
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== JaMa|Zzz is now known as JaMa
voipster3I am new here and have just downloaded the maverick for arm07:50
voipster3I have made the image to the SD card and booted on the beagleboard C307:51
voipster3but there is not display can anyone help?07:51
voipster3the sd led lights are blinking so it is reading from the card and atm this computer I cannot connect it to a serial port07:52
voipster3so i cannot actually see whats going on07:52
=== JaMa is now known as JaMa|Away
=== sumitsemwal is now known as sumits
dhiry2khi all, i have installed ubuntu armel 101.10 xfce4 but it looks like red in color09:50
dhiry2kmay be need any setting09:50
persiaUm, from where/how did you install that?09:51
persiaAlso, please confirm that you're talking about 10.10, rather than having run into an accident related to the prior-state backup facility in the 2101 fall release.09:52
dhiry2kpersia, yes i have installed 10.10  http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ maverick/main09:55
persiaSo just `apt-get install xfce4` ?09:55
dhiry2kpersia, yes09:55
dhiry2kpersia, i have created rootfilesystem using rootstock09:56
persiaAh, yeah, that gets the raw, unfiltered, base configuration, which may not be ideally integrated.09:56
dhiry2kin which i have given option as  xfce409:56
dhiry2kpersia, so i need to do ?09:56
persiaThere's been no reported testing, but I'd strongly suggest installation of "xubuntu-desktop" to get an XFCE-based integrated desktop experience.09:56
dhiry2kpersia, which is best light wdesktop environment09:57
persiaThat should pull all the right extra libraries, themes, settings packages, etc.09:57
dhiry2klxde or xfce409:57
persiaI disbelieve that "best" means anything in this context.09:57
persiaPersonally, I tend to use a GNOME-based environment (with a few bits removed).  I know several people who swear by XFCE and Enlightenment, and there's lots of folk who seem to believe LXDE is even better.09:58
dhiry2kpersia, if i install xuduntu-desktop then it actually installs many packages which i dont need09:58
persiadhiry2k, Try `apt-get --no-install-recommends install xubuntu-desktop`09:58
dhiry2kpersia, if i have a debian source what will be the way to recompile this for arm09:59
persiaBut yeah, it probably installs more than you need: it's supposed to install a fully integrated environment (although I don't think any of the Xubuntu guys use armel).09:59
dhiry2kpersia, for armel which desktop environment normally prefereed in ubuntu10:00
persiaTrivial recompile: `apt-get --compile source ${PACKAGE}` with deb-src lines pointing at Debian.10:00
dhiry2kpackage is locally available not at debian or ubuntu repo10:00
persiaThere are three tested images: Ubuntu Netbook 2D (GNOME/EFL), Kubuntu Desktop (Qt), and Kubuntu Mobile (Qt).10:00
dhiry2ki mean source is at local system10:00
persiaOh, for a local package, I tend to prefer to use pbuilder or sbuild.  Some folk just dpkg-source -x the package and debuild -b it.10:01
voipster3I have a beagleboard C310:01
persiaUsing pbuilder/sbuild is much cleaner, but requires some setup.10:01
dhiry2kbut it may need to setup cross toolchain10:01
persiavoipster3, Hey.  Saw your message from earlier.  how is the display connected?10:01
persiadhiry2k, Why a cross toolchain?  Just compile natively.  All the packages in Ubuntu are compiled natively.10:02
voipster3It seems that the omapfb is not starting10:02
persiaDoes even the text in the beginning when jasper does the resize not show?10:02
dhiry2kpersia, but i need to install it in armel i.e arm board os10:02
persiadhiry2k, OK.  So, build it on an ARM board.10:03
dhiry2kvoipster3,dmesg can tell much regarding error of omapfb10:03
dhiry2kpersia, you mean do chroot and build10:03
persiadhiry2k, Hard to use with no serial console and no display :)10:03
persiadhiry2k, pbuilder and sbuild use chroot, but you can also just build in an installed environment, if you aren't concerned about repeatibility.10:04
persiavoipster3, You might try mounting the SD somewhere else, and looking at the logs.  I suspect /var/log/Xorg.0.log would contain some hints.10:04
dhiry2kpersia, is .net application works fine with mono in armel10:05
dhiry2kmay be some games which is created using .net10:06
persiaMono is ported.  There are some bugs.  The Mono team always appreciates help.10:06
voipster3dhiry2k I can't type anything in there it is stuck10:07
