MichealH-iPod | Is the BT meeting on? | 00:10 |
malev | MichealH, I though that too | 00:12 |
MichealH-iPod | It's 23:12 UTC | 00:13 |
MichealH-iPod | Hrmm? | 00:13 |
pedro3005 | sorry I'm late | 00:25 |
pedro3005 | am I late? | 00:25 |
MichealH-iPod | Nope | 00:26 |
MichealH-iPod | We haven't even started | 00:26 |
pedro3005 | good | 00:27 |
duanedesign | ;lo all | 00:32 |
Mohan_chml | o/ | 00:32 |
MichealH-iPod | o/ | 00:34 |
collinp | Yo. | 00:34 |
duanedesign | #startmeeting | 00:35 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 18:35. The chair is duanedesign. | 00:35 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 00:35 |
duanedesign | good day all | 00:35 |
MichealH-iPod | Hi duanedesign | 00:35 |
Mohan_chml | Hola duanedesign | 00:35 |
duanedesign | [TOPIC] wiki update for new theme | 00:36 |
MootBot | New Topic: wiki update for new theme | 00:36 |
collinp | I apologize, I'll be drifting in and out for most of the meeting, as there are things happening IRL currently around me. | 00:36 |
duanedesign | mr cprofitt has started on redesigning our wiki to fit the new theme | 00:36 |
* nhandler thanks cprofitt for taking on this task | 00:37 | |
duanedesign | the new theme , as far i know, is set to go live tom | 00:37 |
duanedesign | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam | 00:37 |
nhandler | We just need to make sure that whatever theme we go with is still usable with other wiki themes. i.e. I use a Kubuntu wiki theme | 00:37 |
MichealH-iPod | Yup | 00:38 |
duanedesign | that is a good point | 00:38 |
duanedesign | Saji has worked on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki | 00:39 |
phillw | As non-official, we use a lubuntu header, but I've seen that the proposed one does not work. | 00:39 |
MichealH-iPod | I could do the Launchpadm | 00:39 |
duanedesign | it uses a look that is more 'nuetral' | 00:39 |
duanedesign | phillw: what does not work? | 00:40 |
phillw | it does not center, there is a bug report against it which I confirmed. | 00:41 |
duanedesign | ahh | 00:41 |
Mohan_chml | phillw: your team is working on it? | 00:41 |
phillw | Mohan_chml: we are not using the new ubuntu theme. | 00:42 |
MichealH-iPod | Phillw: it could be a syntax error/markup error? | 00:42 |
* phillw give me a moment to go through my logs and find the bug report, then you can see for yourselves. | 00:42 | |
duanedesign | (a)lanbell is working on some bug fixes. His latest code is available at http://libertus.co.uk:8080/BeginnersTeam | 00:43 |
duanedesign | if you wanted to test our page^ | 00:43 |
duanedesign | for example. | 00:43 |
duanedesign | so we should test our wiki as nhandler suggests. | 00:44 |
Mohan_chml | Agreed | 00:45 |
MichealH-iPod | Like a trial basis | 00:45 |
phillw | nhandler: was it you who asked me to confirm the bug? | 00:45 |
duanedesign | zkreisse has offered to help with this topic as well | 00:46 |
Mohan_chml | Our wiki FG can help at anytime :) | 00:47 |
duanedesign | anyone interested in working on that. Should be fairly straight forward. | 00:47 |
phillw | zkreisse is a good lad,. If you need art work, then I may be able to kidnap our art person on the lubuntu team. | 00:48 |
MichealH-iPod | Anything with Launchpad I am happy to do... | 00:48 |
Mohan_chml | I will help zkreisse | 00:48 |
duanedesign | ok great | 00:49 |
nhandler | phillw: I didn't ask you to confirm anything | 00:50 |
duanedesign | there are a couple of threads already going on the mailinglist to report your findings :) | 00:50 |
duanedesign | [ACTION] mohan and zkreisse will look at the new theme on various *buntu wiki to help team make a final decision | 00:52 |
MootBot | ACTION received: mohan and zkreisse will look at the new theme on various *buntu wiki to help team make a final decision | 00:52 |
Mohan_chml | At your service =] | 00:52 |
duanedesign | [TOPIC] Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor | 00:53 |
