=== lifebound is now known as LifeBound | ||
* olive_tree says "Hello World!" | 00:28 | |
* olive_tree says "Hello World!" | 00:29 | |
olive_tree | Are you all using Linux? | 00:31 |
James147 | olive_tree: given this is the support channel for kubuntu... a linux distrabution i would say most of us do :) | 00:31 |
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=== max is now known as Guest59183 | ||
Cato37 | i am having some problems with the 10.10 upgrade. everytime i reboot, the desktop effects are turned off by "another application."it there a fix for this? | 01:11 |
johannes_ | hi I have kubuntu maverick running and a 1055t amd phenom II, how can I check, if turbo core works ? | 01:11 |
Malediktus | huhu gauda | 01:13 |
gauda | lol | 01:13 |
Malediktus | are you using linux? | 01:13 |
gauda | have a guess.. | 01:13 |
Malediktus | nah, methinks your usink amiga | 01:14 |
seanvk_ | Are there plans to add support for system settings -> Network proxy -> socks proxy? | 01:14 |
gauda | actually i am an apple fan boy | 01:15 |
Malediktus | hihi | 01:15 |
kawfish_ | How can I mute only laptop speakers with kmix? | 01:16 |
styles2304 | I have smb.conf setup to allow multiple users to connect. Each user in smb.conf is an actual linux user, has a samba password, and belongs to the group that the share is owned by. However, I can't connect with any but the linux admin account. What is preventing me from connecting with multiple users? | 01:16 |
kawfish_ | Just to give more info. I can mute the external speaker from alsamixer, but if i adjust kmix vol it turns the sound up again. | 01:18 |
styles2304 | Or maybe someone can just help me setup multiple users for samba shares based on smb.conf? | 01:19 |
ChrisE | styles2304, i'd guess it's something to do with permissions on the directories you're trying to share | 01:21 |
styles2304 | Where would I check the permissions and then change them? | 01:21 |
styles2304 | is that the drwxr-xr-x that's listed before each directory if I ls -l? | 01:22 |
ChrisE | yes, check the permissions and the ownership is what you expect for each directory | 01:22 |
styles2304 | In this particular case, the ownership for all the directories are of the user system_manager and the group system_manager | 01:23 |
styles2304 | and I can login to them with system_manager | 01:23 |
styles2304 | however, even if I change ownership to sound_room and the group sound_room | 01:23 |
styles2304 | I can't access them with the user sound_room | 01:23 |
styles2304 | the valid users in smb.conf seem to have no effect on this | 01:24 |
ChrisE | what is the permissions set to? | 01:24 |
styles2304 | I'm not sure where to check that | 01:24 |
styles2304 | or is that in the smb.conf? | 01:24 |
ChrisE | the start of the ls -l line for each should be something like drwx------ or drwx-r-xr-x | 01:24 |
styles2304 | ah ok, yeah, each one is the same: drwxr-xr-x | 01:25 |
ChrisE | can your users log-in? i'm assuming you're sharing their home directories | 01:25 |
styles2304 | yeah, the users can login to linux | 01:25 |
styles2304 | no, I'm just creating directories under /srv/samba/ and assigning as mapped drives on windows | 01:25 |
ChrisE | just as an experiment, can they mount their home directories on the windows machine? | 01:27 |
styles2304 | I'm not sure . . . let me try real quick | 01:27 |
styles2304 | crap, I've got to restart because I've already logged in under system_manager | 01:30 |
styles2304 | brb | 01:30 |
ChrisE | i gotta go to bed, it's 1.30 here, sorry i couldn't help you further | 01:30 |
styles2304 | Ok, the answer is no, they can't even access their home directories from windows | 01:32 |
styles2304 | ONLY system_manager can access for some reason | 01:32 |
Morbius | Does anyone know how to figure out output values for key bindings to add new input to konsole? (Settings - edit current profile - input - edit) I have a program which is expecting Control-Enter and some Control-Function keys and I don't know what output to send. (ex: Del = \E[3~ what would ^F1 be?) | 01:40 |
seanvk_ | When switching from Ubuntu to Kubuntu, does Kubuntu network manager not read the gconf wireless settings? | 01:42 |
moetunes | I don't think it would - gconf is for gnome apps settings | 01:43 |
seanvk_ | moetunes: have you ever heard of a way to import? | 01:44 |
moetunes | sorry but no... | 01:44 |
moetunes | I don't do wireless or gnome | 01:44 |
dasKreech | seanvk: What are you trying to pull across? | 01:58 |
seanvk | dasKreech: I have my vpn and wlan settings in gconf for Gnome and just switched to kubuntu from ubuntu | 01:59 |
glauce | is it possible to install offline softwares from kubuntu 10.10 dvd? How? | 02:01 |
=== max is now known as Guest32138 | ||
dasKreech | seanvk: Ah no. The secrets are locked. At the Desktop Summit this year they will have a secrets collaboration so that things like security keys and passwords will be stored once and work regardless if it is a Gnome or KDE app | 02:01 |
dasKreech | glauce: Yes | 02:01 |
seanvk | dasKreech: Thanks for the details. | 02:02 |
dasKreech | Enable the DVD repo (happens automatically when you mount the DVD I think) | 02:02 |
=== Guest32138 is now known as MaxGonz | ||
glauce | dasKreech: I could install kdegames as dvd-live, but I couldnt install it from dvd when installed. | 02:02 |
glauce | dasKreech: I get an error when adding it... | 02:03 |
MaxGonz | a ver que pasa | 02:03 |
MaxGonz | alguien que me diga hola...!!!!! | 02:03 |
dasKreech | glauce: What error? | 02:05 |
dasKreech | !es | 02:05 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 02:05 |
MaxGonz | amm, | 02:05 |
MaxGonz | sorry | 02:05 |
MaxGonz | i don't know | 02:06 |
glauce | dasKreech: nevertheless it's mounted, the kpackagekit says it isn't. | 02:06 |
dasKreech | glauce: Ah hold on | 02:07 |
glauce | dasKreech: okay | 02:07 |
dasKreech | MaxGonz: Hola ingles please :) | 02:08 |
dasKreech | glauce: When you go to settings you can see the repos? | 02:08 |
glauce | dasKreech: yep, I can see them. | 02:09 |
dasKreech | glauce: which ones are enabled? | 02:09 |
MaxGonz | yes friend, I did not know (dasKreech) | 02:09 |
dasKreech | MaxGonz: It's ok :) Welcome | 02:09 |
glauce | dasKreech: almost all of them, includind cdrom. | 02:10 |
MaxGonz | thank | 02:10 |
glauce | dasKreech: that is the odd thing... =/ | 02:12 |
dasKreech | glauce: well .. if you are online it will ignore the DVD since the servers are always more up to date | 02:13 |
dasKreech | Apt will always pull the latest files if possible | 02:13 |
glauce | dasKreech: I've tried offline too... it didn't work. | 02:14 |
glauce | dasKreech: it says I'm not online... | 02:14 |
glauce | I never thought it couuld be so difficult install some simple games in a desktop... | 02:15 |
moetunes | I thought the dvd was just the cd install + language packs | 02:16 |
glauce | moetunes: I thought it too, I was surprised when I could install offline the kdegames... | 02:18 |
dasKreech | moetunes: It's the main repo as well | 02:19 |
moetunes | oh | 02:19 |
glauce | and even more surprised when I could not do the same with the system installed. | 02:19 |
dasKreech | if the games are from universe then you will need net | 02:19 |
glauce | dasKreech: even if they exists on dvd?? | 02:20 |
glauce | It's a serious lack, in my opinion. | 02:20 |
glauce | and the fact it cant be mounted by installer, when it is mounted in the system... too weird. | 02:22 |
dasKreech | glauce: You can fool it if you like | 02:25 |
glauce | dasKreech: ? | 02:25 |
=== MOM4Evr is now known as MOM4Evr_ | ||
dasKreech | glauce: Apt also always gets closer files before further away | 02:28 |
glauce | dasKreech: okay... | 02:29 |
dasKreech | so if the files are the same on the server and the DVD then it will use the DVD. If the files are on the hard drive it will use that instead | 02:29 |
dasKreech | So if you know what package you want just copy it from the pool on the DVD to /var/cache/apt/archives and it will install | 02:29 |
glauce | dasKreech: okay. and where do the files are on dvd? I can't see any of them, they're compressed on some file? | 02:30 |
=== A_B__ is now known as A_B_ | ||
dasKreech | Might be I don't use the DVD is there a casper file or some file that's suspciously large? :) | 02:32 |
glauce | let me see... | 02:32 |
glauce | dasKreech: nothing up to 10 MB around here... =/ | 02:35 |
dasKreech | hmm | 02:35 |
glauce | where do these guys hide the softwares?? | 02:35 |
dasKreech | JontheEchidna: ping | 02:44 |
JontheEchidna | pong | 02:44 |
JontheEchidna | dasKreech: ^ | 02:44 |
jaybomb | Has anyone tried krfb (desktop sharing) in 10.10? Krfb crashes on start for me with a segmentation fault. | 02:45 |
dasKreech | JontheEchidna: glauce is asking for some help with setting a DVD as an apt source | 02:45 |
JontheEchidna | I've never done that, so I don't think I can help there... | 02:45 |
dasKreech | Seems to be set but isn't working I don't have a way to confirm or troubleshoot right now. can you help? | 02:45 |
JontheEchidna | not really :( | 02:45 |
dasKreech | Well do you know where the packages are kept on the DVD? | 02:45 |
JontheEchidna | They aren't actually kept as files. The pool is raw data, iirc | 02:46 |
JontheEchidna | you might be able to add the DVD as a source with software-properties | 02:46 |
JontheEchidna | but I think you have to let APT handle it | 02:47 |
JontheEchidna | you can't just copy the archives off the DVD | 02:47 |
glauce | what a good thing to know... =/ | 02:48 |
JontheEchidna | In KPackageKit, in the settings part, there should be a button called "Edit software sources" or something | 02:49 |
JontheEchidna | Clicking that should prompt for the password and open the software properties dialog | 02:49 |
JontheEchidna | in the "Other software" tab there should be an "Add CD-ROM" button that should do what you want | 02:49 |
JontheEchidna | it should add the CD-ROM, and then you can do the usual sudo apt-get install to install whatever package you wanted off the DVD | 02:50 |
glauce | JontheEchidna: the cdrom is already added. the installer says it isnt mounted when it is mounted in the system. | 02:51 |
JontheEchidna | hmm | 02:51 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, dunno how much farther than that I can help | 02:51 |
glauce | and say that Im not in the web. | 02:51 |
glauce | I think it could be more easy to install software from cd/dvd on (k|u)buntu | 02:53 |
dasKreech | JontheEchidna: Was it always raw? I'm almost sure I remember copying files off a DVD before | 02:55 |
JontheEchidna | pretty sure. at least on the CD | 02:55 |
JontheEchidna | the DVD could be different seeing as it has a lot more packages | 02:55 |
dasKreech | A decent amount more | 02:57 |
JontheEchidna | but yeah, I haven't had a computer capable of reading a DVD since decemberish last year | 02:59 |
dasKreech | wouldn't a USB key be the same? | 02:59 |
Kethal | Does kubuntu 10.10 use KDE4.5? | 03:02 |
dasKreech | Kethal: yes | 03:03 |
Kethal | thx | 03:03 |
leandrosansilva | Hello to all. | 03:03 |
leandrosansilva | Is openoffice working on kubuntu installations on your machines? | 03:03 |
dasKreech | I'd guess. what's up? | 03:04 |
leandrosansilva | I'm using kubuntu 10.04 and when I updated kde with backports, openoffice stopped to work | 03:04 |
leandrosansilva | now my girlfirend has installed kubuntu 10.10 and openoffice doen't open with the same error: X-Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) | 03:05 |
leandrosansilva | Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea) | 03:05 |
leandrosansilva | Resource ID: 0x0 | 03:05 |
leandrosansilva | Serial No: 470 (470) | 03:05 |
leandrosansilva | These errors are reported asynchronously, | 03:05 |
FloodBotK2 | leandrosansilva: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:05 |
leandrosansilva | set environment variable SAL_SYNCHRONIZE to 1 to help debugging | 03:05 |
glauce | JontheEchidna: dasKreech well, I give up. I try to get a better connection then I install the games... thank you, guys. | 03:06 |
leandrosansilva | (sorry) http://pastebin.com/ia9PNmuw | 03:06 |
dasKreech | glauce: sorry I couldn't help | 03:06 |
glauce | dasKreech: no problem. | 03:06 |
dasKreech | leandrosansilva: Woudln't happen to have the same video card? | 03:07 |
leandrosansilva | so openoffice only worked when we removed the kde integration package openoffice.org-kde | 03:07 |
leandrosansilva | So i think it can be a bug in the kde integration system | 03:08 |
leandrosansilva | she's using osygen theme | 03:08 |
dasKreech | leandrosansilva: hmm seems interesting can you file a bug against the oxygen theme with your video driver and the version of the kde OO.o package ? | 03:10 |
leandrosansilva | Yes, I can. I just wanted to know of any other people is having the same problem | 03:11 |
dasKreech | leandrosansilva: http://ur1.ca/226hp read that and see if it's your issue | 03:11 |
leandrosansilva | dasKreech: yes, the problem started when I change the qt render system to raster | 03:18 |
dasKreech | ok :) | 03:18 |
leandrosansilva | Do you use the software rendering system on kubuntu? | 03:19 |
leandrosansilva | here it's very slow... So I've changed to raster, which is faster | 03:20 |
=== zack`ubuntu is now known as zackk | ||
retry | I just updated from 9.10 to 10.4 (lts)...the old kernel works the new kernel boots up with no display. What could be the problem? | 03:24 |
Morbius | it could be trying to use a display mode that is out of bounds... is there no display at all, or does the monitor give an error message? | 03:41 |
Morbius | ^retry | 03:41 |
retry | the display is blank | 03:42 |
retry | I found this | 03:42 |
retry | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html | 03:42 |
Morbius | did it work? | 03:44 |
retry | haven't had a chance to try yet | 03:44 |
retry | but I will | 03:44 |
retry | not tonight | 03:44 |
retry | just collecting potential things to try right now | 03:44 |
=== root is now known as Guest74982 | ||
retry | it's just interesting to me that the old 9.10 kernel works fine | 03:45 |
retry | and the 10.04 one does not | 03:45 |
retry | so even though the nvidia drivers were updated, that's not a problem for the older kernel | 03:45 |
pibarnas | it is impossible to install software from dvd source in (k)?ubuntu. it's a bug. | 03:47 |
Live_session_use | Hay, (maybe)summa you know me as Optiplex-GX620 or Gameboyman99 but who cares... anyway my Kubuntu 10.10 upgrade failed and now I get this error message: PROBLEM: I can't send it for two reasons: 1. I don't want to create a launchpad.net account and 2. It's way too long to write, as I can't copy/paste it; Kubuntu doesn't run past the 5-dot screen then a VERY long error message pops up... | 03:50 |
Live_session_use | P.S. I don't know the error unless I restart... | 03:53 |
kyubutsu | is there a command to clear rekonq history? | 03:54 |
Live_session_use | P.P.S. It has problems with a lot of .py files | 03:55 |
Live_session_use | Hello any1 there?? I'm gonna crawl into my bed and hope some miracle happens | 04:03 |
Live_session_use | Goodbye........................ | 04:04 |
slooksterpsv | alrighty I'm here ppls I can see if I can help, kyubutsu - like clear the history for rekonq in the terminal? | 04:09 |
kyubutsu | slooksterpsv: that'd be fine too | 04:12 |
kyubutsu | point is , rekonq history is borked here.. how about yours | 04:12 |
slooksterpsv | I deleted the history file in terminal and it cleared the history, let me try from the rekonq menu | 04:12 |
slooksterpsv | it deleted for me | 04:13 |
slooksterpsv | from the wrench icon -> clear private data - then clear, it deleted my history | 04:14 |
