
madfoxkemnitz idr off the top of my head. I think its x11 but check the help for apt-get and there should be an option to list packages and you can output that to grep00:00
willi nautilus under program?00:00
jribwill: nautilus is the name of the default file browser00:00
kemnitzmadfox: k thanks. looking now....00:01
Gneaopr: weird. have you run sudo apt-get update?00:01
martian67|!danger Gnea00:01
zebastianortishey i have a problem00:01
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:01
* Gnea looks at martian67| 00:01
zebastianortisi thoguht i had changed the password but it turns out i didnt i typed sudo passwd root and changed the password00:01
zebastianortisbut my sudo pw is the same as before00:01
* Gnea looks HARD at martian67| 00:01
zebastianortisit didnt work00:01
almateralso will the startup disk creator wipe existing content of the specified mass storage device00:01
madfoxkemnitz try x11-common specifically00:02
crucialhoaxWhy wont AWN show open windows of icons not added to the dock?00:02
Blicken<zebastianortis> Hm, i was looking in the permisions, but i dont see it there, i think its how the shell interprets the request, which could mean youre answear is in the bash RC file. --Just guessing though00:02
willwhere is my default windows 7 ntfs partition00:03
=== Benwa-Ktm is now known as Benwa
rodMOCP died in the upgrade to 10.10!!!!!00:03
madfoxwill its probably the only ntfs partition detected00:03
=== rod is now known as econdudeawesome
willI'm in the file brower00:04
myrmidonhm interesting00:04
Gneaopr: did you say you're using a proxy?00:04
myrmidondoes anyone know how to use terminal to launch a program and close the terminal?00:04
madfoxwill well then get out of the file manager, open up a partition manager, and look at its mount point00:04
opryes, auto configuration url one00:04
jribecondudeawesome: move on to mpd!?00:04
oprgnea: ^00:04
Gneaopr: k, why can't you use direct connection?00:05
oprat university00:05
zacstoneanyone got to get ubuntu 10.10 at 120hz yet?00:05
kellnolamyrmidon, you can't. Why would you want to?00:05
Gneaso you can't load webpages on a uni computer?00:05
* Gnea can load webpages just fine at his uni00:05
oprgnea: i can, the proxy is working in my browser00:05
zacstonewith new 120hz gaming LCD monitors?00:05
lakcajHello.  I've tried google and the forums, but I'm having a problem.  I installed 10.10 on my desktop machine, and after installing the nvidia-current restricted driver, I get a blank screen after a reboot.  GDM does not come up at all.  Any suggestions?00:05
myrmidonso i can launch things from terminal00:05
zebastianortisBlicken, bash file?00:05
myrmidonand not have the terminal sitting there idle in the background00:05
oprgnea: everything works in windows too00:06
prappl93Anybody know if it is possible to get Evolution to run in the background so I can have it checking my e-mail constantly and be informed when I get new mail?00:06
zebastianortisby the way nobody answered my question, i thought i had changed my password by sudo passwd root but the password i use to login seems to be the same, can someone help me out00:06
kellnolamyrmidon, you can. But normally, when you close the terminal, or more properly the shell, it closes it's child processes00:06
Gneaopr: what steps have you taken, so far, to get the proxy to work with apt?00:06
Gneazacstone: because you typed in all caps.00:07
oprgnea: system > preferences > network proxy > auto-configuration URL > apply system wide00:07
jribzebastianortis: run « sudo passwd root -l », then run « passwd » (both as your user)00:07
scott_inozebastianortis, because you don't login under root do you? it's not roots password it's your admin password00:07
madfoxzebastianortis why are you loging in as root?00:07
RRU_SciguyzacstoneL may not be supported by your monitor00:07
jeff_mitchelli have the latest Linux Format magazine, and i'm trying to install handbrake from the LXF DVD. it keeps telling me to install more dev junk, and then i try "make". but every time it says i need to sudo apt-get more dev tools. what the heck gives?00:07
Smailas port forwarding in Ubuntu? in which files are configuration?00:07
willwhere is partition manager00:07
iflemazebastianortis you dont set a root password in Ubuntu nor use the root account at all! sudo passwd [username] sill change the sudo password and what are you doing and this is Ubuntu support...00:07
RRU_Sciguyzacstone, it may not be supported by your monitor00:08
zebastianortisok, now going back to my original request, how do i make a password prompt pop up when i click on a particular folder i created which only root can read/write?00:08
scott_inoSmail, have you tried UFW?00:08
jribzebastianortis: you probably want to look into some sort of encryption options00:08
jeff_mitchelladdendum on last post: is there a meta packages which installs all the dev stuff for me? build-essentials isn't enough.00:08
madfoxwill I dunno its your system.  I installed gparted and it shows up under administration00:08
Gneaopr: I see.... is there a result from this command:  echo $http_proxy00:08
kellnolazebastianortis, you would need to create a script for nautilus to do that00:08
vsd20cI'm setting up a network for a web server and a domain... I'm going to be running it off a older box but, not sure how i should run the base. If i installed ubuntu or puppy linux as a base would it be okay to virtualize the server machine on that base or should i directly install the server os on the machine.... or does it matter at all?00:08
willwhere is the partition manager00:08
scott_inoSmail, and no go? usually that does the trick for easy port forwarding00:08
zebastianortiskellnola, pcmanfm00:09
quietoneprappl93, edit->pref->mail accounts->edit->receiving options00:09
iflemazebastianortis alt+f2 gksudo [packgemanager] [path]00:09
madfoxzebastianortis we already told you. Make a wrapper with gksudo00:09
rwwjeff_mitchell: what sort of thing are you looking for that isn't in build-essentials?00:09
oprgnea: no it is blank :\00:09
zanusHow do you change the login splash screen00:09
oprgnea: must i restart the computer?00:09
Gneaopr: no.00:09
zanusI can't find it in Themes00:09
phirestalkeris there a way to get desktop effects to be enabled when my session starts so my cairo dock looks right?00:10
Gneaopr: okay, do you know how to use vim?00:10
jeff_mitchellrww: well, right now it says "E: Couldn't find package autoreconf". and before that it was a whole lot of other things.00:10
kemnitzmadfox: I told aptitude to reconfigure it, and there was a bunch of errors about an illegal character in the version string. I then tried startx|less to see the whole mess of errors it was saying and I think I may have noticed the culprit. "FATAL: Module nvidia not found" then "NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module."... What package is for that?00:10
kellnolazanus, gdm2 isn't very configurable in ubuntu yet00:10
zebastianortismadfox, how!?00:10
oprgnea: not very well, can i use nano instead?00:10
prappl93quietone, thanks, but I don't know if that will work as I am planning. I mean with Evolution closed entirely... is there a way to keep it running in the background sort of thing?00:10
blakkheimopr: vim would be a very useful thing to learn00:11
Gneaopr: sure, do this:  sudo nano /etc/bash.bashrc00:11
zebastianortisgksudo pcmanfm /Home/Desktop/Elegance/$ = DEBUG: FmJob error: No such file or directory00:11
madfoxkemnitz crap...not sure. I can try digging it up but idk if it would work or not. you may need to try a fresh install.00:11
oprgnea: roger00:11
Smailthank so you so much!00:11
Gneaopr: then add the following line:  export http_proxy=http://user:pass@your.proxy.server:port/00:11
rwwjeff_mitchell: Install the "autoconf" package to get autoreconf. I don't know of a metapackage that covers autoconf etc., though.00:11
madfoxzebastianortis muck around your menu configuration and look at how gksudo is used. Then make a new menu option that uses that for pcman.00:12
oprgnea: ok, standby00:12
ddilingerwhen doing nslookup on a domain of mine, i get 'no servers could be reached'  how can i find out what server its trying to get from(not the local named server, which is fine for all lookups besides this one, but whatever that server is connecting to that is timing out)00:12
scott_inoSmail, did you get it?00:12
kemnitzmadfox: I'll try installing nvidia-kernel-common, which I notice isn't installed, and see if it starts behaving.00:12
oprgnea: i don't have a username and password?00:12
dorindoes anyone know  how to get apt-get through ssh tunnel, like socks5 ?00:12
MonikaI have just upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10. When I now click links in Thunderbird, they open in Konqueror instead of Firefox, even though I have set Firefox as the default browser in the system settings and set the http and https handlers in Thunderbird's about:config to /usr/bin/firefox. Any thoughts?00:12
Gneaopr: then http://your.proxy.server:port/00:12
madfoxkemnitz sounds like a good idea. might need to reboot or even recompile the kernel though.00:12
oprgnea: ok, trying that00:13
Gneaopr: let me know when you've saved and quit00:13
kemnitzmadfox: oooh. that will be an adventure! ... crud. how do I connect to eth0 via DHCP from the command line?00:14
zebastianortismadfox, ok how do i muck around my menu config?00:14
zebastianortisi am a newb00:14
Gneaopr: you then need to run this command:  . /etc/bash.bashrc  before sudo apt-get update00:14
oprgnea: i fixed it now, i didn't need to nano it, i just set up the proxy manually rather than with the config url00:14
Gneaopr: oh?00:15
oprgnea: yeah everything seems to be working now, heh heh heh00:15
madfoxzebastianortis not sure. In gnome its under my administration00:15
Gneaopr: awesome00:15
=== hDy` is now known as hDy
oprgnea: thanks for your help and patience00:15
Gneaopr: cheers00:15
vsd20cSelf bump: Making ubuntu network - for base machine can i virtualize off of puppy linux or should i just install the server os directly00:15
zebastianortismadfox, what should i google for if i'm on lubuntu00:15
hDyis it possible to use diffrent wallpapers on each desktop without compiz?00:16
Gneazebastianortis: you should say that you're a noob in the first place, next time.00:16
madfoxkemnitz hmm...there was a link somewhere about that. I can try looking for it. Or if you are adventurous info ifconfig00:16
zebastianortisGnea, will do next time00:16
hiexponite all00:16
madfoxzebastianortis I havnt used LXDE but you can try googling LXDE menu config and seeing what pops up00:17
zebastianortismadfox, reading here currently http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142286100:17
`3ShadesI can't open my terminal can someone help me?00:17
hiexposup Gnea00:17
Flare183`3Shades: Why can't you? Press Alt+f2 and type in gnome-terminal00:17
Monikawhat error do you get, `3Shades00:17
Gneahiexpo: sup00:17
hiexposame ole00:17
hiexpo^ Gnea00:18
Gneamy wubi went on me00:18
Gneawaiting on chkdsk to hopefully fix it00:18
recmajkemimy network apelet moved to right side and i cant move it00:18
`3ShadesFlare183, I was in vi under root and I closed it, and now it won't open..00:18
kemnitzmadfox: awesomesauce. ... actually, I think I'll try rebooting into recovery mode and choosing "drop to root shell with networking" :P00:18
suweidHowdy, I was wondering if someone could maybe help me with a weirdo problem. My ISP uses some kind of custom settings... I don't know what it is exacly, but internet basically works after about 3 minutes of inactivity, when I plug it into my stationary computer. On my laptop however, it does not work. My best guess is that some DHCP setting needs longer timeout. Could someone all knowning point me to the right direction?00:18
hiexpo< south Gnea00:18
Gneayeah, the system hardlocked 3 times in a row. finally it said "no more"00:18
Flare183`3Shades: you need to sudo kill vi00:18
BLZbubbais there a way to remove upstart from ubuntu 10.04?00:19
SmailI know you people in the know! Topic for consideration; tracert goes, but the host does not ping?  whats the problem?00:19
Flare183`3Shades: sudo killallvi00:19
BLZbubbait is infinitely l4me00:19
`3ShadesFlare183, how without a terminal00:19
Flare183`3Shades: oh there's a terminal00:19
econdudeawesomejrib: what is mpd?00:19
madfoxkemnitz K, good luck00:19
Flare183`3Shades: if all else fails, use xterm00:19
`3ShadesFlare183, where lol00:19
jagsmusic player daemon00:19
jribecondudeawesome: by "mocp" you meant the music player right?00:20
Flare183`3Shades: Run xterm via The Run window00:20
econdudeawesomejrib: yes. I haven't come across mpd.00:20
LateralusDoes anyone know where I can find a package of xserver-xorg-video-intel for lucid which has displayport support?00:20
hiexpoone must remember google is ones best friend00:20
Gneabetween ubottu and google, yeah00:20
LateralusOr where I can find instructions for building a package from the display-port branch of that driver's code00:20
jribecondudeawesome: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki It has tons of clients.  Many on the console.  For example, ncmpcpp00:20
Smail I know you people in the know! Topic for consideration; tracert goes, but the host does not ping?  whats the problem?00:20
zebastianortishow do you log in as root?00:21
KB1JWQSmail: Disabled ICMP Echo on the host.00:21
KB1JWQzebastianortis: sudo, generally.00:21
korisnik____hi. i have amd64 procesor and 10.04 version. problem is that i dont know do i have amd64 or i86 version of ubuntu. if i have amd version i would update normally on 10.10, but if i have 10.4 i86 is it possible to update on 10.10 amd64 without full reinstall00:21
GneaSmail: tracert is a windows program00:21
zebastianortisno i mean, how do you stay s root the whole time, i made a file that only root can write and its my journal00:21
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:21
zebastianortissometimes it takes me an hour writing an entry so00:21
KB1JWQsudo bash?:-)00:21
econdudeawesomejrib: but why isn't mocp working? That is the preferred one for our household, and just works typically00:21
Gneazebastianortis: it doesn't work like that.00:21
Datzany reason why gnome system monitor would be showing 7.8GB of RAM when 8 are installed00:21
Flare183korisnik____: open a terminal on the i386 version, and type in lshw00:21
MrSteinsudo su00:21
korisnik____man sudo, info sudo whatis sudo, apropos sudo00:22
Flare183korisnik____: and look for the CPU info, it'll tell you00:22
jribecondudeawesome: oh I have no idea.  Did you check bugs.ubuntu.com?  What happens now when you try to run mocp?00:22
GneaMrStein: bad. sudo -i is preferred00:22
=== Cory__ is now known as Cory`
Flare183Datz: Your BIOS might be reserving some00:22
econdudeawesomejrib: major fail.00:22
jribecondudeawesome: huh?00:22
econdudeawesomejrib: it fails majorly00:22
econdudeawesomejrib: get the following00:22
DatzFlare183: I see... windows shows 8190 and free shows over 8 too00:23
MrSteinswitching to VT1 by ctrl-alt-F1 disconnects me from WLAN. Switching back to VT7 (X) makes it to reconnect. Is this by design?00:23
econdudeawesomejrib: FATAL_ERROR: Can't send() int to the server.00:23
`3Shadesthink a restart would work00:23
MonikaHow can I disable this horrible Netbook shell that made itself default after upgrading to Maverick and get back normal KDE?00:23
kemnitzmadfox: crud. this thing is having errors left and right... a fresh install is starting to sound like a great idea. Its still complaining about version strings. "error in Version string `3.0.147-586977_Ubuntu_karmic`: invalid character in revision number."00:24
scott_inoMrStein, just tried it, didn't disconnect me at all00:24
jribecondudeawesome: and did you check bugs.ubuntu.com?00:24
econdudeawesomejrib: No, cause this is a legacy error from the beta. Thought I'd be disgruntled ;-)00:25
rwwMonika: It's somewhere in System Settings. Workspace, perhaps? There should be a dropdown somewhere with "Netbook" and "Desktop" in it.00:25
jribecondudeawesome: http://moc.daper.net/node/599 looks promising00:25
karani eed help with wine00:25
MonikaI have searched for Netbook and Desktop in the system settings. No result for Netbook. None of the results for Desktop had such an option.00:25
Flare183!ask | karan00:25
ubottukaran: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:25
seanp2kjust submitted my issue to forums, re: 10.04 -> 10.10 upgrade broken packages won't let me upgrade http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159493300:25
madfoxkemnitz that does look like a bad version, especially since google turns 0 results for it o.o00:26
karani tried to install cod 4 but it didint work...so i tried to uninstall it...it wont not go away from the list in wine...so thn i deleted the whole cod 4 directory under my c drive...00:26
rwwMonika: hrm. I know it's there, because I've used it. I jsut can't remember the name...00:26
enteis rm -rf / dangerous?00:26
econdudeawesomejrib: worked like a charm00:26
karannow when i try to install combat amrs i get an invalid prameters error00:26
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:26
macoente: HECK YES00:26
recmajkemimy network apelet manager moved to right side all of the sudden and i cant move it back on default place00:26
edbianente, It deletes your entire hdd00:26
Flare183ente: You should NEVER do that00:27
MrSteinscott_ino: you're running 10.10 ?00:27
seanp2kente: lol, troll?00:27
karanwat is  rm -rf00:27
entekaran: remove recursively00:27
macokaran: remove, recursively, forced00:27
scott_inoMrStein, yes00:27
enteseanp2k: I was curious about the reactions00:27
edbiankaran, It deletes everything on your hdd00:27
KB1JWQente: Troll elsewhere.00:27
madfoxkaran rm -rf delete EVERYTHING if you do it to / you wipe your system00:27
Flare183karan: it would remove everything in your root filesystem deleting everything00:27
seanp2kente: I like umount -l / more00:28
seanp2kente: echo > /etc/fstab is also fun00:28
korisnik____why not just use some winxp shitty program for fixing partition table. that really messes things up, and doesnt delete anything00:28
MrSteinscott_ino: I tried it in LiveCD. On desktop I connect by clicking the NM applet (then enter WPA2 key...). If I go to VT1 (or VT2,...) the ifconfig shows the interface has no IP address assigned. pings fail etc...00:28
Flare183!language | korisnik____00:28
ubottukorisnik____: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:28
Pinakomay i ask for help here?00:28
jribmaco: well I had just helped that guy with some seemingly valid issue then he came back with a different nick and did that :/00:28
ScuniziIs there a way to fool an online app that checks to see if flash is installed?  The app was built for Mac & Windows but *of course* it doesn't know how to verify the presence of flash in Linux..00:28
Flare183!ask | Pinako00:28
ubottuPinako: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:28
Pinakok ^^00:29
entekorisnik____: you're not supposed to use the word "XP" in here ;)00:29
suweidHowdy, I was wondering if someone could maybe help me with a weirdo problem. My ISP uses some kind of custom settings... I don't know what it is exacly, but internet basically works after about 3 minutes of inactivity, when I plug it into my stationary computer. On my laptop however, it does not work. My best guess is that some DHCP setting needs longer timeout. Could someone all knowning point me to the right direction?00:29
macoente: why not?00:29
entemaco: to keep the channel family friendly!00:29
scott_inoMrStein, perhaps it's hardware specific?00:29
glaucousWhere are the Metacitiy/GTK themes located? I'd like to make some changes to it00:29
karanso can anyone help me with wine?00:29
Scunizisuweid: is this dsl?00:29
MrSteinscott_ino: no, I tried 2 PCs00:29
macoMonika: to switch between kde netbook & desktop, go to systemsettings -> workspace and change it there00:29
MrSteinit was the same on both00:30
korisnik____oh, that was bad word i used...00:30
korisnik____sorry ::D00:30
karanif i try to installa program i get an invalid prameters error00:30
suweidScunizi, ehternet jack from the wall.00:30
trismglaucous: /usr/share/themes00:30
Monikathere is no "workspace" entry in the system settings00:30
macoMonika: oh? well that's ...broken00:30
Scunizisuweid: ok.. is this in your house or a business setting?00:30
MrSteinscott_ino: do you have WLAN or wired?00:30
karanlike im still able to run my normal programs (ms word) but installin aint workin00:30
seanp2kecondudeawesome: check out 'cmus' too, sounds like the same kind of program (CLI mp3 player)00:30
scott_inoMrStein, so you're saying when you switch using Ctrl+Alt F1 it disconnects you?00:30
suweidScunizi, house.00:30
kemnitzmadfox: lol. It seems to be saying its related to `virtualbox-3.0` which I did have installed, but I uninstalled it now. Hay! Now I'm not getting complaints about it. <reboots again/>00:30
scott_inoMrStein, WLAN00:30
scott_inoI can test on lan if you'd like/00:30
Monikaat least I have tried every entry that could possibly translated to workspace00:31
korisnik____uname -e gives: 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 20:26:08 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux . does that mean i have i86 version?00:31
glaucoustrism, thank you00:31
Monikano such setting anywhere00:31
Flare183korisnik____: Yes00:31
macoMonika: its icon is that yellow swirl?00:31
MrSteinscott_ino:  I described it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159431800:31
suweidScunizi, other people in the house have the same problem. After connecting jack to computer it take a few minutes to connect. This time it doesn't work though. :/00:31
korisnik____can i do update from 32 to 64?00:31
MrSteinscott_ino: did you set you connection as a system connection?00:31
korisnik____without loosing data00:31
Scunizisuweid: well.. that jack in the wall goes someplace else in the house which interfaces to the cable line or phone line for internet access.. and has an internet "modem" attached.00:31
entewhy is rm -rf / still considered dangerous even though it does nothing unless you add --no-preserve-root?00:31
Scunizisuweid: that modem is for cable internet or DSL.. do you know which?00:32
seanp2kglaucous: look in your ~/.themes folder in00:32
madfoxkemnitz nice00:32
seanp2kglaucous: try this: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/themes-0.html.en00:32
scott_inoMrStein, just normal WLAN.... selected my SSID, entered in my WPA key (which is now saved in keyring) and away it goes00:32
Flare183korisnik____: No that I know of, what I had to do when I made that mistake with my laptop was back everything up and reinstall Ubuntu using the 64bit version00:32
rwwente: because 1) some currently-supported versions of Ubuntu don't have that patch, 2) generally people who say it are looking to cause damage.00:32
madfoxente cause you never know what strange things people do to their systems...00:32
=== WindPower is now known as Spacenet
znullhey any ideea why I can't mount my HDD ? mount: unknown filesystem type LVM2_member I'm getting00:32
suweidScunizi, I'm from sweden, we don't have DSL. Everyone has ethernet everywhere! No modems...00:32
enterww: which ones?00:33
bastidrazorente: you00:33
suweidScunizi, the connection is basically silent for a while, and then it starts to talk back.00:33
seanp2kente: i work for a hosting company and we have had people do stuff like recursively chown /var and other dumb things00:33
MrSteinscott_ino: well, if you ever feel bored, please try it in the Live environment and comment on that forum thread. ;)00:33
MrSteinthanks for now00:33
glaucousseanp2k, thanks, will take a look00:33
kemnitzmadfox: crud. still can't startx because it still claims the nvidia module is missing. You mentioned recompiling my kernel?00:33
rwwente: 8.0400:33
enteseanp2k: hey, that's nice00:33
seanp2kglaucous: NP, i modified my theme, it's not too hard00:33
enterww: wow, that's still supported?00:34
scott_inoMrStein, just tried it again, no issues.... even ran a few commands in VT100:34
Scunizisuweid: wow.. so it must come in via fiber or something.. well. I really don't know I'm sorry to say.. you might ask your ISP about that .. if others are having the same problems then it might be their issue and not yours00:34
Monikamaco: thanks, found it \o/00:34
korisnik____ok, im googleing long time now, Flare183 , gonna see there, but tbh, there was too much work into this install to do full reinstall00:34
rwwente: LTS, so supported for three years on desktop, five on server.00:34
madfoxkemnitz yeah. I havnt messed with that much but it seems that when you add a new kernel module you have to recompile it with that module. there are guides on the net.00:34
=== Spacenet is now known as WindPower
Scunizisuweid: their's meaning the ISP00:34
glaucousseanp2k, great. trying to figure  out a good mix between ambiance and clearlooks00:34
macoMonika: yay!00:34
MrSteinscott_ino: well the obivous thing is to run ping on VT1 to see if it works00:34
PinnaI am using freenet6's ipv6 tunnel because I want to party with the cool kids and all that. The 400ms+ latency is a bit unsuitable for some applications such as IRC... so I still want to use ipv4 by default, using ipv6 only when necessary. How do I configure this? (i might also randomly die because of this)00:34
Flare183korisnik____: Just takes a lot of patience00:34
Monikaand actually Arbeitsbereich could reasonably be translated to workspace ... not sure how I missed that#00:34
seanp2kglaucous: this might be of interest too:http://developer.gnome.org/doc/tutorials/metacity/metacity-themes.html00:34
madfoxkemnitz if that doesnt work or starts going over your head too much Id just say F it lol00:35
suweidScunizi, well, thanks anyway. I'm sure they are just doing something "clever". You don't happen to know if there is a DHCP ip aquisition timeout setting and how one would go about changing that value?00:35
rwwente: heck, 6.06 is also still supported on servers. LTS lasts a long time..00:35
mm3hi, is there a window with network services?00:35
rohancunable to connect to internet in Ubuntu 10.10 wired DSL connection, any ideas guys?00:35
glaucousseanp2k, perfect00:35
* madfox is away: Time for lunch!00:36
seanp2krohanc: is it PPPoE or .... ?00:36
Ryen!away | madfox00:36
ubottumadfox: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»00:36
entedoes ubuntu have any advantages on a server over, let's say, debian?00:36
Scunizisuweid: I don't ... however you might try using network manager and "disconnect" the network.. pause.. then reconnect and the computer will request an IP again.00:36
edbianente, It's newer packages so there are more features.00:36
suweidScunizi, that's how i used to "fix it" before!00:36
RRU_Sciguyrohanc, should connect entirely.....00:36
karansomeone help ^.-00:36
suweidifup / ifdown00:36
edbianente, Other than that there is very little difference between Ubuntu server and Debian server.00:36
rohancseanp2k: in windows yes it is PPPoE00:36
scott_inoMrStein, yes it works... sorry.. wish i could give you my working setup as i don't ever switch00:36
karank atleast which is the best fps on ubuntu online?00:36
seanp2krohanc: check here first: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE00:37
kemnitzmadfox: heh. yeah. I was trying my hardest to keep my current install just so that I wouldn't have to reinstall all of the PPAs and stuff I've got, but I'm starting to think that that may be easier that all this.00:37
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suweidScunizi, but now it doesn't work. Oh well. I'll google "internet not working" and die of old age. :)00:37
rohancRRU_Sciguy: i'm sorry, i couldn't get it00:37
rwwente: Ubuntu adds a bunch of cloud computing support and the option for commercial support from Canonical. Other than that, not really imho.00:37
Scunizisuweid: LOL!  what happens if your machine is off.. plugged into the network and is turned back on.. if it works immediately then it's a strange issue..00:37
seanp2krohanc: might be better to post all the details in a forum post because it's a complicated problem00:37
Pinnaoh well.00:37
entesounds reasonable00:37
rohancseanp2k: i've already connected and updated my system.. but them later after rebooting.. it doesn't connects00:37
entesupport from canonical was the main reason why ubuntu was so widely accepted, iirc00:38
rohancseanp2k: what details do I have to post?00:38
edbianente, Yeah that's probably true.00:38
suweidScunizi, no it would still take 3 minutes. Of course I had a router at some point and then everything would work right away, because it would hold the connection. It had an accident involving a plant and a lot of swearing so it's out of commision now.00:38
mm3should I repeat the question?00:38
PinnaSo... how do I configure my netbook to default to ipv4?00:39
edbianPinna, It already does00:39
edbianmm3, please do00:39
Scunizisuweid: does it happen when more than one machine is plugged into the network in the house at the same time? does it happen if only one machine is plugged in ?00:39
geckopunkGood evening everyone!00:39
mm3hi, is there a window with network services?00:39
waaadedoes anyone have time to help me with some wireless problems in 10.10?00:39
KB1JWQ!ask | waaade00:40
ubottuwaaade: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:40
edbianwaaade, yep00:40
Pinnaedbian: does it? it does not explain why all my irc clients use ipv6 when i tell them to connect to irc.freenode.net00:40
noob581849864where do i DL a stable version of Handbrake?00:40
mm3for example under SUSE there is a graphical app to enable services at startup00:40
Flare183noob581849864: You can't at the moment unless you build it00:40
suweidScunizi, it happens always, and there's only one jack so i'll go with "one machine".00:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:41
edbianPinna, oh, IDK it might be choosing ipv6 over ipv4.  I"m not sure.00:41
waaadeedbian, my wireless works perfectly when i first boot up.  (i'm running 10.10 on an MSI u100 netbook).  When i put it to sleep and wake it up again, i can see networks but can't connect.  it just keeps asking for the router's password00:41
edbianwaaade, Let's do it.  PM me if you want00:41
geckopunkSo I've been getting this error when I startup. My Screenlets says: "Internet connection is required to run this Screenlet"00:41
geckopunkSo I thought it was my ClearRss screenlet00:41
Pinnai had to explicitly kill gogoc (my tsp client for freenet6) to be able to use ipv4 now.00:41
Scunizisuweid: then you only have 3 choices.. reconnect the way you have been.. google ubuntu dhcp auto refresh timing or something.. or get a new router ..00:41
Pinnathis is my guess, edbian00:42
entewhatever, good night to all of you00:42
geckopunkI edited the code in /usr/shar/screenlets/ClearRssScreenlet.py to make __timeout = 15 to accomoated for my wireless to connect00:42
geckopunkbut I still get the error...00:42
Pinnawell, i would appreciate it if anyone could help. the original question is "I am using freenet6's ipv6 tunnel because I want to party with the cool kids and all that. The 400ms+ latency is a bit unsuitable for some applications such as IRC... so I still want to use ipv4 by default, using ipv6 only when necessary. How do I configure this?"00:43
geckopunkis there a code to only connect my ClearRSS screenlets to run when active connection is present?00:43
noob581849864Flare183: compiling from source gives me a deluge of errors. see here: http://pastebin.com/5DXCtAwF00:43
suweidScunizi, I'm going to google until I get gray hair, then I'll consider getting a router. :D00:43
edbianwaaade, Problems like that are common.  It is difficult to write open source software for things like suspend to disk and suspend to ram because they are poorly implemented and not well standardized.  The only suggestion I can make is try modprobe -r <moduleName> the module for the wifi card right before you suspend.  Then modprobe <moduleName> right after you come back from suspend to get it working again.00:43
suweidScunizi, thanks.00:43
KindOneAnyone know how to make Ubuntu NOT ask for my password every time i want to do something ???00:43
e01i had problem when watching movies on totem00:44
e01i see that pulseaudio uses 90% of cpu00:44
Flare183KindOne: you can't because its a security flaw if its not that way00:44
jribKindOne: it will only ask for a password for administrative tasks.  What exactly are you doing so often that requires a password?00:44
waaadeedbian, i'll give that a shot.  i appreciate your help!00:44
scott_inoKindOne, anything administrative you can't... however you can auto login and auto installs security updates00:44
edbianKindOne, It only asks for the password when you want to do something an administrator should do.  It's pretty much the core of Linux security that you're not root all the time.00:44
e01is it known problem or is just on my system00:44
noob581849864KindOne, you could run as root all the time (bad idea) or you could change the time delay, which is usually 15 mins. i have the same problem, but i put up with it!00:44
edbianwaaade, Yep.00:44
RRU_Sciguye01: shouldn't happen.......00:44
noob581849864KindOne, change the 15 min sudo period to 30 min... maybe?00:45
e01RRU_Sciguy, any idea?00:45
PinnaKindOne: do you mean sudo, or your keyring?00:45
recmajkemimy  apelet network manager moved to right side all of the sudden and i cant move it back on default place00:45
RRU_Sciguye01: not really, may be the sound decoders you are using......00:45
cxoWhat was the previous default font called?00:46
Monika<ente> "does ubuntu have any advantages on a server over, let's say, debian?" - In contrast to Debian, Ubuntu will say "please" and "thank you".00:46
test34all I need to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 is: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade right?00:46
jribtest34: nope00:46
jrib!upgrade | test3400:46
ubottutest34: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:46
test34thanks jrib00:46
edbiantest34, Go into software sources and make sure it's set to normal releases and not LTS only.  Other than that, yes00:46
test34ok edbian, thanks00:47
IanrI rebooted my machine today and now I can't resolve domain names.  I can ping ip's and connect to my wireless network.  Any ideas on where to look? I never had to set my name servers or anything like that before00:47
noob581849864compiling handbrake from source is useless. can't i just add another repo and DL the package?00:48
edbianIanr, The name servers are set in /etc/resolv.conf00:48
KindOneYeah, it asked for my password whenever i do stuff like Synaptic Package Manager.... I just want to turn that password asking thing off, and I know the risks00:48
CheetoIs there a way to download 10.10 directly onto my Ubuntu 10.04 machine?00:48
realubotHow do I set a password for the user ubuntu using a Ubuntu Live on USB? I know that sudo passwd ubuntu will set a password but it won't be stored at my persistent Ubuntu Live USB. How do I set a password for the user ubuntu that will prevent the use of sudo without having a password?00:48
Ianredbian: file doesn't exist00:49
edbianCheeto, Yes.  Go into software sources, change it from LTS to normal. Then start the update manager.  It does take a long time but it's in place00:49
edbianIanr, you don't have an /etc/resolv.conf   ?00:49
Scunizitest34: dist-upgrade *does not* take you to the next release.. it upgrades packages you already have within the release you're running00:49
Cheetoedbian, how do I change it?00:49
kemnitzmadfox: WOOOOOOO! :D Just tried booting with my old kernel, and it worked like a charm. At least now I can mess with this stuff through Synaptic :P00:49
edbianCheeto, ?  It's a drop down menu00:50
Ianredbian, whats wierd is that I have a resolve.conf.tmp00:50
Ianredbian, resolve.conf is empty00:50
edbianIanr, Very odd.  Change it.  Drop the .tmp00:50
edbianIanr, not resolve.conf, resolv.conf00:50
edbianIanr, no 300:50
edbianIanr, no e*00:50
korisnik____Cheeto: you go to software repository, and there look for long time support, swithc to normal00:50
Cheetoedbian, found it. Sorry. Couldn't find it for a sec. :S00:51
Cheetokorisnik____, found it. ;)00:51
virtuhi, I am back again... anyone knows if the audio interface behringer model UCA202 works nice on Ubuntu?00:51
korisnik____i did it my self just seconds before you asked00:51
edbianKindOne, use windows if you wanna be root all the time00:51
edbianCheeto, :)00:51
Ianredbian, what I try to move/copy it says "Input/output error"00:51
edbianKindOne, You said you were annoyed with the root password?00:51
korisnik____strange, im looking into update page, didnt gave that option...00:52
edbianIanr, Then you're doing it wrong?  sudo cp /etc/resolve.conf.tmp /etc/resolv.conf00:52
gilanialiI am running ubuntu on a VPS. Can I make an account that is space limited, i.e the user cant store more than X gb of data on it?00:52
Ianredbian, i'm already root00:52
edbianIanr, then do that same command without sudo.  What error does it give?00:52
KindOneedbian: if i open " Ubuntu Software Center " it wants the password, I want to disable the password asking thing entirely...00:52
Ianredbian, same error "Input/output error"00:53
edbianKindOne, The only way I know of to never enter a password is to be root all the time.  Being root all the time is a ridiculous security risk.  It is the same methodology of windows xp.00:53
sakekasihow do I turn on multitouch in ubuntu desktop 10.10?00:53
smmycan anyone tell me what this means when trying to add a key and how to fix it please? "gpg: no writable keyring found: eof"00:53
scott_inoKindOne, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-password-prompts-in-ubuntu.html maybe??00:53
Ianredbian, maybe my USB is corrupt, this is live mode (persist)00:53
=== coryclaxon is now known as Cory`
korisnik____my mistake, it does say on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades to switch to normal.00:54
edbianIanr, It sounds that way to me.00:54
seyfarthUhh don't laugh, but are there solutions to the default Gbrainy puzzles anywhere?00:54
scott_inosakekasi, you can't yet,I think most of the multi-touch support is for devs though you can get  two finger scrolling easily00:54
=== mkaay_ is now known as mkaay
realubotDoes anyone have a clue how to store a password for user ubuntu using a persistent Ubuntu Live USB? The password will be lost each time I shutdown the computer so that the ubuntu user still will work without wntering the password. I want even the user ubuntu to enter a password executing sudo command.00:54
smmy!lol | blakkheim00:54
ubottublakkheim: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:54
blakkheimsmmy: don't think saying it once is "on a regular basis"00:55
Jordan_Urealubot: How big is the USB drive? You may just want to do a regular install.00:55
test34Scunizi, ok thanks, I followed instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades and upgrade is on the way00:55
bhsher_Hello all.  Can anyone help a "newbie" with a printer problem?00:55
Ianredbian, i can't even ls -l resolv.conf to read the permissions.  Is it possible network manager left it open or has it open?00:55
Ryen!anyone | bhsher_00:55
ubottubhsher_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:55
=== vxcvxcv is now known as DaZ
scott_inobhsher_, just ask00:55
edbianIanr, That file doesn't get locked.  Additionally you can ls -l a locked file.  Something is wrong the the FS on the flash drive.00:56
smmycan anyone tell me what this means when trying to add a key and how to fix it please? "gpg: no writable keyring found: eof"00:56
afallenhopeI'm having issues with my video driver running Lucid on amd64 ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200]00:56
test34Ryen, a question can also start with "Does anyone.." and be the real question00:56
afallenhoperight now I'm using the open source driver, but for whatever the reason I can't use tty terminal or press "logout"00:56
bhsher_I have a Canon mx 860 that I need help getting to work with Ubuntu.  So far, it will not print.00:56
LjLtest34: well that one wasn't00:57
Ryentest34: Look at the question, he is asking to ask a question. using either ask, or anyone triggers are permitted.00:57
scott_inobhsher_, http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?25,9006,978600:58
scott_inomight be of help00:58
test34Ryen & LjL, this bot "fact" is wrong that's all.. I'm not saying that his question was not his real question00:58
meesebytemy MSI wind u160's wireless card is havin problems... It won't connect to networks and after trying it suddenly is just "disabled" and when I manually switch the wifi on/off ubuntu freezes up and I have to reboot00:58
KindOnescott_ino: thanks that worked !00:58
smmycan anyone tell me what this means when trying to add a key and how to fix it please? "gpg: no writable keyring found: eof"00:58
bhsher_Thanks Scott.  I'll give it a shot.00:58
scott_inoKindOne, np ;)00:59
LjLtest34: you can propose a new one by doing /msg ubottu !no anyone is <reply> blah00:59
Pinna'ello Dice-Man00:59
Dice-Manwhat ?01:00
Dice-Manhi Pinna01:00
hDyanyone know of a good webcam recording software for linux?01:00
Dice-Mancheese !01:00
realubotJordan_U: It's 4GB.01:01
hDycheese didn't work so well for me, same with wxcam :/01:01
benhdid the GUI upgrade tool suddently become dumber than an arse or did somebody at Canonical had a brain fart ? :-)01:01
scott_inohDy, you can also try guvcview01:01
test34hDy, do you need motion detection ? e.g.: starts recording when it detects motion01:01
korisnik____im doing the normal update now, but i have a feeling that i would download less if had gone with alternative? is my feeling right? coz im dowlnoading 900mb01:01
virtuhi, I am back again... anyone knows if the audio interface behringer model UCA202 works nice on Ubuntu?01:01
benhseriously ... doing an upgrae used to keep your sources and just rewrite them to change the distro name01:01
hDytest34, nah just youtube video stuff01:01
realubotJordan_U: And I will be able to use it on more than one computer so maybe I need to use the Live version then?01:01
benhbut the maverick one just removes everything and points you to the canonical servers unconditionally01:02
benhso gone the local mirrors, proxies etc...01:02
Jordan_Urealubot: You can use a normal install on more than one computer as well.01:02
test34hdy, if cheese doesnt work there might be a problem with your webcam driver01:02
meesebytemy MSI wind u160's wireless card is havin problems... It won't connect to networks and after trying it suddenly is just "disabled" and when I manually switch the wifi on/off ubuntu freezes up and I have to reboot01:02
hDytest34, the video output is fine.. just the audio/video sync is horrible01:02
hDyeeer wait cheese doesn't do audio lol01:02
hDywxcam had bad audio/video sync01:03
realubotJordan_U: Ok, I thought a normal installation somehow identified the computer architecture and installed (compiled) Ubuntu in a specific way or something.01:03
realubotJordan_U: But will it fit on a 4GB flash drive? I know it will work using a 8GB drive, but 4GB?01:04
realubotJordan_U: I don't need any storage at all, just a comple of MB.01:04
Jordan_Urealubot: Yes, the minimum requirement is 2.6 GIG01:04
realubotJordan_U: ok, that sounds very nice and you are sure it will work as a Ubuntu Live booting from USB?01:05
sakekasiwait so is there no way to enable multitouch? I have a multitouch touchpad01:05
test34hDy, not really sure what the problem is, but it could possibly be your computer/CPU is too slow01:05
realubotJordan_U: Even if I use it on a computer different that that I used to create the install?01:05
Jordan_Urealubot: Yes.01:06
realubotJordan_U: Ok, thank you very much. Then I will do a comlete installation instead of using the Live session. Thanks once again.01:06
Jordan_Urealubot: If you install any proprietary drivers then that will no longer be true though.01:06
Jordan_Urealubot: You're welcome.01:06
realubotJordan_U: Yes, I understand that, but I'll just install the default Ubuntu system, no other software.01:07
dugger5688realubot: Keep in mind that not all computers can boot from USB.01:07
MonikaI have just upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 with Thunderbird 3.1. When I now click links, they open in Konqueror instead of Firefox, even though I have set Firefox as the default browser in the system settings and set the http and https handlers in Thunderbird's about:config to /usr/bin/firefox. Any thoughts?01:07
realubotdugger5688: Yes, I know. But the computers I'am going to use the flash drive are able to boot from USB. Thanks for warning me anyway.01:08
sakekasiI just got the following error from firefox while trying to download a fileThe file could not be saved because you do not have the proper permissions.  Choose another save directory.01:08
sakekasiI tried changing the permissions01:09
sakekasiit didn't help01:09
ninjaboxsakekasi: what are the perms of the folder right now, and what folder is it01:09
realubotsakekasi: Try changeing download direction to your Home directory?01:09
yoshican anyone help m,e get this atheros wifi card working please01:09
=== yoshi is now known as Guest72475
ninjaboxyoshi: ath5k, ath9k01:09
realubotsakekasi: maybe you are downloading it to a directory that you are not allowed to create the file in?01:09
ninjaboxGuest72475: ath5k, ath9k01:10
sakekasiit works in the default but i changed it to another partition with all my files in it. It says that root owns it01:10
Guest72475ninjabox, i dont know01:10
sakekasibut it also says that there ar rw perms for everyone01:10
realubotsakekasi: Yes, maybe it is.01:10
ninjaboxno, I'm saying those are the two modules you need to see which one works for your card01:10
ninjaboxGuest72475: lspci | grep Network will show you what card you have01:10
Guest72475ninjabox, thanks01:10
realubotsakekasi: Check who owns the directory by: ls -l /media/directory...01:10
Sorayahi guys01:11
sakekasiit says that root owns it realubot01:11
Guest72475ninja lspci |grep network didnt spit ouit anything01:11
Sorayahow can i enable a propietary driver,,i just install,,but i dont have tha enable option to choose01:11
Sorayais a wireless driver01:11
Guest72475ninjabox,  ah its an ar500101:11
sakekasirealubot it says that root owns it01:12
recmajkemican't move nm-applet, how can i do it? is ubuntu1 down?01:13
test34join #reddit01:13
Guest72475ninjabox, where do i get ath5k01:13
mtk31hi all01:13
realubotsakekasi: Well, then Firefox can't create a file in it? What's the problem?01:13
mtk31can anyone help me with my screen resolution?01:14
realubotsakekasi: You have to change download driectory OR change the owner of the download directory.01:14
Scunizisakekasi: is this a secondary drive or a usb drive?01:14
flowbeeis there a way with wget to AVOID a certain URL?  like a logout url?  link i want to avoid wget getting is "http://subdomain.domain.com/logout?destination=node%2F96"01:14
sakekasihow do I change the owner realubot?01:14
sakekasiScunizi its a partition on the same drive01:14
adwdadI'm trying to access my 2TB WD elements external drive but i get the error "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (3907027119): Invalid argument"01:14
SorayaJust installed Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and wireles propietary driver is installed,,,but in the wireless applet(pannel) i dont have the option to enable wireless01:14
blakkheimsakekasi: man chown;man chmod01:14
realubotsakekasi: Try change the owner by: sudo chown sakekasi:sakekasi /path/to/your/download/directory01:15
Sorayaany suggestions ?01:15
KindOnescott_ino: did not work...01:15
Scunizisakekasi: do you mount it manually? or does it mount automatically on boot? if it's on boot then check the permissions in the mount line in /etc/fstab01:15
realubotsakekasi: The you will change the owner AND the group sakekasi.01:15
sakekasiScunizi it mounts automattically01:15
Scunizisakekasi: then check /etc/fstab01:16
sakekasiScunizi how do I change the owner in fstab?01:16
billybigriggeradwdad: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156994101:16
realubotSoraya: Maybe you have shut down the wireless using a switch at your laptop?01:16
billybigriggeradwdad: the answer, (and exact problem) is in that post01:16
Scunizisakekasi: you can also change the owner by .. sudo chown <your user name>:<your user name> /media/<mount point>01:16
adwdadbillybigrigger:  i found that aswell but i don't know how to do the things it says01:17
sakekasiScunizi here's the line in fstab: /dev/sda7   /media/Files   ntfs   defaults   0   0 what should I change?01:17
realubotSoraya: Some people have shut down wifi by misstake and have to turn it on manually.01:17
Sorayai need to enable it01:17
Scunizisakekasi: ah.. a ntfs partition.. that I don't know.. typically adding rw in the right spot of the line.. I'll have ubottu send a link on mount01:17
mtk31can anyone help me with my screen resolution?01:17
Scunizi!mount | sakekasi01:18
ubottusakekasi: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount01:18
Sorayahow can i do this ?01:18
Sorayai just installe ubuntu and wireless propietary driver01:18
Sorayai have done anything else01:18
Sorayais a fresh installation01:18
damien_chey guys im having some problems with my headphone jack01:18
Sorayarealubot: how i enable my wireless01:18
realubotsakekasi: Maybe this option in fstab will do any good: "user - Permit any user to mount the filesystem. This automatically implies noexec, nosuid,nodev unless overridden."01:19
dan__Is anyone else getting updates failing on fresh install of 10.10? I have failed on line "run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common 2.6.35-22-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic". I am running a Toshiba Satellite Pro M200 with intel onboard graphics01:19
damien_cwhen i plug it in it still plays on my speakers...not very useful :P01:19
adwdadbillybigrigger:  how do i "give the hard drive the MS-DOS partition table and formatting it to NTFS" Will this delete my data?01:19
realubotsakekasi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab01:19
ROPENeny one her01:19
billybigriggeradwdad: yes you will most definitely loose your data...but if you can't mount it, there shouldn't be any data on it? correct?01:19
FreshPrinceROPEN, a lot as u can see01:20
adwdadno there is alot of data on it01:20
damien_clol FreshPrince01:20
adwdadi use it on windows01:20
mtk31can anyone please help me with my screen resolution?01:20
adwdadbillybigrigger:  there is data on it, i use it when on windows01:21
Scunizi!resolution | mtk3101:21
ubottumtk31: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:21
damien_cso any thoughts?01:22
billybigriggeradwdad: backup your data, and format it it to ntfs01:22
korisnik____adwdad: backup data on it, and reformat with suggested settings on that page01:22
mtk31ubottu I know about it, but I dont know how to change on my netbook using ubuntu 10.1001:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:22
adwdadbillybigrigger: i don't have anywhere to put it, is there anyway to do it without losing my data?01:23
realubotSoraya: Well, I think you may have problems with the wifi driver, BUT first you may try to switch the wifi on/off or off/on manually by using the switch that is located somewhere at your laptop chassis.01:23
geckopunkOkay, I'm still having issues with my Screenlets... The error "Internet connection is required to run this Screenlet" is still showing up on my desktop when I first start my computer. Even on http://screenlets.sourcearchive.com/documentation/0.1.2-7/WidgetScreenlet_8py-source.html I have removed the following lines: if sys.argv[0].endswith(myfile):# Makes Shure its not the manager running... through os.system('rm /tmp/index.html')01:23
billybigriggeradwdad: no im afraid not01:23
realubotSoraya: A button or something else.01:23
realubotSoraya: What laptop model number do you have?01:24
Sorayarealubot: Button is not activatin the wireless01:24
nkeyhey, guys... i have a problem with my sound driver.. hwinfo --short  shows me ATI SBx00 (Intel HDA)... but when i put "options snd-hda-intel model=ATI Sx00" in the alsa-base.conf nothing happned after reboot01:24
geckopunkHow can I remove the error "Internet connection is required to use this applet"01:24
nkeyi have no sound -.-01:24
nkeyanyone a idea ?01:24
Sorayarealubot: is a dell Inspiron 130001:24
realubotSoraya: What kind of laptop do you have?01:24
mtk31how can I use  bigger resolution on my netbook using ubuntu 10.10 ?01:25
adwdadalright, one more question. my contacts can see any messages i send them and i can't see theirs. this is on empathy using an MSN account.01:25
nkeymtk use the ubuntu netbook edition01:25
realubotSoraya: Here are the solution I think: "Easy fix. Connect to your network with an Ethernet cable. Let Ubuntu download and process the pending updates. Reboot. Then go to System - Administration - Hardware Drivers and let it search. It will Show "Broadcom B43 wireless driver". Activate it. "01:25
mtk31the highest is 1024*600 I want 1024*76801:25
realubotSoraya: From this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1470939&page=301:25
Sorayadriver is a broadcom corpotarion BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI01:25
nkeyhey, guys... i have a problem with my sound driver.. hwinfo --short  shows me ATI SBx00 (Intel HDA)... but when i put "options snd-hda-intel model=ATI Sx00" in the alsa-base.conf nothing happned after reboot01:26
mtk31nkey  Im using it01:26
nkeyanyone a idea ?01:26
Ryenmtk31: You cannot create a larger resolution. Your "monitor" or screen will only allow you what it says.01:26
Sorayarealubot: i just install ubuntu,,i updated first,,and then i install propietary internet wireless driver01:26
realubotSoraya: You have done that already.01:26
Sorayarealubot: i try all i can before come here pal01:27
Geert_WildersDoes anybody know how to jailbreak an ipod with the ios 4.1?01:27
Ryen!ot | Geert_Wilders01:27
ubottuGeert_Wilders: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:27
Geert_WildersDoes anybody know how to jailbreak an ipod with the ios 4.1?01:27
Sorayais there any command in terminal i can run to activate wireless01:27
realubotSoraya: Did you reboot after the installation of the proprietary wireless dirvet then?01:27
mtk31ryen I know it but in windows I can do it with atray soft01:27
realubotSoraya: Maybe it's not loaded into the kernel as it should?01:28
mtk31I though perhaps exit some soft or command in linux/ubuntu01:28
Geert_WildersRyen, it's offtopic but I need help.01:28
Geert_WildersAnd I can't send to #iphone.01:28
Ryenmtk31: To the best of my knowledge there is no program that can manipulate the maximum resolution.01:28
gardartrying to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04, and I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/512019/01:29
realubotSoraya: Strange. The I can't help you out here. I'm sorry, but the good news is that it should work at least so someway you may get it to.01:29
=== Kardos__ is now known as Kardos
mtk31ok ryen thanks anyway01:29
Geert_WildersSIEG HEIL!!!01:29
Ryen!guidelines > Geert_Wilders01:29
ubottuGeert_Wilders, please see my private message01:29
adwdadalright, one more question. my contacts can see any messages i send them and i can't see theirs. this is on empathy using an MSN account.01:29
gilanialiHow do I restrict users to a certain size of a harddrive? I mean that user A shouldnt be able to store more than X Gb of data01:29
Geert_WildersRyen, why that gay stuff of using a bot to send me messages?01:30
Ryen!language | Geert_Wilders01:30
ubottuGeert_Wilders: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:30
Geert_Wilders<Ryen> !language | Geert_Wilders01:30
Geert_WildersTotally absurd.01:30
realubotSoraya: I hope anyone else can help you out on this. Sorry I can't. Bye.01:31
Geert_WildersRyen, where are you from?01:31
ScuniziGeert_Wilders: you might try OT topics in #ubuntu-offtopic or maybe ##linux ..01:31
RyenGeert_Wilders: Please, read the topic. This is an Ubuntu Support channel. Read the guidelines please.01:31
scott_ino!ops | Geert_Wilders01:31
ubottuGeert_Wilders: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:31
ilovefairuzgilaniali: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=linux+quota01:31
Geert_WildersRyen, yes, I understand that.01:31
gardaranyone that can help me out?01:32
sebikul!ask | gardar01:32
ubottugardar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:32
gilanialiilovefairuz: any reason this is an encrypted search?01:32
Sorayadi i need to give permisison to a propietary driver to work ?01:32
blakkheimno reason not to use SSL01:33
scott_inoSoraya, only to install it01:33
aubreyHello, anyone good with sound and 'usb only' speakers ?01:33
Sorayai did,is not working01:33
gardaralready did ask sebikul :) │00:29:00          gardar | trying to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04, and I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/512019/01:33
Sorayais a wireless driver01:33
Sorayaand is activated01:33
sebikulgardar, people come and go every time...01:33
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:33
sakekasiI can't change the ownership of a folder in an ntfs partition in 10.1001:34
aubreyI can't get sound out of my USB speakers, they show up in logs though01:34
sebikulgardar, sorry, i have no idea why is that message stopping the upgrade01:34
adwdadMy contacts can't see any messages i send them and i can't see theirs. this is on empathy using an MSN account.01:34
gardarthanks anyways sebikul :)01:34
adwdadcan anyone help me?01:35
mgmuscarii'm trying to get a device to respond to ARP requests that are sent to it on an aliased ip... the aliased device has the same hardware address. any ideas?01:36
scott_inoadwdad, just ask01:36
blakkheimadwdad: try pidgin or finch01:36
geckopunkanyone know how to resolve the issue with Screenlets error on startup?01:36
adwdadok thanks01:36
fallenservanthello everyone01:36
=== Pilif12p|afk is now known as Pilif12p
geckopunkI'm still having issues with my Screenlets... The error "Internet connection is required to run this Screenlet" is still showing up on my desktop when I first start my computer. Even on http://screenlets.sourcearchive.com/documentation/0.1.2-7/WidgetScreenlet_8py-source.html I have removed the following lines: if sys.argv[0].endswith(myfile):# Makes Shure its not the manager running... through os.system('rm /tmp/index.html')01:36
gardar!hello | fallenservant01:36
fallenservantI just did a ubuntu minimal install, I can't find anything that's typically in the root folder, like the etc folder, bin etc etc01:36
fallenservantwhy is that?01:37
=== dan__ is now known as Mossyfunk
fallenservantmaco: are you there?01:38
locoI have a suitbly stupid new person question, can anyone help me?01:38
Ryen!ask | loco01:38
ubottuloco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:38
fallenservantI just did a ubuntu minimal install, I can't find anything that's typically in the root folder, like the etc folder, bin etc etc why is that? anyone here do a minimal before?01:38
octavio-rdzhi room I upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 and I am having problems, I am not sure if is caused by  virtualbox, but I suppose it is.01:39
peeps[work]can i change from 32bit ubuntu to 64bit without a complete reformatting?01:39
locoOk, you know the little sound thingy by the clock? Where you can adjust the volume and the media players? Well, I deleted it by accident, and I dont know how to make it come back01:39
scott_inopeeps[work], no01:39
blakkheimpeeps[work]: you can't01:39
octavio-rdzthe problem is that the mouse just stop resping more or less01:39
octavio-rdzdoes any one has this problem?01:39
locoIs it wireless? And is it usb or ps/2?01:40
KnifeySpooneyHow do I report a problem on the ubuntu website? Their download mirrors page is way outdated - http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors01:41
Android_Nerdhow do i register my nickname?01:41
KnifeySpooneyShows the karmic download links01:41
albertoHi, good morning from Spain01:42
locoIs there a better ubuntu help channlel?01:42
locoHello alberto, my name is abert :)01:42
netbeastandriod_nerd... is this the channel to ask about that?01:42
albertoCan anybody help me with PulseAudio Jack module?01:42
octavio-rdzit is usb01:42
fallenservantthis channel used to be great01:42
fallenservantthen the people who helped got lazy or annoyed01:42
albertoI can't make it work, or at least I don't know how to make it work...01:42
netbeastloco, better? this is the official channel01:42
test34loco, right click on bar, click add to panel.. and then Indicator applet01:43
albertoI've read something on the internet, tutorials and stuff, but I still can't make it work.01:43
rhcp1253I have been trying 4 a few days to get this working.  I have a MacBook, and I finally got the bios_boot partition, and grubs working fine. Now when I boot ubuntu in normal mode, it shows tw boot splash, but it doesn't move, it freezes01:44
albertoloco Abert?01:44
Yusukehow to run AutoCAD in Ubuntu 10.1001:45
MarkTimTachHello I really need help01:45
MichaelBehanGood evening :)01:45
octavio-rdzYusuke: have you tried with wine?01:45
ScuniziYusuke: there's lots of CAD programs available .. some quite complete .. AutoCAD may never run in linux01:45
MarkTimTachcan I talk to an admin01:45
MichaelBehanI am installing Ubuntu inside windows from a USB key, and it seems that even though I downloaded the i386 ISO - it is installing a 64bit OS. Is this normal?01:46
Scunizi!ask | MarkTimTach01:46
ubottuMarkTimTach: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:46
MichaelBehanMy arc his intel i5 64, but I want to install the 32bit OS.01:46
quantMichaelBehan, no01:46
ScuniziMichaelBehan: you can do that with no problem01:46
MichaelBehanMainly because the RSA and Cisco software I need to use does not work in wine on a 64bit platform01:47
albertoCan anybody help me with PulseAudio Jack module?01:47
MarkTimTachI was installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and my screen went blank and then shut off and now I can not boot it up it is just a blank screen i can't even recover it01:47
ScuniziMichaelBehan: if your machine is 64 bit you have the option of 64 or 32 bit OS.. if your machine was only 32 bit then you *would not* be able to run a 64 bit01:47
MichaelBehanScunizi, I don't recall that option. Is it offered when installing inside windows?01:47
MichaelBehanI'm about to try kubuntu01:47
ScuniziMarkTimTach: try Ctrl+Alt+F2 and see if that dumps you to a command prompt01:47
jagsMarkTimTach, same thing happened to me, I just wiped the disk and reinstalled lucid01:48
MarkTimTachno it don't01:48
albertoCan anybody help me with PulseAudio Jack module?01:48
ScuniziMichaelBehan: ah .. are you using Wubi? to install inside of windows? .. personally I wouldn't.. install Virtualbox in windows and then Ubuntu in that01:48
MarkTimTachI tryed that01:48
MichaelBehanLooking up virtualbox01:48
ScuniziMichaelBehan: virtualbox.org01:49
MichaelBehanthanks :)01:49
MichaelBehanI would think the performance would be less with that?01:49
MarkTimTachwhen I press any button on the keboard it just makes a really loud beep01:49
MichaelBehanMarkTimTach, Sounds like your system is locked up01:49
MichaelBehanCan you start with the failsafe mode?01:49
MarkTimTachhow do I fix that01:49
JDuke128hi , i m having trouble on nohup.out , my nohup.out grows so much and takes my all HDD , how can i put limit on nohup.out by nohup ?01:49
rhcp1253How do I connect to a wpa router with iwconfig?01:49
QuintinI can't get my external monitor to display correct resolution... help plz?01:50
QuintinIBM t60 laptop connected to 1080p monitor w vga cable01:50
MichaelBehanMarkTimTach, Actually it would be cool to run that inside of ubuntu so I can have email01:50
peeps[work]what app would be recommended to backup a whole hard drive?01:51
billybigriggerpeeps[work]: dd01:51
Quintinpeeps[work]: dd, cp01:51
MichaelBehaner sorry01:51
Quintinpeeps[work]: backup in what sense ?01:51
MichaelBehanI meant Scunizi01:51
MichaelBehanpeeps[work], dd if=/dev/sda of=/myEntireDrive.image01:51
MichaelBehan^^ example only01:51
ScuniziMichaelBehan: it allows you to create virtual machines inside of different OS's01:51
peeps[work]Quincy, backup so that i could restore my hard drive completely, since I plan on trying something crazy with it01:52
MichaelBehanScunizi, Pretty neat.. looks better than vmware01:52
MarkTimTachI cant even install windows now every thing is black what do I do01:52
MichaelBehanbut still that seems like a big performance hit. I'm trying to get away from windows. I just can't partition this machine because it's a work pc01:52
ScuniziMichaelBehan: yea.. I used Vmware for several years.. vbox is cleaner, lighter and easier.01:52
ilovefairuz!info duplicity | peeps[work]01:53
MichaelBehanSo I'm kind of forced to use wubi and install inside windows01:53
ubottupeeps[work]: duplicity (source: duplicity): encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.10-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 190 kB, installed size 924 kB01:53
scott_ino+1 for virtualbox ;) just my two cents01:53
ScuniziMichaelBehan: no. use vbox..01:53
Quintinpeeps[work]: yea, dd would work.  use a boot disk and dd one drive to another ... like... dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb .  or use ghost.  or the linux ghost clone01:53
MichaelBehanScunizi, ?01:53
MichaelBehanScunizi, Again it seems like running a vm inside windows would be a big performance hit01:53
peeps[work]hmm, i don't have a spare drive on this laptop, i guess i could dd to a file on a network share01:53
MichaelBehanAnd it would be defeating the purpose of trying to get away from windows UI01:54
blakkheimMichaelBehan: wubi is also a performance hit01:54
rhcp1253Ah, need help01:54
Quintinpeeps[work]: sure, though that's gonna be slower.  I'd connect a drive with a usb adapter01:54
MichaelBehanThis is a solidstate drive. I'm not as concerned with drive performance hits01:54
ScuniziMichaelBehan: wubi is kinda like a dual boot but will interfere with windows normal boot loader.. if you can't dual boot with a work machine then don't use wubi..  there really isn't much of a performance hit these days..01:54
ruihello everybody01:54
blakkheimMichaelBehan: why can't you do a real install?01:54
peeps[work]Quintin, i gotta work with what I've got, no usb adapter01:54
MichaelBehanblakkheim, It's a work laptop and that would make people angry01:55
MichaelBehanIf they found out01:55
billybigriggerpeeps[work]: depending on your network, dd over the network shouldn't be too bad01:55
MichaelBehanI work for Disney, so...01:55
blakkheimMichaelBehan: then maybe you shouldn't be installing linux at all on their computers01:55
peeps[work]i doubt my hard drive throughput can saturate gigabit LAN anyways01:55
erossheh mickey mouse01:55
ScuniziMichaelBehan: you can ctrl+f for full screen in vbox .. it'll totally cover the windows ui01:55
billybigriggerpeeps[work]: it can01:55
billybigriggerpeeps[work]: what kind of hard drive? rpms?01:55
MichaelBehanblakkheim, I'm in a department with a little more freedom01:56
MichaelBehanI don't think it will be an issue as long as I don't partition the drive.01:56
MichaelBehanbut this is digressing a lot.01:56
ruiplease who can helpe me i have ubuntu gnome 10.10 maverick meerkater and every time i try to send my video image to someone its crash and close the skype. Is there anyone to help me01:57
blakkheimMichaelBehan: do a real install but encrypt the partition, then when you have to return it you can get rid of it and regrow the ntfs partition01:57
ScuniziMichaelBehan: wubi will change the boot loader to Grub01:57
MichaelBehanScunizi, That's fine01:57
ScuniziMichaelBehan: live usb boot ? :D01:57
MichaelBehanyep that's an option.01:57
billybigriggerpeeps[work]: either way, dd will use ssh to transfer data, which is the bottleneck i'd be worried about, but still, unless you have a TB or higher drive, it's nothing a bag of popcorn can't handle...01:58
billybigriggerif it's your only option, it's your only option :P01:58
MichaelBehanthank you for your help :)01:58
jagsMichaelBehan, just get a cheap sata drive off newegg and swap out the work hd until you need to give it back01:58
ScuniziMichaelBehan: linux boot at home .. ssh in from work and run the desktop01:58
MichaelBehanThis is a sold state machine. Not sure what the connections are like01:58
blakkheimit's the same SATA connection..01:58
MichaelBehanOh cool01:58
MarkTimTachcan someone please help I can not do anything with my pc I was trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 and my screen went black and then it shut off and I could not do anything I cant even go back to windows or install ubuntu 10.04 or anything what do I do01:59
peeps[work]it's only 64GB drive01:59
blakkheimMarkTimTach: boot from a live cd and start over01:59
MarkTimTachI cant I have already tried that nothing works01:59
ruiplease who can helpe me i have ubuntu gnome 10.10 maverick meerkater and every time i try to send my video image to someone its crash and close the skype. Is there anyone to help me02:00
MichaelBehanthat seems so cheap it's scarey02:00
blakkheimMarkTimTach: maybe a bit more detail than "it doesnt work"02:00
=== sorah_off is now known as sora_h
Ken8521rui: 32 or 64bit?02:00
ScuniziMarkTimTach: sounds like you might have had a cooincendental hardware failure02:00
peeps[work]in an ubuntu install, is there an option to keep existing home data if it's not on a different partition?02:00
bluedoor_Why am I unable to log into my DSL router's network? should be the address for my router. I have done this before from my exact computer, but now I am having trouble. Any ideas?02:00
MichaelBehanthanks all! :)02:01
Ken8521peeps[work]: not to my knowledge.. easiest thing to do, is back your /home up to an external drive.. most /home configs are only around 2-3gigs tops(w/o any personal files) so you might have a thumb drive big enough to back it up02:01
albertoCan anybody help me with PulseAudio Jack module?02:01
Scunizibluedoor_: perhaps using https://<ip> instead of http://<ip>?02:01
nerdy_kidalberto I had it running02:01
bluedoor_Scunizi, i'll try, brb02:02
Ken8521alberto: what exact problem are you having?02:02
scott_inopeeps[work], that's why people used to put /home on a separate partition and re-mount it whne they upgrade, but since you can do a rolling upgrade now most don't do it02:02
MarkTimTachok I was installing Ubuntu 10.10 and my computer screen went black on me and then shut off so I turned it back on I put Ubuntu 10.04 in the cd drive and nothing happened then I tried to go back to windows thinking maybe that would help but nothing happed there eather so know if you press a button on the keyboard it makes a load beeping sound and then my computer shuts off again02:02
peeps[work]scott_ino, yeah i used to do it, but for some reason i chose not to this time.  i figured i never really needed it... until now02:04
bluedoor_Scunizi, that didn't make a difference02:04
scott_inopeeps[work], why can't you simply upgrade, what are you changing?02:04
Scunizibluedoor_: you using chromium or FF02:04
MarkTimTachis there a tech support number I can call I live in the U.S.A02:04
nerdy_kidalberto if i remember correctly you install the pulseaudio-module-jack and then all you have to do is run a script once you start jack02:04
Ken8521MarkTimTach: thats strange... so it won't boot any at all?02:04
ruiKen8521: Can you helpeme02:04
bluedoor_Scunizi, i've tried w/ both02:04
Ken8521MarkTimTach: this sounds hardware related, not software related, if it won't do anything02:05
peeps[work]scott_ino, changing from 32bit to 64bit02:05
MarkTimTachno it wont boot anything02:05
scott_inopeeps[work], ahhh that'll do it02:05
Ken8521rui: sorry, no i cannot... maybe try seeking support from skype.02:05
keith2could someone tell me the command to upgrade to 10.10 from terminal02:05
Ken8521MarkTimTach: make/model of the machine?02:05
Scunizibluedoor_: that's an unusual address.. typically they are or for the router.. try the first suggestion02:05
MarkTimTachI was running ubuntu 10.04 and then i wanted to upgrade it02:05
nerdy_kidalberto the script: http://pastebin.com/vRFppMwP02:05
ruiKen8521:ok thank you02:05
Ken8521rui: because this is really more of an application issue, than an ubuntu issue..02:05
MarkTimTachit is a Compaq cq6002:06
ruiKen8521:ok thank you02:06
bluedoor_Scunizi, neither worked02:06
Scunizibluedoor_: what is the address of the machine you're trying from?02:06
FreshPrincekeith2, "sudo apt-get dist-updgrade"02:06
FreshPrincekeith2, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:06
bluedoor_Scunizi, local address?02:06
Ken8521MarkTimTach: any chance it's hot, and it's not booting due to heat? let it sit and cool for a while, etc?02:06
Scunizibluedoor_: yes02:06
Some_PersonI'm installing ubuntu using the alternate text-based installer, and I need to know if I should select yes or no to this prompt: "[?] Configuring checkbox: Default enabled state. Default Enabled"02:06
bluedoor_Scunizi, inet addr:
MarkTimTachnope it is cool and I had just turned it on02:07
Scunizibluedoor_: is that DHCP or static.. did you set it?02:07
RealOptywhen i try to upgrade to 10.10 i get this error "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."02:07
bluedoor_Scunizi, I'm not sure, i don't remember, how can i tell?02:07
aphidso.. i installed 10.10 via updated on my netbook.  now it boots up, pops up the authentication dialogue.  after I log in I get a pretty abstract desktop and a mouse cursor but no UI or menus02:07
Ken8521MarkTimTach: that really sounds like a hardware issue to me...02:07
Scunizibluedoor_: if you don't know then it's most likely DHCP.. you'd know if you set a static address... do you have a windows machine to test the router with?02:08
bluedoor_Scunizi, no i don't, just mac and android02:08
Ken8521can't you log in to the router?  most of the time it's in the router settings whether you're using DHCP or static02:08
bluedoor_Scunizi, I could try my roommate's comp, i guess02:08
MarkTimTachis there anything that conanical can do?02:09
Scunizibluedoor_: does it work on the android?02:09
Ken8521MarkTimTach: what would canonical have to do w/ a hardware problem?02:09
Ken8521MarkTimTach: honestly, i think it was just crappy luck it happened during an upgrade...02:09
MarkTimTachwell after all I was running Ubuntu when it happened02:09
Ken8521MarkTimTach: to my knowledge, canonical only has paid support.. but the days of Linux ruining hardware are long since past us...02:09
recmajkemican you guys tell me where could i find any system monitor that is diplayed on desktop02:10
Ken8521MarkTimTach: if you're running windows, and it shuts down, and will nto boot at all, and you hit the keys, and it just beeps, and you call Microsoft, what are they going to tell you?02:10
ScuniziMarkTimTach: that's like saying "I was in the white house when the astroid hit me.. the President is responsible"02:10
bluedoor_Scunizi, those don't work from android02:10
Ken8521MarkTimTach: i sympathize w/ your problem.. but you really need to contact Compaq from the sounds of it.. but from the looks of that laptop, i'm guessing it's out of warranty02:11
MarkTimTachI was not running windows I was running Ubuntu and I never had this problem with windows but then all of a sudden it happens in Ubuntu02:11
Scunizibluedoor_: try your roommates win machine.. It might be that the firmware in the modem expects IE or direct X for some ungodly reason.02:11
Ken8521MarkTimTach: i was making an analogy.. you apparently missed it.02:11
bluedoor_Scunizi, I've logged into the router from this machine, I haven't made changes to this machine either02:11
Ken8521MarkTimTach: regardless, id on't see why you think this is ubuntus fault... if you're driving a car, and you crash, is it the dealers fault?02:11
ScuniziMarkTimTach: have you checked your cabling? monitor etc..02:11
bluedoor_Scunizi, i'll try WIN02:12
Scunizibluedoor_: sounds like the address is changed02:12
MarkTimTachyes I have02:12
Ken8521Scunizi: it's a laptop, so i assume he's using the laptop screen02:12
MarkTimTachI am running Ubuntu on my desktop and nothing has ever happened02:12
ScuniziKen8521: which guy are you responding about.. I've been talking to a couple of people.02:12
Ken8521MarkTimTach: your desktop has likely never had a hardware failure...02:13
Ken8521Scunizi: MarkTimTach02:13
taomasterhello i 'm having issue with  the linksys usb network adapter wusb600n. did not have this issue with ubuntu 9.0402:13
Ken8521MarkTimTach: everything you're describing, strongly suggests hardware failure.02:13
ScuniziKen8521: ah.. ok.. didn't catch that before.02:13
recmajkemihow can i make windows title bar to be as one with tray when maximized02:14
recmajkemiin desktop edition02:14
MarkTimTachnever mind I got it \02:14
ScuniziMarkTimTach: Ken8521 maybe.. just maybe.. the Fn key and external monitor key02:14
Ken8521Scunizi: probably.. cuz he jus said he "got it".. which means it was something simple...02:14
kpj_Has anyone loaded driver for ubuntu using powerline connection?02:14
Ken8521kpj_: don't those typically hook up to a normal ethernet port?02:15
ScuniziKen8521: or he "got" what we were telling him about hardware failure.02:15
albertonerdy_kid Sorry02:15
Ken8521that coudl be to.. ;)02:15
albertonerdy_kid I wasn't here02:15
albertonerdy_kid Than you very much for everything.02:15
MarkTimTachit is the monitor that went bad I just plugged a cord into my laptop and connected the other end to my tv and now I can see stuff02:15
Ken8521MarkTimTach: ok.02:15
nerdy_kidalberto no prob.  Hope it helps, if you need more info I do have a link somewhere that i used, but i have to dig it up.02:15
ScuniziMarkTimTach: AH HA.. that's a tough one.. sorry that happened.02:15
MarkTimTachthanks for your time02:15
kpj_Ken8582 - It is a port which transmits over the power lines in the house - so a driver is needed02:15
albertonerdy_kid Have you got it running on Ubuntu 10.10?02:16
MarkTimTachwhere can you go to replace a monitor for the laptops02:16
Ken8521kpj_: isit a PCI card, or a USB card, or what?02:16
ScuniziMarkTimTach: just remember that if you can't / don't want to fix the screen, you can always us the machine as a headless server :)02:16
Ken8521kpj_: brb..02:17
MarkTimTachcan I run windows software in ubuntu 10.1002:17
kpj_I have a standard ethernet card but it requires a separate driver to communicate throught the powerline device02:17
ScuniziMarkTimTach: mostly screen replacements is more expensive than most machines.02:17
wakeupstickythe ubuntu .iso file is written up to the first 15 mb and then nti media maker freezes....:\02:17
nerdy_kidalberto no, that was in 10.04.  should be the same though02:17
albertonerdy_kid I got some errors.02:17
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nerdy_kidalberto ok well let me pull the link for you02:18
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ScuniziMarkTimTach: some win software.. like what?02:18
bluedoor_Scunizi, nothing works from the WIN machine. I have a 2wire router, and the manual suggests the IP to be either http://gateway.2wire.net/ or  , is there a way of finding out what the address is?02:18
jexmexany program to play acc files from audable?02:19
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albertonerdy_kid Thank you very much, once more.02:19
jexmexerr aax files02:19
wakeupstickyanyone know if there is a problem with the ubuntu .iso file or with nti mediamaker?02:19
Guest6086Can someone help me?....  whenever I restart my network manager ALWAYS forgets the networks key so I have to re-enter it every login02:19
Scunizibluedoor_: you can use nmap to go through all the IP's on your lan and report what is connected .. from that list you should be able to tell. you'll have to google for nmap instructions though.. I'm not well versed in it.  Some here might be able to direct you though.02:19
nerdy_kidalberto no problem :)  here is the link, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843012.  the post is huge so im gonna pastebin the important part02:20
bluedoor_Scunizi, thank you02:20
Scunizibluedoor_: sure :)02:20
wakeupstickyError: the disc is incompatible with the current writing02:20
minimecGuest6086: You mean the encryption key to access your network? It should not do that. It should save it by default.02:21
wakeupstickydoes anyone here know anything about installing ubuntu on a windows machine?02:21
minimecGuest6086: Or are we talking about the 'keyring' password?02:21
Guest6086minimec: i am talking about the encryption key02:22
albertonerdy_kid http://pastebin.com/yM5JhZ3B <<-- The output02:22
Scuniziwakeupsticky: could be your burning program..02:22
FreshPrincewakeupsticky, so how u mean? dual-boot'02:22
Scunizi!burn | wakeupsticky02:22
ubottuwakeupsticky: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:22
nerdy_kidalberto http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=rQFMBnUv one sec ill check your link out02:22
albertonerdy_kid Ok :)02:22
jexmexnobody knows a program to play aax files on linux?02:23
wakeupstickyis there a ubuntu installation channel?02:23
wakeupstickywhat is wubi.exe?02:23
minimecGuest6086: delete that connection once in the properties of the network-manager, and then connect again. It should save the password.02:23
Guest6086minimec: I have tried02:24
minimecGuest6086: That is strange...02:24
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Scuniziwakeupsticky: if you boot the cd while windows is open then wubi allow for ubuntu install to happen in windows.. Personally I don't recommend it.. boot cold to a properly burned cd and dual boot or use virtualbox.org to create a vm of ubuntu02:24
wakeupstickynti mediaplayer is ruining my cds02:25
nerdy_kidalberto I think that the error is saying "connection refused"?  in that case is jackd running?  i was using qjackctl to control jack btw.02:25
IszakI recently completely remove google chrome in attempts to correct a problem which prevented it from loading profiles however as a side effect it no longer shows up in the repo only chromium.02:25
Guest6086minimec: is it possible there is a problem with my keyring? Anyway to reinstall it?02:25
wakeupstickyby writing 10% of ubuntu to them and then spitting out an error message02:25
IszakIs there any way to get it back into the repo?02:25
HaxXxoRcan anyone help me with a wireless problem02:25
tejaishoti have installed storage device manager02:25
tejaishotfrom then i cannot mount my partitions directly02:25
tejaishotalways i need to open device manager and do 13/10/10 02:23:2702:25
tejaishothow to reslove dis?02:25
FloodBot1tejaishot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
chienhola tios se acabo la fiesta..?02:26
albertonerdy_kid mmm, no, jackd isn't running actually02:26
albertonerdy_kid Is qjackctl better?02:26
Ken8521kpj_: i don't really understand how a PCI card, requires a separate driver to communicate over a power line.02:26
nerdy_kidalberto qjackctl is a REALLY handy control app for jackd02:26
Ken8521kpj_: does this ethernet card, have cat5/6 cable connected to it?02:26
minimecGuest6086: Do you have a password for the keyring? You could set the keyring to run without password, or delete the entry for your network there too.02:27
islandfellowtrying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop with trial version of windows 7 and it hangs every time at the ubuntu logo, any ideas why?02:27
xananax_Hello; I have issues with my wireless and I am completely new to ubuntu. How would I go about understanding where the problem is?02:27
xananax_I used ndiswrapper and it tells me everything went fine, but I still cant connect02:27
Ken8521xananax_: well first what type of wireless device are you using, and what chipset?02:27
albertonerdy_kid Oh, I see, that's the one I'm using.02:27
Dr_Willisislandfellow:  whats your video chipset? Tried teh Nomodeset option? You could alwo try the alternative installer cd.02:27
albertonerdy_kid The graphical user interface02:28
DavyCaveubuntu 10.04 support multi-monitor SLI?02:28
Guest6086minimec: It doesnt ask me for the password at startup anymore for some reason so it could be that02:28
taomasteri'm having issues with linksys wireless adapter wusb600n02:28
xananax_ken8521: I am using an old compaq presario c500; I tried to google it but apparently it's not even on hp's website anymore, so I dunnow what the chipset is02:28
kpj_ken8521 - It is most likely me, I installed the powerline where my windows system required to load a driver for the ethernet to be able to communicate with the powerline adapter02:28
kpj_I had assumed that I should do something similar for Ubuntu machine02:29
xananax_But following the advice in a thread, I loaded up bcmlw5 with ndiswrapper, that I built from source02:29
Ken8521xananax_: is it an internal wireless device on the machine, or a USB, etc?02:29
xananax_ken8521: internal02:29
Ken8521xananax_: ok, so it's a broadcom.. do you know which one?02:29
DavyCaveanyone know the Nvidia / Ubuntu channel?02:29
nerdy_kidalberto yeah02:29
chienddr3...ou 402:29
Ken8521xananax_: open a terminal and type "lspci"(no quotes, lower case L) and hit enter, and look through the output, and find yoru wireless device02:29
Dr_WillisDavyCave:  not sure there is one. You could check the forums.02:29
tonyyarussoDavyCave: there isn't an nvidia-specific one02:29
HaxXxoRcan anyone help me with a wireless problem02:29
xananax_ken8521: Yeah according to the thread it is broadcom, but I dunnow how to get more info...How would I go about knowing which one?02:30
DavyCaveim trying to find information on if 10.04 supports multi-monitor SLI mode?02:30
Dr_WillisDavyCave:  i dont use sli. but multi monitors work good here with my nvidia systems02:30
Ken8521xananax_: see the info i just sent you02:30
Ken8521DavyCave: same here..02:30
minimecGuest6086: I am not a guru when it comes to the keyring. I run it in 'unsave mode' whitout password. So I don't have the keyring questions. It could be that you allowed the keyring to always allow access to the network.02:30
DavyCaveDr_Willis: yea i use multi monitor now, but i saw nvidia finally enabled multi with SLI so i want it lol02:30
amikropHello. Since I installed the nVidia proprietary driver, my splash image disappeared. How can I fix that?02:30
Guest6086minimec: know anyone that might be able to assist me better?02:31
nerdy_kidamikrop by spash image you mean the nice "ubuntu" splash that pops up while the computer is booting?02:31
Dr_WillisDavyCave:  check the nvidia-settings tool i guess.. SLI with Multi Monitors. seems a bit of a contradiction.. but  I always found sli a thing.. that i never could justify. :)02:31
amikropnerdy_kid: yes02:31
islandfellow@dr_willis not sure of the  chipset, where would I find the alternative installer cd?02:31
Ken8521!alternate > islandfellow02:32
ubottuislandfellow, please see my private message02:32
Dr_Willisislandfellow:  its at the download sites. YOu could try the Nomode set option also. at the grub menys, you hit the space key, then F6, for other options, enable  the nomode set. then boot.02:32
xananax_ken8521: sorry sorry I was too busy typing the line passed me by...So as far as i can tell, it tells me it is Broadcom BCM431102:32
HaxXxoRCan anyone help me with a wireless issue on netbook edition02:32
DavyCaveDr_Willis: well i run 2 World of Warcraft's at the same time so if i cant get SLI turned on then my frames will increase cause ill be running 2 windows in 1 desktop vs. 2 games on 2 cards on 2 desktops02:32
Dr_Willisislandfellow:  for my Nvidia systems I have to use that - or else the systems hang.02:32
amikropnerdy_kid: so, any ideas?02:32
nerdy_kidamikrop yeah I think i might have a link for you one sec, gotta dig it up02:32
amikropnerdy_kid: sure02:33
xananax_ken8521: so I try to locate the drivers for that serie, download those and try again?02:33
minimecGuest6086: You can try to configure the keyring ->system->preferences->Passwords...02:33
Ken8521xananax_: PM?02:33
aphidafter I authenticate on 10.10 I get an abstract desktop background with no menu or UI.  i can cntrl-alt-f1 ok, and bring up the shutdown/restart options by hitting my power button.. but that's it02:34
pi3chany one ported GNOME Do for windows?02:34
xananax_ken8521: I mean since the output of lspci tells me BMC4311, I try to download the windoz drivers for that adapter and try with ndis again?02:34
Dr_Willispi3ch:  there are similer programs for windows.02:34
islandfellowthank you @ubottu @ Dr_Willis will try right away02:34
Dr_Willispi3ch:  i dont use any of them.02:35
Ken8521xananax_: no, there's a native way to do it.. first, uninstall ndiswrapper02:35
wakeupstickyis there an ubuntu installation channel?02:35
pi3chI tried Launchy and SlikRun02:35
pi3chbut GNOME Do is way better02:35
Dr_Willispi3ch:  been using Kupfer on ubuntu lately.02:35
pi3chbtw I m not windows user I just got windows in office so I would like to have Gnome do on it.02:36
Dr_Willis!info kupfer02:37
ubottukupfer (source: kupfer): fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0+v201-2 (maverick), package size 413 kB, installed size 1964 kB02:37
xananax_ken8521: I removed ndis-utils and ndis-common and ndisgtk using synaptic...But I don know if I should do anything more since I built ndiswrapper from source and it was the first time I tried something like that02:37
wakeupstickyis there an ubuntu installation channel?02:37
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  not that ive ever seen.02:37
pi3chyeah any better than GNOME Do?02:37
Dr_Willispi3ch:  try it and decide for yourself. Gnome-do hasent been gettting alot of updates  from what i hear..02:37
Ken8521xananax_: ok.. is the machine connected to the internet right now02:38
nerdy_kidamikrop having trouble finding this link sorry, my bookmarks all seem to have vanished...02:38
wakeupstickydoes anyone on here know anything about getting ubuntu on a windows machine?02:38
twinkie_addicthow do i set apt to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.4 in the cli02:38
amikropnerdy_kid: hmm, ok...02:38
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  burn the cd.. boot cd.. follow directions...02:38
DavyCaveshould i load my Asus M2n-SLI Deluxe chipset drivers from the Asus website or just use what ubuntu likes?02:38
xananax_ken8521: yeah I am typing from it, ethernet connection02:38
nerdy_kidamikrop still looking though02:38
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  unless you want to be more clear on the problem02:39
wakeupstickyburn cd: error error error error02:39
Ken8521xananax_: in a terminal sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter02:39
Ken8521after that, restart02:39
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:   check the is0/msd5 or make a bootable flash drive.02:39
Chaos2358hi is there a multi account chat/im client similar to empathy but with voice and cam chat02:39
amikropnerdy_kid: alright :)02:39
Dr_Willismd5 | wakeupsticky02:39
wakeupsticky"check the iso/msd5" means?02:39
Dr_Willis!md5 | wakeupsticky02:39
ubottuwakeupsticky: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:39
GneaHey everyone, my WUBI isn't doing so good anymore... it was working just fine until it hardlocked 3 times in a row today, then proceeded to drop to the grub> interface at boottime. Booting to winXP told me that \ubuntu\disks\ was corrupted, so I ran chkdsk /r, did the reboot thing, watched it fix a bunch of errors on the c:\ drive, and upon reboot, the \ubuntu\disks\ directory is now *gone*. I have no idea what to do at this point, I fe02:39
wakeupstickyany way to undo burning a cd? nti mediamaker screwed up all my cd-rws02:40
wakeupstickyby burning part of ubuntu and then giving me an error message02:40
Jordan_UGnea: Your message was cut off at "no idea what to do at this point, I fe".02:41
GneaJordan_U: ah, thanks02:41
GneaI have no idea what to do at this point, I fear I have lost an entire OS and many important documents for school...02:41
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  if they are 'rewriteables' you can erase them. You may want to check out some other cd buirning software for windows.02:41
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:42
wakeupstickyhow do i know if they're rewriteables? is the rw in cd-rw "rewriteable"?02:42
wakeupstickyubottu, that's not helpful02:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:42
scott_inowakeupsticky, yes02:42
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  ubotu is a bot....02:42
scott_inogood times in here02:43
DavyCavebot seams pretty smart to me02:43
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  Look at the disk and label.. if they are not 'rewriteable' then they cant be 'undone'02:43
DavyCaveat least it knows its a bot02:43
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Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  theres always  the make a bootable flash drive option - if you dont have any more blank disks.02:43
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twinkie_addicthow do i set apt to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.4 in the cli ?02:43
wakeupstickyfuck, they are cd-4s02:43
Jordan_UGnea: Is there any directory like "check#" in the root of your windows partition?02:44
scott_inotwinkie_addict, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:44
IdleOne!language | wakeupsticky02:44
ubottuwakeupsticky: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:44
Dr_WillisFor burning ISO files in windows - i tend to use Infra Recorder,  Theres many other free iso burning tools ouyt for windows.02:44
twinkie_addictsays no new upgrads02:44
Jordan_U!upgrade | twinkie_addict02:44
ubottutwinkie_addict: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:44
stealth191SERVER irc.dal.net02:44
DavyCavewell that was annoying02:44
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  you must burn the iso as an Image also.. if you burn it to cd.. then look at the cd.. and see a single .iso file.. you burnt it wrong.02:44
Guest19673twinkie_addict: i just had that same issue, one sec02:44
GneaJordan_U: no02:44
scott_inotwinkie_addict, because your software sources are set to only look for LTS releases, you'll need to change this02:44
nerdy_kidamikrop here are some links.  you need to be able to RECOVER YOUR SYSTEM should it not boot after these hacks.  I.E. know how to use a terminal well.02:45
nerdy_kidamikrop the links http://www.sucka.net/2010/03/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/           http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146947502:45
Guest19673twinkie_addict: yeah, in settings, change under release upgrade to normal releases in update manager02:46
wakeupstickyok, looks like i have one good cd left02:46
twinkie_addictfigured it was somthing simple i even tryed do-release-upgrade02:46
nerdy_kidamikrop http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144613202:46
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  check your md5sum of the iso file first.02:46
Chaos2358hi is there a multi account chat/im client similar to empathy but with voice and cam chat02:46
nerdy_kidamikrop I hope those help you, I have to go now02:46
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  when you burn - set the program to burn at the lowest speed it can handle also.02:46
Ken8521HaxXxoR: what is your wireless device on the netbook?02:46
Ken8521it's probably a ralink02:46
twinkie_addicti dont have gui so i'll have to edit the file02:46
Guest19673twinkie_addict: ahh, nm then02:47
wakeupstickyrecommended burning software? nti mediamaker is what i've been using but so far it hasn't been working02:47
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  imgburn is also good for windows -->  i think it can even check the md5's   http://www.imgburn.com/02:47
h00kwakeupsticky: Brasero workswell for me02:47
HaxXxoRhang on 1 sec ken02:47
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  theres plenty of burning tools fo rwidnows :) http://www.thefreecountry.com/utilities/dvdcdburning.shtml02:47
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:47
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:48
cwraigwakeupsticky: 1+ imgburn02:48
Dr_Williswakeupsticky:  that reccomends some others.02:48
twinkie_addictso i edit apt.sourses ?02:48
Jordan_UGnea: You could try using "photorec" to recover the wubi .disk file.02:48
HaxXxoRok Ken dumb question whats the command in terminal to get system info02:48
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cwraigimgburn is dvd decrypter without the dvd decrytping02:48
Ken8521HaxXxoR: lspci (lowercase L)02:48
HaxXxoRits just a intel pro wireless 2200bg02:49
Guest19673twinkie_addict: honestly not sure, i'll check mine, since i changed it in gui, i'll see if their is anyting usable02:49
Ken8521HaxXxoR: and that doesn't work out of the box?02:49
