Lyon_ | Hey, is there any way to enable a mono sound output? | 00:39 |
sebsebseb | Lyon_: and if you don't get help here either, you may want to try ##linux | 00:41 |
craig__ | hi there. i' | 00:42 |
Lyon_ | alright | 00:42 |
craig__ | opps. i have an hp laptop (with strange keybd layout :D) and i'm trying to get the wifi to work. it seems to have a broadcom that is particularly troublesome...there's a lot about it on the net ... but all the instructions assume that i will get some identifying info about my hard ware from the lspci command. | 00:43 |
craig__ | ...instead, i see no entry for wireless controllers of any sort! | 00:43 |
Lyon_ | <sauvin> Lyon_: You are not in ##linux. Please see the topic or visit us in ##linux-ops. The folks in #freenode may also be able to help. The ops in here are the only ones in this channel who can see what you say. This is an automated message; I am not necessarily awake. | 00:44 |
Lyon_ | so much for that | 00:44 |
craig__ | huh? | 00:44 |
sebsebseb | Lyon_: oh right | 00:45 |
sebsebseb | Lyon_: I guess your not registered on the network? | 00:45 |
Lyon_ | no | 00:45 |
sebsebseb | Lyon_: ok some channels you need to be registerd on the network first to be able to use, that being one of them | 00:45 |
craig__ | yeah no nick, just installed this stuff. sort of rushing through the steps. | 00:45 |
craig__ | if you mean me, that is. | 00:45 |
sebsebseb | craig__: nope I meant Lyon_ | 00:46 |
craig__ | oh | 00:46 |
sebsebseb | !register | Lyon_ | 00:46 |
ubot2 | Lyon_: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 00:46 |
sebsebseb | Lyon_: try your question again in #ubuntu, I see someone there now, that may be able to help you | 00:47 |
craig__ | anyway my question is: is there anything i can do to make ubuntu acknowledge my hardware? or does this mean that my hardware is maybe physically fried? | 00:49 |
sebsebseb | !details | craig__ | 00:50 |
ubot2 | craig__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 00:50 |
craig__ | yes. i'm running lucid, but have done core updates today, so i think my core is more like 10.10. my laptop is an HP Pavillion dv9205us; I infer from HP's always hard-to-sift support site that my wireless chipset is Broadcom 4322. I have no wireless, and the computer seems in all ways unawares of the wireless hardware. | 00:53 |
aveilleux | the HP dv series always has problems with Ubuntu... | 00:55 |
craig__ | i've found a few related threads and have attempted to pursue them. they usually start with using lspci to get my exact chipset model number. but when i run lspci, i don't see any at all. | 00:55 |
craig__ | aveilleux: works like a charm in every other way. litterally installed it while napping | 00:55 |
aveilleux | craig__: I know, it's always one thing. My ex's dv6000 had an issue with the video chipset. | 00:56 |
craig__ | yep. did you get it sorted? | 00:56 |
aveilleux | craig__: The video, yes. | 00:57 |
craig__ | good. i'll take that as a positive omen. | 00:58 |
craig__ | the ironic thing is that the reason i installed ubuntu now is that the wifi broke in vista. i figured it was easier to install ubuntu than to fix wireless drivers. now i'm wondering if maybe the hardware fried. | 01:00 |
sebsebseb | !version | craig__ | 01:03 |
ubot2 | craig__: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 01:03 |
aveilleux | That's not what he wants, sebsebseb | 01:04 |
aveilleux | craig__: If it doesn't work in two different OSs, then it's probably the hardware | 01:04 |
sebsebseb | aveilleux: yeah I guess not, but sounded like he had maybe upgraded to 10.10 | 01:04 |
aveilleux | craig__: Though to be fair, upgrading to ubuntu from Vista fixed my ex's DV drive :P | 01:09 |
aveilleux | DVD8 | 01:09 |
craig__ | well thanks for the trick aveilleux. so it's 10.04 yet. i know it's odd that the wifi was nix on two OSs, but i had figured it was fixable in vista, and since so many folks had problems with broadcom in ubuntu, well i figured it wasn't fried. | 01:10 |
craig__ | but now that i've tried many things and can't even see it.... starting to wonder. | 01:11 |
