
wgrantWere there insufficient goat sacrifices to make it work, or has it just not been done yet? Natty is suspiciously empty.00:10
lifelessit wasn't qablessed into prod, so we need a cp00:14
wgrantThe disabled arch i-d-s thing? I thought that was CPd along with my disabled arch indices thing.00:15
lifelesswe're talking different things ;)00:18
thumperso... any movement on the psychopg problem?01:11
thumpermwhudson: so... I've been thinking about translatePath again02:00
thumpermwhudson: I think we can safely ignore any path after a branch if it doesn't start with .bzr02:00
* thumper thinks02:01
mwhudsonthumper: do we care about bzr cat lp:launchpad/README not working?02:01
thumperoh maybe not02:01
thumpermwhudson: bzr cat -d lp:launchpad README works02:01
mwhudson(i'm not sure how related that is, actually)02:01
thumperI think it may break hitchhiker if we do though02:02
thumperas hitchhiker sits on the transport02:02
mwhudsonthumper: also at one point http requests to loggerhead went through translatePath02:02
mwhudsonnot any more though02:02
lifelesswhat are you planning?02:02
pooliethumper: i was wondering if we should bulk-upgrade all the branches on launchpad sometime02:02
poolie2a format came in a long time ago now02:02
thumperlifeless: I'm trying to get better errors from translatePath02:02
thumperpoolie: perhaps...02:03
lifelesswe should definitely bulk upgrade all the import branches02:03
pooliethat'd be a good starth02:03
pooliehowever, some others are stacked on them, so it may get a bit complicated02:03
pooliehello thumper, lifeless, btw02:04
lifelessa feature scope using % could do that without overload02:04
lifelesspoolie: yes, thats true. OTOH we have that complexity doing any upgrade.02:04
wgrantWe can't ever bulk-upgrade all of Launchpad.02:22
wgrantThat would break everyone's checkouts.02:22
lifelesswgrant: why?02:22
wgrantlifeless: Won't the world end if my non-richroot branch's parent becomes rich?02:23
spivPerhaps not quite that bad, but it would cause some grief.  People would need to upgrade their local branches to be able to continue to merge or pull from the upgraded remote branches.02:25
wgrantYes. And that's unprecedented.02:25
wgrantBazaar's format changes suck enough (although it's pretty good now) without hosting services breaking branches without any action from the project owner.02:26
spivHmm, again I think that's too strong a word.  But I agree it's worth thinking about the impact before doing it.02:26
spiv(It's not unprecedented because many hosted branches have been upgraded without being able to contact every user of that branch, so people have certainly gone through this before, and the world didn't end ;)02:27
wgrantA Launchpad change means that my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS systems can no longer access my project's branches.02:27
wgrantMy project was perfectly happy using pack-0.92. Nobody asked for it to be upgraded.02:28
lifelesswgrant: I think upgrading users branches would be rude02:28
lifelesswgrant: I'm not, and have never proposed that we do that.02:28
lifelesswgrant: the branches lp 'owns' though, are different IMNSHO02:28
wgrantImport branches? Sure.02:28
lifelesswgrant: and, we can certainly (and should) encourage folk to upgrade02:29
lifelessand make it easy for them to bulk upgrade02:29
wgrantOn all counts.02:29
lifelesswgrant: however, supporting pack-0.92 etc has serious caveats and consequences (like massive memory bloat) for LP02:32
lifelesswgrant: so we need to do something about that02:33
poolielifeless: could you have a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/597791-http-tests/+merge/3794102:35
poolieyou don't need to read it line by line but i would like your thoughts on the general idea02:35
pooliea line-by-line readthrough would be good02:35
lifelessline 264 is against PEP8 (vertical WS between class: and the docstring)02:38
* thumper sighs02:44
lifelesspoolie: the tests are a bit opaque02:45
poolieit's funny you should mention that, doesn't launchpad insist on having vws there?02:45
lifelessI think variations.py would benefit from a module docstring with some overview & pointers in it.02:46
lifelesspoolie: no, LP doesn't.02:46
