
zthyo, when's ubu-studio 10.10 due?14:09
MocchiI've also been waiting its release since last night but never heard...14:12
zthwas it supposed to be released last night?14:13
Mocchiwe can download the dvd iso image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.10/release/14:15
Mocchibut there is no notification at official website or mailinglist or IRC channel...14:16
Mocchiand i cannot find release note...14:17
lau1probably wise to wait a bit14:20
zthi tried upgrading 10.04->10.10 using update-manager -d... but it says it wants to remove my jackd and not install it again14:53
zthand some other audioapps14:54
zthso.. is there a way i can do this without messing that up?14:54
Mocchii think it due to the different version of jackd. in marveric the default version of jackd is 2, not 1. jackd1 is the default till lucid.14:58
Mocchiso the manager said jackd1 related packages should be removed.14:59
Mocchiso you can follow the notification of manager and after upgrading reinstall the needed packages.14:59
zthhmms ok15:05
zthi will try15:05
MocchiBut there are the lack of packages you need in marveric repository, i think.15:06
Mocchinow i write with marveric machine so i can search the packages which you mainly work on.15:11
MocchiI hope not so much :-D15:11
Mocchioh earthquake! i'm from japan :P15:12
astraljavaMaverick, Mocchi, not marveric. :D15:19
Mocchioh, i often mistype this as marveric. marverick is correct.15:20
astraljavaHeheh, still not correct. No 'r' between 'a' and 'v'. Maverick.15:21
Mocchimummm,  maveric is really correct!15:22
astraljavaoh wait15:23
Mocchii know its meaning but misunderstood its spelling... thx15:24
astraljavaSorry, there. :)15:25
astraljavaYeah, apologies for being pedantic. Can't help it. :D15:26
Mocchianyway thanks, astraljava! today i make some document in ubuntu japanese community and i think all of them includes this misspelling. terrible!!!15:28
astraljavaHeheh. :) No worries, people still know what it means. Not that big a deal. :)15:28
AegNuddelOk, I have an ISO of Ubuntu Studio.  I am trying to write it to USB, but when it gets to the end, the program refuses to finish.21:04
AegNuddelDoes anyone know why this would happen?21:05
yan_circusbonjour, je viens d'installer ubuntustudio 10.04 32bit sur un dell mais impossible de voir l'aplet de la connection wifi ;) même après avoir installer network-manager.21:15
yan_circusc'est la première fois que j'essaye ubuntu studio d'habitude j'utilise ubuntu. je me sens un peu perdu ;(21:15
holsteinAegNuddel: hey21:16
holsteini would probably just use the vanilla live iso21:16
holsteinand convert it to ubuntustudio afterward21:16
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation21:16
holsteinim not sure why you would be having that issue21:16
holsteinunless its something to do with where grub wants to be written21:17
holsteinand the alternate installer21:17
holsteinyan_circus: you might have to go to #ubuntu-fr21:18
holsteinand explain the network manager that ubuntustudio is using21:18
holsteinOR install the gnome network manager21:18
* holstein gotta run21:19
yan_circusI installed network-manager but I still have nothing on the taskbar21:20
yan_circusno wifi icon21:20
yan_circusbon je pense que le probleme vient du driver wifi je vais creuser dans ce sens21:40
ubuntnewbI installed ubuntu studio 10.04 and updated it and then the computer would not boot; stuck at initramfs; please advise22:45
holsteinubuntnewb: what error message are you getting?22:46
holsteinif you have an nvidia graphics card, i have a theory ;)22:47
ubuntnewbok, I am sorry; i reinstalled with ubuntu 10.04 desktop and I am not havng any problem; but I think the message asked me about which device held the root? I am new to this and I should have taken better note of the error22:48
ubuntnewbmy graphic card is integrated to the motherboard; I believe it is ATI because the mobo is a gigabyte22:49
holsteinin that case22:49
holsteini think grub was the issue22:49
holsteincheck out22:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:49
ubuntnewbthank you22:49
holsteinshould be some entries about recovering grub22:49
holsteinfor next time :)22:49
holsteinand check out22:50
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation22:50
holsteinfor converting that normal ubuntu install into ubuntustudio22:50
holsteinOR just adding some of the software22:50
ubuntnewbis there an open source (free) imaging software (i.e. ghost) that I can use to image my linux installation?22:51
holsteinlet me think22:51
holsteini used to use clonezilla22:51
holsteinbut there are others that are more ghost like22:51
holsteini think ^^ is what i was thinking of22:52
ubuntnewbthank you, all for now22:52

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