
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pittigood morning06:58
pittirobert_ancell: heeey, how are you?06:58
robert_ancellpitti, hey, good to be back :)07:02
pittithat was a long vacation, where have you been?07:02
robert_ancellpitti, fiji, amsterdam, greece, malaysia07:03
RAOFI didn't know there was a place called pitti :)07:06
robert_ancellpitti was awesome07:06
robert_ancellI think we're scheduling the next UDS at pitti :)07:07
RAOFIs it a long way from .au?  Somewhere closer than {Europe,USA} would be awesome :)07:07
kenvandinehehe.... i'll go to pitti07:08
kenvandinewelcome back robert_ancell07:08
robert_ancellI think it's a state in germany07:08
robert_ancellkenvandine, hey ken07:08
kenvandineand congrats!07:08
pittirobert_ancell: I'll get some more chairs for the kitchen then!07:10
RAOFDo we get to sample the fabulous native cuisine?07:11
robert_ancelldamn, off by one error in the simple-scan that's in maverick...07:17
robert_ancellalso my MOTU expired while I was away :(07:18
* kenvandine heads to bed, good night all!07:19
pittirobert_ancell: MOTU> you are core-dev now, aren't you?07:25
pittikenvandine: sleep well!07:25
pittirobert_ancell: oh, simple-scan, I noticed that PDFs created by it in text mode are entirely white07:25
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robert_ancellpitti, hey, I can't reproduce that.  What PDF viewer are you using?  Could you send me an example PDF with the problem?08:13
pittirobert_ancell: evince (surprise)08:13
pittirobert_ancell: can do; I'll report it as a bug08:14
pittiit just seemed rather general08:14
pittiI see the pages in simple-scan, just when I save the PDF it gets broken08:14
robert_ancellpitti, bug 64473408:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 644734 in simple-scan (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Bad PDF from new versions of Simple Scan (affects: 8) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64473408:15
kjgillisSo, what happened to evolution in 10.10? It seems like it was modified to make mail and calendar behave more like separate programs, but it's not working very well.08:20
kjgillisWhen you use the mail notification applet evolution calendar becomes evolution mail and there isn't any obvious way to change it back. Also without the buttons for switching between views there doesn't seem to be any way to access tasks. This release of evolution seems to have some serious issues.08:26
mvopitti: good morning - someone rejected my jockey upload to proposed that disabled the b43 handler. is there another (different?) fix coming?08:30
pittimvo: good morning08:30
pittimvo: I replied to the bug with details08:30
mvoI can update the code to filter ofr the right ids08:31
pittimvo: post release that might indeed be better; shoudl have thought about that at the time when you reuploaded to -proposed, sorry08:34
didrocksgood morning08:35
pittibonjour didrocks08:35
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:35
aramorning seb12809:17
pittihey ara, how are you?09:17
arapitti, hey! good morning. I am doing good, yourself?09:18
seb128hey ara pitti09:18
seb128happy maverick!09:18
slomoseb128: sjoerd updated the gtk3 package a bit over the weekend09:18
seb128slomo, oh nice09:19
seb128I will check that thanks09:19
didrocksvish: thanks for helping to triage the bug flow :-)09:27
mptGood morning, fellow mavericks09:36
mptmvo, hi, I have a challenge for you09:42
mvohey mpt09:42
didrocksgood morning mpt09:43
mpthi didrocks09:43
mptmvo, I'd really like to know the number of applications (i.e. packages with .desktop files) that were available in the official repositories for every Ubuntu version from 4.1009:45
mptIs that impossible?09:45
mvompt: uh, its possible, but quite a bit of work09:48
mptmvo, does it require me installing each version individually? :-)09:48
mvompt: no, we can script that09:50
* mvo is on the phone09:50
mvompt: so for the distros where we had app-install data its easy, for the old ones its a bit harder as it requires a mirror of old-releases.ubuntu.com or downloading a lot of data10:05
mptmvo, so when did app-install-data start? Was it when gnome-app-install appeared?10:10
mvompt: yes, but initially we did not put universe data in there10:12
mvopitti: could you please review lp:~mvo/jockey/b43-firmware-loading-fixes  - i'm not sure this is the best approach, but you know the code better (I'm also not sure if b43legacy can not go entirely, it seems like its covered now by the regular b43 handler)10:31
