
judgenjrmy, Ok00:03
judgenCan you not find it at all?00:03
judgenAre you using a dual head video card or two card?00:04
judgenOr do you mean your primary screen? just to find it?00:05
judgenI can help with either i think.00:06
jrmylaptop with a vga port on the back00:13
jrmymy laptop is a gateway 145000:14
judgenLaptops are not my strong suite, but.. have you added the second gfx device in the Xorg?00:15
jrmyplugged in a monitor to the back?00:15
jrmycan we continue this in liek 20 minutes i gotta pick someone up00:16
* likemindead wishes there was more than one Xubuntu review for every 100 Ubuntu ones out there...00:28
judgenanything in particular you want reviewed?00:35
likemindeadOverall feel, I reckon.00:38
likemindeadAny bugginess?00:39
judgenI am not an reviewer, but xubuntu feels faster, snappier and more polished than gnome in most ways.00:40
judgenI still think the lower function should be included as a button on the windowmanager, but toher than that nothing i dislike.00:41
judgenjrmy, bk?00:41
likemindeadYeah, I've been using Xubuntu for about two years now. Love Xfce. :D00:41
=== judgen is now known as judgen-zzz
judgen-zzzI am off to sleep now00:52
judgen-zzz01:52 here00:52
jrmyim back00:52
judgen-zzzjrmy, i am off too bed, but check this out00:53
judgen-zzzmaybe you have a broken bios00:53
judgen-zzzand need a software update for it00:53
judgen-zzzbut i do not know your symptoms00:53
judgen-zzzIs the screen completley black, or do you get any output to your screen?00:53
Venimso where does the xfce menu file sit at01:00
jrmyjudgen-zzz: its completely black from what i can tell01:00
charlie-tcaVenim: it is actively built when logging in01:01
Venimwell its built off of old things01:02
Venimbecause i just reinstalled xubuntu01:02
Venimand its showing me old wine things01:02
Venimthat are not installed01:02
Venim because i deleted ~/.wine01:02
charlie-tcaIt should be built off what you have installed.01:02
Venimbut its not01:02
charlie-tcaIf you used an old /home, there are things in it from the old desktop that will get used01:02
Venimand i am01:03
Venimbut i deleted ~/.wine01:03
charlie-tcaIt doesn't know you did not reinstall what you previously used01:03
Venimso it shouldn't pick it up there01:03
Venimso where is it building the wine programs off of01:03
charlie-tcauses the files in /home/.wine or .config/ and .local01:04
charlie-tcaIt is doing what it should. If you have a local configuration, it is not supposed to delete it01:05
Venimits not01:05
Venimbut i got rid of .wine01:05
Venimso there shouldn't be any programs01:05
charlie-tcaI would examine ~/.config and ~/.local for it01:07
tywggHey, just installed xubuntu on my netbook. It works very well. Only got one problem tho, I can add icons to my panel.01:07
charlie-tcayou can't?01:07
tywggYe, sorry can't.01:08
charlie-tcaYou have to add the launcher to the panel. right-click the panel, left-click "add to ...", pick a launcher01:08
tywggAh, okay.01:08
charlie-tcaand yes, gnome/ubuntu is easier to do that with01:09
tywggYe, I tot it would be the same as ubuntu.01:09
charlie-tcano problem01:09
charlie-tcaWe like to think of our users as more capable of making things work the way they want it to.01:10
tywggCool. I have to say, I like it very much. And also, the booting speed seems faster than ubuntu.01:11
SwishahouseI have updated this machine over several versions of ubuntu and have migrated to Xubuntu now 10.10.  Is there a place where I can see the default package list because I feel like I have a bunch of packages I dont need anymore.....01:43
charlie-tcaYes, the manifest on the install cd01:44
SwishahouseI do not have the CD01:44
SwishahouseThe manifest should be in the APT repo as well yes?01:44
Swishahousecheers =D01:45
charlie-tcayes sir01:46
charlie-tcaLooks like the list01:47
Swishahouseis this the list for the Live CD only?01:47
charlie-tcaThey should be the same for both cd's, except the installer.01:47
charlie-tcaLive cd uses ubiquity and casper, alternate image uses debian-installer01:48
SwishahouseI'll probably just focus on the gnome sections01:48
Swishahousebecause i was getting errors that the gnomescreensaver darmon was running at the same time, etc01:48
charlie-tcawe replaced gnome-screensaver with xscreensaver. If both are installed, you get errors01:49
charlie-tcaThe upgrade, to the best of my knowledge, does not remove gnome-screensaver01:49
Swishahouseso far everything seems to be great i just wanted to check on some of those gnome packages01:50
Swishahousethe only other issue ive came across is with irssi01:50
SwishahouseTERM environment not set01:51
SwishahouseCan't initialize screen handling, quitting.01:51
charlie-tcayes. you can set it using export TERM xterm01:51
charlie-tcabug 62192701:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621927 in Ubuntu release notes "Embedded Terminal Emulator isn't giving a TERM variable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62192701:51
charlie-tcaIt is in the xubuntu release notes01:52
Swishahousesounds good01:53
Swishahousei appreciate the help and the release =)01:54
charlie-tcaOur pleasure01:54
Swishahousewould you recommend one of these bashrc changes shown in the launchpad?01:57
charlie-tcaadding export to it? yes01:58
charlie-tcaThe same command will let it work automatically.01:58
charlie-tcaOtherwise, you have to enter the export command everytime you restart01:58
Swishahousecheers =)01:59
Debbyis anyone familiar with wine & karmic?02:04
DebbyDoes Xubuntu 9.1 Koala support dial up internet?02:07
autifi installed virtualbox-ose on lucid and started the virtualbox-ose app. I created a virtual machine and started it. It fails saying that I need to install virtualbox-ose-dkms and run modprobe vboxdrv as root. I have rebooted the computer after the install, still no go. Does anyone know?02:45
gr8m8do you have the ose-dkms installed now?02:48
autifi do02:49
