
claydohhugs all around, belated as they are. Sorry I missed the party02:15
* superfly is busy upgrading to 10.10, and looks forward to seeing what #kubuntu-devel has been up to the last 6 months :-)07:42
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=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 10.10 is out! | Those devs that are hungover, please get something to sober up... for everyone who is not: | what to do for Natty? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSNatty | SRUs http://goo.gl/iDJ6
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellwhat should I say at my open week talk?10:26
Riddelld/win 1510:29
apacheloggerRiddell:  if you used quassel that would not have happened :P10:40
Riddellapachelogger: really?10:50
persiaIs there a keystroke combination to change target channels with quassel?10:50
Riddell_d/win 210:51
Riddellapachelogger: nope, still happens10:51
apacheloggeryou use the mouse10:52
superflythere are some keystrokes for channels... can't remember what they are, but I'm sure they are there10:53
superflyapachelogger: any suggestions as to why my Ubuntu One KDE notifier is not working?10:53
apacheloggerI think10:53
persiaWhat happens when one has > 10 channels?10:53
apacheloggeroh 10:53
apacheloggeryou'd need to set quick access to those10:54
persiaMaybe something like '/' followed by a double-digit code?10:54
superfly(specifically, it tells me it's trying to connect, but doesn't get any further)10:54
apacheloggerthere is also alt+up/down to move relative10:55
* persia stops with the iron-plated featherduster10:55
shadeslayerRiddell: can we SRU qoauth 1.0.1 ?12:29
shadeslayeror put it in backports atleast12:31
Riddellshadeslayer: SRUs are only if the diff is readable12:32
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the issue? current version doesn't work at all?12:33
shadeslayerit works but mtux says repos should really have 1.0.112:33
Riddelldoes mtux say why?12:34
shadeslayerno ... http://pastebin.ca/195921712:36
shadeslayerhe does give a reason as to why we should ship 0.9.90 tho12:36
shadeslayer1.0.1 has a new API .... im pretty sure that wont go through12:37
Riddellactually the API is in 1.0, diffing 1.0 and 1.0.1 there's no API change even if the changelog says so12:39
Riddellif there's no actual bugs it sounds like a job for backports12:40
shadeslayerok backports then12:42
shadeslayerRiddell: oh btw i had a chat with Ravi, and TNT is asking for a reference number, do you have one?12:50
cozziemotohey guys.. maverick    I dont see  kde-dev or devel ...renamed?12:50
shadeslayercozziemoto: uh its kde-sc-dev-latest now i suppose12:50
cozziemotoshadeslayer,  ah ok let me try that   thanks...12:51
shadeslayerjussi: ubottu needs updating to maverick, still searches for lucid packages :)12:51
jussiyeah, Ill fix it soon12:51
shadeslayerah thanks :D12:52
jussishadeslayer:  in the mean time, use: !info package maverick12:52
shadeslayerright :)12:52
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't have a reference number, I e-mailed the shipit people12:54
shadeslayerthanks! :)12:54
shadeslayerill go write a mail to the TNT guy then12:55
Riddellshadeslayer: why would you do that?12:56
jussi!info bash12:57
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.1-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 625 kB, installed size 1212 kB12:57
jussishadeslayer: 12:57
shadeslayerRiddell: because they havent released the shipment to my friend yet, so ill ask them whats the exact problem12:57
shadeslayerjussi: oooh :)12:57
shadeslayer.... even indian server has slowed down today :(13:05
* Nightrose shamelessly plugs http://amarok.kde.org/en/roktober/2010 for a sec13:05
Nightroseplease spread :)13:05
shadeslayerRiddell: oh what do you suggest for lucid? release choqok 0.9.90 with qoauth 1.0.1 ?13:08
shadeslayeror same version as maverick?13:08
shadeslayerand then put 0.9.90 and qoauth 1.0.1 in lucid backports13:09
Riddellsame version as maverick in lucid-proposed I guess13:12
Riddell(which may not pass but worth a shot)13:12
shadeslayerRiddell: oh it passed, pitti said ok13:12
Riddelllet me know when you have something for me to upload13:13
shadeslayerhe is also ok if we upload 0.9.90 ...13:13
shadeslayerso its really up to you now, whatever you think is the best :)13:13
Riddellgo with 0.9.90 then13:18
shadeslayerhmm... pitti had some confusion apparently, he thought maverick had 0.9.90 :P13:19
shadeslayer( discussing this with him in #ubuntu-devel atm )13:19
jussiok, does someone feel like explaining what "desktop activities" are, and why I have a million of them=?13:22
shadeslayerjussi: hahaha13:22
shadeslayertheyre like multiple desktops13:22
shadeslayerjust each is independent and can be configured13:23
