akgraner | I learned today - if something *can* go wrong it will O.o | 01:05 |
akgraner | but I survived :-) | 01:05 |
nigelb | akgraner: Murphy's Law ftw | 02:45 |
akgraner | nigelb, I guess - but dang the lessons I learned today... | 02:47 |
nigelb | akgraner: heh, what did you learn | 02:47 |
akgraner | redundant backups | 02:48 |
akgraner | and sites | 02:48 |
akgraner | make sure there is *nightly* backups | 02:48 |
akgraner | and the site is on the correct server *before* you go live and tell the world about it | 02:49 |
nigelb | akgraner: oh no! fridge site/ | 02:53 |
akgraner | yep | 02:53 |
akgraner | it's been a LONG day | 02:53 |
jono | great folks on an awesome release :) | 03:19 |
nigelb | finally he turns up :p | 03:20 |
jono | lol | 03:23 |
jono | been a crazy weekend | 03:23 |
jono | for those who are interested...I just released the new album: | 05:02 |
jono | http://www.severedfifth.com/2010/10/11/nightmares-by-design-is-released/ | 05:02 |
jcastro | \o/ | 05:06 |
jcastro | impeccable timing! | 05:06 |
jono | jcastro, :) | 05:09 |
jono | jcastro, if you could spread the word, would be appreciated! | 05:09 |
jcastro | yessir | 05:09 |
jono | :) | 05:09 |
jcastro | ok it's been a long weekend, see yall tomorrow! | 05:10 |
jono | jcastro, did you see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8SSbuWxVsQ ? | 05:10 |
jono | and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpZWHGdjQLg | 05:10 |
nigelb | jcastro: g'nite | 05:13 |
dpm | morning all | 05:14 |
nigelb | morning dpm | 05:16 |
nigelb | *blink* | 05:16 |
nigelb | dpm: what the.... you're /very/ early :) | 05:16 |
nigelb | isn't it like 6 am for you ? :D | 05:17 |
dpm | nigelb, yep, starting earlier today | 05:17 |
nigelb | \o/ | 05:17 |
jono | I am so glad the album is out, finally | 05:38 |
jono | like a weight off my mind | 05:38 |
jono | :) | 05:38 |
jussi | 6473kb/s NICE!! :D | 06:30 |
popey | Morning | 06:41 |
dpm | ok, going back to holiday, see you all on Wed! | 06:46 |
nigelb | Good morning popey | 06:48 |
nigelb | Morning jussi :) | 06:48 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:53 |
maco | dholbach: wait its this late already? | 06:53 |
maco | hey its not even 2am here. stop making me think its later than it is! | 06:54 |
jussi | brb... | 06:59 |
maco | hmm still dont know if im expected to be at work in 8 hours | 07:01 |
* popey hugs dholbach | 07:01 | |
nigelb | morning dholbach :) | 07:03 |
dholbach | hey popey, hey nigelb | 07:06 |
dholbach | popey, up early? | 07:06 |
popey | sadly yes | 07:06 |
popey | already at work :( | 07:06 |
dholbach | popey, wow - an emergency? | 07:07 |
popey | yeah :( | 07:07 |
dholbach | that sucks :( | 07:07 |
jussi | core updated :) | 07:09 |
* nigelb hugs popey | 07:14 | |
dholbach | yay: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty :)( | 07:16 |
popey | no rest... | 07:17 |
jussi | for the wicked... | 07:31 |
* dholbach → dentist | 07:57 | |
duanedesign | ...for the weary | 08:00 |
nigelb | dentist => legal torture :/ | 08:01 |
jussi | if anyone wants to listen to some new music, my friends band just released an EP... | 08:04 |
nigelb | oh, I have to listen to jono's new album | 08:04 |
jussi | hehe | 08:04 |
jussi | Oh and they have a questionairre for my mates thesis, if anyone cares to help out. | 08:05 |
nigelb | advantages of help test zip files => I get early copy | 08:05 |
jussi | nigelb: its released is it not? | 08:06 |
jono | it is indeed released | 08:06 |
jussi | oh hai jono | 08:06 |
nigelb | oh, it is? great | 08:06 |
jussi | jono: Im fairly sure you would somewhat appreciate this band. :D | 08:07 |
