
Kurdistannobody awake?00:00
VultoDoes anybody here participate of the translations ?01:29
VultoI mean, of lxde itself01:29
Vulto<hope that's not off-topic:01:30
stephen_Hey, how do you look at the hard disk in lubuntu?02:14
stephen_Its usually under the Places menu in Ubuntu, but I can't find it in Lubuntu.02:16
stephen_anybody out there?02:16
stringarrayI installed lubuntu in an older laptop dual boot with win XP, but grub never appears, XP boots directly, partitions are there, how do I get grub to work?02:26
stringarrayaha! the /boot partition was not created02:50
phillwstringarray: that would be a documented case of grub and XP not getting along.03:14
phillw!grub2 | stringarray03:15
ubot5stringarray: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:15
stringarraymaybe the installation is not completing, I'm installing from a usb stick, the progress bar reaches 15% and the laptop turns off, will try again tomorrow03:21
phillwokies stringarray do let us know how you get on, as we'd hate a final stable release to be broken.03:37
* phillw waves to to Tir_Eoghan03:41
Tir_Eoghangreetings phil03:44
Tir_Eoghanwait, the final 10.10 is released, how did I miss that05:29
GlapoHey, I have lubuntu 10.04 on a laptop and if I plug in a second monitor how would I enable it to mirror mode?06:01
GlapoHey, anyone know how to change your video driver?06:54
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phillwhyperair: will you sit still :p10:38
hyperairsorry, ran out of battery =p10:38
phillwit happens to all of us !!10:38
hyperairwhat happens?10:39
phillwbatteries running out, that's why piglet is plugged in 24/710:51
bioterrorhow cute name for a computer ;)10:52
phillwbioterror: I loved the film babe, with the sheep herding piglet.... yeah, so I'm daft.10:53
floatingquestion about installing grub210:56
floatingthere is a mention 'replace /dev/sda with location you want to install GRUB on.' ... I don't exactly understand where I want to install it. A bit earlier there is a mention that 'Note the designation for the disk /dev/sda which you will be using later,' but nothing else10:57
bioterroryou should install it to the MBR of the hard rive10:58
floatingfor me, my linux ext4 with / mount point is at /dev/sda5 .. should I use that when I run sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda5 <- like that10:58
bioterrorjust /dev/sda10:58
bioterrorsome can correct if I'm wrong10:58
bioterrorbut I've installed my grub to /dev/sda and I ve a dual booting laptop at home (my worklaptop)10:58
floatingit would make sense, since in the example he finds the linux at /dev/sda2 and then runs /dev/sda10:59
floatingokay.. I could re-install grub2, but it did not find my windows partition11:04
Kurdistanlubuntu-bang bang11:16
bioterrorI read "lubuntu gang bang" :D11:17
Kurdistanhaha bioterror :P11:17
szczurnaughty bioterror :>11:17
Kurdistanlubuntu is so quik all other buntus seems old11:17
bioterrorthey should remove the mouse logo from xfce and give it to lxde ;)11:18
Kurdistanbioterror :P lubuntu-spark11:18
Kurdistanxubuntu is okey but not fast like lubuntu11:19
Kurdistanin mine opinion same boot-time as ubuntu11:19
Kurdistanguys the new filesystem btrfs is it much faster and better then ext411:25
bioterrororacle :o11:27
Kurdistanbioterror :P you mean it will never bee good or alive?11:27
bioterrorhard to say11:27
bioterrorI've seen that rats are fleeing from the sinking ship ;)11:28
bioterrorSun Microsystems was opensource-minded corporation, Oracle is not11:28
Kurdistanbioterror oracle cares about money11:29
floatingOk. I got my booting issue solved now. lubuntu10.10 does not come with os-prober installed, and when running update-grub (or update-grub2) the grub-mkconfig responsible does not find windows XP since it uses os-prober. So I installed os-prober on my lubuntu and ran update-grub and I got it back11:29
Kurdistanfloating you could also try startupmanager11:30
Kurdistangood that you solved your issue11:31