dhiry2kvoipster3, do you have minicom setup?10:07
voipster3not at this computer10:07
voipster3From what I saw the other day it just booted but no display10:08
dhiry2kvoipster3,what actually it shows on LCD10:08
dhiry2kwhite screen?10:08
voipster3no signal10:08
persiavoipster3, Turn it off, extract the card, mount it somewhere else, and examine the logs.  With no display and no console, you'll have a very hard time getting useful information out of the booted system.10:08
voipster3if i remove the sd card10:08
voipster3the beagle dog show10:08
voipster3ok i will look at the log10:09
dhiry2kvoipster3, its better to debug using minicom10:09
voipster3also tks for the tips greatly appreciate it10:09
dhiry2kprobably uboot environment is wrong10:09
persiadhiry2k, We don't enable the serial console by default, which makes that tricky :)10:09
voipster3yes i know just this computer dont have a serial port10:09
voipster3the uboot environmoent for booting is ok10:10
voipster3jsut that the display driver is not activating10:10
voipster3the read write leds blink fast10:10
dhiry2kvoipster3, printenv bootcmd10:10
voipster3after a minute of blinking only read led is blinking10:10
persiavoipster3, This is with a published image, or a custom image?10:10
persiaWhich image?10:11
voipster3didnt set any of those10:11
persiadhiry2k, jasper should be setting that automatically.10:11
voipster3it just booted10:11
dhiry2kbut sometime it may go wrong10:11
dhiry2kbetter add manually10:11
voipster3from minicom? or is there a config i can edit?10:11
persiaTrue, although I tend to examine logs, hating to do anything manually when there is automation available/10:11
dhiry2kvoipster3, its better to have minicom10:12
dhiry2kif not then try different value omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@6010:12
persiaMuch better to select a value based on one's actual connected display, rather than based on a guess.10:13
dhiry2kif you have HDMI port for LCD then omapfb.mode=dvi:hd720-24@6010:13
voipster3can i send you the log file?10:13
dhiry2kpersia, correct10:13
persiaI think I heard a rumour once that the HDMI port only provided DVI-D signals, although I may be mistaken.10:13
dhiry2kvoipster3, yes10:13
persia!paste | voipster310:13
ubot2voipster3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:13
persiavoipster3, Use a pastebin rather than sending, in case someone lurking has an idea.10:14
voipster3ok you got to excuse me since i am not an avid irc user10:14
dhiry2kpersia, while installing packages in chroot environment getting error as omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@6010:14
dhiry2kerror as Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0xc020660b10:14
persiaThen use a chroot on an armel device, rather than a qemu-chroot :)10:15
persiaOtherwise ignore them: most of them don't matter, although you may have issues with some.10:15
voipster3this is for the X log10:16
voipster3Jan  1 00:00:13 acorn kernel: [    2.059570] omapfb omapfb: failed to allocate framebuffer10:18
voipster3Jan  1 00:00:13 acorn kernel: [    2.065063] omapfb omapfb: failed to allocate fbmem10:18
voipster3Jan  1 00:00:13 acorn kernel: [    2.070007] omapfb omapfb: failed to setup omapfb10:18
voipster3Jan  1 00:00:13 acorn kernel: [    2.074798] omapfb: probe of omapfb failed with error -1210:18
voipster3This is from the kern.log10:18
voipster3dhiry2k need to see dmesg file too?10:20
* persia suspects some missing "MEM" or "VMEM" or somesuch setting and hunts docs10:22
voipster3this is the dmesg file10:22
persiaI think jasper didn't run correctly: you ought have a "VRAM=12M" argument set, which should prevent the "omapfb: failed to allocate fbmem" bit.10:23
persiaI've never seen "omapfb.vram=1:4M,2:4M" passed previously.10:24
voipster3so i need to manually type it at boot each time or is there a way to permanently change it?10:25
persiaI think you'd permanently change it in uboot settings10:26
voipster3so i need to do it from minicom?10:26
persiaAnd I suspect the "omapfb.vram" parameter is hitting my attempt to prevent stomping on user-supplied values, and causing vmem=12M not to be set.10:26
persiaYou can change the settings in the uboot configuration on an SD, and boot using the uboot on SD.10:26
voipster3so i just directly edit the file?10:27
persiaMay as well try.  Just make a backup first.  You're unlikely to damage anything playing with kernel command line parameters.10:28