nigelb | something isn't right, I'm actually liking it | 08:07 |
jussi | good morning kim0! | 08:07 |
jono | lol | 08:07 |
nigelb | morning kim0 :) | 08:07 |
jono | hey kim0 | 08:07 |
jussi | http://www.myspace.com/theriffkinsband | 08:07 |
kim0 | jussi: nigelb hey folks :) | 08:07 |
kim0 | jono: morning man | 08:07 |
jono | hows things kim0? | 08:07 |
kim0 | o/ | 08:07 |
kim0 | going good | 08:07 |
jono | :) | 08:08 |
nigelb | I jumped out of my seat. Plugged the headphones at full volume :D | 08:08 |
jussi | haha | 08:08 |
nigelb | stupid debian => main volume control doesn't control headphones | 08:08 |
jussi | nigelb: can you not set it to control everything? perhaps set it to pcm or so? | 08:09 |
jussi | also, I installed unity for my little sis in law last night - looks nice, I hope she likes it | 08:09 |
nigelb | jussi: that isn't the first thing that comes to my mind when I jump thanks to electric guitar at full blow | 08:12 |
jussi | hehe | 08:12 |
* nigelb hopes ears start working properly soon :p | 08:12 | |
jussi | nigelb: were you listening to jono or that band? | 08:12 |
nigelb | jono | 08:12 |
nigelb | it was already sitting in my downloads anyway :) | 08:13 |
duanedesign | nigelb: :D | 08:19 |
* duanedesign yells 'hello nigel' | 08:19 | |
* nigelb yells back at duanedesign | 08:20 | |
nigelb | good morning ara :) | 08:22 |
ara | good morning nigelb, all! | 08:22 |
duanedesign | morning | 08:22 |
duanedesign | been a busy 12hrs or so answering questions on the forums and on irc. :) | 08:33 |
akgraner | Don't forget Ubuntu Open Week starts today - :-) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | 08:35 |
czajkowski | aloha | 08:43 |
jussi | good morning czajkowski | 08:43 |
duanedesign | morning czajkowski | 08:44 |
nigelb | morning akgraner, czajkowski :) | 08:50 |
akgraner | morning nigelb et al... | 08:51 |
czajkowski | ello hows folks | 08:51 |
nigelb | ok, lunch calls. back in a few./ | 08:51 |
duanedesign | akgraner: oh, thats right. I need to get my open week session outline done | 08:57 |
akgraner | bbiab - going to find my pillow for a couple more hours. Sent out tweet, dent, FB reminder about Ubuntu Open Week, Posted to Planet and Fridge (ubuntu-news.org) about Ubuntu Open Week, and sent session leaders for today reminders | 08:58 |
jono | night all! | 09:37 |
jono | back here in five hours for Open Week, woo! | 09:37 |
jono | :) | 09:37 |
jcastro | http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/army-of-awesome | 14:09 |
jcastro | hah, pretty clever idea | 14:09 |
duanedesign | jcastro: that is a neat idea | 14:19 |
jcastro | OMG 30 minutes until openweek! | 14:28 |
jcastro | dholbach: sorry I was on a call and I accidentally closed the window, you wanted something? | 14:29 |
jcastro | oh, a hug? sure! | 14:29 |
* jcastro hugs dholbach | 14:29 | |
dholbach | haha | 14:29 |
* dholbach hugs jcastro back :) | 14:29 | |
paultag | dholbach, I had something to tell you from when you pung me a few days back | 14:33 |
paultag | let me check logs. Shucks. | 14:33 |
dholbach | paultag, did you get in touch with IS back then about automating the team-council-members subscribers? | 14:33 |
dholbach | I think we had some kind of discussion back then, but I can't remember what the outcome was | 14:34 |
paultag | Oh yes, yes yes yes -- I never was in touch with IS -- I made that LP group ( which ended up just being duplicate work, since you had already done this ), and I thought the ML was moving to lists.launchpad | 14:34 |
paultag | dholbach, I can't remember either, I thought it was moving to lists.launchpad, but I'm not sure | 14:34 |