mark76I found out why PCManFM wasn't drawing the desktop properly11:40
Kurdistanto be honest I use lubuntu lucid and its lts11:40
Kurdistandont need to hurry up11:40
KurdistanI have tried both ubuntu and lubuntu maverick11:41
KurdistanIt is not faster11:41
Kurdistanso I stick with lucid11:41
mark76Fair enough11:43
Kurdistan:) when ubuntu comes with gnome 3.0 I will give it a try11:45
mark76That seems to be a long way off11:46
Kurdistanyeah half year :P11:46
KurdistanI survive11:46
mark76Possibly Querulous Quagga11:46
Kurdistanwho knows if lubuntu keeps the good work I will stick with lubuntu11:46
mark76Knowing the glacial pace of Gnome development11:47
mark76The new theme is pretty nice11:47
Kurdistanin lubuntu or ubuntu?11:48
mark76Lots of blue11:48
Kurdistanyeah and the old one to :P11:48
mark76Did it have a theme before Maverick? I can't say I noticed11:49
Kurdistanyes it is almost the same11:49
mark76Got a picture?11:49
Kurdistanubuntus new font is really good11:49
mark76It is11:49
Kurdistanubuntu is over all really eyecandy11:49
mark76Yeah, it's getting to be quite nice looking11:50
Kurdistanmark76 you can see old picture of lubuntu in distrowatch11:50
Kurdistanthe installation is much nicer with maverick11:50
mark76They changed the menu icon for a start11:51
mark76It's a circle with the pointy thing in it now11:51
KurdistanI think when 11.04 comes out they will only place gnome 3.0 and some minor changes11:51
bioterrorhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/GNOME_Shell.png doenst look that good11:52
KurdistanI hope the speed improves and btrfs become default11:52
mark76Also... Lubuntu Maverick has its own openbox theme. Rather than just using the Clearlooks one11:52
mark76LXDE needs a weather applet. For us Brits11:53
Kurdistanlxde needs to improve applets overall11:58
Kurdistansome of them looks terrible11:58
mark76Do me a favour, Kurdistan. Go to the /etc/xdg/lxsession folder and tell me what's in yours11:58
jumpingclearAnyone having problems with Maverick? I have tried installing twice from usb and cd. Runs perfectly as live from both but when installed to hd there are lots of problems. Menu is empty of all programs, only Run and Logout entries and Run doesn't work. I can open pcmanfm and then open lxterminal. When I try connecting to wireless network manager quickly flashes up the screen to enter my password and then closes it. Don't understand why it runs as11:59
jumpingclearlive but not installed. MD5sum was fine and cd passed checking.11:59
mark76So far the only problem I've had is with terminals. But that was solved12:00
Kurdistanlubuntu and lubuntu netbook12:00
mark76Ah. So you don't have an LXDE folder then12:00
Kurdistanmark76 you mean me?12:01
Kurdistanjumpingclear :) stick with lucid12:01
mark76I guess that only happens if you install Lubuntu as an alternative desktop12:01
Kurdistanperfect :P ten12:01
Kurdistanmark76 I have lubuntu as my default desktop12:01
mark76They removed the My Documents launcher in 10.10 you know12:02
Kurdistanyesterday I tried maverick out gnome/lxde and went back to lucid :)12:02
mark76Did you notice there was no icon on the desktop?12:02
Kurdistanmark76 I see12:03
Kurdistanmark76 didnt remenber then I hate have icons on the desktop12:03
Kurdistanlike clean one better :)12:03
KurdistanI wonder if I had sdd hd, lubuntu would start so fast that :) I can not even see the splash logo12:05
KurdistanI am poor student12:05
mark76I like to have the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop in Xfce as the panel applet is pathetically tiny at small panel sizes12:05
Kurdistanxubuntu have good things to12:05
Kurdistanmany xcfce things are really good12:06
Kurdistanthere applet is nice overall12:06
Kurdistanbut xubuntu is not light like lubuntu and fast12:07
Kurdistanthat becuase xubuntu have more things in startup12:07
Kurdistansudo sysv-rc-conf <<<<--- then this does not work under xubuntu12:08
Kurdistanyesterday I tried xubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu12:08