GneaJordan_U: was hoping to avoid that .... thanks02:49
HaxXxoRno i tried installing 10.10 and had to revert it back because of video issues02:49
HaxXxoRand now i cant connect to my wireless02:50
HaxXxoRi know the ssid is right and so is the passphrase02:50
HaxXxoRbut it keeps showing up as a red exclamation point02:50
Jordan_UGnea: Do you still see the "\ubuntu" directory?02:50
twinkie_addictthanks i looked at the help site but nut to about editng config file02:50
wakeupstickydoesn't it seem like useful, non-crippled free software for windows is almost guaranteed to have spyware on it?02:50
KB1JWQ!ot | wakeupsticky02:51
ubottuwakeupsticky: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:51
HaxXxoRwow just got it02:51
HaxXxoRfor some reason my network list wouldnt update02:51
Chaos2358hi is there a multi account chat/im client similar to empathy but with voice and cam chat02:51
twinkie_addictsorry typing is bad pills are kicking they make me a little off for a bit after taking them02:51
Ken8521HaxXxoR: ok.02:51
minimecHaxXxoR: You will kill me... ;) Did you suspend or hibernate once? Zhat may deactivate the wireless. You may have to activate it with the hardware button or in the network-manager.02:52
twinkie_addicti hate presription meds02:52
Guest19673twinkie_addict: i'm not finding anything in my conf files for changing that02:53
Datzhi, how do I install multiple packages with apt-get? -> install package1 && package2 && package4?02:53
Guest19673twinkie_addict: lemme try google02:53
blakkheimDatz: aptitude install pkg1 pkg2 pkg302:53
Datzblakkheim: I wish to use apt-get though02:53
virtuhi, I am back again... anyone knows if the audio interface behringer model UCA202 works nice on Ubuntu?02:54
blakkheimDatz: ..why02:54
Datzblakkheim: I really don't need to go into it now.02:54
Datzblakkheim: also, I don't think aptitude is installed by default in 10.1002:54
bluespotmousehi everybody! is there a way to restore ubuntu to defaults like if it was freshly installed?02:54
taomasterwhat wireless adapter usb is going to work in 10.4.1?02:55
mrji have a problem02:55
mrjhi all02:55
BeeBuuhow can i disable all usb devices but storage ?anyone help please.02:55
mrjI am using linuxice which is ubuntu based02:55
seyfarthK folks, I formatted my iPod classic with nautilus, and now although rhythmbox, gtkpod, and banshee swear they've synced, my iPod says "no music" :( help?02:55
mrjbut i decided to install ubuntu-desktop package02:55
Guest19673twinkie_addict: yeah in etc/apt/sources.list is where u need to edit according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:56
wakeupstickyso using imgburn i want to write an image file to disc, not files/folders right?02:56
mrjhowever there are some Xorg configurations that cause my ubuntu to not be able to load my gnome desktop02:56
=== ank_ is now known as ank
mrjhow can I remove these automated login scripts (from linuxice config) and be able to log in into my ubuntu desktop02:56
usuariohi guys02:59
Datzhi, how do I install multiple packages with apt-get? -> install package1 && package2 && package4?02:59
Guest19673thats how02:59
GneaJordan_U: yeah02:59
recmajkemican anyone try run kradioripper for me in 10.10 mine wont even start02:59
FreshPrinceDatz, yes02:59
usuariojust install ubuntu an a dell and wireless is a propietary driver,i install the driver an activated,but steel not work02:59
quiescensdatz: just spaces will do, apt-get install package1 package2 package302:59
FreshPrinceDatz, sudo apt-get install package1 package2 etc..03:00
ix0 Hey, How do you set the FS type to "NTFS" with cfdisk?03:00
Ken8521usuario: what is the wireless device?03:00
usuarioKen8521, Yes is a wireles device03:00
usuarioa broadcom03:00
Ken8521usuario: well no kidding, what kind.03:00
ix0Never mind, I got it.03:00
Guest19673he means eth0 aeth0 etc03:00
Siph0nIs there a way to not hibernate (or suspend or shutdown), when the battery is critically low?03:00
Ken8521usuario: which broadcom, there's several.. if youd ont' know, lspci in a terminal03:00
Chaos2358could someone PLEASE tell me if ubuntu has a multi account chat/im client similar to empathy but with voice and video chat?03:01
Ken8521usuario: .. the chipset03:01
kreganyclue what it says this?      http://pastebin.org/16331403:01
AxionStileSo im in the process to switcing to mint now03:01
usuario02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)03:01
usuario02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02)03:01
mrjcan someone help me ?03:01
Ken8521usuario: what driver did you enable, the STA driver?03:01
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mrjwith X config?03:01
Datzquiescens FreshPrince, thanks03:02
scott_inoChaos2358, sort of... pidgin does do multi-client and has support for video chat for google-voice etc..03:02
usuarioi enable the broadcom driver i just installa,i restar my pc but wont work03:02
Ken8521usuario: there's a couple of broadcom drivers, which one.03:02
Chaos2358scott_ino does it do yahoo video?03:02
Ken8521Chaos2358: pidgin?.. don't think so.03:03
scott_inoChaos2358, no03:03
usuarioKen8521, i enable ,,Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02)03:03
Ken8521usuario: i know.. what driver are you using?.. sys/admin/hardware drivers03:04
Chaos2358thats what i need my brother is still in afghanistan and we are trying to video conference03:04
Chaos2358is there anything that doea03:04
usuarioin the gnome applet wireless the option to enable wireless is dark gay03:04
Ken8521Chaos2358: only thing i'm aware of, is aMSN.. if you guys want to create MSN accounts03:04
Ken8521usuario: it's difficult to help you, when you won't listen03:04
Ken8521usuario: i've told you 3x03:05
Chaos2358ok thank you Ken852103:05
Ken8521Chaos2358: good luck...03:05
twinkie_addictahah!! got it03:05
Guest19673twinkie_addict: sweet, all is working?03:05
pjzanyone else having X crash on a laptop when power gets removed since meerkat?03:05
Guest19673pjz: dunno lemme check03:06
tortoise7hello folks, pointers Please,   how to make the backlight on the keyboard to function.....03:06
scott_inopjz, not for me03:06
bdragonslcan someone help with my wnda3100 on 10.04?  I can't get it to recognize.03:06
Guest19673pjz: nope mines fine, unplugged, battery discharging, screens dimmed 24 percent power03:06
twinkie_addictupgradeing now. it was /etc/upgrade-manager/release-upgrade that need to be set to normal03:06
scott_inopjz, my screen does however go black for a quick second03:07
Guest19673twinkie_addict: cool, i'll keep that in mind03:07
tazmaniaI have ubuntu-server 10.04 installed on an Atom netbook board.  I am using hostapd to setup my wireless as an AP/Master but I have to initiate hostapd manually.  Is there a way this can be done automatically every time when the atom is powered up?03:07
brian_when I boot up my ubuntu 10.10 i keep getting a message that says missing modules.deb, anyone know when this is?03:08
Guest19673brian_: no idea, thats all it says is missing modules.deb?03:09
Guest19673brian_: does it give an error code or anything?03:10
chek0vany nvidia mobile users notice brightness control stopped working after latest kernel update?03:10
pjzbrian_: probably part of the initrd.img03:10
pjzhow do I debug a system crash?03:11
chek0vpjz: core dump03:11
bdragonslcan someone help with my wnda3100 on 10.04?  I can't get it to recognize.03:11
pjzchek0v: where will that be?03:12
brian_pjz: I'm a newbie to ubuntu (and loving!), but what does that mean?03:12
chek0vpjz: 1sec03:13
bdragonslSomeone please??03:13
Ryen!patience | bdragonsl03:13
ubottubdragonsl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com03:13
pjzbrian_: the kernel boots up the system part way, then a prebuilt micro-system unpacks itself and finishes configuring the system03:13
UmeaboyI was wondering.......... I'm not quite happy with the log-file that VirtualBox creates when you start an installation...... Is there any way to take all text from text-mode and put it in a text-file?03:13
pjzbrian_: the prebuilt micro-system image is initrg.img-* and is found in /boot03:13
=== Guest19673 is now known as Lynx_2
brian_pjz: my system seems to be running ok, is this something I need to worry about?03:14
pjzbrian_: if it seems okay, then it's probably fine.03:15
tazmaniadoes anybody know how I can start the hostapd for wifi automatically in ubuntu-server 10.04?03:15
recmajkemihow do i change the thickness of title bar03:15
brian_pjz: cool, thanks for help.03:16
Lynx_2brian_: have u tried reinstalling? i've gotten wierd errors before and reinstalling fixed it03:16
pjztazmania: check in /etc/init.d/ for a script that will start it03:16
recmajkemican anyone try run kradioripper for me in 10.10? mine wont even start03:16
pjztazmania: it might depend on some settings in /etc/default/ somewhere03:16
james296does anyone here know if its possible to make dragging multiple files and/or folders better looking? for example, showing the actual folders and/or files as transparent items, instead of ugly dotted borders03:16
Lynx_2james296: install windows. ;-)03:17
twinkie_addictits amazing how usefull a text based browser is when you have no guui lol03:17
james296I meant in linux, not Windows...03:17
brian_lynx_2: i was going to try that if this becomes a prob. Can I reinstall with out wiping the system>03:17
pjzjames296: check the System/Preferences/Appearance stuff03:17
james296that shows nothing about it03:18
pjzjames296: I'm presuming you're using default ubuntu? so gnome?03:18
Lynx_2brian_: not to my knowledge, but if its running ok, i would just leave it, i was assuming u were doing a fresh install to begin with.03:18
twinkie_addicti have a habbit of installing one text based irc client and browser just in case x craps on me IF im running x03:18
Lynx_2some of these other guys might know if u can reupdate a bad update though03:18
BeeBuuhow can i disable all usb devices but storage ?anyone help please.03:19
tazmaniapjz: found the hostapd in /etc/default.  Do I need to add in anything in /etc/network/interfaces for wireless hostapd AP?03:19
pjztazmania: no idea :)03:19
aphidafter updating to 10.10 using the updater, I now get a blank desktop graphic after authenticating.  no ui, no menu, nothing...03:20
Lynx_2BeeBuu: as noone has answered you question, i'll be unhelpful ;-) i don't think u can without doing a lot of scripting as the kernal is built to recognize the usb device on connection03:20
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pjzBeeBuu: you maybe can; you'll need to look into how udevd works03:21
Lynx_2BeeBuu: thats just the nature of usb devices bro... what are u trying to do exactly?03:21
mrandrzejak1ive been having problems with my system and panels after ctrl+alt+f5. ive got everything working again (i think) but is there any tests i can run on my system to see if all is OK?03:21
twinkie_addictwoot 8 min left on dowload then thigs will start to install :)03:22
Lynx_2twinkie_addict: yeah its a b*tch, wait till the install03:22
BeeBuuLynx_2:actualy,i want my PC just can use disk via USB03:22
twinkie_addictand ill stall have a cli base to buil up frome to my liking03:22
Lynx_2BeeBuu: why do you want to disable everyting else, u'll lose keybourd and mouse unless ps2, i was thinking u were doing HTPC (home theatre pc) or something03:23
tortoise7does ubuntu 10.04 support backlit keyboards?03:23
DavyCaveany OS should totoise03:23
Lynx_2i'm gonna say yeah03:23
BeeBuuLynx_2: something like that.03:24
RealOptywhen i try to upgrade to 10.10 i get this error "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." any suggestions?03:24
DavyCaveTortoise7: all back lit keyboards are just powered by the USB so its not even a OS deal03:24
BeeBuuLynx_2: any suggestion?03:24
Lynx_2BeeBuu: unless its a security issue i wouldn't worry about it then03:24
twinkie_addictLynx_2 judging from the 10.4 cli only install should only take about 20 min max and i only hve 370 megs of ram03:24
Lynx_2just unplug and leave it03:24
BeeBuuLynx_2: i don't want the others can conctorl that machine via USB03:25
Lynx_2twinkie_addict: nice!!!! 1:45 on dual core 2 gig03:25
tortoise7DavyCave: if that is the case.... how then to enable and disable it?  the former key control (Fn + z) no longer has an effect.03:25
Lynx_2BeeBuu: lol, i'd go the low end approach then... unplug external usb from mobo, calk to the hard wired mobo connections ;-)\03:26
twinkie_addictbut im not get the entire ubuntu destop crap only conanline stuff then i can install xorg xinit xfce4 and other aps that i want like seamonkey03:26
DavyCaveTortoise7: did you try it on another computer?03:26
BeeBuuthat's a way,but i need save something to a USB disk03:26
nobarkingwhat is the lightest desktop environment available for Ubuntu?03:26
Lynx_2twinkie_addict: nice bro, i might try all cli one day ;-)03:27
AndorinHi, my laptop, which runs 10.10, has stopped booting. I updated it this morning. After the BIOS screen I just see a blank black screen with a blinking white cursor. Any thoughts?03:27
twinkie_addictthe nice thing is by doing this way you boot to command line then just run startx :)03:27
Lynx_2BeeBuu: hmm, could try serial to usb adapter, i think on most bios their is a way to disable usb altogether, atleast their is on mine, then u could still use your usb stick03:28
twinkie_addicti dont have to run all of x to chat in irc03:28
BeeBuuLynx_2: no any easy ways?03:28
twinkie_addicti got used to cli from slack ware i just dont feel right doing any other way03:29
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Lynx_2BeeBuu: not to my knowledge, but i don't claim to be an expert either, i'm sure their is actually if u're good at coding, its all open source after all, but i don't think their is an easy way... a start is all storage is labeled hdx (hd0 hd1) etc, i would start their03:29
BeeBuuThanks, Lynx_203:30
Lynx_2Weems: np, good luck03:30
tortoise7DavyCave: this in on a new toshiba satellite notebook..... came with win7 and a bunch of toshiba s/w..... all components worked as expected.... formatted and made a fresh install of ubuntu... have gotten nearly everything to work Except the backlit function for the keyboard.... thougths?03:30
twinkie_addictwoot done dowloading now upgradeing03:31
Ken8521tortoise7: i had that problem on my Acer... a long time ago.. any chance it's a Intel graphics device?03:32
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tortoise7Ken8521: nope... all AMD stuff on this unit03:32
mrandrzejak1ive been having problems with my system and panels after ctrl+alt+f5. ive got everything working again (i think) but is there any tests i can run on my system to see if all is OK?03:33
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mamece2anyone here use Vbox? i try to emulate BT4 and use a wireles usb adapter03:33
Ken8521tortoise7: hmm, do you know what the graphcis device is?03:33
thuongw cm how can i read system computer in ubuntu os same as command DXDIAG in MS windows ?03:33
blakkheimthuong: lshw03:33
blakkheimmamece2: this isn't a BT channel03:33
hDymamece2, could just boot in to it on a live cd..03:33
cipher_any idea why my server doesn' think it needs to upgrade?03:33
cipher_it keeps saying there isn't a new release03:34
Lynx_2are u graphical or cli cipher?03:34
mamece2blakkheim but the issue is related to ubuntu, its the host OS03:34
Lynx_2talk to twinkie_addict cipher03:34
Lynx_2he just went through it03:34
twinkie_addicti can help with i just did it03:34
cipher_what do i need to do03:36
Lynx_2its involved.... he's prolly looking03:36
twinkie_addictcipher check in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrade scroll down to default set it to normal03:36
twinkie_addictthen run do-release-upgrade03:36
tazmaniapjz: doesn't need anything in /etc/network/interfaces.  dnsmasq will take care of the rest like dhcp server etc.  hostapd is up automatically now.  thanks.03:36
cipher_yea i already looked and it's normal03:36
twinkie_addictweird it worked perfectly for me03:37
twinkie_addicti dont know then did you update first ?03:37
cipher_it's still 10.0403:38
Nolan_Hesteri recently upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 and the new sound menu applet will not appear in my notification area03:38
cipher_how do you print the version?03:38
twinkie_addictmy 10.4 system was curent wen i started upgrade03:38
cipher_i know it's 10.04 because it didn't upgrade the kernel tho03:38
cipher_i'm still 2.6.3203:38
twinkie_addicttry useing aptitude for some reson apt-get dosent upgrade kernel in 10.403:39
Lynx_2have u done all other relevant upgrades to 10.04 before trying to upgrade to 10.1003:39
twinkie_addictat least not for me03:39
trismNolan_Hester: the sound applet is now in the indicator applet (it was in 10.04 too), if that is already in your panel, make sure indicator-sound is installed03:39
mrandrzejak1is there any programs to restore my system, but not remove any of my apps?03:39
xplo-Hey, is it possible to install a portable version of ubuntu on a 128G Usb stick ?03:40
xplo-or on a 320G portable HDD03:40
ubuntu_hello can someone please tell me how I can install ubuntu in a netbook with only2gigas of hd?03:40
=== xplo- is now known as xplo
blakkheim!mini > ubuntu_03:40
ubottuubuntu_, please see my private message03:40
Xuzz!seen LordElph03:40
ubottuI have no seen command03:40
cipher_it says i don't need to upgrade anything03:40
cipher_killin me03:40
xplo<blakkheim> !mini > ubuntu_03:40
xplotalking to me ?03:40
tortoise7Ken8521: ati  mobility radeon hd5145 with a Gb of discrete ram.... not sure how this applies to the keyboard backlit problem.03:41
blakkheimobviously not03:41
xploah ok03:41
Nisstyre65what's discrete RAM? : |03:41
Lynx_2cipher_ i would think that its not set to normal releases in relase upgrades. try a reboot, double verify, make sure its not a temp file etc... prolly something stupid03:42
twinkie_addicti wish i knew i ham haveing great sucess useing the same info i gave you03:42
gbshi, there is a unity channel in freenode?03:42
xplois there a portable version of ubuntu available?03:42
twinkie_addictmy upgrade is almost done03:42
twinkie_addict5 10 min max03:43
Lynx_2xplo: i've never heard of one03:43
xploor any other distro ?03:43
Lynx_2xplo: yes their are, what are u looking for?03:43
xplojust something to play around with03:44
cipher_this is killin me03:44
xploi got a new 320G external and a 128G flash key03:44
Lynx_2xplo: u can play around with ubuntu as a live cd03:44
zebastianortislet me put it this way, i recently upgroud to 10.10 from 10.04 and now when i plug in the logitech speakers 1 8th jack into the headphone thingy there's no sound, the laptop keeps playing it from its own internal mic, how do i fix this03:44
gr8m8xplo: you can put the standard ubuntu on a usb stick03:44
xploi want it to be portable on my external03:44
Lynx_2xplo: u can install it in windows even, but its not really portable as i think u're speaking as every computer has different hardware03:44
twinkie_addictxplo a great distro to play with is slakware03:45
xplogr8m8 seriousely ?03:45
gr8m8!unetbootin | xplo03:45
ubottuxplo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:45
RoastedI created a folder in /var/www that I own and have 7 permissions to. Why is it within that folder if I delete something, it warns me itll be deleted RIGHT away, whereas if I delete something from my home dir, it goes to the trash bin? Just curious on why theres a difference.03:45
Lynx_2xplo-it doesn't work like that, if u try to boot a linux distro on another computer graphically it will most likely crash03:45
gr8m8xplo: the second link03:45
xploty gr8m803:45
zebastianortisok problem solved, next03:45
gr8m8Lynx_2: nope - you can swap hdds between comps no prob03:46
mslRoasted, is the directory setguid?03:46
Lynx_2yeah u can, but not a bootable HD, with a totally dif os for another computer03:46
Lynx_2maybe i misunderstood the question03:46
Roastedmsl, I have no idea what you just asked me...03:47
gr8m8Lynx_2: if it has its' own bootloader sure you can03:47
virtueHello. Does anyone know anything about sound?03:47
xplothe thing is i want to install a linux environment on my huge external, so i could use it AT THE SAME TIME i use my vista lappy03:47
xplopossible right ?03:47
Lynx_2ok, so if i install ubuntu on my HD for my comp, my gfx card, etc etc, and bring my HD to your computer, u're saying their is a way the OS will successfully load?03:47
xplobut, ubuntu on the portable, and vista in his pc03:48
un214it should boot03:48
un214it might boot to command prompt03:48
zebastianortison additional drivers, i am on lubuntu 10.10, upgraded from 10.04 and it works smooth, i noticed though, on the additional drivers it mentions broadcom b43 wireless driver and broadcom sta wireless driver and ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver, now, i am connected through the wireless right now and it works fine, screen resolution also seems to work fine so should i leave it and take the not broken don't fix it approach or not?03:48
xplobut, both at the same time ?03:48
mslRoasted, or maybe sticky bit03:48
Lynx_2exactly, i won't load03:48
mslI mix them up sometimes03:48
gr8m8xplo: you need a vm to run two os's at the same time03:48
xploone says yes, and the other says no03:48
gr8m8!vbox | xplo03:49
ubottuxplo: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:49
zebastianortisnone of these are activated03:49
Roastedmsl, is this just because /var/www is within the root directory and separated partitioned wise from my home dir?03:49
pjzaugh, it's got to do with the !@#$%^& wifi drivers03:50
jjman6_I have partition that claims its full (i did a du -h ) but there should be nearly 15Gb free. Trash is empty. i can't figure out why its full reporting its full but its not. It is also being shared via NFS & i was deleting/copying files remotely i think it has to do with this...03:50
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RedSingularityHere is a question.  Why the hell doesnt skype for linux update its news section?03:51
KB1JWQjjman6_: Stale file handles, if you deleted something that's a process is hoding open.03:51
grub2sucksI think I'm having trouble  with grub2.  Can anyone help?03:51
jjman6_KB1JWQ: how can i clear that out!03:52
bonez2046grub2sucks: what's it doing or not doing?03:52
virtueThink anyone can explain to me why my mp3s I play are all sped up in any player?03:52
spidyos[Linux 2.6.32-25-generic-pae i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[8 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         860  @ 2.80GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.20GHz] mem[Physical: 7.8GB, 95.6% free] disk[Total: 1.4TB, 92.9% free] video[10de:05ea] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]03:52
KB1JWQjjman6_: Figure out what's being held open via LSOF? :-)03:52
FloodBot1spidy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:52
FlynsarmyAnyone here running pidgin? Notice the taskbar doesn't blink on default maverick theme?03:52
twinkie_addictneed to reboot bb03:53
bonez2046Flynsarmy: I used to use pidgin.. now I run bitlbee on localhost.. and it works great...03:53
Flynsarmybonez2046: that was completely unhelpful :) haha03:53
AndorinFlynsarmy: I don't recall the panel icon for Pidgin ever blinking03:53
mslRoasted, Being in a different part of the directory tree shouldn't be an issue.  Likely the perms on the directory are causing this (I think).03:53
FlynsarmyAndorin: it blinks bright orange on unread messages the way the windows one does03:54
bonez2046Flynsarmy: I never claimed that I was being HELPFUL.. just sharing my thought on the issue03:54
mslstat /var/www | grep Access03:54
virtueThink anyone can explain to me why the mp3s I play are all sped up in any player?03:55
KB1JWQCrap encoding, virtue?03:55
FlynsarmyIf your FTP/SFTP transfer times out and just sits on 'preparing' and never goes away, whats the best way to remove it? Why doesn't it ever time out and go away on its own?03:55
AndorinFlynsarmy: What mine does is change the green circle to a yellow smiley-face... which is what it was doing in Lucid as well, and at least Karmic if I recall03:55
virtueKB1JWQ: Youtube too. Any Mp3/music file.03:55
FlynsarmyAndorin: oh, not up there, i mean in the window list at the bottom03:56
virtueand any*03:56
AndorinFlynsarmy: Oh, I see what you mean03:56
grub2sucksI just downloaded 10.10, and rather than upgrade again, I formatted via the live cd and did a new install.  Now instead of showing the grub menu, the word "GRUB" appears and my computer hangs.  What did I do wrong?03:56
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
AndorinFlynsarmy: Yep, you're right, the text just bolds, no blinking.03:56
FlynsarmyAndorin: hmm. I'm wondering if its a bug with pidgin or if none down there can blink in any app anymore - bug with maverick maybe?03:57
mgmuscaridoes anyone have ideas why a tap interface wouldn't be responding to arp requests?03:57
wakeupstickyso i got the .iso burned to a cd and booted from it. ubuntu took like 10 minutes (literally) to load and when it loaded, it started the file manager over and over creating an infinite loop (the taskbar was full of "Starting file manager" windows which kept popping up03:57
twinkie_addictwell i rebooted ok :)03:57
AndorinFlynsarmy: You said it won't do it in the default theme. Does that mean you tried other themes?03:58
mgmuscariit seems to be dropping all packets03:58
FlynsarmyAndorin: haven't tried others. This is the first time i've ever actually LIKED the default theme. don't want to change it :)03:58
Loshkijjman6: sometimes, nfs renames files instead of deleting them (I forget why). Check your disks for leftover filenames beginning with .nfs...  Note: You need to run 'ls -a' in a terminal to see such files...03:58
Lynx_2everything working ok twinkie?03:58
virtueSo nobody knows why all .mp3s would be sped up for someone?03:59
jjman6_Loshki: yea i looked for hidden files.  nothing03:59
Lynx_2virtue- have utried running it in multiple programs? sorry if u've already stated that, i just got back on.04:00
RabidLockerGnomeHi all, my laptop will only output sound via HDMI. any ideas? it has an ALC888 Analog and Intel HDMI built in04:01
Lynx_2laptop with HDMI is out of my price range ;-)04:01
RabidLockerGnomecost me $500 ;-)04:02
Lynx_2nice find, where ;-)04:02
tioxIs there a way to set sound source?04:02
RabidLockerGnomewalmart, back in january04:02
grub2sucksack, my computer just spontaneously rebooted04:02
virtueLynx_2: Yes, multiple players. Even youtube audio is sped up.04:02
wakeupstickyi just ran the checksums and they are the same04:03
grub2sucksso does anyone know how to troubleshoot booting problems?04:03
Lynx_2virtue: hmmm, might be a flash problem if u're on 10.04 get rid of it, biggest peice of garbage canonical has ever turned out, 10.10 fixed all of my probs04:03
Lynx_2then again, if its just mp3's its not just flash04:03
Jordan_Uvirtue: Is video fast as well?04:03
wakeupstickyso i got the .iso burned to a cd and booted from it. ubuntu took like 10 minutes (literally) to load and when it loaded, it started the file manager over and over creating an infinite loop (the taskbar was full of "Starting file manager" windows which kept popping up)04:04
wakeupsticky^^ any idea what this is about?04:04
virtueLynx_2: It's flash and all mp3s in all players. Running 10.10 final.04:04
virtueJordan_U: I'll test a video file now.04:04
Lynx_2wakeupsticky: had that prob one time, beleive it or not, it was the cd-rom/dvd-rom, was the culprit, swap em out if u have a spare04:04
wakeupstickyyou mean the drive, not the cd itself?04:05
Lynx_2yup, i know, wierd04:05
virtueJordan_U: I played a .mkv and it ran at normal speed, with no sound.04:05
Lynx_2yeah the drive itself04:05
wakeupstickyalso, how do i install ubuntu alongside windows rather than just run it from the cd?04:06
histo!dualboot | wakeupsticky04:06
ubottuwakeupsticky: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:06
Jordan_Uwakeupsticky: If you press any key during the first 5 seconds of boot you can do a CD integrity check, which will fail if there is any probalem with the media or the drive.04:06
Lynx_2virtue-i get wierd sh*t when i don't have mencoder installed, just random crap, i can't explain it, but everytime i do a fresh install, i get wierd crap untill i install it, try sudo apt-get install mencoder04:07
korn788hello i have a question about the new 10.1004:07
DanteCan anyone help me with setting up the internet on the new 10.10 unbuntu04:07
DelvienAnyone else having an issue booting to the liveCD of 10.10 RC1 from usb?04:07
Ryen!ask | korn78804:07
ubottukorn788: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:07
korn788can i use wubi to install it04:08
Jordan_Uvirtue: Can you play any videos with audio? Is it literally only mp3 files or all audio files?04:08
grub2sucksbooting problems. I have them. help. I need it. pretty please with sugar on top04:08
tortoise7dark screen..... blinking cursor upper left.....  no boot from hd nor cd drive..... solution?04:08
korn788!ask can i install 10.10 with wubi04:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:08
BOZZYIs anyone noticing when they boot into 10.10 (at the very least in a virtual machine environment) that your wallpaper appears tiled before you finally hit the desktop?04:09
grub2suckstortoise7: you talking to me?04:09
DanteCan some help with setting up an internet connetion in 10.10?04:09
Lynx_2anyone have a specific question?04:09
GneaDante: plug it in?04:10
korn788can you install ubuntu 10.10 from wubi04:10
stanley_robertsohi folks .. i am facing a weird proble m..04:10
stanley_robertsowhen i use ubuntu 10.10 on vmware server..04:10
tortoise7system was previously running.... did install  an updated graphics driver.....thoughts anyone?04:10
DanteIt is but 10.10 isnt recognizing the contion04:10
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stanley_robertsoand after isnbtalling guestaddins .. ubuntu crashes04:10
stanley_robertsoany idea about it04:10
mattcodesokay, I downloaded Ubuntu VTC Certification (need something to watch whilst the girlfriend is watching thai tv), yes I know certs are like "macdonalds fine cuisine specialist04:10
GneaDante: what kind?04:10
mattcodeshow do I open .bin on Ubuntu, on windoze I'd use virtual cd or something04:11
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu
DanteI have tried both ethernet to wireless and also a usb to a wireless04:11
mattcodespresumably the bin is an image of the cd/dvd and inside are avis04:11
Jordan_Ugrub2sucks: Extra commentary won't get you support sooner, please avoid it in the future. Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?04:11
Dantethe usb to a wire is a module WUSB300N04:11
RabidLockerGnomeOkay, so since all the sound goes through one card, ubuntu is for whatever reason only working with one device. and there's no way to make it use the other one04:11
mslmattcodes, mount -o loop yourdisk.iso /some/mount04:12
mslsomething like that04:12
wakeupstickywhen i try to shrink my c drive i'm told that i can only shrink it by like 1600 MB o_O04:12
virtueLynx_2: Installed mencoder. No apparent changes. :/04:12
DanteAny help with getting a WUSB300N to work with 10.10?04:13
virtueJordan_U: I've only tried mp3s. System sounds seem fine though, just a bit staticy.04:13
wakeupstickyTotal size before shrink in MB: 142492; Size of available shrink space in MB: 164704:13
kgunpowderHelp me out here please?04:13
wakeupstickyThat's crazy...i have much more free space than that04:14
Ken8521Dante, whats the chipset on it?04:14
DanteWhat do you mean by chipset04:14
Jordan_Uvirtue: You said there is a problem with youtube, does the video play fast as well?04:14
Lynx_2wakeupsticky: goto the manual option, its proabably trying to maximize your swap space04:14
Aemaethwakeupsticky, did you defrag first? i'm guessing that if there are chunks of files everywhere that might have an effect?04:14
Aemaethor what Lynx_2 said04:15
virtueJordan_U: Yes. The little seconds on the youtube timeline move about 3x as fast. It's the same thing with any application audip player too.04:15
grub2sucksJordan_U: understood, but given the volume of this channel, it's hard to tell if people have actually seen what gets typed before it's 10 pages into oblivion and/or if they are interested. I'm checking out your link now.04:15
wakeupstickyThere's no manual option unless you mean where you can arrow up/down the amount of space to shrink, but I'm not allowed to increase that04:15
j1trying to upgrade, its telling me not enough disk space, i know there is enough free space, but i think it is looking on the wrong partition, how do i get it to look on the partition that i want04:15
wakeupstickyAnd no, I didn't defrag...04:15
Gnurduxcan someone help me downgrade X, as the version in Maverick breaks lots of things for me?04:15
kgunpowderEXCUSE ME, I have a simple question.04:16
Jordan_Ugrub2sucks: Then just repeat your question, without the commentary.04:16
Proculehello, how do I revert an upgraded package ? the new flashplayer for 10.04 is terrible (in the bad sense)04:16
Ken8521Dante, wireless devices have a chipset on them(most common are Intel, broadcom, atheros, ralink)04:16
Lynx_2wakeupsticky: u actually are allowed too, its kinda hard to find, i was puzzled by that before but unfortunately i don't remember how i bypassed it ;-)04:16
Aemaeth!ask | kgunpowder04:16
ubottukgunpowder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
Ken8521Dante, did you say it's USB?04:16
jadariteI have tried to use a USB to install ubuntu and edubuntu, but when it boots up, it just lists "Syslinux 3.86.......Peter Anvin et al"  and stalls.  I used the universal USB program as instructed.  Can someone help me try to find the solution to getting this installed?  I have been working on this for 2 days.04:16
mattcodeshow can I change the default editor to gvim in ubuntu 10.04?04:16
kgunpowderI just installed Ubuntu 10.10 works fine, but as soon as it boots I lose my desktop, no detected input.04:16
kgunpowderWhat's wrong here? I'm new to Ubuntu so I'm a little clueless.04:17
Lynx_2wakeupsticky: its a tab or something wierd, but read the screen it tells u what to do, once u find it u'll feel like an idiot (or at least i did)04:17
mikeruI'm having trouble with a HP Pavilion dv504:17
Jordan_Ujadarite: If you're making the USB from 10.04 you need to use Ubuntu's "Startup Disk Creator", not unetbootin.04:17
Ken8521mikeru, what type of trouble?04:18
Lynx_2off to bed, night all04:18
mikeruI accidentally turned off the touchpad with the touchpad switch button04:18
mikeruso I turned it on again04:18
jadariteJordan, it's 10.10.  Assume everything is most recent.04:18
mikeruand the touchpad was working again, but the keyboard wasn't04:18
mikeruso I turned it off and on again04:18
mikeruand then the touchpad wasn't working but the keyboard was04:18
kgunpowderStuck in Limbo then?04:19
Jordan_Ujadarite: Then you're trying to make a 10.04 USB from 10.10?04:19
mikeruand again and the touchpad has not worked since then04:19
jadariteJordan, I am on Windows, not using previous ubuntu versions.04:19
McEnroeHey guys, I want to install 10.10. I don't have wired internet and a broadcom wireless recognized by restricted drivers thingy. Since I don't have wired I can't download the wireless driver. I have a usb stick I could use to transfer it, but I need to know what to download first ... Any prior experience with that?04:19
jadariteJordan, nothing to do with 10.404:19
mikeruI went to a VT and killed X04:19
Jordan_Ujadarite: Are you using the latest version of unetbootin?04:19
mikeru(sudo killall Xorg)04:19
wakeupstickyAlso, the instructions for installing ubuntu say to just enter the cd, start up, and follow the instructions...but i don't get installation instructions, i just get ubuntu from the disc04:19
jadariteJordan, I have Windows 7 and I want unbuntu 10.10.  EVERYTHING IS MOST RECENT.04:19
mikeruthen both were working again...04:19
mikerubut new every time I log in, the touchpad GETS TURNED OFF !04:20
jadariteJordan, how do I check that?04:20
seidosanyone help give me some ideas to get sound working in totem and/or rhythmbox?  sounds works currently in chrome, and the login sound works.04:20
mikerulike, I'm moving the cursor and it stops moving as soon as the login sound is heard04:20
zacstonehey have anyone figured out how to get ubuntu desktop at refresh rate of 120hz?04:20
semitoneswakeupsticky, hmm that's odd. Do you see any icons on the desktop when you start ubuntu from the cd?04:20
mikeruKen8521, lookabove04:20
grub2sucksJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/Ph6GuxVs04:20
Aemaethwakeupsticky, as far as the install, you didn't get a choice of 'Try ubuntu' or 'Install' at the very beginning? its the same point it asks for your language, if you used the regular install cd you should have seen this?04:20
zacstoneI am on lastest nvidia drivers for ubuntu04:21
Ken8521mikeru, i was following04:21
wakeupstickyi used the .iso cd04:21
izinucszacstone: trying to hook it up to your big scree04:21
wakeupstickyi burned it04:21
Jordan_Uvirtue: I think it may be a problem with your computer's clock.04:21
Ken8521wow, never heard of anything like that04:21
izinucszacstone: screen?04:21
mikeruKen8521, oh, so do you have any idea :( ?04:21
semitoneswakeupsticky, please be more specific than .iso...04:21
Ken8521mikeru, sorry, i don't....04:21
zacstoneizinucs: not big screen, just my 120hz LCD monitor04:21
zacstoneizinucs: its stuck at 60hz. I hate that.04:22
jadariteJordan, I think you are recommending I use another program instead of the USB universal installer?04:22
kgunpowderWhat am I to do about my screen? When Ubuntu 10.10 boots, my desktop goes to sleep and I hear a notification sound (assuming it's a welcome one).  How can I fix this?04:22
zacstoneizinucs: even the in xconfg i set it to 120hz but my monitor still said its in 60hz mode04:22
izinucszacstone: google your card first and see if it's capable.. if it is.. then did you install nvidia drivers from the hardware drivers appelate or the binary from nvidia?04:22
Jordan_Ugrub2sucks: What you are seeing at boot is not grub2 but grub legacy. Change the boot order in your BIOS.04:22
wakeupstickyubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 is the image file i burned04:23
sanduz2how can you hear a sound if it goes to sleep?04:23
ZGHirczacstone: my nvidia drivers is the beta version.04:23
zacstoneizinucs: I know my card, my card supports more than 120hz for sure, its geforce 9800gt04:23
kgunpowderMy moniter goes to sleep, but I have speakers...04:23
izinucszacstone: so which way did you install the driver?04:23
Jordan_Ujadarite: Yes (I am not familiar with that particular program, and unetbootin is known to work).04:23
zacstoneZGHirc: i even roll back drivers, it won't even help04:23
jadariteJordan, thanks, I will try now04:23
sanduz2kgunpowder, your video card driver probably isnt working. press alt+f1 on your keyboard and login and from there you can work04:23
zacstoneizinucs: from the ubuntu software04:24
Jordan_Ujadarite: You're welcome.04:24
kgunpowderSo just boot it and see if alt+f1 will fix it?04:24
kgunpowderI mean, after I go to sleep hit that?04:24
zacstoneizinucs: is there command to FORCE 120hz no matter what..04:24
ZGHirczacstone: Though it is the beta version .It 's just work well.04:24
izinucszacstone: xrandr will adjust the hz..04:24
virtueJordan_U: .avi video is sped up as well. I enabled the clock applet gnome panel to show system time with seconds. It seems to be functioning normally except that it jumps 2 seconds really often with a small pause, but the pause still keeps it on time exactly.04:24
ABGDis it normal to have CPU usage hovering around 54%? i have a intel core 2 duo04:24
sanduz2kgunpowder, alt+f1 wont fix it, but you will be able to log in and type commands and stuff, thats what you need to start fixing it04:24
izinucs!xrandr | zacstone04:24
ubottuzacstone: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:24
izinucszacstone: despite that the link says it's for dual monitors04:25
sanduz2if its a driver problem anyway04:25
zacstoneubottu: i don't want dual monitor!04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
kgunpowdersanduz2: I'm a complete newbie to Ubuntu, I wouldn't know where to start or how. I'm not exactly the best with video drivers to boot.04:25
sanduz2kgunpowder, but thats the first step no matter what you do so see if it works04:26
McEnroeHey guys, I want to install 10.10. I don't have wired internet and a broadcom wireless recognized by restricted drivers thingy. Since I don't have wired I can't download the wireless driver. I have a usb stick I could use to transfer it, but I need to know what to download first ... Any prior experience with that?04:26
kgunpowdersanduz2 if it works I won't be back.04:26
Jordan_Uvirtue: There are two different clocks, the real time clock which is used for pausing for X number of miliseconds, to keep a program running at a given speed, and the calender clock which keeps the date and time.04:27
BOZZYErrr... I got a quick question here too :)04:27
zacstoneizinucs: ok i'll reboot into ubuntu. i'll be right back04:27
ActionParsnipBOZZY: ask away, no need to announce first :)04:27
Jordan_Uvirtue: One can be working correctly while the other is going too fast, and that appears to be what's happening.04:27
BOZZYHehe... So my question is if I am coming across a bug in 10.1004:27
wakeupstickyubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 is the image file i burned04:27
wakeupsticky^ is that right?04:27
semitonesyes that's right04:27
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
semitoneswakeupsticky, what are you trying to do?04:28
ActionParsnipwakeupsticky: remember to MD5 test the ISO before burning it04:28
BOZZYWhenever I boot up into 10.10 I notice that my wallpaper (current one and default one) would appear tiled before I finally get to my desktop... Is this normal behaviour?>04:28
DanteKen8521: yes its a Linksys usb network adapter04:28
wakeupstickyi md5 tested it and it checked out. i'm trying to install ubuntu alongside windows04:28
ActionParsnipBOZZY: funnily enough I just answered this on launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/12917004:28
ActionParsnipwakeupsticky: good, many don't :)04:29
aezaerthHi the world!04:29
Ken8521Dante, plug the adapter in, give it a second to load, open a terminal, and type lsusb(thats a lowercase L).. hit enter, and find the wireless device in the output04:29
aezaerthI asked a quick question. If you want to export the history of your clipboard (like Parcellite) how would you? The purpose of the maneuver is to copy full link without a switcher from a window to another (Web / Notepad) and have a whole series of linked web column04:29
Dantehow do i open a terminal?04:29
aocoderHowdy! I tried to install something, but instead broke Synpatic. I'm not really sure what I should do... error message follows; what should my next step be? It seems like I have a blank sources.list.04:29
aocoderE: Type 'wget' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list04:29
ActionParsnipDante: CTRL+ALT+T04:29
aocoderE: The list of sources could not be read.04:29
Jordan_U!terminal | Dante04:30
aocoderGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.04:30
ubottuDante: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:30
aocoderE: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:30
FloodBot1aocoder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
wakeupstickyshould i try re-burning the file?04:30
virtueJordan_U: That makes sense. Any ideas on how to access the clock that programs run on?04:30
semitoneswakeupsticky, what happened when you booted from cd?04:30
ssbrI want to install Wine without having internet on the computer I'm installing it on. How would I do this?04:30
BOZZYHehe... That was actually my question ActionParsnip04:30
aphidSince upgrading to 10.10, after authenticating I get an empty desktop background and a mouse cursor but nothing to click...04:30
ActionParsnipaocoder: can you give the output of: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | head -n 55 | tail -n 1      thanks, don't paste like that either please04:30
BOZZYthanks for answering my question :)04:30
ActionParsnipBOZZY: zing!04:30
Jordan_Uvirtue: No, you might want to ask in ##hardware.04:30
wakeupstickywhen i booted from cd i got the screen with "ubuntu" and the five white dots (turning red) for about five minutes (literally). then ubuntu just started up, but "Starting file manager" windows kept popping up over and over (but just in the taskbar)04:30
wakeupstickyfirefox worked for a minute but then kept crashing04:31
zacstone_izinucs: how do i know if i'm on kdm or kde?04:31
aocoderActionParsnip, sorry about the pasting04:31
izinucszacstone_: kdm is kde.. like gdm is gnome..04:31
DanteKen: alright i hout which usb it is in what do i do with it?04:32
Dantei found out*04:32
semitoneswakeupsticky, hmm... what kind of computer is it?04:32
zacstone_izinucs: so i'm on gdm if i'm on ubuntu?04:32
blakkheimActionParsnip: why cat | head when you can just head file04:32
ActionParsnipssbr: you will need to grab all the dependancies from the web, you could start with wine then see what the packages moan about, then go grab that package and so on, very messy04:32
Ken8521Dante, you found out what?04:32
wakeupstickyacer aspire04:32
izinucszacstone_: yes.. unless you're on kubuntu.. but you should have to stop X to make the change04:32
ssbrActionParsnip: Oh. Well. The other part is that strictly speaking I haven't installed ubuntu yet, either04:32
ActionParsnipblakkheim: true but it's what came to mind so I flew with it04:32
AshyIsMeis there an ubuntu package for vim 7.3 somewhere?04:33
AshyIsMei cant seem to find one in synaptic04:33
semitoneswakeupsticky, usually when you boot from the cd04:33
semitoneswakeupsticky, you get a splash screen asking if you want to try ubuntu, run a memory test, etc.04:33
Danteon the terminal it came up with the devices pluged in to each usb is that all i was suppose to get?04:33
aocoderActionParsnip: "cat: /etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory"04:33
blakkheimAshyIsMe: ubuntu usually has outdated packages, if the "vim" package is too old then you should compile it yourself04:33
ActionParsnipAshyIsMe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155828804:33
blakkheim!info vim04:33
wakeupstickyi'm going to reburn the image onto a dvd-r04:33
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 836 kB, installed size 1656 kB04:33
semitoneswakeupsticky, and when you "try ubuntu," it gives you a chance to install later on.04:33
semitoneswakeupsticky, so I'd try doing that again, and have IRC open while you do it if you can04:34
AshyIsMeblakkheim, fair enough, guess im getting lazy in my old age04:34
Ken8521!who | Dante04:34
ubottuDante: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:34
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaDoes anyone know if the Alternate Install CD for Maverick has an option for a command-line install? (no desktop environment)04:34
Ken8521Dante, yes... do you see your wireless device in the list?04:34
wakeupstickycan't have irc open while i try to boot, cause i only have one computer04:34
histoHOLOGRAPHICpizza: thats all it does04:34
blakkheim!mini > HOLOGRAPHICpizza04:34
ubottuHOLOGRAPHICpizza, please see my private message04:34
ActionParsnipaocoder: ok then use nautilus to open /etc/apt   find sources.list and open it, you must have that file as it not only relates to your error (there is a bad line 55) but it's also needed04:34
mikeruKen8521, fixed it04:34
wakeupstickybut i will have it open while i'm reburning and i'll come back after i try to boot again04:35
Ken8521mikeru, great04:35
izinucsHOLOGRAPHICpizza: nope.. server does04:35
mikeruKen8521, I guessed there was something wrong on my session, so I logged in04:35
mikeruthe touchpad got disabled04:35
mikeruKen8521, so I started gnome-do with windows+R04:35
Tac_Homeso, I have 10.10 on my netbook and now I am having trouble with my attached monitor.  The settings window shows everything correctly, but my netbook screen is blank, and I just have a netbook sized portion of my LCD active, and showing what I'd normally see on just the netbook screen.... any thoughts?04:35
semitoneswakeupsticky: ok. You might also like to grab the -alternate cd image while you're at it.04:35
mikeruwent to desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad04:35
mikeruand touchpad_enabled was disabled04:36
jadariteJordan, in UNetbootin, what do I choose to install edubuntu 10.10?  They have several options for ubuntu 10.10 but nothing for edubuntu04:36
wakeupstickyis that an image to try if the normal one doesn't work properly?04:36
Kibamy bootloader is broke04:36
semitoneswakeupsticky, exactly04:36
ActionParsnipTac_Home: try the shortcut key to modify the display, possibly some F-key + fn04:36
kgunpowderI'm back.04:36
kgunpowderAlt+F1 was only a second route to the problem.04:36
DanteKen: yea i says linksys for one of the devices04:36
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaizinucs: I remember the old alternate CDs did, I don't want to have a sever kernel though, which is why I don't just use the server edition.04:36
jadariteIn UNetbootin, what do I choose to install edubuntu 10.10?  They have several options for ubuntu 10.10 but nothing for edubuntu04:37
Ken8521jadarite, have you already dowbnloaded the isO?04:37
histojadarite: edubuntu-desktop04:37
jadariteken, yes04:37
izinucsHOLOGRAPHICpizza: so once installed install the kernel you want and uninstlal the server kernel :)04:37
ActionParsnipKen8521: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you will see the chip it uses (the make is moot) and can websearch on how to make that chip work04:37
histojadarite: nvm ignore me04:37
Ken8521ActionParsnip, lsusb should show the same thing04:37
Kibamy boatloader is broke04:38
ActionParsnipKen8521: no, it shows different stuff, although the 8 character hex ID is also useful for finding guides04:38
kgunpowderI still get a sound that's akin to three sixteenth-notes on a drum of some sort, but my monitor always goes to sleep.04:38
Kibaand I forgot my window password :(04:38
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaizinucs: That's a pain in the butt but I guess I'll do it anyway. :/ lol04:38
jadariteI have both ubuntu 10.10 and edubuntu 10.10.  I don't know the answer to either.  I just see live and net listed04:38
Kibagrub is broke :(04:38
Ken8521jadarite, if you've already downloaded it.. click the option below.. and use the button beside it to navigate to the ISO you downloaded04:38
ActionParsnipKiba: can you expand on "broke", it doesn't tell us anything at all04:38
KibaActionParsnip: I cannot boot into linux04:38
Kibathere is no options04:38
jadariteken, WHAT OPTION BELOW?  BELOW WHAT?  I am confused04:39
wakeupstickyi think maybe i stopped the burn process prematurely last time04:39
wakeupstickyit just popped the cd out but then sucked it back in04:39
Tac_HomeActionParsnip, I don't get what you're asking me to do....04:39
ActionParsnipKiba: ok and what actually happens when you try to boot, what happens onscreen....04:39
histoKiba: doyou still have the instal cd?04:39
wakeupstickyi think i took it out at this point last time04:39
Kibaboot me into a grub terminal04:39
wakeupstickybut it's doing something else now04:39
Kibahisto: can't install via CD04:39
Kibadoesn't even have a CD drive04:39
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RabidLockerGnomeman, this is disheartening. There is not one snd-hda-intel model that works, not one setting that helps. My laptop will not output sound no matter what, unless its going through HDMI. major wtf04:39
histoRabidLockerGnome: its a bug04:40
RabidLockerGnomeand how do i work around it histo ?04:40
semitonesActionParsnip, this may be of interest to someone you were helping: http://www.planetoss.com/detail.php?id=1304:40
histoRabidLockerGnome: there is a fix you can isntall let me get the buglink04:40
aocoderActionParsnip:line 55 =  wget -q http://repository.glx-dock.org/cairo-dock.gpg -0-04:40
kgunpowderI've installed it, but I can't get any visual on Ubuntu at all.  Alt+F1 hasn't helped, it only leads to the same problem.04:40
kgunpowderUsing 10.1004:40
histoRabidLockerGnome: what type of machine do you have04:40
RabidLockerGnomeAcer Aspire 7736Z04:40
ActionParsnipTac_Home: look at your keyboard and you will most likely have one labelled 'Fn' in the bottom left, if you look at the F-keys (F1, F2, F3 etc) you may see a little image of a monitor, maybe with an arrow. it varys from system to system so I cannot describe it exactly, if you press them together it should switch the vga output mode and show a split view or a cloned view and such04:40
CSSnubI'm getting a gconf error when I try to run firefox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512100/04:40
histoRabidLockerGnome: yeap04:40
Ken8521RabidLockerGnome, what was your codec output?04:41
CSSnubAs near as I can tell I don't have gconf04:41
histoKen8521: its a bug04:41
Kibashit shit shit04:41
CSSnuband I don't have any lock files04:41
[Hypnotoad]13 critical updates in Windoze update.04:41
DanteKen: what do I do now? I have a terminal up with the devices in each usb04:41
Ken8521histo, i know... had the same prob on my laptop04:41
Kibacan't access window since I forgot password, no USB drive, etc04:41
histoKen8521: well there is a fix someone made04:41
KibaI am in the worst position04:41
Ken8521Dante, if you're going to say my name, say all of it, otherwise, it doesn't alert me you're talking to me.. and w/ 1600 people here, i don't read every line04:41
Kibaunless I can fix it in grub04:41
Gisellehello all, i need help, someone can tell me how install HideMyIP 2009 in ubuntu please04:41
Ken8521Dante, what chipset is it?04:41
semitoneskgunpowder, did you try ctrl-alt-f1?04:41
ActionParsnipaocoder: thats why, that is a command, not an entry in the sources file. If you run:  gksudo gedit     then open the file then you will have write access and can delete the line, save the new file then run: sudo apt-get update04:41
kgunpowderNo, may I ask what that would do?04:42
Ken8521histo, yeah, adding something to alsa-conf?.. thats what i did, worked on mine04:42
semitoneskgunpowder, that command switches you to a virtual console, which is like a terminal that lets you imput commands.04:42
histoKen8521: different issue different card04:42
CSSnubShould I install gconf?04:42
histoRabidLockerGnome: bug #61764704:42
Ken8521hmm, i thougth he said intel04:42
histoRabidLockerGnome: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/61764704:42
kgunpowdersemitones, what commands do I input? I've no experience with Ubuntu04:42
semitoneskgunpowder, sometimes those are working when graphics aren't working for whatever reason04:42
histoRabidLockerGnome: basically install dkms and the deb that the one guy links at near the bottom04:43
semitoneskgunpowder, lets do it one step at a time :) first see if that works.04:43
DanteKen8521: how do i tell? it doesnt say in the terminal and the only thing i can say is that it was made 12/200704:43
aocoderActionParsnip - okay, that makes sense04:43
ActionParsnipKiba: make a bootable usb using a different system and you can reinstall grub. I am not conversant with grub but you CAN boot if you type certain commands at the prompt04:43
aocoderActionParsnip: thanks04:43
RabidLockerGnomehisto, excellent, thanks04:43
histoRabidLockerGnome: its a problem with the detection of the card. Problem is across architecture and distros it's a problem with the 2.6.35 kernel04:43
kgunpowdersemitones I'm booting to it, other than that (which takes a little bit) is there another way to do this side-by-side?04:43
histoRabidLockerGnome: please mark the bug as effecting you also04:43
RabidLockerGnomehisto: what an annoyance!04:43
Ken8521Dante, try this in a terminal see if it tells you more.. sudo lshw -C network04:43
ActionParsnipaocoder: you need gksudo to run gedit with elevated access, just opening the file only opens it as user whic doesn't have write access the file04:43
histoRabidLockerGnome: yeah its not a problem on anything running earlier kernels like 2.6.3204:43
semitoneskgunpowder, is your problem that you can't see anything when you boot up ubuntu?04:44
Chaos2358can some one help me? i found a way to install yahoo messenger on ubuntu on http://www.technixupdate.com/download-yahoo-messenger-for-ubuntu-linux-with-webcam-voice-chat-photo-sharing-support/ but my terminal cannot find libssl0.9.6" any ideas????04:44
grub2sucksJordan_U: Hmmm  It looks like I have grub2 installed on my ubuntu partition, and grub 0.97 on my windows partition.  Is that a problem?04:44
ActionParsnipChaos2358: which release?04:44
kgunpowdersemitones yes, I get a welcome sound (three beats on a drum) and my monitor goes to sleep shortly beforehand.  After that, I'm screwed.04:44
Tac_HomeActionParsnip, Nothing happened good... aside from now whenever I type it switches monitor configurations on it's own.....04:44
RabidLockerGnomeNow if only my computer wouldn't slow to a crawl when I tried to use HDMI, i'd be set!04:44
ActionParsnip!info libssl lucid04:44
semitoneskgunpowder, funny story, that happened to me the very first time I tried ubuntu, 4 years ago :)04:44
ubottuPackage libssl does not exist in lucid04:45
sin_taxWhat's a good size for an ubuntu partition on a dual boot system (128GB primary HDD)04:45
sin_tax30GB? 20?04:45
kgunpowdersemitones, great, then you should know the answer?04:45
histosin_tax: yeah04:45
hmmmmmmmmi'm having the wonderful ubuntu black screen problem, if anyone can help me, that'd be greate ...adding nomodeset to grub on bootup doesn't work for me either : (04:45
ActionParsnipsin_tax: the system partition can be 10Gb and be very happy, use the rest for swap and /home04:45
Chaos2358ActionParsnip wow that really sucks. thank you though04:45
histosin_tax: I split my drive in half when I was dual booting back in teh day but it's really up to you.04:45
izinucssin_tax: safe side 3 partitions.. root "/" 8-12 gigs.... swap 1-2gigs... /home the rest (it's where your data lives)04:45
ActionParsnipChaos2358: its in there dude, sec04:45
goo__ActionParsnip: libssl-dev ?04:46
Chaos2358ActionParsnip oh ok cool04:46
sin_taxdo I need swap with 8GB of RAM and SSD?04:46
semitoneskgunpowder, I know what my answer was, for ubuntu 4 years ago :P04:46
sin_taxAlso, is EXT4 fine for SSD?04:46
DanteKen8521: which part are you asking for from what came up? it looks like it looking at the ethernet port and not the usb04:46
kgunpowdersemitones, ?04:46
semitoneskgunpowder, but I can show you what I did. What kind of monitor and graphics card are you using?04:46
UbuntuLilyI have Maverick and for some reason everytime I reboot i lose my nvidia video settings (keeps reverting to 800x600 but I want to use 1024 x 768)04:46
Ken8521!wireless | Dante04:46
ubottuDante: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:46
UbuntuLilyAnyone have an idea how to deal with this?04:46
Ken8521Dante, i don't think i'm gonna be able to help you, maybe you'll havve some luck w/ that04:47
ActionParsnipsin_tax: shouldnt do04:47
izinucsUbuntuLily: start nvidia-settings from terminal using sudo and save the changes to xorg.conf..(it's an option)04:47
ActionParsnip!info libssl0.9.8 | Chaos235804:47
ubottuChaos2358: libssl0.9.8 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is important. Version 0.9.8o-1ubuntu4.1 (maverick), package size 845 kB, installed size 1844 kB04:47
kgunpowdersemitones, I'm using an old HP with some nVidia chip set and an HP monitor04:47
sin_taxActionParsnip, shouldn't do what? sorry..04:47
ActionParsnipChaos2358: you may need to symlink the file to libssl0.9.7 in /lib04:47
kgunpowdersemitones excuse me while I get the specs04:47
hmmmmmmmmizinucs: any idea how to handle the black screen on bootup? have m33004:47
ActionParsnipsin_tax: shouldn't need swap, whats the PC for?04:48
chris8Hey room... got a newer tower and wondering about connecting my old tower in some sort of LAN or cluster to maximize efficiency... is this worth it? Mosix?04:48
Giselle!wireless | Giselle04:48
Chaos2358actionparsnip great thanks04:48
ubottuGiselle, please see my private message04:48
semitoneskgunpowder, ok, you may need to have those handy :)04:48
izinucshmmmmmmmm: did you build the computer? or does it have a gforce motherboard that might be 2 years old?04:48
sin_taxActionParsnip, everything, it is my main desktop04:48
hmmmmmmmmizinucs: brand new sony vaio f series (new as of May 10)04:48
ActionParsnipsin_tax: yes, but what activities do you do?04:48
izinucshmmmmmmmm: gforce motherboard chipset that is.. not specifically a gforce board04:48
kgunpowdersemitones, I'm using an NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE chipset with about 800mb of vram on a 1280 * 1024 resolution04:49
zhengshiGoogle Desktop or Beagle ? Which is better?04:49
kgunpowdersemitones using an HP f1905e monitor04:49
ActionParsnipsin_tax: 3D modelling, music mixing and mastering, sound composin, cad, dtp, chat, compiling.....04:49
RabidLockerGnomehisto: its working now. Thanks!!!!!!!!04:49
ActionParsnipzhengshi: neither is better, nor worse04:49
sin_taxGraphic design, light gaming, programming, IRC, lots of browsing04:49
UbuntuLilyHere?    /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:49
aphidsince updating to 10.10, after I authenticate all I get is a blank desktop-background artsy abstract graphic and a cursor.. but I can't do anything04:49
ActionParsnipsin_tax: should be fine04:49
semitoneskgunpowder, alright great. We may have to look up some specs about that monitor later, but right now lets see if we can get that virtual terminal working04:49
AndChathow do i entwr my wpa password in text mode?04:50
izinucshmmmmmmmm: could be many things.. maybe turn off acpi on the kernel line.. pci=nomsi on the kernel line... plymouth (boot splash screen) messing up.. nvidia bug.. hard to tell.04:50
ActionParsnipzhengshi: a better implies a best which simply doesn't exist. Use both for a while and see which YOU like04:50
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DanteKen8521: If i have a driver for it for linux how can I install it?04:50
KibaI can't boot :(04:50
Ken8521Dante, well it depends on the driver.04:50
Ken8521Dante, install it per the instructions04:50
ActionParsnipKiba: i'd put more text than that in your question like the stuff I had to get out of you earlier, people are more likely to reply04:51
DanteKen8521: the only instructions i have is the ones from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53077204:51
KibaActionParsnip: well, I am dropped into grub rescue prompt04:51
Ken8521Dante, ok, so follow those.04:51
* Kiba is in general panic04:51
mattcodesanyone suggest a password manager (for outside of browser) - should have sync ability or at least be dropbox compatible?04:51
sin_taxThe 10.10 installer is very slick, I like that it starts the file loading while you do timezone, etc.04:51
DanteKen8521: I was trying to get to that but the folders werent there04:51
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ActionParsnipKiba: yes you told me earlier, but if you must repeat then if you give some details right off the bat then you will most likely be helped more04:52
kgunpowdersemitones, you there?04:52
KibaActionParsnip: what information do you want?04:52
semitonesstill here04:52
chris8Hey room... wondering about creating a LAN or cluster with my old tower and my newer one... is this worth it? Mosix?04:52
RabidLockerGnomeBig problem #2: Ubuntu is becoming totally unresponsive when I plug in HDMI. The second I unplug it, it's fine. Any ideas???04:53
Chaos2358 ok one more question. is ubuntu 10.04 "Debian Sid" or "Debian Woody"??04:53
ActionParsnipKiba: no, when you type a question in here add detail. Instead of "My system won't boot" you could try adding at least some details. You will get more help04:53
Ken8521Chaos2358, ? neither? it's ubuntu 10.0404:53
KibaActionParsnip: I am using wubi ubuntu04:53
semitoneskgunpowder, after you hear the login drums, try going into the virtual terminal by pressing 'ctrl-alt-f1'04:53
Kibaand recently upgraded to 10.1004:53
ActionParsnipKiba: my suggestion is to use a different PC to make a bootable USB device / SD card and boot that, or websearch how to give raw commands to grub to make it boot04:53
izinucsRabidLockerGnome: research xrandr.. it will help redirect video output to the hdmi04:54
Kibawhich um...created a mess out of grub04:54
ActionParsnipKiba: oh dear, wubi really sucks04:54
kgunpowdersemitones I'll give that a shot, this will take me about five minutes or so to boot my PC about three times. So don't leave me here.04:54
Chaos2358Ken8521 ok sorry for the dumb question i didn't know as i'm only three weeks into using linux/ubuntu04:54
ActionParsnipKiba: may help: http://calamari.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/fixing-a-broken-wubi-grub-after-ubuntu-updates/04:54
Ken8521Chaos2358, well what exactly are you trying to download?... you should really try to use the package manager04:54
semitoneskgunpowder, alright i'll be here04:54
KibaActionParsnip: the only problem is that I forgot my window password :(04:55
ActionParsnipKiba: ask about that in ##windows then04:55
DanteHow do I log in as root?04:55
Chaos2358Ken8521 package manager doesnt have what i'm looking for. http://www.technixupdate.com/download-yahoo-messenger-for-ubuntu-linux-with-webcam-voice-chat-photo-sharing-support/ it's supposed to be yahoo messenger04:55
ActionParsnipDante: you don't04:55
ActionParsnip!noroot | Dante04:55
ubottuDante: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.04:55
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:56
ActionParsnipDante: you dont need to either, you are a member of admin so you can use sudo and gksudo to get admin access04:56
RabidLockerGnomeizinucs: Thanks!04:56
semitonesum guys, do you know if dkpg-reconfigure xservers-xorg is still a viable command for manually configuring graphics?04:56
ActionParsnipDante: it makes the system a whole tonne more secure04:56
izinucsRabidLockerGnome: work?04:56
RabidLockerGnomegoogling now, izinucs04:56
ActionParsnipsemitones: not anymore, not since gutsy I believe04:56
izinucsRabidLockerGnome: good luck..04:56
Ken8521Chaos2358, hmm, i guess if i was gonna try one of those, I'd try the Jaunty package04:56
RabidLockerGnomeizinucs: Thanks again.04:57
chris8Hi room... can anyone give me some advice on combining towers? is it worth it? what program to use? Mosix?04:57
Chaos2358Ken8521 ok thank you04:57
izinucsRabidLockerGnome: np :)04:57
Ken8521Chaos2358, hang on a sec...04:57
semitonesActionParsnip, ok, in that case, what should I do to help someone who hears the login drums but doesn't see any picture?04:57
Chaos2358Ken8521 ok04:57
ActionParsnipsemitones: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html04:58
izinucssemitones: drop to a tty (ctrl+alt+F2).. log in .. and do a full update with .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ..04:58
ActionParsnipchris8: can you expand on "combining towers" please04:58
izinucssemitones: then .. sudo reboot now ..04:58
Ken8521Chaos2358, hmm, seems the jaunty packages ar emissing.04:58
semitonesizinucs, how much will that help if they're using 10.10?04:59
chris8Action: through a LAN or cluster... apparently Mosix is one of a few different programs that can sync up different nodes in a cluster04:59
semitonesActionParsnip, thanks :)04:59
Chaos2358Ken8521 so i'm guessing there is going to be no way i can get yahoo voice and video chat on ubuntu then04:59
Ken8521Chaos2358, there has to be an ubuntu package around somewhere04:59
izinucssemitones: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade to the next release.. just upgrades current packages to more recent ones if they are available.04:59
mattcodesI have ~/Dropbox/Books , how I can add this to gnome file manager shortcuts so I dont have to find the folder everytime I want to save this this directory?05:00
obj-cWhat's the objective C channel on freenode05:00
Chaos2358Ken8521 Reason it's so important is my brother and alot of my old squad are still in afghan and all use yahoo vid chat05:00
izinucssemitones: it's the first think I do to make sure the system is up to date05:00
semitonesizinucs, ok05:00
Ken8521Chaos2358, yeah, i understand05:00
DavyCavehello all05:01
chris8ActionParsnip: guess i'm looking for feedback on running a micro-cluster: forseeable problems and a measure of utility05:01
Chaos2358Ken8521 i've been searching for two weeks and thats all i can find though. any ideas on where else to look?05:01
DavyCavecan you run an Nvidia 8600GT and a Radeon HD card together on ubuntu 10.04 with full driver support?05:01
Aemaethwhy does xchat for windows ask for $20?05:01
semitoneskgunpowder, are you here now?05:01
grub2sucksJordan_U: that worked, thanks!05:01
kgunpowdersemitones, if I press the said keys BEFORE the drums (ie: at a three choice boot selection screen) I get the same as I would in the recovery option, but it only scrolls down as far as kernel_thread_helper or something. AFTER the drums, nothing happens at all.05:01
ActionParsnipchris8: may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSP-Cluster05:02
Ken8521Chaos2358, https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa05:02
chris8ActionParsnip: Thanks man! Take it easy!05:02
semitoneskgunpowder, ok... hmm... try ctrl-alt-f2, ctrl alt-f3, etc... and see if any of those will give you a virtual terminal and a place to login05:02
izinucsDavyCave: as long as you hand write the xorg.conf file.. suggestion.. put one card in. install drivers and with nvidia-settings you can get it to write it's info to xorg.conf.. then install the ati and do the same.. combine the two in the correct fashion and you should be good to go.. it won't be easy though..05:03
Danteis there a default password for su?05:03
semitoneskgunpowder, are you running ubuntu from the live cd by the way?05:03
Aemaethmattcodes, can you drag the directory to the bar on the left side of nautilus?05:03
Chaos2358Ken8521 ok i'm not exactlly sure what that is?05:03
Ken8521Dante, stop using SU05:03
mattcodesAemaeth will try now05:03
ActionParsnipDante: no, you can use: sudo -i    and get a root terminal05:03
Ken8521Chaos2358, PPA repository for gyachi...05:03
kgunpowderThis terminal would look like? Semitones I downloaded 10.10 onto a CD , wouldn't work, so by putting the CD in while running win7, it prompted for an installation apart from the win7 OS, so I took that option.05:03
Chaos2358ken8521 ok i just saw the gyachi at the bottom05:04
chris8ActionParsnip: hmmm... not too sure if tha's what I'm looking for... the clusters don't have servers05:04
histoHow do you upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 from cd?05:04
ActionParsnipDante: there is no root password and the account is disabled. I can't be any clearer05:04
mattcodesAemeath, FFS, it was that simple :) thanks05:04
DavyCave izinucs: thanks for the input. Yea its never easy :-\05:04
Chaos2358Ken8521 thank you so much. you seriouslly dont know how much that means05:04
virtueJordan_U: Thanks. I adjusted this internal clock via appending "noapic acpi=off" to the grub boot entry for this OS.05:04
DanteKen8521: How do you install NDISWrapper05:04
Aemaethmattcodes, i also use dropbox, and i moved a shortcut to the entire dropbox folder to there on nautilus, so that should help you out05:04
Ken8521Chaos2358, no problem05:04
Aemaethmattcodes, great05:04
ActionParsnipchris8: you can run the system on desktop systems, you will just have X taking up various amounts of ram and cpu05:05
hmmmmmmmmizinucs: i think this may help, http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/wiki/NVIDIASetup however, don't have anything in the proc folder ... any ideas?  thanks btw05:05
Aemaeththat link should also make one in your "places" bar on top, but doesn't always show up in every program05:05
semitoneskgunpowder, ok, so when you boot up, do you have a bootloader that lets you choose between windows and ubuntu?05:05
ActionParsnipchris8: http://fghaas.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/ubuntu-10-04-with-full-cluster-stack-support/05:05
NetUserhey guys i have a e1550 i did the mode switch and everything worked fine for about 2 hours, now ever time i plug in my device i get the message network dissconnected, even before i try and connect to the network and the internet has stop working05:05
NetUserany ideas?05:05
chris8ActionParsnip: gah! totally! thanks!05:05
kgunpowdersemitones, yes, then on the choice of ubuntu I have three other options, normal, recovery, or back to square one05:05
ActionParsnipchris8: a server is simply a system offering services to other systems05:05
izinucshmmmmmmmm: the post says it all.05:06
semitoneskgunpowder, ok... well the virtual terminal would look something like a DOS interface -- just white/gray text on a black screen05:06
chris8ActionParsnip: i thought in a cluster that all the nodes were "equal"05:06
ActionParsnipchris8: true, afaik05:06
kgunpowdersemitones, anything to put into that?05:06
mattcodesclipboard manager? on windoze I use arsclips which stores the last 10 entries, i can do ctrl+alt+z (1..10) and see last ten, recommendation/05:06
histough you can't upgrade from desktop cd05:06
semitoneskgunpowder, possibly :D first lets see if you can get one05:06
chris8ActionParsnip: so does one fuction as a server? or do they all do a little bit? :P05:07
semitoneskgunpowder, if not, ActionParsnip found me a link that will help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html05:07
kgunpowdersemitones, ....taking me step by step I may be new to ubuntu, but not to software! *leaves to do as is told*05:07
chris8ActionParsnip: thanks for the headsup and the directions! i'm outtie!05:07
Doc1987I have a aspire 1 532h netbook that had bluetooth capablities when I had windows installed. Now with ubuntu netbook the computer tells me that I don't have a bluetooth adapter installed.05:07
etyrnal_how do i create a user who can NOT change their password using the GIU?05:07
Aemaethmattcodes, screenlets has something like that, and another more native approach i can't remember just now05:08
blakkheimwhy would you do that to your poor user :(05:08
etyrnal_i am a parent05:08
sin_taxIs there any reason to install 10.04 x64 instead of 10.10 or should I got ahead with maverick?05:08
kgunpowdersemitones, save that, I'm going to try one solution at a time.05:08
kgunpowderbrb semitones05:08
blakkheimetyrnal_: you can always reset it as root05:08
semitoneskgunpowder, gotcha, good luck05:08
blakkheimetyrnal_: or even have a cron job that resets it every night05:09
etyrnal_i don't want to have to05:09
semitonesoh snap05:09
semitonesI didn't realize he couldn't do it at the same time as irc...05:09
killawat-313is enlightenment considered a desktop environment or a windows manager?05:09
blakkheimkillawat-313: a window manager05:09
etyrnal_How do i set a user up so that their password can not e changed?05:10
etyrnal_(by the user that is)05:10
ActionParsnipkillawat-313: sounds like a WM to me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Enlightenment05:10
Aemaethmattcodes, the screenlet thing i'm talking about is called "Copystack" within that program, but i KNOW there's one that you can put just by your clock, someone else in the room will probably know it05:11
killawat-313so then i would need to install it over and environment right?05:11
etyrnal_another reason, is because it's a shared account...  a family account...  and i do not want child A being able to accidentally/purposefully change the password05:11
mattcodesAemaeth will take a look thanks05:11
etyrnal_and i don't see why i should have to pass my request for help past an evaluation just to get help?05:11
blakkheimkillawat-313: it usually runs standalone05:12
beilabsjust installed redis on ubuntu 10.04.....server is started, when I go to the web console on http://localhost:6379/ I get -ERR wrong number of arguments-ERR unknown command a number of times, any tips?05:12
Aemaethmattcodes, the only reason you wouldn't like the screenlets is 1) it puts it on the desktop  2) it takes a whole nother program just to run05:12
killawat-313ok thanks05:12
etyrnal_so, is there a way to set a user's password, and then make it so that user can not change the password?05:12
blakkheim!repeat | etyrnal_05:12
ubottuetyrnal_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com05:12
troy-if a virtual machine is whole disk encrypted setup in an LVM container - how can i mount the /boot partition without decrypting?05:12
ActionParsnipkillawat-313: it may be able to stand on its own, fluxbox and openbox can do this but from that wiki it sounds like it needs a DE. I've not used E before though05:12
mattcodesone more question is there an alt+tab (fast) between apps running in different windows, I know I have winkey+A which is pretty fast but quick switching between a and b a global alt+tab?05:13
etyrnal_i love how people will question my motives for asking for help, but then won't help05:13
meeehow do i install a game thats on a disc?05:13
blakkheimmeee: is it a linux game?05:13
Aemaethmattcodes, if you're using compiz, there's all sorts of bindings you can make to do different things, if you are and want more info just ask05:14
izinucsetyrnal_: not sure exactly how but it has to do with what group the user belongs to..05:14
spotterupdated to maverick, ssh doesn't come up on boot05:14
meee<blakkheim> its CSS05:14
spotterthis is annoyting as it's a headless box05:14
spottercan blindly login as root w/ keyboard attached and start /etc/init.d/ssh start05:14
Gneaspotter: was sshd selected during installation?05:14
spotterbut upstart isn't starting it05:14
spotterGnea, upgrade from lucid to maverick05:14
=== alpha080 is now known as iKDE
etyrnal_izinucs: thanks!  a least that's a start...  so You are saying, that as far as You know, it is/may be possible tho?05:14
Digital_1No don't05:15
Digital_1Maverick is bumpy05:15
Gneaspotter: weird. did you check to make sure it's in the runlevels?05:15
zhengshi_chrome 8.0!05:15
Digital_1LTS ftw05:15
meee<blakkheim> ya i think so05:15
doc1987_can anyone help me with a bluetooth issue im having with ubuntu netbook05:15
ActionParsnipspotter: log a bug and you can add the command in /etc/rc.local   as a hacky workaround (or mess with the bootup if you wish)05:15
spotterGnea, it was uninstalled from /etc/rc2.d05:15
izinucsetyrnal_: I know it's possible.. user settings are very flexable05:15
mattcodesi see there is a compiz process running, im on 10.04 ubuntu (gnome) pretty default setup at the moment?05:15
Gneaspotter: why?05:15
spotterI have no idea05:15
spotterI manually update-rc.d it into place05:15
spotterthen dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server05:15
Digital_1Anyone get Gwibber to work with Facebook?05:15
spotterand it was removed again05:15
ActionParsnipspotter: log a bug05:15
semitonesDigital_1, yep05:15
Prohibitedhello =P05:15
Gneaspotter: I would just update-rc.d it and leave it at that05:16
Pinnamaverick is bumpy and i'm jumpy for natty.05:16
Gneaspotter: and file a bug while you're at it05:16
etyrnal_izinucs: thanks -- that right there is a big help - no i know where to start looking - much appreciated05:16
izinucsetyrnal_: good luck.. nice project05:16
Digital_1@semitones Mine just has an authorize button and it does authorize but afterwards  I can't find anything to actually add the account.  Did you have any such troubles with yours?05:16
etyrnal_so maybe create a group, put that user in it, and then set that group to be unable to change it's pw -- essentially, right?05:16
spotterGnea, not a "bug"05:16
spotterfrom it's postinst05:16
spotteremove_old_init_links() {05:16
spotterit actively does this05:16
FloodBot1spotter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
Gneaspotter: if it's not working like it's supposed to be working, it's got a bug05:17
sacarlsonspotter: you can just make a work around untill you find the real problem.  setup a cron @reboot to start a script that waits 30 secounds before it starts it.  I asume it tries to start before the networks is up05:17
spotterbut its doing what it means to do05:17
Aemaethmattcodes, alright then, you can install the "compizconfig-settings-manager" and "fusion-icon"  and then open in applications > system tools > the fusion icon for compiz05:17
izinucsetyrnal_: maybe.. but more like remove membership in the group that allows password changes.05:17
doc1987_can anyone help me with a bluetooth issue im having with ubuntu netbook05:17
kgunpowdersemitones, I'm on, this has worked so far.05:17
zhengshi_Will Firefox 4.0 enter 10.10 ?05:17
ActionParsnip!details | doc1987_05:17
ubottudoc1987_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:17
mattcodeszhengshi, its not out of beta yet so unlikely05:17
ActionParsnipzhengshi_: if you add the mozilla ppa you can have it now05:17
Gneaspotter: right, but for a server, I would expect sshd to be working out of the box, particularly if I explicitly told it to be installed at install time05:18
etyrnal_hmm - the user is in a group named after their own name05:18
ActionParsnipetyrnal_: thats normal05:18
meeehow do i install an iso file05:18
izinucsetyrnal_: no.. there are several/many groups that a user belongs to "out of the box"05:18
zhengshi_I had.. But I doesn't feel it good..05:18
ActionParsnipetyrnal_: you will also notice the group ownership of $HOME is the username05:18
Aemaethmattcodes, i'm on a fresh install too, so we both need to do this..hah05:18
ActionParsnipmeee: you need to mount it then install whatever is inside05:18
sacarlsonspotter: or just modify the ssh-server script to wait some time after boot before it starts05:18
mattcodessudo meee, mount -o loop /home/me/download.iso /mount/mydownload05:18
mattcodesif mount/mydownload doesnt exist do mkdir -p /mount/mydownload05:19
etyrnal_ActionParsnip: i see that05:19
LowweAnyone know of some virtual machine software that will actually let me use my video card and install drivers for it?05:19
ActionParsnipmattcodes: meee: the mount point must exist (a mount point will be an empty folder)05:19
etyrnal_hmmm - not seeing a way to control groups, except for membership05:19
CSSnubHow do I reinstall gconf?05:19
meee<ActionParsnip> i mounted it and theres a lot of stuff inside05:19
izinucsLowwe: nope.. vm implies vm hardware05:19
ActionParsnipetyrnal_: why do you prefix stuff with 'hmmm'?05:19
ActionParsnipmeee: cool then do what you need to do with it05:20
mattcodesAeamoth, wow. sweet,  loads of things to tweet... :) thanks05:20
meee<ActionParsnip> what05:20
mattcodestweet -> tweak05:20
Jordan_ULowwe: What is your end goal?05:20
twinkie_addicti noticed like 5 errors when i loged in to cli seem update-notifier was not installed an cpu checker . i installed update-notifier and that fix erros05:20
Lowweizinucs: I was planning on having Ubuntu as my main OS, and run Windows in VM for games... I guess i'm screwed here?05:20
izinucsLowwe: because the guest doesn't see the actual hardware in the machine but the virtualized hardware provided by the vm software05:20
LowweJordan_U: ^05:20
AndChathow do i entwr my wpa password in text mode?05:20
meee<ActionParsnip> what do i do with it?05:20
lucentUSB stick creation is hosed due to syslinux incompatibilities, how lovely.05:20
tonysanhow do I execute command in existing desktop session with only cli?05:21
lucentAndChat: I'm not aware of a way to do this through network-manager and cli05:21
crankharderafter updating all of my packages (including grub), I rebooted and "the symbol grub_puts_ not found"  and I get a grub rescue prompt -- any ideas?05:21
ActionParsnipetyrnal_: you have an owner with some access, the group ownershi pwith access. You can change the group ownershi pto give different people access to the data, the last access is the rest of the world05:21
spotterbug filed05:21
Aemaethmattcodes, oh yea, my favorite are using the "shift switcher" bound to my left click button at the bottom of the screen to cycle windows in that immediate desktop, and right click for all workspaces,05:21
lucenttonysan: you need to set SCREEN environment variable05:21
izinucsLowwe: well.. 3d with virtualbox is still experimental.. so yea.. most likely05:21
ActionParsnipmeee: well I have no idea what file the iso relates to. "an ISO file" could be the iso of ANYTHING05:21
Jordan_ULowwe: You can enable 3D acceleration in VirtualBox, it just doesn't work the way you think / explained.05:21
meee<ActionParsnip> its diablo 205:21
izinucsLowwe: dual boot05:21
tonysanlucent: more hint? my vncserver is not working well...05:21
LowweHate dual boot05:21
ActionParsnipLowwe: you arent going to get full gaming in a VM05:22
lucenttonysan: trying to remember how to do it, hang on05:22
tonysanso I need a VNC-less solution05:22
ActionParsnipmeee: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=7405:22
joej323can anyone provide assistance with install of 10.10 desktop? I keep running into an initramfs error05:22
Jordan_Utonysan: DISPLAY=:0.0 some-command05:22
LowweActionParsnip: I've seen it done on a mac05:22
ActionParsnipmeee: it runs in wine05:22
_joeanyone else have trouble with maverick becoming "theme-less" after installing the binary nvidia drivers?05:22
izinucstonysan: remote X?05:22
ActionParsnipLowwe: tats mac, it has different support to linux05:22
etyrnal_ActionParsnip: can i do this through. /System/Administration/Users and Groups?05:23
ActionParsnipLowwe: we arent talking about mac here05:23
Aemaethmattcodes, with compiz you can make your system as pretty or as dull as you feel fits your needs, obviously a professional setting doesn't need fancy things but you show a non *nix user the cube and they're normally impressed,  although i love my sphere <305:23
ActionParsnipetyrnal_: if you like, sure05:23
lucenttonysan: I messed up, okay it's DISPLAY environment variable05:23
tioxFunny! I just watched something about WINE-based services online.05:23
LowweActionParsnip: I know, just stating the fact. It was a mac emulating windows05:23
FyreFoXhi is upgrading from 9.10 to 10.10 a supported path?05:23
spotteradding ssh to rc2.d didn't help05:23
spotterstill not coming up05:23
lucenttonysan: your first X11 session will be ':0' which is a shortcut for localhost:0 I think05:23
tonysanizinucs: well, I use windoze in my office...05:23
lucenttonysan: export DISPLAY=:0; gedit05:23
spotteroff to login again05:23
lucentthat would run gedit05:23
ActionParsnipLowwe: as far as I know you won't get great 3d performance in a VM under linux05:23
LowweActionParsnip: damn05:24
mattcodesAemaeth, probably just for shortcut setup for now although visual aids can definitely help productivity in many circumstances05:24
tioxCedega's the best option, paid, CodeWeavers makes CXGames, a good alternative that supports the WINE effort more than Cedega does. PlayOnLinux's free, and if you wanna be ambitious, just go nuts and get WINE.05:24
ActionParsnipLowwe: you could ask in ##vbox05:24
lucenttonysan: requires that your Xauthority file is created and that you have magic MIT cookies set up properly, which they may or may not be05:24
doc1987_im running ubuntu netbook version 10.04 and when i start up my bluetooth applet does not start. How do I get it to start up?05:24
meee<ActionParsnip> i already have the game mounted on my desktop05:24
izinucstonysan: remote X over ssh using putty on windows with gtk loaded.. I saw a post once about it after googling05:24
lucentdoc1987_: there's a switch to make it always display or only when connected, are you wanting that?05:24
ActionParsnipmeee: thats fine, launch the setup binary with wine05:24
mattcodesshortcut to restore a minimized app?05:24
meee<ActionParsnip> whats that05:25
ActionParsnip!wine | meee05:25
ubottumeee: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:25
FreshPrincei recently upgrade to  maverick.. is it normal that the font have changed?05:25
doc1987_lucent: im wanting it to always display05:25
lucentFreshPrince: I've heard reports that fonts are changed here and there, it's not "normal" but also it is well known05:25
Jordan_UFreshPrince: Yes, it's the new font made specifically for Ubuntu.05:25
ActionParsnipmattcodes: could use alt+tab05:25
FreshPrinceok cool :>05:25
AemaethFreshPrince, it changed for me from 10.0405:25
FreshPrincemine too yes05:25
FreshPrincewell it looks great05:26
lucentdoc1987_: okay, the way I would do it is different than the sane way05:26
tioxSince the frivolous questions are being asked now, I wanna know: Is there a way to rename the menus in Ubuntu?05:26
mattcodesActionParsnip, doh! of course... too much beer last night05:26
AemaethActionParsnip, now he can make alt-tab do all sorts of neat things :305:26
ActionParsnipizinucs: you'll need xming running for the app to stick to05:26
tonysanizinucs: cygwin/X is pretty old, and I have a very hard time configuring it.05:26
meee<ActionParsnip> i have wine and every time i try to run the setup.exe it tells me to insert disc05:26
Jordan_Utiox: Right click > Edit Menus05:26
lucentdoc1987_: sane way is System > Preferences > Bluetooth [x] Show Bluetooth icon05:26
jferhi i was wondering how to select what packages are installed using a preseed file for ubuntu server05:26
tioxNo no, the top-level menu names.05:26
spotterGnea, the strangest thing about this05:26
lucentdoc1987_: insane way is install 'dconf-tools' and run dconf-editor to edit the GSettings value manually05:27
spotterGnea, the strangest thing about this05:27
tioxLike, renaming Applications to Start for instance.05:27
ActionParsnipdoc1987_: simply add the command "bluetooth-applet" to your Sessions, log out and log in again05:27
tonysanlucent: so it is export DISPLAY=:0; gedit05:27
spotterwhen I nmap the box b4 I login as root and start ssh, no ports are open05:27
doc1987_lucent: ok...i dont really know if my laptop is supporting bluetooth honestly. it tells me no adapters but when i had windows on this thing it had bluetooth05:27
MACscris it easy to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04?05:27
spotterno services available05:27
Jordan_UMACscr: Yes.05:27
histo!upgrade | MACscr05:27
ubottuMACscr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:27
spotteras soon as I start it up and ssh in, a lot of ports become visible05:27
ActionParsnipmattcodes: alt+tab is sweet :)05:27
KibaI am in initramfs05:27
spotteras one would expect05:27
tonysanlucent: export DISPLAY=:0; (some command I want to run) ?05:27
spotterso weird05:27
spotterguessing upstart dependencies05:27
spotterbut have no idea05:27
tioxMACser: Don't try it -- Update chronologically for best results.05:27
FloodBot1spotter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
lucenttonysan: you need to set DISPLAY env variable so the program knows which X11 session to connect to05:28
spottersorry FloodBot105:28
tioxAt least that's what I read.05:28
Gneaspotter: are you nmapping locally or remotely?05:28
ActionParsnipmeee: then i'd ask in #winehq  and/or check the link I gave. You may need to mess with winecfg to make it work nice05:28
histotiox: MACscr no upgrading from LTS to LTS is find05:28
spotterremotely (same home lan)05:28
histotiox: MACscr s/find/fine05:28
tioxOh, LTS to LTS.05:28
Jordan_Utiox: LTS to LTS is the exception.05:28
lucenttonysan: in bash commandline the way to do this is 'export DISPLAY=:0'05:28
Gneaspotter: that's just plain weird.05:28
yoooanyone know how to permanently change the MAC address of wlan0?05:28
lucentsemi-colon is just saying end of statement05:28
doogie_Hi. Can you tell me support channel in russian?05:28
blakkheimyooo: you can't05:28
tonysanlucent: oh, it works well, thanks!05:28
histo!ru | doogie_05:28
ubottudoogie_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:28
spottermy laptop upgraded fine05:28
blakkheimyooo: you can only mask it temporarily05:28
Gneaspotter: have you asked anyone in #ubuntu-server about it yet?05:28
yoooanyone know how to pseudo-permanently change the MAC address of wlan0?05:29
crankharderby default does grub get installed to /dev/sda1?05:29
Aemaethyooo, i think it resets when you power down, i thought that was kind of hardwired05:29
MACscrhisto: it is easy or it isnt easy. me confused =P05:29
spotterasking now05:29
histoMACscr: it is easy05:29
Aemaethyooo, you could make a script that sets it every time you boot up though05:29
lucentyooo: "permanently" ?   would require changing the firmware code on the device, or you can create a udev.d rule which runs mac changing command at boot time05:29
histoMACscr: you just use the upgrade manager and it will handle it. Or you can download the alternate iso and use that.05:29
tioxJust gonna make my request clear: How can I rename the top level menus, Applications, Places and System?05:29
yooolucent, note my second message05:29
Jordan_Ucrankharder: No, by default it gets installed to the mbr, i.e. /dev/sda.05:29
joej323trying to do a fresh install of 10.10 desktop but keep getting this error: (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument    Can no mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on filesystem.squashfs    any help?05:29
Jordan_Ucrankharder: You should never install grub to a partition.05:29
lucentyooo: :)05:29
tioxBecause I highlight it and no option is there.05:30
yoooAemaeth, unfortunately I can't write scripts05:30
histojoej323: did you check the cd to make sure it burned correctly?05:30
tioxJust new menu or new item.05:30
ActionParsnipjoej323: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?05:30
doc1987_lucent: it is telling me i have no adapters installed but when i had windows i had bluetooth on my laptop?05:30
Aemaethits not much code...can probably find it on the google05:30
lucentjoej323: sounds like corrupt data on a CD05:30
histo!md5sum > joej32305:30
ubottujoej323, please see my private message05:30
spotterGnea, one can hear a pindrop there05:30
lucentdoc1987_: too bad about that05:30
ActionParsnipjoej323: did you burn the CD slowly? Did you check the CD for defects?05:30
joej323i'm installing from a pen drive, previously tried 3 cd's all had same error, md5sum is clean05:30
izinucsJordan_U: I think he means like sda vs sdb .. always at the beginning of the drive05:30
lucentdoc1987_: I only know how to tell the bluetooth applet software to be there when a supported bluetooth device is there05:31
Gneaspotter: yeah, it's like that at sometimes, gotta be patient to get anywhere05:31
lucentjoej323: oh...05:31
ActionParsnipjoej323: check USB consistancy then as well as test ram05:31
yoooAemaeth, find what on google? what specifically/05:31
doc1987_lucent: ah ok..thanks tho05:31
lucentjoej323: what method are you using to make the USB bootable?05:31
histokillawat-313: it's a window manager05:32
histojoej323: you can still perform an checksum on usb05:32
Aemaethyooo, there are many ways i'm sure, but here's one, http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/changemac05:32
joej323used a program to make it bootable, just a moment i'll give you the name... ActionParsnip: already did memtest86+ also came back clean... what do you mean check usb consistancy?05:32
lucentdoc1987_: the output of 'hcitool dev' can show you any supported hci (bluetooth)05:32
spottermy nfs isn't working05:32
histoyooo: macchanger will work05:33
spottercan mount, but nothing visible on mounted side05:33
lucentdoc1987_: you need to make it so that your bluetooth is working before the software can interact05:33
ActionParsnipjoej323: when the USB boots and you see the stickman screen (just like ytou did for the ram test) you can check USB consistancy there05:33
semitonesActionParsnip, why is it called the stickman screen?05:33
spotterhmm, this upgrade was a major failure05:33
doc1987_lucent: ok05:33
ActionParsnipsemitones: I call it that as there is a little stickman at the bottom of the screen05:34
joej323ok, program used to make usb bootable was universal usb installer 1.8.0505:34
semitonesoh yeah --- a man and a keyboard?05:34
doc1987_lucent: so if it comes up blank my guess is its not supported05:34
ActionParsnipsemitones: http://s.linux-mag.com/i/articles/7740/lucid-boot.jpg05:34
lucentjoej323: okay. well, I am discovering problems with bootable USB methods since after 9.04 ISO05:34
semitonesActionParsnip, yeah -- I assume that's a keyboard next to him :P05:35
Kibaso my installation is runined05:35
lucentjoej323: that's my project for today too is make it boot from USB05:35
joej323ActionParsnip: just a note, the memtest was the windows memtest not ubuntu05:35
ActionParsnipsemitones: indeed ;)05:35
Kibatime for me to get a USB drive05:35
lucentdoc1987_: correct !05:35
ActionParsnipjoej323: i'd try the ubuntu memtest05:35
Jordan_Usemitones: ActionParsnip: It's supposed to mean "Press any key for accessability options", but It took me a few boots to realize that so I guess they didn't do a good job conveying that :)05:35
yooohisto, permanently?05:35
Kiba(thankfully, the most improtant part are already somewhere else05:35
