
akgranerhighvoltage, it's released on Mondays00:01
akgranerexcept  - there wasn't on last week00:01
akgranerso tomorrow Issue 213 will we for two weeks00:01
akgranerand I'll write  blurb about why etc00:02
highvoltageok, that was what I was wondering aboot00:02
akgranerso each week covers Sunday to Saturday00:02
highvoltageI know, I just wondered what happened to the last week's issue :)00:03
akgranerhighvoltage, a ton of reasons why it didn't happen...but anyway00:06
akgranerok I am back into ubuntu-news.org - so I'm going to redo a few things :-)00:07
highvoltageok, I wasn't complaining!00:07
akgranerhighvoltage, it's cool I am just a little stressed00:08
highvoltageunderstandably so, the last thing I want to do is add more of it00:09
highvoltageif there's something I can do (even if you just need someone to yell or complain to), then I'm here.00:09
akgranerhighvoltage, thanks! :-)00:59
akgranerok I think I have all the changes I made this morning to ubuntu-news.org added back01:00
akgranerwoo hoo01:00
akgranerthe backups will happen midnight my time (est)01:00
akgranerwe will probably have to update the feedburner (again)01:00
highvoltageI'm going to edit the wiki, poke me if I need to leave01:46
akgranerhighvoltage, thanks!01:46
akgranerlooks like people some people are able to get back to ubuntu.news.org now01:47
akgranerdang when you have to change the DNS stuff it takes forever for things to update it seems01:48
highvoltageakgraner: it's been working fine for me for the last 3 hours or so01:52
akgranerawesome - jcastro couldn't see it ye01:52
akgranerwoo hoo - all current fridge editors have been added as editors to the new site02:42
nhandlerakgraner: Did you see my question about the fridge/loco calendars?05:32
popeyoooo, i spy a podcast embed :)06:49
akgranernhandler, I don't remember if I did or not.  Can you repeat your question?  :-/08:30
popey21:11:04 < nhandler> akgraner: I'm moving loco events from the fridge calendar to the loco calendar. I've copied them, should I remove them from the fridge calendar as well?08:40
akgranerpopey, thanks!  nhandler yes :-) and thank you....08:42
* popey notes akgraner made a typo in bug 56409909:15
akgranerand sigh09:16
popeykinda important typo to be fair09:16
akgranerI know09:17
* akgraner goes to get some more sleep09:17
akgranerpopey, thanks for letting me know  - the hehe was more nervous DAMN IT laughter... not - whatever not important laughter :-)09:19
* popey lols at further typos from akgraner :)09:29
popeybless, not having a good day are you?09:29
akgranerpopey, it's Monday - guaranteed to much comic relief today :-/  One way or another :-)13:28
popeyhappy days13:29
akgraneralways - :-D13:29
akgranerok so I set up all the editors last night13:29
akgranerIt was suggested that we make sure we have a group of people small team if you will who can handle bugs filed against the new site13:30
akgranerso if you are interested in putting your name on the list of people who can help with that  - in the meantime - popey, nhandler, nick, newz2000,  pleia2 and myself is who I'll list for those things13:32
akgranerI have to be honest - I am not as gracious about bug reports as some of the developers.  I don't know how they don't take some of the remarks personally.13:36
akgranerI am always in awe and wonder how they do that13:37
akgranerHey all I am moving stuff from the wiki to the eitherpad to get it all set to go out today - I'm using the etherpad so if any one wants and has time to help we wont have editing conflicts13:44
akgranerActually I'll move it all to the eitherpad - and then if you all want to help me clean it up  - that would rock13:47
akgranerok the items as is are on the etherpad  - could use a hand with a few a few things if someone has time13:55
popeyakgraner: url?13:58
popeywhat needs doing?13:59
akgranerI'm working on the General Community news section now13:59
akgranerif you could look at the upcoming meetings at the bottom or if you prefer pick another section that needs summaries that would be great14:00
akgranerthere are links without summaries14:00
popeylaunchpad news?14:02
akgranerthat is pulled from Launchpad blog14:08
akgranerI haven't looked to see if there is anything yet14:09
akgranerAlso b/c the release was on Sunday  - 10.10.10 which I think is cool  - the release news will be stale if we wait a week - so if there are LoCo news about release parties or the posts about the release we are going to include them as well - Normally Sunday's stuff would wait til next week14:10
popeyI've added some text about the launchpad posts, dunno if thats useful14:17
