
=== ian_brasil_ is now known as ian_brasil
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vstehleogra: Hi Oliver, you came back after all :)10:03
vstehleogra: I find something puzzling regarding the PPA.10:03
persiaI wouldn't trust much communication until there's been no netsplit traffic for a while: sometimes stuff gets lots in the backscroll.10:04
vstehlepersia: May I please ask _you_ about this PPA thing, then?10:04
persiaI generally recommend asking questions generally of the channel.  I'm unsure that this is the best channel for a PPA question, but I'll try.  Otherwise, you can ask in #launchpad.10:05
vstehlepersia: Ok; I move there.10:05
ograso the sound stuff doesnt work at all anymore :/10:17
lagWhat have you done?10:18
ogralag, trying mathieus kernel, putting all new files in place10:18
ograall muted10:19
ograa) i tried remotely .... my screen is all blue if i switch the monitor on10:21
ogranot sure what he did to that kernel package10:22
ograb) calling alsactl init makes it work10:22
lagI'm just looking now10:22
lagIs that correct?10:22
* ogra reverts everything, it worked yesterday with distro kernel and my file without alsactl init10:22
lagWhat does cat /proc/asound/cards produce?10:23
hrwogra: panda sound still has problems?10:23
lagWhat was the link to the kernel he gave you?10:23
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ogralag, before i had http://people.canonical.com/~roc/kernel/audio/linux-image-2.6.35-903-omap4_2.6.35-903.13+audio1_armel.deb installed10:25
ograjust reinstalling that one10:25
lagThat's Bryans kernel10:25
ograand that one worked after the alsa-lib change10:26
ograi dont get why i would get that bright blue screen10:26
ograthe patches dont touch anything related10:26
lagI'm trying to find the server which he built on10:27
lagBut to no avail as yet10:27
ograsound/soc/omap/sdp4430.c , include/sound/soc.h and sound/soc/soc-core.c10:28
ogranothing should have any influence on my display10:28
lagI can't find any of his builds10:28
* ogra reboots into old kernel with old init files10:29
ograyup, login sound here10:30
* ogra checks the screen10:30
ograand netbook ui10:30
lagI can't find any up-to-date build?10:33
ograwell, we need cooloneys kernel plus the bits from lrg10:33
ograi just need the names10:34
ograand i know cooloney built on one of your servers10:34
lagHow different is cooloney's tree to the mainline?10:34
lagWhat if I applied lrg's patches to the current tree?10:35
ograyou would be missing a ton of audio fixes10:36
ograoh, no, wait, i think they were applied10:36
ograplease check the tree10:36
ogranot sure there was an upload with thgem though10:36
lagIs that all the patches?10:38
lagOr are there more?10:38
ograits like 70 patches and i cant find the merge request on the kernel ML10:38
ograRAAAAAHHHH !!!!10:39
* ogra freaks out about being CCed on all the kernel mails10:39
ograI HATE THAT !10:39
lagWe've had this discussion10:39
ograthanks to that they dont match the ML sort filter and end up in places i cant find them10:39
lagNot everyone reads the mailing list10:39
ograthats so annoying10:39
ograi do10:40
lagGood for you :)10:40
ograand i am sure that other people filter on ML headers too10:40
lagPerhaps you shouldn't10:40
lagI have working filters10:40
lagAnyway ...10:40
lagThat current tree looks like it has loads of new audio patches10:41
ogralag, based on ML headers (like you should for LP mail ?)10:41
ogra[Maverick] [ti-omap4] SRU: audio driver fixings10:41
lagI'd say ~90 patches10:41
ograapplied and pushed by tim on the 6th10:42
lagIn the ML/10:42
lagYes, they are applied10:43
ograso only the naming patches from lrg are missing there10:43
ogracould you roll me a kernel deb ?10:43
lagOf course10:45
ogramerci :)10:45
* ogra meanwhile goes to find some breakfast10:45
ograwe'll need GrueMaster (once he gets up) to confirm the switching works, he has a blaze10:45
lagThere are only 4 patches right?10:47
persiaogra, jasper-initramfs/scripts/local-bottom/jasper_setup runs in initramfs, right?10:52