autifit was installed with virtualbox-ose package02:49
gr8m8and you modprobed the vboxdrv?02:50
gr8m8try   lsmod | grep vbox02:51
autifit is not included02:53
autifwhere do i find the driver module?02:53
gr8m8just   modprobe vboxdrv   should work - in /lib/modules somewhere02:54
gr8m8with sudo of course02:54
autif FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.02:55
gr8m8try   find /lib/modules -name vbox02:55
autifsudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms02:56
autifReading package lists... Done02:56
autifBuilding dependency tree02:56
autifReading state information... Done02:56
autifvirtualbox-ose-dkms is already the newest version.02:56
autif0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:56
autifautif@ws:/lib/modules$ find . | grep box02:56
autifno vboxdrv02:57
gr8m8seems it didn't run the setup02:58
gr8m8try   sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup02:58
autifthat files does not exist - virtualboc-ose does and does not take setup as a parameter03:00
gr8m8I never use the ose version - someone in #ubuntu or #vbox might know if noone else here does03:02
autifwill try vbox ose - i have used it with karmic (ubuntu, not xubuntu)03:03
autifseemed to work fine there03:03
autifwill try #vbox or #ubuntu03:03
autifthanks gr8m803:03
gr8m8I tried :]03:03
xGrindthe sound is bad03:23
xGrindin the xubuntu 10.1003:23
gr8m8you need different music or... ?03:24
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jrmydude 10.10 sucks03:37
jrmywhy did they even release it as a stable release?03:38
jrmyto many problems03:38
gr8m8it might have been a bit rushed to make the 10/10/10 date...03:39
jrmywhat they need to do is re make it and release it again03:40
gr8m8there will be fixes along shortly... maybe03:41
jrmyhow long had they been working on it anyways?03:41
jrmyok so the live CD for xubuntu 10.10 cant seem to mount upon booting03:58
autifso, i uninstalled virtualbox-ose and installed VirtualBox from the deb package from their website. Now when I run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup - it can not find the kernel headers - Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 2.6.32-25-generic cannot be found at04:08
autif/lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic/build or /lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic/source.04:08
=== jrmy_ is now known as jrmy
autifwas missing kernel headers - had xx.xx.xx, required xx.xx.xx-generic04:15
jrmyim still missing X essentially04:16
jrmyi think i just simply need to tell X what my screen has to be set to and it'll be fine04:16
jrmybut idk04:17
gr8m8jrmy: can you google a xorg.conf for graphics?04:17
jrmyim to tired04:17
jrmyand im not smart enough to do commands04:17
jrmyive never used a terminal in all of my life of using a computer04:18
autifit worked!!!!04:18
autifnow i have virtual machines04:18
jrmyuntil last month i think04:18
jrmy^^ is this enough to figure my monitor specifications?04:23
jrmyi got this from being in a live cd of xubuntu 10.0404:23
jrmyused xrandr to pop up said info04:24
gr8m8jrmy: no - way short of what you need - in terminal do   sudo lshw | grep vga   to get the graphics card info then have a google for a xorg.conf to match it04:25
gr8m8when you find one I'll help you get it used04:26
jrmythis works for laptops?04:26
jrmycause with vga being said will this include my lcd screen?04:26
gr8m8jrmy: it would just show the card not the diff screens - I would just do sudo lshw and check the lot04:29
jrmydo i need both display 0 and display 1?04:31
jrmy0 is vga and 1 is the lcd04:31
gr8m8from lshw? - it doesn't mention them04:32
jrmyyes from lshw04:32
jrmybtw both say unclaimed04:32
gr8m8you need the card name like intel something or ati something or...04:32
jrmyintel 82830 CGC04:33
gr8m8google intel 82830 xorg.conf04:33
jrmydoesnt seem to be anything useful or anything i havent tried04:38
jrmyidk im about to give up and go back to 10.0404:47
gr8m8jrmy: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=6143304:47
gr8m8has an xorg.conf and a line to add further down to get better graphics04:48
jrmywell if i wasnt to tired then maybe i'd figure this out04:52
jrmyso im going to bed04:52
raevolhey all, with the default, foss ati drivers in meerkat, can one get dualhead support? what's the best way to turn that on?05:30
CityscapeI need help installing Nvidia graphics driver on Xubuntu 10.10, can anyone help me?05:31
CityscapeI have a Nvidia Vanta graphics card, what is the proper way to install the best driver for it?05:33
gr8m8Cityscape: this has a howto05:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:36
bobbycan somebody tell me what the difference between xfwm4 and openbox07:43
raevolanyone know how to get grandr to save its config across logins? do i just need to gksu it?08:06
Sysiif itäs just GUI for xrandr, no way afaik08:06
raevolit is a gui for xrandr, it works for me, just doesn't save the config?08:06
Sysii'm not sure, but arandr might have saving option08:06
raevolhmm ok08:07
Sysiif not, you need to create xrandr script to startup or xorg.conf08:08
raevoli really like the meerkat gtk theme for xubuntu :)08:08
raevolyea i need the xorg.conf, just am too lazy to figure out how to write one without trying guis first08:08
raevoli would like the xfwm4 meerkat theme, but it's so hard to resize windows...08:08
Sysiimo xrandr way would be easier08:09
Sysialt rightclick08:09
raevoli never knew that08:09
raevolomg that is so handy08:09
raevoloh god arandr ...08:11
raevoli don't understand if what i just saved in arandr will persist...08:11
raevolxrandr is command line right?08:12
raevollooks like i might need to figure it out :/08:12
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:13
Sysixrandr --output FOO --mode fooxbar --right-of BAR08:14
raevolok what xorg file does ubuntu use these days08:15
raevoli appear to now have one08:16
Sysinot by default08:16
