
svakshaGeneral invite to -- #openhatch - a discussion participating in Open Source Communities -- -- Want to learn more about Openhatch? visit  http://openhatch.org/04:33
svakshawe are discussing how to make it easier to contribute/search LP , https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-October/003033.html04:34
hggdhsvaksha: hello, I would like to know how is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeOfConductGuidelines proceeding, it at all16:31
svakshahggdh: hi. i'm not sure i understood what you mean16:33
macosvaksha: i told him to ask you about it because he asked me whether there was still an effort with that, and id never seen it before, but you wrote it16:34
* svaksha notes that it is an OLD document16:34
macoi assume he means are you still trying to get the CC to +1 it16:34
svakshamaco: ah, ok16:34
hggdhsvaksha: yes, it is old (and also marked as draft). But it is good...16:34
hggdhyes, it would be nice to keep on16:35
svakshamaco: hggdh , afaik, the CC didnt approve it. maybe some points were taken to the existing official CoC16:35
svakshabut this was just a draft made after some incidents in the ubuntu community16:36
svakshahggdh: thanks (re good)16:36
hggdhyeah, I sort of remember the issues16:36
hggdhsvaksha: my pleasure. Pity it got blocked16:36
* svaksha shrugs16:36
svakshathanks for reminding me, i had forgotten it exists :)16:37
svakshait needs polishing though...i'll be happy if you or anyone else wants to take it upon themselve to improve it16:41
svakshamaybe even work on getting CC approval <-- a bonus :)16:42
AlanBellinteresting document, haven't seen that one before16:47
hggdhsvaksha: will try16:48
svakshathe dispute resolution document and this came around the same time. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodeOfConductDisputeResolution16:56
* svaksha thinks a CoC is complete when ALL points are addressed. Currently signing the CoC puts more conditions on those that agree, than on those that dont sign it. 16:59
AlanBellisn't that the point?17:00
svakshaalso there is nothing in the CoC about DR <-- that is important17:02
svakshaAlanBell: isnt that a loophole? one who does not sign it can get away with misbehaviour17:03
macoin ubuntu fora (forums, irc, mailing lists) even non-signers are expected to abide by it17:10
svakshamaco: i'm probably speaking with the old incidents in mind :)17:14
hggdhwell, there is a(n old) saying that goes something like 'when you enter a city, abide by its rules'. Not signing the CoC does not free one from abiding to it17:40
hggdhso I do not see a loophole there. Having the CoC clears out the ground, and sets a minimum level. By signing it, I would be acknowledging I _intend_ to abide.17:43
hggdhBut, by not signing it I am also -- by default -- acknowledging that I either do not know of its existence, or do not care for it. But it still binds me17:44
hggdhI remember the first article of the Penal Code of the country I was born in: "to nobody is given not knowing the law"17:46
* nigelb blinks18:21
nigelbhggdh: I run into you in more places :)18:22
hggdhnigelb: heh. I am not usually here, only came in to ask a Q18:22
nigelbhggdh: ah :)18:23
akgranerhggdh,  ignorantia iuris neminem excusat - ignorance of the law excuse no one :-)18:53
akgranerexcuses even18:53
nigelbcommon in all legal sytems I think18:53
hggdhat least on the two I know of ;-)18:55
JanCactually it's common in government laws, but not in the "private laws" inside schools, companies, etc. (you often have to sign that you know the rules there)19:58

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