbook has no problems with kde with 1 gig ram, 1.8ghz processor18:18
James147Machtin: not sure, you could try both any see which you like more...18:19
James147but kde can be configued to preforme faster if you remove some of the effects18:19
Machtinhumm.. well. guess i'll start with kde then.18:19
Machtinif it turns out to perform efficiently, it'll stay :)18:19
Machtinas i pretty much love it18:20
MachtinWell, dinner. Thanks :)18:21
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HTHello guys18:42
HTI just upgraded to 10.1018:43
HTEverything works as it should be except for sound; pulseaudio seems to be the problem18:43
HTRemoving it doesn't do the trick this time, so I kind of am stuck here18:44
ubuntuhi everybody18:48
ubuntuhow could i repair my grub18:48
James147!grub2 | ubuntu18:49
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:49
ubuntuwell im trying... but it doesnt work :S18:50
ubuntui do again chroot wait a second18:50
James147!details | ubuntu18:50
ubottuubuntu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:50
ubuntuwait im gonna do chroot18:51
ubuntuboth events not found18:52
ubuntuim installing it18:52
ubuntuJames147: but i cannot install startup manager... and on chroot could i not open it18:53
ubuntuwait im gonna eat18:53
_unforgivenHT: try 'sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio'19:01
HTI did; didn't work19:01
_unforgiventhen 'alsamixer'19:02
HTYes, everything seems fine there: PCM is full, as are the other bars19:02
Buuttiyou don't have sound or what?19:03
HTNO sound whatsoever19:03
HTEven beep doesn't work19:04
MachtinHT: but only one soundcard is installed?19:04
good_manhey all, I upgraded to Marevick and when trying to launch firefox or google chrome from terminal I got this error19:05
HTYes,  a HDA NVidia card, Realtek ALC888 chip19:05
good_manThe error: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_source_set_name19:05
good_manI googled this error in libgdk and didn't find any relative results19:05
good_mangoogle chrome also giving me the same error in libgdk19:07
BuuttiHT, i have a realtek chip too, no problems at all with alsa :P19:09
HTAaargh :-(19:09
HTBuutti: And you did an upgrade?19:10
Buutti9.04 to 10.10 or whatever the previous version was19:10
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:  I just enabled the netbook interface in KDE 4.5 and I also deleted the "newspaper activity" now i want to add my own activities..  how do i do that?  there does not seem to be any way how I could do that...19:10
HT10.04 it was19:10
James147howlymowly: there is no way to add new pages from the search and launch activity :( not sure why, but a workaround is to change the activity type, add a new activity thenchange the tpye back19:12
howlymowlykk thx. James14719:12
arunmozhihey guys! does anyone know a gui tool to connect to internet via nokia mobile over blutooth19:12
HTHmm, I just killed alsa. Anyone knows how to start it again?19:12
howlymowlyJames147: do you also know, whether it is possible o run klauncher with plasma-netbook?19:12
HTIt isn't at /etc/init.d/alsa anymore19:12
James147klauncher? (do you mean krunner?)19:12
James147or the appllication launcher widget?19:13
Buuttiarunmozhi, bluetooth networking is not available yet, but it's currently in progress19:13
arunmozhii found some commands over the ubuntu forum "sudo pppd nomagic call gprs" ..... can it be made into a widget?19:15
James147arunmozhi: you should be able to add it to a script and drag the script to the panel/desktop... or creat a *.desktop file and set its exec= line to that command (use kmenuedit to create 8.desktop files easaly)19:16
arunmozhi@James147 sudo needs password right? how to specify it in the script file?19:17
James147arunmozhi: use kdesudo instead19:18
howlymowlyJames147: yeah.. i mean krunner19:20
howlymowlysomehow the global keyboard shortcuts got disabled in plasma-netbook19:20
James147howlymowly: yes it does work with plasma-netbook19:20
James147howlymowly: if alt+f2 dosent bring it up you might need to launch it manually19:20
James147howlymowly: possibally add it to the autostart list19:21
arunmozhiJames147: I created a new menu entry using Kmenueditor.... how to place a set of commands to run19:29
James147arunmozhi: if the command is one line (or can be made to be one line) then tpye it directly in the command part...  or create a script and place the path to the script in the command part19:30
arunmozhiJames147: thnx... will try19:31
arunmozhiJames147: one more doubt .... how to tackle sudo and passwords in script file?19:33
James147arunmozhi: replace "sudo" with "kdesudo"19:33
arunmozhiJames147: ok..19:34
phoenix_the cpu usage is high even when using vdpau display driver in vlc. any help19:38