kyubutsu | i see.. i'll reinstall rekonq and see if that does it | 04:15 |
slooksterpsv | in terminal its located at: ~/.kde/apps/rekonq/history - so you could just type in rm ~/.kde/apps/rekonq/history - and see what happens with that | 04:15 |
kyubutsu | thanks for input | 04:15 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - when you reinstall have it purge the installation of it | 04:15 |
* kyubutsu nods | 04:16 | |
BenPA | hi all ... I am using Kubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 and Firestarter. I get a box each time I start that says Information - KdeSudo ... No command arguments supplied! | 04:16 |
BenPA | Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> | 04:16 |
BenPA | KdeSudo will now exit... ... in the Autostart under System Settings says ... su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/firestarter ... how can I fix this ... I sent a bug report but no response | 04:16 |
FloodBotK2 | BenPA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:16 |
kyubutsu | slooksterpsv: you having any issues with video playback on it too? | 04:16 |
BenPA | sorry wasn't intended to flood thought it would fit in one line | 04:17 |
slooksterpsv | I did, I had to reinitialize my xorg file for fglrx (for the drivers) what do you use, ati, nvidia, or intel? | 04:17 |
slooksterpsv | su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/firestarter ? - haven't seen that | 04:18 |
kyubutsu | nvidia , youtube played fine , just other embedded videos didnt play | 04:19 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu, oh let me try another embedded video, do you mean like metacafe, dailymotion, etc.? | 04:19 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA is that the exact command it says? | 04:19 |
kyubutsu | yes | 04:19 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: yes | 04:20 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - what browser | 04:20 |
kyubutsu | rekonq | 04:20 |
kyubutsu | then again i'll what i get after reinstalling it | 04:20 |
kyubutsu | *see | 04:21 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - chrome works for me, let me try rekonq - BenPA - still researching that | 04:21 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: ty | 04:22 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA - open a terminal and type in ls /usr/sbin/firestarter - and see if firestarter shows in the terminal | 04:23 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: yes it does | 04:24 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - playback is really choppy in rekonq | 04:24 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: firestarter starts and asks for a password as it is suppose to but I keep getting that darn box | 04:25 |
slooksterpsv | for the how to run kdesudo | 04:25 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: I did change it at one point but not sure of which switches to use | 04:26 |
jmichaelx | so is konqueror simply not included in maverick? | 04:26 |
slooksterpsv | jmichaelx - it's now rekonq | 04:26 |
maco | jmichaelx: yep, finally replaced | 04:26 |
slooksterpsv | rekonq is nice, still sluggish on flash, but great otherwise | 04:27 |
jmichaelx | slooksterpsv: ok, but i don't think that rekonq is derived from konqueror.... is it? | 04:27 |
maco | after what... 2 years of jr complaining that he cant read slashdot in the default browser? | 04:27 |
maco | jmichaelx: no its a webkit-based browser that uses kdelibs | 04:27 |
jmichaelx | maco: sweet. good riddance to konqueror | 04:27 |
maco | basically a rewrite with webkit instead of khtml because umm... khtml...not so much on the compatibility with the internets thing | 04:27 |
jmichaelx | even though ultimately webkit is derived from khtml | 04:28 |
maco | yes its a fork | 04:28 |
maco | but with a *lot* of devel behind it that makes it much more standards compliant and featureful | 04:28 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA - I would try purging Firestarter, then reinstalling and resetting up the configuration, | 04:28 |
maco | (say "thank you" to apple) | 04:28 |
jmichaelx | yes, for sure | 04:28 |
jmichaelx | ty to apple, and now to google, too | 04:29 |
maco | BenPA: can i suggest using gufw instead of firestarter? firestarter's been unmaintained for a few years and cant handle > 1 interface at a time | 04:29 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: not a problem I can do that but what do I substitute as the kdesudo command instead of su-to-root command | 04:31 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: I didn't know that firestarter was unmaintained | 04:32 |
bigbrovar | is anyone having issues with bluedevil on kubuntu? it sometimes fails sending files to my mobile device. I never had such problem running it on kubuntu 10.04 | 04:32 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA - maco stated that | 04:32 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: it is still in the repos | 04:32 |
maco | BenPA: because it still builds ;-) | 04:32 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: sorry | 04:32 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA - I personally use gufw, as its a very simple interface, especially if you need to quickly add tcp and udp ports to open on the firewall or block specific ones | 04:33 |
maco | it compiles, it stays put. even things that dont compile tend to stick around a while. things that dont compile were purged before 10.04, but that was the first time in years | 04:33 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - umm... let me try bluedevil, what kind of a mobile device and what kind of connection | 04:33 |
bigbrovar | its the Nokia N900 and although its also unable to pair, my main problem is sending files to the device. | 04:34 |
BenPA | slooksterpsv: I use it because the people I have converted from windows needed something simple | 04:34 |
bigbrovar | slooksterpsv: . | 04:34 |
slooksterpsv | BenPA - try gufw, see how simple it is, it's really not that bad | 04:35 |
BenPA | maco: I will try gufw but like I was telling slooksterpsv ... I need something simple for the converted one LOL | 04:35 |
maco | BenPA: gufw is simple | 04:36 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - how far away is the device when you pair it with your computer | 04:36 |
maco | ufw is a simple cli frontend to iptables, and gufw is a simple frontend to *that* -- its what ubuntu ships | 04:36 |
BenPA | maco: ok | 04:36 |
bigbrovar | slooksterpsv: very close infact its almost in physical contact with my laptop. distance is not the issue here | 04:37 |
maco | so...firestarter in 10.10 is version 1.0.3. the one in 6.06 is also 1.0.3. there are no older ubuntu repositories still online to look for more-than-4-and-a-half-years-old packages to see how long ago 1.0.3 was | 04:37 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - I probably won't be able to help I forgot my computer doesn't have bluetooth, its my apple that does, so I can't try pairing up devices and seeing what happens (or send files) - how large of files are you sending to the device? | 04:38 |
maco | BenPA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestarter_%28firewall%29 january 2005 apparently. so over 5.5 years old | 04:39 |
bigbrovar | less than 5mb.. its might be an issue with bluedevil rc4 which is the version shipped on kubuntu 10.10 | 04:39 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - lets see if we can find a ppa that may have an updated version | 04:39 |
bigbrovar | It worked very well with RC2 which I used on lucid. | 04:40 |
maco | iirc, rc4 = final | 04:40 |
maco | final & ubuntu's final freeze were almost simultaneous | 04:40 |
bigbrovar | I don't know if its an issue with my hardware but like I said RC2 worked very well without any issue on lucid.. but now I can barely get sending of files to work. | 04:41 |
slooksterpsv | maco - oh really? odd, didn't know that; bigbrovar - we could uninstall the version of bluedevil you have now and get the rc2 version from a ppa temporarily and see if that resolves the issue, otherwise it may be an issue with the kernel as this is a new kernel | 04:41 |
BenPA | maco: should I enable both gufw and ufw under preferences? | 04:41 |
maco | BenPA: sure | 04:41 |
BenPA | maco: and what level do you suggest? I sometimes go through airports and outside locations | 04:42 |
bigbrovar | slooksterpsv: u have a point there. never thought a newer kernel could affect the performance of a bluetooth.. hmm | 04:42 |
maco | BenPA: mm not sure. what options does it give? i tend to use ufw from command line | 04:43 |
BenPA | maco: low medium high and full | 04:44 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - well with changes to the kernel, drivers may be affected as well; with 2.6.35-14 my ati drivers wouldn't work, with -19, they worked alright -22 they work perfectly, so far; also my touchpad wouldn't let me edge scroll until 2.6.32-24 | 04:44 |
maco | BenPA: try medium and see how you like it? | 04:44 |
maco | thats more options than the command line one. that one i tell it to deny all then i give it "sudo ufw allow <service>" (daap for music sharing, ssh, whatever) | 04:45 |
bigbrovar | slooksterpsv: do u know any ppa that packages bluedevil.. I know there was a ppa I used which has the RC2 package but I cant remember the which | 04:45 |
BenPA | maco: last question is there a indicator that can be placed in the system tray to indicate that an event has happened? | 04:45 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar: https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid | 04:46 |
bigbrovar | thanks | 04:46 |
maco | BenPA: not that i know of, but firestarter's doing that was always rather silly.. traffic on the interface is nothing to worry about, but thats that itd alert on | 04:46 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - if you want to remove bluedevil and just install the deb package (may be easier) go here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/falk-t-j/lucid/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bluedevil/ | 04:47 |
maco | (firewalls are not intrusion detection systems. and normal users and intrusion detection systems dont tend to go together anyway) | 04:47 |
BenPA | maco: well sometimes I could see who was trying to get in ... sometimes I noted that it was the service provider like comcast | 04:48 |
BenPA | maco: or a microsoft machine testing a port | 04:49 |
maco | that all ends up in /var/log/kern.log | 04:49 |
maco | last time i looked in there while at a conference i found that there was a LOT of traffic from mac users of microsoft office... | 04:50 |
BenPA | maco: ok thank you I will test | 04:50 |
BenPA | maco: lol | 04:50 |
maco | the darned thing spams out on port 2222 (i think?) to look for other systems on the same network with same office key so it can then phone home about piracy | 04:50 |
slooksterpsv | if Microsofts software didn't cost so much, there wouldn't be as much piracy; you charge too much for something people will want it for free, e.g. Adobe Photoshop is a big one out there; if they priced it to where it wasn't so expensive people who like it could buy it and use it and probably the companies would sell more and lose less | 04:52 |
slooksterpsv | KOffice needs to talk to Openoffice and work collaboratively on it, Koffice has some better integrated features than OO e.g. photo rotation in documents, Kontact (PIM), etc. | 04:53 |
bigbrovar | anyone gotten network-manager-gnome to install on kubuntu 10.10? It installs fine on 10.04 but I can not get it to install on 10.10 it complains about some missing icons | 04:54 |
BenPA | maco: ahhhh those sneaky M$ devils | 04:55 |
BenPA | bigbrovar: for all it's worth I use wicd | 04:56 |
slooksterpsv | bigbrovar - what icons does it say its missing? | 04:57 |
dasKreech | hi bigbrovar | 04:57 |
slooksterpsv | dasKreech - I'm back =D, I installed Ubuntu 10.10, it worked great, then install Kubuntu 10.10 (via sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop) - used gdm as my DM, but use KDE for my DE and it's working so well, the upgrade must have fubar'ed my system | 04:59 |
bigbrovar | dasKreech: hi | 04:59 |
bigbrovar | slooksterpsv: problem I have is same as this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/416341/comments/5 | 05:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 416341 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "network-manager-gnome does not depend on gnome-icon-theme" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:00 |
bigbrovar | but it seems I found a walk around | 05:00 |
maco | bigbrovar: whats the workaround? | 05:02 |
slooksterpsv | dasKreech - probably don't remember me, I came in and complained about KDE not working right, notifications wouldn't work or were too annoying, I tried colibri, and havoc was going on on my system, well the fresh install did some good it fixed a lot of issues. probably about 2-3 days ago I came in here and talked to you and I wanna say bulldog98 | 05:02 |
bigbrovar | maco: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/416341/comments/6 | 05:03 |
slooksterpsv | ooo the other thing was how to get the dark theme, the coast theme, I wanted it dark like it was in 4.1 that was the other thing :D | 05:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 416341 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "network-manager-gnome does not depend on gnome-icon-theme" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:03 |
dasKreech | slooksterpsv: Work collaboratively on what? | 05:04 |
bigbrovar | and by the way I prefer to use walk around cus its makes more meaning Metaphorically (walking round an obstacle) than work around | 05:05 |
dasKreech | hi slooksterpsv :) | 05:05 |
dasKreech | slooksterpsv: I remember you | 05:05 |
slooksterpsv | OpenOffice to get some stuff added into it, I hate that OO doesn't have photo mods in it like rotation and that; Koffice does, also OO should do a PIM that would be awesome if they did a PIM, Kontact is an awesome PIM, just some features I like from OO and some I like from KOffice, but I think OO could benefit more from some of Koffices implementations | 05:06 |
dasKreech | Not sure you get how OO.o works :) | 05:08 |
dasKreech | It's not quite that easy to simply move features into OO.o period and certainly not from Koffice | 05:09 |
slooksterpsv | yeah, but the code for doing rotations and that could be pretty easily converted, just have to figure out where it's at on the canvas, and how to position it when rotated x amount and rotate around the center - that specific portion, it wouldn't be that bad I would imagine | 05:10 |
slooksterpsv | even have a % item to rotate it for specifics | 05:10 |
slooksterpsv | the photo rotation is one thing I really want OO to have - other than that i just use KOffice as of lately, but keep OO in case | 05:11 |
dasKreech | You assume OO.o has a standard canvas implementation | 05:11 |
slooksterpsv | no, but it would have functionality like canvas or something for a paint area cause it has to know how you place the graphics | 05:13 |
slooksterpsv | ok skip that convo lol - my kontact won't open now :( | 05:14 |
dasKreech | slooksterpsv: alt+f2 -> kontact doesn't open? | 05:16 |
dasKreech | I assume that you didn't just minimize it to the systray? | 05:16 |
dasKreech | I went nuts once cause I couldn't find kontact and it was in the systray | 05:17 |
slooksterpsv | nope it just now opened weird, I had to kill it in terminal then start it | 05:17 |
xk0beda1 | how can I change my ram timings to what I have on w7? won't detect my 6gb until I do | 05:17 |
