
achiangif i'm hosting a project in LP, where would be an appropriate place for me to store documentation re:$project00:00
lifelesspopey: I'm totally fine with a bug being filed.00:01
lifelessachiang: in your source tree? (have a look at wikkid)00:01
wgrantpopey, lifeless: /projects is an unsearchable tag cloud.00:01
wgrantI don't know why the form on code.launchpad.net would point there.00:02
wgrantThat doesn't make sense.00:02
achianglifeless: i guess i could stick a readme in there. just didn't know what was common across projects hosted in LP00:02
popeyseems mpt reported this alread in bug 476364 :)00:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 476364 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Search from "Code" front page is completely broken (affected: 2, heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47636400:05
mwhudsonpopey: luckily code.launchpad.net is very hard to navigate to!00:12
popeyi hope thats sarcasm? :)00:13
mwhudsonit's not entirely serious00:13
mwhudsonyeah, lifeless has it right00:13
popeymy thought process went like this 'ooh, apt.ubuntu.com, wonder where the code is, ooh, sil worked on it, I know, lp.net/~sil then click 'code', couldn't find it in his branches, then I am kind hazy about how I got to code.lp.net.. its entirely possible I deleted ~sil from the url and manually got there..00:16
mwhudsonpopey: almost certainly that's how you got there00:16
mwhudsoni agree it's a real problem00:16
wgrantWhat is apt.ubuntu.com?00:17
popeya redirector to apt://00:17
wgrantAh, for places that don't allow apt: links?00:18
popeyso people can post links online to apt.ubuntu.com/p/banshee  (for example)00:18
maxburgh, I thought it was broken, it took so long for software-centre to launch00:19
wgrantIt does tell you to wait :)00:20
popeyi get "You don't seem to be running Ubuntu" (on OSX in Chrome), i think it should link me to ubuntu.com/download :D00:21
wgrantBut something odd is going on. It takes a while for Chromium to even display the dialog asking if it should launch the external handler.00:21
poolieit would be nice to factor out the Quickly "add my ssh key to my account" thing01:32
poolieeg for https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/12841801:32
herr_nilssonhej folks! is there a possibility to bulk-delete old suggestions for a whole language?02:12
lifelessherr_nilsson: we don02:33
lifeless't have a precanned feature to do that.02:33
lifelessthere may be a bug asking for it - if not you might like to file one.02:33
herr_nilssonthanks! what a pity!.. well i guess i will file a bug then02:37
herr_nilssonsuch a feature would be great, because many "translators" translated low german (nds) templates into normal german (de) in the past and it is kind of annoying to dismiss all these wrong translations!02:39
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: jtv | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== IBZ is now known as jfroy
jtvfta: the good news is, your translations export ran around the time I estimated (slightly earlier actually).  The bad news is that you exported a release series that doesn't have any translations.  Did you mean to set up exports for the "translations" release series?06:33
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ftajtv-afk, hi, i'm not sure i understand what you mean. in the same page i have my import branch specified, i added the export branch08:07
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jtvfta: you had the export branch configured for trunk, and that had no translation templates.08:12
ftajtv, did I? not sure how i did that as there's no series field there, just branch name08:13
jtvfta: the page where you set this is for a given series.08:13
ftajtv, is it fixable? or should i trash the branch and start from scratch?08:14
jtvNah, easily fixable08:14
jtvThis is trunk: https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/trunk08:14
jtvNote how it has exports configured.08:14
jtvThis is the "translations" release series:08:14
jtvThat one has imports configured.08:14
jtvI'll just de-configure the trunk one for you and make the translations series export to the same branch instead.08:15
jtvAh, I don't have privileges to do that.  :(08:15
jtvHang on, I'll see if I can rustle up someone who can (so you don't have to do the person/team dance again).08:16
ftajtv, too late, done08:20
jtvfta: oh well that solves it too.  :)08:21
jtvNext attempt around 05:00 UTC tomorrow…08:26
jtvfta: by the way, you can try all this out on the staging server.  The only hard part is, staging's code-hosting setup isn't copied over from the production one so you have to push the branch separately to staging.  Then you'll have a pretty complete sandbox for about a week, and it does the translations-to-branch exports much more frequently.  Every hour IIRC.08:27
jtvA branch URL on staging looks like lp://staging/~fta/chromium-browser/my-chromium-branch08:28
jtv(We can afford to do more frequent exports there exactly because staging doesn't have any branches in its bzr by default)08:29
jtvand now, lunch for real!08:29
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hrwsomething broke with some bzr branches?09:37
hrw10:38 hrw@home:gwgw$ bzr clone lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.4-armel-cross09:37
hrwbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', '<Fault -1: "Unexpected Zope exception: CannotHaveLinkedBranch: <Distribution \'Ubuntu\' (ubuntu)> cannot have linked branches.">')09:37
hrwor from other side: Are branches renamed after each ubuntu release?09:38
persiaRather, they ought be branched.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/gcc-4.4-armel-cross/maverick seems live.09:39
persiahttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/gcc-4.4-armel-cross/natty seems dead.09:40
persiajames_w is usually the expert for this sort of thing.09:40
hrwthx persia09:41
persiaTry branching lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/gcc-4.4-armel-cross/maverick as a short-term workaround.09:42
hrwpersia: anyway I had lp:/ubuntu/ working and today had to clone lp:/ubuntu/maverick/ one09:42
persiaYou can always also branch from local branches, and it takes -r so you can branch from an older revision.09:43
* persia has done that for sponsors that wanted to sponsor bzr branches for SRUs for releases predating the introduction of UDD09:43
hrwpersia: I use git-bzr-ng instead of touching bzr directly09:44
nigelbhrw: mixing git and bzr a bit? :)09:47
hrwnigelb: using git to do all changes, rebases etc and then "git bzr push" to launchpad09:48
nigelboh, I didn't know that was possible09:48
hrwnigelb: I do not feel comfortable with bzr09:48
hrwhttp://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng - not perfect but does job09:49
nigelboh, nice!09:49
nigelbI've, on several occasions, done git status on a bzr branch09:49
hrwespecially when you got hit by its issues09:49
hrwnigelb: when I work with cvs my fingers type svn...09:50
hrwnigelb: when I work with bzr my fingers type git...09:50
StevenKhrw: Just treat bzr like svn09:51
hrwStevenK: sure, but I use "git svn" for svn...09:53
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maxbhrw: lp:ubuntu/SOURCEPACKAGENAME is currently broken because natty is initialized but not branched yet09:54
hrwStevenK: I am avoiding centralized scms as doing diff/log remotelly too often is slooow09:54
hrwmaxb: thx09:54
hrwmaxb: 10.10 is first release with my packages09:54
persiamaxb, Is branching the release on the checklist of release open tasks?10:04
wgrantpersia: Yes. But it's awaiting a cherrypick.11:27
persiawgrant, Cool.  Just wanted to make sure it was on the list.11:27
wgrantNRCP is reasonably complete.11:27
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
jtvlosa ping12:18
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kaioh sweet, so if I flick through the launchpad faq too fast, I get locked out...14:42
jelmerhi Kai14:48
jelmerkai: How do you mean? I don't think think we have a rate limit you can trigger by just browsing.14:49
kaijelmer: that's what launchpad told me, though14:51
kaiI don't have the exact wording anymore, but it basically told me that I was clicking links too fast, and that I should go back and spend some time reading the previous page, and that I'd be locked out for a longer period if I triggered this mechanism again14:52
kaiI can deal with this, I've already found the page I was looking for14:53
vadi2Is it possible to personalize date representation on Launchpad?15:05
fservewhat "triaged" means in launchpad? will be fixed?15:12
vadi2sent to appropriate sources for confirmation15:13
vadi2doesn't imply it'll be fixed, those sources can still mark it invalid15:13
jpdsfserve: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status15:14
fservethks jpds15:14
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kaiuh, now do I need to sign the code of conduct or don't I need to sign the code of conduct to get a ppa? instructions seem to differ here16:11
kaialso, I seem to have typoed my ppa in dput and now I don't get to run dput again with the correct path16:14
kaihow do I fix that?16:14
jmlkai: you need to sign the CoC. Where do the instructions differ?16:15
jmlkai: sorry, I don't know about dput.16:15
kaijml: it says "you need to sign the CoC to activate a PPA", but the packaging instructions for ubuntu don't mention that and I seem to be able to get a ppa set up without signing the CoC16:16
kaiah, found the instructions on fixing this16:17
jmlkai: where does it say "you need to sign the CoC to activate a PPA"? URL?16:17
elmokai: for dput, remove the relevant *.upload file, I think16:17
selinuxiumHi all, is there an issue atm? I keep getting timeouts trying to submit a bug OOPS-1746H162316:23
kaijml: I can't find it in my open tabs right now16:25
jmlkai: no worries.16:26
kaibut it seems like I can open as many ppas as I like without signing the CoC, I just can't put anything into them16:26
jmlI see.16:26
kaijml: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Activating%20a%20PPA16:27
kaiof course if you can't upload unless you sign the CoC, the difference is pretty academic16:27
kaibut I figure I don't have to get past legal to sign the CoC16:29
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selinuxiumJust spent 30 mins trying to submit a bug...16:42
kai"Not permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'SUPPORTED' state.16:42
kaiwhat does launchpad mean by that?16:42
selinuxiumLaunchpad keeps timing out..16:42
kaiah, pebkac16:49
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maxbIs anyone else experiencing sftp dput hangs *after* successfully uploading packages?18:10