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Marcel25nabend ich habe ubuntu und wollte wissen wie ich auf 10.10 upgraden kann19:49
Marcel25automatisch kommt nichts und bei den aktualisieren findet er auch nichts19:49
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mrafcho001Hello everyone, I have a quick question. Is it better to use the NVIDIA driver that shows up in the "addidtional drivers" or to manually install the NVIDIA drivers from the NVIDIA website?19:52
James147mrafcho001: generaly its best ot install them through "hardware drivers"19:53
mrafcho001James147: thank you.  I was having some problems with those drivers in the RC, but hopefully this'll work better19:54
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geregwho want to talk, men?19:57
James147gereg: this is a support channel, not a chat channel... if you want to talk about things join #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic19:59
geregis anybody alive here?19:59
howlymowlyanother question about plasma-netbook:   how do I add my own favorit applications in the "top-bar" I have no idea, how to do that...19:59
James147howlymowly: the panel? or the favruoites section?20:00
howlymowlythe favorites section...20:00
James147howlymowly: drag and drop... but make sure the page is unlocked20:01
James147or click the star on the icon when the page is unlocked20:01
jmichaelxi did an upgrade from lucid to maverick a few days back, and spell-check is no longer working in FF and thunderbird? any suggestions? (spell-check is working in some prgorams, like chromium-browser.)20:01
howlymowlyJames147:  uh yeah, thx..  unlock was my problem...20:01
sresuHow to upgrade from Lucid to Meerkat in Kubuntu?20:06
howlymowlyJames147: one last question and then I would be settled :) -->  is there a way to go "directly" to search & launch interface using a keaboard shurtcut?20:07
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:07
howlymowlyJames147: like the alt+F2 for krunner..  just for the search & run environment20:08
James147howlymowly: hmm... there should be a shortcut to show the desktop/minimize all windows, but i am not sure about switching activities (there might be one but I havent looked yet)20:08
jmichaelxis no one else here havnig the issue with spell check not working in FF and thunderbird?20:08
* James147 dosent use FF or thunderbird :p20:09
howlymowlyJames147: yeah.. that one does not work. I just tried that out.. it leaves me with a blank (black) desktop without any activites at all20:09
James147howlymowly: hmm, that should be what happens :S20:09
howlymowlyjmichaelx: I recetnly switched from FF dun ThB to chromium & kmail :)20:09
jmichaelxhowlymowly: i use chromium and FF both, depending on what i'm doing.... but use ThB instead of kmail20:10
AceNovrilanyone know, how i can disable the nouveau driver20:10
jmichaelxalso, does it appear to anyone else that medibuntu is down?20:11
jmichaelxmedibuntu being down the day of a new release would be a very negative thing, i would think20:12
sresuJames147: Apart from pdfedit, is there any application/package which can help editting pdf files?20:13
mrafcho001jmichaelx: Firefox spell checking only works in certain places. I only get the spell checking in large text areas, and not in small 1 line inputs. Is this the behaviour you're experiencing?20:13
James147howlymowly: will play around with it abit tomorrow to see what I can find out :)20:13
howlymowly:) I am also just playing around right now :)  hehe20:14
howlymowlyJames147: hmm.   "dashboard" doesn't work, too as it seems to be deactivated in plasma-netbook20:15
James147sresu: not sure sorry, I havnt tried to edit pdfs,20:15
jmichaelxmrafcho001: i think i have no spellchecking at all in FF right now. also no spell checking at all in thunderbird, which to me is a far bigger deal20:16
sresuJames147: No, I only want to extract one image out of a pdf20:16
sresuJames147: Anyways, thanks20:17
James147howlymowly: hmm, your right, there doset seem to be a shorcut for it in plasma-netbook...20:17
sresuIs there any UpdateManager in Kubuntu which informs about latest distrubution? Or should I install adept-manager 2.1.3ubuntu25.2 package?20:18
James147sresu: kpackagekit should20:18
sresuUpdate Manager like in Ubuntu20:18
AceNovrilanyone know, how i can disable the nouveau driver20:19
sresuJames147: Nah, it didn't till now :(20:19
James147sresu: it might just be watching for LTS releases, try editing its settings20:19
mrafcho001jmichaelx: I had similar problem before, I don't remember how I solved it, but have you looked under System Settings -> Locale -> Spell Checker?20:19
sresuJames147: Ahh.. yes. How did I forget about it! :)20:20
sresuJames147: On Meerkat now?20:21
James147sresu: not on my desktop yet, but my netbook is20:21