slooksterpsv | maybe it was... where would it be at? | 05:17 |
dasKreech | systray | 05:18 |
dasKreech | xk0beda1: Timings? | 05:18 |
slooksterpsv | not there :(, I did have to readd a couple of items to my panel as I accidentally deleted them let me see if I can figure it out | 05:18 |
slooksterpsv | ok it must have been doing something in the bg I dunno but now it's working fine | 05:20 |
dasKreech | ah that's possible | 05:21 |
dasKreech | Kmail can take some time | 05:21 |
slooksterpsv | I enabled the systray icon - yeah I have like 13000 emails from gmail + my calendar lol | 05:21 |
dasKreech | I forget if I got Kontact and Google calendar working | 05:22 |
slooksterpsv | dasKreech i love it and it syncs to my phone, greatest thing ever | 05:23 |
dasKreech | which phont? | 05:23 |
dasKreech | phone | 05:23 |
xk0beda1 | you know, ram timings? 8-8-18 was the default one I think but windows won't boot with that, so I have it at 8-8-21. but obv linux isn't detecting that since its giving me 2gb instead of 6 | 05:24 |
slooksterpsv | blackberry 8330 | 05:24 |
dasKreech | xk0beda1: that's in the BIOS? | 05:25 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - are you running 64-bit linux? | 05:25 |
dasKreech | Does anyone have php installed? Can you run php -v and let me know if it throws an error | 05:25 |
xk0beda1 | yes I am | 05:26 |
slooksterpsv | I can install it quickly | 05:26 |
xk0beda1 | I changed it in the bios but idk I guess linux isn't seeing it for whatever reason | 05:26 |
slooksterpsv | just cli? | 05:26 |
dasKreech | yes | 05:26 |
slooksterpsv | type, in a terminal, uname -a and paste what it outputs here | 05:26 |
dasKreech | xk0beda1: which kernel? | 05:26 |
dasKreech | ah ignore me :) | 05:26 |
slooksterpsv | PHP 5.3.3-1ubuntu9 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 20 2010 20:39:59) | 05:26 |
dasKreech | PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mysql.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mysql.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 | 05:27 |
dasKreech | That's what I get | 05:27 |
dasKreech | hmm | 05:27 |
dasKreech | :/ | 05:27 |
FloodBotK2 | dasKreech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:27 |
slooksterpsv | reinstall php5-mysql | 05:28 |
xk0beda1 | ubuntu | 05:28 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - sorry: uname -a | 05:28 |
xk0beda1 | what | 05:28 |
slooksterpsv | uhh dasKreech that's way old 2006? purge and reinstall php and php5-mysql | 05:29 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - there should be a -a after uname, so uname -a is what you would run | 05:29 |
xk0beda1 | and what will running that do? | 05:29 |
slooksterpsv | give us more information on the kernel you're running | 05:29 |
slooksterpsv | !bsd | 05:30 |
slooksterpsv | !spam > slooksterpsv | 05:30 |
xk0beda1 | well its ubuntu 64 bit 10.10 , I can't login right now I wanna try and get a couple possible solutions before I restart into ubun | 05:31 |
slooksterpsv | see what the following command reports for total memory: free | 05:31 |
slooksterpsv | what kind of motherboard do you have xk0beda1? | 05:32 |
xk0beda1 | evga x58 | 05:32 |
slooksterpsv | intel ick lol I'm amd fanboy, no offense | 05:33 |
slooksterpsv | give me a few moments | 05:33 |
dasKreech | slooksterpsv: It's a hardy install | 05:34 |
dasKreech | trying to work out the conflicts now | 05:35 |
xk0beda1 | on a side note after installing ubuntu my comp said the pacific time zone is 7 hours behind what it actually is, bill gates is somewhere with a big ol smile on his face laughing maniacally | 05:35 |
kyubutsu | so kpackagekit wants to install konqueror if i remove rekonq.. whats with that | 05:35 |
slooksterpsv | haha yeah the time implements between windows and ubuntu is different, when the time in ubuntu goes to 5pm it's like 2am in windows, actual time is 5pm though | 05:36 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - I believe it has some dependencies for other applications that rely on it, not sure what though | 05:36 |
kyubutsu | well, this only keeps getting better .. rabbit hole style | 05:37 |
dasKreech | slooksterpsv: Windows changes the BIOS to be the local time instead of UTC then applying an offset like everyother sensible timekeeping daemon in the world | 05:37 |
dasKreech | so installing windows automatically makes it difficult to use time on any other OS. Lovely | 05:38 |
slooksterpsv | yup | 05:38 |
kyubutsu | i locked the bios and forgot password .. i know it was set up to local , which is a shame but time keeping isnt an issue on my install | 05:38 |
xk0beda1 | that's odd so what can I do for the ram thing I don't rmeember if that was you that said you were checking out something about intel or something | 05:38 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - your ram, are they the same exact chips or are they different brands or different timings? | 05:42 |
slooksterpsv | dasKreech - that's the experience I've had in the past | 05:42 |
xk0beda1 | they're all the same | 05:42 |
slooksterpsv | kyubutsu - you can remove the cmos battery and the power connections to the motherboard (PSU connectors) wait 30 min. connect back up and it should work | 05:42 |
kyubutsu | its a laptop | 05:42 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - I'd change the setting back to optimal for the timings and see if that works | 05:43 |
xk0beda1 | but that will cause w7 to not work x__x | 05:43 |
slooksterpsv | w7 depends on the timings to be set specifically? | 05:43 |
slooksterpsv | optimal should work for windows and for linux; unless its changing something else in the bios... check for a bios update | 05:44 |
xk0beda1 | if I have it anything besides 8-8-21 windows doesn't work at all | 05:44 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - do you get BSOD? freezing? hanging? etc.? | 05:44 |
xk0beda1 | as soon as the window logo showed up it loaded forever | 05:45 |
xk0beda1 | wow this conversation is really beginning to make me anti windows now that I realize how many times I get bent over on the daily | 05:45 |
slooksterpsv | who makes your laptop too, make and model (e.g. toshiba satellite L505)? and if you go to start -> run -> type in msinfo32 -> ok; on the right hand side what is the bios version date - give me that information and I'll find information | 05:45 |
slooksterpsv | I may be able to help you fix the issue :D | 05:46 |
xk0beda1 | that bios thing is to me or the guy with the laptop? | 05:46 |
slooksterpsv | my gateway nv53 I tore off the stickers for windows lol - uh... who's computer is having the timing issue? | 05:47 |
xk0beda1 | mine | 05:47 |
slooksterpsv | then yours :P | 05:47 |
xk0beda1 | kk | 05:47 |
xk0beda1 | 12/12/2008 | 05:48 |
xk0beda1 | LTD 6.00 PG | 05:48 |
slooksterpsv | who makes the laptop, manufacturer and model # | 05:49 |
xk0beda1 | I have a desktop that I built myself. btw I thought uve been talking to another guy this whole time about the laptop issue lmao | 05:49 |
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slooksterpsv | oh lol he forgot his bios password I gave the fix above a while ago, and that was kyubutsu hehe :P | 05:50 |
slooksterpsv | haha | 05:50 |
slooksterpsv | lol | 05:51 |
hellslinger | does anyone know how to get the Ctrl Alt F key for console login behavior back to 10.04? | 05:51 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - I don't, but I can try to research it and get you an answer | 05:51 |
xk0beda1 | alright so im really confused now, whjats next | 05:52 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: I'm currently researching it myself... but let me know if you find anything | 05:52 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - do you mean the TTY, when you press CTRL+ALT+F1 to get to a TTY1? | 05:52 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: yeah, I really liked that functionality | 05:52 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - do you have a specific model number on the motherboard? | 05:52 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - go ahead and press it, or are you using the netbook edition? | 05:53 |
hellslinger | I have 2 different machines with 10.04 on them and neither do that anymore... kind of annoying | 05:53 |
hellslinger | no, desktop | 05:53 |
slooksterpsv | besides evga x58 | 05:53 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger: do your keyboard have a button to activate the F1 keys, I know mine does on my desktop | 05:53 |
xk0beda1 | not that I remember , ill try and find it | 05:53 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: the F keys behave normally and don't require an activation | 05:54 |
slooksterpsv | it could be E768 E758 or something like that | 05:54 |
hellslinger | if I hit ctrl alt F1 through F6 | 05:54 |
hellslinger | it goes to a black screen, but no login | 05:54 |
hellslinger | I really want that functionality back | 05:55 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - ahh sounds like the tty's aren't starting hmm... | 05:55 |
xk0beda1 | I can't really be sure but I think its this | 05:56 |
xk0beda1 | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188039&cm_re=evga_x58_motherboard-_-13-188-039-_-Product | 05:56 |
slooksterpsv | we need to figure out what init we're running | 05:56 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - we need to be for sure on this the reason being if we get the wrong bios and we update it, poof goes your computer | 05:56 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - what is the speed of your memory? | 05:57 |
xk0beda1 | speed? you mean the default timings? | 05:58 |
slooksterpsv | speed like 1866mhz | 05:58 |
anirudh24seven | hellslinger: i think ctrl alt f8 should work | 05:59 |
xk0beda1 | awesome I found my exact order on newegg | 06:00 |
hellslinger | anirudh24seven: unfortunately it doesn't for me :( | 06:00 |
hellslinger | I've found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=457926 | 06:00 |
hellslinger | looking through it currently | 06:00 |
xk0beda1 | mobo- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188039 , ram - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231238 | 06:00 |
xk0beda1 | 1600 is the speed | 06:01 |
slooksterpsv | xk0beda1 - there's some memory issues the BIOS fixes, not sure if one or any of them is related, but take a look: http://www.evga.com/support/drivers/default.asp?switch=2 | 06:03 |
xk0beda1 | the link doesn't work, which one did you pick? there's 2 x58 sli classified bios | 06:04 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - if you open: /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf - what does it say for env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL= | 06:05 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - also list your /etc/init/ directory, if you could paste it into a pastebin and give me th link that would help | 06:09 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: http://pastebin.ca/1961547 | 06:10 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger - perfect, now can you kate /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf | 06:11 |
hellslinger | you bet, it's open | 06:11 |
slooksterpsv | what does it say for env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL | 06:11 |
msl | slooksterpsv, You can type 'runlevel' to see your current level | 06:12 |
hellslinger | 2 | 06:12 |
hellslinger | env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=2 | 06:12 |
slooksterpsv | oh ok, thank you msl; hellslinger, ok that's good | 06:12 |
hellslinger | haha, runlevel is "unknown" | 06:12 |
hellslinger | I've never run runlevel on ubuntu before | 06:13 |
slooksterpsv | runlevel unknown? how does tha thappen | 06:13 |
hellslinger | no idea | 06:13 |
hellslinger | I've never seen this on any Unix before... | 06:13 |
maco | probably happens because ubuntu doesnt use sysv-init | 06:14 |
hellslinger | yeah... nothing is familiar to me anymore | 06:14 |
slooksterpsv | runlevel for me is 2 | 06:14 |
hellslinger | no /etc/initta | 06:14 |
hellslinger | b | 06:14 |
maco | like i said...no sysv-init | 06:15 |
maco | but the runlevel command does return 2 | 06:15 |
maco | on my system | 06:15 |
slooksterpsv | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1412157 - lengthy, but possibly fix | 06:15 |
hellslinger | very good, thanks slooksterpsv | 06:16 |
hellslinger | I'll look through ths | 06:16 |
slooksterpsv | hmm did you do an upgrade to another version of Ubuntu | 06:16 |
hellslinger | probably the last time I upgrade ubuntu | 06:16 |
slooksterpsv | yup lol | 06:16 |
hellslinger | haha never again | 06:17 |
hellslinger | fresh install | 06:17 |
hellslinger | gahh to make it worse upstart jobs don't log | 06:18 |
hellslinger | man... did they really need to ditch Sys V? | 06:18 |
slooksterpsv | lol yup | 06:20 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: the last link you sent is very insigtful about upstart in general, perhaps this will help me find out why knetworkmanager does not work at all on my laptop | 06:21 |
slooksterpsv | yeah hellslinger my upgrade from 10.04-10.10 was a disaster for Kubuntu I said they need to get their [bad word] together and make Kubuntu a usable DE, all come to find out it was the upgrade that fubared everything I ended up reformatting the next day and I reinstalled kubuntu today and it's working very well | 06:21 |
slooksterpsv | oh yeah that will cause it to not work more than likely lol | 06:21 |
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hellslinger | *facepalm* | 06:22 |
slooksterpsv | well I installed Ubuntu the installed Kubuntu-desktop from the repos. and Kubuntu is working like it should, very well, not horrible, I'd only recommend gnome in the past, say KDE was a waste of time it was that bad, but it was from changing DE's without formatting | 06:22 |
hellslinger | I've had this particular ubuntu working since 8.10 with only upgrades | 06:24 |
slooksterpsv | wow really? | 06:25 |
hellslinger | but ever since they dumped Sys V I've felt like an idiot, all these years of Sys V experience is lost on this whole upstart catastrophe | 06:25 |
hellslinger | the scripts are there--- but they don't really work | 06:25 |
xk0beda1 | is the guy who was helping me still in here? I had to go sorry | 06:29 |
xk0beda1 | slookster or something I think it was | 06:29 |
slooksterpsv | yup I'm here =P | 06:29 |
xk0beda1 | sweet so what version do I need to click on the evga website since there's so many options and none of them really say evga x58 3 way sli | 06:29 |
slooksterpsv | 756 760 758 or ftw3 are the 3way sli's lol | 06:32 |
slooksterpsv | do you still have the box your mobo came in? | 06:32 |
xk0beda1 | probably in the depths of my house somewhere but im not really willing to slay any cockroaches right now | 06:33 |
xk0beda1 | by house I meant shed and so the ftw3 will work for sure? I don't wanna mess anythin up lol | 06:33 |
slooksterpsv | hmmm... umm... you may be able to find it in msinfo32,, or... dxdiag or another program; not necessarily, we use the wrong bios, your computer is done for | 06:34 |
slooksterpsv | we need to be sure and see if its E758 E756 E760 or EFTW3 | 06:34 |
xk0beda1 | that's a big risk im a little scared, is there really no other way to just have ubuntu work? | 06:35 |
xk0beda1 | or kubuntu | 06:35 |
slooksterpsv | well if you could run ubuntu and do uname -a command and paste it back here we could see if we could find any more fixes | 06:36 |
xk0beda1 | alright ill do that in a min and be back | 06:38 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: If you're interested: 'sudo service tty1 start' activates this functionality for the F1 key... why this has to be done I don't exactly know. However, I'm going to figure out how to set my runlevel | 06:38 |