lifeless[lp follows PEP8 for its docstring conventiions)02:46
lifelessone thing I can't tell is whether variations append or multiply02:47
lifelessthat is given two variations that return 2 scenarios each02:48
pooliegood point though02:48
lifelesssorry, 3 variations with 3 scenarios is it 6 or 9.02:48
poolieheh, were you going to compare 2+2 with 2*2? :)02:48
lifelessyes :P02:48
thumperany one else seeing: Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded in __subclasscheck__' in <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> ignored02:48
lifelessthumper: yes, for ages.02:49
thumperwhat is it?02:49
lifelessthere was a discussion/bug about it02:49
poolieyou could have [AppendVariations(VaryByFruit, VaryByVegetable), VaryByCookingMethod]02:49
mwhudsonthumper: i saw it on my arm board, of all places02:49
lifelessthere is a test which deliberately triggers it.02:49
poolieit's a test for handling this in the pyrex bencode02:49
poolielifeless: the example of concatenating them kind of points to the fact that if they were plain list-returning callables, you could more simply use itertools etc there02:50
lifelesspoolie: I think this is nice.02:50
pooliebut on the whole i think objects are better02:50
lifelesstheres a  bit of stylistic stuff like 'their_variations' (and variations which isn't usefully different to scenarios really) that might be tweakable02:51
pooliethanks :) i'm very happy with it02:51
lifelesspoolie: I think multiplying is fine, it lets you do cross product well.02:51
poolie(which is not to say it can't be improved)02:51
pooliedoesn't multiplication mean cross product?02:51
thumperI'm slightly concerned that `bzr revno lp:~thumper/launchpad/foo` never seems to complete02:52
poolieright, the by-hand multiplication in test_http was what finally got me around to this02:52
lifelesspoolie: I'd really consider using __call__ - that is, having the objects be factories.02:52
poolierather than .scenarios()?02:53
lifelesspoolie: and rather than variations, perhaps 'scenario_factories'02:53
lifelesswriting that makes me wonder if instead, just a helper function which gets the scenarios would be better02:54
lifelessscenarios = multiply_scenarios(VaryByHttpClientImplementation(), VaryByHttpProtocolVersion())02:54
pooliethat would be a bit more explicit02:55
pooliebit of a question there about just when it's going to be evaluated02:55
pooliewhich may matter wrt registries etc02:55
pooliethat is, at module load time vs later02:55
poolieof course multiply_scenarios could return a lazy multiplier02:56
_mup_Bug #658044: want declarative per-test-class variations <testscenarios:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/658044>02:56
lifelesspoolie: that sounds nice02:56
lifelesspoolie: (lazy evaluator)02:56
pooliein that case i'd probably name it like an object, rather than something that sounds imperative02:57
lifelesspoolie: I think there would be less code, and one less class attribute (no need for .variations)02:57
lifelesspoolie: agreed (naming)02:57
pooliedoes it support .scenarios now?02:57
spivthumper: FWIW the test that triggers the __subclasscheck__ warning is suppressed in bzr trunk02:57
lifelesspoolie: ues02:57
lifelesspoolie: yes.02:57
poolieah ok02:58
spivOr rather, the warning is suppressed, the test is still there :)02:58
pooliei looked for that in bzr but not in testscenarios02:58
pooliethat sounds better then02:58
poolieperhaps we should depend on that at some point02:59
poolieah i see, this is a bit different to bzr03:00
lifelessthis is an optional helper03:01
lifelessfor doing lazy expansion03:01
lifelesshttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testscenarios/trunk/annotate/head:/lib/testscenarios/scenarios.py is the guts03:02
lifelesshttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testscenarios/trunk/annotate/head:/lib/testscenarios/scenarios.py#L61 specifically.03:02
poolieso in that code, using generators would perhaps fit more naturally03:04
thumperspiv: so a daily build soon should fix it?03:12
thumperspiv or poolie: could one of you skype so I can explain a problem?03:13
spivthumper: even a build of 2.3b2 should03:13
thumperspiv: which is found where?03:13