akgranerThanks - but somehow the template got messed up Launchpad news is supposed to be under LoCo News14:18
akgraneroh well I'll move it14:18
akgraneror did you move it just to work on it?14:19
akgranerno worries it's an easy fix :-)14:19
akgranerpopey, that's a big help14:22
akgranerpopey can you see if workswithU or OMG ubuntu had anything the last two weeks that is still current that we haven't covered in what we have in this issue now that we need to put in there14:24
akgranerthose two would go under In the Blogosphere if there is anything14:24
alouriegood afternoon14:28
akgraneralourie, hey!14:45
akgranerhow are you14:45
popeysorry, dragged away by work14:49
popeystupid work stuff :)14:49
alourieakgraner: Hi Amber14:56
alourieI'm good14:56
alouriehow's everything?14:56
akgranerpopey, don't you hate it when real life gets in the way of all you Ubuntu fun :-P14:56
akgraneralourie, good just touching up issue 21314:56
alourieakgraner: is it the previous one or the current one?14:58
akgraneralourie, 213 will be a combination of the last 2 weeks14:59
alourieok then14:59
akgranerand we're including sunday posts as well14:59
alourieI think we're ready14:59
akgranerthis issue is weird14:59
akgranerb/c of it the release day falling on a sunday14:59
akgranernot quite - the upcoming meetings need updating14:59
alouriewhy is it weird?14:59
akgranerb/c normally Sunday news would be in issue 21415:00
alourieby "we're ready" I meant In the press15:00
akgranerb/c we report on Sunday through Saturday15:00
akgraneralourie, yep you all are15:00
alourieakgraner: need help in other topics?15:00
akgraneralourie, can you verify the upcoming meetings and events?15:01
akgranerI can show ya how15:01
akgraneralourie, go here - http://ubuntu-news.org/calendars/fridge/15:03
alourieakgraner: ok,15:06
akgranerand look at October 12th - 19th15:06
akgranermake sure what is listed there matches what we have here - http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN15:06
akgranerif we have something listed that isn't on the calendar just delete if from the etherpad15:07
akgranerthank you15:11
akgranerplease let me know if you have questions - you'll see how we format everythin15:12
alourieakgraner: ok, so now we have nothing :-)15:14
akgranernothing as in questions15:15
akgranerand I need to find a beginner team member there stuff is on the calendar twice15:16
alourieOn etherpad this whole section is empty...15:16
akgranernope I'm looking at it15:17
akgranercan you see it now15:19
akgranerwhat is the last line you see15:19
alourieshould I refresh or something?15:20
akgranerahh yes15:20
akgranertry that15:20
alouriehold on15:21
alouriethat's better15:21
alouriewow, there's a lot to fix15:25
akgranerwhew :-)15:27
alourieno problem15:27
akgranerpopey did you all record and publish a podcast after September 25th?15:40
alourieakgraner: done15:51
akgraneralourie, thanks!15:51
alouriefor some reason it includes today15:52
alouriemaybe it should be removed.15:52
alouriehold on, I've missed 18th and 19th15:52
alouriegive me a sec15:52
alourieakgraner: should I include 19th? It's Tue already15:59
akgranernah - b/c this will go out before the Tuesday meetings and this thing is going to be huge16:00
akgranerwhat you don't see is the team meetings :-)  those are on the wiki16:01
alourieakgraner: ok, then it's done. Check though why does it have the Mon, 11th? (which is today). If it should be there, I'll move it to the beginning16:03
akgranerno it's left over you need to change the date to the 18th16:04
akgranernm I copied it twice16:05
akgranerit's gone16:05
alourieakgraner: then I'm done16:07
alourieanything else? I have few spare moments of my life :-)16:09
akgranerhmmm - can't think of anything right this second  - just finishing up the summaries that are in there and will go through my rss feeds to find LoCo team news16:12
alourieakgraner: cool, next time then16:12
akgraneryeppers thanks!16:12
alourieakgraner: can I have a personal request?16:13
nhandlerakgraner: I know you have talked to the DC loco before, but should we notify them that we've moved their events from the fridge -> loco calendar? Or are they already aware that we are doing this?17:02
akgranernhandler, we need no notify them - there is a couple of other loco's we need to contact as well17:03
nhandlerakgraner: There weren't any other LoCo events I saw (I only looked for the next month or so).17:04
akgranerah ok - I noticed one a few weeks ago but I guess that didn't have a reoccuring event17:04
akgranerif someone adds something going forward we can move it and send out a reminder17:05