MootBot | New Topic: Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor | 00:53 |
duanedesign | I think silverfox is going to be helping us in the future with our mentor program. You may remember a couple meetings ago we asked for volunteers for a Mentor Admin | 00:54 |
duanedesign | i think this will help us a lot to improve the quality of our mentor program. | 00:55 |
Mohan_chml | yes and FYI, I saw people adding their name in our wiki but when they are said to come to Our channel in IRC, they are not. We already informed all the people needing mentors to come to our channel. We have to change/add some rules that they should make their presence in #ubuntu-beginners | 00:55 |
nhandler | Agreed. Having someone keeping this on track will be good | 00:55 |
duanedesign | Mohan_chml: yes. Our sessions in -classroom have also brought an influx of users wanting to join BT. Specifically they are interested in -dev | 00:56 |
duanedesign | some of them have not added there name to the prospect seeking mentor list | 00:57 |
duanedesign | so both are good points were someone keeping on top of this will be beneficial | 00:58 |
duanedesign | looking at the list now | 00:58 |
Mohan_chml | But they are visiting -dev more and they are enquiring about development and that is a good news. Thanks to pedro3005 and other staffs | 00:58 |
duanedesign | yes the community at large has been very interesteed in increasing the participation of developers in Ubuntu | 01:00 |
duanedesign | another place the BT could really make a difference \o/ | 01:00 |
MichealH-iPod | Yup \o/ | 01:00 |
Mohan_chml | for sure =] | 01:00 |
duanedesign | the list of prospect seeking mentors is a little old | 01:00 |
MichealH-iPod | Just today I was thinking of a Q&A session every month or so | 01:01 |
MichealH-iPod | Hard questions --> -beginners | 01:01 |
duanedesign | those folks signed up, If i am remembering correctly, and have not really followed through | 01:01 |
Mohan_chml | My suggestion is, "we can send a mail(final one) to those people to come to IRC, if they are really interested" | 01:01 |
duanedesign | Mohan_chml: i agree, that is a good idea | 01:02 |
MichealH-iPod | And to see of they even signed up to the lists :P | 01:02 |
Mohan_chml | and we have one more applicant who didn't add his name in the page but sent a mail to our mailings list.Brandon Tomlinson with the nick thebwt | 01:03 |
duanedesign | also we can go through the mailing list for the last two months and try and contact those that sent hello letters and never put name on wiki | 01:03 |
Mohan_chml | His wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/thebwt | 01:03 |
duanedesign | would be good for us to do this and help silverfox start with a clean slate :) | 01:04 |
Mohan_chml | He mentioned about BT-dev \o/ | 01:04 |
* phillw is willing to take on a "trainee", | 01:04 | |
duanedesign | great | 01:04 |
phillw | depends if you guys wish me to do so. | 01:04 |
Mohan_chml | phillw: thebwt https://wiki.ubuntu.com/thebwt is there in BT now also =] | 01:04 |
Mohan_chml | check out his time and rock it on phillw =] | 01:05 |
phillw | Mohan_chml: I'd be proud to do so. | 01:05 |
Mohan_chml | (: | 01:05 |
MichealH-iPod | I currently have a mentor heh | 01:06 |
duanedesign | [ACTION] duanedesign will contact those on prospect seeking mentor list. Also contact community members who have sent hello letter to ML but not signed up on prospect seeking mentor list | 01:07 |
MootBot | ACTION received: duanedesign will contact those on prospect seeking mentor list. Also contact community members who have sent hello letter to ML but not signed up on prospect seeking mentor list | 01:07 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: who is that? | 01:07 |
phillw | I tried to contact https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kdotj but have not had a response. | 01:07 |
