
micahgis anyone aware that karma calculation seems to have stalled for the last week?01:32
wgrantmicahg: Only because I've seen you report it here a few times. Apparently nobody else has.01:34
* micahg doesn't recall saying anything about it until now01:34
micahgat least for this week01:34
wgrantHm, must have been someone else then.01:35
RedSingularityHow come my Karma in launchpad never increases?  I am part of the Bug Squad so I am regularly active yet the karma stays at 55.02:41
wgrantRedSingularity: It looks like karma updating has been broken for the last few days.02:42
wgrantI'll poke someone to look at it on Monday.02:42
RedSingularitywgrant:  Ok thanks :)02:46
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nascentmindHi. How do I delete my launchpad account?10:36
wgrantnascentmind: https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit. There's a link down the bottom.10:37
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nascentmindwgrant, I deactivated my account. but I can login using my password.10:39
wgrantnascentmind: Ah. That doesn't deactivate your Single Sign On account. That's a separate thing, managed on login.ubuntu.com or login.launchpad.net.10:41
wgrantI'm not sure how to deactivate that.10:41
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nascentmindwgrant, where can I get some help on that?10:43
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eugenesanHi, can I cancel recipe build request? I've mistakenly pointed it wrong ppa :-(11:39
wgranteugenesan: Only admins can do that at the moment.11:41
eugenesanAnd deleting recipe, will help?11:41
wgrantThat might work, I suppose.11:44
eugenesanThanks for the tip, re-created recipe with same name, meanwhile no signs for "ghost" builds :-)11:49
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mindentropyHi. When I am trying to upload the ssh key it says Invalid key. Do I need to upload everything in the id_rsa.pub file i.e. including the username@hostname?13:45
wgrantWorth a try.13:46
wgrantI think it is required.13:46
mindentropybut I don't want to upload the username and hostname.13:46
saedelaerei just uploaded my first package to launchpad. unfortunately it failed to build. so I deleted the package, created a new source on my computer and tried to upload it again. but now a file got rejected.13:47
wgrantmindentropy: Put something else in that space, then.13:48
wgrantIt doesn't matter what.13:48
wgrantsaedelaere: It's a different version of the package, so you need to change the version number. eg. add +ppa1.13:48
mindentropyYes thinking of that. its just a comment.13:49
saedelaerewgrant: but I deleted the old package. don't understand this technique :) ok where do i have to put this ppa1? in the changelog file?13:50
saedelaereinstead tv-viewer ( lucid13:51
saedelaereinstead tv-viewer ( lucid13:51
saedelaereforget the =13:51
wgrantsaedelaere: It's more conventional to use
saedelaereok but i need to put in the changelog file. will try that, thanks!13:53
saedelaeremaybe another question concerning versioning. if a make new package named, this means it is the same upstream version but newly compiled/created for ubuntu?13:54
wgrantYou probably shouldn't have called the first version -0ubuntu1 -- that implies that it's the first Ubuntu version.13:55
wgrant-0ppa1 may have been better.13:55
wgrantBut too late now.13:55
saedelaerebut it is the first ubuntu version13:55
wgrantIt's not in Ubuntu. It's in a PPA.13:55
saedelaereah ok13:56
saedelaerenow understand13:56
saedelaereone more question about copying packages. my package can be used for all versions of ubuntu without having to be recompiled. do I have to do anything special in the changelog file before copying my packages? because there i only have specified lucid.14:35
saedelaeretv-viewer ( lucid; urgency=low14:35
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shadeslayerhi, is staging.launchpad.net down?22:28
shadeslayerseems to be timing out for me22:29
lifelessshadeslayer: its doing a code update22:38
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* maxb is deeply confused23:58
maxbfor the second time, someone's requested a code import *from* a launchpad webpage23:59
wgrantFrom one of the Launchpad projects?23:59

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