slooksterpsv | because the service for tty1 isn't started, the rc-sysinit.conf hasn't ran to start the ttyx.conf files which is where the issue comes in with the network interfaces | 06:39 |
bazhang | !runlevel | hellslinger | 06:39 |
ubottu | hellslinger: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 06:39 |
slooksterpsv | where the interfaces isn't correct, it exits the running of those common items with an error | 06:39 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: yes, but why haven't those services been started? | 06:41 |
slooksterpsv | cause the script to start those has exited before it finished the script due to interfaces not being properly setup | 06:42 |
slooksterpsv | I could illustrate with a simple python script if you'd like? | 06:43 |
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hellslinger | slooksterpsv: no, heh, that makes perfect sense, you answered my question exactly | 06:49 |
slooksterpsv | hehe :P | 06:49 |
hellslinger | I'm trying to figure out how to get these things to startup normally | 06:49 |
slooksterpsv | my pidgin has a firstname its pidgin my pidgin has a secondname its gaim and if you ask me why I'll say kopete sucks anyway | 06:49 |
hellslinger | without having to hack a script | 06:49 |
slooksterpsv | lol resetup your interfaces file | 06:49 |
slooksterpsv | mine only contains 2 lines: auto lo and iface lo inet loopback | 06:50 |
slooksterpsv | I am the Prophet for the new age of Operating Systems, they call me Ubu-Shawn: free your computer from standing behind windows, or climbing the tallest tree just to get the best apples; I am Ubuntu, I am humanity towards others, listen my children, Windows shall break and Apple trees rot. Repent and save yourselves by shifting to Ubuntu. -- Ubuntu Prophet - just made that up btw | 06:56 |
bazhang | !ot | slooksterpsv | 06:56 |
ubottu | slooksterpsv: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:56 |
slooksterpsv | no one is really chatting in here, and I was in kubuntu ot just a bit ago | 06:57 |
bazhang | not a chat channel at any time | 06:57 |
xk0beda1 | ok so new developments. I downloaded kubuntu since I want to use that not ubuntu, and after running Wubi it froze on the loading screen and I had to restart | 07:13 |
xk0beda1 | loading screen after the comp rebooted and went into kubuntu | 07:14 |
xk0beda1 | ps that was to slookster, im not crazy to just jump in a chatroom and say the things I said alright | 07:16 |
slooksterpsv | ok so are you in Kubuntu? | 07:18 |
xk0beda1 | right now no, it froze on the loading screen with the dots | 07:18 |
slooksterpsv | ummm I'm not sure with Wubi I'm not a wubi person we may be able to ask for help in #ubuntu | 07:19 |
xk0beda1 | oh I should mention I guess that I can't install normally via the disc because when I click install it takes me to a black screen with a flashing underscore in the top left corner | 07:20 |
slooksterpsv | ok when that happens we may need to use the option (on the grub boot) for nomodeset | 07:21 |
slooksterpsv | ahh I'm not too good with what specifically to use on Grub, I know you hold shift to get to it, press e to edit then add at the end nomodeset | 07:22 |
xk0beda1 | id rather not even play around with that though, I like the ease of wubi it uninstalls in 30 seconds and there's no way I canmess anything up really | 07:22 |
sresu | Which package is similar to net-tools for KDE/Kubuntu? | 07:23 |
sresu | !net-tools | 07:23 |
sresu | !info net-tools | 07:23 |
ubottu | net-tools (source: net-tools): The NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is required. Version 1.60-23ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 232 kB, installed size 972 kB | 07:23 |
slooksterpsv | ummm... not sure on wubi, and not sure on net-tools, haven't used net tools | 07:23 |
xk0beda1 | I guess what ill do is install ubuntu again with wubi since for whatever reason that doesn't freeze, ill try the uname -a thing and report back | 07:24 |
slooksterpsv | bazhang is there a way I can leave a message for someone cause I'm going to head to bed, but I want to give him further support options | 07:33 |
xk0beda1 | alright I quit. removed it. it gave me some error on booting up and froze | 07:45 |
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den2home | -i by | 08:27 |
den2home | is anybody home? :-D | 08:28 |
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FloodBotK2 | !netsplit | 08:56 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 08:56 |
=== Freejack is now known as Guest52569 | ||
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olskolirc_ | someone say my name please | 11:14 |
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olskolirc_ | testing | 11:19 |
olskolirc_ | thats better | 11:20 |
olskolirc_ | testing | 11:21 |
olskolirc_ | testing | 11:21 |
v3n | BluseKaj ? are you there? | 11:21 |
v3n | BluesKaj* | 11:22 |
v3n | !x | 11:23 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 11:23 |
wer_ | while playing with the task bar I somehow removed the area where windows are minimized | 11:45 |
wer_ | How can I recover it ? | 11:45 |
Riddell | wer_: cashew->add widgets->task manager | 11:48 |
wer_ | Riddell: System tray and digital clock are not aligned properly..how can I change there relative positions wrt task manager. If I move them they doesn | 11:52 |
wer_ | Riddell: System tray and digital clock are not aligned properly..how can I change there relative positions wrt task manager. If I move them they doesn't move | 11:52 |
wer_ | Riddell: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2m5ey6p&s=7 | 11:55 |
wer_ | Riddell: plz see the task bar in that image | 11:55 |
markit | hi, I've successfully upgraded my netbook from 10.04 to 10.10. I'm trying with my laptop, but I can't find in "Update" tab the Release upgrade part... what can be wrong? | 11:59 |
markit | kde 4.5.1 | 12:00 |
Riddell | markit: are all your packages upgraded to the latest 10.04 packages? | 12:01 |
markit | yes, and I had some backport repo too | 12:01 |
markit | that puzzles me a lot | 12:01 |
markit | is there a bash way to upgrade? (btw, I prefer the bash way over the graphical one, in general) | 12:01 |
Riddell | kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde" | 12:03 |
markit | checking for a new ubuntu release... no new release found ? | 12:04 |
markit | in sources.list I've lucid and lucid-backports | 12:05 |
markit | of course, I've issude aptitude update first | 12:06 |
rww | sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, make sure Prompt=normal | 12:07 |
markit | Riddell: / rww probably the problem is that unchecked the "proposed" and "recommended" packages flags | 12:10 |
markit | now seems to grab many packages to update the current install first | 12:10 |
markit | 22 updates, 150 fix, etc | 12:11 |
markit | wow | 12:11 |
markit | thaks for your time :() | 12:11 |
markit | :) | 12:11 |
Riddell | markit: once you've upgraded you can use software-properties-kde to change your upgrade prompt from LTS to normal releases | 12:13 |
jjt | bonjour | 13:01 |
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markit | great, now does not boot anymore | 13:13 |
markit | seems that dev by uid does not exist | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 13:14 |
markit | let's try to boot with 2.6.32 kernels | 13:14 |
markit | ok, works | 13:14 |
harrison | Hi, could someone help me set up dual monitors? | 13:29 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: with video card? | 13:29 |
harrison | kubuntuliveremix: nvidia | 13:29 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: systemsettings display? | 13:29 |
kubuntuliveremix | doesn't work ? | 13:29 |
kubuntuliveremix | i guess there is a tool for nvida card anyway | 13:30 |
kubuntuliveremix | !nvidia | 13:30 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 13:30 |
harrison | It doesn't detect dual monitors and I can't rotate the monitors either | 13:30 |
kubuntuliveremix | !monitor | 13:30 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: mm | 13:30 |
harrison | Even using one monitor system settings does not allow rotating the monitor | 13:30 |
harrison | Could this be a bug? Maybe xrandr isn't activated by default | 13:30 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: just a sec | 13:31 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: xrandr | 13:32 |
kubuntuliveremix | on konsole | 13:32 |
harrison | correct resolution is not detected, nor is second monitor detected | 13:33 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#Configure_Dual_Monitors_with_nVidia | 13:34 |
harrison | Before I tried to get dual monitors to work my monitors resolution was correctly set by ststem settings. Is there a way to revert back to factory settings (and maybe I can hope that it will detect the second monitor too) | 13:34 |
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kubuntuliveremix | harrison: the trick could be this ,,,, create a new user | 13:36 |
kubuntuliveremix | but... | 13:36 |
kubuntuliveremix | xD | 13:36 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | guys can iask something? | 13:39 |
harrison | nvidia settings does not have an option to rotate the monitors to portrait | 13:39 |
harrison | My neck hurts from reading at a 90 degree angle : P | 13:39 |
harrison | thanks for your help kubuntuliveremix : ) I'm going to try restart and play with nvidia-settings. Wish me luck : P | 13:40 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | how to install application in ubuntu boot server? | 13:40 |
kubuntuliveremix | hateball: :) | 13:40 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | can u guys give me the steps please? | 13:41 |
ulysses | Hello, the load goes to high on my Kubuntu (freshly installed from an USB stick), the top shows that the CPU used by the system around 70%. Any idea? | 13:44 |
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kubuntuliveremix | hoppyite: so ? | 13:49 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: so ? | 13:50 |
kubuntuliveremix | works? | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | Ubuntu-LinuX, what application is that ? | 13:50 |
harrison | kubuntuliveremix: Still having some problems. Using nvidia-settings I've enabled twinview but one of the (identical) monitors is detected with a far lower resolution. I did find a (potential) fix for the rotation though, I added option xrandr on into my xorg. Still need another restart though to see if everything is working. Looking hopeful though : ) | 13:52 |
vbgunz | how do I stop my windows from moving when I miss say the scroll bar and grab onto the window? I don't mean to move it, I just missed the scroll bar, how do I stop this? | 13:52 |
alvin | ulysses: Lucid introduced a bug where the load is high when idle (bug 574910). On the other hand, it can be a process, or high I/O. Use the sar (or another) utility to find the cause. | 13:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/574910 | 13:52 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: i am going to reboot | 13:53 |
kubuntuliveremix | harrison: so you could see me like Peace- | 13:53 |
harrison | kubuntuliveremix: 10.10 still uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf for configuration doesn't it? | 13:53 |
kubuntuliveremix | well you can use always xorg.conf | 13:53 |
kubuntuliveremix | but you have to write by yourself | 13:53 |
kubuntuliveremix | cuz it create xorg conf dinamically | 13:54 |
harrison | kubuntuliveremix: Sorry I meant, that is still the correct file to edit. I thought maybe it had been replaced by something else in the last few releases | 13:54 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | <BluesKaj> Ubuntu-LinuX, what application is that ? <----for instance IE or google chrome because i'm confuse what's wrong i can't install IE in station because i admin in call center | 13:56 |
ulysses | alvin: I installed the systat package, now sar is on | 13:59 |
gauda | Ubuntu-LinuX: you want to install internet explorer? | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | Ubuntu-LinuX, IE won't run on linux unless you install wine , chromium can be installed by the command in the terminal , sudo apt-get install chromium-browser | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | !install | 14:01 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 14:01 |
BluesKaj | !kpackagekit | 14:02 |
ubottu | KPackageKit is the !Kubuntu package manager that uses PackageKit | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | hmm, that info needs editing | 14:03 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | <gauda> Ubuntu-LinuX: you want to install internet explorer? <----yupz | 14:03 |
gauda | as BluesKaj said, you will need to install wine | 14:04 |
BluesKaj | Ubuntu-LinuX, do you undestand that IE won't run on kubuntu without wine | 14:04 |
gauda | in general it is not a good idea | 14:04 |
BluesKaj | !wine | 14:04 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 14:04 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | <BluesKaj> Ubuntu-LinuX, do you undestand that IE won't run on kubuntu without wine <-----yah i understand. but im using ubuntu | 14:05 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | because we use diskless booting in the office | 14:05 |
gauda | ubuntu is the same as kubuntu in this sense | 14:05 |
BluesKaj | Ubuntu-LinuX, IE won't run on Linux without wine, do you understand that ? | 14:06 |
Ubuntu-LinuX | yah i understand.... | 14:06 |
* BluesKaj begins to suspect either a real noob or a troll who's bored | 14:07 | |
Ubuntu-LinuX | but im not installing it in the main server. i'll install it in workstation. | 14:07 |
gauda | Ubuntu-LinuX: take a look at wine. im done here... | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | Ubuntu-LinuX, what OS are you running on the work station ? | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | cmon gauda , the fun is just starting :) | 14:09 |
gauda | lol | 14:09 |
rolando | buenas.. | 14:23 |
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest27906 | ||
LinuX | <BluesKaj> Ubuntu-LinuX, what OS are you running on the work station ? <----in the office we use ubuntu 10.04 | 14:29 |
rolando_ | #ubuntu-es | 14:31 |
rolando | A alguien le a pasado que al iniciar algun sonido (ej: musica o notificaciones) se escucha como si tuviera estatica... y al rato se escucha normal.. ya que mi maquina tiene este sintoma y no se si este relacionado con el pulseaudio. | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | !es | rolando | 14:40 |
ubottu | rolando: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 14:40 |
=== nick is now known as Guest31438 | ||
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=== Guest88117 is now known as pasvadin | ||
Phoenixz | Is there some sort of main equalizer for audio output? or maybe a per-channel equalizer? | 15:24 |
pasvadin | hi i am new to kubuntu (i have 10.04) and i have encountered a problem concerning my sound ... at the beginning my sound just started "lagging" (it sort of stops like cassette that's stuck) ... so i followed some advice on the web and now i just get the lagging sound without it occasionaly working correctly. Is there a way to sort of reset all sounddrivers and settings? because i don't really know what i've done this far ... | 15:34 |
psynautic | hello all, i have a few naggy problems with my upgrade to kubuntu 10.10 | 15:39 |
