
johnny77Does anyone have experience with open office? I currently have the individual programs installed, but recently saw Open Office Suit. Which would be better to use? what is the difference?00:06
cath0dez_Hello,  I was wondering if anyone knows if there are side effects to changing my filesystem label.  I just want to get my drives to show up as something different than their size in my filemanager... Thanks00:17
corbishi all00:40
corbisanyone here able to help with a quick Free-NX question?00:40
stlsaintcorbis: shhot maybe some one can help00:48
corbiswell i have nxserver setup on a centos box00:51
corbisand my user can connect, but when they connect, it opens the session as user nx, instead of as the user00:51
corbisso when they go to open a terminal, etc, they get an NX shell00:52
corbisand not their shell00:52
corbisthey also have no access to the files that user owns, etc00:52
corbisi know this is ubuntu channel00:52
corbisbut it should be similar right00:52
stlsaintcorbis: you talking ssh?01:00
corbisim talking freenx01:02
stlsainthow does the user connect?01:03
corbiswell i connect using nx client which technically should be using ssh pass through on there mote system01:05
stlsaintcorbis: is the user created on the nxserver? or are you using: ssh <username>@nxserver ?01:07
corbisyes the user is created01:08
corbisare you familiar with what nxserver is?01:08
corbisits a way to connect to your desktop like VNC01:08
corbisturns your Unix box into a terminal server for Gnome sessions01:08
stlsaintcorbis: no i have never used nxserver before01:08
stlsaintcorbis: is there a freenx or nx channel you could join to ask for help01:09
bromic94hey all01:38
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
thewrathwats up01:39
thewrathwhere did my voice go01:39
bgs100Hi thewrath01:44
thewrathhey wats up01:44
bgs100Not much01:46
bgs100*looks around for thewrath's voice*01:46
thewrathi might be getting a new car this weekend lol01:46
thewrathbut sooner than i tought01:46
* pedro3005 looks at bgs100 01:46
* bgs100 blinks at pedro3005 01:47
thebwtcorbis: never used nx before, but I can try to help. How are you specifiying a remote user? If the syntax is like ssh, then you need to specifiy a username. if it only has a connect entry then 'username@nx-hist-ip.com' should be used. if you simply connect to the ip then it may be giving you a default user (nx in this case).01:48
bgs100thewrath: ah cool01:48
thewrathi think i have a rod kocking in my car01:49
pedro3005bgs100, I wonder what would happen if segfault segfaulted01:49
bgs100pedro3005: hm?01:49
pedro3005bgs100, well, there must be some code that displays the oh-so-nice "segmentation fault". it'd be cool if THAT segfaulted01:50
bgs100pedro3005: Ah, lol.01:50
bgs100Yes it would.01:50
bgs100Well maybe not cool for the user01:50
pedro3005the universe would probably explode01:51
bgs100pedro3005: No; the segfaulting segfault case is caught as a primitive exception, but then the catching program divides by zero, causing an *im*plode01:52
stlsaintbgs100: +102:05
pedro3005bgs100, how is life02:07
bgs100Alright. not too much homework lately.02:08
bgs100Maverick broke X for me (I use nvidia-96 dirvers; should've read the relese notes more carefully :P), but all is okay now02:09
pedro3005what year are you in?02:09
pedro3005in school02:10
bgs100Private message02:10
pedro3005huh, is it that private?02:10
bgs100I just don't like to share personal details so much02:11
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hxcjonnysnipercan someone please help me connect to the internet through wired connection? it says the connection is established but firefox will not load anything.02:48
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: can you ping www.google.com02:49
hxcjonnysniper--- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---02:50
hxcjonnysniper20 packets transmitted, 19 received, 5% packet loss, time 19025ms02:50
hxcjonnysniperrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 54.115/81.453/135.117/25.488 ms02:50
hxcjonnysniperright now im connected through wireless though. its the only way i can get live support. it says the same in wired too.02:50
stlsaintrun command: ping -c 4 www.google.com02:51
hxcjonnysniper--- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---02:53
hxcjonnysniper4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms02:53
hxcjonnysniperrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 55.869/76.015/94.892/14.554 ms02:53
hxcjonnysniperare you there?02:53
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: are you sure ff is not pointing to a proxy somewhere?02:54
stlsaintyou have internet connection just fine02:55
hxcjonnysniperidk if it is or not.02:55
