
Robinuxheya guys whats the difference between desktop and server edition, won't i have apache2 and php5 on the desktop edition?00:09
aveilleuxRobinux: There's no huge difference; the desktop and server editions have the same repositories. The server comes with some extra packages installed by default (depending on your configuration) and has a few extra kernel modules that help it operate more smoothly on server hardware.00:12
Robinuxaveilleux: i see00:19
aveilleuxRobinux: Also, if I recall correctly, the server install does not come with a GUI by default00:21
Robinuxawww too bad00:22
Robinuxi'm too new to linux to operate without gui00:22
Robinuxit'll probably kill my motivation to learn linux00:22
Robinuxubuntu 10.10 is called mavrick? am i right00:22
aveilleuxRobinux: Yes, the latest version (10.10) is codenamed Maverick Meerkat00:23
RobinuxMaverick Meerkat00:23
Robinuxdamn that sounds cool00:23
aveilleuxThe codenames usually do :300:24
Robinuxbut Maverick is sick!00:25
Robinuxloved the name ever since i heard it in Top Gun00:25
Robinuxummm when did ubuntu come to existence00:26
aveilleuxAccording to Wikipedia, October 20, 200400:26
jlantzhow do i move my home folder from 10.04 hd to 1tb hd and not screw up new home folder on 1tb hd?  can't find it in my ubuntu books.00:54
stlsaintjlantz: do you have a seperate partition for /home?00:55
jlantzno i don't00:55
stlsaintso you want to backup your /home to your TB drive or you want to mount /home to the TB drive?00:55
jlantzlike to use my old home folder for the 1tb 10.10 hd00:56
stlsaintjlantz: alright well you will want to create a seperate /home (i think, if i understand you correctly)00:57
aveilleuxjlantz: Something you can do is create a new partition on the secondary hard drive, copy your entire /home directory onto the secondary drive, then mount the secondary drive as /home00:57
jlantzi think too,  i have my evolution email stuff that i don't want to lose00:57
stlsaintaveilleux: that will also invovled editing fstab00:58
jlantzevolution backup process is fstab right?00:59
aveilleuxstlsaint: So will creating a separate /home ;-)00:59
stlsaintwait thats what i meant00:59
stlsainti didnt mean that for the evolution issue00:59
stlsaintjlantz: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:59
aveilleuxjlantz: No. fstab stands for "File System TABle"... it's the text file that determines what directories are mounted using what hard drive partitions00:59
jlantzTHanks for the link! i'll study that!01:00
jlantzAppreciate the help!01:01
stlsaintyep yep01:01
Game_GuyHello, I'm running the latest Ubuntu (10.10) and I'm having some trouble getting my Hauppuage 1250 card to work. Can someone help me?02:16
stlsainti would love to...if i knew what a hauppuage 1250 card was....02:19
Game_GuyTuner card02:19
stlsaintill be honest with ya, im just going to google "hauppuage 1250 tunner card ubuntu" and give you what i find02:21
L551Hey everyone, just installed ubuntu for the first time02:22
stlsaintL551: nice, how do you like it02:23
L551It's nice. Just a couple things - My microphone doesn't work, and my touchpad is overly sensitive02:23
L551Working on getting it all set up how I like it02:23
stlsainthrm, the touchpad should be configurable, and is the mic internal or external?02:24
L551Using ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition02:25
stlsaintoh, i have never used UNR02:25
L551Well, I'm an idiot just go to mouse options to turn down sensitivity, DUH.02:26
L551*facepalms self*02:26
Game_GuyThat's cool stLsanit. I googled for hours ha ha02:34
Game_GuyEven tried this http://www.linwik.com/wiki/installing+the+latest+v4l+tv+tuner+drivers+for+ubuntu+8.10 thoug hit's for 8.1002:35
VerminatorL551: I believe thw mic is turned off by default, you will need to go into sound preferences / input to unmute it02:36
Game_GuyAnyone else have any idea?02:40
L551cool the mic works now02:42
=== juju2143 is now known as Crysis
=== DarkJuju is now known as juju2143
sujiths80The sound icon is not appearing in startup application...can anybody tell how can I change the settings04:18
aveilleuxsujiths80: Do you have indicator-applet loaded?04:20
sujiths80how can I check that04:20
aveilleuxsujiths80: do you have a small envelope icon near your clock?04:21
aveilleuxsujiths80: Then you don't have indicator-applet loaded. Right-click on the panel and click "Add to panel". Then look for "indicator applet" and add it.04:23
valindil89howdy everyone04:27
valindil89starcraft o/04:28
sujiths80aveilleux thanks04:30
sujiths80its working now04:30
poedoeWhere can I find info on uninstalling 10.10 and reverting back to 10.04, is this even possible without doing a clean install?05:19
aveilleuxpoedoe: Why do you want to do that?05:19
poedoeI just can't take the new launchpad design in the netbook version05:20
aveilleuxOh, netbook remix05:21
aveilleuxI know next to nothing about that05:21
poedoeI might give it a try once it gets more mature, I just don't have the patience to wait for it05:21
oracihi... a little help please ... I have a problem when configuring autologin in ubuntu alternate 10.04.1 ... install in console mode ... and after reviewing a manual install mingetty ... and the next step is to edit the tty1 file that would have to be in /etc/event.d/ ... but not found folder /etc/event.d/ and obviously noy found file tty105:22
GabrielYYZhello @ anyone reading06:22
GabrielYYZanyone knows why i see a canonical ip connection to me on port 80 and 443?06:23
saji89Guys, I had changed the headers of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki in a way to match the new theme, but I later saw the theme of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/ So now I'm confused. Can someone help me out.06:24