psynautic | 1. the system starts up with kwin compositing off (happens on two of my systems) I have to go into the desktop effects and resume compositing, the first time i click it says that another program stopped compositing, then i click again and it comes back on | 15:40 |
psynautic | 2. i have two monitors, it always boots up to 2nd monitor cloning the first, i set it to 'right of' every morning and every time i turn it back on it goes back to clone | 15:41 |
psynautic | 3. kopete no longer connects to my work's xmpp | 15:41 |
psynautic | anyone encounter any of those issues? | 15:43 |
pykler | I am haing issues with KRDC for KDE 4.5.1, the colors are all inverted. I have noticed this when I upgraded to ubuntu meerkat a few days ago ... http://imagebin.ca/view/C0_6WxMe.html vs http://imagebin.ca/view/Nt3HPOx.html | 15:44 |
kukuNut | psynautic: for 1- there may be some desk effects that are not supported by your card. try to deselect blur, make window management to the minimum- just box switch. | 15:46 |
psynautic | cool, i'll give that a shot | 15:46 |
psynautic | i think it's some intel gfx crap | 15:47 |
psynautic | dumb work computer | 15:47 |
psynautic | on my laptop i have a amd hd3200, i feel like it _should_ support it all | 15:47 |
psynautic | but i might be using radeon drivers | 15:47 |
kukuNut | psynautic: i have an ati x1200 and am using the radeon..works very good | 15:48 |
psynautic | right but i think x1200 is like r550 or somethign? | 15:48 |
psynautic | and hd3200 is r600 | 15:48 |
psynautic | might be different compatibility | 15:48 |
kukuNut | rs690 | 15:48 |
psynautic | who knows | 15:48 |
psynautic | ah | 15:48 |
psynautic | ok scratch that | 15:48 |
psynautic | lol | 15:48 |
FloodBotK1 | psynautic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:48 |
psynautic | sorry FloodBotK1 | 15:49 |
psynautic | I blame gtalk for my poor irc etiquette | 15:49 |
kukuNut | psynautic: i have ati x200M inmy 5-yr old laptop and radeon works very well | 15:50 |
psynautic | i'll check my laptop in a few minutes when i get it set up, maybe for some reason it's using fglrx. i bet blur being enabled is what's causing this to be a little more sluggish as well. the kopete and the monitor things are the most annoying issues though | 15:51 |
kukuNut | i have just relocated my disk from an nvidia to an ati board and have been fixing thins here and there for the last 2 days | 15:52 |
kukuNut | now it's working ok..even have natty now in one partition :) | 15:53 |
psynautic | nice | 15:54 |
psynautic | i have all ati at home now | 15:54 |
renato | hi, I need to remove openjdk and replace it with the sun counterpart. how do I find out what packages containing the string openjdk are installed? | 15:55 |
kukuNut | figured that it's better to not have an xorg.conf with ati cards | 15:55 |
Pici | renato: dpkg -L | grep openjdk | 15:55 |
renato | Pici: if I do that I get a: dpkg-query: --listfiles needs at least one package name argument | 15:56 |
Pici | renato: sorry, dpkg -l | grep openjdk | 15:57 |
renato | ok, tx that did it | 15:57 |
kukuNut | renato: dpkg -l | grep openjdk | cut -f 3 -d " " | xargs apt-get -y purge | 15:58 |
pasvadin | hi i am new to kubuntu (i have 10.04) and i have encountered a problem concerning my sound ... at the beginning my sound just started "lagging" (it sort of stops like cassette that's stuck) ... so i followed some advice on the web and now i just get the lagging sound without it occasionaly working correctly. Is there a way to sort of reset all sounddrivers and settings? because i don't really know what i've done this far ... | 16:01 |
kukuNut | psynautic: one problem still though is I'm getting this radeon_dvi_detect invalid/no EDID | 16:01 |
psynautic | that might be an issue with your monitor, kukuNut | 16:01 |
kukuNut | psynautic: not sure but it looks like it's trying to probe HDMI and it's ok if it logs just once..but no it keeps filling up the syslog | 16:03 |
dtcrshr | hello! im using two monitors, everytime i reboot the computer they are duplicated. If i go on settings / screen and set the second screen as "right of" it goes, but doing this everytime is annoying :( | 16:03 |
kukuNut | psynautic: I might have to patch my kernel | 16:03 |
psynautic | dtcrshr: i have the same problem | 16:05 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: if you don't know what they are then it's a good guess your system is messed up | 16:05 |
dtcrshr | holly crap | 16:05 |
psynautic | pasvadin: 10.10 uses pulseaudio, you might have better luck with that | 16:05 |
dtcrshr | I was using normal ubuntu here, but went to kubuntu this time since i was updating since 8.04 in this machine | 16:06 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: you'd better off without pulseaudio | 16:06 |
dtcrshr | i hade both them saved just fine | 16:06 |
pasvadin | can't i install it pulseaudio? | 16:06 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: phonon is best for kde | 16:06 |
dtcrshr | cant remember if i had to do something like that before, will google a little. :) | 16:06 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: yes you can | 16:06 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: I mean un-install it and try | 16:06 |
psynautic | dtcrshr: if you figure it out, please tell me! :) | 16:07 |
pasvadin | i have uninstalled pulseaudio but it's the same | 16:07 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: could be other stuffs you did | 16:08 |
pasvadin | so you say i should start off with a new system | 16:08 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: phonon is all I have.. | 16:08 |
dtcrshr | psynautic, you have vga and dvi? with card? | 16:08 |
kukuNut | pasvadin: I'm afraid so | 16:09 |
psynautic | dtcrshr: let me crawl down there and look | 16:09 |
pasvadin | ok thanks i'll try that | 16:09 |
lucidfox | Is it possible to run Brasero under KDE? I get an error in the terminal about a missing GNOME session | 16:10 |
kukuNut | lucidfox: try k3b | 16:10 |
psynautic | yea lucidfox: is there a reason you _need_ brasero? k3b is more featureful | 16:11 |
lucidfox | I like Brasero's UI better. K3b's UI hasn't changed since KDE3 and is cluttered | 16:11 |
psynautic | ahh | 16:11 |
psynautic | fair enough | 16:11 |
kukuNut | lucidfox: if UI is more important than function yes | 16:11 |
psynautic | dtcrshr: i have some sort of weird connection that splits to two dvi's | 16:11 |
lucidfox | I don't even know what all these advanced configuration parameters are | 16:11 |
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lucidfox | I just want a simple, unintrusive CD burner | 16:12 |
=== MichealH-Test is now known as MichealH | ||
kukuNut | lucidfox: why even bother with them? just use the defaults | 16:12 |
=== akssps011_ is now known as akssps011 | ||
dtcrshr | psynautic, can you set they separated anyway? they just dont save settings? | 16:13 |
psynautic | dtcrshr: yeap, it just always starts as 'clone of' | 16:13 |
dtcrshr | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1472163 | 16:14 |
lucidfox | As I said, cluttered UI. And I should add, I really, *really* don't like when I ask how to do X and get responses like "You don't really need it" | 16:14 |
lucidfox | that's *exactly* why I switched from GNOME to KDE - because I got tired of the developers displaying a "we know better than you what you need" attitude | 16:14 |
andremarcio | test | 16:15 |
dtcrshr | psynautic, lets pop up this thread | 16:15 |
psynautic | lucidfox: i understand that attittude, do you have any gtk programs working well right now? | 16:16 |
psynautic | ok dtcrshr | 16:16 |
lucidfox | Plenty. Liferea and Empathy, for example | 16:16 |
lucidfox | Brasero crashes when I actually try to write something: | 16:16 |
lucidfox | ** (brasero:3723): WARNING **: Failed to inhibit the system from suspending: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files | 16:16 |
psynautic | oh hmm | 16:17 |
psynautic | that's not ever going to work | 16:17 |
psynautic | i mean, maybe there might be a hack, but it's trying to tell your system not to go into suspend mode by talking to your gnome session... which you don't have | 16:18 |
=== idrissi is now known as idrissi_ | ||
psynautic | hey lucidfox: try out http://www.xfce.org/projects/xfburn/ | 16:22 |
lucidfox | Going to | 16:23 |
lucidfox | but bwuh | 16:24 |
psynautic | ? | 16:24 |
lucidfox | That's it, I'm going to patch Brasero for Natty to stop being stupid under foreign DEs | 16:24 |
psynautic | that's the ticket! | 16:25 |
kukuNut | psynautic: just curious..do you need to have 2 graphics card to have 2 monitors? | 16:27 |
kukuNut | i have a card with an rgb and dvi out | 16:28 |
psynautic | you can do it with only one, as long as you have the outputs | 16:28 |
kukuNut | psynautic: I'm thinking of adding my nv pci card plus the onboard ati.. is that possible? | 16:29 |
psynautic | ive never tried that | 16:29 |
kukuNut | psynautic: maybe I'll try with my old nv card with onboard nv gpu + nv pci | 16:31 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, you can run the vga to your desktop monitor the the dvi to a TV with an adapter cable , but afaik it will only clone the output , There might be other options depending on your card | 16:31 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: thnks.. is there an ati equivalent to the twinview for nv? | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | or to another pc monitor using the dvi input of course | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, sorry dunno for sure but one would assume there is | 16:33 |
psynautic | i feel like the possibility of success is higher if you have the same driver for both cards, but like i said, ive never tried to hook up two separate video cards | 16:33 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: psynautic ok..thnks..have always been intrigued with it..might try it sometimes with good quality led blite monitors so cheap now | 16:34 |
psynautic | i just got 21.5" asus LED monitor | 16:35 |
psynautic | it's fantastic | 16:35 |
psynautic | and was under 200$ | 16:35 |
kukuNut | an acer 21.5 is 129$ here | 16:35 |
kukuNut | sorry 20"" is 120 21.5 is $149 | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | yup, we have 2 samung 21.6" monitors here , and a server which I'm using now that connected to a plasma tv | 16:36 |
kukuNut | but I may have to buy an ati gpu | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, ati support on kubuntu isn't so great , nvidia is much better | 16:37 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: have you ever had that HDMI EDID error with radeon? because I have the same monitor as yours | 16:38 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, no , my old desktop has a x200m ati onboard , but it's just a vga connection | 16:39 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: I know I ahve been using NV but I have to upgrade to X3 MA3 and my ati board is the only choice | 16:39 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: hmm..might try the vga out then bec I'm using the dvi out.. X1200 on board samsung 216 | 16:40 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: here is the error - [drm:radeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID | 16:42 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, ours are 2253LW | 16:42 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, I don't think there's any advantage using an hdmi , the dvi should be fine if you have a cable. | 16:44 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: I'm not using any hdmi..just using the reg dvi-d cable..for some reason the radeon drm is trying to probe HDMI | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, dvi to hdmi ? | 16:45 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: no..just dvi to dvi | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | ok | 16:45 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: get-edid is not getting error btw | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, do you have a xorg.conf | 16:45 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: used to have but found out no xorg.conf is better.. | 16:46 |
apparle | guys, I have to disable opengl direct rendering for kwin, is there any permanent method for it? | 16:46 |
apparle | except for the comman "LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 kwin --replace"? | 16:47 |
apparle | *command | 16:47 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: took me 2 days to figure things out..bec these disks install migrated from an NV gpu..one of my headaches before was X dying unexpectedly | 16:48 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: looks like it stablized now except for that HDMI error. | 16:48 |
BluesKaj | get edid only sees my nvidia card :( | 16:50 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: from system monitor - xlog - Information[ 49.684] (II) RADEON(0): EDID vendor "SAM", prod id 781 | 16:50 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: but from dmesg- [drm:radeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID | 16:51 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: very annoying bec while in terminal..just over write everything and obtrusive | 16:52 |
kukuNut | BluesKaj: I would understand if it only writes once but no several | 16:53 |
BluesKaj | kukuNut, my desktop get-edid shows the samsung monitor and ati card vga connection | 17:02 |
BluesKaj | installing a nvidia geforce8400gs on it next week when it arrives | 17:03 |
weld | does anyone know how to rename activies? when i create a new one it just gets the name 'unnamed' and i can't see how to change that 0.o | 17:08 |
SCWLstmp | Hello everyone, this is more of a general linux question but the answer may be solved with dbus trickery so I am asking it here | 17:10 |
SCWLstmp | How would one read the CD name/label/title from CLI | 17:10 |
SCWLstmp | I am looking through proc unsuccessfully so far | 17:11 |
SCWLstmp | the automount deal in KDE shows this CD name, but I am trying to script something so need to access this either while it unmounted or mounted manually (not through automount) | 17:11 |
James147 | SCWLstmp: blkid should be able to tell you that | 17:14 |
SCWLstmp | James147: trying that now | 17:17 |
James147 | SCWLstmp: or "ls /dev/disk/by-label" | 17:17 |
SCWLstmp | James147: thank you, blkid only brings up HDs in my case, /dev/disk/by-label/ seems to be what I am after | 17:19 |
SCWLstmp | James147: excellent, works even when unmounted! | 17:20 |
SCWLstmp | programing linguistic question now \\x20 I know is %20 which is a space, but what is the \\x20 notation called? (So that I can look into unescaping it) | 17:22 |
Pici | SCWLstmp: Thats probably a better question for ##programming, or a channel for whatever language you're programming in. | 17:25 |
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psynautic | isn't that unicode SCWLstmp? | 17:27 |
SCWLstmp | psynautic: thank you, that was brilliant | 17:29 |
SCWLstmp | Pici: thanks, psynautic answered it for me | 17:29 |
psynautic | i had an issue with ascii-us vs. unicode a couple weeks ago at work | 17:29 |
psynautic | python is a bit 'funny' when it comes to unicode | 17:31 |
pykler_ | I am haing issues with KRDC for KDE 4.5.1, the colors are all inverted. I have noticed this when I upgraded to ubuntu meerkat a few days ago ... http://imagebin.ca/view/C0_6WxMe.html vs http://imagebin.ca/view/Nt3HPOx.html | 17:31 |
BajK | How can I speed up Kubuntu? It's soo slow on that Pentium 4 2,6 (i think) with 512 MB ram | 17:32 |
BajK | i already disable tty3 through tty6, disabled desktop compositing, turned off all additional effects but especially plasma, dolphin and systemsettings is slow as hell | 17:33 |