spivI can skype, give me a moment to grab the headset.03:13
thumperspiv: I have bzr-nightly-ppa and bzr-beta-ppa and no 2.3b203:15
* spiv wonders why skype is having trouble logging in03:19
spivthumper: yeah, I don't think we have anyone spending time to keep the PPAs fully up to date atm.03:19
spivAh, now it's connected.03:19
thumperspiv: you know we have recipes now right?03:19
thumperspiv: https://pastebin.canonical.com/38472/03:21
poolieare you guys ok together?03:27
lifelesspoolie: yes, they have a room03:32
poolielifeless: is there cross-product code already in testscenarios?03:36
lifelessno, there is in bzr and it should be trivially portable03:42
lifelessor even usable from bzr03:42
pooliewfm, thanks03:42
thumper$ bzr revno sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/foo04:00
thumperbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/.bzr/branch/".04:00
spivlftp bazaar.launchpad.net:/> cat ~thumper/launchpad/.bzr/branch/location04:00
spivcat: Access failed: No such file: u'/.bzr/branch' (~thumper/launchpad/.bzr/branch/location)04:00
thumperspiv: I'm watching a bzr process take up 2.5 gig of ram04:28
thumperspm: as a result of that local test04:28
spivthumper: congratulations04:29
spivthumper: you obviously have a fair bit of ram ;)04:29
thumper4 + 8 swap04:29
spivthumper: what operation is triggering this?04:29
spmthumper: ? I assume that was really aimed at sp4 vs sp1000?04:30
thumperspiv: not sure04:30
thumperspiv: well, the revno call04:30
thumperspiv: the BzrDir.open_branchV304:31
thumperspiv: call to the server04:31
thumperspiv: pretty sure it was the 'lp-serve', u'--inet' one that was not stopping04:31
spivthumper: related to the recursion them?04:32
thumperspiv: is there a way to break into the bzr process?04:35
thumperspiv: I have the pid04:35
thumperit is in the loop now04:35
thumpercurrently at 2.2 gig of ram and growing04:35
spivthumper: SIGQUIT is one option, gdb is another04:35
thumperspiv: what number is siq quit?04:36
spivSIGQUIT would be my first choice in this case04:36
spivkill -QUIT04:36
spivPick your poison :)04:36
spmspiv: kill -DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE ?04:36
thumperin the debugger04:36
thumperhow can I bring the debugger to the foreground?04:37
spivspm: that's a lot of "IE DIED" ;)04:37
spivthumper: oh, hmm04:38
spivWith --inet?  That does seem tricky.04:38
spmspiv: some things need to be stabbed with flaming scissors while running, for extra died.04:38
spivHmm, I bet we can do better there.04:38
thumperdoesn't seem to be in the debugger at all04:39
thumperstill in a tight loop04:39
thumperseems to be stable around 2.6gig of ram though04:39
thumpermwhudson: got a minute for some gdb help?04:40
spivthumper: I'd resort to gdb at this point04:40
mwhudsonthumper: ok04:40
thumpermwhudson: I've killed the process, but I can regenerate at will04:40
mwhudsonthumper: run gcore $pid04:41
mwhudsonthumper: then follow the instructions on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~pygdb-hackers/pygdb/trunk04:41
spivI think just 'bt' on maverick system would be a great start in this caes04:43
spivgdb on maverick has shiny new python smarts.04:43
thumperI've not used gdb in years04:43
spivthumper: do you have a core file or running process?04:45
spivthumper: gdb -c CORE; or gdb -p PID04:45
thumper$ gcore 133804:45
thumpercore.6f7KUY:1: Error in sourced command file:04:45
thumperptrace: Operation not permitted.04:45
thumpergcore: failed to create core.133804:45
spiv(I usually work with running processes)04:45
spivOh, right, maverick...04:45
thumperptrace: Operation not permitted.04:46
spivthere's a maverick setting you need to change04:46
spivto relax a security setting04:46
spivI forget what it is, but if you try to attach e.g. strace to a running process it helpfully reminds you.04:46
spiv/etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf I think?04:47
spivecho 0 | tee -a /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope04:48
spiv(the latter will relax it until the next reboot)04:48
* thumper has a core file04:49
spivOk, "gdb -c COREFILE"04:50
spivthen "bt"04:50
spivAnd pastebin that; that is hopefully enough in this case.04:50