Mohan_chml | And I have a suggestion. We should identify the mentors good in programming(mentioning what they are good with) in our wiki and we can tell people to contact them | 01:07 |
MichealH-iPod | cprofitt | 01:07 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: ahh good one | 01:07 |
duanedesign | :) | 01:07 |
MichealH-iPod | :) | 01:08 |
Mohan_chml | Okay then. we can remove kdotl from our wiki | 01:08 |
Mohan_chml | kdotj* | 01:08 |
duanedesign | the mentor/ prospect relationship is a great opportunity to make good friends. I have stayed close to all my prospects(padawans) | 01:08 |
Mohan_chml | Silver_Fox missed this meeting and One should be reporting him to start working on the mentors list | 01:09 |
* phillw can do GMT or +5 hours as my shift patterns. | 01:09 | |
Mohan_chml | +1 duanedesign | 01:09 |
phillw | +1 duanedesign I still nag nhandler to death :) | 01:10 |
Mohan_chml | lol | 01:10 |
duanedesign | Mohan_chml: good idea. i did touch base with SF the other day on this but i will do so again to let SF know we are going to try and clear out the queue to offer clean slate | 01:10 |
Mohan_chml | phillw: we need nhandler. do not make him run away :P | 01:10 |
nhandler | :) | 01:11 |
phillw | SF has not been well, he's getting better. But like the stubborn ox he is; he did not tell anyone. | 01:11 |
duanedesign | :( | 01:11 |
Mohan_chml | :o | 01:11 |
duanedesign | ok moving on | 01:11 |
malev | I'm sorry, what is SF? | 01:12 |
duanedesign | [TOPIC] Request Status Update From All Mentors | 01:12 |
MootBot | New Topic: Request Status Update From All Mentors | 01:12 |
duanedesign | malev: silverfox | 01:12 |
duanedesign | :) | 01:12 |
malev | COOL | 01:12 |
duanedesign | ill go first | 01:12 |
duanedesign | my prospects malev and km0r3 are doing great | 01:13 |
duanedesign | the membership process has been in a state of 'change; for a little bit now | 01:14 |
duanedesign | the council is working hard to finalize all membership requirments so there is no confusion | 01:14 |
duanedesign | i appreciatte all prospects patience during this time | 01:15 |
duanedesign | we are going to require all mentors to update monthly by meeting or ML to the mentor admin (silverfox) | 01:15 |
nhandler | But keep in mind, just because you are not an official member does not mean you are unable to participate in team activities/contribute | 01:15 |
duanedesign | absolutely | 01:16 |
Mohan_chml | +1 | 01:16 |
malev | excelent! | 01:16 |
MichealH-iPod | I am not a member but look at me! | 01:16 |
duanedesign | anyone else with a padawan that wants to comment | 01:16 |
Mohan_chml | p/ | 01:17 |
Mohan_chml | aww o/* typo :P | 01:17 |
* phillw has a prospective member, but not ready to propose him yet. | 01:17 | |
duanedesign | sounds good phillw | 01:17 |
phillw | but that is for full ubuntu membership, not just UBT | 01:18 |
duanedesign | no one is up for voting | 01:18 |
duanedesign | right now | 01:18 |
Mohan_chml | My prospect JoeMavericksett is doing awesome in helping in BT as well as #ubuntu. I am making him learn about all and he is enjoying learning new stuff daily. I am putting up the schedules for him to what to learn and I am testing him how far he learnt. | 01:18 |
Mohan_chml | and I am also knowing new daily =] | 01:18 |
duanedesign | i have seen joemaverick around in -team and it has been nice getting to know him/her | 01:19 |
Mohan_chml | Him :) | 01:19 |
phillw | Mohan_chml: If he is helping, and doung it well, then he deserves membership of UBT | 01:19 |
duanedesign | anyone want to volunteer with Post-Meeting Tasks | 01:19 |
duanedesign | update team rerport, wiki with next meeting date | 01:20 |
phillw | duanedesign: hit me with one, and I will do it. | 01:20 |
* Mohan_chml hits phillw with a chair | 01:20 | |
duanedesign | phillw: have you done a team report before | 01:20 |
* phillw wiki is me :) | 01:20 | |
