[00:00] Torch: it still go high (20% CPU usage for a simple video is a lot...), but not nearly as high. [00:01] Actually the NVidia drivers are NOT activated, I'll try this. [00:01] phdp: that might help ;-) [00:01] phdp: wouldn't explain the mp3 playback behaviour though [00:09] Torch: done. Bug 253905 [00:09] Launchpad bug 253905 in foomatic-db (Ubuntu) "SHARP AR-M165: Uses postscript when printer does not support it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/253905 [00:12] * Torch slap ubutto. [00:12] and ubottu too. [00:12] phoenix_: great. [00:13] Torch: this is my first bug report [00:14] phoenix_: congrats then ;-) bug reports are important, though a little tedious [00:14] Torch: i tried to install the debugging symbols for reporting bugs from my system but no success [00:15] phoenix_: note that you need debugging symbols to report _crashes_ with backtraces only. [00:15] phoenix_: but... why didn'it it work? [00:16] Torch: ya., i tried to install it several times when a program crashed, but it says debugging symbols are not found [00:18] phoenix_: when you get the "program crashed" dialog you should get a button offering to install debug symbols. [00:18] phoenix_: did you click that and follow the instructions? [00:18] Hey Guys [00:19] Torch: ya i did the same but, it says it cannot find the debugging sysmbols [00:52] hello? [01:37] Hi, I've been having trouble finding something, can anyone help point me in the right direction? I'm using Konsole, but the default shell settings don't have bindings for using the control key. Where do I find the "output" to make 'new' bindings? for example it says "Input PgUp-Shift" "Output \E[5~" [01:38] Is there a list somewhere of what the default bindings are? Is there a term other than 'key bindings' that I should be looking for? [01:38] Is there an IRC channel devoted to people confused about Konsole settings? :-) [01:39] !konsole [01:39] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [01:41] Morbius: are you talking about 'shortcuts',.... like under Settings>configure shortcuts? [01:41] seems to be mostly about how to either get the console, or to run things from within the console... not the settings [01:42] Settings - edit current profile - input - edit [01:43] The short version is I'm trying to run a program that requires you to press 'control-enter' to clear an error message [01:44] (and control-f keys for some other functions) [01:44] but there are no key bindings listed for any of those. [01:45] So I'm not sure if you'd consider that a short cut? [01:46] ah,... mine seems filled with key bindings,... for linux, solaris, and xfree4 [01:46] do you have control-enter and control-f keys in your list? [01:46] sec.... [01:46] Hi there. May someone help me with gpg agent? It pops up three times then i got a wrong passphrase error. [01:48] no,... but i have edit and insert capability. [01:49] ^Morbius [01:49] ok, exactly where I'm at... but I don't have the "Output" to insert [01:49] one,... sec,... i think mine did,... ho. [01:49] hold on,... sorry :) [01:49] No worries... I mean, if I had any idea what the output should be for the control-??? bindings... I could add them [01:50] (I think) [01:50] But I have no idea what it should be [01:50] and haven't had real luck with google... the konsole handbook... or any forums I've found [01:50] Morbius: yeah,... I've got both. [01:51] Morbius: i can change both the command and the output [01:51] but to what? :-) [01:51] !!!! [01:52] Morbius: by "adding" then i get the option to enter the key binding [01:52] Morbius: as well as the output [01:53] Right... but what do I put as the output? [01:53] ah,... what are you trying to do again? [01:54] The program is waiting for the control-enter command [01:54] but there isn't a binding for control enter [01:54] so... it will never get it [01:54] I need to add one... but I don't know what the output should be [01:55] Morbius: i assume it's something simple,... like the others.... Ctrl+Enter,... or something [01:55] everyone...does anybody knows how to unrar a movie file split into smaller files? [01:55] !keybindings [01:55] anybody? [01:55] nope [01:55] sorry bodom, I don't even understand what you asked ;-) [01:56] bodom,... what's the problem? [01:56] hello [01:56] Most of my bindings are pretty... odd like \E[20~ or \EOD [01:56] hi mjay [01:56] hi mjay [01:56] The pinentry dialog of gpg agent closes automatically without giving me enough time to enter the passphrase. It happens three times, then fails [01:57] hi everyone...collabra and morbius [01:57] Morbius: yeah,... don't ask me to figure it out [01:57] ? [01:57] new comer here [01:57] hi wong. [01:57] :) [01:57] why there is a bra in your name ? [01:58] Morbius: have you looked online,... maybey google konsole + key bindings? or something? [01:58] ok, well I'm going afk then... but I'll leave this open for a few in case some bindings expert comes back :-) [01:58] (yeah... brings up a bunch about emacs) [01:58] afk [01:58] because your wong,... [01:59] wong: it's just a nick,.... nothing special,.... [01:59] anybody wants to help me? [01:59] wong: you want to ask a question or do you just want to talk about my choice in nicks? [01:59] wassup,... mjay [01:59] im having trouble with this movie file [01:59] ask Q [02:00] k ask away [02:00] i have just downloaded [02:00] what's the extention? [02:00] now i found out it is a rar file [02:00] i want to get some info on how to install gentoo.... [02:00] and the whole file is cut into smaller rar files [02:00] i tried for a long time [02:01] mjay: type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [02:01] i dont know how to unrar all those files ang make it as one [02:01] ok ill try that collabra. thanks [02:01] mjay: no problem [02:02] wong: ur wong again,... this is specifically for kubuntu,... not gentoo,... I suggest you look for a room specifically for gentoo. [02:03] Oh.... [02:03] collabra: why is it there a "restricted" term? is that something prohibited? [02:03] I exported an iCal file from Osmo. I'm trying to import it into Kontact. It's mysteriously refusing to work. Why might this be? [02:04] no problem,... I'm sure you were easily fooled by #kubuntu,... when you entered. :) [02:05] mjay: no,... they are codecs and tools that can't leagally be added to an ubuntu disto,... [02:06] !restricted-extras [02:06] !kubuntu-restricted-extras [02:06] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:06] ok. i thought its something like a virus thingy. lolz [02:06] im a newbie in kubuntu. [02:07] so i dont know how to get things done here. [02:07] mjay: check out the ubottu post above for more information. [02:08] ok thanks [02:08] mjay: no problem [02:11] can I run the 10.10 installed unattended? [02:11] *installer [02:13] Jonty: i'm not sure,... the "alternate" - cd,.... i think not,... i've no idea bout' the 'standard' cd.... [02:14] !unattended-install [02:14] !unattended [02:14] nope [02:14] not sure [02:15] Jonty: lemmy google [02:17] the second link on united states google,... might have something for you,... but i couldn't get the page to load : google "kubuntu 10.10 unattended install" [02:17] Jonty: ^above [02:17] Failed to fetch http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata_2010l-0ubuntu0.10.04_all.deb 404 Not Found [02:17] Failed to fetch http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gwibber/gwibber_2.30.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb 404 Not Found [02:17] Failed to fetch http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gwibber/gwibber-service_2.30.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb 404 Not Found [02:18] that's a bit silly isn't it? [02:18] how to solve it [02:18] i mean I want to run it overnight or something like that [02:18] anyway I've got an error now [02:18] and helpfully I can't copy it from the dialog box :/ [02:19] Jonty: i've gotta go,... but i suggest you google the above,.... sorry,... i've got to go,... i'lll be back in thirty minutes [02:20] ok [02:23] collabra..u still there? [02:32] The system monitor shows no more than 300MB of memory going to my applications, yet also shows that nearly all of my gigabyte of RAM is full. Are kernel services really taking that much RAM these days? [02:46] is anyone else having issues with smplayer in maverick? for me, i am not able to advance forward very far in any video, without smplayer just stopping. [02:53] Alright, peeking back in before I go... nobody has happened to come in with a great knowledge of keybindings for konsole right? === Stephen is now known as Guest42325 [02:55] does anyone online have successfully installed vmware player on a kubuntu/ubuntu host system. I can't seem to do it. I'm running 10.4 [02:57] anybody knows why doesn't the new 10.10 kernel create /dev/mixer ? [03:04] Well so far so good with meerkat, but rekonq did not impress. I ended up reinstalling Konqueror [03:06] I have a Restore Partition that grub recognizes and I don't want it in the boot menu. === WindPower_ is now known as WindPower [03:10] !grub2 | JuJuBee this might have a clue [03:10] JuJuBee this might have a clue: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [03:14] gr8m8: I read that already. I know I can add custom entries, but I want to remove an existing entry that was added by default scan of disks. [03:16] JuJuBee: I don't know how to do that - all I could offer was that link... [03:18] JuJuBee: you have a grub issue? [03:19] collabra: yes, I have an entry or 2 I do not want in my boot menu [03:20] have you tried: sudo update-grub ........? [03:20] I have a recovery partition that shows as a vista boot as well as my actual vista boot. I don't want the former. [03:20] As I understand grub, it will find that partition again and add it, won't it? [03:20] isn't it something like os-prober that finds entries to add to grub? [03:21] it may actually be : sudo update-grub2 : but you can 'man' it first,..... let me,... brb [03:21] it is [03:22] I know how to update grub, but not how to remove unwanted entries. [03:24] there is very little information in the 'man' file,... i know it re-writes you grub.cfg,... but i'm not sure if it pulls in the correct partition info from foreign operating systems..... [03:25] I'm positive it will rewrite it specifically for linux.... [03:26] have you looked at what gr8m8 posted as far as that link ^....? [03:26] It finds ALL of my os's including Vista and the Recovery Partition for Vista that was created by ASUS [03:26] Yes, I read that page several times already [03:26] I wonder if taking the entries out of grub.cfg then running update-grub would do it [03:26] does os-prober run at every update? [03:26] ahh,... ok,... so,... it includes the recovery partition and you don't want it to,... then. am i correct? [03:27] I don't think so. I think update-grub2 rewrites grub.cfg based on the probe. ie they will reappear [03:27] Yes you are. [03:27] The Recovery partition is not bootable in the same way my regular vista partition is. I need a special key sequence to get to it. [03:27] hmm,... okay,... how hard would it be to edit the grub.cfg file?,.... [03:28] by hand [03:28] IF i ever want to "Recover" back to factory defaults. [03:28] issues with TVtime after 10.10... anybody ? [03:28] gotcha,... i understand..... what's wrong with allowing it to place the recovery partition in the grub.cfg [03:28] just dont use it [03:29] dangerous666: helps to know the issues.. :] [03:29] collabra: sometimes I accidentally select that one rather than the correct one when i need to boot vista [03:29] :( [03:30] Grub 1 was much simpler... [03:30] ahh,... ok,... then you do need to edit the grub config,... or at least comment the actual entries out with a '#' [03:30] couldn't be that hard [03:31] yes, but anytime I update-grrub2 they will reappear [03:31] ahh,... i see,.... well,... how often is your kernel updated,.... cause' that's really the only time grub updates,... at least i think [03:33] periodically [03:33] it may be like 6 in one hand and a half dozen in the other,.... you may just need to be more careful while selecting you os. [03:33] Just wish there was a simple way to exclude certain partitions. [03:34] yeah,... welll,... there probably is,... but i'm just not that adept. [03:34] other than the obious is there any difference between ubuntu and kubuntu? [03:34] and cant help you with that,... unfortunately [03:35] tacomaster: yeah,... ubuntu uses the gnome desktop and kubuntu uses kde desktop [03:35] Hi, when I try to run keditfiletype text/html as superuser, I get this error: No protocol specified keditfiletype: cannot connect to X server :0.0 [03:35] collabra: thanks anyway [03:35] np JuJuBee [03:35] collabra: lol i got that much but other than that is there any differance [03:36] a2f, use $ no # [03:36] tacomaster: they're the same repos,... same base,... just different graphical systems..... like x uses xorg. [03:37] tacomaster: linux is huge like that..... [03:37] collabra: ty so much exactally what i needed to know [03:37] tacomaster: it's a matter of preference [03:38] tacomaster: np [03:39] How do I install JDBC drivers? I'm running kubuntu 10.04. Google search is not helping much (my google-fu is weak today.. :( ) [03:40] jdbc,...? can you specify what that is,... what kind of hardware,... [03:40] java database connection drivers. Standard desktop box. [03:41] is this the right place to ask a question about kubuntu 10.1 [03:41] collabra: FYI, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1279111 seems to be my exact question [03:41] oh,... well,... someone here might be better suited to help you,... other than that,... have you tried #java [03:42] nice find JuJuBee [03:42] yes oskool [03:42] collabra: sorry never used kde before if i want to use a gnome app can i or do i have to find a kde alternitive [03:42] k thanks i was in the wrong place i guess thanks [03:42] thanks anyway collabra - thought I'd start with the Ubuntu channel.. [03:42] sgrover, postgreSQL [03:42] ? [03:43] Killer: in this specific case, yes. But I'm also curious for the general case too. [03:43] install libpg-java [03:43] not at all tacomaster,... gnome apps work fine in