
nigelbcharlie-tca: ping ping, all set for second session? :)14:07
charlie-tcaheh, sure14:07
charlie-tcaI think it went pretty good, myself14:07
nigelbheh 14:07
nigelbI was happy to see lots of curiosity14:08
charlie-tcayes, we need that to get people thinking about accessibility14:08
Pendulumcharlie-tca: so it went well?14:09
charlie-tcaYes, I believe it did14:10
Pendulumsorry I couldn't be there, I was in a car in the middle of a 6 hr drive :(14:10
charlie-tcaNo problem14:10
Pendulumonce I'm a bit more settled back here, I do plan on reading the logs :)14:10
charlie-tcaWe had a lot of people, and a few questions14:10
Pendulumawesome :)14:10
charlie-tcaI mostly used your session from userdays, with a few things of my own thrown in14:11
Pendulumand I'm glad my session was useful14:13
PendulumI may have erm, possible, maybe, definitely, written it on the day ;-)14:13
charlie-tcaIt is always helpful to have some material to work with.14:14
charlie-tcaToday is more difficult. It is the first session I will do as xubuntu project lead14:14
nigelbcharlie-tca: oh, you're xubuntu lead? I didn't know!14:16
charlie-tcaheh, just as an interim lead, probably for two years14:17
Pendulumcharlie-tca: that doesn't sound very interim to me14:18
charlie-tcaWe have different definitions ?14:19
Pendulumfair enough :)14:19
charlie-tcaI have to figure out how to get myself approved, since we kind of left that out when we re-organized three years ago14:19
charlie-tcaWe wrote out everything except how to approve the new project lead every two years14:21
Pendulumoh dear14:26
charlie-tcaA small mistake? and I was involved in that, too. We did realize it, neither did CC14:27
charlie-tcaRather, did not realize14:27
Pendulumvideo on website accessibility: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awldEoQ-aNQ14:37
PendulumUK-based, but still kinda cool14:37
* AlanBell ponders what Pendulum just said14:38
PendulumAlanBell: just meaning that everyone in it is British and some of the discussion may only really apply in places in the UK14:38
Pendulumalthough it's generally decent14:39
AlanBellwatching it now14:39
* AlanBell <- UK based, but still kinda cool14:39
PendulumAlanBell: you're generally cool :P14:39
Pendulumnow if only I could convince Flash that she wants to help us ;-)14:42
Pendulumooh, there's also a video on accessible transport/travel :)14:43
charlie-tcathat is a really good video14:44
AlanBellPendulum: you know her?14:44
PendulumAlanBell: yep :)14:44
PendulumAlanBell: she's the small world-story with keybuk and sladen :)14:45
charlie-tcaPendulum: did you blog about world accessibility day today?14:45
Pendulumtoday is world accessibility today?14:45
charlie-tcaUm, I think so14:45
charlie-tcaI caught a reference to it yesterday. 14:46
Pendulumah, that seems to be what World Standards Day is14:47
PendulumI hadn't put together that it was specific to accessibility standards14:47
charlie-tcaI think it is very confusing for everybody14:47
PendulumI'd kinda worry that I'd end up ranting14:48
charlie-tcaHow do you publicize a day that is made confusing?14:48
Pendulumi dunno14:48
Pendulumbut, yeah14:49
Pendulummy concern is that I'd end up talking about the fact that Ubuntu/Canonical seem to ignore things like web standards14:49
AlanBellThe 41st World Standard Day on Oct. 14, 2010 will be celebrated under the theme: “Standards make the world accessible for all.14:49
AlanBellso there have been 40 previous days we never heard of either14:50
charlie-tcaMaybe we did not really care about them?14:51
PendulumI only heard about this because of Flash14:52
charlie-tcaI know. I tried not to say that yesterday14:53
Pendulumit would be bad of me to do a question in ask sabdfl about "Today is World Standards Day with a focus this year on Accessibility, are there any plans to improve accessibility in Ubuntu and related things such as the website up to accessibility standards?"14:55
AlanBellnope, perfectly good question14:55
charlie-tcaI think that would be a great question14:55
Pendulumnigelb: ^^14:56
Pendulumyeah, but I don't want to piss people off14:56
nigelbgo for it14:56
Pendulumthat's kinda a leading question14:56
AlanBellPendulum: do it14:56
charlie-tcaI will ask it, if you want14:56
nigelbJust do it (TM)14:56
Pendulumand I'm worried it'd reflect badly on me14:56
AlanBellit won't14:56
AlanBellperfectly good question, and one that should be asked by you as a leader of the team14:57
charlie-tcaTeam lead sometimes has to ask the difficult questions14:57
charlie-tcaAnd, it is a question all of us would like to know the answer to. It is not like it is a one person desire14:58
charlie-tcaor wish or "lets raise some hell" type question14:59
AlanBellI have to go out now to get the kids from school, Pendulum, please ask that question o/15:00
Pendulumokay, okay :P15:00
charlie-tcaI'll be waiting for it. 15:00
nigelbok, it has started15:02
Pendulumquestion has been asked, we'll see if it gets answered15:02
PendulumI kinda had to dump the question now because i have to leave soon15:03
charlie-tcaThat's the only way to get them in anyway.15:05
nigelbthat's good news, from mark15:11
Pendulumwell, it's kinda required15:12
Pendulumunity doesn't work with Orca15:12
charlie-tcaWhat? it is touchpad, not accessibility15:12
nigelboh, yuck15:12
charlie-tcaIt's just more rhetoric15:13
charlie-tca"we support it, as long as it doesn't get in the way"15:13
Pendulumwebkit problem, i think15:13
charlie-tcaBut if we could get mark pushing it as hard as unity or ayatana, we would have it working15:14
* charlie-tca shuts up and hides again15:14
Pendulumcharlie-tca: what do you think I'm hoping for? ;-)15:19
charlie-tcaI know, just frustrated, I guess.15:20
charlie-tcathey will push touchpad, and if it happens to help with accessibility, it's called "We did IT! everyone can use this, regardless of disablitiy"15:21
nigelbcharlie-tca: heh15:34
Pendulumcharlie-tca: how'd it go?17:41
charlie-tcanot bad. Not as good as I hoped, though. 17:42
charlie-tcaaudience doesn't seem to be there, maybe? Or I was not getting their interest this time.17:43
nigelbdang, I stepped out from work -> home just when you started18:03
nigelbneed to look at logs18:04
charlie-tcaI think I was boring today18:12
AlanBellso not a spectacular answer from Mark, but not a disaster either18:27
dutchieAlanBell: eh?18:28
AlanBelldutchie: in the openweek session18:28
dutchieyeah, just read back18:28
Pendulumit felt a bit PR-y to me, but was honestly more involved than I expected18:28
AlanBellit would be good to get more bugs filed against the website for accessibility18:30
AlanBellnot sure there are enough against the new design18:30
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AlanBellrant posted, off to bed now o/23:56
AlanBellif any web designers turn up, do be nice to them :)23:56

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