jussiso what would I use them for?13:23
shadeslayerso each has its own widget set and such13:23
shadeslayerwell... you can have 2 activities, Work and Play, Work has all the work stuff open and play has your media player and such13:24
shadeslayer( just a example )13:24
jussihrm, they arent very intuitive or explained at all...13:26
jussiand they dont seem to have anyway of renaming them13:26
shadeslayerthere is13:27
shadeslayerjussi: go to a activity > right click > desktop settings13:27
shadeslayerand on the left click activity13:27
shadeslayeryou can also have a netbook activity along with a desktop activity13:28
jussiperhap right click on the activity when you have the list of activities opne (activity cashew, activities) would be helpful13:29
jussiIm beginning to understand now, they are sort of like an overlay of widgets.13:29
jussihow do I add the netbook activity?13:30
shadeslayerjussi: same activity setting, there are 3-4 options listed there13:30
shadeslayerafaik its search and containment13:30
jussiahh yes.13:31
Riddellshadeslayer: on bug 656196 you removed the Hindi symbol from CurrencyUnitSymbols, is that deliberate?13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656196 in kdebase-runtime (Ubuntu) "add new Indian Rupee Unicode symbol" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65619613:32
shadeslayeruh.. no .. that seems to be a mistake 13:33
shadeslayerfixing 13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: the earilier symbol was the old one i think13:36
shadeslayerthats why i replaced it with the new symbol13:36
Riddellbest to keep it though I think, incase there are documents that use the old Hindi one13:37
shadeslayerearlier it was : CurrencyUnitSymbols=Rs.,रू,INR13:37
shadeslayerthat रू is replaced by the new symbol13:38
shadeslayerill keep it13:39
apacheloggersuperfly: oh about u1 - it is called the upstream-broke-compatibility effect, for more info see the associated bug report13:39
Riddell_shadeslayer: hmm, this is weird13:46
Riddell_your patch has र as the old Hindi symbol13:46
Riddell_but the sources have रू13:46
Riddell_http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/localization/currency/inr.desktop?revision=1177799&view=markup also has रू 13:47
Riddell_so where did the र come from in your patch and what's the relationship to रू ?13:47
shadeslayerill make a new patch hold on, ill keep that रू symbol13:47
shadeslayerno idea :S13:48
ulyssesshadeslayer: after some time the load gone high again, I don't know what could be the problem...13:49
Riddell_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Rupee doesn't list either of those Hindi signs, it just mentions 'Devanagari consonant "र"'13:51
al<Riddell_> so where did the र come from in your patch and what's the relationship to रू ?13:52
althey have the same base character13:53
althe second one has combining character added13:53
al"DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UU" is what unicode calls it13:53
shadeslayeryeah रू is called "Roo" and र is "Ra"13:54
Riddell_is either used for a Rupee symbol?13:54
shadeslayerwell रू is part of pronouncing Rupee13:55
shadeslayeri think thats how we write amounts in hindi, रू foo13:56
superflyapachelogger: oh right, gotcha13:58
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/tyxcvicG14:08
Riddellshadeslayer: lovely14:09
shadeslayeralso could you commit that to kde? http://pastebin.com/KKm8JYL714:09
Riddellplease attach to bug 65619614:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656196 in kdebase-runtime (Ubuntu) "add new Indian Rupee Unicode symbol" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65619614:09
shadeslayeryes, im doing that right now :)14:09
Riddellyes will do the upstream commit14:09
shadeslayeruploaded new debdiff14:11
Riddellcommitted to trunk14:12
shadeslayerwhee :)14:12
RiddellI'll e-mail release-team and kde-packager too14:15
sheytanI'm happy 10.10 user now. Thank you guys for this one ;D14:30
Riddellsheytan: great!14:33
Riddellshadeslayer: qoauth and choqok uploaded to lucid-proposed, awaiting approval14:33
sheytanRiddell yeah :D14:33
Riddellthanks for getting that done (although it's not complete yet of course)14:33
sheytanHey, if i have some kubuntu ppas like kubuntu-ppa, or backports for lucid, do i have to remove them and add back for mm?14:36
Riddellsheytan: the upgrade will remove them14:37
shadeslayerRiddell: whee :D14:37
Riddellyou can add them back after the upgrade if you wish14:37
sheytanRiddell i have turn them off before the upgrade :D14:37
sheytanSo, i have to remove by hand now and add them back?14:37
shadeslayerRiddell: natty repos open? :O14:38
ScottKsheytan: Update manager will do that.14:38
ScottKshadeslayer: No14:38