duanedesign | Mohan_chml: :) | 01:20 |
MichealH-iPod | I could do one | 01:20 |
duanedesign | phillw: ok. if you have any questions me or nhandler can probably help | 01:20 |
phillw | yeah, I did, but a while back. For lubuntu | 01:21 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: # | 01:21 |
duanedesign | Update Next meeting time on the wiki | 01:21 |
nhandler | Yep, I have no issue helping (just don't have time to do it myself right now) | 01:21 |
Mohan_chml | MichealH: you support phillw with your ideas | 01:21 |
duanedesign | how about that one MichealH-iPod | 01:21 |
Mohan_chml | MichealH-iPod: ^ | 01:21 |
MichealH-iPod | What one? | 01:21 |
Mohan_chml | <duanedesign> Update Next meeting time on the wiki | 01:21 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: just update the meeting header on wiki with date of next meeting | 01:21 |
MichealH-iPod | Okay | 01:22 |
Mohan_chml | MichealH-iPod: and help phillw in writing team report :) | 01:22 |
MichealH-iPod | Where do I find the header? | 01:22 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Includes/Bulletin | 01:22 |
MichealH-iPod | Okay | 01:22 |
duanedesign | i will send minutes to the ML | 01:22 |
duanedesign | i have to go all, sorry to stop so ubruptly | 01:23 |
phillw | was it decided to remove https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kdotj from the mentoring list, sorry but I'm also on lubuntu support area. | 01:23 |
MichealH-iPod | When is next meeting? | 01:23 |
duanedesign | phillw: i think we will send a finale email. Oh wait yu did that? | 01:23 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: second tuesday of next month | 01:23 |
duanedesign | #endmeeting | 01:24 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 19:24. | 01:24 |
duanedesign | ok all i will be back in 30 minutes have a real world issue and must scoot | 01:24 |
MichealH-iPod | duanedesign: I can't really bring up my calendar on this so can you tell me | 01:24 |
* Mohan_chml takes the chair and hits phillw, when duanedesign gets off from it | 01:24 | |
phillw | duanedesign: I have only added my self as willing mentor, not deleted anyone. I sent him an email a couple of days ago and have not had a response. | 01:24 |
duanedesign | MichealH-iPod: nov 9 | 01:24 |
MichealH-iPod | Thanks | 01:25 |
duanedesign | see you all in #ubuntu-beginners-team | 01:25 |
Mohan_chml | cya duanedesign | 01:25 |
duanedesign | thank you for coming to the meeting! | 01:25 |
MichealH-iPod | Done | 01:30 |
MichealH-iPod | Is it okay | 01:30 |
MichealH-iPod | duanedesign: ^^ | 01:30 |
Mohan_chml | MichealH-iPod: Yes okay :) | 01:31 |
MichealH-iPod | Thanks | 01:31 |
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jj-afk | jjohansen | 09:25 |
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highvoltage | ● Edubuntu Meeting Time! | 20:00 |
* stgraber waves and then pokes mgariepy | 20:00 | |
highvoltage | heh | 20:01 |
highvoltage | Agenda for this meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda | 20:01 |
highvoltage | was only slightly updated for this meeting, mostly recycled from old meetings :) | 20:01 |
highvoltage | Vikram wanted to talk about his documentation ideas today but seems that he couldn't make it. | 20:01 |
stgraber | anyone here who's not in a 2m radius from me ? | 20:02 |
stgraber | hey alkisg | 20:02 |
czajkowski | me | 20:02 |
alkisg | Hi stgraber, hi all | 20:02 |
highvoltage | Susan suggested that we have a meeting at another time but she never actually suggested a time | 20:02 |
highvoltage | so maybe next week | 20:02 |
highvoltage | I guess it's also pretty much pointless to announce here that we've released Edubuntu 10.10 over the weekend \o/ | 20:03 |
alkisg | Congrats! :) | 20:03 |
highvoltage | (right at 10:10 on 10/10/10) | 20:03 |