persiaSo, I think we can't enable universe via the python API there.  Is there a script that runs in userspace, or do you think unsafe sed is better?10:55
ogra_acyou cant run apt-get update from there at all10:58
ogra_acno networking in initrd10:58
ogra_acso your apt-cache will be completely out of sync10:59
persiaOh, I don't care about apt-get update.10:59
persiaThat's fine.10:59
ogra_aci do10:59
persiaEverything will be able to tell the apt-cache is out of date because of timestamps.10:59
ogra_acif a user calls apt-get install i dont want him to be greeted with an out of sync cache error10:59
ogra_acthats about the first impression not about technical issues11:00
* persia digs into oem-config code11:00
ogra_aci think apt-setup is only called from oem-config in case you also run tasksel11:01
ogra_acwhich we dont want in our setup11:01
ogra_aci'm not sure they are separate11:01
lagogra_ac: I also have Blue screen!11:52
ograeven with the new kernel ?11:53
lagThe latest kernel11:53
lagWe're screwed11:53
ograi dont get how the soc changes can affect hdmi11:53
lagI don't think it was the SoC changes11:54
ograespecially since its only a few lines adding names11:54
lagLet me roll there kernel without lrgs patches11:54
ograwell, the kernel on the release image works11:54
lagWhich was compiled when?11:54
ograand i think the 90 sound patches are in there11:55
ograand cooloneys test kernel works for me too11:55
ograwithout any issues11:55
ograthere was one patch afterwards ...11:55
ograone sec, let me find it11:56
ogra[Maverick] [ti-omap4] [SRU] UBUNTU: [Config] enable passing all kernel command line to init11:56
lag7 days agoMythri P KOMAP4:DSS:HDMI:Fix for default boot on HDMI with ES2.011:56
ograThu,  7 Oct 201011:56
ogralag, oh, wait11:56
ograwhich image do you use ?11:56
ograx-loader changed along with that patch11:57
lagI'm using the daily build11:57
ograyou need to use the new image11:57
lagBut with my own x-loader11:57
lagWhould the daily build work?11:57
ograright, x-loader and the Mythri P K HDMI patch had to be applied at the same time11:57
ograthe daily from 7th should11:58
lagOkay, re-DDing11:58
ogra(it should be the release image, we didnt re-roll)11:59
lagogra: Okay, my blue screen has disappeared momentarily12:15
lagogra: Why did you get a blue screen?12:15
lagogra: Were you using the old x-loader too/12:15
ogralag, yeah12:17
ograi still use the same image, upgraded since RC and we dont upgrade x-loader (as you wouldnt upgarde a PC BIOS)12:18
ograok, updated x-loader12:19
ogralet me try with mathieus kernel again12:19
lagIf it doesn't work, I have a working one here12:20
ograi suspect it will work now12:20
lagWhich board do you have?12:21
lag8 layer?12:21
lagI am sooooo behind on boards :(12:22
ograand 8 layer 2.0 and a special 2.1 with DVI wiring added12:22
ogra2.0 8 layer is fine12:22
lagI only have a 6 layer12:22
ograoh, yeah, we need to upgrade you12:22
lagNo kidding12:23
lagWhy have I been left behind12:23
ograask rsalveti, i thinnk he has a patched u-boot and kernel package12:23
ograbecause we got limited amounts of HW12:23
lagI should always have the most up to date board!12:23
lagAnd who has priority?12:23
ograand i think mathieu got the new one because he didnt have one at all12:23
lagSurely the kernel is important to you?12:23
lagMathieu is normally OMAP312:24
ogracooloney has the 2.1 and the 2.1+DVI12:24
ograyou should get his 8 layer12:24
hrwogra: how old are 2.1 boards?12:24
ograabout a week12:24
* hrw wonder which ver will land in my hands12:24
ograwe only got fout of them directly handed out12:24
ograhrw, pray its not a 6 layer12:25
ogralag, we'll get more borads within the next few weeks12:25
hrwogra: I was told that it will es2.0 8layer minimum12:25
ograenough for everyone i hope12:25
lagI want 2.212:25
ogralag, well, then get a soldering iron :P12:25
ograand a list from TI what will be on 2.212:26
hrwgood thing is that I will be able to run anything not exactly ubuntu on it D:12:26
lagFor future h/w releases I really should have the latest boards12:26