voipster3atm i dont have minicom here can i just use a desktop to edit the file?10:29
voipster3the answer is now :P10:30
persiaOf course you can.  it's just a text file.10:30
voipster3umean the u-boot.bin file?10:31
persiaIsn't there something like a boot.scr or similar?10:31
persiaI think that's it.10:31
voipster3but it says its a binary file10:31
voipster3ok i'll try from cli10:31
persiaHmm.  You might want someone else to advise you then.10:31
persiaI tend to just complain until someone makes a bootloader work, and then stick to userspace.10:32
voipster3hehe understand10:32
voipster3tks for the time though10:32
voipster3the boot.scr has the setting of vram=12M10:34
voipster3fatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 uInitrd10:35
voipster3    setenv bootargs vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60    root=/dev/mmcb$10:35
voipster3    bootm 0x80000000 0x8160000010:35
persiaDunno then.  That's the bit on my C4 that makes it not have issues with memory for the framebuffer.10:35
voipster3it seems the bootm address maybe wrong10:35
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=== ZaphodBeeblebrox is now known as jo-erlend
* persia grumbles about cannot-redistribute clauses, and retailers who remove all such software when selling devices, even though that makes them useless :(11:44
ogra_acdont buy such hw then :P11:45
persiaBut it cost half the price of the Dynabook AZ, and amitk might have a working kernel for it...11:46
persia(plus the Dynabook AZ has *even more* unredistributable software)11:46
ogra_acthe dynabook has a working kernel too :P11:47
persiaAnyway, it's not that hard to download the recovery image, and reinstall from the vendor (although I kinda wish the instructions didn't expect you had a working device to use to build the recovery image to recover the non-working device, but ...)11:48
ogra_acno, 2.6.29 but sources are public11:51
persiaI've public working Ubuntuised 2.6.29 sources, plus a known tree that is targeting 2.6.36 that *should* work.  Mind you, I still end up with unredistributable firmware for the WiFi, but...11:55
persiaHrm.  This might be going back to the shop tomorrow.  Full reinstall from the vendor site, and still no working WiFi :(12:07
ogra_acgot a link with specs and pics ?12:09
ogra_acoh !12:09
persiaTo the PC-Z1?12:09
persiaThere's heaps of them.12:09
* ogra_ac just found a flashlite that might run on the ac10012:09
ogra_acextracted from the netwalker apparently :)12:09
persiaThis is (theoretically) the same device I dropped in my sink in April, except this one doesn't work :(12:10
persiaStrange.  The Netwalker doesn't ship with Flash: it's a bonus for registering for use.  Someone broke terms of service.12:10
persiaBe warned that it will be an ARMv5 binary.  Ought work, but may not have the optimisations you'd prefer.12:11
ogra_acfrom the comments there12:11
persiaOh, yeah, that there site often seems to ignore redistribution provisions of licenses.  handy in many ways.12:11
ogra_aci havent tried it yet but got the tarball on disk12:11
ogra_acall help is in japanese :P12:12
ogra_aceven the script comments in the install script are12:12
persiaOf course.  Why would anyone want anything less concise?12:12
persiaI can recommend some books to learn how to read, if you like ... :p12:13
ogra_acnah, looking at the code most stuff is easy to figure out12:14
persiaSee, Japanese is intuitive, like all good iconographic languages.12:15
persiaPlus, you're already used to verb-at-the-end-of-the-sentence-placing grammer :p12:15
armin76ogra_ac: can't you use gnash or swfdec?12:16
ogra_acarmin76, you might, havent tried it yet12:16
* ogra_ac isnt after flash so much i just dont say no if i find it :)12:17
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
persiaogra_ac, So, for all my whining earlier, the solution turned out to be me discovering that Fn+1 turns on and off WiFi :)16:18
ogra_acarent HW keys fun16:20
persiaI guess.  If nothing else I've verified the OS restore procedure, enabled support for my USB ethernet, and practiced reading (even learned some new grammar to understand a post on a gentoo forum having the same issue)16:22
lagogra_ac: Are you still in Tx?16:29
ogra_aclag, nope16:29
ogra_achome again16:30
lagHow did everything go?16:32
persialag!  You'd know.  If I have a git tree, how do I get a kernel .deb?16:33
lagCompile and package it :)16:34
persiaIn that order?16:35