spivOtherwise time to play with mwhudson's stuff I guess :)04:51
thumperspiv: nothing useful at all04:51
thumperspiv: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/510610/04:52
spivthumper: pastebin?  gdb in maverick ought to be including Python function names automatically now.04:52
spivOh wow, I guess you don't have python2.?-dev installed04:53
spivOr, hmm.04:53
thumpermwhudson: pygdb.mi.GdbError: No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.04:53
thumperspiv: I do have python2.6-dev installed04:53
spivYes, python2.6-dbg04:53
spivFor the debug symbols04:53
thumperdo I need a new core?04:54
thumperor just install dbg and try again?04:54
spivJust install dbg and look at the core file again04:54
thumperyep to what?04:54
thumper52s to go04:55
spivTime for Dunedin to get a second wet string to the rest of the internet?04:56
thumperspiv: no change04:56
thumpershould I have python-gdbm-dbg installed?04:57
spivNo, unless you really care about getting extra details in tracebacks involving the 'gdbm' module05:00
spiv(So, no.)05:00
thumperspiv: I'm not getting anything useful with gdb05:00
spivDoes gdb say anything about 'loading symbols'?05:00
spivOr it is verbatim the same output?05:01
thumperspiv: same output05:01
mwhudsonthen it's not finding the debug symbols somehow05:01
thumperspiv: perhaps it needs the symbols when generating the core file?05:01
spivthumper: no, very much not the case05:02
mwhudsonthumper: when you run gdb /usr/bin/python2.605:02
mwhudsondo you get a message like:05:02
mwhudsonReading symbols from /usr/bin/python2.6...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/python2.6...done.05:02
thumperReading symbols from /usr/bin/python2.6...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/python2.6...done.05:02
spivNow with that gdb process try typing "core core.1338"05:03
thumperoh... lots of stuff05:03
spiv(It seems pretty weird that 'gdb -c CORE' is failing to load debug symbols that gdb normally finds, but so long as we can workaround it I guess we just shrug our shoulders...05:04
thumperso, can I get the contents of bt to a file?05:04
thumperthere is a lot of stuff there05:04
spivProbably, but I'd have to spend too many minutes reading gdb docs to figure it out :/05:06
lifelessspm: hey05:08
lifelessspm: do you have any word on where the restrictedlibrarian ticket is up to ?05:09
thumperspiv: actually, I could paste the first 300 levels of the stack :)05:09
spivthumper: sure :)05:09
thumperspiv: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/510619/05:12
thumperspiv: perhaps that makes sense to you :)05:13
spivthumper: it's recursing during the str-ification of a NotBranchError05:16
spivIn a way that tries to open a branch05:16
spivAnd causes another NotBranchError...05:16
spivFor added confusion, it's happening in a Deferred callback chain.05:16
* thumper facepalms05:17
thumperspiv: bzr error or lp error?05:17
thumperspiv: or screwy interaction?05:17
spivScrewy interaction, I think :(05:18
spivbzr error is definitely part of it.05:18
spivNotBranchError(..., detail=None, bzrdir=a_bzrdir) calls a_bzrdir.open_repository during string formatting05:18
thumperspiv: why?05:19
spivWhich in this case is presumably triggering a NotBranchError, via a fairly long chain of events.05:19
thumperto format the error?05:19
spivSo it can add "location is a repository" to the error message, as a hint to the user05:19
thumperin this case there is no repository with the bzrdir05:19
spivSo that someone that tries e.g. 'bzr branch PATH_TO_SHARED_REPO' gets a helpful error05:19
spivI'll fix the bzr bug for that right now, it's pretty shallow.05:20
spivI'm not sure if LP should do anything differently, actually.05:20
thumperI'm not sure what we would do05:20
thumperit then seems that python spins somewhat05:21
thumperwhen it has hit its limit05:21
spivWell, it's doing nasty things05:21
spivLike capturing a lightly-strified copy of the entire call stack05:22
spivAs part of the Twisted callback error handling05:22
thumperthat sounds kinda icky05:23
spivIt is a bit :/05:23
thumperis that twisted?05:23
thumperor us?05:23
spivThat's Twisted.05:23
spivSo I wonder why NotBranchError in the first place.05:24