raevolis that normal if i just fresh installed?08:16
Steristwhere did the Others category go in 10.10?08:16
raevolthere doesn't happen to be a tool to generate an xorg.conf for me? i really am not much of an X person08:18
Wizardraevol: X -configure08:20
Wizardas root08:20
Wizardbest way to do it :)08:20
Wizardthan you don't have to change much in generated file08:20
raevolserver already active for display 008:20
Wizardyeah, you have to do it from tty08:21
Sysikill it with fi...service gdm stop08:21
raevolwith X killed, or just from tty?08:21
Wizardand with X disabled08:21
Sysior telinit 3 might be the best08:21
Wizardi don't remember if it accepts display parameter08:21
raevolok going to go to tty, but what is the command to kill gfm?08:21
WizardSysi already wrote it08:22
raevolfi && service gdm stop?08:22
raevollike that?08:22
Wizardwithout fi and ampersands08:22
raevolbrb :D08:22
Wizardi bet he will screw something up08:22
raevol:/ doesn't appear to have made one, unless it made it somewhere else08:25
Wizardin /root08:25
Wizardit even told you where it wrote it08:26
raevolguess i wasn't paying attention :[08:26
Wizarddon't worry08:26
Wizardfew years and you will type it in vi from memory :P08:27
raevolsudo cat /root/xorg.conf isn't doing it, did it name it something else/08:27
raevolno such file08:27
Wizardor something like this08:27
raevolsudo ls /root is giving nothing..08:27
Sysilocate xorg.conf08:28
raevoli wonder if it failed08:28
Wizardi don't think so08:28
raevolyea there's an example noveau one that's it08:28
raevol(and a man and some xorg.conf.d)08:28
gr8m8it'll be in the home dir08:29
raevollet me try again and read this time08:29
=== Sterist is now known as Shuma-Gimmick
raevol/home/raevol/xorg.conf.new ._.08:31
raevolcan you link me to that xrandr guide again?08:32
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:32
=== Shuma-Gimmick is now known as Sterist
raevoli hate writing xorg.confs... sigh08:35
gr8m8i always google for one...08:36
Sysinever done one08:36
raevolwho said this would be easier :P08:36
raevolok i saved it, is there a way to dynamically load it or do i need to log out/in?08:42
raevolk brb08:44
raevolno dice08:51
raevolback to grandrt08:51
raevolso when i am at gdm things seem fine09:06
raevolbut when i log in i lose a screen09:06
raevolideas on where it is loading a new config from?09:06
raevolit's in .config/xfwm409:13
raevolthat settings overwrites xorg.conf09:13
raevolgot it... whew09:23
raevolthanks all09:23
Steristhow do i get to Wine now that the Others category is gone in the 10.10 apps menu?10:26
Steristoh man..10:34
Sterist10.10 is quickly becoming hell lol10:34
Steristreminding me of Sony... removing features (-_-)10:35
Sysinew ubuntu way :/10:36
Steristthey better not persue windows "qualities" any further... 10.04 was a perfect balance between  simple and efficient10:37
Steristnow it's leaning towards "simple"10:37
Sysi10.04 is LTS10:38
Steristfirst LTS released during my linux experience10:39
Steristi only wish i discovered it years earlier... windows has caused so much grief10:40
gigglefighthello please kindly explain how to change display settings on xubuntu. I'm using vga cable. is it possible to change screen resolution 1360x768 or so... :)11:14
catai recently attached a keyboard with volume up/down and mute keys and out of the box the keys worked as expected. However after a couple of hours, they stopped working.11:15
TheSheepgigglefight: try using xrandr11:15
catacan you give me a hint on which part/subsuystem of xfce manages volume keys and where to start debuggin?11:15
gigglefightfrom terminal; how to get xrandr11:15
catai've read about some workarounds with xfce keybindings and amixer, but as it used to work for some time, i'd like to fix the broken thing that made it work11:16
catai already tried restarting xfce4-volumed with no success11:16
TheSheepgigglefight: type 'xrandr'11:16
catawhen attaching to xfce4-volumed with strace it doesn't react on keypresses11:17
gigglefight@TheSheep: thanks. :)11:17
catahowever the keypresses are detected in xev11:17
TheSheepcata: I think there is a bug in xfce4-volumed, I just bound amixer to the media keys in the keyboard settings11:20
catastrange. i didn't do updates before it stopped working.11:21
Sysitake off/on numLock11:21
gigglefight@TheSheep: hello again; is it possible to increase the display resolution on xubuntu? i've tried xrandr11:23
Sysiwhat graphics card?11:24
gigglefightI'll check11:24
gigglefight@Sysi: I know this kinda sounds sad... How would I find my graphic card information. i'm a newbie.11:27
Steristis there a way to revert to 10.04's Theme but stay on 10.10?11:31
gigglefight@Sysi: it's Intel  Graphics Controller11:32
SteristFYI 40 updates available on Proposed right now11:33
cataSysi: That fixed it. how weird is that?11:34
gigglefightwith an Intel 82810 Graphics Controller, would that support a higher resolution or different display type? if so, how to go about adjusting the screen resolution, it's only given me the option for a 800x600 resolution.11:34
Sysicata: not very :/11:34
catai would have never figured that out by chance though. :)11:34
Sysigigglefight: sounds a bit weird (hilight works better without @)11:35
* cata toggles volume up and down like crazy11:35
gigglefightsysi: thanks.11:36
SysiSysi does the google11:36
dairaHello people, i just installed fresh xubuntu on my friends notebook and although the native resolution should be 1280x800 what i get is 1600x1200 with refresh rate 0hz. When i change resoultions the screen gets scrambled, and only on 1600x1200 it holds together although there is large part of screen invisible on right and bottom. any suggestions?13:20
dairajust to mention that only on 1200x800 i can select 60hz but the screen gets scrambled like on any other ( i have tried them all)13:21
gr8m8daira: there should be something in the X log about what's going on there13:23