dholbach | paultag, was there a mailing list thread about it? | 14:35 |
dholbach | paultag, maybe we could reactivate that? | 14:35 |
paultag | dholbach, yeah, let me go through my email, see if I can find on what ML it was :) | 14:36 |
dholbach | thanks paultag | 14:36 |
paultag | sure | 14:36 |
paultag | dholbach, from you on Thu, May 6, 2010 ( CC'd Bacon ), sent to community-council@lists.ubuntu.com and team-council-members@lists.ubuntu.com -- Subject: team-council-members organisation | 14:37 |
paultag | dholbach, looks like everyone was happy to move to LP | 14:37 |
paultag | A whole lot of +1's on that thread | 14:38 |
dholbach | I still have an action item somewhere about it and remember that you started something about it :) | 14:38 |
paultag | dholbach, yeah, I think it should be all set by now :) | 14:38 |
dholbach | ok good | 14:38 |
paultag | dholbach, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-council-teams <-- looks good | 14:38 |
dholbach | and it has a mailing list | 14:39 |
paultag | yessir | 14:39 |
paultag | And on that fantastic note, I'm off to snag a Coffee :) | 14:39 |
* dholbach goes and mentions the start of UOW in a few channels :) | 14:47 | |
jcastro | jono: 10 minutes! | 14:51 |
jono | jcastro, yup | 14:51 |
jcastro | the bot should have pinged you by now | 14:51 |
jono | jcastro, nope | 14:52 |
jcastro | ok, I'll handle the bot then when we get to Q+A | 14:53 |
jcastro | I am in a def leppard mood so that's how I'm rolling today | 14:53 |
* jcastro is excited this morning | 14:53 | |
jono | jcastro, you will paste the questions? | 14:53 |
jcastro | the bot does | 14:54 |
jcastro | it's clever, he pm's me the questions and I give it commands | 14:54 |
jcastro | and it handles the rest | 14:54 |
akgraner | jono, are you logged into classroom? | 14:54 |
akgraner | classbot is telling me you are missing | 14:55 |
* akgraner thinks jono didn't read the classbot link sent to all session leaders :-P | 14:57 | |
jono | akgraner, :) | 14:58 |
akgraner | jcastro, since you and jono are handling this one - I'm going back to work on UWN - ping me if you need me | 14:58 |
jcastro | \o/ | 14:58 |
jcastro | jono: same as always? An change from last time? Short intro, your bit about team love, then top it off with simple Q+A? | 14:59 |
jono | jcastro, yeah I will kick it off | 14:59 |
jono | thanks akgraner | 15:00 |
jcastro | rock | 15:00 |
jcastro | it will be obvious when the bot changes the entire channel | 15:00 |
jcastro | kim0: are cloud10 instances still available? | 15:01 |
kim0 | jcastro: indeed AFAIK they should | 15:01 |
kim0 | jcastro: https://10.cloud.ubuntu.com/ | 15:01 |
jcastro | ok, I'll make sure to mention them | 15:01 |
jcastro | yeah I was wondering if that page will eventually say "closed, sorry you missed out!" | 15:02 |
kim0 | jcastro: I just tried it .. and it seems it would work | 15:02 |
popey | if any of you have a one-liner about your maverick feedback, send it out way! @uupc on twitter/identica or podcast@ubuntu-uk.org! | 15:03 |
popey | we're recording tonight! | 15:03 |
jcastro | popey: the voicemail still work? | 15:04 |
popey | hope so | 15:04 |
popey | skype should do | 15:04 |
popey | tell me if it doesnt | 15:05 |
jcastro | ok, how long do I have? | 15:06 |
popey | until we record? | 15:06 |
popey | Mon Oct 11 15:06:32 BST 2010 | 15:06 |
popey | 5 hours | 15:06 |
jcastro | ok good, so I have time | 15:06 |
popey | keep it under 30-60s pls :D | 15:07 |
jcastro | for sure | 15:09 |
popey | ta | 15:10 |
akgraner | popey - 30-60s is impossible for me :-P | 15:13 |
jcastro | 30-60h perhaps? | 15:13 |
