
thumperlifeless: ping05:05
thumpermwhudson: ping05:06
thumperjtv: ping?05:06
jtvthumper: pong!05:06
jtvneed a review?05:07
thumperit is very simple05:07
jtvI know, I've done it before thanks05:07
* thumper pokes jtv05:07
* jtv does not like that05:07
* thumper pokes jtv05:07
* thumper sniggers05:07
jtvGood thing I just cleaned out the pigsty in the kitchen and got the coffee brewing.  I'm in a good mood.05:07
jtvYes, good.05:09
jtvWow, that's a long opening sentence in the MP description.05:09
jtvthumper: in test_translatePath_branch_alias_no_linked_sourcepackage_branch, isn't the path you're constructing a sourcepackage path?  The comment says it's a distroseriessourcepackage.05:17
jtvSorry, I got the terminology all wrong there.05:17
jtvI mean: aren't you constructing a distribution source package path?05:17
thumperI am05:17
lifelessthumper: I've rc'd it for you05:17
jtvA distroseries source package is actually a source package, isn't it?05:17
thumperlifeless: ta05:18
lifelessthumper: but please let edwin know directly.05:18
jtvhi lifeless05:18
lifelesshi jtv05:18
thumperjtv: not really05:18
thumperjtv: but the linking is at the source package leve05:18
thumpera branch linked for a distribution source package is the source package linked to the active distro series05:18
jtvI see05:20
jtvthumper: another thing… I can't make head or tails of the comment in test_translatePath_branch_alias_invalid_product_name05:20
* thumper hangs head05:21
thumperforgot about finishing that05:21
jtvHa!  Got you.05:22
thumperfinished off and pushed05:23
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=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK*3] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bachi jtv, would you have time for a translations review?10:03
jtvbac: I would10:04
jtvfork it over10:04
bacjtv: thanks!  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-652280-pg-trans/+merge/3819510:04
jtvbac: how's the heat?10:04
bacjtv: 84F ... nothing to complain about10:04
bacjtv: the smoke and smog -- those i'll complain about10:04
jtvonly 29°C?  wow, nice & cool10:08
jtvor as they would say here, collllddd!10:08
jtvIt's also about 302 Kelvin10:08
jtvbac: with all the unexplained parameters to create_initialized_view that are just passed on to create_view, I'm beginning to wonder if it wouldn't make more sense to accept and pass on **kwargs.10:10
jtv(Had somebody done that before, you wouldn't have needed to touch it now)10:10
bacjtv: actually i had to do it in another branch too that is stalled...10:11
jtvbac: so what say you?10:11
bacjtv: sure, i'll do that10:12
bacjtv: if you have any insight into my other problem i'd like to chat about it.  it is resolved with a fine work-around but i'm bugged that getting and rendering a view doesn't work10:13
jtvbac: I haven't gotten to that bit yet, but I've been revisiting my modest recollections of how others did this.10:14
jtvSomething else again: in project.py, has_translatables:10:14
jtvdon't use "query_result.count() > 0" to establish existence.  Use "not query_result.is_empty()".10:15
bacjtv: yes, of course10:15
jtv(Storm's implementation of that is still not optimal, but at least this way you don't stop it from becoming optimal)10:15
jtvbac: has the requirement of dromedaryCase in method names finally been abolished?10:17
bacjtv: no, i just probably munged something.  where?10:17
jtvThe helper methods in TestRobotsMixin.10:18
jtvAnd the rest of the test.10:20
bacjtv: yeah, i was just on crack10:24
jtvoh that's alright then (!)10:24
jtvbac: just pulled your branch so I can play along10:30
bacjtv: wrt has_translatables on the view, i just saw there is the same method on the context so i can just delete it and the view tests.  yay.10:33
jtvbac: but you deliberately replaced references to the context object in the TAL with references to this new view property, and I thought that was actually a good thing.10:34
bacjtv: no i didn't10:35
baci replaced context/translatables, which is the resultset10:35
baci should've used context/has_translatable10:35
bacjtv: of course the has_translatable on the model needs to be changed to use is_empty, so i don't escape completely!10:36
jtvbac: what surprises me is that if I replace the body of get_rendered_contents with just "return self.get_view()()" I only see one test fail.10:36
bacjtv:and that is for distroseries, yes?10:37
bacand it fails on 'templates', no?10:37
jtvbac: no, it's TestRobotsProductSeries.test_LAUNCHPAD_does_not_block_robots10:37
jtvKeyError: 'imports'10:38
bacjtv: you would see another failure except i inadvertantly included an extra get_rendered_contents in the test for distroseries10:40
bacjtv: delete it and you'll see another failure10:40
bacjtv: but i'm glad you just pointed out the redundancy10:40
jtvwell, "stumbled into it without even realizing it afterwards" would be more appropriate10:41
jtvSo now test_LAUNCHPAD_does_not_block_robots fails for both ProductSeries and DistroSeries, though not for ProjectGroup.10:42
jtv(Is there one for ProjectGroup?)10:42
bacjtv: a failure?  no.  likely the page template doesn't use a menu for PG10:43