highvoltage | The next release is 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), release schedule here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | 20:04 |
highvoltage | so UDS is at 25 October | 20:04 |
highvoltage | The first Alpha is on 2 December | 20:04 |
highvoltage | we missed the first alpha for lucid *and* maverick | 20:05 |
highvoltage | let's not do that again :) | 20:05 |
highvoltage | otherwise maverick was a pretty good release, thanks to everyone involved with that | 20:05 |
stgraber | as long as they don't break our langpacks, we should be fine ;) | 20:05 |
highvoltage | Edubuntu's position on distrowatch is increasing. It was taken off from the site when edubuntu became an add-on Cd | 20:06 |
highvoltage | since it wasn't technically a Linux distribution per se anymore | 20:06 |
highvoltage | it's been added when we switched back to DVD mode | 20:07 |
highvoltage | for the filter for 'last 7 days', we're at #27, which puts it higher than FreeBSD! | 20:07 |
highvoltage | http://distrowatch.com/index.php?dataspan=1 | 20:07 |
highvoltage | (in the old days it used to be consistantly above FreeBSD) | 20:07 |
highvoltage | we started our facebook page a bit more than a month ago, it already has more than 250 fans | 20:08 |
stgraber | we also have 108 followers on twitter and 39 on identica | 20:09 |
highvoltage | I put together a new installation guide for Edubuntu 10.10: http://edubuntu.org/documentation/10.10/installation-guide | 20:09 |
highvoltage | I posted it out to the list and received some feedback and fixed up a bit, but further feedback is always welcome | 20:10 |
highvoltage | jbicha suggested that I add an explanation of what LTSP is somewhere in there. that's the only feedback I got that isn't yet applied | 20:10 |
highvoltage | anything we should add to the agenda before moving on? we don't exactly have a very busy meeting today :) | 20:11 |
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* stgraber doesn't think so | 20:11 | |
stgraber | (still reading installation-guide) | 20:11 |
highvoltage | this is an old idea that has been discussed a few times in the past, but due to not really getting any clear answers from Canonical on whether we can go ahead, we never did: http://edubuntu.org/marketplace | 20:12 |
highvoltage | the idea with the edubuntu marketplace is that people who build services and products around Edubuntu can list themselves on the site | 20:12 |
highvoltage | similar to the Ubuntu marketplace on http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/ | 20:13 |
highvoltage | we're going ahead with it, if we step on any toes someone can just scream then | 20:13 |
highvoltage | except for revolution linux, I just took the liberty of adding the rest of them there, so I'll contact them and confirm that they do indeed want to be listed, and also which details they'd like on there | 20:14 |
highvoltage | once I've done that, we can link to it from the rest of the site and announce it | 20:15 |
highvoltage | stgraber: do you have any suggestions regarding the contact address for that? | 20:15 |
stgraber | highvoltage: not sure ... I can probably create an alias on some random domain or try to get one from Canonical IS | 20:16 |
highvoltage | an alias sounds ideal | 20:16 |
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highvoltage | I suppose something generic like contact@edubuntu.org would be ok? | 20:17 |
stgraber | yep | 20:17 |
highvoltage | it probably won't necessarilly be the EC that would always be responsible for that | 20:17 |
highvoltage | dinda wanted to discuss a blueprint, but she didn't make it today either (I guess she's still traveling) | 20:19 |
highvoltage | so that's probably it for this meeting, unless anyone else has something? | 20:19 |
stgraber | nothing here | 20:26 |
highvoltage | ok, adjourned! | 20:26 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl |
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