Kurdistanonly xubuntu that didnt let me use it after installation12:08
mark76I wonder why that was?12:09
Kurdistanbum is good but that command line you can do much more12:09
Kurdistanno clue12:09
Kurdistansudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf    <<--- if you want to install12:09
KurdistanI always use that tool12:12
Kurdistan:) but If you want to use it remenber how it was default12:12
Kurdistanwrite down some where12:12
Kurdistanwhen I used ubuntu used that one to tweak12:13
Kurdistanubuntu become much faster12:13
Kurdistanlubuntu is fast default and with some few tweaks it fly12:13
Kurdistanlm-sensors is preinstalled in ubuntu12:13
Kurdistannot in lubuntu12:13
Kurdistanit is important to know what unmarke12:14
mark76I'm going to make lunch12:14
mark76BBL :-)12:14
Kurdistan:) do that. which you nice meal.12:14
mark76I'm not so much into tweaking12:14
mark76Bye for now12:15
Kurdistan:) ok bye12:15
|friTTe|i need someones opinion =) might skip my Ubu 10.04 from my main desktop and go with Lubu any toughts? im not using any of these fancy gfx stuff13:42
|friTTe|leszek,  hi =)13:54
Kurdistanhey guys13:55
leszekencoding a new lubuntu screencast right now ;)14:13
leszekits about upgrading lubuntu 10.04 to 10.1014:13
Kurdistan:) leszek nice14:13
Kurdistantake a look leszek14:15
Kurdistanyou can make screencast about how to get normal/default splash after installation closed drivers14:15
Kurdistansomebody here testing the new filesystem?14:16
leszekKurdistan: without reading the articel isn't that just simply adding vga=794 to the bootprompt which should fix the splash thing ?14:18
Kurdistan:) maybee it does14:19
Kurdistanbecuase when I install nvidia proprietar drivers14:19
Kurdistanit looks like hell/ugly14:19
Kurdistanwere do you put vga=79414:19
leszekKurdistan: at the end of the default grub boot entry14:20
leszeknomodeset needs to be there too I guess for disabling nouveau14:20
leszekor modeset=014:20
leszekupdating the initrd.lz is necessary also , but I guess its a little bit simpler than your tutorial14:21
Kurdistanlezek what should be update in initrd.lz?14:21
leszekonly the nomodeset / modeset=014:22
leszekto disable nouveau14:22
Kurdistanyou mean like that?14:23
Kurdistanleszek thats not mine tutorial :)14:25
leszekah I thought so14:26
Kurdistanlezcek it didnt work for me14:58
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Kurdistanfritte jag såg din tråd på ubuntu.se16:36
mark76Hey nothingspecial16:41
mark76And |friTTel|16:41
mark76No. Don't like this font16:41
Kurdistanmark76 which one?16:44
mark76Ubiquity BRK16:45
mark76I'm trying out Mozilla's answer to Pidgin16:46
Kurdistanwhats the name of mozillas answer to pidgin?16:46
KurdistanI am not big fun of pidgin to be honest16:46
mark76I like to try new things :)16:47
Kurdistannice mark7616:47
Kurdistanis it good?16:47
mark76It has no tray icon16:48
mark76Going to check see if there's a plugin16:48
KurdistanI like emesene16:48
KurdistanI dont use facebook16:48
mark76Too much of a one-trick pony16:48
Kurdistan:) I only use hotmail/msn16:49
Kurdistanmark76 why do you use lubuntu?16:49
mark76Because I'd get bored if I only had one DE16:50
KurdistanIf you ask me: I like ubuntu and I want my OS have big repo like ubuntu have. Then it is fast, light and stable.16:51
mark76Choice is good16:52
Kurdistan:) one day when I am bored and have alot of time I will try out arch or archbang. Buntu works good on this laptop. But rolling release is the thing.16:52
mark76That's up to you16:54
Kurdistan:) yeah linux is freedom16:54
KurdistanI remenber when I used windows bunch of things to do16:55
Kurdistanantivirus scan16:55
Kurdistanslow computer16:56
Kurdistanpirate life :)16:56
Kurdistannow with linux I am green and windows free16:56
Kurdistan:) I have learned more about my computer under ubuntu16:57
KurdistanI dont play games on my laptop and was really tired of vista16:58
mark76That's cool :)16:58
Kurdistancool or not but it was the best step16:58