sresuDoes Meerkat include KDE client for Ubuntu One?20:21
jmichaelxmrafcho001: yes, things appear to be as they should in system settings. i started an ubuntuforums thread on this, and one person has replied, saying that he has the same problem on a fresh 10.10 installation20:22
mrafcho001Is anyone having really sluggish scrolling problems in 10.10? In KPackageKit there is only 50 items in the list and scrolling is really sluggish. I think it may be video driver related, since moving windows around is consuming upwards of 40% of both my cores.20:22
sresuJames147: Does it include KDE client for that?20:23
mrafcho001jmichaelx: I am currently on a fresh 10.10 and I have spell checking in firefox. Again it only works on text areas and not on small text inputs, but its there. I have not tried thunderbird.20:23
James147sresu: I think there is a ppa for a kde ubuntu one client20:24
jmichaelxmrafcho001: what GPU are you using?20:24
mrafcho001jmichaelx: NVIDIA 9600GSO20:24
James147sresu: https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ubuntuone-kde20:24
apachelogger^ that is not being developed anymore20:25
jmichaelxmrafcho001: i am using an nvidia 8500GT, and video performance is somewhat more sluggish in 10.10 than it was in 10.0420:26
mrafcho001jmichaelx: what is your cpu usage when you are dragging a window in circles?20:27
jmichaelxmrafcho001: it seems to hit about 10% on all 4 cores when i do that20:28
jmichaelxmrafcho001: i presume you have compositing management turned on?20:29
mrafcho001jmichaelx: I think this is a video driver problem. I had this very phenomenon on RC and when I installed nvidia drivers manually, the CPU usage went down to 2% on each core when draggin windows, scrolling large text areas etc... But then my kdm broke couple days later20:29
jmichaelxmrafcho001: so are you thinking that a manual install of the driver downloaded from nvidia, rather than the one in the repos, might give better performance?20:31
mrafcho001michaelx: Yeah that's been my experience with the RC. I am going to try it right now and report if there are any performance improvements20:32
weldhi, i have a strangely high cpu usage here (Xorg is over 10%CPU while it's just 2% with gnome) when trying kubuntu and it eats all 3gb of memory (somehow distributed still evenly among programs), anyone else with the same issues? using the default nvidia driver, btw.20:32
BajKIs it just me or is my graphics card getting much warmer since I upgraded to 10.10?20:33
BajKWhy do you now have to be invited to20:34
BajK#ubuntu+1 ?20:34
jmichaelxBajK: they may have changed that today, after final release20:34
AceNovrilanyone know how i can disable the nouveau driver20:52
yofelAceNovril: what are you trying to accomplish? (you can disable it by blacklisting the kernel module though)20:52
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AceNovrili would install new nvidia driver, the setup means, the nouveau drivers must be disabled20:55
vbgunzis there any way to get the latest kernel 2.6.36rc7 **with** ubuntu patches? preferably without compiling/building it?20:59
vbgunzanybody got a repo like that?21:00
mrafcho001for anyone interested, installing the NVIDIA binary drivers from nvidia website does not make any noticeable difference in performance.21:01
vbgunzmrafcho001: a few tweaks to xorg and increasing your power profile helps a lot... just waste a lot of money21:04
mrafcho001vbgunz: what tweaks do you speak of?21:05
vbgunzmrafcho001: these tweaks help a whole lot on my end. my system is like a game interface when I put the power profile on performance http://dpaste.com/256002/21:07
ubuntu___hi everybody21:08
ubuntu___i cant repair my grub21:08
vbgunzubuntu___: whats wrong with your grub?21:08
ubuntu___is not working21:08
vbgunzwhat does that mean?21:08
sil3nt|warri0rhi frnds21:08
sil3nt|warri0rhaving a strange prolem21:08
ubuntu___n i did everthing what i got in internet... bout nothing21:08
ubuntu___i get grub 1.5 then... grub error21:08
vbgunzubuntu___: not sure what sense you're making :(21:08
sil3nt|warri0ri cant login to my kde desktop, each time its just crashes after starting21:09
vbgunzyou installed legacy grub?21:09
sil3nt|warri0rbut strangly with other usera/c its ok21:09
ubuntu___yeah... ill installed again21:09
sil3nt|warri0rplz help21:09
vbgunzubuntu___: you shouldn't have the old grub21:09
ubuntu___if u want i could install teamviewer n u see for urself21:10
vbgunzubuntu___: you know how to use a terminal?21:10
ubuntu___im trying everthing since hours21:10
vbgunzubuntu___: are you on maverick? or lucid?21:10
ubuntu___i can use the bash but im not the master21:10
vbgunztry sudo apt-get -s install grub-pc21:11
ubuntu___on chroot or in the live?21:11