czajkowski | aloha | 15:14 |
czajkowski | I probably should join some open week channels shouldnt I ;) | 15:14 |
akgraner | czajkowski, yep :-) | 15:21 |
czajkowski | we;ve been on a viking spalsh this morning | 15:21 |
czajkowski | just popped into a hotel for this session then we're off again | 15:21 |
jcastro | jono: I leave that one for you! | 15:39 |
* jcastro whistles | 15:39 | |
jcastro | jono: also if I keep hogging all the answers just lmk | 15:39 |
jono | jcastro, no its cool thanks | 15:40 |
jcastro | czajkowski: 20 minute warning! | 15:40 |
czajkowski | jcastro: 19 more mins to get stuff done :p | 15:40 |
jcastro | jono: windicators for you | 15:50 |
jcastro | I have no idea what's goin with that | 15:50 |
jcastro | jono: high five | 16:01 |
jcastro | I like how you roll | 16:01 |
jcastro | we're down by about 100 | 16:02 |
nisshh | jcastro, yep, what did you want to talk to me about? | 16:03 |
jcastro | jono: did we mention openweek on the facebook page? | 16:03 |
jcastro | nisshh: you wanted a session? | 16:03 |
jono | jcastro, I did | 16:03 |
nisshh | jcastro, no, i was just teasing dholbach' about App Week :) | 16:03 |
nisshh | jono, also, i have a question for you in #ubuntu-app-devel | 16:04 |
jcastro | nisshh: oh, weak dude, I thought you wanted to volunteer to run a session! | 16:05 |
nisshh | jcastro, hehe, nah, i considered it, but id prefer to just stick to App Week if i do another session, it is what i know :) | 16:06 |
jcastro | ok, I'll make sure to remember you then, heh | 16:06 |
nisshh | :) | 16:06 |
jono | kim0, logging in now | 16:46 |
kim0 | jono: mumble ? | 16:46 |
jono | kim0, skype | 16:47 |
czajkowski | done | 16:47 |
czajkowski | finished early and all | 16:47 |
* akgraner adds nisshh to my notes for next app dev week | 16:49 | |
nisshh | akgraner, no garuantee's but i enjoyed the last session i gave, so it's a probably :) | 16:50 |
akgraner | :-) | 16:50 |
akgraner | jcastro, Riddell said he is good to go... | 16:53 |
jcastro | rock | 16:55 |
jcastro | kubuntu people never need supervision, they are always early and prepared | 16:55 |
dholbach | finally...all work items done | 16:57 |
dholbach | well, some postponed and to be picked up in natty :-D | 16:58 |
jcastro | heh | 17:00 |
jcastro | dholbach: hey | 17:00 |
jcastro | for tomorrow let's catch up on specs | 17:00 |
dholbach | jcastro, sure | 17:00 |
jcastro | I would like to get our stuff straight before we get told we're behind on wednesday. :p | 17:00 |
dholbach | jcastro, just ping me when you're up | 17:01 |
jcastro | sure | 17:01 |
dholbach | I'll be gone today after my call with Mr Metal :) | 17:01 |
jcastro | akgraner: when are you lunching? you can go now if you want, I'm sandwiching for lunch so I can watch the classroom | 17:02 |
akgraner | jcastro, awesome thanks :-) probably wouldn't have thought about lunch if you hadn't said anything -DOH | 17:02 |
akgraner | bbiab | 17:02 |
jcastro | I know | 17:03 |
jcastro | I even started early today to get ahead | 17:03 |
jcastro | mistake, hah | 17:03 |
scott-work | listening to the album now jono, 1/2 way through and it sounds good \m/ | 17:14 |
czajkowski | akgraner: get the photos you needed? more were added today by members | 17:20 |
jcastro | <-- lunching, bbi10 | 17:26 |
jussi | is it just me or does the design blog not work properly in chromium? | 17:28 |
jono | scott-work, awesome :-) | 17:29 |
dholbach | jono, mumble? | 17:29 |
jono | we also have #severedfifth | 17:29 |
jono | dholbach, yep, just finished with kim0 | 17:29 |
dholbach | rock and roll | 17:29 |
jono | dholbach, lets do skype | 17:29 |