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: ?02:55
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: check your browser settings02:55
hxcjonnysniperidk how to check to see what your talking about.02:56
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: open firefox and look at the connections settings in the options menu02:56
hxcjonnysniperthen what?02:58
stlsaintone sec02:59
stlsainti must pull it up02:59
hxcjonnysniperokay i got it.02:59
hxcjonnysniperits on use system proxy settings.02:59
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: ok than your not using a proxy03:00
stlsaintin that browser can you get to yahoo or google?03:00
hxcjonnysniperyeah while im connected wirelessly.03:01
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: can you ping while on the wired connection?03:01
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hxcjonnysniperyeah and the results are exactly the same as the ping wireless.03:02
hxcjonnysniperi already had someone go through this.03:02
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: have you tried a different browser?03:03
hxcjonnysniperand now when i click on my little network range on the taskbar above there is no wired network device anymore. it like is gone. dissapeared.03:03
hxcjonnysniperno i havent03:03
hxcjonnysniperim runnin ubuntu 10.10 and i am very dissapointed.03:08
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: did you do a upgrade from 10.04?03:09
hxcjonnysniperit didnt work on 10.04 either.03:09
hxcjonnysniperso i upgraded thinking it would be better. and honestly its slower. and i still cant get on the internet via ethernet! =D NOT.03:10
hxcjonnysniperive been trying to fix this for two weeks.03:10
hxcjonnysniperno one on this fucking chat support can do anything for me and no one will answer my forum questions.03:11
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: well yelling and cussing at folks isnt going to get anyone to want to help fix your issue03:12
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: you could be dealing with bad drivers, need kernel update and or a malfunctioning card03:13
ubot2Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:13
hxcjonnysniperoh i know. but i dont know how many times ive done a ping today. im very aggravated.03:13
hxcjonnysnipermy drivers are fine. i think they need driver updates but i cant find them. can you help me with that?03:14
stlsainthave you looked in your hardware menu?03:14
stlsaintactually it will be in additional drivers03:17
hxcjonnysniperno proprietary drivers are in use on this system03:18
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: well if you know the card is good that you will end up coming down to it being a driver issue03:19
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: then you will need to see what the driver is and start looking for bugs/patches/updates to driver03:19
hxcjonnysniperso it would be a driver issue?03:19
stlsainthxcjonnysniper:run command:03:20
stlsaintcrap dang keyboard03:20
stlsaintcant find the pipe key03:21
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: you know where the pipe symbol is on keyboard...button above the right enter key?03:21
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint: i think it's with the "\" key. :)03:21
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: yea but my keyboard is all different atm03:22
hxcjonnysniperi got it. =p03:22
stlsaintalright you will need to see your driver with the lspci command so:03:22
stlsaintlspci <pipe> grep Ethernet03:23
hxcjonnysnipernow what?03:27
stlsainthxcjonnysniper: with that driver info you will need to either look on launchpad or use google to see if there are some bugs with this and the 10.10 kernel.03:28
stlsaintim sorry but i will be unable to help as i must leave03:28
hxcjonnysniperi appreciate you doing absolutely nothing for me. =D NOT.03:37
johnny77Is anyone running Ubuntu 10.10 netbook. I have to be honest and not loving the changes. I can't seem to do what I want/need?03:47
nhandlerpaultag: Didn't you just install it? Or did you go back to Debian?03:48
paultagnhandler, yeah I did03:48
paultagjohnny77, yeah I'm not liking it either03:48
paultagjohnny77, the new WM is really buggy, can't enable visual effects and hard to use03:49
paultagjohnny77, I'd downgrade to the old netbook-launcher if it's starting to get in your way ( but still in 10.10 )03:49
paultagnhandler, sorry that was a bad answer. I still have UNE03:49
paultagMutter is wayyyyyyyyyy too alpha for my taste03:49
johnny77WM? Only recently started using Ubuntu.03:49
paultagOh, sorry03:50
johnny77how would I down grade?03:50