vbgunzyou're not gonna install anything but does it look like it's gonna install for you?21:11
vbgunzubuntu___: where are you?21:11
vbgunzyou're in the live cd?21:11
ubuntu___both... im on livecd... but i did a chroot21:11
vbgunzubuntu___: one sec21:11
vbgunzthese steps saved my ass once https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 go to method 3-chroot21:12
ubuntu___i got one error21:12
vbgunzubuntu___: you should have grub2 though, so not apt-get installing any kind of grubs... it should already be on maverick21:13
ubuntu___well ive installed today from this live cd21:13
vbgunzubuntu___: you're using the wrong grub, the one you need already comes on the maverick live cd21:13
ubuntu___well... but i didnt work21:14
ubuntu___for that reason im on live21:14
vbgunzubuntu___: at what step did you fail?21:14
ubuntu___step new start....21:14
ubuntu___ive install... then... never started up21:15
vbgunzmethod 3 should absolute repair your broken grub... it works like a charm, I just don't know where it screwed up for you and if you're aiming at the right partition etc21:15
vbgunzsil3nt|warri0r: still having problems?21:17
sil3nt|warri0rvbgunz: yea21:18
ubuntu___ok il try it21:19
vbgunzlog out of kde and into the terminal, then mv your ~/.kde/ folder to ~/.kde.backup/ or something... then try logging in again and if you don't crash, it's something in ~/.kde ... just don't delete that folder, moving it is ok, you can always move it back21:19
ubuntu___ill probe it21:22
dorkfaceWhat is the default KDE application to handle partitioning?21:23
vbgunzdorkface: partitionmanager21:24
dorkfacevbgunz: tyvm21:24
sil3nt|warri0rvbgunz: thx , actually i am upgrading to 10.10, lets see if it fixes21:24
vbgunzsil3nt|warri0r: hope it works out, if it does, let me know21:27
sil3nt|warri0rvbgunz: k :)21:28
valentino_tugahi. i'm having a problem. i've just installed kubuntu 10.10 and i have no sound21:34
mrafcho001I am still experiencing really high kwin CPU usage, is this normal?21:38
vbgunzmrafcho001: curious, I probably won't be able to help here but how high is it?21:40
mrafcho001idles at 3% to 5%, but when moving a window it goes up to 35%+21:40
vbgunzyou're using direct rendering in desktop effects or software?21:41
vbgunzsil3nt|warri0r: did you try it? is it working?21:43
mrafcho001vbgunz: direct rendering is enabled21:43
mrafcho001should compositing type be opengl?21:43
vbgunzmrafcho001: in that window, is it opengl?21:43
vbgunzyeah, for best experience21:43
mrafcho001yeah its opengl21:43
vbgunzis mode shared memory?21:43
mrafcho001"texture from pixmap"21:44
vbgunznot sure, texture from pixmap never worked best for me personally... I always ended up using shared memory21:45
vbgunzyou can try, see what happens21:45
vbgunzhow are you seeing the cpu usage in kwin?21:45
mrafcho001yup top21:45
mrafcho001cpu usage of kwin now up to 50%21:45
mrafcho001and xorg also goign up to 15%21:45
sil3nt|warri0rvbgunz: it will take 3-4 hours to full dl 10.10 apps and upgrade21:45
AceNovrilwhat is the recommended size for the root ( / ) partition?21:46
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sil3nt|warri0rAceNovril: mine is 20gb21:47
vbgunzsil3nt|warri0r: hmm, I thought you had the problem now and needed it solved now, anyhow, if you really moved your kde folder, you can try this to see what went wrong rsync --remove-source-files --ignore-existing -rO ~/.kde.backup/ ~/.kde/21:47
sil3nt|warri0rwith many many apps21:47
vbgunzbut be careful, a type can maybe screw you up good but if it goes right, you'll see what files were left over and can manually check them out to see if you really need them21:47
sil3nt|warri0rvbgunz: k, will try dat21:48
bdizzleoh, when was 10.10 released?21:48
bdizzleand what got changed?21:48
kumarDid anybody get bluetooth headset working in kubuntu 10.10. The whole system freezes on me when I enter the pin to piar21:48
sil3nt|warri0r10.10 has bluedevil21:49
sil3nt|warri0ruse blueman, its works very well21:49
vbgunzmrafcho001: the highest I got in kwin dragging a window forever was 9% cpu usage21:50
kumari installed it, but blueman-applet wont load, says cant load power manager21:50
mrafcho001vbgunz: what GPU do you have?21:51
kumar__load_plugin (/usr/bin/blueman-applet:182)21:51
kumarFailed to load PowerManager21:51
kumarIcon 'gtk-missing-image' not present in theme21:51
vbgunzmrafcho001: gtx 27521:51
vbgunzmrafcho001: do you have your nvidia power-mizer profile set to performance?21:51
sil3nt|warri0rkumar: hav u installed all deps with blueman21:52
mrafcho001vbgunz: yeah its in "Maximum performance" mode, and what is your xorg like?21:52
vbgunzyou gotta keep in mind setting your stuff to performance will cause a much nicer smoother experience *but* at the expense of going full throttle... you'd blow up the phone bill too21:53