kubuntu,... just be prepared to download a few extra files,... gnome i somewhat of a monster when it comes to it's system [03:43] thank you. I figured there was a package.. :) [03:43] or libmysql-java [03:43] (mysql) [03:44] where do i go to change the setting for the keyboard and mouse in 10.1 i went to the system setting where i think if i remember right in the other version but its not there [03:44] I have been lucky enough to avoid java so far... so my java-fu is not strong. [03:44] tacomaster: but on the other hand,... usually after you have that first gnome app,.... the second one comes with less files. [03:45] ^dependancies [03:45] Killer: came across http://mogwai.sourceforge.net/?Welcome:ERDesigner_NG tonight, and that is what I'm trying to get working. [03:46] or is it suppose to be there and something happened in the installation [03:47] oskool: ah,..keyboard and mouse,... one sec [03:48] oskool: system settings>input devices,.... try that. [03:48] i looked where it was in the other version but its not for me this version alot as changed since 10.04 [03:48] oskool: yeh,...quite a change from 10.04 [03:49] Argg. I'm severely disappointed with KDE 4.5.2. There's too many bugs for me, and cosmetic problems. :( [03:49] i didn't see that or i wouldn't this dumb question maybe it install wrong for some reason it dont look how it usually does [03:50] toonacid: sorry to hear you're experiencing problems,... personally,... i've found compiz to be quite buggy,... but for a new distro,... i'm please for the most part,... i expect a month before most major bugs to be worked out. [03:51] can i ask a question about kubuntu and ubuntu its not a major one [03:51] sure oskool [03:52] to me it seems like no matter what version comes out with both ubuntu always as less bugs [03:52] im not that good with linux im a newbie but it just seem like that [03:52] collabra: I'm not disappointed with Kubuntu, it's not their fault. :) But as for KDE, too many bugs at the moment, that I wasn't expecting!! For example, settings don't save in the System Settings . Thanks though. :) Guess I'll just have to wait a little bit for some of these issues to get worked out. Windows 7 time for about a month I guess. :/ [03:53] oskool: are you saying that ubuntu has less initial bugs than kubuntu,... or do you think with every new distro,... that there are fewer bugs overall? [03:54] toonacid: lol,... i'll stick it out with k10,... bugs or not... :) [03:54] toonacid: what settings are not saving? [03:54] toonacid: yeah,... my settings save just fine. [03:54] hi all [03:54] Hey guys [03:54] I gots a question [03:54] ok you first brian__ [03:55] hehe [03:55] Lol [03:55] Alright [03:55] So [03:55] This new 10.10 [03:55] brian__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:55] finally works with my laptop, and I am jacked [03:55] KDE is quite usable now... there aer still bugs of course, but no showstoppers that i have seen [03:55] lol === khaije1 is now known as khaije|amalt [03:55] Now with Windows 7, I have two monitors, and I use the 2nd monitor as an extension of my Laptop's screen [03:55] compiz,... isn't as stable as .04 was [03:55] jmichaelx: For example, System Settings -> Workspace Appearance -> Desktop Theme -> Get New Themes... Install one, and it won't show up. I even deleted one and it didn't delete. :/ [03:56] How do I extend my screen onto a second monitor in Kubuntu [03:56] jmichaelx: Maybe it's because I'm running amd_64 [03:56] sorry for miss typed but am i wrong on this [03:56] but that's my only complaint so far [03:56] brian__: using kubuntu? have you looked under 'system settings' ... 'display and monitor' [03:57] toonacid: ok, i have not played around with that yet.... i am also on amd64..... i would suggest, however, going ahead and installing KDE4.5.2 from the ppa [03:57] Yeah [03:57] and under multiple monitors [03:57] It says [03:57] collabra: jmichaelx: Sorry for ranting. Just a little frustrated with the issues! [03:57] toonacid: ah,...yeah,... my complaint is most wont download,... something says that it's recieving an html file and want me to go to the site and manually add them... [03:57] toonacid: instructions are at kubuntu.org [03:57] brian__: ah... the anticipation!! [03:57] "This module is only for configuring systems with a single desktop spread across multiple monitors. You do not appear to have this configuration." [03:57] toonacid: don't worry, i rant big time when things don't work, so no criticism from me :-) [03:58] toonacid: np it's always good to point out the flaws in a new system.... it get em' fixed quicker [03:58] thanks for your help any way [03:58] brian__: ook, once connected do you see two monitors for the 'size and orientation' part? [03:59] right now i am mad about 'mplayer-gui' having disappeared from the repos, and also about how badly smplayer is working in maverick [03:59] Yeah [03:59] brian__: well... thats good [03:59] Oh [04:00] oskool: whats up? sorry,... i may have been caught up in the convo.... [04:00] I think I might have maybe figured it out [04:00] * khaije|amalt cheers brian__ [04:00] But [04:00] hrm... [04:00] They still don't show up in Multiple Monitors [04:00] So I don't thoink it's entirely figured out [04:00] and it won't let me have my latop screen as the main monitor [04:01] its just about ubuntu it seems to me that they put more time in it so its works better or am i wrong that there is still just as much bugs in it with both when new version come out [04:01] brian__:i had that same problem with 10.04 [04:01] :S [04:01] brian__: couldn' have it as main with that one either [04:02] That kind of sucks [04:02] i got used to it [04:02] jmichaelx: I did that just now. Installed a new theme, worked (yay!), pressed uninstall, it's still there :/. Perhaps refreshing the KDE cache .. Among a few other issues I got was, I changed all the fonts from Ubuntu to Sans Serif, I restarted, and they were all at Ubuntu. Then the cosmetic part. Lancelot, I have the entire Air theme (not customized), and the Leave, Shutdown, etc, buttons have cosmetic display issues. [04:02] Also, how do I extend the background [04:02] because on the laptop screen [04:02] gr8m8: tvtime says that can't acess /dev/mixer and indeed, there is no /dev/mixer [04:02] it shows the default Kubuntu background [04:02] brian__: in that case i'm not sure off hand, i've used the nvidia-config tool on my desktop w/o problems, but not sure about lappy's... i'll connect my monitor to see... [04:02] can someone point me in the right direction for getting my wireless card to work in 64bit i know the 32 bit driver is rt2870sta [04:03] brian__: go to the other screen and right click,... choose a wallpaper. [04:03] dangerous666: is there a /dev/dsp you can point it to? [04:03] toonacid: sorry to hear that.... i will be the first to admit that kubuntu is not the greatest KDE distro around... the last few years, it has been among the very worst. [04:03] jmichaelx: Oh, I forgot. Did I mention the login screen? If you go there, press install, it won't install the theme. If you execute System Settings with kdesu, it works, so I assume it's not asking for your password when it should be.. Either that or it's something else. [04:03] brian__: they're considered seperate desktops in need of seperate wallpaper....lol [04:03] Now when I unplug the extra monitor [04:03] jmichaelx: Ya.. [04:03] It doesn't automatically go back to the laptop [04:04] Which is an issue [04:04] :S [04:04] brian__: hmm,... [04:04] its just about ubuntu it seems to me that they put more time in it so its works better or am i wrong that there is still just as much bugs in it with both when new version come out [04:04] brian__: sounds like a bug to me [04:04] !enter | brian__ [04:04] brian__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:04] gr8m8: no, there isn't... but I've got sound working properly [04:05] toonacid: i have two laptops.... one running kubuntu, and one running fedora 13+KDE.... KDE on the fedora machine is definitely more polished [04:05] oskool: oh,... well,,... you're right oskool,... but they have more people on ubuntu than kunbuntu. [04:05] jmichaelx: Ahh. Well, I'd definitely attribute it to Kubuntu rather than KDE in that case! [04:05] dangerous666: is the a /dev/audio dir - maybe with mixer in it? [04:06] ok so its not just me that im a newbie to linux then [04:07] how is kde 4.5.2 is that still have alot of bugs in it and what version of kde do 10.1 have [04:07] gr8m8: there is a dir, /dev/snd ... [04:08] oskool: 10.10 came with 4.5.1 (still in the Ubuntu repos), but 4.5.2 is in the Kubuntu repos. But ya, still quite a few bugs. :( [04:08] gr8m8: but it's just like /dev/input [04:08] Quassel just crapped out on me [04:08] hmm,... not sure what just happened [04:09] gr8m8: I've been searching about... I think that it's a bug related to the absense of OSS support in this release... Do you know something about ? [04:09] dangerous666: no I haven't heard that - iirc there is alsa-oss in the repos [04:10] jmichaelx: Maybe it's because Fedora is mainly a KDE distro rather than Kubuntu? (What I mean is that Ubuntu focuses on Gnome, and Kubuntu feels like an official offshoot, but an offshoot nontheless (with official support, and lots of people using it though). [04:10] for a newbie would using ubuntu be better for me to use [04:10] jmichaelx: I was just guessing on the Fedora bit. I've never used Fedora, so I'm not sure if they're actually a KDE distro. [04:10] gr8m8: yes, and i've just installed.... no luck... it complains about OSS support [04:10] is there less difficulty with unbuntu 10.1 for a newbie [04:11] Hmm [04:11] oskool: is't a matter of preference oskool,... 10.10 may not be the right one for you,... but if you are a kde nut like me you'd rather use windows than gnome,.... maybe you would do better with 10.04 LTS for the time being,... and wait until 10.10 gets better. [04:11] toonacid: fedora is viewed as being another gnome distro.... but their implementation of KDE is usually pretty nice [04:11] This not being able to choose the default monitor is the one flaw to the multimonitor support of Kubuntu [04:12] brian__: in konsole what does xrandr -q return - don't copy it here for the love of god! [04:12] how would i now when the bugs are out [04:12] oskool: 10.04 LTS is still bleeding edge with the stability of tried tested and true. [04:12] brian__: does it show your screen? [04:13] jmichaelx: Ah. I gathered they used Gnome, and I might be wrong, because I installed it once and it was using Gnome, but that was back when I didn't know anything about Linux, so I didn't use it for long. [04:13] It shows both [04:13] VGA1 and LVDS1 [04:13] VGA1 is my external monitor [04:13] brian__: stop hitting enter dude [04:13] LVDS1 is my laptop screen [04:13] so is there still alot of bugs with ubuntu 10.1 [04:13] Sorry [04:13] oskool: i dunno,... use 10.04 LTS and run virtualbox-ose to test 10.10 until you are comfortable. [04:14] is all the bugs fixed in 10.04 LTs [04:15] gr8m8: about the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tvtime/+bug/605536 [04:15] Launchpad bug 605536 in tvtime (Ubuntu) "tv time Can't open device /dev/mixer, mixer volume and mute unavailable. (dup-of: 613809)" [Undecided,New] [04:15] Launchpad bug 613809 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox FM plug-in, tvtime and gnomeradio NO SOUND, no /dev/mixer present" [Undecided,Confirmed] [04:15] oskool: another option would be a dual boot,... lol 10.04 on one partition and 10.10 on the other.... it's a bit redundant,.. but,.. hey,... at least you're FREE [04:15] ! [04:15] oskool: Any specific bugs you are thinking about? I'm no longer having problems with the getuid is not 0 problem when booting up (at least as far as I know) if that concerns you. [04:15] oskool: most of them,... i would say,... yes. [04:16] ok but is all the bugs fix know in 10.04 [04:16] oskool: 10.04 LTS Kubuntu is very stable. [04:16] dangerous666: I've seen a few ppl with sound issues in the new release a fix should be along soon - tried an app using the xine libs ? [04:16] Ok [04:17] I figured out how to set the main monitor, thanks for the help though guys [04:17] If anyone wants to know, it's xrandr --output MONITOR --primary [04:18] brian__: did you get it figured out, i just setup my spare monitor [04:18] brian__: stop hitting enter dude [04:18] collabra: On a default install, Kubuntu doesn't include the Kubuntu PPA do they? I don't think they do, because I had to enter it in manually. Just a thought though. [04:18] alguien habla español [04:18] Yo hablo un poco de espanol [04:18] gr8m8: all other sound apps work properly... It's a tvtime-only issue [04:18] En que puedo servirle? [04:18] hola [04:18] !esp [04:18] toonacid: correct,... it does not include any backports as defaults. [04:18] !spanish [04:18] En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [04:19] si español [04:19] collabra: Ahh. I wasn't aware the Kubuntu PPA was viewed as a backports repository. [04:19] toonacid: although, in 10.10 there are backport ready to be enabled in the repos [04:19] que bien [04:20] que hablen español [04:20] asi podremos entendernos [04:20] hello 10.10 fresh install and looks like X dies and put me back to the kdm logon screen? any ideas? [04:20] i'm ready to deploy my question for the chan... [04:20] ahora alguien sabe de linux [04:21] how do i get msword support in kword? [04:21] toonacid: good question toon,... i've just always assumes any PPA was one way or another, a backport [04:21] no entiendo [04:21] kubuntu wont let me shut down by clicking the k then the leave then shutdown anyone know of an issue like that? [04:22] [04:22] claro alguien sabe kubuntu [04:22] Julio [04:22] collabra: That's true, I didn't think about it that way. [04:22] ^F1 [04:22] dime [04:22] julio anda kubuntu-es [04:23] tacomaster: yeah,.. I've had to ctrl alt F1 more than once while frozen..... [04:23] Tu puedes escribir "/join #ubuntu-es"(sin comillas) y recibes ayuda con tus problemas. [04:23] Killer: what does andar mean? [04:23] tacomaster: 10.10 seems to be having some trouble with the Grapical engine or something. [04:24] Andar - to walk [04:24] lol awesome [04:24] khaije|amalt, go to (espanish) [04:24] Or also to go [04:24] spanish* [04:24] xD [04:24] I don't get why I do terrible in Spanish class [04:24] Killer: ya i know a little, but forgot that verb [04:25] tacomaster: my thought was compiz and not directly due to any flaw with xorg or anything like that,... [04:25] so brian__ did you get yr monitors sorted? [04:25] Yes [04:25] tacomaster: cause' after dumming down compiz quite alot,... i've come to a somewhat stable system [04:26] brian__: coolness [04:27] tacomaster: in 10.04 compiz was flawless,... 