craig__ | any suggestions? | 01:11 |
aveilleux | craig__: You can replace the wifi cards on most modern laptops. | 01:11 |
craig__ | replace? i figured it was on the motherboard, no? | 01:12 |
craig__ | i don't have any of the original paperwork for the computer, but maybe i can find a diagram on google. god knows that hp won't provide one. | 01:13 |
aveilleux | craig__: There's probably a door on the bottom of the machine | 01:14 |
craig__ | yeah i can't mess with it just now, because that's the machine i'm using! | 01:16 |
craig__ | but i also don't want to order replacement parts for a computer that should IMO never have been purchased in the first place, on pure speculation that the thing's fried. also, i doubt i could replace it with a different wifi, could i??? | 01:17 |
aveilleux | craig__: Uh, almost all modern laptops I've seen can swap out the wireless cards. It's a standard slot. | 01:18 |
craig__ | i'm sure the slot is standard. if all cards were the same, however, ubuntu would probably have accepted mine. | 01:23 |
aveilleux | craig__: The ccard is probably dead. | 01:23 |
craig__ | why do you think? is that what it means when lspci doesn't show it? | 01:24 |
aveilleux | craig__: That, and the fact that it failed to work on both OSs | 01:26 |
craig__ | if i had known i would have fixed it in vista first. | 01:27 |
craig__ | just to generate more data | 01:27 |
craig__ | there's a lot of stuff like this that basically says this hardware is unusual in that (for IP reasons) i have to manually download and install the firmware before i can play drivers. | 01:30 |
craig__ | of course, i've tried to do that, and failed. my point is just that it's exceptional. yes, it could be fried. but my firmware installation could also be friend, and the hardware's fine. | 01:31 |
=== harrisonk_away is now known as harrisonk | ||
harrisonk | this is an offtopic question: the site I find to be a good place to learn about html especialy the fact that you can find out what a <tag> does ie. <div> is there anything like that for python? | 03:44 |
=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away | ||
aveilleux | harrisonk_away: Yes | 04:15 |
aveilleux | karrisonk_away: Whoops. Not the question you were asking. I believe there's a good Python reference on the project homepage | 04:15 |
brandon_1 | Just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 netbook edition, can I change the new unity interface back to the old one? | 06:13 |
brandon_1 | by old one I mean the unity interface that was used on 10.04 | 06:14 |
stlsaint | brandon_1: sorry, im unfamiliar with UNR | 06:14 |
brandon_1 | yes me as well | 06:15 |
brandon_1 | I'm finding it extremely difficult to use | 06:15 |
stlsaint | ubuntu in general or just UNR? | 06:16 |
duanedesign | | 06:17 |
duanedesign | there was a thread on the forums about that^ | 06:17 |
brandon_1 | well specifically UNR and the newest unity interface | 06:17 |
duanedesign | brandon_1: when the login screen is displayed in the bottom bar, a menu will say ubuntu netbook edition - click on this and it will display the available sessions | 06:18 |
duanedesign | not sure if there is an option for what you want, but worth looking. | 06:19 |
brandon_1 | thanks for the forum link, from a quick glance that's what i'm looking for | 06:22 |
brandon_1 | in short I really dug the unity interface in the previous version, so much so I haven't touched my mac or windows in over a week. However the new interface is way slow, difficult to use, and doesn't display webpages properly. | 06:24 |
brandon_1 | currently the only solution I've come up with is to use the normal desktop interface | 06:24 |
aoglobalent | I am doing a new Ubuntu install. I want to partition my drives and am having an issue doing so. Can some one help me? I can not allow the partitioning to be done automatically, because a particular software I am trying to install on my ubuntu box requires a separate partition. So I need my primary Ubuntu Drive, a second partition, and a swap drive..... | 06:53 |