kumarsudo aptitude install blueman21:53
vbgunzmrafcho001: this should be most relevant to you http://dpaste.com/256002/21:53
kumarit should take care of deps21:54
vbgunzmrafcho001: if you need the whole thing I can paste it21:54
sil3nt|warri0rkumar: try to run that from cmd line21:54
sil3nt|warri0rblueman-manager or applet21:54
bigbrovaranyone tried the new ubuntu multitouch framework (utouch) on kubuntu?21:54
bigbrovaror is it just a ubuntu thing?21:55
kumarfor some reason it loaded this time21:56
kumarearlier it was getting a timeout on dbus21:56
vbgunzmrafcho001: curious, what does "solid-powermanagement query cpufreq" say?  wheres the little star at?21:57
mrafcho001vbgunz: i've applied those xorg optoins and some other ones i've found in google searches.  The solid-powermanagement has the star on the performance21:59
vbgunzmrafcho001: with performance on nvidia and solid-pm you should be having a nice experience... did you restart xorg after making changes to xorg.conf?22:00
vbgunzmrafcho001: one sec22:00
vbgunzmrafcho001: did you install the binary from nvidia? the run file?22:01
mrafcho001vbgunz: Currently, yes.22:02
vbgunzmrafcho001: can you uninstall it? if you want as close to the cutting edge nvidia drivers as you can get, you can try adding this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates22:03
kumarOne more question about bluetooth22:03
mrafcho001vbgunz: Uninstall it and install the one from the PPA?22:04
kumardoes anybody able to make the long range (100m) BT work with ubuntu22:04
kumaror kubuntu for that matter22:04
vbgunzmrafcho001: yeah, driver 260.19.06 is the latest on there, I am using it now and performance is quite amazing22:04
vbgunzmrafcho001: I used to use the binary but it becomes an extreme hassle after a while... extremely bothersome at times to have to maintain it, that ppa is almost like a dream come true if you like the latest drivers and transparent updating22:05
mrafcho001vbgunz: how would you go about uninstalling the binary driver?22:06
mrafcho001vbgunz: and then installing ppa22:07
vbgunzmrafcho001: the simplest way to add the ppa is to use kpackagekit22:07
mrafcho001i meant install the packages from ppa22:07
sil3nt|warri0rkumar: domu hav or built a long range bt device22:08
vbgunzoh, not sure the exact packages you need but I'll show you what I have installed, one sec22:08
kumarnops I bought a long range BT, class 1 BT adapter22:08
kumarsil3nt|warri0r: nops I bought a long range BT, class 1 BT adapter22:09
vbgunzmrafcho001: that's everything I have http://dpaste.com/256018/22:09
ryrychI need a little help. Kubuntu 10.10 KDE 4.5.2 (4.5.1 was also affected). Screen is flickering while windows moving, minimazing, etc. with compositing effects turned on.22:10
ryrychwhich pakage should I fill a bug against?22:10
mrafcho001any idea on uninstalling the binary drivers?22:10
howlymowlyhi poeple...  short question: Is it possible to change the size of the panel in plasama-netbook? After I added a widget to my panel in plasma-netbook, its size has been changed. its now biger than before. Is it possible to revert that somehow?22:11
sil3nt|warri0rkumar: well ten go ahead n try it22:11
vbgunzmrafcho001: I believe you need to do this in a terminal with X off, not exactly sure but go back to your binary package as if you were going to install it again and just call it with the --uninstall  option22:11
vbgunzI believe thats how you do it22:11
kumarsil3nt|warri0r: i am trying it but its not working more that 10m but on windows the same adapter does work upto full range22:12
vbgunzdefinitely uninstall it first before you go ahead and download the drivers from the ppa, so feel comfortable with the terminal and X off and you're good22:12
sil3nt|warri0rkumar: no idea, i dont hav one to try22:12
kumarany idea to increase the USB power22:13
kumarsil3nt|warri0r: where can I file a bug for it22:13
emasI need a bit of help22:13
mrafcho001vbgunz: yeah, im comfortable with the terminal, didn't realize there was --uninstall option on the installer. Doesn't show up in the help22:13
emasEvery time i get a notofication, my screen flickers22:14
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vbgunzmrafcho001: cool, once X is off, you're done uninstalling the binary driver, your repos are updated with the new ppa, you can try this from the terminal: sudo apt-get -s install nvidia.*-modaliases nvidia-common nvidia-current nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-settings22:15
emasDuring the flicker, I can see my desktop background22:15
vbgunzsorry, take off the -s option22:15
vbgunzthats a dry run option22:15
vbgunznothing will happen if you leave -s on, apt-get would just show what it would do but won't do anything22:16