dairagr8m8, i will check the log13:24
dairagr8m8, can i kindly ask you to check the log @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/511621/ becouse my understanding of x is very low.13:28
dairathank you in advance13:28
gr8m8daira: sure :]13:40
gr8m8daira: line 171 suggests you might need to give the driver some options for the screen size in the config file13:44
gr8m8daira: line 250 doesn't look good13:45
=== DBeets_ is now known as DBeets
dairanot supported : )13:47
dairai am using 10.04 xubuntu, maybe an kernel update would help?13:47
dairafresh install13:48
dairawith updates applied13:48
gr8m8daira: unichrome driver is maybe not the best but it is the right one for your card13:48
gr8m8it seems it needs you to give it alot of options in the config 'cause it can't figure it out for itself13:49
dairacan i use some alternative? i remember in using puppy linux that there were some vesa and some other drivers that worked on almost every notebook13:49
buffcns2is xubuntu lighter than normal ubuntu?13:49
buffcns2I mean on cpu ram etc13:50
gr8m8daira: yep - you can set a xorg.conf and name vesa as the driver - google will help - but if you give all the options in a config the unichrome driver should work better13:51
gr8m8buffcns2: a little bit better - not so much lately13:51
gr8m8daira: there should be some posts about   unichrome xorg  out there13:53
daira_how should i do that, i think that i should use 1200x800 @ 60hz13:53
buffcns2gr8m8, thanks, that's kinda what i thought13:54
daira_if you dont know precisely i can google ofcourse and find out13:54
gr8m8daira_: you can use   sudo X -configure   to get a base xorg.conf from a tty after you stop X with   sudo service gdm stop13:54
buffcns2does xubuntu still use gdm for graphical login manager like normal ubuntu?13:54
gr8m8np :]13:55
sidhI would like to disable the graphical network manager in xubuntu (10.04 LTS), and use the old but reliable /etc/network/interfaces file14:00
sidhdo you know how to do that ?14:00
charlie-tcaa manual change in the file disables network manager control14:02
sidhbecause, not having internet because of a Xorg problem (kernel update w/ nvidia drivers) , is quite awful and useless14:03
dairawhere is gr8m8 :)14:09
charlie-tcaleft the building?14:10
charlie-tcaAt least, left the channel14:10
dairacan someone else help me from what i have written or do i have to start all over :)14:13
dairawhen i stopped x the screen was also scrambled14:14
dairaso i couldnt run X -configure14:14
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=== NastY is now known as NastX
NastXHi i have some a problem. I want to use xfce-notifyd for my system, but every time i try to install some kde applications, synaptic wants to remove xfce-notifyd - is there some work aorund?15:03
charlie-tcaProbably not. file a bug against the kde apps for doing that?15:04
Sysiinstall it back afterwards15:04
NastXSysi, if i install it back it wants to remove ALL kde apps...15:05
NastXthis keeps bugging me15:05
Sysidoes synaptic use aptitude?15:05
Sysiinstall it with apt-get15:06
NastXoh wait xD15:06
NastXsynaptic uses apt sry...15:06
ko2does anyone know to install xvid codec on xubuntu 10.10?15:06
Sysiare you watching dvd rr file?15:07
ko2"rr" ?15:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:07
Sysioh, same factoid for both15:08
ko2thanks. how about installing adobe flash player? i've the donload install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz15:14
Sysixubuntu-restricted-extras also contains flash15:14
viddhas the official flash player been remoed from apt?15:14
charlie-tcaThere is a flash installer in Synaptic Package Manager15:15
charlie-tcaIt automatically grabs it from adobe and installs it15:15
ko2@Sysi, sttill progress download15:17
viddmy gksu lock seams to be not working correctly15:17
charlie-tcahuh? what is wrong with it?15:18
viddit does not seam to want to take my password15:18
viddbut if i sudo synaptic, its just fine15:19
charlie-tcaIt should be accepting it, but it will be a blank instead of the dots now15:19
jrmywhy is xchat logging me into the server twice?15:19
charlie-tcavidd: also, at least 10.04 and 10.10, you can't run update in terminal until the automatic run finishes.15:20
viddcharlie-tca, its showing dots...it just isnt taking the password15:20
jrmyanswer me this, is xubuntu made to work on old computers?15:20
charlie-tcajrmy: not specifically15:21
viddrunning in terminal is fine15:21
viddthe gksu seems broke15:21
jrmythen what is xubuntu made to work for? ubuntu is just fine15:21
jrmythe only difference between the 2 really is gnome and xfce15:22
charlie-tcaXubuntu is made to run on any computer with enough cpu and ram. It is lighter in resources thatn Ubuntu.15:22
viddjrmy, there are those that like to run lighter apps then the default ubuntu fair15:22
charlie-tcaHaven't you asked this before?15:22
jrmyim wondering why xubuntu 10.10 wont work on either of my computers15:22
viddwhats the command to reinstall a package?15:23
jrmyyet  the live cd boots just fine on a 64 bit computer15:23
jrmyand the live cd is 32 bit15:23
viddjrmy, try installing with an alt cd15:23
charlie-tcaBut you have asked the same question about xubuntu, haven't you?15:23
jrmyi have at least 256 MB of ram on both, the cd cannot boot on eiother of them15:24
* vidd HATES the live cd install15:24
charlie-tcaand you have received the same answer before15:24
jrmyim trying to figure out how rtetarded xubuntu 10.10 is15:24
charlie-tcaThat is starting to look like a troll15:25
jrmyif it cant seem to work on a computer that meets its requirements15:25
viddIMO the live cd is for fixing broken systems, fixing/recovering data from windows computers, and seeing if you actually want the stuff before you install15:25
SysiIMO livecd is great15:25
charlie-tcaxubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu are not guaranteed to work on any particular system unless you purchase the computer with it pre-installed.15:25