paultagjohnny77, not sure yet. I was going to write up instructions in the morning. I think you should be able to install netbook-launcher from software sources. If you need to use the computer now, there is an option to change your session at the login menu. It's on the bottom bar. It's a drop(up) menu that says "Ubuntu Netbook Edition" right now03:51
paultagjohnny77, change that to Ubuntu Desktop and login. That should be a temporary fix until I can help more03:51
johnny77is the desktop more like the old netbook? I really liked the favorite menu in the old netbook. Is that is desktop?03:52
paultagjohnny77, I'm afraid not. I'll write you up instructions. If check back Friday, I should have a better answer for you. I only installed it yesterday03:54
paultagIf you * check back03:54
johnny77no problem, I just installed it and was like gasp. The old menu I picked up real easy... I'll check back later.03:55
paultagjohnny77, yeah man, I feel your pain03:58
paultagjohnny77, sorry bout that. Ubuntu is usually better then this :)03:58
johnny77it's ok. Actually I was so impressed with the last one, I'll give it some mistakes. Heck, I've been using Windows a good 15 years and still have to and they've made some mistakes.03:59
paultagjohnny77, I'll write it up after my midterms in the morning04:04
paultag( if I get to it ;) )04:04
johnny77no problem, take your time. I'll come back on here later & try to catch you. I have to go... Thanks for your help.04:05
paultagcheers :)04:05
=== Mossyfunk|Sleep is now known as Mossyfunk
seidosi am having a tough time installing maverick.  it was working fine all night last night from live usb, so i was going to install today.  backed up data, tried installing, when i went to "advanced partitioning" there were new options create partitions (new was greyed out)07:24
seidos*was no "new" option, as it was greyed out.07:25
seidosnow i'm hesitant to even try install.  i have another usb stick, in case it's the usb stick, but i tried installing an iso to it, and i couldn't.  gparted won't even format the stick :|07:25
seidosi don't have any live cds...i was kind of hoping that a live usb would be just as reliable, if not more so.  perhaps i should quit while i'm behind, and stick with karmic07:26
seidosjust accept that my hardware is old, and it won't work with it07:26
=== Mossyfunk is now known as Mossyfunk|Away
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Maddethhello :)09:55
=== Mossyfunk|Away is now known as Mossyfunk
=== mohi1 is now known as Mohan_chml
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=== Mossyfunk|AFK is now known as Mossyfunk|Sleep
LeMoiLibHello, does anyone can help me set up Sweave to run with Kile editor???15:59
LeMoiLibHow do I copy a  script file in /usr/local/bin ??? I try using the GUI but the access is denied, how can I allow the access as the administrator?16:05
hobgoblinif you are ok with the command line then sudo cp path/original path/new16:06
hobgoblinif not use root filemanager - but as I have no idea what distro or desktop environment you are using that would need a guess16:07
hobgoblinas far as sweave and kile go - I've never heard of either - but a quick search on google got https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-October/176615.html16:07
LeMoiLibI'm using Ubuntu16:12
LeMoiLibLucid 10.0416:12
hobgoblingksudo nautilus /usr/local16:14
hobgoblinwill open nautilus as root in that location - be careful - don't start deleting things while you are root16:14
hobgoblinit will want your password16:15
LeMoiLibI type the password16:16
hobgoblinwhen you run the command it will want the password16:17
bioterrorremember to give that file rights to be executed16:19
LeMoiLibActually a frame pop up with the password request and I typed it! Then the commend line is showing the normal prompt with my name16:19
bioterrorsudo chmod +x /path/to/file16:19
LeMoiLibBioterror is file the name of the file I want to copy there???16:20
LeMoiLibBut why nothing happen with the previous commend hobgoblin sugested?16:20
LeMoiLibwhat is path?16:22
LeMoiLibis it the generic name16:22
LeMoiLibor where I want the script to go?16:22
bioterrorusually own scripts and binaies goes to /usr/local/bin/16:23
LeMoiLibBioterror remember we are beginners here????:'(16:23
LeMoiLibso be very precise16:23
LeMoiLibretype the full command with the actual details16:24
LeMoiLibnot generic names!!!16:24
bioterrorwhere do you have that file of yours16:24
bioterrorand whats its name16:25
LeMoiLibin my download file in my document in my home I think16:25
bioterrorit might take a while from me to answer becouse of 3G connection16:25
LeMoiLibThank for trying....16:25
aveilleuxbioterror: What's up? I might be able to lend a hand16:26
bioterrorcd Documents16:26
bioterrorsudo cp your.file /usr/local/bin/16:26
bioterrorsudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/your.file16:27
LeMoiLibI'm lost!!!! which one do you want me to type,16:27
bioterrorall of those16:27
LeMoiLibok doing it....16:28
LeMoiLibsorry, is your in your.file meant for my name?16:29
bioterroryou can use tab -key to fill the words16:29
bioterroryou dont have type every char16:29
LeMoiLibI got this: sudo cp your.file/usr/local/bin/16:30
LeMoiLibcp: missing destination file operand after `your.file/usr/local/bin/'16:30
LeMoiLibTry `cp --help' for more information.16:30
bioterrorlemoilib, i am sorry, but you havent told me your files name16:30
bioterror/usr/local/bin is a place on your hard drive16:31
hobgoblinand you need a space between the source and destination names16:31
bioterrorit needs to be separated16:31
LeMoiLibLet me start over again: I downloaded the file in /home/LeMoilib/Download which is Sweave.sh a script file for Sweave and I'm suppose to copy it to /usr/local/bin16:34
bioterrorin terminal16:34
bioterrorcd Download16:34
bioterrorsudo cp Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin16:35
LeMoiLibcd Download16:35
LeMoiLibbash: cd: Download: No such file or directory16:35
bioterrorsudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh16:35
Bodsdacd Downloads16:36
Bodsda^^ note the trailing s16:36
bioterrorcd Down<press tab key>16:37
LeMoiLibgo this: ~/Downloads$16:37
hobgoblino/ Bodsda16:37
basilhow to upgrade16:38
bioterrorLeMoiLib, continue with the sudo cp -line16:38
Bodsdahey hobgoblin16:38
hobgoblinbasil: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:38
LeMoiLibcp-line: command not found16:39
hobgoblinBodsda: you good I hope :)16:39
basilupgrade frm cd 9.10 to 10.416:39
Bodsdahobgoblin: yep, me and my new addition to the family :)16:39
hobgoblinwoohoo - I'll not tell you horror stories16:40
aveilleuxbasil, You mean 10.04 (the numbers are significant)16:40
aveilleuxbasil, Do you mean upgrade your installation? You should be able to do that through the update manager (System > Administration > Update Manager)16:40
Bodsdabasil: ensure that you have the cd software source enabled in synaptic or /etc/apt/sources.lst16:40
Bodsdahobgoblin: :)16:41
basilbut my internet is slow16:41
hobgoblinthen you can use the alternate cd16:41
basili want upgrade frm cd16:41
basilyes i have the cd16:41
hobgoblinbasil - you have to use the alternate cd NOT the normal desktop one16:42
Bodsdabasil: in Synaptic Package Manager in the sources section, ensure that the cd source is enabled. Launch Synaptic > Settings Menu > Software Sources > Tick the CD box at the bottom16:42
LeMoiLibbioterror I need to go for 30 min, please write all the step from the beginning if you can. Thank you trying guys!16:42
basilyes i ticked but not working16:43
bioterrorlemoilib, see ya when u get back16:43
bioterrorim myself jumping off from the train16:43
Bodsdabasil: If that box is ticked, and a genuine cd is mounted, then the package managers will automatically get packages from the cd.16:44
basiltell me the step by step plz16:45
Bodsdabasil: in the terminal, enter    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:47
hobgoblinbasil: you can also from the Alt+F2 run dialogue do gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"16:47
hobgoblinbut that is all in the links I gave you16:48
basilif u can do via remote desktop16:49
hobgoblinI won't16:50
aveilleuxbasil, The point here is that we are helping you, not doing it for you16:51
basili do the alt+f2 but the winow is closed16:51
basilhow can i find a helper in my language malayalam16:52
basilhow can i find a helper in my language malayalam16:54
basilhow can i find a helper in my language malayalam16:55
aveilleuxbasil, There's no need to repeat yourself.16:55
hobgoblinwe saw the first time16:55
aveilleuxbasil, It's text, it's not like we missed reading it16:55
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu16:56
hobgoblinbasil: not sure there is a malaya channel16:57
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu16:58
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu16:58
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu16:58
thebwtextract it, compile it, install it16:58
thebwtyou should probably look for a .deb16:59
basilstep by step16:59
Bodsdabasil: It does really depend whats inside.16:59
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu17:00
AndrewMCbasil: we hear you stop spamming please17:00
basilhow i install .tar.gz in ubuntu17:00
ubot2Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - bodhizazen, nhandler, paultag, Rocket2DMn, ibuclaw, cprofitt, Tronyx, PriceChild, Hellow, Silver-Fox-, or PabloRubianes!17:01
paultagHoly jesus17:01
paultagWhat's up AndrewMC17:01
Bodsdapaultag: sup mate17:01
paultaghey Bodsda17:01
paultagwelcome back Joeb45417:01