10.10,... barebones compiz is tolerably stable [04:27] khaije|amalt, no translation ... modismo === root is now known as Guest76190 [04:28] Now I'm adding the panel to the 2nd screen, then backgrounds, then widgets [04:30] whew!!! [04:30] heheheh [04:31] :) [04:31] It really kills me that K/Ubuntu doesn't get a big market share. They are so wonderful and useful. [04:32] well, brian__,... we've got to get off the command line with linux,... if it'll go mainstream with nubes that want to stay nubes.... [04:33] brian__: I think its a matter of time. windows at the same time got the same marketshare as k|ubuntu, at the past days? [04:33] everything gui,... leave the command line to the pro's [04:33] Eh, I guess [04:33] I'm going to be installing Gnome along with KDE. What do you think I should do. Install Ubuntu, then KDE, or install Kubuntu, then Gnome. I usually would just install Ubuntu, then KDE previously. [04:33] impossible to eliminate the command line [04:33] But even with Windows, you have command prompt for some stuff [04:34] at the same time,... we need a robustness and fault tolerance,... [04:34] get rid of command line?!? {=O [04:34] brian__: tell me what percentage of windows users have used or even seen the command line? [04:34] windows is developing a more robust command line now. [04:34] :O I can't imagine life without a commandline! It just makes the system so much more powerful. [04:34] i figure maybey 30 percent [04:35] I don't think this chat would be able to keep up if we had the market share windows does though [04:35] toonacid: I agree. [04:35] The help chat would be flooded with people who just figured out how to turn on their computer, and not enough helpful people would be in it. [04:35] brian__: Agreed. [04:36] And I don't think we'd ever really fully get rid of command. [04:36] education is a problem!! [04:36] We have all these graphical ways to get packages and suchb [04:36] wouldn't it be nice to cache all 'favorites' <--applicaions: in memory for instant executing,... bypass the harddrive altogether,... tell me just how quick openoffice would open then. [04:37] but I still like the command line for installing packages [04:37] RAM is so cheap,... and linux applications would love a cozy place to 'blink' on. [04:37] collabra: That would be pretty nice. How about the sticky bit? Or, if not, something like Ubuntu ReadyBoost. [04:38] RAM is not cheap [04:38] brian__: as do i,... i'm not saying get rid of the command line,... just don't make 'typical' windows users use it at all. [04:39] To upgrade my laptop from 4 to 8 GB of RAM would right now cost like 150-200 bucks probably [04:39] toonacid: i'll have to check it out... didn't know it exsisted,... have a link? [04:39] collabra: Sorry lol. I meant that as in, it'd be a good idea if someone had something like ReadyBoost for Ubuntu. [04:40] brian__: tell me that a typical system these days has less than 4 GB of ram and i'll tell you the entire distro's binaries could probably fit. [04:40] toonacid: gotcha [04:40] Actually [04:40] Give me one minute, I have to find a product [04:41] collabra: I'd bet you'd like a http://www.zonbu.com/home/index.htm [04:42] sorry brian__ I don't want a dumb terminal just yet,... which is the only reason for the "cloud" [04:42] is there some reason i cant shutdown by clicking the shutdown button under the k in leave [04:43] brian__: just who am i trusting,... anyway.? [04:43] Lol, that is true [04:44] is there some reason i cant shutdown by clicking the shutdown button under the k in leave <---- goto terminal ang type this one: sudo shutdown [04:44] collabra: However, you asking for a link got me to thinking, so I did a search. What do you think about this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=395435 [04:44] i know i can type sudo shutdown but why should i have to? [04:45] i know i can type sudo shutdown but why should i have to? <----you have to so that you can shutdown ur pc [04:46] a: why does the shutdown button not work? [04:46] So... [04:46] tacomaster: It's not a solution to your problem, but you could make a shell script, with "sudo shutdown -h now" in it, make it executable, and double click it from your desktop (beware though, that you'll have to allow passwordless sudo access to the script, otherwise it'll hang and not do anything, asking "what's the password?"). [04:47] Recently, I upgraded this Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 before the official release [04:47] but lsb_release still says lucid [04:47] and now KPackageKit prompts me for a release upgrade [04:47] but when I try to do so, after downloading packages it says: "The upgrade process has terminated with code 1" [04:47] so no ones shutdown button works? [04:48] ah [04:48] toonacid: it's an interesting application of pendrives,... but as noted in the thread,... it's still considerably slower than RAM [04:48] broken dependencies === oasis is now known as Guest47444 [04:48] a: why does the shutdown button not work? <----maybe u have to reboot first your PC. [04:49] ok let me try [04:49] collabra: True, but I guess at least it should be faster than the hard drive swap space though. [04:49] lucidfox: I've tried 4 times to upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 with only one 'mild' success.... i would recommend a fresh install if you can. [04:50] collabra: It being in the RAM would be pretty ideal though. [04:50] toonacid: absolutely... [04:50] hmm, looks like I have a broken dependency due to an outdated mirror [04:51] ok let me try <----just tell me... [04:52] ops,...i heard someone balk at my recommendation not to upgrade..... lol. collabra just can't win.... lol [04:53] inside joke.... :0) [04:58] it's the reason i keep my /home safe from all distro's [04:59] KDE 4.5 is so much nicer. A shame there's a few bugs which interfere with my operation of it. >.< [04:59] toonacid: agreed. [04:59] They just get nicer and nicer with each release. :) [04:59] I really like the blur plugin. [04:59] collabra's weary of 10.10's compiz feature [05:00] barebones compiz for a while... [05:00] collabra: Compiz feature? [05:00] too many GPU errors,... my belief is that compiz [05:01] collabra: Ah. Using NVidia by any chance? [05:01] gui freezes ctrl alt F1 6 or 7 time before dumming down compiz [05:01] collabra: I heard NVidia hated the new release. [05:01] collabra: Ugh, that sucks. [05:01] nope,... Intel somethin or other,... 10.04 compiz is flawless [05:02] collabra's watin' on a fix [05:02] but he enjoys 10.10 none the less. [05:03] Another thing [05:03] gettin tired though,... [05:03] At start, dbus (the system service) fails to start properly [05:03] gotta get up at 8 to get there by 9 if you know what i mean [05:03] so at the KDM startup screen, I have to switch to the console and type "sudo restart dbus" [05:03] any ideas? [05:03] think i'll play a little full tilt and go to bed [05:04] hmm,.... [05:04] strange,... [05:05] i dunno,... === WindPower_ is now known as WindPower [05:05] it runs fine after a restart? [05:05] it must be the order it comes up then. [05:06] collabra: My first problem was with the create startup disk. I used the persistent option, and that option hated my computer. Previously I had had a little fun with rm -rf * /, because I was going to reinstall anyways. Turned out I had to redownload the ISO and reburn it. :/ [05:08] lucidfox: what's the runtime? === rackIT_AFK is now known as rackIT [05:09] spanish? [05:09] !es [05:09] En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [05:10] gracias [05:10] denada [05:12] collabra> Runtime? [05:12] And yes, when I restart it manually from the console, it runs normally [05:13] and my Upstart-foo isn't good enough to look into this -_- [05:14] uhh,... yeah,... um,... the order in which dbus is loaded,.... what i mean is if it runs fine after 'whatever' is loaded,... um,... on initial boot,... maybey dbus need to run later to stay stable and not quit. [05:15] kinda like it need a 'dependency' to stay stable,... in terms of 'whatever' daemon,... maybey,.. [05:16] if dbus get's loaded later in the boot cycle then maybey it'll stay loaded and not quit [05:17] remember back in the day,... kde had that,... "runtime" application,... you could essentially tell which program to load at a certain time during boot [05:17] i'm not sure if the same applies today, though. [05:18] well,... sh!t,... of course there's a way,... [05:18] I'd think about making a program like that, but I don't have any time for that. :/ [05:18] finding it might be a little difficult, [05:18] toonacid: lol [05:18] i havent delved too much into such things,... tho. [05:19] delved in too much,... that is. [05:19] but where there's a will there's a way [05:19] so when will us Asus users get to use wifi? [05:19] :) [05:20] but i'm really runnin' on fumes here,... i've got to think about winding down the day.... [05:21] it's been good,... haven't seen #kubuntu in such a state of activity in a long time,... it's been fun! [05:21] see ya'll most likely tomorrow.... take care. [05:21] bye [05:21] collabra: Bye, night. [05:26] guys is A4 Tech camera is compatible with LINUX? [05:37] guys is A4 Tech camera is compatible with LINUX? [05:37] Lol, that's so funny. Everyone seems to be using Quassel. [05:37] !hardware [05:37] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [05:38] I used XChat before I realized I already had a KDE IRC client installed. >.< === rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK [05:56] guys is A4 Tech camera is compatible with LINUX? [06:05] guys is A4Tech webcamera is compatible with ubuntu? [06:05] guys is A4Tech webcamera is compatible with ubuntu? [06:05] any ideas? im new to ubuntu. [06:07] a: Try in #ubuntu, and please, don't ask so many times. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75284 [06:08] P.S. I give no guarantee that what you try in that thread will work. [06:17] yo guys [06:18] how do I change a program icon? [06:19] ?? [06:21] RP64: do you mean only in the menu? [06:22] avihay: no I had a custom icon for aMSN and I want to use it instead of the default [06:22] avihay: on my desktop [06:24] RP64: well, if you want the Icon to chaneg everywhere, you might as well replace the original icon. it's located at: [06:24] avihay: at? lol [06:24] . /usr/share/pixmaps/amsn.png [06:24] avihay: thx I'll check it ! [06:26] change* [06:30] hey avihay [06:30] how do I change that pic though? [06:31] it doesn't let me change it [06:31] or paste a file into it [06:34] avihay: do you know? [06:35] avihay: it doesn't let me change that pic [06:39] RP64: yes, normal users don't have write protection there [06:41] avihay: so what should I do man? D: [06:45] RP64: oh, you just need to do the copy as root [06:46] avihay: ok can you give me instructions how to do that [06:46] either open a terminal and "sudo cp ****** /usr/share/pixmaps/amsn.png" or open your favorite file manager with root privileges, like so: "kdesu dolphin" [06:48] RP64: be careful now, ya' hear! doing a mistake with a dolphin with root privileges can ruin yo' system faster then you can say "tux" [06:49] avihay: lol i gotta sleep now are u gonna be on tommorow [06:49] avihay: are u in europe or something wats ur timezone [06:49] prefrontal: better close it right after you finish the copy/replace [06:49] ? [06:50] I'm in Israel, so I recon it's GMT +2 [06:50] woops, wrong name [06:50] lol omg israel!! thats so cool [06:50] is it nice weather there and everyone likes to party? [06:51] what is this message indicator plasmoid? [06:51] can i get rid of it? [06:53] well, Autumn / Winter is starting, so it's kinda cold for my taste, but I think most Europeans would consider the weather right now as warm/ comfortable [06:53] nobarking: it's part of the system trey, and you can disable the messages [06:54] avihay: doesn't KDE SC have their own system tray communication application? [06:55] well it doesn't work well, disables access for kopete [06:56] i'm going to remove it [06:56] nobarking: you might wanna take a look at http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Colibri?content=117147 [06:57] avihay: plasma notifications work great, thank you [06:57] what are you trying to do? disable notifications? add notifications? create your own custom notifications? [06:59] avihay: will u be on 2morow [06:59] avihay: ur my hero [06:59] avihay: aw yea [07:00] umm, probably. I will be logged on, just maybe not infront of the computer most of the time [07:01] avihay: disable kubuntu's message indicator from hijacking applications [07:01] PCE OUT YALL [07:03] hijacking, how? [07:04] like kopete is stuck there [07:04] you can disable application notifications, and you won't get a popup every time someone types a key in keopete [07:04] it doesn't restore it [07:04] you mean when you click view message? [07:06] you mean when you click view message and the keopete window just doesn't pop up? [07:08] avihay yes === christian is now known as Guest47878 === Guest47878 is now known as christian8287 [07:11] I don't know how to fix it. maybe play with keopete notification settings (settings->configure notifications) [07:12] avihay: i think i'll just remove it [07:12] it's strange they added this, i think ubuntu/kubuntu is the only distro [07:12] avihay: thanks for your help [07:13] you can replace the normal notification with a costume notification, I think === muzer is now known as MuzerAway [07:16] nobarking: disable the show message popup for incomeing message, enable run command, and type: notify-send new message in keopete [07:16] or something like that [07:17] notify-send "New message in Keopete" [07:19] notify-send "New message in Keopete" also looks nice [07:27] sveiki [07:27] ar yra cia lietuviu [07:28] sveiki === administrator is now known as Guest8412 [07:28] ar yra cia lietuviu [07:39] hello [07:43] is there some kind of staff oder dev around? [08:43] i'm using ubuntu. when i open kget , it does not appear in the panel and only run in memory. how to make it appear in the panel or make it gui appear in desktop? [08:53] does anyone know why I have to manually 'ifconfig eth0 up' and 'dhclient eth0' to get a connection? [09:19] Hi there. My network interfaces are both in "unmanaged" state. How do I tell Network Manager to manage them? [09:41] anybody? [09:43] y [09:56] WOOHOO. I upgraded to 10.10.. and nothing broke! :-) [09:56] JohnFlux: you're lucky [09:57] you will be lucky if it stays that way [09:57] hmm, apt-get upgrade says 479 packages held back [09:57] I spoke too soon perhaps :-/ [09:57] * JohnFlux sighs [09:58] JohnFlux: rotflmao [09:58] so, nobody knows hot to tell network manager to manage network interfaces? :) [09:59] right click? [10:00] bodom: I think you have to make sure that /etc/network/interfaces doesn't have anything there for eth0 wlan0 etc [10:00] westmi: it says "unmanaged" on all my interfaces [10:00] bodom: also look in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf [10:00] JohnFlux: it's almost empty, only loopback crap [10:00] that should say managed=true [10:00] JohnFlux: that it says [10:00] [ifupdown] [10:00] managed=true [10:00] yep [10:01] bodom: you're using the kde network manager plasmoid thing? [10:01] JohnFlux: yep, it worked like a charm until... until upgrade obviously :D [10:01] bodom: wait, what? [10:02] lol [10:02] bodom: since when has the kde network manager ever worked like a charm? [10:02] JohnFlux: since when I upgraded to 10.10 yesterday [10:02] bodom: try killing it and running nm-applet ? [10:02] bodom: nm-applet is a lot more polished [10:02] JohnFlux: mhhh [10:02] JohnFlux: I'm gonna try [10:03] bodom: in the kde network manager, do you have an option to "Enable wireless" ? that doesn't work? [10:03] and Enable Networking [10:03] bodom: have you tried rebooting? :) [10:03] bodom: have you tried restarting network manager? [10:03] JohnFlux: -_-' [10:03] JohnFlux: yes, I tried [10:04] bodom: have you tried turning it off and on again? :) [10:04] bodom: dunno then :-D [10:04] JohnFlux: yes, I've also tried shaking my laptop and yelling at him when handling a knife, no effort [10:04] bodom: it requires a higher level of sourcery than I have mastered [10:05] hardware failure? [10:05] westmi: between upgrades? :-D [10:05] hmmm [10:05] westmi: now the upgrade also kills hardware? I hope not :) [10:05] anyone work on kubuntu? How do I persuade cannoical to hire me to work on it? :-) [10:06] write some code and submit? [10:06] westmi: with money :-) [10:06] bodom.. shaking ur laptop and yelling? ROFL [10:07] i prefer use the command prompt.. help a lot than try new GUI [10:07] write an email to shuttlewort [10:08] personally,i would rather work for google :) [10:08] westmi: have you been to their campus? [10:08] westmi: it's pretty nice [10:08] yep :) [10:09] westmi: what's his email addy? [10:09] gondz: :) [10:09] idk... [10:11] I'm gonna try an exorcism to make network manager work again [10:11] i would try a clean install [10:13] westmi: I'm not using linux to follow the old "nuke & reinstall" approach :) [10:16] I guess you could try google.... [10:18] Trust me, I tried it -before- asking [10:18] yeah, kinda figured that === poepding is now known as Xaer0 === Xaer0 is now known as X-2 [10:42] has anyone established a dsl connection (PPPoE - Bridge) in 10.10 ? [10:44] Is there any tool for removing old packages? Like in Ubuntu [10:46] hi [10:47] im having trouble using the "bundled" nvidia driver in 10.10 [10:47] but installing a driver from nvidias site helps me get a little further [10:47] BUT [10:47] anyone tried install gnome netowork manager on kubuntu? when I tried to it failed complaining about some missing icons. [10:47] it worked fine on lucid [10:48] when i have installed nvidia driver and starts up and resizes the bottom bar the bar crashes [10:48] anyone have any idea what to do? [10:48] hi everyone [10:49] i have run do-release-upgrade and made a mistake pressing CTRL-C [10:49] upgrade was at the end (Configuration file `/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades') [10:50] now when I start do-release-upgrade I get 'No new release found' message [10:50] I have tried to change /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net to 10.04 [10:50] but again no new release found. What to do? [11:02] I can't make any pppoe - bridge connection in 10.10. neither with gui nor with pppoeconf. it just tries to connect to ato eth0 but can't. what should I do? [11:05] hye all [11:05] how to enable my wireless [11:06] my wireless cannot enable [11:06] that is onboard connector [11:08] who manufactured your wifi card? [11:11] i dunno [11:12] before this the driver autodetect... but.. after i reformat.. my wireless cannot use [11:22] speak portuguese? [11:22] Brazil ??? [11:22] !portuguese [11:22] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [11:38] I have run do-release-upgrade and made a mistake pressing CTRL-C upgrade was at the end (Configuration file `/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades') [11:38] now when I restart do-release-upgrade I get 'No new release found' message. I have tried to change /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net to 10.04. but again no new release found. What to do? [11:49] aurelije: mm [11:49] aurelije: konsole please [11:49] aurelije: type this [11:49] aurelije: sudo dpkg --configure -a [11:49] put your password [11:49] and go on [11:50] dpkg: status database area is locked by another process [11:56] aurelije: ok [11:56] have you closed all the stuff fo before? [11:56] I have solved lock problem [11:56] yea [11:56] ok [11:56] aurelije: redoo ... sudo dpkg --configure -a [11:57] it seems that sudo dpkg --configure -a is continuing upgrade!!! [11:58] :) [11:58] from Configuration file `/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades' [11:58] thanks Peace! [11:58] y are welcom [11:58] e [12:13] Where can I file a bug for Kubuntu? === mikau_ is now known as mikau === ketan_tada is now known as ketan [12:32] !bug | randompie [12:32] randompie: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots === Misterio is now known as Misterio_ === Misterio_ is now known as Misterio [13:16] ^nick Jonathan [13:16] nick/ Jonathan [13:16] -_- [13:17] it is /nick [13:17] oh thanks === jonathan__ is now known as Jonawthan [13:17] np :] [13:17] It says I'm jonawthan === Jonawthan is now known as JonathanA [13:17] There [13:17] you might have mispelled or someone else has that nick [13:18] Someone else probably has it [13:18] yep [13:18] I like konqueror, but I hate its web rendering [13:19] evidently apples safari uses the same engine [13:19] JonathanA: Then you should use rekonq [13:19] JonathanA: It works fine for me, better than firefox [13:20] Oh [13:20] I have a graphics problem. [13:20] My chipset is the VT8237R Plus [13:20] But my pc THINKS that Openchrome is supported [13:20] gr8m8: Not quite. They took the Konqueror engine and "tweaked it" for 2 years [13:21] My Chipset version is unsupported, So I had to uninstall it [13:21] Now I'm using vesa [13:22] and xrender for the pretty effects, since I can't use OpenGL [13:22] The screen resolution went down do 640x400 [13:24] Anyone know how to fix that? [13:24] I don't want to use vesa [13:24] The graphics suck on the vesa driver [13:24] Just like the MS- Default VGA driver [13:34] Hiyas [13:35] does kubuntu 10.10 include the new ubuntu font? as its deafult? [13:35] default*? [13:36] ayush1, yes [13:36] sweet [13:37] I changed immediately on this server due to the large screen, difficult to read even at higher settings , the dpi increase helps if one resets it to 120 [13:39] What's the supported driver for VT8237R ? if it's currently unsupported then vesa is it [13:39] where is there no ubuntu one integration in kubuntu? [13:40] Assuming you mean why is there. Needs someone to work on it. You may want to speak with the Timelords led by Doktor apachelogger :) === maximo is now known as Maximo [13:42] dasKreech, which brand is VT8237R? [13:42] I [13:43] I'd assume something like Sis or VIA === cory is now known as Guest76788 === rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK [13:57] dasKreech, try this site [13:57] http://linux.via.com.tw/support/downloadFiles.action [13:57] Cool :) [13:59] ayush1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/375145 [13:59] Launchpad bug 375145 in Ubuntu One Client "Ubuntu One should have a KDE client" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [14:00] dasKreech, doesn't look good for ubuntu tho === mike is now known as Guest15114 [14:18] Kubuntu 10.10 icw ATI 5970 = no boot.. what can I do?? [14:19] i could not install java on my linux [14:19] ahh [14:20] umm, try this http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/ubuntu-9-10/xorg-conf-file-create-on-ubuntu-9-10/ [14:22] umm, can you get to a tty , alt+ctrl+F2 ? [14:22] or F1 [14:22] actuall F1-F6 will get a tty [14:22] havn't tried yet.. but I will do.. if that works... what to install?? [14:23] the tutorial tells X to use that setting , it should boot , umm [14:24] BluesKaj: thanx I will try === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:34] got a new graphics card today :D hope it worx w/o any probs... now i just have to try === cmagina is now known as cmagina-afk === cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina [14:42] on Kubuntu 10.10 on my laptop it installed the Netbook edition when i downloaded to the desktop editon, any help on this? [14:44] you can pick the desktop version at login afaik [14:45] Broadcom-STA-WLAN-Treiber cannot be activated after upgrade to Kubuntu 10.10 on Dell Notebook, what can I do? [14:46] hello [14:46] i need hellp [14:46] gr8m8: nope [14:46] im latvian : [14:46] :) [14:47] i got problems withstarting pc after insaling kubuntu. need hellp [14:47] look: in konsole try apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop to see if it is installed [14:48] yes it is [14:49] and it is not listed in the sessions at login? [14:49] nope [14:49] that's strange [14:50] is there aniwan ho can explane me what im duing wrong? [14:50] it says default, KDE, and rescue i think it is [14:50] you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop to see if it adds the entry [14:51] kde should be the one [15:00] Hello, I am still having trouble with AD.... I have read all the HOWTos out there and discussion threads... Just used this one http://www.clearfoundation.com/docs/howtos/add_linux_workstation_to_the_samba_domain to try to set up cached logins. But now, I cannot login from the console, simply entering the username always returns "Login incorrect," and I cannot login via ssh (I could before). [15:02] gr8m8: nope, didn't work. I'll just deal with it i guess [15:03] what's the best way to browse files on a bluetooth device on kde? [15:05] very carefuly [15:06] hi there, after I upgrading to 10.10 my window effects stopped working with my interl gm965. It seems to be a bug in the intel driver/opengl, what can I do? === sheytan_ is now known as sheytan [15:09] Jonty, according to this blog post you can use dolphin: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/kubuntu-10-04-browse-your-phone-with-kde-with-bluetooth/ [15:16] hallo, here is Andreas! [15:20] hi there, after I upgrading to 10.10 my window effects stopped working with my interl gm965. It seems to be a bug in the intel driver/opengl, what can I do? [15:20] hey vbgunz [15:21] Jonty: assuming you have a newer version of KDE4 you can try bluetooth:/ in the URL bar [15:21] hello [15:23] dasKreech: I get "invalid protocol" [15:23] in dolphin [15:23] in konqueror it helpfully tries googling it [15:23] Jonty: try kbluetooth then [15:23] imwindows user so i dont know nothing about linux. need hellp finding patrition manage or something simlar in kubuntu. please hellp === MuzerAway is now known as muzer [15:24] Imants-LV: press alt+F2 then type partition [15:24] tnx [15:25] Imants-LV, what are you treing to do ? [15:25] lmants-LV, also easy to find over the startmenu, just type "part" in the search box [15:25] oh apparently it's just bluetooth: [15:25] i cant to start this pc from hdd after instaling kubuntu [15:26] in maverick , bluetooth is now called bluedevil [15:26] lmants-LV you can not boot windows, kubuntu or the whole computer? [15:28] Imants-LV, did you format an ext partition for kubuntu from the live-cd? [15:28] !pm | Imants-LV [15:28] Imants-LV: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [15:30] sorry :) [15:30] icant boot my pc at all [15:31] ok, Imants-LV , how did you install kubuntu first of all and which version ? [15:31] 10.10 [15:31] anybody know what happened to the network connection icon in the system tray? I no longer have it? where did it go? [15:31] lmants-LV, you mean you press the power button and nothing happens? can you see something called "grub" on the screen? [15:32] from live cd [15:33] vbgunz you can get the network connection icon back thorugh the options for the system tray [15:33] Imants-LV: where does the boot stop? [15:33] i see system reading devices, after that its searchng hdd to start pc but nathing [15:34] im not english so its hard to me to explane :( [15:35] lmants-LV, where are language specific kubuntu channels. [15:35] stephan_: I never thought of enabling that, really, I always had the icon and then boof, it hides itself today [15:35] i think there is no latvian irc chanel :) [15:35] stephan_: good looking out! [15:36] Incarus: which language? [15:36] Latvian [15:36] dasKreech, ist that important? [15:38] you know how xp starts, i mean when his loading that xp screan? there my pc stops [15:38] boot screan [15:39] Incarus: Not really but it helps since you can ask ubottu [15:40] !en [15:40] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [15:40] !sp [15:40] !es [15:40] En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [15:40] etc [15:40] i know, why are you telling me? [15:40] Imants-LV: Does the bios show the hard drive? [15:41] yep [15:41] sounds like he was removing the partition table [15:42] I heard that when upgrading kubuntu to maverick I won't be able to supervise the changes to config files. How can I upgrade in a way that allows me to see the changes and take decisions? [15:42] its stops just before boot screen, its just keeps searching ors something like that [15:43] but i didnt tuch c drive [15:43] i instaled kubuntu on d drive [15:44] ubuntu got different "drive letters" then windows. [15:45] vbgunz I had the same problem but after alt+d and looking on options for the miniprogs I got the icon back [15:46] anyway, i want to format my windows drive and instal kubuntu only [15:47] im on live cd now, can i format my drives somehow from here [15:48] D drive , Imants-LV ? is that a prtition or a separte hard drive , ubuntu doesn't use letters it's partiitions are called / or /home [15:49] no i need to format C drive [15:49] where windows is now [15:49] i want to wipe windows out [15:51] i got 2 pusical drives [15:51] Imants-LV, yes you can , but the windows C drive has to be formatted to ext4, then there will no longer be a C drive. It's not necessary to wipe out windows , you can also dual boot windowas and kubuntu === muzer is now known as MuzerAway [15:52] ok, can you explane what i need to do now [15:52] ? [15:53] leave windows on the C drive and install kubuntu on the other drive , you have to use manual partitioning on the live cd , Imants-LV [15:53] lol :) [15:54] i have don that and now i cant boot at all :) [15:54] i instaled kubuntu on other drive already [15:55] Imants-LV: if you are in kubuntu right now you can use diskutility in the K menu under system [15:56] you are on the live cd , so start the install , and use manual partitioning to install on the other drive, Imants-LV [15:56] veriz, he can't boot into kubuntu [15:57] cant see hdd where windows is when instaling kubuntu [15:57] no! [15:57] i need to format it first [15:57] just insert the cd, reboot and install again. [15:57] format the so called D drive to ext4 [15:58] i have a problem with my firefox. It always starts as wonrking disconnected. The networks is connected all the time. Where can I check this to solve? Thanks [15:58] Incarus, he wants to install to 2nd hdd [15:58] BluesKaj, he wants to format windows and install kubuntu, but rebooting didnt work for him [15:58] but i see it now in file manager so its not damaged [15:59] Imants-LV: are u in kubuntu right now? [15:59] lmants-LV, you partition table seems to be deleted, check that. [15:59] *your [16:00] Incarus, I don't think so , I think he's jmust desperate to install kubuntu at the cost of losing windows, when it isn't necessary [16:00] yes, im on kubuntu live cd now [16:01] Then if you wnat to partition your c drive u can do it with diskutility under system i K menu [16:02] BluesKaj, windows is allready lost. [16:02] Imants-LV, are you at the partitioning options? [16:02] how to find that? [16:02] i feel like noob right now :D [16:03] Imants-LV, do you see a ntfs partiton (windows)? [16:03] yes [16:03] so not broken [16:03] Imants-LV: sorry, right click Kmenu and select classic menu then under system u will find disk utility which allows u to format your c drive [16:03] BluesKaj, mbr seems to be broken. === Anubis is now known as Amarilis [16:05] yes mbr is replaced by grub , but I think the kubuntu install failed due to a HW prob, maybe X won't load due the a graphics driver prob [16:05] Incarus: i agree but he does not want to keep windows correct?? [16:05] Imants-LV, would you like to keep windows ? [16:05] veriz, doesnt seem to be necessary [16:05] no, i dont [16:06] ok then Imants-LV format the ntfs partition to ext4 [16:06] im in kde menu editor now. imin rigt place? [16:07] no Imants-LV , start the installer [16:08] on the desktop there's "install kubuntu" icon [16:10] Hello, still having an issue with AD authentication. I have gotten password caching to work, installed pam-krb5 and pam-ecryptfs, but I still can't logon with my AD username through the console or via ssh. The user is being recognized as valid, but there is an authentication failure. [16:10] Imants-LV, you realize that any music or videos and pictures you have on windows will be gone , right ? [16:11] uhm.. just instlaled kubuntu on my laptop and wondering how i can make the fan go slower? [16:11] it speeds up after i log in at kdm. [16:12] i have all needed fileson d drive so i can reinstal c drive evry day if i want:) [16:13] but i cantfigure out wich drive is wich now [16:14] i instale windows meny times but this is new for me :) [16:14] should be /dev/sda1 [16:17] i stel dont see firs partrition. first parrtrition igot 80gb second 250. i see only second partrition [16:18] its hiden some how [16:18] hidden means non existing [16:19] Imants-LV, ok , I think we need to do open a terminal , and type , sudo fdisk -l [16:20] just say how to do that :) [16:20] try teamviewer, BluesKaj ;D [16:21] how to open terminal? [16:21] Imants-LV, kmenu / system/terminal [16:22] Incarus, teamviewer? [16:23] anyone got a hint on how to enable fan control-options in maverick? my notebook's just loud. [16:23] cant find it [16:23] BluesKaj, a remote desktop software [16:23] Imants-LV, do see a blue icon on left bottom with "K" [16:23] !teamviewer [16:23] -.- stupid bot :D [16:24] BluesKaj, http://www.teamviewer.com/de/download/index.aspx [16:24] im insystem setings now [16:24] ciao [16:24] ciao [16:24] clasic [16:24] qualche italiano? [16:25] !it | ubuntu [16:25] ubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [16:25] sorry ...applications/system/terminal [16:25] but dont see there terminal [16:25] Imants-LV, kmenu/applications/system/termina [16:25] terminal [16:26] now we talking :) [16:26] type terminal in the searchbox. [16:26] im in [16:26] what now? [16:26] sudo fdisk -l [16:27] or just fdisk -l [16:27] ok done [16:28] ok , Imants-LV copy and paste the output in www.pastebin.com [16:28] !paste | Imants-LV [16:28] Imants-LV: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:29] Imants-LV, either pastebin will do [16:31] ipasted all text there. what imust select here (Syntax highlighting)? [16:32] Imants-LV, ok , give us the url here , so we can look at it [16:33] http://pastebin.com/RAyFZ5q2 [16:35] Imants-LV, ok can you see /dev/sdb5 in the partition table ? === avihay_ is now known as avihay [16:37] yesi see [16:38] Imants-LV, looks like the second HDD to me , the first one or C drive is your windows drive and it's dev/sda [16:39] yepbut i dont see sda in instaler [16:39] how does one upgrade to the new release if do_release_upgrade fails? [16:40] i see sdb and sdc [16:40] krake: what release are u using right now [16:40] krake: fails in what way? [16:40] sdc is aflash drive [16:40] Imants-LV, and you've installed kubuntu on the D or (second) drive already === avihay_ is now known as avihay [16:40] veriz: the apt sources.list has URLs ending in lucid [16:40] yes, its on sdb now [16:41] krake: How is it failing? [16:41] Pici: it downloaded everything but the says it can prepend some x11 related packages (no idea where it wants to prepend them), resets and quits [16:42] Imants-LV, what is your graphics card ? [16:42] hd 5830 ati [16:43] on Debian actual I would aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade but I guess here I at least have to change the apt URLs to something new, right? [16:43] !upgrade [16:43] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [16:44] !final [16:44] If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [16:44] Imants-LV, the reason you can't boot into kubuntu is your graphics card isn't supported for some reason the 5xxx series ati cards aren' [16:45] aren't working [16:45] thatis mean i must forget about kubuntu for now? [16:46] BluesKaj: hes running kubuntu on /dev/sdb so how can this be his problem [16:47] or i need serch driver? [16:47] veriz, ?? [16:47] Imants-LV, yes look for a driver , would be best [16:47] veriz: thanks [16:48] BluesKaj: Imants-Lv is running kubuntu on /dev/sdb right now if i did not missunderstood everything, so how can the gfx card be his problem [16:48] Imants-LV, you could try an earlier version of kubuntu [16:49] veriz, both drives use the same graphics card [16:49] BluesKaj: i get that but i must have missunderstood his basic problem then sorry [16:50] krake: good luck [16:50] kubuntu is finding driver for my gpu but i canot instal it from live cd [16:50] veriz, thers'a prob with 10.04 and 10.10 using ati 5xxx series [16:51] BluesKaj: Okey sorry for getting involved [16:51] is there smething like sniping tool in kubuntu? [16:51] i want to send screenshot [16:51] veriz, we all try to help, it's ok :) [16:51] ok Imants-LV [16:52] ksnapshot [16:52] www.imagebin.com Imants-LV [16:53] Imants-LV, what's the driver url ? [16:53] im not so fast in this os :) [16:55] how to add image there? [16:57] !screenshot | Imants-LV [16:57] Imants-LV: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. [16:58] http://imagebin.org/118193 [17:01] Imants-LV, that's the correct driver .. try to reinstall kubuntu on dev/sda5. I hjave to go [17:02] ok, tnx for hellp [17:17] howdy howdy howdy, its me, the annoying guy with lots of questions again [17:17] anybody know anything about flashing BIOS? [17:18] bloodsmith: need to see your bios manufacture site for that... however most only support windows [17:20] James147: I have a Toshiba laptop, so I'm assuming that I need to go to the Toshiba site, correct? So if they only support Windows, would it be possible to somehow work it where I can use it? [17:21] bloodsmith: that would be the place to start :) [17:22] bloodsmith: this might be of intrest as well: http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html [17:22] James147: I searched the site last night briefly trying to find any information relative to what I'm looking for, but thats like looking for a pink dildo in a pile of pink dildos [17:23] James147: ah, ty, I'll check that out now [17:23] bloodsmith: you should search for your laptops model number === avihay_ is now known as avihay [17:24] James147: I have all that info, just not sure about the process of flashing, or where to get the resources. Also, the possibility of bricking my laptop kind of bothers me [17:25] bloodsmith: then I have to ask if its worth trying? [17:27] James147: I'm not really sure how to answer that question. Yes, I think it would be nice to update the BIOS on my 3+ year old laptop so that I may more proficcently(sp?) use what resources I have. No, I dont like bricked technology... So I dunno. [17:29] bloodsmith: I would say unless you are having a problem due to your bios then you are unlikly to see any difference in upgrading it... also they do not tend to get newer firmware very often or change much [17:32] James147: While that comment alone would usually be enough to drive me away from such an idea, the whole reason I'm considering doing this is to upgrade my RAM. I realize that most likley my motherboard will support whatever I put in there up to 4 Gigs, but I'm entertaining another idea, somehow upgrading my motherboard BIOS to accept more than the usual max of 4 gigs of RAM. [17:32] James147: Ever heard of such a thing? [17:33] veriz: ok, got the same error again: Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependecy cycle [17:33] bloodsmith: I would find it very unlikly that upgrading the firmware would up the max ram you can have [17:34] bloodsmith: also, if the laptop 32 or 64bit? [17:34] James147: with a conventional BIOS upgrade from the manufacturer, yes, I would agree. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a user created upgrade that could enable this to happen [17:34] James147: 64 [17:35] James147: hello [17:35] bloodsmith: there arent many user created bios's that I am aware of... also I think the restriction tends to lie in the hardware its self [17:35] gomateshwar: Hi [17:38] James147: thats what I was afraid of... I kind of thought that so long as you removed the 'governer', so to speak, you could push it harder, put a little 'No2' on that puppy and watch it go. Know what I mean? [17:38] Is it possible to create 10.10 usb bootable in 10.04? [17:39] !liveusb | apparle [17:39] apparle: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [17:39] apparle: easiest way is with usb-creator-kde [17:40] James147: I know all the techniques, but the known issues page says 10.10 usb creator can't create 10.04 bootable usb, but does it work reverse? [17:40] apparle: it worked for me... creating a 10.10 usb from 10.04 [17:41] James147: okay, just wanted to confirm that...... wasting a CD seems pointless :) [17:41] apparle: but if your using usb then you can just formate it if it fails :) [17:42] James147: ya, but wanted to confirm it... just not to waste time :) [17:42] how is it by the way? [17:42] ah, known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-xkb-utils/+bug/639933 [17:42] Launchpad bug 639933 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "10.04 -> 10.10beta: could not install the upgrades - Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." [Low,Triaged] [17:43] any other application problems apart from known issues page? [17:43] obviously failing a dist upgrade is low priority, invalid even [17:43] I am not attempting a dist upgrade.... fresh install seems fresher :D [18:05] * jamesmc is not liking 10.10 + onboard intel graphics [18:17] im having a problem with firefox not knowing what program to open files with. Anyone have a clue why this is? [18:17] Im trying to use key authentication through ssh - vebose mode outputs Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' not found - this seems to be preventing authentication - I'm not sure how to fix this [18:21] yo [18:28] Just a thought: Is it possible to launch a fully installed (not imaged or as Virtual Hard Disk file) Kubuntu from an external USB disk with VirtualBox? [18:28] i am too lazy rebooting my pc now for just doing some