SCWLstmp | psynautic: using PHP here but knowing that was unicode was all I needed to unescape it. Thanks again everyone. | 17:37 |
psynautic | np | 17:37 |
BluesKaj | BajK, 512 Ram isn't enough to run kubuntu properly, it's going to be writing to the swap file constantly | 17:42 |
BajK | hm | 17:43 |
BajK | bad | 17:43 |
BajK | it's on a external usb hdd | 17:43 |
BajK | Ubuntu is more efficient on ram usage? | 17:43 |
BajK | but I don't like gnome.. | 17:43 |
James147 | BajK: 512 ram is enough to run kde, although I would recomend 1gig | 17:44 |
BajK | it's just that I don'T have 1gig, i have 512mb :) | 17:44 |
BajK | and I still refuse to believe what aaron said that desktop compositing speeds up the computer. | 17:45 |
BluesKaj | BajK, that's definitely BS :) | 17:54 |
BajK | ? | 17:54 |
BluesKaj | desktop compositing speeds up the computer. | 17:55 |
xee | Hi, I'm using Kubuntu 10.10, freshly installed, with an existing home directory, I installed pidgin, in KDE menu the pidgin item desn't have an icon (a question mark icon) | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | more like the opposite | 17:55 |
Misterio | xee: Go to Pidginb preferences and enable icon | 17:56 |
Misterio | xee: Or check if there is in "messages indicator" or something like that | 17:56 |
xee | thanks but it's not that, I mean the icon in the KDE menu(the one close to startmenu) | 17:57 |
xee | let me show you | 17:57 |
xee | the startmenu-like menu, the K-menu | 17:59 |
James147 | xee: you should be able to run "kmenuedit" (or rightclick the kmenu > edit menu) find the entry for pidgin and add an icon to it | 18:00 |
xee | I tried that, strangely the icon that shows inside KDE menu editor is correct | 18:00 |
Phoenixz | On Kubuntu 10.10, Is there some sort of main equalizer for audio output? or maybe a per-channel equalizer? | 18:01 |
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xee | When I try locate pidgin.desktop I find multiple occurances, which is the one that's actually used? | 18:01 |
xee | there are 2 of them in my home, and one in usr/share | 18:02 |
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slooksterpsv | Does anyone need any assistance? I may be able to help | 18:06 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: what is your opinion of 10.10? | 18:07 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: is it ready,... or was it rushed? | 18:07 |
Misterio | collabra: It works fine for me | 18:08 |
Misterio | collabra: Instead of 10.04, I don't have any problem with this version | 18:08 |
slooksterpsv | collabra, if you reformat, it's ready | 18:08 |
slooksterpsv | if you upgrade, you'll probably experience issues like I did, I haven't had any issues with 10.10 yet :D | 18:09 |
collabra | Misterio: I've had multiple problems,... compiz mainly.... | 18:09 |
Misterio | slooksterpsv: I upgraded and any error | 18:09 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: yeah,.. i experienced the same | 18:09 |
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slooksterpsv | Misterio - any error?? what do you mean by that? | 18:09 |
Misterio | collabra: and 0 problems | 18:10 |
Misterio | err, slooksterpsv, 0 problems | 18:10 |
slooksterpsv | collabra - I installed ubuntu 10.04 then did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (left Gnome in case I ran into issues) and it's working great, better than expected | 18:10 |
Misterio | (sorry, my native language is spanish :P) | 18:10 |
ironsight | how do I rip out pulseaudio? | 18:10 |
slooksterpsv | Misterio - not a problem =D | 18:11 |
slooksterpsv | Ironsight - hmm let me pull up the article, are you wanting to use OSS? | 18:11 |
ironsight | no, just wanting to stop getting lag audio in games | 18:11 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: Misterio i've had alot of stability issues that are not in 10.04 | 18:11 |
ironsight | enemy territory quake wars hates pulse | 18:11 |
collabra | i went back to 10.04 | 18:11 |
Misterio | ironsight: Wait a sec | 18:12 |
slooksterpsv | ironsight, I'd probably use OSS, if it will work, as I think it's more stable than pulseaudio | 18:12 |
collabra | till the compiz and minor stability issues are resolved | 18:12 |
ironsight | slooksterpsv: I want to try straight alsa | 18:12 |
Misterio | ironsight: Try disabling "openAL" in game and restart it | 18:12 |
ironsight | but oss could work for quake wars | 18:12 |
Misterio | ironsight: I had that problem too with pusleaudio long time ago | 18:12 |
slooksterpsv | collabra - I did have an issue with the ati driver, all I had to do to fix that was (after installing fglrx driver), do the following: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back && sudo aticonfig --initial | 18:12 |
ironsight | Misterio: one of my game's only sound system is openal :( | 18:13 |
ironsight | secondlife | 18:13 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: have you heard of any other problems,... from other users? | 18:13 |
Misterio | ironsight: Well, just try it, I did with OpenArena and problem solved | 18:14 |
slooksterpsv | collabra - not yet, may be some in Ubuntu forums that are listed, but I haven't searched if there is though | 18:14 |
ironsight | Misterio: quake wars uses alsa sound by default... | 18:17 |
Misterio | Well, I don't know then | 18:17 |
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slooksterpsv | question can I make kde index my home folder | 18:23 |
slooksterpsv | nvm got it | 18:26 |
Hazel- | my kubuntu 10.10 is not starting kde | 18:31 |
Hazel- | kdm is starting | 18:32 |
Hazel- | but the splash screen of KDE is not appearing | 18:32 |
Hazel- | i can move the mouse but nothing else is happening | 18:32 |
slooksterpsv | umm... Hazel, can you get to a TTY? ctrl+alt+f1? | 18:32 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: yes | 18:33 |
Hazel- | the xorg log is not showing any error | 18:33 |
Hazel- | the kdm neither | 18:33 |
Hazel- | *kdm log | 18:34 |
hellslinger | slooksterpsv: hey if you're there, those links you sent me about getting the runlevel set were really helpful, thanks a lot | 18:34 |
slooksterpsv | can you kill kdm and restart it? | 18:34 |
slooksterpsv | hellslinger, you're welcome | 18:34 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: ok | 18:34 |
pykler | I am haing issues with KRDC for KDE 4.5.1, the colors are all inverted. I have noticed this when I upgraded to ubuntu meerkat a few days ago ... http://imagebin.ca/view/C0_6WxMe.html vs http://imagebin.ca/view/Nt3HPOx.html (ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX IT?) | 18:34 |
slooksterpsv | haha pykler, that is awesome! | 18:37 |
slooksterpsv | pykler I'm researching it | 18:38 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: same problem | 18:38 |
slooksterpsv | pykler let me have you do this click on KDE -> Computer -> System settings | 18:39 |
pykler | do you know the command line | 18:39 |
slooksterpsv | uh let me see if I can find it | 18:39 |
pykler | i am actually running ubuntu not kubuntu | 18:39 |
pykler | but i have kubuntu installed | 18:39 |
pykler | I use many KDE userland apps | 18:40 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: any idea? | 18:40 |
slooksterpsv | Hazel - do you have your graphics driver installed? like do you have ati or nvidia or intel? | 18:40 |
Hazel- | NVIDIA | 18:41 |
Hazel- | i've just installed the latest driver | 18:41 |
pykler | i hate ati | 18:41 |
pykler | and i am using fglrx | 18:41 |
Hazel- | the installation said: File '/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so' is not a symbolic link. | 18:41 |
pykler | *have | 18:41 |
Hazel- | but in fact it's a symbolic link | 18:41 |
Hazel- | and kdm is working so i guess it's correctly installed | 18:42 |
pykler | actually I am not using fglrx, it seems i either never did or it got un"activated" | 18:42 |
pykler | but compiz is working | 18:42 |
slooksterpsv | Hazel - purge the installation of fglrx and reintsall it | 18:42 |
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pykler | its me tht uses fglrx slooksterpsv :) | 18:42 |
slooksterpsv | pykler, I wonder if its a compiz configuration to do that | 18:43 |
slooksterpsv | oh oh oh, Hazel can you purge and reinstall the nvidia driver? | 18:43 |
pykler | yeah i think i can reinvert the colors in compiz if thats what you meant :p | 18:43 |
slooksterpsv | pykler then lets change the settings in compiz for the inverted colors | 18:43 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: how can i purge it? | 18:43 |
pykler | its not a setting really, its a keybinding where i can invert any windows colors | 18:44 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: it's nvidia... no fglrx | 18:44 |
Hazel- | ah ok | 18:44 |
slooksterpsv | haha do you know what nvidia driver you use if its 173, 180 185 96 - may need to open package manager and search for it | 18:44 |
Hazel- | ok | 18:44 |
pykler | oh its doubly inverted, white is now black and the colors are way more wack :) | 18:44 |
slooksterpsv | what was the keybinding pykler lol | 18:44 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: 260 | 18:45 |
pykler | Super-n | 18:45 |
wornof | I did a clean install of 10.10 (although with existing .kde file), after the upgrade crashed horribly partway through. Everything is fine except there is no network manager icon in the taskbar...is there an obvious way to fix this? | 18:45 |
slooksterpsv | Hazel - do you know if you got that from the repos or from nvidia or another location? | 18:45 |
slooksterpsv | brb need charger | 18:45 |
slooksterpsv | pykler if you can open compiz I believe it's compiz-config | 18:45 |
pykler | wornof: with kde, you should always start with a fresh .kde unless you are lucky | 18:45 |
slooksterpsv | wornof - hold on | 18:45 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: yeah i opened it | 18:46 |
wornof | pykler: I would have done except for the crash, and couldn't be bothered deleting the file with a livecd. I know this makes me a bad person | 18:46 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: from the nvidia page | 18:46 |
pykler | wornof: no its really kde's fult | 18:46 |
wornof | Well, either way...could that cause the missing icon anyway? | 18:47 |
pykler | are you sure you have a taskbar? | 18:47 |
slooksterpsv | pykler - see if you can find the color options for compiz for inversion and that and disable them temporarily | 18:47 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: what package should i use? | 18:47 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: the only one i can find is the one i mentioned that inverts specific windows with a keybinding | 18:48 |
wornof | pykler: I definitely do...there's the normal volume control, cut/paste app, bluetooth icon, printer icon etc. | 18:48 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: all my other apps are fine too, its only vnc inside krdc | 18:48 |
slooksterpsv | hmm let me try krdc | 18:49 |
wornof | Hmm...hang on. Knetworkmanager is currently not installed...is that even correct? | 18:49 |
pykler | i would think not | 18:49 |
Hazel- | slooksterpsv: what package should i use? | 18:50 |
pykler | when i have issues with network manager i usually install wicd | 18:50 |
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wornof | The network works fine, though, and the kde control centre network section is as it always was | 18:50 |
wornof | How perplexing | 18:50 |
slooksterpsv | well see if you find what driver you need from jockey, so if you remove the nvidia driver (Hazel) and you can get into Kubuntu then see what jockey says to use | 18:50 |
slooksterpsv | I gotta clean the counter hold on just spilt milk | 18:50 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: lots of stuff going on | 18:51 |
pykler | wornof: i think you are looking for nm-applet or KDE's alternative to it | 18:51 |
wornof | pykler: Okay, thank you, I'll look it up | 18:52 |
pykler | network-manager-gnome is the package | 18:52 |
pykler | i used ept-cache to find related and found network-manager-kde | 18:53 |
pykler | wornof: is that installed ^^ | 18:53 |
wornof | pykler: It is not. Installing now :) | 18:53 |
pykler | wornof: the only bin it has is /usr/bin/knetworkmanager | 18:54 |
pykler | so that might be what you want | 18:54 |
pykler | weird it wasnt installed in a fresh insall | 18:54 |
wornof | Well, never mind, hopefully this will fix it | 18:55 |
wornof | Thanks :) | 18:55 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: does krdc with vnc do the same thing with you | 18:56 |
slooksterpsv | pykler lol hold on don't have a vnc, but its set to 8bit color currently in my configuration | 18:57 |
slooksterpsv | pykler gotta start my vm | 18:57 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: where is this 8but config you see | 18:59 |
pykler | all i could find is low medium high | 18:59 |
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slooksterpsv | pykler, yeah I can't find color settings I'm not sure on this one | 19:03 |
slooksterpsv | its just through the remote desktop that it shows inverted colors? | 19:03 |
slooksterpsv | wb collabra | 19:05 |
collabra | ty slooksterpsv,... had somethin go wrong with my ethernet,... got booted somehow | 19:05 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: i adjusted my firewall,.... | 19:06 |
collabra | slooksterpsv: hopefully it won't happen again | 19:06 |
slooksterpsv | collabra - same here | 19:06 |
collabra | hmm,... wonder if it's to do with freenode....?!? | 19:07 |
pykler | slooksterpsv: vnc | 19:09 |
pykler | i didnt try rdp | 19:09 |
Peace- | !greek | 19:11 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 19:11 |
hrna | hi, i've just installed a fresh kubuntu 10.10, previously i had 10.10 upgraded from 10.04. now im experiencing some troubles with my kwin, some times it just crashes out from no where, that's sth what it didnt do under the previous install | 19:13 |
hrna | anyone else experiencing similar problems with the latest kde packages | 19:14 |
slooksterpsv | pykler, I'm not sure... | 19:18 |
slooksterpsv | hrna I'm not | 19:18 |
hrna | all of this started after the fresh install | 19:19 |
slooksterpsv | but I'm running gdm not kdm, not sure if that would or wouldn't make a diff. I would also search Ubuntu forums and see if anyone else has reported an issue | 19:19 |
hrna | for sure i will | 19:20 |
nuboon2age_ | http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/474/detail/ | 19:25 |
nuboon2age_ | oops, wrong channel | 19:26 |
v3nd3tta`` | what does full-upgrade do? maverick? | 19:47 |
e_t_ | In what program? | 19:47 |
v3nd3tta`` | apt-get | 19:47 |
rww | !dist-upgrade | 19:47 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu. | 19:47 |
rww | (full-upgrade is a synonym of dist-upgrade) | 19:48 |
v3nd3tta`` | !upgrade | 19:48 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 19:48 |
v3nd3tta`` | if i do dust-upgrade i will get to maverick 10.10 ? | 19:48 |
v3nd3tta`` | dist* | 19:48 |
rww | v3nd3tta``: no. That's kinda the point of those two factoids. See the instructions ubottu linked. | 19:49 |
v3nd3tta`` | rww every of my ssl certificates says it's invalid... | 19:49 |
v3nd3tta`` | how do i reinstall ssl ? | 19:50 |
e_t_ | What is the exact error you get? | 19:50 |
v3nd3tta`` | uh every ssl certificate is changed and invalid | 19:51 |
v3nd3tta`` | can it be because my system time was resetted? | 19:51 |
v3nd3tta`` | how can i "sync" it? | 19:51 |
rww | possibly, yes | 19:51 |
v3nd3tta`` | or do i have to use exact time when i get into boot setup? | 19:52 |
rww | sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org; you could also install the 'ntp' package, but I think it gives up if the time difference is too large. | 19:52 |