doc1987_lucent: ok thanks...i was hoping that it had bluetooth wanted to play around with that05:35
peepsaloti formatted a usb stick for ext4, and now it mounts with root permissions.  how can i make it give me write permission on the root of this drive?05:35
joej323i don't think it's allowing me to get that far, Action05:35
histoyooo: not sure you'd have to take a look and try. I don't use it.05:35
semitonesJordan_U, oh that's what it means :P you cleared up a lot of mystery just there!05:35
jferis it possible to select which packages are installed using a preseed file for ubuntu server?05:35
ActionParsnipJordan_U: yeah, cool huh most people say "oh yeah" when you tell em05:36
jonathannautilus search isn't working in maverick :-(05:36
lucentdoc1987_: some laptops disable wifi to enable bluetooth, or they are switched on and off together05:36
lucentdoc1987_: try your switches on your laptop's surface05:36
ActionParsnipJordan_U: your witness ;)05:36
zebastianortisi am on lunbuntu05:36
zebastianortishow do i make nautilus my default manager?05:36
doc1987_lucent: its a netbook and has no switches05:36
ActionParsnipzebastianortis: lubuntu, not lunbuntu05:37
zebastianortisnobody responded to that on lubuntu channel05:37
zebastianortisActionParsnip, thanks05:37
ActionParsnipzebastianortis: lubuntu doesn't ship with nautilus but it can be installed05:37
lucentdoc1987_: you can make a switch with a sharp bowie knife, and repeated stabbing motions? >:-)05:37
ActionParsnipzebastianortis: pcmanfm is much sleeker05:37
zebastianortisif i type nautilus on the terminal it works05:37
semitoneszebastianortis, why would you install nautilus on lubuntu though? pcmanfm is so much nicer05:37
histozebastianortis: sta I thouht was for the 3g broadcom stuff05:37
histozebastianortis: and yes if it aint broke don't fix it05:37
doc1987_lucent: lol this is true05:38
zebastianortisnautilus works but it's not default05:38
chandanhow can i install adobe photoshope cs2 in linux05:38
histochandan: maybe with wine05:39
histo!wine > chandan05:39
ubottuchandan, please see my private message05:39
ActionParsnipsemitones: it doesnt have a lot of the guff which users like (setting up shares) but i think pcmanfm is awesome too05:39
Aemaethmaybe with virtualbox, histo?05:39
lucentchandan: 'adobe photoshope cs2' is not supported Ubuntu software05:39
lucentso... try WINE forums05:39
lucentand good luck05:39
izinucschandan: perhaps using wine.. if you're shooting RAW then look for Darktable .. they have  a PPA to make it easy to install... It's like Lightroom05:39
histolucent: or #wine-hq05:39
tortoise7any of you folks have a working backlight on your keyboard..... and if so, how did you do it?05:39
icarus-clucent, in fact, probably no one would support that, not even adobe :P05:39
histolucent: or whatever there channel is05:40
icarus-cadobe says "oh ubuntu? we don't support ubuntu"05:40
semitonesActionParsnip, yeah that's true... I guess it's still more lightweight to have lxde and nautillus than gnome and nautillus05:40
lucenticarus-c: you make me laugh in recognition of the truth. :)05:40
ActionParsnipzebastianortis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1463008&page=205:40
icarus-cubuntu says "oh adobe*? we don't support adobe software"05:40
Jordan_Utortoise7: Yes, and it Just Worked™ for me.05:40
Aemaethadobe should /mostly/ be supported05:40
histoAemaeth: not in linux05:40
ActionParsnipAemaeth: adobe are evil05:40
Aemaethwhy do i have adobe air? i'm confused05:40
icarus-cAemaeth, does ubuntu support microsoft?05:40
GwarHow can i remove certain programs from the Indicator Applet in the pannel? Atm I have Sound, Transmission and Rhythembox that I want to keep but an Envelope thing with pidgin that I don't.05:40
doc1987_lucent: maybe you can help me...im taking a networking class in school and looking for cool and useful networking programs for ubuntu...any you know of?05:41
zhengshi_Where to download default Windows 7 theme file?05:41
ActionParsnipAemaeth: its closd source proprietary stuff05:41
semitonesGwar, nobody likes the envelope thing :P05:41
tortoise7Jordan_U: works for me at preboot.... but NOT after..... toshiba satellite laptop05:41
Gwarsemitones: HOW DO I KILL IT! :'(05:41
semitonesGwar, if somebody tells you how, I will be all ears :D05:41
ActionParsnipzhengshi_: http://www.redmondpie.com/windows-7-transformation-pack-for-ubuntu-linux-cid346/05:41
lucenthey, right click "Remove From Panel" No?05:41
icarus-cGwar, indicator applet? you mean  "notification area" where some tray icons of apps are displayed?05:41
semitoneslucent, that also removes other stuff though05:41
lucentoh and so you're right05:42
histoGwar: exit the apps.  also go to system > preferences > session to stop them from starting on log in05:42
AemaethActionParsnip, i know it's evil, but i was pretty sure i had something...maybe that's a different company i'm thinking of05:42
icarus-cGwar, you need to dig into the particular app to make it not to show a tray icon05:42
zhengshi_ActionParsnip Thank you:)05:42
joej323just out of curiosity: who is here trying to install linux because they're fed up with windows? lol05:42
Gwaricarus-c: There are two. One has things like Pidgin, Skype and Teamspeak. And the other has Transmission Sound Preffs and the Envelope thing05:42
ActionParsnipzhengshi_: all I did was websearch (good ol bing)05:42
GwarThe tray thing is not the same as the one transmission uses05:42
histojoej323: I was about 6 years ago05:42
lucentjoej323: 10+ years ago I did05:42
Aemaethbing's not old!05:42
icarus-cGwar, mind to post a screenshot?05:42
GwarI cant remove the one transmission uses without remnoving transmission!05:42
histoGwar: it's the ntofication area05:42
ActionParsnipAemaeth: they make some linux apps but their product range is aimed mainly at windows and max05:42
Tac_Homeunder 10.04 on my netbook, my additional LCD always worked fine to span both.... now it seems I can only get one to work at a time with 10.10 after upgrading.  is there anything I can do?05:43
ActionParsnipTac_Home: log a bug05:43
joej323histo, lucent, you guys moved at the right time lol05:43
Gwarhisto: There are two kinds. One is Notification area, and one is Indicator Applet05:43
histo!dualview | Tac_Home05:43
lucentTac_Home: play with 'xrandr' on the commandline?05:43
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histoTac_Home: is it an nvidia card?05:43
GwarPidgin is showing under this envelope thing in the indicator applet and I don't want it too :'( but there is only an option to remove it from the notification area in pidgin05:43
icarus-cGwar, in Transmission : Edit -> Desktop -> untick Show transmission icon in the notification area05:44
Tac_Homehisto, I got no message05:44
Tac_Homelucent, no05:44
Tac_Homehisto, checking05:44
histoTac_Home: yeah I know wrong trigger05:44
histoTac_Home: lspci | grep VGA05:44
Gwaricarus-c: I WANT transmission there. I want to get rid of this envelope thing, and Pidgin has no option for it so It has to be an option for the indicator05:44
Tac_Homehisto, intel05:44
Tac_Homehisto, it's an acer aspire one05:45
histoGwar: the enelope is empathy05:45
semitonesGwar, try opening up evolution and seeing if there's an option there05:45
Tac_Homehisto, everything was fine in 10.04, and I never needed to do anything ....05:45
semitonesGwar, because afaik, the envelope belongs to the evolution mail suite05:45
histoTac_Home: ughh yeah you'd have to play with xrandr or something to see what works05:45
GwarAha! KILL IT WITH FIRE!05:45
Ken8521Gwar, i believe.. it's called indicator-me...05:45
histoTac_Home: the intel video drivers change then probably05:45
Ken8521in synaptic05:45
Aemaethpidgin shows up in my notification area05:45
Guest75652sh: inxi: not found05:45
zebastianortisyeah thats a link to choose how you log in05:45
zebastianortisi only have lubuntu and i have nautilus05:46
Tac_Homehisto, that's a pretty big suck, eh?05:46
zebastianortisi want nautilus to be the default  fm05:46
Tac_Homehisto, what's xrandr05:46
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Ken8521Gwar, sorry, i just checked, it's indicator-messages05:46
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histoTac_Home: well i'm sure there is a way to get it working. I don't ahve the same card to test.  xrandr allows you to apply settings on the fly05:46
GwarKen8521: Thank you so much!05:46
Ken8521Gwar, no prob.05:46
histo!xrandr | Tac_Home05:46
ubottuTac_Home: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:46
Gwarsemitones: I HAVE t3h ANSWER! :P05:46
Ken8521and to get Pidgin in the panel, is in the tools/preferences on your buddy list05:47
Gwarsemitones: remove indicator-messages :P05:47
icarus-czebastianortis, i have a feeling that by the time you run nautilus on lxde, you are using more resources than a plain GNOME05:47
Ken8521one of hte tabs is "show pidgin in system tray... change to always"05:47
Gwarya I have it there already :)05:47
GwarI just coulnt get rid of the stupid envelope! :P05:47
zebastianortisicarus-c, i am running nautilus on lxde and it's working05:47
zebastianortisit works well that is05:47
icarus-czebastianortis, i'm talking about resource consumption, not work or not05:48
Ken8521Gwar, it used to belong to evolution, but that changed when Ubuntu tried to integrate everything05:48
AemaethGwar, i used to hate it too, but then pidgin started crashing on me, so i like it through necessity05:48
Ken8521Aemaeth, really? no probs at all w/ pidgin here05:48
AemaethKen8521, yea, it might have been my setup, or it was conflicting, i'm sure it's not worldwide or anything05:48
icarus-czebastianortis, nautilus would load lots of gnome stuff, on top of lxde05:48
ActionParsnipAemaeth: tried the pidgin ppa?05:49
besson3cGuys, I installed a bunch of standard updates on my Ubuntu 10.04 system, and now when I boot I get errors about the UUID not being found... The UUID in my menu.lst file was not set to the UUID of my /boot partition for some reason, but even when making this switch I'm still getting this error. Why would an update mess around with Grub this way, and do you have any suggestions for restoring my ability to boot the system?05:49
AemaethActionParsnip, i might do that later, but now i'm on the empathy train05:49
icarus-cbesson3c, menu.lst ?..05:49
Ken8521Aemaeth, ugh.. i just can't get on that train..05:49
besson3cicarus: my /boot/grub/menu.lst05:50
Sam_FisherHowdy ya'll!05:50
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Aemaethand could it have been something like the facebook plugin slowing it down? that always seems to be buggy anyhow, what you get for using facebook to chat05:50
joej323ok so i haven't tried it yet, but it seems that the universal usb installer was automatically loading the corrupt download (that i didn't delete for some reason) onto the pen drive which is why i was getting that error... about to give it another shot... wish me luck!!!05:50
icarus-cbesson3c, so you have been using grub 0.97 instead of grub2 ?05:50
Aemaethjoej323, that sounds like the reason it would be corrupt05:50
kevin_does anyone have the link of .debs for the different wine packages? I can't find it05:50
Ken8521kevin_, why not use synaptic or apt-get?05:51
joej323Aemath, I know, right? windows is starting to make me look like an idiot.... LOL05:51
ActionParsnipbesson3c: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=644773    shows how you can chroot and remove the UUIDs and change them to raw devices instead05:51
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Tac_Homehisto, ubottu, xrandr got both screens showing stuff.... so I might be getting somewhere... is there a GUI available to help configure it? right now it lays each display on top of the other, so I don't really have an expanded desktop and all the options look painful05:51
kevin_Ken8521, can't get 1.3.3 on synaptic. only lets me do 1.205:51
Aemaethjoej323, for future reference, unetbootin can download the image for you (not 10.10 last i saw though)05:51
besson3cicarus: evidently... I've been using this system for a while now w/o a clean install - several versions of Ubuntu. Did an update break grub 0.97? How do I replace the old grub with teh new one?05:51
ActionParsnipkevin_: add the wine ppa05:51
kevin_ActionParsnip, I did that as well05:51
ActionParsnipkevin_: then if you run: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache search wine   you should see it05:52
Aemaethwith windows i have no problem booting, everything else is disgusting, in linux everything's great, but often have boot issues...05:52
Jordan_Ubesson3c: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide05:52
Ken8521kevin_, i just added the wine ppa repository to ubuntu, and it installed 1.3 just fine05:52
kevin_ha, forgot to do the update. thank you ActionParsnip05:52
Aemaethi dont' even have a windows partition anymore, but it seems like they got that one part correct05:52
kevin_Ken8521, got it, thx ;)05:53
histoTac_Home: I'm not too familiar with xrandr but youc an apt-cache search xrandr  see if there is anything else like a gui availible05:53
joej323Aemath: yeah i've heard about it but I'm deployed in Afghanistan right now, so the internet blows... i can only do a direct download with flashget for some reason... but I'm off to try the "new" pen drive05:53
ActionParsnipkevin_: yep you need to tell the package system to refresh the lists ;)05:53
icarus-cbesson3c, we have been using grub2 for a while. it wouldn't be surprising if newer updates break grub1.   you may use grub2 instead, or simply just fix the existing grub05:53
kevin_ActionParsnip, learn something new everyday ;)05:53
mikeruhey, I installed maverick on a hp pavilion dv505:53
ActionParsnipkevin_: every day is a school day05:53
mikeruit was good seeing that ethernet and wifi work out of the box now05:53
ActionParsnipmikeru: no sound though?05:54
Aemaethwow, resorting to flashget is brave enough, and plus he's in afghanistan05:54
mikeruActionParsnip, no. It's actually a very minor problem05:54
jonathanhow do I disable the gnome keyring asking me to re-enter my password every login??05:54
mikeruthat is, if you're not epileptic05:54
Ken8521mikeru, what sound device does the HP have?05:54
ActionParsnipmikeru: nice, ive seen no end of hp dv5 owners with sound badness05:54
mikeruNO SOUND ISSUES05:54
kevin_ActionParsnip, yup05:54
icarus-cbesson3c, boot up from livecd, run command "blkid"  to find out the UUID of your root file system (or other as well).  then match it with /etc/fstab & the grub entry05:54
Ken8521mikeru, oh ok.05:54
izinucsbesson3c: blkid needs sudo to run.. so .. sudo blkid05:55
ActionParsnipjonathan: if you set a blank password for the key it will go, or you can mess with some extra packages and pam05:55
mikeruKen8521, ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller05:55
histoKen8521: did yuou get your sound working?05:55
ActionParsnipmikeru: ok, whats up with your ATi?05:55
mikeruthing is, the wifi drivers are mistaking the wifi toggle for a wifi indicator of the sorts05:55
Ken8521histo, i had my sound working in alpha3...lol... just took a little googling05:55
mikeruit's supposed to be blue when on and red when off05:55
mikeruand touching it would toggle it05:55
Ken8521histo, not to mention, resorting to an old gutsy gibbon trick05:55
mikerubut instead touching it nothing happens05:56
sweetpiizinucs: since when does blkid need sudo?05:56
histoKen8521: Oh nvm I thought you were the one experiencing the bug before. Didn't mean to get you confused with someone else05:56
jonathanActionParsnip: how do I change the password?05:56
mikeruand it constantly changes between blue and red when there's traffic!05:56
Ken8521histo, nope, was trying to get some info to give some suggestions05:56
mikerulike a HDD light, wifi style05:56
ActionParsnipsweetpi: try it without, noting will be output05:56
ActionParsnipsweetpi: its always been like that05:56
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mikerunow, it's incredibly distracting and it alternates extremely fast05:56
mikerugives me headaches05:56
sweetpiActionParsnip: I just did, and it listed everything as normal05:57
llutz_ActionParsnip: no, blkid never needed sudo before05:57
besson3cicarus: how do I fix grub 0.97, just so that I have enough info to make that decision? The other error I'm getting is "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured". Is this related? I just replaced the UUID reference in my grub menu.lst file with /dev/sda1, and now at boot I'm getting "alert /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell". This isn't true - I can mount /dev/sda1 from my rescue CD05:57
n-iCe_hello, there are no sources.lists in 10.10?05:57
furiis there a support channel for wine, or should i ask here?05:57
Ken8521!wine | furi05:57
ubottufuri: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:57
ActionParsnipsweetpi:  llutz_: http://pastie.org/121742505:58
furiKen8521: thanks.05:58
Ken8521furi, your best bet is #wine05:58
furiKen8521: alright. thanks again.05:58
n-iCe_hello, there are no sources.lists in 10.10?05:58
ActionParsnipn-iCe_: i have one in my clean install05:58
mikeruKen8521, #winehq.05:58
mattcodesis virtualbox the best performance for hosting a windows vm? host: ubuntu 10.04 guest (probably): win7 32bit 1.5gb memory with vs 2010 / resharper05:58
ActionParsnipn-iCe_: want mine?05:58
Jordan_Ubesson3c: Can you mount /dev/sda1 from the busybox shell?05:58
mikeruKen8521, #wine is invite only anyway05:58
n-iCe_/etc/apt/sources.lists right?05:58
llutz_ActionParsnip: yes starting with 10.10 , blkid never needed sudo before05:58
ActionParsnipn-iCe_: yes05:58
besson3cJordan_U: how would I do that from the busybox shell? mount /dev/sda1?05:59
Ken8521mikeru, usually it redirects to winehq05:59
ActionParsnipllutz_: this is a clean install with the beta, upgraded to RC05:59
n-iCe_i hae nothing there05:59
Jordan_Ubesson3c: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/05:59
sweetpiActionParsnip: "ls -al /sbin/blkid" ?05:59
ActionParsnipn-iCe_: http://pastebin.com/TbVzkN7U05:59
llutz_ActionParsnip: listen: there was no need for sudo before.05:59
besson3cJordan_U: I'll try that... If I can't, what woudl that tell me?05:59
icarus-cbesson3c, i would try a update-initramfs -u  in chroot using livecd05:59
ActionParsnipsweetpi: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22164 2010-03-22 17:51 /sbin/blkid05:59
llutz_ActionParsnip: before 10.1005:59
Firartixgot a question06:00
ActionParsnipllutz_: i can only show what my system says. I call it as I see it06:00
ActionParsnipFirartix: ask away06:00
llutz_ActionParsnip: you don't get me06:00
besson3cicarus: what does that command do?06:00
Firartixi'm trying to upgrade, and the installer wanna remove 25 packets + 40 "unneeded" ones06:00
Firartixassuming i click on "Keep" instead of "Remove"06:00
Jordan_Ubesson3c: That it's a kernel problem, more specifically than that it's hard to tell without more info.06:00
Alagar1any one can help me. how to receive emails from multiple domain in sendmail and postfix06:00
Firartixwill it only remove the 25 and keep the 40 others ?06:01
Firartixor will it instead not remove any and cause stuff to break :/06:01
besson3cJordan: the error I'm getting is "mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt failed: no such file or directory"06:01
sweetpiActionParsnip: I've never needed sudo to use blkid, maybe its new on 10.10?06:02
llutz_Alagar1: read the fine documentation at postfix.org, ask at #postfix for more info after you've done it06:02
llutz_sweetpi: it is new on 10.1006:02
ActionParsnipFirartix: its just cleaning up the old obsoleted packages for you. I'd go for it. You can always reinstall stuff once you reboot06:02
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icarus-cbesson3c, the kernel couldn't find your disk, maybe missing some modules/drivers in the early boot stage. initramfs provides modules to kernel at early boot06:02
sweetpillutz_: ah ok06:02
ActionParsnipsweetpi: no idea, had to do it in lucid, its no biggy06:02
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:02
Kraken__just after the boot in, the kde is already occupying 600 mb of my 1gb.. is gnome lighter?06:02
llutz_sweetpi: whyever they changed that06:02
bazhangthat predates 10.1006:02
FirartixAction: yea that's what i thought too but there's stuff that seem "useful" too :s06:02
ActionParsnipbazhang: thanks06:02
icarus-cKraken__, i think yes06:02
Firartixlike uh06:03
Firartixwell nvm XD06:03
AK3can you mask root filesystem as something else while at the same time use true crypt ?06:03
sweetpibazhang: I'm not trying to pick.. just saying every box I've used with ubuntu on it has never needed sudo for blkid06:03
Kraken__ok... icarus-c, thanks... but i think i will install xubuntu instead06:04
ActionParsnipsweetpi: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=blkid   shows it last modified in 2007 which is gutsy06:04
besson3cOn a totally different note, not to derail my own solution seeking, but while I wait for the liveCD to boot, I've struggled for ages with my VIA ethernet controller and various Ubuntu kernels (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/454747)... I see some of you are running 10.10... Is this problem fixed there? :)06:04
semitonesthanks Gwar06:04
icarus-cAK3, linux got an infrastructure called LUKS. it support encrypted rootfs06:04
ActionParsniphi kevingp1706:06
kevingp17this is a ubuntu chat room for help right?06:07
Firartixughhh that new launcher bar is kind of odd06:07
Ryenkevingp17: Yes.06:08
kevingp17ok then ill come by tom and as a question06:08
doc1987_anyone know any good internet browsers?06:08
kevingp17im kind of sleepy right now06:08
kevingp17opera and frefox06:08
icarus-cdoc1987_, firefox, opera, chromium06:08
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)06:08
mattcodesdoc1987_ firefox06:08
ChingalinkBUN BOONTOO06:08
ActionParsnipalso arora is groovy06:08
icarus-cand midori :D06:09
Firartixchrome can't run?06:09
icarus-cFirartix, your problem?06:09
mattcodeschronium I think its call on linux06:09
icarus-cmattcodes, nah06:09
icarus-cchromium is the project.    chrome is the product from google06:09
icarus-clike Namorako  vs  Mozilla firefox 3.606:10
mattcodessorry, my bad, I seen a screencast with Chronmium Web Browser in Ubuntu the other day that was all06:10
llutz_!info chromium-browser06:10
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.472.63~r59945-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 13479 kB, installed size 45740 kB06:10
icarus-ctechnically similar (if not same code),  but different brand name & trademark06:10
replicasexicarus-c, would chromium be able to do the bookmark syncing?06:11
ActionParsnipicarus-c: chromium is the bleeding edge browser name06:11
icarus-creplicasex, yes.06:11
icarus-cActionParsnip, that is because it is where chrome development lies in?06:11
MossyfunkHow do i find out from CLI when a file was created?06:11
replicasexicarus-c, any particular pluses to using chromium over chrome?06:11
AK3icarus -c : How do you protect your code ?06:11
ActionParsnipicarus-c: Chromium is the open source web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code   so yep :)06:11
icarus-capparently chrome take a snapshot from chromium from time to time06:12
quiescensthere isn't technically a creation date06:12
morpheusprwhat r the main diferences between lucid and maverick??06:12
llutz_Mossyfunk: you can't on ext-fs (yet)06:12
icarus-cAK3, what do you mean?06:12
replicasexmorpheuspr, sound menu is different, I think someone said X was different, not much really.06:12
ActionParsnipmorpheuspr: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat-has-been.html06:12
morpheusprActionParsnip, thanks :)06:13
Mossyfunkllutz, bummer =(06:13
icarus-cubuntu 10.10 uses xorg 1.9 right?06:13
AK3icarus -c : Do you code if you do how do you protect your code from others stealing it ?06:13
AK3icarus -c : What Crypto ?06:13
icarus-ccurrent nvidia driver is unhappy with xorg 1.9 :(06:13
icarus-cAK3, you mean after you compile or the original source code?06:14
besson3cthanks for your help, guys... I fixed things by upgrading to grub206:14
morpheuspri think im staying with lucid06:14
MossyfunkWhat about ufs?06:14
AK3icarus -c : Correct06:14
replicasexicarus-c, my system has been randomly freezing, going to put it up to nvidia.06:14
AK3icarus -c : compile your own work06:14
icarus-cAK3, no idea. i don't do commercial software development,06:15
icarus-cAK3, maybe use a obfuscator?06:15
levi_hi and good morning06:15
ActionParsniphi levi_06:15
mtk31anybody knows how can I use  bigger resolution on my netbook using ubuntu 10.10 ?06:15
levi_i'm trying to build up a connection to a vpn with openvpn on ubuntu 10.04 . this is my command on the commandline and i'm getting the following output... http://privatepaste.com/b38b9aa16a    on windows i use the astaro vpn-client... i've got an .ovpn file too, but i don't know how to use it or even if i can use it in openvpn06:15
AK3icarus -c : no clue what that is06:15
ActionParsnipmtk31: depends on the video chip06:15
AK3icarus -c : sounds like the flux capacitor06:16
ActionParsnip!vpn | levi06:16
ubottulevi: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN06:16
mtk31ak3 I know it but in windows I can do it with atray soft06:16
ActionParsnipmtk31: lspci | grep -i vga     will show what it is06:16
levi_ActionParsnip: do you know if i can use the astaro vpn files ?06:16
icarus-cAK3, to protect the compiled code. i heard that to obfuscate the code, then compile.  it will make the binary soo hard for human to understand06:17
ActionParsniplevi_: no idea, i dont use vpn06:17
llutz_AK3: why should one protect source-code? go and read a bit about open-source software and some licenses06:17
Lanksi installed some packages in synaptic package manager and it seems to be stuck in the "installing software" window. How can I force it to close or finish safely?06:17
mtk31it have 1024*600 but in windows i use atray soft and i can change the resolution to 1024*76806:17
ActionParsnipLanks: if you open a terminal and run:  top     you can see if its working06:17
chriswaterguyMy friend here is trying to run/install Lucid from USB on a netbook. Getting a "can not mount" error. Any tips on next steps?06:17
icarus-cAK3, and to protect the uncompiled/unpublished source, disk/file encryption and if possible avoid local storage and  use remote file server instead06:18
AK3llutz_: your not that cool guy06:18
ActionParsnipmtk31: those are windows things so don't matter here06:18
morpheusprthe 10.10 Unity for netbooks looks amazing06:18
AK3icarus-c: thx06:18
ActionParsnipmtk31: if you can give the output of the command we can progress06:18
killawat-313Lanks; type xkill in a terminal06:18
icarus-cllutz_, there are just so many reasons to be close source .. especially in commercial software dev06:18
AK3icarus-c: ok let re phrase06:18
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morpheuspranyone using compiz what settings r the ones on compiz that u can with one button get all your open windows in one workspace??06:19
AK3icarus-c: If you did your own designs you would intrust another re4mote server ?06:19
Lankskillawat-313: didnt work...06:19
mtk31mtk31@mtk31-laptop:~$ lspci | grep -i vga06:19
mtk3100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)06:19
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LanksActionParsnip: synaptic is in there but what am I looking for in particular?06:20
soreaumorpheuspr: #compiz06:20
soreau! u | morpheuspr06:20
ubottumorpheuspr: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.06:20
icarus-cAK3, assuming the server is trusted and secure of course. that protect your code if your computer is stolen06:20
killawat-313Lanks:i would just logout and log back in then06:20
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mtk31I looking for some soft like astray for linux or any command ...06:20
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icarus-cdisk encryption is probably sufficient, but just being paranoid06:20
AK3mtk31: atray soft ? Encryption better than PGP or true crypt ?06:20
icarus-cmtk31, what does atray do06:20
Lankskillawat-313: ok06:20
sin_taxI went from this http://i.imgur.com/S4ibu.jpg to this http://i.imgur.com/gd3fp.png - I should be in an Ubuntu commercial.06:21
levi_hi again06:21
levi_where does the network-manager saves his configuration files?06:21
replicasexsigh, I thin I'm subject to the horrible nvidia driver clash in maverick06:21
besson3cguys, what is the latest kernel version in 10.04? 2.6.32-25-generic?06:21
icarus-csin_tax, eh... my friend, your IE being like that is because you install toolbars blindly :-o06:21
mtk31icarus-c atray soft help me to change resolution from 1024*600 to 1024*76806:21
sin_taxicarus-c, nah, I bought a used laptop06:22
icarus-cmtk31, xrandr command,  or resolution/montor settings somewhere in System06:22
icarus-csin_tax, lol it got a great ex-user06:22
sin_tax$150 for a 17" dual core 2.0 / 2GB... good deal imo.  She said it was slow ;-)06:22
icarus-csin_tax, what cpu model ?06:23
sin_taxAMD 64 X206:23
icarus-csin_tax, damn... it is like a good warrior06:23
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furanis there a known issue with vaio P's and EHCI setup not going well on 10.10?06:24
icarus-csin_tax, isn't it like flying?06:24
Sayohey everyone06:24
killawat-313Sayo: hey06:25
Lankskillawat-313: hey i logged out and now when I try to start synaptic package mgr I get "Unable to get exclusive lock"06:25
sin_taxicarus-c, yeah. It is running very nicely on 10.1006:25
killawat-313Lanks: use the terminal and type top06:26
icarus-csin_tax, oh wait. did she NOT purging her data before selling to you :-o06:26
sin_taxicarus-c, nope06:27
peepsalotso, i just installed 64bit to replace 32bit maverick, and tried to keep my home data.  the weird thing is, i did an update, installed a few packages, rebooted and now my interface is really ugly, it's not using the correct icons for the set theme, etc06:27
sin_taxTax returns and everything were on there.06:27
killawat-313Lanks: tell me if you see synaptic in the list provided06:27
peepsalotchanging the theme won't even change the icons06:27
doc1987_how do i change the name that appears on networks for my linux laptop06:27
icarus-cpeepsalot, do you have the theme you were using installed?06:27
Lankskillawat-313: no it isnt...06:27
AK3Nvidia ? Is that the r00t h00k06:27
solidus-riveri need to reconfigure proftp but dpkg-reconfigure proftpd isn't working.. :\06:28
peepsaloticarus-c, i'm pretty sure i was using the default stuff06:28
icarus-cdoc1987_, edit /etc/hostname  &  hostname command06:28
doc1987_icarus-c: thanks06:28
icarus-cdoc1987_, and edit /etc/hosts  to map the new hostname to too06:29
killawat-313Lanks: because the program might be stuck u might have to wait a while before it shows up06:29
h00kAK3: what06:29
Tac_Homehisto, ubottu, no amount of tweaking is getting me past both desktops laying on top of one another.... something maybe about a virtual desktop size?  I just wish I could go back to 10.04 so this all worked :-/  I can't work on just my netbook screen like this06:29
peepsalotthe gnome ui is defaulting to some really really basic square looking stuff, not smooth looking at all.06:29
AK3h00k: Captain06:29
histoTac_Home: you can go back to 10.04 it's free just like 10.1006:30
doc1987_icarus-c: thanks06:30
icarus-cpeepsalot, GNOME's default? that leaf background, and clear looks ? :-S06:30
replicasexIs canonical really considering using gnome-shell as the default soon?06:30
peepsalotthe wallpaper is the purple ubuntu one, but maybe it is clear looks, let me see06:30
Tac_Homehisto, is there an easy way to do that?06:31
Firartixhey guys got a silly question about the new notebook sidebar06:31
Firartixassuming i got something running already and i wanna launch a separate instance06:31
Tac_Homehisto, or is this potentially something that will work again soon like it used to?06:31
icarus-cpeepsalot, well the default you see on ubuntu is not GNOME's original default06:31
Firartixwell, how to do it XD ?06:31
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Firartixi mean06:32
Firartixis there any other way to do this06:32
peepsaloticarus-c, i know how it's supposed to look, i have another computer with ubuntu installed, something got messed up somehow06:32
Firartixthan using in-app "create new window/terminal/whatever" ?06:32
icarus-cFirartix, hit alt-f2  and enter the app name06:32
krogers0001is there an irc channel for beginners?06:32
icarus-ckrogers0001, of what06:32
joej323ok, folks, i'm on the live disk right now... have a few questions about installing alongside windows 706:33
Guest91145sh: inxi: not found06:33
icarus-ckrogers0001, this channel is fine06:33
AK3krogers0001: yea irc.distrust.us #r00tsecurity06:33
icarus-cjoej323, ubuntu should automatically detect windows and setup dual boot06:33
joej323first, what file system do i use. second, where do i need to install the boot loader?06:33
SayoAK3, lol06:34
icarus-cjoej323, install boot loader to MBR06:34
icarus-cjoej323, and make sure you don't overwrite windows partition wrongly06:34
joej323icaru-c: i chose manual because it wasn't detecting the partition i wanted to install to06:34
Sayoso i just installed linux06:34
Sayoit looks like i don't even have to learn bash anymore06:34
icarus-cSayo, you mean ubuntu ?06:34
Sayothe hell happened06:34
AK3Sayo: just saying , you know that its a real irc old school channel ;)06:34
Sayoicarus-c, no i mean linux. period.06:34
coppromy sound broke when upgrading. What's the form response this time around?06:35
joej323i assume that i would install boot loader to /dev/sda1 Windows 7 (loader)?06:35
icarus-cSayo, if you just boot linux, it will go kernel panic right after init :P06:35
icarus-clinux is just the kernel06:35
Sayoicarus-c, lol fair point06:35
Sayoi meant to differentiate between this not only being a fresh unr install,06:35
replicasexjoej323, what do you mean?  I've never needed to think abotu boot loaders when installing.  Are you using more than one HD?06:36
icarus-cjoej323, no, install to MBR. which means  /dev/sda  (no partition number)06:36
Sayobut my first fully working linux installation.06:36
joej323ok, cool, thanks icarus-c06:36
AK3Sayo: Where is the A|pha Script for ubuntu IRC ? 0_006:36
aphidI updated ubuntu to 10.10 -- now after I authenticate it dumps me to a pretty abstract desktop background but no menu or UI.. basically stuck there06:36
icarus-cjoej323, that is overwriting windows' boot loader in MBR06:36
peepsaloti can't change my icons to humanity dark, they are stuck on something ugly06:36
icarus-cjoej323, and it will configure chainload to pass to windows' bootloader to boot itself06:37
Sayono club06:37
joej323sweet... i'm glad i have you guys, it's been way too long since i did this LOL06:37
joej323also i have a 2TB external drive that's NTFS will Ubuntu recognize it?06:38
icarus-cSayo, in terms of ease of use, linux itself has no change at all in all these years. but there are plenty decent user-friendly linux distribution out there06:38
AndChati'm still hanging on a the coloured background screen. any ideas?06:38
aphidAndChat -- i've got the same problem06:38
icarus-cjoej323, yes. linux can read/write NTFS  using NTFS-3G driver06:38
AndChataphid, nvidia?06:38
icarus-cjoej323, which should come preinstalled with ubuntu06:39
aphidAndChat - don't think so, it's a crappy netbook06:39
Kraken__damn.. this xfce is amazing... it looks like i upgraded my laptop :)06:39
AK3nvidia is the devil06:39
joej323awesome... I love you guys... in a totally platonic way of course...06:39
replicasexThey say the nvidia drivers are better than ATI's - I'd hate to see what that looks like.06:39
AK3Nvidia = Kieser Soyse06:39
icarus-cKraken__, it gets even better if you don't use DE and  use a window manager based setup :P06:39
Sayoicarus-c, i mean, i noticed there are finally gui's for everything, installing, uninstalling, advanced system maintenance. i gotta say, they really upped there game around here, i'm impressed.06:39
aphidintel integrated graphics :S06:40
icarus-cSayo, credits to that linux distribution :)06:40
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Kraken__can i run apps like quassel or chrome in such enviroments, icarus-c?06:40
AK3ROFL , Dam sli haters06:40
icarus-cKraken__, why not06:40
AndChatak3, buy me a new laptop and i'll stop using this nvidia card :-P06:40
AK3Im going back to cross fire06:40
rubydiamondhi guys06:40
Kraken__that's nice... i will try it then :)06:40
Sayolol indeed06:41
rubydiamondwhat is md5 checksum of Ubuntu 10.10 (32bit) desktop version06:41
ActionParsnip!hashes | rubydiamond06:41
ubotturubydiamond: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.06:41
copproI repeat, sound issues with upgrade - any ideas?06:41
AK3Anyone played the new call of dutyon nvidia cards yet ?06:41
icarus-cKraken__, a DE ships with every application from window manager to file manager, panel, screensaver...etc  they are all individual applications06:42
ActionParsnipcoppro: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*   then press ALT+F2 and run: pulseaudio   may help06:42
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AK3Action: !Nic306:42
icarus-cKraken__, that is, you could run nautilus on xfce,    use kwin instead of metacity on gnome,  run amarok on lxde...etc  but using components from different DE at the same time is just lame :P06:42
sin_taxAnyone know how to fix the problem where pressing the 'off' button on a synaptics touchpad will cause problems in 10.04 and .10?  Keyboard stops responding (except for CTRL+ALT+DEL, menus don't work, etc.)?06:42
RoyallI can access the files on my external HDD using sudo nautilus, but not normal nautilus.. on my nautilus it's just an empty folder06:43
copproE: module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.06:43
copproE: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="29" name="platform-thinkpad_acpi" card_name="alsa_card.platform-thinkpad_acpi" tsched=yes ignore_dB=no card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1""): initialization failed.06:43
copproE: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_delay() returned strange values: delay 0 is less than avail 24.06:43
FloodBot1coppro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
copproE: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_hda_intel'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.06:43
ActionParsnipRoyall: dont run nautilus with sudo06:43
RoyallActionParsnip: I don't do that normally06:43
AK3dam i thought this was a warez channel06:43
Guest26830hey guys I have a weird problem, my ubuntu desktop has just started doing some odd things 1)all menus are gone from the top panel, 2) messing around with the panels has gotten me 3 invisible panels that still take up space ( i cant right click to 'delete this panel' or anyting)06:43
ActionParsnipRoyall: you should use gksudo, sudo is NOT for gui apps06:43
RoyallActionParsnip: I just used it to discover I can access my external HDD with root06:44
copproooh, sorry06:44
ActionParsnipcoppro: you could add the alsa ppa and get 1.0.2306:44
copprowill try; ppa?06:44
icarus-cAK3, didnt you read /topic06:44
ActionParsnipRoyall: then you may need to add it to /etc/fstab06:44
coppro(and by ppa? I mean what's the PPA url)06:44
RoyallActionParsnip: I'm not sure what to add in the way of options06:44
Guest26830also there is no .config/menu directory06:44
ActionParsnipcoppro: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/unstable06:44
AK3icarus-c : I do not know to read06:44
momentumwhat does /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs stanfd for?06:45
icarus-cRoyall, do you have an entry of your external HHD in /etc/fstab and it doesn't allow ordinary users to mount it?06:45
AK3icarus-c : only speak 133706:45
Kraken__lol icarus-c  ... just discovered that now, since i run kdevelop on xfce :p    i'm going to install blackbox now... just discovering the amazing linux world :)06:45
momentumit's taking up 27% of /, which is the entireity of / in use06:45
bazhangAK3, stop that06:45
momentum(this is on a ssd)06:45
AK3icarus-c : Uber06:45
Royallicarus-c: I do, I've tried this: /dev/sdb1 /media/[re]drive_   ext3     rw,user,noauto 0   006:45
Royallneither that nor defaults works06:45
sin_taxIs there anywhere that offers a 'how to use' tutorial for Linux / Ubuntu?  I'm pretty savvy but I've been on Windows / DOS based systems for 20+ years and am not sure about all the paradigms that Linux has (like how the filesystem works, etc.)06:46
ActionParsnipRoyall: i don't think you should have the brackets in the line, i suggest you change the mount point06:46
aphidAndChat - did you install from cd/usb or upgrade?06:46
sin_taxI'd like to know more about bash scripting, etc, too.06:46
ActionParsnipsin_tax: ask in #bash then06:46
bazhang!filesystems > sin_tax06:46
ubottusin_tax, please see my private message06:46
RoyallActionParsnip: the brackets have worked for a while.. but how would I change the mount point06:46
Royallwait, no06:46
agronholmmy visuals just went to sh** with the latest bunch of updates (looks almost like motif now) -- anyone know how to fix this?06:46
llutz_Royall: your external is a ext3? then use chown/chmod to set permissions06:46
RoyallI need the brackets, that drive has my music which is on rhythmbox06:47
ActionParsnipRoyall: make a new empty folder with a simple name and then edit fstab to mirror the new folder06:47
agronholmand yes, using ubuntu maverick06:47
kevin_my friend just tried updating from 10.04 to 10.10, and it doesn't load Ubuntu. He gets this error: http://pastebin.com/DcXe8AnZ help please06:47
icarus-csin_tax, my advice: don't bother to read those how to use linux books at first. just use it, explore!  and google for howto or read man page when you don't know how to perform certain task06:47
ActionParsnipagronholm: can you expand on "visuals"06:47
agronholmActionParsnip: toolbars, firefox tabbar etc06:47
sin_taxThanks, I've already learned a lot, I just don't want to miss basic stuff if I can help it.06:47
icarus-csin_tax, as time passes, you will know a lot06:47
agronholmActionParsnip: looks damn ugly now06:48
ActionParsnipagronholm: do you use nvidia / ati video chip?06:48
copproActionParsnip: did not help; alsa is 1.0.17 according to apt-cache show alsa-oss06:48
bazhang!abs > sin_tax06:48
ubottusin_tax, please see my private message06:48
Royallllutz_: chmod did it, thanks!06:48
bazhangsin_tax, check the ubuntu manual as well06:48
ActionParsnipagronholm: the nvidia drivers dont play well with the xorg in maverick yet06:48
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:48
Royall(and thanks to everyone else)06:48
copprooh wait, 1.0.23 according to alsa-base06:48
icarus-csin_tax, i found that trying to host your own server is a great learning experience06:48
ActionParsnipcoppro: thats old dude, the ppa should ramp you up to 1.0.2306:48
agronholmActionParsnip: I use the proprietary driver since the open source drivers tend to hang my machine06:48
agronholmfrom time to time06:49
sin_taxicarus-c, I am probably going to try setting up a minecraft server, with automated backups via bash, etc., so that should be fun.06:49
icarus-csin_tax, you will learn linux, apache, how php/perl works, mysql setup,  networking... and much more06:49
ActionParsnipagronholm: then you'll have to wait while nvidia catch up06:49
sin_taxRDP, too06:49
replicasexok, so I added the wine dev ppa, can I just type sudo apt-get install wine1.3?06:49
ActionParsnipreplicasex: yes06:49
agronholmActionParsnip: how can this be a driver problem? the visuals were just fine before the update06:49
robojakeIs there a way to make ubuntu login automatically without a password and not require one for sudo like the live cd?  I'm making a custom live cd with some HD diagnostics tools on it, but I'd like to remove the password06:49
sin_taxbazhang, great links/info, thanks06:49
agronholmand it's not like the graphics are corrupted or anything06:49
ActionParsnipagronholm: were you on maverick before the "update"?06:50
replicasexActionParsnip, thanks :P06:50
agronholmActionParsnip: yes06:50
ActionParsnipagronholm: and what did the update install?06:50
Jordan_U!remaster | robojake06:50
ubotturobojake: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility06:50
icarus-crobojake, you mean sudo without entering password? that comes at serious security risk06:50
agronholmActionParsnip: I don't remember -- how do I find out?06:50
copproActionParsnip: the maverick default is 1.0.2306:50
ActionParsnipagronholm: you can look in /var/cache/apt/archives06:50
robojakeicarus-c: It doesn't really matter on a live cd06:50
kevin_my friend just tried updating from 10.04 to 10.10, and it doesn't want load Ubuntu. I think it has to do with grub. He gets this error: http://pastebin.com/DcXe8AnZ help please06:51
ActionParsnip!sound | coppro06:51
ubottucoppro: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:51
icarus-crobojake, oh i didn't read the "making a custom live cd" part :P06:51
Jordan_Ukevin_: Was he using wubi?06:51
kevin_Jordan_U, I believe not.06:51
aphidWhen I boot 10.10, after authenticating I am stuck at a blank desktop screen.  Cursor works.06:52
Jordan_Ukevin_: Do you have access to the computer currently for troubleshooting?06:52
kevin_No i do not :/06:52
replicasexi have a 5.1 setup, but ubuntu's sound default was stereo duplex or whatever, it gives a load of options, can ubuntu handle 5.1 output?06:52
agronholmActionParsnip: litvte, python-vte, tzdata, linux-libc, new kernel06:52
agronholmnothing that should break the looks06:52
ActionParsnipagronholm: possibly the new kerel then, if you remove the proprietary driver then reinstall it, it may help06:52
ActionParsnipagronholm: the kernel module for the nvidia driver needs compiling for the updated kernel so is likely that is the cause06:53
agronholmActionParsnip: I'll try that06:53
ActionParsnipagronholm: and can easily break the looks06:53
kevin_Jordan_U, is it a grub problem?06:54
kevin_based on the error?06:54
Jordan_Ukevin_: It's hard to diagnose without access to the computer, if you need to get the computer booted you can use Super GRUB2 Disk as it's bascially automatic, but you'll need to have him come here / post in the forums and respond to figure out what's wrong and fix it permanently.06:54
Jordan_Ukevin_: Yes.06:54
agronholmActionParsnip: http://yfrog.com/2oscreenshotwup06:55
agronholmthis is what it looks now06:55
robojakeI have everything setup in a virtual machine drive the way I want it and I'm creating a live cd with remastersys but I don't want it to have any passwords. I've already looked over those links ubottu06:55
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agronholmI'll go reinstall the driver and come back then06:55
Jordan_Ukevin_: If he could run boot info script that will likely give any information needed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129128006:55
kevin_Jordan_U, I can get him to connect to the IRC, he's on a live cd right now06:55
Jordan_Ukevin_: Please do then.06:55
ActionParsnipagronholm: looks fine to me06:55
kevin_ok, one minute. thank you06:55
Sayodog hook me up wit a bash guide06:56
agronholmActionParsnip: no, it's ugly as hell, and totally different from what it was before the update06:56
bazhang!abs > Sayo06:56
ubottuSayo, please see my private message06:56
ActionParsnipagronholm: like i said, remove the driver then reinstall it06:56
agronholmtrying that now06:56
=== Elaine is now known as Guest75502
mrandrzejakCan someone please recommend another ubuntu distro for a computer that has: 1.5ghtz ram, 100gb hd, with a via C7-D processor?  Ubuntu 10.04 is a bit sluggish. Thanks!06:56
Sayoi need to l3a4n m3 s0m3 s(4p71|\|506:56
MACscrok, i upgraded my ubuntu 8.04 system to 10.04 using the update manager, then it prompted me to reboot. Did it maybe not modify the boot menu? http://pastebin.com/VAzWqiZW06:56
mrandrzejakim thinking xubuntu or lubuntu, but cant decide06:57
bazhangmrandrzejak, lubuntu06:57
MACscranyway, it fails to boot as you can see in that output06:57
bazhangSayo, english only here06:57
[thor]woo.. rockin 10.10, high five guys!06:57
robojakeHow does the official install/live cd not have any passwords?06:57
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: i'd say Lubuntu, its light and responsive but you may have to do some stuff the old school way sometimes06:57
Sayobazhang, omg seriously that's exactly what i wanted, thank you so much06:57
mrandrzejakbazhang - but why lubuntu? and can i run Cheese on it?06:57
[Screamo]people still use ubuntu?06:57
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: you can run cheese on any buntu you can find06:58
Sayoalso forgive my social commentary aheh aheh aheh06:58
bazhangmrandrzejak, its very light. cheese should run fine06:58
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: yep, its the fastest growing distro available06:58
mrandrzejakcan i switch lubuntu so it feels more like ubuntu? top and bottom panels?06:58
bazhangSayo, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:58
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, what a pity06:58
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: you dont have to use it06:58
kevin_Jordan_U, does the livecd bring xchat by default?06:58
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, oh i dont06:59
mrandrzejaklubuntu lighter than xubuntu?06:59
ActionParsnipmrandrzejak: you can add an extra panel if you wish. I find it a bit excessive personally06:59
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: problem solved06:59
Jordan_Ukevin_: No, it contains empathy (which is pretty poor as an IRC client, but works).06:59
kevin_Jordan_U, ok, ill just tell him to install schat06:59
tioxYay, I did it, awesome.06:59
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, but what about all the poor little noobs that are content with a bloated slow system and know no better06:59
FritzyHaving trouble installing Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook on Dell Mini 9. I selected the "use entire disk" option, and towards the end of the install I get a "Bootloader install failed" dialog. And no amount of selecting options and clicking OK gets me anywhere... the OK button depresses, but the dialog stays up.06:59
kevin_Jordan_U, btw, he can't find his ubuntu partition.06:59
tioxFound a guide that worked. If you wanna change the names of the main menu items...07:00
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: you can install the minimal and get an unbloated OS07:00
ActionParsniptiox: I'd post it on ubuntuforums  to share :)07:00
easy_enemyMy screen keeps on freezing and im just using built in video card, I cant find a driver compatible with ubuntu, what should I do?07:00
tioxWell it already exists.07:00
Fritzyeasy_enemy: try the vesa driver.07:01
Jordan_Ukevin_: Is he fairly inexperienced with Ubuntu?07:01
agronholmActionParsnip: this is how it _should_ look like (now that I removed the proprietary driver): http://yfrog.com/45screenshot2bap07:01
kevin_Jordan_U, unfortunately yes.07:01
tioxBut you have to get a couple of things.07:01
AndChatok, last line in my xorg log says it's waiting for xserver to accept connections. then nothing.07:01
agronholmI'll see what happens when I reinstall it07:01
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, nah bad ubuntu is bad07:01
ActionParsnipagronholm: the WM is a different colour scheme is all I can see there dude07:02
tioxFollow this guide (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5043898&postcount=11) but before you do, first get liblocale-msgftm-perl and gettext.07:02
DiverdudeAnybody here knows a good a good IRC channel for discussing music?07:02
histoWow upgrade is failing horrible07:02
ActionParsnipagronholm: and the buttons are mildly different07:02
bazhangDiverdude, /msg alis list *music*07:02
ActionParsnipDiverdude: #ubuntu-offtopic  may know07:02
FritzyCan someone please help me? Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook on Dell Mini 9 Bootloader install failed?07:02
tioxAfter that, the rest is easy. Tell msgmft where the file with the modifications are, then use the rest of the commands in the guide to change the menu items.07:03
kevin_Mike, eres tu?07:03
agronholmActionParsnip: buttons, toolbars..plenty of ui elements looked horrible07:03
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kevin_Jordan_U, Mike is the friend I was talking to you about07:03
rwwjpds: you may want *!wearethesi@*shellium.org instead.07:03
kevin_erm, Guest30358 now07:03
ActionParsnipagronholm: i dont dig eyecandy dude, looked fine before07:03
kevin_mike your name change to Guest3035807:03
kevin_dont worry07:03
agronholmnow it's not entering X anymore07:03
Guest30358Yeah i read it -.-07:03
tioxI have Applications Places System set up as Start Computer Ubuntu. :P07:03
tiox(Windows Vista/7 user, whadda ya want?)07:04
agronholmand now my laptop hung completely07:04
kevin_Jordan_U, should I tell him to try that boot info script?07:04
ActionParsnipagronholm: http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png  pretty simple07:04
kevin_Mike, vete a http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ y baja ese script07:04
robojakesolved my own answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=513820&highlight=shadow07:05
rwwjpds: original ban was against *!*@should.have.tried.shellium.org, not *!wearethesi@should.have.tried.shellium.org07:05
Jordan_UGuest30358: We need some information to debug your problem. Could you follow this guide to run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280, then give us a link to the RESULTS.txt using http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ?07:05
rwwstupid shell hosts, make everything complicated :(07:05
Fritzyhelp -- can't get passed "Bootloader install failed" dialog in install.. can't even cancel installation.07:05
robojakecan I add this to ubotto?07:05
FritzyHow do I pull up a shell during install?07:06
ActionParsniprobojake: yikes editting the shadow file, scary07:06
Guest30358ok I download it it07:06
robojakeyeah but I'm doing it on a virtual machine and making a live disk out of it07:06
Jordan_UFritzy: There should be a drop down area for looking at detailed error messages.07:06
ActionParsniprobojake: like this:   /msg ubottu !thing is description07:06
robojakeI wouldn't do it on my own machine07:06
ActionParsniprobojake: e.g.   /msg ubottu !jackdaniels is JD is a tasty tasty bournon07:06
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agronholmActionParsnip: it won't enter X anymore after I installed the proprietary drivers, any pointers on what to do?07:07
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ActionParsnipagronholm: could try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install dkms     then reboot to get X (maybe). You may have to remove them again and get a desktop then fight from there07:07
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chandanis there is any role of graphics in linux?07:07
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FritzyJordan_U: Not that I can see. "How would you like to proceed?" followed by the options of choosing a different device, continuing, or cancelling. Selecting any of these options and hitting ok does not close the dialog and doesn't appear to do anything other than depressing the OK button.07:08
=== ^^ is now known as Turk
ActionParsnipchandan: sure, games for one07:08
Jordan_UFritzy: How comfortable are you with the terminal?07:08
FritzyJordan_U: quite comfortable07:08
easy_enemyDo I need to download the vesa driver?07:09
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps what does it mean when your data led  just  blinks slowly?07:09
mcKittehI put all of the files from my cd to my usb stick07:09
Eryn_1983_FLi can't fnd my manual or i would check..07:09
FritzyJordan_U: not sure how to open a terminal from this view though.  :)07:09
mcKittehhow do I make that usb stick bootable now?07:09
Eryn_1983_FLthe pc won't boot up07:09
FritzyJordan_U: else I'd run grub-install myself07:09
bazhangmcKitteh, use unetbootin07:09
sin_taxmcKitteh, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ ?07:10
mcKittehnot what I'm asking bazhang07:10
robojake!passwordless > robojake07:10
mcKittehor that07:10
Ryen!usb | mcKitteh07:10
ubottumcKitteh: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:10
Jordan_UFritzy: Ok, then press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a terminal (ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to X) then run "DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-terminal" to start a terminal within X. From there please use gnome-screenshot to create a screenshot.07:10
Jordan_U!screenshot | Fritzy07:10
ubottuFritzy: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.07:10
[thor]derr... what is the CLI command for triggering the gnome-screensaver config gui?07:10
mcKittehthe files are already on the USB stick, so I  want a tool just to make it bootable07:10
mcKittehunetbootin and the pendrive linux ones put the files there07:11
bazhangmcKitteh, put there how07:11
mcKittehthey are already there07:11
Jordan_UFritzy: It sounds like you can probably trick the installer into thinking it installed grub successfully by making /usr/bin/grub-install a symlink to /bin/true, but I'd like to see the exact error/dialog first.07:11
easy_enemyMy screen keeps on freezing and im just using built in video card, I cant find a driver compatible with ubuntu, what should I do? Do I need to download the vesa driver? Im using ubuntu 9.0407:11
agronholmActionParsnip: I can't get to X no matter what I do07:11
mcKittehbazhang, the linux files are already on the usb drive07:12
hellslingerdoes anyone know if /etc/init.d/networking can be made to work anymore???07:12
hellslingerfor ubuntu 10.0407:12
agronholmdid apt-get remove nvidia-current, and got o the screen where it shows the ubuntu logo but doesn't go past that07:12
robojakeubottu doesnt like me07:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:12
bazhang!upstart > hellslinger07:12
ubottuhellslinger, please see my private message07:12
FritzyJordan_U: ok, let me get this uploaded somewhere07:12
Jordan_U!screenshot | Fritzy07:13
ubottuFritzy: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.07:13
ActionParsnipagronholm: if you run:   sudo nvidia-xconfig   it should make an xorg.conf using the proprietary driver07:13
PeppiSHur installerar jag Amsn?07:13
bazhang!se | PeppiS07:13
ubottuPeppiS: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se07:14
agronholmI really hate it when ubuntu hangs when I close my laptop screen07:14
mcKittehbazhang, I came in here just wondering if I needed to do anything else..07:14
agronholmI think it's trying to enter sleep mode, and fails07:14
mcKittehlike do I need to add any files to make the usb bootable?07:15
PeppiSubottu tack07:15
bazhangmcKitteh, copied how; please clarify07:15
FritzyJordan_U: http://play.brokt.com/~fritzy/images/ubuntu-install-fail.png07:15
mcKittehactually with grsync from a cd07:15
robojakeubottu !nopassword How To Create a Passwordless / Guest Login see - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=513820&highlight=shadow - BEWARE USER! DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!07:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:16
kevin_Jordan_U, ok, he's about to post the contents to pastebin. give us a minute lol07:16
bazhangrobojake, /msg ubottu07:16
robojakeI tried msg that but it said the same thing07:16
bazhang!usage > robojake07:17
ubotturobojake, please see my private message07:17
kiethssudo problem on USB pendrive with persistence enabled07:17
kevin_Jordan_U, okay here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/eggY6nhm07:17
kevin_what are wee looking for?07:17
Jordan_UFritzy: Can you continue with the "continue without bootloader" option?07:17
rwwrobojake: try /msg ubottu !nopassword is <reply> How to create etc...07:17
mcKittehbazhang, is it possible to make the usb bootable if I just copied the files from a cd with rsync to the usb device?07:18
FritzyJordan_U: no, regardless of which of the 3 radio options I select, when I click Ok or hit enter or anything else, the button depresses, but the dialog stays up07:18
bazhangmcKitteh, don't think so07:18
Sayooh ok, super n00b question, how do i add/remove things from the launcher bar in UNR?07:18
mcKittehthere has to be07:18
mcKittehlinux isn't like that07:18
icarus-cSayo, does drag/drop work?07:18
kevin_Jordan_U, yes, I was mistaken, he used Wubi. How does that impact the problem?07:19
rwwSayo: open it, right-click the icon, click the relevant menu option07:19
* icarus-c has never used netbook remix07:19
Sayoironically though i tried07:19
rww(not ironic)07:19
Sayorww, that doesn't work either07:19
robojakeit worked yeah07:19
mcKittehJordan_U, you are extremely smart - will you assist me?07:19
robojakeYou need the is07:19
Jordan_Ukevin_: There is a known but with wubi that I am ashed still exists.07:19
Sayorww, i know  :/07:19
robojake!nopassword > robojake07:19
kevin_Jordan_U, and what would that be?07:20
kiethsQuestion: Lost sudo access on Pendrive installation with persistence enabled due to sudoers mode being changed.  Being USB, there is no recovery mode.  How to access sudo to fix the problem?07:20
FritzyJordan_U: I can't get past the dialog. :S  grub-install generally errors out with "grub-probe error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev/ mounted?)07:20
icarus-cFritzy, in chroot?07:20
Fritzyicarus-c: no, just sudo07:20
xrfanghow to downgrade video card driver in kubuntu 10.10? after upgrade I periodically get "GPU hung" error (found in console as the X environment does not respond)07:20
Jordan_Ukevin_: When wubi is installed to a disk other than "C:" on upgrades grub is installed to the mbr, rather than to an image file within the windows partition, making the computer unbootable.07:20
Jordan_UFritzy: You need to "sudp chroot /target" first.07:21
kevin_Jordan_U, oh no...and I'm guessing there's no way to fix it?07:22
FritzyJordan_U: /target is empty.... sudo chroot fails with "/bin/bash : No such file ..."07:22
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Jordan_Ukevin_: No, it can actually be fixed fairly easily. "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda" should do it, but the problem will come back next time the grub-pc package is upgraded.07:23
FritzyJordan_U: mounted it... trying now07:24
kevin_Jordan_U, ok, but can he do that from the LiveCD?07:24
Jordan_Ukevin_: Yes.07:24
kevin_and then he should be able to boot normally, Jordan_U ?07:25
Jordan_UGuest30358: Open a terminal then run "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda", make sure you copy that command exactly (without the quotes).07:25
Jordan_Ukevin_: Yes.07:25
kevin_Jordan_U, GREAT!07:25
FritzyJordan_U: now that I did sudo mount /dev/sda1 /target && sudo chroot /target ... my /dev/ seems incomplete.. and grub-install still cannot find a device07:26
homecablehow do i add eth1 ip
kiethsAnyone familiar with accessing root access for repairs on a USB Pendrive installation?07:26
histohomecable: /etc/network/interfaces07:26
Jordan_UFritzy: You need to bind mount /dev/ /proc/ and /sys/ into the chroot first.07:26
histo!sudo > kieths07:27
ubottukieths, please see my private message07:27
Jordan_UFritzy: sudo mount -o bind /sys/ /target/sys; sudo mount -o bind /dev/ /target/dev/; sudo mount -o /proc /targed/proc07:27
Jordan_U*-o bind on the last one as well.07:27
FritzyJordan_U: cool, now I have grub installed on /dev/sda how do I continue past the locked dialog?07:27
IpSe_DiXiThi, after upgrading to 10.04 im stuck in spashscreen, can anyone help?07:28
kevin_Jordan_U, he got this problem "Guest30358> install: missing destination file operand after `/dev/sda'07:28
kevin_<Guest30358> Try `install --help' for more information."07:28
GreyGhosthey ..07:28
histoIpSe_DiXiT: did you try recover mode?07:28
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histoIpSe_DiXiT: or hit e and disable splash and quiet so you can see what's going on.07:29
IpSe_DiXiThisto: i cant even get into recovery mode, plus im a noob and i wouldn't know what to do07:29
Jordan_UFritzy: Try adding "echo grub-install has been temporarily disabled, FIX THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; exit 0" as the second line of /usr/sbin/grub-install07:29
histoIpSe_DiXiT: hold shift to get to the grub menu07:29
histoIpSe_DiXiT: as the computer is booting07:29
GreyGhostanyone else has firefox crashing over and ver again with ubuntu 10.10?07:29
IpSe_DiXiThisto: ok let me try, brb, dont leave me plz, im like this since yesterday...07:29
Jordan_UFritzy: Then hopefully the installer will think grub-install ran successfully, as it will just exit with success.07:30
histoIpSe_DiXiT: there are others that can help as well i'm sure07:30
IpSe_DiXiThisto: yesterday i was here the whole afternoon and nobody helped...07:30
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: no as I dont use it07:31
kevin_Jordan_U, was there something missing after "/dev/sda" ?07:32
GreyGhostIpSe_DiXiT, do ctrl+alt +f1 when stuck at splash .. see wht it says ..07:32
IpSe_DiXiThisto: ok i pressed shift and entered the GRUB menu, selected recovery mode, finally it seems like itz loading07:32
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GreyGhostActionParsnip, hehe .. addons keep me with firefox..07:32
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: if you close the browser, rename ~/.mozilla then rerun it, does it work ok?07:32
FritzyJordan_U: no dice.. tried within chroot and outside of it. :S07:32
Jordan_UFritzy: And before you reboot, make sure you run "update-grub" within the chroot.07:32
IpSe_DiXiTGreyGhost: already tried it, it says nothing07:32
Jordan_Ukevin_: No.07:32
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: many browsers have addons07:32
kiethsIs histo a bot?07:32
bazhangkieths, no07:32
IpSe_DiXiThisto: im in recovery mode what do i do?07:33
kevin_Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/Nf7mSAhd07:33
kevin_that's what came up07:33
kevin_is that correct then?07:33
Jordan_Ukevin_: Ahh, shame on me. I hadn't actually read the boot info script output yet, his problem was not the one I was thinking of (though install-mbr shouldn't have done any harm).07:33
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GreyGhostActionParsnip, nope.. crashes even if go to my add ons tab now ..07:33
kevin_Jordan_U, Oh. hehe, still fixable though?07:33
shiweiis hacker use it to communicate?i am a freshman for ubuntu07:34
histoIpSe_DiXiT: well lets try this first07:34
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: ok then delete the new profile and rename your original one back in07:34
histoIpSe_DiXiT: reboot and get to the grub menu07:34
GreyGhostyep .. done that07:34
histoIpSe_DiXiT: then hit e to edit your mainline07:34
Jordan_Ukevin_: The command was supposed to be "install-mbr" not "install -mbr" (not that that matters now). Looking at the output further now.07:34
IpSe_DiXiThisto: i just did, and in the grub menu i had 4 opts07:34
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: could try the mozilla ppa, see if the later build helps07:34
RudyValenciaMy server offers Ubuntu installation via PXE booting and approx apt package caching - how cool is that? :D07:34
IpSe_DiXiThisto: ah ok07:34
IpSe_DiXiTwill do07:34
kevin_Jordan_U, Oh, okay. thank you.07:34
histoIpSe_DiXiT: then delete the quiet and splash portions and hit enter to boot that kernel07:34
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: nice07:34
GreyGhostActionParsnip, yeah .. was plannin on installing the mozilla builds now .. thanks07:35
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: try chromium daily, it has some sweet extensions and is better than firefox with flash (well, is here)07:35
GreyGhostActionParsnip, oki .. :D07:36
IpSe_DiXiThisto: done07:37
felonhow do i lock a folder to where anyone else gets on here they have to have a password to to open it.07:37
blakkheimfelon: you can encrypt it, there are many programs for doing this07:37
histoIpSe_DiXiT: did you remove quiet and splash and hit enter?07:37
tioxfelon: For Windows, TrueCrypt.07:37
Jordan_Ukevin_: I can't see anything wrong in that output. Can he be on IRC while rebooted at the grub shell (or can you be and talk to him over the phone)?07:37
tioxSmall, free, restricts access and modification.07:38
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:38
IpSe_DiXiThisto: yeah and then i boot, i could read a couple of things like it was mounting drives starting apparmor, firefox, etc then it went blank screen like before07:38
AndChatok, last line in my xorg log says it's waiting for xserver to accept connections. then nothing.07:38
felonim not on windows07:38
kevin_Jordan_U, one second07:38
tioxbah. What OS?07:38
histoIpSe_DiXiT: firefox?07:38
histoIpSe_DiXiT: what did you upgrade from?07:38
blakkheimtiox: do you know what channel you are in?07:38
kevin_ok Jordan_U, he'll call me now07:38
Jordan_UFritzy: Tried what exactly? Modifying the script or update-grub?07:39
IpSe_DiXiThisto: 9.10>10.0407:39
histoIpSe_DiXiT: hrm... No idea man should just work. maybe check logs in recovery mode07:39
histoIpSe_DiXiT: they are in /var/log07:39
tioxYeah, sorry.07:39
kennethsimeI'm dual-booting, and want Ubuntu to mount my other partition at startup. Ideas?07:39
tioxI thought I was in another channel, wasn't paying attention.07:39
IpSe_DiXiThisto: will do right away07:39
FritzyJordan_U: modifying grub-install in chroot and outside07:40
histoIpSe_DiXiT: what screen is it hanging exactly?07:40
tioxAlso, I changed the top bar to say Start  User  Ubuntu07:40
FritzyJordan_U: to echo and exit 0 as you said07:40
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IpSe_DiXiThisto: im in recovery mode, what do i do?07:40
histoIpSe_DiXiT: cd /var/log07:40
FritzyJordan_U: doesn't help me get passed the dialog07:40
histoIpSe_DiXiT: and start looking at various logs like cat syslog07:41
Jordan_UFritzy: Try doing the same with /usr/sbin/update-grub.07:41
FritzyJordan_U: in chroot or out?07:41
Jordan_UFritzy: In.07:41
AndChatkennethsime: won't the fstab do that?07:41
IpSe_DiXiThisto: ok07:41
IpSe_DiXiThisto: how do i open the logs?07:42
kevin_Jordan_U, ok...now it's not even letting him get into Windows07:42
IpSe_DiXiTim in var/log07:42
Jordan_UFritzy: And confirm that it worked with "grub-install; echo $?" and "update-grub; echo $?" (should print the message then "0" for successfull completion).07:42
kiethshisto: !sudo fails.  /etc/sudoers mode 0644, should be 0440.  No Recovery mode (USB Pendrive with persistence).07:42
histoIpSe_DiXiT: cat logname  will put the output on teh terminal. Or you can open them with nano.   nano logname07:42
histokieths: what are you trying to do exactly?07:43
Jordan_Ukevin_: What happens when he tries to boot? He hasn't done anything that should have changed anything.07:43
FritzyJordan_U: both echo the message and then echo's 0 within chroot /target07:43
ActionParsnipkieths: then boot to an alternative Linux OS and chmod the file properly07:43
kiethshisto: fix sudo07:44
Jordan_UFritzy: Can you continue now?07:44
histokieths: what groups is your user in?07:44
FritzyJordan_U: no, the button depresses, but nothing else changes07:44
kevin_he's saying that its comes up MBR to choose Ubuntu or Windows 7, and then when he chooses either of them it tells him to restart the computer. Something about using the Windows CD to repair.07:45
kiethshisto: single user, ubuntu, not under a group07:45
kevin_Jordan_U, that's what he's telling me07:45
* GreyGhost kicks firefox..07:45
IpSe_DiXiThisto: the last thing i read in "dmesg" is "padlock: VIA PadLock not detected" ???07:45
Jordan_Ukevin_: What exactly does happen? Error message, blinking cursor on a black screen?07:45
histokieths: who are you logged in now as?07:46
* GreyGhost kicks firefox07:46
bazhangGreyGhost, stop that07:46
* GreyGhost starts up opera to download chrome ..07:46
histoIpSe_DiXiT: well dmesg will only be for the current boot you'd have to look at the saved ones07:46
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: please dont spam like that07:46
kiethshisto: auto-login to user ubuntu (only the one account, admin)07:46
GreyGhostActionParsnip, bazhang sorry07:46
kevin_Jordan_U, no blinking cursor, just a black screen. When he goes into either options, it's Enter to continue or escape, and they both restart the computer07:46
Jordan_Ukevin_: Maybe it's a bug in the installer UI rather than in the installation /dpkg scripts themselves.07:46
IpSe_DiXiThisto: shall i look at "boot.log"?07:47
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
Jordan_Ukevin_: What happens if you try to close the window?07:47
DalaristHello everyone.  I've run into a sticky issue, and didn't know if this is the right place to ask?07:47
histokieths: type groups in a terminal and see if you are a member of the admin group07:47
histoIpSe_DiXiT: i'd look at that and syslog07:47
FritzyJordan_U: confusing me with kevin_? I can't close the window either... no reaction.07:47
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install chromium-browser07:47
Jordan_Ukevin_: So he is seeing options?07:47
FritzyJordan_U: I can go to the right-click menu and close07:47
GreyGhostActionParsnip, thanks07:47
ActionParsniphi starn07:47
histoIpSe_DiXiT: another option maybe something with power management is buggy try booting with acpi=off07:47
FritzyJordan_U: but that doesn't do anything either07:47
histoIpSe_DiXiT: you would do that by hitting e and adding that to the line07:48
kevin_Jordan_U, there's no window. It's just the MBR telling him those two choices, and when he goes to either of them it gives the same problem for each choice07:48
Jordan_Ukevin_: Ahh, discard my comment about the closing the window and the installer UI, that was meant for Fritzy07:48
kevin_lol no problem Jordan_U07:48
kiethshisto: long list of groups (surprised), and admin and adm are in the list07:48
ActionParsnipGreyGhost: chromium does pre DNS caching for the links on pages, makes the web faster :)07:48
starncan anyone help me with dual monitors? i got it setup for two separate displays but it treats them like they are not connected  i can not drag stuff over to the other monitor like in windows :(07:48
histokieths: check out the psychocats link from ubottu07:48
kevin_The problem is he can't even load into Windows 7, and he doesn't have a windows cd to repair07:48
histo!sudo > kieths07:48
ubottukieths, please see my private message07:48
FritzyJordan_U: sorry to make you juggle.. if I reboot, I imagine it'll boot to an uncompleted install. Is there some way I can finish the install?07:49
Jordan_UFritzy: You may just have to use the alternate install CD, or "sudo pkill dpkg" and hope the install then completes in a usefull state ( I doubt it will ).07:49
ActionParsnipkieths: its how you can control access, if you remove your user from the cdrom group for example, it will not have access to optical media07:49
FritzyJordan_U: ok07:49
FritzyJordan_U: thanks for your help.  :)07:49
Jordan_U!alternate | Fritzy07:49
ubottuFritzy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:49
FritzyJordan_U: have a good one07:49
Jordan_UFritzy: You're welcome.07:49
GreyGhostActionParsnip, yaeh .. heard bout that :) i usually need plugins sqlite manager (for editing sqlitedbs), ftp etc. so stuck to firefox all thesse years .. will try chrome now ..07:49
IpSe_DiXiThisto: boot.log starts with "Loading essential drivers" and it ends with "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sda1: clean, 124883/2312422 files 692345/95647389 blocks"07:49
IpSe_DiXiThisto: ok i'll try adding the acpi = off07:50
histoIpSe_DiXiT: yeah see if that helps07:50
kevin_Jordan_U, Ahhhh hahaha he was able to fix it with a VISTA cd07:50
albadaI am using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS and it is oftenly freezed. There is no sign in messages file. Is there anyone who has an idea?07:50
kiethshisto: psycocats talks about the exact problem, but, the repair requires a recovery mode, not availale to the USB Pendrive with persistence installation.07:50
brorjonasWhen i switch workspace, the whole background and menu bar moves. What's the setting to change to keep them still and only the windows to move?07:50
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brorjonasin compiz that is07:50
IpSe_DiXiThisto: how do i go to the grub menu from here? dop i have to reboot and hit shift again?07:50
Jordan_Ukevin_: Now both windows and Ubuntu are booting, or just windows?07:50
agreimannHello. I'm having a problem with a shell script. Seriously--I'm looking for help on this.07:50
kevin_is there anyway he can fix the wubi problem within the windows?07:51
bazhangagreimann, tried #bash07:51
starncan anyone help me with my dual monitors? nvidia geforce 8600 gt...07:51
kevin_Jordan_U, let me verify07:51
agreimannYes--I did. Specially, I can't get the --yesno function in dialog to work properly for a reboot script.07:51
nickmoeckstarn: What is the issue that you're having?07:52
histoIpSe_DiXiT: yeah reboot shift07:52
agreimannIt shuts down no matter what I do.07:52
Jordan_Ukevin_: I'm going to be gone for a few minutes, but I'm coming back.07:52
kevin_Ok Jordan_U07:52
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agreimannIs there any way I can assign a command to a button in the script?07:53
IpSe_DiXiThisto: when i gave "sudo reboot" i read the same line that i read in the boot.log "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sda1: clean, 124883/2312422 files 692345/95647389 blocks" followed by this "disconnecting from plymouth"07:53
histokieths: why can't you boot recovery mode?07:53
starnnickmoeck: it is not functioning correctly i have it setup for two separate monitors and it displays two separate desktops and i can not click and drag windows into the other screen. and i can not open programs onto other monitor..07:53
agreimannI'm hoping someone knows how this can be done. :)07:53
ActionParsnipstarn: once you install the proprietary drive you can use the nvidia config app in the menus to set it up07:53
histokieths: hold shift while booting and  it will bring up the grub menu07:53
sanduz2i added a ppa so there is now two packages with the same name. how do i make sure that apt-get install will choose the newest version07:54
histoIpSe_DiXiT: okay07:54
ActionParsnipsanduz2: its automatic07:54
sanduz2oh ok thanks07:54
nickmoecksanduz2: apt will automatically install the one with the highest version number07:54
histoAre the repos just getting hammered or is my connection jacked?07:54
ActionParsniphisto: i'd say hammered07:54
starnActionParsnip: that is what i tried using and is what made things more complex.. at least before i did i could click and drag windows into other monitor. and treat it like an extension to my desktop. now i can not and before all i wanted was to choose my LCD to be my default primary monitor.07:55
histoActionParsnip: i'm only pulling 60k/sec07:55
nickmoeckstarn: to elaborate on ActionParsnip's advice, in nvidia-settings, make sure to choose TwinView instead of having separate X displays07:55
rwwhisto: Update servers tend to be pretty bad for a week or two after release07:55
agreimannAgain, I'm having trouble with a shell script on two computers that work to power down and reboot the PCs. I used dialog in the scripts with the --yesno flag, and the No button still causes them to turn off! I'm wondering if anyone can help. :)07:55
kiethshisto: Recovery mode is not included in the build.  lubunto 10.04 lts, innstalled to USB Pendrive using Universal USB Installer, 3GB persistence using casper.07:55
ActionParsniphisto: time for ntop and see what your router knows'07:55
agreimannPlease... I don't mean to be rude, but any ideas?07:55
histokieths: well then perhaps the lubuntu people may be able to help. The only other way would be booting a live cd and mounting the pendrive and fixing07:56
histoActionParsnip: can't install ntop now while i'm dl'ing07:56
DalaristHello,  I've been having a devil of a time getting eth0 to actually pick up an IP address on boot.  After looking though threads new and old I'm no closer to a solution, anyone happen to be able to help me?07:56
starnwhy twin view? ain't that just one screen being displayed onto both monitors? i do want them separate but i want to be able to click and drag windows and stuff in between them07:56
histoDalarist: /etc/network/interfaces07:57
histoDalarist: that's if you don't want to use network -manager07:57
IpSe_DiXiThisto: cant type "=" in order to add acpi=off, the button with = on my board gives another symbol... uff07:57
Dalarist@histo : network-manager is uninstalled, and /et/network/interfaces has been set to auto up eth0 and dhcp and still no go07:58
kiethshisto: I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed to HDD (full install) on the system which is booting the USB.  I would be happy to mount it, but don't see how using Ubuntu.  Which program?07:58
histoIpSe_DiXiT: try a different symbol key ...07:58
IpSe_DiXiThisto: i tried them all, im a noob, not an idiot :D07:58
histokieths: let me see if I can find a way to mount the casper system07:58
nickmoeckstarn: twinview allows you to drag and drop windows between two monitors07:58
kiethshisto: thank you VERY much!07:59
histo!init > homecable07:59
ubottuhomecable, please see my private message07:59
histokieths: one sec08:00
pLrIpSe_DiXiT: edit it once youve booted, or instead go into single user mode by putting s instead08:00
histokieths: plug in the usb drive and find the casper-rw file08:00
kiethshisto: got it08:01
histokieths: sudo mkdir /media/casper && sudo mount -o loop casper-rw /media/casper08:01
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FritzyJordan_U: my first boot involved manually specifying the kernel (then running fixing and running grub-update after boot) and remarking out the cdrom line in /etc/apt/sources.list ... other than that seems fine so far.  :)08:02
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histoIpSe_DiXiT: try F keys as well08:02
MACscrwhats the root UUID in menu.1st?08:02
kiethshisto: copied command.... will try on the system now... typing...08:02
histoIpSe_DiXiT: like F1-F6 etcc..08:02
MACscrer, lst08:02
histokieths: well it will only work if the terminal is in the directory where casper-rw is08:02
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histokieths: so you'd have to open a terminal then cd /wherever/usb/drive/is/    first then do the command08:03
kiethshisto: clear... will be great if I can repair rather than rebuild..08:03
rwwMACscr: the UUID of the relevant partition. You can see partition UUIDs with "sudo blkid"08:03
HooberTesting linux 1 2 308:03
tazmaniahow do I add a service into init.d or rc.d in ubuntu server?08:03
IpSe_DiXiThisto: the f keys wouldn't work....08:03
histokieths: you should be able to you just need to chmod the file it sounds like08:03
tazmaniaI want my coovachilli to start up automatically08:03
IpSe_DiXiTpLr: i cant boot, thatz the prob08:03
histotazmania: update-rc.d08:03
histoIpSe_DiXiT: ughhh.08:04
pLrIpSe_DiXiT: did you try s?08:04
MACscrrww: whats the point of the UUID? can i remove it? seems like it could be a pain in the but when doing recoveries08:04
histoy keyboard?08:04
IpSe_DiXiTpLr: when i press S it only shows me what its doint and then it crashes like always08:04
histoIpSe_DiXiT: do you have some goofy foreign keyboard?08:04
rwwMACscr: UUIDs stay the same if your hard drive ordering changes, /dev/sda (or whatever) notation doesn't08:04
IpSe_DiXiThisto, no i dont :D08:04
rwwMACscr: if that's not an issue, and you're trying to get things working, you don't have to use them. I don't remember enough grub1 to know how to set up the alternative, though.08:05
kevin_hey Jordan_U, thanks for the help you had given me. He was at least able to get back on windows. That's good enough for us now. I'll just show him how to do it without Wubi next time. Thank you! Good night!08:06
histoMACscr: you can remove it and just use device names if you want.08:06
shazzrI got a Nvidia NV25 (Geforce4 Ti 4400) graphic card that won't work on 10.10. I had it working on 9.10...does anyone know which driver to install?08:06
IpSe_DiXiThisto: since there are many = in those line i even tried copy and paste one of em but ctrl+c gives me a command line instead :D08:06
MACscrrww: why im worried is that i just upgraded from 8.04 LTS to 10.4 LTS and last time i tried, it wouldnt reboot and had issues finding the partition for some odd reason. This is grub2 obviously.08:06
histoIpSe_DiXiT: yeah ctrl+c is a kill signal08:06
rwwMACscr: As I understand it, 8.04 to 10.04 upgrades stick with GRUB1. I don't have a web browser handy to look at your pastebin, so if it says otherwise, never mind.08:06
MACscrrww: more specifically, this is the error i got last time: http://pastebin.com/VAzWqiZW08:06
MACscrrww: really? i swear its grub two since its uses menu.lst. I always used grub.conf with grub108:07
nickmoeckMACscr: you've got that backwards.  menu.lst is grub108:07
histoIpSe_DiXiT: I don't know how else you can type a =08:08
rwwMACscr: umm. GRUB2 uses grub.cfg and GRUB1 uses menu.lst...08:08
IpSe_DiXiThisto: after ctrl+c i had grub> and typed "ls" it gives me (hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) but i only have one hd, and shouldn't it be partitioned only in 2? one for everything and one for swap? o_O08:08
Dalaristso network-manager and network-manager-gnome are gone, /etc/network/interfaces contains (other than the loopback):08:08
Dalaristauto eth008:08
Dalaristiface eth0  inet dhcp08:08
Dalaristyet still no address is being pulled for eth008:08
FloodBot1Dalarist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
MACscrrww: since you know what your talking about, mind checking out that pastebin to save me from myself? =P08:08
histoIpSe_DiXiT: hd0 is the drive hd0,1 and hd0,5 are the partitions08:09
histoIpSe_DiXiT: your in the grub command prompt08:09
rwwMACscr: as I said, I don't have a web browser handy to do so.08:09
ActionParsnipDalarist: if you set static, does it work08:09
etherealiteI'm on 32bit etch and firefox is sucking really badly for me. Am I doing something wrong or does firefox just suck?08:09
ActionParsnipDalarist: are  the lights flashing on the interface?08:09
vivek40hi does anyone have any experience here of using the multitouch features of maverick08:09
MACscrrww: ah, np, thanks08:09
Dalaristafter a /etc/init.d/networking restart or an ifup ifdown it'll work, but not on the initial boot08:09
Dalaristthat is in either dhcp or static08:09
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vivek40etherealite: firefox should not suck, could you please elaborate08:09
rwwetherealite: "32bit etch" --> try #debian.08:10
ActionParsnipetherealite: debian isnt supported here08:10
gr8m8etherealite: debian etch?08:10
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IpSe_DiXiThisto: itz weird how in the grub command prompt i cant write = and most of the symbols are mixed up but in the root shell prompt of recovery mode my keyboard works perfectly08:10
bazhangetherealite, #debian08:10
etherealiteI'm using 10.408:10
ActionParsnipetherealite: not if you are using etch08:10
DalaristAction: to directly answer your question, yes, the lights do flash, and it does work, but doesn't pull an IP on boot.08:10
etherealiteits not etch08:10
etherealiteI'm wrong08:11
bazhangetherealite, pastebin sources.list please08:11
vivek40if it is 10.04 then firefox does not suck..:-)08:11
ActionParsnipetherealite: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; lsb_release -a | pastebinnit08:11
histoetherealite: whats the output of cat /etc/issue08:11
ActionParsnipfirefox sucks, too slow and chews ram like a fat kid at a free pie stall08:12
etherealite cat /etc/issue08:12
etherealiteUbuntu 10.04.1 LTS \n \l08:12
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pLrIpSe_DiXiT: plug a usb keyboard to get the =08:12
lyteany ideas why my apt package isn't installing a /etc/cron.d/apt file and how i might get that file back?08:12
ActionParsnipDalarist: if you run:  sudo dhclient3 eth0     doesit get an IP?08:12
etherealiteFirefox works fine for the first 12 hours of use, then starts sucking until I restart it08:12
histoetherealite: you ahve your browser open for more than 12 hours at a time?08:13
DalaristAction: yup.08:13
ActionParsniphisto: i do but i use chromium, works great08:13
vivek40ya 12 hours is awesome08:13
etherealitehisto yes, it is open weeks at time08:13
lyteetherealite: checked top for the flash wrapper? I can keep firefox open for months at a time as long as i kill flash quite often.08:13
noisewaterphdI use chrome on ubuntu, but I havent closed it in months08:13
histoActionParsnip: etherealite sounds like you guys need to go outside.08:13
etherealitei have to kill flash multiple times a day08:13
kiethshisto: success and not, both.  The chmod worked perfectly.  Looks like the sudoers file may be corrupted (which is likely happened at the same time as it changed to the wrong mode).  Will re-edit / replace the file, and go from there, armed with your casper mount command.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!08:14
vivek40I dont know but i dont like chrome much08:14
ActionParsnipetherealite: what is the output of: uname -m   ?08:14
etherealitekillall plugin-container is the most used command in my history08:14
Laurenceb http://pastebin.com/em07GxnQ <-any idea what could casue that?08:14
histokieths: np08:14
etherealiteActionParsnip i68608:14
IpSe_DiXiTpLr: dont get what u mean?08:14
aphidhave an update to the blank desktop I've been stuck at08:14
lyteetherealite: the process i see is nt<something>.bin.. i'm not on the box that experiences the problem at the moment08:14
ActionParsnipetherealite: ok and does flash work?08:14
MACscrif my system did indeed update from 8.04 to 10.04, why does it still say 'Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-25-xen' in menu.lst?08:15
aphidi put in a usb drive to try to back up my home directory... and it popped up a file browser for it :O08:15
lyteanyone know how i get my /etc/cron.d/apt file back?08:15
etherealiteflash works as long as you don't keep any vids paused for more than an hour08:15
lytea simple "aptitude reinstall apt" didn't help08:15
ActionParsniplyte: i dont have that file here08:15
etherealiteelse flash sound stops working.08:15
pLrIpSe_DiXiT: you need to press = to resolve ur problem, plug a different keyboard to your comptuer08:15
lyteActionParsnip: "dpkg -L apt" lists it as being part of that package :(08:15
noisewaterphdetherealite: what version of flash?08:15
histolyte: there is apt-file08:15
IpSe_DiXiThisto,pLr: i just found out the UUID of my swap its different from the one on my fstab08:15
etherealitenoisewaterphd the newest flash in the repos08:16
histolyte: that would just be a cron job for auto updates maybe?08:16
histolyte: the one you want back08:16
pLrIpSe_DiXiT: that is normal08:16
ActionParsniplyte: dpkg -S   shows it in the apt package, if you reinstall that package you can get it, or extract the deb and manually copy the file in place08:16
DalaristAction : in summary it looks like the hardware is working fine, the dhcp server is fine, the dhcpclient is fine, and in fact if I force a dhcp request it all works together, but nothing during boot is making that request.08:16
lytehisto: yeh basically, but i'd rather use the one from the package than right it myself08:16
lyteActionParsnip: I have reinstalled the package :(08:16
histolyte: I dunno how you got the cron job in the first place08:16
aphidAndChat - you still around?08:17
ActionParsniplyte: then the deb will be in /var/cache/apt/archives   copy it to $HOME and extract it, you will then get the file08:17
lytedon't know if I ever have... just investigating why my apt cache never updates automatically08:17
lyteActionParsnip: yeh i might do it08:17
etherealiteSo whats the deal? Do I have to restart firefox as soon as it gets slow?08:17
histolyte: because it doesn't oon anyones system.08:17
vivek40hi has anyone here used the touchscreen functionalities of maverick08:17
ActionParsnipDalarist: if you press tab after typing action it will highlight me like I am doing to you08:17
lytehisto: documentation says it will08:17
lytehisto: hence looking for that file08:17
histolyte: what documentation?08:18
ActionParsnipDalarist: sounds like a bug, you can add the command in /etc/rc.local to run the command after stuff happens as a work around, add it above the exit 0 line08:18
lytehisto: the googled and now lost in teh tab abyss kind :p08:18
lytehisto: i'll try a few things like apt-file first08:18
etherealiteActionParsnip So whats the deal? Do I have to restart firefox as soon as it gets slow?08:18
histolyte: okay well ubuntu isn't set up that way08:18
noisewaterphdetherealite: the last stable flash for 64bit linux was 10.0, which I do not believe is i the repos. There is no 64bit 10.1. The repos must contain 10.2, which is really just a developer preview released by Adobe Labs. Expect a few bugs, and do them a favor by reporting them.08:18
ActionParsnipetherealite: i suggest you remove or disable addons to see what is making it slow08:18
ActionParsnipetherealite: thats all I got, I think firefox stinks08:19
plumhey guys08:19
lytehisto: also "man apt.conf"08:19
plumdoes the upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 automatically restart the computer?08:19
histolyte: lyte are you talking about the cron-apt package?08:19
ActionParsnipplum: it will require a manual reboot08:19
lytehisto: ahh damn it's cron.daily :(08:19
plumah sweet, thanks ActionParsnip08:19
etherealiteActionParsnip I removed myself from the admin group now I can't sudo, do i have to go to init level 1 to get myself backon?08:19
lytehisto: no not cron-apt08:19
plumi've got some partitions i'm moving around and growing/shrinking with gparted. don't want them to die in the middle of it08:20
ActionParsnipetherealite: boot to root recovery console and add yourself to the group there08:20
histolyte: there is /etc/cron.daily/apt08:20
ActionParsnipplum: make sure your backups are sufficiently recent and you have less to worry about08:20
lytehisto: found the file, now. confusing cron.d and cron.daily... pebkac.08:20
noisewaterphdwhat are these "backups" you speak of?08:21
histolyte: how about locate have you ever used that?08:21
ActionParsnipnoisewaterphd: ?08:21
plumthey aren't very recent, :(  but i don't really have much to lose on these partitions. just don't want them to become un-recoverable08:21
aphidSo.. After updating to 10.10 I get a blank desktop after authentication.    after putting in a usb thumb drive, a browser for that showed up on the screen.. so it's not completely broken, but I have no menus08:21
noisewaterphdoh come on, that one was an obvious joke08:21
ActionParsnipplum: then tread carefully, backups before messing with partitions is a real smart move08:21
lytehisto: yeh, next time... issue is bad permissions (no +x) on the file08:21
histolyte: seems like the default way they do it08:22
ActionParsnipnoisewaterphd: i've been up too long as I ave a nightshift to work so I have to jig my body clock08:22
plumbtw... i have two linux-swap partitions on my /dev/sdb, should i delete one or both of them?08:22
ActionParsnipnoisewaterphd: so humour is lost on me right now08:22
noisewaterphdActionParsnip: no worries08:22
ActionParsnipplum: i think you can only have one, you can raid them though to get more swap space speed08:23
farciarz84hi, would you recommend me some tool to download/upload speed of my internet connection?08:23
farciarz84*to limit*08:23
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: www.speedtest.net/08:24
plumActionParsnip: they're both swapped on whenever i boot up my computer, but i don't know which one i should turn off / delete. do you have any suggestions? i sort of distrust swap in the first place...08:24
lytefarciarz84: i like trickle08:24
farciarz84ActionParsnip: to limit connection08:24
ActionParsnipplum: its like thepage file in windows except its on its own partition so it doesnt stick the place up08:24
plumahh gotcha08:24
plumActionParsnip: do you know how i would figure out which one of those is safe to remove? i could use the extra space08:25
gilanialiis it possible to have a set of command execute everytime a user logs in using ssh?08:25
ActionParsnipplum: i'd just remove whichever is smallest, ideal for swap is 1xRAM for 2Gb RAM or more and 2xRAM for less than 2Gb RAM08:25
ActionParsnipplum: whichever, I suggest you consult your /etc/fstab   to see whats going on08:25
richardcavellIs there a program that will allow me to record my voice stop and start, like a dictaphone?08:25
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: you could use trickle maybe08:25