=== xMR is now known as super_turd
PasNoxi just installed kubuntu 10.1022:18
PasNoxand i have some problems.22:18
PasNoxi can't install packages22:18
PasNoxwhen it prompt for a password, i give my password as usually - but it reject me :/22:18
vbgunzPasNox: try sudo apt-get update22:18
vbgunzwhat happens?22:18
PasNoxbut when i start kdesudo kpackagekit22:19
PasNoxi can install packages without problems22:19
PasNoxany idea?22:19
mrafcho001vbgunz: maybe its a little bit better now xorg and kwin both go up to 20%, which is pretty much the equivalent of just kwin going up to 40% haha22:19
PasNoxvbgunz: already done many times22:19
=== davis is now known as Guest19263
DNS777PasNox: sudo apt-get install -f22:19
DNS777helps maybe :x22:19
vbgunzmrafcho001: it's not difficult and you're better off using the ppa any day rather than messing with nvidias binaries22:19
mrafcho001yeah good point22:20
PasNoxDNS777: by kdesudo / commande line sudo all is working22:20
PasNoxbut this fucking kpackagekit password dialog reject me22:20
IdleOne!language | PasNox22:20
ubottuPasNox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:20
PasNoxwhen i changed my password via the systemsetttings, it tell me my password was longer than 8 and can cause problems - i ignore and use it as is22:21
PasNoxcould it be this 8 chars length limit in the kpackagekit dialog ?22:21
James147PasNox: I dont think so... I have a pass of 12 and ahve no problems22:22
PasNoxJames147: with fresh installed kubuntu 10.10 ?22:22
vbgunzI have a password of 128 characters and everything is fine22:22
James147PasNox: have you tried a simple password? without acented characters or anything funny ;)22:22
PasNoxi have no special characteres22:22
PasNoxonley ascii letters22:23
vbgunzPasNox: might sound nuts but are you hitting the caps key during the prompt maybe by mistake?22:23
mrafcho001thanks for the help vbgunz22:23
super_turdhey guys, this is off topic but how do I change channels. im new to IRC22:23
PasNoxvbgunz: no, because using kdesudo / sudo in konsole22:23
PasNoxit works fine22:23
vbgunzsuper_turd: //join #channel22:23
vbgunzsuper_turd: with a single slash not two22:24
PasNoxvbgunz: hmm i found the same password dialog elsewhere - having same problem22:26
PasNoxi tried to edit settings in systemsettings/kdm22:27
super_turdok. someone fill me in real quick on all this. i know that irc has been around for years but im clueless22:27
PasNoxwhen validating it request password - and reject me :(22:27
James147PasNox: its probally a problem with policykit... not sure how to fix it though :(22:28
PasNoxJames147: before there was a policykit entry in systemsettings - but can't find it again - does it was removed / obsoleted ?22:29
PasNoxhere is the error returned by the password dialog, once i cancel it ( cause it reject me )22:29
James147PasNox: the version of ploicykit was updated, and that dialog was incompatable with it... the new version dosent have a gui yet22:29
PasNoxJames147: are you a kde dev?22:31
James147PasNox: nop... just spend far to much time following its development :D22:31
silent|warri0rvbgunz: i hav removed the .kde and try to ogin to kde, its works, but with some crappy window deco22:31
PasNoxJames147: so what about the systemsettings applet for policykit ? does no longer exists?22:32
silent|warri0rvbgunz: now how do i get back to my previous .kde with no crash22:32
James147PasNox: not for the currect version of ploicykit (not that the old one worked at all ;)  )22:32
PasNoxJames147: oki22:32
PasNoxso what i do ?22:32
PasNoxi can't do anything with this **** 10.10 ...22:33
* PasNox tired of kubuntu / ubuntu like...22:33
ummHallo 2 all22:34
ummI have a question. I downloaded 10.10 kubuntu today and my problem is that when i try to make a bootable usb and try to boot from it, i get the boot error why isthat and does anybody have the same problem. I try to install with a cd and i see the boot menu but when i say start kubuntu all i see is a black screen and nothing happends ? Anybody can help me ?22:36
SporkWitch_umm: can you be more specific? what boot error?22:37
James147PasNox: I think you should look into how to configure policykit... afraid I do not know how to do that though22:37
PasNoxJames147: thanks for the hint22:37
smoophHi I want to use openconnect with the network-manager for kde ... is there a package like the one for gnome?22:38
ummWell i have the iso of 10.10 kubuntu i make that into a bootable usb en try to boot from it so i can install the kubuntu 10.10 but i get a boot error22:38
James147PasNox: this might help: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=50445022:39
ubottuDebian bug 504450 in policykit "policykit: Not obvious how to configure PolicyKit in a passwordless manner" [Normal,Open]22:39