aoglobalent870 | I need help manually partitioning my hard drive on a Ubuntu 10 instal | 07:27 |
duanedesign | what are you having trouble with aoglobalent870 ? | 08:18 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
freeze | hey guys | 09:44 |
freeze | i need help | 09:44 |
hobgoblin | !ask | 09:45 |
ubot2 | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:45 |
freeze | how do i change permissions for a file i need to edit? at the top it shows read-only. im on ubuntu | 09:45 |
hobgoblin | what file and where is it? | 09:49 |
freeze | NetworkManager.state file it is located in /var/lib/NetworkManager | 09:50 |
hobgoblin | ok - you need to edit it as root - sudo nano /file/name will open a text editor as root - there are GUI options too - but I don't know what versionyou use - ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu etc | 09:53 |
hobgoblin | ctrl+x Y enter to save in nano | 09:54 |
hobgoblin | if you want to backuo the file before you edit it sudo nano -B /file/name | 09:54 |
freeze | I saved it | 10:00 |
freeze | but somehow it does not apply? im on ubuntu netbook 10.10 | 10:00 |
hobgoblin | editing doesn't apply? No idea what you mean by that | 10:01 |
freeze | my bad, it applies | 10:02 |
freeze | i'm gonna restart | 10:02 |
freeze | brb | 10:02 |
freeze | bleargh | 10:04 |
freeze | wireless still doesn't work on my netbook.. | 10:05 |
shahan | my .iso of ubuntu 10.10 desktop 32 bit is not loading.. I hve created a startup disk using ubuntu 10.04 toolkit | 12:16 |
shahan | it shows "process 286() Glib warning getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user (0)" (there may have some spelling mistake)\ | 12:17 |
shahan | I have checkd the MD5SUM for several time :( | 12:18 |
shahan | . | 12:25 |
duanedesign | hello all | 12:31 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hello. | 15:03 |
=== harrisonk_away is now known as harrisonk | ||
harrisonk | hello | 15:14 |
=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away | ||
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml | ||
irving | I having trouble getting a full screen | 16:27 |
AbhiJit | irving, if this is virtualbox issue then you can ask in #vbox | 16:28 |
irving | ok I'll try there. i get virtual box to fill the screen but ubuntu is a smaller box in the virtual box window | 16:29 |
Silver_Fox_ | irving, Have you installed guest addons ? | 16:30 |
irving | yes - i stalled guest additions and rebooted both virtual box and ubuntu. When i Ctrl-F i get a full screen with ubuntu in a small in the middle. i want to expand this to fill the screen | 16:32 |
shahan | Hello :) | 16:39 |
JoeMaverickSett | hi! :) | 16:39 |
shahan | I am having a great problem regarding Maverick | 16:42 |
shahan | Please check out there | 16:43 |
shahan | the100BiLL: Welcome :) | 16:43 |
hobgoblin | if irving comes back and they are using maverick - | 16:43 |
lebron228 | Help | 18:33 |
AbhiJit | ask | 18:34 |
lebron228 | tryin 2 download gapminder n can't figure it out | 18:34 |
lebron228 | brand spankin' new to ubuntu/linux | 18:34 |
lebron228 | downloaded adobe air | 18:35 |
aveilleux | lebron228: I'm assuming Flash works properly on the browser you're trying to use GapMinder on | 18:36 |
lebron228 | tryin' to get gapminder desktop | 18:36 |
lebron228 | believe it does_ firefox on edubuntu | 18:36 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Which version of Ubuntu are you on? 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)? | 18:36 |
lebron228 | 10.04 _ couldn't figure how to download 10.10 :( | 18:37 |
lebron228 | glad I was able to figure this xchat out | 18:38 |
aveilleux | lebron228: ? | 18:38 |
aveilleux | lebron228: In any case. Flash works in Firefox, right? Have you tested that? | 18:39 |
lebron228 | how would I test that? i mean I think it's used for Zynga Poker right? | 18:39 |
lebron228 | mafia wars on FB | 18:40 |
lebron228 | pretty sure it works | 18:40 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Here's a better test. | 18:42 |