Surlaw | Hello, I've just dled Kubuntu 10.10, did a wubi install, rebooted, let the iostall finish, took a while btw with a frozen kubuntu screen, they could at least put a progress bar or something... anyway, it finishes, I restart, chose generic kernel and BOOM it fails : Gave up waiting for root device [.... some shit] Alert! /dev/sdb2 does not exist... WTH?! I seriously hate linux, always had, | 19:53 |
Surlaw | always will... too bad I need it sometimes as a programer XD So Ccould anyone help with that? Please :p | 19:53 |
FloodBotK1 | Surlaw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:53 |
dima_ | hi | 19:53 |
v3nd3tta`` | 14 Oct 20:53:11 ntpdate[25783]: step time server offset 18831609.251052 sec | 19:53 |
v3nd3tta`` | is that good? :? | 19:53 |
dima_ | i need driver for ati mobility radeon 2400, but the official driver defenatly have problems, any sugestions? | 19:54 |
phoenix_ | i need help regarding a bug report | 19:54 |
v3nd3tta`` | !kernel | 19:54 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 19:54 |
v3nd3tta`` | rww kk seems to work now ty | 19:56 |
* e_t_ is away: Gone away for now | 20:01 | |
* e_t_ is back. | 20:02 | |
phoenix_ | i need to file a bug of strigi, can anyone help me | 20:05 |
_nix_ | is it just me or multiple activities pop out of nowhere in the activity manager for everybody? | 20:13 |
jhutchins_lt | !bugs | 20:18 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 20:18 |
Coudy | Hi, I have switched from Gnome to KDE. Now I'm on 4.5.2, but when I download some plasmoids or themes directly from KDE, I can't see it. Where are they downloaded ? | 20:20 |
BluesKaj | Coudy, system settings/workspace appearance | 20:22 |
Coudy | BluesKaj, ok, but still I can't see plasmoids and themes for KDM | 20:23 |
BluesKaj | Coudy, gotta go...look around the system settings | 20:24 |
e_t_ | Coudy: Which themes? A few things advertised on kde-look don't actually install right. | 20:26 |
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Coudy | no, themes for KDM from system settings.. please wait, I'm uploading image right now | 20:29 |
rav___ | Hello. I have been having problems with Kontact, and I haven't been able to find anything online about it | 20:30 |
e_t_ | !ask|rav__ | 20:30 |
ubottu | rav__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:30 |
rav___ | I have Akonadi errors at startup, the to do list hangs Kontact, the contacts view doesn't work | 20:32 |
e_t_ | What are the Akonadi errors? Contacts depend on Akonadi, so if one fails, the other's not going to work. | 20:33 |
rav___ | e_t_: a window pops up with a checklist, that i guess akonadi performs tests on at startup. it highlights an entry that says that there are errors in the MySQL log. But nothing goes wrong if I use the programs separately. As instead of starting Kontact, I start KMail, KAddressbook, KOrganizer and Akregator | 20:37 |
Coudy | e_t_, http://album.jabbim.cz/coudy@jabbim.sk/#desktop.png | 20:38 |
e_t_ | rav___: Are you using Akonadi's built-in MySQL, or an external MySQL? | 20:38 |
rav___ | e_t_: the built-in, I could never get the external to work | 20:39 |
e_t_ | Coudy: That interface just connects to kde-look.org and downloads from there. Try going to www.kde-look.org in a browser, finding the theme you want, and downloading that way. I can show you how to install from there. | 20:40 |
Coudy | e_t_, and what is wrong with that interface ? | 20:41 |
e_t_ | Coudy: I'm not sure. I've tried to download themes before and a couple of them will not register. I think (no evidence) that the download fails somehow and the program doesn't know it. It then reports "installed" because the download is over, even if it failed. | 20:43 |
e_t_ | rav___: It's strange that the programs work individually but not together. Have you asked in #kde? They might know more than I do. | 20:46 |
Coudy | e_t_, can someone from developers to repair it ? | 20:47 |
rav___ | e_t_: i'll give it a try. thanks | 20:47 |
e_t_ | Coudy: Only if they know about it. Have you looked for a bug about it? If there isn't one already, you can file one. | 20:48 |
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khaije|amalt | any recommendations for simple gui filesystem encryption tool(s) ? | 21:01 |
=== v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta`` | ||
Azerith | truecrypt? | 21:06 |
Azerith | that being said im pritty sure when you do your initial setup with kubuntu or ubuntu now it ask's if you want to fully encrypt the partitions and or your home directory | 21:07 |
Azerith | @khaije|amalt was it just a directory or two or the whole drive you wanted to encrypt? | 21:08 |
khaije|amalt | prolly either a few files or a dir, not a lv | 21:09 |
khaije|amalt | i decided to go w/ truecrypt cuz it's cross platform and i'll be using it w/ dropbox | 21:10 |
khaije|amalt | to bad it's not in the repo's though... is wonder why that is | 21:10 |
Azerith | ah sweet :) | 21:10 |
Azerith | i think its in the universal's i dont recall | 21:10 |
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Azerith | had a nice gui installer last time i used it lol. mind you i only formated again last week O.o | 21:11 |
slooksterpsv | I love truecrypt =D | 21:12 |
perseus_ | yeah .. truecrypt is nice | 21:13 |
slooksterpsv | it works really well, best encryption program that's cross platform | 21:13 |
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slooksterpsv | any one need help? | 21:27 |
slooksterpsv | Is anyone here that can answer a question about Kontact for me? | 21:34 |
slooksterpsv | nvm fixed it myself | 21:35 |
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_ | ||
khaije|amalt | dropbox + truecrypt = happy fun piece of mind :) | 21:46 |
pietro | hi at all ^_^ | 21:50 |
pietro | g00d bye ;) | 21:51 |
slooksterpsv | help help kontact won't start | 21:53 |
datacrusher | can anyone help us with this thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1472163 i cant save screen settings with kubuntu | 22:05 |
datacrusher | is there a way to export the current video settings to a xorg.conf file? I got dual monitors and have to set them up EVERY time i boot up | 22:18 |
datacrusher | i really need this to be persistent | 22:18 |
moetunes | !xrandr | 22:21 |
ubottu | XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 22:21 |
=== maco2 is now known as maco | ||
datacrusher | moetunes, well, do you use twin monitors? | 22:23 |
moetunes | datacrusher: nope - the bottom of that page is the xorg.conf stuff | 22:24 |
datacrusher | hmm ok | 22:25 |
datacrusher | ill study this up | 22:25 |
moetunes | datacrusher: you can get a xorg.conf with sudo X -configure | 22:25 |
moetunes | but you have to kill X first | 22:25 |
datacrusher | and will it detect my vga / dvi monitors? | 22:26 |
moetunes | it "should" - never tried it for that | 22:26 |
datacrusher | ahuehaue | 22:26 |
datacrusher | well, starting with the "shoulds" the configuration that iv setted bu hand in the kde >screen settins "should" be saved after all | 22:27 |
moetunes | I would think so - but there are some bugs - checked at launchpad or in #kde? | 22:30 |
prompt | !list | 22:31 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 22:31 |
prompt | !List | 22:32 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 22:32 |
loltph | whats the difference between kde and gnome, apart from looks? | 22:42 |
moetunes | it uses diff apps for things | 22:42 |
sithlord48 | loltph, quite a bit, they are for starters built off of different gui code bases | 22:42 |
loltph | have you tested ubuntu & kubuntu? | 22:43 |
loltph | because I'm relying on xp until I can get usb drivers working | 22:43 |
sithlord48 | loltph: umm i use both... | 22:43 |
loltph | how? | 22:43 |
loltph | I can't seem to dual boot with windows | 22:43 |
loltph | because wine's a bit buggy sometimes | 22:44 |
sithlord48 | loltph: it should be really easy ... just run the installer and select "install" side by side to dual boot | 22:44 |
loltph | my setup: | 22:44 |
loltph | hp nx6325 | 22:45 |
loltph | running win xp | 22:45 |
loltph | Ubuntu 10.10 | 22:45 |
FloodBotK1 | loltph: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:45 |
loltph | k | 22:45 |
loltph | so does kubuntu run semlessly with ubuntu, if installed together? | 22:45 |
loltph | under dual environment | 22:45 |
sithlord48 | loltph: you can install them in the same os.... its just kde and gnome.. | 22:45 |
loltph | how? | 22:46 |
sithlord48 | on your ubuntu machine do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and then at the login screen you can use the sessions menu to select the "session " to log in to basicly if you install multipal desktop suites you can choose the one u want to use w/ that imenu | 22:47 |
loltph | is this going to corrupt gnome? | 22:47 |
loltph | I'm running under a windows install of Ubuntu | 22:48 |
loltph | will this affect the boot? | 22:48 |
sithlord48 | nope not at all, but you will have two differnet programs for each kind of program in your menu (Like gedia and kate are both text editors) | 22:48 |
sithlord48 | no , no and no .. | 22:48 |
loltph | k | 22:49 |
JohnFlux | Hi all | 22:50 |
login_ | hi there | 22:50 |
JohnFlux | I updated to 10.10 and the font is.. funny | 22:50 |
login_ | how are you? | 22:50 |
JohnFlux | it seems to be quite a bit smaller than before | 22:50 |
loltph | So whats the ethics behind linux? | 22:51 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: yes i have noticed this on my machine , there is a new default font, called ubuntu it seams to be smaller then the old default font.. | 22:51 |
JohnFlux | loltph: try not to kill your wife.. | 22:52 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I don't know if it's because of a new default font.. I mean this font looks really quite bad | 22:52 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: have u checked ur dpi settings in system settings ? | 22:52 |
loltph | Johnflux:lol, Free everything I know that. One reason of using | 22:53 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: also there is an AA setting fonts some where in there.. | 22:53 |
JohnFlux | loltph: 'Free' has several meanings | 22:53 |
loltph | Johnflux: is there a cloud based free music service. Offered by Ubuntu? | 22:53 |
obsoleteman | JohnFlux: Droid Sans (ttf-droid) really good , give it a try :) | 22:53 |
JohnFlux | loltph: and I doubt you'd consensus on "free everything" for any meaning of free | 22:53 |
loltph | k | 22:54 |
JohnFlux | loltph: well there's internet radio.. | 22:54 |
loltph | new ubuntu member | 22:54 |
JohnFlux | loltph: amarok used to have an agreement with a music provider | 22:54 |
loltph | Johnflux: whats it called would it be in Synaptic? | 22:55 |
JohnFlux | loltph: I don't know if they still do | 22:55 |
sithlord48 | therer is still a store in amarok.. under internet | 22:55 |
sithlord48 | think its ....magantunes or something like that . | 22:55 |
loltph | Johnflux:amarok, haven't seen them on ubuntu for a while | 22:55 |
sithlord48 | loltph: amarok is part of the kdesc | 22:55 |
loltph | I shall install kde | 22:56 |
loltph | whats the latest? | 22:56 |
sithlord48 | 4.5.2 | 22:56 |
JohnFlux | loltph: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or something | 22:56 |
loltph | shithlord48: is it stable? | 22:56 |
sithlord48 | but only on a maverick ppa repositoy | 22:56 |
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JohnFlux | sithlord48: it's also not usable afaik | 22:57 |
sithlord48 | loltph: idk i use it on my destop it seams to work for my needs.. idk if it will not crash for u needs... | 22:57 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I heard that it 4.5.2 had some regressions over 4.5.1 which is why it's not used | 22:57 |
loltph | everytime i tweak with the settings everything crashes | 22:57 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: naw i have kde 4.5.3 here on dual mismatched size monitors , just don't try to use the weather widget, the search on that seams to crash plasma-desktop | 22:57 |
loltph | lol, just me I'm guessing | 22:57 |
JohnFlux | loltph: don't tweak with the settings then :-) | 22:57 |
loltph | lol | 22:57 |
sithlord48 | loltph: for u i would just use kde 4.5.1 | 22:58 |
loltph | like the effects | 22:58 |
loltph | some are unstable and crash the video driver | 22:58 |
sithlord48 | loltph: what version of ubuntu to u have | 22:58 |
loltph | 10.10 | 22:58 |
loltph | fresh install today, the beta was crap | 22:58 |
loltph | kept on asking for a partial update | 22:58 |
sithlord48 | then just do in a terminal sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 22:58 |
loltph | but which boot manager | 22:58 |
loltph | gnome or kde? | 22:59 |
sithlord48 | when asked if you want to make kdm or gdm default , choose gdm | 22:59 |
sithlord48 | loltph: neither of them have a boot manager, the dm package is a login manager | 22:59 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: My system is using font "monospace" for the monospace font | 22:59 |
loltph | sithlord48: | 23:00 |
loltph | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 23:00 |
loltph | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 23:00 |
loltph | elliot@ubuntu:~$ | 23:00 |
FloodBotK1 | loltph: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:00 |
sithlord48 | loltph: has a package manager open | 23:00 |
loltph | how? | 23:00 |
loltph | yea | 23:00 |
loltph | mb | 23:00 |
sithlord48 | loltph: you have a package manager open that is why u get the error... then use it to install kubuntu-desktop | 23:00 |
loltph | how much software can ubuntu/kubuntu handle before its slow | 23:01 |
loltph | or am I a windows freak | 23:01 |
sithlord48 | loltph: linux is not windows..... remember that.. | 23:01 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: ah there we go, I got it back to bitstream vera :-) | 23:01 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: nice | 23:01 |
loltph | whats the difference, different kernel | 23:01 |
loltph | Windows = Crapware | 23:02 |
loltph | but you get bugs in Ubuntu | 23:02 |
loltph | what happens if I get a boot up error message | 23:02 |
sithlord48 | loltph: a whole lot of differance | 23:02 |
loltph | comes up in terminal | 23:02 |
JohnFlux | loltph: a lot of bugs unfortunately :-) | 23:03 |
loltph | had it happen number of times with 10.10 beta | 23:03 |
sithlord48 | loltph: sounds like you need to set up your video card properly | 23:03 |
loltph | yea | 23:03 |
loltph | ati = waste of time | 23:03 |
loltph | how do i know I'm getting a reliable driver? | 23:03 |
JohnFlux | I was thinking of writing a diagnostic program that would come up if it failed to boot | 23:03 |
JohnFlux | extending on the current simple menu that came up | 23:03 |
=== juanvi is now known as elpallico | ||
JohnFlux | that would check and try to fix common problems | 23:04 |
sithlord48 | what.. loltph ati is not a waste of time.. | 23:04 |
JohnFlux | half installed packages, mismatch of library symbols, driver problems, mount problems, etc | 23:04 |
elpallico | hola | 23:04 |
loltph | so synaptic is closed what was that command? | 23:04 |
sithlord48 | loltph: most of their cards work just fine w/ the open drivers... | 23:04 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: ATI does cause more problems than any of device though | 23:04 |
loltph | lol | 23:04 |
loltph | I need a new laptop | 23:04 |
elpallico | alguno que able en español?? | 23:04 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: "most" :-) | 23:05 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: o beg to differ... | 23:05 |