installs^^ === claydoh is now known as Guest66366 [18:29] BajK_: you mean install kubuntu onto a physical disk from virtualbox? [18:30] no boot that physical install with virtualbox [18:30] ohg wait, you can mount a phyiscal hd, cant you? [18:31] hm seems, you can't [18:31] virtual pc can do that [18:32] but Ill ask at #vobx ;) === gb2 is now known as gunsofbrixton [18:36] hi, how do I update to 10.10? [18:42] !upgrade [18:42] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading === ruben is now known as Guest14040 [18:52] Hay Everyone, I'm trying to connect my Ipod touch 2g to Kubuntu, It seemed to have worked once this morning, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore, is there away to get it to connect again [18:52] ?? [18:55] Hay Everyone, I'm trying to connect my Ipod touch 2g to Kubuntu, It seemed to have worked once this morning, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore, is there away to get it to connect again, Im running Kubuntu 10.10 [19:00] hello guys, I am facing a peculiar problem in 10.10 [19:00] in case i choose "encypt home folder" at installing kubuntu.. how is it encrypted? aes with my userpass and automounted when i log in? [19:00] kwin effects work but flickering is there sometimes [19:01] Hi [19:01] Hello [19:05] Hay Everyone, I'm trying to connect my Ipod touch 2g to Kubuntu, It seemed to have worked once this morning, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore, is there away to get it to connect again, also im using Kubuntu 10.10 === zegenie_ is now known as zegenie [19:13] I was just upgrading my ubunto from 10.04 to 10.10 [19:14] and after the restart, I get a msg that says the it didn't install properly [19:14] and it will not start anymore... [19:14] Do I have to reinstall the whole thing again? [19:15] student29: are you able to get to te command line? [19:15] no it just freezes before I can even get to the desktop [19:15] what happens if you try to boot it in recovery mode? [19:16] I'm thinking I HAVE to reinstall from the scratch.. but wondering if anyone had some idea [19:16] student29: can you get to recovery mode, as ChrisE suggested [19:16] sorry, I'm a noob in linux [19:16] how do i do the recovery mode? [19:16] when you get the grub menu as you boot the machine, one of the options should be marked recovery mode [19:16] student29: being a noob is fine, we all start somewhere [19:17] ah === claydoh is now known as Guest44688 [19:17] okay, let me try real quick [19:18] hmm, i don't get the option [19:18] it says the GNOME manager is not installed correctly [19:19] but you do get a grub menu and it doesn't hang before that? [19:19] and says to contact administrator [19:20] sorry... what's grub menu? [19:20] student29: the grub menu should be the first thing you see upon rebooting.... [19:20] the one where it asks to press F2? [19:20] student29: no [19:21] hmm, that's all I see when I reboot [19:21] no, that's your bios [19:21] student29: after that point... you may have hit escape to see it? [19:21] and it hangs right after that === mren|off is now known as mren [19:21] dang it, I think I might have to reinstall [19:22] Thank you, James and Chris, for the help [19:22] student29: you need to chill a little [19:22] don't lose faith, all is not lost yet [19:22] student29: your grub menu is still there, we just need to get to it [19:22] okay [19:22] do you have a bootable cd or usb stick? [19:22] yeah [19:23] I'm actually in class right now [19:23] haha [19:23] can you boot one of those and we can use that system to fix your 10.10 installation [19:23] and you guys are helping more than my instructor [19:23] student29: from what little info you have given, i would say that chances are high that your system can be repaired without needing to reinstall [19:24] I have the 10.04 on my usb [19:24] do I have to download 10.10? [19:24] because I was upgrading it from 10.04 [19:24] student29: either 10.04 or 10.10 is fine [19:24] okay [19:25] darn it, my instructor is telling me to get off [19:25] sorry guys [19:25] thanx for the help [19:25] gtg [19:25] student29: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:25] student29: no prob, come back later, i think we can get you going again [19:25] Okay Is there any reason why Dolphin can't mount my Ipod but Nautilus can? [19:28] espadan7: i would not know the reason, but dolphin should also be able to mount it [19:28] Where can I get mirrors? [19:28] Dont feel like waiting 2days [19:28] for 700megs [19:29] elb0w: have you considered using bit torrent? [19:30] jamesmc, work blocks it [19:31] elb0w: gotcha.... just google ubuntu mirrors, you should be able to find plenty [19:35] Need help with "Kinit failed: Realm not local to KDC". I have checked the lists and can't find any solution for this. I can't login via SSH or local console with my AD account. [19:36] BluesKaj i got a new gc today and my plasma crashes regulary... or freezes any tips? [19:38] v3nd3tta``, 10.10? and which graphics card ? [19:38] 10.04 and a geforce 7850gx2 as i remember [19:39] v3nd3tta``, have you done any updates and reboots since installation of the card ? [19:40] nope... says it's actual version [19:40] uhm and yes [19:40] i did some reboots [19:41] plasma says cpu usage is 100 % but at docky it's about 50-80 % [19:41] every aplett is stuck [19:41] even kmenu [19:42] so i have to use my docky shortcuts at docky and the console [19:42] v3nd3tta``, you shuold be using the nvidia-current driver with that card , and also check the nvidia Xserver settings in kmenu /applications / settings [19:43] yeah i should get update BEFORE upgrade and/or nvidia-current check :/ [19:44] <-- lamer [19:45] ok v3nd3tta`` drop to a tty , stop kdm service and install nvidia-current , sudo nvidia-xconfig, then start kdm again and startx if needed [19:45] Hi all, I've installed 10.10 and am having problems mounting data dvd/cds (LG IDE drive), error is "mount: /dev/sr0 can't read superblock" ... thoughts? [19:45] suddenly after 15 minutes it reacts again... just to get stuck [19:46] atm i am getting much updates [19:46] then i have to reboot surlely :P [19:47] maybe [19:48] hi all, I transformed my external drive to BTRFS some kernels ago, now I still cannot use its full capacity. Am I doing something wrong? [19:49] can I add a tar.bz2-option to the compress menu when I right click files? [19:49] thanks BluesKaj i also got your method written down... i may use it if this fails even after reboot :) [19:51] v3nd3tta``, here' the step by step method , http://pastebin.com/qWg96z8C [19:53] hello [19:53] im back with same problem but with few chainges === akssps011_ is now known as akssps011 === claydoh_ is now known as Guest30628 [19:55] i formated bouth of my hdd and trayng toinstal kubuntu but i see only 1 hdd [19:57] i have first hdd 80gb and second 250gb, i want to instal kubuntu on 80gb drive but its show me only 250gb hdd [19:58] hellp [19:58] please? [19:58] Imants-LV: on the livecd can you run "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin the outpu [19:59] Imants-LV, I think you should download and burn gparted live cd and us it to set your / partition and /home partition on one of the drives m, it will see them both [19:59] ola [19:59] can i paste it here? [20:00] alguien habla español? [20:00] !pastebin [20:00] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:00] im using ultimate boot cd for hdd and ewrithing [20:00] Disk /dev/sdb: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes [20:00] 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders [20:00] Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes [20:00] Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes [20:00] I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes [20:00] Imants-LV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:01] Disk identifier: 0x3ca31512 [20:01] floodbotk2 no se usar esto alguien me expilka? [20:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/511855/ [20:01] !es | vit [20:01] vit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [20:02] hello guys [20:02] When I enable desktop effects I get a lot of flickering... please help [20:02] ok e ke no se ni en dnde buscarlo [20:02] solo se usar msn [20:02] esto es nuevo para mi [20:03] !es | vit [20:03] vit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [20:03] hi [20:03] how do i get java ? [20:03] Imants-LV: well, that sees both the disks, I would try setting up the partitions using kde partition manager (you might need to install it "partitionmanager" is the package) [20:03] ^^ or with gparted [20:03] or set up java [20:04] !java [20:04] To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. [20:04] skafti, install kubuntu-restricted-extras [20:05] packagekit [20:06] my btrfs disk thinks it is full, despite showing free space. btrfs-ctl: "Total devices 1 FS bytes used 478.99GB" "devid 1 size 596.17GB used 596.17GB path /dev/sdb1" Am I doing something wrong? [20:06] skafti, in the terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [20:07] can i do that when im on live cd? [20:07] thanks man [20:07] bowser: not sure about btrfs... but ext2-4 all have a percentage of the disk reserved for root, btrfs might do something similar [20:08] James147: this is external drive, does it aply here too? [20:08] Imants-LV, download and burn gparted live cd [20:08] Imants-LV: you can install partitionmanager or gparted on a livecd the same way you install it on the desktop... through kpackagekit [20:08] James147: I transformed it from ext4 some kernels ago [20:08] !gparted | Imants-LV [20:08] Imants-LV: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [20:09] please help me with bug #657930 [20:09] Launchpad bug 657930 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Screen is flickering with enabled compositiong effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/657930 [20:10] im booted now from cd drive not from hdd [20:10] bowser: as I said, I dont know about the btrfs, but all ext volumes ahve reserved space for root, however you can change how much is reserved [20:10] there is no any os in this system right now :) [20:11] Imants-LV: that dosent matter, you can install things on the live cd... they will just be lost on reboot :) [20:12] ok [20:12] im downloading now :) [20:12] ubuntu, that driver is for ati onboard graphics andthere doesn't seem to be a fix for it , launchpad might come up with one but I wouldn't hold my breath [20:12] thank god for this channel. have solved all my probs up to this with the instrucions of nice and helpful people in here ! [20:13] BluesKaj: It is actually irritating to use with flickering.. [20:14] BluesKaj: I tried all possible stuff except for checking each and every xorg.conf option :( === MuzerAway is now known as muzer [20:14] just disable the desktop effects , ubuntu ...it's theonly solution right now ...I have the same prob on my old desktop pc [20:14] BluesKaj: which gpu? [20:15] ati x200m onboard [20:15] hm, short question: Which package I need to install to get Gimp.pm? [20:16] ubuntu, I'm ordering a 7series nVidia for it soon , that's what I'm using on this server atm [20:17] BluesKaj: same here just Xpress 200, not the m one [20:17] BluesKaj: can you confirm as to whether this is kde specific or same on gnome as well? [20:17] i instaled that gparted what now? [20:17] ubuntu, i should be able to find an nvidia geforce 7600gt for 50- 60bucks on ebay [20:18] BluesKaj: you will get a 9400gt for that much maybe [20:18] ubuntu, it's the same on gnome , go check at #ubuntu [20:18] BluesKaj: why go for 7 series, better try lowend 9series or the gtx2xx series [20:19] BluesKaj: you can get a gtx210 or similar from newegg for ca. $50 [20:19] ubuntu, it's an older pc sibgle core 64 bit amd cpu and I don't feel like buying a bigger psu [20:21] jamesmc, gtx210 .pcie ? and will it run on a 300-350 watt PSU ? [20:22] Imants-LV,did you burn the gparted live cd ? [20:22] BluesKaj: yes, PCIe, and will certainly run with a 350watt PSU. -- the machine i am using now has that card and a 350 watt PSU [20:23] Imants-LV: try to partition your disks with it [20:23] its stil downloading ,i instaled that gparted [20:24] James147, I'm not familiar with the gtx210, dvi or hdmi out ? [20:24] trought console [20:24] BluesKaj: i ordered this video adapter from newegg less than 2 weeks ago [20:24] jamesmc, how much ? [20:25] BluesKaj: this card has DVI, HDMI and VGA.... it was right around $50-$55 [20:26] BluesKaj: low-profile ready [20:26] suddly an app shuts down once i open it...on terminal it says Segmentation fault [20:26] anyone can help ? [20:27] i have removed & installed but samething [20:27] anygivenname: what program? [20:27] Cheese [20:27] anygivenname: could you see if it starts on a new user? [20:28] what do u mean ? [20:28] omg feels like i updated every package of my system :P [20:28] go into guest session ? [20:28] anygivenname: create a new user, login with them and start the application... see if it dose the same thigs, this will tell you if its a bad config file or a problem with the program itsself [20:29] I am getting this issue (process_290) GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_(): failed due to unknown user id (0) [20:29] v3nd3tta``: you upgrading to 10.10? [20:29] i am trying to install 10.10 [20:29] can use guest login ? [20:29] anygivenname: should be enough [20:29] no just a general update James147 [20:30] i more like to stay at LTS because Maverick is too "unstable" for me [20:30] v3nd3tta``: it is? why so? [20:30] i'm a newb and even apt-get update before apt-get upgrade needs more brain :P [20:32] does anyone know how to fix the kopete file transfer to yahoo ? [20:32] * James147 has aliased "sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" to "upgrade" :) [20:32] jamesmc, I'm looking at newegg now and I see the xfx one is cheapest , but the msi is probly a better card right ? [20:33] i am sure you don't want to check my install log for spelling errors right? [20:33] jamesmc, http://www.newegg.ca/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=nvidia+gtx+210&x=14&y=31 [20:33] :P j/k [20:34] no it's finished... should i first try to reconfigure x/nvidia-xconf? [20:35] v3nd3tta``: I would only do taht if you cant start X [20:35] okay [20:35] ty i get to reboot :) [20:35] cu [20:36] BluesKaj: mine is also an MSI....a VN210 w/512MB DDR2, but i am not sure that it is still listed [20:38] is there a way to make bootable usb flash drive with gparted live cd on it? [20:39] BluesKaj: yes, the one i ordered just 2 weeks ago is listed as nw being 'deactivated': http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127459&cm_re=vn210-_-14-127-459-_-Product [20:40] i am not able to pair my mobile with my computer using bluetooth. [20:40] the fuck? i rebooted and just at the moment plasma freezed again [20:40] doesnt it like when i have disabled desktop effects/compiz? [20:40] v3nd3tta``: Please mind your language here. [20:41] sorry but i am just a bit angry about plasma :( [20:41] jamesmc, I hav a few questions , can we discuss in #kubuntu-offtopic ? [20:41] v3nd3tta``: on my laptop, i have to manually get desktop effects going each time i log-in to KDE... intel graphics are not doing well in 10.10. i am panning to revert back to lucid on that laptop [20:42] BluesKaj: yes, definitely [20:42] cool , jamesmc [20:42] is there a console command for this jamesmc or just per kmenu/settings ? [20:43] v3nd3tta``: i just either use shift+alt+F11 (or F12?) , or click to enable it in system settings [20:43] shoft+alt+f12 doesnt work on 10.04 [20:43] shift* [20:43] :/ [20:45] v3nd3tta``: i used that key combo in 10.04 on a few machines with no problem... althoug i seldom needed to [20:45] v3nd3tta``: i do believe that there is also a console command to start desktop effects, not sure what it would be [20:45] Really weird AD problem. I was able to logon with my AD login, but after that, I got an error from KNetworkManager "NetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured. System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution. KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future." then I don't have a username, so id does not show my username. 