viddjrmy, you need more than 256 MB ram to run the live cd15:25
jrmyfor 10.10?15:26
jrmyworks fine for 10.0415:26
Sysilivecd and installed xubuntu have different system requirements15:26
viddSysi, i have alot of light-weight pc's....i need the garenteed install of the alt cd =]15:26
Sysialternate install is slow15:26
jrmyive installed 10.04 fine on both15:27
viddSysi, you have GOT to be kidding15:27
Sysijrmy: keep that, LTS15:27
jrmyidk im annoyed at 10.10 especially cuase i cant get it working15:27
viddjrmy, if you get 10.04 to work...why not just upgrade?15:27
Sysividd: honestly, i don't15:27
jrmyi upgraded and...15:28
Sysifor my experience, alternate installer is slower15:28
charlie-tca!hi | _maddy15:28
ubottu_maddy: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:28
Sysijrmy: just use the LTS?15:28
charlie-tcaI agree. Alternate install is slower than desktop install run side-by-side15:28
_maddywhich program you guys recommend for torrents?15:29
charlie-tcatransmission is the default15:29
jrmyno way to downgrade back to 10.04 is there?15:30
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:31
charlie-tcaDoesn't look like it15:31
cody-somervillejrmy, What problem are you having?15:31
jrmyX and 10.10 is my problem15:32
viddSysi, charlie-tca perhaps i should revisit the live cd install for 10.10. prior versions were not to my liking..perhaps im just biased?15:32
cody-somervillejrmy, Could you elaborate?15:32
viddjrmy, your x server keep crashing?15:32
jrmyit will not start15:32
jrmyand people have tried to help15:32
Sysividd: for 10.10 they've removed some features, but also add some15:32
viddso you get the log-in screen?15:33
jrmyi dont know how to configure X, im to much of a noob15:33
viddor does it fail prior to log-in screen?15:33
jrmyi boot the kernel does the check right before the login screen and.. nothing15:33
charlie-tcavidd: Actually, the live installer now takes away most of your choices. You won't like it15:33
jrmyscreen black and unresponsive15:34
viddjrmy, when it gets like that, can you hit [ctrl][alt][f1]?15:34
jrmymy X log shows that it is unable to find a proper screen15:34
jrmyvidd: "unresponsive"15:35
viddjrmy, do you have multiple video output?15:35
jrmymy computer is a laptop gateway solo 1450 with an intel 83something and has a vga output15:36
viddim assuming you are looking at the laptop screen15:36
jrmy82830 CGC15:37
jrmyno im using my desktop15:37
viddon the system with the issue....15:37
viddyou are looking at the laptop screen and not an external monitor15:38
jrmyive tried both15:38
jrmyi really wish i could show you the Xorg.0.log15:39
cody-somervilletry running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:39
viddand you have succefully installed 10.4 on this laptop without issue?15:39
jrmywell besides some flickering in tty yes15:39
viddI had similar issues with a specific laptop in a previous version....15:40
jrmynot completely compatible with the kernel screen resolution it chooses for that but it works non ethe less and X works just fine15:40
jrmyor at least i assume it is screen res15:41
jrmyis there by any chance i can copy all of the Xorg.0.log file on the laptop using tty mode?15:42
jrmya way*15:42
jrmyand shubmitting it on pastebin15:42
jrmyor an equivalent15:43
viddso you CAN get into tty on the laptop15:43
jrmyyes.. X is the issue15:43
viddwhen i asked, you said it was unresponsive =\15:44
jrmyby default it boots into X15:44
viddin tty run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:44
jrmyonly way i can get to tty without editing the command or whatever in grub is by recovery mode15:44
viddjrmy, did you install 10.10 by live cd, alt cd, or upgrade?15:46
jrmyi used the copmmand then startx and nothing once again15:47
viddjust for S&G select an older kernal version in grub15:48
viddand you cant "startx" in recovery mode (unless i am mistaken)15:48
jrmyim very sure the log file is pertinent to my issue15:48
viddim sure it is too....15:49
viddbut to get it, we need access to the full system15:49
jrmyold kernel cant start x either its what file shave been replaced by 10.1015:49
jrmyfiles have*15:49
viddi dont need x to start15:49
jrmythe old ones worked15:49
jrmyperhaps if i knew which ones to keep when upgrading i would of done so15:50
=== NastX is now known as NastY
_maddycan't you do a fresh install from a cd?15:51
jrmyhowever with the older kernel it doesnt bring the screen black15:51
jrmybut none the less i cant startx15:52
viddso an older version kernael gets you up?15:52
viddyou can get to a tty without being in recovery mode?15:52
viddin that version, run "sudo apt-get -f install"15:53
viddtell me what happens15:53
jrmy0 for upgrade, install, and remove15:54
viddnow run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:54
jrmynow what?15:55
viddfollow the steps on the screen15:55
jrmythere is nothing15:55
viddit will try to fix your x server15:55
viddjust another prompt?15:56
jrmyit just does it and goes to the command entry again15:56
viddtype "lspci"15:57
viddwhat vedio cards does this system have?15:57
jrmyi tolf you once already15:58
viddyou did NOT tell me the card chipset output from lspci15:59
jrmyan intel 82830 CGC15:59
viddyou dont have 2?15:59
jrmywell i had said so before15:59
jrmyboth the vga port and my lvsd screen use it16:00
jrmyi think its called lvsd16:00
viddthere should be "VGA compatible controller" and "Display controller"16:00
jrmyi'll use the command again16:01
viddplease tell me the entire information including the (rev#)16:01
jrmyonly thing more you get is rev 04 for the vga16:02
jrmyno rev for the lvsd/ display controller16:02
jrmysame ship16:02
jrmyone is 2 other is 2.1 for the positioning or whatever its called16:03
viddif its an intel chip, it should say something like 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)16:03