ScottKToolchain upload going on14:38
shadeslayerScottK: ^14:38
shadeslayerah right then14:38
sheytanScottK but as i said. they where off when i upgraded.14:39
ScottKsheytan: I misread what you said.  Sorry.14:40
sheytanScottK no problem, but now i have to remove them, and add again, right?14:40
Riddellsheytan: only add them if there is something you want from them14:41
sheytanok, thank you guys :)14:43
sheytanwe've done well with kpk :D14:43
sheytani really like it now :D14:43
ScottKAnd danti isn't here to hear about it.14:45
shadeslayeryeah ^ :(14:45
sheytanScottK well, he already knows that :D15:01
sheytanRekonq is veeery fast :D15:02
sheytannice :D15:02
shadeslayersheytan: awesome :D15:03
sheytanshadeslayer i'm now adding my bookmarks. Will stay with it for a while15:04
* sheytan is wondering if the new 64bit flash will work with rekonq15:04
shadeslayersheytan: hmm... im thinking we need a bookmark migration tool for rekonq15:04
shadeslayerit does15:04
sheytanshadeslayer you do.15:04
sheytanand tell me how :D15:05
shadeslayerthen you can port your bookmarks from chromium/firefox15:05
shadeslayersheytan: itll need to be coded15:05
sheytani mean, is it enough when i put flash to mozilla folder?15:05
sheytanok, thank you :)15:05
sheytanRiddell is Ubuntu Open Week a good time to become a kubuntu member? :D15:15
sheytanshadeslayer when i click on a bookmark using the wheel, much tabs open :D15:17
sheytanwhy? :D15:17
Riddellsheytan: no, it's a series of talks unrelated to membership15:27
sheytananyone here with 4.5.2 on 10.10?15:49
yuriy_workcongratulations on the release everyone!15:54
Riddellshadeslayer or anyone around in an hour for the Kubuntu Open Week talk?16:04
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 10.10 is out! | Those devs that are hungover, please get something to sober up... for everyone who is not: | what to do for Natty? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSNatty | SRUs http://goo.gl/iDJ6 | Merges! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/NattyMerges
Sputsheytan: flash works with rekonq16:11
ScottKHere too16:11
sheytani meant the 64bit ;)16:11
Sputyes, me too16:12
sheytanok, thanks :)16:19
alleeI'll work on Bug 658047.   Is there a wiki page that lists procedure / tools to handle pkging with bzr ubuntu/debian  only checkouts?16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65804716:25
Riddellallee: bzr-buildpackage can do a lot16:25
Riddellbut often I just copy over the debian/ directory from bzr to the package, it's as easy as looking up bzr-buildpackage commands sometimes16:26
shadeslayerRiddell: sorry not this time :(16:26
Riddellshadeslayer: ok16:26
alleeRiddell: thx.  I'll play with it.16:26
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
=== cmvo_ is now known as cmvo
Riddell** Kubuntu talk at Ubuntu Open Week in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes16:56
macoRiddell: are you giving it?16:57
Riddellmaco: unless someone else turns up in the next two minutes16:58
* maco hides16:58
* ulysses hides behind maco 16:58
=== felimwhiteley_ is now known as felimwhiteley
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats a KMimeType::Ptr  , i dont understand the api docs17:08
Miritadwhat is the minimum requirements to join the kubuntu devel team?17:53
ScottKMiritad: Show up and do stuff.17:54
ScottKRiddell: I've figured a ~OK work around for Bug #641712 (it's in the bug).  How do we get that into the release notes now?17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641712 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Not possible to enter password for a new user in KDM (Maverick)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64171217:54
RiddellMiritad: you do have to be good looking though, that's important17:55
MiritadRiddell: yeah, I am ;)\17:55
RiddellMiritad: excellent, welcome along17:56
RiddellScottK: it's a wiki page, edit https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes17:56
ScottKRiddell: The main ones aren't though.17:56
ScottKI'll edit that one.17:56
ScottKThat gets copied onto ubuntu.com17:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: a special pointer type that allows that the same object is hold within multiple scopes, the object will only be deleted once all reference holders are deleted17:57
RiddellScottK: according to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-October/000139.html the release notes are http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 which forward to that wiki page17:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: say you have instance of class A and you want to it using both an instance of both class B and class C and it is not clear if B or C needs to delete the object, both will do so, however the actual deletion will only be carried out if both have done so17:58