Kurdistanmost of the problems was hardware fauler or my stupidness16:59
Kurdistanubuntu is user friendly and goes to the right direction17:00
Kurdistanwill be OS for everybody not only geeks17:00
Kurdistanor people tired of mainstream os17:00
GjivanHey, Has anyone gotten intel8xx drivers working?17:33
GjivanI am currenlty using vesa and I need to get an external miontor working.17:34
KurdistanI guys something is really wrong with bootchart18:24
Kurdistanmy laptop have never been faster18:24
Kurdistanthe time I get does not match with my clock18:24
Kurdistansome bug?18:24
zebastianortisis it safe for me to upgrade through the upgrade manager?18:36
zebastianortisbtw how do i check what version of lubuntu i have18:37
Kurdistansystem profiler and benchmarker18:45
friTTe|omg got Xchat,chromium,ps3mediaserver up and running and using 250mb ram18:50
Glapo72i just solved my intel driver problem18:50
Kurdistanthats the good thing with lubuntu :)18:50
Glapo72on my laptop now i have an external monitor running18:50
Glapo72Lubuntu is awesome!18:51
friTTe|only thing i dont get to work is dualmonitor18:51
Glapo72Esepecially when you run a 5 year old laptop with a celeron m and i8xx haha18:51
friTTe|got the current nvidia driver now so im good for now18:51
Glapo72Oh nice18:51
friTTe|will use the monitor for my netbook18:51
Glapo72What are you running lubuntu on?18:52
Glapo72dont ignore me :(18:52
Kurdistanfritte did you look to the link I gave you?18:55
friTTe|on my other computer18:55
friTTe|i will check it later, need to grab some food now18:55
Kurdistannow my splash looks awesome18:55
friTTe|mine does too18:55
Kurdistanbootchart <<<--- does not like lubuntu18:56
Kurdistandont show correct time18:56
friTTe|hm ok18:56
Kurdistanit is more then 30-35 sec slower then ubuntu18:57
Kurdistaneat my short18:57
zebastianortishow do i get wine in lubuntu18:57
KurdistanI know it is atleast with  tweaks and all that 8-10 sec faster at least18:58
Kurdistanzebastianortis go to synaptic and type wine18:58
zebastianortisi heard www.freedomainradio.com was the ubuntu of philosophy18:58
zebastianortissynaptic package manager?18:58
zebastianortisthanks kurdi18:58
Kurdistanor you can use the terminal with sudo apt-get install whateveryouwant :)18:59
Kurdistanzebastianortis are you new ubuntu user?18:59
zebastianortiswhy do you ask?18:59
zebastianortisare you a new freedomainradio listener?19:00
zebastianortisi met jonathan riddell myself19:00
KurdistanI recommend you install software center19:00
zebastianortisin england19:00
zebastianortisin 200519:00
zebastianortissoftware center?19:00
Kurdistanyes, much easier way of installing things19:00
Kurdistanand in 10.10 it has improved19:00
zebastianortiswait i think i have 10.0419:01
zebastianortishow do i get ten ten19:01
Kurdistan:) you can make dist-upgrade or burn the livecd/use usb-stick19:01
zebastianortiswill dist-upgrade keep my files intact19:02
zebastianortislike they were my girlfriend19:02
Glapo72Oh Kurdistan were you making a joke earlier haha19:02
Kurdistanzebastianortis are you joking?19:03
zebastianortisno, it's a legitimate question19:03
zebastianortiswill dist-upgrade leave all my files untouched19:03
Kurdistanvisit lubuntu.net and you can see screencast how to upgrade from 10.0419:03
Glapo72So Kurdistan is there a problem with your distro?19:04
KurdistanGlapo72 who the hell are you?19:04
Glapo72Just asking a question my aplogies19:05
Kurdistanhttp://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-screencast-upgrade-lubuntu-1004-1010   <<<---- zebastianortis19:05
zebastianortisi am grateful kurdistan19:05
Kurdistannp zebastianortis19:05
Kurdistan:) fritte du har två konton vilken är du inne med nu19:07
Glapo72By the way Kurdistan I was making a reference to your comments earlier you made about your bootchart19:07
KurdistanGlapo72, I see sorry then.19:08
|friTTe|Kurdistan,  det här19:08
|friTTe|men drar o käkar nu19:08
Kurdistansmaklig måltid vännen19:08
Glapo72No problem well have a good day!19:09