jrmyin lsmod its says something more about that16:04
jrmyget rid of the part after the colon and rep[lace the 2 witrh a four and basically16:04
jrmyso i have to type out word for word seriously?16:05
jrmywhen you should already know16:05
viddhow should i already know?16:06
viddim not there looking at your screen16:06
jrmy00:02.0 vga compatible controller: intel corporation 82830 CGC [chipset graphics controller] (rev 04)16:07
viddset your kernel boot parameters to "Safe Graphics Mode"16:07
jrmy00:02.0 display controller: intel corporation 82830 CGC [chipset graphics controller]16:07
viddalso, try disabling kernel mode setting16:07
jrmywhoops .1*16:08
jrmy00.02.1 should be for display16:08
jrmyi donty know how to disable kernel mode16:09
viddi figured that16:09
jrmynmor do i know how to boot in safe graphics mode16:09
viddcheck out http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2010/02/intel-82830-cgc-830m-graphics.html16:09
jrmyone sec16:09
viddstep-by-step instructions for disabling kernel mode16:10
_maddyany idea why Transmission gives error "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker." but still the download works?16:10
jrmy 16:11
jrmysorry i dropped my keyboard16:11
jrmyanyways i have to take someone to work on short notice16:12
viddjrmy, near the middle of his post there is info about editing grub....that is what you want16:12
jrmyi opened the link vidd16:12
jrmyand ok16:12
maxamillioncody-somerville: what were you talking about?16:12
vidd!hi | maxamillion16:12
ubottumaxamillion: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:12
maxamillionvidd: hello16:13
maxamillionvidd: long time no see16:13
viddive been busy16:13
maxamillionha! did you really just shoot me a bot message :P16:13
jrmyah, ive disabled kernel before16:13
jrmydoesnt work16:13
viddwork's been a nightmare....kid just started kindergarden16:13
jrmybbl vidd16:13
maxamillionvidd: oh wow16:14
viddmy oldest is having my second grandchild next month16:15
maxamillionvidd: congrats!16:17
viddyou only say that cuzz you dont know her might-as-well-be-husband16:17
maxamillionvidd: ah, I do not ...16:18
viddbut this is a help chat for computer issues....16:19
maxamillionvidd: rgr that16:19
viddwhere throwing the problem out the fortyith  story window onto an empty parking lot does NOT get you a jail term16:19
vidddo we know when/if the xterm issue will be fixed?16:41
charlie-tcaIt is already in proposes for testing16:42
viddso....a week or less?16:42
charlie-tcaI think we will see the fix within a week at the most16:42
viddi hope so16:43
viddi like using nano to edit config files16:43
charlie-tcame too. That bug is getting a LOT of dups16:43
charlie-tcaI just add gedit to my desktop16:43
Sysiswitch to other terminal emulator for while16:44
viddmousepad does the trick...but its ANNOYING!16:44
charlie-tcaThey did fix terminator differently16:44
charlie-tcabut it was the same bug. The fix this time will be in VTE, which will fix everything16:44
viddi hope it happens soon....16:45
viddi have 5 machines in need16:45
viddan two more waiting to upgrade16:45
jrmyok im back16:46
viddjrmy, on that page i sent you the link to....16:46
jrmyso you want me yto boot 10.10 anbd do safe graphics?16:46
jrmyas in the live cd16:47
viddnot nesisarrily the live cd....16:47
jrmyexplain otherwise how i do this?16:47
viddfollow the instructions to have grub boot your system into safe grafix mode16:47
jrmyit says to push F4 then boot16:47
viddlook further down the page16:48
jrmynext step try ubuntu without installing16:48
viddfurther down16:48
viddway further16:48
jrmyok where?16:49
viddwhere it talks about grub16:49
jrmysafe graphics still correect?16:49
viddright...but set grub16:49
jrmyok so setting grub to do safe graphics16:50
viddand where it says "gedit" use "nano" since you dont have a grafic environment to work in16:50
jrmycause youre not making sense16:51
jrmynone of that mentions "safe graphics mode"16:51
viddthere are steps like "open gedit"16:51
viddyou cant open gedit because your xserver wont load16:52
jrmyit talks about disabling kernel mode..16:52
jrmymake yourself clear16:52
viddso you have to open the files in a cli text editor like nano16:52
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code16:53
viddREAD THE PAGE16:53
jrmyi have16:53
jrmyi dont see hwat youre talking about16:53
jrmyi915.modeset=0 does not work i repeat a second time16:54
jrmyerr once16:54
jrmyis this your "safe grahpics mode"?16:55
jrmysafe graphics mode = i915.modeste=0?16:55
jrmyi said this before i left16:56
jrmythat it didnt work16:56
jrmyi hate going through these steps again16:56
jrmyif they didnt work the first time in grub why will it work with nano?16:57
jrmyare they essentially the same?16:57
viddadd this to your grub entry:16:57
viddi915.modeset=0 nomodeset16:57
jrmyctrl alt F7 aka X is stuck on the pre boot screen16:59
jrmybut im in tty mode firstly16:59
ovrflw0xi installed 10.10 on sony vaio vgc-fw12 brightness Fn keys don't work!17:00
jrmyaka the screen that has the asterisks and says stuff that it loads for X or at least i assume its loading for X17:00
jrmysound and battery are in this screen17:00
jrmyi believe you can make them work again by customiing them17:02
jrmycustomiing them*17:02
ovrflw0xfrom where?17:02
jrmyi dont know if it is the same as 10.04 however17:02
viddjrmy, you have a login screen? or a prompt for safe grafix mode?17:03
jrmyi cant get X to boot on mine17:03
jrmynone of these vidd17:03
jrmyjust tty17:03
jrmyvidd more then likely if i try startx it'll go black again17:04
viddworse come to worse you can always remove/purge x11-common (and all grfical stuff dependant thereon) and reinstall xubuntu-desktop17:04
jrmyif i could reinstall xubuntu-desktop from 10.04 it would17:04
viddwhy are you typing startx?17:04
jrmystarts x does it not?17:05
viddi dont believe so17:05
ovrflw0xvidd, how to make this Fn keys work man i can't lower the freakin brightness17:05