SporkWitch_umm: how do you make that into a bootable usb? using the windows option?22:39
PasNoxJames147: thanks, reading22:39
SporkWitch_if so, that's almost certainly your problem22:40
vbgunzsilent|warri0r: you weren't supposed to remove .kde only move it22:40
ummNo with unetbootin or also with the startup disk creator22:40
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.10 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | KDE Platform 4.5.2 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Release party in #ubuntu-release-party
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.10 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | KDE Platform 4.5.2 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.2 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines
vbgunzsilent|warri0r: if you removed the .kde folder you're most likely stuck. if you moved it, tell me, where did you move it to?22:42
phoenix_how to upgrade my kde to 4.5.222:42
vbgunzword, good question22:42
vbgunzmy kde is at 4.5.1 **but** I thought maverick had 4.5.222:43
vbgunzword, wth happened?22:43
James147phoenix_: on what version of kubuntu?22:43
phoenix_hello James147. kubuntu 10.1022:43
James147phoenix_: vbgunz: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.222:43
=== AceNovril is now known as Hangman
ummphoenix : At the ppa     ppa:kubuntu-ppa  than sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:44
ummAdd *22:44
vbgunzJames147: wow, I really though it came in 10.10, not sure what made me think that :/22:44
phoenix_umm: ok22:44
Hangmanhow i can set "modeset=0" as bootparameter22:45
ummPhoenix : The same usb stick does boot up in another system22:45
James147Hangman: edit /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub"22:45
vbgunzHangman: maybe nomodeset ?22:45
phoenix_umm: got it, thanks22:46
Hangmanand what i write into the grub file?, only modeset=0 and this working?22:46
James147Hangman: add it to the boot pram line22:46
Riddellhi Freddy222:47
Freddy2where can i check why the "Recent files" menu in kate is always disabled?22:47
vbgunzJames147: good looking out. really, I thought I was riding 4.5.2 already.22:47
Freddy2(kde 4.5.1 and lucid, but the problem was there in 4.4.x)22:48
Hangmanwhere is the boot param line?22:48
vbgunzdamn, I just opened akregator and 6 out of 7 new articles at lxer is about 10.1022:49
phoenix_ya its disabled by default always22:49
RiddellFreddy2: should be in ~/.kde/share/config/katerc under [KFileDialog Settings]22:49
HangmanGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"22:51
Freddy2Riddell: yes, there is an entry for this -> Recent Files[$e]=$HOME/descargas/order_valgrind.txt,$HOME/descargas/order_valgrind.txt22:51
Freddy2but if i open kate the menu keeps disabled22:51
phoenix_where can i see the info about the new mp3 codec in kubuntu 10.1022:51
HangmanJames147: you mean this line, and how i must write this?22:52
James147Hangman: open the file in a text editor as root (kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub) and append to the end of that line (just before the ending " )22:53
James147then run "sudo update-grub"22:53
ummI have a question. I downloaded 10.10 kubuntu today and my problem is that when i try to make a bootable usb and try to boot from it, i get the boot error why isthat and does anybody have the same problem. I try to install with a cd and i see the boot menu but when i say start kubuntu all i see is a black screen and nothing happends ? Can anybody  help me ?22:54
James147umm: what error do you get?22:55
vbgunzlet me restart kde, hope all goes well and not to hell22:56
avihayumm: they say that kubuntu 10.04 and kubuntu 10.10 are not compatible when it comes to creating each other usb boot images22:56
avihayactually, it's an ubuntu thing22:56
Bobbixhow can i modify order of icons on the plama panel on top ?22:58
ummavihay : i heard about that but with kubuntu they say you can write on to a disk or make a bootable usb and with 10.04 i had no problem making a usb boot stick22:58
avihayumm: umm, ok, I've also read that on some laptops (macbooks, I think), the drivers selects the external monitor by accident23:00
prowerhello :> i'm using kdenlive in kubuntu 10.10...the effects list is completely empty :< is there something else i need to have installed?23:00
James147Bobbix: rightclcik the panel > panel settings   you can then drag the icons around while the settings dialog is open23:01
ummavihay : Its a desktop not using a laptop but what you said is a start for me too look around23:01
vbgunzwell, im still here23:02
avihayI should have asked, if it boots but the screen is just blank, or if it freezes, and if you can switch to the virtual terminals23:03
BobbixJames147: not true.. rightclick don't let me do anithing23:03