ActionParsnip!info trickle08:26
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9 (maverick), package size 36 kB, installed size 168 kB08:26
lyteplum: "swapon -s"08:26
plumlyte: that'll show which /dev/sdb is in use?08:26
plum(i unmounted them both to move them around, i can't access now to check)08:27
lyteplum: yep, pretty sure you can have two at once though so i think it'll just show both08:27
plumso i should just leave them?08:27
lyteplum: you can always "swapoff /dev/whatever"08:27
farciarz84lyte: thx08:27
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lyteplum: dunno, i actually only have a couple of machines that even have a swap partition...08:27
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kiethshisto: Thanks again.  Looks like it will require some deep editing.  Calling it a night.  Will pick up the torch in the morning.  Sincere thank, Kieths08:28
plumlyte: one of them i'm pretty sure was left over, i had some trouble getting ubuntu installed once & reinstalled08:28
plumso i think the one from that installation is still there08:28
lyteplum: yeh well "swapon -s" shows active swap parititions, "free" shows memory/swap usage. You have to decide based on your usage patterns what's good08:29
lyteplum: i doubt it will hurt having two, i doubt you can _badly_ break it by removing one (as long as you "swapoff" first)08:29
dalaristmobileActionParsnip you still here?08:30
plumlyte: i'll check next reboot to see which one is active then. thanks for the swapon -s command :)08:30
lyteplum: no worries.08:31
llutz_plum: grep swap /etc/fstab         will tell you08:31
plumalso... i have 4gb of ram, so i don't know even why i would need swap...?08:31
tensorpuddingplum: Hibernate.08:31
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plumahh i see08:32
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tensorpuddingplum: Also, if you're really taxing your system it can be beneficial for it to use a small amount of swap08:32
llutz_plum: if you don't need to hibernate you don't need a swap-partition at all. if you really need some swap, you always can add a swapfile later08:32
Laurencebhttp://pastebin.com/UjG19sQz can anyone suggest whats causing that?08:33
Laurencebits the main branch of fldigi from the site08:33
plumi rarely, perhaps never, use hibernation anyway :s08:33
Laurencebi compiled on my x64 system08:33
Laurenceball the libraries seem ok08:33
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dalaristmobileAlright, looks like Action is gone.  so if anyone can help me along toward a solution it would be great.  My desktop's eth0 (the only network connection) isn't pulling an ip address.  Turns out that dhclient3 doesn't pull an ip address but if i use /etc/init.d/netwroking restart it grabs an ip address and works fine.  I don't want to have to type this in every time, so we tried adding it to /etc/rc.local but no luck there.08:34
blahsphemerMy professor said that linux uses a _fair_ _credit_ based scheduler for scheduling Timesharing classes. I'd like to see the code for that.08:34
blahsphemerI don't seem to have any luck finding it on google08:34
tensorpuddingblahsphemer: the people at ##linux might know08:35
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blahsphemertensorpudding, oh okay, thanks a lot08:35
plumalright guys, i'm gonna go get some sleep while this thing works08:35
Jordan_Ublahsphemer: git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.608:36
plumthanks for the help :)08:36
tensorpuddingLaurenceb: It could be a bug.08:36
Laurencebtensorpudding: yeah :S08:38
Laurencebbut how come it only effects my machine?08:38
lyteLaurenceb: different fonts on your machine?08:39
lytethe bit before the stack trace even says who to contact08:39
Laurencebheh yeah, but theyll take ages rto respond08:39
icarus-cblahsphemer, kernel/sched_fair.c08:39
Laurencebshould i try installing different fonts or something?08:39
blahsphemericarus-c, oh great. Thanks, i'll look into it right away08:40
lyteLaurenceb: nfi.. it's dying during font handling code, that's all i can tell08:40
Laurencebi have lbfltk 1.1.7-6 and thats actually listed as compatible in the install notes08:40
lytemaybe you have too many, maybe you don't have enough, maybe the guy with the email in the stack trace can make a better educated guess... who knows?08:41
icarus-cblahsphemer, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.35.y.git;a=blob;f=kernel/sched_fair.c;h=a878b5332daad5d7db16625f298a4e963edac909;hb=HEAD08:41
Laurencebyeah, the fldigi developers are rather slow.. but looks like the only option :(08:41
realubotI tried to install Ubuntu on a usb flash drive and now Grub2 seem to be damaged at my laptop. There is some bug that installs some part of Grub2 onto the USB and another part to the hhd. Now I need to somehow fix my broken Grub2 at my hdd and install i correctly on my flash drive too. I CAN boot in my system having the USB flash drive inserted because somehow they flash drive AND hdd let me boot into my original Ubuntu08:42
blahsphemericarus-c, beautiful, if you were right next to me I'd kiss you right away :). Thank you so much08:42
realubotHow do I fix a broken Grub2 within a booted Ubuntu system (no need for a Live CD here).08:42
historealubot: you probably install grub to your hard drive instead of the flash drive08:42
inoob_realubot, if you are a member of linux magazine08:42
histo!grub | realubot08:42
ubotturealubot: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:42
inoob_i saw an article on that08:42
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realubothisto: YEs, a part of it, but not all of it... Well, I have read a bug about it. Some part of Grub2 installed at my hdd and some part at the USB so now I need to have the USB flash drive inserted to boot my original system at the laptop hdd.08:43
dalaristmobileSo dhclient won't grab an ip address but networking restart will.  What's happening here, and is it related to not getting an ipaddress on boot.08:43
deftone7How do I install my wireless drivers on ubuntu remix usb?08:44
lytedalaristmobile: do you have hard coded ip addresses in your config? that would *set* an ip during network restart, but not from dhcp...08:44
sin_taxI have a feeling that the ribbon on my touchpad may be crooked... has that every happened to anyone else?  Left click does both buttons, right click does nothing08:45
sin_taxwrong channel, sorry08:45
realubothisto: I have read the tip at Ubuntu Documentation, but I CAN boot into the system so I thought I could reinstall or somehow fix the Grub2 WITHIN the booted system without using the Live CD. I get into my system, so I have to somehow fix the Grub2, like reinstalling it from Terminal.08:45
dalaristmobileLyte: nope, networkmanager is removed, so it should be using /etc/network/interfaces right?  Which is set for dhcp08:45
seidoslink to ubuntu with md5 checksums?08:45
realubothisto: Like sudo grub-insall or smoething from Terminal.08:46
lytedalaristmobile: sounds right to me. is the interface up or down when you run dhclient ?08:46
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Pr3nt1c3I'm having trouble getting my soundcard recognised (onboard), neither the rear, or front jacks work.08:46
deftone7can anyone tell me how to install my wireless driver on my ubuntu remix i installed to my usb stick with a 1GB persistance?08:46
dalaristmobilelyte: it's up, i think.  You mean listed under an ifconfig without any parameters08:46
realubothisto: This is what happened: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/41499608:47
lytedalaristmobile: yeh i think that's good enough. You freshly off an install? One of the recent installs had a broken dhclient for me when using wireless. I used ethernet, upgraded, rebooted and everything was fine...08:48
lytedalaristmobile: otherwise, no idea.08:48
smalltown_boy345hi room.. i am planning to run studiobuntu on my eepc.. do you have any idea what all i would need?08:48
dalaristmobilefresh install of ubuntu 10.10 64-bit08:48
smalltown_boy345i know that there is a distro called eeuserbuntu or something..08:48
Pr3nt1c3the netbook version should install fine on the eepc08:49
lytedalaristmobile: i reckon see if you can get temporary network working, do apt-get upgrade (or whatever upgrade path floats your boat) and if it still doesn't work, lodge a bug08:49
peppajiggapuffSo I just upgraded my server from 10.04 to 10.10 but on logging in it still says there's a bunch of packages to update and a new release available. What's up with that?08:49
deftone7Can anyone help me with my wireless??08:49
seidosmount command?  i've tried sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbstick that didn't work08:50
HooberAnyone know how to get the packages from the soft-ware sources i added to show up in the software center?08:51
llutz_!dontwork > seidos08:51
ubottuseidos, please see my private message08:51
seidosHoober, no, sorry.  i don't use the software center, i tend to always use apt-get or aptitude :/08:51
deftone7Does anyone hear what i'm saying in here? lol am I getting through??08:51
rwwdeftone7: yes08:51
lytedeftone7: usually i search for the chipset with "lspci" and then google for "ubuntu <chipset>"08:51
seidosllutz_, mount: mount point /media/sdb1 does not exist08:52
llutz_seidos: create it08:52
blahsphemericarus-c, where are the initial credits assigned here in the sched_fair.c?08:52
nitneihtubuntu 10.10 was released that so cool but any one can tell me the difference thing about long time support08:52
deftone7i know exactly what chipset it is but i'm using a usb stick with 1gb persistance.....i can't download it from sanaptic packager08:52
dalaristmobilelyte: as a follow up, apt-get and the update manager contain no update for me.  so just log a bug?08:53
pavanhello everyone08:53
rwwnitneiht: LTS releases are supported for 3 years on desktops; normal releases are supported for 1.5 years. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is thus supported until April 2013, and Ubuntu 10.10 (not LTS) is supported until April 2012.08:53
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)08:53
seidosllutz_, actually, wrong error.  it was this:  mount: mount point /media/usbstick does not exist08:53
llutz_seidos: create it (sudo mkdir /media/usbstick)08:53
MoopzHey. Was wondering if anyone know an RSS Applet for Gnome?  I want it to show the actual headline on the top panel and then cycle through the most recent ones. I tried grss but it wasn't really what I was looking for.08:54
pavanI have installed ubuntu netbook remix, it was working fine today morning now its leading to a blank screen, only desktop session is working08:54
pavanplz help08:54
nitneihti dont need to be supported after 2012 , joking08:54
llutz_seidos: if you manually mount something, you have to make sure the mountpoint exists08:54
lytedalaristmobile: that's what i'd do.08:54
seidosllutz_, /dev/sdb1 exists in /dev08:55
dalaristmobilelyte: crap...well thanks for all your help.08:55
seidosllutz_, this is what i am typing at cli:  sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb108:55
llutz_seidos: create the mountpoint as the error told you (sudo mkdir /media/usbstick)08:55
nitneihtif i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 how about my document for example what happen with my download folder08:55
rwwnitneiht: Upgrades shouldn't affect your documents or anything like that, but you should backup beforehand anyway, as with any other major change.08:56
llutz_seidos: 3 lines above you wrote /media/usbstick? what command do you really use and what error do you get exactly?08:56
seidosllutz_, done (but the error didn't tell me to make a directory)08:56
lytenitneiht: it will stay. a release upgrade is *basically* just a bunch of apt-gets08:56
dtohi. finally tried the realtime kernel, it dies during boot (and drops to textmode prompt)08:56
nitneihtthanx lyte rww08:56
deftone7wow getting no luck...lol08:56
dtoafter trying to recompile the nvidia driver under that, it says headers for realtime kernel arent installed so it skips that module build. but now i can't boot either kernel, hangs on purple high-res ubuntu loading screen with 5 orange dots that don't change08:57
lytedeftone7: if you know the chipset and have google there is likely to be some documentation somewhere that will tell you packages to install and how to enabled the modules... we're not in front of your computer though08:57
ljsoftnethow do i disable wireless at startup?08:58
deftone7lyte: its the BCM 431208:58
ljsoftnethow do i disable wireless network at startup?08:58
furiinstalling mesa results in "configure: error: X11 development libraries needed for dri driver" on ubuntu 10.10. what should i do?08:58
deftone7i'm just wondering how to put it on my usb stick and keep it there so i can use it08:58
seidosllutz_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/512212/08:58
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lytedeftone7: i don't know about others, but i don't get what you mean08:59
rww!bcm43xx | deftone708:59
ubottudeftone7: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:59
deftone7lyte: it won't let me activate the driver when i lick additional drivers08:59
lytedeftone7: ok, try the link you have been sent, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130976008:59
llutz_seidos: "sudo fdisk -l" to get the correct partition and "sudo blkid" to get the used filesystem08:59
rww(you want the Broadcom STA drivers)08:59
deftone7Broadcom BCM 4312 ....the driver that shows up is the Broadcom STA Wireless driver09:00
Pr3nt1c3can anyone tell me how to access compiz in 10.10? It's no longer under: System -> Preferences -> compiz09:00
rww!ccsm | Pr3nt1c309:00
ubottuPr3nt1c3: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:00
Pr3nt1c3cheers rww09:00
seidosllutz_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/512215/09:01
seidosllutz_, what filesystem type should i specify in my mount command?09:01
llutz_seidos: vfat09:01
ljsoftnethow do i disable wireless network at startup?09:02
furiinstalling mesa results in "configure: error: X11 development libraries needed for dri driver" on ubuntu 10.10. what should i do?09:02
=== IceBlue is now known as MinusSeven
seidosllutz_, vfat failed.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/512216/09:03
inoob_can you recommend sources to read about Linux filesystem?09:04
llutz_seidos: are you sure the stick contains a valid filesystem?09:04
pisihello. 10.4 used to auto-detect my usb cdrom (ironkey) when inserted but 10.10 does not. any tips ?09:04
AlHafoudhhi all09:04
bazhang!filesystem > inoob_09:04
ubottuinoob_, please see my private message09:04
AlHafoudhi am sharing ubuntu server with co-workers but they are beginners in linux. which webui/webadmin should i use?09:05
HooberWhere is BloodShed Dev C++ in the software library?09:05
bazhang!ebox | AlHafoudh09:05
ubottuAlHafoudh: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox09:05
seidosllutz_, i am trying to format it.  but it should be fine.  perhaps i should just try reformatting in gparted09:06
seidosllutz_, it was auto-mounting just fine earlier, until i tried formatting it.  trying to make live usb to test 10.1009:06
llutz_seidos: reads to me more like a broken fs or no fs at all09:06
llutz_seidos: sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdb109:06
MossyfunkWhen I insert a flash drive what makes the icon appear on the desktop? how can I change this?09:07
ljsoftnethow do i disable wireless network on startup?09:07
llutz_ljsoftnet: blacklist your wifi-module09:07
cros13Anyone here use the Apple Magic Trackpad on Maverick?09:07
ljsoftnetllutz_ how?09:07
llutz_ljsoftnet: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:08
ljsoftnetllutz_ where do i start?09:08
seidosllutz_, testing further.  thanks for now.09:08
bazhang!blacklist > ljsoftnet09:08
ubottuljsoftnet, please see my private message09:08
MoopzHey, does anyone know how to integrate Liferea with Gpanel? I want it to be able to display the headlines on the panel. I heard it was possible but cannot find out how.09:09
llutz_ljsoftnet: "lscpi -v"  search for your wifi-adaptor, look what module is used, add to file i said09:09
blackshellI'm just downloaded the xfce  's .tar.bz2 file,how do i install it from that?09:10
bazhangblackshell, you dont. use the package manager09:10
rwwsudo apt-get install xfce409:10
travkinsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:10
rwwor xubuntu-desktop, if you want additional xubuntuy things09:11
icarus-cblahsphemer, sorry i was away. i'm no kernel hacker so i don't know. but i suppose it is well documented.  http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.35.y.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/scheduler/sched-design-CFS.txt;h=8239ebbcddce1d9b84689b8e1be530243bee5f83;hb=HEAD09:11
bazhangblackshell, see above09:11
blackshelltravkin:i already downloaded a tar file09:11
travkinblackshell, type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop in your terminal09:11
travkinno need in tar file09:11
ljsoftnetllutz_ is that lspci or lscpi?09:11
tioxAaaagh, someone help me.09:11
furiinstalling mesa results in "configure: error: X11 development libraries needed for dri driver" on ubuntu 10.10. what should i do?09:11
blackshelltarvkin:as a matter of fact i downloaded the tar file from xfce website itself only09:11
aubreyQuestion: I can't change the volume on my pure USB Speakers, it can be either max or zero.09:11
tioxI am trying to use the command tar -zxvf hamachi- but it fails. Is there a specific place I should put the file?09:12
aubreyjaunty 9.0409:12
travkinblackshell, if you want to install XFCE from sources, you have to use another distro, like Gentoo. Ubuntu is based for binary packages09:12
travkininstalling XFCE from sources is incorrect way and may lead to some conflicts in future09:12
travkinso just follow the tips09:12
deftone7wow having no luck....last time did this was with fedora and it was 2 years ago09:13
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gpanel that acts like ticker tape?09:13
seidosllutz_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/512222/ any ideas?  now won't umount.09:13
blackshelland one more thing,i prevously insatlled kde from terminal and then ran "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop",but still most of the kde applicaton are still there?how do i remove that?09:13
aubreyMossyfunk: you meant me and my USB speakers with lspci ?09:13
bazhang!puregnome > blackshell09:13
ubottublackshell, please see my private message09:14
deftone7i need to activate the Broadcom STA Wireless drivers on my ubuntu remix usb stick09:14
travkin!purekde > blackshell09:14
travkinnot gnome09:14
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Mossyfunkaubrey, srry was referring to ljsoftnet's question09:15
llutz_seidos: read carefully, its not mounted ("mount" to check)09:15
ljsoftnetllutz_ is this the module name "02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)"09:16
seidosllutz_, it is listed in /media ?09:16
llutz_seidos: the presence of a mountpoint doesn't mean its mounted09:16
seidosllutz_, affirmative09:16
aubreyMossyfunk: perhaps you know something about pre USB speakers in Ubuntu ?09:16
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gpanel that acts like ticker tape?09:16
llutz_ljsoftnet: some lines down, theres "kernel module". thats the one you need09:17
Mossyfunkaubrey, I don't sorry.... very new to linux myself.09:17
aubreyMossyfunk: aye, thanks09:17
ljsoftnetllutz_ ok09:17
llutz_ljsoftnet: "kernel driver ...." and "kernel module"    should contain a module name (ath5k most likely)09:18
=== Hoober_ is now known as Hoober
aantihi there09:21
aantiwhere can i download latest iso from daily kubuntu-live/installation iso, preferrably somethinh for an usb stick ?09:22
MoopzIs it because no one knows an applet that does that or because no one cares enough to respond?09:22
DesiArnez6Wondering if anyone knows how I can remove the streaming program "HQTube"?09:22
inoob_What is the best SVN for a newbie to use?09:23
llutz_DesiArnez6: how did you install it?09:23
aantiwhere can i download latest kubuntu daily snapshot ?09:24
aantipreferrably in ISO format or something for my usb stick ?09:24
aantierm HI btw09:24
llutz_aanti: cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily09:25
rwwaanti: There isn't a "latest Kubuntu daily snapshot". Kubuntu 10.10 was just released, and development of Kubuntu 11.04 hasn't started yet.09:25
rwwjust use a 10.10 ISO.09:25
agronholmanyone here using the nouveau display driver and getting intermittent "pauses"?09:26
agronholmlike every 10 seconds or so09:26
agronholmmouse does not move, graphics freeze09:26
DesiArnez6llutz_: I downloaded it by first going here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=873344 and then going here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/24999 and clicking install09:27
llachow can I type vietnamese on ubuntu 10.10? I can type it on 10.04, but not on 10.10? why?09:27
peppajiggapuffllac: Are you sure you have your keyboard set up properly?09:28
llacpeppajiggapuff: yes. Because i type it normally on 10.04, but after I upgrade, it does not work09:28
furiinstalling mesa results in "configure: error: X11 development libraries needed for dri driver" on ubuntu 10.10. what should i do?09:29
momentum_Is there any ubuntu package for composition of music / or creation of rap beats?09:30
peppajiggapuffllac: Where are you trying to type text? A tty?09:30
Dan```i killed fullscreen application by killall X09:30
Dan```and now my screen resolution is screwed09:31
Dan```how can i reset it?09:31
llacpeppajiggapuff: no. type in gedit or oo09:31
blackshellwhats the difference between apt-get and aptitude?09:31
Dan```xrandr is saying that it's currently 1280x800 (which is what is *should* be)09:31
Dan```but it isn't09:31
ljsoftnetllutz_ is there another way, i just want it disabled at startup09:31
llacpeppajiggapuff: it works well on 10.04, but on 10.10 it does not09:32
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gnome that acts like ticker tape?09:32
MrokiiDan```: What if you use xrandr to switch to another resolution and then switch back?09:32
netwerkhello room09:32
Dan```Mrokii: never thought of that09:33
Dan```how can i get bash to return the current screen res?09:34
netwerkin 10.10 is it safe to edit /boot/grub.conf directly using pico ?09:34
BJMAnetwerk: I'ts doable but NOT recommended09:35
MrokiiDan```: yw09:35
Dan```Mrokii: :)09:35
aapzakhey guys, I'm checking out metacontacts in empathy but can't figure out how it handles protocol priority, any of you know?09:35
tomoldsI'm trying to install but the live CD shits out: 'General error mounting filesystems, any idea?'09:36
blackshell whats the difference between apt-get and aptitude?09:36
llaccan anyone show me how to type vietnamese on 10.10? I can do it on 10.04, but can not on 10.10.09:36
agronholmblackshell: different tools for the same purpose09:36
netwerkaptitude is a friendlier interface09:36
dbruce77hello everyone I am having an issue with a lenovo netbook s-10 I am trying to install and I get to [drm] initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810 and the computer hangs.  I have tried with quiet splash intel_idle.maz_cstate=0 on boot and that will get past the error but boot me to a blank screen....anyone have any ideas?09:37
Pr3nt1c3last question for the night: do I need ALSA instead of PULSE-audio to get my front and rear mic-jacks recognised?09:37
RudyValenciaHey, anyone know why my Network Manager icon is missing from my Notification Area? I'm using09:38
netwerkdbruce77,  last time that happened to me it was a bad xorg.conf entry09:38
MrokiiDan```: Not sure, if that is the same for everyone, but for me "xrandr -s 0" alwas brings me back to the "supposed" resolution, after swichting to another one.09:38
RudyValenciaOops, I'm using Ubuntu 10.0409:38
tomoldsCan I somehow boot in safe mode or something from the live CD, before I'm presented any options I'm told 'General error mounting filesystems'09:38
tomolds10.10 btw09:38
dotblank-laptopcan't seem to get ubuntu minimal to run crontab correctly09:38
xk0beda1On Ubuntu as soon as the CD boots it shows an orange screen with some small icon at the bottom center for a few seconds, then it shows the black screen with a flashing underscore. I was told to try and install using safe graphics mode, turn off acpi and or EDD. or remove qiuet splash from some command line. I can't try tonight though so if anyone can let me know the chances of those working or if there's a different solution please let 09:38
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gnome that acts like ticker tape?09:38
dbruce77netwerk, any idea what that was...I am looking now...09:39
llacdoesn't anyone know?!09:40
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netwerkfor me it was a vert xync setting out side of my testing monitors range09:40
agronholmllac: at least no one that is currently watching this channel now09:40
xk0beda1my question!09:41
llaccan anyone show me how to type vietnamese on 10.10? I can do it on09:41
llac       10.04, but can not on 10.10.09:41
pLr!viet | llac09:41
xk0beda1llac I asked first I think so it'd be pretty curteous09:41
pLr!vt | llac09:41
RudyValenciaHm, and now my panels are also missing.09:41
xk0beda1of you to let me get the answer first09:41
pLrmy bad09:41
netwerksorry im on an uber ancient TP 600e so im a lil lagged with this update running09:41
llutz_ljsoftnet: sorry i don't know any other way to disable it (which does not mean, there's no)09:41
dbruce77netwerk, I will look around and see what I can find....it will run 10.04 but not this...really lame09:42
llutz_DesiArnez6: check that script for an "uninstall" option or check what it installed and remove that manually.09:42
kkkkпривет нигеры!!!!:-D09:43
kibibytei have problems with ubuntu server. After i login via ssh i have message X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.09:43
ljsoftnetllutz_ ok09:43
kkkkда ты просто нигер09:43
llutz_!ru > kkkk09:43
ubottukkkk, please see my private message09:43
netwerkwhat type of vid card ?09:43
ljsoftnetei llutz_ how do i unblacklist it?09:43
DesiArnez6llutz_: where would I find the uninstall option. I saw nothing in the Synaptic History09:43
kkkkиди на хуй09:43
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gnome that acts like ticker tape?09:44
llutz_ljsoftnet: just remove that line from blacklist-file09:44
llackkkk: which irc client do you use? how do you type that?09:44
ljsoftnetllutz_ ok gonna test it09:44
kkkkкак как руками дебил09:44
llacI regret after upgrading my ubuntu to 10.10!09:44
kkkkkak kak rukdmi debil09:44
xk0beda1hey russian guy, who you calling a dumbass?09:45
xk0beda1where you from?09:45
llutz_kkkk: stop that09:45
llacIt does not as good as 10.04! I think09:45
kkkksorry debili09:45
Pr3nt1c3kkkk: there's a channel for your language I'm sure09:46
tomoldsAre llac's views on 10.10 widely felt, upgrading now ;)09:46
xk0beda1ah. im from odessa09:46
xk0beda1yea better leave09:46
ae86-driftercan somebody pls help me boot my maverick, i am getting mount errors09:47
tomoldsae86-drifter: you're not the only one09:47
ae86-driftertomolds  what does yours say?09:47
tomoldsae86-drifter: let me guess General error ?09:47
ae86-drifterno, according to mtab, none is already mounted on /lib/init/rw ; mountall: mount /lib/init/rw terminated with exit status 1.09:48
tomoldsae86-drifter: different to me then.09:48
AlHafoudhbazhang: many thanks09:48
MoopzDoes anyone know any RSS applet for Gnome that acts like ticker tape?09:48
tomoldsae86-drifter: I got the impression that it's less error prone if you have a fresh disk.09:48
tomoldsae86-drifter: hence I'm nuking my drive and installing it fresh.09:49
ubuntovodHey all. I am buddy kkkkk09:49
ae86-driftertomolds, yeah..... im not doing that09:49
ae86-drifteri dont want to anyway09:49
llutz_!ru >ubuntovod09:50
ubottuubuntovod, please see my private message09:50
dotblank-laptopis there a time limit on cronjobs?09:51
solidus-riveri think i just set up a mail server, how do i send out a test mail?09:51
jpdsdotblank-laptop: No.09:51
ae86-drifterdepends on the job09:51
=== Joeboy_ is now known as Joeboy
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
MoopzCan people not read what I am writing or what?09:51
llutz_solidus-river: mail -s testmail foo@bar.org09:51
bobbaHi :) I've got a fresh install - console only - and I can't type the | key on the fresh install... They keyboard layout is clearly wrong.  I know how to change it in gnome, but I haven't got a clue how I can get the | key in the terminal - can anyone help?09:51
dotblank-laptopIt seems to abort my tar -caf command09:52
ae86-drifterMoopz there are hundreds out there09:52
Moopzae86-drifter, any that can be integrated into Gpanel? I haven't been able to find any.09:52
sweetpiMoopz: either nobody knows, or the ones that do are sleeping or dont feel like responding09:52
Leon81Hello there..  I have a very minor problem I was hoping someone could help me deal with (I'm a Ubuntu novice)09:52
solidus-riverllutz_: mail command is not found09:53
ae86-drifterMoopz sear5ch for rss aggregator gnome in google09:53
Moopzae86-drifter,  all of them are a seperate program that just opens. I just want to be able to read the headlines without having to open a seperate program09:53
llutz_solidus-river: install bsd-mailx09:53
llutz_solidus-river: then          mailx -s testmail foo@bar.org09:53
Moopzae86-drifter, that gives me the same programs that I've tried and I couldn't find anything that integrates with the panel09:54
solidus-riverllutz_: should that command take a looong long time?09:55
ae86-drifterMoopz, well i have one as part of google desktop, maybe you should use that, or something similar, like a widget or panel...09:55
llutz_solidus-river: it waits until you wrote the mailtext and end with a "." on a newline09:55
dotblank-laptopif I use a tar-v command in cron will it quit09:55
dotblank-laptopseems to abot ovcer time09:55
llutz_solidus-river: doesn't it tell you this?09:56
dotblank-laptopmaybe its due to too much stdout?09:56
Moopzae86-drifter, Google Desktop does the same as some of the other programs.09:56
solidus-riverllutz_: not when you issue the command, i should have read the man pages but i was blindly copying your command :)09:56
Moopzae86-drifter, as far as I can see09:56
llutz_dotblank-laptop: why do you use -v in a cronjob?09:56
Leon81I somehow lost my notification area panel and not sure how to get it back..09:57
dotblank-laptopllutz, well its a command we sometimes run manually09:57
ae86-drifterMoopz, err ok09:57
dotblank-laptopllutz, it calls a script and inside the script it has a tar with a -v09:57
ae86-drifterMoopz, do you want it in the panel?09:58
llutz_solidus-river: sorry my bad, i was sure it gives that help :(09:58
Moopzae86-drifter,  Yes, I want it to show me the headlines as text on the panel. Perhaps scroll over the screen like ticker tape.09:58
bobbadotblank-laptop, Check to see if it's an interactive shell within the script - if it isn't, dont use the -v09:59
ae86-drifterMoopz, there i googled it for you : GNUsTicker - RSS/RDF/Atom Ticker and more, Gnome panel applet aggregator09:59
solidus-riverllutz_: thats wierd, wtih my mail server i can recieve e-mail and i can check my inbox, but it doesnt seem like sending mail is working. Could i have forgot to open a port?09:59
ae86-drifterwasn't hard, was on the first page09:59
Moopzae86-drifter, That just gives me an archive that I have no clue on how to install.09:59
netwerkRudyValencia, change your color depth to 16 and see if that helps, i see that a lot with cards using 24 but only having accelleration at 1609:59
RudyValencianetwerk: of what?10:00
ukd1_hi guys, I've got 10.10 server installed on virtualbox - I installed cloud-init package and now my vm doesn't boot properly (i.e. doesn't get to a login prompt, even in recovery mode). I can see a message saying cloud-init terminated and then a bunch of messages saying "DataSourceEc2.py[WARNING]: .... url error [timed out]"10:00
bobbadotblank-laptop, or redirect the output within the cron command so it doesn't go to stdout but a log file instead10:00
ae86-drifterMoopz: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=135963&package_id=149370&release_id=31975110:00
llutz_solidus-river: check logs to find the errors10:00
netwerkof your xsession/destop resolution10:00
Felix__How do i stop the installer from trieing to install grub?10:00
solidus-riverllutz_: nevermind, it worked but it got sent to spam filter by gmail10:00
Felix__Ubuntu 10.1010:00
RudyValenciathis is a laptop, onboard video is an nvidia geforce 4 go 44010:00
Moopzae86-drifter, as said, I have no clue how to install that. I tried.10:00
Jordan_UFelix__: Did you try the alternate install CD yet?10:00
ae86-drifterMoopz, try harder or stop using linux10:00
mercizaI am looking for someone to help me with adding a driver to the mini.iso10:01
netwerkRudyValencia, i see it on this thinkpad laptop most often10:01
Felix__i need the live cd, cause i have to build my own parted before installation (raid10 dualboot)10:01
Jordan_UFelix__: And could you file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" about the problem you're having with the live installer?10:01
Moopzae86-drifter, ....10:01
mercizai have 1 huge issue which is I dont have a linux box at the moment10:01
ae86-drifterMoopz, i just downloaded it, there are CLEAR instructions10:01
ukd1_any ideas guys?10:02
seidoscan't use /msg nickserv identify command in empathy :(10:02
ae86-driftercat README10:02
netwerkRudyValencia, is you are using the 'nvidia' restricted drivers you can use nvidia-settings to try different layouts10:02
atudeHi, I just tried to upgrade ubuntu though the package manager, and it seems to have failed... now i'm stuck in a dependency loop and cannot upgrade anything10:02
atudewhat do I do?10:02
Moopzae86-drifter, The INSTALL file doesn't make me any wiser.10:02
seidosatude: did you upgrade to a new distro?  from what to what?10:03
ae86-drifterwhat about typing "./configure; make; sudo make install" ?10:03
ljsoftnetllutz_ hey i got it working10:03
atudeseidos: I tried to upgrade from 10.4 to 10.1010:03
Moopzae86-drifter, where?10:03
atudeseidos: the upgrade aborted10:03
ae86-drifterwherever you extracted it to10:03
ljsoftnetllutz_ how about the trackpad and the two buttons on my netbook, can i blacklist it also?10:04
RudyValencianetwerk: when I install the nvidia drivers my laptop's screen doesn't come on10:04
netwerkRudyValencia,  not even in console mode ?10:04
RudyValencia(it works in the consoles but not in the X session10:04
netwerkthats normal10:04
netwerkhave to set x up properly to use it10:04
ljsoftnethow about the trackpad and the two buttons on my netbook, can i blacklist it also?10:05
RudyValenciaI thought it was nvidia-xconfig10:05
netwerkmight be nvidia-xconfig10:05
=== momentum_ is now known as momentum
ae86-drifterMoopz, try opening a terminal, cd to the directory you extracted it to, type "./configure; make; sudo make install"10:05
RudyValenciathat's when my screen stops working10:05
RudyValenciais when nvidia-xconfig writes the xorg.conf10:05
RudyValencia(and I restart gdm)10:05
netwerkbeen a cpl days since ive had to use it, drove me nuts on public access server, still a lil flakey in vnc too10:05
seidosatude: sorry, i'm on a live usb testing out some stuff.  did someone answer your question?10:06
Moopzae86-drifter, Doesn't work, getting: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.10:06
solidus-riverhmm my ssl authentication is not working using gmail to access my dovecot server, the only error i get is that there is an ssl error and i should check my ports10:06
heivindis there any way to scale the gnome userinterface? im running my screen in the max resolution it support, but i still think the menus, buttons, fonts and icons could be smaller than they are.10:06
mercizaor if anyone could help show me where i could see if my driver is supported in the ubuntu 10.10 mini iso?10:06
netwerkyou have to manually edit it and adjust the setting that is killing x10:06
ae86-drifterMoopz, type pwd and what does it say10:06
netwerkyou can look in the xserver.log file to find out which part it hung up on10:06
atudeseidos: no10:06
ae86-drifterMoopz, pastebin the whole terminal session10:07
RudyValencianetwerk: me?10:08
netwerklike in my case it wanted to make it 1280x1024/24 hardware said it could use, monitor said it could not, but i found what needed chaning in the log file10:08
seidosatude: well, i'm not really sure what the error is, but i just realized myself that trying out an upgrade version of ubuntu on a live usb first is a great idea before upgrading...if you can afford a live usb that is.  but let me check launchpad for you.  can you provide more details?10:08
netwerkyes RudyValencia10:08
RudyValenciax is working it's just that it thinks the VGA output is the default screen10:08
netwerkyou can force that too10:08
cell0anyone know of a good network statistics collector? i asked this question yesterday but didn't really get any feedback10:08
hellnestcan someone PM Me10:08
hellnesti need an advice10:08
netwerkRudyValencia, multi head outputs are covered in the xorg.conf that it makes10:09
ikoniahellnest: what's up ?10:09
lytecell0: long term or short term?10:09
atudeseidos: I have no other details.. what is it that you're looking for? Also, I'm not interested in wiping my entire partition just to update packages.. that's rediculous10:09
cell0lyte: long term10:09
netwerkRudyValencia, you can then just switch out the one set for default10:09
haakonnthe maverick kernel broke sound (it just echoes endlessly), hibernation (it never wakes up again) and logout/reboot (from kde). rebooting into the .32 kernel solves everything, but this is not exactly a long term solution :(10:09
hellnestwhich version of ubuntu that support sis mirage 3+10:09
hellnesti search over internet and tole me that 9.04 version is suitable for sis mirage 3+ VGA10:10
seidosatude: no, not wiping out partitions.  just trying the distro out from a live usb to see how it works on your hardware.  i am checking launchpad to see if anyone else has had the same problem10:10
RudyValenciaI don't know much about xorg.conf10:10
ikoniahellnest: good question, SIS support in general is poor, especially around 3d acceleration, most tend to use the "vesa" (stable but no acceleration) driver10:10
atudeit works fine for my hardware10:10
atude@ seidos10:10
malvwhy am I having problems getting ubuntu to mount my encrypted partition?10:10
malvdid they change the format of crypttab or something?10:10
rohdefwhere's sun/oracle java in maverick?10:10
seidosatude: then i do not understand your question.  i thought you upgraded from jaunty to maverick (10.04 to 10.10) and you were having a problem with it "looping"10:11
RudyValenciapartner repo10:11
lytecell0: i've used a long term one at work but the name is aluding me :(10:11
hellnestikonia can you PM me?10:11
hellnesti want to discuss10:11
netwerkRudyValencia, the default is well commented and also opening: man xorg.conf in a 2nd window/screen helps a bunch too, its a lot easier then looks at first, exspecially if you already have a set up one to compare with10:11
hellnestig you have free time also10:11
FloodBot1hellnest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:11
atudeseidos: I "attempted" to upgrade from 10.4 to 10.10, but the upgrade aborted (packaage manager)10:11
ikoniahellnest: just talk in the channel10:11
hellnestok so if i install 9;04 version would it be ok?10:11
RudyValenciaI don't10:11
cell0lyte: looking for ntop type reports but on a ongoing basis10:12
seidosatude: oh, i see.  i thought the upgrade was botched and you couldn't boot.10:12
Remboвсем привет10:12
ikoniahellnest: no, as you said it is marked as quite unstable10:12
seidosatude: did you get a specific error back from synaptic?10:12
e01rembo, zdaroi10:12
netwerkafk a bit10:12
hellnestso 9.04 is marked as a unstable version for ubuntu?10:12
rohdefhow do I install java in Maverick?10:12
atudeatude: something about a series of packages not being able to install, the upgrade would abort.. that's it10:12
ikoniahellnest: no, the sis xorg driver, they are of a poor quality in general in my personal opinion10:13
atudeatude: it's not at all specific, which is another problem..10:13
atudeseidos: **10:13
hellnestoh about that i already know :)... not only a crap it's a trash! hehe10:13
lytecell0: tcptrack is good short term... ahah i remembered... pmacct is the one we use for long term accounting10:13
hellnestanyway i'm only have this one so do you have any sugesttion which version i should install?10:14
Remboсдесь че все не порусски пишут?10:14
MaryJonesCan somebody help me with a problem I am having?10:14
ikonia!ru  | Rembo10:14
ubottuRembo: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:14
rohdefRembo, english please10:14
atudeseidos: my fear is that why I reboot, I will not boot properly and will have to go into recovery mode.. that being said, trying to update or backtrack would be unlikely since I'm stuck in a dependency loop10:14
castMaryJones: not if you don't tell anyone what it is10:14
ikoniaMaryJones: if you ask a question10:14
seidosatude: i am searching here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ for "upgrade to maverick failed"10:14
atudeseidos: .... okay10:14
atudeseidos: do you have any idea why i'd be stuck in a dependency loop?10:14
seidosatude: no i don't.  i would have to google your problem.  do some research to see what i can find.10:15
cell0lyte: thanks i'll take a look see10:16
hellnestdannyboy can you PM me?10:16
dannyboyIf I want to install ubuntu for a friend who is not too computer savvy (coming from windows vista) should I stick to the long term support 10.04 version or install 10.10?10:17
hellnestdo you the one who post somwhere arround internet regarding SIS Chipset?10:17
atudeDoes anyone have any idea how I can break free of this dependency loop? I have attempted to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.4 and of course, the update failed/aborted and none of the packages feel that they need to update as well10:17
ikoniahellnest: why are you asking people to pm you10:17
ikoniahellnest: what is your question ?10:17
haakonndannyboy:  i would pick lts myself, too much trouble with karmick for a newbie10:17
rohdefoh there is a ppa for sun/oracle java why all this resistance against sun/oracle java?10:17
atudeWhat do I do to reset whatever is looking for dependencies?10:17
atudeor ignore them10:17
ikoniarohdef: didnt some mention earlier it was in the partner repository ?10:18
dannyboyhaakonn, awesome thanks =)10:18
rohdefikonia, don't think so, didn't see it in that case10:18
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.10:18
ikoniarohdef: is the partner repo enabled ?10:19
hellnestikonia : i need a discussion, can't read clearly when talking in room that's why i'm ask someone to PM. i just curious about Ubuntu and how to get it work with my notebook which is not friendly for linux. Sorry if i bothering your place10:19
malvanyone knows whats different between 10.10 and 10.04 in setting up luks?10:19
rohdefikonia, yes, it's not there on maverick as far as I can see10:19
malvgeezus christ, what a pain in the ass10:19
ikoniahellnest: try it, see if it works, but as I said SIS support is poor in Linux10:19
Scoon_Hi, new to ubuntu just have a couple of things. Firstly I can remove things from the launcher, but how do I add programs? Doesn't respond to right click10:19
Scoon_using netbook remix btw10:19
sweetpihellnest: just download 10.10 live cd and see how well it works10:20
ikoniamalv: calm down a bit please10:20
rohdefikonia, maybe the docs should be corrected10:20
ikoniarohdef: if it's not there, they certainly do need correcting10:20
MaryJonesI have a dell laptop running at a resolution of 1280x800 and an external dell LCD which runs at 1600x1200. No i could use these under 10.04 however my external no longer displays after a 10.10 install10:20
vakhi huys10:21
rohdefikonia, but can you enlighten my on why people prefer openjdk over sun/oracle?10:21
ikoniarohdef: no idea10:21
rohdefikonia, ok, thanks10:21
haakonnrohdef:  some people prefer free software10:21
vakblueman seems to be the easiest way to share Internet from our computers to mobile phones via bluetooth.10:22
llutz_rohdef: they prefer free soft, see oracle/sun as $evil10:22
dannyboyrohdef, openjdk is open source... sun java is closed source10:22
ikoniadannyboy: sun java isn't closed source10:22
Scoon_Hi guys just need some help re ubuntu netbook remix. Need to add program to launcher, unsure how. Looked through help docs but launcher doesn't respond to right click10:22
dannyboyoh ok my bad10:22
haakonnikonia:  yes, it is for now10:22
seidosatude: i don't think ignoring dependencies is a good idea.10:22
rohdefhaakonn, no?10:22
vakAre there any definitive guide on how to get Internet on our mobile phones via bluetooth?10:22
haakonnrohdef:  sun java 6 is proprietary software10:23
malvok next question, why cant I find the  cryptab file in busybox?10:23
malvI regenerated the initramfs after installing cryptsetup10:23
mR0My gnome menu (places) won't open. It shown "No application is registered as handling this file". How can I fix it?10:23
kedarmHow do I debug when my autom4te failed with exit status: 1  (no further information)?10:24
rohdefhaakonn, ok seem to remember wrong, I actually thought that java was opensourced, my bad10:24
rohdefhaakonn, either that or oracle made sure to hide the source as good as possible10:24
atudeseidos: okay, so how do I go about breaking this dependency loop? Ignoring the dependency and installing the dependents one by one seems to make a whole lot of sense10:25
haakonnrohdef:  java *was* opensourced, as openjdk. openjdk is the codebase that will eventually turn into sun/oracle jdk 7 (mostly), but for now java 6 is stable and is not free10:25
atudeseidos: in fact, it's the only thing I can think of atm though would fix the problem10:25
rohdefllutz, by "see oracle/sun" as $evil" do you mean that they do or as I should?10:25
DarkStar1richardcavell: have you tried that dicta software you recommened?10:25
ankitg__i want to  update all packages except one how can i skip that10:25
Scoon_Hi guys sorry if I'm impatient I was under the impression that this would be the place to go to get some support. Please let me know if this is not the right place10:26
rohdefhaakonn, ok, I'm confused then, because why doesn't openjdk then support all the stuff oracle java does?10:26
llutz_ankitg__: set the one on hold (aptitude hold package)10:26
ae86-drifterwhat is the go with sun virtualbox, whats the difference withween it & OSE ? they look the same....10:26
richardcavellDarkStar1: yes10:26
JAMD456How do I enable desktop sharing in Ubuntu?10:26
haakonnrohdef:  it mostly does, but there are some tiny things (snmp most notably) that sun couldn't open source10:26
llutz_ae86-drifter: OSE has no USB-support10:26
richardcavellDarkStar1: It's OS X though10:26
richardcavellnot Ubuntu10:26
haakonnrohdef:  and a big reason for preferring sun jdk in important places is that it has been much better tested than openjdk10:27
lowkeyellow, how can I encrypt whole partiton with dm_crypt in new Ubuntu 10.10 .. ?10:27
rohdefhaakonn, snmp is that commonly used for homebanking and security related stuff?10:27
haakonnrohdef:  it's used for network diagnosis afaik10:28
ae86-driftersimple network monitoring protocol10:28
haakonnrohdef:  but banking systems often check the specific jdk versjon and doesn't understand "openjdk"10:28
Scoon_Guys? Is this programming chat or ubuntu community support? Is it possible to ask a question here?10:28
rohdefhaakonn, ah then it makes sense10:28
castScoon_: the latter, ask whatever you want10:28
ae86-drifteryou can use it in the 80's for monitoring old printers and machines..10:28
richardcavellScoon_: it's end user support.  What do you want to ask?10:28
haakonnhome banking + java is bad news, mostly :)10:28
Mosaert33hey Jordan_U, I'm back (Brandon123456), the Fedora way didn't work :S. So I installed b43-fwcutter again, and now I had the idea to go to the USC and I searched for b43, and it gives me 4 results, says I installed 1 of them (obvy), but there are 3 more left, would any of those work?10:29
sulumarScoon_, its community support10:29
rohdefhaakonn, home banking + java = almost all banks in DK10:29
llutz_ae86-drifter: snmp is still used, on modern hardware too10:29
Scoon_Okay, I'm using netbook remix, I can remove items from the launcher but can't add. Looked in support docs but the launcher doesn't bring up a menu on right click10:29
haakonnrohdef:  same here, luckily my bank gives me a choice10:29
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rohdefhaakonn, lucky bastard  :)10:29
Jordan_UMosaert33: What exactly did you install?10:30
Remboдайте ссылк на ru10:30
Jordan_U!ru | Rembo10:30
ubottuRembo: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:30
Scoon_were you asking me Jordan?10:30
ankitg__aptitude hold package is showing E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)10:30
ankitg__E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root10:30
Scoon_Chrome,  just want to add it to launcher10:30
ae86-drifterllutz_ i think your right, but you need to get MIB files for each device and newer vendors supply these?10:30
llutz_ae86-drifter: some do10:31
llutz_ankitg__: use sudo10:31
rohdefhaakonn, but well might as well try if my homebanking works in openjdk, but as long as most banks don't work in openjdk I can't see it as nothing but a cute toy10:31
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I did "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter", but it didn't ask me to fetch it or so :(10:31
Jordan_UMosaert33: Do you have a /lib/firmware/b43 directory?10:32
haakonnrohdef:  i use java for many things, and openjdk always works, but i can see your point :)10:32
=== nikos is now known as nsar
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  nope (but the Terminal clearly said it's installed, and the USC says it's installed too, so maybe I need to reboot before it takes effect?)10:33
masterrhello everybody please help me with my Acer Aspire 7738G Touch Volume control10:33
Jordan_UMosaert33: Try downloading http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz , I think my connection is stable enough at the moment that you should be able to do it.10:33
masterrhow can i use it under ubuntu10:33
ankitg__thanks now its working10:34
masterrhello everybody please help me with my Acer Aspire 7738G Touch Volume control10:34
masterrhow can i use it in Ubuntu ?10:34
ankitg__its still not being hold10:35
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  so no reboot is required? (I downloaded the package from your site btw)10:35
sam__guten morgen, ich habe eine frage..ich habe ubuntu 10.10 netbook installliert, alles lief auch ganz gut, bis ich gestern üner systemaktualisierung den intel  grafik treiber updatete( ppa:glazen). nach der Installation startet ubuntu nicht mehr richtig, es erscheint nur noch das hintegrundbild aber kein  menü maus, etx..mit STRG-ALT-ENf kommt aber das abmeldemenü10:35
Jordan_U!de | sam__10:36
llutz_!de > sam__10:36
ubottusam__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:36
ubottusam__, please see my private message10:36
masterrhello everybody please help me with my Acer Aspire 7738G Touch Volume control10:36
masterrhow can i use it in Ubuntu ?10:36
Jordan_U!patience | masterr10:36
ubottumasterr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com10:36
ankitg__there are 60 packages to be upgraded first one is 19% [1 linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic 17.1MB/31.5MB 54%] how to skipp this please tell me10:37
Scoon_Is there anyone who can help with the netbook remix? Just a simple Q, first time ubuntu user10:37
ikoniaScoon_: why don't you just ask the question, rather than asking if someone maybe able to help10:38
Scoon_Well I did actually ask it ikonia, but nobody answered it10:38
ikoniaScoon_: then nobody is available to help you10:38
Scoon_well you must be if you are able to respond10:38
seidoser, aptitude is no longer included in 10.10?  or is it because i'm running a live usb?10:39
masterrhello everybody please help me with my Acer Aspire 7738G Touch Volume control10:39
masterrhow can i use it in Ubuntu ?10:39
ikoniaScoon_: no, or I would have helped10:39
llutz_seidos: they dropped it from default-install/live-cd10:39
whitmanI've got Ubuntu 10.10 installed in VirtualBox and I've enabled desktop effects to 'Normal', if I move a window to the top or bottom so that it sticks to a panel it then gets stuck to the panel and I can't drag it away.  Trying to move the window only moves it to the right.  Is there a work-around/fix for this?10:39
Mosaert33so Jordan_U, I won't reboot, and I'll do "sudo apt-get remove b43-fwcutter"? Then extract the tarball from you into /lib/firmware/b43?10:39
Scoon_Instead of debating whether you are able, why don't you help; I need to add a program to the launcher bar in the netbook remix10:39
ikoniawhitman: using desktop effects on virtual box isn't a good idea, as the video card is virtual10:40
ikoniaScoon_: I just said, if I was able to help, I would have done10:40
Scoon_well you implied it was because you were unable10:40
Scoon_as in, busy10:40
seidosmasterr: i'm not sure what i would do if i were you...just remap the keys, and create a bug in launchpad.  then wait.  i use cntrl up and cntrl down for vol up and down10:40
Jordan_UMosaert33: No ned to remove b43-fwcutter. And yes, extract it into /lib/firmware/b43/ by running "sudo tar -xf /path/to/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz -C /lib/firmware/"10:40
seidosllutz_: what do you use to search for packages from cli?10:41
whitmanikonia, I know that, and the effects work fine even if I bump the effects up to 'Extra', but for some reason the windows are sticking to panels and getting stuck.  This didn't happen on 10.04 in VirtualBox.10:41
llutz_seidos: apt-cache search10:41
seidosllutz_: acknowledged10:41
cousteau`workI have a program that requires the libstdc++.so.510:41
cousteau`workI can find the libstdc++5 package on jaunty and maverick but not karmic. Should I symlink libstdc++.so.5 -> libstdc++.so.6 as a workaround?10:42
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  does that become this? sudo tar -xf /home/brandon/Downloads/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz -C /lib/firmware/10:43
Jordan_UMosaert33: Yes.10:43
atudeHi, I just tried to upgrade ubuntu though the package manager, and it seems to have failed... now i'm stuck in a dependency loop and cannot upgrade anything10:44
tonysanI connects through ssh tunnel, but the console shows "channel 8: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out"10:44
tonysanhow do I deal with it? or is it just normal?10:44
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  it asked me for my password, and I checked, and I now have a folder /lib/firmware/b4310:44
Jordan_UMosaert33: Once you've extracted the firmware try running "sudo rmmod b43 ssb wl" Then "sudo modprobe b43"10:45
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  should the 2nd command follow by && or do I enter it once the first is successfully entered?10:45
seidosis there a package for the flash plugin in 10.10?  is it not available from live usb?10:46
Jordan_UMosaert33: Either way.10:46
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  apologies for the interruption, but I just experienced one of those random disconnects again10:49
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Mosaert33Jordan_U,  you said "once you've extracted the firmware", how do I do that?10:49
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Jordan_UMosaert33: That was the command I already gave you, since you have a /lib/firmware/b43/ directory it worked.10:50
Mosaert33oh ok10:50
Mosaert33so I'll do the first command you gave me now10:50
cousteau`worknever mind, libstdc++.so.5 was included as part of the program I'm using, but it wasn't on the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:52
Greenstuffhey, I have this problem where ushare was starting on boot, but rescently it stopped. I can start it manually using /etc/init.d/ushare start but it won't start on boot even after running update-rc.d sgain10:53
ae86-drifterim gonna back up my  home partition, should i use cp -RV /home /home.bak10:54
Greenstuffsame problem with proftpd10:54
ae86-drifteror -AV ?10:54
llutz_ae86-drifter: cp  -ax ..10:54
ectospasmae86-drifter: use rsync10:54
ae86-drifterllutz what is the x for10:54
llutz_ae86-drifter: one-filesystem10:55
ectospasmae86-drifter: if you use rsync you won't have to start over if you kill the copy operation for whatever reason10:55
ae86-drifteryes.. thats it thnx10:55
ae86-drifterectospasm, it's only around a gig, but thanks10:55
lost_what is this libQtGui.so10:56
ae86-drifterdownloading 10.10 at 160 KB/s10:56
ae86-drifterso slow10:56
ectospasmae86-drifter: ah.  I'm currently trying to transfer 660GB from an external USB drive to a network NAS:  USB->wifi->NFS->NAS.  And it's *ugly*!10:56
ae86-drifterectospasm, i now see why you know these things ;)10:57
ectospasmae86-drifter: just running du on either the USB drive or the NAS mount takes *forever*10:57
ae86-drifterectospasm, i used gnome to transfer 250GB of movies over to my server yesterday10:57
ectospasmNext time I'm getting an eSATA drive10:58
ae86-drifterjust left it overnight and it was fine10:58
ae86-drifteri should say nautilus10:58
ectospasmae86-drifter: this has taken nearly a week, but I kept stopping and starting it10:58
MattLinuxsup everyone10:58
ae86-driftersup mattgyver10:58
ae86-drifteri mean MattLinux10:59
ae86-drifterstupid tab10:59
ectospasmae86-drifter: took me a bit to figure out the Win7 machine I was using wasn't up to snuff.  Imagine that. (-;10:59
llutz_ectospasm: no ethernet available? wifi to copy big files s..ks10:59
MattLinuxhows everyones morning10:59
ae86-drifterwindows 7 :O10:59
ectospasmllutz_: not readily available10:59
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone10:59
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with me on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone11:00
ectospasmllutz_: the machine I was using would have taken up too much space.  It's not my NAS, and I am no longer in that city11:00
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I did those 2 commands and now I can't do wifi anymore11:00
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Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I'm on ethernet now11:01
Hoober_Hold on guys. I need techie help. But i don't understand most the time what you say. Should i plug my computer into the wall for better connection? (i am new to using ciruit boarDS)11:03
ae86-drifterectospasm NAS over wifi would be a waste of a NAS11:03
rwwHoober_: Don't PM me, please.11:03
Hoober_rww don't talk to me in public. ty11:03
viddyWarning: asshole detected11:03
ae86-drifterkernel panic11:03
Hoober_rww, you need a vacation bro11:03
Hoober_i am juts here to get my techie help11:03
viddyno, i meant you11:03
ectospasmae86-drifter: yes, this is not a permanent solution11:03
castwtf is a boards11:04
Hoober_ok sorry. i am just new to ubuntu11:04
vakhow, guys, do you share Internet via Bluetooth?11:04
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with me on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone11:04
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  you there?11:04
Jordan_UMosaert33: Make sure that bcmwl driver is disabled in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers then try rebooting. I don't expect it to help, but it's worth a try.11:04
=== Hoober_ is now known as Hoober
sam__Hi I am helping build an elearning course in Drupal. We would like to have examples in our text that users can click on and the example then expands. Can you let users hide/ unhide a block without reloading the whole page? Some kind of jQuery?11:04
Hooberso i have my wire connected to the circuit board, but i don't think my connection is qualifying?11:04
Hooberi don't know any other word to describe it.. erm11:04
Hooberyou know the icon near the top where the clicker can go?11:05
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  the only way to disable that driver I was using is by removing it, but then I got no drivers at all?11:05
llutz_sam__: /J #drupal.de11:05
Jordan_UMosaert33: If you can't connect to wifi after rebooting then I can't think of anything to do right now except go back to the less than stable but working proprietary drivers again (via System > Administratin > Hardware Drivers).11:05
Hooberhow do i boost my fierfox? do i like  turn the pegs of the circuit board into tether ball stands and mount ubuntu disc on side?11:05
llutz_sam__: depending on your irc-client, you may have to use        /join #drupal.de11:06
netwerkwhere do i look to controll what drivers and other such things load at boot ?11:06
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  wait, do I remove the driver? Or just reboot?11:06
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Jordan_UMosaert33: Remove the bcmwl driver, then reboot.11:06
Hooberi usually am a hardware buff11:06
netwerkim alking before  the console asnd x loads11:06
llutz_Hoober: do you have any ubuntu support related question or do you just want to troll?11:06
sam__doh sorrry11:06
Hooberis trolling gonna solve my technical issue?11:07
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I'm not sure what you mean with bcmwl, is it the one I was using before?11:07
ThylithI just installed a fresh 10.10 install from USB, but now Ubuntu wont boot correctly, it's stuck with a black screen and a cursor in the top left corner. Any ideas?11:07
Jordan_UMosaert33: Yes.11:07
manhunterhi,why is ubuntu not named like ubuntu 2010,ubuntu 2009 etc?11:07
viddybecause thats stupid11:07
Mosaert33ok, I'll remove and reboot, bbs11:07
Hooberi think i just laughed some pea out the rear-end of my weener.11:08
Hooberwrong channel11:08
netwerkThylith, x is not loading correcting, try booting into repair and fixing your x11:08
manhunterviddy: no,that's good to understand the realease year11:08
viddymanhunter: wikipedia has the release year. and how does the release year matter, all packages will get refreshed anyway11:08
Hooberbrb updating my hardrive11:08
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with me on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone11:08
Colm_Smythhi, i am having issues running ubuntu (both versions 10.04 and 10.10) netbook remix on a Toshiba Dynabook netbook. The netbook is dual boot with XP and Ubuntu, however when selecting to run Ubuntu....it basically times out and wont run....HOWEVER, for some weird reason, if i keep running my finger across the trackpad, it will boot! BUT, after finishing booting....the trackpad wont work! any...11:08
Colm_Smyth...ideas why this is happening?11:08
llutz_manhunter: what do you think the 09.xx 10.xx stands for?11:08
Thylithnetwerk, ok, thanks11:09
viddyha, the year in the version number is clever.11:09
viddyits not totally useless, at least11:09
=== Mas0ne is now known as BJMA
netwerkColm_Smyth, bad driver choice ?11:09
manhunterubuntu 2010 is better,11:09
manhunterlike avg 201111:09
manhunterkespersky 201011:10
viddyWindows Server 200311:10
Colm_Smythnetwerk: i am not sure, it runs Linux Mint flawlessly11:10
llutz_snake-oil 202211:10
viddypeople are still using it11:10
dyingprismmanhunter: maybe to you11:10
manhunterthat tells the recent story11:10
sebsebsebmanhunter: Ubuntu comes out11:10
llutz_!ot > manhunter11:10
ubottumanhunter, please see my private message11:10
Sven1234 how do i get my installed version of ubuntu 10.10 64 bit version to start with the noapic option11:10
sebsebsebmanhunter: in the 4th month  April and the 10th month October11:10
sebsebsebmanhunter: and so the version numbers11:10
netwerkColm_Smyth, a diff distro may use different hardware detection, there are options you can try to force at boot11:10
sanduz2why does my ubuntu 10.10 always leave the optical output light on? (my laptop has a headphone jack that doubles as an optical output)11:10
sanduz2it goes off when i mute11:11
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I rebooted, what ,next? (I'm still on ethernet)11:11
sebsebsebmanhunter: well actsaully the first LTS was delayed two months so that was 6.06 ,but yep they  will useually be 04 and 10.  10.04  10.10 for example11:11
momentumwhat's the best tool on ubuntu to create rap beats?11:11
Jordan_UMosaert33: Try connecting via wifi, if it doesn't work then switch back to the other driver.11:11
Colm_Smythnetwerk, what can i do to force hardware detection?11:11
manhunteris multimedia codecs and flash-plugin automatically installed on ubuntu?11:11
sebsebsebmanhunter: calling a program after a  year, is more of a propritary software kind of thing,  free software does not tend to do this :)11:11
sebsebseb!freedom | manhunter11:12
ubottumanhunter: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing11:12
sanduz2momentum, i think you need beatzAudio from Dr Dre11:12
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with me on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone11:12
sebsebsebmanhunter: no they are not, but you can install them easilly11:12
manhunterwhat's the command to install adobe reader?11:12
ae86-driftercan someone fix my mount issue with fstab / mtab please ? i am about the clean install :((11:12
sebsebsebmanhunter: you don't need Adobe Reader there are good alternatives11:12
momentumsanduz2: Dr Dre wrote his own software?11:12
sebsebseb!pdf | manhunter11:12
ubottumanhunter: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)11:12
Sven1234how do i get my installed version of ubuntu 10.10 64 bit version to start with the noapic option11:12
sanduz2you need the hardware11:12
llutz_Sven1234: edit grub commandline at boottime11:13
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  I just launched Hardware Drivers, and now I have another driver, I'll first activate that, then plug out ethernet, then try to connect with wifi?11:13
sebsebsebmomentum: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will give you MP3 support,  AVI support, Flash, and some other stuff11:13
manhunterif the multimedia codec , flash-plugin,gcc, are automatically installed with ubuntu,then it will be more user friendly for us11:13
sebsebsebmanhunter: ^^^ above,  momentum wrong one11:13
Sven1234llutz how do i do that i know nothing about computers11:13
sanduz2ubuntu 10.10 does automatically install all the codecs and flash11:13
sebsebsebmanhunter: they could probably do Flash by default really, but they don't for a few reasons11:13
manhunterfor multimedia code installation we need to add medibutu , right?11:14
sanduz2theres an option in the installer11:14
sebsebsebmanhunter: also by the way WIndows does not come with Flash by default11:14
sebsebsebmanhunter: no you need to run the command I just told you to, but if you want commercial DVD support for example, then yes medibuntu11:14
ljsoftnetllutz can we do a video chat, just send your email to on Private message11:14
castadobe flash is non-free and should not be installed.11:14
llutz_Sven1234: press "e" when grub-menu is shown, go to the line starting with "linux" add "noapic" at the end of that line, press ctrlx11:14
manhunterlinux mint comes with flash,i think11:14
dyingprismubuntu seems more user friendly than windows in my opinion anyway, adobe doesn't allow microsoft to bundle flash with its software either11:15
Sven1234what is a grub menu11:15
Jordan_UMosaert33: Do you see any networks listed in the network manager applet currently?11:15
llutz_ljsoftnet: no11:15
radekprohlížení  dalšího PC přes SKYPE11:15
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  yeah, tons, and none of those 2 drivers is activated, cuz I'm on ethernet11:15
ljsoftnetllutz_ ok sorry11:15
Sven1234what is a grub menu do you mean that menu when you can select ubuntu or windows?11:15
manhunterxpdf,okular,other are not as good as adobe reader11:15
llutz_Sven1234: thats it11:15
a2warikIn Openoffice spreadsheet Whenever i copy a long sentence & paste it in one cell instead of having every thing in one cell itself the sentence is split & pasted in number of rows. I want everything to remain in one cell. Will someone help?11:15
momentumsanduz2: where can I even buy this? I seem to only find headphones; but neither the hardware nor the software11:16
=== saby is now known as Saby
manhunterwhat's the commadn to install adobe reader on ubuntu?11:16
Jordan_UMosaert33: Then just disconnect from ethernet, without changing anything in hardware drivers, and you should be able to connect via wifi (hopefully more stably).11:16
Sven1234llutz so i press E then i type the letters noapic at the end and the i press ctrl+x and nothing else it is done?11:16
Mosaert33ok Jordan_U , here I go :P11:16
Colm_Smythanyone know how to force hardware detection when booting to ubuntu on a dual boot XP netbook?11:16
llutz_Sven1234: make sure to add "noapic" at the correct line11:16
Colm_Smythits a toshiba dynabook11:16
sebsebsebMosaert33: you don't need it11:16
sebsebsebmanhunter: you don't need it11:16
sebsebsebmanhunter: also I belive Ubuntu still comes with a program for opening PDF11:17
Sven1234llutz how do i know which is the correct line?????11:17
manhuntersebsebseb: why don't i need it?11:17
ljsoftnetcan someone do a video and voice chat with me on google talk,? just wana test my webcam and microphone11:17
triptecwhy is filesharing in ubuntu totaly worthless, if one must edit the smb.conf to share somethingokay, but one might think clicking share this folder might share it!11:17
sebsebsebmanhunter: since there are loads of great alternative programs for PDF11:17
manhuntersebsebseb: what is that?11:17
sebsebsebmanhunter: not sure what is pre installed for PDF, but try opening a PDF and it will probably open with something :)11:17
llutz_Sven1234: press "e" when grub-menu is shown, go to the line starting with "linux" add "noapic" at the end of that line, press ctrlx11:17
sanduz2momentum, to be honest, linux doesnt have any really good music production apps11:17
netwerkColm_Smyth, : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common%20Boot%20Options11:17
manhuntersebsebseb: are you talking about evince?11:17
sebsebsebmanhunter: yes thats one of them11:18
llutz_Sven1234: do you run that ubuntu now?11:18
sebsebseb!pdf | manhunter11:18
manhuntersebsebseb: do you use ubuntu 10.10?11:18
dyingprismmanhunter: there is a channel on freenode named #ubuntu-chat and google "install adobe reader ubuntu"11:18
sebsebsebdyingprism: no hes not being off topic11:18
Sven1234llutz now at this second i am running windows 7 i ahve both ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 installed togheter on the same computer11:18
sebsebsebdyingprism: also I think you meant #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
lytetriptec: there is standard samba sharing available from nautilus with editing any files, if you want to do something more complex you need to edit the config by hand...11:18
Colm_Smythnetwerk, thanks will check that out. i switched back to Mint this morning....but want to try ubuntu out if i can get it booting smoothly11:18
netwerkColm_Smyth, im on a thinkpad 600e, your issue is easy in comparison11:19
llutz_Sven1234: so do it as i told you. there would have been a different way but that requires ubuntu running11:19
sebsebsebmanhunter: for now yeah,  not for that many weeks though I guess :D  since other distros :)   also currently in Lubuntu, but  yeah thats still Ubuntu really11:19
manhunterdoes ubuntu 10.10 grub get the windows 7?11:19
Sven1234llutz ok i will try11:19
manhunterafter installation of ubuntu11:19
tripteclyte, as in sharing a folder, advanced I'm not sure I'd call it that11:19
ae86-drifteri need some serious help i can't boot without a livecd, the 10.10 upgrade totally wrecked it11:19
netwerkyes, grub2 and win7 bootloader mostly get along11:19
lytetriptec: you can share a folder without editing any config files...11:20
Colm_Smythnewtwerk : yeah, i figure it must be something easy to fix........cos when it DOES boot with the coercion of my fondling the trackpad, all is good ;)11:20
lytetriptec: if you want complex shares or authentication _then_ you have to edit the config11:20
manhunterif i install ubuntu 10.10 , will it get windows 7?11:20
Krishnandumanhunter, Yes11:20
taomasteranyone tell me which usb wireless adapter will work with 10.4.1 lts?11:20
manhunterwhen it install grub211:20
tensorpuddingmanhunter: if you install ubuntu 10.10 and keep your old windows 7 on there, i'll be picked up11:20
tripteclyte, doesn't seem to work if it's on a usb drive11:20
ae86-drifternetwerk, on my laptop it has been perfect ever since win7 RC came out, except for one windows update where i had to reinstall grub11:20
Krishnandumanhunter, grub2 will automatically detect other installation be it other linux distros or windows11:20
netwerktaomaster, the wusb600n works with ndiswrapper11:20
=== Obadiah is now known as Vivek
sebsebsebmanhunter: Grub 2 sucks, for many of us compared to the previous version, that you can't just have in later verisons of Ubuntu, but yes it should pick up on your WIndows 7 no problem and let you boot that as well11:21
netwerkits a linksys11:21
taomasternetwerk i have it and it wont work11:21
Colm_Smythnetwerk, thanks again....i'm off to tinker with my Dynabook. there is something very satisfying about tinkering with different OS set-ups. lol11:21
=== Vivek is now known as VivekvC
=== VivekvC is now known as VivekVC
=== VivekVC is now known as Vivek
netwerktaomaster, use the ndiswrapper package, then when it askd for the driver.inf file, use the windows p version of the driver11:21
netwerkwindows XP**11:22
netwerki did that and both the 600n usb and my smc pcmcia card work just fine11:22
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  like you said, magic happened, Connection Information now says I'm using the b43 driver instead of the wl driver, even though Hardw Drivers says none of the 2 are activated! :D11:23
Krishnandusebsebseb, thats diff thing buddy...manhunter just asked whether grub will pick up win7 or not11:23
Jordan_UMosaert33: :)11:23
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  would you mind explaining how I am using Wifi without a driver?11:23
ae86-drifterhow do i make ubuntu clear all mount points?11:24
sebsebsebKrishnandu: I like to give people some extra education about this kind of stuff, at times as well, when I can :)11:24
erUSULae86-drifter: define "clear"11:24
Jordan_UMosaert33: You aren't.11:24
ae86-driftermtab ?11:24
Krishnandusebsebseb, Thats nice :)11:24
Gneaae86-drifter: utilize the shutdown command11:24
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  elaborate :P11:24
Jordan_UMosaert33: The b43 driver is open source, and is part of the linux kernel sources. It has always been installed.11:24
GneaMosaert33: if your hardware works, there's a driver driving it11:25
Mosaert33so the Linux Kernel is taking care of my wifi, nice11:25
Jordan_UMosaert33: The reason it didn't *work* untill now is that along with a driver you need firmware, code which runs on the card itself.11:25
Mosaert33so it's not the kernel, but the firmware11:25
netwerkae86-drifter,  umount -a11:26
Gneathe linux kernel takes care of everything, but your wifi driver is actually a kernel module, so an indirect extension of the kernel, not directly part of the kernel11:26
Jordan_UMosaert33: Broadcom licenses this code in such a way that it can't legally be distributed with Ubuntu.11:26
=== alfred is now known as Guest16212
Gneamost hardware drivers in linux tend to just be kernel modules of some sort11:26
Emanonyay tor on my iphone11:26
Thylithhmm.. I'm trying Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a console due to my boot problems, but it doesn't work..11:26
Thylithhow do i get into a recovery mode so i can fix my xconf?11:27
Mosaert33alright, thx for helping, I'll come back if this is unstable too :D (prob won't lol, since it's the same as the one on 10.04)11:27
SabyThylith, use Ctrl+Alt+F211:27
lost_can ubuntu runs a RPM file?11:27
Mosaert33so maybe cya Jordan_U :P11:27
Gnealost_: yes11:27
sebsebseb!alien | lost_11:27
ubottulost_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)11:27
ThylithSaby, same there unfortunately11:27
SabyThylith, you will need to get into single user mode11:27
Sabyfrom the grub11:27
Thylithproblem is that i never get any boot options..11:27
sebsebseblost_: Alien being dangerious like the bot factoid says, I am not so sure about that, however you would usually use an Ubuntu deb or compile a program rather than try and use a RPM in Ubuntu11:27
Thylithjust black screen with cursor11:28
Gnealost_: depends on the rpm, really11:28
lost_i have to search aptitude11:28
sebsebseblost_:  trying to use RPM's in Ubuntu should be a last resort really, thats what I am saying11:28
Jordan_UMosaert33: What hardware drivers would normally do to "Enable the driver" would be to download the windows driver from broadcom's website (because they're the only ones allowed to distribute it) then extract just the firmware from it. Since you added the firmware manually, Hardware Drivers thinks that the driver has never been "enabled" (because it hasn't done anything to get the firmware).11:28
=== md is now known as Guest67931
roffeI'm Swedish, but I prefer using Ubuntu in English. There's one tiny problem to it though, whenever I check the calender it starts every week on a sunday. Is it possible to fix this to mondays instead?11:29
stuiewisst ihr wie man mithilfe der ubuntu 10.10 iso ubuntu 10.04 updaten kann ?11:29
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  so Hardw Drivers should say that the b43 one is In Use right? (I don't mind that it doesn't say that though)11:29
Jordan_UMosaert33: Why the option wasn't previously there in Hardware Drivers for you I don't know. But I'm glad it's working now :)11:29
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:29
Jordan_UMosaert33: Yes, it should.11:29
jribroffe: « man locale » is where I would start my search11:29
Sven1234llutz it did not work11:30
Mosaert33Jordan_U,  tyvm again, and maybe cya if this wifi sucks too :P11:30
Jordan_UMosaert33: You're welcome :)11:30
erUSULroffe: set only LC_TIME to swedish locale?11:30
cemchow can I disable indexing in 10.10 ? I don't want it to start even, completely disable it11:30
roffeThanks guys, I'll look into both!11:30
Sven1234how do i make an installed version of ubuntu 10.10 run with the noapic version selected11:31
travkinuse google before asking dumb questions11:31
travkincemc, what do you mean exactly with indexing?11:31
travkinSven1234, sudo nano /etc/default/grub11:31
travkinGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noapic"11:31
Sven1234i am not running ubuntu now but windows11:32
travkinthen do sudo update-grub11:32
travkindo you have ability to boot LiveCD?11:32
Sven1234travkin right now i am in windows 7 i can not start up ubuntu because it only works with noapic so how do i make it start up with noapic11:32
travkinwhat's filesystem of installed Ubuntu partition?11:32
cemctravkin: there's that app that indexes your files for quick searching or whatever. there's an icon that briefly appears when it's doing that, I think at startup11:33
Sven1234travkin yes i can use live cd with noapic option and install with noapic option now after installation i want it to start with noapic option how do i do that11:33
travkinSven1234, follow this guide: http://www.socialblogr.com/2010/09/how-to-read-file-in-ext4-file-system-from-windows-7.html11:33
travkinyou'll be able to see content of your parition and edit files11:33
roffeAnyway, I think it should be a standard option to switch between the timesystems in the clock-app11:33
travkinthen find your /boot/grub/grub.cfg and add to append noapic option11:33
lost_i have setup alien now but it still asks for libQtGui.so.411:33
erUSULSven1234: edit /etc/default/grub add noapic to where splash and quiet is ( betwen the  quotes) run « sudo update-grub »11:34
travkinerUSUL, damn, he can't run update-grub because he don't have ability to boot into Ubuntu11:34
travkinread carefully11:34
travkincemc, Preferences -> Startup Applications - there have to be what are you looking for, like Indexing Service11:34
travkinbut it was removed from 9.10, i thought11:34
travkinstarting from*11:34
FloodBot1travkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
Sven1234erUSUL wo wo wo i know little about computers i am now running win7 how do i make the installed ubuntu start with noapic option11:35
travkinSven1234, what's wrong with you? I told you how to do it11:35
erUSULSven1234: then edit the option directly in the grub menu. when booting prss shift so the grub mwenu appears. then hit enter to edit. go to kernel line and add noapic to the end. do crtl + x to boot the modified grub entry11:35
llutz_erUSUL: i already told him to do, "didn't work" [sic]11:36
erUSULSven1234: to edit is press "e" not enter11:36
littlebobbyI'm running 10.10 64-bit and I've got sound delays in flash. All the help stuff regarding this problem on the web seems outdated for maverick. any ideas?11:36
* erUSUL shuts up now ;)11:36
Sven1234erUsul when grb opens i pressed E then i pressed down to the end of the last line, then i pressed enter to make a new empty line then i typed in noapic then i pressed ctrlx but that did not work ubuntu did not start11:37
travkinlittlebobby, sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio helped me on another laptop. anyway, there's a discussion on ubuntuforums.org, and some users offer another solution11:37
Sven1234 erUSUL when grub opens i pressed E then i pressed down to the end of the last line, then i pressed enter to make a new empty line then i typed in noapic then i pressed ctrlx but that did not work ubuntu did not start11:37
llutz_Sven1234: i told you where to add "noapic". that was not at the end in a new line!11:37
littlebobbytravkin, yeah, I thought about getting rid of pulseaudio, thanks for the tip11:37
erUSULSven1234: no you do not have to make a new empty line you have to add noapic to the end to the already existing kernel line ( the one that starts with kernel )11:37
littlebobbytravkin, wasn't sure it was still a good idea11:37
Sven1234llutz hello  please explain again and should i ahve the "" marks as well or just the letters noapic11:38
Talon_how do I edit a theme in more detail? I really like ubuntu 10.04's default theme, but i made the buttons be on the right rather than the left, and added the menu in there... but the menu is a stupid dot, the other themes make that stupid dot be the applications icon.11:38
travkinlittlebobby, on another distro I don't use pulseaudio at all and don't see any need in it11:38
llutz_Sven1234: no just add the bare word noapic to the kernel line11:38
littlebobbytravkin, you don't have the link to that discussion, have you?11:39
Talon_i guess i need to edit the Ambiance window border or something11:39
travkinlittlebobby, let me see the history11:39
Sven1234so a line that starts with the word kernel i am to add the letters noapic at the end of that line and if so am i to press spacebar to create gap between the last letter of that line and the letters noapic?11:39
llutz_Sven1234: yes11:39
Sven1234ok will try again then11:39
travkinlittlebobby, no. just make Search on forums11:40
littlebobbytravkin, I'll do, thanks :-)11:40
* [gnubie] waves11:43
[gnubie]is there a way to download the revision 282 directly from https://code.launchpad.net/~djcsdy/swfmill/trunk without installing bzr?11:44
wilsonzaizaican anyone please help me?11:46
wilsonzaizaii hav a problem with ubuntu unity11:46
wilsonzaizaiwhen im using unity , i highlight the unity dock , it keeps flashing11:47
=== rubydiamond is now known as zz_rubydiamond
topyliis there a way to make exceptions to unity's global menu? it breaks the LyX menu so i would like it to be ignored, so that i can have a menu in the application window11:47
ewoernerhi, i'm having trouble with several systems containing i855gm chips, already found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Mavericki8xxStatus11:48
wilsonzaizaiwhen im using unity , i highlight the unity dock , it keeps flashing11:48
wilsonzaizaiwhen im using unity , i highlight the unity dock , it keeps flashing , how can i fix this??11:49
ewoernersince i never had the instabilities described here, i followed "Manually enabling the Intel driver"11:49
gui_I have the following error : Starting Prelude LML: prelude-lmlinvoke-rc.d: initscript prelude-lml, action "start" failed. what can I do to help me to fix that ?11:49
Nagilum_gui_: check /var/log/messages11:50
ewoernerthis works except that on each system i tested this so far the mouse pointer is missing11:50
topyliwilsonzaizai: no need to repeat your question so often11:50
wilsonzaizaican anyone please help me?11:51
ThylithOkay, so I'm having this boot problem with fresh 10.10 install. Alt+F2, Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Shift on startup doesn't work to get into any type of command line..11:52
gui_Nagilum_, thank you !11:52
Thylithonly black screen with active cursor..11:52
Thylithany other shortcuts worth trying, getting nowhere..11:52
Rossounobye to all11:53
atomic__hello, does anyone know where gnome-screensaver-preferences saves the settings ?11:53
flupkehi, I have problems editing tags of an album in rhythmbox. I managed to edit them in kid3 but rhythmbox won't update its database with the new tags. Where is this database kept ?11:54
Rossounocan i ask some question about ubuntu server, in this chanel?11:54
Nagilum_ZZA: sieht seine Kinder buchern11:54
Nagilum_ups, sorry, ECHAN11:54
Rossounocan i speak italian11:55
Nagilum_Rossouno: yes11:55
topyliRossouno: #ubuntu-server11:55
topyliitalian in #ubuntu-it11:55
k-radis gnome shell worth using ?11:55
atomic__it looks like its  .gconf/apps/gnome-screensaver/%gconf.xml, but when i make changes in the gui tool, it does not reflect in the xml file11:56
Sven12345How do I make Ubuntu 10.10 always start up with the noapic option how do i make thise modification when inside ubuntu?11:56
Krishnanduhey, does gstreamer-plugin-good, gstreamer-plugin-bad, gstreamer-plugin-ugly and gstreamer-plugin-base supports all common media formats like .mpg, .avi, .wmv etc??11:57
Rossounoi want know: 1) can i configure ubuntu and i can access from remote internet access desktop11:58
Rossounocan i use ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server11:58
Nagilum_Sven12345: check /etc/grub.d/10_linux11:58
shutyaevhi all. i have intel wifi/wimax 5150 adapter and when i switch to wimax mode via 'wimaxcu ron' somehow my wifi fights back in a minute. i guess this could be gnome network manager searching for wifi network. how can i disable automatic wifi turning-on11:59
Sven12345Nagilum_ i know nothing about computers how exactlly do i do that?11:59
llutz_Sven12345: sudo nano /etc/default/grub11:59
Bodsda   /leave12:00
Sven12345llutz_ hello it was not at the end of the grub but behind the words quiet splash i needed to add noapic in the grub12:00
herbmonkdoes anybody know of an app that I can use to convert blender models to other formats12:00
llutz_Sven12345: make that line looking like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noapic"12:00
Nagilum_Sven12345: see llutz12:00
llutz_Sven12345: then "sudo update-grub"12:00
Sven12345llutz ok will try12:01
Sven12345after the sudo nano do you have a space bar between the end of nano and the /12:01
Sven12345llutz after the sudo nano do you have a space bar between the end of nano and the /12:02
Sven12345llutz_ after the sudo nano do you have a space bar between the end of nano and the /12:02
llutz_Sven12345: yes12:02
llutz_why don't people use fonts they can read..?12:02
imac这是哪里  ?12:02
drunkyduckHey guys. Can someone help a n00b? :)12:02
imac这是哪里  ?12:02
JoeMaverickSett!cn | imac12:03
ubottuimac: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:03
Nagilum_llutz_: there is a nasty rendering in 10.10 which becomes apparent when using xterm :>12:03
Nagilum_rendering bug12:03
drunkyduckguys I need help with xrandr? it constantly reports "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma" :(12:04
llutz_Nagilum_: hmpf, not here12:04
Nagilum_llutz_: hmm, must be driver related then12:04
gui_after upgrade to maverick amsn doesn't run and report an error message about tkcximage loading problem. Any suggests ?12:05
jamesmukalelUbuntu 10.10 netbook remix is not much good.12:05
jamesmukalelHighload for my 1000HE12:05
Nagilum_llutz_: Intel 965GM here, the errors disappear once the window refreshed, doesnt seem to affect other terminals though12:06
Sven12345llutz_ ok i got the thing open in terminal but when i type in sudo update-grub nothing happens how do i get it to update?12:06
llutz_Sven12345: have you left nano saving the changes? ctrl-x12:06
Sven12345llutz no i have not left nano how do i leave nano remember i know nothing about computers12:07
llutz_jamesmukalel: /join #drupal12:07
aapzakanyone here know how priorities in empathy's metacontact work?12:08
llutz_Sven12345: make sure to delete the "sudo update-grub" from the file you opened, and press ctrl-x to save/quit12:08
Sven12345llutz_ ok will try12:08
llutz_Sven12345: when back to terminal, "sudo update-grub"12:08
llutz_Sven12345: should give you: "Generating grub.cfg ..." and a few "Found ..." lines12:09
gui_aptitude remove --purge amsn && aptitude install amsn won't work ... tkcximage allready missing :-(12:09
sonic_bakerHi, anyone know if I can apt-get install and older kernel?12:09
Sven12345llutz_ok i did it will it now work also  will the windows version on my computer also start with the noapic?12:09
herbmonkwow nothing, I thought somebody would have some exp with blender12:09
llutz_Sven12345: nope that only affects your ubuntu12:10
Sven12345llutz_ ok i will reboot now and see if it works12:10
drunkyduckGUYS, cmon...can be that nobody could help me with xrandr?12:10
llutz_Sven12345: wait please12:10
gDD_i accidently "cat 500mbFile > /dev/sda4", any suggestion?12:12
erUSULherbmonk: /join #blender ?12:12
greenmang0gDD_: :D12:12
llutz_gDD_: no harm if you don't have used sudo12:12
Lenny|Work"Richard@Sky: Ed Miliband is making his first appearance at Prime Minister's questions as Labour leader."12:12
Thylithi managed to get into command line now.. but, "grub is not installed.. 1 package to remove 'grup-pc'.. one package to install 'grub'.."12:12
Sven12345llutz_ it did work for ubuntu now it starts without any problems, thanks for that, BUT what does noapic mean what am i saying no to here and do i need the "apic" for something12:12
Lenny|Workoops wrong channel sorry guys12:12
gDD_llutz_: yes, i use sudo12:12
Thylithis that correct?12:12
llutz_gDD_: time to restore the backup12:13
gDD_a quick scan via testdisk don't do anything, i think maybe i need a deep scan12:13
gDD_anyway i don't think testdisk is born for handle this thing12:13
herbmonkerUSUL: already did, but I'll ask in their about blender form now on, just thought I might try hear too12:14
llutz_Sven12345: it disables the use of the apic, but please use google for more information. i don#t know very much about that12:14
herbmonksorry if my post was off topic12:14
herbmonkmy basd12:14
greenmang0llutz_: is it at all possible to recover data after > /dev/sda4 ?12:14
gDD_llutz_: no backup :(12:14
gDD_i forgot to say it's a ext4 partition12:14
llutz_greenmang0: depends how much data was written to the partition. i guess its hard to recover12:14
gDD_primary ext4 400GB partition12:15
llutz_gDD_: no backup so no important data lost :)12:15
greenmang0llutz_: ok12:15
Sven12345llutz_ my computer frooze i need to turn off power to restart and missed if you wrote anything to me12:16
ne7workhi all where is AllowOverride in apache please someone tell me12:16
gDD_llutz_: yes, not really important12:16
llutz_Sven12345: it disables the use of the apic, but please use google for more information. i don#t know very much about that12:16
llutz_gDD_: so don't waste your time trying to recover12:16
Some_PersonI'm getting a kernel panic: "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)12:16
Sven12345llutz_ ok12:16
gDD_llutz_: my $HOME was there, it's better to recover that...12:16
Sven12345llutz_ thanks for the help ;)12:17
gDD_ahh... luckily i have an 1 month ago root partition at another HDD12:18
gDD_with $HOME12:18
sunhello people12:19
llutz_!backup > gDD_ for the future, think about this ...12:19
ubottugDD_, please see my private message12:19
ne7workhello all in apache from wich file can I make this AllowOverride Al ?12:19
ne7workhello all in apache from wich file can I make this AllowOverride All ?12:19
harpalI am trying to run windows form sample in ubuntu with mono12:20
harpaland I am getting error while running file12:20
gDD_llutz_: so it is very hard to recover?12:20
harpalUnhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI ---> System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Windows.Automation.Provider.AutomationInteropProvider ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.12:20
harpalSame exe is running fine under OpenSuse with mono12:20
harpalI dont know which file I am missing12:21
Rossounocan i access to my ubuntu from remote web desktop ? how?12:21
llutz_gDD_: try testdisk/photorec but i doubt it is worth the time12:21
stixHi guys. Can I minimize rythmbox and Xchat to the tray?12:21
=== Gabbie|AFK is now known as Gabbie
gDD_llutz_: ok, i tried photorec before and it recoverd a bad small tar file from that partion12:23
Krishnandustix, Yup, see it in app's preferences12:23
leighhow are you all12:24
Sven12345i am fine12:24
nunojpgon ubuntu 10.04, /proc/uptime tends to have to send number larger than the first. Isn't it suppose for the first to be always the bigger?12:24
Sven12345how do you check your system information inside ubuntu such as graphic card, processor etc etc12:24
gDD_llutz_: thanks for the help:)12:25
sebsebsebSven12345: lspci in terminal12:25
=== sonic_baker__ is now known as sonic_baker
Sven12345sebsebseb ok12:25
pea[0]how do you login to root to the gui?12:26
sebsebsebpea[0]: why?12:26
pea[0]i want to do basic things like move files12:26
sebsebsebpea[0]: which files?12:26
Skaperenpea[0]: do it at the command line12:27
sulumarsudo nautilus12:27
sebsebsebpea[0]: files that are wehre?12:27
sebsebsebsulumar: thats gksudo12:27
pea[0]i'm getting bored of having to google everything i want to do12:27
sebsebsebpea[0]: gksudo nautilus ,but be careful with that12:27
pea[0]when i can just drag and drop12:27
Sven12345when i installed ubuntu on my machine i allready had win 7 on it, and in instalation i gave it 100gb of disk now why can i see the windows part of the disk as well???? and not just the ubuntu part and can i move stuff across the 2 different parts?12:27
sebsebsebpea[0]: you don't want to delete stuff you shoudn't or move stuff in the wrong place for exmaple12:27
pea[0]don't i12:27
sebsebsebpea[0]: also permissions can be annoying yes, but they are there from a reason, to keep your system safe, and that does mean from you from the user as well12:27
pea[0]i thought this was linux, not windows12:27
=== Gabbie is now known as Gabbie|AFK
nibbler_what package in 10.4 do i have to install to get http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man1/winexe.1.html ?12:28
pea[0]this system isn't even connected to the internet12:28
sebsebsebpea[0]: if you do certain stupid things,  you might get some issue12:28
sebsebsebpea[0]: right, but even so12:28
Skaperenpea[0]: if you are bored of googling for everything you want to do, then hang out here and do the googling of what other people want to do12:28
sebsebsebpea[0]: if you move files around into the wrong places for example, depending on what they are, you might be able to mess your system up a little bit12:28
pea[0]sebsebseb, yes, well as i said, this is linux, not windows12:28
pea[0]i should be able to do what i want, right or wrong12:28
sebsebsebpea[0]: also you don't really need to do anything,  except with /home  and maybe extenrlah ard disks12:29
sebsebsebroved2101: ^12:29
pea[0] /opt12:29
Sven12345sebsebseb ok but why can i see the other partion the one i gave to windows inside my ubuntu???12:29
jribpea[0]: right, windows is the silly place where you run everything as root, linux is not that silly place12:29
Skaperenpea[0]: sudo /bin/bash ... now you have a shell running with root power ... "passwd root" to set a root password if you don't have it done already12:29
pea[0]i want to run the gui as root12:29
sebsebseb!noroot | Skaperen pea[0]12:29
ubottuSkaperen pea[0]: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.12:29
sebsebseb!root | pea[0]12:30
