
pwnguinwheres a good place to debug mauve screenmof death?04:02
RAOFmauve screen of death?04:02
pwnguinjust a sec04:02
RAOFYou're not successfully switching from plymouth to X?04:02
pwnguini guess not04:03
pwnguinthe xorg log just cuts ends with nvidia msgs04:04
ScottKRAOF: Did you see my ping on  bug 651294?  I'd like some help figuring out what package it should be assigned to.04:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really) (affects: 5) (heat: 26)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65129404:04
RAOFScottK: Yeah, I saw that.04:04
ScottKHad a change to think about it?04:05
RAOFScottK: xorg-server is my new candidate for fixing that.  Rather than trying to ensure that drivers do all their clean up properly during regen, make sure the server doesn't crash if the drivers forget something.04:05
ScottKSounds more robust in the long run.04:05
pwnguinim not sure if i should wait for dkms or something or hard reset04:08
RAOFThat's an interesting colour; that doesn't look like the colour of the plymouth splash to me.04:10
pwnguinits some kind of fallback screen with text04:10
pwnguinmaybe my laptop fell out of nvidia coverage04:13
bjsniderwhat hardware is this exactly?04:14
pwnguinquadro 110M04:14
bjsniderwhat about the baord?04:14
pwnguintoshiba tecra m704:14
pwnguinthe board is a quadro04:15
RAOFThe 110M should be geforce 8 class hardware, right?04:15
bjsnideri mean the mainboard04:15
pwnguinquadro nvs 110M04:15
bjsnideris it an intel chipset?04:15
bjsniderwell yuo sure as hell shouldn't be having issues04:16
bjsniderwhere is that pink coming from04:16
bjsnidercan you get to a console?04:16
pwnguinyes if i use the safeboot grub option04:17
bjsniderhave you tried nouveau? did it work in maverick with the 256 driver?04:17
pwnguinnouveau kinda works04:18
pwnguinexcept for apt not respecting the breaks field04:18
* hyperair thought nouveau conflicts with the binary driver04:18
bjsniderwhat about the 256 driver?04:18
hyperairoh whoops04:18
* hyperair shuts up04:19
pwnguinwhats that?04:19
bjsniderthe current stable nvidia driver04:19
bjsniderright now in maverick we've got the 260 beta release04:19
bjsniderit has some ishooz04:19
pwnguinis it packaged?04:19
bjsniderit was up until a week ago04:19
bjsniderso it works with nouveau but not nvidia. that narrows down the problem doesn't it?04:20
bjsnideryou're apparently one of the people stuck in no-man's land right now waiting for nvidia to release an updated 260 that addresses these ishooz04:21
pwnguinok well04:22
pwnguinis nouveau supposed to work with gnome monitor settings?04:22
bjsniderthere's not anything crazy in your xorg.conf is there?04:23
pwnguinif i nuke it04:24
pwnguini get nouveau04:24
bjsniderthe customedid option is not working right now04:24
bjsniderwith nvidia04:24
pwnguinif i use nvidia-xconfig04:24
pwnguini get that04:24
bjsniderjockey creates a good xorg.conf when you enable the recommended driver. i am not as confident in nvidia-xconfig04:25
pwnguinmy old config had twinview with laptop panel off and vga out driving my monitor04:25
pwnguinjockey doesnt offer me nvidia04:26
bjsniderit should recommend nvidia-current04:26
pwnguinonly if i instsll it first04:26
pwnguinim going to assume nvidia hates me for now04:29
RAOFDo you have the modaliases installed?04:29
pwnguinmaybe not04:29
pwnguinand try to get nouveau to drive my 1920x1200 monitor by vga04:30
RAOFI'd rather not drive _anything_ by vga04:31
bjsniderby vga i don't think will work at that res04:31
pwnguinyou can soldier one on then04:31
pwnguincuz its vga or svideo04:31
RAOFbjsnider: No, you can push an arbitrary resolution on VGA.  The noise just gets progressively worse.04:32
pwnguinworks with nvidiap amazingly04:32
pwnguinapologies forfor the typos04:32
pwnguinthe n900 keyboard is tiny04:32
RAOFpwnguin: Does it work with the previous nvidia drivers?04:33