pittimvo: legacy at least has different modaliases10:35
mvopitti: aha, ok10:36
pittimvo: please don't make lspci() static, use OSLib.inst.lspci() instead10:39
mvothanks, fixed10:40
pittimvo: so, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/jockey/b43-firmware-loading-fixes/revision/439 is quite a gross hack10:42
pittiI can't say for sure just by looking at the code whether it works with everything, but I guess you tested it?10:43
pittiideally we'd have three subclasses, for phylp, b43, and legacy10:43
pittimvo: is phylp a different kernel module, too?10:44
mvopitti: well, tested with the one hardware i have for this10:45
pittimvo: i. e. we can't use the ssd: vendor/product name, we have to look at the PCI one?10:46
mvopitti: hack> well, yes, I'm unhappy about the fact that the handler has no pci id information10:46
mvopitti: ssb> the packages are looking at the pci ids, I don't know the mapping of ssb -> pciid, but if that can be obtained, that is a much nicer solution10:47
pittiright, I know; that actually was on purpose, to avoid hacks like this :)10:47
pittibut I guess b43 has become exceptionally evil now10:47
pittiso, by the looks of it it should work fine10:48
mvopitti: a cleaner way would be to walk the sysfs tree like I outlined in the comment10:48
pittiI don't see anything which should outright break the assumptions of the model10:48
mvopitti: but that also feels "unclean"10:48
mvopitti: it would break if there are multiple cards on the machine10:49
mvobut that seems to be a rather special case :)10:49
pittimvo: right; the clean way is to create a modalias file which maps the ssb vendor/product to a handler and a package name10:49
pittisimilar to /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/nvidia-96 and friends10:49
pittior /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/bcmwl10:50
pittithat's how other packages override bad/missing information in the kernel modalises10:50
mvopitti: hm, is there a way to add extra info there? it seems that handler_modalias contains only the modinfo b43 output10:51
mvopitti: so the pciid would still not be visible to the handler10:52
pittimvo: no, as I said it's not supposed to10:52
pittimvo: the modalias file could set the correct package for each product10:52
mvopitti: right, so it would be "b43 packagenmae"?10:52
pittiLocalKernelModulesDriverDB class10:52
pitti(which parses those files)10:52
pittithen sets handler.package to the last field10:53
pittimvo: or b43legacy10:53
pittiif we don't ship such a list, it uses the "modalias b43" output (well, not really, but in spirit)10:53
mvopitti: ok, that sounds like its the right fix then, I can add such a file10:54
pittiseb128: bonjour, ca va?10:58
seb128hey pitti10:59
seb128oui, très bien !10:59
seb128et toi ?10:59
pittiJe vais bien11:00
mvopitti: I pushed a new diff (untested) that is much simpler and just uses the modalias for lpphy11:06
pittimvo: ah, nice!11:08
pittimvo: so, I wasn't sure whether matching on pci: works, since these only have ssb: modalises11:08
pittibut if it's already in the postinst, then I guess it does11:08
pittimvo: looks great11:08
mvopitti: cool, I can merge/upload11:10
pittimvo: so the total diff should more or less just be that modalias file, right?11:10
pittimvo: hang on11:12
pittimvo: let me uncommit the last three releases commits, since they were rejected11:12
mvopitti: the diff should be modalias plus if not self.package: default_package11:13
pittiright, that11:13
pittilp:~ubuntu-core-dev/jockey/ubuntu updated, is at r435 now (you need to pull --overwrite)11:13
pittimvo: bzr merge lp:~mvo/jockey/b43-firmware-loading-fixes looks good to me, except for the changelog of course11:16
mvopitti: ok, if that looks good to you I will merge/upload11:19
mvopitti: with a fixed changelog of course :)11:19
* pitti hugs mvo, thanks!11:19
seif__hey mvo and mpt11:23
seif__can we discuss 3 features we want to see in Software Center11:23
seif__they dont have to be zeitgeist related11:23
mvopitti: yw, just doing a final test, then its done11:26
mvoseif__: after lunch - but feel free to discuss with mpt, I will read scrollback11:27
Cimihi davidbarth ! :-)11:28
Cimidid you have occasion to try my branch?11:28
seif__can u list me ur 3 most needed featues or improvement for S-C11:28