zebastianortisjeg forstår litt norsk19:09
|friTTe|hehe nice19:09
zebastianortisog lit dansk også19:09
KurdistanGlapo72, I dont if it is any bootchart bug or something but the time is not correct what so ever19:09
zebastianortisfordi jeg er fra costa rica19:09
zebastianortissan jose costa rica19:09
|friTTe|not swedish?19:09
|friTTe| =)19:09
zebastianortisno...you know, they are....19:09
gueis jupiter or eee-control to preferd? or wich program are you suppose to use nowdays? (Eeepc 901)19:12
Kurdistangue you have netbook?19:13
gueyes, Asus 90119:13
Kurdistan:) cool. I have never used one or had one.19:13
Kurdistanhope somebody else knows :)19:14
Kurdistanubuntu have made big efforts on netbook19:14
Kurdistanalmost forgott about normal desktops :)19:14
zebastianortiswho owns desktops anymore19:14
gueyeah, I have used many both since yesterday with 10.10 I felt a little lost now and. yeah, I don't really feel like messing up 2 os on 2 days.. crashed my jolicloud yesterday..19:15
Kurdistangirls/guys I am leaving. Have nice evening/morning or what so ever :) bye19:15
guethank you anyway!19:16
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=== BiggyPiggy is now known as Mohan_chml
r3makenice... lubuntu not working after upgrade :/22:27
Kurdistan:) back on track22:27
r3makemy cursor is not visible after upgrading, any ideas whats going wrong?22:34
zebastianortisi just got this while upgrading to 10.1022:51
zebastianortisOne or more running instances of xscreensaver or xlockmore have been detected on this system. Because of incompatible library changes, the upgrade of the GNU libc library will leave you unable to authenticate to these programs. You should arrange for these programs to be restarted or stopped before continuing this upgrade, to avoid locking your users out of their current sessions.22:51
Kurdistanzebastianortis I think its np22:54
Kurdistanyou can unable repo and ppa after upgrading22:54
zebastianortisi just clicked on forward22:54
zebastianortisveldig bra22:54
KurdistanI mean inable22:55
Kurdistankempe bra :P22:55
Kurdistanyou do the upgrade from terminal22:56
Kurdistanor update manager?22:56
zebastianortisupdate manager22:56
KurdistanI see. becuase it is not default on lubuntu 10.0422:56
Kurdistanthats why I asked22:57
zebastianortisexplain please22:57
Kurdistanwhat to explain, you must have installed it after fresh installation22:58
Kurdistanfrom synaptic or terminal22:58
mark76Hey Kurdistan22:58
Kurdistanmark76 wb22:58
Kurdistanhow was the meal :)?22:59
mark76It was very tasty, thanks :)22:59
Kurdistannice that you injoyed it :)23:00
Kurdistanlol zebastianortis23:02
Kurdistanbigbrother debian, the kid in the block lubuntu and the mother ubuntu makes perfect 10 :)23:05
mark76But that's only 323:06
Kurdistan:) I forgott the devilish cousin kubuntu and the sister xubuntu23:07
Kurdistanthen we have uncle green linuxmint23:08
Kurdistanthen we have wannabe lubuntu, peppermint :P confused23:08
mark76And let's not forget the late fluxbuntu23:08
Kurdistanis there fluxbuntu23:08
mark76There was23:09
mark76Last release was 2 years ago23:10
Kurdistanokey, cool.23:10
KurdistanI hope lubuntu will keep on23:10
KurdistanIf not I will send my lawyers23:10
Kurdistanor use :P archbang ur debian lxde23:11
zebastianortisthus far ive liked lubuntu the most23:11
zebastianortisand ive tried all23:11
Kurdistanenough talking about others. we can use the off-topic section. my bad.23:11
zebastianortiscant stand kde's use of resources23:11
Kurdistanzebastianortis which one have you tried23:12
zebastianortisit's lubuntu and gnome for me23:12
Kurdistanyeah cool, jesus walks? :=23:12
zebastianortisjesus walks?23:12
Kurdistanokey you mean the buntu family23:12
KurdistanI thought you mean all big linux distro out there23:13
KurdistanI have never used or tried kubuntu/kde23:13
Kurdistanits to bloated23:13
KurdistanI must go to bad guys/girls and all you between :)23:16

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