
dakerstats just want to tell you that there is an ubuntu web font used in askubuntu11:45
AlanBellwhere is it hosted?11:45
dakerAlanBell: http://sstatic.net/askubuntu/all.css?v=7710c2ff227d11:51
dakerCtrl+F ubuntu11:51
AlanBellinteresting stuff11:52
AlanBelljust updated bug 655305 with that info11:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 655305 in ubuntu-font-family "font.ubuntu.com needs the font hosted for web embedding (affects: 2) (heat: 37)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65530511:59
AlanBellinteresting that they are referencing "Ubuntu Mono","Ubuntu Beta Mono A"12:01
AlanBellnewz2000: what is the latest on the wiki update? any of my branches going to make it in tomorrow?12:13
AlanBellpersonally I would be a lot more comfortable updating the theme that is there but not making it default quite yet12:14
AlanBellthere are still lots of things that don't look great under the light theme, such as the info pages with the revision history etc12:14
AlanBellideally there should be a trunk branch for the code in the Ubuntu-website project rather than your +junk area12:15
AlanBellI don't think I can do a merge request to your branch, but I attached my branch to all the bugs I worked on12:15
AlanBellnewz2000: what did you think of my suggestion to add an accessible theme to the wiki (non-default, but selectable in preferences)13:11
newz2000AlanBell: Sorry, didn't catch your suggestion so didn't consider it yet, sounds reasonable14:34
AlanBellit was burried in my long rambling email14:34
newz2000AlanBell: will you be around a couple min? I've got to reboot real quick14:35
AlanBellnewz2000: back?15:10
newz2000AlanBell: yes, sorry. Got mobbed when I rebooted15:10
newz2000AlanBell: ive me 90 seconds15:11
newz2000hey AlanBell15:13
newz2000Yes, today I will try to package all the work done on the wiki together15:13
newz2000I've not looked over your patches but I did look at your demo site15:13
newz2000Thanks for the work you did, how happy are you with the rsults?15:13
AlanBellpretty happy15:16
AlanBellthe dots at the top I am not happy with right now15:17
AlanBellthey were an experiment which I think failed :)15:17
newz2000Can you give me a link to your demo site? (if it is still up)15:17
AlanBellhttp://libertus.co.uk:8080 can you see that?15:17
newz2000AlanBell: yep15:19
AlanBellgood, my laptop picked up the same IP as before then :)15:19
newz2000wow, that's amazing15:19
AlanBellI am going to back out the bigger dots at the top, don't like them so much15:20
newz2000yeah, I think we've deviated a bit radically from the designer's intent with the background image and the dots15:20
AlanBellI was trying to get some of the popular bits from the askubuntu.com site in15:20
AlanBellthe theory was to have a run of dark dots in a line across, which continues into light dots in the margins15:21
newz2000AlanBell: are you pushing your changes into lp?15:22
* newz2000 has not had a chance to look yet15:22
newz2000I've not seen an merge proposal yet though15:22
AlanBellcan I do that to your branch?15:22
AlanBellor does it have to be in ubuntu-website project first?15:23
newz2000AlanBell: push them up to LP somewhere and then submit it as a merge proposal (through the web interface)15:23
AlanBellok, it is on LP, I will just fix the nasty dots and do the merge proposal15:23
newz2000thanks a bunch for your help Alan, I'll be merging this stuff in today15:23
newz2000AlanBell: oh, don't be disapointed, but I'll probably reject your MP and cherry pick some parts out of it.15:25
newz2000I will use your work but probably not the whole patch15:25
newz2000I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful, I'm extraordinarily grateful15:25
AlanBellthats fine15:26
AlanBellhave a look now15:26
AlanBelllp:~alanbell/ubuntu-website/light-moin-theme is where it is at15:28
AlanBellwhere was your branch?15:29
AlanBellThis branch is not mergeable into lp:~newz/+junk/light-wiki.15:32
newz2000AlanBell: ok, I'll just poke at that15:34
AlanBellhttp://moinmo.in/ThemeMarket/SimpleMente is the accessible theme, quite plain but screenreader friendly15:36
AlanBell13:10 < akgraner> I like the headers in Purple oops I mean aubergine and the links in orange though15:37
AlanBell13:10 < akgraner> Love it! Love it! Love it!! - did I mention I love that part15:37
newz2000AlanBell: I'll look at it15:46
newz2000She'll be disapointed about the aubergine15:47
newz2000It's not part of the Ubuntu web branding15:47
* newz2000 tries to take the guidelines very seriously15:47
AlanBellyeah, read all them :)15:51
newz2000There's a funny story behind this15:51
newz2000When the brand guidelines came out, they said that "orange = Ubuntu, aubergine = Canonical"15:51
newz2000And then Lucid shipped with a purple desktop wallpaper. :-)15:51
newz2000Got everyone really confused.15:51
AlanBellactually no, they said aubergine=commercial15:51
newz2000ah, right15:52
AlanBellthen they split "enterprise" and "developer" with different dot sizes and pitches15:52
newz2000yeah, clever.15:52
AlanBelland there are 5 different aubergines15:52
AlanBellin theory in at least one of the design documents (or it might have been a draft I was reviewing) Canonical should be aubergine with orange as an accent colour and Ubuntu should be orange with Aubergine as an accent colour15:53
AlanBellthere were pie charts for the quantities to use15:54
AlanBellthe voice slider, thats the one15:56
newz2000ok, you may have gotten into them more than I have. :-)15:56
AlanBellyeah, but I tend to take the captain Jack Sparrow approach to such things15:57
AlanBellmore of a guideline than an actual law :)15:57
AlanBellhttp://design.canonical.com/brand/5.%20Ubuntu%20colour%20palettes%20and%20colour%20landscape.pdf found the pie charts15:59
newz2000oh yeah, forgot about those16:00
AlanBellsome things like cool grey as a background are nice in theory, but then I asked some low vision users in #ubuntu-accessibility to have a look at it, then I made the text darker and the background lighter until they said it stopped looking fuzzy and hard to read16:01
newz2000yeah, I've thought that about the server pages especially16:02
AlanBell-accessibility is a great channel to idle in, you can always post a link to a development site and ask for feedback on it either in terms of low vision or screen reader use16:03
newz2000good tip16:08
AlanBellnewz2000: there are a whole heap of 404 errors for missing images in /assets/ on my box, I kind of assumed that was because I set it up wrong16:21
newz2000You probably don't have all the files actually16:21
AlanBellyeah, I am not too bothered about them, but they probably should be fixed one way or another for deployment16:22
AlanBelland web hosting of the font is comming very soon according to sabdfl this morning Bug #65530516:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 655305 in ubuntu-font-family "font.ubuntu.com needs the font hosted for web embedding (affects: 2) (heat: 37)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65530516:24

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