ograthey wont go to production for a while :)12:26
lagIt was a jk12:26
ogra2.1 is what goes out12:26
ograand i hope we wont see any HW upgrade for a while now12:26
lagBut as the OMAP4 kernel team representative I should be on the priority list12:26
ogralag, well, cooloney is *the* OMAP4 representative i was told12:27
hrwfight, fight!12:27
ograwe can swap that indeed12:27
lagWho told you that?12:27
ograthat was decided at UDS iirc12:28
lagBefore I joined :)12:28
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lagWell there's a new daddy in town ;)12:28
jkridner|workrsalveti: let me know if my response about the P8 BeagleBoard-xM memory was at all confusing.  you should swap out MLO and see if your problem goes away..12:28
ogralets shuffle responsibilities at UDS12:28
lagBy all means12:29
ograhmm, i think i trashed my panda image :/12:32
ograah, no12:32
ogranow it boots12:32
cooloneylag and ogra, are you guys talking about my panda toy? -:)12:35
ogracooloney, hehe, we do12:35
lagYep yep12:36
cooloneyyeah, I got 2 panda boards now. actually one is 2.1+DVI12:38
ograoh, you dont have the 2.0 anymore ?12:39
cooloneyand one is 2.012:39
cooloneyyeah, the 8 layers 2.012:39
ograi thought you got a normal 2.1 too12:39
ograno sound here :/12:39
cooloneyogra: oh, i returned that to chris, as 2.1+DVI is enough12:40
cooloneybut i have to keep 2.0, since we need to support 2.0, right?12:40
ograso with the old kernel it all worked12:40
ograwith the new kernel i have to call aslactl init *again*12:40
* ogra doesnt get that12:41
ograand i cant esaily downgrade, hrm12:41
cooloneyogra: just before we left, i got 3 boards ->  2.0, 2.1 and 2.1+dvi12:41
cooloneyogra: after sent your guys to airport, we were back to hotel12:42
cooloneychris called GrueMaster12:42
cooloneychris showed up and i returned the normal 2.1 to him12:42
cooloneyso i just have 2 boards. one old 2.0 and a 2.1+dvi12:42
cooloneyso lag, do you wanna i give you my board? i think you got 2.0 board12:44
cooloneyogra: how come sound doesn't work?12:44
cooloneyogra: doesn't work with new kernel?12:44
ogracooloney, it never worked ?12:44
ograonly partially12:44
ograwe're trying to fix the last bits since beginning of the week12:45
cooloneyoh, i mean even using your alsactl trick, it doesn't work?12:45
ograsure it does12:45
cooloneyogra: ok, got it.12:45
ograbut the alsactl call is wrong12:45
cooloneyogra: so any idea about our plan?12:45
ograyes, look at the bug12:46
ogralag, documented everything12:46
cooloneyok, let me check12:46
cooloneyogra and lag, thanks12:46
ograno sound at all12:50
ogranot even after alsactl init now12:50
ograputting my omap4 file back works12:52
ograso one step at a time now12:53
ograkeeping everything as is and upgrading to mpoiriers kernel12:53
lagcooloney: I don't want your board12:53
ogra(and adjusting the name in 00main indeed)12:53
lagcooloney: I'll wait for the next batch12:54
cooloneylag: oh, panda 2.2? heh13:00
lagcooloney: No, just the new batch of 2.1's13:01
cooloneyogra: did liam provide the patch to export platform name from kernel to userspace13:01
ogralag, confriming, with the new kernel it doesnt work at all13:01
cooloneylag: yeah, indeed.13:01
cooloneyogra: which kernel?13:01
ogracooloney, yes, thats what i'm testing here13:01
lagogra: Well that's not good!13:02
cooloneyogra: ok, where is the patch from liam13:02
lagI don't know which kernel he rolled13:02
lagDo you want to try mine?13:02
lagIn case it's any different13:02
lagOkay, wait one13:02
ograi know which kernel he rolled ...  2.6.35-903-omap4 #13+release313:03
ograits release3 :)13:03
ogra(i dont know what release3 is supposed to mean though)13:03
lagogra: Uploading13:05
lagMy point exactly13:05
lagI don't think it has any of the audio patches in13:05
lagThe one he rolled was *.13*13:05
lagMine is *.15*13:05
lagThat would explain it13:06
* lag is uploading 13:06
lagWell, my kernel is :)13:06
lagogra: I'll let you know when it's finished uploading: http://people.canonical.com/~ljones/lp637947-maverick/13:08
ograthe alsa-lib fix is uploaded btw13:09