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Thanks.17:58
RiddellMiritad: what sort of a person are you likely to be?  a packager, triager, documenter, coder, artist, html-er...?17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger:  got it 17:59
shadeslayerRiddell: artist, wikier17:59
shadeslayeroh artist is already there :P17:59
MiritadRiddel: a 17-year-old boy, IOI medalist, and coder18:00
Riddellwe could dowith some wikiers, our wiki pages have plenty of holes18:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: you have competition :P18:00
RiddellMiritad: what's an IOI medalist?18:01
shadeslayerme too .. but then im almost 20 now :S18:01
ScottKMiritad: What languages do you have experience with? 18:01
MiritadRiddell: International Olympiad in Informatics. I speak C/C++ natively, and most of my experience is in algorithms18:02
nigelbRiddell: thank you; great session :)18:03
* apachelogger is famous now \\o/18:05
* apachelogger hugs Riddell18:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: whatcha do? :D18:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: jr mentioned me in his session ^^18:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: i thought you had a blog, thats why you were famous :P18:06
apacheloggerthat old thing is only for when I am in a flame mood ;)18:06
apacheloggerbattery is running low18:07
shadeslayerbtw, suppose i want to pass what  KMimeType::findByUrl() to  KMimeType::name(), how do i do that?18:07
shadeslayernot so fast!18:07
shadeslayertell me that  :P18:07
shadeslayermeh nvm18:12
Riddellyay, we made the dot http://dot.kde.org/2010/10/11/plasma-mobile-technology-preview-features-kubuntu-101018:15
Riddellthose guys are far more harsh in what they will publish than when I was the only editor18:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you figure it out?19:11
* apachelogger got cut off by some very weird bug19:11
shadeslayeryes, sort of19:11
shadeslayerone sec19:11
apacheloggerScottK: did you ever get a grey screen on your netbook, looking like a window background drawn all over the screen19:11
apacheloggerwith alt+tab being disfunct19:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/aa9jfw8n 19:12
shadeslayerthat makes this appear http://imagebin.ca/view/puOba3.html19:12
* apachelogger is not sure but suspects it could be something Xish19:12
ScottKapachelogger: Sounds like plasma failed to start.19:12
shadeslayeron clicking magnet links19:12
apacheloggerScottK: no in session19:12
apacheloggerwhy switching between windows19:12
* apachelogger needs to look into that19:13
apacheloggervery nasty, I only got rid of it by restarting X19:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: any ideas why it doesnt load the application?19:13
shadeslayerbased on contents of URL19:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: is that a valid magnet url?19:13
apacheloggerconsidering it does not have a double slash after the magnet:19:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, also apt:rekonq wont work now, brings up same dialog19:14
shadeslayerno its a magnet:?foo link19:14
apacheloggerrunning by name might be a bit fishy to begin with 19:14
shadeslayerrunning by name?19:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: also for the sake of correctness, you really should use a KMimeType::Ptr type rather than KSharedPtr19:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: I gather you Krun the url by the name of the mimetype, no?19:15
shadeslayerok first issue fixed, still dont understand what you mean by 2nd issue19:17
shadeslayerright, that name() call?19:19
apacheloggerwell, what does it return?19:19
apacheloggeris that actually the mimetype name?19:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you sure about that?19:19
shadeslayerer, i think so19:20
apacheloggerconsidering it does not work I would not be sure about that... ;)19:20
shadeslayerso what *does* name() return?19:20
apacheloggerwell gdb it19:21
apacheloggeror add a kDebug()19:21
shadeslayerrekonq(22115): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'apturl %u'.  << something relevant?19:23
shadeslayerhmm .. no19:24
cmaginaWhere is the ppa for the Ubuntu One KDE stuff?19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: damn, i cant get the output of that var19:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/9vAsajQr19:27
shadeslayerstupid frigging chromium19:28
shadeslayerheh.. i dont believe it, i actually like the menubar in konqueror :S19:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesnt mean im switching sides :P19:34
shadeslayeranyways, whats the problem with name()? i cant seem to get the debug value out of it19:35