'w' does not [20:47] !!pastebinit [20:47] pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [20:47] Hi I have problems with nvidia-current package... glx doesn't seem to be working ... I think it got broken when I was trying binary package from nvidia... any suggestions how to fix it ? [20:47] !pastebinit [20:47] eyebeam: Read what ubottu told you. [20:48] yeah, just saw that [20:48] http://paste.ubuntu.com/511883/ [20:49] But I can't install pastebinit because my apt-get proxy is screwed up === debian_cplusplus is now known as guest_1011 [20:56] i have logged in with another account & found the app Cheese working [20:57] on the main account it shuts down as I open it & in terminal it says Segmentation fault [21:01] can anyone help please ? === v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta`` [21:03] This depends on the problem. :-) I'm a rather new user myself, but the other folks might know the anser. [21:03] answer^^ [21:04] going over my desktop pc for a few mins, bbl [21:05] yeah i was talking to someone who asked to log on with another account...if it works then i have a problem with the config file [21:05] now it worked....dunno how to fix the config file he was referring to [21:06] how do I set my proxy for apt-get? my /etc/apt/apt.conf.proxy contains a line for the proxy, but I can't reach any repositories [21:07] Hmm. anygivenname: Not sure I can be much help with that. Do you know the name of the configuration file ... so the other folks might have something to go on? [21:07] no :( [21:09] anygivenname: not sure which file cheese srotes its config in, but its likly to be in either your home, or ~/.config check those locations [21:10] thanks.....someone told me to do gstreamer-properties & test the webcam...I did....then Cheese is now working [21:11] ciao [21:11] !list [21:11] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [21:11] notte a tutti [21:12] i am getting a new pc...is it possible to copy this HD to the new HD so that new machine runs exaclty like this one with all settings I have done? [21:12] anygivenname: yes :) [21:13] Oooh ... that's an answer I'm interested in too! [21:14] anygivenname: easiest way is to just pullout the hdd from the old comp and put them in the new one, but you can also copy over the files as well [21:15] old hdd is 40GB...new pc has 500GB [21:15] so i should copy [21:15] anygivenname: you may need to change the boot order in teh bios to boot from teh right disk (if you have mroe tehn one) [21:15] no...i just want to stay with the 500gb [21:16] anygivenname: you could :) personally I would move the old hdd into the new one anyway... it makes copying easier and quicker [21:16] but how do I copy the whole old HDD ? [21:16] the new HDD has nothing on [21:16] anygivenname: dd can do that... but it is easier just to copy the files [21:16] no OS [21:16] anygivenname: you can do it from alive cd [21:17] ok... this is gonna be an easy one... [21:17] so I install fresh on the new PC [21:17] then connect the old one thru USB ? [21:17] anygivenname: not if you dont want to... [21:18] or do I connect the new HDD to this old pc thru USB & copy paste the whole HDD? [21:19] anygivenname: Here is what i would do: Move the 40Gig to the new computer, uthrough a usb is fine, but internal is faster :) ... then boot a live cd/usb disk... from the live disk mount both hdd to two locations, such as "/media/disk1" and "/media/disk2" then run "sudo rsync -avhP /media/disk1 /media/disk2" assuming disk1 is the old one [21:20] anygivenname: (assuming the you havealready formatted the second disk) [21:20] hello agen [21:20] Problem(s): on boot, Kubuntu cannot find init, and the solution is to do fsck the HDD. To do that I need to run it off the live CD. now that the parts I know are out of the way, what is the command-line option that the liveCD uses to bypass the message [21:21] anygivenname: I would then check the UUID of the disk and change /etc/fstab (on the new disk) to match the new disk [21:21] anygivenname: then reinstall grub :) [21:21] wow.....i am ignorant in linux commands [21:22] W: skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists.lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages [21:22] i got another problem, cant burn iso to dvd [21:22] boot a live cd/usb disk.....this means put is an ubuntu disk ? [21:22] I got past this before... but.. can't remember how... [21:22] put in [21:22] that and I cannot remember how to fsck the HDD from liveCD [21:22] anygivenname: alternitivly you could try this on a live cd "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb" assuming /dev/sda is the old disk and /dev/sdb is the new one, but I would consider taht more dangrous as its doing a stright copy of the disk [21:22] I THOUGHT is was (dash)(dash) single [21:23] seems i will fail :(((( [21:23] anygivenname: yes, the ubuntu/kubuntu install disk is a live disk, just make sure you pick the "run" option rather then the "install" one [21:24] what is UUID ? [21:24] anygivenname: are you planing on doing this now? if so I could guide you though the process step by step [21:25] anygivenname: its an identifier for each partition, it allows you to identify a disk even if they are moved around or put in a new computer [21:25] no....but I will do it tomorrow....& I will difinately needs your guidance....but then I will not be able to shut down this old pc i am talking to u from [21:26] and now I have a new error from the livdCD boot... "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block357754" [21:26] so I will have to connect the new HDD via USB & copy to it [21:26] anygivenname: you should beable to launch an irc client from the live cd [21:26] and a ton more logical blocks... [21:27] irc was not here by default....i installed it [21:27] & does the live cd show connections to network ? [21:27] anygivenname: on kubuntu it should be (called quassel) [21:27] anygivenname: the live cd will bootinto a fully functional desktop, basically like the one that gets installed [21:28] it is possible to connect the new HDD to this machine & do whats needed while I guided by you [21:28] so you will ahve access to everything you would expect (you can even install things via kpackagekit/apt-get) [21:29] anygivenname: you can do that... or you can boot the old hdd in the new computer, [21:29] can not...this is a laptop...new one is a desktop [21:30] will run live cd & try to connect here [21:30] then u need me to connect this old hdd via usb [21:31] i can do that thru an enclosure [21:31] or if we can do it vice versa....it'd be great [21:31] anygivenname: assuming the hdd in the laptop is a sata drive, then you can connect it to the new computer (assuming it isent also a very very old computer)... i currently have my /home drive on my old laptop hdd inside my desktop :D [21:32] anygivenname: but an enclosure either way would also work [21:32] no...this is old laptop....IDE [21:32] yes enclosure would do [21:32] bur if we can do it vice versa....it'd be great [21:33] connect the new hdd via usb here [21:33] do the needful to make it bootable [21:33] anygivenname: it would work from either computer... aslong as both hdd are connected to one it shouldnt matter which :) but i am assuming your new one would be faster :) [21:34] so.. about my live CD not wanting to be a live CD but a more or less comatose one? [21:34] Tejyasn: have you done a disk check on it? === matt__ is now known as TxMatt [21:35] yep... one sec.. [21:36] checking disk for defects now to see what it says.. hopefully it doesn't change... did say it was good.. [21:40] still running... I think... [21:41] James147 : no errors found. [21:42] I've had this happen before.. I just need to add something to the boot command.. just forget what.. [21:42] So the first reboot after a fresh Kubuntu 10.10 64bit install everything looked ok then the screen flickered a light blue and turned off === MrChains1w is now known as MrChainsaw [21:43] Any ideas? [21:43] your HDD is possessed by the angry spirit of a version of Windows? [21:44] Tejyasn, more like ubuntu gnome 10.04 maybe [21:44] elb0w: does it still work from a live cd? [21:44] Havent tried that, went straight to install [21:44] but Livecd boots [21:44] yes [21:45] you never know, elb0w... I've heard horror stories of a wandering spirit of a Windows ME. They say it was never installed properly... [21:46] i think its kms not any esoteric spirit ;) [21:46] so I think the command was to add (dash)(dash) dingle to the end of the boot options... [21:47] hello, im back agen on kubuntu live cd [21:47] well.. that means you can't exorcize it.. so much for the easy fix.. [21:47] and I meant (dash) (dash) single, not dingle [21:48] can somewan say what is wrong, i cant see 80gb hdd [21:48] James147, any ideas? [21:48] elb0w: what graphics card do you have? [21:49] nvidia quadro [21:49] elb0w: have you installed tyhe nvidia drivers? [21:49] i even chainged setings in bios and swiched cabels to hdd [21:49] Cant get that far [21:49] * Tejyasn will stop being a wise ass until after being helped.. >_> [21:50] elb0w: try from recovery mode [21:50] gonna try gnome [21:50] have had gnome on it before [21:53] is there any dev here? [21:53] ok.. (dash) (dash) single doesn't get me past the error. [21:54] I know I got past it before, Daskreech was my Fixer.. === david is now known as Guest66721 [21:57] hi [21:58] does anyone have experiences with KVpnc ? [21:58] i am connected to vpn, but nothing change in my session, i have no idea how to switch to the connected vpn and see thing on the network pc [22:01] ciao a tutti [22:01] hm it looks like no help :( [22:01] !it | ubuntu___ [22:01] ubuntu___: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [22:01] qualcuno mi puo dare una mano [22:01] su come configurare questo mirc [22:01] !patience [22:01] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [22:02] non c capisco niente [22:02] still waiting to hear what boot option I need to mod with to get my liveCD to run... [22:02] david_: isent kvpnc depracated? [22:02] isent ? [22:02] what does it mean ? [22:03] isn't :) [22:03] it is old [22:03] ahaa [22:03] wait [22:03] i write here log [22:03] there is something better [22:04] it shows up connected david@158... [22:04] david_: have you tryed settings up a vpn connection with knetworkmanager or the netowrk manager applet directly? [22:04] and in right down corner the time is going on [22:04] no [22:04] i thought that this program can manage it [22:04] why can I use kpackagekit with a proxy, but not apt-get? Doesn't make any sense [22:05] david_: best to do it from the applet that manages connection :) espically since I think kvpnc is depercated, and never worrked well for me [22:05] and if i connect to vpn the sreen will automaticly change ? if everything goes well [22:05] ok [22:05] Tejyasn: maybe you can find the anser again then in the irc logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ [22:06] so what are you using most ? [22:06] or what is better from the 2 above ? [22:06] network-manager-vpnc-kde [22:06] i need to connect on microsoft vpn [22:06] ok [22:06] its integrated in knetworkmanager [22:06] so about that boot option? [22:06] david_: ^^ install that then you should be able to configure a connection throught the network manager applet [22:07] ok [22:08] wee [22:08] you can also import profiles [22:08] weee [22:09] ammari semmu [22:09] i try it and if something go wrong, i will return [22:09] thangs [22:09] thanks [22:15] So Kubuntu 10.10 Live CD works fine. Install went smoothly. Tried both EXT4 and EXT3 and now on reboot it just shuts off my monitors after post [22:16] start without kms [22:16] How do I get to there? [22:16] and what is kms? [22:18] kernel modesetting [22:18] you can edit a line in grub to turn it off [22:19] don't know how exactly [22:19] how do I get into grub? [22:19] each start you can temporary edit a line of grub [22:20] How do I get into grub though?