spivAnd/or, why a_bzrdir.open_repository() would raise NotBranchError05:24
thumperspiv: could be in the translate path?05:24
spivIs it raising NotBranchError itself at any point?05:25
thumper self.assertRaises(05:25
thumper            errors.NotBranchError,05:25
thumper            BzrDir.open_containing_from_transport, transport)05:25
spivWell, that seems fine.05:26
spivThat's a bzrdir method.05:26
spivIf a VFS method ever raised it, that would be a problem I think.05:26
* thumper steps out for a minute05:27
spivbzrlib's open_repository etc only expect the filesystem to raise filesystem errors, like NoSuchFile and PermissionDenied05:27
spivif the filesystem ever raised something like NotBranchError I can understand it getting confused.05:27
thumperspiv: ok, so should I file a bug for any LP bits?05:34
spivthumper: I can't think of anything specific enough05:35
spivI did a quick grep and don't see any obvious culprits in the LP code05:36
spivThe full backtrace, all 1000 frames of it, presumably would tell us.05:36
spivIf you want to stick "sys.setrecursionlimit(150)" somewhere and regenerate the backtrace, that might be helpful05:36
spivIf I make a fake bzrdir that raises NotBranchError('path', bzrdir=fake_bzrdir) I get the recursion05:38
spivBut it copes fairly gracefully05:39
spivi.e. stringifying it just gives NotBranchError: <unprintable NotBranchError object>05:39
spivOh, *nice*05:46
spivIt's Twisted's fault05:46
spivSpecifically, I think it's the fault of it's "safe_repr" function05:47
* spiv looks more closely05:48
spivOh, no, it's not, phew.  But then why...?05:49
spivOk, so:05:50
spiv 1) I know that NotBranchError.__str__ can recurse when bzrdir.open_repository raises another NotBranchError05:50
spiv 2) I don't know why that causes an infinite loop rather than just a recursion error05:51
spivI can fix 1)05:51
spivBut 2) is presumably still an issue in the codehosting server, and will still be lurking to bite us later.05:51
spivUnfortunately I think it will take a fair bit of patience to debug 2)05:52
spivSo I'll fix 1) to avoid recursing05:52
spivBut it may just change your problem, rather than fix it.05:52
thumperthat's a start05:55
* thumper has dinner on the table05:56
* spiv hmms again.05:56
spivOh, right, it's something like:05:57
spiva bad error handler that can infinite loop05:57
spivBecause str(err) is raising an error05:57
spivWhich in turn trips the error handler05:57
spivwhich does str(err)05:57
spivThe question is "where is the error handler"05:58
spivIt's not that NotBranchError is particularly special06:00
spivExcept that it happens to be one of the few errors that can trigger more VFS accesses during formatting.06:00
spivThe exact error doesn't matter.06:00
spivthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/notbrancherror-recursion-2.2/+merge/3809406:13
spivthumper: I'd be very interested to know what happens if you apply that patch locally06:13
spmlifeless: #41379: HA upload configuration for librarian please. ??06:29
_mup_Bug #41379: partitioning in Polish: explain what K, B and F are <partman-target (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/41379>06:29
lifelessspm: yes, please do06:53
lifelessspm: [though perhaps I misunderstand your question :P]06:54
spmheh, was just identifying if that was it06:54
lifelessspm: oh, no. thats not the thing I was asking about06:55
lifelessspm: 4120206:55
spmah right. different one. looks like it's been purty much suspended being worked on since the last update at the end of september. which given I've spent maybe 15mins on non ZOMG RT tickets in the past.... month, sounds about right.06:57
lifelessspm: its zomg in its own way06:58
spm90+ is zomg. 89... isn't. :-)06:59
poolielifeless: the problem with directly using a generator or similar in .scenarios is the hidden cursor within it will be shared across all the instances...07:27
poolieperhaps for things that have to be lazy we can just make it a callable that gives back an iterable07:27
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pooliehere's an interesting factoid: duplicity backups to s3 are about 5x faster with ssl turned off08:36
