
mr-russ1dummy cloud question.  How is the private cloud different from just using KVM?03:45
sidneimr-russ1, it's got an ec2-compatible API, so if you ever decide to move out, you can use the same tools.04:20
mr-russ1okay, so mainly it provides better management interface (possibly) and ability to pick up the machines and move to another cloud.  does it provide HA by default, you need a bit more config for that with KVM.04:22
RoAkSoAxha as in infrastructure or ha as in instances?04:26
RoAkSoAxand it doesnt buy deafault04:26
uvirtbotRoAkSoAx: Error: "^" is not a valid command.04:28
mr-russ1ha as in instances.  If I put up X nodes, it will fail over if one node drops out.  like VMWare's HA stuff.04:31
RoAkSoAxso as in libe migration04:32
RoAkSoAxyou could do HA by running a second instance if the application runninng in the fisrt one fail04:33
RoAkSoAxbut as in instance itself like live migration. no that i know of04:34
mr-russ1okay, I still don't understand cloud computing stuff properly at all.04:34
RoAkSoAxwell i see it as a highly scalable cluster to be able to run virtualized servers04:35
mr-russ1by scalable you mean add lots of nodes and can then run more machines?04:36
RoAkSoAxhtw you can also setup HA in kvm by failing over if the HW orr OS fails or similar and that is not instance related04:37
RoAkSoAxi believe vmware does the same but04:37
RoAkSoAxmr-russ1 yes that as scalable04:37
mr-russ1I've got kvm running on a host and wondering what benefit I might get if I moved to the cloud when I'm looking at expanding.  Mainly I've had great difficultly understanding the difference between cloud and kvm ha.04:38
RoAkSoAxKVM HA it is just 2 nodes. when one fails it failovers to the slave node that takes control of the service04:40
mr-russ1okay.  on the cloud, do you assign machines to specific nodes?04:40
RoAkSoAxa clouin the cloud you have a cluster of nodes that run instances using an hypervisor such as kvm in the case of ubuntu04:41
RoAkSoAxyou might have 10 physical nodes running varios virtual i stances04:42
RoAkSoAxand provides scalability by allowing you to add more nodes easily to run more images04:43
mr-russ1and you move images between nodes if you want to?04:44
RoAkSoAxidk but it should be possible. im not cloud expert but kvm does provide live migration so i beleive thatit should be possible04:45
mr-russ1it feels a lot like vmware vmotion and ha together.  run X physical servers with Y vm's/images and if 1 physical server dies, you keep going.  Need more grunt, add another node.04:46
mr-russ1RoAkSoAx: you look like an expert compared with myself :)04:46
mr-russ1thanks for answering my questions.04:46
RoAkSoAxwell in kvm in a 2 node cluster you do live migration and HA  but limited to two node. while a cloud provides scalabilty mainly. i just read and it shluld ssupport live migration soon04:49
RoAkSoAxand no problem glad to help04:49
mr-russ1hmm, reading the ubuntu install guide, you can't oversubscribe you cpu's with ec2.04:51
kim0Hey folks, any idea why this is not working11:22
kim0ec2-describe-images -o canonicalteam11:22
progre55hi guys. how to bundle an image from a running instance? euca-bundle-image?13:35
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niemeyerprogre55: No, that works with local files14:46
niemeyerprogre55: Is it an EBS image?14:47
progre55niemeyer: no, just a simple image14:48
niemeyerprogre55: You'll likely need ec2-bundle-vol then14:49
progre55oh, how about euca-bundle-vol?14:49
progre55niemeyer: ^^14:57
niemeyerprogre55: Yeah, that should do it14:58
niemeyerprogre55: np!15:02
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RoAkSoAxHey anyone know if UEC already supports live migration?18:10
erichammondkim0: -o expects a numerical AWS user id.  "amazon"  and "self" are special exceptions.18:49
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kim0erichammond: hey eric :)18:49
kim0any idea how to map the username into an ID18:49
erichammondThere is no username in AWS.  It's a figment of your imagination.18:50
erichammond(or some other tool you might be using?)18:50
kim0hmm .. I see18:51
erichammondThough I suppose the user identifier in the new IAM might be considered a username of sorts. It just doesn't map to an account.18:51