ograwe'll need some testers to confirm it works and can go to -updates (its in -proposed now)13:09
cooloneyogra: i can try that on my board13:11
ogracooloney, use the 00main and omap4 files from the bug13:11
persiaogra, Have you prepared the candidate alsa-utils bit yet (the new conf file and 00main changes)?13:11
ograpersia, not until i know they work13:11
persiaAh, so you're waiting for the alsa-lib bit to be verified?  Makes sense.13:12
cooloneyogra: oh, if you didn't changed those 2 files since Dallas trip, I've already installed them on my board13:12
ograpersia, to test the switching i need the new kernel, but the one i got didnt include cooloney's 90 audio patches13:12
ogracooloney, great, with the new alsa-lib it should work without alsactl init13:12
cooloneyogra: i think lag's kernel contains those audio patches13:12
persiaOh, I somehow missed that the alsa-utils bit depended on the kernel bit.  Sorry for the poorly-timed poke.13:13
ogracooloney, right, thats what i'm waiting for13:13
cooloneyogra: ok, so i just need to update my alsa-lib on board?13:13
ograpersia, well, my alsa-libs bit doesnt but that works only for panda13:13
ograwhat we need is the switching piece based on boardname13:13
ograand thats what we try to test atm13:13
ogracooloney, from maverick-proposed, yes13:14
cooloneyogra: ok, cool. let me upgrade13:14
ogracooloney, bug 652035 is the one waiting for test results13:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 652035 in alsa-lib (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "libasound2 not finding usb sound card (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65203513:14
persiaogra, Right.  I just was chatting with crimsun earlier, and added the task to the other bug (637...) based on what he was saying.13:15
ograi'll prepare my stuff today as soon as i can prove it works on the panda at least13:16
ograwe'll need GrueMaster for the blaze test13:16
ograbtw, i suspect the fix also fixes dove13:16
ograwe should ask NCommander to try13:17
lagogra: Done13:17
ogralag, you guys dont need to upload the headers every time :)13:17
ograi wont compile anything against the test packages :)13:18
lagIt's automatic13:18
lagscp linux-* <server>13:18
ograi thought you do that with scp13:18
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ograright, just use scp linux-image*13:18
lagWhat does it matter?13:19
ograsaves time and bandwith13:19
lag100%  573KB 573.3KB/s   00:0013:19
persia573KB?  Are you sure that's the file you wanted?13:22
ograwell, at least it took no time :P13:22
ograeveryone cross your fingers :)13:22
* ogra reboots13:22
ogralag, hmm13:24
ogralag, are you sure you applied the patches ?13:24
ogramy card is still named SDP4430 with your kernel13:24
lag2 secs13:24
ograshould be Panda13:25
ograogra@panda:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards13:25
ogra 0 [SDP4430        ]: SDP4430 - SDP443013:25
ogra                      TI OMAP4 SDP4430 Board13:25
ograyeah, no name change13:25
ograbehind the colon it should be: OMAP4 - Panda13:26
lagThey're applied13:27
lagMaybe something went wrong with the build13:27
lagLet me try again13:27
ograwhats these abe changes ?13:28
lagref: lrg's email 12/10/10 @ 11:4513:28
ograah, k13:31
ograhe does weird testing though13:31
ograpretty hackish :P13:31
ograbut ok, i'll trust him13:32
ograhe should know what the mixer values should be13:32
ograthough i dont get why the name change doesnt work now13:32
lagAs I said, it's probably a build error13:33
lagI am re-compiling13:33
lagShouldn't be too long13:33
ograi'll go play with my ac10013:34
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ograrsalveti, hey14:13
lagogra: The latest kernel is up by the way14:22
lag(and has been for a while)14:22
ograpulling, thanks14:26
ograok, rebooting, lets see14:32
ogra(or hear rather)14:32
ograthe names changed14:36
ograbut it doesnt work :(14:36
ogralag, could i get a build with *only* the name changes ?14:37
lagYou mean without all the other audio patches?14:39
lagOr without his other 2 patches?14:39