RAOFpwnguin: You can get old versions from launchpad.04:33
pwnguinit did with 10.0404:34
bjsniderthe only previous driver worth testing is 26.5304:34
bjsnider256.53 that is04:35
bjsniderbut if you don't want vdpau or something, nouveau is fine04:35
bjsniderit even has 3d04:35
pwnguini dont think i support vdpau04:36
pwnguinits roughly 7n70 class04:36
RAOFYou mean, geforce 7 (aka nv4x?)04:36
pwnguin1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M] (rev a1)04:36
RAOFYup, there she is.  nv4x04:36
pwnguini donno what i mean anymore04:36
bjsnideroh, so you're a politician?04:37
RAOFgive https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/amd64/nvidia-current/256.53-0ubuntu3 or https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/i386/nvidia-current/256.53-0ubuntu3 a whirl.04:37
pwnguinthis is what i get from nouveau in the best case thus far : http://pwnguin.net/albums/v/Misc/20101011_004.jpg.html04:38
bjsniderbetter than a pink screen04:39
RAOFThat's quite weird.04:40
pwnguinmy laptop is 1440x90004:40
pwnguinthe monitor is not04:40
pwnguinits like an absolute overlay04:41
bjsniderthat's with both screens on right?04:41
bjsniderso it's driving them both to 1440x90004:41
RAOFOh.  That would happen if you're using fbdev rather than nouveau as the X driver.04:41
pwnguini would think the monitor would just get a big blurry image ifthat wre the case04:42
RAOFNo; nouveau's kms would set an appropriate mode, but would limit the framebuffer to 1440x90004:42
pwnguinwhat all do i need to clear out to make room for this?04:43
RAOFCould you pastebin the nouveau Xorg.0.log?04:43
bjsniderremove nvidia-current and then install the local version04:43
RAOFYou shouldn't even need to remove nvidia-current; just installing the appropriate deb should work.04:44
bjsniderbe sure to come back in here if it works too. i am very curious04:45
pwnguinso nvidia-current doesn't have any dependencies?04:45
pwnguinand vice versa?04:45
* pwnguin recalls the days of nvidia-glx04:45
pwnguinthis modalias stuff though04:45
RAOFIs only for jocky.04:45
pwnguinwarning downgrading nvidia-current04:46
pwnguinmaybe i'll film the boot process and upload it so you can see plymouth's text mode04:48
pwnguinit installed, but i hear i need xorg.conf04:49
RAOFYou'll need some form of xorg.conf, yes.  Do you have one now?04:50
bjsniderthese days it's very minimalist04:50
pwnguinat one point i used to use this laptop to test nouveau04:52
pwnguinso there's xorg.confs for nv, nvidia and nouveau lying around04:52
* pwnguin refrains from mentioning wacom04:53
RAOFOh, wow.  Using the kbd driver?04:53
RAOFDoes that even work?04:53
pwnguini donno04:53
pwnguintechnically, no04:53
pwnguinit hasn't been, but i cant nessecarily blame that04:53
pwnguinanyways, rebootin time04:54
bjsnidernvidia-xconfig still puts that extra crap in there04:54
pwnguinwell, they have to support rhel3 for another 20 days04:55
bjsnideroh great04:55
bjsniderthat's a good reason04:55
pwnguinit pays the bills04:55
pwnguinno dice04:58
bjsniderpink screen?04:59
pwnguinwas i supposed to remove nouveau somehow?04:59
RAOFInstalling nvidia-current should have done all the trickery necessary.05:00
pwnguinn900 wont play the videos i recorded05:01
pwnguinsame goofy NVIDIA(0):      enabled05:02
pwnguinin the logs05:02
RAOFGot a pastebin of the log?05:02
pwnguini can make one05:02
RAOFAnd that's all of it?05:06
pwnguinim assuming a kernel oops05:06
bjsnideri see no indication of trouble05:06
pwnguinor some other hard lock05:06
RAOFbjsnider: Apart from the fact that the log just stops in the middle of initialisation, of course :)05:07
bjsniderbut it doesn't say why05:07
bjsniderwhich means it's useless05:07
RAOFIndeed, yes.05:07
pwnguinwhich rules out all the ones it knows about05:07
pwnguinkernel freeze05:07
RAOFOr a deadlock in the X driver.05:08