loltph | its more than 3 years old | 23:05 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: it's not a subjective thing to differ over :P | 23:05 |
sithlord48 | elpallico: i think there is a kubuntu-es for that | 23:05 |
loltph | amd and ati , what an awesome mix | 23:05 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: just i have a few ati cards and as of late they work very nice w/o the properitary driver, the properitary ati driver can be a pita to config and mantain | 23:05 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: that's neat | 23:06 |
loltph | anyone recommend intel and navidia? | 23:06 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: speaking of problems, I have: | 23:06 |
sithlord48 | loltph: i have intel card in my netbook and nvidia card in my server.. (geforce2 :) ) | 23:06 |
JohnFlux | 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] | 23:06 |
JohnFlux | And kwin keeps disabling compositing now | 23:06 |
JohnFlux | it worked in 10.04 | 23:06 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: in system settings, under desktop effects, its enabled but suspended? | 23:07 |
loltph | johnflux: geforce is supposed to be pretty reliable (say I'm buying standalone components) what should I get for Kubuntu/ubuntu? | 23:07 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: right, it says "temporarily disabled" | 23:08 |
loltph | installing Kubuntu... | 23:08 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: under advanced , check off disable checks .. then it will be resumed | 23:08 |
obsoleteman | loltph: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/653274 :) | 23:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 653274 in linux (Ubuntu) "Plymouth doesn't show Kubuntu or Ubuntu logo with Nvidia proprietary driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 23:08 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: or completely broken | 23:08 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: not sure I want to disable checks .. :-D | 23:08 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: use alt+shift+f12 do they start ? | 23:08 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: if so you can check it off.. to allow them to start on login | 23:09 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I reenabled it.. it's enabled for now | 23:09 |
sithlord48 | sithlord48: i have to do it for all my ati machines.. | 23:09 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: not sure how long this will last though | 23:09 |
sithlord48 | loltph: and yes they are all amd/ati machines.. or amd machiens | 23:09 |
loltph | but is that the closed driver or open driver? | 23:09 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: till you log out | 23:09 |
rww | nvidia is the closed-source driver. nouveau is the open-source one | 23:09 |
sithlord48 | then on login they will be disabled. | 23:09 |
loltph | can Linux run mainstream games? | 23:10 |
sithlord48 | loltph: opensource driver | 23:10 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: maybe I should try the propertietry driver | 23:10 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: no | 23:10 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: i think ur card is too old for that | 23:10 |
loltph | installing kubuntu... do I let Gnome be the default or Kde? | 23:10 |
JohnFlux | loltph: up to you | 23:10 |
sithlord48 | thats up to you | 23:10 |
DarthFrog | loltph: KDE of course. | 23:11 |
loltph | so the semless? | 23:11 |
JohnFlux | loltph: ubuntu treats kde as a 2nd citizen though, it's not as polished as gnome | 23:11 |
loltph | lol | 23:11 |
JohnFlux | loltph: If you get annoyed by bugs, to be honest you should stick to gnome or use a kde distro | 23:11 |
loltph | like Intel and Amd | 23:11 |
sithlord48 | ello DarthFrog good to see a fellow sith on :P | 23:11 |
loltph | kde distro? | 23:12 |
JohnFlux | loltph: SuSE for example | 23:12 |
sithlord48 | loltph: personally i perfer amd.. but | 23:12 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: really suse,, whats the matter w/ kubuntu ,, | 23:12 |
loltph | suse, first linux distro I tried years ago | 23:12 |
loltph | any good now? | 23:12 |
sithlord48 | loltph: if you find you like kde install kubuntu , instead of ubuntu | 23:12 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: it just doesn't have the resources allocated to it compared to ubuntu | 23:12 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: its my main distro, i don't seam to have any problems.... | 23:13 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: then you're blind to the bugs if you are being honest :-) | 23:13 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: mind you i also support about a dozen other local kubuntu users, and users on kubuntu forums | 23:13 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: or not affected by them.... | 23:13 |
loltph | A display manager is a program that provides graphical login capabilities for the X Window System. | 23:13 |
loltph | │ Only one display manager can manage a given X server, but multiple │ | 23:13 |
loltph | │ display manager packages are installed. Please select which display │ | 23:13 |
loltph | │ manager should run by default. │ ????? | 23:13 |
FloodBotK1 | loltph: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:13 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I can cope with the bugs too, I've been using linux for a long time | 23:13 |
sithlord48 | loltph: i told you gdm or kdm , its up to you.. | 23:13 |
loltph | do i configure kdm? | 23:14 |
JohnFlux | loltph: just pick random answers ;-D | 23:14 |
DarthFrog | loltph: It really doesn't matter which display manager you use, gdm or kdm. If you prefer GNOME by default, then gdm is probably your choice. KDM is the KDE Display Manager. | 23:14 |
loltph | so kdm's Kde and Gdm Gnome, right? | 23:14 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: idk i almost always have beta and -dbg packages on mine since i try to file my bugs when they come up .. so far my only issues are really maintaining the ati driver, but w/ the open source driver working for oblivion in wine i don't need the properitary one .. | 23:14 |
DarthFrog | loltph: But you can set either GNOME or KDE to be the default in either gdm or kdm. | 23:15 |
loltph | so I hit enter and choose between the two? | 23:15 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I'm a KDE developer, so I try to fix bugs when they come up :-) | 23:15 |
sithlord48 | loltph: you will find that w/ a gnu/linux machine, you have far far much choice | 23:15 |
loltph | k | 23:15 |
loltph | Gdm | 23:15 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: im a qt developer,, just not good enuff for kde dev... | 23:15 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: hehe, I'm also a qt developer ;-D | 23:16 |
loltph | thxs sithlord48 and Johnflux :) | 23:16 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: as in i dev w/ qt in dev qt it self.. | 23:16 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: for my "real" job | 23:16 |
sithlord48 | loltph: thats the differnece right there.. | 23:16 |
loltph | lol | 23:16 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: i fix copiers.... i would rather work on something like that.. | 23:16 |
loltph | true :) | 23:16 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: photocopiers? | 23:17 |
loltph | whats everyone think about the new kubuntu 10.10? | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | I've been bugging canonical to hire me to work kubuntu for years | 23:17 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: yup, printers, faxes, typewriters, etc... | 23:17 |
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JohnFlux | I'd love to work on polishing it, and improving the overall "user experience" | 23:17 |
loltph | do you have to pay conical submit a bug? | 23:17 |
sithlord48 | i would do it for free if i had the skill... i intend to thats why i started my project,, | 23:17 |
DarthFrog | loltph: I don't really see any improvement over 10.04 and I see a regression in the sound system from the RC. As in sound worked in the RC but not in the release. | 23:17 |
sithlord48 | loltph: really pay to subimt bugs,, no thats free... | 23:17 |
JohnFlux | loltph: I felt exactly the same at DarthFrog | 23:18 |
sithlord48 | loltph: its all free | 23:18 |
loltph | because, all the fancy gadgets in both make it a bit slow on the old laptop | 23:18 |
JohnFlux | loltph: except my system is now a lot slower as well. ATI problems I think. | 23:18 |
loltph | really | 23:18 |
loltph | must be | 23:18 |
sithlord48 | the only diff i really see is the font.. its ok but in qt creater stariring at my code its a bit small.. | 23:18 |
sithlord48 | makes my projects ui look bit too | 23:18 |
loltph | how do I configure all my drivers? | 23:18 |
sithlord48 | bog* | 23:18 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: yeah switch it back to bitstream vera | 23:19 |
loltph | got the wireless card driver working | 23:19 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: think im gonna.. | 23:19 |
* DarthFrog is thinking of ditching Maverick and going back to Lucid. | 23:19 | |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: then i have to log out i think.. | 23:19 |
loltph | got a fingerprint scanner and ati and amd | 23:19 |
JohnFlux | DarthFrog: I would if I could :-) | 23:19 |
JohnFlux | I can't wait for BFS to become standard | 23:19 |
JohnFlux | then I'd be able to upgrade, try it out, then revert back if I don't like it | 23:20 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: you should check out my little project | 23:20 |
DarthFrog | JohnFlux: I wish there was an "apt-get dist-revert" command. :-) | 23:20 |
JohnFlux | DarthFrog: that's what you'd use btfs snapshots for | 23:20 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: give you and example of what Qt is being used for . | 23:20 |
JohnFlux | DarthFrog: take a snapshot of the hard disk, then upgrade, then revert back to an old snapshot | 23:20 |
loltph | "Warning: No support for locale: en_US.utf8" | 23:20 |
DarthFrog | JohnFlux: btfs? What is btfs? Or do you mean btrfs? | 23:20 |
JohnFlux | DarthFrog: butterfs I thought it was appreviated to btfs | 23:21 |
sithlord48 | brb | 23:21 |
DarthFrog | Ah. No, it's btrfs. | 23:21 |
JohnFlux | DarthFrog: yep you're right | 23:21 |
DarthFrog | !btrfs | 23:21 |
DarthFrog | Hmm no btrfs entry in Bottie. | 23:21 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: you don't seem to have said what your project is | 23:22 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: i don't seam to have bitstream verta | 23:22 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: blackchocobo.sourceforge.net | 23:22 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: apt-get install ttf-bitstream-vera | 23:22 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux:ahh... that explaines it.. | 23:22 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: it's the standard open source font | 23:22 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I don't know why ubuntu thought their font was better | 23:23 |
DarthFrog | JohnFlux: Thanks for the pointer. I shall have to look into btrfs. Right now, all I know is its name. :-) | 23:23 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I wonder if they did any polls on it | 23:23 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: Or user testing | 23:23 |
sithlord48 | idk recall any | 23:23 |
sithlord48 | i don't think i remember a different font in the beta either. | 23:23 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: cool | 23:24 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: explains the chocobo name | 23:24 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: its my first project in Qt, askuall in C++ long time | 23:24 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: right now im in the process of adding more formats.. | 23:25 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: thank u thats so much better looking now.. | 23:26 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: im thinking of redoing my forms w/ Quick .. but i have not looked in to what i need to do to do it | 23:26 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: maybe you're right about it being the font size | 23:29 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: when I google about the ubuntu font, people seem to like it, and the screenshots do look nice: http://font.ubuntu.com/ | 23:29 |
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JohnFlux | sithlord48: mine looked nothing like that, and it looked really bad | 23:29 |
loltph | k | 23:29 |
loltph | in kubuntu | 23:29 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: but mine font sizes were set to 9 and 10 rather than 10 and 11 in that screenshot | 23:29 |
loltph | what was that amarok thing? | 23:29 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: its not so bad on my monitors just when i code. its straing.. being half my code is hex addresses | 23:29 |
sithlord48 | all mine are size 9 , 96 DPI and the antialising is on (think that under display) | 23:30 |
loltph | Johnflux: any good widgets? | 23:31 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: compare the official kubuntu screenshot: http://files.digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/KPackageKit_017.png | 23:32 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: doesn't that look quite bad to you? | 23:32 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: on a side note i am enjoying rekonq | 23:32 |
sithlord48 | no mine don't look bad.. hold on ill give u an ss link | 23:33 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: I switched to firefox ages ago - any reason to use rekonq instead? :) | 23:33 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: well it don't work w/ every page yet, but the ones it does it seams faster then FF to load them | 23:33 |
loltph | Johnflux sithlor48 why do people use windows?, seriously its buggy and its slow | 23:34 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: hmm, I tried rekonq.. my shortcuts don't work - (alt+d to edit the url bar) and there's no google bar | 23:34 |
loltph | kubuntu's Awesome :) | 23:34 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: alt+l ? is location i thought | 23:34 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: alt+l also isn't working | 23:35 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: http://dopplereffect.shacknet.nu/snap1.png <- fonts on my machine.. | 23:36 |
HurpDurp | oh hai | 23:37 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: that looks quite nice | 23:37 |
sithlord48 | JohnFlux: thanks.. the black is where the second monitor has no pixels... | 23:37 |
=== iqbal is now known as Guest8938 | ||
loltph | sithlord48: looks like xp a bit | 23:54 |
loltph | Johnlux: how do I get 80% of my windows programs onto wine? | 23:55 |
sithlord48 | loltph: what kde.. | 23:56 |
loltph | yea | 23:56 |
loltph | sithlord48:wine, no clue in kde, I'm guessing play on linux? | 23:56 |
sithlord48 | loltph: well you should have to install them.. | 23:58 |
loltph | laptop charger is making little noise, thought it was the laptop at first | 23:58 |
loltph | sithlord48:play on linux (scripts??) | 23:58 |
sithlord48 | you can use that.. | 23:59 |
loltph | or Wine, was having trouble with it | 23:59 |
loltph | kept on giving me error messages for every exe file | 23:59 |
sithlord48 | check the appdb for wine you might find more help for your program X | 23:59 |
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