davidbarthCimi: hi11:33
davidbarthCimi: yes, i've tried it quickly, but i get a crasher under unity11:33
davidbarthCimi: i haven't collected a backtrace yet11:33
Cimidavidbarth: which revision?11:34
CimiI know where the crash may come from11:35
Cimiit could be because gchar *text may be a null11:36
davidbarthCimi: 212 afaict11:36
Cimigood morning chaotic :)11:38
chaoticHi Cimi11:39
Cimichaotic: I've added you to a shared google doc I'm writing11:43
Cimichaotic: please add any visual bug/comment you find11:43
chaoticlooking now11:48
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Cimichaotic: is there a PPA with gtk+ 3.0?12:20
Cimidavidbarth: ^^12:20
chaoticCimi: np12:20
Cimichaotic: is there a PPA with the new fragrance from OG - chaotic? :D12:21
chaoticCimi: ;)12:21
davidbarthCimi: see with seb128, i don't think there is one yet12:30
seb128not yet12:30
seb128I'm working on it, maybe today12:30
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mvopitti: jockey is uploaded now, it took a bit longer because I was getting a odd freeze, but it turned out that that was because I was using the old firmware (before the fix). with the fixed jockey it seems to be working like a charm (I think you mentioned freeze, might be the same issue)13:01
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pittimvo: cool, thanks13:12
cyphermoxgood morning!13:12
pittihey cyphermox, how are you?13:13
cyphermoxpitti, pretty good, you?13:14
cyphermoxI still have a bad cold, but it will pass eventually13:14
pittiI'm great, thanks13:14
pittiyesterday was fun13:14
mvopitti: for this sru its probably best to gather some feedback from people owning the HW, testing this is a pain for me as I need to "borrow" a netbook for this13:14
cyphermoxsaw that :)13:15
pittimvo: I agree13:16
cyphermoxmvo, pitti, what hardware?13:17
cyphermoxI may have some cycles to spend on SRU testing in the Montreal lab if it means some more systems can be certified13:17
pitticyphermox: b43 broadcom wifi13:17
cyphermoxpitti: bug #s?13:18
pitticyphermox: bug 65511113:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 655111 in jockey (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "BCM4312 not supported by "Additional drivers". B43 is proposed, fails w/o useful message, "Not supported low-power chip" (affects: 6) (heat: 28)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65511113:18
cyphermoxoh, nice13:18
pittibut I guess Fabian can test as well13:19
cyphermoxthat means some systems may be certified w/o STA13:19
cyphermoxpitti, yeah, Fabian may be here today... but I have a mini 9 here IIRC13:20
pittijockey and dkms accepted13:21
nessitagood morning everybody!13:30
pittihey nessita, how are you?13:38
pittinessita: look behind! a three-headed Meerkat!13:39
nessitapitti: pretty good, how are you?13:39
pitti... with a towel!13:39
nessitapitti: I have 2 questions for you: 1- can we upload to natty already? 2- Are you able to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-dev-tools/multiple-series-for-project-upload/+merge/36354 ?13:40
pittinessita: 1) I claimed the trophy for the first natty upload already :) https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:41
pittinessita: they'll be held in unapproved until the toolchain lands, but yes13:41
pittinessita: 2) can do13:41
nessitapitti: awesome13:41
pittinessita: ah, he meant that the code will now crash if the series array is empty13:42
nessitapitti: if the series is empty, the script exists13:43
pittioh, right13:43
nessitasee diff lines 29 and 3013:43
pittifor bonus points next time, add a debian/changelog snippet :)13:44
pittibut I'll make on eup13:44
nessitapitti: oh right!13:44
pittinessita: btw, isn't "natty" a cute nickname?13:45
pittiincidentally, my wife is also being called "Netti", which sounds just the same13:45
pittiso she likes it already :)13:45
pittinessita: ok, merged13:46
pittinessita: I'm not uploading yet, it'll still take about a week anyway until stuff gets accepted13:47
pittiand until then it's likely that trunk gets more changes13:47
nessitapitti: I'm Naty, you know13:48
nessitapitti: thanks a lot for the merge13:49
pittinessita: that's why I asked you whether you think it's a cute name :)13:49
nessitait's extremely cute. Is the best name ever! :-P13:49
* nessita loves herself13:49