RAOFYou could wander through the list of old versions on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers to find where it stopped working.05:08
bjsnideryou should be looking at nouveau instead at this point05:08
pwnguini am05:09
bjsniderolder versions required the ignoreabi option in the xorg.conf file05:09
pwnguinoriginally i moved away because i needed to drop my laptop in place of my dead desktop05:09
pwnguinand nouveau wasn't playing ball05:10
pwnguinits 5 years old and wasnt booting05:10
pwnguinran every version of ubuntu 05:10
pwnguinexcepting 10.10 of course05:10
pwnguinworst case scenario i can always reinstall 10.04 :P05:11
RAOFOnce you've got nouveau back on, pastebinning your Xorg.0.log would almost certainly allow us to resolve your interestingly-sized desktop problem.05:12
pwnguin xrandr -q05:13
pwnguinxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default05:13
pwnguinScreen 0: minimum 1440 x 900, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1440 x 90005:13
pwnguindefault connected 1440x900+0+0 0mm x 0mm 1440x900        0.0*05:13
pwnguin xrandr -q05:13
pwnguinxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default05:13
pwnguinScreen 0: minimum 1440 x 900, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1440 x 90005:13
pwnguinhah, pastefail05:13
pwnguinthe scenario is, i want it to use my external 24 inch monitor, but ive only got vga out. noise be damned05:14
RAOFYou'll find nouveau works better when it's installed.05:14
RAOF[    40.921] (EE) Failed to load module "nouveau" (module does not exist, 0)05:14
pwnguindoesnt it conflict with libdrm2?05:15
RAOFWell, it *shouldn't*05:15
RAOFUnless you happen to have a broken libdrm2 lying around?05:15
pwnguinPackage: libdrm-nouveau105:16
pwnguinbreaks a version05:16
RAOFWhat's the output of trying to install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?05:19
pwnguinnot great at resolution05:19
RAOFAnd now Xorg.0.log says…?05:20
pwnguini wish i knew  what step actually fixed it05:20
pwnguinkinda works05:21
pwnguinLiferea - Linux Feed Reader05:21
pwnguinWelcome to Liferea, a desktop news aggregator for online news feeds.05:21
pwnguin[    41.435] (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)05:21
pwnguinbut otherwise, worky05:22
pwnguin[    41.416] (II) NOUVEAU(0): Opened GPU channel 105:22
RAOFYou can get 3D by installing libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental05:24
pwnguinas a bonus05:24
pwnguinthe biacklight finally turns off05:24
pwnguinnvidia's version of off didn't include this05:29
pwnguinwell thanks for the help. might try experimental 3d later05:33
pwnguinbut for now ive got some videos and podcasts to watch05:33
michaelh1Hi there.  I'm seeing a red tinge on the right hand half of my Thinkpad's LCD.   Using UMS and NewPll=True fixes it.  Has anyone seen this before?07:13
RAOFnewpll suggests that you're using radeon, yes?07:15
michaelh1Yip.  It's a 1680x1050 LCD on a Thinkpad R500 laptop with Radeon HD 340007:18
michaelh1I see the same on Lucid, Maverick, and recent openSUSE07:18
michaelh1Hardy was fine , but that was with frlgx07:19
michaelh1It's a hard thing to google for as 'red tinge radeon ubuntu' hits all types of random things...07:20
RAOFSo, radeon.newpll=1 makes it work?07:25
RAOFIt would be good to try the latest upstream kernel from the kernel-team archive; newpll has been removed in favour of a bit of re-working of the existing pll algorithm.07:27
michaelh1radeon.newpll doesn't seem to fix it.  I tried setting it via a /etc/modules option and checking /sys/module/radeon/parameters07:34
RAOFBut UMS fixes it?07:34
michaelh1Yes, it's fine with UMS but then I loose chunks of OpenGL07:35
michaelh1It could be that the kernel option isn't applying properly.  I'll try it as a boot option (radeon.new_pll=1)07:35
RAOFYeah.  I'd be more interested in whether a newer kernel fixes it, though.07:36
RAOFhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-next/current/ would be the one to try.07:36