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bilalakhtarmaxb: I have seen an error after sftp upload, but not a hang18:20
maxbI killed it, but the package was still accepted18:20
maxbI suppose I will need to figure out what the process is stuck on18:21
jhlThe documentation for blueprints (https://help.launchpad.net/InformationalSpecifications) seems out of date; I don't see an "informational" checkbox in the edit blueprint details UI. How do I mark a blueprint as informational/documentation?18:41
jhlAh, https://launchpad.net/foo/+documentation has the answer. Still, the LP documentation is out of date.18:45
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maxbdput sftp uploads use bzrlib!?18:49
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ftajtv, grrr, the lp spec asks for the gettext files to be named template/template.pot + template/lang.po, but for the po files, lp exports template/template-lang.po.. messing up my branches :(18:55
jtvfta: yes, that's a thing we've been wanting for ages.  The problem is, how do we deal with people putting multiple templates in the same directory?18:56
jtv(I know, it's not unsolvable—it's just work we never quite have time for)18:56
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ftajtv, i assume that if i rename my files in the branch, i will lose all the proposed translations, right?19:05
jtvfta: you mean, rename them to overwrite other translation files you already have in the branch?19:06
ftajtv, bzr mv fr.po blabla-fr.po19:07
jtvfta: that wouldn't hurt your translations (of course the next export would still produce a new fr.po, so you'd have two files).  But why would you want to rename that way instead of the other way?19:07
ftajtv, i requested a manual export. got a tar.gz with that in it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/511827/19:09
jtvfta: yes, but there's no point in following that convention anywhere except in the manual exports.  It only makes things harder.19:10
ftajtv, do you mean the bzr export will be different?19:11
jtvfta: yes, bzr export is newer and more sensible.  That'll give you a fr.po in the same directory as its template, and so on.19:11
jtvIt's only the manual export that uses the troublesome names.19:12
ftajtv, i wanted to work on my re-import script; but as i'm still waiting for the 1st bzr export, i fetched a tarball thinking it will look similar19:12
ftaso i give up for today19:12
jtvfta: we very much recommend going through bzr nowadays.19:12
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huobinIf I have one branch in my project on launchpad (trunk), how should I proceed to split a "frozen" version for releasing in a new branch (say, "release-1.0")?19:49
huobinI can only create a new (empty?) branch or import a branch.19:54
jtvhuobin: you can branch off the trunk branch: bzr branch lp:my-project19:55
jtvand then you push that to a new branch, which you can use as the development branch for your new release series19:56
huobinSo there's no way to fork the branch? I thought I had to do something so launchpad knows where I made the split at.19:56
huobinOK, thanks19:56
jtvThat does "fork" the branch.  But because this is distributed revision control, you can still merge individual changes from one branch into the other later.19:57
huobinI first create the branch, (release-0.1), then create new series (like lp:project/0.1) using this branch, and then do bzr push lp:project/0.1 ?20:03
ebelWhen I log into askubuntu.com with a launchpad id, it gives me a warning that the URL isn't recognised.20:12
ebelShouldn't this be changed to something more friendly? :P20:12
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
ivokshi guys20:45
ivoksi'm trying to request code-import, and one of the requirements is 'Project'20:46
ivoksi'm doing this so i could build daily ubuntu packages, so i don't really want to start another project for this20:46
tomsegood evening21:17
tomseany kind souls who can help a lost soul with an upload problem ?21:17
thumpertomse: what type of upload problem?21:22
Ian_corneI'm getting (7, 9, u'No public key') when trying to sign the Ubuntu code of conduct21:23
thumperivoks: which package?21:23
Ian_corneBut launchpad does seem to have my key registered21:23
Ian_corneany ideas?21:23
tomsethumper: well not an upload per-se but my package is rejected due to : PPA uploads must be signed by an Ubuntu Code of Conduct signer.21:23
tomsethumper: I did add my gpg public key into launchpad webpage in my profile21:24
thumpersinzui: any ideas?21:24
ivoksthumper: pacemaker, but i've already send the request... so no issues over here :)21:25
tomsejust discovered there is a small section called "Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:" it says no.. don't know how to get it to be accpeted though21:25
thumperit's been so long since I did that21:25
tomsethumper: ahh.. there's a small procedure to follow..21:26
tomseI've spent the whole evening trying to figure out what the problem was (I have several keys amongst other things hehe)21:26
tomseI'll get back to you when the procedure is done :-)21:27
tomsethumper: yeah.. I just missed the "Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:" section on the launchpad page, sorry for taking your time though .-)21:34
thumpertomse: np21:34
tomseg'night ppl21:35
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