paultagerm johnny7717:01
AndrewMCbasil: is spamming  "how i install .tar.gz in ubuntu"17:01
basilno my question17:01
paultagbasil, can you please stop spamming, I understand you're in need of help, but please17:01
paultagbasil, it's quite annoying. I'd rather not ban you17:02
johnny77paultag: am I too early?17:02
paultagbasil, and for installing from source?17:02
paultagjohnny77, a wee bit. I was just about to do it now. Someone told me I need to backport, but I think you're right on time17:02
paultagbasil, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html17:02
Joeb454paultag: you'd be surprised how often I seem to get pinged (pung?) by mistake17:02
basilrefer me a website17:02
paultagbasil, read through that17:02
paultagbasil, I just did, please try and be more descriptive in queries next time17:03
paultagthanks for the heads up AndrewMC17:03
paultagJoeb454, haha17:03
AndrewMCnp paultag17:03
* Bizurke waits for spam about ./configure17:04
* thebwt cringes at the lack of checkinstall17:05
johnny77paultag: I'll be here for a couple of hours if you need help or someone to do as you write or something...17:05
paultagjohnny77, awesome, thanks17:05
johnny77paultag: the people in this chat room have been awesome in helping me get started with Ubuntu. Least I could do it help back.17:06
paultagjohnny77, It's how I started off with the team :)17:06
Mohan_chmlpaultag: Ohai :)17:08
paultagHey Mohan_chml17:08
Mohan_chmlsup paultag ?17:09
paultagMohan_chml, just starting to work out how to get rid of Mutter in UNE17:09
paultagMohan_chml, for both myself and johnny77 here17:09
LeMoiLibHello again, I was been help but needed to go somewhere: this is my problem again:  Let me start over again: I downloaded the file in /home/LeMoilib/Download which is Sweave.sh a script file for Sweave and I'm suppose to copy it to /usr/local/bin17:09
paultagit's how you say... "Dumb as hell"17:09
Mohan_chmlLOL :P17:10
paultagLeMoiLib, sudo cp /home/LeMoilib/Download/Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin17:10
Mohan_chmlpaultag: I am tired after having my dinner :)17:10
paultagLeMoiLib, might also need a chmod +x /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh as well17:10
hobgoblinpaultag: Downloads17:10
paultagLeMoiLib, and to run it, run "Sweave.sh"17:11
paultaghobgoblin, +117:11
LeMoiLibHello I was being help but needed to got, I'm back. This was my problem:  I downloaded the file in /home/LeMoilib/Download which is Sweave.sh a script file for Sweave and I'm supposed to copy it to /usr/local/bin but don't know how to access it because it's locked.17:11
Mohan_chmlbasil: Beware of the official channels where you will be banned for such kind of activities. Do not spam the channel please17:11
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: please read replies you get17:11
basildebian package download website17:13
basiltell me17:13
paultaggah, johnny77, it's been marked crap17:14
paultagjohnny77, I'm going to backport it17:14
LeMoiLibI'm reading sorry17:14
thebwtbasil: what are you trying to install?17:14
basilsuggest me a good website for debian packages17:15
thebwtthere is no such thing17:15
Mohan_chmlbasil: Please try to explain what you want, in a single line. or it will be counted as spamming and there is a possibility for bans17:15
johnny77paultag: what has been marked crap? and what does that mean? Sorry don't mean to bother, but just curious want to understand.17:15
paultagjohnny77, oh sorry, I'm using slang terms that I use in my head17:15
hobgoblinpaultag: always a bad move17:15
Mohan_chmlbasil: there are official repositories which will be already added to synaptic package manager17:16
paultagjohnny77, it's been marked "oldlib", and is a "transitional package", meaning that it does not install anything, it's a fake package to let people upgrade17:16
paultagjohnny77, they're making people use Unity. So, what I'm going to do is back-port it to my PPA17:16
LeMoiLibpaultag when do I put the +x.... command in your first suggestion?17:16
paultagjohnny77, and you can install it from me :)17:16
paultagLeMoiLib, sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh17:16
basilhow to install a package with out internet17:16
Mohan_chmlbasil: What package you want to install?? we can provide you the directories to download in accordance with the project you need17:17
thebwtbasil: `sudo apt-get download <package-name>`17:17
Mohan_chmlwb mathay :)17:17
paultaghey mathay17:17
paultagmathay, sup pimp17:17
mathaypaultag, Mohan_chml: how are you two doing?17:18
hobgoblinthey are married mathay17:18
paultagmathay, oh you know. straight chilling17:18
mathayhobgoblin: I don't know what to say. I had no idea.17:18
Mohan_chmlmathay: Its 22:00 here. finished my dinner and headed back to the machine =] and you?17:18