dholbach | urgh, ok :) | 17:30 |
* dholbach boots skype | 17:30 | |
dholbach | jono, alright, just call whenever | 17:31 |
jono | cheers dholbach | 17:31 |
akgraner | czajkowski, I sent them the link - I hope they pulled a couple | 17:57 |
czajkowski | coolio | 17:57 |
akgraner | but I won't know what they used until I see Issue 7 at UDS | 17:57 |
czajkowski | :) | 17:58 |
akgraner | Chris Kenyon is the interviewee... | 17:58 |
nigelb | \o/ | 18:06 |
nigelb | I haz a new motherboard and my laptop back | 18:06 |
nigelb | Back to Ubuntu development then. | 18:06 |
pleia2 | yay :) | 18:06 |
nigelb | pleia2: so happy to have it back :) | 18:07 |
* dholbach will call it a day | 18:07 | |
dholbach | see you all tomorrow again! :) | 18:07 |
nhandler | Take care dholbach | 18:07 |
dholbach | bye nhandler | 18:07 |
nigelb | g'nite dholbach | 18:08 |
dholbach | bye nigelb | 18:08 |
jcastro | akgraner: ok that's mostly one day down | 18:13 |
jcastro | high five | 18:13 |
akgraner | woo hoo!!! | 18:14 |
akgraner | reminder email ok does something else need to be included? | 18:14 |
jcastro | nope | 18:15 |
jcastro | I look forward to your spam | 18:15 |
nigelb | \o/ | 18:15 |
jcastro | :) | 18:15 |
akgraner | hehe :-) | 18:16 |
Technoviking | nhandler: done changing the rss feed of the fridge on the forums, need to get someone from Canonical IS to restart the webserver to sync data | 18:16 |
nhandler | You rock Technoviking | 18:17 |
jcastro | Technoviking: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1581079 | 18:18 |
jcastro | can you edit my title to make sense for this week? | 18:19 |
jcastro | I've updated the post | 18:19 |
Technoviking | jcastro: no problem, will stick it also | 18:20 |
jcastro | it's stuck already | 18:20 |
Technoviking | jcastro: forums slow, newbie zerg rush | 18:21 |
jcastro | forums ... slow ... losing .... conciousness .... *plunk* | 18:21 |
akgraner | Thanks Technoviking for all your help! nhandler thanks for taking care of that step... | 18:22 |
Technoviking | jcastro: Ubuntu OpenWeek Oct 11-15, Instructors needed. Sound ok | 18:22 |
czajkowski | launchpad needs a kicking it's being sooooooooooo sllllllllllowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 18:22 |
nhandler | You're welcome Technoviking | 18:22 |
nhandler | errr akgraner ;) | 18:22 |
jcastro | Technoviking: no, it's happening now | 18:22 |
jcastro | you can drop the instructors part | 18:22 |
jcastro | the needed part was for the past two weeks | 18:23 |
jcastro | which unfortunately didn't snag any instructors but it was probably good advertising | 18:23 |
akgraner | jono, what do you need from the news team for the Ubuntu Facebook account - anything? | 18:23 |
Technoviking | czajkowski: the hamster are running as fast as they can | 18:23 |
jono | akgraner, nothing :) | 18:23 |
czajkowski | Technoviking: clearly more carrots need to be dangled in front of them | 18:23 |
akgraner | jono, great just trying to dot all the i's and cross the t's | 18:24 |
Technoviking | Ubuntu Hamster for for Beer and Metal | 18:24 |
czajkowski | beer and cake works wonders as a dangling carrot! | 18:24 |
akgraner | jono can you do a metal version of "gotta fo the cooking by the book"? | 18:24 |
akgraner | do even | 18:24 |
Technoviking | Heard a metal cover of Billy Ray Cyrus "Achy Breaky Heart: this weekend, was actually quite awesome | 18:25 |
jono | akgraner, haha, that would be comedy :) | 18:26 |
jcastro | czajkowski: at least lp isn't logging us out anymore | 18:31 |
czajkowski | jcastro: there is that.... | 18:33 |
czajkowski | jcastro: lesser of two evils I think at this stage. | 18:33 |