viddovrflw0x, dunno17:05
jrmydoes fn down and up work?17:06
jrmythats how it worked for me17:06
viddjrmy, i restart x by sending the command "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"17:06
jrmywell idk17:08
jrmywant to see the log yet?17:08
jrmyi wish i knew commands casue i could probably fix it myself17:09
jrmybut who knows if i even know the issue17:09
viddcan you upload them now?17:09
jrmyupload the log?17:10
jrmyas in to a pastebin or show them on my screen17:10
viddinto a pastebin17:10
jrmyi can less /var/log/Xorg.0.log but i dont know how to put it on a pastebin from this computer17:11
jrmythere is no way im going to type everything out onto this computer that im talking with17:11
vidddoes the computer you are currently on have an ftp or openssh server on it?17:12
jrmyit had ssh but i dont know about the server part17:12
viddactually, you would want the openssh server on the problem computer17:12
jrmyi used it to connect to the one im on now but not the other17:12
jrmybut i suppose i could sudo apt-get install openssh-server17:13
viddon the broke machine, type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"17:13
jrmyhowever knowing how to get the rsa code is another story17:13
jrmyok it already is17:14
viddwith ssh server on the broken machine, you can remote into the broke machine, display the contents of the log file, highlight, copy, paste to pastebin from good computer17:14
jrmyahead of you already17:15
viddspelling it out for others who may read this later with similar issues17:16
jrmyim just suprised i didnt hink about this before17:16
viddwhen you asked if i wanted to read the log file, i had assumed you already did this =]17:16
jrmyim learning17:17
viddits what i get for assuming17:18
jrmyanyways the important stuff will be past the modes on the bottom17:18
jrmyor at least i assume17:18
viddhaving log files is always better than not having log files =\17:18
jrmyi dont know what is and isnt so important in the log file17:19
viddxorg is looking for /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d17:20
viddand /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic17:21
jrmyneither exist i assume17:21
viddis this a 64-bit system or a 32-bit system?17:23
jrmyi havent had a new computer since liek 99 i think17:24
viddnot the version you put on...but the processor17:24
jrmylaptop was from the same year i believe17:24
jrmywhich i got for free recently17:24
viddfound the issue17:25
jrmyso was i correct with the log file being pertinent?17:25
viddxorg is trying to set resolution to 640x480 and your monitor does not support that mode17:26
viddScreen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration17:26
jrmyive been wanting to know how to fix that17:26
viddlet me do some research real quick17:27
jrmy   k17:27
viddsudo Xorg -configure17:28
=== Armi_ is now known as Armi
viddjrmy, you may need to kill your xserver to run that17:29
jrmyi'll paste2 what it says17:30
viddjrmy, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:31
viddfor now, choose vesa17:31
jrmyah, ok17:33
* jrmy asked ubottu17:34
jrmyok so use vesa17:34
viddonce the new xorg config file is set, reboot and take out the adjustments to the grub entry17:35
jrmyas in i915.modeset blah blah blah?17:36
jrmyim still reading btw17:36
jrmywell xrandr is useless since x wont initiate but i know my monitor can use 1024 by 768 which is what i liek using anyways17:36
jrmyso yeah17:37
viddits not "useless" just "currently not available"17:38
viddonce we get x to load, then we use xrandr to fix it up17:38
jrmywell the manual for xorg.conf is a bit overwhelming17:43
jrmynor do i know what most of it means17:43
jrmycant i just use nano to write it?17:43
jrmywhy do they make it so complicated?17:43
jrmyperhaps i'd rather have things indexed17:44
viddif you know where to put it, then yes, you can use nano to write it17:44
Sysi(thanks for talking about that i915.modeset=0 i fixed one error in my system with that)17:44
jrmyindexing makes things easier for me i believe17:44
viddbut if you set some settings incorrectly, you can cause physical damage to your monitor17:44
jrmywell physical damage wouldnt be good no17:45
viddSysi, no problem...please pay at the door =]17:45
jrmywell im close to fixing it i assume.. yet it seems like a big leap17:46
viddSysi, your fee is three helpful instructions =]17:46
Sysiabout? :)17:47
viddanything you can help with17:47
jrmyif i saved the newly written config file as /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d then i assume the system will find it and if i wrote it correctly X will work17:48
viddfrom the help ive recieved over the years, i only have 749,613 instructions left to go =]17:48
jrmyhowever it also depends if it lets me overwrite it17:48
viddjrmy, no...you dont want to overwrite the .d.....17:48
viddthat is an app17:49
jrmy.d is default?17:49
viddno..its what makes xorg work17:49
jrmyonce again something else i dont understand17:49
viddyou should save it as xorg.conf17:49
jrmycan i edit said app?17:49
jrmywell ok17:49
jrmysame directory?17:50
jrmyand will it know to find it?17:50
viddit should17:50
viddthe ".d" indicates its a deamon17:51
jrmyor do i use /home/jrmy/xorg.conf.new?17:51
viddknome, tyvery much17:51
viddjrmy, /etc/X11/Xorg.conf17:51
viddknome, btw...awesome artwork this release17:52
jrmyso overwrite this file if it exists17:52
knomevidd, good to hear you like17:52
knomevidd, and thanks17:52
viddoverwrite /etc/X11/Xorg.conf if it exists17:52
viddmost likely it does not17:52
jrmyok now i just need to know what to write17:53
viddit is important that you set the path correctly17:53
jrmyhow do i "save as" with nano?17:53
judgenjrmy, how much video ram does the system tell you that you have on that laptop?17:53
vidd[ctrl] [x]17:53
jrmyin bios it says *MB17:53
viddthen correct the path17:53
jrmyctrl x exits nano17:54