pooliethis is pretty much just pumping bulk data intercontinentally08:36
bigjoolsmorning all09:04
jmlmrevell: hi10:48
stubIs the topic out of date, or are we still having test failure issues in stable?11:34
jmlI don't know.11:49
jmlwhat's wrong with this commit message?11:50
jmlAll lines of log output:'Commit message [[release-criticial=bigjools][r=jml][ui=none][bug=574083] Merge fix\n\tfor branch-distro script] does not match commit_re [(?is)^\\s*\\[(?:release-critical=[^\\]]+)\\]\\s*\\[rs?=[^\\]]+\\]]'11:50
jelmer_jml: criticial?11:51
jmljelmer_: thanks.11:51
bigjoolsif I had a penny every time I did that11:51
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wgrantbigjools: \o/ killing partner13:08
maxbAnyone feel like discussing what I should do in an odd vcs-imports reviewing situation? The problem is that someone asked for a debian packaging branch to be imported rooting the branch inside the "debian" directory -- so I "fixed" it.13:38
maxbBut, then they emailed me saying they needed it otherwise because of bzr-builder infelicities13:38
maxbI "fixed" it because there is another branch on Launchpad built on the history with it imported the way I fixed it to.13:39
wgrantIsn't that bzr-builder thing fixed now?13:40
wgrantMaybe it's not deployed on LP yet.13:40
wgrantBut that may mean that you can just ignore than for four days and then tell them to use the new bzr-builder feature.13:41
wgrants/than/them/. what happened there, I wonder...13:41
jelmerAs far as I know the nest-part fix has landed on Launchpad.13:41
maxbAh, has it made it out as part of the new qa-blessed frequent rollouts?13:42
wgrantThe UI support may have.13:43
wgrantBut the slave support needs a new bzr-builder in some PPA somewhere.13:44
jmlI discovered the ArchiveAdministration page today13:45
wgrantDo you like all the workarounds?13:46
jmlwell, I haven't read it in detail13:46
jmlbut how pleasant to have a list of all the major use cases of an important component of Launchpad13:47
jelmermaxb: I don't think it can be used in production yet, but it should be in a reasonable period of time.13:47
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.10 | PQM is Release-Critical (Release manager: EdwinGrubbs) | firefighting: stable has test failures | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
maxbI've sent email to the user suggesting the import remain in the form I fixed it to and requesting any followup discussion proceed on launchpad-users13:48
maxbjelmer: I'd welcome your thoughts on the oldest two vcs-imports in Pending Review state - I've looked at them and put an initial comment in the branch whiteboards13:49
* jelmer takes a quick look before lunch13:51
jelmermaxb: the iceplayer one appears to've been recreated - did you take a look at it recently?13:52
maxb20101011 maxb The origin repository is bizarrely structured. I'm not sure there's a meaningful way to import this as a branch, but it's hard to say for sure given the origin repository only has one revision.13:52
jelmermaxb: In that case, it doesn't really look all that bizarrely structured to me :-)13:53
jelmerthe version directory directly under trunk is a bit strange, but not too unusual13:53
maxbjelmer: if you go up a level, and look under /unstable, they have a version directory there too13:54
maxbIf the upstream people continue to do that, the vcs-import would end up being the equivalent of importing multiple versions into one tree13:54
jelmermaxb: For the jupiter branch, I agree that a root-level import doesn't make sense if we're already importing jupiter-current (apart from any other issues we might have with top-level root directories)13:55
jelmermaxb: fair enough; it's hard to tell with just one revision though.. can you perhaps one of the lp-code developers?13:55
maxbperhaps what one of the lp-code developers? :-)13:56
jelmermaxb: Sorry, I meant /ask/ one of the lp-code developers13:57
maxbright :-)13:57
jelmeranyway, lunch!13:57
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
LPCIBotProject devel build (102): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 50 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/102/15:45