ograwithout any patches to the abe files14:39
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ograi have to call alsactl init manually again with your kernel14:40
ograthen it works14:40
ograand i cant imagine that to be caused by the name changes14:40
ograsound/soc/omap/abe/abe_dat.c , sound/soc/omap/abe/abe_def.h and sound/soc/omap/omap-abe-dsp.c dropped please14:41
ogra(the changes, not the files indeed :) )14:41
ograoh, shriek !14:43
* ogra just found a spares alsactl init in one of the alsa files14:44
lagDoes that mean you don't want me to re-compile yet?14:45
ograyes, wait a sec14:45
ograi have to test the old kernel again14:45
ogralag, leave it i think i'll haver to additionally apply a hack to alsa-utils14:47
ograseems the alsa-lib fix only fixed it partitally14:47
lagLet me know if you need me14:47
ograwill do14:47
ograbut i think kernel wise we're fine now14:48
rsalvetiogra: hey14:50
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* rsalveti reading backlog14:52
ograrsalveti, not about the backlog :)14:54
ograrsalveti, about the "oem-config doesnt start in my rootstock images OMG the world ends !!!" issue :)14:55
ograrsalveti, i ran into a similar issue with ac100 users ...14:55
ograwe need to use --numeric-owner in tar14:55
rsalvetisure, saw that while reading backlog14:56
rsalvetiI have an exclusive todo list just for rootstock :-)14:56
ograelse it will replace the UIDs and GIDs with the ones from /etc/passwd and group from the host machine14:56
rsalvetibut I can push at least this fix for now14:56
ograah, you already saw it, k14:56
rsalvetiogra: so, ac100 users are using rootstock?14:57
ograno, but a tarred up rootfs14:57
ograand i suddenly got users with exactly the same issues14:57
ograusing --numeric-owner on packing and unpacking fixed it14:57
rsalvetihm, ok14:57
rsalvetiogra: so, how is the audio thing going now?14:59
ograbad, we still need the init, but at least it gets respected in the right place now14:59
ograi'm preparing patches now14:59
mpoirierogra: reading the above exchange, should I undertand the patched kernel that was produced for you didn't work ?15:01
ogrampoirier, you based on the wrong version and were missing about 90 audio patches apparently15:01
ograit didnt work for me for other reasons based on my own stupidity though15:02
mpoirierogra: I used the latest maverick kernel15:02
ogralag said you used 13 while 15 is current15:02
mpoirierogra: yes indeed that where the current code is but I pulled all the audio patches.15:03
mpoirierthe kernel I produced for you has all the latest audio patches.15:04
rsalvetimpoirier: ogra: at least 2.6.35-903.13 is a quite old one15:05
rsalvetimpoirier: why did you pulled?15:05
mpoirierit's about a couple of weeks old.15:05
rsalvetiyou should just use based on what's in the repo15:05
mpoiriersimply 'cause I had it on my machine already and it was quick to recompile.15:06
rsalvetiyou should really follows our kernel tree, in a way it's easy to identify the kernel we're using15:06
rsalvetito avoid problems like these15:07
rsalvetiwe don't know what else you have on your kernel, so it's not that great to test it15:07
mpoirierI agree the in this case, it was impossible for you to know I pulled the audio patches.15:08
ogralag, so feel free to prepare an upload, i'll prepare an alsa-utils patch now15:09
rsalvetiand this kernel probably misses b5485d193f8a422901fe7e401542950970121860, in a way that breaks the display15:09
ograrsalveti, no it has it ... i missed the new x-loader though15:10
ograwhich left me with a bright blue screen15:11
lagogra: What is it you want?15:11
ogralag, an upload of what i just tested15:11
lagAll the audio patches plus the _two_ name change patches?15:11
ograwell, whatever you just gave me works :)15:12
lagSorry, save me reading though the backlog15:12
lagOkay, I'll get it pushed15:12
lagWell done :)15:12
ogralag, so that should be uploaded, i'll roll the alsa-utils change now15:12
lagWill Maverick work out-of-the-box now?15:12
persiaMaverick will work just-after-update15:14