kim0The thing is .. when I view an AMI like http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=387218:56
kim0It says submitted by: canonicalteam, so I was thinking I can probably filter by that .. but it seems not18:56
erichammondAh, that is the username of the person who submitted the article on the AWS forum software.  It is unrelated to AWS itself.18:57
erichammondYou can see the numerical user id of the user that created any given AMI and then find out other AMIs created by the same account.18:58
erichammondFor example, ami-1a837773 on that page was created by userid 09972010947718:59
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RoAkSoAxkim0: ping19:46
kim0RoAkSoAx: pong19:46
RoAkSoAxkim0: quick question. If I change the Cloud IP, would it be better to manually change it too in the CLC at CLOUD_IP_ADDR="$addr" ?19:47
RoAkSoAxin /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf19:47
RoAkSoAxkim0: or when I change it in the Web Interface, it is automatically detected?19:50
kim0RoAkSoAx: I'm not sure .. hang on for an answer from the devs19:50
RoAkSoAxkim0: ok ty ;)19:51
RoAkSoAxhggdh smoser Daviey kirkland any ideas ^^ ?19:52
DavieyRoAkSoAx: I think it's a suck it and see.  I know i have never needed to do it.19:53
DavieySorry, couldn't be more help19:54
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hggdhRoAkSoAx: yes. I would expect changing the CLC ip address would need a restart19:55
RoAkSoAxDaviey: npp :) thanks though19:55
hggdhyou might also need to check the other components -- probably they will update the registration, but I never tried it19:55
smoserkim0, fwiw, those pages i hope to get assinged and maintained by a different ec2 account19:55
smoserso in the future that 'canonicalteam' would be something else anyway.19:56
smoserwas hoping to start that process today.19:56
smoserami pages are real PITA19:56
kim0smoser: got ya .. thanks19:56
smosercreating them takes 2+ weeks before they get acked19:56
RoAkSoAxhggdh: right... well for once, the keys will change, so that's for sure. then in the CC I can just specify the CLC ip, however IDK if I should also do that for the CLC itself19:56
RoAkSoAxi guess I'll just have to try19:57
hggdhyou should do it on the CLC also19:57
RoAkSoAxhggdh: well I have changed the IP and everything seemed to be working, but I just wasn't sure if i should do a manual change of the CLC ip in the same CLC at /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf instead of letting it be configured automatically19:58
RoAkSoAxbecuase eitherway, i'm using a VirtualIP as the IP for the cloud19:58
RoAkSoAxin an HA environment i'm setting up19:59
hggdhRoAkSoAx: you should not need to touch eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf, there are no IPs there19:59
hggdhit is sourced by other scripts19:59
RoAkSoAxhggdh: that's the thing/. I'm not using a "regular static" ip for the CLC so idk if the sourcing will work as I expect19:59
RoAkSoAxbecause I'm using a VirtualIP shared between two CLC's in HA20:00
hggdhnow this is interesting20:00
RoAkSoAxso if CLC1 fails, the CLC2 will have that VIP for the CLC20:00
hggdhso it is a head-of-cluster scenario, where only one is active20:01
RoAkSoAxhggdh: I did a really simple test over the weekend, but I'm not sure how that'd work. So i'm redoing it :)20:01
RoAkSoAxhggdh: yeas an Active/Passive HA Cluster20:01
hggdhand the DBs, where are they?20:01
RoAkSoAxhggdh: replicated with DRBD20:01
hggdhI wonder what would happen with currently-running instances20:02
hggdhwell, anyway, on an active-passive scenario, the backup CLC would be down20:02
hggdhso, after you move the VIP, you start it, and all is fine20:02
hggdhboth should be set to the VIP20:03
RoAkSoAxhggdh: I have 4 nodes, 1 CLC, 1 Walrus, 1CC/SC, 1 NC. So, theorically, if the CLC1 goes down, it shouldn't affect the CC nor the NC because the CLC2 will take over the service with the VIP20:04
RoAkSoAxand that VIP is the Cloud IP20:04
hggdhyes, I understand that. I am just unsure how the CLC recovers (never tested this scenario)20:04
hggdhRoAkSoAx: what I mean: I am *very* interested on your results20:05
RoAkSoAxhggdh: these are actually part of the Cluster Stack blueprint so there's still a long way to go... :)20:05