BobbixJames147: i can only remove the icon that's all23:04
ummavihay : that is with a cd that i have burned but wit a bootable usb stick that i have made using unetbootin all i get is the boot error but the stick doed work on another system23:04
James147Bobbix: are the widgets locked?23:04
BobbixJames147: ni23:05
James147Bobbix: are you using plasma-netbook or plasma-desktop?23:05
Bobbixi don't know (default installation)23:06
Bobbixi've upgraded with backports repository23:06
Bobbixi've now the latest versione of kde23:06
BobbixJames147: OK resolved! i've found the problem.. i can't place the icons if i don't attivate panel option first... by default the icons are fixed in their position.23:09
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BobbixThanks for your help James14723:12
howlymowlyhi poeple...  short question: Is it possible to change the size of the panel in plasama-netbook? After I added a widget to my panel in plasma-netbook, its size has been changed. its now biger than before. Is it possible to revert that somehow?23:14
a2fhow can i get flash to work with konqueror without installing the package from repos?23:16
James147howlymowly: yes, click the cachew on the desktop (the circle thing in one of the corners), there should then be an option to change the size under/over the panel23:16
howlymowlyJames147: ...  I am using the netbook-interface...  can't find that thing ghere...23:18
James147howlymowly: it should be on the bottem left corner of the screen by default23:18
howlymowlyyeah.. that's right.. but I can not find an option for the panel there...  the panel seems to be "seperated" from the plasma-netbook interface. I mean:  i can unlock the panel seperatly from the search & launch environment23:21
James147howlymowly: its a bit weird... unlock everything then click taht icon23:22
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howlymowlyJames147: that worked!  thx man...  soooo...  i guess I found a bug there...23:24
howlymowlybecause I can not lock my panel again, now...23:24
howlymowlyI mean: i can lock the search & launch activity23:24
James147howlymowly: yeah, its far to over complicated atm :( to many thing to lock/unlock23:25
howlymowlybut the panel keep unlocked23:25
howlymowlyand I am not able to click on any of the widgets in the panel, anymore23:25
James147howlymowly: might want to logout/logback in23:26
howlymowlyJames147: is this "normal" behaviour, that I am experiencing? or is it maybe due to some earlier configuration prior to KDE 4.5?23:26
howlymowlyJames147: did that already, it locks my panel again..  but the bug is reproducable...23:26
James147howlymowly: not entirly sure :) you could try creating a new user and seeing how it behaves on them23:26
howlymowlyyepp.  letme try that...23:27
howlymowlybe right back....23:27
smoophHi at all ... I want to use openconnect to login to the vpn of my university ... under gnome with the package network-manager-openconnect-gnome no problem ... kde i don't know how ... so I thought connect using the shell command "openconnect server" - response is "Established DTLS connection" but I still have my old IP address ... I think I somehow have to the kubuntu to use the interface tun1 instead of eth0 ... how do i do that? thanks!23:28
valentino_tugahi. i just installled kubuntu 10.10. I cannot make the sound work. anyone help me?23:32
James147valentino_tuga: make sure all the volumes arnt muted and are turned up (run "alsamixer" to check them)23:33
phoenix_i started the update to kde 4.5.2, i think its over but , i am getting this message23:38
phoenix_The configuration file '/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc' (modified by you or a script) has a newer version '/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.dpkg-new'. Please verify your changes and update it manually.23:38
phoenix_what should i do now23:40
James147phoenix_: selecting 'y' will reset kdm to its default settings i beleive23:40
James147phoenix_: select 'n' if you dont want that to happen23:40
phoenix_James147:  its a warning message not a input one.23:40
James147phoenix_: then you can probally ignore it23:41
howlymowlyJames147: apparently all my problems I found out today are common among fresh installations :)23:41
phoenix_James147: ok23:41
valentino_tugaJames147 all the volumes are turned up but there's no sound23:44
James147!sound | valentino_tuga23:44
ubottuvalentino_tuga: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:44
nerdy_kidhi, i upgraded to kubuntu maverick but my kubuntu still says lucid on the terminal login.  what should i do? thanks23:48
phoenix_James147: i have some doubts, can you come to the offtopic channel23:50
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