ubottupea[0]: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:30
Skaperensebsebseb: I know12:30
llutz_Skaperen: if you need a root-shell, use correct "sudo -i"12:30
pea[0]sebsebseb, please don't spam me12:30
sebsebsebpea[0]: you should learn a bit about permissions, and probably about the file system a bit and how it works12:30
sebsebseb!permissions | pea[0]12:30
ubottupea[0]: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:30
pea[0]sorry but i'm gonna have to ignore the bot12:31
jribpea[0]: if you don't want answers, then don't ask questions...12:31
pea[0]my client is going crazy with highlight beeps12:31
Skaperenpea[0]: why?12:31
odb|fidelut tries to help you12:31
pea[0]*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*12:31
odb|fidelif you ignore the bot - dont expect help12:31
odb|fidelpea[0]: configure your irc client12:31
odb|fidelthere is no need to make sounds if a users-nick is used12:32
sebsebsebindeed @ odb|fidel12:32
pea[0]i don't want a lesson in permissions anyway. i want to know how to get access to my own computer12:32
llutz_!manual > pea[0] read this12:32
ubottupea[0], please see my private message12:32
sebsebsebpea[0]: things can mess up with Ubuntu as well, things can mess up with any operating system when stupid stuff is done,  no operating system is 100% perfect12:32
sebsebsebllutz_: except he may have the bot on ignore now,  so you may want to give the link instead :D12:32
jribpea[0]: they are one and the same12:32
Skaperenllutz_: why do you think that is "correct"?12:33
llutz_Skaperen: because it sets a correct environment and has no strange sideeffects, other ways may have12:33
sebsebsebpea[0]: that you can't do certain stuff just like that, with certain files and folders, is becsue of security, and that does mean, from you the user12:33
sebsebsebpea[0]: that you can't just do,  you can do stuff with those files though, if you know how, but there are ways to do stuff with those files, and ways not to as well12:34
Skaperenllutz_: I've found it causes more problems than it avoids (been doing it many ways for a couple decades)12:34
pea[0]well thank you linux for protecting me from myself, but i don't want it12:34
a2wariksebsebseb: & every body, sorry to disturb but i have a problem know you   solve that easily In spreadsheet Whenever i copy a long sentence & paste it in one cell instead of having every thing in one cell itself the sentence is pasted in number of rows. I want everything to remain in one cell. Will someone help?12:34
llutz_Skaperen: use "sudo bash" and make "echo $HOME" then, you'll see one point12:35
Skaperenllutz_: if I want a full login to root I just do that12:35
sebsebsebpea[0]:  you the user,  are actsually the biggest risk to an operating system going wrong,  not malicious computer hackers/blackats (media call them hackers, that is wrong)12:35
odb|fidelpea[0]: seems like you dont want to learn - so why are you asking then?12:35
odb|fideljust wondering12:35
Skaperenllutz_: then I just login as root ... the least problems12:35
sebsebsebpea[0]: thats blackhats I did a typo12:35
sebsebseband crackers12:35
pea[0]sebsebseb, i promise not to steal my own money when i hack into my own computer and steal my own credit card details12:35
llutz_Skaperen: please just don't suggest that to others here.12:35
sebsebsebpea[0]: no its not so much about that12:36
pea[0]uh huh12:36
sebsebsebpea[0]: is about you moving files that you shoudn't for example, or accidently deleting them,  that you need for your Ubuntu install to work properly12:36
pea[0]lampp installed everything to /opt12:36
sebsebsebpea[0]: however doing stuff with LAMP files,  will probably be ok yeah12:37
llutz_pea[0]: because you didn't use the packages12:37
Skaperenllutz_: if it solves their problem, then I should suggest it ... I am a man of truthful answers12:37
a2warikpea[0], sebsebseb & all others but i have problems too will some one solve that please12:37
odb|fidela2warik: please repeat your problem12:38
llutz_Skaperen: people who have to ask how to get a root shell, shouldn't use it that way. they don't know what they're doing12:38
sebsebseba2warik: I hardly do stuff with spreadsheets, so I am not really the person to be asking :)12:38
Leo145hi.i have upgraded  10.04 to 10.10 but boot splash did'nt change.what should i do?12:38
pea[0]i know how to login as root. i'm asking how to login to root in the gui so i can drag and drop12:38
sebsebseba2warik: in fact I have mainly been doing stuff with spreadsheets when forced to,  by courses, and then it was Excel12:39
nibbler_hmm, looks like winexe has silently been dropped from ubuntu? that would be very strange.....12:39
a2warikodb|fidel: i have stated my problem earlier will you read it there12:39
spidlaHi everyone, I have got a problem with my intel GPU. This problem has already been described by BUG #634683. However on the launchpad is said, that BUG is resolved and fix is released. I have latest version of affected packages and problem is still unresolved.12:39
odb|fidela2warik: i got it already - talking about openoffice i guess right?12:39
jamwAfter upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, when I try and tail -f a file it says "Cannot watch x,: No space left on device". What do?12:40
a2warikodb|fidel: yes12:40
Skaperenllutz_: actually, that is exactly why I answered it that way ... to make them think of the concepts ... they probably already know sudo runs a COMMAND as root ... just use bash as the command and voila ... they can realize "oh, just combine things" (the unix way)12:40
odb|fidela2warik: best place to get OO help is the mailinglist12:40
spidlaIs there anything I can do ? Is the fix already included in updates ?12:40
odb|fidela2warik: there are usually really helpful & nice12:40
Skaperenllutz_: but I guess this channel is more about "take care of people's computers for them" and less about "teach them basic concepts so they work on their own"12:41
llutz_Skaperen: you overestimate most of the askers :(12:41
llutz_Skaperen: unfortunately true12:41
Leo145hi.i have upgraded  10.04 to 10.10 but boot splash did'nt change.what should i do?12:41
a2warikodb|fidel: mailing list will be slow than chat i also tried #openoffice but no one seems to respond12:42
Thylithi wish i had those problems.. :P12:42
Skaperenllutz_: I don't give this answer to any or all ... just to the onese I sense can use it ... *sigh*12:42
sebsebsebLeo145:  it did not change?12:42
adeadratHello, is there anyway I can install windows so I can dual boot without wipeing my ubuntu installation ?12:42
sebsebsebLeo145: as far as I know 10.10 uses exactly the same Plymouth theme as 10.0412:42
Thylithadeadrat, use google?12:42
Leo145no.i think 10.10 uses another theme12:43
TiKadead: sorry I am not ure abut the windows installer and if it uses a partition or the whole hdrive12:43
Skaperenllutz_: of course the really correct answer for learners is to get an Ubuntu Administrator book or read web/wiki pages for that topic12:43
llutz_adeadrat: you can, just free some space on your harddisk, primary partitions are preferred by win12:43
sebsebsebadeadrat: if you put WIndows on after Ubuntu, it will over write the Master Boot Record so only Windows will boot, and then its a pain to re install Grub 2 onto the MBR12:44
sebsebsebadeadrat: depending on what Windows app you want to run and how much RAM and such, a virtual machine inside Ubuntu may be good enough12:44
Leo145sebsebseb: no.i think 10.10 uses another theme12:44
sebsebsebLeo145: no  I think it hasn't changed12:44
adeadrathm okey thanks for the answers I'll try a VM or something instead12:44
llutz_Skaperen: i agree. most things here could/should be answered with .tfm but users take that as an offense :(12:44
sebsebsebLeo145: anyway you can look in the repo for Plymouth themes, and install what you want12:44
xxfogHi guys, I got a question. I installed ubuntu server edition some days ago and configured a softwareraid 1 on 2x 1TB hdd drives12:44
sebsebsebLeo145: and uninstall what you don't want and such12:44
Skaperenllutz_: yeah, that problem is too true :(12:45
llutz_Skaperen: anyway, enough offtopic12:45
sebsebsebxxfog: #ubuntu-server12:45
SmailTell me what's the problem: no host is pinged, and tracert passes?12:45
Skaperenllutz_: ok12:45
Leo145sebsebseb: look at screenshots on the web.they have different theme12:46
SmailTell me what's the problem: no host is pinged, and tracert passes?12:46
sebsebsebLeo145: well install it yourself then12:46
sebsebsebLeo145: from the repo12:46
graphiclunarkidI have an odd problem with the new Ubuntu One sign-up wizard on Maverick Netbook edition: on an English (United Kingdom) keyboard layout with English (United Kingdom) as the system language, if I type '@' in the email address text-box it prints as Ω. Anyone else experienced this?12:46
DamasceneHi, why my interfaces file has only two lines auto lo & iface lo inet loopback. is there any other file that has the settings?12:46
xxfogI had to set the partitions on both HDDs when installing software raid 1 - now one of the HDD crashes and I want to install a new HDD (also a hdd from another manufacturer) as second drive again, but how do have to install it? Will the sync-prozess start itself or will i have to start it manually? do I have to set the partions before the installation of the hdd by hand?12:46
llutz_Damascene: not if you use networkmanager12:47
Damascenellutz_ thanks12:47
sebsebsebgraphiclunarkid: #ubuntuone12:48
graphiclunarkidsebsebseb: Thanks. On my way.12:48
sebsebsebgraphiclunarkid: ok your welcome12:48
=== Gabbie|AFK is now known as Gabbie
sekonanyone know what the command /bin/universe is supposed to do ??12:49
Pr3nt1c3I just noticed there's no tor avail for x61-10.1012:52
Pr3nt1c3I've tried all avail options, ideas?12:52
llutz_Pr3nt1c3: torproject.org has a repo12:53
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode12:53
Pr3nt1c3I can't access it12:53
Pr3nt1c3well, everything bar compiling from source12:53
BrabusikCan you tell me russian channel of ubuntu?12:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:53
KayAteChefis www.medibuntu.org down?12:54
KayAteChefI am trying to get a video to play with codecs D;12:54
Pr3nt1c3"failed to fetch ... torproject... IP:"12:54
sekonanyone know what the command /bin/universe is supposed to do ??12:55
Pr3nt1c3I've also tried all the repo's listed on torproject.org12:55
Stellarium-KayAteChef: no connection for me to medibuntu.org12:55
LjLPr3nt1c3: show me your /etc/apt/sources.list please12:55
LjLKayAteChef: seems down12:55
lirvandoes anyone know of anything like keybreeze for ubuntu12:56
Stellarium-a keybreeze equivalent? what is keybreeze12:56
llutz_Pr3nt1c3: you are from china?12:56
ojiihello world12:57
LjLlirvan: i'm not sure what Keybreeze is exactly, but judging from Google - perhaps GNOME-Do?12:57
Karen_mmy cat walked on my keyboard and now the whole screen/color scheme is dark... it's almost as if it's a 'negative' with a photo...12:57
ojiican I download system updates without applying them yet? I want to use the fast internet connection at work to download them but actually apply them in my free time at home12:58
LjLKaren_m: i think that must be the "negative" plug-in in Compiz, but i don't know what the keyboard shortcut to (de)activate it is12:58
lirvanthanks ljl. i already use gnome do. but with keybreeze you can summon it with just one key .12:58
Karen_mok it gives me something to go look for in keyboard shortcuts12:58
LjLojii: sudo apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade12:58
soreauKaren_m: Super+M or +N12:58
ojiiLjL, and to apply?12:58
Karen_mwhat is super?12:59
LjLlirvan: hm, can't the shortcut be changed?12:59
LjLojii: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:59
Pr3nt1c3LjL line 2012:59
soreauKaren_m: The windoze logo key12:59
Karen_mwow that is neat, thank you!12:59
ojiiLjL, is that for any updates? dist-upgrade sounds weird12:59
Pr3nt1c3llutz_ no I am not, australia12:59
KayAteChefhaha negative... neato12:59
Pr3nt1c3didn't want to spam the channel13:00
Stellarium-Karen_m: that's a new one, i hate cats13:00
LjLojii: it's because it's a smarter form of upgrade than just "upgrade", which was made to upgrade to a newer release, but it works just fine for normal updates too. i think its name has been changed to "full-upgrade" now to make it sound less weird13:00
LjL!pastebin | Pr3nt1c3, use this13:00
ubottuPr3nt1c3, use this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:00
Karen_msuper+m is awesome now that I know the toggle13:00
ojiiLjL, thanks for the clarification13:01
soreauKaren_m: Super + Scroll for ezoom IIRC13:01
bassoi was trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 x64 on encryptet LVM on my Macbook PRO, but for some reason it could not find anything to boot :(13:01
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ChellCan anyone tell me why Ubuntu is much more difficult to get higher resolutions in Virtualbox than Debian? In Debian you don't even have to install guest-additions, while in Ubuntu adding guest additions doesn't even solve it.13:02
israfili have got a question concerning nvidia with hardy heron13:04
mr-alii have been installed ubuntu 10.10 on my pc and i install another language on it but when i write the langauge is changing with out i'm pressing shift _alt13:04
israfili have the nvidia 310 M (GT 218). i have written a modeline and so on in order to make it work13:05
Sven12345how do i update my drivers for Geforce GT220 graphic card for Ubuntu 10.1013:06
israfilnow the resolution works, but i have a problem with the reaction time of the graphics. e.g. when i scroll down a text, i have to click to be able to see the text i want to see after scrolling13:06
Sven12345how do i update drivers for Geforce GT220 graphic card in Ubuntu 10.1013:08
llutz_!nvidia > Sven1234513:09
ubottuSven12345, please see my private message13:09
Karen_msoreau, scroll?  scroll lock?  nothing happens13:09
llutz_Karen_m: scroll = mousewheel scrolling13:09
soreauKaren_m: Scroll as in the scroll wheel on you mouse13:09
LjLPr3nt1c3: you wrote "maveric" instead of "maverick"13:09
LjLPr3nt1c3: and anyway, torproject.org doesn't seem to have a Maverick package yet - just Lucid13:10
* Pr3nt1c3 facepalms13:10
Karen_mvery neat13:10
Pr3nt1c3lucid won't work, I tried it13:10
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llutz_Pr3nt1c3: get the source.tar.gz, build yourself13:10
LjLPr3nt1c3: i guess you might try the debian testing package (no guarantees though)13:11
Pr3nt1c3I'll try, haven't done it before (hence the nick suggesting noobness)13:11
Pr3nt1c3woops, I tried hardy before, not lucid... thanks a bunch!13:12
LjLhardy's a bit too old :)13:12
LjL(although i run it)13:13
Xyrfodoes covergloobus work on maverick yet13:13
Karen_mI setup a bunch of snippets in gedit.  I've rebooted and what not, and now they are gone.  Where did they go?13:14
sebsebsebtgywa: hi13:16
tgywasebsebseb, where can I get Kermik packages for Lucid?13:17
Pr3nt1c3ok, next question: in compiz-gui... I've enabled desktop cube, however I appear unable to get an image on top, and bottom of cube. just a plain color13:17
Pr3nt1c3pointer / link?13:17
sebsebsebtgywa: Kermik?  Karmic?13:17
tgywasebsebseb, Karmic13:17
sebsebsebtgywa: packages for what?13:17
researcher1may I get guidance on maverick here13:17
test1hello all, I want to upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10,  now on ubuntu 10.04 my file system is EXT4, can I upgrade to 10.10? it will change my file system?13:18
sebsebsebtgywa: that do what?13:18
tgywasebsebseb, php 5.2 ... Lucid has php 5.313:18
sebsebsebtgywa: why would you wnt to downgrade?13:18
tgywasebsebseb, no I want to run both php 5.2 and php 5.313:18
llutz_test1: a- you can b- it won't change13:18
LjLtgywa: that's not possible13:18
Pr3nt1c3do I need to use .png instead of .jpg?13:18
sebsebsebtgywa: as far as I know you can't just do that13:18
brickyhello is there anyone who uses UNR?13:19
test1llutz_: but if I want the new file system that came with ubuntu 10.10? I need to install it from scrach?13:19
sebsebsebtest1: btrfs isn't properly stable yet in 10.10 and such13:19
LjLtest1, ext4 is pretty new itself.13:20
sebsebsebtest1: plus would need to make a seperate /boot in in another file system for it, since Ubuntu isn't set up to use it properly yet, that will be 11.04 probably13:20
test1it will be batter to stay with EXT4?13:20
sebsebsebtest1: for now yes13:20
sebsebsebtest1: probably so in your case13:20
LjLtest1: yes13:20
test1ok.. I'll stay with EXT4 for now... thanks13:20
sebsebsebtest1: however will be good when most distros are using btrfs by defaults, and snapshots can be used easy and so on, but yeah that should be next year :)13:21
djznis it only me having ANNOYING indicator-applet bugs, like a black rectangle beside the ethernet indicator or such thing?13:23
test1if I will install ubuntu 10.10 from scrach, it will ask me which file system I want to use? ext4 or vtrfs?13:23
bazhangtest1, no13:23
sebsebsebtest1: by default you get Ext4, if you do a manual install you can do other file systems13:23
bazhangtest1, you need the debian-installer alternate cd and need to explicitly choose it13:24
test1oh I see...13:24
test1so the default file system in ubuntu 10.10 is still EXT4, am I right?13:24
sebsebsebbazhang: as far as I know btrfs can be installed from the desktop CD13:24
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sebsebsebtest1: yes13:24
bazhangsebsebseb, perhaps so, installed during beta, though it would have to be via manual set up13:25
sebsebsebbazhang: yes via the manual set up13:25
test1thanks a lot guys :)13:25
sebsebsebbazhang: and gparted can do it as well as far as I know13:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:26
afallenhopeHey, I'm running AMD 64 Ubuntu 10.04 and I can't get the proprietary  drivers. I used to be able to.. but now I can't.13:27
researcher1am I heard here13:27
bazhang!cn | zsc13:28
ubottuzsc: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:28
Pr3nt1c3yes researcher113:28
zsc我刚装来了 这个系统13:28
afallenhopeno.. we don't speak chinese13:28
afallenhopecheck your PM13:29
bazhangzsc, english here, #ubuntu-cn for Mandarin13:29
afallenhope!cn zsc13:29
zscnow i will speak English13:29
rob_wis there a way to ALWAYS let gdm autologin .. so even when you kill -9 Xorg ?13:29
afallenhopeHey, I'm running AMD 64 Ubuntu 10.04 and I can't get the proprietary  drivers. I used to be able to.. but now I can't. it doesn't show up.. it USED to.. but no longer available after I purged the drivers. what do I need to do to change it so I can use it again in working order?13:30
afallenhopeI'm currently doing a dist-upgrade13:30
djznhey anyone knows a workaround for the ethernet applet indicator bug?13:30
Chell... still nice to actually see rxvt-unicode doing it's work ;)13:30
=== vxcvxcv is now known as aZD
Krupteinafter trying installing libreoffice3 I always get errors: that I need the dependency libobasis3.3-en-us-calc,...(-draw,...)   and that I should do apt-get install -f  to solve this,   however the latter   gives this kind of errors:13:35
KrupteinUitpakken van libobasis3.3-writer (uit .../libobasis3.3-writer_3.3.0-9_i386.deb) ... dpkg: fout bij afhandelen van /var/cache/apt/archives/libobasis3.3-writer_3.3.0-9_i386.deb (--unpack):  trying to overwrite '/opt/libreoffice3/basis3.3/program/libhwp.so', which is also in package lobasis3.3-writer 3.3.0-7 Geen apport-rapport geschreven omdat MaxReports al bereikt is13:35
BugeyeDhi all. anyone know if burn-to-cd is purposefully disabled in rhythmbox on the latest netbook edition?13:35
undecimBugeyeD: I doubt it.13:35
undecimBugeyeD: More likely, if it's disabled, but you have a cd, rhythmbox isn't detecting it.13:36
afallenhopeHey, I'm running AMD 64 Ubuntu 10.04 and I can't get the proprietary  drivers. I used to be able to.. but now I can't. it doesn't show up.. it USED to.. but no longer available after I purged the drivers. what do I need to do to change it so I can use it again in working order?13:36
undecimBugeyeD: Oh wait, there is a seperate package for the rhythmbox cdrecorder13:37
BugeyeDundecim: i thought they should have used the same package as with standard desktop (which does work). the netbook sees the cd - i installed NBR from the same drive.13:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:37
undecimBugeyeD: Make sure you have rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder13:37
BugeyeDundecim: yup, that's installed (apparently by default). i also installed the separate burning app package as well (brasero).13:37
BugeyeDundecim: the thing that bugs me is that despite having the plugin package installed, it doesn't show up under plugins in the rhythmbox menus.13:38
Pr3nt1c3!cn | wgx13:38
ubottuwgx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:38
undecimBugeyeD: Did you enabled the plugin?13:38
BugeyeDundecim: it doesn't show up under plugins13:38
Gandalf84i open my Music folder with MediaPlayer, but i forgot to remove the option "open always this kind of file with this application", now if i click on my Home folder it will be open with MediaPlayer, how can i restore the default settings?13:38
undecimBugeyeD: Do you have rhythmbox-plugins?13:39
brunotdid someone already upgrade to 10.10 and has audio/sound problems ?13:39
BugeyeDyes. it was installed by default.13:39
BugeyeDbrunot: on the contrary, one of my "problems" went away after updating to 10.10 ...13:40
=== kancerman_ is now known as kancerman
IchatGandalf84:   there should be an aplication preference app in your  settings pannel13:40
BugeyeDundecim: yes. it was installed by default.13:40
brunotlucky you bugeyed !13:40
undecimBugeyeD: What about this list of rhythmbox suggests?: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gnome-codec-install, gnome-control-center, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, brasero, rhythmbox-plugin-coherence. Anything missing from that list?13:40
Gandalf84Ichat there is nothing about folders13:40
wgxEverybody is British or American?13:41
IchatGandalf84:  -   you might want to open the folder in natilus and show hidden files ....13:41
LjLwgx: not really, but the channel is english-speaking13:42
Gandalf84Ichat: yes, i want to open folders with nautilus13:42
BugeyeDundecim: not sure, i'll have to go take a look. but it seems likely to me that the -burner plugin would suck in anything it needed. and -burner was installed by default.13:42
brunotwgx: nope, french13:42
undecimBugeyeD: I know, it is strange13:42
BugeyeDwgx: i'm martian13:42
magnetronwgx: we all speak english here13:42
IchatGandalf84    in terminal   sudo nautilus /home/yourname/yourfolder13:42
BugeyeDundecim: thanks for the ideas, i'll keep digging. or give up, not sure. :)13:43
wgxHaha ~ sorry I am Chinese13:43
Gandalf84ok, but how to restore the opening of a folder with nautilus when click on folder icon?13:43
undecimBugeyeD: Hey, I found this package in aptitude, ubuntu-netbook-default-settings. I'll look in it and see what I find.13:43
researcher1I want to install packages by task using synaptic of maverick but this service seems unavailable.Kindly advice me13:44
IchatGandalf84:   -  im not sure but logics would say  there's some kind of   .desktop file (of some sorts)13:44
Guest1172researcher1: try Ubuntu Software Center13:45
Ichatgandalf84  in the fubar folder13:45
researcher1Guest1172: But that feature to install by task is not there13:46
=== Guest1172 is now known as rusty149
Gandalf84Ichat: in widnows when using explorer there is "Folder Options" and there i can find all the file extensions association with apps13:46
rusty149researcher1: what do you mean by task?13:46
Gandalf84there is something like this in ubuntu?13:46
BugeyeDwgx: no worries. i get more flack from being martian than you're likely to get by being chinese13:46
researcher1rusty149: like you select Edubuntu server and it installs everything needed for that or a print server and the like13:47
Gandalf84ok, done!13:47
Gandalf84i open nautilus with terminal and than right click on the folder / open with "Nautilus" with option "open always with this app" checked13:48
rusty149researcher1: Well firstly you need to run the Server distro for that (not the desktop)13:48
rusty149researcher1: Then try the 'tasksel' command13:48
zombie-robotubuntu does not recognize my esata pci card13:49
rusty149researcher1: just run tasksel from terminal on desktop version and you will see edubuntu server on the list13:50
wgxI am true Chinese ~ the WINDOWS are used with LINUX and ~13:50
killawat31how do i get my login manager to work with my with e17?13:50
IchatGandalf84:  - sorry -  did you get it13:50
ubuntududeWhy would I choose to use a filesystem other than the default?13:51
ae86-drifterim about to do a clean 10.10 install, i backed up my home folder to a seperate ext4 partition and also copied my etc folder just incase i need something from there.. is there something else i should back up?13:51
Ichatubuntudude:  - because you can ....13:51
killawat31either slim or gmd13:51
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
errySo, how well does ubuntu 10.10 work?13:51
shane2peruwhere can I check the crontab log??13:51
ubuntududeIchat, ....13:52
ae86-drifteri saved my 4gb apt cache as well13:52
Ichatubuntudude:  -all filesystems have thair pro's and cons13:52
brunoterry : works fine in general. But I have a problem with it: sound only works through my headset now13:52
llutz_ae86-drifter: backup the list of installed packges too: aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-package13:52
erryThat's my cue to not update yet13:52
ae86-drifterllutz, i cant boot it13:53
errybtw it still won't start ion my toshiba13:53
ae86-drifteri am only using a live cd13:53
Ichatubuntudude:  for example if you have an old  Compact Flash disk  you would beter format it with  a ext2 if you can..     but if you want  a  network filesystem you might want  zfs or btrfs (beta)13:53
llutz_!cn > wgx13:54
ubottuwgx, please see my private message13:54
ae86-drifter!ch | wgx13:54
ubottuwgx: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.13:54
ae86-drifteroops wrong 113:54
Spider_fredhow can I install encrypted ubuntu like when I am installing debian?13:54
ae86-drifterinstall crypto-disk13:55
IchatSpider_fred:  - when in the  format tool   chose manual installation  and chose    phisical volume for encryption13:55
Spider_fredok thx13:55
wgxT T13:56
ae86-drifterllutz, can i get the list of installed packages like that, with a live cd only in my computer?13:56
ubuntududeIchat, do you know of a good comparison guide of sorts in semi-idiot speak?13:56
WXZwhat's the WM that gnome uses?13:56
llutz_WXZ: metacity13:56
WXZoh right.13:56
Ichatubuntudude:  - not really but give me a min i might be able to find  one13:57
=== Gabbie is now known as Gabbie|AFK
HugsAlotCan you run an already installed Windows 7 Partition inside Ubuntu? Looked up VMWare and VirtualBox via google, but all I keep finding is "INSTALL windows 7 in ..."13:57
ae86-drifterwhen i am on the live cd, can i retreive a list of packages installed on my hard disk?13:58
ae86-drifterHugsAlot, download clonezilla and image your disk, then restore the image to the VM13:58
llutz_ae86-drifter: chroot into your disk-install13:58
=== Gabbie|AFK is now known as Gabbie
ZykoticK9_HugsAlot, you can see the VBox Raw disk/partition instructions at http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk (Note the warning at the top, and I have never tried/tested this)13:59
ae86-drifterllutz, ok i'll try that thanks13:59
snoop_join #ubuntu-german13:59
HugsAlotae86-drifter, Which VM "?client?" are we talking about?13:59
ae86-drifterVMware, VBox, anything, all you need to do is boot the clonezilla disk in the VM, select the previously created image14:00
harpalhow to add script to startup??14:00
SnadderIs it possible to install php 5.2 from .deb into Ubuntu 10.04?.. side by side of php5.3 ?14:00
ae86-driftersafest option...14:00
brunoterry: I suggest you 1st try 10.10 from live CD and test what's important for you14:00
kishonwhenever i run some command I get an "illegal instruction" error.. any idea on what's the error about14:00
llutz_harpal: user-startup or system?14:00
harpalllutz_: system14:00
HugsAlotae86-drifter, I'll see what this comes up with :) Wish me luck!14:01
llutz_harpal: add it to /etc/rc.local14:01
xananaxHello, I will pass as stupid but here goes: in windows, after connecting my ethernet cable, I "create a new connection" in order to enter the username and password I am given. How would I do something similar in Ubuntu? I've tried looking it up, but I don't even know the keywords to search for14:01
ae86-drifterHugsAlot, good luck..14:01
harpalllutz_: ok14:01
seba_Help....I can´t add a DNS in etc/resolv.conf, then it erases again14:02
Ichatubuntu check your  Private msg14:02
Ichatubuntudude: check your  Private msg14:02
llutz_seba_: add it to networkmanager or /etc/network/interfaces (whatever you use)14:02
manu91someone use b43-fwcutter?14:03
recmajkemican anyone try run kradioripper for me in 10.10 mine wont even start14:04
jinx_how can I reset a USB device from the command line?14:04
hogbogIs there a known problem with Ubuntu 10.10 where various buttons on my mouse stop working after a while? I've been getting this since I've upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. First mouse button 1 stops working, then a bit later mouse button 2, or sometimes the scrollwheel. I'm getting this with different mice. It seems to also affect my keyboard occasionally, where it starts lagging or just becomes completely dead (but I can still switch to a14:04
hogbogVT with ALT+F1). Also, restarting X fixes the issue immediately, so I doub't it's some weird HW problem affecting all my input devices.14:04
seba_I add it to the program "GAdmin-BINS" but it erase too. I supouse that i need use /etc/network/interfaces ?14:04
WXZhow can I tell if something is a "metapackage"14:04
ubuntududeIchat, WOW thanks so much man =)14:04
hogbogthere's also nothing on dmesg or /var/log/messages or /var/log/Xorg.0.log as far as I can tell14:04
WXZrather than just a package?14:04
ubuntududethat was very helpful just what i needed =)14:04
HugsAlotae86-drifter, Clonezilla isn't available in the Package Manager or Software Center. Am I doing it wrong?14:04
hogbogit's really driving me crazy as I am trying to get work done :(14:04
Ichatubuntudude:  - yw.14:04
ae86-drifterllutz, i didnt know you could chroot, that's awesome!!14:04
llutz_seba_: if you're not using networkmanager, yes14:05
xananaxmanu91: I just did yesterday...It worked out of the box. Uninstalled ndiswrapper that I was using before, and apt-got cutter14:05
ae86-drifterHugsAlot, it is a liveCD, get the one based on ubuntu..14:05
CyberCod2anyone have any idea why my /var/log/kern.log is 4 gigabytes big?14:05
markbieberhi, i have a problem with my printer, when i try to clean its heads or anything with cgnpji utility, apparently it uses lpr program to do so. And lpr doesnt seem to recognize its commands...14:05
HugsAlotae86-drifter, Doh... Alright, time to go into clone-mode for a while sigh...14:05
seba_ok, i´ll try14:05
xananaxmanu91: so if you want help, I can't give any (I am a total newbie) but if you want to check if it works, well, I had a good experience at least14:06
markbieberit just shows a help message whatever parameters are used to it14:06
siekoochi all14:06
ae86-drifteroh hes gone14:06
xananaxHello, anyone knows how to set-up a username/password for my ethernet connection? Or at least give me some keywords to google?14:07
siekooctest test14:07
markbieber...or when i try to print something with lpr command it shows help message to14:07
llutz_xananax: for a pppoe-connection? use pppoeconf14:08
hogbogis it possible do downgrade from 10.10 to 10.04?14:08
Pici!downgrade | hogbog14:09
ubottuhogbog: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:09
jamwAfter upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, when I try and tail -f a file it says "Cannot watch x,: No space left on device". What do?14:09
manu91xananax: I installed it yesterday too on ubuntu 10.10 and a bug appear...the installation dont end..and since that i cant install nothing14:09
hogbogguess I should wait longer next time before upgrading14:09
recmajkemican anyone try run kradioripper for me in 10.10 mine wont even start14:09
xananaxmanu91: then I think you should be looking for help on how to remove files after an installation hanged, I doubt that the problem comes from cutter itself (but as I said before, total newbie here, so I give this advice with great uncertainty)14:10
nomaxiriI upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 now I can't activate visual effects on my ATI RADEON HD340014:10
xananaxllutz: yes, thank you, that's how it's called14:10
xananaxllutz: I'll try to use that and report back14:10
ae86-drifterim scared to do this upgrade14:10
llutz_markbieber: "apt-cache policy cups-bsd| grep Insta"14:11
hogbogi wish I hadn't, I have to go reinstall ubuntu now14:11
hogbogubuntuforums.org not loading for anyone?14:11
hogboggoogle shows a hit for the problem I'm having but i can't load the damn page :s14:12
manu91xananax: haha okok thank you =) i will try to install the lastes version (yn)14:12
ZykoticK9_hogbog, ubuntuforums is working here, can you see the google cache for the page?14:12
elb0wI am trying to get my ubuntu install to work however the screen turns off once it goes past boot. After research we found that we made need to make the setting "usedisplaydevice 'DFP'" may enable it as I use DVI. However I do not have a Xorg.conf, how can I make this work?14:13
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hogbogZykoticK9_, ooh thanks that did the trick14:13
ubuntu10_2010quick question - where are the services for Ubuntu 9.10 ?14:13
hogbogmust be some weird routing problem14:13
ubuntu10_2010you know for starting/stopping apache, telnetd, etc ?14:13
hogboganyway it looks like my 'mouse button stops working' issue is something other people are getting as well and is triggered by pressing multimedia keys on one's keyboard14:14
llutz_ubuntu10_2010: service <servicename> start/stop14:14
ubuntu10_2010no, the GRAPHICAL user interface14:14
ubuntu10_2010It was in 8.X I know, it's not installed by default in 9.1014:15
ZykoticK9_ubuntu10_2010, the GUI service thing was last seen in 9.04 I believe14:15
llutz_ubuntu10_2010: i guess its gone, due to upstart14:15
ubuntu10_2010They removed it ?14:15
_kafkahow do i run a gui app with sudo?14:15
LjL!gksudo | _kafka14:15
ubottu_kafka: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:15
ubuntu10_2010well, I am digusted14:15
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ZykoticK9__kafka, be sure to use gksu or gksudo for GUI command (or things WILL break)14:16
nzeroxhey guys14:16
_kafkathat was easy14:16
markbieberllutz, what does this command supposed to do? it writes "unable to locatepackagecups-bsdj"14:16
ae86-drifterllutz, thanks for that, i now have a list of all of the installed packages, i am about to do a fresh install now, anything else you can suggest at all?14:16
jochenaxl1hi, i've got a problem with dm-crypt since 10.10. using recent kernel, it does not accept my pw. when taking old kernel, it works. any idea? :)14:17
llutz_markbieber: just check if cups-bsd is installed, since the old "lpr" package won't work right with cups14:17
xananaxllutz: I ran pppoeconf, and as far as I can make sense out of what I was doing, I configured it right; however, ifconfig ppp0 gives me "device not found"...Any idea?14:17
nzeroxwhen using ssh key pairs, should i generate one key pair and use that for all my machines or should i generate a key pair for each of my machines??14:17
undecimnzerox: One key pair for each machine14:17
llutz_xananax: sorry i don't know much about pppoe, since i never used it. try "sudo pon"14:18
undecimnzerox: That way, if someone steals a key from one of your machines, you can revoke access to that key only14:18
llutz_markbieber:and the command was "apt-cache policy cups-bsd | grep Insta"14:18
nzeroxundecim, thanks man14:18
llutz_ae86-drifter: i guess you've saved the most important things14:19
xananaxllutz, answer: "/usr/sbin/pppd: In file /etc/ppp/peers/provider: unrecognized option '/dev/modem'"14:19
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ae86-drifterllutz, okay, cool, if i forgot something it's your fault!14:19
llutz_ae86-drifter: send me the bill14:19
ae86-drifterthanks dude14:19
ae86-drifterhere it goes...14:20
tgywaHow can I change Keyboard layout on ubuntu ??14:20
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llutz_!pppoe > xananax14:20
ubottuxananax, please see my private message14:20
undecimtgywa: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard14:21
tgywaundecim, I know how to do it on GUI ... u r right ... but how do I do tha ton command line?14:21
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undecimtgywa: Oh, no idea, lol14:21
ibansalcan anyone help me solve this error #python :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services14:21
markbieberllutz, thsnx, installing cups-bsd helped14:22
tgywaHow can I change Keyboard layout on ubuntu ?? I know how to do it on GUI ... u r right ... but how do I do tha on command line?14:22
BugeyeDibansal: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:23
llutz_markbieber: fine, i wonder why old lpr still is installed by default...14:23
ibansalBugeyeD, thanks14:23
undecimtgywa: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/changing-my-keyboard-layout-language-globally-by-command-shell-182285/14:23
eoketgywa: Assuming you mean for the console "man loadkeys" should tell you about the command which might help.14:23
=== Mithos is now known as Mithos^
hogbogstrange, 'wget ubuntuforums.org' seems to work, I can telnet to it, but actually loading the page in firefox doesn't work; it hangs forever on 'reading data from..'14:24
hogbogwonder what the heck could cause that14:24
LjLhogbog: wfm14:24
Mithos^how can I change the settings so that apt/synaptic/etc use my network webcache14:25
rob_wwhere das gdm save which windowmangar to start .. i want metacity only on :0.0 and not on :0.114:25
LjLhogbog: works for me14:25
undecimhogbog: Problems with the http server14:25
hogbogLjL, oh, hrm yeah I dunno, must be something weird on my side14:25
undecimhogbog: Though I can get to it just fine.14:25
preetampls help.my wifi is disabled after upgrading to ubuntu 10.1014:26
undecimhogbog: Close firefox, rename the .mozilla directory, and then see if you can get to it14:26
hogbogoh, it *does* work in Chromium, how weird is that :p14:26
Ken8521preetam: whats your wifi device?14:27
preetamKen8521 how to know?14:27
kpomanhey guys hello all !14:28
Ken8521preetam: is it USB or internal?.. 32 or 64bit?14:28
undecimpreetam: Hello again. Did you finish installing wicd?14:28
MossyfunkIs there any reason I would want a journaled filesystem on /boot?14:28
preetamKen8521 it is internal14:28
hogbogundecim, hmm it now seems to hang on reading data from yui.yahooapis.com, but I'll try renaming .mozilla14:28
kpomanI am having a big problem here. I try to copy files to a "/dev/sda5 on /media/49EAAFEA24C3860A type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)"14:28
Ken8521preetam: well, then lspci in a terminal, should output your wireless chipset... it's probably broadcom or ralink, since it didn't work out of the box14:28
kpomaneverything copies fine, then I reboot the PC and the files copied are gone... WTF is this ????14:29
preetamhi undecim I install wicd .actually i am not comfortable with wicd for connecting to mobile GPRS connection etc.14:29
kpomanI already lost 3 VM's and lot of time14:29
preetammy wifi is Intel PRO14:29
undecimpreetam: ah, okay14:29
kpomando someone have any idea ?why does it show as if the files are there, then when rebooting (on windows, or on ubuntu) the files are gone14:29
Ken8521preetam: there's several intel pro's..w hich one..14:29
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undecimKen8521: I was helping preetam yesterday. He has an internal intel card, which works fine from the command line. Its the network manager that isn't working14:30
undecimKen8521: It fails with an error that it can't get the NetworkManager DBus name14:30
Ken8521did you try reinstalling networkmanager?14:30
preetamthe rfkill list command shows no soft or hard block for my wifi14:30
undecimKen8521: How would that help?14:31
preetameven i reinstall the network manager but it is of no use14:31
Ken8521undecim: well.. if the network manager is erroring out, maybe something got borked in the upgrade.. reinstall it... but it sounds like he tried that14:31
undecimKen8521: It's like it's trying to run two network managers at once...14:31
elb0wI dont get that in version 10.10 in 2010 the os can have a problem detecting DVI?14:31
elb0whow is that possible14:31
llutz_elb0w: nvidia?14:32
liqiming#join ubuntu-cn14:32
undecimKen8521: Actually, maybe a purge and a reinstall...14:32
elb0wllutz, yeah14:32
Ken8521undecim: then check currently running apps, and see if there's two running, and kill one..14:32
undecimKen8521: Tried that. No other network manager is running14:32
llutz_elb0w: stupid nvidia cards always use analog-out as vid#114:32
Ken8521undecim: usually when you choose to reinstall, i believe it purges the old one14:33
jadariteyou mean   /join #ubuntu-cn14:33
llutz_err primary14:33
elb0wllutz, whats the fix?14:33
hogbogok I think I found the bug for my mouse button stops working issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udev/+bug/63720814:34
BluesKajpreetam , Ken8521 , maybe checking /etc/resolv.conf for to make sure the nameserver IP and gateway (router) are listed14:34
llutz_elb0w: personal xorg.conf where devices were set correct. pls google for more info, its too long ago i needed it14:34
hogbogbummer that it didn't get fixed in final release (makes me wonder what the point of beta testing is?)14:34
llutz_elb0w: the nvidia-driver has options for that14:34
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Ken8521BluesKaj: but if the machine is apparently connecting via terminal...14:34
kpomanany idea someone ?14:34
preetamBluesKaj i am connected to internet through my ethernet  card14:34
elb0wllutz, cant get it to boot :P how can I install a nvidia driver14:34
llutz_elb0w: my workaround was to buy a card with 2x DVI ;)14:34
preetambut the wifi is not working14:35
kpomanwhy the files seem to be there ( i can even open them from the new location) and when I reboot the files are not there anymore14:35
elb0wllutz, lma14:35
undecimKen8521: Well, I just reinstalled wicd and still have my settings, which are stored system-wide14:35
Ken8521preetam: i thought you said you could sign on to your wifi through terminal?14:35
BluesKajpreetam, Ken8521 ok14:35
undecimpreetam: You have this machine connected via ethernet, correct?14:36
preetamKen8521 but wicd detects local wifi14:36
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_mrn_ver_hi all14:36
preetamundecim yes u r correct14:36
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_mrn_ver_i have installed the ubuntu in my laptop first14:36
kpomanplease help me14:36
kpomanI lost lot of data because of that14:37
_mrn_ver_not  when i wanna install windows xp the system is  not detecting the cd14:37
olesis there any differences between netbook and desktop versions of 10.10 in terms of energy savings?14:37
undecimpreetam: Can you go to a terminal, completely remove and then reinstall network manager with this command: "sudo apt-get purge network-manager && sudo apt-get install network-manager"14:37
preetammy etc/resolve.conf  content is "# Generated by Connection Manager options edns0 nameserver"14:37
_mrn_ver_how to install windows?14:37
llutz_elb0w: try         Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"  in Device-Section14:37
Ken8521_mrn_ver_: thats a windows support issue, try #windows14:37
_mrn_ver_thank u14:38
llutz_elb0w: or try using nvidia-settings to generate a xorg.conf for you14:38
tadohey all. quite a few issues after 10.10 upgrade. first in order of importance: windows don't display the edges. some come up with the bar "file, edit. etc", some don't. none comes with the three buttons to close, minise or maximise14:38
oleshey guys14:38
kpomanany ideas ?14:38
philsfhi, since yesterday my pidgin doesn't connect to either msn or gtalk. Is this happening to anyone else?14:39
Chellkpoman, how did you mount it?14:39
kpomanChell: gnome mounted it14:39
undecimphilsf: My gtalk works fine14:40
kpomani was able to copy lot of things there, by gui's, by command lines, etc..14:40
kpomanand even to run the stuff from them14:40
kpomanno. it is a psyhical partition on my main hard drive14:40
Ken8521philsf: fine here, what version of pidgin14:40
ehcahAre the repositories different under 10.10 than 10.04? Or maybe the 10.10 install is missing some?14:40
undecimehcah: There will be some slight differences, and some apps from third party repos and PPAs may not have been built for 10.10 yet.14:41
kpomanChell: i dont know why files figure like there, present, but then after a reboot they are not14:41
Ken8521ehcah: i believe you should remove 3rd party repo's before upgrading14:41
philsfKen8521, maverick version, 2.7.3-1ubuntu314:41
ae86-drifterwhy ubuntu 10.10 website got link to usb install when pendrive installer only supports 10.04?14:41
kpomanthis is very critical, such a behaviour14:41
kpomancould lead one to loss of data14:42
kpomanif i did a mv instead of a cp14:42
ehcahI had installed mono a few days ago and now can't.14:42
tofHello, I have a directory /var/www/html, wich is a nfs mount point. I want to access that directory, not the directory mounted on it. (I don't want to unmount) Is that possible???14:42
Ken8521kpoman: i'd be willing to bet you fubarred your terminal commands... but i dunno14:43
elb0wHow do I tell ubuntu to use a Xorg.conf?14:43
llutz_elb0w: copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X. it should be used automatically14:43
undecimelb0w: Just add the options you need to the Xorg.conf14:43
elb0wllutz, will try ty14:44
amikropHello, since I installed the proprietary nVidia drivers, my boot splash image disappeared, the boot resolution got too low, and I get ugly big letters instead. So, I installed startupmanager to fix that. But when I set resolution 1600x1200 (and other options such as "use splash image" and "no text during boot") I get a "out of sync" from my screen instead of the boot logo. Any help, please?14:44
amikropWhat can I set as options to startup manager14:44
preetamhi after reinstalling network manager still the network manager status shows " Networking disable."14:45
amikropto get my old nice boot splash graphics back?14:45
llutz_grm, why will cups-pdf will be removed on upgrade .04 -> .10? it still exists in 10.10 :(14:45
jpartogi@sean is there any reason why the Boolean in ripple is a module instead of class? This creates conflict with other library that also extends Boolean but defined it as class14:45
amikropMy screen resolution is 1920x108014:45
elb0wllutz, how can I generate a xorg.conf?14:45
Picijpartogi: Wrong channel methinks.14:45
preetamundecim no use of reinstalling network manager still the network manager is "Networking Disable".14:45
llutz_elb0w: xorg -configure       or using "nvidia-settings"14:46
undecimpreetam: Open a terminal and make sure the network manager is running with "sudo service network-manager restart" and if it still doesn't show up, press alt+f2 and type "killall nm-applet" and then again with "nm-applet"14:46
undecimpreetam: Wait, did you remove wicd?14:46
preetamundecim no the wicd in there but not running..14:46
undecimpreetam: Well, the wicd server will still be running. In the terminal run "sudo service wicd stop" and then do the instructions I gave.14:47
elb0wllutz, 1) does gdm have to be stopped for that 2) how can I change runlevel?14:47
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jimcooncatI made a little script called "yman", which takes one argument, a man page name, and displays it in yelp. I'd like to have bash tab-complete for my yman the same as for man. Where do I find the tab-complete specifications?14:48
undecimelb0w: To reset your X server, you should be able to just relog14:48
llutz_elb0w: sudo service gdm restart14:48
elb0wllutz, I mean to generate the xorg does gdm have to be stopped?14:48
llutz_elb0w: yes14:49
undecimelb0w: It shouldn't have to be14:49
elb0wundecim, I think it doesnt auto detect with gdm14:49
elb0wunless im mistaken14:49
undecimelb0w: Unless you are doing Xorg -configure14:49
preetamundecim i did the way u said but still the network manager shows status as "Networking Disable"14:49
Mithos^ok, I changed the network settings to the proxy configuration script. and clicked apply system wide. Now, firefox works, but software center doesn't. help?14:49
elb0wYes Xorg -configure14:49
elb0wllutz, how can I reboot into runlevel 3?14:49
harpalllutz_: I dont want to add script to /etc/rc.local i tried adding my script using update-rc.d updaterk defaults and it creates scripts14:49
elb0wis there a file I change?14:49
llutz_elb0w: you can't there are no runlevels anymore since upstart14:49
pr0xyI'm having issues installing 10.10 via CD.14:50
undecimpreetam: What do you get in the terminal with "service network-manager status"?14:50
harpalllutz_: but when I restart system it doesnt start14:50
techbreakI installed ubuntu server edition 10.10 but its not GUI .. how to get GUI ??14:50
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undecimtechbreak: If you want a GUI, why did you use the server edition?14:50
preetamundecim the status is "network-manager stop/waiting"14:50
llutz_elb0w: sudo service gdm stop           from terminal, start after generating xorg.conf14:50
pr0xyhello, look14:50
lookpr0xy: hey look it worked14:51
undecimpreetam: Okay, even after purging it, something is still conflicting with it...14:51
pr0xyI'm having issues installing 10.10 via CD. It installs, but it won't boot up.14:51
elb0wllutz, I cannot get into the system. I meant in grub do I have to do the init=/bin/bash method?14:51
llutz_elb0w: add "text" to the grub cmd-line14:51
preetamundecim how to resolve the conflict..any other idea.14:51
techbreakundecim, i wanted to set up a home server14:51
elb0wjust add it?14:51
Poul|RaiderI just updated to 10.10 on a lenovo s12. After reboot it wont boot the new kernel, says something with alert .... then som uuid of a hdd.  I now bootet from the old kernel to get on irc to ask here if theres anything i can do ?14:52
DrPoOhow can I see all of the users that have been trying to connect to my machine using ssh?14:52
jimcooncatnm, found it14:52
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amikropHello, since I installed the proprietary nVidia drivers, my boot splash image disappeared, the boot resolution got too low, and I get ugly big letters instead. So, I installed startupmanager to fix that. But when I set resolution 1600x1200 (and other options such as "use splash image" and "no text during boot") I get a "out of sync" from my screen instead of the boot logo. Any help, please? What can I set as options to startup manager? to ge14:52
amikropt my old nice boot splash graphics back? My screen resolution is 1920x1080.14:52
llutz_elb0w: iirc it will prevent X starting14:52
pr0xyI'm having issues installing 10.10 via CD. It installs, but it won't boot up from the drive.14:52
techbreakundecim, cannot i work GUI way in that server edition?14:52
undecimpreetam: We need to figure out what process is using the NetworkManager service on DBus... I have no idea how to do that so I'm going to google it14:52
undecimtechbreak: You can get a GUI, yes14:52
erUSULtechbreak: you can installa gui if you want14:52
undecimtechbreak: It's just not common on a server14:52
techbreakundecim, erUSUL how to install gui?14:53
preetamundecim restarting the dbus will help.14:53
graphitemasterI nee some help here14:53
Pici!ask|  graphitemaster14:53
ubottugraphitemaster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:53
graphitemasterthis is urgent14:53
undecimpreetam: You can try. "sudo service dbus restart" though I don't know if it will break your desktop session14:53
erUSULtechbreak: it depends on what you want. you want simple gui. a full feldged ubuntu desktop? xubuntu ?14:53
DrPoOhow can I see all of the users that have been trying to connect to my machine using ssh?14:54
graphitemasterand be slow, i have 2 lines of scroll back all I have thanks to shitty irssi14:54
Da_WreckaI'm running Lucid Netbook on an Acer Aspire One, 1.5GB RAM, Intel 945GME graphics chip. I've got an external Hansol 16" CRT connected. If the CRT is set to 1024x768, I can play videos without any problems. If the CRT is set to 1280x1024, video playback is black on both screens. I'd like to be able to use 1280x1024. Am I SOL?14:54
Wavesonicsi have a Wubi install that I just upgraded to 10.10, and the upgrade seems to have confused GRUB, i now just have a GRUB command prompt, how do i fix it?14:54
graphitemasterhighlight my nick when responding so i can see14:54
llutz_harpal: use full pathes to scripts/commands when using rc.local14:54
SilasleWill grub be reinstalled if i do an fresh ubuntu install?14:54
graphitemasterubuntu distro update from 1004 to 10.10 broke everything14:54
techbreakerUSUL, I have already Ubuntu 10.10 but I want a Ubuntu server edition GUI14:54
graphitemasternvida drivers do no work?14:54
graphitemasterbecause i cannot start x14:54
mckingJust upgraded to 10.10, now virtualbox-ose causes Xorg to reset, anyone else have this problem?14:54
undecimpreetam: Of course if it does break something, you can just log out and back in, since the dbus and network manager services stay running when you log out.14:55
graphitemasterXorg for me is broken, i even removed it, and reinstalled it twice14:55
graphitemastersame for my drivers14:55
erUSULtechbreak: server has no oficial gui. you can do « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » to get the full gui14:55
graphitemasterI tried 30 drivers now :/14:55
erUSULtechbreak: or you can opt to install something lighter14:55
graphitemasterthis is annoying14:56
techbreakerUSUL, something ligher like?14:56
graphitemasterdoes anyone want to help me in a query ?14:56
WavesonicsAny ideas on how to fix GRUB for a Wubi install?14:56
graphitemasterthis chan is full of text, and i have two lines of scroll back!14:56
tofHi, is it possible to access a directory which is a mount point, without umounting it? (say /dev/sda1 is mounted on /etc, I want to access /etc without umounting /dev/sda1 on it)...14:56
undecimpreetam: I have to leave, but I will be back soon.14:56
erUSULtechbreak: xubuntu? only gnome-core? or even lubuntu (lxde )14:56
graphitemasterhow can i move screens in irssi?14:56
amikropHello, since I installed the proprietary nVidia drivers, my boot splash image disappeared, the boot resolution got too low, and I get ugly big letters instead. So, I installed startupmanager to fix that. But when I set resolution 1600x1200 (and other options such as "use splash image" and "no text during boot") I get a "out of sync" from my screen instead of the boot logo. Any help, please? What can I set as options to startup manager? to ge14:57
amikropt my old nice boot splash graphics back? My screen resolution is 1920x1080.14:57
bangfooWavesonics, have you been able to run "sudo update-grub" from a command line?14:57
techbreakerUSUL, is there nay how to's to server setup?14:57
erUSULtechbreak: many people do not install a gui on the server edition; you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server14:58
techbreakerUSUL, we have six system working under one lan connection... what would be best to setup server?14:58
Wavesonicsbangfoo, I did the distro upgrade, all successfull, restarted, went through the first windows boot loader (remember this is Wubi) then selected Ubunt, and was dumped to a GRUB commandline14:58
Wavesonicsbangfoo, should i run sudo update-grub at the grub commandline?14:58
techbreakerUSUL, oh okei I better find my way in #ubuntu-server :) :)14:58
bangfooWavesonics, eeew. so grub is not finding the install14:58
erUSULtechbreak: good luck14:58
Wavesonicsbangfoo, it seems that way14:59
bangfooWavesonics, i havent tried wubi in quite awhile14:59
neo__hi everybody14:59
bangfoosorry, Wavesonics14:59
Wavesonicsbangfoo, np :/15:00
neo__question about : movie's trailer from apple website15:00
neo__big problem with my ubuntu15:00
Da_WreckaAnyone have any ideas regarding dual-monitor in Lucid Netbook?15:00
techbreakerUSUL, thanks :)15:00
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Poul|Raiderafter upgrade to 10.10 it hangs on boot and says failed waiting for disk15:01
Wavesonicswhat is the exact kernel version that comes w\ desktop 64bit in 10.10? I need to know to save my install!15:02
pr0xyI'm having issues installing 10.10 via CD. It installs, but it won't boot up from the drive.15:02
preetamundecim no improvement after restarting the Dbus15:03
elb0wllutz, got into the xorg.conf and under section screens added, Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"15:04
elb0wbut it did not work on reboot15:04
llutz_elb0w: tried         Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"  in Device-Section15:04
llutz_ ?15:04
Wavesonicsdoes anyone know the exact kernel name the 65bit desktop shipped w\ in 10.10?15:05
elb0wllutz_, nope did UseDisplayDevice15:05
elb0wshould use ConnectedMonitor?15:05
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llutz_elb0w: try it, i'm not sure15:05
GuyForgetI'm having an issue with lirc. When I use my remote the event gets interpreted twice. Using irw I see that the event is only being sent once, so I know it is not an issue of my remote control repeating itself. Ubuntu interpreted some of my remote buttons right out of the box, but not all of them. I installed lirc to get the rest of my buttons, but now I think the earlier way ubuntu was reading them is still working.15:06
llutz_elb0w: doesn't "man nvidia" list/explain those options?15:06
undecimpreetam: I'm back15:06
undecimpreetam: Any luck?15:07
tgywaHow can I install greek keyboard lay out on ubuntu?15:07
preetamundecim no luck15:07
Dulaktgywa: System->Preferences->Keyboard, then add the layout you want to use15:08
preetamstill the network manager status is "Network Disabled"15:08
undecimpreetam: You restarted dbus?15:08
tgywaDulak, but I want to do it from the console15:08
tgywaDulak, but I can do it from the console15:08
undecimpreetam: And restarted network manager after that?15:08
zimnyxWhen I kill ssh daemon something starts it again. Any tips how can I find out what is it?15:09
preetamundecim the command "sudo service network-manager restart" is not working15:09
undecimzimnyx: How did you kill it?15:09
undecimpreetam: What does it say?15:09
zimnyxkill PID15:09
undecimzimnyx: kill it with "sudo service ssh restart"15:10
llutz_zimnyx: sudo service ssh stop15:10
undecimzimnyx: sorry, that should be stop, not restart15:10
preetamundecim it says "unknown instance:"15:10
llutz_zimnyx: sudo service sshd stop15:10
undecimpreetam: Does it say that it started it?15:10
preetamundecim no only says "unknown instance:"15:11
preetamsays "restart: Unknown instance:"15:11
undecimpreetam: then do "service network-manager status15:11
Dulaktgywa: sudo apt-get install console-data15:11
Dulaktgywa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data (if it's already installed)15:11
sinnedamhey guys...newb here, having the hardest time trying to change my ip address to static. I have followed the instructions on running /etc/network/interfaces in terminal and changing the info to static, but it says to save and close the file...how do i do that?15:11
preetamundecim it shows "network-manager stop/waiting"15:11
Chellllutz_, when are you supposed to user sudo service ssh ... and when /etc/init.d/ssh ... ?15:12
undecimpreetam: do start instead of restart then... I may be confusing the behavior of Ubuntu and Fedora's service commad15:12
llutz_sinnedam: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces    change your lines, save/quit with ctrl-x15:12
Dulaksinnedam: what editor are you in?  nano?15:12
cg_hello. i installed the kubuntu10.10, and i got a widget called microblogging on the desktop. anyones knows any introduction on it ?15:12
preetamundecim "network-manager start/running, process 2967"15:13
zimnyxllutz_, undecim: Worked. So I should forget about usign /etc/init.d/* directly in current ubuntu?15:13
DulakSinister: hit escape, then :wq<Enter>15:13
llutz_Chell: /etc/init.d/ is old sysv-init. ubuntu uses upstart now and preferrs service .... syntax. but that won't work with all services afaik15:13
undecimzimnyx: service is the preferred way, I believe15:13
coz_cg_,   I have seen this but I dont now anything about it  ,,,you could try in the  #kubuntu channel15:13
Poul|RaiderDulak, ??? finland ?15:13
DulakSinister: thats short for write and quit15:13
undecimpreetam: Do status again to see if it is still running15:13
cg_coz_,  thank you , man15:13
DulakPoul|Raider: ?? not sure what you mean15:13
Poul|RaiderDulak, just the nickname, knew one who used it who was from finland :)15:14
llutz_i wonder when those sysV-init stuff will be purged completely and upstart works as supposed15:14
DulakPoul|Raider: oh no I'm a dirty american15:14
EddInaBoxHello, new here.  I am using 10.10 and cannot get IEEE1394/Firewire to work, it didn't work in 10.4 or 9.10 either.15:14
preetamundecim surprisingly the status shows "network-manager stop/waiting"15:14
tensorpuddingi doubt that it'd be removed completely, that would almost surely break POSIX and a lot of software15:14
Poul|RaiderDulak, Okay :) have fun then :D15:14
* undecim slams his head onto the desk15:15
llutz_tensorpudding: then they shouldn't have installed upstart, it just confuses things15:15
undecimpreetam: I'm out of ideas until I can figure out how to find what application is using the NetworkManager service15:15
jobyDoes anyone have a problem using flash in 10.1015:15
janisozaurhow do I disable breadcrumbs in nautilus?15:16
coz_joby,   I am not but what issue are you having15:16
nigelbjanisozaur: Ctrl + L15:16
janisozaur!anyone | joby15:16
ubottujoby: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:16
Dulakit's a fundamental difference from debian that I don't like, upstart needs more time to mature, but for a workstation it's good enough.  Wouldn't run it on a server though.15:16
undecimhow to list dbus services and/or tell what process is providing a dbus service?15:16
janisozaurnigelb, it works only for an instance of nautilus, I want a permament fix15:16
LoonaticHi there, anyone could tell me what would be the easiest way to have my webserver (apache) ask for a password on a specific folder only for external traffic, i want to local people (192.168.1.*) to be able to browse the folder without entering passwords ?15:17
coz_janisozaur,   you use elementary  stuff for nautilus?15:17
tgywaDulak, yes ... I've installed and dpkg-reconfigure to choose greek alphabet ... but seems that I need to switch to greek(gr) ... tried ... loadkeys gr ... how can I do that15:17
nigelbjanisozaur: ah, that needs a gconf value edit, lemme get that for you15:17
jobyFlash games is easiest page wont load, says try updating your flash player but i have the lastest flash installed allready15:17
undecimLoonatic: .htaccess15:17
undecimLoonatic: I'm not too savvy on it though15:17
janisozaurcoz_, don't know what you're talking about. is "elementary stuff" a package or what?15:17
Dulaktgywa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales localeconf15:17
Loonaticundecim: i tried to play with .htaccess too but with no luck, so then i think it's back to reading about .htaccess15:18
Dulaktgywa: if the problem is the locale, that should ask all the right questions15:18
crosbowi used WUBI and then upgraded my distro -> i still have the windows bootloader, but grub stopped working, so i can't boot ubuntu. (it was like BCD -> GRUB -> ubuntu) any way to fix this? :(15:18
janisozaurjoby, which version? www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/15:18
tadoafter upgrade to 10.10 compiz went crazy! can anyone spare two minutes to help fixing it? or has anyone encountered big trouble and already solved it?15:19
preetamundecim please check this link for the bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/65946015:19
janisozaurjoby, there is no such version. do you use gnash?15:19
jobylet me check15:20
nigelbjanisozaur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9425742&postcount=715:20
nigelbthat one tells you how to have the location always15:20
undecimpreetam: aha! connman is conflicting then15:20
janisozaurnigelb, thanks15:21
razz1any good guides on how to set up proxy to connect to trackers in transmission? any help?15:21
EddInaBoxCan anyone help me with IEEE1394/Firewire, or suggest where I might get assistance?15:21
undecimpreetam: well, try stopping connman, then restarting network-manager15:21
jobythats what the link u provided tells me15:21
janisozaurjoby, what browser do you use?15:21
preetamundecim command to stop is sudo connman stop15:21
janisozaurjoby, "ps ax | grep firefox", find its pid (first column), then "lsof -p <firefox_pid>"15:22
RabidLockerGnomeDoes anyone remember that mail client in 10.04 that was an alternative to Evolution, but worked with Evolution?15:22
undecimpreetam: I would imagine. I don't have it installed on my system so I can't check it myself. If you press tab half-way through typing "connman" it should auto-complete if it is a valid option15:22
janisozaurjoby, or rather "lsof -p <firefox_pid> | grep -i flash"15:22
lenzyhey, why do i get such thinks in the evolution header? =?UTF-8?Q?sch=C3=BClerVZ Zentrale?=15:22
JuJuBeeCan someone help me figure out how to tether a laptop to an android based phone?  Ihave rooted the phone but don't know how to connect to it as the access point (WiFi or USB)15:22
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llutz_lenzy: wrong char-encoding (quoted printable)15:23
preetamundecim no use the tab shows only connman-applet shall i run kill connman-applet15:24
crosbowwhat is the easiest way to install ubuntu? wubi turned out to be the devil.. is USB stick a good idea?15:24
zeldaguys,I met  a problem  "An error occured while mounting /home"15:25
tadoafter upgrade to maverick compiz doesn't work. won't enable any effect at all. i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing. i think it could also be the cause of a very annoying black background that is always present behind the cairo-dock bar. does anyone know how to try and fix it? couldn't find any help online so far...15:25
undecimpreetam: Sorry, I got disconnected. If you sent anything after my last message, I didn't see it.15:25
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undecimzelda: Did it drop you to a busybox shell?15:26
undecimzelda: And did it give you any info on what the error is?15:26
preetamundecim shall i run the application kill connman-applet15:26
Wavesonicshooray!!! Saved my Wubi install!!!!15:26
zeldaI press s to skip  then everything goes well15:27
zeldabut when restart  error again15:27
undecimpreetam: "sudo service connman stop" should stop connman, then you can "sudo service network-manager start"15:27
kevin_hi, what is the command line to remove something from blacklist?15:27
jobyim supposed to type that in the terminal?15:27
undecimpreetam: And do the alt+f2 "killall nm-applet" and "nm-applet" if you have to after that15:27
HelloMommyhow come...i set on /etc/fstab a gid=group parameter...and a user who is not in that group has that partition mounted when he starts his session?15:27
janisozaurjoby, yes. and when using irc, be sure to type name of the other person you're talking to in front of message15:28
janisozaur!tab | joby15:28
ubottujoby: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:28
Poul|Raideranyone who got a solution for me, upgraded to 10.10 and it wont boot, says failed waiting for hdd or something, and alert something with uuid of hdd15:28
undecimHelloMommy: I don't think gid controls who can mount it15:28
preetamundecim something happen great15:29
HelloMommyi thought if i set gid...ony members of that group are allowed to mount it15:29
janisozaurjoby, also be sure that firefox with some page that utilises flash is running at the time you execute this command15:29
preetamundecim now the network-manager status is running.15:29
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DulakHelloMommy: no that sets the group id of the mount, not who can mount or unmount it, that is handled by the user= or users= options iirc15:30
kevin_anyboby knows how to remove something from the blacklist?15:30
undecimpreetam: Awesome. If your applet doesn't show networks yet, kill nm-applet and then start it again.15:30
obengdakohi all skype does not work for me says p2p connection failed any help?15:30
AKPPi got a problem with my touchpad on my new sony vaio - it seens like ubuntu doesn't recognize it and consequently i cant configure it15:30
preetamundecim but the "enabale networking" and "enable wireless" is greyed and shows device not managed15:30
janisozaurkevin_, there are blacklists for modules, perhaps apache and many others, specify more information15:30
HelloMommyhow many user can i specify in users=?15:30
computa_mikehi - I just upgraded my netbook to UNR 10.10 - When I click the Ubuntu Logo I see like some launchers.  But only web and get new software actally work - nautilus doesn't seem to want to load.  Any ideas?15:31
Wavesonicsis there anyway to migrate a Wubi install to a physical partition?15:31
kevin_janisozaur, its in modeprobe.d15:31
AKPPhow can i make ubuntu recognize my touchpad? it doesn't, so i can't configure my touchpad..15:31
janisozaurkevin_, well then you just remove or comment out the line15:32
LSanninhola alguien conoce algun buen reemplazo de one note>15:32
TANK8465hey all, has anyone figured out suspend in 10.10?15:32
janisozaur!es | LSannin15:32
ubottuLSannin: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:32
jiffeanyone have trouble using aee in ubuntu 10.10 ?15:32
undecimpreetam: Did you press alt+f2 and "killall nm-applet" and then "nm-applet" to restart the applet?15:32
jiffeI'm getting 'sorry, unable to use this terminal type for screen editing' all of a sudden15:32
kevin_janisozaur, any terminal commands?15:32
janisozaurAKPP, you may try "modprobe -r psmouse" and after that "modprobe psmouse proto=imps" (once or twice)15:33
VagaStormwhat have they done to increase the speed of 10.10, al my programs start insanly fast compared to 10.415:33
janisozaurkevin_, sudo vim <file>15:33
tgywaDulak, yes ... I've installed and dpkg-reconfigure to choose greek alphabet ... but seems that I need to switch to greek(gr) ... tried ... loadkeys gr ... how can I do that15:34
DulakHelloMommy: use the group= option to specify a group of users to mount15:34
Diverdudemac runs os2 right? which is based on a nix kernel right?15:34
Dulaktgywa: I told you all I know on switching the keyboard around, not sure what else there is15:34
preetamundecim nm-applet does not shows the network manager in the system tray15:34
undecimDiverdude: I thought mac is based on the BSD kernel15:34
ddelrio1986How do I install PHP extension on ubuntu?15:35
Diverdudeundecim, but is BSD not a nix kernel?15:35
tgywaDulak, that didn't work15:35
undecimDiverdude: Yeah.15:35
tlirddelrio1986: you mean the php interpreter? are you interested in the command line version or for web development?15:35
AKPPcan someone help me with a touchpad problem?15:35
undecimpreetam: Maybe just "sudo apt-get purge connman" and then restart your computer?15:35
janisozaurAKPP, did you use sudo?15:36
ddelrio1986tlir, I've already got LAMP working. I just need to add xmlrpc to my PHP installation. I can't find the ext directory that PHP usually has so that I can point my .ini file at that directory and enable it.15:36
HelloMommydulak: is parameter group= allowed in fstab??15:36
AKPPjanisozaur no i'll try that15:36
DulakHelloMommy: yes it should be, I read it on the mount man page15:37
fdhey guys... is this the right channel about 10.10 issues?15:37
tlirddelrio1986: did you install it with apt-get?15:37
ddelrio1986tlir, Yes15:37
TwoDddelrio1986: sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc didn't do that for you?15:37
tlirddelrio1986: and it's not available?15:37
DulakHelloMommy: wait, it says only use group, and make sure the user is in the group that owns the device15:38
ddelrio1986TwoD, I didn't realize that php extensions can be done with apt-get. Let me try that.15:38
scotlyfd: ubuntu 10.10? If you're talking about QML, then yes, if you're talking about ubuntu, probably not.15:38
DulakHelloMommy: so look at the device file you are mounting, add the user to the group that owns it, then use just 'group' as the option in fstab15:38
tlirddelrio1986: ahh? I just asked you if you used apt-get to install the extension and you said yes :)15:38
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TwoDddelrio1986: Many of the common ones are available as packages, yes. Just search for those starting with php5-15:39
ddelrio1986I thought you were asking if I used apt-get to install php itself.15:39
nikolaany media player i try doesnt have time in miliseconds, and i need it for syncing subtitles. i googled it for a longer period of time, but couldnt find it. anyone uses something for that?15:39
tlirddelrio1986: nope. run the command TwoD told you about, that's how you install it15:39
markowhere is the problem if i have picture over HDMI and a cannot get sound to play over HDMI. Is ti nvidiva drivers or sound card drivers?15:39
AKPPjanisozaur nothing really happened i think. i just want the "touchpad" tab back in preferences>mouse15:39
ddelrio1986Thanks for the help tlir and TwoD. I've been running php on Windows for years. Still new to all this Ubuntu stuff. I just used synaptic to get it.15:39
janisozaurnikola, it's just a guess, but I'd bet that mplayer has such option, try its man page15:40
martin101hello all, can someone attempt to help me identify a compiz setting I want disabled?15:40
janisozaur!anyone | martin10115:40
ubottumartin101: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:40
ogionnjI just upgraded my netbook to Maverick, but the old window manager is still showing (minus the gnome-panel on the top).  Can someone help me get rid of it, and get unity running?15:41
Da_WreckaTrying again; I'm running Lucid on an Acer Aspire One, 1.5GB RAM, Intel 945GME graphics chip. I've got an external CRT connected. If the CRT is set to 1024x768, I can play videos without any problems. If the CRT is set to 1280x1024, video playback is black on both screens. I'd like to be able to use 1280x1024. Am I SOL?15:41
nikolajanisozaur, i already tried, but i will give it another shoot15:41
fdi have a thinkpad t400 and a freshly installed ubuntu 10.10 since some days... sometimes the system becomes very slow and the mouse kind of freezes. this seems to be unrelated to any special program. if i close all programs, system sometimes runs as usual, sometimes not, but the problem returns sooner or later. does this soudn familiar to anyone? the system monitoring shows no problems with ram or cpu15:42
martin101I want to disable a compiz effect (I think it maybe something to do with compiz) but I can't work out what it is, when I have two windows open and overlapping, if I move the mouse away from the active one, it fades the active one15:43
TwoDddelrio1986: If you didn't know, synaptic does the same thing as apt-get just via a GUI. I find almost everything I need in Ubuntu's (or third party) repositiories, it's pure awesomeness compared to the Windows mess =)15:43
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Exploitermartian101 / simon, you need to install advance compiz manager15:44
Da_WreckaTwoD: That's not saying much15:44
undecimmartin101: What plugins do you have enabled?15:44
stanley_robertsohi all15:44
Exploitermartian101 / simon, so that you can easily configure the settings..!!15:44
martin101I have installed15:44
martin101undecim, all sorts15:44
nikolamartin101, Effects - Fading Windows15:44
computa_mikeogionnj: I had the same problem - I think I just ran sudo apt-get distupdate (or was it upgrade)15:44
TwoDDa_Wrecka: ?15:45
martin101I tried disabling that, no difference.15:45
Exploiternikola is rite martian just disable that..!!15:45
HukkaHow can I stop gdm user from starting up pulseaudio?15:45
Da_WreckaTwoD: Your comment on synaptic?15:45
simonecuttlefishhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waxat-_tRH8&feature=fvw This is Bach - BEST composer (they all said so :) It's like Linux, you have to feel what you are doing, then it makes sense15:46
TwoDDa_Wrecka: ah, you agree?15:46
computa_mikeogionnj: Unity seems fine, but I can't find all my applications in the unit app bar...15:46
jobyJaniszaur: sorry got disconnected15:46
fdi have a thinkpad t400 and a freshly installed ubuntu 10.10 since some days... sometimes the system becomes very slow and the mouse kind of freezes. this seems to be unrelated to any special program. if i close all programs, system sometimes runs as usual, sometimes not, but the problem returns sooner or later. does this soudn familiar to anyone? the system monitoring shows no problems with ram or cpu15:46
* TwoD is a bit distracted hehe15:46
martin101nikola, I even logged out and back in again, re-opened advanced compiz manager and it has been disabled but it still does it15:46
Da_WreckaTwoD: Yes, but like I say, saying that apt/Synaptic/et cetera is better than the Windows isn't saying much15:46
ogionnjcomputa_mike: No luck.  apt-get had nothing to do: 0 upgraded, 0 newly ihstalled, 0 to remove15:46
Da_Wrecka*Windows mess15:47
computa_mikeogionnj: My install took ages - in fact at one point the battery ran out.  It was estimating 8 hours to updrade...15:47
computa_mikeogionnj: what happens if you check for updates?15:47
TwoDDa_Wrecka: you mean it's an understatement?15:47
TANK8465FOUND SOLUTION TO MY SUSPEND PROBLEM: if you have usb 3.0, it can cause some conflicts with the kernel. to get suspend working, add SUSPEND_MODULES="xhci-hcd" to /etc/pm/config.d/unload_module . you might have to create the file unload_module yourself.15:47
Da_WreckaTwoD: JUst a bit15:47
TwoDDa_Wrecka: hehe15:48
sbvfproof that justin bieber is gay  http://adf.ly/91IF15:48
preetam_undicem the network manager icon is not appearing in the system tray15:48
ogionnjcomputa_mike: I've already upgraded without any problems.  But now that I log in, I get the old menu system, and not unity15:48
sbvfproof that justin bieber is gay  http://adf.ly/91IF15:48
ogionnjThere is nothing left to upgrade15:48
Da_WreckaStill looking for someone who's knowledgeable about dual monitors. Although thinking about it, how do I find out just how much onboard framebuffer my video adapter has?15:48
jobyjanisozaur: i coped this into the terminal:  lsof -p<firefox pid> grep -i flash  = bash: firefox: No such file or directory15:48
Da_Wreckajust so's I can rule that out15:48
momo_hey, when did 10.10 come out?15:48
undecimpreetam_: Try pressing alt+f2 and type "nm-applet"15:48
Picimomo_: 10/10/1015:49
LWSDesignsjoby what distro you using15:49
Nagilum_Da_Wrecka: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:49
CarlosPQ; Im tryn to setup PXE boot for thin clients but cant get more than 3 clients to connect any ideas on what it could be?15:49
jobyubuntu 10.1015:49
Exploiter10 oct15:49
momo_Pici: okay thanks, I was expecting the usual oct 31st :p15:49
computa_mikeogionnj: not sure then...  I believe the package which drives the interface is ubuntu-netbook15:49
janisozaurjoby, you're supposed to replace "<firefox pid>" with well... its value15:49
ogionnjcomputa_mike:  I'll look for it in synaptics15:49
TwoDDa_Wrecka: I have some experience with that, using nvidia cards. Tried the hardinfo tool?15:50
computa_mikeogionnj: good idea15:50
bcessahi there, just a newbie question, how can I print/echo a '$' character in bash without making it trying to expand a variable?15:50
jobyjanisozaur what the value what am i supposed to put in there i dont understand15:50
janisozaur!cn | jhattara15:50
ubottujhattara: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:50
janisozaurjhattara, sorry, not for you15:50
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Da_WreckaTwoD: Hardinfo? Does that work with Intel chips?15:50
momo_bcessa: put quotes around it15:50
ogionnjcomputa_mike: already installed15:50
momo_bcessa: single and double quotes work differently15:50
janisozaurjoby, the one you got with "ps ax | grep firefox"15:51
bcessalike so: '$' (single) or this "$" (double)?15:51
Da_Wreckafound it n the Xog log Nagilum_ pointed me to. Says 256MB. Can't rule out the possibility that it's all AGP memory, but it seems unlikely that would be insufficient for what I'm trying to do.15:51
LWSDesignsyea in synaptics adobe flash plugin you can just go to adobe download the .deb file to your hojme dire and run it with dpkg -i flash*.deb15:51
ogionnjcomputa_mike: I'm marking ubuntu-netbook and a few others for reinstallation and trying again15:51
momo_bcessa: I forget, try both and see what happens :)15:51
TwoDDa_Wrecka: nm, it shows you some hardware stats for things like CPU, network, RAM etc, but I couldn't find framebuffer info in there15:51
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Nagilum_Da_Wrecka: grep VideoRam /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:52
bcessagot it, is just like this: \$ ;)15:52
LWSDesignswierd I have 10.10 installed and never really had any flash issues15:52
momo_bcessa: great, that works too15:52
wieshkaHey folks, need some support/help on this problem: http://wieshka.pastebin.com/Fqp0awkU - i am trying to get work Hauppauge USB-live2 on Ubuntu 10.0415:52
jobyjanisozaur i have looked but im sorry i dont understand what ur wanting me to do i see all the codes15:52
nikolai was wrong, its opacify , what martin101 was searching for :(15:52
Da_WreckaNagilum_: Yeah, I found it, thanks.15:52
wieshkabut my vidoe input shows only blue screen15:52
Da_Wrecka262144KB, which is 256MB.15:52
gepatinognome-shell: Does anyone knows what the black bar at the bottom is? The one that appears when the pointer is at the lower-right corner?15:53
Da_WreckaI suspect that's not dedicated... Know any way to find out for sure?15:53
computa_mikeogionnj: have you checked your repository locations?15:54
pankaj_sharmagepatino: those are 4 desktops15:54
CarlosPany 1 know anything about PXEBoot ThinClients ?15:54
momo_bcessa: btw, it was single quotes that would have worked too, you can enclose the entire string in single quotes and not worry about backslash escape sequences15:54
BluesKajLWSDesigns, make sure you're updated , there was a flash update yesterday and make sure you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed15:54
ogionnjcomputa_mike: No.  But it had no trouble finding packages15:54
gepatinopankaj_sharma, i'm talking about gnome-shell, not the standard gnome desktop15:54
jobyJava seems to be working but nothing flash related will15:54
Da_WreckaStill trying to figure out why I can play video with my external monitor set to 1024x768 but not 1280x1024, anyone have any clues?15:54
bcessamomo_: thnx ;)15:54
LWSDesignsJoby the only way i know that might help  to download the package manual here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP15:55
momo_bcessa: np15:55
Nagilum_Da_Wrecka: sure why not15:55
computa_mikeogionnj: the reason i was wondering was if you had upgraded from a previous version, and the repo's hadn;15:55
janisozaurjoby, that's because you apparently use gnash, which is open-source flash, but might not work with 100% content out there15:55
Da_WreckaNagilum_: Are you saying you have an idea, or...?15:55
ogionnjcomputa_mike: so the repos should say maverick, right?15:55
Nagilum_Da_Wrecka: System->Preferences->Monitors enable second monitor15:55
janisozaurjoby, but since you're not able to execute the simplest commands I can't help you15:55
TwoDDa_Wrecka: what happens when you try with the higher resolution?15:55
computa_mikeogionnj: That's what I'm seeing here...15:56
jobyjanisozaur well everything work untill i update to 10.1015:56
Da_WreckaTwoD: The movie player shows a black rectangle instead of the video I'm trying to play.15:56
Da_WreckaSet the CRT to 1024x768 and the video plays as expected.15:56
Da_WreckaThe internal monitor stays at 1024x600 regardless15:57
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janisozaurjoby, do you even read what I say? it seems that you can't comprehend it, so please stop bugging me. there might be someone else that could help you15:57
computa_mikeogionnj: This is the version of Unity that I have installed : 0.2.46-0ubuntu5 (unity)15:57
computa_mikeogionnj: Could the old interface still be installed also?15:57
lousygaruaoh no, just ran `sudo aptitude` from a terminal on 10.10 and it opened an ugly GTK gui! how do i use the beautiful ncurses terminal gui again?15:57
ogionnjcomputa_mike: what's in your startup apps?  Is Netbook Launcher in EFL there?  Is there a line for Unity?15:57
pintookhello is it now ok to upgrade to ubuntu 10.1015:58
Exploiterpintook, yes why not.. go for it15:58
TANK8465pintook: your suspend might break, but theres a quick fix for it. pretty much, DO IT15:58
computa_mikeogionnj: This is going to sound stupid - but how can I find that out?15:58
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ogionnjsystem->preferences->startup applications15:58
pintookok thanks15:58
Da_WreckaI didn't like 10.1015:58
ogionnjcomputa_mike: system->preferences->startup applications15:59
Da_WreckaThe Unity interface makes me throw up in my mouth15:59
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Da_WreckaDesktop 10.10 might be okay, but I really dislike Unity15:59
pankaj_sharmaI AM CURRENTLY upgrading to 10.10..        i hope everthing works15:59
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TwoDDa_Wrecka: sounds like what used to happen on my old Windows installation when I tried to play video on thesecondary monitor, hardware overlay only works on one surface at a time. Maybe something similar here?15:59
Exploiterpankaj ji dont worry, it wont..!!15:59
jobyWell Since im a newby to commands.. i have updated to 10.10 and my flash will not work, i have updated my flash and it says its install. but when i goto a site i wont work15:59
lousygaruayay! just ran `sudo aptitude remove aptitude-gtk` and after the removal it uses the original aptitude ncurses gui again.16:00
bergqvistjlHi, I have a very weird problem (which has also been happening since 10.04 as well, although I've done a complete re-format and re-install to 10.10 and its still happening)16:00
bergqvistjlBasically, roughly every other time (or sometimes it does it two times in a row) Ubuntu fails to boot. What happens is it hangs on the boot screen, if I press escape before-hand to view the text info, the last indication I get is that the fsck has run sucessfully on the drive. Any ideas? When i say hang i mean, no HDD activity, keyboard doesnt work, so i have to press the reboot button on the PC, and if i'm lucky the next time the PC usually boots fine as 16:00
bergqvistjlMobo: Biostar t-power i4516:00
bergqvistjlCPU Intel Core 2 Duo E840016:00
bergqvistjlGraphics: XFX Nvidia GTX 27516:00
FloodBot1bergqvistjl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
Nagilum_Da_Wrecka: hmm, not really and idea, you try to fiddle with xrandr16:00
arkyarky: in ubuntu do i need to shut down programs before I shut down my computer?16:00
pankaj_sharmathere are no upgrades for this system.. what is this?16:00
undecimarky: Only if you need to save your work in that program16:00
bergqvistjlmy problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512433/16:00
computa_mikeogionnj: I'm running unity, so it's all a little different16:00
arkythanks undecim16:01
ogionnjcomputa_mike: yeah.  I'm not sure how to find out in unity16:01
bergqvistjlsorry its a bit long-winded but I would like to get it sorted if possible. Also no-one ever reads my forum posts :(16:01
TwoDDa_Wrecka: I'm using TwinView on my nVidia card with two screens, it extends the desktop to cover both screens with one surface, all managed by the card meaning hw acceleration is available on both. Would not be the case if I was using truly separate screens.16:01
bergqvistjlPM me if you have to.16:01
Dulakarky: no when you shutdown it will send signals to all running programs telling them to shutdown, you might lose unsaved work, but you don't have to stop everything to do a shutdown16:01
janisozaurbergqvistjl, if your problem doesn't fit here, because floodbot blocks you, it's 99.9% tl;dr16:01
Da_WreckaTwinView isn't available to me. My netbook has an Intel video chip16:01
bergqvistjlyeah ive put it in a pastebin now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512433/16:01
arkythanks dulak16:02
janisozaurbergqvistjl, don't. express it in fewer words16:02
undecimbergqvistjl: When your computer hangs, does your caps lock flash?16:02
bergqvistjleverything is non-responsive or in the state its in when it hanged16:02
pankaj_sharmawhy my upgradation getting failed16:02
lahwranundecim: remind me what it means when it does...16:02
TwoDDa_Wrecka: I know, that was just me thinking loud about why it works for me. Tried disabling overlays in the player to see if that makes a difference? Will be slower, but might give a clue on what's failing.16:02
bergqvistjlso if caps-lock was on, it stays on, and vice versa16:02
Misteriopankaj_sharma: What fail are you getting?16:03
undecimlahwran: Flashing caps lock means kernel panic16:03
TwoDundecim: isn't that numlock?16:03
Da_WreckaTwoD: Not sure how to do that with Totem16:03
pankaj_sharmait shows.. upgradation failed for this system16:03
bergqvistjleven so, nothing flashes, it just stops working and hangs16:03
undecimTwoD: Is it? It's been forever since I've seen a kernel panic, lol16:03
Exploiterpankaj ji make sure you software update is not setup to LTS updates only16:03
shane2perucan someone recommend a better torrent client then Transmission?  transmission seems to kill my router and vonage phone,16:03
jobyIs there anyone who can help me with a flash problem, i have updated to 10.10, and i have updated all the nessacry flash, but flash programs still wont load. it tells me to update your flash. but it shows as the newest16:03
shane2peruno way to limit the number of connections that I know of.16:03
lahwranundecim: oh it does? I thought it meant some kind of hardware panic ..16:03
littlebobbytravkin, deinstalling pulseaudio did the trick -- sounds in flash no longer have a delay. interestingly, my multimedia keys don't cause any actions anymore. did you experience the same?16:04
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Misteriopankaj_sharma: Only that? Any text describing error?16:04
undecimlahwran: idk, it's been a while since I've had either...16:04
goltoofshane2peru: utorrent16:04
pankaj_sharmano text16:04
Misteriopankaj_sharma: Can you take a screenshot please?16:04
shane2perugoltoof: is that in the repos?  easy to setup and use?  is there gui?16:04
travkinlittlebobby, mhm, nope, but i'm using XFCE (Xubuntu). I think/know it's not related with the pulseaudio16:04
TwoDundecim: same here, have managed to hang it beyond panic a couple of times, completely irresponsive, but when it did go in to panic mode I think it was numlock. Anyway, I think my issue was with a faulty hdd.16:04
preetamundecim now the network indicator is not appearing in the system tray even after restart and run nm-applet.16:04
ogionnjcomputa_mike: I have to deal with this later.  Got other things to do.  Thanks for your help16:05
travkinlittlebobby, make sure in Preferences -> Sound are set ALSA device, not PulseAudio16:05
littlebobbytravkin, I've checked that they still register correctly (in the shortcut-settings), but there is just no action to it16:05
bergqvistjlSo has anyone got any ideas? I'm guessing I think its a compatiblity problem with my hardware16:05
Misterio!screenshot | pankaj_sharma16:05
ubottupankaj_sharma: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.16:05
littlebobbytravkin, yeah thanks16:05
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undecimbergqvistjl: This may be a hardware issue16:05
arkyi just installed ubuntu, but my reading indicates that freebsd is a truer unix and more core oriented. Also the user community has improved. So I'm thinking of switching. Please advise16:05
bergqvistjlgagh :(16:05
shane2perugoltoof: thanks for the recommendation I will check it out.16:05
pankaj_sharmaMisterio: wait16:05
preetamundecim i think some problem with  indicator-network16:05
undecimarky: Don't switch to freeBSD until you know your way around a *nix system16:05
kili2i got following problem, i started ubuntu 10.10 (fresh download from ubuntu.com) and booted it (without installing) to save some data from a 10-year old notebook16:05
kili2now it wants a user :O16:06
TwoDDa_Wrecka: sorry, don't know that either. Totem doesn't seem to have many options. I mostly use VLC and there it's amongst the output device settings.16:06
jobyIs there anyone who can help me with a flash problem, i have updated to 10.10, and i have updated all the nessacry flash, but flash programs still wont load. it tells me to update your flash. but it shows as the newest16:06
preetamundecim if i install indicator-network connman automatically get installed.16:06
Da_WreckaTwoD: Okay, progress. I went into Multimedia Systems Selector>Video and set the default output plugin to X Window System (No Xv)16:06
raptor_what about nvidia 96xx drivers on 10.10? does anybody installed it succesfully?16:06
littlebobbytravkin, oh, there's a dialog now (in german) that says that it's waiting for an answer from the audio system :-)16:06
Da_WreckaNow the video plays, although it's extremely choppy and not suitable for actual use16:06
undecimpreetam: indicator-network must be connman's frontend...16:06
LWSDesignsArky you are correct the community is growning I'm a huge BSD user but its often still to complicated for the newbie or novice user16:06
Poul|Raiderwhere is the gnum mount file located16:06
shane2perugoltoof: no utorrent in repo. :(16:06
undecimpreetam: Make sure you have network-manager-gnome installed16:06
Misterioraptor_: Don't you have the option for installing them?16:06
shane2perucan someone recommend a good torrent client to replace transmission? in the repos with gui easy to use?16:07
telitiHello. I did install texlive and everything works fine, except the "umlaut" of german. I already installed texlive-lang-german. Does anyone has a hint?16:07
raptor_Misterio: i think about nvidia's official, not from Addiotional Drivers16:07
erUSULshane2peru: deluge16:07
TwoDDa_Wrecka: ah ok. I don't have much experience with Intel cards, never had those problems with the one in my netbook, maybe driver thing?16:07
shane2peruLWSDesigns: I should have mentioned for Gnome. :)16:07
Da_WreckaThing is, I just don't get why it works fine in 1024x600/1024x768 and not 1024x600/1280x102416:07
LWSDesignsyea it works great16:07
jobyi use transmission bitorrent it works great for me16:07
shane2peruerUSUL: thanks!!!  I will give that one a try16:07
Misterioshane2peru: KDE applications works fine under GNOME16:07
preetamundicem i am installing network-manger-gnome16:08
undecimpreetam: Ah, that's it then.16:08
arkythanks undecim and LSWDesigns16:08
shane2peruMisterio: yes, I know, but they usually draw in a LOT of deps.16:08
LWSDesignsI found transmission to be resource hog unlike Ktorrent in gnome16:08
CarlosPany 1 know anything about PXEBoot ThinClients ?16:08
undecimpreetam: Since network manager is running fine, this should let you control it. Just run "nm-applet" from the alt+f2 box to start it then.16:08
kili2i got following problem, i started ubuntu 10.10 (fresh download from ubuntu.com) and booted it (without installing) to save some data from a 10-year old notebook...  and i dont want to reboot because it needed 30 mins to reboot :(16:08
jobyLWSDesigns i went to the link u provided but it tells me my flash player is newest version16:08
preetamundicem  the network-manager-gnome is already there16:08
bergqvistjli'm going now. So any other ideas/suggestions/info about my problem?16:08
kili2and now it wants a user16:09
TwoDaeon-ltd: can the rss auto-download features of rtorrent match those of µTorrent?16:09
Da_Wreckaguess I'm stuck with 1024x768 for now.16:09
preetamundicem no use nm-applet does not work16:09
shane2perutransmission kills my internet because of too many connections, and I can't seem to find a way to lower the connections16:09
shane2peruI did limit the speed, but that didn't help, totally kills firefox or any browsing16:09
undecimpreetam: Maybe you don't have the notification area in your panel16:09
LWSDesignsI think its becauase you have installed a 3rd party or Gnome Flash player maybe16:09