hggdhRoAkSoAx: keep in mind that the CLC is the glue between all components20:05
hggdhI know the CC recovers from failures, I just do not know what happens when the CLC fails20:06
RoAkSoAxhggdh: I thought the CC had in memory which instances are running, and if it fails, that tracking would be lost...?20:08
hggdhRoAkSoAx: I found that it recovers the sessions -- when it comes up it queries the NCs20:12
hggdhI am not sure about how far it goes (security groups, iptables, etc)20:13
hggdhI only found it by accident, when upgrading my test rig20:13
RoAkSoAxhggdh: if that's the case, it would be really simple to provide HA20:14
RoAkSoAxhggdh: if not, there would have to be some kind of sync daemon between two CC's in HA for the running instances20:15
hggdhI think the best course here would be to ask upstream about it20:16
RoAkSoAxhggdh: indeed, but I remember reading in one eucalyptus forum post that they will provide HA only for their paid version20:17
hggdhRoAkSoAx: we can ask some slightly different questions: what would happen if the CLC is restarted? The SC? The CC?20:18
hggdhand then plan around it20:19
RoAkSoAxhggdh: for what I tested over the weekend, if the CLC1 fails and CLC2 takes control over the cluster without any problems. However, I haven't test this with running instances20:20
hggdhRoAkSoAx: which is good. Now we should try to find what happens with running sessions. But I think this is the way to go indeed20:21
hggdhRoAkSoAx: thank you for doing it :-)20:21
RoAkSoAxhggdh: either way, the hardest part will be to provide HA to the NC... which will have to be with live migration20:21
hggdhRoAkSoAx: why HA the NC? If the NC goes down, all instances there are already lost20:22
RoAkSoAxhggdh: and in any HA environment, it is expected to "lose" the connection for a few seconds while performing the failover20:22
RoAkSoAxhggdh: it is possible to setup a 2 node KVM clusters. Imagine that images are running in node1. If node1 fails, then node2 will take control of the service, by "live migrating" the instances from node120:24
RoAkSoAxhggdh: however, to be able to do this, you need off course shared storage between the two nodes20:24
RoAkSoAxso it is simple, if node1 fails, node2 willstart the instances that were running on node120:25
hggdhI can understand having the libvirt storage on a NAS-something, but there is no instance to recover -- they went down20:25
hggdhso there is more than just restarting them -- the services being run must be set for recovery also20:25
RoAkSoAxhggdh: http://www.linux-ha.org/wiki/VirtualDomain_(resource_agent)20:27
hggdhempty page?20:29
RoAkSoAxhggdh: check that _(resource_agent) is in the URL20:30
hggdhRoAkSoAx: heh, that was it, thank you20:32
hggdhRoAkSoAx: yes, this is interesting. How would we recover group security?20:38
RoAkSoAxhggdh: idk yet :) I actually haven't looked into HA for CC, NC and Walrus... but seems it's going to be a hard process :)20:39
hggdhmind keeping me posted of your results?20:40
RoAkSoAxhggdh: sure ;)20:42
RoAkSoAxhggdh: btw.. one more thing what is the eucalyptus-cloud-publication upstart script for?20:43
hggdhit runs the avahi service for the CLC20:45
RoAkSoAxhggdh: so, when everything is already registered, we only need eucalyptus and eucalyptus-cloud started?20:46
hggdhthis is a question for Daviey ;-)20:46
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ^^ :)20:47
RoAkSoAxhggdh: thanks btw :)20:48
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RoAkSoAxhggdh: re-tested. So far, so good22:19
hggdhRoAkSoAx: \o/22:20
RoAkSoAxhggdh: will post config steps someday this weekl xD22:21
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RoAkSoAxhggdh: how/where do I tell the walrus which CLC IP to use?23:14
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hggdhRoAkSoAx: you have to register it23:22
hggdhfrom the CLC via 'sudo euca_conf'23:23
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RoAkSoAxhggdh: yeah but what I mean is that I want the walrus to contact the CLC via an specifically ipaddress. For example, the CC uses VNET_CLOUDIP23:39
RoAkSoAxhggdh: or, where do I till the CLC "use XX network interface"23:42

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