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: StevenK || queue: [StevenK*2] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jtvbac: I wonder if it's this line…10:46
jtvlib/lp/translations/templates/person-navlinks.pt:      <a tal:replace="structure view/menu:navigation/imports/render"/>10:46
bacyes.  yes that is it10:46
bacfor distroseries it is the one for 'templates'10:46
jtvbac: that makes me wonder… why is that menu even being referenced for an anonymous access? —this is anonymous access, isn't it?10:49
bacyes, but i don't think it is relevant10:49
bacin the web UI those links are visible to the anon user10:50
bacagain, i think the problem is that the view is registered in the zcml on a layer but not the facet10:50
bacand it could be the redirection view stuff y'all do10:50
bacjtv:  hey, would you mind looking at sqlobject.py's is_empty()?10:55
baci mean in storm10:55
jtvbac: not at all, hang on10:55
jtvbac: that looks a bit like a bug doesn't it10:57
bacyeah, it it really messes up my tests10:57
jtvdef is_empty(self): result_set = foo() ; return not result_set.is_empty()10:57
jtvbugger with bells on10:57
jtvthat's pretty serious10:58
bacso, are we not using it anywhere?  i guess all the call sites using is_empty are pure storm10:58
jtvI guess.  We've been using workarounds in Storm, and cast-to-bool in SQLObject.10:58
* jtv strides off towards #storm10:59
jtvbac: I'd file a storm bug for this if I were you.11:01
baci would if i could get to LP.net11:01
jtvsame problem as spiv?11:02
bacdunno.  is spiv having a problem?11:02
bacit worked moments ago so i expect it is transient11:02
jtvHe was having problems with SSL connections.11:02
bachmm, dns lookup error11:02
bacand we're back11:03
jtv…except I'm not getting a whois record for code.launchpad.net11:04
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: StevenK || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapgmb: Fancy another one on the stack? Also, can you do UI reviews?11:19
bacjtv:bug 65907811:21
_mup_Bug #659078: sqlobject is_empty and __nonzero__ are incorrect <Storm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/659078>11:21
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: allenap || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
gmballenap: in order: Yes and No11:21
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: allenap || queue: [allenap] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
gmballenap: Er...11:21
bacjtv: in light of this bug, i'll put an XXX in the spot i was going to use is_empty until it is resolved.11:22
allenapgmb: Oops11:22
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: allenap || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
gmballenap: I'm assuming its the one on +activereviews already11:22
gmbbug 65682311:22
allenapgmb: Yip.11:22
_mup_Bug #656823: Subscribing to a search lacks a UI <story-subscribe-to-search> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/656823>11:22
jtvjtv: yes, makes sense11:22
bacjtv: in create_initialized_view, some of the named parameters are actually used in the method (form and method) so they can't really be grouped in with kwargs.  unfortunately they are in the middle of the argument list.11:34
jtvbac: would it be too nasty to read them as kwargs.get(parameter, default)?11:36
bacjtv: also create_view already takes a kwargs11:36
bacjtv: my inquisitiveness into how that would work is trumped by my need to go get dinner.  let's talk about it tomorrow.11:38
jtvbac: ok11:38
jtvI'll just add my comments to the MP.11:39
bacthanks jtv11:43
gmballenap: Code looks good to me.11:43
gmbIt'll be interesting to see if and how we eventually integrate that with +subscriptions...11:43
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapgmb: Cheers. Is there a plan somewhere for what +subscriptions will evolve into?11:44
StevenKgmb: I've commented on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/db-add-derivedistroseries-api/+merge/38189 ; I'm happy with everything else you pointed out.11:44
gmballenap: There's a mockup. Not sure that constitutes a plan.11:49
gmbStevenK: Looking now, thanks.11:49
gmbStevenK: Okay, I've replied. I suggest that you just expand the loop to a series of `if not <param>: raise DerivationError("Useful message")` statements.11:53
* gmb -> lunch and errands12:31
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, leonardr || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, leonardr || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jcsackettMP for my review is here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/code-configuration-652142/+merge/3801514:07
jcsackettno huge rush, just making sure it's in the queue this morning. :-)14:07
leonardrjcsackett, i'll take a look14:07
jcsackettleonardr, thanks.14:07
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, leonardr || Reviewing: lunch, jcsackett || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
leonardrjcsackett, r=me14:16
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jcsackettleonardr: thanks.14:16
