
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:22
xcrracer_mythfrontend does not see the backend after .24 auto-build upgrade.  service appears to be running.  what myth ports should i look for in lsof output?00:47
=== Twiggy|at|Sprint is now known as Twiggy2cents
tgm4883xcrracer_, what does the frontend log say?02:14
=== Gibby_away is now known as Gibby
gilson585What's goin on with 10.1003:51
tgm4883gilson585, uh, it's going to a party?03:51
gilson585Lol no seriously it doesn't work well for me03:52
mrandgilson585: you have to explain to us what is goin on.  It works fine for many.03:52
tgm4883mrand, no, i like this better03:52
tgm4883if people don't explain the issue, I don't have to help :)03:53
gilson585I have issues with audio on my analog tuner and my digital tuner locks up myth03:53
mrandgilson585: you running 0.23 still?03:54
rhpot19910.23.1 I hope03:54
tgm4883i would think 0.23.103:54
gilson585Naw 0.23.103:54
mrandI meant vs. hopefully not running 0.2403:56
gilson585I had been using 10.4 with optical audio out no issues till upgrade. Then backed up database and tried fresh install, no better.03:56
tgm4883as recommend as always, to upgrade to auto-builds03:56
* tgm4883 wonders why you upgraded to 10.10?03:56
gilson585Lol I kno, I wish I had waited03:57
tgm4883seriously though, it's a dvr, there aren't new flashy features coming with each new release03:57
tgm4883especially 10.04 vs 10.10, 0.24 will be available on both03:58
gilson585Idk what would have changed that my setup would become unusable03:59
gilson585In 10.10 that is03:59
mrandgilson585: well, for better or worse, each release picks up a new kernel03:59
gilson585I was using 0.23.1 since it's release. Yea me thinks it might be the kernel as well04:00
tgm4883mrand, isn't there a similar bug that was just filed?04:00
tgm4883the one I just assigned to superm1?04:01
gilson585Previous recordings play fine. I wonder if I should just build the drivers from source or reinstall 10.0404:03
mrandI assume tgm4883 is referring to Bug 658524, but that lockup seems to be independent of tuner(s)04:03
ZinnBug 658524 in mythbuntu "mythfrontend crahes X server on Zotac Zbox" [Undecided, Incomplete] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/65852404:03
gilson585Idk what tuner that box has but I've got a wintv go and 2 hvr-1250's04:05
mrandgilson585: the short answer is that nobody is aware of any tuner issues on 10.10.  Yet, anyway.04:05
mrandat least, none have been filed that the myth team has seen.  Possible they've been filed directly with the kernel team.04:06
gilson585Alright well I'll be the first ;-)04:06
rhpot1991gilson585: check your /var/log/syslog and dmesg for errors04:06
rhpot1991or warning04:06
mrandyeah, I was just going to suggest that.04:06
gilson585Alright I'll bring the box back up04:06
mrandNext best thing is to install the -dbg package, and if necessary, attached gdb to myth and try to capture the lockup.  Unfortunately upstream is really focused on 0.24, but all we can do is try.04:07
rhpot1991test the tuners outside of myth, see if its a system issue or a myth issue (most likely system)04:08
rhpot1991perhaps their locations just changed and just need to be reconfigured or something?04:08
gilson585thx for the suggestions I'll see what I can figure out and get back to u04:09
gilson585Ah yes it can't identify the newer hvr-1250 I have. I've been through this b4. Tho it still doesn't explain the lack of audio on the analog tuner.04:14
gilson585I'll pull the offending card and see if the other one works04:14
gilson585No go yet, the correctly identified dvb-c tuner still locks myth during tuning. Gonna pull the analog card now04:20
superm1tgm4883, seems that there have been a few people reporting HD stream failures.  hopefully an apport retrace will help to identify what's up04:26
gilson585I'll see if I can get dbg working for a trace. I'm new to debugging but familar enough with linux04:32
gilson585Ok what if myth doesn't crash back to the desktop but just hangs. Isn't apport waiting for a crash?04:39
tgm4883mrand, take  a look at post #2 of http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/455535 do you think that would work for gilson58504:40
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] Best way to submit debug data for Mythbuntu 0.24 autobuilds | MythTV | Users04:40
tgm4883I think it would04:41
gilson585Do I wait till it locks up b4 I attach gdb to myth04:48
tgm4883gilson585, I think so04:49
gilson585Man I wish this was in the wiki lol. It's not entirely straight forward for a debugging newb04:51
gilson585Ok I know the process id but how to start gdb against myth04:54
superm1normally apport should handle it all for you04:56
superm1as soon as the crash happens it should intercept the core dump and get it all together04:57
superm1but if it's just hanging that might not be something as easily debuggable04:57
tgm4883superm1, take a look at the thread I posted about 10 lines back04:57
superm1in which case something like that under <already running programs> should help04:57
tgm4883seems to cover the same type of issue04:57
superm1yeah that looks good too04:58
gilson585Well I've got some output from gdb though not sure if it's what's needed05:00
gilson585Yea that didn't do much. I've got 22 lines saying no symbol table info and a few other criptic lines05:04
superm1that's with the -dbg packages installed?05:06
superm1well that's a shame then05:07
gilson585Mind you I'm using mythtv-setup cause I have no channels yet if it makes any diff05:07
gilson585I could be doing something wrong. Maybe gdb right b4 I proceed to a hangup05:08
=== Gibby13 is now known as Gibby
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
AwliHi all :) I'm trying to get my twinham dvb-s card going and was wondering what the current best way to get the mantis driver installed is? The s2-liplianin driver locks up the system..08:39
AwliI've read some forum posts saying to install the v4l-dvb driver, however I cant seem to successfully boot my own kernel..08:42
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Upgrade to 10.10 broke my DVR - Ubuntu Forums15:59
gilson585|I have submitted a bug report to the ubuntu-kernel team concerning Myth 10.10 and the hangup issue with my digital tuner (hvr-1250, module cx23885) bug 65934820:10
ZinnBug 659348 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Oops - unable to handle kernel paging request; EIP is at videobuf_dma_unmap+0x43/0xb0" [Undecided, New] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/65934820:10
Seeker`can anyone running 0.24 try accessing a video from mythweb20:47
Seeker`something in the video SG20:47

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