kili2i got following problem, i started ubuntu 10.10 (fresh download from ubuntu.com) and booted it (without installing) to save some data from a 10-year old notebook... and it wants a user...  and i dont want to reboot because it needed 30 mins to reboot :(16:10
preetamundicem then how to resolve theissue16:10
aeon-ltdTwoD: suppose not, but then again i don't torrent 'series' of things, so the client fits for the user's needs16:10
TwoDkili2: please be patient16:10
undecimpreetam: right-click on the panel, click "add to panel" find "notification area" and add it16:10
TwoDaeon-ltd: ok, thanks.16:10
JWebb22Hey everyone. I need help.16:10
undecimpreetam: Then nm-applet should show up16:10
karzon_Does anyone know if I can use a bluetooth headset (kind made for a phone) in ubuntu as a earphone and mic? Specifically "Plantronics Explorer 360"16:10
lahwranwhy is my ubuntu install stuck on 89%?16:11
HukkaWhere are the upstart boot scripts, and more specificly where is gdm started?16:11
jobyLWSdesigns i will try and see if that works16:11
lahwranit's been like that for nearly 30 seconds :(16:11
arkyDo others agree that FreeDSB is harder to use than Ubuntu? I have mediocre computer skills16:11
LWSDesignsmaybe go into synaptics and browse your installed programs16:11
lahwranHukka: /etc/init/16:11
PiciHukka: upstart stuff in /etc/init/16:11
JWebb22I'm trying to hook my Xbox 360 to my laptop to get on Live and it's not letting me.16:11
JWebb22I tried these instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508145 and it worked yesterday, now it's not :(16:12
TwoDkili2: what are you trying to do that needs a password?16:12
kili2TwoD: to login?16:12
kili2i dont know16:12
HukkaHm, thanks. But seems like it's not obvious how gdm starts it's pulseaudio instance. Any hints on finding where that happens?16:12
kili2normally it just starts16:12
SaRylahwran, Maybe you need to wait a while longer for it to finish.16:12
kili2but now it wants a user...16:12
jobyLWSdesigns: Thank you for that Tid Bit! remvoing the nash and just having Adobe.. it worked thank you16:13
kili2and i don't know the root password16:13
YeTr2my executable bits on my /bin/chmod seem to be wrong. howto fix?16:13
undecimarky: FreeBSD is definitely harder to use than Ubuntu. It doesn't come with a desktop, and isn't specifically designed to be user friendly like Ubuntu is16:13
preetamundicem the notification area is there since Xchat and battery indicator icon is there.16:13
LWSDesignsCheers Joby :)16:13
CarlosPQ; Im tryn to setup PXE boot for thin clients but cant get more than 3 clients to connect any ideas on what it could be?16:13
HukkaAlso when do the things not under /etc/rc5.d start? I'm trying to make system pulseaudio start earlier than the gdm pulseaudio16:13
undecimpreetam: Those use a different app, the indicator applet16:13
YeTr2-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50836 2010-09-21 14:33 /bin/chmod16:13
JWebb22can someone please help me?16:13
undecimpreetam: Well, the battery at least... idk about xchat16:13
lahwranSaRy: but I've already been waiting for nearly 15 minutes and I need it to workkk16:14
SaRy!Details | JWebb2216:14
ubottuJWebb22: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:14
tensorpuddingYeTr2: wow, how did that happen?16:14
preetamundicem notification area is already there16:14
karzon_Does anyone know if I can use a bluetooth headset (kind made for a phone) in ubuntu as a earphone and mic? Specifically "Plantronics Explorer 360"16:14
tensorpuddingYeTr2: the obvious answer of running chmod won't work...16:14
YeTr2tensorpudding: dunno. even better thou, when I try to change it, I get 'Operation not permitted'16:15
YeTr2tensorpudding: using a chmod executable I copied from another system16:15
undecimpreetam: Then run "nm-applet" in a terminal and see if it gives any errors16:15
tensorpuddingYeTr2: Are you doing it as root?16:15
YeTr2tensorpudding: busybox chmod won't change it either.16:15
SaRylahwran, Sounds like you have a bad CD image.Either the file itself or you need to reburn the ISO to the CD.Do a checksum on the image first to make sure it is good or you will wind up wasting a lot of CD's.hecking iso images & cd's is over here --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM16:15
shane2peruerUSUL: wow, thanks for the deluge recommend!  Lots of options!!!  very configurable!  Thanks!!!16:15
YeTr2tensorpudding: yes. yes I am16:15
YeTr2root@bounce:~# busybox chmod +x /bin/chmod16:16
YeTr2chmod: /bin/chmod: Operation not permitted16:16
tensorpuddingYeTr2: Oh damn, busybox won't either?16:16
JWebb22ubottu: Ok... I'm having a problem with hooking my Xbox 360 to my laptop to get on Live. Running on Ubuntu 10.10. I follow these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508145. It worked for me yesterday, but now my Xbox can't even detect an ISP16:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
kili2TwoD: another weird thing is that i got the old bootscreen (white on black, with try ubuntu, install ubuntu and so on) , not the graphical one that is in the manual on the downloadpage...16:16
arkyundecim: thanks again--no desktop! yes that's a leap for me16:16
preetamundicem i got the out "An instance of nm-applet is already running.** (nm-applet:3110): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.16:16
tensorpuddingYeTr2: try 'lsattr /bin/chmod'16:16
amikropHere is what I get when I run hwinfo --framebuffer : http://paste.ubuntu.com/512441/  any help please?16:16
YeTr2----i------------e- /bin/chmod16:16
YeTr2hmm.. havn't had to play with that in a while16:17
undecimarky: Lol. You could install gnome, of course, but you would need to know how to use the command line to get that far16:17
tensorpuddingYeTr2: i is for immutable16:17
undecimpreetam: Try to kill it with killall nm-applet and try that again16:17
tensorpuddingYeTr2: You need to run chattr to remove it16:17
YeTr2hmm... I wonder how that happened.16:17
robinatwhello,everybody, when i login the ubuntu one that i meet an issue..16:18
JWebb22SaRy: I'm having a problem with hooking my Xbox 360 to my laptop to get on Live. Running on Ubuntu 10.10. I follow these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508145. It worked for me yesterday, but now my Xbox can't even detect an ISP16:18
blinkybis there a way to check for new application in the Ubuntu Software Center? btw, I am using 10.416:18
rocketsIs there any way to make ubuntu resolove netbios names automatically, e.g. when I try to ping something from the terminal.16:18
robinatwNotes, Contacts and Bookmarks Our Notes, Contacts and Bookmarks database is not responding at the moment.16:18
YeTr2i has chmod again.16:18
theTroyis there a way to see what programs are using internet? I am constantly receiving 6-7 kb/s but I cannot tell WHAT program is doing that16:18
YeTr2heh... havn't played with lsattr in forever.16:18
tensorpuddingYeTr2: it sounds like something malicious attacked your system16:18
DulakYeTr2: You got cracked and they wanted to make it hard for you to fix.  You need to backup your data and wipe everything.  You cannot trust any binary executable on your system now.16:18
preetamundecim the same result16:18
YeTr2oh noes!16:19
lahwrantheTroy: netstat16:19
spotteranyone know why wine under maverick would take down X?16:19
* YeTr2 doesn't care16:19
JWebb22I even tried doing the same thing today, but I'm still having problems :(16:19
arkyundecim: i could use a consultant to help me install Gnome and show me basic commands. Once I have Gnome running, how do the two OS's compare?16:19
undecimpreetam: try "killall -9 nm-applet" and then try again16:19
spotterevery time I run powerpoint X restarts on a new VT16:19
TwoDkili2: maybe a graphics card/driver problem? It should take you directly to gdm but I've heard some people have been thrown out to the terminal when drivers didn't work.16:19
Vinetouwhich encryption is used if you choose to encript the home directory when you install Ubuntu 10.10 ??16:19
karzon_Does anyone know if I can use a bluetooth headset (kind made for a phone) in ubuntu as a earphone and mic? Specifically "Plantronics Explorer 360"16:19
robinatwwho can tell me why ?16:19
Kkeksashi can anyone help? i want to install covergloobus but terminal shows this - "Launchpad CoverGloobus" not changed :|16:20
preetamundicem the same result conuld not initialize the dbus16:20
undecimpreetam: "pgrep -l nm-applet"16:20
kili2TwoD: yeah could be, the notebook is ~10 years old, but that isn't the big problem ^^  after 30mins of booting i get the graphical screen but it prompts me a box where i should enter user and password... but i booted as live cd/try ubuntu16:20
preetamundecim it gives output "3182 nm-applet" but no icon16:21
undecimarky: I never used BSD as a desktop much, but I would imagine that there are more compatibility issues and more stuff that would need to be configured. I never could get my ATI card working16:21
LicuadoraWhen <i try to update my system, there are some packages that show in the screen, but can'tbe selected, such as: libboost-date-time-dev, libbosst-filesystem, libboost-iostreams, and lots of other libbost packages16:21
Licuadorahow can I select them and install them?16:21
undecimpreetam: Have you purged connman?16:21
LicuadoraAre they really necesary¿16:21
preetamundecem yes16:21
undecimpreetam: Restarted since then?16:21
arkyundecim thanks16:22
tenochslbguys need help to fix the update manager. I get Not all updates can be installed then a click on partial upgrade and it says i cant not upgrade from `10.04 to 10.1016:22
WXZhow can I find out if something is a metapackage?16:22
undecimarky: For an open source desktop computer, Linux is the best IMO. BSD is better suited for servers16:22
=== Skynet is now known as Guest44443
undecimpreetam: Have you restarted since purging connman?16:23
Vinetouwhich encryption is used if you choose to encript the home directory when you install Ubuntu 10.10 ??16:23
SaRyJWebb22, Okay. May want to try those steps agian , also .. Do you remember what you did after it was working !16:24
undecimpreetam: try to log out then back in16:24
adacAdd an addional function in the controller. How set the route for this new function in routes.rb? (rails 3)16:24
undecimVinetou: AES-256, I believe16:24
aeon-ltdWXZ: its in the description in synaptics16:24
IdleOnetenochslb: do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   when that is done try doing the upgrade to 10.10 again16:24
DulakWXZ: meta packages have thier own section, so for instance if you do 'aptitude show packagenamehere' and it lists 'Section: metapackages' it's a metapackage16:24
karzon_Does anyone know if I can use a bluetooth headset (kind made for a phone) in ubuntu as a earphone and mic? Specifically "Plantronics Explorer 360"16:24
adacwrong channel grmmmml16:24
WXZthanks Dulak, very useful16:24
undecimVinetou: The same encryption the US government uses to encrypt sensitive data16:24
arkyundecim a consultant I use told me that as well, but some credible links I found told were at odds with that.16:25
noob-tuxwhich external usb wireless card is good? i got built-in and it's not supported.....i got broadcom 4312 and i'm planning to buy atheros...is it good?16:25
mtchllHello, im running a ubuntu server (10.10 x64) its a I7-920, X58, 24GB, 1000w psu, 9hdd's. its mainly used as KVM machine and for about a year this machine has had random freezes once every month or so, nothing in the logs, did a mem check, cpu burn, temps ok (afaik), hdd's are fine, it runs a raid1 (mobo hw controller, 2 drives) a raid6 (sw md on ich10, 6 drives) and a scratch disk (mobo controller), yesterday while doing a raid check on the 16:25
rootHELLO  ALL16:25
JWebb22SaRy: I did try those steps again :s All I remember is just doing all of it step by step and it worked16:25
TwoDkili2: well, I'm just guessing now but if the autologin failed because of drivers, it could have thrown you out to log in with just a basic x-server. Don't know the password.16:25
=== root is now known as Guest69398
JWebb22SaRy: But now I get nothing :(16:25
lahwranroot: this is a joke:16:25
lahwran!root | root16:25
ubotturoot: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:26
kili2TwoD: thanks for your help, just figured it out in the /etc/passwd file :) user was ubuntu and password empty16:26
preetamundecim i logged off and then logged in but same result.16:26
YeTr2Guest69398: `aptitude install pidgin`16:26
TwoDkili2: ah, clever hehe16:26
undecimpreetam: In the terminal, do you still get anything with "pgrep -l nm-applet"16:26
tenochslbidleone ok thanks i will try that16:26
theTroylahwran:  I am getting a lot of incoming traffic on the system monitor, but I do not get any programms other than the normal ones listening. and even if I turn everything off, I still get the traffic16:26
pastyhermithi all16:26
Pici!caps | Guest6939816:26
ubottuGuest69398: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:26
=== antonio_ is now known as acmps
kili2TwoD: ok fail, it does something and then i get the loginbox :(16:27
goltoofGuest69398:  OMGZ!!1!16:27
pastyhermitWondering if anyone knows how to make vim themes work, I can load them with 'colorscheme xxxx' but they dont change all the syntax etc...16:27
lahwrantheTroy: sudo netstat16:27
pastyhermitthey seem to only partially work.16:27
kili2TwoD: i will try my old 5.6 live cd16:27
preetamundecim getting output "3532 nm-applet"16:27
theTroylahwran:  I get horribly huge output16:27
tensorpuddingGuest69398: what is your native language? we have subchannels for people who have difficulty with english16:27
theTroylahwran:  with most of the services being internal ones, rather than external16:27
goltooftensorpudding:  try LOLCAT16:28
undecimpreetam: Well, it restarted the applet...16:28
SaRyJWebb22, Kinda sad , i really have know clue whats wrong .. if i found anything i'll let ya know.16:28
noob-tuxwhich external usb wireless card is good? i got built-in and it's not supported.....i got broadcom 4312 and i'm planning to buy atheros...is it good?16:28
lahwrantheTroy: sudo netstat | grep tcp16:28
theTroynoob-tux:  broadcom is supported16:28
arkyI have freenode running in my terminal. How do I sign off, but save the text in this window?16:28
karzon_Does anyone know if I can use a bluetooth headset (kind made for a phone) in ubuntu as a earphone and mic? Specifically "Plantronics Explorer 360"16:28
YeTr2so, is there a feature request for the installer disks to ever support LVM without having to do 'fun things' to make it work?16:28
AntonioPTHow can I prevent Empathy from saving my password?16:29
lahwrantheTroy: hold your horses, most broadcom cards are not supported16:29
lahwrannoob-tux: atheros is good16:29
undecimpreetam: Just to make sure... Is there room in the notification are on your panel for the icon to appear?16:30
Wipsterhere is a question for ya, I'm trying to transfer a file from my ubuntu laptop to my windows 7 desktop via ethernet using samba and I am only getting 1.1MB/s, its a private network with no traffic currently other then that and there are no other programs straining the cpu on either. Its faster atm to transfer onto an external harddrive via usb and move it that way16:30
LiquidInsectSo hey guys, I installed 10.10 (netbook) via Wubi, and I just installed a kernel update, and upon rebooting, I don't even get a GRUB prompt. I choose ubuntu from the NTLDR menu, and I'm dumped back to the bios. Any ideas?16:30
theTroylahwran:  whoops, I did not mean to say that they are supported, meant to add more to that, but accidentally pressed enter16:30
AxionStileHows it going you guys16:30
SaRy!paste | Wipster16:30
ubottuWipster: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:30
preetamundecim no there is no room16:30
Wraithulekvideo[ATI Technologies Inc RV370 5B60 [Radeon X300 @ ATI Technologies Inc RS480 Host Bridge]16:30
AxionStileI'm having serious troubles installing ubuntu16:30
lahwranWipster: are all devices on the network gigabit? or at least 100mbit?16:30
AntonioPTAxionStile: what's happening?16:30
SaRyWho asked about the Bluetooth headset working in with Ubuntu !16:30
WipsterSaRy, thats one line....16:30
Vinetouundecim where can i check which encryption is used for encripted home directory?16:31
AxionStileI'm trying to install it alone with perhaps a partition for my data/downloaded user stuff16:31
JWebb22SaRy: alright, thanks :/16:31
undecimVinetou: It's AES-25616:31
IdleOneroot_: no caps Please16:31
AntonioPTroot_: Applications -> Internet -> Empathy16:31
undecimVinetou: No, sorry, AES-12816:31
aeon-ltdnoob-tux: bcm4312? yeah it does according to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130976016:31
Vinetouundecim are you sure, where did you get that info?16:31
AxionStileWell, I have burned the iso image to cd.. it loads to install, throws and error.. and sends me to ubuntu desktop16:31
karzon_SaRy: I did16:31
Wraithulekcan i create new partition and install Win XP on this?16:31
aeon-ltdroot_: are you seriously logged in as root?16:31
AxionStilei try to install and in the install box it hangs up on the keyboard layout when i hit forward.16:31
Dr_Willisroot_:  theres various IM clients that can do the YM protocall.16:31
WraithulekGRUB will see Windows?16:31
preetami don't know why i am getting output "warning couldn't initialize the D-bus manager" with nm-applet command in terminal.16:31
lahwran!root | root_16:31
ubotturoot_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:31
Vinetouundecim got a link that tells that?16:31
SaRyKardos, Hi there .. may want to see this .. http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=78005416:32
undecimVinetou: I checked my encrypted home dir and it says cipher is AES, key bytes is 16. 16 bytes is 128 bits, so it's AES-12816:32
AntonioPTAxionStile: Maybe your iso is corrupted or your CD is scratched/broken. Try downloading again, checking the md5sum and then putting it into a USB drive (usb-creator)16:32
Wipsterlahwran, ahhhh my wireless link speed is well down, that would explain it16:32
pastyhermitmy vim themes dont work in 10.10 any ideas?16:32
AxionStilei md5sumedd it :)16:32
AxionStileokay ill try the usb way :(16:32
undecimpreetam: That's because the other nm-applet was already running16:32
AntonioPTIs it possible to prevent Empathy from saving the password?16:32
JWebb22SaRy: But I even edited my rc.local, everything is still there, the settings are still the same on the Xbox16:32
aeon-ltdWraithulek: winxp will overwrite grub with mbr, you'll need to restore grub with !fixgrub16:32
AxionStilebut i dont think my pc will boot by usb but who knows16:32
karzon_SaRy: thanks16:32
Dr_Willispastyhermit:  you did install the 'full' vim package. and are not using the tiny-vim thats the default?16:32
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AxionStilei tried to check the bios, it says sandisk cruzer (usb) then cdrom16:32
AxionStileboot first16:32
AxionStilethen hd16:33
AntonioPTAxionStile, if you don't want to use USB you can try dowloading again and burning to another cd16:33
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:33
AxionStileyeah :( i think ill try usb :)16:33
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bradluysterI'm having some  trouble with X on Maverick using an Intel 945GME video card:  Using dual screens, my virtual screen size is limited to 2048x2048, while it *should* be limited to 4096x4096.  Disabling DRI Manually doesn't help.16:33
AntonioPT!grub2 maybe?16:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:33
LiquidInsectSo hey guys (speaking of GRUB), I installed 10.10 (netbook) via Wubi, and I just installed a kernel update, and upon rebooting, I don't even get a GRUB prompt. I choose ubuntu from the NTLDR menu, and I'm dumped back to the bios. Any ideas?16:33
preetamundecim ps -ef | grep nm-applet command shows 2 nm-applet are already started.16:34
Vinetouundecim is AES-128 the strongest cipher or is it AES-256?16:34
SaRyJWebb22, see #14 on that link.16:34
undecimVinetou: I think you can go as high as you want with the number, but most people stop at AES-25616:35
lahwranmy isntall is stuck at 95% running dpkg16:35
AntonioPTLiquidInsect: have you tried installing without Wubi? It's really easy, shrink the Windows partition, create another for ubuntu and you're done, and you'll face less problems than using Wubi16:35
=== okay is now known as besticles
LiquidInsectAntonioPT: I can't shrink it16:35
Vinetouundecim so AES-256 is stronger encryption than AES-128?16:35
LiquidInsectIt's set up with 4 primary partitions16:35
AntonioPTLiquidInsect: why?16:35
lahwranwhat should I do to kill dpkg nicely and resume package operations after isntall?16:35
undecimVinetou: Yes16:36
Dr_WillisLiquidInsect:  ive seen some windows installs that way these days.. very annoying of them.16:36
LiquidInsectthe first is very small, the second contains windows, the third is a recovery partition, the fourth is another tiny one16:36
AntonioPTlahwran: I don't think you can do that...16:36
LiquidInsectannoying is putting it lightly16:36
LiquidInsectthat's why I went with wubi16:36
=== besticles is now known as sensisensi
lahwranAntonioPT: :(16:36
LiquidInsectbut I might just have to throw away the recovery partition and hope that I don't have to reinstall windows at any point16:36
Dr_WillisLiquidInsect:  I would reccomend using virtualbox, or installign to a flash drive. instead of using wubi..16:36
lahwranooh it finised!16:37
Vinetouunde please something in Wikipedia... i just want you explanation on the subject...  please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard16:37
LiquidInsecthaha virtualbox on a netbook16:37
Dr_WillisLiquidInsect:  make the recovery disks like the  pc makers force you to.16:37
AntonioPTLiquidInsect: you can safely remove the recovery partition, I did it ages ago on my HP laptop :) and the other tiny partition, what's in it?16:37
Dr_WillisLiquidInsect:  ive ran vbox on my netbook.16:37
Vinetouplease read this: A related-key attack can break 256-bit AES with a complexity of 299.5, which is faster than brute force but is still infeasible. 192-bit AES can also be defeated in a similar manner, but at a complexity of 2176 which is also infeasible. 128-bit AES is not affected by this attack.16:37
mtchllanyone has any clue about this random server crashes? http://paste.ubuntu.com/512449/16:37
Dr_WillisLiquidInsect:  Running from a flash drive on my netbook worked very well also.16:37
LiquidInsectAntonioPT: no idea, windows doesn't recognize it16:37
Vinetouwhy is AES-128 not affected by this attact?16:37
AntonioPTCan you open it on Ubuntu?16:37
undecimVinetou: I have no idea. I've heard about the attack, but don't know the details16:38
LiquidInsectAntonioPT: If I could run it I'd tell you ;)16:38
njdoyledoes anyone know how to turn off the proprietary ATI drivers from the command line? I turned them on and now X doesn't start.16:38
AntonioPTLiquidInsect: Live CD/USB :)16:38
LiquidInsectAntonioPT: no CD drive16:38
AntonioPTLive USB then :D16:38
LiquidInsectNor do I have a USB stick handy16:38
LiquidInsectso yeah16:38
LjLVinetou: err, this is not really the right channel for that. try #crypto16:38
Dr_Willisnjdoyle:  see if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is using them. If so you could either rename that file.. or edit it to use the other drivers.. (i dont know what the other ones are called)16:39
LiquidInsectI was hoping there was some way to get into GRUB but I guess I'll have to reinstall16:39
Da_WreckaDr_Willis: You can run from a flash drive if the flash drive is't a piece of ass at least.16:39
Vinetouundecim why can you attack the stronger encriptions, i.e. AES-192 and AES-256, but you cannot attack the weaker AES-128  ?16:39
TwoDWeird! Xorg was using 60% cpu (maxing out at least one core) on its own and I couldn't see why. Accidentaly took irrsi out of fullscreen and poof; CPU usage is down to barely noticable again :s16:39
njdoyleDr_Willis, I was hoping there was an on/off switch like there is in the GUI16:39
EddInaBoxHello, I am struggling to get IEEE1394/Firewire to work, can anybody help?16:39
* kostas_thess__ br16:39
* kostas_thess__ brb16:39
Dr_Willisnjdoyle:  jockey has a text option. You could disable it that way I guess..16:39
Da_WreckaI wound up having to replace the SSD in my netbook because the SSD was such an unmitigated pile of ass, I'm not even kidding16:39
AntonioPTLiquidInsect: well, if it reboots when choosing Ubuntu, then it must be a problem with GRUB... If it was a kernel problem atleast grub would appear16:39
nlawsoni ma trying to use the plugin manager for drupal and i am getting the following error message ... warning: ftp_connect() [function.ftp-connect]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /hermes/web05b/b583/pow.mediabridges/htdocs/playpen/sites/all/modules/plugin_manager/ftp.backend.inc on line 94. ... what is the directory i should direct the FTP information to on the website?16:39
IdleOne!language | Da_Wrecka16:40
ubottuDa_Wrecka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:40
njdoyleDr_Willis, what is jockey?16:40
LiquidInsectAntonioPT: yeah16:40
Vinetouundecim so is using EAS-128 better than AES-192 or AES-256then?16:40
pr0xyHey, I'm having trouble installing Kubuntu 10.10 from CD.16:40
undecimVinetou: That's interesting...16:40
Da_WreckaAlright, noted. But the SSD was still awful.16:40
LiquidInsectI think once I've got my USB drives back I'll make an external recovery disk and then just install without wubi16:40
LiquidInsectway too many headaches with that16:40
undecimVinetou: Even with that, breaking the encryption is still infeasable though16:40
rusty149pr0xy: please be more specific. what happens16:41
Dr_Willisnjdoyle:  thats the name of the hardware-drivers tool's actual binary name.16:41
eeepcmehi guys16:41
herbstleydHello there, I'm having a bit of an issue with ALSA on Ubuntu 10.10.16:41
njdoyleDr_Willis, okay, found jockey-text, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. (strange name though, would never found it with a name like that)16:42
AntonioPTherbstleyd: fire away, what's wrong?16:42
pr0xyrusty149 after I install from the CD, It reboots. When It reboots, kubuntu never shows up.16:42
graphitemasterI'm having an issue with the update to Ubuntu 10.1016:42
* graphitemaster should no never to update Ubuntu ever, because every fucking time he does it something breaks16:43
Vinetouundecim i would like to know why AES-128 is not affected by the related-key attack16:43
IdleOne!language | graphitemaster16:43
ubottugraphitemaster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:43
Dr_Willisnjdoyle:  ever try to come up with an origianl name for software? :) About everything is taken.. heh.16:43
graphitemasterthis is the greatest one yet, my second monitor does not work at all16:43
herbstleydBasically, I tried to get WINE to work with ALSA sound drivers (OSS ain't quite doing the job) so I tried to update ALSA (and failed miserably). My sound card is no longer "there"16:43
aeon-ltdgraphitemaster: solution = use rolling release distros :)16:43
LjLVinetou: seriously, ask in ##crypto16:43
graphitemasterafter spending the last 20 hours I give up16:43
rusty149pr0xy: what do you see instead? Have you removed the cd?16:43
graphitemasterI reinstalled the nvidia drivers16:44
eeepcmehow can i edit the grub bootloader..im using 10.04, in jaunty i used to edit the menu.lst but now i cant find that in 10.04. anybody?16:44
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  whats your nvidia card/chipset?16:44
* undecim is reading about AES related-key attacks16:44
Dr_Willis!grub2 | eeepcme16:44
njdoyleDr_Willis, I would have called it something like "restricted-driver-tool" or something so it could be found easily with some guesswork and tab completion16:44
ubottueeepcme: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:44
herbstleydI've tried reinstalling alsa-base and several other packages around it, but I can't get it to work...16:44
AntonioPTherbstleyd: wine audio has always worked without a problem for me, no configuration needed.16:44
pr0xyyes, the CD was removed. It never gives the bootloader. stops at the bios16:44
graphitemasterDr_Willis, nvidia geforce 9800gt16:44
undecimpreetam: See if you can get System -> Preferences -> Network Connections16:44
graphitemasterDr_Willis, using nvidia driver: 256.5316:45
undecimVinetou: Well, for starters, these are two seperate attacks. One for 256 and one for 12816:45
amitUbuntu 10.10 hangs with tremendous load upto 9.56 and 164% cpu usage for most active programs(values for Gnome system manager)16:45
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  Hmm. I got an 8800gtsxxx here. that ive used twinview on.  using whatever nvidia-current gives.. You want a pastebin of my xorg.conf? Ive rarely had sny issues with the nvidia drivers.16:45
preetamundecim yes i am getting the network connection16:45
alekatrying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a VM. Installer wont work because it detects I have less than 2.6GB space, but I have a dynamic HD on the VM and do not want to assign a static size on the VM. Any way to get around this?16:45
herbstleydNot for me I'm afraid :/ tried WINE 1.2 stable, which didn't work, so I built 1.3.4 from source and ALSA drivers didn't show up in the winecfg list. Only OSS (but wait, hasn't that been discontinued in 10.10?), which gave me "Audio test failed" messages.16:45
graphitemasterDr_Willis, idk, everytime I reboot - I have to reinstall nvidia -16:45
undecimpreetam: It's just a matter of the icon showing up, which I don't understand why it doesn't...16:45
graphitemasterit's annoying :/16:45
dwarderaleka: set it to 1016:45
AntonioPTWhy don't you use Wine PPA?16:45
rusty149pr0xy: assuming you used default settings for GRUB. It seems like in issue of BIOS settings16:46
herbstleydNow, after reinstalling alsa-base, I don't have ANY sound at all.16:46
mcseanI've successfully upgraded to 10.10 on my netbook. Is there any way to shrink the size of the icons in the doc on the left or make it auto-hide?16:46
pr0xyrusty149 what should I do?16:46
AntonioPTherbstleyd: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa16:46
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  sounds like a dmks type issue. But ive not seen that problem. (dkms? DMKS?) that thing that keeps kernsl drivers all synced. :)16:46
herbstleydTried that too, AntonioPT :/16:46
herbstleydNothing's working at all16:46
rusty149pr0xy: ensure the correct harddrive is selected and is at the top of the boot list16:46
graphitemasterwell this is driving me up the walls, it's not finding my second monitor at all16:46
herbstleydI've got NO sound whatsoever now, not even native.16:46
preetamin startup application under Network Manager the command is "nm-applet --sm-disable"16:47
=== Majesty is now known as Majes
undecimVinetou: It looks like because the block size of AES is only 128, you can get more information from multiple block from the cipher?16:47
pr0xyrusty149 it is.16:47
graphitemasterDr_Willis, I reinstalled ubuntu-desktop16:47
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:   so the nvidia driver IS working with 1 monitor?16:47
AntonioPTherbstleyd: you compiled your own alsa?16:47
undecimVinetou: Idk, I'm not a cryptographer, lol16:47
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  but whats this having ro reinstall it every time then? If using 1 monitor you dont have to?16:47
rusty149pr0xy: if you are sure the bios is correct then try reinstaiing GRUB16:47
Vinetouundecim i asked in crypto16:47
EddInaBoxI can't get Firewire to work at all, can anybody help?16:48
Vinetou<Vinetou> i would like to know why AES-128 is not affected by the related-key attack16:48
Vinetou<yarrkov> There is less freedom to affect the difference in the block with the key during encryption.16:48
graphitemasterDr_Willis, well it seems stable now, previously it was just breaking each time16:48
graphitemasterDr_Willis, the issue is I need both my monitors16:48
alekadwarder: I assigned 10 GB and still same issue16:48
kn33Please, who can help me? I am panicing. I just upgraded my Ubuntu to 10.10. I have an encrypted LVM. Now I rebooted and there is an error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found grub_rescue> _16:48
herbstleydAnyway, in response to the compile question: Nope.16:48
rusty149pr0xy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512460/16:49
pr0xyrusty149 it's not an issue in 10.04, and i don't know how to reinstall grub.16:49
graphitemasterDr_Willis, like I even tweaked the most of stuff I could, and nothing works16:49
Vinetou<Vinetou> because a block in AES-128 is exactly 128 bits, that is why AES-128 is not affected by the related-key attack16:49
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  to enable my 2 monitors. i install teh drivers, reboot, run 'gksudo nvidia-settings' enable twinview, then restart the X server (sudo service gdm restart)   thats all ive ever had to do..16:49
preetamundecim in startup application under Network Manager the command is "nm-applet --sm-disable"16:49
herbstleydI know I must've done something stupid. I've had a REALLY bad week with my box so far.16:49
graphitemasterDr_Willis, thats all I ever have to do too16:49
pr0xyrusty149 does that apply to 10.10?16:49
AntonioPTI have no idea what happened to leave you without audio if you only messed with Wine...16:49
AntonioPTTry reinstalling alsa.16:49
graphitemasterbut inside the nvidia-settings utility it's not finding my second monitor!16:49
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  theres also the 'nvidia-xconfig --twinview (i think) tool to enable it..16:50
rusty149pr0xy: yes16:50
herbstleydI tried reinstalling alsa-base, no change.16:50
undecimpreetam: I forget what the sm-disable flag does...16:50
herbstleydEven after reboot16:50
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  that is odd..  DVI? VGA?16:50
graphitemasteron the same card16:50
graphitemasterDr_Willis, and the driver utility shows that the card is dual link enabled, it's just not finding my other monitor16:51
amitLittle help here!!!Ubuntu 10.10 hangs with tremendous load upto 9.56 and 164% cpu usage for most active programs(values for Gnome system manager)16:51
PlughDoes anyone happen to know the typical delay between a new release becoming available and when update manager will offer the option of doing the dist upgrade?16:51
herbstleydTaking the risk of sounding like an idiot: I don't know what could have gone wrong, lol.16:51
graphitemasterand i know sure it's not the driver, because it's the same version as it was before the upgrade16:51
AntonioPTherbstleyd: you have no idea how many times has that happened to me :D16:51
sebsebsebPlugh: 10.04 only shows other LTS's by default, but you can get it showing normal releases16:51
kn33Please, who can help me? I am panicing. I just upgraded my Ubuntu to 10.10. I have an encrypted LVM. Now I rebooted and there is an error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found grub_rescue> _16:51
sebsebsebPlugh: system > administration > software sources16:51
tensorpuddingamit: sounds like you might have a runaway process16:51
Plughsebsebseb: ok, ty16:52
=== zz_rubydiamond is now known as rubydiamond
sebsebsebPlugh: ok your welcome :)16:52
pr0xyrusty149 should I use nomodeset because I have an nvidia carn?16:52
eliaswhat does it mean when the pulse audio icon in the notification area has a red sign on it?16:52
AntonioPTherbstleyd: have you already tried reinstalling alsa?16:52
herbstleydYep :(16:52
Dr_Willispr0xy:  to install to my nvidia systems I have to use nomodeset first.. untimm i get the nvidia drivers installed.16:53
Plughsebsebseb: not that it matters too much right now. Testing with the live CD seems to indicate that PulseAudio is still broken in 10.10 with my audio hardware that previously worked fine with just ALSA.16:53
AntonioPTherbstleyd: have you tried checking alsamixer (I know it's a stupid question, but it has happened to me :D)16:53
herbstleyd/proc/asound/cards has disappeared miraculously, that's where the problem is!16:53
herbstleydThere is no device to mix with :D16:53
sensisensihi. can i run ubunu 10 on my acer 1.5ghz celeron M 512mb old laptop?16:54
AntonioPTherbstleyd: have you installed an exotic kernel recently? (compiled your own, ppa, mainline, ...)16:54
Dr_Willissensisensi:  should be able to.16:54
sensisensiWraithulek:were u saying yes to me?16:54
Wraithuleki have run ubu 10.10 on 1.6 PC with 128 ram16:55
Dr_Willissensisensi:  it may be a little slow. You may want to try out lubuntu16:55
joe85is OpenSSH server installed by default on ubuntu?16:55
sensisensiDr_Willis: ok thanks16:55
Dr_Willisjoe85:  No it is not.16:55
cutout33Hi, am trying to develop php on ubuntu the problem is I have to put the files under /var/www and so I have to edit the files as root. is there a way that I add my self to a certain group or something to be able to edit these files using my user with out sudo?16:55
Dulakjoe85: the client is but not the server16:55
graphitemasterDr_Willis, what if I pasted you my xorg.conf, perhaps you can take a peak16:55
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  I could paste you mine that works.. but really the xorg.conf's for my twinview systems are very minimal anyway.16:55
graphitemasternow only if ubuntu stop moving files around in ever release I could find my xorg file :/16:56
AntonioPTherbstleyd: How long have you got ubuntu installed? is it fresh 10.10 (recent)?16:56
herbstleydI think the easiest solution will be to back up everything of importance and do a clean install. I've spent 42 hours (!) letting testdisk run on my Array (just to tell me my MFT is gone), I might as well spend another 20 minutes reinstalling16:56
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  if the nvidia-settings tool is not seeing the monitor. I dont think its an xorg.conf issue16:56
herbstleydNot even 48h mate.16:56
herbstleydAnd yes, 10.1016:56
MrKeunerhello, in which configuration file should one specify the environment variables for them to be recognized withing GNOME applications? Eclipse fails to recognize the export line specified in ~/.profile, for instance16:56
SaRyThe Dr is here .. nice to see you Dr_Willis :)16:56
ActionParsnipgraphitemaster: there isn't one by default, it's not moved at all16:56
AntonioPTherbstleyd: that's what I was going to propose you :)16:56
Dr_WillisSaRy:  yep. and close to my bed time16:56
Dulakcutout33: you can just 'chown -R username:username /var/www' to your own user and it will work fine, I do that for my dev boxes16:56
graphitemasterDr_Willis, do you have remote desktop, perhaps you can spy on my desktop here16:56
graphitemasterDr_Willis, don;t worry I don'r run compiz or any of that slow shit16:56
SaRyDr_Willis, On time.16:57
cutout33Hi, am trying to develop php on ubuntu the problem is I have to put the files under /var/www and so I have to edit the files as root. is there a way that I add my self to a certain group or something to be able to edit these files using my user with out sudo?16:57
ActionParsnip!ohmy | graphitemaster16:57
ubottugraphitemaster: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:57
herbstleydWell, thanks for trying mate. If you're ever around V.N. Milfontes, come down for a beer or 2 ;)16:57
Plughcutout33: /etc/groups16:57
graphitemastersorry :/16:57
ActionParsnipcutout33: use: sudo -i    and you will not need to enter your password until you type: exit16:57
cutout33Plugh : what group should I add my self to?16:58
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  heres one of my twinvioew enabled xorg.confs  --> http://pastebin.com/mFpKdBug16:58
AntonioPTherbstleyd: I spent my holidays there when I was a kid, didn't know you were tuga :D16:58
Plughcutout33: make that /etc/group. You can add yourself to www and if the files are group www with group write perms you can make changes to the files without having to use sudo16:58
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  i notice that half that file is comments/commented out stuff :)16:58
Plughcutout33: you will need to logout/login after changing /etc/group16:59
EddInaBoxCan anybody tell me where the best place to get help with Firewire is?16:59
cutout33Plugh, thanks I'll try it16:59
ActionParsnipEddInaBox: if it's under ubuntu then here16:59
Plughcutout33: yw.16:59
joe85I tried to install OpenSSH and I get the error "Errors were encountered while processing:16:59
joe85 sun-java6-jdk16:59
joe85E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"16:59
kn33Please, who can help me? I am panicing. I just upgraded my Ubuntu to 10.10. I have an encrypted LVM. Now I rebooted and there is an error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found grub_rescue> _16:59
graphitemasterDr_Willis, well for me it's just not finding my second monitor ;(17:00
ActionParsnipjoe85: uninstall java to make the packages square then install from there17:00
EddInaBoxActionParsnip: Yes, Ubuntu 10.10, but I've asked here a few times and nobody has replied.17:00
m0tanUsed WUBI to install Ubuntu on a work machine because I didn't want to repartition it etc.  -- tried the Maverick upgrade last night and it failed.  Ubuntu no longer boots (GRUB prompt).  Do I need to uninstall it and reinstall it?17:00
* graphitemaster checks to see if his bios had turned off dual monitor17:00
ActionParsnipEddInaBox: if nobody replies then nobody knows, try later as there will be different users17:00
graphitemasterbrb guys17:00
EddInaBoxActionParsnip: Thanks.17:00
ActionParsnipm0tan: http://calamari.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/fixing-a-broken-wubi-grub-after-ubuntu-updates/17:01
herbstleydAnyway AntonioPT, thanks again. I might be back at some point to bug you with something else I messed up, lol17:01
m0tanthank you ActionParsnip17:01
AntonioPTherbstleyd: no problem, bug me whenever you want :D17:01
finalbloggerhi to all17:02
ActionParsniphi finalblogger17:02
finalbloggeryah  guys17:02
finalbloggeri need help17:02
finalbloggertrying to configure evolution for yahoo account17:02
AxionStilebootable (hopefully) pendrive created :o)17:03
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ActionParsnipfinalblogger: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82904617:03
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wedwofinalblogger, none of that explains your problem17:04
ActionParsnipfinalblogger: may also work: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-thunderbird-yahoo-mail-settings-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html17:04
Guest36257i am trying to install ubuntu 10.04,10.10 on my 64 bit computer but it is not working black console screen comes17:04
ActionParsnipGuest36257: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html17:04
finalbloggerhelloo guys17:05
ActionParsnipfinalblogger: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82904617:05
finalbloggerthanks ActionParsnip17:05
Dr_WillisGuest36257:  and your video chipset is what exactly?17:05
rigvedhi everyone17:06
Galvatron_2I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with USB ADSL modems: Sagem F@st 800 and Thomson SpeedTouch 330. Their drivers seem to make my system freeze completely while loading the desktop. All I can do is a hard reset. Could someone take a look at this log: http://pastebin.com/hQ1Mdd69 ?17:07
rigvedcan anyone tell me which virtualization software should i use to run a separate linux kernel in ubuntu 10.0417:07
Dr_Willisrigved:  qemu may do what you need.17:07
Guest36257ActionParsnip : dude i am trying to do many things but its not working but last time 9.04 i386  is working how this problem is comes17:07
phiberjenz_Hi! What is the best virtualization software to run WinXP under Maverick?17:07
appleseedSomething has been gradually eating up my main disk space the past week, how can I see which processes are writing to the disk atm?17:07
Dr_Willisphiberjenz_:  virtualbox can handle XP very nicely.17:07
KM0201phiberjenz_, i like virtualbox17:07
Ceno3xhi guys, I'm trying to setup ubuntu one on 10.04 but something's wrong, the thing doesn't connect. can someone help me debug?17:07
markohow do i remove pusleaudio in ubuntu 10.0417:07
Ceno3xappleseed: iotop might be a good bet17:08
rigvedDr_Willes: so i can run the basic linux kernel in it?17:08
appleseedwill try thx Ceno3x17:08
Dr_Willisrigved:  I think it has such a feature. its very flexiable.17:08
KM0201phiberjenz_, but if you need USB, like to sync an ipod or zune... use the version on the website, instead of the OSE version in the ubuntu repos17:08
phiberjenz_Thanks, does it have USB support?17:08
Ceno3xappleseed: there's some more advanced tricks you can do if that doesn't work17:08
rigvedDr_Wills: thank you17:08
Dr_Willisphiberjenz_:  the version from the virtualbox homepage does.17:08
markois this good command for removing pulseaudio? sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio17:08
lesshaste_which tool lets me select pages from a pdf doc in linux?17:08
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | phiberjenz_17:08
ubottuphiberjenz_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:08
srinuranyoner can help me connect to my DSL wired internet connection on Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit OS??.. more info about it here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159508017:08
phiberjenz_ok, thank you very much, will give it a try.17:08
phiberjenz_like you said, i need itunes17:08
Plughmarko: The short answer is you can't. The longer answer is you could but not without a lot of work. Too many things require pulse audio. I'd love to get rid of it myself as it just messed up my sound system.17:08
rigvedDR_Willis: and how good is virtualbox?17:09
rigvedDr_Willis: is it only for GUI based OS?17:09
Ceno3xrigved: great. seriously17:09
NCS_Onehow can I check de IPs an app is using ?17:09
Dr_Willisrigved:  it work for all my needs...17:09
jpdsNCS_One: ifconfig ?17:09
Dr_Willisrigved:  what are you wanting to run in it?17:09
markoPlugh, the problem is that i get this when trying to play digital audio: aplay: main:654: audio open error: Device or resource busy. I lloked in google and someone said it's because pulse audio is blocing it17:10
wer_How can I download linux-header source ?17:10
rigvedDr_Willis: initially only a basic linux kernel17:10
jpdsNCS_One: Or do you mean using as in what it's connecting to?17:10
NCS_Onejpds: yes17:10
rigvedDr_willis: then maybe more GUI based OS17:10
ActionParsniprigved: it can run a gui desktop if you wish17:10
Ceno3xwer_: download the right package17:10
Guest36257plz help me i am trying to install ubuntu 10.04,10.10 64 bit but it always come blank screen17:10
finalbloggerActionParsnip where do i have to enter port numbers17:10
finalbloggeras there is not field for that17:10
red_ragoni read that linux kernel is  monolithic, but book is old. Is kernel 2.6.31 monolithic?17:11
ActionParsnipwer_: install linux-headers-generic    (assuming you are using the generic kernel)17:11
Ceno3xred_ragon: yes17:11
ActionParsnipfinalblogger: in the config17:11
Dr_Willisrigved:   check out qemu and se eif it does what you need,17:11
jpdsNCS_One: sudo netstat -pt17:11
LoJuRured_ragon, yes17:11
wer_Ceno3x: ActionParsnip I need to install it in offline mode17:11
red_ragonLoJuru: Ceno3x: thnx17:11
Ceno3xwer_: download correct package and dependencies from the website, install on offline machine17:11
Plughmarko: You can check the options for sound output devices and try the other options provided (if any are provided).17:11
rigvedDr_Willis: ok17:11
graphitemasterDr_Willis, nothing not even your config worked17:11
graphitemasterthis is pissing me off17:12
ActionParsnipwer_: then grab the deb then copy it to the system, you will need to repeat if there are any deps needed17:12
jpdsNCS_One: You might what this command if you just want IPs: sudo netstat -ptn17:12
rigvedthank you everyone17:12
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graphitemasterDr_Willis, why does the driver hate me so much :/17:12
NCS_Onejpds: thanks17:12
Ceno3xso no help with the non-functioning ubuntu one?17:12
graphitemasterDr_Willis,  can't do anything without my second monitor.17:12
wer_ActionParsnip: Ceno3x http://packages.ubuntu.com/ doesn't list linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic17:12
jpdsNCS_One: No worries.17:13
Ceno3xwer_: what version r u running? 10.04?17:13
yuseffathii have problem when i treied to update my system17:13
wer_Ceno3x: ActionParsnip *2.6.32-2517:13
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  i just saw this at a blog site.. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/nvidia-96-driver-ubuntu-10-10-fix17:13
wer_Ceno3x: yes17:13
yuseffathi  17:13
yuseffathiW: Failed to fetch http://ps.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch17:13
yuseffathiE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:13
yuseffathiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:13
yuseffathiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:13
FloodBot1yuseffathi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
ActionParsnip!info linux-headers-generic17:14
ubottulinux-headers-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)17:14
markoPlugh, ok it worked, but i still cannot get to play sound over HDMI  :S17:14
Guest36257can anyone help me17:14
Ceno3xwer_: I got that package installed on my system, you're doing something wrong17:14
jpdsyuseffathi: Are you behind a proxy server?17:14
sensisensihi.what kinda stuff am i not able to do with lubuntu compared to ubuntu?17:14
Wraithulekneed some like virtualbox for Ubuntu 10.1017:15
Ceno3xmarko: you're trying to push sound over hdmi with an nvidia?17:15
KM0201sensisensi, nothing17:15
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Plughmarko: be thankful you have sound at all with 10.04. I have none on my desktop but its ok on the laptop. Can't help you with HDMI as I don't use HDMI17:15
Dr_Willissensisensi:   it dosent have the eyecandy. and different default apps for many tasks..17:15
kirillhello there17:15
markoCeno3x, yes17:15
Dr_Willissensisensi:  but you can install ubuntu stuff you may need.17:15
KM0201sensisensi, the only difference is the GUI.. they are the same OS under the hood17:15
Guest36257whenever i am trying to install ubuntu 10.04,10.10 in my 64 bit computer its always come console screen17:15
kirillare there somebody who can help me to configure ALSA to support microphone?17:15
wer_Ceno3x: my network card's driver isn't there in ubuntu so I have to re-install it whenever a grub update is made.17:15
Ceno3xmarko: if you get working, let me know, I can't seem to pull it off myself :D17:15
graphitemasterDr_Willis, i don't have /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:15
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graphitemasteryes I ran nvidia-xconfig :/17:16
sensisensiKM0201: ok cool. so its just as good to get for my old crap laptop?17:16
graphitemaster1000,000,0000 times17:16
markoCeno3x, we'll wish me luck17:16
Smailtell me a program like AdminPack only under Linux?17:16
Wraithulekneed some like virtualbox for Ubuntu 10.1017:16
ActionParsnipSmail: what does it do?17:16
Dr_Willisgraphitemaster:  i think you run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig -a' to make one.17:16
markoPlugh, try this http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/17:16
ActionParsnipGuest36257: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloded? Did you check the CD for defects?17:16
Ceno3xWraithulek: why not use virtualbox?17:16
wer_Ceno3x: so right now my driver requires linux-kernel source17:16
sensisensithanks KM0201&Dr_Willis17:16
KM0201sensisensi, lubuntu is fine... some might consider LXDE not to be as user friendly as Gnome(ubuntu)... but it's fine... you hae to pay for eyecandy, and that price can't be paid by older systems17:16
Wraithulekit is support USB and CD-Rom?17:16
wer_Ceno3x: but 10.04 dvd has linux-headers upto *-24 only17:17
finalbloggerActionParsnip thanks for all but plzz tell me how to configure port numbers17:17
Dr_Willissensisensi:  i installed Lubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu system. Trying it out right now. Seems to cover most all the  features needed.17:17
finalbloggerwhere is that option17:17
lpjhjdhso I'd like to uninstall all software from a couple external ppa's, how can I get a list of installed packages?17:17
Dr_WillisWraithulek:  the virtualbox from the vbox homepage supports USB devices.. both versions OSE and non-ose support cdroms17:17
ActionParsnipfinalblogger: it should be part of the config I dont use evolution, its too bloated for my tastes17:17
Plughmarko: ok, I'll take a look. My desktop is stuck on 9.10 until I can fix the sound problem, or until PulseAudio gets fixed.17:18
sensisensicool thanks guys.i love irc and i love linux17:18
red_ragonWhat is the linux standart file system?17:18
ActionParsnipred_ragon: there isnt one17:18
lpjhjdhfound a couple of suggestions with aptitude search and dpkg-query but neither seemed to work17:18
ActionParsnipred_ragon: ubuntu uses ext4 by default17:18
ZykoticK9!clone | lpjhjdh17:18
ubottulpjhjdh: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:18
red_ragon Linux's standard filesystem lacks some advanced features, such as17:18
red_ragonjournaling. However, more advanced filesystems for Linux are available, although not17:18
red_ragonincluded in the Linux source code;17:18
srinuranyone can help me connect to my DSL wired internet connection on Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit OS??.. more info about it here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159508017:19
Smailadd users, group policies is desirable from a GUI17:19
ActionParsnipred_ragon: ext2 is a linux filesystem and has no journal17:19
lpjhjdhZykoticK9: thanks17:19
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red_ragonActionParsnip: thanks17:19
wer_Ceno3x: uname -a gives: 2.6.32-25-generic. I can't find this one on packages.ubuntu.com. though I can find for .2417:19
dillzzcan someone help troubleshoot DPMS issues?17:19
jimcooncatred_ragon: that sounds like an ancient article17:19
ActionParsnipred_ragon: linux doesn't have a standard file system, linux is the kernel ONLY17:19
Smailadd users, group policies is desirable from a GUI!!!???17:20
ActionParsnipred_ragon: you can install Linux on XFS or reiserfs if you wish, there is no standard17:20
Ceno3xwer_: alright, jesus, I'll have a look17:20
dillzzPlease look at this link if anyone has DPMS expertise .... http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=7afc8840a87d78140db6b8007cce0bcf&t=15602617:21
red_ragonjımcooncat: Understanding the linux kernel First Edition October 2000 O'reilly17:21
ActionParsnipSmail: sure, why not?17:21
red_ragonjimcooncat: Understanding the linux kernel First Edition October 2000 O'reilly17:21
jimcooncatred_ragon: lol. They're probably talking about ext2, is my guess.17:22
dborbahey - anyone has any experience/success printing a single page pdf blown up into multiple pages?17:22
ak5chinese channel name?17:22
dborbahaving a real hard time getting the printing interface to print more than a corner when the page is blown up17:22
red_ragonjimcooncat: ActionParship think like you.17:22
ikoniaak5: #ubuntu-cn17:23
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.17:23
ActionParsnipred_ragon: use tab to complete nicks17:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:23
ActionParsnipikonia: can I pm please dude?17:23
ikoniaActionParsnip: sure17:23
Wizzard7Goor Morning/Afternoon...17:24
Wizzard7sorry, insufficient coffee as yet17:24
dborbawell if anyone wants to help me figure out how to print this junk let me know :P17:24
SmailAnother question: ping passes and tracert not. what is the problem?17:24
jimcooncatred_ragon: most distributions now use ext3 by default, but as ActionParsnip observes there are many available. Supposedly the future will be btrfs17:24
red_ragonActionParsnip: That's excellent feature. (tab)17:25
Wizzard7could someone please remind me where I need to go for help with Ubuntu 10.10?17:25
Da_WreckaUbuntu seems to like ext4 as default17:25
ActionParsnipred_ragon: works in terminal too :)17:25
jimcooncatDa_Wrecka: I'm behind the times!17:25
Dr_WillisDa_Wrecka:  ext4 is the default for the last release or 2 i belive.17:25
Dr_WillisBTRFS was debated to be the default in 10.10. but aparently got pushed back.17:25
Ceno3xwer_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-headers-2.6.32-25-generic&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all  is this it?17:26
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wer_Ceno3x: hmm...seems so.. let me try and get back17:27
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* wer_ thinks why he didn't searched all suites before disturbing cenox17:27
dborbaSo no1 has any idea how to handle a document that is larger than the printable area (assuming you don't want to shrink it to said size)??17:27
* wer_ thinks why he didn't searched all suites before disturbing Ceno3x 17:27
srinuranyone can help me connect to my DSL wired internet connection on Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit OS??.. more info about my problem here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159508017:27
Ceno3xwer_: ... lol you were searching the wrong section, it's lucid-updates I believe17:27
lady_gaga_1srinur: check network connection17:28
d3v0hello is there a channel for mupen64 emulator on ubuntu ?17:28
wer_Ceno3x: oh ya....let me give it a shot17:28
Dr_Willisdborba:  cant say that ive ever done that..  I did use rasterbator on windows to blow up a image to fill up a whole wall. :)17:28
srinurlady_gaga_1: what do mean check the network connection?? I'm on it now with Windows 717:28
wer_Ceno3x: for installing it..I need to do make install only ?17:28
IdleOne!info photoprint17:29
ubottuphotoprint (source: photoprint): Image printing utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (maverick), package size 1080 kB, installed size 2008 kB17:29
Ceno3xwer_: ? what do you mean?17:29
dborbaDr_Willis, the issue im running into is that the printing interface only prints "1 page per document page" - since the document page is too big, I end up with only a corner... :\17:29
IdleOnedborba: take a look at photoprint package17:29
dborbaIdleOne, thanks - ill check that out17:29
wer_Ceno3x: I mean how do I install these ? using "make install" right (this is the first time I am installing a package like this )17:29
SmailikAnother question: ping host and tracert to the host does not pass. what is the problem??? pleaseeee!17:30
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Da_WreckaI don't remember, does Lucid have Btrfs support at all?17:30
Wizzard7Does anyone have an idea as to why Adobe Player plays really fast? I just updated it on Ubuntu 10.10. Tries all I can find on the net about the problem...17:30
finalbloggeri think its not possible to configure yahoo mails on evolution as it does not allow pop17:30
wer_Ceno3x: ah .deb17:30
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Ceno3xwer_: no man, it's a deb package17:31
Guest3777frnds i need urgent help17:31
appleseedCeno3x: ok I think I've found the problem with my diskspace being gradually eaten away, it's the ~/.gvfs folder content. When I try to ls or access that folder the shell hangs, is there a way to move .gvfs to another disk or something?17:31
SmailikAnother question: ping host and tracert to the host does not pass. what is the problem??? pleaseeee tell me!17:31
wer_Ceno3x: sorry..didn't noticed..17:31
Wizzard7I use Thunderbird for my Yahoo emails..17:31
Dr_Willisappleseed:  .gvfs is a special direcotry used by gnome to let you access your samba shares and other things....17:31
Wizzard7(I like technical chat... )17:32
Dr_Willisappleseed:  examine it again from the console when your user is logged off.. It should be empty.17:32
Ceno3xwer_: man, if you don't know anything about this, it's gonna be a pain to install the packages manually, you probably need to do some reading if you want to do advanced stuff like this17:32
appleseedDr_Willis: yes I do have Samba running17:32
SmailikAnother question: ping host and tracert to the host does not pass. what is the problem??? pleaseeee tell me!17:32
llutzSmailik: iptables blocking? cable broken? icmp blocked?17:32
Dr_Willisappleseed:  so if you do things to .gvfs you will be doing them to the samba shares you user has mounted/accessed to.17:32
Ceno3xappleseed:  hmm.what do you mean exactly my disckspace being gradually eaten away? does .gfvs grow a lot in size over the weeks? over a couple of minutes?17:32
Dr_Willisappleseed:  so in short.. dont be messing with .gvfs :)17:33
sacarlsonSmailik: is this host on your local lan?  if so you might try arping instead17:33
aphidafter authenticating in 10.10 I'm dropped to an abstract desktop pattern and a cursor but that's it :S17:33
Smailikllutz thank you17:33
wer_Ceno3x: hehe...I knew it but after so much pain in efforts of installing other dependencies in offline mode and also the driver...I feel my eyes and brain are not in a sync :)17:33
llutzSmailik: for what?17:33
Guest3777i am trying to install 10.10 amd 64 bit but after GRUB screen comes after that console screen comes how i resolve this17:33
Guest3777plz help me17:33
ActionParsnipaphid: if you press ALT+F2 and run: nautilus     do you get the desktop ok?17:33
appleseedCeno3x: about 100MB extra a day, and I only have 850MB left17:33
ActionParsnipGuest3777:  does it mention busybox ?17:33
Ceno3xappleseed: wow, let me check how big mine is17:34
Smailik<sacarlson> Smailik: is this host on your local lan?  yes LAN17:34
aphidActionParsnip - altf2 doesnt seem to do anything.  i can cntrl-alt-f1 though.. and if I put in a usb drive it pops a window up for it in the center of the screen :S17:34
appleseedDr_Willis: I'll try turning off Samba and see if that helps17:34
Dr_Willisappleseed:  lot that user out of the desktop, login at the alt-ctrl-f1 console. and see if .gvfs directory has anything in it. Mine is totally empty17:34
Ceno3xappleseed: mine is empty.17:34
ActionParsnipaphid: if you log on as a different user, is it ok?17:34
ravmahi my internal mic is not working for 10.10 release17:34
sacarlsonSmailik: most windows system don't return ping so I use sudo arping hostname  it will return if it's there17:34
Dr_Willisappleseed:  ssh type shares can also get mounted there. and I think iso/archive mounts as well.17:35
ActionParsnipravma: is the system a laptop?17:35
ravmacould any one solve this17:35
jagsI'm trying to manage my ipod in 10.4, I'd tried a few different apps but apparently my ipod database is too new for linux to handle? Is there a quick way to fix it?17:35
aphidActionParsnip -- not sure, I only have one user?17:35
Guest3777i tried all ur solution mention on the link but its doesnt work17:35
ravmalaptop mini17:35
Guest3777tell me17:35
ActionParsnipaphid: boot to root recovery mode and make one17:35
appleseedDr_Willis, Ceno3x: ok thx a mill.17:35
Ceno3xappleseed: yeah, have you checked what's in that folder?17:35
ActionParsnipravma: what make / model ?17:35
ravmapackardbell dot17:35
Wizzard7ravma, I had to look thru the devices in Sound preferences to find my mic17:35
KM0201Guest3777, when it boots to the console, does it mention busybox?17:35
Guest3777installing screen comes after that i am chosing any file it goes to blank screen17:35
gomateshwari am having  problem with NIC. its not getting detected. lspci shows 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Device ffff (rev 01)17:35
aphidActionParsnip -- good idea :D trying it17:35
ironcitadelTrying to d/l 10.10 but it hangs at the 75% mark.  3 different mirrors.  Any ideas anyone?17:36
ravmabut while recording sound it works17:36
Wizzard7have to change defaults to use my USB headset, too17:36
aquaratikonia, are you here ?17:36
Guest3777What  bzy box17:36
Ceno3xironcitadel: maybe you've run out of disk space xD17:36
ravmatell me how17:36
Dr_Willisironcitadel:  try the torrents17:36
gomateshwari am having  problem with NIC. its not getting detected. lspci shows 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Device ffff (rev 01)17:36
Wizzard7Dr Willis, how dp you keep up with all the questions?  :)17:36
Ceno3xravma: well, you can record sound with it so the driver must be working. in what applications doesn't it work?17:37
KM0201Guest3777, when the console comes up, does it say something about busybox.. it's a pretty simple answer17:37
appleseedCeno3x: actually I have a bazillion pdf's and browsers and shells and kate sessions active so I can't logout atm; i've been suspending to ram the past 30 days17:37
ikoniaaquarat: in and out, why ?17:37
ironcitadelCeno3x  Nope, got several GB available.  In fact I deleted a couple old iso's before starting.17:37
Dr_WillisWizzard7:  lots of coffee.17:37
novaspirithi, trying to add a new icon/location for my place up by the menu17:37
Wizzard7I must make more, then....17:37
barberanHow do I recognize directed broadcast IP address from the list of IP's ?17:37
Guest3777no it does't mention any busybox17:37
ravmaand also in soud preference its not showing any sense17:37
Ceno3xappleseed: yeah, I pulled one of those 30days recently. I just asking you to check what files were in the folder, maybe you can recognize something and see what's going on17:38
Smailiksacarlson>tracert level at which the model OSI operates???17:38
aquaratikonia, I just wanted to let you know that I never got that raid pci-e card working, I tried it on two different motherboards, in 16x slots and 1x slots, the same result each time. I eventually swapped it with a pci version (Silicon Image chip)17:38
aquaratjust thought I'd let you know17:38
appleseedCeno3x: i'll muster up the courage to logout and get back to you, thx =)17:38
ActionParsnipGuest3777: when you boot, does it mention busybox?17:38
barberanHow do I recognize directed broadcast IP address from the list of IP's ?17:39
Ceno3xravma: well, try this. go to sound preferences and input devices. You can see the input level changing if you make noise17:39
ActionParsnipravma: so the mic works, just not in skype?17:39
ikoniaaquarat: how very annoying, I'm sorry it didn't work17:39
jagsbroadcast is the last ip in a subnet I think17:39
Guest3777no it doesnt mention busybox tell me frnd what can i do17:39
Ceno3xappleseed: dude, I was just saying like open nautilus and go the folder, no logout needed17:39
ravmai tried but no sense17:39
aquaratno worries, just one of those things, was an experiment to start off with :)17:39
finalbloggeri fixed my toucpad and now its working but still i cant do scrolling through it....???17:39
Ceno3xravma: what's "no sense"?17:39
ravmai mean not working17:40
Ceno3xravma: what's "not working"?17:40
ironcitadelD/L of 10.10 hangs at 75%.  df=54GB avail.  Tried 3 mirrors same result.  Ideas anyone?17:40
appleseedCeno3x: no it seems logout is necessary, both ls and nautilus stalls when trying to access .gvfs17:40
maquisall the instructions i've found for adding a google calendar to evolution say that when i click new calendar, there should be a "google" type in the type drop-down box.  I don't have that, and am trying to figure out if I need an additional plugin package of some sort.  I'm on ubuntu 10.1017:40
Wizzard7ironcitadel, HD full??17:40
Ceno3xappleseed: oh boy O_O17:40
ravmasignal level  is  not working17:40
IpSe_DiXiThi, starting in reovery mode (only way i could) it tells me that my screen, graphic card and input device settings could not be recognized correctly and ill have to do it myself. how?17:40
Guest3777help me frnd17:41
ravmait s like dummy no blinking17:41
finalbloggercan anyone help17:41
Guest3777what can i do17:41
ironcitadelWizzard - Nope 54GB available on the partition17:41
finalbloggerscrolling issue with touchpad17:41
Guest3777i tired many times17:41
Wizzard7ironcitadel, odd, D:'s shouldn't hang. I had not problems with 10.1017:41
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jagsfinalblogger, I'm not sure what your issue is, you can try installing the touchpad app from synaptic and see if you can change the options17:42
Ceno3xravma: sorry man I gotta go, good luck17:42
appleseedCeno3x: oh wait, haha, there it goes, .gvfs is empty afterall; back to the drawing board17:42
andybikerGuest3777, try reinstalling. it's quicker!17:42
Wizzard7tried a different browser>?17:42
ironcitadelWizzard - Well, thanks for the info.  I'll see if I can get a torrent going.. Peace,all17:42
maquisall the instructions i've found for adding a google calendar to evolution say that when i click new calendar, there should be a "google" type in the type drop-down box.  I don't have that, and am trying to figure out if I need an additional plugin package of some sort.  I'm on ubuntu 10.1017:42
Wizzard7torrents can be the problem if they stall, I guess17:42
Guest3777reinstalling how can do that when it is not working i tried more than 5 times17:42
Guest3777plz help ,e17:43
Nimrodelhello to all17:43
MrKeunerhello, in which configuration file should one specify the environment variables for them to be recognized withing GNOME applications? Eclipse fails to recognize the export line specified in ~/.profile, for instance17:43
Ceno3xappleseed: in accessories you have the disk usage analyzer, would this be of any help?17:43
Wizzard7Ravma, in your sound prefs, how many input devices show there?17:43
KM0201Guest3777, stop the whining.. is it an installt hat is not working, or when you try to boot the CD17:43
llutzmaquis: its an add-on called "provider for google calendar"17:43
ravmaonly one17:43
Wizzard7Ravma, only one? Mine has like 4 input and 4 outputs showing.  Is it a USB headset for Skype?17:44
fragalotHey - some *#$$! deleted the /var/log directory. is there a way of regenerating this? (Without it, I have no logs, apache won't run, mysql cries, and various other services are molesting kittens)17:44
enavHello how can i configure 2 videocards in the same computer????17:44
ajsiehow do you go forward/backward one page in vim?17:44
appleseedCeno3x: with ls ~/.gvfs it now says: ls: cannot access .gvfs/movies on foreign-pc: Input/output error ---- Ah, I actually have a stalled copy process going from said foreign-pc, one of those that you just cannot seem to kill...17:44
Wizzard7Ravma, y ou said it is "internal".  Is this a laptop?17:45
Dr_Willisenav:  depends on the chipset of the cards.17:45
enavwell i got 1 ATI and 1 nvidia17:45
IpSe_DiXiThi, starting in reovery mode (only way i could) it tells me that my screen, graphic card and input device settings could not be recognized correctly and ill have to do it myself. how?17:45
ravmaduring  the call i use internal mic  to speek17:45
enavand 3 displays17:45
Dr_Willisappleseed:  perhaps a reboot in the near future is a good idea...17:45
enavDr_Willis: well i got 1 ATI and 1 nvidia  and 3 displays17:45
appleseedDr_Willis: agreed; thx for your help.17:45
AxionStileso, I installed ubuntu 9.10 just now.. via pendrive17:45
ravmabut its not working i tried to configure in soundpreferece to enable the mic17:45
AxionStilestand alone17:46
Dr_Willisenav:  ive heard it can be done.. but only seen 1 person ever in this channel that was doing it.17:46
enavwho is that17:46
maquisllutz: okay... do I find that in synaptic, or where?17:46
ravmabut unfortunately  its not working17:46
dogmatic69hi all, i just tried to install the google talk plugin on ubuntu 10.10 x64 and it died, now i cant open any browsers getting this error when trying in shell Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 612: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!17:46
Wizzard7Ravma, understood...   if it is the only input source showing in Sound,  and you have it selected, I cannot see how it cannot be working17:46
dogmatic69anyone seen that or have some advice?17:46
AxionStileNow, i had windows xp on here, and now it's saying my hd is failing and has bad sectors annnnd *reads list* something to do with a current pending sector count.. i see red text and it appears as if my hard drive is more dangerous than nuclear waste17:46
Wizzard7unless it is not recognized or wrong drivers...17:46
dborbalooks like photoprint will get it done - it's AWEFULLY slow though :\17:46
AxionStileI'm runing the palimpsest disk utility17:47
AxionStiledoing a scan real quick17:47
seemawni have a little issue with the knetwork-manager applet17:47
AxionStileits almost complete i believe17:47
ravmai tried in skype to fix the problem but in mic configuration its like pulse audi o17:47
enavDr_Willis: windows works fine with the 2 cars  but linux disable the nvidia17:47
llutzmaquis: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/addon/4631/17:47
seemawnit will not connect to a wpa-enterprise network17:47
Dr_Willisenav:  no idea. he was in here a few days back. It will also depend on how new the cards are.. a lot of the ati cards are not supported by the fglrx drivers any more.17:47
seemawnwith peap, msvchap2 and sth with 017:47
AxionStileAny recommendations?17:47
Dr_Willisenav:  you did install the nvidia drivers for that card?17:47
ActionParsnipAxionStile: drives are cheap, if it has bad sectors then cut your losses and grab a new one17:47
AxionStileAction but it was fine just last night :(17:47
Guest3777Console screen comes during installing ubuntu 10.1017:48
seemawnsth version 0 is peap version 017:48
ActionParsnipseemawn: not all wifi adapters can connect to wpa17:48
Dr_WillisAxionStile:  ive had hard drives die while i was using them.. Click-Clack-Crash-Dead....17:48
maquisllutz: I'm using evolution... do thunderbird addons work in evolution?17:48
llutzmaquis: no17:48
AxionStileWell that hurts my feelings :(17:48
enavDr_Willis: i got 2 drivers on the driverJokey list... ATI is working and nvidia show me the ubuntu logo17:48
Wizzard7Ravma. same as I have. I have to change things in the Sounds section of System, Preferences when I use Skype to enable the headset, then have to change it back for speakers to work.. The microphone on headset shows and an audio input in Sounds.17:48
Dr_WillisAxionStile:  hard drives are the weakest link these days.17:48
seemawnActionParsnip: i would not complain when in all other configurations (networkmanager-gnome) it works17:48
llutzmaquis: sorry my bad, i misread your question17:48
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maquisllutz: no problem17:48
ActionParsnipAxionStile: there will be a line between ood and bad. I suggest you grab the ultimate boot cd and use the drive manufacturers tool to test it17:48
maquisi might consider thunderbird, though... :)17:48
AxionStileIt was fine until i started trying to install mint last night17:49
Dr_Willisenav:  all i can do is suggest checking the forums.17:49
llutzmaquis: thunderbird is crap too17:49
AxionStilealright :o)17:49
aphidActionParsnip - it complained about not being able to write some files in the user directory (I probably should have given the new user one eh?) and then dumped me ...... to a blank desktop pattern17:49
dogmatic69anybody? i would love to look it up on google but cant open a browser now :(17:49
maquisllutz: are there any good options?17:49
ActionParsnipseemawn: maybe it can't connect to it, you should see whats what17:49
Wizzard7Dr Willis, how well I know, had a 250GB WD drive get sick... read errors, talk about SLOW....17:49
seemawni mean: Except the air pressure, all settings remained the same:17:49
llutzmaquis: depends on your needs, my favorite (with gui) is claws-mail17:49
AxionStilewhat's sad is this pc is not even a year old :o(17:50
Dr_WillisWizzard7:  really hurts when a 1TB hd gets errors.. I got one i call 'Flakey' it seems to have some issue in the first 100gb.. :) so i got that partioned off..  and i dont keep anything critical on it.17:50
ActionParsnipdogmatic69: make sure there are no processes relating to the browser you run17:50
Wizzard7Ravma, has this Mic ever worked?17:50
ravmai tried installig kmix but no chnage no option in to chaange17:50
seemawncomputer on the same place, but instead of gnome, I try connecting to the network with the kde-builtin settings17:50
dogmatic69ActionParsnip: i just restarted, there is nothing running then... afaik17:50
Dr_WillisAxionStile:  ive seen HDs die quicker/younger then that .. or die after very very very old17:50
Wizzard7Dr Willis, is solid state the way to go?17:50
maquisllutz: interesting17:50
bluespotmousehello everyone!17:50
maquisi've only ever used the gmail web-ui and mutt in the past...17:50
dogmatic69ActionParsnip: checked in sys monitor and there is nothing17:51
Dr_WillisWizzard7:  I imagine in a year or 2 it will be that way.  the prices are almost reaonable. :)17:51
ActionParsnipdogmatic69: if you run the browser from terminal, the output should give clues17:51
ravmawhen i opened my sound recorder its workingnow17:51
Dr_WillisWizzard7:  but i need Drive space.. Not speed.17:51
llutzmaquis: unfortunately claws has no real calendar-plugin at all17:51
marcialalguien habla espanol17:51
ravmabut during the call not working17:51
bluespotmousewhat is the difference between gtk and kde?17:51
Wizzard7Ravma, so if I understand, when you go to System, preferences, sounds, the Inpit tab, only one item there and it is selected? What is it called?17:51
seemawnnever mind. This channel seems to be too high frenquated. Forget my question please, I try it in #ubuntu.de17:51
dogmatic69ActionParsnip: i pasted it just now, im new to ubuntu and dont know what it means, Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 612: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!17:51
dogmatic69also cant look it up17:51
sebsebsebbluespotmouse: good question17:51
Smailikhow to change the resolution in Ubuntu, through the terminal! where and what you need to register?17:52
Wizzard7Dr Willis, I meant for stability17:52
Dr_Willisbluespotmouse:  gtk is a library used by gnome.. kde uses qt instead of gtk. (i think i got that right) (very simpilified)17:52
llutzmaquis: keep using mutt, it's imho the best mua at all :)17:52
kn_I would like to reinstall grub2 according to this commands, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9881898&postcount=2 however, how can I find out what I have to put for X and Y ? My ubuntu is in an encrypted LVM and I don't want to screw up.17:52
Dr_WillisWizzard7:  ive not heard anything about how durable these sdd drives are.17:52
Wizzard7mechanical things seem to fail more often... all they whirring and stuff17:52
marcialtengo instalado linux 10.04 en macbook pro y no consigo que el audio funcione17:52
ravmainternal audio anlog stereo17:52
ChoHagCan I disable the auto maximise misfeature in Maverick?17:52
sebsebsebhi tranqui17:52
marcialsi el audio interno17:53
Smailikhow to change the resolution in Ubuntu, through the terminal! where and what you need to register?17:53
sebsebseb!es | marcial17:53
ubottumarcial: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:53
Dr_WillisChoHag:  you mean in the netbook editiion? used to be controlled by a program called maximus.17:53
Wizzard7Ravma, do you have an  "Audio Adapter Analog Mono"?17:53
Wizzard7in inputs?17:53
ChoHagUsed to be, yes, and it was happily off until I upgraded to 10.10 today.17:53
Dr_WillisSmailik:  you can use some of the 'xrandr' command line tools to switch res17:53
marcialok gracias17:53
maquisllutz: true... i'm just experimenting... :)17:53
maquisllutz: found my problem, though...17:53
Wizzard7Ravma, well do you have a stereo microphone?17:54
ravmainternal mic  i dont know weather it is stereo or not17:54
Smailik<Dr_Willis> thank you17:55
Wizzard7Ravma, remind me, please.. when did it stop working?17:55
Wizzard7when you changed Ubuntu versions>?17:55
noumaanMy laptop's grub is corrupted, my cdrom is not working. How do I fix grub from USB17:55
ravmaafetr upgrading to 10.1017:55
kn_I would like to reinstall grub2 according to this commands, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9881898&postcount=2 however, how can I find out what I have to put for X and Y ? My ubuntu is in an encrypted LVM and I don't want to screw up.17:55
VwieVendettaYou can use Super Grub Disk17:55
krikke959hi there17:55
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krikke959i'm looking for some help with ubuntu 10.417:56
noumaanVwieVendetta: that was for me?17:56
Wizzard7Ravma, OK, I did a CD install on mine, it picked up all inputs and outputs.. but I'm guessing your internal microphone is Mono, and that's the problem...17:56
sebsebseb!ask | krikke95917:56
ubottukrikke959: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:56
Braber01I'm using the ubuntu netbook edtion and I'd like to have gdm disabled i know how to disable it m, however I can't rember wich file I need to rename to disable it.17:56
kn_Is there an official problem with upgrading to 10.10 and grub?17:56
AxionStileso if you were to say, need a new hard drive what would you recommend and why17:56
Braber01I know it's in /etc/*17:56
wakeupstickyvwievendetta, was that directed at me? what is super grub disk?17:56
sebsebsebkn_: what?17:56
Smailik<VwieVendetta> what is whis  Super Grub Disk17:56
zayrwhats the key for switching between keyboards ?17:57
Wizzard7Ravma, sorry, but I am at a loss as to why it isn't working....17:57
krikke959I installed it yesterday but i can't play DVD disk on the standard player supllied with it, it just plays the disk with a lot of snow and interference17:57
ZonettiAfter I updated the version, my graphics are bugged. There are white stains above texts, images and etc17:57
ravmabut theres no option to configure my mic to mono17:57
noumaanSmailik: Super grub disk is a wonderful utility that you can use from USB or CD17:57
kn_sebsebseb, I upgraded to 10.10 and now grub is screwed up17:57
Wizzard7Ravma, right, it shuld be recognized as Mono, to begin with17:57
Dbl_Tap zayr: switch between keyboards how?17:58
zayrwhats the keyboard shortcut for switching keyboard layouts ?17:58
Wizzard7My guess is it is not being recognized.17:58
noumaanSmailik: it allows you to boot into your linux partition and fixing grub from inside ubuntu is easier17:58
zayrDbl_Tap: ^17:58
DulakBraber01: sudo update-rc.d gdm disable17:58
sebsebsebkn_: ok might have to re install17:58
Wizzard7the Stereo input is likely from you Sound Card17:58
x0rsWhenever I execute the function on line 4 the dictionary it erases any data that it held before the function was executed. I need it to add the data instead of overwrite it, any ideas? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/275035/17:58
kn_sebsebseb, I would like to reinstall grub2 according to this commands, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9881898&postcount=2 however, how can I find out what I have to put for X and Y ? My ubuntu is in an encrypted LVM and I don't want to screw up.17:58
Smailik<noumaan> I realized17:58
sebsebsebkn_: oh you did the encrypted home option?17:58
kokozedmanhey guys17:58
Dr_WillisBraber01:  check /etc/init/gdm.conf - if that exists. upstart is handling gdm. reame the file to be /etc/init/gdm.DONTSTART  or simil;er to disable it.17:59
sebsebseb!grub2 | kn_17:59
ubottukn_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:59
kokozedmananyone knows an FTP client that can do parallel uploads?17:59
zayranyone  can help me ?17:59
kokozedmana command line-tool for ubuntu server17:59
Wizzard7Does anyone have an idea why my Flash Player is on speed??17:59
Dr_Willis!info wput17:59
ubottuwput (source: wput): A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 176 kB17:59
sebsebsebzayr: not sure about keyboard shortcut, but you can add keyboad switcher applet to the panel17:59
Dr_Williskokozedman:  try wput ?17:59
kn_sebsebseb, no, everything is encrypted except /boot18:00
KB1JWQncftp can do parallel uploads.18:00
kokozedmanDr_Willis: let me check that out ... thanks18:00
Wizzard7It's anew thing with 10.10....18:00
zayrsebsebseb: i want keyb. shortcuts18:00
krikke959I installed ubuntu 10.04 yesterday but i can't play DVD disks on the standard player supplied with it, it just plays the disk with a lot of snow and interference. when I try to find the dvd codec it says it is missing it doesn't find anything18:00
MrRobotowhat is the best backup software for ubuntu?18:00
sebsebsebkn_: well then things probably aren't quite as secure as you think they are, and  using encryption with Ubuntu for partitions, really can mess up on people at times18:00
Dr_Williskrikke959:  theres some script you have to run to enable dvd playback I recall. check the !dvd factoid.18:00
Dr_Willis!dvd | krikke95918:00
ubottukrikke959: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:00
Smailik<noumaan>whether the image to make a bootable disk?18:01
Dr_Willis!backup | MrRoboto18:01
ubottuMrRoboto: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:01
x0rsnm i figured it out, I had my dict = {} inside the function that called the outside function18:01
kn_sebner, it is an encrypted LVM18:01
sebsebseb!lvm | kn_18:01
ubottukn_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:01
sebsebsebkn_: anyway I can't really help you, so good luck I guess18:01
kn_sebsebseb, it is an encrypted LVM18:01
ZuphI'm trying to get a dual screen configuration working with Ubuntu 10.10, using an Intel 945GME Video chipset.  So far, it will not let me set a virtual screen size greater than 2048x2048, although the driver is supposed to support up to 4096x4096.  I have tried disabling DRI and Acceleration to no effect.18:01
IpSe_DiXiTi need to configure my graphic card (ATI) my screen and my input device settings (so the output says) otherwise ill just be able to access my sys in recovery mode-failsafeX. anyone can help?18:03
Wizzard7Does anyone have an idea why my Flash Player is playing at warp speed?  Tried Flash player updated, different browsers and plugins, no joy.18:03
Wizzard7I'm on a new install of 10.1018:04
Wizzard764 bit18:04
BreakthruIpSe_DiXiT, try low graphics mode, then click System - Administration - Hardware driver18:04
Dbl_TapWizzard7: pretty sure I seen that listed in bugs still.18:04
Wizzard7Ah... I see...18:04
kokozedmanDr_Willis: are you sure this is capable of parallel uploads?18:04
Dbl_TapWizzard7: for 64-bit specifically.18:04
Wizzard7Joe Cocker looks even worse in high speed.18:04
IpSe_DiXiTBreakthru: already done, it says there are no proprietary drivers installed on this computer18:05
Wizzard7Dbl_Tap, it won't let me install a 32 bit player18:05
kokozedmani've looked at wput's man page... but i can't see anything about that18:05
BreakthruIpSe_DiXiT, but is there the option to install ATI drivers?18:05
Wizzard7Dbl_Tap, ok thanks....18:05
lokkjujust switched to 10.04 with a dual monitor setup, and having a bit of an issue.  there seems to be a 300px or so "dead space" between my two monitors - windows dragged into it disappear before coming out the other side, etc18:06
sc30317lokkju, what kind of graphics card are you running?18:06
alsetNickServ alset BJnh4hr718:06
Dbl_Taplokkju: are you using proprietary drivers for the card.18:06
mobiusalset: "woops"18:06
IdleOnealset: Change your nickserv password18:06
IpSe_DiXiTBreakthru: nope18:06
lokkjuGeForce GT 220 (nVidia).  not using the proprietary drivers18:07
sc30317y not?18:07
KM0201i'm surprised that doesn't happen more often18:07
lokkjusc30317, it's a workstation, I don't need need anything the closed drivers give me...  unless you're suggesting that is the problem18:07
rusivialset: It's best to do that in the freenode, never in the chat screen (even if your comfortable with it).18:08
osx5hello everyone18:08
osx5I was wondering, I did the minimal install and what is a program I need to get to extract .deb's or install them18:08
osx5a gui one just to have18:08
lokkjuosx5, dpkg or apt-get18:08
Dbl_Taplokkju: i'd start there first.18:08
alsetrusivi: lol i thought i was typing into freenode, but this channel popped up too fast >.<18:08
osx5lokkju: problem is when I tried to run apt-get install 7zip it didn't work18:09
osx5I guess my repositories are bad?18:09
sc30317lokkju, I have found that installing the closed drivers always seems to fix problems18:09
dborbaso much for me claiming that printing in ubuntu was less painful than on winblows :X18:09
lokkjusc30317, Dbl_Tap, thx, I'll try it18:09
sc30317lokkju, unless you have a specific reason why you would NOT want to used the closed drivers, do it18:09
lokkjuosx5, what error?18:09
osx5lokkju: package 7zip is not available but reffered to etc etc18:10
preetampls help i am getting this "* (nm-applet:3743): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager."output for command nm-applet.18:10
preetammy network manager icon is not appearing in notification area18:10
lokkjuosx5, try apt-get install 7z18:10
seyacathi all18:10
osx5lokkju: same error18:11
Dbl_Tapdpkg -l | grep 7z18:11
kukibird1osx5 try p7zip or p7zip-full18:11
seyacathow can i get  creation elapsed time of file?18:11
lokkjuosx5, wierd.  check your repos, do an apt-get update18:11
osx5Dbl_Tap: same error18:12
rusivi!arabic | dew_18:12
ubottudew_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:12
osx5lokkju: I ran it, it just ran through and went back to the prompt18:12
osx5so I'm assuming I ahve to add in some18:12
dew_في عربي18:12
wakeupstickyhi all :)18:13
wakeupstickyhow do i get java running on ubuntu maverick?18:13
wakeupstickyi tried "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin"18:13
wakeupstickybut the package was not found18:13
Dbl_Tapwakeupsticky: installed by the ubuntu restricted packages from the ubuntu software center.18:14
osx5lokkju: is there a list for the latest repositories for 10.10?18:14
Dbl_Tapwakeupsticky: not sure what version it installs though.18:14
wakeupstickyhow do i do that?18:14
cyziehi, how do i restart sound service?18:14
VwieVendettaOpen the terminal and run the following commands18:14
VwieVendettasudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java618:14
VwieVendettasudo apt-get update18:14
VwieVendettasudo apt-get install sun-java618:14
FloodBot1VwieVendetta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
pompomanyone can help me ?18:15
pompomxrandr: screen cannot be larger than 800x600 (desired size 1024x768)18:15
JackStonerwakeupsticky: you can install an opensource version of java18:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:15
KM0201not very good advice anyway, no reason to install a ppa for java18:15
pompomI want to change my ubuntu resolution display18:15
IpSe_DiXiTi need to configure my graphic card (ATI) my screen and my input device settings (so the output says) otherwise ill just be able to access my sys in recovery mode-failsafeX. anyone can help?18:15
JackStonerwakeupsticky: if its a fresh install do : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:15
JackStonerjava should be included in the bundle18:15
iwixzhay all18:16
wakeupstickyCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:16
seyacatsaber si esta o no funcionando el muro?18:16
seyacathow can i get  creation elapsed time of file?18:16
JackStonerwakeupsticky: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock and retry18:16
iwixzneed help here18:16
lolohi. i need help. complete n00b here!18:17
Gnea!ask | iwixz18:17
ubottuiwixz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:17
rusivi!spanish | seyacat18:17
ubottuseyacat: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:17
wakeupstickyok, ubuntu-restricted-extras is installing18:17
LogicallyDashingI'm trying to diagnose a problem with my hard drive. It skips and stutters when I download something fast, and sometimes when I'm switching applications but not always. I don't have any more information than that right now, how do I get more?18:17
Gnealolo: go ahead and state your problem with as much detail as you can, we'll try to help18:17
JackStonerwakeupsticky: but if u want java from sun i can find a nice ppa you can add and install18:17
seyacat!metido | rusivi18:17
henry276hi there18:18
loloi just installed ubuntu 10.10.. never used linux before. i have no cd/dvd drive suddenly.18:18
wakeupstickyafter ubuntu-restricted-extras is done installing, what else do i need to do?18:18
rusiviLogicallyDashing: Your HDD makes sounds when downloading something fast?18:18
GneaLogicallyDashing: what kind of hd is it? what's the cable type? how old is the cable? is it plugged in firmly on both ends? does it have any tears?18:18
gaurav__i installed ubuntu 10.10 amd64 but after reboot it only comes console screen18:18
JackStonerwakeupsticky: try running a java app...you have java installed18:18
wakeupstickyoh, ok18:18
LogicallyDashingGnea, errr it's pretty old, at least three years. Other than that, uh, you want a model number?18:19
Gnealolo: how do you know this?18:19
Dbl_Taplolo: do you have a cd / dvd in the drive?18:19
iwixzi want to install ubuntu, backtrack n windows at same machine can i do that18:19
iwixzsory my bad english18:19
gaurav__plz help me18:19
GneaLogicallyDashing: nah, whoever made it and the connection type are fine18:19
JackStonerwakeupsticky: do you program in java??18:19
wakeupstickyno, i just need the jre for a website18:19
JackStonerwakeupsticky: oh ok then18:19
henry276could anyone help me fix a problem concerning networkmanager no longer accessible in taskmenu?18:19
loloi've tried putting a disc in... nothing.. now cd/dvd drive does appear in cairo dock(but nowhere else) if i click on it there it says Failed to mount18:19
Gneaiwixz: yes, you can18:20
wakeupstickyi dislike the programming language itself18:20
iwixzhow to setup it18:20
JackStonerwakeupsticky: :P, i think otherwise...18:20
gaurav__i after installing ubuntu 10.10 when i am trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 it only comes blank screen18:20
Gnealolo: most music cds won't mount, they "just play" with a cd player program18:20
iwixzwhat must i install first18:20
gaurav__i after installing ubuntu 10.10 when i am trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 it only comes blank screen18:20
loloyea no discs mount.18:20
wakeupstickyyou think i like the java programming language, or you like it?18:20
JackStonerwakeupsticky: I like it18:20
LogicallyDashingGnea, Seagate Barracuda 7200.918:21
wakeupstickyi like the idea of the jvm18:21
LogicallyDashinglooks like S/ATA18:21
lolowhich kind of sucks since ALL of my files are on discs right now18:21
wakeupstickybut if i wanted to program in java i'd program in smalltalk :P18:21
JackStonerwakeupsticky: quite neat right? :P18:21
Gnealolo: not sure on that one... haven't bothered with 10.10 yet, as it isn't an LTS release... perhaps someone else has18:21
henry276could anyone help me fix a problem concerning networkmanager no longer accessible in taskmenu?18:21
haakonnwakeupsticky:  hundreds of languages run on top of the jvm, java is just one :)18:21
blakkheimhenry276: install wicd18:21
GneaLogicallyDashing: how old is the sata cable?18:21
JackStonerhenry276: try launching nm-applet18:21
wakeupstickyi know, i like the jvm :)18:21
haakonngood good :)18:22
LogicallyDashingGnea, at least as old as the drive itself, figure 3 years18:22
VwieVendettaWhich Basic idioms are good for Unix?18:22
Dbl_Tapwakeupsticky: if you have a bootable cd try to boot up with it to test the drive, if it doesn't work will point you in the right direction.18:22
LogicallyDashingmaybe 5 years18:23
=== somebody is now known as dojohnso
lolowell can anyone tell me the first step to take to try to figure out why the drive doesnt appear?18:23
loloi like learning new stuff ;)18:23
wakeupstickyhey, something odd...when i do "sudo shutdown 0" in the terminal and ubuntu shuts down, the computer doesn't turn off18:23
GneaLogicallyDashing: I would try a new sata cable, that's solved many of my sata woes in the past18:23
LogicallyDashinglolo, do an lspci and see if the drive shows up there18:23
LogicallyDashingGnea, thanks :)18:23
wakeupstickyis it supposed to turn the computer off or am i supposed to do that once i get the ubuntu screen?18:23
Dbl_Tapwakeupstick, lolo: see my comment to wakeupsticky above; got confused with my convos18:23
GneaLogicallyDashing: not sure why, but sata cables tend to have a relatively short lifespan compared to ide/scsi cables18:24
JackStonerwakeupsticky: what are you trying to do?18:24
wakeupstickylol just shutdown the computer18:24
henry276jackstoner: nm-applet delivers: ** (nm-applet:2313): WARNING **: get_all_cb coundn't retrieve system settings properties18:24
KM0201sudo shutdown -h now18:24
Dbl_Tapwakeupsticky: think you will want to use the -h18:24
JackStonerwakeupsticky: sudo shutdown -h +[time in seconds]18:24
yuseffathii have problem when i try to check updates18:25
henry276and also: fetch_connections_done: error fetching system connections18:25
yuseffathithat is18:25
JackStonerhenry276: try pkill nm-applet first then retry18:25
rusiviGnea / LogicallyDashing: I'm very interested in this, on first read seemed to me a head/platter issue, however, how would a replacement of a sata cable stop the sounds LogicallyDashing noticed?18:25
wakeupstickywhat about to just restart? the restart command is for something else apparently18:25