persia(minor, but important distinction, as support folk have to remember to ask "Have you installed all the updates")15:15
rsalvetiogra: but you were using the newer x-loader already15:17
rsalvetiI believe, if you're using the released image as base15:17
ograrsalveti, i used the RC15:17
rsalvetiheheh, that's a problem :-)15:17
rsalvetilag: and what are the needed changes at the kernel?15:19
rsalvetijkridner|work1: cool, will test with this x-loader and see if it works better15:19
rsalvetithanks for the info15:20
lagDriver name export and some maximum volume amendments15:20
rsalvetihm, cool, not so many changed lines I believe15:21
rsalvetiogra: I just don't understand yet why you still need to call alsactl init15:26
persiarsalveti, Because the SRU for that bug isn't in -updates yet.15:28
rsalvetipersia: oliver said he tested with the fix from this bug, and still didn't work15:30
persiaIt needs three pieces.  the kernel bits lag just did, the alsactl stuff crimsun uploaded earlier, and the alsa-utils stuff ogra was preparing.15:31
persialeading to ogra's 14:12 comment about everything working.15:31
rsalvetipersia: the alsa-utils stuff *is the* alsactl init15:32
rsalvetithat's the one I don't yet understand why we need it15:32
persiarsalveti, No, alsa-lib is alsactl.  alsa-utils is /usr/share/alsa/init/15:33
persiaWhere's that from?  That's not the patch to 00main I was expecting.15:33
rsalvetipersia: read the bug15:34
persiaWhich one?15:34
rsalvetiogra posted the latest changes at the end15:34
rsalvetibug 63794715:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 637947 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "no sound devices on current ES2.0 boards (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63794715:34
persiaThat's not a complete patch.  Alsa-utils needs the bits from comment #36 and comment #37 as well.15:35
persia(although, really comment #36 should be a patch rather than a blob)15:36
rsalvetipersia: yeah, but I still don't get why we need this alsactl init stuff15:36
persiaSame as comment #2415:36
persiaThe comment #40 thing?15:36
ograrsalveti, me neither, thats stuff to figure out in natty15:37
persiaWhy didn't the 652035 patch work?15:37
ograpersia, it does15:37
rsalvetipersia: yeah, the link I sent you15:37
ograalsactl init at that place did never work before15:37
persiaSo, why do you need 637947/comment 40?15:37
ograpersia, no idea15:37
ograbut its still needed15:37
persiaAh, right.  That's broken for complicated reasons we don't understand.  I can live with that for now.15:37
ograwe just need the fix in -updates on monday15:38
ograthats a requirement15:38
ogralag, ^^^ same goes for the kernel btw15:38
persiaThe final solution is close enough to comment #13 that I'm very much happy with everyone for doing it that way :)15:38
ogranatty will make everything better15:38
ograthe scary bit will likely become the tablet ;)15:39
persiaIn a completely different way, because of UCM (or parts thereof).15:39
ogranobody knows what the soundcard is called on that15:39
ograbut thats my personal headdache15:39
ograsince i'm the only one having a tablet to test (and no poroper kernel yet)15:39
rsalvetiogra: were you able to touch it since last week?15:41
ograrsalveti, nope15:41
ograand to be honest i'm not in a hurry15:41
rsalvetiyeah, understand15:41
rsalvetiif you read the kernel diff you'll be scared :-)15:41
ograi'll need to roll a kernel package for it from the tarball i have15:41
ograbut first need to make up a proper ubuntuized config15:42
ogratheir kernel doesnt even have lzma enabled so ubuntu initrd doesnt work15:42
rsalvetiogra: I can try to create a deb file for you if you want15:42
rsalvetibased on our kernel15:42
rsalvetiand applying just the diff15:42
ograand i dont want to have to repack the initrd every time i try something15:42
rsalvetilet me see if I still have the tarball15:43
ograwell, if that boots and you feel like doing that work :)15:43
ograi can push it to chinstrap worst case15:43
ograi habe the SD somewhere in the unpacked part of my luggage15:43
