[12:52] http://xubuntu.org/news/10.10-release <<--- linked in the release announcement is 404 [13:29] I never even saw the release announcement before it published [13:29] sladen: Would have been nice to ask first! [13:52] charlie-tca: sorry, I wasn't involved with it. I don't know what the mechanism is for agreeing the URLs [13:52] charlie-tca: they could just well be a search and replace from 10.04! [13:52] being in canonical employment this time around [13:53] We'll have the announcement up after the website guy gets up. [15:48] cody-somerville: Can you or vinnl get the mirrors updated to show 10.10 on http://xubuntu.org/getubuntu ? [18:01] I'm referring to http://pastebin.com/n9bkjfJc and let you know my employee allowed me to host something and also put in a server into the employee-rack (just for me/us) which is awsome. UNFORTUNATELY they only allow to use theses systems for OURSELVES (compile, host, do wahtever we want to) for security and economic reasons. Thus hosting Xubuntu to the public is not allowed. :-( I'm sorry.. I tried hard! [20:16] guys, a new version of xubuntu is available! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10.10/release/ [20:16] can someone update the site? [20:16] this link can't be found anywhere. [20:42] only a few people have access to the website, and they didn't show up today [20:57] Hi! [20:57] Has 10.10 been released yet? (i.e. can I add a message to xubuntu.org? :) [20:57] Seems like the download is already available :) [20:58] yup, since 10am [20:58] OK thanks [21:01] There: http://xubuntu.org/news/10.10-release [21:01] Sorry it's late (is it? 10am CET?) [21:07] mmh, the fontpage still shows a link about 10.04 [21:07] *front [21:07] "Xubuntu 10.04 is now available!" [21:07] Oh hmm, will update that, good that you mention it [21:11] What was the name of the new theme again? [21:16] bluebird [21:17] Ah thanks [21:17] Oh wait, I sent the email without adding that to it, didn't I? :P [21:25] huhu, yeah, the new theme is called () :p [21:25] Crap :P