shadeslayerrekonq(24264) ProtocolHandler::preHandling: OMG  values here "application/octet-stream"19:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: seems fine to me... whats the problem?19:40
shadeslayerthats from apt:rekonq19:40
apachelogger the problem is that you are handling by mimetype rather than protocol I suppose?19:40
apacheloggerthe name itself seems to be fine19:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: how does konqueror do it?19:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: couldnt find out19:40
apacheloggeryou did not make your homework :P19:41
apacheloggersomeone else found it :P19:41
apacheloggerusing only one grepy :P19:41
shadeslayerthats what im using19:41
shadeslayerbut the keyword makes all the difference19:41
shadeslayer in src/konqmainwindow.cpp ?19:43
shadeslayer./src/konqmainwindow.cpp:        url = KParts::BrowserRun::makeErrorUrl(KIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL, url.protocol(), url.url());19:43
apacheloggersounds righty19:43
apacheloggerwell that line there does not sound right since it seems to go for unsupported proto :P19:43
apacheloggerwhich for that matter would also be useful I suppos19:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: theres a whole bunch of code that i think handles that stuff, but idk where it ends :P19:47
apacheloggerand that my dear minion is the homework :P19:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is not so much a question of where it ends than what it does19:47
apacheloggerin particular what it does that you need to do too in rekonq19:48
shadeslayeropenUrl() will that help me?19:48
apacheloggerOTOH I  always was in favor of using konqueror with the webkit kpart since that cuts off all those silly issues of a new browser :P19:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: possibly19:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw konqueror is broken while opening magnet links too19:52
apacheloggermore likely the protocol file is bogus19:52
shadeslayerCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:19:53
shadeslayerklauncher said: Error loading 'ktorrent '%u''.19:53
apacheloggernow that is wrong19:54
apacheloggerthat ''%u'' is surely the problem there19:55
shadeslayeroh yes19:55
shadeslayeri figured that bit out ;)19:55
shadeslayeraha! Exec=ktorrent %i -caption "%c" %u19:58
shadeslayersee right there19:58
shadeslayerthat needs to be fixed in ktorrent.desktop i bet19:58
shadeslayerExec=ktorrent %i -caption "%c" ?19:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^19:59
shadeslayerktorrent.desktop 19:59
apacheloggernot sure what you are getting at here20:00
shadeslayermaybe it doesnt load because it has that %u there?20:00
apacheloggerthe desktop file aint got nothing to do with the protocol20:00
apacheloggerthe Exec in the protcol defines the binary, not the desktop file name20:00
apacheloggerso upon execution of the protocol Exec line it will expand %u and run the first ktorrent binary it can find in PATH with the expanded %u20:01
apacheloggerNightrose: butterfly butterfly butterfly20:20
Nightroseapachelogger: honey honey honey pink pony?20:20
Riddellthey've developed a new language!20:21
apacheloggerNightrose: unicorn fart!20:21
apacheloggerrororororroktober \o/20:21
apacheloggeryou know, that thing is almost as old as my life in FLOSS ;)20:21
Riddellrbelem: you made it onto KDE Dot News!20:22
Riddellwell your work did20:22
apacheloggerrbelem's work is famous now \o/20:22
apacheloggeroh oh, so I was doing my maths homework and got overwhelmed by unicorns20:25
apacheloggersqrt(192) = rainbows20:25
* apachelogger hopes that is about right and hugs Nightrose 20:25
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger20:26
Nightroseapachelogger: i'm sure it is20:26
* rbelem is checking the kde dot news :-)20:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: actually krunner begs to differ :P20:29
rbelemwohooo!!! :-D20:30
shadeslayerkrunner says its, 13.856406, so i bet krunner is broken20:30
apacheloggerit sure is20:30
apacheloggerit surely got more digits than that20:30
rbelemplasma-mobile rulez!!! \o/20:30
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 10.10 is out! | if you are still hungover from 42, please see a doctor | what to do for Natty? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSNatty | SRUs http://goo.gl/iDJ6 | Merges! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/NattyMerges
rbelemthanks guys20:31
apacheloggerrbelem: now if only markey would get knut to send us n900s ^^20:31
shadeslayerrbelem:  we just need N900's to make it popluar20:31
rbelemyou rock!20:31
* shadeslayer needs one too20:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude, toolchain isnt done yet20:32