persiaI was kinda hoping there was some wiki doc that let me add some base debian/ to the results of git clone...16:35
lagWhich tree are you trying to complile?16:36
lagAnd which arch?16:36
persiahttp://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=people/amitk/linux-2.6.git for armel16:36
lagfakeroot debian/rules clean16:36
lagfakeroot debian/rules binary-omap16:36
persiaThere's no debian/ directory...16:37
lagThen you can use make-kpkg16:37
persiaIs it safe to just copy a random kernel debian/ directory, and then fight with the ABI checker ?16:37
persiaHeh.  OK.  I remember how to do that.  I just thought there might be some Ubuntu way (and haven't built my own kernel since moving from sarge-in-process to warty)16:38
lagThe Ubuntu way is to build our own kernels, which do have a debian directory :)16:39
ogra_aclag, well, we have a release on time ... so it went well i'd say16:39
ogra_aclag, we still have to do an SRU for fixing the sudio issue though16:39
persialag, Doesn't support my hardware.  I'd be happy to use your kernels, if you want to build for my HW.16:39
ogra_acpersia, the upstream kernel has a script for rolling debs16:41
ogra_acmake deb-pkg should be sufficient16:41
* ogra_ac plans to use that for the ac100 kernel16:41
* persia has an inbuilt distrust of all upstream methods of making .debs, regardless of upstream, and with full irrationality enabled16:42
ogra_acyeah, it wont be great16:42
ogra_acbut give you a deb16:42
ogra_acwith the files in the right places at least16:42
ogra_aci dont think it includes any maintainer scripts16:42
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild looks *almost* like the right bit.16:43
lagThe one in our repos is broken though16:44
lagYou need the latest version16:44
lagYou can get it from the Debian repos16:44
persiaWhy didn't that get updated?16:44
lagAsk userspace16:45
ogra_acbecause nobody encourages custom kernel builds ?16:45
persiaYeah, I know.  Part of why I switched to Ubuntu was a blog comment about never compiling one's own kernels.16:46
persia(and now I'm at it again anyway)16:46
ogra_acbad HW choice :)16:47
lagI'm off for something to eat16:49
persiaogra_ac, At least it ships with Ubuntu, unlike what you're currently using :p16:52
* persia is careful to not so denigrate ogra or ogra_cmpc16:52
* ogra_ac just built an androidless kernel16:53
ogra_acwill test that after dinner16:53
* persia will finish building kernels in the morning, having a great desire to hide from the side-effects of having just edited wiki.ubuntu.com/ 16:54
=== JaMa|Away is now known as JaMa
marvin24_DTanyone with a tegra harmony board here?21:11
marvin24_DTI'm just wondering if the u-boot code at git.chromium.org/u-boot.git actually boots21:14
armin76marvin24_DT: i have, didn't work for me21:23
armin76marvin24_DT: ojn is one of the ppl doing the work21:24
marvin24_DTarmin76: when did you tried it?21:24
armin76one/two weeks ago21:24
marvin24_DTthe i2c and keyboard driver was added just a few (4-5) days ago21:26
marvin24_DTseems that seaboard was tested and worked21:26
armin76yeah, saw that21:27
armin76marvin24: also there's no doc about setting it up, so...21:41
armin76marvin24_DT: i tested it right now, ojn told me passing the uboot binary as kernel should do it, but nothing shows up21:42
marvin24_DTI though it should be loaded as a bootloader21:44
marvin24_DTnvflash --bl21:44
armin76you sure that wouldn't brick it?21:45
marvin24_DTthe --bl command does not flash anything, it loads into the memory21:45
marvin24_DTlike nvflash -w --bl uboot.bin --go21:45
marvin24_DTI do this on an other board every day21:46
armin76downloading bootloader -- load address: 0x108000 entry point: 0x10800021:48
armin76sending file: /tmp/ye.bin21:48
armin76- 791694/791694 bytes sent21:48
armin76/tmp/ye.bin sent successfully21:48
armin76waiting for bootloader to initialize21:48
armin76it stays there21:48
marvin24_DTnothing on the console?21:49
marvin24_DTok, thanks!21:49
armin76marvin24_DT: what is a seaboard?21:52
marvin24_DTarmin76: seems that there are many (>5) development boards made by nvidia22:02
marvin24_DTthere is no official list of it I know of22:02
armin76k, thanks22:03
marvin24_DTlooks like harmony is one of the first production boards22:03
marvin24_DTand seaboard is newer22:03
armin76there's also whistle22:05
marvin24_DTand e116x (from u-boot tree)22:05
=== JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzzz

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