
RoAkSoAxkirkland: HA for the CLC is a reality :)01:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: whoa01:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sweet :-)01:48
RoAkSoAxkirkland: indeed.. been working on it all day01:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland: btw.. do you have any scripts that monitor the status of eucalyptus?01:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: negative, i don't01:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok np :) that'd be the next step.01:55
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool, okay, back to my holiday ;-)02:02
RoAkSoAxkirkland: enjoy dude ;)02:03
liamhi I am new to using the cloud and I am wanting to create an ubuntu instance on ec2 and need some clarification to understand better. When I launch an ubuntu instance and ssh in to it can I use apt and install whatever I want?02:15
maruqaccording to press release (http://www.canonical.com/news/ubuntu-10.10-server), it's possible to run AMIs offline in KVM. anyone know how to do it?02:19
maruqI'm assuming I run Ubuntu Server locally, then somehow setup KVM with the AMI & push from there?02:20
maruqcan't find any docs on the server / cloud pages02:20
smosermaruq, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images02:29
smoserliam, yes. you can do whatever you want. you'll go in as the 'ubuntu' user, and have password less sudo02:29
smoserliam, you can test drive (for 55 minutes) for absolutely free by going to http://10.cloud.ubuntu.com02:30
smoserliam, maruq i'm out for the night. feel free to post questions here and i'll look for your responses tomorrow, or ping tomorrow.02:31
maruq@smoser thanks.02:31
maruq@smoser if I install the ec2-ami-tools, can I then bundle the image up & push back to EC2?02:32
liamsmoser: thank you02:34
liamsmoser, you still here?02:41
liamso whats the story with hosting databases on the cloud? Do you have to use a special instance for your db and another for your os image/web app?03:38
smoserliam, you could.03:40
smoseryou dont have to03:40
smoseryou could (on ec2) use their amazon rds.03:40
liamsmoser: so what is the advantage?03:40
smoserbasically they're just "virtual machines"03:40
liamis it faster?03:40
smoseramazon rds basically gives you a mysql server. you dont have to worry about managing the OS or the server.03:41
smoserits just there and you can connect to it (i've never actually used it)03:41
liamsmoser: so I want to create and ubuntu 10.04 server instance now which ami should I use?03:41
smoserliam http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/03:46
liamok thanks03:48
smoserliam, note, that those do suffer from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/64959103:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 649591 in mountall "mountall spins eating cpu when 'nobootwait' option exists in fstab followed by a comma" [High,Fix committed]03:51
smoser(see workaround there in my comment 3)03:51
liamsmoser: so it requries a change to a config file? (sorry not too familiar with this)03:54
smoserliam, sorry. comment 5 is better.03:54
smoserbasically, just start the instance, then ssh in and03:55
smosersudo perl -pi -e 's/(nobootwait),(\S+)/$2,$1/' /etc/fstab03:55
liamsmoser: so if I run this command from the cli ec2-run-instances ami-52794c26 --instance-type m1.small --region eu-west-1 --key ${EC2_KEYPAIR_EU_WEST_1}  it will start an instance??04:10
liamsmoser: so I dont have to start one in the management console?04:10
erichammondliam: You may also have to specify --private-key and --cert or set the equivalent environment variables.04:14
erichammondliam: See: ec2-run-instances --help04:15
liamerichammond, yes I downloaded the key and cert04:15
erichammond(aside: I don't know why these modern programmers avoid man pages)04:15
liamerichammond, quick question can I stop the instance whenever I want and restart it?04:16
erichammondliam: EC2 has different concepts of run/terminate and stop/start.04:16
erichammondIf you terminate an instance, you cannot restart it, though you can run a new instance of the same AMI.04:17
erichammondIf you stop an instance, you can start it again with the same disks attached.  However, this is only possible if you run an EBS boot AMI from the beginning.04:17
erichammondUnless there is a particular reason not to, I recommend using EBS boot instances.04:18
liamerichammond: The reason I am asking is that I am only going to start this instance for testing a web app so the web app wont actually be used. So can I start/stop it only when I need to test or does it have to be running 24/7 meaing I have to be always for it?04:18
liamI have to be paying for it always*04:18
erichammondYou do not pay for the instance if it is stopped.  You do, however, continue to pay for the EBS volume (say, around $1.50/month)04:19
erichammondI should say: You do not pay for the instance *while* it is stopped.04:20
liamso the command ec2-terminate-instances completely wipes it?04:20
erichammondYes, a terminated instance cannot be recovered, nor can the ephemeral (local) storage (/ and /mnt) that were mounted on that instance.04:21
erichammondBy default, when you terminate an EBS boot instance, EC2 automatically deletes the EBS root disk for you as well.04:22
erichammondIt is possible to override this, and it is possible to take snapshots of the disk for more secure, long term storage.04:22
liamerichammond: I have a magazine here with an article on starting an ec2 instance that says "you'll want to terminate or shut down your instances when they're not in use to save money. That's done via the ec2-terminate-instances command. Simply run it with the ID number of your instance (which can be determined via the ec2-describe-instances command), and your instance will terminate:" So is this info wrong??04:25
liamhere it is here http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/put-your-servers-cloud-amazon-ec2-and-ubuntu04:28
erichammondliam: That info applies to S3 based or instance store AMIs.04:47
erichammondEBS boot have added features that let you stop/start the instance and not pay for the instance hours while it is stopped.04:47
liamerichammond: ok but that article says ec2 and shows an apache2 server running04:48
liamso if I launch an ebs instance and want to stop it I run ec2-stop-instances "instance"04:49
erichammondliam: The terminology is very confusing.  "S3 based" simply means that the image (AMI) is stored in S3 buckets. Instances run from these AMIs are sometimes called "instance store" instances because the root disk is stored on storage local to the instance, also called "ephemeral storage".04:52
erichammondWith "EBS boot" AMIs the image (AMI) is stored in an EBS snapshot (which, confusingly is also in S3, but not in way that you can tell it is).  Instances run from these might be called "EBS boot" or "EBS root" instances because the root disk is stored on an EBS volume created from the EBS snapshot.04:53
erichammondTo keep things simple, I just recommend starting with "ebs" AMIs and instances and know that you can stop and start them.04:54
liamerichammond: ok thank you that is very helpful04:54
erichammondIn my opinion there are very few situations where you really need to use anything but an EBS boot instance and it relates to high IO on the root disk that cannot, for some reason, be moved over to an ephemeral disk like /mnt04:55
erichammondEven then, it's likely not the performance but the cost that would be a factor.04:57
erichammondbut I digress.04:57
liamI g2g so thanks all for your help.05:00
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smosererichammond, natty versions are coming with man pages for ec2-api-tools14:38
smoser(basically just help2man like output)14:38
kim0hey folks, can somone please help this guy out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1593645 Unable to ssh into instances started over UEC16:29
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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