lebron228 | have a box on desktop 'gapminderdesktop.air' I double click thinking it will set it up but it doesn't | 18:43 |
lebron228 | k | 18:43 |
lebron228 | says I have latest version installed | 18:44 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Okay. So what happens when you click "Install" on the Download page? | 18:45 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Download page of GapMinder | 18:45 |
lebron228 | Installing application but then try again. so i tried to follow instructions on bottom of page | 18:45 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Let me get a test system up, give me a little bit | 18:46 |
lebron228 | sure thnx | 18:46 |
JoeMaverickSett | lebron228: when it comes to "Installing Application" it also shows "Try Again" at the bottom? | 19:02 |
JoeMaverickSett | is that what you mean? | 19:03 |
lebron228 | yes Joe..... looks like I missed u | 19:16 |
HesAlwaysNearUs | hello, got problem with Wired LAN internet connection. I adding everything manually, conections shows, that connected to Internet, but pages ar not loading - it shows that web loads, loads for few minuts, and then says, that cannot connect... sorry for my english. Any ideas? | 19:34 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Ahh, I get it. Open up Applications > Accessories > Adobe AIR Application Installer | 19:42 |
lebron228 | k | 19:42 |
lebron228 | askin 2 select installation package | 19:43 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Navigate to where you downloaded the application and open it | 19:43 |
lebron228 | the gapminder? | 19:43 |
aveilleux | lebron228: Yes | 19:44 |
lebron228 | EUREKA! | 19:45 |
lebron228 | thank u sooo much | 19:45 |
aveilleux | no problem | 19:45 |
lebron228 | i wouldn't know I had 2 do that | 19:45 |
lebron228 | is that typical? | 19:45 |
lebron228 | I'm trying to upgrade to Meerkat from Lynx. do I need to burn a dvd in order to do this? | 19:48 |
aveilleux | lebron228: No, you can just upgrade (once the upgrade script is available) from System > Administration > Update Manager | 19:49 |
lebron228 | so it's not available yet? | 19:50 |
aveilleux | Not that I'm aware of. I haven't been able to upgrade, anyway. | 19:50 |
lebron228 | k | 19:50 |
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as BiggyPiggy | ||
Silver_Fox_ | Hello. | 20:34 |
meindian523 | eh oh | 20:41 |
nhandler | If I have a wifi network with a WPA key that uses DHCP, is there a way to Netboot a device ? | 21:04 |
meindian523 | aveilleux, the upgrade script is available | 21:12 |
meindian523 | you probably have LTS releases only set in your upgrade cycle | 21:13 |
=== BiggyPiggy is now known as Mohan_chml | ||
raubvogel | In snmpd, should I configure my stuff in snmpd.local.conf and leave snmpd.conf untouched? | 21:53 |
kydan | Hello all, im trying to do the automated update from 10.04 to 10.10 and its hanging on doing the install at 9 minutes remaining configuring openSSL. Anyone availble to help? | 22:07 |
stlsaint | kydan: how long has it been stuck there? | 22:07 |
kydan | the last entry in the Terminal window for the upgrade says: Installing new version of the config file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd | 22:08 |
kydan | umm well I left for about 45 minutes when it said nine minutes left | 22:08 |
kydan | and came back to my desk and its still working onstalling a config file | 22:08 |
kydan | which...should be rather quick | 22:08 |
kydan | on installing* | 22:08 |
kydan | stlsaint: I wonder if it may have something to do with my hacked on version on Novell iPrint, as I did notice that my iPrint printer disappeared and it looks like its doing something with the cups daemon | 22:11 |
kydan | stlsaint: but at this point I dont think its giong to be moving anywhere...whats the safest way to start the upgrade again? | 22:12 |
stlsaint | reboot and start again | 22:19 |
stlsaint | thebwt: W00t!! | 22:20 |
kydan | stlsaint: well, that was my original idea, but I didnt want to be too rash! | 22:21 |
thebwt | heya stlsaint | 22:22 |
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