akgraner | My life needs to be a sitcom - my daughter just called me from school - the locker rooms are on fire | 18:46 |
nigelb | akgraner: what the..... | 18:46 |
akgraner | I know right | 18:47 |
nigelb | akgraner: are both of them okay? | 18:47 |
akgraner | my son is at a different school and he called and has to stay after school for band practice - but yeah she's ok - sitting outside - but wanted to let me know so if I saw something on the news I wouldn't freak | 18:48 |
nigelb | heh, how considerate | 18:48 |
nigelb | I bet you're freaking now | 18:48 |
akgraner | yeah - that's really why she called :-/ | 18:48 |
nigelb | haha, I knew it! | 18:49 |
akgraner | to freak me out while telling me she didn't want me to freak out | 18:49 |
nigelb | LOL | 18:49 |
nigelb | JFo: you've taught the graner kids well :P | 18:50 |
nigelb | JFo: also, penny hasn't listened to the cake song! | 18:51 |
* nigelb has turned evil thanks to JFo | 18:51 | |
czajkowski | STOP THE CAKE SONG! | 18:53 |
jcastro | jono: we still on in ~7 | 18:54 |
jono | jcastro, sounds good | 18:54 |
nigelb | czajkowski: haha | 18:54 |
akgraner | czajkowski, hehe | 18:54 |
nigelb | jono: still remember the cake song? :p | 18:54 |
akgraner | insert random yeah's and what's | 18:54 |
nigelb | heh | 18:55 |
nigelb | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lqfQi7146U | 18:55 |
* nigelb runs from czajkowski | 18:55 | |
jono | seriously folks, the cake song is old | 18:57 |
jono | it was funny, now it isnt :) | 18:57 |
jono | lets move on to the next meme | 18:57 |
nigelb | so he says | 18:57 |
jcastro | the cake is a lie | 18:57 |
nigelb | +1 | 18:58 |
nigelb | jcastro: uless you've heard the cake song :D | 18:58 |
jono | :) | 18:58 |
* czajkowski hands jono back his rattler | 18:58 | |
* nigelb didn't know jono had a rattler | 18:59 | |
jono | what is a rattler? | 18:59 |
czajkowski | paultag: ping | 18:59 |
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://bit.ly/coZgIY || Things to work on (in order): Running OpenWeek, LoCo Day, UDS Prep (blueprints) || JFo's short acting career: http://goo.gl/YVUO | ||
jcastro | I suppose removing release parties from the topic is appropriate | 18:59 |
czajkowski | jono: http://www.sz-wholesale.com/uploadFiles/upimg8/Baby-Rattle-40248.JPG :) | 18:59 |
nigelb | jcastro: loco day after uds prep | 19:00 |
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://bit.ly/coZgIY || Things to work on (in order): Running OpenWeek, UDS Prep (blueprints), LoCo Day || JFo's short acting career: http://goo.gl/YVUO | ||
* czajkowski has had way too much coke today | 19:00 | |
jcastro | nigelb: specs should be close to done! | 19:00 |
nigelb | jcthanks | 19:00 |
nigelb | jcastro: thanks :) | 19:00 |
jcastro | since I've bumped it twice we should take a moment to poke fun at JFo | 19:00 |
nigelb | czajkowski: hahahaha | 19:00 |
jcastro | (just sayin) | 19:00 |
* czajkowski hugs jono ... | 19:01 | |
jono | lol | 19:01 |
jono | not sure if I need a rattle when I comment on a joke that has lived waaaaaay past it's shelf life | 19:02 |
jono | :-) | 19:02 |
nigelb | jcastro: A moment of silence for JFo's short acting career :p | 19:02 |
jono | the cake song had it's day, now let's move on | 19:02 |
jono | :) | 19:02 |
nigelb | so did the double rainbow dude | 19:02 |
nigelb | but its still funny | 19:02 |
jcastro | yeah, there's entirely new free CC licensed albums of a certain genre we can make fun of instead | 19:02 |
jono | lol | 19:03 |
jcastro | jono: I'm all set, skype or mumbles? | 19:03 |
jono | jcastro, hang on a sec | 19:03 |
jono | just wrapping something | 19:03 |