asacpitti: i remember there were talks at some point to include source code in the retracer output at some point. was that dropped due to resources or for being too hard to do?14:09
asac(many some points ;))14:09
asacjcastro: i am in linaro->1on1 now14:09
pittiit just keep crashing14:10
mvocyphermox: did you had any more success wit h converting the synaptic menu to gtkbuilder ?14:15
nessitapitti: I'd like to build the nattty package for ubuntu-sso-client, and I wonder, I've branched the package branch but when doing bzr merge-upstream I'm reading "Using distribution maverick". Am I making a mistake?14:15
cyphermoxmvo: no, there's still the issue with menus14:16
kenvandinenessita, that's because your running maverick14:16
cyphermoxmvo: I was hoping to find a way to have the converted files still openable with glade, but so far no luck14:16
nessitakenvandine: shall I move to natty? or shall I continue as always?14:17
jcastroasac: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n14:17
kenvandinenessita, doesn't matter until you are ready to upload to natty14:18
nessitakenvandine: I'm trying to build the package of usssoc for natty14:18
pittiat this point, natty == maverick14:19
kenvandinenessita, yeah, but right now they are the same14:19
kenvandinepitti, is natty open even?14:19
pittikenvandine: you can upload, but toolchain freeze14:19
kenvandineah, cool14:19
mvocyphermox: is upstream any help? i.e. are they interessted in fixing those issues?14:19
* kenvandine subscribes to changes :)14:19
cyphermoxmvo: I haven't checked yet14:20
cyphermoxmvo: this week I'll be doing certification testing, there's a need for more hands in the lab to get this all done asap14:21
cyphermoxmvo: I'll probably get back to synaptic this evening though, I hope to get that sorted real soon14:21
nessitakenvandine: understood, thanks14:21
mvocyphermox: cool, keep me updated, I will also try to give it a bit of my time14:23
mptmvo, USC is sitting idle but using ~70% CPU. Anything I can do to report a useful bug?14:25
mptactually it's fluctuating between 70% and 90%14:26
cyphermoxmvo: ok14:27
mvompt: could you pastebin/mail me the output of "ps afx" ?14:32
asacjcastro: sent you summary suggestion and two more comments14:34
asacjcastro: let me know when you updated the track description so i can review how it looks next to the other ones :)14:34
pittimpt: letting "strace -o /tmp/usc.trace -vv -p `pidof software-center`" run for a few seconds, and attaching /tmp/usc.trace to a bug might help, too14:35
pittimvo: ^ FYI14:35
jcastroasac: check it now14:35
jcastroasac: the columns look messed up to you?14:36
nessitakenvandine: what am I missing to being able to propose for merger this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.114:36
kenvandinenessita, what is happening?14:37
nessitakenvandine: I pushed that branch but I don't have the "propose to merge" option14:37
kenvandinemaybe because there is no natty branch yet at lp:ubuntu/ ?14:37
kenvandinejames_w, ^^14:37
nessitakenvandine: I'm guessing the natty "trunk" branch has to be created... since bzr branch lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-sso-client fails14:38
GPenguinhi guys. lets say i notice a significant performance problem with "GtkTextView - Add text" within Ubuntu releases, then where would i go to find some support in investigating this further?14:42
GPenguine.g. a benchmark for 1000 test cycles takes 100 seconds compared to other systems with 20 to 40 seconds14:42
hyperairasac: i've been told that the openvpn plugin for network-manager is broken on ubuntu. have you heard any such reports?15:06
jibeldidrocks, about bug 657371, As guest,  am I supposed to not access anything in /home even from a terminal ?15:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 657371 in netbook-meta (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Ubuntu Netbook Edition maverick doesn't have a guest session (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65737115:16
didrocksjibel: it should behave like the desktop guest session, which means, no access to /home, right15:19
jibeldidrocks, okay, that's a failed then :(15:20
didrocksjibel: oh, you can access it?15:20
jibeldidrocks, right15:20
didrocksurgh, /me checks on the netbook15:20
didrockswhat's weird is that it's the same bin which is launched15:21
jibeldidrocks, I'm logged as guest and using 0.17 of gdm-guest-session15:21
didrocksand then, should be the same apparmor profile15:21