shadeslayercjwatson told me to wait :)20:32
shadeslayereveryone really20:32
apacheloggerof natty?20:32
shadeslayeryes 20:32
apacheloggerisnt natty frozen?20:32
shadeslayerlol... not really :P20:32
shadeslayertoolchain wont be done for another few days20:33
apacheloggerback in the days the new series was frozen until the toolchain was done20:33
shadeslayerit is .. waiting for toolchain20:33
apacheloggerwhat is the problem? :P20:33
shadeslayerthat you cant start merging atm ?20:34
shadeslayerbecause toolchain isnt done yet?20:34
apacheloggerwell you can, you just cannot merge and testbuild and stuff and star blinky20:35
shadeslayeroff to sleep...20:38
ScottKdebfx: Congratulations.21:07
debfxScottK: thanks21:08
Riddellwhat's he being congratulated for?21:10
ScottKRiddell: He's MOTU now.21:11
Riddellgosh, a master of the universe21:11
debfxtoo bad I can't upload yet ;)21:11
debfxuntil natty is open21:11
ScottKAll dressed up and no where to go ...21:12
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 10.10 is out! | what to do for Natty? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSNatty | SRUs http://goo.gl/iDJ6 | Merges! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/NattyMerges | congratulations to debfx
shadeslayerdebfx: congrats21:12
* apachelogger cannot stop wondering how shadeslayer can write while sleeping21:13
apacheloggerdebfx: congrats21:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: i started watching House :p21:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: you can sleep, watch house and sleep at the same time :O21:13
shadeslayerno... i didnt go to sleep, i started watching house... after i left season 5 in the middle 21:14
ari-tczewdebfx: enjoy the merging packages :)21:14
shadeslayeralso, i found a bug in kpk21:16
shadeslayerso trying to see where it originates ... 21:16
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
* apachelogger sings the theme song from the last unicorn21:18
shadeslayerah well.. when dantti returns ill tell him21:19
shadeslayernow really really off to sleep, its 2 AM here ....21:19
apacheloggerhe said. and will yet return in at least 30 minutes :P21:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: keep waiting and see :>21:20
apacheloggerno, I shall be in bed at that time :P21:20
debfxari-tczew: I though you were doing all the merging and syncing this cycle :P21:20
ulyssesit's only 22:20 here21:20
apacheloggercalculus at 8am21:20
ari-tczewdebfx: unfortunately not, not enough time. :)21:21
* apachelogger looks at the empty champagne bottles still rolling around21:23
ari-tczewnow I'm waiting with coolbhavi to merging natty.21:24
apacheloggerNightrose: we need a post-party bot21:24
ulyssesapachelogger: just for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9dpTTpjymE21:24
apacheloggerulysses: I no :P21:24
debfxoh no, I can see private bugs now, that triples the number of open bugs in virtualbox ...21:27
ulysseshm, I found some untranslatable message in kpkp21:31
Riddellulysses: like what?21:34
ulyssesRiddell: some category names like Science & Engineering, Developer Tools, Themes & Tweaks21:35
sheytanshadeslayer can you shoot for me a screenshot of your font settings?21:39
Riddellulysses: hmm, I don't remember where those strings come from21:40
Riddellbut it'll be .desktop files somewhere21:40
ulyssesSure, I don't find they in the translation memory.21:40
sheytanRiddell ulysses aren't they in app-install-data package somwhere?21:40
Riddell/usr/share/app-install/categories.xml looks likely 21:43
Riddelldunno how that's ment to get translated21:43
sheytandantti should know, but he's not here21:44
apacheloggerI do hate the translation stripping22:07
apacheloggerI do hate it so much22:07
Riddellthose solid actions are annoying22:07
Riddellafiestas__: ping22:08
Riddellafiestas__: the rc4 of bluedevil we have is looking for the wrong translations catalogue, I see it has been fixed in git22:08
Riddellhow do I get the patch22:08
Riddellooh I worked it out!22:10
Riddellmy git foo must be improving22:10
bbigrasI saw a little bug while installing kubuntu 10.10. Where can I get that installer's (ubiquity I think) code?22:12
ScottKbbigras: apt-get source ubiquity22:14
bbigrasScottK: thanks22:15
ScottKbbigras: No problem.  Thanks for looking into it.22:15
bbigrasScottK: :)22:16
Riddellbbigras: it's not a simple programme mind22:17
bbigrasRiddell: thanks for the advice.22:18
bbigrasthere's a lot of dependencies22:19
bbigrasIs the kubuntu's installer a modified version of the Ubuntu's one?22:20
Riddellbbigras: it's the same programme, they have different frontends22:32
bbigrasRiddell: oh, thanks22:33

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