jcastro | no worries | 19:03 |
nigelb | jcastro: that album almost made me deaf in the morning | 19:04 |
jcastro | you're not playing it loud enough then | 19:04 |
jono | nigelb, haha | 19:04 |
nigelb | I jumped out of my seat and my colleagued looked at me in surpise | 19:04 |
nigelb | headset will full volume on an album jono played in isn't a good idea :p | 19:05 |
jcastro | you need speakers | 19:05 |
jcastro | what good is metal if you can't make other people listen to it? | 19:05 |
jcastro | just ask my neighbors. :p | 19:05 |
nigelb | haha | 19:05 |
jono | jcastro, sorry, won't be long | 19:05 |
jcastro | one sec | 19:11 |
jcastro | I can hear you | 19:11 |
jono | np | 19:11 |
jono | well | 19:11 |
jono | p | 19:11 |
jono | but I am sure you will fix it :) | 19:11 |
jono | lol | 19:11 |
paultag | czajkowski, pong | 20:05 |
Pendulum | hiya | 20:48 |
paultag | jcastro, we should make an Ubuntu Hackers cover band. Just get like 8 of us and cover 9-10 albums | 22:18 |
paultag | That's like 40 tracks to lay down | 22:19 |
paultag | just download the track in progress, lay down a track and send it back | 22:20 |
jcastro | maco: don't forget to use apt.ubuntu.com links pls. | 22:21 |
jcastro | paultag: Put me in for metallica covers | 22:21 |
paultag | jcastro, I mean, if you're serious about it, I'll totally start looking into making the babies | 22:22 |
highvoltage | I would like to do an acoustic cover of Weebls Stuff Narwhals Lady gaga style. | 22:22 |
paultag | jcastro, I've just started doing ubuntu studio stuff, seems like a cool side project | 22:22 |
maco | jcastro: i dont even know what apt.ubuntu.com is | 22:22 |
jcastro | maco: learn something new every day! | 22:22 |
maco | jcastro: apt.ubuntu.com appears to be a webpage made of solid white. how is that useful? | 22:23 |
highvoltage | maco: it's an app. you can use your laptop as a flashlight. | 22:24 |
paultag | +1 | 22:24 |
jcastro | maco: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/packagename | 22:24 |
jcastro | put a packagename in there | 22:24 |
jcastro | like http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/banshee | 22:25 |
AlanBell | ah, it just redirects to apt:$foo | 22:25 |
paultag | +1 | 22:25 |
paultag | killer | 22:25 |
highvoltage | jcastro: I did. It says "Internet Explorer has encountered a general protection error OXE2F106 and will be shut down, we apologize for the inconvenience" | 22:26 |
paultag | haahahahahahaha | 22:26 |
jcastro | highvoltage: for real? | 22:26 |
jcastro | awesome. | 22:26 |
paultag | that kicks ass | 22:26 |
highvoltage | no, I'm just smack talking because I've been working too much :( | 22:26 |
paultag | Want our software? Die, IE, die! | 22:26 |
jcastro | highvoltage: actually it will fallback gracefully at some point once aq fixes it | 22:26 |
paultag | Christ, what am I doing on IRC. I need a shower | 22:27 |
paultag | Later guys | 22:27 |
AlanBell | highvoltage: I for one am going to start tweeting apt.ubuntu.com urls then :) | 22:27 |
highvoltage | AlanBell: rofl | 22:27 |
jcastro | apt.ubuntu.com is apt:// evolved | 22:28 |
jcastro | TELL A FRIEND | 22:28 |
highvoltage | is there a howto on how I could run my own apt server? | 22:31 |
AlanBell | http://wiki.debian.org/HowToSetupADebianRepository | 22:37 |
highvoltage | AlanBell: it doesn't explain that in that page | 22:39 |
JanC | highvoltage: it would be easy to write a webapp like that yourself, just make it return something like "Refresh: 5; url=apt://banshee" in the headers of the page you return | 23:30 |
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