
sujiths80after the upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 , I can see two ubuntus one in 2.x.35 version and one on 2.x.3204:20
aragood morning all!07:58
alouriegood morning09:28
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cr3I have a system that seems to keep rebooting while displaying a blank screen, nothing ever appears after the bios. is there a way to show what's going on and perhaps even fix the problem probably related to the video driver?15:32
charlie-tcahit shift to get a grub menu, edit the boot line and remove "quiet splash"15:34
charlie-tcarather, hold shift15:35
cr3charlie-tca: ok, I was pxe booting so that wasn't working but, without those options, I now get stuff scrolling but the same behavior afterwards: blank screen and it automatically reboots15:35
charlie-tcawell, that stumps me15:36
charlie-tcano error you can catch, I take it?15:36
faderDoes it boot to a login prompt and then reboot, or never make it that far?15:37
charlie-tcathe other trick I have been able to use is to try switching the tty's when it blanks. But, if it is rebooting itself, that won't work either.15:37
cr3charlie-tca: nope, goes directly from scrolling stuff to blank screen. isn't there some vga friendly parameter I can pass so that I cna potentially install the driver?15:38
cr3actually, my bad, it doesn't seem to be rebooting, I must need more caffeine15:38
charlie-tcatry "nomode" maybe?15:38
fadercr3: IIRC cyphermox was seeing that on some nvidia hardware and had a workaround15:40
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charlie-tcaI am not familiar with the pxe boot, but maybe replacing "quiet splash" with "nomode" will do something.15:43
cyphermox_cr3: nomodeset15:44
cr3charlie-tca: nomode didn't work, still blank screen15:46
cr3cyphermox_: trying...15:46
cr3nevermind folks, intel graphics controller and nomodeset doesn't apply15:54
moustafaGood morning, cr3 , fader_ , davmor2 , komputes , everyone who I may have missed16:07
moustafaCongrats on another fantastic Ubuntu release!16:07
komputeshi moustafa16:07
persiaAttempting to list folks is doomed to failure in every case16:07
davmor2morning moustafa how's life?16:08
komputeshi persia16:08
moustafapersia : Agreed, hence why I used a wildcard ;)16:08
persiahey komputes.16:08
moustafadavmor2 : It's ok, overall16:08
davmor2good good16:09
moustafadavmor2 : How're you?16:09
davmor2busy but bood thanks16:15
davmor2good even16:15
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
sujiths80hi...After upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu 10.10 ,I am getting failure for mounting of drive sda118:12

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