> [22:20] I do not see an option [22:20] its before the os is booted [22:20] its where you choose between different os [22:20] I dont get that by default [22:20] Do I have to press a hotkey? [22:21] i think so [22:21] but dont know what [22:21] so... I'm still on no init found on boot, trying to get liveCD to work... any one who knows of these things... *shrugs* [22:23] I can get to GRUB, if lucky, just putting it out there [22:24] elb0w: hold shift during boot to get get the grub2 menu list [22:24] so i set up the connection someway.. but when i choose it from network manager, nothing happend [22:24] right or left or doesnt matter? [22:25] elb0w: shift is shift :) dont think there is a difference in right and left... at least not that grub cares about === muzer is now known as MuzerAway [22:25] James147: do you have still some time? [22:26] James147, So that worked it said "Loading Grub" but then the KDE Screen flickered and the monitor turned off like its been doing [22:26] Whats the quickest way to edit files with root access? [22:27] david_: possibally :) [22:27] brian_: run: "kdesudo kate /path/to/file" [22:27] brian_: or "sudo nano /path/to/file" [22:27] i set up the connection but after clicking on the name in network manager nothing happened [22:28] david_: what version of kde/kubuntu are you on? [22:28] 10.04 [22:28] wait i have a look [22:28] 10.0.4 [22:28] MrChainsaw, There is no KMS enabled on the Grub boot line [22:29] it is somewhere in system the name, or this number is enough ? [22:29] Thanks James147 [22:29] brian_: sudo cat > /path/to/file [22:30] 10.04 is lucid :) 10.0.4 dosent exist :D ... but anyway, I take it you still on kde 4.4.2 then? (and kde app > help >about kde) [22:30] Tejyasn: wont that trash whats already in the file? [22:30] trampel: ^^ sorry [22:31] James147: yep... but edit'ed it shall be ;) [22:31] oh.. [22:31] was about to say... XD === MuzerAway is now known as muzer [22:31] trampel: not the best thing to suggest then [22:31] :) [22:32] yes 4.4.2 [22:32] brain_ said "quickest" that unlocks the nonsense [22:32] i installed it few hours ago [22:32] so no changes yes [22:32] s/brain_/brian/ [22:32] trampel: :) [22:32] yet [22:33] should i restart it and try it again ? [22:34] this is what i need to set up.. but it is in czech and for win only http://portal.upol.cz/wcmfiles/CVT/InformaceNavody/PocSit/VPN_XP.pdf [22:34] david_: you might want to try upgrading to kde 4.5.x (by adding the backports ppa "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports) [22:34] can i upgrade it from console [22:34] ? [22:34] it is the easiest way for me :) [22:35] ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports [22:35] said nothing to me [22:35] david_: yup :) run this: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [22:35] ok [22:36] downloading.. [22:36] not sure if upgrading will help though :) ... but allot of bugs have been fixed in 4.5. [22:36] it is almost 300Mb.. [22:37] install will be done after 10-15 min.. [22:38] david_: will try setting up a vpn to my uni tomorrow see if i can get it to work (cant do it to night though) if you still cannot connect tomorrow ping me and I will tell you what I have found out [22:41] ok [22:41] so... if anyone knows a boot option for the liveCD that will get past it having errors with " W: skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages" and " W: skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages" [22:41] thanks [22:41] Soo [22:42] I got my dual monitor setup working all nicely and all, except now when I reboot my computer, it resets everything. Is there any way to make it save the settings and all for startup? [22:42] brian_: how did you set it up? [22:43] With some xrandr commands [22:43] dude linux is failing hard today [22:43] So if I went into recovery and did startx [22:43] I could load in, but if I normal boot it goes into power save after post [22:44] is there a simple way to change the computer name in 10.04? [22:45] brian_: then you should create a script with those commands in and set it to run in the autostart options (in system settings [22:45] cato37: edit /etc/hostname [22:45] Well, the script doesn't take care of everything [22:45] After I run the script, I also have to move the toolbars around [22:46] is there any way with commands/scripts to move the toolbars(panels) [22:46] i was told that if i do it that way, i would not be able to use the sudo command. [22:46] cato37 :: has it been baptised yet? [22:46] Hi -- I have a dual monitor setup that I can nicely configure through the system settings, but whenever I reboot the configuration is lost and the monitors are mirrored (and have the wrong resolutions), rather than side by side. How can I keep the configuration? [22:46] lol [22:46] ctw, I just asked the same question lol [22:47] SO far, I've written a script to "save" the settings [22:47] brian_: :) did you get any good answers? [22:47] Or rather, to put the settings back [22:47] But the panels get messed up [22:47] So if you need help making a script, I'd be glad to help [22:47] brian_: can you post the script somewhere? [22:47] Mmk [22:47] Tejyasn: not baptized. i put kubuntu on some of my friends laptops and named the computers all the same name. [22:47] brian_: there's got to be an easier way ... [22:47] You'd think so, wouldn't you? [22:48] oh.. that's fun.. [22:48] the easiest way I can think of is to re-install.. but.. I'm sure there is a better way.. [22:48] cato37: Tejyasn: to change the computer name edit /etc/hostname [22:49] Commenting in scripts uses # right? [22:49] brian_: in bash scripts yes [22:49] James147: i was told i had to go in as root to be able to not loose the abilty to use the sudo command [22:49] oh.. well.. see? ther is a better way! [22:49] brian_, ctw: I have searched for an easier way some time ago, I ended up with a simple script doing it [22:50] liwo: can you post that script, please? [22:50] is there a way without going into root and changing script?. last time i went into root i killed my desktop [22:50] Apparently, KDe isn't yet able to save and restore the randr configuration [22:50] liwo: is there no way to create an xorg.conf file that will do the trick? [22:50] cato37: "go in as root"? [22:50] ctw: I'm currentlly greping my home dir for it ;-) [22:51] liwo: thanks :) [22:51] http://pastebin.com/5mJHy5sA [22:51] ctw: didn't work well for me [22:51] Thats the one I'm using [22:51] liwo: so what are you currently doing? [22:51] it's very annoying to go through the settings every time ... [22:51] Having a script run at login that does some xrandr calls [22:51] well.. I think I fixed my problem somehow.. [22:52] ctw: This is the script I use [22:52] http://pastebin.com/5mJHy5sA [22:52] At least my panels aren't messed up... [22:52] which brings up a new question.. is there any way to clear a buffer in Quassel without deleting a chat? [22:52] * Tejyasn hasn't seen one, but might be blind.. [22:52] brian_: why the sleep? [22:52] Idk [22:52] To give it a break? [22:52] What for? [22:53] So it can enjoy some koolaid? :D [22:53] that is what i was told, by someone who isnt here right now, and when i search for "chang computer name, kde" i get a bunch of instructions for going into the network settings gui and changing settings that no longer exist in 10.04. [22:53] I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and am trying to install the proprietary driver but I'm getting "SystemError:installArchives() failed", I cannot use my wireless card without it [22:54] liwo, brian_: have you played around with xorg.conf at all ... that used to work well, does that not work anymore? [22:54] I can't find the xorg.conf for some reason [22:54] brian_: ctw: what graphics cards do you ahve? [22:54] find /etc -name "xorg.conf" ...? [22:54] brian_: it's not there by default, but you can create it ... I had no luck so far with that though although it works fine on another machine (with NVIDIA graphics card) [22:55] hello [22:55] James147: built-in intel [22:55] I have some weird Dell card I think [22:55] James147: on a laptop [22:55] Some default one === mren is now known as mren|off [22:55] James147: Thinkpd x201 [22:55] i asume everyone here has ubuntu? [22:55] James147: Thinkpad [22:55] I'm not really sure what it is lol [22:55] I have an Ubuntu disc [22:55] but I use Kubuntu mostly [22:55] im using a USB [22:55] ctw: It used to, but I don't even have one at the moment... [22:56] so any 1 use the 10.04? [22:56] cato37: just changed the name of my netbook by editing /etc/hostname without issue... (rebooted to test) [22:56] liwo: you can create xorg.conf ... I just haven't gotten it to work for my laptop (it works with my desktop and the NVIDIA setup tools) [22:56] or is this just 9.14 [22:56] James147: any ideas how to set it up? [22:57] * Tejyasn disappears [22:57] I know I can, but it didn't work out too well for my dual screen setup, maybe I just didn't it right, but my script does the trick [22:57] James147: thanx, james. we are in the middle of midterms and i am very nervous about changing anything in root--especially our laptops. [22:58] cato37: if it dosent work you can boot into recoverymode and hange it back [22:58] does 9.14 use grub 1? [22:58] ubuntu: there is no 9.14 [22:59] oic whats thisd then? [22:59] ubuntu: most people here are using kubuntu... and grub2 has been used since 9.10, 9.14 dosent exist [22:59] im using a usb guess i ment 9.10 [23:00] so is 9.10 more stable then 10.10? [23:00] brian_: ctw: The bst way i can find is to setup an xorg.conf file... this might help: http://jbopensrc.wordpress.com/2008/04/29/quickfix-ubuntu-hardy-dual-monitor-with-intel-945gm-troubles-cant-escape-clone-mode/ [23:00] ubuntu: no [23:00] ubuntu: no [23:00] I created a .sh [23:00] and put it in the startup list [23:00] brian_, ctw: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45local_xrandr-settings: http://pastebin.com/BgZems9U [23:00] That'll probably be just as effective [23:01] москва спит? [23:01] so do u recomend 10.10? im on a dell insperon c521 [23:01] (moscow spit?) [23:01] James147: Thanks! [23:01] liwo: Thanks --- did you say that this does not work well for you? [23:02] ctw: this script works very well [23:02] есть хто русский а? [23:02] liwo: cool, thanks! [23:02] i hear alot about 10.10 but i have been using pclinuxos for about a month now seems ok [23:02] а по инглишу не очень [23:02] but no support for my lexmark printer [23:03] !ru | Sliver_go [23:03] Sliver_go: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [23:03] liwo: so you just safe this file as /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45local_xrandr-settings ? [23:04] liwo: is there anything else that needs to be done [23:04] ctw: will probally need to restart X :) [23:04] James147: haha ... of course! [23:04] ctw: exactly. This way it is automatically executed when I log into kdm and brings up the secondary screen [23:04] james147 is 10.10 better then? easy to use on a dell enspromn c521? [23:04] liwo: cool, thsnks! [23:05] ubuntu: if it works then yes... [23:05] i have no idea [23:05] what r u using? [23:05] ubuntu: then test it on a live cd [23:05] kubuntu 10.10 [23:06] is there a down load i only have a cd of the 10.04 [23:06] you can get it from http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu [23:06] ty [23:07] James147: what do you think about slackware ? [23:07] david_: I think its an operating system ... :p [23:08] ;-) [23:09] James147: i am thinking to go on it after i study some basic things.. cause i get better knowladges about system.. and it could be faster :-) [23:10] david_: it's not faster [23:10] James147: you looks clever, or to have lot of knowledge about linux working, so i am asking why you use kubuntu [23:11] david_: because i like it :) ... have atried a few other distrbutions, but never liked them as much [23:11] yes i like kubuntu too, but when i have some trouble it is difficult to solve it [23:11] and its convient, most things just work... no need to fiddle unloess you want to [23:12] i need to restart [23:12] easy and mostly powerful [23:20] ok so i will install win [23:21] cause i need to conect on network vpn [23:22] david_: you can use vpn on linux though [23:23] i just do not know how to set up it [23:23] there [23:23] i have some data.. but no idea, where what to put [23:24] in network manager [23:24] ip adress or host name is [23:25] using coding and ms-chap, ms-chap2 protocols [23:26] david_: google should lead you to quite a number of howtos on the subject, i would guess [23:26] get ip from dhcp automaticly and use dns server [23:26] these data i have about the network [23:26] + my login name and password [23:27] for example i am not sure if ip address (or host name) should be put in the optional-domain collum [23:28] hm.. command completion doesn't work after installing 10.10 on my lap [23:28] any ideas how to solve? [23:29] bye.. [23:30] saege: sudo aptitude install bash-completion [23:31] liwo: its already the newest version [23:31] openoffice reports that it needs jre in order to function. when i go into kpackagekit and type in jre i am overwhelmed by a score of different progs to dl. which one do i need? [23:32] deborah03: propablly sun-java6-jre [23:32] liwo: thanx. [23:34] saege: it was just a wild guess. Please try to source your profile again. Just type ". /etc/profile" (the dot is important) [23:34] deborah03: or openjdk-6-jre [23:34] James147: open6 sounds more open source than sun. [23:35] deborah03: is that a problem? [23:35] James147: that is a good thing. :) [23:35] :D [23:36] if given a choice between proprietary and open source, i prefer open source. [23:36] deborah03: assuming they work about evenly :) [23:36] Ok, if it works for you, it's fine. [23:37] liwo: ah, the problem was in /etc/bash.bashrc. i have uncommented the lines for command completion [23:37] But I have made the experience that some programs complain about openjdk and ask for sun... [23:38] liwo: ic. if i have problems, sun is next on the list. :) [23:38] liwo: its not so bad anymore I think... (although they might complain they ...should... work) which is why *ubuntu have removed the sun version from the main repo [23:40] James147: maybe, I didn't really try it, I'm not even sure which program it was, using too many of those java tools... [23:41] thank you james, and liwo. [23:50] hi