akgraneruntil people get used the change17:05
akgranermake senses17:05
akgranerheading to lunch - bbiab17:05
nhandlerakgraner: What is the LoCo Calendar needs to be populated task? It already has some loco events?17:05
akgranernhandler, I wanted to add as many re-occurring team meetings as possible then just ask the teams to verify the information and see if we are missing anything18:00
nhandlerakgraner: That might be a bit tricky since short of going through all the team wikis and LD pages, we have no easy way to do that. It might be easier to just send out an email about the LoCo calendar (but be prepared for the people who are loyal to the LD to complain about another location to keep updated)18:01
akgranerI know... :-)18:02
akgranerI'm not worried about their events at the moment18:02
akgranernewz2000, any news on the re-direct?18:05
newz2000akgraner: no, sorry. Fewer people than usual today because of the US holiday18:06
akgraneror questions about who needs what access?  Also who should get the email with the backups18:06
newz2000No, I don't think I have any questions18:06
akgranerCompletely forgot it's a Holiday18:07
newz2000Yeah, 10.10 was a clever but unfortunate date to release18:08
akgranerno kidding :-)18:09
nhandlerakgraner: I was thinking that we should now encourage users to use the WP comments to comment on stories. This would mean we don't need to go back and edit in the forum link. We can keep the forum posts around for people who prefer those over WP comments, but I don't see a need to link to them18:22
nhandlerThis will also significantly (at least for me) decrease the amount of time it takes to publish stories18:22
akgranerI totally agree18:22
nhandlerakgraner: Great. I'll take care of making sure it gets documented as I'm making my various sets of instructions18:23
akgranerthank you!18:23
akgranergoing through 2 weeks of feeds it a bit slow this morning b/c I'm also keeping an eye on Open week18:23
nhandlerakgraner: Should we be linking to Lubuntu under 'Ubuntu Flavors' ? It is still a separate project18:25
akgranerwell Ubuntu Studio is too right - I mean is it a fully supported flavor?18:27
akgranerI thought only Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu were the "official" supported flavors - but I could be making that up as well18:27
* akgraner is tired18:27
akgranerI can remove it if you want and only use the ones mentioned in the release announcement18:29
akgranerwhich is probably the correct and more right thing to do18:29
pleia2last I heard there was drafting of a "how to become supported" rules since it was never clearly defined18:30
nhandlerpleia2: Yep.18:30
pleia2you can get the blessing of the CC on a derivative project (mythbuntu, studio)18:31
nhandlerPersonally, I would go off of the Recognized derivatives section on http://www.ubuntu.com/project/derivatives18:31
pleia2but the legacy ones, I'm not sure18:31
pleia2ah nice, I didn't know about that page :)18:31
nhandlerThat at least lets us (fridge) have a firm policy about which derivatives we are including18:31
* pleia2 nods18:31
zkriessehallo newsies18:33
nhandlerHey zkriesse18:33
zkriesseHeya's dude18:33
zkriesseMan...forums are flooded with the typical, "HELP!!!! ME!!!!" lol18:35
akgranernhandler, I like it18:45
akgranerI can't make the change right this second - tweaking a survey18:45
akgranerbut feel free to if you have time18:45
nhandlerakgraner: I just did the change. I'm also playing around with some other changes (showing tags instead of categories and including a login link for fridge editors)18:47
akgranergotcha - thanks!!18:47
nhandlerakgraner: For the About page, it seems redundant to list the contact information twice. We should also clarify what type of stuff editor.ubuntu.news@gmail.com should be used for (as little as possible imo, ubuntu-news-team@ should be used whenever possible)19:14
akgranerI agree but people don't like sending things to a public list19:15
akgranerI know I didn't when I first started contributing.. b/c I saw the dog pile effect and worried about that19:15
akgranerSo I wanted people (non-developers and people who don't hang out on irc or use mailing lists) to have another comfortable way to contribute19:17
akgranerI would rather send to an email where there aren't just "lurkers" if I am taking time to submit something publicly19:18
akgranerespecially if I am not familiar with the people who are doing the editing19:18
akgranerI hope people just use the form for news - we have an editors email on LP that we can use19:24
akgranerright now I think corey is the only one sub'd to it19:24