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, leonardr || Reviewing: -, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: leonardr || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
gary_posterleonardr: care to eyeball this to make sure I haven't done something stupid somehow in what should be the dumbest commit ever?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/production-devel-test/+merge/3823916:46
leonardrgary, r=me16:50
gary_postercool thanks16:50
gary_posterleonardr: could you actually approve it in the MP?  That will make it easier to land16:54
leonardrgary: sorry!16:54
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
gary_posterleonardr: two more, with low priority because I won't land them till after the release.17:08
gary_poster(1) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug656213/+merge/38242 stub has already approved this one outside of the MP.17:08
gary_poster(2) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug650343-2/+merge/38224 is big but stupid--a few moved files and making lint happy, in response to a review of an earlier branch.17:08
leonardrok, taking a look17:08
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
leonardrgary, line 284-ish of your second branch17:42
leonardryou erase the distinction between doctests with logging and doctests without. that's your intention?17:43
gary_posterleonardr: yes, because we don't have anymore in that class17:43
leonardrgary: line 562: "no signature is treated" is ambiguous, how about "a message with no signature"17:44
leonardrline 675, "message message"17:45
leonardrer, 57617:45
gary_posterleonardr agree, good catch, for both.17:45
leonardrgary, can you explain your change to the security policy around line 611? are you running the tests in a different layer to save time?17:47
leonardr(ie. the LaunchpadZopelessLayer)17:49
gary_posterleonardr: I'm duplicating the way this test was run before, when it was a part of that "doctests_with_logging" code.  It seemed that this was reasonable before, and I didn't think about it much beyond that TBH.17:50
gary_posterUsing the real Launchpad security policy rather than the permissive one that the zopeless layer usually uses is a Good Thing generally, but that doesn't really explain what is going on here.17:50
leonardrgary: maybe you copied that code from test_system_documentation.py?17:52
gary_posterthat sounds right; verifying17:53
gary_posterleonardr: yes, see testSetUp and testTearDown in ProcessMailLayer in est_system_documentation.py17:54
leonardrgary: is it worth refactoring that code?17:57
gary_posterleonardr: you mean to not dupe between canonical/launchpad and lp/services? I briefly considered it.  I rejected it because (1) the canonical/launchpad code is supposed to be all moved eventually, I assume, and I don't know how things will resolve then; and (2) it was so little code that it didn't seem worth it to me.  If you disagree, happy to put it in.18:00
gary_posterIf you want me to put it in and have any ideas other than two teeny tiny functions for set up and tear down that are used by the two respective bits of code, lemme know.18:00
leonardryour #1 reason convinces me18:01
leonardrsecond branch approved18:02
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
gary_posterthank you18:04
leonardrtrying to wrap my head around the other one18:04
leonardrgary: ok, the thing i don't understand about the other branch is why you don't set LPCONFIG when the instance name is 'development'18:13
gary_posterleonardr: because it is already considered the default in lincanonical/config/__init__.py ``DEFAULT_CONFIG = 'development'``)18:14
leonardrgary: ok, so avoiding that case is how you avoid setting LPCONFIG all the time18:16
gary_posterwell--I'd say, leveraging that behavior is how I avoid setting LPCONFIG all the time, but maybe that's the same thing18:16
leonardrgary: ok, r=me on that one18:20
gary_postercool, thanks again leonardr18:20
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bdmurrayleonardr: would you mind reviewing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/person-subscription-story/+merge/3792020:21
leonardrbdmurray, sure20:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
leonardrbdmurray, you talk about 'webster' before that user exists. you should mention that you're creating that user20:31
leonardrcan you explain where the 243656 comes from on line 69?20:31
leonardryou're also mentioning bug 16 in the text, though it looks like you removed it from the code20:32
_mup_Bug #16: "Swedish" and "Swedish (Sweden)" should be the same language <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by daf> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/16>20:32
bdmurrayleonardr: okay re: creating webster.  243656 is the subscriber id.  and got it re # 16.20:38
leonardrbdmurray, that subscriber id seems like the kind of thing we're trying to remove from tests?20:42
bdmurrayleonardr: yeah, I'm working on that now20:43
leonardrbdmurray: review sent20:47
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews

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