didrocksjibel: I can't access to it there15:23
didrocksjibel: did you check with the desktop session?15:23
jibeldidrocks, no, trying that now15:27
jibeldidrocks, same result with desktop session15:28
didrocksjibel: I this this is something in your local configuration then. Is apparmor activated? can you try to revert to 0.16 and check you have the same behavior?15:29
jibeldidrocks, It was installed less than 1 hour ago from the latest iso15:29
didrocksjibel: can you try at reverting to 0.16?15:30
jibeldidrocks, doing...15:30
asachyperair: no. .check with cyphermox who owns this topic now15:31
hyperaircyphermox: have you heard of any failures with the nm-openvpn plugin recently?15:32
jibeldidrocks, same result with 0.1615:32
jibeldidrocks, aa-status tells that apparmor is loaded15:33
hyperairdidrocks: do you know of any test case that can be used for libgpod? i don't have an ipod so i'm really clueless about it15:33
didrocksjibel: so, the bug is different and it's not a regression from 0.17. I have a fresh install there (from Friday) with a new /home and I can't access to it from either 0.16 or 0.17 in desktop or netbook session15:33
didrockshyperair: I think just state that plugin an ipod, seeing it appearing in rhythmbox and moving a file to it is enough15:34
jibeldidrocks, hm. rebooting everything just to be sure.15:37
cyphermoxhyperair, what failures do you see?15:40
jibeldidrocks, that's ok the apparmor profile was not loaded.15:40
hyperaircyphermox: not me, a friend of a friend.15:40
didrocksjibel: ok, weird, false alarm then :)15:40
jibeldidrocks, yeah :-)15:41
hyperaircyphermox: apparently someone was ranting in #openvpn about how ubuntu's openvpn plugin was completely broken15:41
cyphermoxhyperair, ok.. the only thing I'm aware of is that system-wide connections don't write the secret they had as a user-specific connection to the keyfile15:41
cyphermoxhyperair, I tested openvpn on a test account and it seemed to work fine15:41
hyperaircyphermox: i'll pass the message over then. thanks.15:42
cyphermoxhyperair, fwiw the test account I used was swissvpn with default settings.. I was definitely connected and able to reach their test pages15:43
mptmvo, you and chrisccoulson and probably glatzor and I should talk sometime soon about what to do about bug 634915, bug 621031, and bug 53305816:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 634915 in ubufox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "software-center doesn't Provide apturl, or replace it in the seed (affects: 1) (heat: 126)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63491516:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 621031 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Opening .deb file in Maverick still launches gdebi (affects: 3) (heat: 85)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62103116:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 533058 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Applications that install packages should work when packages are downloading with Software Center (affects: 1) (heat: 19)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53305816:27
mptideally with a whiteboard :-)16:28
mvompt: the last one is simple, we just make gnome-codec-install part of software-center16:33
mvompt: for the other ones, we need to adjust the priorty so that s-c wins over gdebi/apturl. I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm sure chrisccoulson and seb128 know16:33
mptmvo, does it still make sense to make gnome-codec-install part of USC even if the interface is very different?16:34
seb128mvo, mpt: the second one is likely an user setting16:35
mvompt: I guess not, but we can port it to aptdaemon (if that hasn't been done already)16:36
mvohm, actually - gnome-codec-install should use aptdaemon now by default16:37
mvoI thought that I did some work on this for maverick final16:37
mvoso we should be good here16:37
mptmvo, right, but then if (for example) we want to handle PackageKit font installation requests, either we have a gnome-font-install that duplicates gnome-codec-install's interface, or we move that interface into python-aptdaemon-gtk.16:38
mptAnd have aptdaemon say "oh, a PackageKit API request, I know how to do those"16:39
mvompt: the sessioninstaller is meant for this, to provide a PK compatible session API16:40
mvompt: we have it in maverick by default16:40