gaurav__Blank screen after installing ubuntu 10.1018:25
JackStonerwakeupsticky: sudo shutdown -r +[time in seconds]18:25
gaurav__how can i revover it18:25
JackStonerbasically change the h to r :P18:25
Dbl_Tapwakeupsticky: reboot18:25
henry276same thing18:26
yuseffathithat is it18:26
yuseffathiplease help me18:26
LogicallyDashingGnea, rusivi: I'm going to try GSmartControl and see what more info I can get18:26
JackStonerhenry276: have you tried a reboot??18:26
osx5hey I updated the repositories list but it still hasn't taken effect? I ran sudo apt-get update18:26
kukibird1osx5, try p7zip or p7zip-full18:27
henry276JackStoner: yes, tried.18:27
osx5kukibird1: how do I get the repositories to update or take effecT?18:27
JackStonerhenry276: so you do have a connection, its just the applet is not displaying?18:27
osx5kukibird1: p7zip worked18:28
lolook... drive does NOT show up when i do a  lspci command...????18:28
kukibird1osx5 sudo apt-get update18:28
Dbl_Taplolo: if you have a bootable cd try to boot up with and see if it works; will be a quick way to see if you have a bad drive.18:28
gaurav__help me18:28
kukibird1osx5 sudo apt-get install p7zip-full18:28
henry276jackstoner: no, don't have a connection.. just got rid of bigger problems today and am now trying to rearrange thnigs.18:29
JackStonerhenry276: what happened till all this happened?18:29
lolodrive still works. i did that last night.18:30
ganeshranHi I am experiencing a lag between clicking on the tab and switching of the page in Firefox in 10.10. Anyone else facing the same issue.18:30
osx5kukibird1: whats the default gui app for extracting archives on ubuntu called anyway so i know about it18:30
sensisensihi. is running ubuntu on usb slower than installed on HDD?if so, alot or not much?18:30
gaurav__help me18:30
gaurav__i am having blank screen when i boot ubuntu 10.0418:30
henry276jackstoner: sytem wouldn't mount at all, systemcheck cia live-cd helped18:30
FloodBot1gaurav__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
rusiviLogicallyDashing / Gnea: I have a hardware RAID box purchased a few years ago, with very faint sounds when mounting/unmounting and uploading/downloading. Normal HDD movement sounds, nothing to be concerned about. I also have a newer external HDD purchased a month ago that is silent doing anything. However, if it was "loud" or sounded like scratching that would indicate HDD failure.18:30
ganeshranChrome seems to work fine. only FF has the issue. Reminds me of IE :(18:31
gaurav__anyone here can help me18:31
JackStonerhenry276: i think there's a way to restore gnome to default, gimme a sec to check18:31
LogicallyDashingrusivi: it's not the sounds I'm worried about, it's the way the computer seizes up when I access the disks at a megabyte per second or thereabouts18:31
LoJuRu!ask | gaurav__18:32
ubottugaurav__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:32
rusiviLogicallyDashing: What mfg/model of computer do you have?18:33
gaurav__help me i am getting console screen after installing 10.10 when ever i tried to boot it what can i do18:33
JackStonerhenry276: try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8925018:33
LogicallyDashingrusivi: it's a Lenovo ThinkCentre with an Athlon 64 X218:33
JackStonerhenry276: if that doesnt work, there's this http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/18:34
osx5kukibird1: you there?18:34
Dbl_Taplolo: what were you working on / configuring when it stopped?18:34
trismosx5: it is called file-roller (although in the nautilus menu, Archive Manager, same program)18:34
tadodoes anyone know how to remove the keyboard layout icon from the indicator applet? i need to have two different keyboard layouts, but enabling the possibility to switch by pressing a key combination in "keyboard preferences" makes the icon appear. i don't use it and it's taking quite some space... ideas?18:34
trismosx5: and it will use p7zip if it is installed to extract 7z files18:35
kukibird1osx5 on my system the default is file-roller18:35
kenajcannot connect wireless to internet: device not ready firmware missing what do I do to find that missing firmware?18:35
LoJuRugaurav__, You have installed Ubuntu 10.10 and, on start up, see only a terminal prompt?18:35
Marcos___hello :)18:35
LoJuRu!hi | Marcos___18:35
gaurav__no its only comes blank screen18:35
gaurav__nothing else18:35
rusiviLogicallyDashing: Assuming you do not have a lot of apps/programs running you at 90% of resources (CPU, memory, bandwidth) then Gnea's suggestion to check new sata cable is a good preliminary check.18:36
Marcos___LoJuRu: :D18:36
mattholimeauheya - i'm trying to print to a networked xerox x8500. When I click print, an authorization box pops up, showing what appears to be an unchangable "none" as my username and a text input for a password (although there are no labels on either of these fields). There is no authorization needed for this printer (neither on my windows machine or at all according to the admin). Does anyone know what password is being requested? Thanks!18:36
kukibird1osx5 right clicking on archives should give you options or start the default archive manager18:37
JackStonerhenry276: did that work??18:37
osx5kukibird1: this was a mminimal install18:37
trismtado: last I checked (in lucid), it was hard-coded to show a keyboard indicator in the notification area when you have more than one keyboard layout, I'll take a quick look in maverick and see if it is changed though18:38
henry276jackstoner: i'm trying.18:38
vjj2000hi everyone  how do i change  the default os in grub e.g. i would like to have windows as the default until i am quiet familiar with my new ubuntu 10.1018:38
KB1JWQvjj2000: Edit your grub configuration.18:38
tadotrism: my problem is the opposite: it always shows which layout i'm using, and i don't need it to be shown in tray with icon and country code next to it. would like to take it away from there18:38
KB1JWQvjj2000: The "default" option. :-)18:39
llutzvjj2000: edit /etc/default/grub18:39
valheruhi everyone, having a screwy problem with grub. Essentially have grub + ubuntu installed on one drive and Windows 7 on another whole drive. Grub seems to be stuck in the bootloader of the windows 7 drive . I have run startup repair on the Win7 partition a ton of times and each time it allows me to boot into it once or maybe twice and then it goes back to trying to boot grub...this all happens even with the linux disk unplugged18:39
valheruits like grub keeps reinstalling itself into the MBR somehow18:39
LoJuRuvjj2000, Are you new to Linux?18:39
rodemiresGood day all,  where can i get help for tvtime?18:39
LoJuRu!bye | kenaj18:40
ubottukenaj: Au revoir!18:40
vjj2000lojuru not completely but it has been some time18:40
LoJuRuvjj2000, Welcome back! Can I recommend http://linuxcommand.org/ to help you refresh yourself?18:40
vjj2000lojuru thx18:41
LoJuRuvjj2000, Always a pleasure! =)18:41
henry276jackstoner: what files am i supposed to move to the other directory?18:41
JackStonerhenry276: just a min18:41
Justoneanyone know the key combo to exit full screen game mode with wine?18:41
JackStonerhenry276: which guide are you using?? the 1st or 2nd?18:41
valheruanyone have any ideas? I just dont understand why grub wont go away , the Win7 startup repair should wipe it out completely18:41
LoJuRuJustone, /j #wine18:42
ActionParsnipJustone: i'd ask in #winehq too18:42
LoJuRuWinehq, my bad18:42
Justoneok... ty18:42
ActionParsnipJustone: could use ctrl+alt+t18:42
ActionParsnipJustone: loading a terminal may give it a kick18:43
JustoneActionParsnip: tried... but locked it up :(18:43
=== rooligan is now known as Guest97517
gol10drUpgraded my server to 10.10 and update/upgrade yields no updates but reboot gives me 311 packages and reboot required.  Ideas?18:43
ActionParsnipJustone: or alt+tab18:43
enavwhere is the xorg.conf file18:43
henry276jackstoner: the first one18:43
JustoneActionParsnip: alt+tab does nothin.18:43
ActionParsnipenav: /etc/X1118:44
MrKeunerhello, in which configuration file should one specify the environment variables for them to be recognized withing GNOME applications? Eclipse fails to recognize the export line specified in ~/.profile, for instance18:44
elb0wllutz, So I have tried all possible Xorg options to allow DFP. I booted into run level 3 and installed nvidia drivers as well. All to no prevail. Lastly I have installed a analog card also resulting in monitor going to power saving mode after post. Any ideas what else it could be?18:44
rodemireswhen i try to use tvtime it comes up blank, when i do 'tvtime-scanner', it returns: Reading configuration from /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml, No tuner found on input 0.  If you have a tuner, please18:44
rodemires    select a different input using --input=<num>.18:44
llutzelb0w: not really, sorry18:44
JackStonerhenry276: use the 2nd one its a bit more straightforward18:44
ActionParsnipenav: one doesn't exist by default but if you make one it will be obeyed18:45
=== rodemires is now known as Rodemire
trismtado: no, I understand that, my point was originally there was no way to disable the icon, but it seems there is a key in gconf now, I am testing it, one moment18:45
enavActionParsnip: i want to force my 2 video card works together18:45
ActionParsnipenav: you can make a skeleton file in root recovery mode and run: Xorg --configure18:45
JackStonerhenry276: basically you have to remove the folders specified...then reboot18:46
ActionParsnipenav: if they are nvidia based then nvidia-settings can make them work nice18:46
ActionParsnip!dualhead | enav18:46
ubottuenav: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:46
enavActionParsnip: 1 nvidia and 1 ati    and 3 displays18:46
tadotrism: alright18:46
sensisensihi. i have an old crappy laptop with ubuntu 9 that i want to tether my android phone for mobile broadband.but the app on phone says i need ubuntu 10.4.i think that is too much for this laptop, as ubuntu 9 doesnt run very fast.if the phone app says i need ubuntu 10.4, will lubuntu work just the same or do i need ubuntu for this thing?its called easythether.18:46
semk0hi guys18:47
ActionParsnipenav: yikes, you'll need xorg.conf then18:47
semk0i have upgraded to meerkat but my old ppa's are disabled18:47
semk0is it normal?18:47
JackStonerhenry276: do this: rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity18:47
gol10drAny ideas what would cause a reboot required to keep popping up?18:47
Gneasemk0: yes18:47
JackStonerthen reboot18:47
enavActionParsnip: do you thinks is possible what i want to do'18:47
ActionParsnipsensisensi: the minimum reuirements are the same so you can run lucid18:47
Gneagol10dr: new kernel installed18:47
semk0Gnea: will they be auto enabled later on?18:47
JackStonergol10dr: if you've done an update that required a reboot18:47
ActionParsnipenav: sure, its going to take a bit of effort though18:47
gol10drdid that18:48
Gneasemk0: only if you tell them to be18:48
gol10drKeeps popping up and shows updates18:48
gol10drall updated18:48
ActionParsnipJackStoner: no need for force in the home folder18:48
enavActionParsnip: point me for some forum to do this.. pleas18:48
semk0Gnea, what's the command for that?18:48
* gol10dr updated from 10.04 server to 10.1018:48
JackStonerActionParsnip: thanks... :P18:48
Gneasemk0: just enable them again in your sources18:48
ActionParsnipenav: you will just need sample xorg.conf files18:48
ActionParsnipgol10dr: why, lucid is supported longer...18:48
sensisensiActionParsnip: sorry i wasnt clear. i mean the app on my android phone requires ubuntu 10.4.so i have to upgrade my ubuntu 9 to 10.4 but i'm wondring if the app will work just as well with lubuntu18:49
semk0Gnea, oh ok. i checked some of them in launchpad site and it appears that they exist also for meerkat18:49
Gneasemk0, there ya go, just edit what's there to reflect what you need18:49
ActionParsnipsensisensi: its the same OS, just a different DE18:49
gol10drActionParsnip: Just for testing.18:49
henry276jackstoner: tried the second one, but it wouldn't work18:49
ActionParsnipsensisensi: if you are on jaunty you will need y18:50
sensisensiActionParsnip:k thanks!18:50
semk0Gnea, thanks mate18:50
JackStonerhenry276: what do u mean wouldnt work...that happened??18:50
ActionParsnipTo upgrade to karmic first, sensisensi18:50
mattholimeauheyas - sorry to repeat - looking for help with what password a printer authentication dialog box could be looking for18:50
Gneasemk0, cheers18:50
ActionParsnipmattholimeau: is the printer shared on a windows box?18:50
Imants-LVim trayngto instal ubuntu here right now18:50
gol10drActionParsnip: Any reason why it is showing 311 updates and a reboot prompt even after complete shutdown and restart18:50
GneaBreetai: awesome nick18:50
mattholimeauit's shared directly on the network18:50
tadotrism: do you know if there is anywhere where i can look for it? gotta leave in a minute...18:50
sensisensiActionParsnip:i am going to format and install lubuntu on this18:51
Imants-LVi need some info18:51
ActionParsnipmattholimeau: i'd read the manual then18:51
BreetaiGnea:  Thanks, when I can't use it I go with BreetaiOfTheZentradi  which is even cooler if longer to type.18:51
ActionParsnipsensisensi: then you can jump straight to Lucid18:51
mattholimeauheh, looked there, didn't seem to be anything about use authentication18:51
mattholimeauuser* authentication, rather18:51
sensisensiActionParsnip:roger that. thanks18:51
GneaBreetai: but that gives it away :)18:51
henry276jackstoner: nothing happened. i typed it in, got back to desktop, restarted but got the very same problem as before.. should it have changed anything else?18:52
ActionParsnipgol10dr: run the updates then is all I can suggest18:52
trismtado: unfortunately it has no schema, so it looks like ubuntu patched it out when adding the appindicator patches (and it was ignored when I added and tried it), I'll keep looking for a bit though18:52
replicasexLe sigh, I'm having to downgrade to 10.04 because of the new xorg and my nvidia driver :(18:52
ActionParsnipJackStoner: you may want to look in $HOME/.config too18:52
gol10drActionParsnip: did an apt-get updates and upgrade but it shows it is good.  Unsure what the deal is..18:52
replicasexDoes anybody know if this xorg issue is going to be adressed soon?18:52
ActionParsnipreplicasex: nvidia will catch up, their support rocks18:53
JackStonerActionParsnip: what do i need to look for?18:53
ActionParsnipJackStoner: folders relating to the users issue18:53
ANNLOUhi.  I am trying to fix some file names.  they either start with abcdef or ABCDEF i want them to be  all ABCDEF (uppercase) why didn't mv abcdef* ABCDEF* work?18:53
BreetaiUp until about March of 2010 I had great performance with Ubuntu. Now after running for a few hours, the system bogs down. I have 4 gigs of RAM, swappiness is set to 10, Power management is set to performance. I don't know if it is firefox 3.6  or what. But once it happens, it does not get better, everything crawls, even if I shut down all the apps. Normally htop runs at 1% to 2%, once this happens, htop runs at 18%. Anyone have any idea what thi18:53
Breetais could be?18:53
JackStonerActionParsnip: can user safely remove .config folder and it being regenerated??18:53
replicasexActionParsnip, so how would they go about fixing this problem?  should I just wait for an update?18:53
ANNLOUBreetai: are you running 64 bit?18:54
tadotrism: really have to leave right now though :) i can leave the laptop on.. if you figure something out, maybe you can leave me a message in pvt? but in general, don't bother too much: i'll ask again when i have a bit more time18:54
c3lHi, I just installed for a frien ubuntu, and she'd like to use a program that behaves more silimarily to the way windows live messenger behaves. any suggestions?18:54
JackStonerhenry276: try and create a new user and log in using that account to see if the problem is system wide or otherwise18:54
SankyHello.  Up to now, I used two monitors by using the system > monitors settings.  Then suddenly something broke (...) and I was forced to install nvidia drivers.  Now, I can't find how to make it properly support multiple monitors.  If I use TwinView, it just makes everything into one big monitor, which is stupid as there's a hole I can't see.18:54
GneaBreetai, not sure that htop is the better program to run, I would check it out with the top program and see what's chewing up resources the most18:54
JackStonerc3l: emesene18:54
noooHas anybody here used remastersys?18:54
ActionParsnipc3l: amsn18:54
BreetaiANNLOU: no, but I have tried 64 bit and it did not help18:55
c3lJackStoner: ActionParsnip: does webcam work?18:55
kn_Any Grub experts here?18:55
ActionParsnipreplicasex: hang fire and wait, you could just use the open driver til it gets fixed if you don't need 3D18:55
Imants-LVso i now in allocate drive space window and cant continue install i got this error (No root file system is defined) can some wan explain me what i need to do?18:55
ANNLOUBreetai: there are issues on 64 bit systems.  are you any good with the mv command?18:55
ActionParsnipANNLOU: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70434718:55
trismtado: yes, just ask again when you get back, I'm just looking because people ask this question often, so I'd like to know if it is possible as well18:55
JackStonerc3l: it should i suppose...18:55
replicasexActionParsnip, any idea of how fast it'll come down the pipe?18:56
bxf4Hello, just installed 10.10 on MacBookPro1,1 and lost F11 and F12 as button 2 and button 3.  Anyone fixed this already?18:56
tadotrism: alright. hope you will find an answer and hope to find you here next time :)18:56
kn_I have the problem that I have an encrypted LVM and upgraded to 10.10. But now my grub is screwed up and the OS won't boot any longer.18:56
ActionParsnipBreetai: there are tweaks to make firefox less crappy18:56
tadotrism: thanks18:56
BreetaiGnea: I prefer htop but I have run plain old top. Usually the big offender is firefox or chrome. But once it happens, and I shut down firefox, top  will flip between top, pulseaudio and X as top CPU chewers18:56
Braber01hey I just disabled the gdm on my laptop and now when ever I run startx the desktop is swiched around, and kind of looks like the desktop editon instead of netbook edtion that confused me.18:56
ActionParsnipreplicasex: ask nvidia, no idea18:56
BreetaiANNLOU: yes I am fine with mv18:56
ActionParsnipbxf4: is there a bug logged for it?18:57
BreetaiActionParsnip: Do they really make it that much LESS sucky? and where can I find them?18:57
ANNLOUBreetai: let me look at ActionParsnip script - not quite what I had in mind but it might work18:57
GneaBreetai: likely it's pulseaudio, I've always disliked that program, it's never setup correctly in Ubuntu18:57
SaRyImants-LV, you must highlight the root / ..18:58
bxf4ActionParsnip: Not sure, thought it might have just moved.18:58
bxf4ActionParsnip:  I think I know how to check.18:58
FoxRythemI just got my WUSB300N to work but now Ubuntu doesn't see it after 1 minute any suggestions on what to do?18:58
Karen_mI setup snippets in gedit, and now the custom ones I made are gone.  Is there a trick to having them stick around?18:58
ActionParsnipBreetai: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html18:58
henry276jackstoner: same problem18:58
replicasexActionParsnip, it's a pretty significant annoyance, it randomly freezes up.  Going to just go back to the lts for a month or two I think.18:58
Imants-LVok. will tray :)18:58
ActionParsnipBreetai: firefox imho is rubbish, it can be made slightly better18:58
BreetaiGnea: back in the day I ran without pulseaudio and firefox 3.0. I have often wondered if it was one, the other or the combo that has been zapping me. Like I said, since about March.18:59
ActionParsnipreplicasex: keep your ear to the floor18:59
JackStonerhenry276: then try installing wicd18:59
BreetaiGnea: I went to Lucid back in Feb and it ran great, then all of a sudden, everything started to bog down.18:59
GneaBreetai: try disabling/removing it and see what happens18:59
di3gopaHello everyone, i am trying to use a piece of hardware i have, its called magic touch , whenever i try to use it the program says "Warning: Can't find hiddev0 device!" if I do a lsusb i can see the device but for some reason ubuntu do not see itm thanks18:59
ActionParsnipBreetai: you can also install and configure a local dns so you don't keep probing the web for dns resolution19:00
henry276jackstoner: so thanks for the help anyways.. will try so later19:00
Karen_mNone of my snippets will survive an open/close of gedit :(19:00
preetamundecim r u there19:00
JackStonerhenry276: no prob...hope it gets fixed19:00
SaRyImants-LV, have you Added the partition table ..19:00
AzendaleFirefox keeps giving me the "Firefox is already running, but is not responding."  error. I have run killall firefox and killall firefox-bin, which didn't work. I also tried removing .parentlock in the profile folder to no avail.19:00
kn_I have the problem that I have an encrypted LVM and upgraded to 10.10. But now my grub is screwed up and the OS won't boot any longer.19:00
kn_Any idea what to do?19:01
SaRyAzendale, Try login out ..19:01
BreetaiGnea: I have tried using both Chrome and Konqueror.19:01
AzendalePossibly related:I first noticed the error when I tried to run firefox over a 'ssh -X' connection19:01
AzendaleSaRy: I already tried restarting too19:02
FoxRythemndiswrapper isnt responding anymore any help to get it working again?19:02
GneaBreetai: right, but it doesn't matter when you've got this sticky piece of pulseaudio between them and your soundcard. if your soundcard already has a perfectly working driver, why do you need pulseaudio?19:02
seyacathow can i use command output as operator echo "1" | $((1+2)) not works19:02
SaRyAzendale, Killall -9 firefox19:02
AzendaleI also tried making a different profile, but that one didn't work19:03
BreetaiGnea: Becuase Ubuntu will keep installing and enableing pulese audio, it is like some sort of fetish.19:03
Sanky"Dual X servers" + Xinerama is /pretty/ good, except that it treats my top monitor as the primary monitor and I want it the other way around.  And Redshift only works for the top one, again.19:03
GneaBreetai:yeah, but it's fixable19:03
BreetaiGnea: it could be flash.19:04
AzendaleSaRy: Just tried that, and run it with sudo too, and it didn't work19:04
cfairlesseyacat, operator? or operand? you want to say, add 2 to the output of a command? or change the operator (+,-,* etc.)19:04
GneaBreetai: which requires sound19:04
BreetaiGnea: And I ususally start with a Xubuntu install, and until maveric I could do that without pulseaudio being on board by default.19:04
SaRyAzendale, under your profile .. did you remove files “lock” and “.parentlock”.19:05
seyacatcfairles: i need some like that   echo "1" |  COMMAND (OUTPUT1 + 1)     219:05
seyacatcfairles: yes add 2 to the output of command19:06
SaRyAzendale, Find your profile , it will be at ~/.mozilla/firefox/[Profile name]/ .19:06
AzendaleSaRy:I tried removing '.parentlock' I didn't see any lock. Are the question marks some shell syntax to select more than on file?19:06
replicasexat least installs are quick :(  sadface19:06
anon33_is there an easy way to list all user-installed packages with apt-get?19:07
elb0wCan you disable the Ubuntu startup battery check?19:07
claydis it possible to clean up the command promt to only show user: and not user@blahblah:  If so how?19:07
SaRyAzendale, am not sure ..19:08
ari5avhi, I'm having a memory lapse.  what's the ubuntu package that gives you all the basic required development tools?  gcc, make, etc?19:10
AzendaleSaRy: If I moved the settings folders for mozzila in the home folder to a different name, would firefox try to make new ones?19:10
ari5av(just installed maverick and need it)19:10
ActionParsnipari5av: build-essential19:10
RockjAnyone can help me understand some "strace" debugging? I have a mounted LUKS volume where my .ssh directory is stored which I have symlinked from my ~. Now, for some reason I cannot   chmod 600 id_rsa , it just turns back to 644 and I'm unable to use my private key for logging into remote boxes. Any tips? (ill pastebin strace in a sec)19:10
ari5avActionParsnip: right that's it, thanks :)19:10
anon33_is there an easy way to list all user-installed packages with apt-get? ie - everything that i've installed since installing the os19:10
cfairlesseyacat, echo "1 + 2" | b\19:11
cfairlesseyacat, oops, i mean, echo "$(echo "1") + 2" | bc19:11
ActionParsnip!clone | anon33_19:11
ubottuanon33_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:11
localh0sthow to install gnome2-globalmenubar on 10.10?19:11
cfairlesreplace the inner echo "1" with the command that outputs a number19:11
SaRyAzendale, not sure about that ..19:12
Rockjhttp://pastebin.ca/1961106 , any clue anyone?19:12
SankyHow do I set monitors primary for Xineama?  :|19:12
MrKeunerhello, in which configuration file should one specify the environment variables for them to be recognized withing GNOME applications? Eclipse fails to recognize the export line specified in ~/.profile, for instance19:13
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead19:13
seyacatcfairles: ty i can do, not like i need but works19:13
ActionParsnipMrKeuner: add in in $HOME/.bashrc19:13
SankyThanks, I guess..  :|19:13
seyacatcfairles: i need some like  echo 1 | echo $(lastOuptu) +2 | bc19:13
MrKeunerActionParsnip, would that work for both shell and gnome at the same time?19:13
seyacatcfairles: get the last output as openrad19:14
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest12379
ActionParsnipMrKeuner: worth a try,you can always take it out19:14
Guest12379I am having issues with Ubuntu 10.10 GA 64bits (maybe with 32bits as well), where the screen goes blank during the installation. however after installing it appears same19:14
ActionParsnipMrKeuner: you'll need to use: source $HOME/.bashrc ,to apply (or open a new terminal)19:15
SankyActionParsnip:  That doesn't mention <Sanky> How do I set monitors primary for Xineama?  :|19:15
AHemlocksLieI'm getting some errors compiling ndiswrapper to get my wireless card working. I'm guessing it's a functional release, though, so I'm guessing the problem's on my end. Is there anything that might cause compiling problems?19:15
ActionParsnipGuest12379: websearch: ubuntu blank screen at boot ,use the ubuntugeek link19:15
jg47hmwhy sometimes when i try to open a file with wine the file doesn't opens ??19:16
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: could just use a wired connection and install it from the repios19:16
cfairlesseyacat, hacky, but echo "1" | xargs echo "2 + " | bc19:16
ActionParsnipjg47hm: is the file marked as executable?19:16
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: may also be on the install cd19:16
jg47hmActionParsnip: how to mark it??19:17
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: what's it called? sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper doesn't find it19:17
SaRyAzendale, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_in_use19:17
xanguajg47hm: right clic>properties19:17
ActionParsnipjg47hm: right click file -> properties19:17
Buttons840http://explodingjava.blogspot.com/2010/03/configuring-apache-and-tomcat-on-ubuntu.html  I have fallowed this tutorial, but I can still not get JSP pages to work properly on my server.  I've confirmed tomcat and apache are both working independently, so the problem must be the mod_jk configuration.  I don't know where to go from here?19:17
Guest12379which link i want to know that how i remove that blank screen19:17
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk19:17
ActionParsnipGuest12379: I told you, the ubuntu geek one...19:17
AzendaleSaRy: Thanks for the link19:18
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: I'll try it again, but last time I used that, I was having a lot of trouble and just finished uninstalling everything19:18
jg47hm<ActionParsnip> i did it but there is no option to make it executeable\19:18
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: I recommend using awired link. It helps lots19:18
Guest12379how i set boot kernel to nomodeset and single param19:18
napsterHow to register all fonts in my system?19:19
Guest12379and how to boot it in text mode19:19
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: well, that's a little complicated. I'm living out of my car, and my laptop's my one connection to the comforts of the internet. I'm tethering from my cell phone right now19:19
ActionParsnipjg47hm: even under permissions tab? You can also do it in cli using: chmod +x /path/to/file.exe19:19
napsterI ve copied all of them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype and also /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype19:19
Pici!nox | Guest1237919:19
ubottuGuest12379: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:19
dajhornIs #ubuntu+1 a permanently private channel now?19:19
ActionParsnipjg47hm: you can also right click the file -> open with ,then tell the OS to remember the association19:20
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: see, it's doing exactly what it was doing before again. FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.19:20
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: when I Try to load my drivers19:20
jg47hmActionParsnip: how to set the path19:20
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: then you haven't installed itright19:20
napsterHow to register all fonts in my system?19:20
napsterHow to register all fonts in my system?19:20
napsterI ve copied all of them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype and also /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype19:20
FloodBot1napster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
ActionParsnipjg47hm: its the location of the file in the OS19:20
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: how do you screw up sudo apt-get install ndisgtk? D:19:20
ActionParsnipAHemlocksLie: check the ndiswrapper documentation19:21
xanguanapster: or you can just double clic in the font files and install them19:21
pompomcan anyone help me how to change my ubuntu resolution display19:21
pompomxrandr: screen cannot be larger than 800x600 (desired size 1024x768)19:21
thenub314hi, I am an ubuntu newbie and I seem to be having a bit of trouble.  X keeps freezing on me, I can ssh into the machine fine, but it doesn't seem usuable.  Does the Nvidia driver under ubuntu have stability problems?19:21
ActionParsnipthenub314: run: sudo lshw -C display ,use the product line to find guides19:21
jg47hmActionParsnip: if the file is on  the desktop what i have to write to the command line>>>19:21
napsterxangua: but there are 500+ fonts with me to install! :-(19:21
datacrusheri got this error - mount.nfs: mount system call failed - trying to mount a remote nfs share, anywhere to look at/19:21
SaRyAzendale, This happens when u don't close firefox properly. Worth trying again with ' pkill firefox , or  pgrep firefox .. it will give the process id which is a four digit number say it gives 1234 .. do sudo kill -9 1234 .19:22
ActionParsnipjg47hm: chmod +x $HOME/.Desktop/filename19:22
SankyAgain, anyone knows how to set the primary monitor in Xinerama19:22
ActionParsnipjg47hm: replace the filename (case sensitive)19:22
coolsanhow can i boot in single user mode19:22
ActionParsnipcoolsan: add text to the boot options in /etc/default/grub then run: sudo update-grub19:23
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
Picinapster: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts19:23
ActionParsnipcoolsan: the extra boot option is: text ,just to clarify19:23
SaRyAzendale, You may have to kill different processes.19:23
Picinapster: Short answer is (probably): sudo fc-cache -f -v19:23
napsterPici: Thanks :-)19:24
Boeboewhat are the most performant nvidia drivers? The open source ones or the official binaries?19:24
AzendaleSaRy: I did the pgrep firefox and got nothing, so doesn't that mean there's no firefox running?19:24
ActionParsnipBoeboe: the proprietary imho, they don't work with maverick yet19:24
replicasexActionParsnip, btw, how would I switch to the open source driver (nvidia) and what kinds of performance hits would I take?19:24
AHemlocksLieif I'm getting "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found", how can I fix this?19:25
the_dark_warrioAfter upgrading from Lucid, my gnome-terminal opens in root folder. Any hints on how I can make it open in my home folder again?19:25
BoeboeAction: I am running them with maveric right now :x19:25
SaRyAzendale, it sure does .. but are you sure !19:25
KM0201AHemlocksLie: did you install ndiswrapper, and modprobe it?19:25
nebriBoeboe: I'm currently using the official binary versions, I can directly compare them with the windows version in terms of performance.19:25
AHemlocksLiekm0201: I used sudo apt-get install ndisgtk19:25
ActionParsnipreplicasex: the open driver isn't too shabby. You can blacklist the driver orif you use xorg.conf then specify the driver as nouveau instead of nvidia19:25
jg47hmActionParsnip: this command (chmod +x $HOME/.Desktop/filename) doesn't work. how to go to the location download in command line (using something like cd :/ downloads)???19:25
AHemlocksLiekm0201: I was gonna try to compile ndiswrapper, but it was compiling wrong, and I asked about it, so someone said to use ndisgtk19:26
KM0201AHemlocksLie: ok...19:26
KM0201you still have to modprobe it, to my knowledge19:26
Boeboeyeah, but I'm not concerned with the windows version. Just want to know what driver gets the best performance in linux :)19:26
ActionParsnipjg47hm: you said it was on the desktop. I also told you to change the filename part of the command to what the actual file is named19:26
AHemlocksLiekm0201: modprobe ndiswrapper gives same error19:26
ActionParsnipBoeboe: proprietary imho19:27
replicasexActionParsnip, do you know how I can tell if I'm using xorg?  I assume I am, but I dunno.  Also, any explicit instructions on how to edit it?  I'll google it too19:27
flypphi, could someone test if libnotify is working on lucid?. I'm trying "notify-send <some stuff>" and nothing happens19:27
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | AHemlocksLie19:27
ubottuAHemlocksLie: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:27
AHemlocksLiekm0201: from what I can piece together, I'm assuming when I Try to load my windows drivers, it runs modprobe ndiswrapper and gives the error, but that's just a newb guess19:27
nebriBoeboe: proprietary as well imho. Never had any issues with them.19:27
Boeboegood, sticking with those then, thanks :)19:27
ActionParsnipreplicasex: if you have a mousepointer and a desktop, you are using xorg19:27
jg47hmActionParsnip: yes it is in download too.. The file name is Setup.exe19:27
AzendaleSaRy: I also run sudo pgrep firefox  and it still gave no answer.19:27
AHemlocksLieactionparsnip: bonus of having to use my tethered phone? I can't visit https sites, including all the ubuntu docs -_-19:28
ActionParsnipjg47hm: same commandjust change the file19:28
lunksHello! :) I have a Windows VM inside my Ubuntu host using Virtualbox. Virtualbox can handle serial port virtualization/emulation. Is it possible for me to establish a connection to SSH on Cygwin inside the Linux machine? Via TCP it already works.19:28
SaRyAzendale, Try .. ps aux |grep fire19:28
lunks...of course, using a emulated serial port!19:28
KM0201AHemlocksLie: whats your wireless device anyway?19:28
AHemlocksLiewg511, v3 of v1, if that makes sense19:28
glithcdtrying to change the login box on the login screen ubutu 10.0419:29
AzendaleSaRy: I also tried apt-get remove --purge of the various firefox and firefox-gnome-support packages and it still doesn't work after reinstalling19:29
AHemlocksLiekm0201: I already have the drivers, and I foudn a guide saying that it should work, I just gotta get ndiswrapper to function first19:29
AzendaleSaRy: I get "teachers  2665  0.0  0.1   3324   792 pts/0    S+   14:28   0:00 grep fire"19:29
replicasexwell off I go to make a usb startup disc and reinstall!19:29
adrian_kxhi anyone can paste me a link to think_acpi install for thinkpad edge amd machine19:29
KM0201AHemlocksLie: i see..it's a PC card right, not a USB?19:29
KM0201AHemlocksLie: what is the link to the tutorial you used?19:30
AHemlocksLiekm0201 if that's what you call the ones you insert in the sides of laptops, yeah19:30
AHemlocksLiekm0201 oh god, lemme see if I can track it down again... I copied everything into a .txt file19:30
AHemlocksLiekm0201 actually, I'll just pastebin it19:30
adrian_kxanyone installed thinkpad edge 13 athlon neo x2?19:30
adrian_kxi just need a link to a tutorial couse bios support for linux acpi is not good19:31
jg47hmActionParsnip: Im writing this command (chmod +x $HOME/.Desktop/Setup.exe19:31
jg47hm) and the command line answers me ( «/home/grigoriades/.Desktop/Setup.exe»: No such file or directory)19:31
jimbobjimhi everyone19:31
jimbobjimcan someone tell me if its possible to install ubuntu FROM an external hdd19:31
Picijg47hm: Desktop is typically not .Desktop.19:31
jimbobjimthere are plenty of intructions to install it TO a hdd, but not FROM19:32
Picijg47hm: Just: ~/Desktop/Setup.exe19:32
panisis there a chance to get filetransfer working in empathy?19:32
adrian_kxwel ill try ubuntu ro19:32
adrian_kxsince none of u know anything19:32
AHemlocksLiekm0201 http://pastebin.com/ANRe8yRW it's pretty old, but I figure that just means it should work as well or better with the newer Ubuntu19:32
Guest12379after setting kernel into nomodeset mode its not working what i do19:32
AHemlocksLiekm0201: I've been piecing together information from a lot of places, but that's the gist of what I'm doing, using ndiswrapper to load the XP drivers19:33
AHemlocksLiekm0201: it sounds like it should work... if I can just get fucking ndiswrapper to work19:33
PiciAHemlocksLie: Please mind your language here.19:34
nebrijimbobjim: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick will allow you to install from a USB thumbdrive if you can't install from a cdrom/dvd.19:34
replicasexDo you guys think that the whole nvidia/xorg kerfuffle could be avoided if I stopped using special effects?19:34
AHemlocksLiepici: sorry... I'm starting to get really frustrated with this, been trying to fix ndiswrapper for like 2 or 3 days now19:34
noooHow can I move the close/min/max buttons to the right (Windows style) of windows?19:35
Armageddonis there an application that hides KDE applications in gnome and vice versa ?19:35
KM0201AHemlocksLie: can you get PM's?19:35
SaRyAzendale, so you didn't get a line like "sary      1997  0.0  0.0   1900   428 ?        S    15:26   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/firefox19:35
AHemlocksLiekm0201 I suppose I should, I'm using Xchat19:35
AzendaleSaRy: Nope. I just got the line of grep finding itself19:36
KM0201thought you said you were on a phone or something.19:36
filospinatoc'è qualcuno che parala italiano?19:36
Pici!it | filospinato19:36
ubottufilospinato: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:36
nillaHey guys, how is it going?19:36
nebriArmageddon: In gnome you can right click on your applications menu, then enter the menu editor. Beside each entry you can place a check mark to hide/unhide applications from the menu without deleting them if that’s what your after? Don't know about KDE though as I don't use KDE myself.19:36
SaRyAzendale, then it'snot running.19:36
nillaI installed the Unity interface in 10.04 NB19:37
filospinatoemmm io non parlo inglese che volemo fà?19:37
nillaI was wondering, would that allow the Unity interface to work exactly as it does in 10.10?19:37
AzendaleSaRy: I tried moving the .mozzila folder and then running firefox again, and it made a new .mozilla and profile. However, it still get the same error!19:37
Armageddonnebri, I use Gnome as well and have been for almost 3 years now, but you know KDE applications all over the place into each other is not organized so I'm looking to show KDE apps in KDE and Gnome in Gnome, I found this http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/13/ubuntu-to-kubuntu-keeping-the-menus-clean/ but it seems that if I install applications they won't get organized19:38
Chaos2358whats the terminal command to remove un needed stuff?19:38
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SaRyAzendale, so it's not about the  user profile.19:38
Chaos2358i thought it was sudo apt-get auto remove19:38
ArmageddonChaos2358, what do you mean by un-needed stuff ?19:38
durtChaos2358, autoremove19:38
Chaos2358no space?19:39
ArmageddonChaos2358, sudo apt-get autoremove you mean ?19:39
Armageddonyes no space19:39
Chaos2358ok it's just been a rough day brain isnt working right19:39
Chaos2358thank you guys19:39
durtChaos2358, also see the man page for much more info, recommended.19:39
SaRyAzendale, am looking at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24555/19:39
nebriArmageddon: Ah sorry, that's the best I had for ya in terms of KDE/GNOME applications. Not sure what else to try/do :(.19:40
Armageddonnebri, me neither... thanks anyway :)19:40
kukibird1nooo ,  In a terminal  gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string menu:minimize,maximize,close19:40
cvexkeksHow to uninstall video driver on 10.10 and/or install the old on from 10.04? Intel 915GM, Dell Inspiron 1300.19:41
van7huhi everyone ,is there a way to get "fast user switch applet" back in ubuntu ,I just delete it and could not find out the way to get it back19:42
AnxiousNutHow can i make virtual terminal font larger? I really can barely read the text on my ubuntu 10.04 server monitor!19:42
nillaDoes anyone else think the Unity interface is a little... silly?19:43
blakkheima monitor on a server..?19:43
erUSULAnxiousNut: if i recall correctly ---> sudo dpkg --reconfigure console-setup19:43
elb0wWhat nvidia drivers can I install that will work with ubuntu? The proprietary arent loading my monitors19:43
lunganWhat command to se chipset on wifi?19:43
xanguavan7hu: right clic in the panel> add> indicator19:43
glithcdi want to change the login box 0n ubuntu 10.0419:43
ArmageddonAnxiousNut, Edit -> Profile Preferences19:43
glithcdi already figured out how to change the background19:43
erUSULAnxiousNut: or maybe directly editting /etc/default/console-setup19:43
erUSULlungan: is apci card or usb?19:44
glithcdnow i jus need to either move or completely change the box u type your password in19:44
van7huAnxi: sorry,i miss -:)19:44
HelloMommyhow can I allow just a group to be able to mount a partition using fstab?19:44
lunganerUSUL, apci19:44
erUSULlungan: lspci | grep -i net19:44
lunganThank you19:44
SaRyvan7hu, You mean .. The Indicator-Applet-Session !19:44
glithcdSaRy, me?19:45
van7huxangua,SaRy: "fast user switch applet" not "indicator applet"19:45
SaRyHi there glithcd19:45
glithcdSaRy, hello19:45
glithcdSaRy, can u please see if u can help me?19:46
SaRyvan7hu, fast user switch !19:46
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LordDragonhey all19:46
SaRyglaucous, let us all see .. how can we help you19:46
replicasexOk, so I just made a startup disc with 10.04 but when i booted it I got a 'unknown keyword gfxboot' error19:47
glithcdSaRy, help?19:47
LordDragoni want to install 10.10 with wubi. i see wubi doesnt support 10.10 directly, but is there a way to specify the 10.10 iso and force wubi to use that to install?19:47
skillet-thief2hi. I'm stuck between Karmic and Lucid. can't boot because of plymouth, but grub only proposes Karmic kernels. any general ideas about what I should do?19:48
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SaRy!details | glithcd19:48
ubottuglithcd: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:48
Boeboewhat exactly are the password strength requirements of ubuntu one? I can't seem to find a satisfactory password19:48
iswThis is going to sound crazy but thats ok. I'm a crazy person but... how do I restore the ubuntu "Download" directory & emblem after I permanently deleted it on accident..? :p19:49
glithcdSaRy, im trying to change the box that u type your password in on the gdm login screen in ubuntu 10.0419:49
glithcdSaRy, i already figured out how to change the background19:49
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glithcdSaRy, but i want to change the actual box now19:49
replicasexdoes anybody know anything about this problem with the usb startup disc?19:49
SaRyglithcd, try it with ubuntu-tweak19:49
van7huSaRy : "fast user switch applet",which always stays in right-top corner of gnome,I just delete it and find no way to get it back19:49
glithcdisw, i would assume that u could jus create a new folder and name it Downloads19:50
AnxiousNuterUSUL, i can see! thanks :D19:50
erUSULAnxiousNut: no problem19:50
iswglithcd: ahh yea I did... was just testing the irc waves to see if anyone knew how to restore the original download icon19:50
glithcdSaRy, i did, it let me change the icon on the login page nd a few little things but not the box itself19:50
glithcdisw, maybe check the emblems section in properties?19:51
Alecshi all19:51
iswglitchcd: yea I did lots of cool emblems but the default home directory emblems are nowhere to be found... kind of weird you would think they would all be in there19:51
kostashello do you know any channel to ask a question for elastix?19:51
glithcdisw, can i install login packages i get from gnome-look.org?19:52
aerodynamiczhow can i prevent my screen from going into sleep mode?19:52
glithcdaerodynamicz, check power options19:53
iswglitchcd: interesting idea thanks.19:53
LordDragonanyone know how to install 10.10 with wubi windows installer?19:53
SaRyglithcd, ah .. you want a GDM Theme.19:53
lungankostas, #elastix here on Freenode19:53
glithcdSaRy, yes19:53
SaRyvan7hu, okay. got it.19:53
SaRyglithcd, like this .. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ubuntu+elegant?content=9473419:53
kukibird1van7hu  on 10.10  it is  right click  add to panel  Indicator applet session19:53
claydhow do i turn on auto completion after sudo?19:54
glithcdSaRy, yes just like that19:54
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glithcdaerodynamicz, left click the battery icon on the top panel and go to preferences19:54
SaRyglithcd, like what !19:54
glithcdaerodynamicz, then choose your options there19:54
PaperBoylol wtfark.com/mirror-image19:55
glithcdSaRy, u have the right packages, but my man question is how do i install the package in ubuntu 1019:55
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glithcdSaRy, *10.0419:55
glithcdSaRy, i already figured out how to change the background19:55
gaelle-L1i installed ubuntu 10.10 and i want a dual boot ubuntu/XP, but XP is not in the list in Grub2, also, i can't mount the XP partition, i ve got an error "NTFS is either inconsistent ...error mounting exit code 13", do you know how to fix the problem ? thanks :-)19:56
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glithcdSaRy, but now how do i change the actual box that u type ur password in?19:56
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LogicallyDashinggaelle, if you can see the drive in Ubuntu, run fsck on it19:56
SaRyglithcd, i remember doing it once .. hold on.19:57
glithcdSaRy, thx19:57
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van7hukukibird1 : I am using 10.04,"Indicator applet session" seems to like "fast user switch applet" but w/o suspend,hibernate and etc...,btw I am finding those thingg on it19:57
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elb0wCan I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?20:00
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azkorlHello, I have a curiosity. I'm running ubuntu 10.10 and adobe flash. Adobe flash is very vulnerable and known for it's legendary known for it's vulnerabilities. My question is, will flash make my system insecure?20:01
gaelle-L1i installed ubuntu 10.10 and i want a dual boot ubuntu/XP, but XP is not in the list in Grub2, also, i can't mount the XP partition, i ve got an error "NTFS is either inconsistent ...error mounting exit code 13", do you know how to fix the problem ? thanks :-)20:01
IdleOneelb0w: yes, you might need to change LTS releases only to Normal Releases in the Software Sources20:01
azkorlAnd if yes, what can a flash exploit do on my linux box.20:02
van7hukukibird1 : Problem solved."indicator applet session" is what I need20:03
erUSULazkorl: is a wide attack surface ... but it is really usefull ( youtube ;P )20:03
SaRyvan7hu, :)20:03
Wraithuleki have broken ntfs partition, i can't resize it with gparted20:03
Wraithulekthere are way te rescue this?20:03
glithcdSaRy, any luck so far?20:03
azkorlerUSUL,  Not only youtube, a lot of things are made with flash unfortunately but yes, youtube is one of them.20:03
undecimWraithulek: Can you read the files on it?20:03
azkorlerUSUL,  but I'm curious what can actually an exploit do to my linux box...20:04
zkajehi everybody20:04
SaRyglithcd, still looking for those steps.20:04
glithcdSaRy, thank you very much20:04
glithcdSaRy, i have been looking for days and have only found how to changed the background20:04
HeLLRagehi all20:04
van7huelb0w : I only guess,you cant upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 because 10.04 is LTS20:04
Odin_Eidolonhello there :) having trouble installing ubuntu 10.10 on my samsung nc10. ubiquity crashes because of "parted_server unexpectedly crashed"20:04
glithcdSaRy, but the login box is ugly and i want to change it20:05
Wraithulekwhen i want to mount it it nothing happens20:05
HeLLRageneed some help20:05
HeLLRageneed javascript20:05
masterrcan someone help me20:05
elb0wI fixed it20:05
elb0wupgrading now20:05
masterrhow can install libcurses in UBUNTU ?20:05
WraithulekError mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (266245181): Invalid argument20:05
durtHeLLRage, just ask.20:05
SaRyglithcd, i know what you mean :) .. am getting there.20:05
glithcdSaRy, thankyouthankyouthankyou20:05
undecimglithcd: With the new GDM, you can't change the login box20:05
glithcdSaRy, =(20:05
masterrhow can install libcurses in UBUNTU ?20:05
azkorlIs there a way to change the login screen?20:06
azkorlmasterr,  Go to ubuntu software center.20:06
glithcdSaRy, then why on gnome-look do they still distribute the login packages when u cant use them?20:06
zkajehelp pls, im trying to make network boot and install ubuntu. dhcp and tftp servers are configured. dhcp gives ip, tftp gives file if connect to it manually, but when reboot & network boot situation follows like this: dhcp gives ip, then waiting for tftp responce, but tftp timeout. HELP PLS20:06
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HeLLRagehelp plzz need install javascript bt420:06
azkorlmasterr, Applications>Ubuntu software center, search for libcurs then install it.20:06
elb0wSo in a system over here 10.10. When the user is trying to make system changes it is not popping up a dialog20:07
elb0wso that he can become sudo20:07
siddhionhi. i use gnome and i can not figure out how to make the sides of my windows thicker so i can have more than 2 pixels of grab space when resizing or moving windows. any ideas?20:07
Wraithuleki have broken ntfs partition, i can't resize it with gparted20:07
trismmasterr: you likely want libncurses5-dev20:07
Wraithulekthere are way te rescue this?20:07
undecimelb0w: Have you typed your password for administrative actions recently?20:07
WraithulekIts error when i want mount it20:07
WraithulekError mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (266245181): Invalid argument20:07
undecimelb0w: You will see a key icon on your indicator applet20:07
elb0wundecim, nope. It is not asking at all20:08
undecimelb0w: What exactly are you changing?20:08
glithcdelb0w, maybe try doin su in terminal then typing your password?20:08
Benkinoobyhi, i installed bootchart, but after uninstalling it, it seems, that my boot process is a but messed up. i have to admit, that i played with bootchart long ago and that there might me an other plausible reason. is there a way to inspect the bootprocess without bootchart?20:08
Benkinoobylike dmesg or something?20:08
zkajehelp pls, im trying to make network boot and install ubuntu. dhcp and tftp servers are configured. dhcp gives ip, tftp gives file if connect to it manually, but when reboot & network boot situation follows like this: dhcp gives ip, then waiting for tftp responce, but tftp timeout. HELP PLS20:08
lenzyhey, how do i enable circular scrolling on 10.1020:08
glithcdelb0w, does that put the key in your taskbar?20:09
c3lcan I change theme for rythmbox?20:09
smallfoot-c3l, no20:09
smallfoot-rhythmbox follows system theme20:10
kekhow do i run .xinitrc instead of the ordinary gnome session in 10.04 with gdm?20:10
asieralgien me puede decir como hago una particion en linux ???20:10
ganeshranhi which is the best IDE for ubuntu20:11
wal3hello. my syslog is been flooded with: kernel: [ 2022.278562] gspca: URB error -62, resubmitting20:11
SaRyglithcd, guess what .. i can't tell ya !20:11
ganeshranfor doing HTML, Javascript, php coding20:11
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glithcdSaRy, well thankyou for you effort20:11
durtlenzy, there's a click box in preferences>>pointing devices20:11
glithcdSaRy, its well appreciated =)20:11
undecimganeshran: Have you tried KompoZer?20:11
SaRyglithcd, got it for you ..20:11
glithcdSaRy, any clue where else i could find my answer?20:11
glithcdSaRy, listening..20:12
enemaglithcd, i think i can help you.20:12
arkyre Ubuntu vs FreeBSD for a newbie: if I install GNome on FreeBSD and have some support, should I be able to operate FreeBSD as well as Ubuntu? Free BSD seems like a better system, but harder for a newbie to use.20:12
glithcdenema, listening..20:12
lenzydurt: i cant find it20:12
enemaok, i have this blog site where i do tutorials about stuff like this.20:12
ganeshranundecim: nope. is it good? I tried emacs but its too CLI based for me20:12
SaRyglithcd, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant-Brit.ton?content=10480420:12
lenzydo i have to install something?20:12
syslq_arky: it's even more obscure that's all20:12
ganeshranundecim: looking for a more GUI based IDE20:12
enemawant to check it out?20:13
undecimganeshran: It's alright, I never really use and IDE for web development, just Vim, which is a CLI text editor.20:13
glithcdSaRy,  i will give that a try20:13
arkysyslq: you mean not many users, but a good OS?20:13
durtlenzy, ya maybe, can't remember the package name but should be in synaptic.20:13
glithcdSaRy,  thank you very much20:13
SaRyO' wait .. thats for the Gnome screensaver right !20:13
glithcdenema, u were saying??20:13
ganeshranundecim: I like my colour coding and auto formatting. blame it on my Visual studio experience :)20:13
SaRyglithcd, you're welcome :)20:13
glithcdenema, was that directed to me?20:14
ganeshranundecim: Is eclipse good to be used for php/html and JS coding?20:14
wal3hello. my syslog is been flooded with: kernel: [ 2022.278562] gspca: URB error -62, resubmitting20:14
undecimganeshran: Try kompozer then and see how you like20:14
lenzysynaptic is already installed20:14
undecimganeshran: Never used eclipse20:14
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ganeshranundecim: ok i will install it. Thanks.20:14
durtlenzy, heh, synaptic package manager, and maybe software center.20:14
ganeshrani am running LiveAndroid on virtualBox with Android as guest and Ubuntu as Host OS. But I am not able to connect to the internet.20:15
ganeshraninsite guest od20:15
lenzyxserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed20:15
arkyWhat's your opinion on Ubuntu vs FreeBSD for newbies?20:15
ct529hi everybody .... how do you compare two binary files to see how different they are?20:16
lenzythere's only horizontal scrolling in preferences20:16
ct529(20%different, or 30 different or ....)20:16
berefeira! hellos20:16
trismct529: vbindiff is pretty good for that (if you actually want to see the hex and where they differ)20:16
AHemlocksLieI'm having some problems with ndiswrapper, anyone know how to fix a FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found error from modprobe or ndisgtk?20:16
SaRyglithcd, may wan download this tutorial .. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6786897/ubuntu_customization.tar.gz20:17
durtlenzy, not talking about synaptics, but rather synaptic package manager. the settings window is called gpointing device settings, but again I can't remember the package name.20:17
berefeirais anyone else having trouble connecting to irc via ipv6? I'm using miredo20:17
ct529trism: thanks a lot!20:17
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lenzyokay, thanks20:18
Odin_Eidolondurt, i'm having trouble installing ubuntu 10.10 on my samsung nc10. ubiquity crashes because of "parted_server unexpectedly closed"...20:18
Odin_Eidolondo you have any idea about it?20:18
glithcdSaRy, i believe that is only a lock screen20:18
glithcdSaRy, i dont know if there is a difference between the login screen nd that but i think there is..20:19
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ganeshranIs Kompozer in the package manager?20:19
ganeshranIt says package not found20:19
KM0201!info kompozer20:19
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.8~b3.dfsg.1-0.1 (maverick), package size 6575 kB, installed size 17288 kB20:19
durtOdin_Eidolon, sry no, but there is a thread on ubforums about it, just google.20:19
jimcooncatarky: Ubuntu has better community support for new people.20:19
liquidmeson@KM0201 in the software center kompozer shows up20:20
KM0201liquidmeson: ok, so install it20:20
ct529trism: it works, but I would like to measure how different they are20:20
arkyjimcooncat: thanks. Are you conversant with both OS's?20:20
Guest30845hey guys can i installe IE in ubuntu bcuase i hav web sit with asp lang20:21
durtOdin_Eidolon, google the error message that is.20:21
intraderI have a usb drive,I deleted autorun.inf. Now I have a problem with context menu;perhaps not related. The context menu does no longer pop up (to allow me to unmount the drive)20:21
undecimGuest30845: You can try IE4Linux20:21
liquidmeson@KM0201 yep it installs and works fine.20:21
undecimGuest30845: Otherwise you need to run Windows in VirtualBox20:21
ganeshranGuest30845: Why do you need IE for ASP code. As long as your supports it, it will run20:21
Guest30845undecim it dosn't work20:21
ct529trism: do you know if there is a tool to do that, that measures how many bytes are actually different?20:22
KM0201liquidmeson: i guess i don't understand what the other gus problem was20:22
ganeshranAS long as your server supports it20:22
Guest30845aspx its for microsoft20:22
Guest30845i can writ in my forum20:22
Guest30845i can't20:22
kostashello do you know any channel to ask a question for trixbox?20:23
kostasor asterisk general20:23
Guest30845the solution is to run winxp on VirBox20:23
jMylesAwful question to have to ask: Can I create a bootable windows disk on a USB flash drive from Ubuntu?20:23
ganeshranGuest30845: aspx pages will open perfectly in Firefox /chrome. If you are looking for development testing, then try any linux servers that can serve ASP.NET pages. I doubt if there are any20:23
durtkostas, searchirc.com20:23
undecimGuest30845: asp is server-side code. It doesn't matter what browser you're using.20:23
ganeshranGuest30845: I dont see the need for IE in your problem at all.20:24
nertilhow is possible my camera isnt recognized by lsusb20:24
VeasMKIICan someone point me in the right direction for fixing my media in ubuntu, it keeps showing green flickering artifacts after upgrading from 10.0420:25
Guest30845nop ther is problem wen i want to Write in my forum i can't20:25
liquidmesonnertil, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras is it on there?20:25
nertilno i think20:26
nertili think it is plug and play camera without drivers, on windows i just pluged without drivers20:26
ganeshranGuest30845: See this link. You can setup apache to serve aspx pages and test in Firefox/chrome. Development you can do with any text editor. http://www.ivankristianto.com/software-development/mono/howto-run-asp-net-on-linux-with-apache-web-server-mono-mod_mono/760/20:26
undecimGuest30845: Well that's a problem with your server or your ASP code, not your browser20:26
jimcooncatarky, no, I've looked at FreeBSD, but after chatting with them I concluded I'd need more handholding than what they were willing to give at the time. I'm not a noob to computing, either -- just BSD20:26
scampbellanyone having luck getting the latest WoW running under 10.04 or 10.10?20:26
l_rhow fast is 10.10 (boot/use) compared to 10.04 on the same machines in your experience20:26
erUSUL!appdb | scampbell20:27
ubottuscampbell: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:27
smallfoot-scampbell, try #winehq20:27
scampbellyeah, I know, just thought I'd ask. Looks like a total fail :(20:27
Guest30845hmmm thx guys20:27
Benkinoobydoes some1 know a powerfull pdf-viewer like okular? i love okular but it has too many dependencies for my taste and evince lacks of many functions.20:27
ganeshranGuest30845: I think its a problem of code specifically written for IE which isnt working in other browsers. Not sure if IE can be installed through WINE. But you are better of, using windows in that case20:27
liquidmesonl_r, bout the same :/ looks nicer tho20:27
Guest30845ganeshran yes20:28
l_rliquidmeson, nicer in what sense?20:28
trismct529: not off the top of my head, would be pretty simple to write in a couple lines of python for a naive implementation that doesn't consider insertions or deletions, only changes, depends what you want20:28
Guest30845it is20:28
arkyjimcooncat: thanks20:28
aartist  I have portable harddisk. Can I install Ubuntu on it?20:28
WXZthe definition for recommends is really weak huh?20:28
liquidmesonl_r, updated gtk themes nice wallpapers, just simple stuff20:28
nertilweird i cant see the camera with lsusb20:28
SmilodonisHi, who can i find out, (or where) that what is using my bandwidth? Like what program etc.20:28
nertilSmilodonis,  type ifconfig20:28
glithcdaartist, i think u would have to use unetboot to accomplish that20:29
=== dvenable is now known as aldous
ganeshranmaverick package servers are crawling :( downloading at 3KBps :( :(20:29
Smilodonisnertil: Thanks, and is there a way to know which program is using what amout of it?20:29
Guest30845there is channel for ubuntu but to speak franch ??20:29
glithcdaartist, http://ubuntuguide.net/create-bootable-live-usb-ubuntu-with-unetbootin20:30
WXZGuest30845: ubuntu-fr20:30
durt!fr > Guest3084520:30
ubottuGuest30845, please see my private message20:30
Guest30845thx guys20:30
Guest30845ubottu whats problem ??20:31
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
WXZwhat is a recommended package?20:31
TLFwhen I update my system20:31
TLFI get a changelog screen20:31
Guest30845hi tlf20:31
TLFcan I deactivate this???20:31
Smilodonisnertil: Thanks, and is there a way to know which program is using what amout of it?20:31
nertildont know20:32
cbert_hey does anyone know about colinux20:32
Smilodonisnertil: Thanks anyway20:32
ChogyDanWXZ: it is a package that is usually installed, but is not required20:32
cbert_i'm having issues putting it onto my system i would like some help20:32
WXZanyway to get synaptic to turn off d/ling recommended packages20:33
moldycan i not report bugs on launchpad via the web anymore?20:33
SmilodonisHow can i find out which application is using what amount of my bandwidth??20:33
nertilhow is possible i cant find my webcam at LSUSB20:33
Benkinoobycan i run 2 different GUIs in two different terminals?20:33
cbert_does anyone know about CoLinux20:34
moldyahh, never mind, found it. damn, that's well hidden...20:34
=== caemir_ is now known as caemir
AHemlocksLiehow do I add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules?20:34
durtBenkinooby, yes, you need to start two X sessions. But don't ask me how...20:34
ChogyDanWXZ: check the options, it is there20:35
llutzAHemlocksLie: echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules20:35
erUSULAHemlocksLie: echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules20:35
MrKeunerhello, when I run eclipse from the terminal it can see a certain env variable that has been exported in ~/.profile. However, when I use the launcher in Gnome panel it doesn't. Any ideas how I can fix that?20:35
Benkinoobydurt, thx20:35
fghdo i need the alternate iso to be able to chose what packages to be installed?20:35
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
erUSULfgh: no; you need minimal iso20:35
erUSUL!minimal > fgh20:35
ubottufgh, please see my private message20:35
AHemlocksLiellutz: printed "ndiswrapper", does that mean it worked?20:36
erUSULfgh: alternate does not let you choose iirc20:36
llutzAHemlocksLie: no20:36
AHemlocksLieerusul: same thing, see ^^20:36
erUSULAHemlocksLie: yes20:36
AHemlocksLiellutz: does that mean it failed?20:36
llutzAHemlocksLie: sry, yes20:36
WXZChogyDan: thanks, found it20:36
chus225hi all20:36
AHemlocksLieokay, good20:36
AHemlocksLieerusul, thanks20:36
AHemlocksLiellutz, thanks20:36
VCoolioBenkinooby: if you want more x sessions from tty, try something like "xinit /path/to/wm -- :1"20:37
fgherusul: it used to be 3 alternatives. minimall, common and all or am i wrong?20:37
chus225has anybody already managed to do tethering in ubuntu 10.10?????????20:37
nertilhow is possible i cant find my webcam at LSUSB20:37
liquidmesonsmilodonis, iftop might help.. it will show you where your bandwith is going20:37
=== derek is now known as MGMTM3
fghi dont want staroffice and stuff like that...20:37
erUSULfgh: dunno; been a while since i instaled a freshh ubuntu system ... can check in a kvm here ...20:37
eeboyI want to start a slide show app (qiv) on startup. I've added it as a startup application via System->Preferences->Startup Applications but it fails to launch. It may actually be launching but promptly exiting when another startup application launches after it taking the focus. Is there a better way to achieve my desired result?20:37
BenkinoobyVCoolio, thanks... reading the xstart man page which says something similar to your advice. thx20:37
kostashello my friends?Do yiu khow why i cant connect to the #asterisc channel?Am usinc xchat and when i try to connect ....do nothing20:38
Smilodonisliquidmeson: Thanks, will give it a ty20:38
kostas#asterisk sorry20:38
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:38
VCooliokostas: some channels require being registered with freenode20:39
fgh!alternatve CD20:39
rww!alternate | fgh20:39
ubottufgh: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:39
MathuinI'm having a hard time accessing the bug database.  Is the server slow or is it my school internet or what?20:39
nertilhow is possible i cant find my webcam at LSUSB20:39
nertilhow is possible i cant find my webcam at LSUSB20:39
kostasVCoolio:thanks man...20:40
kostasubottu:thanks man...20:40
glithcdkostas, does the webcam have a power button?20:40
liquidmesonnertil, maybe your webcam require a power and usb cable?20:40
WXZanyone know why my quick search in synaptic package manager is greyed out?20:40
fcnAre there any complaints about netbook edition isos or is it about my crappy dvdrom?20:40
durtWXZ, possibly it's re-indexing.20:41
liquidmesonwxz, it might be rebuilding the list..20:41
WXZso.. just wait a while?20:41
liquidmesonwxz, give it a minute or so then i'm not sure20:41
* alex88 online from ipv6 with sixxs :)20:42
FullThrottelStopHello, I am experiencing problems with sound on a fresh Maverick install. No soundcard is detected but lspci lists them as available but "unclaimed". I spent the whole day browsing forum posts and wiki docs but could not find a solution. Would anyone be so nice and try and help me?20:42
glithcdnertil, lol i was tellin the wrong person things i meant for u20:42
durtWXZ, I'd use the full search function as quick search seems to not go through the full list.20:43
c3lhow do I get audacious to look as it looks on its site (http://audacious-media-player.org/)? I cant find that skin20:43
FullThrottelStopI have already uploaded my alsa script results to http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2e40ab616c25ae7826f6fd7125272604e934ab4f20:43
glithcdnertil, does the webcam have a power button?20:43
erUSULFullThrottelStop: what sound card?20:43
coz_FullFlannelJacke,   I am having similar issues with the default kernel on maverick... I had to use the lucid default kernel version fro my sound card to work20:44
nertilglithcd,  no bro20:44
FullThrottelStop0:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)20:44
FullThrottelStop01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5600 Series]20:44
WXZhow big is the live CD install?20:44
coz_WXZ,  about 2.5 or 3 gigs I believe  but not su re20:44
coz_WXZ,   I generally use the minimal install cd20:45
tasaduqHi everyone, I have a problem installing windows applications via wine software, any help?20:45
WXZthat's what I'm using coz_20:45
FullThrottelStopTHe soundcard do not show in any mixer program. One thing I was able to do was disable the onboard sound in the bios and t hen it showed the Radeon sound device in the mixer but still no hearable output was produced.20:45
WXZbut right now, with the programs I've installed20:45
WXZI'm at about 1.5 gigs20:45
glithcdnertil, and its not listed when u type lsusb, right?20:45
coz_WXZ,   ok  well let me check what I have installed here hold on20:45
erUSULFullThrottelStop: manually loading snd-hda-intel does not work ?20:46
glithcdnertil, and your positive that it works period?20:46
sjokkishi. i took out some drives from my stationary today, leaving just the system drive. now when it boots up it shows the splash screen, with progress bar and all that, and once the splash screen disappears i'm left with a blinking cursor in the top left corner, and nothing further happens, even though i've waited for ~20 minutes. i can't switch to any other TTYs, so i'm not sure how to get any information on what the problem is. any takers?20:46
BluesKajFullThrottelStop, make sure  alsa-base and alsa-utils are installed20:46
nertilin windows yes20:46
tasaduqHello, anyone to help me?20:46
nertilits plug and play wthou drivers20:46
glithcdmaybe u cold ndiswrap the windows driver?20:46
coz_WXZ,   I do believe it to be around 2 gigs20:46
sporkboyokay. updated to 10.10, boot hung on blank screen after some messages, can only get it going in failsafeX from recovery. I'm looking at xorg-pushers ppa for newer nvidia drivers. anybody have any reasons not to do that or better ideas?20:46
WXZfirefox, openoffice-calc, openoffice-writer, xorg, gnome-core (none of which have recommends)20:46
nertilglithcd,  no drivers :)20:46
WXZthat's about 2 gigs20:46
coz_WXZ,  are you haveing hard drive storage issues20:47
ChogyDansporkboy: what does dkms status say?20:47
WXZcoz_: I'm tesing it on a 4 gig system20:47
erUSULFullThrottelStop: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel20:47
WXZtrying to get the actual "system" as low as possible20:47
glithcdnertil, im lost, search it on google, the compatibility of your webcam/mic and linux?20:47
liquidmesonwxz, could try lubuntu20:47
c3lhow do I get audacious to look as it looks on its site (http://audacious-media-player.org/)? I cant find that skin20:47
nertilglithcd,  wait im giving u picture of webcam20:48
sporkboyChogyDan, nvidia-current, 260.19.06, 2.6.35-22-generic, x86_64: installed20:48
sporkboynvidia-96, 96.43.18, 2.6.35-22-generic, x86_64: installed20:48
sporkboynvidia-173, 173.14.28, 2.6.35-22-generic, x86_64: installed20:48
coz_WXZ,  well if you are using  the minimal install cd  dont choose anything...then reboot and  sudo apt-get get install  ubuntu-desktop  or xubuntu-desktop ...which ever you want20:48
glithcdnertil, brb20:48
WXZcoz_: gnome-core20:48
coz_WXZ,  I would  assume the lubuntu or xubuntu  would be the smallest install20:48
WXZI'll try lubuntu20:48
coz_WXZ,  yeah  just dont choose anything to install from the minimal20:48
ChogyDansporkboy: interesting.  You have all 3 installed.  Why?20:48
WXZoh, I didn't20:49
mikeru Huge problema.20:49
WXZyou mean the "extra features" thing20:49
sporkboyChogyDan, bc I was switching around seeing if any of them worked.20:49
coz_WXZ,  the lubuntu is the lxde desktop...based on gtk like gnome but still very very young20:49
mikeruI installed maverick on a friends machine20:49
Nasobulgari ima li ?20:49
mikeruHe wanted to test it20:49
Nasobulgari ima li ?20:49
hxcjonnysniperokay can someone help me connect to a wired connection? ive been trying to for days.20:49
coz_tasaduq,  what is the issue?20:49
mikeruSo the partition thing showed up20:49
WXZcoz_: does it have the same apps that gnome does?20:49
FullThrottelStoperUSUL: tried but no change20:49
rusivi!ask | tasaduq20:49
ubottutasaduq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:49
kevin_Hi, can someone please help me with Wine? I get this error when trying to run an executable: Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".vbs".20:49
mikeruWith 40 gb for ubuntu and the rest for the existing windows installation20:49
FullThrottelStopBlueskaj: both packages are already installed20:49
ChogyDansporkboy: check /var/logs/Xorg.0.log20:49
coz_WXZ,  no  not as many and as I recall it doesnt use nautilus either  but not sure20:50
rypervencheThe ibus-daemon on my top panel stops working after I use my laptop for a while. I upgraded to Maverick recently. It won't let me turn it off or restart it when it's like that either. Is there a solution for this?20:50
WXZthat's bad coz_20:50
tasaduqcoz, I can't run windows applications via wine, the .exe files won't execute. and sorry.20:50
mikeruI accidentally clicked Use entire hard drive or whatever the optioon was called20:50
coz_WXZ,  oh?  what do you need?20:50
hxcjonnysniperno wired network. need help.20:50
VCoolio!bg | Naso20:50
ubottuNaso: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently20:50
mikeruThen I clicked divide hard drive or whatever that was called to bring it back to ubu tu plus windows20:50
WXZfile-browser-applet, tomboy, notification area, system tray20:50
llutzkevin_: that one needs visualbasic runtime environment20:50
sporkboyChogyDan, just says it can't load GLX. (googling that led me to xorg-pushers ppa) want the exact error?20:50
alexis_alguien habla español?20:50
rusivi!wine | kevin_20:50
ubottukevin_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:50
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to get ndiswrapper working, and I think I'm getting conflict from prism54. When I run ndiswrapper -l, under driver installed, it says "device (1260:3890) present (alternate driver: prism54)", which I assume to mean prism54 is already loaded DESPITE BEING BLACKLISTED ALREADY, and sudo modprobe -r prism54 doesn't change anything. Anyone have any suggestions?20:50
guntbert!bg | Naso20:50
coz_WXZ, you can install those  later20:50
rusivi!spanish |alexis _20:50
ubottualexis _: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:50
ChogyDansporkboy: use pastebin20:50
mikeruBut I clicked install and it used the whole hard drive nevertheless20:50
kevin_llutz, do you know the specific winetricks command for it?20:51
WXZoh, so I *can* install the apps20:51
llutzkevin_: no20:51
WXZit just doesn't come with it20:51
mikeruIm sure it is a bug on the installation20:51
alexis_donde escribo eso?20:51
WXZis that what you meant?20:51
mikeruBut anyway how can I recover the lost partition and files?20:51
lasindiHi all, I just upgraded to 10.10, but my mic isn't working anymore. I've been putting all the controls in alsamixer up to 100 but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?20:51
coz_WXZ,  as I said I am not sure  what comes with lxde  /  lubuntu  you will have to check online for that20:51
kevin_llutz, ok, thank you though20:51
tasaduqmikeru, its almost impossible to recover them.20:51
erUSULmikeru: testdisk can recover partition tables.20:51
fghthe minimal install isnt graphical?20:51
sporkboyChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/afaZ5STL20:51
erUSUL!undelete > mikeru20:51
ubottumikeru, please see my private message20:51
llutzkevin_: /j #winehq20:51
tasaduqno one to help me D:20:52
mikeruErusul I used test disk and it found the ntfs partition20:52
WXZcoz_: ok20:52
erUSULmikeru: so what is the problem?20:52
mikeruBut listing files only showed . And ...20:52
alexis_ubottu... donde lo tengo q poner?20:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
erUSUL!es | alexis_20:52
ubottualexis_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:52
rusivi!ask > tasaduq20:52
ubottutasaduq, please see my private message20:52
WXZerUSUL: mikeru is trying to recover it20:52
FullThrottelStoperUSUL: stupid question but should modprobe return some sort of feedback? I get no feedback from the command.20:52
WXZ(the partition)20:52
usuarioJust install ubuntu 10.20  and additional drivers  are now working.Is a Broadcom20:52
ChogyDansporkboy: have you tried reinstalling?20:53
erUSULFullThrottelStop: no;: nothing. check "alsamixer"20:53
usuariointernet wireless driver is not20:53
ChogyDansporkboy: the nvidia driver, that is20:53
usuariois a broadcom b4320:53
kevin_ty llutz20:53
AHemlocksLieoutside of sudo modprobe -r prism54, is there another way to unload the prism54 module? modprobe -r isn't working20:53
usuarioi can only go online usin ethernet20:53
alexis_they are from argentina?20:53
erUSULusuario: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter20:53
rusiviusuario: Yours is internal wifi NIC, or USB/External adapter?20:53
sporkboyChogyDan, yep. xserver as well. I'm gonna try these pusher upgrades real quick. may be back.20:53
rwwalexis_: some, yes.20:54
erUSULusuario: while conected to internet by wire20:54
llutzAHemlocksLie: rmmod    u20:54
FullThrottelStoperUSUL: blank program window in gnome-alsamixer20:54
rusivi!spanish > alexis_20:54
ubottualexis_, please see my private message20:54
WXZmikeru: so you only have 1 partition20:54
john38i cant enable personal file sharing??20:54
erUSULalexis_: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:54
AHemlocksLiellutz: rmmod u prism54?20:54
=== crankharder is now known as Seivnt
WXZbut testdisk shows the old partition right?20:55
john38it says i need required packages to be installed20:55
llutzAHemlocksLie: rmmod    prism54             (don't know where the u came from :)20:55
usuariorusivi, is internal20:55
Guest30845there is chanel for ubuntu arab ?20:55
john38it says i need required packages to be installed20:55
john38i cant enable personal file sharing??20:56
usuarioerUSUL, I have the latest20:56
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:56
rusiviusuario: Have you had a chance to check out !ndiswrapper ?20:56
mikeruWxz: ubuntu and swap20:56
AHemlocksLiellutz: okay, I'm confused. saying mod doesn't exist in /proc/modules, but when I run ndiswrapper -l, doesn't (alternate driver: prism54) mean it's using prism54?20:56
lasindiAnybody have any ideas for my mic issue?20:56
usuariorusivi, How i do that ?20:56
mikeruUsed to have 7 and HPRECOVERY20:56
rusivi!ndiswrapper | usuario20:56
ubottuusuario: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:56
WXZmikeru: ok, well don't make any changes to your partition20:56
mikeruwxz uh huh20:57
erUSULusuario: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer20:57
llutzAHemlocksLie: i don't know anything about ndiswrapper, sorry.20:57
coz_laieman_,   you already opened alsamixer from terminal to be sure no slider is too low or muted?20:57
WXZI did this before, I just need to remember how20:57
llutzAHemlocksLie: but yes, i would read that so20:57
WXZyou're running from a live CD now right?20:57
AHemlocksLieanyone familiar with ndiswrapper, does (alternate driver: prism54) mean it's using the prism54 module?20:57
siddhionhi. i use gnome and i can not figure out how to make the sides of my windows thicker so i can have more than 2 pixels of grab space when resizing or moving windows. any ideas?20:57
usuarioerUSUL, firmware-b43-installer is already the newest version.20:57
mikeruWxz: USB20:57
AHemlocksLiellutz: see, that's what I figure, but if the module's not loaded... wtf?20:57
mikeruThough ubuntu is already installed and it has been booted20:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:58
john38i cant enable personal file sharing??20:58
john38it says i need required packages to be installed20:58
erUSULsiddhion: use a different theme for the window manager. one with thicker borders20:58
osx5hello again20:58
androidbrucehey guys, lately i've been having a problem with applications crashing or sluggish, they dim and almost force close, is this a gnome issue?20:58
WXZtime to search my archives20:58
erUSULusuario: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan20:58
siddhionhmm ok erUSUL20:58
osx5does anyone know a command to turn X off or stopping it? I want to get into a command prompt on my ubuntu minimal again20:58
cmyrlandHi all. I'm having trouble with my Acer Aspire 3810T laptop. When I want to resume from suspend it reboots, hence making suspend useless. I've tried following the instructions over at the ubuntuwiki, but the only result I got was losing the ability to suspend/hibernate completely. This is the command that was supposed to make it work: sudo sed -i.orig -e 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"i8042.reset=1 /g' /etc/default/grub &&20:58
cmyrlandsudo update-grub20:58
liquidmesonsiddhion, report a bug in launchpad ubuntu20:58
erUSULosx5: sudo stop gdm && sudo pkill X20:58
lasindicoz_, was that directed at me?20:58
john38well ubuntu obviously has file sharing in preferences20:58
=== Seivnt is now known as crankharder
usuarioerUSUL, wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down20:59
VCoolioosx5: ctrl+alt+f1-6 for tty's, alt+f7 to get back; sudo service gdm stop  to stop x20:59
suboneI have 2 screens and most games mess up my resolution so that my screens are mirrored, sometimes one screen is distorted, sometimes the game just fails to fullscreen, sometimes i just dont want to take up all my screen realestate, and usually i am left in mirrored mode after the game is over. Is there any way to specify one of my screens for ANY game to use and leave the other alone, and/or a way to force ANY game to a window, even if20:59
suboneit just thinks it's fullscreened?20:59
osx5VCoolio: ty20:59
mikeruSometimes its ctrl-alt-f820:59
duncan-nzoh dear, the empathy interface for irc is cluttered! boxes around every bit of text!21:00
siddhionerUSUL, where can I find the 'Window Manager? in Appearance PReferences > Theme?21:00
osx5VCoolio: odd, it killed the gui but the background is still tehre, i'm on icewm21:00
rusivicmyrland: part of known issue, feel free to "mark yourself affected": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/40512021:00
siddhionerUSUL, isnt there a way I can just manually change the width of the border?21:00
usuarioDo i have to give elevated permission to my wireless crier or something21:00
mikeruosx5: What are you trying to do?21:00
duncan-nzNew question: who should I talk to to get a paid app into the USC?21:00
usuariois not working and i did all i can21:00
siddhionerUSUL, I ask this because I like my current themes appearance21:01
guntbert!ot | duncan-nz21:01
ubottuduncan-nz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:01
osx5mikeru: just get into a command prompt with no gui21:01
BluesKajosx5, actrl+alt+f1 , will bring you to the tty where you can type stopx , the to return to the desktop ctrl+alt+f721:01
rypervencheThe ibus-daemon on my top panel stops working after I use my laptop for a while. I upgraded to Maverick recently. It won't let me turn it off or restart it when it's like that either. Is there a solution for this?21:01
glaucehow can I install software from ubuntu dvd? It seems to be enabled in synapticm however, software that is easily reacheable from the dvd on live-dvd mode, isn't on the installed system. Any clues?21:01
WXZmikeru: dang, can't find it21:01
mikeruosx5: Uninstall x21:01
WXZbut as I remember it was pretty simple21:01
usuariohow to turn on wireless card manually21:01
VCoolioosx5: then gdm isn't the one to stop I guess, try 'killall X'21:01
c3lin audacious, how do I enable the sorting of all music files, like sorting of 'artists', 'title', 'album' etc etc. how do I enable this?21:01
mikeruWxz: =S21:01
erUSULsiddhion: there is a button to personalice or tweak the theme.21:02
WXZtestdisk gives you options for each partition it finds21:02
Buttons840I'm looking for some help with my apache/tomcat configuration.  Apache is serving pages through localhost, and tomcat works on port 8080.  My best guess is I have a configuration problem with mod_jk.  Currently jsp pages are not being evaluated, but served plain with jsp code and all.21:02
duncan-nzguntbert: you're quick off the mark with the ot notice, it was just an observation before I wrote my question21:02
mikeruWzx: yes, change type list files etc21:02
cmyrlandrusivi: okay, I'll do that. Thanks.21:02
astropirateAnyone know where i can find good looking Ubuntu signiture/banner image?    I'll take one if you have it!21:02
siddhionerUSUL, interesting. where is it located?21:02
mikeruList files shows nothinG!21:02
BluesKajosx5, stopx21:02
WXZit looks something like this "1 -- partition /dev/sda1 \n 2 -- some label /dev/sda2" etc.21:02
john38i cant enable personal file sharing in Preferences>personal file sharing21:02
erUSULsiddhion: in the theme selection window21:02
WXZthere's supposed to be 1 option which asks you if you want to save the disk image21:03
liquidmesonsiddhion, right click on the desktop and change background, theme is the tab on the left21:03
usuarioHow can activate my wireless broacom wireless card in ubuntu 10.1021:03
erUSULusuario: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up21:04
siddhionerUSUL, yes I see the Customize Theme button21:04
TrieselHi, is it possible to have /boot inside of a LVM? Or in other words is Grub able to boot LVM?21:04
WXZ.... don't see that option @ mikeru?21:04
john38i cant enable personal file sharing in System>Preferences>Personal file sharing??????21:04
usuarioerUSUL, SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill21:05
siddhionerUSUL, I have located the Window Border tab but I just want to alter the left, right and bottom border thickness, not change the entire theme. You understand?21:05
siddhionliquidmeson, you know?21:05
liquidmesonjohn38, what happens when you right click on the folder in question and click share options21:05
kpomanhi all !21:05
erUSULusuario: check the enable wifi button in yuour laptop. make sure the wifi is enabled21:05
geniehi all, I am trying to upgrade to 10.10 but I got error when I run update-manager : Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.21:05
erUSULsiddhion: yes; but i do not think is possible21:06
kpomanguys do someone know how to force gnome to mount an ntfs with ntfs-3g driver instead of fuseblk21:06
john38liquidmeson, when i go to personal file sharing i cant click Share public files on network21:06
Black_PhantomHello all, whats the best dvd player for Ubuntu ? I want one that can show menus21:06
siddhionerUSUL, NOOO!!!! this is terrible.21:06
siddhionerUSUL, I guess I'd have to make my own theme or hack the current one.21:06
duncan-nzBlack_Phantom: have you tried the one you've got? The next would be VLC.21:06
john38liquidmeson, "this feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system"21:06
mikeruWzx: Nope...21:06
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mikeruAnyway he jst left21:07
mikeru(and he hates me lol)21:07
erUSULsiddhion: hacking the current one is an option yes21:07
mikeruI'll tell him to not use it till tomorrow21:07
liquidmesonjohn38, try typing app>access>terminal: sudo apt-get install samba421:07
Black_Phantomduncan-nz, yes I tried both, VLC cannot select from menus :/ and sometimes the dvd is split into many VOBs which is a problem playing with VLC where I have to play each one of them separately21:07
duncan-nzBlack_Phantom: bummer, sorry no other ideas. Nothing on google?21:08
siddhionerUSUL, do you know any guides to help with that?21:08
WXZmikeru: good job on getting your friend to hate linux21:08
liquidmesonsiddhion, well this is the problem right here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/160311 it is annoying alot of people, including myself21:08
erUSULsiddhion: no21:08
dewa19first try using xchat, kinda cool21:09
siddhionerUSUL, ok thanks21:09
astropirateAnyone know where i can find good looking Ubuntu signiture/banner image?    I'll take one if you have it!21:09
john38liquidmeson, i thought personal file sharing was a gnome app21:09
siddhionliquidmeson, I see what you were refering to before. I never considered it a bug, just bad UI design.21:09
liquidmesonsiddhion, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/160311/+attachment/1635345/+files/light-themes_0.1.8_all.deb21:09
hihihi100how do I know if my soundcard has a midi port?21:09
liquidmesonsiddhion, install that file and re select the theme, should fix it21:09
erUSULhihihi100: look in the back of the computer. a midi port in this day and age should stand out21:10
PaulBtried to upgrade to 10.1021:10
PaulBand now i get this on the welcome screen21:10
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liquidmesonall problems are is bugs21:11
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FriarI'm having troubles getting this: http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/VPN-Over-SSH/ to work....does anyone have experience with vpn over ssh?21:11
liquidmesonhihihi100, http://www.google.com/images?q=midi+port21:12
usuarioerUSUL, the wifi button maby dot work21:12
usuarioerUSUL, can i do this manually21:12
Friarthe first error that I'm getting is: Warning: Identity file /root/.ssh/rsa_id not accessible: No such file or directory.21:12
erUSULusuario: o aqui o en #ubuntu-es en los dos sitios no21:12
john38liquidmeson, i still cant enable Share public files on Network21:13
SmoodoHow could I get the command 'VBoxManage startvm "Webserver" -type=vrdp' to run as user 'webuser' at boot, but after all other services have loaded?   Looks like 'upstart jobs' are something to learn about.  I only know about init.d scripts of the old days, and IIRC this should be a runlevel 3 job.21:14
nertilhow to make grub seconds to be 60 or 30 not 1021:14
hihihi100k, i dont have a midi port21:14
geniehi anybody get this error when try to upgrade?21:14
genieW: GPG error: http://ubuntu.qualitynet.net lucid-security Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B521:14
izinucsgenie: that typically means that you have some non-ubuntu repos listed in your current install..21:15
rypervencheAfter using my computer for a while, my sound stops working and my ibus-daemon as well. I get the "---" by the speaker and it gives me no options when I click on it. I thought it was an ibus problem, but it seems to be something else. Can anyone help me with this?21:15
nertilhow to make grub seconds to be 60 or 30 not 1021:15
WXZmikeru: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step#Save_the_partition_table_or_search_for_more_partitions.3F21:16
genieizinucs, how can I fix it?21:16
erUSULnertil: edit /etc/default/grub file then run « sudo update-grub »21:16
* replicasex sighs in relief21:16
replicasexI'm back on 10.0421:16
TLFI get a changelog screen when I upgrade my system. Can I deactivate this??21:17
siddhionthanks liquidmeson  but what theme do i select?21:17
izinucsgenie: look in synaptic package manager and the list of repositories in there.. deactivate that repo21:17
duncan-nzgenie: that's not so unusual, it's often just temporary or a network problem. check your connection and try again later.21:17
okay_hi. is it harder to live boot ubuntu with cd or usb stick?or the same?and is it easy to setup on a mac?21:17
liquidmesonsiddhion, which ever works :p21:18
Anonymous1988Hi. I'm looking for a program like debug.exe but for linux. I try to use gdb but I need something else, more similiar to a debug.exe. Anybody knows one please?21:18
nertilthank you erusul21:18
duncan-nzgenie: actually I agree with izinucs. I hadn't noticed it was a custom repo. Usually a good idea to disable them when upgrading releases.21:18
grahamperrinWhat's the easiest way to have VNC service running at startup time, before a user has logged in? 10.10 here21:18
duncan-nzgrahamperrin: try dragging the service from the menu to the startup application dialog.21:19
mikeruWzx I'll look into that thanks21:20
mikeruWzx not my fault the installation is buggy T_T21:20
geniealso i am getting error when I try to upgrade to 10.1021:20
genieAuthentication failed21:20
genieAuthenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.21:20
genieis it related to the same issue?21:21
ganeshranHi i am trying to install apache and it says pacakge has no installation candidate21:21
ganeshranis apache not part of synaptic?21:21
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noob-tuxit is part21:22
duncan-nzganeshran: try apache221:22
noob-tuxcheck or google it21:22
metoikosis there any solution for laptop brightness problem on 10.10 ?21:22
rypervencheMy sound stopped working. It is now affecting a lot of my applications. I'm on Maverick and when I click on the sound icon (which has --- next to it) it shows no options. What could have caused this?21:22
ganeshranduncan-nz: thanks. It is present. Doesnt apt-get usually give names of similar packages? It doesnt seem to do it now21:22
grahamperrinduncan-nz: thanks, so all the things that are already in 'Startup Applications Preferences' are things that run **before** any user logs in to Ubuntu?21:22
genieduncan-nz, is this error for the same reason?21:23
genieduncan-nz, error: genie> Authentication failed21:23
genie<genie> Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the21:23
sjokkisi'm removing a couple of old drives from a machine. i've already removed them from /etc/fstab and it boots fine, but when i physically disconnect them it fails to boot, with no error messages printed to screen. any ideas?21:23
noooHas anybody here used remastersys?21:23
duncan-nzgrahamperrin: I'm not sure, but it works for me. Make sure you also check the boxes in System > Preferences > Remote Desktop21:24
mikeruWzx in fact, I even faked that I had clicked erase everything (he didn't watch me installing it)21:24
stercorOFFTOPIC!  What does this mean in English: Si cette lettre d'information ne s'affiche pas correctement dans votre messagerie21:24
mikeruSo that he wouldn't hate linux21:24
elb0wHow do I check my version of Ubuntu?21:24
rypervenchestercor: I'll translate in /query21:24
erUSUL!version | elb0w21:24
rww!version | elb0w21:24
ubottuelb0w: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:24
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ganeshranhi is tasksel not a part of ubuntu 10.10. I am trying to install the lamp stack but it gives an error21:25
stercorrypervenche: What's /query?21:25
grahamperrinduncan-nz: OK, I'll try it. Should I also uninstall krfb? (I guess that it can contend with the VNC service that integral to Ubuntu.)21:25
Kyle__Is anyone here familiar with the drive-benchmark in disk-utility?21:26
rwwganeshran: nope. do "sudo apt-get install tasksel" first21:26
ChogyDanganeshran: apt-get install lamp-server^21:26
stevenfrancais ?21:26
ganeshranrww: thanks I will try this21:26
rww!fr | steven21:26
ubottusteven: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:26
ganeshranChogyDan: Thanks. Will ths install whole stack? Including php?21:26
stevenquel est l'adresse pour tchat en francais ?21:26
grahamperrin"Startup programs are automatically saved and safely closed by the session manager when you log out"21:26
grahamperrinhmm. I'll try it though21:27
KenBW2am I best with NVidia, ATI or Intel for Ubuntu & general Linux support? open source drivers would be nice but aren't a necessity21:27
kpomando someone have any kind of solution to disappearing files on ntfs partitions ? http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=994688021:27
Kyle__KenBW2: Open source drivers, for 2d, all are good.  For 3d, Intel > ATI > NVidia.21:27
duncan-nzgrahamperrin: I can log into my pc from the remote desktop, so it does work.21:27
Kyle__KenBW2: That said, the closed source Nvidia drivers are really good.21:27
Firartixhey thair, willing to know if you can help me :P21:28
duncan-nzgrahamperrin: I mean log in when there is no-one logged into a session yet.21:28
Firartixi kind of have a inter-os clock issue :(21:28
siddhionliquidmeson, i have extracted the files nwo where do I place them?21:28
KenBW2Kyle__: Indeed, I have NVidia atm but am thinking for the future21:28
meerahi, what is best back up program for externel hd? I nstalled simple backup config and simple backup restore program.21:28
ChogyDanganeshran: it does the task, which includes php21:28