Randy_CHow do I remove an old nVidia OEM video driver. I got fed up with the compatibility issues with the Riva TNT card and replaced it a radeon unit.07:31
=== Puck` is now known as Akos
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=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
shahanI have just installed ubuntu 10.10 desktop 32bit. Now when I am giving this command on terminal "sudo apt-get update" getting this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/511553/11:14
geirhaThere's already an apt/dpkg program running11:25
geirhaps -ef | grep apt    might show it11:25
geirhaCould also be a dangling lock as a result of a hard shutdown or kill -911:25
shahangeirha: oooo now its updating :o11:25
geirhaAh, it suddenly started working?   It was probably the daily apt-get update that was running.11:27
shahangeirha: hmm, may be...11:27
shahanI am missing the Software Source in my 10.1011:28
shahanhmm I can start this from Synaptic Package MAnager11:30
geirhaThey probably just removed the menu entry since it's available from both the software center and synaptic11:30
duanedesigngood day geirha :)11:56
geirhaAnd a good day to you too, sir :)11:57
* duanedesign is having trouble getting started this morning.12:07
Robinuxheya guys, the default DE that comes with ubunu Maverick is gnome right?12:14
AbhiJitRobinux, yes12:18
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shahanHow can I configure iBus for bengali on 10.10?14:40
nemchikhello, i'd like to know how to get irc:// links in browsers to open xchat-gnome - im using ubuntu 10.10, xchat-gnome 0.26.1, and my primary browser is google chrome 7.0.544.0 dev but i'd like it to work in all browsers if possible15:25
pedro3005nemchik, well, it's in the browswer options15:27
pedro3005I know in firefox it's Edit -> Preferences -> Applications, select "irc" then select your application15:27
pedro3005no idea about chrome15:27
nemchikhmm, that kinda sucks - i noticed the 'preferred applications' lets you choose your browser and mail client - coming from windows i'm used to the 'associate file extentions and protocols' thing15:30
nemchiklooks like chrome calls xdg-open for irc links15:36
pedro3005Hello Silver_Fox_15:56
Silver_Fox_Hello pedro3005 . How are you?15:56
pedro3005I'm doing well15:56
pedro3005and you?15:56
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you.16:00
MichealHHello all16:23
Silver_Fox_Hello MichealH .16:23
MichealHSilver_Fox_: I was wondering if I could organise a Ubuntu Beginners Q&A session every month or something?16:23
Silver_Fox_I would advise that you speak with the beginners team council MichealH . They can be found in #ubuntu-beginners-council16:29
asus1015netbook was fully funtional using live cd but after install can't use wireless16:46
aveilleuxasus1015: I assume (by your username) you're using an Aspire One16:50
shahanI used a speed indicator of my internet on Lucid on the upper panel16:50
shahanbut I forget the name of the software16:50
aveilleuxasus1015: Crap, that's right. The Asipre is Acer, not ASUS/16:50
aveilleuxasus1015: My mistake.16:51
asus1015when i used the disk there was an option to load drivers. after install theres none16:51
aveilleuxasus1015: Either way, can you pastebin ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ) the Terminal output of the command lspci |grep Network16:52
aveilleuxasus1015: that's LSPCI <bar> GREP NETWORK (Except use the capitalization I used the first time -- *NIX is case-sensitive16:52
asus101503:00.0 network controller: broadcom corp bcm4313 802.11b/g lp-phy rev 116:57
aveilleuxasus1015: Oh nooo, it's the BCM43* series... I've heard horror stories about them16:59
aveilleuxasus1015: I know there's a fix somewhere, let me try and find the guide16:59
aveilleuxasus1015: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/11/broadcom-wireless-driver-fix-in-karmic.html17:00
aveilleuxasus1015: the guide is for Karmic, but I know it works for Lucid and Maverick17:00
asus1015ty. let ya know how it goes17:01
=== JoeMaver1ckSett is now known as JoeMavericksett
sujiths80 hi...After upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu 10.10 ,I am getting failure for mounting of drive sda118:13
Mohan_chmlsujiths80: even "sudo mount" command is not helping?18:15
sujiths80got a error like "mount: can't find sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:16
sujiths80but I can see some error like sda1 not mounted and press "S " to skip it18:17
sujiths80when system restarts18:17
Mohan_chmlsujiths80: do sudo gedit /etc/fstab18:19
sujiths80in the fstab file it is already there18:20
Mohan_chmland find /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 and add # at the start of that line and try sudo mount /dev/sda118:20
Mohan_chmlsujiths80: see what EducatedGuess said in https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1427818:22
Mohan_chmlscroll down to see that18:22
sujiths80mohan_chml: After doing that also ,I couldn't mount the devise18:26
JoeMavericksettsujiths80: try sudo mount /media/cdrom18:32
sujiths80JoeMavericksett:Sda1 is a harddisk patition right18:32
JoeMavericksettsujiths80: then sudo mount -t iso9600 /dev/scd018:33
JoeMavericksettsujiths80: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121404118:33
JoeMavericksettsujiths80: hold on.i'll get you another solution.think that's not it.18:36
aveilleuxsda1 be the first partition on the first hard drive?18:46
aveilleuxcdrom0 would be the first optical drive18:46
MichealHHey bodhi_zazen :)21:10
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lukjadHeya sipherdee23:06
pedro3005lukjad, I see you're failing as usual23:10

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