cr3how can I set someone as administrator of a team when there are no administrator yes/no radio buttons when attempting to modify the person within the team?15:48
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jmlbigjools: do you know of any existing diagram kind of like this one: http://people.canonical.com/~jml/soyuz-system-diagram.jpg?16:13
bigjoolsjml: there is something, one sec16:15
jmlbigjools: I'm talking to the new Ubuntu release manager, who's keen to understand how all everything fits together16:16
bigjoolsI think it's on the old internal wiki16:17
bigjoolsjml: and I can't find it :/  I remember cprov doing something16:21
jmlbigjools: what about the thing you did for the 2008 Epic?16:21
bigjoolsjml: out of date but might help16:21
jmlbigjools: is that on the net?16:22
bigjoolsit's a google doc16:22
bigjoolsI'll invite you16:22
bigjoolsjml: aha!    the presentation has got cprov's diagram embedded16:28
jmlbigjools: got a link?16:29
jmloh email16:29
bigjoolsjml: you will get email16:29
jelmerjml: Is it public yet who the new Ubuntu release manager is?16:32
jmljelmer: Yes. Kate Stewart, aka skaet.16:34
jmlcan these bugs be closed now? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bugs?field.tag=partner17:11
bigjoolsjml: no17:12
* bigjools reminds jelmer to set bugs "in progress" ...17:13
jelmerbigjools: sorry, I'm on it.17:13
bigjoolsjml: I did it for you17:13
bigjoolsjelmer:  even17:13
jmlI have to go. See you all tomorrow.17:18
jelmerEnjoy your evening jml.17:21
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bigjoolsgood night all17:54
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.10 | PQM is Release-Critical (Release manager: EdwinGrubbs) | firefighting: stable has test failures | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code:
lifeless          https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting19:27
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.10 | PQM is Release-Critical (Release manager: EdwinGrubbs) | firefighting: stable has test failures | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
maxbWho is in charge of bzr-buildder in *-cat-lpbuildd ?20:03
lifelessinteresting question20:04
lifelesscat is the sysadmin archive, so strictly them; but perhaps you mean 'who is responsible for updating it when needed' and that would be, AFAIK, the launchpad team.20:04
maxbMainly I'd like to find out why maverick has 0.3.1 but lucid 0.220:05
lifelessI'd guess at oversight. I think abentley has been doing a lot in this area recently, he may know.20:07
lifelesslosa ping20:16
lifelessxvfb startup failures :(20:16
bdmurraylifeless: there is an issue getting private bug attachments via the API right?20:47
lifelesstheres an intermittent issue that is being intransigent20:50
lifelesswe want to deploy the token based approach asap but we're starved for LOSA time at the moment.20:51
lifelessif its not intermittent, please comment on the bug how to reproduce reliably.20:51
bdmurrayI've been seeing the following: httplib2.ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at lplibrarian.internal20:51
bdmurraylifeless: which bug is that?20:51
lifelessbdmurray: iz in malone somewhere ;P20:51
lifelessbdmurray: oh, private bug attachments are DC only too, for now.20:52
bdmurraylifeless: is there a timeline for fixing that?20:52
lifelessbdmurray: yes, asap. (Its been asap for a month)20:53
lifelessbdmurray: its the highest equal RT ticket we have open.20:53
lifelessbdmurray: it has been a very busy month though21:07
bdmurraylifeless: well sure, I was just wondering if it'd be this week, this month or ...21:24
thumperlifeless: how often is https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html updated?22:00
lifelessthumper: 5 minutes I think22:20
lifelessthumper: I've asked urshina to run it as often as possible22:20
lifelessbdmurray: I wish I knew22:21
thumperlifeless: ok22:21
pooliethumper: i'm saying, just once, in the code that runs there23:26
poolieregister_transport('lp:///', ....)23:26
pooliethen on the server side, any attempts to access that will be seen as having the right url, but they can be implemented differently23:26
thumperwallyworld: morning23:54

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