nhandlerakgraner: But is that email account still neccessary if people can submit stuff directly to WP (where there won't be an archive of the submission and they can remain anonymous if desired) ? If you think that there is a large enough use case of people who prefer to submit stuff via email instead of directly to WP and who are paranoid about having a public archive of the email, I guess we could leave it (I just am worried ...19:27
nhandler... that the emails will not get seen) and VERY clearly document this use case on the wiki19:27
akgranerhmm how about combining joining and getting involved - and we just have a separate contact page19:28
akgranerno not necessary to submit news19:29
akgranernhandler, I trust you  - you can just fix and I am sure it will be awesome :-)   (I am sure I am the minority case use)19:30
akgranerThe devil is in the details ;-)  and we'll get them all worked out I'm sure19:30
akgraneryou all rock!!!19:31
nhandlerakgraner: :) I'm just trying to keep you (and us) from going crazy trying to check a million places for news. Crazy People != Good Editors :)19:31
akgranerhehehe and you are doing a great job - thanks a million!!!19:32
akgranerI appreciate it19:32
nhandlerThanks Amber19:32
nhandlerYou too19:32
akgranerhey all - here is the survey I'll put up in a few  - keep in mind I can only have 10 questions its a free account - gotta run get my kids - but let me know it it still needs tweaking - http://ubuntu-news.org/about/19:34
cody-somervilleHow we login to ubuntu-news.org? I get 'OpenID login failed: Server denied check_authentication'.19:49
zkriesseok this is a bit news-ish19:56
zkriessethe new wiki theme is terrible19:56
nhandlercody-somerville: I think each user needs to add an OpenID url before that works. Let me check out your account20:33
MichealHakgraner: The /topic is out of date!21:37
akgranerMichealH, I know - thanks!21:38
MichealHakgraner: Im back! :)21:38
akgranerfixing something else at the moment21:38
MichealHI just remembered of -news21:38
MichealHakgraner: Wheres the latedt newspage?21:40
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: Next Meeting: Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 2300UTC | The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam
akgranernhandler, thank you21:42
akgranerMichealH, can't talk right this sec21:42
MichealHakgraner: I understand21:43
MichealHnhandler: Thanks21:43
highvoltageThanks to whoever did the planet descriptions, etc22:17
highvoltage(I can't see since they come from etherpad)22:17
highvoltagelife and work juts happened way too much today!22:17
highvoltage(especially considering it's supposed to be a public holiday)22:17
akgranerhighvoltage, it happens :-)  that's why we have a team22:46
akgranerI've moved them to the wiki22:46
akgraneryou can see the etherpad it's public22:46
akgranerhttp://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN is where everything was being worked on earlier22:58
akgranerhttp://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN-Ideas is where people can add suggestions22:59
akgranerI'm fixing the In this Issue section on the 1st link now  - in case anyone wants to see what you have to do22:59
akgranerthen I'll publish22:59
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:23:48
akgranerI'll add it to all the other places after I get back from the airport - gotta go pick my hubby up23:48
akgranerThanks everyone  - we should be back on track now23:49
akgranerif there is something screwed up in this issue - y'all please fix it :-)  I'll be away from my keyboard for a while - but will post the other mailing lists forums and Fridge when I get back :-)23:50
akgranernhandler, can you drop the survey link in the topic please?  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=1x9NE1y7Qe52nlsr4btCyw_3d_3d23:51
akgranerImproving Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Survey23:51
nhandlerakgraner: Yeah. Give me one minute to finish up something for UOW-es first23:52
akgranerthat's fine it can be tomorrow23:52
akgranerI just need to run23:52
nhandlerakgraner: Should it be in -chat too?23:52
akgranernope this on is for UWN23:53
akgranerI'll get you the one for Open Week tomorrow23:53
nhandlerakgraner: Oh, duh. I'm thinking I'm in -backstage ;)23:53
akgranerhehe :-)23:53
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: Please fill out the UWN Survey: http://is.gd/fXKrO || Next Meeting: Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 2300UTC | The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam

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