rsalvetiyeah, I have it: tablet_kernel.tgz15:44
ograyep, thats the one15:45
* ogra relocates15:45
GrueMasterogra: I can't test blaze yet.  I only have an ES1.15:45
rsalvetiyeah, true :-(15:46
ogra_acoh, i thought you could take the CPU board with you15:46
rsalvetibut I believe vstehle can :-)15:46
lagSent to kernel team ML15:49
ogra_acwith an urgecy tag i hope15:51
rsalvetilag: did you create the SRU?15:52
lagA do what now?15:53
ogra_acrsalveti, lets wait until everything is in the queue15:53
lagWiki please?15:53
ogra_aclag, subscribe the SRU team to the bug15:53
ogra_aclag, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:53
ogra_aclag, after the upload to -proposed we need to subscribe ubuntu-sru ... they will let it into -proposed15:57
ogra_acthen it needs at least two positive comments on the bug from testers to make it to -updates15:57
GrueMasterIs this the audio fix for panda?15:57
ogra_acGrueMaster, righht15:58
vstehleogra_ac, rsalveti, GrueMaster, I have no blaze at hand but I can ask around me if you want. What is it that you want to test?16:03
rsalvetivstehle: audio, but needs changes all around16:04
ogra_acnothing right now buit if the packages for Bug #637947 are in maverick-proposed we need a test on blaze16:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 637947 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "no sound devices on current ES2.0 boards (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63794716:05
laglrg: Are you about?16:05
rsalvetiseems the sound should be ok at panda and blaze with these changes16:05
lagI need your sob on the patches I just submitted16:05
vstehlersalveti, is everything in packages, or are there even patches around? If it boils down to apt-get/test I can grab someone at his desk :)16:06
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rsalvetivstehle: at the moment there are only patches, but you'll be able to test it soon :-)16:08
rsalvetionce the packages are in maverick-proposed we can ping you back16:09
ogra_acvstehle, hopefully we have packages in maverick-proposed by tomorrow16:09
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lagogra: I need a favour17:29
ogra_aclag, tell me17:40
lagogra: I need a King Cobra picking up from Holland :D17:40
ogra_acnp. when ?17:40
lagYou jest17:41
ogra_aci use my care to rarely anyway :)17:41
lagI'm assuming you do know what a King Cobra is?17:43
ogra_aca snake ?17:43
ogra_acsafely boxed ?17:45
lagIt would be, but I have no way of collecting it from you then17:45
lagI think you are even further away17:46
GrueMasterErm, why?17:46
ogra_acwell, i cnt leave my girlfriend with a snake during UDS17:46
ogra_aci surely have no prob picking up a box and delivering it somewhere17:47
GrueMasterOh, why not.  She has one the rest of the time when you aren't traveling.  :P17:47
* GrueMaster ducks for cover.17:47
* ogra_ac slaps GrueMaster behind his chair17:48
lagThat's very kind of you, but I fear it is too much to ask17:49
GrueMasterlag: Why do you want a king cobra?  Not enough challenges in the kernel team?17:56
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marvin24_DTojn: does the tegra kernel on git.chromium.org depends on nvidia binary-only userspace stuff for sound/graphics?20:55
marvin24_DTmeans, nvrm_daemon required?20:56
marvin24_DTI'm asking because we have this beautiful ac100 laptop20:56
marvin24_DTbut we cannot get something usefull out of it with this nvidia stuff20:57
ojnmarvin24_DT: the binary pieces still have a bit of nvrm dependencies, yes. For graphics most of them have been removed but there's still some in there.20:57
marvin24_DTojn: thanks for the answer!20:58
ogra_acojn, sound would be more intresting20:59
ojnogra_ac: I haven't looked at sound yet, so no input there yet unfortunately.20:59
ogra_acah, tell me if you have ... on the ac100 i get sound devices but no mixers for example ... it also appreas like it defaults to a null codec unless nvrm_daemon runs21:00
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