Firartixwhich cause either of Win7 or Ubuntu to be +-2h from real time21:28
Firartixmodifying the time in the top screen bar changes it in the BIOS right ?21:29
maxigasI am upgrading from 10.4 to 10.10, but I have the default full disk encryption that the installer (of 10.2) have set up.  Should I be worried about this bug then?   Extra features include retrieving and21:29
maxigas manipulating frames from video files that can later be also manipulated by21:29
maxigas PHP's own image functions.21:29
FloodBot1maxigas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
xbonesxanyone know how to take the music from a video and turn into a mp3?21:29
Kyle__KenBW2: Once in awhile I do run into a bug with the open-source nvidia drivers, but thats when doing things like virtualizing a windows7 desktop, and running a jaba based screen sharing app from within the windows VM.  The closed source drivers fixed that issue.21:29
Kyle__KenBW2: but like I said it's a really far out there issue :)21:29
__cool__hm, people, why don't in evolution the triangles work any more? cannot unfold to see the subfolders... googling didn't find me something relevant...21:29
liquidmesonsiddhion, shouldn't need to extract the file21:29
liquidmesonopen a terminal and type: sudo dpkg -i locationto.deb21:30
KenBW2Kyle__: so why Intel > ATI > NVidia?21:30
liquidmesonsiddhion, open a terminal and type: sudo dpkg -i locationto.deb it should now be installed21:30
maxigasI am upgrading from 10.4 to 10.10, but I have the default full disk encryption that the installer (of 10.2) have set up.  Should I be worried about this bug then?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/512640/21:30
siddhionliquidmeson, so were do I put the 'light-themes_0.1.8_all.deb'21:30
liquidmesonsiddhion, the .deb file is like an exe file in windows21:30
liquidmesonsiddhion, once it is installed you can delete the .deb file21:31
Firartixso uh ... you guys got any clue about my clock issue stuff :s ?21:31
Kyle__KenBW2: Intel releases open source drivers more often IMO, and they are generally more stable.  When the ATI open source drivers are good, they're great, but I have had stability issues with them.21:31
Kyle__And the open-source nvidia drivers are really poor on 3d.21:31
glithcdhmm all of a sudden i have 2 universal access preferences icons on my top panel, how can i get rid of them?21:31
rypervencheMy sound stopped working. It is now affecting a lot of my applications. I'm on Maverick and when I click on the sound icon (which has --- next to it) it shows no options. How can I fix this without having to restart? It's not the first time it's happened.21:32
Kyle__Holey crap... This dell at work has an 80GB ATA drive hooked up through an adapter to the SATA channel.  How freakin cheap were they being!?21:32
duglasFor years I have been visiting this site (http://www.smh.com.au) now for some unknown reason I am being redirected to this site (m.smh.com.au) ... same content just different formatting.  Anyone got any ideas as to why?21:32
steven78salut :)21:32
duglasI am running chromium-browser21:32
KenBW2Kyle__: so why Intel > ATI > NVidia? 1024x768 on a 17" monitor is painful21:32
Nolan_Hestergoing next year to start my degree in computer science :)21:32
haakonnduglas:  sounds like their mobile version21:33
KenBW2Kyle__: oops21:33
c3lduglas: it thinks you're on a mobile device, hence the m. in the url.21:33
siddhionliquidmeson, hmm looks like I have a dependency problem. i need gconf2 2.28.1-2 but I only have 2.28.121:33
KenBW2Kyle__: I've had problems with resolutions in the past. 1024x768 on a 17" monitor is painful21:33
duglasbeen on a desktop all the time.21:33
liquidmesonsiddhion, well i guess make sure maverik is uptodate21:34
Kyle__KenBW2: 17" crt or LCD?21:34
rypervencheduglas: Yeah, I happens to me too on Chromium, but not on Firefox.21:34
siddhionliquidmeson, im in lucid21:34
* Kyle__ just uses whatever is native for LCDs, but has never had problems with any res on any of those brands of cards.21:34
KenBW2Kyle__: LCD21:34
Rixwhy does the browser in the ubuntu live cd version not have flash plugin..and i cant install it cause it's live cd21:35
Kyle__KenBW2: What happens?21:35
siddhionliquidmeson, i did a 'sudo apt-get upgrade' right before21:35
KenBW2Kyle__: i just get 1024x76821:35
KenBW2Kyle__: although if i boot with my 19" CRT and swap the cable i can get 1152x86421:35
xbonesxcan anyone tell me how i might be able to record the sound from a video into a mp3?21:35
rypervencheRix: It's always been that way Rix. If you use a USB drive you can upgrade right to the USB drive.21:35
rypervencheMy sound stopped working. It is now affecting a lot of my applications. I'm on Maverick and when I click on the sound icon (which has --- next to it) it shows no options. How can I fix this without having to restart? It's not the first time it's happened.21:36
Kyle__KenBW2: Which card?  It's possible that it's not detecting the monitor properly... it can happen.21:36
duglasHow do I tell chromium that it is on a desktop???21:36
KenBW2Kyle__: Nvidia...er something and my Dell MIni 921:36
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Kyle__KenBW2: THe mini9 had an nvidia card?21:36
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KenBW2Kyle__: no lol21:36
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LWSDesignsrypervenche some messaging clients and voip clients like zoiper tend to take over all sounds and control might be something running?21:37
Rixrypervenche thanks but how can i do that,i use usb stick but i cant install anything21:37
Kyle__KenBW2: OK I was gonna say...21:37
KenBW2Kyle__: my desktop with Nvidia card and my dell mini 9 both exhibit the problem21:37
liquidmesonsiddhion, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:37
lorphis it possible to have rc.local start a screen session in the background on boot? everytime I reboot, I don't see the screen sessions, but when I manually run /etc/rc.local it works21:37
Kyle__KenBW2: Ah ok.  Make sure it's not on mirroring mode, and tell it to re-detect the montior.21:37
Guest67852Alright I want to put ":(){ :|:& };:" in a bash script but its not working (DONT PUT IT IN YOUR COMMAND LINE)21:38
KenBW2Kyle__: i only have the 1 monitor (atm)21:38
Rixi boot the os in live mode21:38
rypervencheduglas: Go to the bottom of the page and click on "Standard site" I think it was.21:38
Guest67852withut the quotes21:38
Guest67852but it doesnt run21:38
Kyle__KenBW2: I think it's a button that says "Detect Monitors".  I've seen bad vga cables & extention vga cables make the system unable to properly detect the monitor, and just default to 1024x768 only.21:38
KenBW2Kyle__: doesnt help21:39
Kyle__KenBW2: Also check the refresh rate.  That can screw it up as well.  Most cards can't display some resolutions at particular refresh rates.21:39
Kyle__KenBW2: Weird.21:39
* Kyle__ frowns21:39
LWSDesigns#!bin/bash is at the top of the script and chmod 755 nameoffile to make it excutable21:39
Rixis it possible to install flash plugin in firefox in the live version of ubuntu placed on usb stick21:39
duglasrypervenche: thanks ... lets hope it sticks21:39
ady01guys can anyone recomend a good ubuntu domain controller/authentication server software - tried a few including webmin - any pepople have good recomendations  ?21:39
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KenBW2Kyle__: yea i tried that too21:39
Kyle__KenBW2: Have you tried switching to the closed-source driver?21:40
LWSDesignsady01 there are samba and active directory setups for mulit os networks21:40
KenBW2Kyle__: already am doing21:40
ady01thanks lwsdesigns was looking for something more graphical/web based really21:41
Martin_vWSince Ubuntu 10.10, FIrefox has a new icon for the back button. Can I somehow restore the old Firefox icons?21:41
ady01something simlar to webmin lwsdesigns21:41
LWSDesignsady01 Well yea gui is kinda rough but webmin will controller everything for you21:42
StormTideanyone know how to get pbuilder to play nice with custom cflags?21:42
liquidmesonUnder applications, does anyone else have a blurry accessories  and sound icon?21:42
liquidmesonthis is on a fresh 1010 install21:42
Mike1_hey! I installed Firefox 4.0 today and I’m using the tabs in traditional mode (not selecting “Tabs on top”). It tries to display all tabs on the screen, making them too small for any title-text if I open more than a dozen tabs. Is there a way to get the old behaviour back?21:42
noooHow can I copy a directory and all subfolders into another directory, INCLUDING files/folders starting with a '.'?21:42
etyuihi there21:42
ady01they seem to have stopped making webmin, last update was ages ago lwsdesigns21:42
WXZvirtual machine, increased base memory, swap partition still being used the same amount though21:43
ikoniaMike1_: how did you install firefox 4 ?21:43
WXZis that normal?21:43
etyuiwhat this command do ? chown -R21:43
Mike1_ikonia: mozilla dev ppa21:43
ikoniaMike1_: ok, so that's who you need to contact for support21:43
blakkheimetyui: man chown21:43
KenBW2kyle___: meh, more Googling. Thanks for the advice21:43
=== coryclaxon is now known as Cory`
etyuiyes man21:43
blakkheimetyui: no, i mean in a terminal run "man chown" to learn about it21:43
LWSDesignsthe developer is still maintaining webmin to my knowledge...and cloudmin and various other packages to complement webmin for cluster installs21:43
bluefrognooo cp -r21:44
Mike1_ikonia: btw: why am I not in #ubuntu+1?! I did /join ubuntu+1!21:44
etyuiwhat this command do ? chown -R21:44
james_:(){ :|:& };:      is a command I am trying to put in a bash script21:44
blakkheim!repeat > etyui21:44
ubottuetyui, please see my private message21:44
bluefrogMike1_, you will have to wait a few days21:44
ikoniaMike1_: because we don't support mozilla's PPA's - that's up to Mozilla21:44
erUSUL!danger | james_21:44
ubottujames_: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:44
ikoniaMike1_: so please contact the PPA owners/maintainers for support21:44
ady01there is sun enterprise authentication server lwsdesign but its hard to set up and past my knowledge ! lookinf to see if anyone has used something like this21:44
grahamperrinconnected remotely to Ubuntu 10.10, responses to    sudo fsck -n /dev/sda5    include:21:44
grahamperrin /dev/sda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced.21:44
Sayo__dudes sup21:44
nooobluefrog: -r is ignoring .folders too21:44
shiweiexcuse me, who can tell me how to use the root?21:44
Sayo__i wrecked my MBR halp :(21:44
grahamperrincan I schedule a forced fsck at startup time?21:45
ikonia!sudo > shiwei21:45
ubottushiwei, please see my private message21:45
bluefrognooo no21:45
blakkheimshiwei: they won't tell you here, they say "use sudo instead"21:45
erUSUL!sudo | shiwei21:45
ubottushiwei: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:45
james_whats that command do?21:45
WXZSayo__: reinstall it, dude21:45
blakkheimshiwei: see what i mean21:45
llutzgrahamperrin: sudo touch /forcefsck                will force fsck on next reboot21:45
shiweiok  thank you21:45
shiweisudo -i?21:45
ikoniablakkheim: because that's the supported method21:45
ikoniashiwei: that works too21:45
Sayo__in reality, i deleted the partition GRUB was on, now when i boot it goes right to grub> recovery. tried reinstalling grub via apt-get, but it's not recognizing anythinggg21:45
YeTr2Why can't ubiquity handle LVM..?21:45
LWSDesignsady01 well there is a sambagui in debian / ubuntu gsambad here i have domain controller setup for xp and windows 7 login and just maps home directoyr and sharies etc21:45
RoloHiya.  I've updated to Maverick, but I can't change theme and my toolbar and icons are all plain.  I have an nvidia 9800 gfx card, using the nouveau drive I see the themes okay but it's all really low res.  Any ideas?  I removed nouveau and used restricted nvidia driver but no joy.  Any ideas?21:45
julian_my wifi conection is very slow,21:46
shiweisuccess    good job man .....thank you21:46
grahamperrinllutz: thanks21:46
ikoniashiwei: you helped yourself, so good job you21:46
WXZSayo__: 1 sec21:46
julian_i install the driver for my wifi, but is very slow21:46
etyuiok i try to explain my problem21:46
ABGDpube salad21:47
ady01that sounds like what im looking for lwsdeisgns, just not for windows !21:47
WXZSayo__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:47
Sayo__WXZ: ty!21:47
Firartixwhy won't you guys answer anything to me XD ?21:47
AvoHelp! So I just rebooted my Ubuntu Lucid box after thunderbird started hanging. I noticed before I rebooted that the system was acting VERY odd, dialoge boxes were white, and I couldn't open anything.. So I went to an open Nautilus window and tried to do something, and i got the message that my MAIN FILESYSTEM WAS READONLY!!! How on earth could this happen? When I rebooted, I got stuck at a shell type thing called initramfs.. and had to har21:47
Avod reboot. I'm on a different partition now. WTF happened? Have my files been lost? How can I fix this? THANKS SO MUCH!21:47
LWSDesignsady01 then its easy since the install I have I wasted hours and hours ubuntu worked like that if you even want you can use ldap and nfs shares for just linux systems21:48
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etzijoin #hgb21:48
julian_hey gays, i have a problem, my wifi connection is very slow, but i install the drivers my hardwer to wifi, but is slowwwwwwwwww21:48
etyuii m following a tutorial where they ask to do : chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ but when do this thing i got a error like that : "         chown: user non valid: «asterisk:asterisk»            " what i have to do ?21:49
Madwilli want to have a tomcat server, i was wondering if i use normal ubuntu and add tomcat am i going to suffer a lot from it21:49
KB1JWQetyui: Build a user called asterisk? :-)21:49
etyuihow ?21:49
dugger5688etyui: replace the * with the correct username.21:49
glithcdwho was i just talking to??21:49
RambJoedoes the global menu in ubuntu 10.10 netbook support QT?21:50
etyuii m following a tutorial where they ask to do : chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ but when do this thing i got a error like that : "         chown: user non valid: «asterisk:asterisk»            " what i have to do ?21:50
Madwillis there such a thing as a stripped down ubuntu ?21:50
julian_anyone know how to make wifi connection fastast=?21:50
etyuiyou mean this line asterisk:asterisk by correctuser:correctuser ?21:50
KenBW2Madwill: ubuntu-minimal i believe21:50
kenajhi people! how are you today? I am a newbie with a problem connecting witthout a wire to the internet. computer says "device not ready, firmware missing." what do I do to connect without a wire?21:50
erUSUL!minimal | Madwill21:50
ubottuMadwill: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:50
julian_anyone know how to make wifi connection fastast=?21:51
julian_anyone know how to make wifi connection fastest=?21:51
tasaduqhello, compiz is installed on my system, can anyone tell me where to active and deactive certain functions? when I search compiz in gnome do, it does not appear, but synaptic package manager says its installed.21:51
etyuiyou mean this line asterisk:asterisk by correctuser:correctuser ? dugger568821:51
LWSDesignsetyui have you added the user to the sytem with sudo adduser asterisk21:51
FirartixMmh guys i got some kind of issue with wifi... i think it's driver related, but i'm not really sure :(21:51
Firartixi can't get to connect to my school's wi-fi under ubuntu21:52
Madwillthanks a lot, lastly would you guys recomment Maverick Meerkat ? or should a stick with lucid lynx ?21:52
Firartixit uses hidden SSID and multiple broadcasting access points21:52
dugger5688etyui: The tutorial probably means replace is you $USER:$USER where you replace $USER with whatever your user name is.21:52
dwhiteheadHas anyone found a solve for the changes to Remote Desktop in 10.10? I could remote to my 10.04 just fine...21:52
Firartixit works fine on Win7 though21:52
Firartixand i heard people saying they had no problem with Ubuntu21:52
Firartixbut it just won't work on my comp21:52
etyuiok thx working now21:53
tasaduqFirartix, you will get a good reply and faster, if you sum all your problem in one line.21:53
julian_anyone know how to make wifi connection fastest=?21:53
zieenHey I've got a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 and I can't get sensitivity/acceleration settings in mouse preferences to work.  Nothing c hanges no matter where I put the sliders.21:53
dugger5688dwhitehead: have you updated recently?21:53
tasaduqhello, compiz is installed on my system, can anyone tell me where to active and deactive certain functions? when I search compiz in gnome do, it does not appear, but synaptic package manager says its installed.21:53
chris_julian_: Purchase N Router if your WiFi card support N Wifi, maybe?21:53
Firartixexcuse me <_<21:53
Firartixsoo well let me' sum it up21:53
Sayo__hey, wxz, I'm on a USB live stick, and as per the guide i  ran mount | tail -l, the address it pointed me to was sdb5, but I think that's the usb stick, not my install on  the  internal drive, thoughts21:54
dwhiteheaddugger5688: upped to 10.10 earlier this week21:54
dugger5688tasaduq: 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'21:54
chris_tasaduq: "aptitude search compiz | grep system"21:54
RambJoedoes the global menu in ubuntu 10.10 netbook support QT?21:54
epaphusHello. Has anybody been able to "burn" a bootable iso to a usb stick such as: sudo dd if=usb-image.iso of=/dev/sdb  ... i cant get it to work.... iam trying to burn a ubuntu minimal iso.21:54
gnubieinteresting on my notebook, the boot sequence halts to a black screen after the grub selection menu. Turns out it is the preload app that is doing it.21:54
Sayo__i would assume if i hadn't changed my mount since booting onto the stick, i'm not mounted on the internal drive21:54
WXZWXZ: it should be fine if later on you replace "sdb5" with "sda"21:54
sporkboybackground: upgraded to 10.10, hangs on blank screen on boot. got all my x log errors cleared, but it's still not coming up. ideas?21:55
dugger5688dwhitehead: I know, but have you run updates since then? The 10.10 remote desktop bug is fixed. If you're still having trouble you should file a bug report.21:55
FirartixI can't get to connect to my school's Wi-FI network (hidden SSID, multiple access points, and in-browser auth) using Ubuntu. I got no issue on Win7 though. Do you think it's driver related ?21:55
dwhiteheaddugger5688: will try that, thanks!21:55
Sayo__WXZ: that'll put it on my main MBR of the drive?21:55
Martin_vWSince Ubuntu 10.10, FIrefox has a new icon for the back button. Can I somehow restore the old Firefox icons?21:56
WXZI don't know if you need the UUID of your first partition though21:56
WXZsudo grub-install /dev/sda21:56
WXZ*should* work21:56
dugger5688if you need the UUID type "sudo blkid"21:56
WXZbut if it doesn't try sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/UUID_of_your_ubuntu_partition /dev/sda21:56
Martin_vWI even tried to install a theme, but it actually changes all icons _except_ the back icon and the other icons in that bar :-(21:56
WXZI'm assuming you only have 1 hdd right Sayo__21:57
Avohelp! my ubuntu partition wont mount!21:57
Avoit's read-only!21:57
Rixis it possible to install flash plugin in firefox in the live version of ubuntu placed on usb stick21:57
tasaduqdugger5688, i still can't get it...21:57
erUSULAvo: check it from a livecd;21:57
LWSDesignsFirartix I doubt it I think its the type of encryption they use....like tokens or EAP mode maybe21:57
AvoerUSUL, Okay, like boot to the ubuntu livecd?21:57
Sayo__WXZ: yup21:58
WXZthen yeah, what I said up there applies21:58
AvoerUSUL, And do what exactly? Verify that I can read it?21:58
LWSDesignsFirartix like software tokens with Radius or anything like that21:58
erUSULAvo: yes; the ubuntu livecd would do21:58
Sayo__it said it ran without errors but didn't print a map like the guide mentioned21:58
Sayo__well i'll try it21:58
dugger5688tasaduq: Install compizconfig-settings-manager, then it shows up under System->preferences->compiz config...21:58
erUSULAvo: fsck; gparted can do it21:58
WXZSayo__: sudo grub-install /dev/sda << this command?21:58
AvoerUSUL, Won't that destroy/have the potential to destroy data..?21:58
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Sayo__oh no21:59
tasaduqdugger5688, thanks, found it21:59
Sayo__WXZ: this one: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/99cb2048-c77e-4208-99eb-ea707079303c /dev/sda21:59
FirartixLWSDesigns: well21:59
WXZthat means it worked21:59
Kyle__hum.  Must've missed it21:59
Firartixthey don't use any kind of encryption LWSDesigns21:59
etyuiafter following a tutorial where evry thing works fine, now i want to automate all cli, what i have to do ?21:59
Firartixjust hidden SSID21:59
Sayo__well i'll restart it21:59
LWSDesignsFirartix hmm thats an issue I can't solve I have the same issue22:00
Firartixaw :/22:00
erUSULAvo: it all depends on the damage that is already done. you can ru a fsck with options to not touch anything only report problems. if that is ok. run the "repairing" fsck.22:00
etyuii mean is it possible to automate everything on a script i don't know ?22:00
erUSULAvo: fsck can move files to /lost+found/22:00
LWSDesignsI had a program installed trying to think of name green icon logo on ubuntu 6.06 to solve it22:00
AvoerUSUL, What do you mean damage done? I was using the computer perfectly fine for like 20 minutes, and now I'm just in windows on the same computer. So it can't be hardware.22:01
rocketsIs there any way to remotely control an ubuntu machine over the internet, without forwarding ports? E.g. something like logmein.com or gotomypc.com that's Linux compatible?22:01
SmoodoI am creating a list of table names from a file list.  I have the list of files from the command 'ls -c1 | grep MYD',  Next I need to keep the resulting strings but strip off the .MYD extension.  How would I do that?22:01
LWSDesignsFirartix Rutilt Manager22:01
unpersonIs there any easy way to restrict the memory a program may take, or is that only possible through more esoteric means (like virtualization)?22:01
erUSULAvo: dunno; root only remounts read only if there is some error22:01
erUSULAvo: check the logs. maybe there is some clue22:02
AvoerUSUL, And if there is?22:02
LWSDesignsFirartix back then it wasn't an ideal fix I will look into a bit here if you will online for awhile22:02
FirartixLWSDesigns: this hasn't been updated for 2y, isn't the ubuntu integrated wirless manager better?22:02
erUSULAvo: i can only speculate from here. you have the data to make the decissions. i can take a look to the log if you want22:02
soroushany one here help me to install apache,mysql and php ?22:02
erUSUL!lamp | soroush22:03
ubottusoroush: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:03
soroushim beginner22:03
LWSDesignssoroush there is lots of good tuturials at howtoforge.com22:03
AHemlocksLieis it likely there's an ndiswrapper launch bug with 10.10? that would explain why I can't wrestle ndiswrapper into functioning22:03
narayanhey all, I got a few questions, I am new to ubuntu used to debian22:03
Newbuntuhey guys22:03
etyuiyes i feel ignore after my question22:03
etyuiafter following a tutorial where evry thing works fine, now i want to automate all cli, what i have to do ?22:04
etyuii mean is it possible to automate everything on a script i don't know ?22:04
AHemlocksLieor with prism54, which seems to be loading, despite being blacklisted22:04
narayanhow exactly does auto mount work in ubuntu?22:04
Smoodoah... solved... good old 'sed s/.MYD//22:04
kenajhey, guys, I need help.22:04
erUSULnarayan: auto mount of what? removable media?22:04
uLinuxHostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Only scanned
AvoerUSUL, Okay. Well you've been very helpful; I think I'll reboot to a livecd and check out the logs..22:05
uLinux2 hostname's ?22:05
AvoerUSUL, thanks22:05
Newbuntuquick question, i have ubuntu installe din virtual box and when i click start to boot up the ubuntu VM ubuntu loads with the starting screen Ubuntu 10.10 and then four small white dots that get loaded with the color red and a purple background22:05
LWSDesignsyou need to add your mount to fstab22:05
erUSULAvo: no problem22:05
Newbuntuwhy is this?22:05
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uLinuxwhy does /etc/hosts uses "localhost.localdomain"?22:05
Newbuntuand then it gves me some sort of error saying to upgrade bios or use some weird text line22:06
kenajhow do I make a wireless internet connection with missing firmware?22:06
Newbuntubut the machine does work but someonething is wrong with the startup22:06
LWSDesignsyour machine needs to have a local network address for sql and such22:06
narayanautomount is not working, and I am unsure of how ubuntu manages it22:06
narayanthere are no entries for DVD/CD ROMS in /etc/fstab22:06
Firartixsooo aside from that wifi issue..22:07
Newbuntucan soemoen help me?22:07
erUSULkenaj: you cant22:07
Newbuntu i have ubuntu installe din virtual box and when i click start to boot up the ubuntu VM ubuntu loads with the starting screen Ubuntu 10.10 and then four small white dots that get loaded with the color red and a purple background and then it says to upgrade bios or use a weird text line, but the machine functions correctly after all this why does it do this?22:08
kenajI know that but where do I find the firmware?22:08
erUSULnarayan: udev/udisks manages that in recent ubuntu ( used to be hal or and devicekit )22:08
FirartixI got some issue with the clock. I recently installed Ubuntu, and during installing the timezone and the time wouldn't match because my BIOS time was already in GMT+2. Now, whenever i change the time to be correct on Win7 or Ubuntu, it changes BIOS one, and therefore the other OS one - making it invalid22:08
erUSULnarayan: udisks --enumerate22:09
Firartixis there any way to settle all this to get times right everywhere ? >_<22:09
dhevilok. ubuntu studio keeps crashing on decent Amd 64 bit: 2 gb ram: nvidia geforce 8500 1 gb ram, ideas? i am new to ubuntu. migrating from opensuse22:09
erUSULFirartix: edit the UTC variable in /etc/default/rcS22:09
FirartixerUSUL: i guess i gotta restart ?22:11
zthis there a way to downgrade from 10.10 to 10.04 without re-installing?22:11
kenajI run 10.10. How do I find internet firmware?22:11
gOLDfeeshHey, so I updated to Maverick and now my video doesn't work22:11
FirartixoO downgrade meh22:11
gOLDfeeshkenaj i'm in the same boat....22:12
liquidmesonzth, not really, it wouldn't be easy anyway22:12
Firartixthere seem to be alot of problem around with 10.1022:12
tip2tailI wonder if anyone can help - I'm fairly new to Ubuntu - using 10.10 - and I want to relocate where the Documents, Pictures, Music etc folders are on my system.22:12
Newbuntueverytime i boot up ubuntu in virtualbox it prompts me to install ubuntu22:12
Firartixawell gonna reboot22:12
tip2tailI want to redirect them to folders on my NTFS drive rather than my main one.22:12
tip2tailCan anyone help?22:12
rookszth, i just installed old Radiance theme, and im just waiting till wifi will be fixed in 10.1022:12
VCooliotip2tail: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs22:13
erUSULNewbuntu: you still have the iso in the virtualcd drive?22:13
Newbuntuim not sure22:13
tip2tailVCoolio - thanks - DO I edit that file?22:13
VCooliotip2tail: or change the folders in your home to symlinks to ntfs folders; yes, you can edit the file22:14
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Newbuntuhow would i view the vitual cd drive22:14
gOLDfeeshtip2tail yes22:14
liquidmesonkenaj, ubuntu dosen't use firmware, things typically either work or don't work. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport22:14
tip2tailhow do I change the folders to Symblinks - that sounds easier22:14
erUSULNewbuntu: #vbox22:14
thechrisI need help finding my network printer22:14
ubuntu_erUSUL, I'm in the livecd!22:14
ubuntu_erUSUL, and, I can see the partition and all its contents in tact, just fine, from nautilus.22:15
liquidmesontip2tail, right click make link22:15
zthwould it be possible to use 10.10 but with an older kernel? im thinking Lucid's RT-kernel22:15
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tip2tailklkl - thanks I'll give it a go22:15
klaxian_when burning a dual layer disk with K3b, it stops with an I/O error after the first layer.  any ideas?  brasero won't start burning at all22:15
androidbrucecould anyone help me out with application crashed and system sluggishess?22:15
liquidmesonthechris, is it on a windows pc?22:15
klaxian_this was working fine in ubuntu 10.0422:15
liquidmesonthechris, i mean is the printer connected to a windows computer?22:16
androidbruceall of a sudden applications will "dim to a grey"22:16
erUSULubuntu_: ok; good news,22:16
thechrisliquidmeson: no, the last time I used this I used ipp22:16
androidbruceand almost force close22:16
kenajMy computer was playing beautiful music (amarok) and suddenly shutdown yesterday. Now I  cant make wireless internet connection22:16
tip2tailThat was simple - gonna like this system! Much easier than Windows 7! Thanks guys!22:16
klaxian_androidbruce: how much RAM do u have?22:17
sporkboystill can't get X up. I did spot something in my log that looks a little suspicious: [    38.580] (WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 'vmmouse' will be disabled. could that be my problem?22:17
androidbruce3gb's klaxian_22:17
karmelI have usb hdd with fat32 and it mounts with read only. How to deal with it?22:17
jinx_how can I reset a USB device from the command line?22:17
androidbruceklaxian_, well 2.8 according to ubuntu22:17
Wavesonicsafter upgrading to 10.10 my themes are messed up, they either dont apply all the way, or dont survive a reboot, any ideas?22:17
erUSULjinx_: define "reset"22:17
VCooliokarmel: try pmount or add a line to fstab in which you specify permissions22:18
liquidmesonthechris, http://localhost:631/printers/ hopefully the printer is already online22:18
klaxian_androidbruce: what applications are crashing and sluggish? is it always the same ones?22:18
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avoerUSUL, So?22:19
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thechrisliquidmeson: "no printers"22:19
jinx_erUSUL, basically I have a USB mouse with a usb reciever.  To sync it with the mouse I have to unplug it and plug it back in.  I want to basically do that from the command line22:19
erUSULavo: i would do a read only fsck pass22:19
avoerUSUL, How exactly can I do that?22:19
ArmageddonI have a Toshiba A300D-17G with a Chicony webcam built in, whenever I try to access the webcam the wireless crashes and I need to restart to make it work again, anyone has any idea ?22:19
erUSULavo: sudo e2fsck -nv /dev/sdxx22:19
liquidmesonthechris, anyway to check if it is online, maybe ping the printer if it has an ip or the host or check power physically?22:20
avoerUSUL, and there is NO CHANCE at all for ANY sort of damage/bad stuff at will with that command, right :)?22:20
thechrisliquidmeson: its plugged into the network.  it has power.22:20
FFForeverHi ya22:21
erUSULavo: shouldn't be. but no software is bug free and s**t happens sometimes and this software comes with absolutly no warranty ... insert more boilerplate here.22:21
FFForeverIs there anything different from 10.10rc and 10.10?22:21
avoerUSUL, I guess that's good enough for me.22:21
erUSUL!final | FFForever22:21
ubottuFFForever: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:21
KatoHeartsWould anyone mind helping me?22:21
cmdrkhi folks. i'm trying to install 10.10 on a machine with an older TNT2 video card, and the graphics driver appears to crash. is there a way to boot with a VESA driver?22:22
Sayoso i have effectivly installed grub onto my usb stick which has wrecked getting in to my livecd. i'm now on my windows install, anyone know if i can use like cygwin or something to repair grub22:22
KatoHeartsok I'll wait22:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:22
Sayolike grub needs to be installed on my MBR22:22
afallenhopelol nice22:22
androidbruceklaxian_, it seems to me that just recently i've had gnome errors22:22
Sayofrom windows.22:22
Pelaoalguien habla español??22:22
androidbrucein general all applications are sluggish22:22
gauravbutolatype /nick22:22
ArmageddonI have a Toshiba A300D-17G with a Chicony webcam built in, whenever I try to access the webcam the wireless crashes and I need to restart to make it work again, anyone has any idea ?22:22
nogalAnyone mind helping with a Nautilus-Elementary question?22:22
CosmiChaosPlease help, i lost my window-decoration in Synaptic. Any other applications works. Restart does not solve the issue, i pressed some ALTF# combos but that dont fit it back, please help.22:22
Armageddon!sp | Pelao22:22
Armageddon!spanish | Pelao22:23
ubottuPelao: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:23
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:23
LWSDesignscmdrk try and download the alternate ubuntu cd and install that it supports older hardare22:23
Pelaohey armagedon22:23
FFForeverAny idea why I can't play video?22:23
Omni_LinkCan anyone help me out with a keyboard problem? I'm trying to setup my win key to run a command however in the Keyboard settings the Win Key will not respond. (but it will respond when i'm in KeyTouch).22:23
cmdrkLWSDesigns: Thanks22:23
nogalHey there - anyone mind helping me out with a nautilus-elementary issue?22:23
KatoHeartsOk I installed 10.10 on my win7 laptop22:24
Omen_20anyone able to get GlobalMenu working on 10.10?22:24
jinx_erUSUL, basically I have a USB mouse with a usb reciever.  To sync it with the mouse I have to unplug it and plug it back in.  I want to basically do that from the command line22:24
KatoHeartsIt refuses to accept its existence22:24
Pelaoalguien habla castellano??22:24
CosmiChaosPlease help, i lost my window-decoration in Synaptic  Any other applications works. Restart does not solve the issue, i pressed some ALTF# combos but that dont fit it back, please help.22:24
nogalKato - what do you mean?22:24
KatoHeartsI cant find it22:24
KatoHeartsI cant boot into it22:25
karmelVCoolio, have added a line to fstab and nothing22:25
Omen_20KatoHearts, GRUB not come up?22:25
nogalyou can't boot into win7 or ubuntu?22:25
Omen_20The list of OSs to boot to22:25
karmel/dev/sdb1    /media/dysk    vfat    rw,users,umask=0000    0    0 - looks good i think22:25
karmelit is /dev/sdb1    /media/dysk    vfat    rw,users,umask=0000    0    0 - looks good i think22:25
KatoHeartsok let me check that22:25
Sayoi also cannot boot22:25
aeon-ltdCosmiChaos: you mean the window border? try alt-f2 then type 'metacity --replace' or 'compiz --replace' if your using compiz22:25
klaxian_androidbruce: does a reboot help?  how much swap space is in use?  is something maxing out your RAM?22:25
Pelaoal parecer no habla nadie castellano, me voy a buscar ayuda a otra parte22:25
kenajbye folks and thanks22:25
liquidmesonthechris, if it dosen't show up there then there is probably something wrong with the printer, if is connected via usb check the pc, if ethernet/wireless then printer.22:26
nogalanyone mind helping out with getting nautilus elementary to load?22:26
erUSULjinx_: really dunno; sorry22:26
nogali installed it via PPA and restarted it, but only the regular nautilus will load22:26
liquidmesonnogal, its kinda automatic if you follow the steps right22:26
liquidmesonnogal, try restarting the pc?22:26
CosmiChaosaeon-ltd, no and yes. the windowborder... yes... the decoration is lostbut ONLY for one specific application ... like i said Synaptic. so your idea does not work. please read my issue carefully before.22:26
nogalyes, i've restarted nautilus, and my pc22:27
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nogal(and of course done the update/upgrade)22:27
Some_PersonOk, I want to know what the hell is causing this: I installed ubuntu, and it booted fine, installed some drivers and stuff and all was good. A few boots later, I try to boot and get a kernel panic. This persists seemingly every boot. I boot to the alternate install cd (it was handy at the time) and reinstalled GRUB. It booted fine again. A few boots later, kernel panic. Then, next boot (and currently), I get an (initramfs) prompt.22:27
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it it try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:27
liquidmesonnogal, try alt-f2 an type nautilus22:27
CosmiChaosaeon-ltd,  i somehow  killed the window border for synaptic permanently  by some alt+x key-combination( YES, ONLY SYNAPTIC) ple<se help to get it back22:27
nogalstill runs the "old" version that came packaged with 10.1022:28
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avoerUSUL, Okay, I ran that!22:28
avoerUSUL, No damage done, but it did find some errors; i'll pastebin them22:28
aeon-ltdCosmiChaos: just test this though, open a terminal and try any sudo gui app to test if this is only for apps run as root22:28
Some_PersonI thought it might be bad RAM or something, but memtest86 checked out22:28
erUSULSome_Person: would help the reason/error of the panic22:29
avoerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/512678/22:29
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it it try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:29
CosmiChaosaeon-ltd,  DUDE the window decorator is working i tested it 100 times and i already rebooted,, have you got any SUITABLE idea22:29
Omen_20Does anyone know how to install netbook's global menu in Desktop edition?22:29
Omni_LinkHelp: I'm trying to setup the window key to run a command, however in the Keyboard settings the Win Key will not respond. (but it will respond when i'm in KeyTouch)22:30
Some_PersonerUSUL: Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)22:30
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aeon-ltdCosmiChaos: please read my query carefully before, i said test for root applications22:30
KatoHeartsOk that's a lot of grub22:30
KatoHeartswhich one do i use22:30
nogalKato - which come up?22:30
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KatoHearts.92 through 1.9822:31
CosmiChaosaeon-ltd, no you simply dont read, i said everything else is working, just stop your awful support, i love to shoot my head more likely then going on with you22:31
erUSULavo: well; now you have to choose if you want fsck to fix those errors22:31
FirartixHi there again! Wanted to know if you guys would happen to know where flash object saving stuff might be located. I recall it was in App Data\Roaming\ on Windows, and would like to copy crappy flash games saving to my ubuntu boot :p22:31
KatoHeartsand one called multiboot22:31
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it it try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:31
onaoghi have properly configured my http proxy, but apt-get keeps on says that proxy authentication failed22:32
HellRagehii alll22:32
nogallet me just make sure i'm with you22:32
nogalwhen you turn on your computer22:32
HellRageneed some help withe sound card driver22:32
Omni_LinkI'm trying to setup the window key to run a command, however in the Keyboard settings the Win Key will not respond. (but it will respond when i'm in KeyTouch)22:32
nogaldoes it load a screen with a selection of operating systems22:32
avoerUSUL, How do I do that? Why would I NOT do that?22:32
eroickHello, with Lucid Server I do not get a terminal at boot. I know it boots up successfully because I can get a terminal by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1, but none appears immediately. I'm connecting to this computer over serial, so I can't get a terminal. Any ideas?22:32
KatoHeartsand when i go to that screen win7 is the only option22:32
nogalwhich did you install first?22:33
CosmiChaosAnyone does know the keyboard-shortcut to bring back Windowdecorations for a specific application. I somehow managed to kill it permanently for synaptic.22:33
HellRagehow can say how i can rollback my sound card driver ?22:33
KatoHeartscame on the laptop22:33
eroickUnless there's a way to send CTRL-ALT-F1 with GNU Screen.22:33
erUSULavo: run fsck with -p instead of -n22:33
onaoghi need help with updating apt-get from behind proxy, writing proxy info @ ~/.bashrc doesn't help22:33
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nogaldid you shrink the partition on it?22:34
avoerUSUL, Ignoring the free/opensource warranty stuff, is there a chance this can damage things? Should I back up the important files first?22:34
erUSULavo: as i said fsck may move files dirs to /lost+found/ when repairing a filesystem if the damage requires it22:34
KatoHeartsnot that I know of22:34
liquidmesonKatoHearts, when you put the cd and it worked did you click on the icon on the desktop?22:34
avoerUSUL, I don't exactly know what that is.22:34
erUSULavo: /lost+found/ is a special dir in your filesystem22:34
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it will try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:34
avoerUSUL, But isn't the drive read-only..?22:35
KatoHeartsused wubi downloaded from main site22:35
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liquidmesoni wish they would get rid of wubi22:35
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pooltablewhat wrong with wubi?22:36
nogalKatohearts, what i did on my laptop for that was to use vista/7 to shrink my partition, to do that - go to your control panel22:36
nogalgive me a moment it's been forever since i've used windows22:36
liquidmesonpooltable is makes ubuntu look bad cus it runs inside another os,.. slower22:37
flupkehello, when I transfer music on my iphone with rhythmbox (0.13.1) on my iphone (3.1.3), I can see them fine in the ipod app, but can't play them, anyone has a solution ?22:37
Firartixhmmm.... what exactly is that "YUM File" type Adobe Flash gives me as download o_O ? can i open this as a package someway ?22:37
pooltableliquidmeson ic thanks22:37
nogalkato - http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/2672-partition-volume-shrink.html22:37
erUSULavo: no the system to avoid further damage mounts the disk read only when errors are found during operation22:37
eroickIs there a way to send CTRL-ALT-F1 though GNU Screen?22:37
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it will try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:37
rusty149Firartix: yum is for Fedora22:37
KM0201pooltable, i[m not sure i really agree w/ that... Wubi is fine, to test.. but i wouldn't run it as an alternative to installing properly22:37
tom453642356hi - where can i get the source code for md5sum ?22:38
Firartixi guess .deb's for debian22:38
* Mikelevel alguno usa el mapsource de garmin?22:38
pooltablei have ubumtu installed22:38
avoerUSUL, How can I be sure that the drive is unmounted before running fsck on it?22:38
rusty149Firartix: yep22:38
Firartixis .apt okay ?22:38
Some_PersonFirartix: You want .deb22:38
onaoghdo i have restart after updating .bashrc with proxy info22:38
rusty149Firartix: Do you have 64-bit ubuntu?22:38
erUSULavo: fsck complains laudly if the fs is mounted22:38
Firartixoh okay22:38
Firartixrusty149: no22:38
afallenhopeyeahh. I'm switching to Fedora, latest versions of ubuntu are wack22:38
nogalanyone run nautilus-elementary?22:38
avoerUSUL, And will it not go through with it?22:38
Firartixaaaah wait22:38
trismtom453642356: apt-get source coreutils22:38
Firartixi'm idiot22:38
nogaledit: anyone run nautilus-elementary on 10.10?22:39
pooltablemiss my windows 7  with my hard drive haveing a bad sector in all had to use ubuntu22:39
erUSULavo: correct. it will issue scary warnings and ask for confirmation at least twice22:39
liquidmesonflupke, do you know if the music on your computer is in .mp3 format?22:39
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:39
Firartixthe menu says ".deb for ubuntu 8.04+" and "APT file for ubuntu 9.04+"22:39
flupkeliquidmeson, yes, it's in mp3 format22:39
tom453642356trism: what directory does the source get put in?22:40
KM0201why is tab not auto completing on a new xchat install?22:40
rusty149Firartix: just get the .deb22:40
xolocan some1 help me with installing game?22:40
avoerUSUL, Oh great. So should I back up before doing this?22:40
quarksalberhi, is there any possibility to get m4a working in rhythmbox?22:40
Guest27818KM0201, check your options22:40
pooltableuse chatzilla here22:40
trismtom453642356: the current working directory22:40
Guest27818xolo, yes?22:40
nogalxolo - what's the issue?22:40
julian__yone know if nvidia 310M has compatibility issues with debian or ubuntu22:40
KM0201guest27818 well duh.. i've never had to enable it on a new install before... i've went through the options.22:40
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erUSULavo: up to you really; backup is allways a good idea nonetheless22:40
jgbwhat is the purpose of gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor?22:40
julian__yone know if nvidia 310M has compatibility issues with debian or ubuntu22:41
andyccjulian__, maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1392766 helps22:41
erUSULjgb: letr nautilus access some kind of photo cameras22:41
trismtom453642356: it will be the source to many of the basic utilities so you will need to find the source code in there22:41
nogaljulian - nvidia has propriatary drivers - check those first22:41
tom453642356trism: thanks i can see the files now, i'll look into it22:41
flupkeliquidmeson, like I said I can see the file, but when I play them I see them start, then the play icon blinks a few time and the ipod app goes back to the song list22:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:42
julian__ok i sheak22:42
nogalanyone run nautilus-elementary on 10.10?22:42
Elrichi all have a ? and dont want to sound like i am a linux hater because i love linux it been awhile sense i last installed linux on my comp i do a lot of gameing so been using windows to do so but gameing as of late has gotten boreing so thought i dive back in but seems the 3 linux os i tried to install cannot find my ati cards or cant load the drivers for them i really like the way elive looks and was wanting to try that one or mandriva but i cant22:42
Elricget past the driver stage22:42
andyccnogal: me22:42
infidelman that should list the url to the forbidden fruits22:42
pooltablei have ati card here like to get it to work better also22:43
Some_PersonDoes anyone have any idea what the heck might be going on with my system (will repost the problem if anyone wants to help)?22:43
andyccElric, google "<your card's name> linux"22:43
nogalandy - did you have any trouble getting it to load? i've set up the PPA, ran the update/upgrade and restarted nautilus, and my pc, but still the 'old' version is running, any ideas?22:43
dhevilubuntu studio keeps crashing on Amd 64bit, 2gb ram, nvidia geforece 8500 1gb ram. system fine on windows and opensuse. ideas?22:43
EvilPhoenixpooltable:  System > Administration > Additional Drivers   first.  Do that to see if your card has drivers available22:43
andyccSome_Person, repost22:43
andyccnogal, no, it works perfectly here22:43
Some_PersonOk, I want to know what the hell is causing this: I installed ubuntu, and it booted fine, installed some drivers and stuff and all was good. A few boots later, I try to boot and get a kernel panic. This persists seemingly every boot. I boot to the alternate install cd (it was handy at the time) and reinstalled GRUB. It booted fine again. A few boots later, kernel panic. Then, next boot (and currently), I get an (initramfs) prompt.22:43
avoerUSUL, So I'm trying to copy my /home folder to an external HD with nautilus, but some files (the ones that start with . mainly) say they can't be copied because I don't have read permissions.. whats wrong?22:44
rusty149Elric: System > Administration > Additional drivers22:44
liquidmesonflupke, i personally don't own an iphone, but i would try converting a song or two to a different format to see if they work22:44
nogalavo - try runnin 'sudo nautilus' to run nautilus with elevated privleges.22:44
flupkeliquidmeson, what format ? iphones only support aac and mp3 AFAIK22:44
liquidmesonflupke, it might be something wrong with the way they were saved, or maybe the song names are to long22:44
aeon-ltdCosmiChaos: you probably don't want my help anymore and i apologize for being rude, however are you running a application called 'maximus'22:45
onaoghplz somebody help me with apt-get22:45
erUSULavo: all of them?22:45
liquidmesonflupke, anyformat, just to see if it works :/22:45
rusty149onaogh: man apt-get22:45
jgberUSUL: thx. any idea what the" volume22:45
jgberUSUL: thx. any idea what the "volume" part stands for?22:45
nogalonaogh, what do you need help with?22:45
andyccSome_Person, I would suggest posting to the forums. The last time I got something like that was with a kernel update, but I don't think that's your case.22:46
zthwhen i boot my computer, there's no way for me to enter GRUB and choose what kernel to boot from. how do i solve this?22:46
avoerUSUL, I don't think so. I did it to /var/www with only like 1 type of those warnings, i skipped it, and it copied i think almost everything22:46
flupkeliquidmeson, that's not the way iphones work, files are stored in a special database, you don't drop them as is22:46
aeon-ltd!fixgrub | zth22:46
ubottuzth: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:46
Elrici did that i googled seems the 2 new 5970 ati cards r really hard to get installed on linux but if i could just get it installed using vga mode i can write a workable drive used to do it all the time when i had linux 12  years ago lol22:46
infidelwhere is that web site that has all the tweaks like dvd playback and stuff?22:46
flupkeliquidmeson, thanks anyway22:46
erUSULjgb: it is the name that storage objects get in ubuntu? partitions disks etc ...22:46
nogalflupke - i sync my iphone with rhythmbox, maybe i can help?22:46
liquidmesonflupke, i mean convert them on the pc then re sync22:46
Some_PersonI'm going to try reinstalling GRUB again to see if that will at least make it boot again22:46
andycczth: I think you need to hold a key. Spacebar or Shift probably.22:46
Omni_LinkI'm trying to setup the window key to run a command, however in the Keyboard settings the Win Key will not respond. (but it will respond when i'm in KeyTouch)22:46
erUSULavo: ~/.gvfs/ can not be copied22:46
jgberUSUL: ah, of course!22:47
onaoghnogal, rusty149, i am behind proxy, so i enter proxy info into .bashrc file in ~/ correctly, but still apt-get is unable to connect to its sources22:47
julian__ok i sheak22:47
julian__yone know if nvidia 310M has compatibility issues with debian or ubuntu22:47
VCoolioonaogh: if you use sudo it may not read the user file .bashrc, try /etc/profile22:47
rusty149onaogh: System > Preferences > Network Proxy22:47
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flupkenogal, well, I can transfer my music apparently fine, I can see the files in the ipod app, but when I hit play the play icon blinks and it goes back to the songs list22:47
onaoghnogal, rusty149, i also tried fixing the proxy in /etc/bash.bashrc, no use, i also tried synaptics network settings22:47
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=== v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta``
flupkenogal, what iphone FW / rhythmbox version do you use ?22:48
Laptop_dimCan anyone tell me if it's possible to dim the display farther on my laptop?22:48
nogali use an Iphone 3gs22:48
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ClvrRtOmni_Link,  Have you tried setting the command in keyboard shortcuts instead22:48
VCoolioLaptop_dim: you may like this https://launchpad.net/redshift22:48
julian__yone know if nvidia 310M has compatibility issues with debian or ubuntu22:48
nogalrhythmbox is 0.13.122:48
pooltableflupke try this http://ipodlinuxinstl.sourceforge.net/22:49
liquidmesononaogh, you can setup a proxy by right clicking on the network icon and going to vpn, then assuming you have internet continue as usual22:49
vincnetjest ktos z PL ?22:49
Wraithulektak :d22:49
onaoghVCoolio: folder /etc/profile does not exist, rusty149: i tried that, not working22:49
liquidmesononaogh, nvm ignore that22:49
pooltablehelp on  getting gdesklets to work i click on it will try to loads then it crasher what is wrong ?22:49
Omni_LinkClvRt: Tried the keyboard shortcut: click on the command i want, press the win key and no responce.22:49
CosmiChaosaeon-ltd, "sudo rm /root/.synaptic -R" fixed my problems but thanks for your tryin to find out whats causin it. no it was not maximus, i repeat that i hit a keyboard-shortcut and that must have killed the configs of the application22:49
vincnetmam pytanie22:49
andyccjulian__, possibly. Google is your friend here.22:49
flupkenogal, mine is a 3G, I think I read somewhere they changed things concerning sync... maybe that explains the difference22:50
kiethshisto: Are you online?22:50
andycc!pl | vincnet22:50
ubottuvincnet: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:50
flupkepooltable, I use it to make phone calls, too ;)22:50
aeon-ltdCosmiChaos: sorry i couldn't help and i'm glad you resolved it22:50
test34How to get the old Firefox buttons graphics back?22:50
aeon-ltdjulian__: check forums for users of the nvidia 310m see if any large issues are there22:50
pooltableflupke ok22:50
nogalflupke - something that i noticed is that rhythmbox doesn't sync the same way as itunes22:50
VCoolioonaogh: it's a file, like .bashrc, and read every time you start a new session; and root should use it22:50
pooltablefirefox look under theams22:51
ClvrRtOmni_Link, In my experience I've had to press the win key and then some other key at same time for a key combo shortcut  ex win+G for Chromium browser22:51
flupkenogal, indeed since syncing in itunes works :D22:51
julian__possibly no, the only22:51
nogalflupke - your best bet is to start the sync and just let it sit, because even when my phone stops reading 'syncing' it will still be syncing22:51
onaoghVCoolio: so shall i write proxy info there, http_proxy="user:passwd@proxy:port"22:51
rusty149onaogh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512686/22:52
Omni_LinkClvRt, Yeah, the Win+W works fine however i cannot get just the win key to pull up a command.22:52
nogalflupke - if you just watch it after the phone stops reading 'syncing' it will take a few moments and do it again - it's kind of erratic but it does work, just takes a little time22:52
flupkenogal, yeah I thought it could be me pulling the plug too fast, but I tried with a single mp3, ejected the iphone cleanly, and still no luck22:52
anon33_is there a hotkey for navigating to the desktop in a file explorer? ie - choosing where to save a file22:52
ClvrRtOmni_Link, Not sure think it works like the ctrl button. I'll poke around a bit see if I can get it working like you want22:52
onaoghrusty149: already tried that, restarted and no effect, apt-get can resolve sources hosts but cannot connect22:53
kiethsQuestion: Any way to mount the root of a USB bootable Ubuntu, and add files to it?  (Not as in 'persistence', as my goal is to avoid writing, to keep it customized with no easy/accidental changes).22:53
tom453642356problem with md5 source code: md5sum.c:19:20: error: config.h: No such file or directory22:53
nertilwhy my USB Wireles stick goes down22:53
onaoghrusty149: i am using same proxy info for firefox and it works22:53
Omni_LinkClvrRt, It works in Keytouch program it will activate when i press the button.. however it does not work in Keyboard Shortcut. I've also tried changing my Keyboard to a different 104 keyboard, no luck.22:54
rusty149onaogh: Have you tried using synaptic22:54
nertilwich software is good like Windows Live Messenger22:54
onaoghrusty149:  yes, configred synaptics network settings as well, doesn't work22:54
flupkenogal, could you please tell me which version of libimobiledevice0 you have ?22:54
rusty149onaogh: You can add the proxy details i....  oh well22:54
trismtom453642356: that's not a problem with the code, it means you didn't configure it, you likely can't build it standalone without some additional effort, try a: ./configure; make; in the source root directory22:55
nogalflupke - i'd be glad to - but how do i check?22:55
liquidmesonkieths, http://www.panticz.de/MultiBootUSB22:55
aeon-ltdnertil: pidgin? empathy maybe? skype if you like it22:55
test34pooltable, which themes?22:55
nertildoes pidgin use video chat22:56
flupkenogal, type "apt-cache show libimobiledevice0" in a terminal22:56
mengesbCould someone perhaps help with some wireless issues and Ubuntu 10.1022:56
Ryen!ask | mengesb22:56
ubottumengesb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
flupkenogal, there is a "Version: xxx" line22:56
ClvrRtOmni_Link, Just out of curiosity what are you setting the win key to run22:56
rusty149onaogh: apt may need to restart?22:56
manuel_buona notte22:56
rusty149onaogh: have you rebooted?22:56
onaoghrusty149: did restart eith every config i did22:56
nertildoes pidgin use video chat22:56
Omni_LinkClvrRt, to the "Run Command" like Alt+F2?22:56
aeon-ltdnertil: not sure, but i don't think so, if i was going to use video chat i'd use skype22:56
intraderI have a usb drive,I deleted autorun.inf. Now I have a problem. The context menu does no longer pop up (to allow me to unmount the drive)22:57
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Ryennertil: No.22:57
Nonesthecoolnertil, I couldn't ger it to work so I use Amsn22:57
ilovefairuznertil: yes but for XMPP (jabber/Google Talk) and GNU/Linux versions only22:57
nertilokey i use skype i just wanted msn :)22:57
rusty149onaogh: have you ran apt-get update?22:57
mengesbHaving issues with an error code 16 displayed in RutilT - says it cannot connect to an Ad-Hoc wifi access point.  Is this a limitation possibly with my wifi card in my HP Mini5101? or an issue with Ubuntu 10.04 / 10.10 ?22:57
julian__fuck ubuntu22:57
ilovefairuznertil: use aMSN22:57
ilovefairuz!ops | julian__22:57
ubottujulian__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:57
onaoghrusty149: thats what i am trying to do22:57
Omni_LinkClvrRt, i'm trying to set it to "Show Panel's Main Menu", the higher ups want to use it like they do in Windows.. even tho there are 3 options for them..22:58
nogaljulian  - that wont get you any help here22:58
tom453642356trism: thank you for your  help. it is a bit annoying that you need to compile 50 different programs to get md5sum compile to work, but it seems to work22:58
sporkboyokay... can somebody please help me get x to load in maverick with an nvidia card?22:58
kiethsRe-stated question: Any way to customize a USB installation of Ubuntu without using persistence, which enables users to write to the USB?22:58
tom453642356i'll try and reuse the source code in my app (gpl)22:58
nogaltry removing your configuration for xorg22:59
rusty149onaogh: do you get any errors if you use update-manager?22:59
onaoghrusty149: apt-get update wont work for me unless i config the network proxy settings, for which i tried to config at 3 different places at a time, and restarted with each, double checked proxy ip and passwords, but it doesn't work, i am sure proxy info is valid becoz i use it for firefox and chat here22:59
flupkenogal, I have the same version... I'll keep investigating, thanks anyway22:59
onaoghrusty149: let me paste and give u linl22:59
ClvrRtOmni_Link,  leave it to the bosses to make things more complicated :)22:59
nogalsporkboy try removing your xorg.conf for that - i had an issue with that22:59
Some_Personkieths: If you only want to use it with one computer and the drive is big enough, you could install to the USB drive22:59
moldyi am trying to use apport-collect from the command line. i cannot figure out how to use the launchpad login form. i can enter my username and password, but "continue" does not seem to be a link i can follow. any hints?22:59
Omni_LinkClvrRt, you have no idea.. they are family to top it off.23:00
avoerUSUL, Okay. So I think I'm going to run fsck now. What is -p for? and why not f2fsck?23:00
avoerUSUL, e2fsck**23:00
onaoghrusty149: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512690/23:00
erUSULavo: use e2fsck -p is to automatically fix the filesystem23:00
ClvrRtOmni_Link, haha no way you are going to win that one23:00
kiethsSome_Person: Goal is to modify the installation, add drivers, aps, scripts, then make it read-only.23:00
erUSULavo: "man e2fsck" has all the details23:00
kenajhow do I find internet missing firmware?23:01
ilovefairuzkenaj: firmware of what ?23:01
nertilRealtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter23:02
sporkboynogal: tried that already. got rid of the errors, but I still don't have X23:02
nogalkenaj, firmware for what?23:02
Omni_LinkClvrRt, can i use Xev if i know the key code for that key? Win(Left) = 0x700e323:02
nertilits stop working after 2 hours than i need to get of and get on again23:02
nertilwhat may be23:02
liquidmesonkenaj, you can also find other networks by clicking the wifi icon in the top right23:02
nogalsporkboy, on another machine i also had to remove another file in the same directory called xorg.conf.blahblahblah in order to startx23:02
ilovefairuznertil: system > administration > hardware drivers .. is your card listed there? if so, enable it23:02
ClvrRtnot sure looking it up now23:03
kenajfirmwareneededfor wireless internet hook up23:03
Sayohey everyone, if anyone could help me with a grub issue it would be super coooool :D23:04
mengesbcan someone help with some wifi issues I'm having?  Apparently my netbook (HP Mini 5101) and Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't like ad-hoc infrastructures according to RutilT - Error 16 - can't set operating mode : ad-hoc23:04
nogalsporkboy, check that directory and make sure that no other .conf is in it, try to startx, and let me know if you get any errors23:04
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aeon-ltd!details Z Sayo23:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:04
raevolwhen i try to play mp3s/flash the payback is way too fast and there is no sound, i've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras23:04
aeon-ltd!details | Sayo23:04
ubottuSayo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:04
SayoI'm just getting a flat out error in the installation of grub, the terminal "gui" prints, failure to install on /dev/sdb23:05
liquidmesonkenaj, are you using the same computer to chat here?23:05
Sayoit's grub2, from a live usb stick, trying to reinstall grub onto the mbr of my netbook's internal drive23:05
sporkboynogal, moved xorg.* to a backup dir. rebooting now.23:05
PaperBoyanyone have any domains for trade?23:05
avoerUSUL, Its says:23:05
avoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck /dev/sda423:05
avofsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.223:05
avoe2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)23:05
avo/dev/sda4 contains a file system with errors, check forced.23:05
avoPass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes23:05
FloodBot1avo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
liquidmesonkenaj, but you have a internet cable plugged in?23:05
nogalsporkboy, not xorg.*23:06
nogalxorg.conf and xorg.conf.*23:06
ilovefairuzkenaj: what make you think the firmware is missing?23:06
erUSULavo: why you did not use -pv ?23:06
Sayoit's odd that of everything in the manual here: (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows), doesn't really work for me as they say23:06
liquidmesonkenaj, when you click the up/down arrow icon in the top right does it give you a wireless option?23:06
chris____Anybody running 10.10 on a Macbook Pro?  I'm having some weird trackpad issues where it barely moves the arrow even though the speed is set really high.23:06
avoerUSUL, I was speaking to some other people and they said it wasn't needed.23:07
lalindahello i have a problem try to install a new ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop23:07
=== lalinda is now known as netman
ilovefairuzkenaj: paste the output of: sudo lshw -C network; rfkill list; sudo ifconfig wlan0 up; iwlist scan23:07
kenajcomputer says so and no it does not give me any options23:07
ilovefairuz!paste |  kenaj23:07
ubottukenaj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:07
Sayofor instance, within the grub command line itself, i cannot "find /boot/grub/stage1", i get an error 15 not found23:07
netmanmy live cd not boot  just keep on ISOLINX 4 bla bla bla23:07
indioHi. I upgraded my system to Maverick Meerkat and I lost sound in OpenOffice.org Presentations23:07
avoerUSUL, I didn't do anything yet, so if its really a mistake then i can just say no23:07
rusty149onaogh: could you paste the proxy settings used in the .bashrc file?23:07
erUSULno not an error23:07
Technovikingmy delete key think it is backspace, how to I change that23:08
liquidmesonkenaj, where does it say you need firmware?23:08
rusty149onaogh: You should use http not https?23:08
indioHi. I upgraded my system to Maverick Meerkat and I lost sound in OpenOffice.org Presentations.23:08
Omni_LinkTechnoviking, Have you tried re-setting your keyboard to default?23:08
ilovefairuz!patience | indio23:08
ubottuindio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:08
TechnovikingOmni_Link: yeah, no change, I have a Macbook Pro23:09
liquidmesonTechnoviking, try hitting the insert key on your keyboard and trying again23:09
ClvrRtOmni_Link, Still working on it23:09
netmanany one have problem try to boot form CD i386 ?23:10
Omni_LinkTechnoviking, I'm having keyboard problems also and found if i setup the default everything was fixed.23:10
zthis there a way to install Ubuntu 10.10 maverick from alternate cd but choose the 2.6.33-rt kernel instead as default?23:10
nogalindio, when i first got 10.10 i had a similar issue - but it was with firefox. it turned out to be ALSA which needed some configuration, and for some reason it was also muted by default23:10
avoerUSUL, Okay, I hit 'y'. It said a bunch of Inodes were FIXED. Then it asks Deleted inode 5242884 has zero dtime.  Fix<y>?23:10
rusty149zth: After installation you can remove the default kernel and install a different one23:11
indionogal: Thanks for the tip :)23:11
SayoI get this output when attempting a manual write of grub to the mbr "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sdb23:11
Sayo/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).23:11
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Omni_LinkClvrRt, no worries, i've got about 20 minutes before i'm done for the day. i've been racking my brain on this for about three hours.23:11
zthrusty149, thanks23:11
erUSULavo: just hit y. if you used -p you wouln't need to answer anything23:11
liquidmesonzth, http://www.osadl.org/Realtime-Preempt-Kernel.kernel-rt.0.html23:12
avoerUSUL, I see.23:12
avoerUSUL, So i did, and it asks about some block bitmap differences.. hit y again?23:12
nogalanybody have an issue with nautilus-elementary on 10.10 - i can only load the standard nautilus23:12
ClvrRtOmni_Link, lol ok but now you got me set on figuring it out ocd just a little :)23:13
erUSULavo: niether you nor even i; are in possition of making a decission maybe ext34 developers can23:13
erUSULavo: we poor mortals have to trust filesystem developers23:13
jeandki peut m'aider23:14
Omni_LinkClvrRt, That is the only reason why i'm still at it.. i'm still new to Ubuntu, but i'll be damn'd if a simple key error is going to stop me23:14
raevolalso, where would i go to change the video mode KMS is setting to for grub2?23:14
nertilamsn says audio/video call capabilities has ben disabled in this version of aMSN because Microsoft TM  has changes their protocols again and disabled access to their SIP servers blocking amsn for giving you access to this feature23:15
ClvrRtOmni_Link, rofl, hey I resemble that remark23:15
kenajherve@kendell:~$ sudo lshw -C | network:rfkill list| sudo ifconfig wlan0 up: iwlist scan23:16
kenaj[sudo] password for herve: [sudo] password for herve: network:rfkill: command not found23:16
kenaj[1]+  Stopped                 sudo lshw -C | network:rfkill list | sudo ifconfig wlan0 up: iwlist scan23:16
kenajherve@kendell:~$ 345678923:16
kenaj3456789: command not found23:16
FloodBot1kenaj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:16
kenajherve@kendell:~$ sudo lshw -C23:16
nertilamsn says audio/video call capabilities has ben disabled in this version of aMSN because Microsoft TM  has changes their protocols again and disabled access to their SIP servers blocking amsn for giving you access to this feature23:17
nertilwhy ?23:17
liquidmesonraevol, unfortunatly not all computer support kms at this time, if your looking to change the theme of kms however that is different23:17
nogalnertil - sounds like in a nutshell microsoft wants everyone to use their software23:17
liquidmesonnertil, gmail video chat works great for me :D23:18
zthwhere can i find an original sources.list file? i need to redo my sourcesfile completely23:18
raevolliquidmeson: i am trying to get kms to use 1280x1024@75 isntead of 1280x1024@60. it's supported23:18
Sayofor what its worth i know this might be a little basic, but i'm trying to understand the abstract behind how mounting works (coming from windows), I'm on a USB live stick trying to install GRUB2 to the MBR ( i deleted the partition it was on by mistake), i believe the usb stick is sda, and my internal drive is sdb, but i can't write to sdb, do i have to mount it?23:18
nertilliquidmeson,  were to get it?23:18
jurgenso whats the difference in doing a kernel upgrade instead of a distro upgrade23:18
liquidmesonnertil, gmail.com23:18
^NeptuneNew to ubuntu here, how can I switch workplaces?23:19
nogalsayo, ubuntu tends to mount most automatically23:19
nogaltry /home/ or /media/23:19
Badger32djurgen - kernel upgrade just upgrades your kernel, dist-upgrade upgrades you to the latest distro - i.e. 10.04 to 10.10 vs 2.6.33kernel to, etc23:19
ilovefairuz^Neptune: ctrl + alt + left/right arrow23:19
dlublinkapparmor is giving me an error about PROC and HOMEDIRS variables that are not defined, I see them in tunables/proc and tunables/home, why is it giving an error ?23:19
CyberGabber^Neptune: ctrl-alt < or ctrl-alt >23:19
^NeptuneThank you :)23:20
uvacavis a $.post's success function supposed to run only if the json response contains {"success":true} -- or is it if the server returns 200 code23:20
Sayonogal: i dunno, when i ran the grub2 gui installer it just flat out told me it couldn't write to sdb, and manually via terminal it tells me it's not mounted. is there a command i can see all mounted devices and where they point?23:20
dlublink"Found reference to variable PROC, but is never declared23:20
ilovefairuz!fr | jeanad23:20
ubottujeanad: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:20
ScuniziI'm looking for help to install the new beta 64 bit flash "squared" package... any help appriciated.. (except !flash from ubottu.. it's out of date)23:20
ilovefairuzScunizi: just copy the .so file  to your ~/.mozilla/plugins ?23:21
Badger32dscunizi: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/adobe-flash-player-square-102-64bit.html is this what you need?23:21
Scuniziilovefairuz: to the /home directory.. not a system location?23:21
ScuniziBadger32d: got that.. just how to install system wide23:21
nogalsayo, yes it's 'df'23:22
netmanhi my computer freeze on this message ISOLINUX bla bla bla23:22
ilovefairuzScunizi: yeap, it looks in multiple places, including that one23:22
netmanafter boot from live cd23:22
meesebyteIf im going to completely wipe the hdd of my MSI wind, and put windows 7 and then ubuntu 10.10 over that, should I just do Disk Utility>my hdd>format>dont partition>format?23:22
Badger32dsee what ilovefairuz said I believe23:22
netmanany one have the same problem ?23:22
nogalnetman, did you burn the iso yourself23:22
hiexpowhat is the differance between lunubtu and ubuntu just the desktop ?23:22
Badger32dmeesebyte, you can just format the disk when you install win723:22
Sayonogal: ran it, nothing showed up as mounted for /dev/sdb, so i'm assuming i have to mount it, any suggestions how?23:22
Scuniziilovefairuz: k.. I"ve got it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins but not the /home location..23:22
netmani do md5 check and is good23:22
dlublinkIt's as if /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/* were not being included23:22
liquidmesonraevol, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=55286923:22
netman59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a8  ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso23:23
jzittHi, all. How do I see programs that I installed via Wine within the new 10.10 UNE interface?23:23
ilovefairuzScunizi: better keep it in just one place23:23
nogalnetman, try burning the disc at the SLOWEST possible recording for iso23:23
kenajsorry, but how do you use http://paste.ubuntu.com? the answer might be under my nose but I don't see it23:23
netmani burn 2 times23:23
=== jcrigby_ is now known as jcrigby
meesebyteBadger32d: Ok... Thanks! And how do I et rid of the Unity interface in 10.10? Its for 5 ur olds23:23
netmanok i try that23:23
debbiehow do you disable the external volume controlled on the toshiba laptop?23:23
debbiecontroller, not controlled23:23
zthwhere can i find an original sources.list file? i need to redo my sourcesfile completely, it's broken23:23
Omni_LinkClvrRt, Allright, i've got to get everything shut down before i leave. Thank you for helping me with it. Hopefully i'll figure it out soon, if i do before i talk to you again i'll let you know what i found!23:23
sebsebsebdebbie: ##hardware23:24
nogalsayo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616164 << that should help23:24
sebsebsebdebbie: try that channel, since off topic for this one23:24
Badger32dmeesebyte, open the synaptic package manager, type in gnome - there should be a meta package that allows you to install gnome23:24
Scuniziilovefairuz: there's no ~/.mozilla/plugins anyway.. :(23:24
debbiesebsebseb: thanks, but I don't want to do anything to the hardware23:24
ilovefairuzScunizi: create it23:24
Sayolol aghhh how do i get out of a man page23:24
atudeHi, I just tried to upgrade ubuntu though the package manager, and it seems to have failed... now i'm stuck in a dependency loop and cannot upgrade anything23:24
ClvrRtOmni_Link, cool no worries I'll figure this out for sure even if I have to write a script to do it :)23:24
Scuniziilovefairuz: k23:24
sebsebsebdebbie: well yeah uhmm23:24
Badger32dthen you can switch your login to "gnome desktop" vs "unr desktop"23:24
rusty149Sayo: q23:24
meesebyteBadger32d: Sweet... I heard gnome 3 rocks23:25
Omni_LinkClvrRt, Ha, good luck!23:25
debbiesebsebseb: when i am watching House MD with the laptop on my belly, it rubs against the volume control on the front, turning the sound up and down23:25
Sayorusty149, nogal: thanks guys23:25
sebsebsebdebbie: maybe theres something on the lap top to move to change the volume,  I meant that channel since hardware stuff isn't really Ubuntu,  however   can turn volume down and such in Ubuntu23:25
Badger32dmeesebyte - for gnome3 you will want gnome-shell23:25
debbiesebsebseb: it quite literally gets on my tits23:25
MattLinuxafternoon everyone23:25
meesebyteBadger32d: Ok awesome. Thanks for the help23:25
MattLinuxBadger32d afternoon23:26
debbiesebsebseb: so I want to stop that little wheel thing on the front edge from doing anything23:26
debbiesebsebseb: because I can turn the volume up and down with the mouse and the keyboard.  I don't need to be able to do it with my belly too23:26
hmcagreetings, where can i find the xvid mpeg4 decoder for totem? using latest dev ubuntu ppc23:26
ActionParsniphmca: which release?23:27
Badger32dmattlinux, ole!23:27
Sayoit's telling me /dev isn't mounted, but won't let me mount it because it isn't a block device?23:27
sebsebsebdebbie: on a lap top, you probably can't just disable that anyway23:27
hmcaActionParsnip: 10.1023:27
sebsebsebdebbie: however I don't know23:27
ActionParsniphmca: i's not dev anymore, its released23:27
ActionParsnip!codecs | hmca23:28
ubottuhmca: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:28
debbiesebsebseb: I have disabled it for every other program except for mplayer23:28
kenajbye es tnx fer now23:28
nogalsayo - perhaps you'd have better luck using a livecd instead of booting from usb?23:28
Sayonogal: netbook, no cd drive :/23:28
sebsebsebdebbie: Why are you using mplayer?23:28
sporkboynogal: okay, it started x, but it was all stripey, and the right edge was on the left.23:28
Sayoall i need to do is install grub2 to the mbr of my internal disc, it can't be too hard23:28
debbiesebsebseb: it's the best23:29
sebsebsebdebbie: for playing what?23:29
debbiesebsebseb: House MD23:29
debbiesebsebseb: and Dexter23:29
sebsebsebwhats MD?23:29
debbiesebsebseb: and Prison Break (season 2)23:29
ActionParsnipmplayer is the daddy :)23:29
nogalsporkboy, can you explain?23:29
sebsebsebActionParsnip: well23:29
debbiesebsebseb: (it got a bit boring in season 3)23:29
BalSakhi guys. is the ubuntu mobile (MID) now completely dead? I'd like to load the interface for my HTPC23:29
debbiesebsebseb: but this is off topic.  try #tvshows23:29
sebsebsebActionParsnip: maybe you can help her/him  something about sound23:29
domcoddebbie: you've disabled the external volume control for everything, _except_ mplayer??23:30
sebsebsebdebbie: your issue is off topic I thought23:30
debbiesebsebseb: MD is Medical Doctor23:30
nogaldebbie, there's a 5$ fix called a 'lap desk'23:30
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i suck at sound issues23:30
sebsebsebdomcod: since I thought you meant the actsaul hardware on the lap top  something23:30
sebsebsebdebbie: ^23:30
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:30
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah same, but this isn't just soume sound issue23:30
debbiedomcod: I've disabled the 'volume up' and 'volume down' shortcuts in the keyboard shortcuts dialog, so it no longer affects the 'master' volume, but mplayer is still affected by the volume wheel23:30
sebsebsebActionParsnip: its to do with the external sound hardware on a lap top23:30
nogalsayo, are you trying to make a dual boot?23:30
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:31
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:31
jurgenmdadm question: after dist upgrade(8.04->10.4) can I still mount/build old array?23:31
sporkboynogal: not much better than that. like the display was overlapping itself.23:31
sebsebseb!fishing | jzitt23:31
ubottujzitt: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:31
domcoddebbie: just tape the wheel. do you know whether the hardware is doing the volume change all by itself, or if the change request is routed through the kernel?23:31
=== destroyacle is now known as oracle
dlihow do I remove adobe flash plugin? adobe flash is installed, but found no package by: apt-get remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree23:32
jzittsebsebseb: "fishing"?23:32
debbiedomcod: I know the wheel is only affecting mplayer, not totem, xine, etc.  I don't know more.23:32
Sayonogal: I had like 5 partitions, 1 windows, and 3 UNR installs (2 of which failed). I deleted the two failed installs from within the third, but unfortunatly my copy of grub was installed to one of them, so when i boot up, i go straight to grub rescue>23:32
nogalsporkboy, if you can see enough to do anything, try installing the proprietary drivers23:32
nogaldli, use synaptic23:32
sebsebsebdebbie: thats a good idea do something to the wheel so it won't move23:32
indioHi. I upgraded my system to Maverick Meerkat and I lost sound in OpenOffice.org Presentations.23:32
debbiedomcod: taping it is a good idea.  so it WAS a hardware problem after all!  :)23:32
Ven]nwhen I try to install bcmwl-kernel-source it wants to build for both 2.6.32-25 AND 2.6.34-020634rc5-generic, why is that?23:32
sebsebsebjzitt: you can pm the bot for factoids23:32
dlinogal, what's the package name?23:33
Ven]nand it fails for the last one23:33
sebsebsebjzitt: only meant  to use them here, when they are aimed at other people23:33
nogaldli, just search for flash and they should come right up23:33
debbiehey seb, where are you from?23:33
sebsebsebuh just now debbie that was meant to be sent to domcod23:33
BalSakhi guys. is the ubuntu mobile (MID) now completely dead? I'd like to load the interface for my HTPC23:33
sebsebsebdebbie: Why do you wonder where I am from?23:33
dlinogal, as I mentioned, it's not what I found: apt-get remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree23:33
jzittsebsebseb: Ah, OK. I have a question about Wine and Unity, so was seeing if there was any info.23:33
ActionParsnipBalSak: tried XBMC ?23:34
nogalsayo, why don't you try just try installing and formatting it to a single partition?23:34
debbiesebsebseb: you seem so nice and helpful23:34
sebsebsebjzitt: whats the question?23:34
sebsebseb!ask | jzitt23:34
ubottujzitt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:34
sebsebsebdebbie: yeah I am useually :)23:34
sebsebsebdebbie: England, you?23:34
debbiesebsebseb: Canada23:34
jzittHow do I get programs that I installed with Wine to appear in Unity?23:34
domcoddebbie: the wheel is not affecting xine. did you do something to xine to make it so?23:34
nogaldli, why do you need to remove flash?23:34
dlinogal, I don't want adobe flash23:35
jzitt(I asked earlier, with no response.)23:35
Sayonogal: there are a lot of externalities i can't go into right now, but i can't reformat anything23:35
BalSakActionParsnip: I've built a machine that runs multiple media center apps on seperate concurrent TTY's, so I'd like to add another possible interface, like Ubuntu MID, MeeGo or Google TV23:35
debbiedomcod: I may have lied about xine.  Sorry.  I know it doesn't affect totem though.  I don't even have xine installed.  I don't know what came over me,.23:35
sebsebsebdebbie: I think I know who you might be23:35
Ven]nWhen I try to install bcmwl-kernel-source it wants to build for both 2.6.32-25-generic AND 2.6.34-020634rc5-generic, why is that? It fails on the last one and I only want it to build for 2.6.32-25.23:35
debbiesebsebseb: oh?23:35
nogalsayo, sorry then, i wish i could help more23:35
debbiesebsebseb: then you should be extra helpful23:35
Sayoand sdb is telling me it's already mounted but df prints nothign of the sort...ugh no worries, thanks anyway nogal23:35
domcoddebbie: did you do something to totem to make it so?23:35
sebsebsebdebbie: well if you got a daughter, but also a guy staying with you at the moment from this country23:36
arkyI've been asking intermittantly from users FreeBSD/Ubuntu seasoned users:  is FreeBSD harder to use than Ubuntu for plani desktop users? I want to hear from a variety of users. Thanks23:36
BalSakActionParsnip: I've got XBMC, Boxee, Enna, Moovida/Fluendo & Banshee loaded, & looking for more options23:36
ActionParsnipBalSak: Ubuntu MID Edition ended active development after 9.10 Alpha 6   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Mobile23:36
debbiedomcod: nope, other than clearing out the 'keyboard shortcuts' for "volume up" and "volume down" in the system keyboard shortcut dialog23:36
nogaldli, if you don't want it i suggest opening synaptic, searching for flash and removing everything flash related23:36
liquidmesonarky, way harder23:36
debbiesebsebseb: I do!23:36
debbiesebsebseb: are you some sort of weird creeper?23:36
dlinogal, I don't want adobe flash, doesn't really mean to remove flash23:37
BalSakActionParsnip: yea, i saw that. it's a pity. I would've like to have been able to add the PPA & install the interface. I'd like to avoid a full-blown desktop like GDM  or even Unity23:37
sebsebsebdebbie: no  I am the one that helped your daughter with Ubuntu, and then she introduced him to you.  however this isn't really the place to talk,  pm can be though23:37
arkyliquidmeson: thanks. And just to be sure: you're a seasoned user of both?23:37
debbiesebsebseb: I was trying to watch House MD, but the wheel is still turning23:38
dlinogal, sorry, my bad, the adobe flash is from 32bit chroot :( that's why not found by apt-get23:38
liquidmesonarky, seasoned i guess23:38
domcoddebbie: can you devise an experiment to determine whether this is what disabled the volume wheel for totem? maybe the volume wheel is just a fancy keyboard add-on and the system sees it as keyboard events?23:38
BalSakActionParsnip:you got any other good media centers you could recommend?23:38
liquidmesonarky, i've only ever used fbsd from a terminal23:38
=== Mrokii___ is now known as Mrokii1
ActionParsnipBalSak: i just use vlc + vlc remote on my android phone :)23:39
sebsebsebdomcod: your from near Vanvcouver yeah?23:39
debbiedomcod: the system sees the wheel as "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" and "XF86AudioLowerVolume" events23:39
liquidmesonarky, discovered both around the same time for server installs :p23:39
sebsebsebnot you domcod, but debbie  stupid auto complete23:39
BalSakActionParsnip: ... not a terrible idea....23:39
domcoddebbie: are those x11 events, visible with, say, xev?23:39
debbiedomcod: do you have buttons on your keyboard to turn the volume up and down?  like dedicated multimedia keys?23:40
ActionParsnipBalSak: sits on a desktop, vlc in the tray. I use my phone to start the film / music and it starts playing23:40
arkyliquidmeson: it can be interfaced now with Gnome so I wondered how helpful the GUI is23:40
BalSakActionParsnip: this HTPC I built is pretty skinny. no desktop; only X23:40
ActionParsnipBalSak: I also use x forwarding to run spotify so the app shows on my lappy but the sound comes out of the server :)23:40
Sayook, super simple question, anyone know how to determine what sdb and its corresponding suffix number coincide with what partition I have installed, and more over, if 'df' doesn't display a device, such as "sdb" being mounted, but "sudo mount /dev/sdb /dev/sdb" says sdb is busy or already mounted23:41
goltoof_Cursor becomes unresponsive. Out of the blue it will move but not grab or click.  Alt-tab also stops working. After a minute or two it will come back. How do I reset, or restart the process?  What configs control that?  Recently installed Wacom bamboo tablet, which might of changed cursor settings..?23:41
liquidmesonarky, for the basic user I would just default to ubuntu purely by howmuch more info you can find just by googling23:41
ActionParsnipSayo: if you run: mount   you should see what is mounted where23:41
dliActionParsnip, pulseaudio can forward audio through net23:41
nogalanyone with 10.10 know about gesture recognition and if its possible on a standard synaptic (the company, not the package manager) touchpad?23:41
Andys^wtf is kslowd ?!?!23:41
ActionParsnipdli: true but this requires zero config :)23:41
debbiedomcod: xev shows this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512712/23:41
SayoActionParsnip: i did, and verified that sdb is not mounted, but last time i checked terminal didn't lie :/23:42
ActionParsnipSayo: you can't mount a block device to itself23:42
BalSakActionParsnip: not familiar with spotify. I've installed miro & banshee23:42
erUSULAndys^: a kernel threath;23:42
ActionParsnipSayo: you also mount partitions, you cannot mount sdb23:42
SayoActionParsnip: so if i wanted to access the mbr of my internal drive to write grub files to it, how would you suggest i mount it?23:42
SayoActionParsnip: ahhh, would you suppose sdb0 may be the mbr?23:42
arky<liquidmeson> OK. Beside that you're also, you're saying that FBSD is way harder than Ubuntu from the terminal23:43
liquidmesondebbie, i have dedicated buttons23:43
ActionParsnipSayo: if you want to write grub then you point the grub installer command to sdb the partitions are moot23:43
jsecHi all. My battery indicator on my laptop almost never reports the proper battery life and percentage (it's currently at 1.5% after being fully charged). running acpi -b shows the proper life left, but I don't want to run that every 20 mins. to see if my battery is going to die. Any ideas?23:43
frobeI know this is off topic but does anyone have any information on connecting a wireless headset to a tv/ (more specificly an direct tv hd dvr recvr with digi audio out?23:43
ActionParsnipjsec: log a bug23:43
tadotrism: you still online? did you figure anything out about the keyboard layout icon?23:43
jsecActionParsnip: tried. Launchpad is down for maintenance for the moment.23:44
liquidmesonjsec, my laptop is similar in that when brand new a full charge was 70%23:44
dlijsec, try the gnome-sensor applet, you can select sensors to be acpi ones23:44
SayoActionParsnip: as per the guide here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows), from what i gather, running "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" should work, right?23:44
ActionParsnipjsec: hang fire then log it, does the system turn off when the erroneus level reaches zero23:45
Sayobecuase this is the error it provides: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).23:45
trismtado: yes, it was patched to add a key in 10.04.1, but doesn't work in 10.10, see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/63198923:45
ActionParsnipSayo: looks ok to me, i dont play with grub as I only single boot ubuntu23:45
jsecActionParsnip: no. But it's annoying when it does reach zero because I keep getting the "Battery is at critical level" popup every 5 minutes for an hour.23:46
tadotrism: launchpad down for manteinance. i'll save the link and check later. thanks though23:46
=== Mrokii___ is now known as Mrokii2
nogalsayo i'm not positive but i'm pretty sure that the /dev/sbd location is not in actuality the mount location of your hard drive23:46
Sayonogal: thoughts on where it would be23:46
jsecdli: technically the sensor is correct, it's just not displaying correctly23:47
nogalopen a terminal and type 'df'23:47
Sayomind you i am running a netbook with no other drives,  one internal IDE drive and currently booted off a USB stick with a live install23:47
ActionParsnipSayo: /dev/sdb is the actual device and can be mounted, if you want to install grub to it then you use that device23:47
sebsebsebjzitt: can you repeate the question23:47
ActionParsnipSayo: all drives are IDE, but we know what you mean ;)23:47
sebsebsebjzitt: Wine and Unity23:47
nogallisted on the right23:47
debbieso do you think it's worth me hanging around for some help?23:47
debbieor is that all I'm getting?23:47
liquidmesonsayo, system>admin>disk utility, click on the largest one, Device: /dev/sd??23:48
domcoddebbie: xmodmap seems to be the right tool here, but i've never used it. pase the output of xmodmap -pk23:48
nogaldebbie, your issue is that your stomach moves your volume knob?23:48
domcoddebbie: *paste23:48
debbienogal: my issue is that moving the volume knob unpauses my video, and changes the volume23:48
SayoActionParsnip: my biggest issue is that i am currently coming at you live from the inside of a usb live install, and i'm trying to use this as a recovery console situation to repair grub, so i don't even think my internal hd is "mounted"23:48
debbienogal: I'd rather it did nothing at all, 'cos I move it accidentally, and have other ways to adjust the volume23:48
jzittHow do I get programs that I installed via Wine to appear un the Ubuntu Unity interface?23:48
replicasexActionParsnip, they're not going to put the new xorg into 10.04 are they?  It works just fine now that I'm back on 10.04 ...23:48
Sayonogal: you want me to pm you the output of df?23:48
nogalto sayo23:49
ActionParsnipreplicasex: no idea dude, you coudl hit launchpad when it comes back up and check the roadmap23:49
nogaldebbie, sorry i misread it, no idea23:49
ActionParsnipSayo: it wont be by default23:49
sebsebsebdebbie: your lucky Chris has helped you out a lot with Ubuntu,  but this is the big channel, people are volunters,  you can't always expect to get a good reply23:49
replicasexDoes anybody know about the new xorg and if it would be pushed to 10.04?23:50
liquidmesondebbie, could always take your laptop appart and pull out the cable connected to it23:50
debbiedomcod: xmodmap -pk output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512726/23:50
ActionParsnipreplicasex: could ask in #ubuntu-dev23:50
Sayoliquidmeson: sdb5 is my UNR install, sdb2 is my windows install,23:50
Sayoliquidmeson: but i want grub as my one primary bootloader, on the MBR of the whole device23:51
meesebyteWhat's the best way to shrink a partition and alot another one if windows is installed on said partition?23:51
debbieliquidmeson: I could.  I think maybe putting some duck tape over the wheel is what I'll try first if nobody can come up with a proper solution23:51
ActionParsnipdebbie: duct tape23:51
sebsebsebdebbie: it may be a bug with mplayer, why you can't just do what you want to do23:51
debbieActionParsnip: I use duck tape23:52
nogalmeesebyte, if you're running vista or 7 you can shrink it from the control pannel23:52
debbieActionParsnip: it's better quality23:52
debbieActionParsnip: and quacks23:52
meesebytenogal: Ohrlly. Its windows 7.., so ;)23:52
debbiesebsebseb: I usually do what I want to do, but in this case I can't23:52
gilanialiI am trying to run this command but i am getting a permission denied error: ssh user@server 'git --bare init path/to/repo'23:53
debbieActionParsnip: http://www.emergencyresources.com/ducktape.jpg23:53
gilanialishouldnt this work in my own directory23:53
jurgenmdadm question: after dist upgrade(8.04->10.4) can I still mount/build old array?23:53
liquidmesonSayo, can you currently boot windows and ubuntu on the same device?23:54
replicasexActionParsnip, apparently it won't, which is very good news.23:54
linxehgilaniali: your user doesnt have write access to path/to/repo23:54
nogalmeesebyte: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/2672-partition-volume-shrink.html23:54
domcoddebbie: echo 'keycode 122 =' | xmodmap -; echo 'keycode 123 =' | xmodmap -23:54
Sayoliquidmeson: i could this morning. what happened was, a year ago i installed ubuntu on here, it put grub on its partition, i dual booted xp and ubuntu for a minute,23:55
Sayoliquidmeson: i recently reinstalled UNR, deleted the old ubuntu and subsequently deleted my grub, now i cant boot at all23:55
fallenservanthey does anyone know how to change your shell colors in icewm?23:55
liquidmesonSayo, do you remember when you installed UNR if you selected use whole disk?23:56
Sayono i did not23:56
Sayoi set it to a  very specific partition23:56
magicianlordUnity interface is underwhelming.23:56
liquidmesonSayo, if your running ubuntu at all grub is on there, the problem is that its not seeing windows23:56
Sayoliquidmeson: no man, when i boot the computer all i get is "grub recovery>_"23:57
wiseyI'm moving to skipton soon and the exchange there has an ofcom classification of market 3. I currently live in Gargrave who's exchange is market 1. My broadband connection goes from around 700 kB/sec down to 15 kB/sec between 5pm and 11pm. Basically i'm not happy with it. I'd like a connection with 700 kB/sec 24/7 and fast torrents. Can you recommend something to me?23:57
jzittmagicianlord: Yeah, it's pretty but cryptic. Currently flummoxed trying to get Wine-installed programs to show up in it at all.23:57
linxehwisey: skipton, yorkshire ?23:57
Sayoliquidmeson: like, when i boot i can't get into my hard-drive-installed version of unr23:58
liquidmesonSayo, I belive someone say in the usb live, run sudo grub-install /dev/sdb23:58
magicianlordjzitt: like your rap music, dawg. yes, unity is not very useful compared to the standard desktop MEOWkat.23:58
StuckMojowhen did maverick release?23:58
liquidmesonSayo, did you try that?23:58
magicianlordStuckMojo: 10.10, money23:58
Sayoliquidmeson: try what?23:58
domcoddebbie: did it work23:58
nertilhow to update my wireles stick drivers?23:59
sebsebsebStuckMojo: The Sunday that has just been was the 10.10 release23:59
StuckMojohttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes <- still calls 10.10 a beta23:59
RabidGoblinhello, i'm wondering has anyone else had some troubles with sound in 10.10?  I'm finding programs that used to run with sound will no longer run with sound...23:59
StuckMojo"The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 10.10 beta featuring..."23:59
fallenservantnyone here using icewm?23:59
sarge1221Hey I have a bit of a question. I'm experimenting with ubuntu 10.04 and wanted to see about setting up a auto task that will automatically look up and install new updates every so often. I'm stuck on the root part though does anyone know away i could make that one specific task have root privileges?23:59
magicianlordRabidGoblin: such as23:59
nertilhow to update my wireles stick drivers?23:59
nogalrabid goblin, check ALSA23:59

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