michaelh1Will do07:42
michaelh1RAOF: 2.6.36-996.201010080908 seems better but it doesn't have support for my wifi card :)09:21
michaelh1RAOF: the problem takes a while to set in so I'll get wifi support and run it for a day09:22
knittlRAOF: ok. but what can i do about it?10:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
soreauHow can I get a confirmation I have commit-X in component-Y?15:52
jcristaulook at its git tree?15:53
soreaujcristau: I guess xorg-edgers package doesn't use any patches or omit any commits? just get it straight from whatever's upstream?16:17
jcristauoh, edgers.  dunno.16:17
soreauah yes, I didn't specify that16:18
Sarvattsoreau: depends what package it is, you can look at whatever branch it says its using and any patches that are dropped are mentioned in the edgers changelog17:04
Sarvattsoreau: what package are you looking at?17:04
soreauSarvatt: thanks, but I was more curious. I'm pretty sure I have <krh> soreau: so you have this commit? http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/commit/?id=9f13049ddf06f6f2138851a548cfb82f12a52f4217:05
soreauI remember that particular bug and it's been fixed since then17:05
Sarvattyeah xf86-video-intel is straight upstream ati with a one liner bgnr patch17:05
Sarvatterr ati not intel17:05
soreauok thanks17:06
tjaaltongah, so the autosuspend in maverick sort of hangs my x6117:42
tjaaltonthere's some message on the console, and I can still change the vt, but keyboard doesn't work otherwise17:44
soreauwith 2.6.36 kernel from xorg-edgers using r300g, there is hard lock when pressing any key on the keyboard after X starts19:04
ubuntuguys can you suggest where the problem might be bug #65793020:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 657930 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Screen is flickering with enabled compositiong effects (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65793020:11
michaelh1Morning.  I talked with RAOF yesterday about a red 'tinge' problem on Lucid and Maverick with radeon that goes away with UMS and NewPll=True in xorg.conf21:59
michaelh1The problem goes away with kernel 2.6.36-996-generic but I can't enable compiz any more22:00
michaelh1Ah, figured it out.  An old module setting was stopping radeon.ko from loading...22:04
RAOFmichaelh1: So that's fixed in the newer kernel?  Good, at least we won't have to worry about it for Natty.23:01
michaelh1RAOF: it's not fixed unfortunately.  I just realised the tinge is back.  Sometime it takes a while...23:03
RAOFOk, then we get to worry about it for Natty :)23:04
michaelh1RAOF: it's like how older LCDs looked when you could play with the phase...23:04
michaelh1RAOF: I'll switch back to UMS for now and show you it at UDS23:04
RAOFWhen could you play with the phase?  Cool :)23:04
RAOFmichaelh1: It'd be good if you could file a bug upstream; the PLL stuff has been reworked fairly recently, so it'll be fresh in *someone's* mind.23:05
michaelh1RAOF: I need to find the camera and take a picture...23:05
michaelh1RAOF: Do I file with the kernel or X.org?23:06
RAOFhttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg against Driver/Radeon will be fine.23:07
RAOFOr if you want to file it on launchpad and let me forward it, against xorg.23:08
RAOFMan, input is so much fun.  (Bug #636311)23:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 636311 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Keyboard special keys interfere with mouse (affects: 97) (dups: 7) (heat: 280)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63631123:17
michaelh1RAOF: Logged as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3081323:30
ubot4Freedesktop bug 30813 in Driver/Radeon "Red tinge on LCD when using KMS on Radeon" [Normal,New]23:30
RAOFRocking, thanks.23:30

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