mvompt: it works for e.g. requesting a missing cdrdao in brasero already16:40
* mpt finds http://wiki.debian.org/SessionInstaller16:41
mptmvo, so, it shouldn't be necessary for both gnome-codec-install and sessioninstaller to exist, right?16:42
Cimiseb128: did you manage to set up the ppa for gtk+ 3.0?16:46
seb128Cimi, working on it16:46
mvompt: right, sessioninstaller should be able to provide this feature, I'm not sure its implementing it 100%, but that is easy to find out16:53
mptmvo, would it help to mail the three of you about it? It seems like we should be able to get rid of at least one of them16:57
mvompt: sounds good to me, sessioninstaller is definitely the way to go IMO17:00
Cimiseb128: poke me when you have a link!17:36
Cimiand thanks ;)17:36
mptmvo, sent18:03
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didrockspitti: tomorrow, when you get a chance, can you ack the unity SRU for bug #657838? (there will be a NEWing needed too) Despite the all good update reports, I didn't think and get feedback from people having ubuntu-netbook metapackage uninstalled :/19:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 657838 in unity (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "unity was not installed on upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65783819:39
nessitakenvandine: did james_w answered about merging against natty ussoc?19:50
kenvandinenessita, nope19:56
kenvandinenot that i saw :)19:56
nessitakenvandine: yeah, me neither19:56
kenvandinei noticed a couple hours ago that today is supposed to be a holiday for me... so i decided to slack a little :)19:56
nessitakenvandine: good choice!19:56
kenvandineamazing how easy it is to not realize when it is a holiday with such a distributed group :)19:57
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didrockspitti: please ignore the first upload. I found the root cause and there is an additional "nice to have" fix. The second should be ok20:51
chrisccoulsonhi robert_ancell!23:14
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, hey!23:14
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, how are you? did you have a good vacation?23:15
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, yeah, really good23:15
chrisccoulsonwhere did you go? or just relaxing?23:16
kklimondachrisccoulson: I was thinking about you. Do you know what is the current state of Tracker? Are they pushing it into gnome? Would it make sense to write an application depending on it or is it still to exotic?23:16
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, yeah, you could write applications that depend on it ;)23:17
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, married in fiji, then honeymoon through europe (mostly greek islands)23:18
kklimondachrisccoulson: ok, lets me rephrase it - is there any chance for it to become a part of default installation in Ubuntu? Not even the filesystem crawler but the rest of it :)23:18
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, oh, i didn't know that. congratulations :)23:18
kklimondarobert_ancell: nice, congratulations. :)23:18
robert_ancellthanks all!23:18
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i'm not sure about it being in the default installation. it depends whether anything needs it ;)23:19
kklimondachrisccoulson: but is it ready for developing applications that use it?23:19
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, not sure. if you were developing an application against it, you'd want to use 0.923:20
kklimondachrisccoulson: ok, thanks - I'll take a look at it23:22
RAOFrobert_ancell: Coongratulations!23:23
TheMusorobert_ancell: Oh wow! Congrats!23:35
micahgrobert_ancell: congrats23:37
chrisccoulsonwould somebody mind sponsoring bug 625793 and bug 658777  for me please? (they are the same branch)23:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 625793 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Regression: Multiple Keyboard Layouts unusable: continuously changes layout + 100% CPU usage [updated] (affects: 259) (dups: 23) (heat: 1200)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62579323:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 658777 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Invalid reads in keyboard plugin (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65877723:56

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