viddyes...and when it exits it prompts to save17:54
knomejrmy, ctrl+O (save) asks for path17:54
viddyou can accept the stated path, or change it17:54
jrmyjudgen: how do i check for video ram otherwise?17:54
judgenBios does not matter in this equation. Your laptop is very well documented with a buggy bios if it is newer than 30.* and it only makes 1mb available to Linux and other OS'es (except windows wich can use the full 8 mb)17:54
jrmythen video17:55
jrmyer modinfo video17:55
jrmyor just modinfo video17:55
judgenthen see what number your gfx card has17:56
jrmy00:02.0 and 00:02.117:56
judgenthen this is my example "lspci -v -s 00:02.0"17:56
jrmyor is it the rev #17:56
jrmyso do i want the display controller or the vga controller?17:57
judgenvga should be the one17:57
viddjrmy, that is the 00:02:017:58
jrmyyeah 00.02.1 didnt work anyways17:58
viddpastebin the results17:59
judgenyou should have 512kb non-prefetchable and 7,5-8mb with prefetchable video ram18:00
judgenif your bios works properly18:00
jrmyhttp://paste2.org/p/1033850 used -v and -s with the command and got this18:01
jrmymy biso version is 36.00.16 i believe18:01
jrmywhich apparently is the older one18:01
judgengood =D18:02
viddjrmy, you have your xorg set up now?18:02
jrmyi dont know how entirely18:02
jrmyi know i can use nano and i need certain info but how to write it in the language it reads is above my head18:03
jrmyso what does it say my vram is?18:04
jrmyi dont know how to read it18:04
jrmyok well i have to go get food now.. im hungry so bbiab18:05
judgenok this question must be silly, but i have missed some of the conversation.. Have you installed the intel 915 drivers, deleted the xorg.conf and ran a "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" ?18:05
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=== xGrind-rango is now known as xGrind
jrmyi am back19:46
jrmyjudgen: no i havent installed any drivers19:52
jrmythere is drivers i can install?19:52
jrmyim suprised no one has said anything19:52
jrmyif that fixes it then derp19:53
jrmyanyone here?19:53
jrmyapparently it didnt work judgen when i tired remobing the module then getting the drivers20:10
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:17
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100420:17
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:17
charlie-tcaUpdate is out for TERM issue. Just need to run updates20:24
TheSheepan advantage of the dumb terminal: debconf won't block updates with its silly dialogs :D20:30
jrmyi dont want physical damage to my laptops video chip so im probably not going to be writing a Xorg.conf anytime soon20:42
spy6hi there21:14
charlie-tca!hi | spy621:15
ubottuspy6: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:15
spy6anyhow the theming of the panels got lost on update21:15
spy6any idea hot to reset them to default?21:15
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/21:19
charlie-tcaThe community page tells how to reset them completely21:19
spy6charlie-tca: thanks21:25
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:25
spy6hmm .. i guess there is any theming missing21:36
spy6"/etc/xdg/xfce4/panel" is just the xfce default, but not the xubuntu defaults21:37
charlie-tcaThat is where xubuntu gets its default panel21:37
spy6okay ... how to recover the theme shown at xubuntu.org? :)21:45
spy6is that theme "albatros"?21:47
charlie-tcachange you theme in Applications -> Settings -> Xfce4 Settings Manager -> Appearance to albatross, then change21:47
charlie-tcaWindow Manager theme to albatross21:48
mark76Which version of Xubuntu?21:48
mark76It's Bluebird in 10.1021:48
charlie-tca10.04 and 10.1021:48
mark76Albatross is so last year :p21:49
charlie-tcamark76: the theme shown at http://xubuntu.org is albatross21:49
mark76Dear God!21:51
mark76Much nicer :)21:55
MakdaamI've got a problem with my Intel i915 + ATI Mobility Radeon combo21:55
mark76Is it an Xfce4 problem, Makdaam?21:58
mark76Hey jrmy21:59
Makdaambut there's noone on #ubuntu that would help me22:00
Makdaamit's probably X related or driver/kernel related22:01
WizardI have unusual problem :D22:01
MakdaamBTW where's xorg.conf in 10.04?22:01
spy6makdaam: maybe you haven't one22:02
mark76Yeah. Trying to get help in the Ubuntu room can be a bit like shouting into the wind at times22:02
charlie-tcaNormally there is no xorg.conf anymore22:02
spy6in this case its generated on the fly22:02
Wizardi've found a song, most of it is in polish, last verse is in some romance language22:02
Wizardany spaniards, portuguese, romanians, moldovans, italians here? :D22:02
Makdaamhow do I dump it into a file?22:02
spy6hmm ... my menu is grey .. the rest of my workspace is black .. did i miss anything related to the menu?22:03
MakdaamWizard: try unilang22:03
Wizardi don't have proper lyrics22:03
jrmyhey mark7622:03
Wizardi have only a link to song22:04
Wizardi don't even know where to look for help22:04
charlie-tcaspy6: you changed both window manager and appearance themes to albatross?22:04
MakdaamWizard, I'd try unilang :) it's a forum centred on languages...22:06
Wizardk, i'll try22:07
Wizardhmm #romanian exists22:07
Makdaamheh, problem solved22:31
MakdaamHP not only makes lousy PCs, has incompetent tech support, but also lies about laptop specs22:31
Wizardand probably messes acpi22:32
MakdaamI got a sigsegv in glxgears/glxinfo and anything OpenGL related because Mesa tried to use the ATI Radeon... which is not a part of this laptop22:32
xubuntu116que hay23:06
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:06
xubuntu116only english?23:06
charlie-tcaThere are other channels that are language specific23:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:07
viddde nada23:07
viddi hope he(?) was looking for spanish =]23:09
charlie-tcaapparently, he did not want english, huh?23:15
viddmost like his english is sketchy23:17

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