Mohan_chmllol hi17:18
johnny77paultag: Are you saying 10.10 is kinda a fake upgrade so that we use Unity? What is Unity?17:18
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: *17:18
paultagmathay, DANGER ZONE17:18
LeMoiLibcp: target `+x/usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh' is not a directory17:18
paultagmathay, DANGER ZONE17:18
paultagmathay, DANGER ZONE17:18
mathaypaultag: nice, nice. We convinced Magill to cancel lab today.17:18
paultagmathay, that's awesome17:19
paultagjohnny77, yeah. Unity is that new crappy interface17:19
mathayMohan_chml: not much. I just got out of class.17:19
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: you must use commands as they are given - the spaces are important17:20
LeMoiLibI typed: sudo cp /home/LeMoilib/Download/Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin chmod +x /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh as well then enter17:20
paultagjohnny77, sorry, this will be a moment. Stick around ( and help out if you get bored )17:20
paultagjohnny77, I'll keep you updated17:20
johnny77paultag: I'm not sure how much I can help. I've only had Ubuntu a couple weeks.17:21
aveilleuxLeMoiLib, You have to use the carriage return17:21
paultagjohnny77, You never know ;)17:21
aveilleuxLeMoiLib, The commands are separate, not the same line17:21
LeMoiLibI asked about that!!!!!17:22
LeMoiLibtrying again17:22
JoeMaverickSettLeMoiLib: try doing it step by step, first: sudo cp /home/LeMoilib/Downloads/Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin17:22
JoeMaverickSettthen comes the sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh17:22
LeMoiLibI typed : sudo cp /home/LeMoilib/Downloads/Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin and got17:25
LeMoiLib:cp: missing destination file operand after17:25
Matthew_Oh hello17:26
paultagMatthew_, heyya17:26
LeMoiLib/home/LeMoilib/Downloads/Sweave.sh /usr/local/bin and got17:26
paultagMatthew_, what's up17:26
Matthew_Hey hey17:26
Matthew_Okay, I am using the new 10.10 release.17:26
Mohan_chmlHola Matthew_ and you can stay on #ubuntu-beginners-team too :)17:26
Matthew_On a ThinkPad x20017:26
Matthew_I'm new to IRC chat as well... you can stay logged in to multiple chats at once?17:26
hobgoblinMatthew_: yep17:27
Mohan_chmlyes and shoot the query Matthew_ =]17:27
Matthew_I am trying to access the ThinkPad ACPI options that everybody seems to be talking about, something about setting Fancontrol options to 1, so that the fan interface can work properly17:27
Matthew_I understand that ThinkPad ACPI modules have been integrated directly into Ubuntu since 2007, 2008 or so...17:27
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: can you please close and open the terminal - then run this command and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com17:28
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: cat .bash_history17:28
Matthew_I cannot seem to find at all the ThinkPad ACPI files in 10.10, they don't appear to exist?17:29
paultagjohnny77, Testing my new build now.17:31
johnny77paultag: ok, thank you.17:31
Willexhey people17:31
hobgoblinhi Willex17:32
Mohan_chmlMatthew_: give us a minute. I think 10.10 has ACPI but I am not on it currently17:32
Willexis there a way you can like "flip the panel upside down" :S?17:32
hobgoblinnot as far as I know17:33
WillexI mean, I deleted the lower panel and took the upper one down and now I'm using elementary theme which looks like it was designed to be on top17:34
Willexit looks right when I place it back up again but I don't like it there :/17:34
Willexif I create a new panel it just looks the same17:35
LeMoiLibhobgoblin I did what you asked17:35
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: what is the new url? did you put a name in the name box and enter?17:35
LeMoiLibwhat are you asking?17:36
paultagjohnny77, had a slight FTBFS setback, but I think It's almost OK now.17:37
LeMoiLibthis is the url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513243/17:37
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: you are still not putting the spaces in - last command you ran was sudo cp /home/anselme/Downloads/Sweave.sh/usr/local/bin17:38
hobgoblinthere must be a space between the .sh and /usr17:39
LeMoiLibI see, trying.....17:39
hobgoblinwhat is saying is that you have not put in the destination and it is also trying to copy a file called Sweave.sh/usr/local/bin17:40
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: also if the file is actually called sweave.sh then you must use s not S17:40
LeMoiLibok the prompt is showing again17:40
bioterrorfilesystems used by *nix's are Case Sensitive17:41
LeMoiLibyes got the name right17:42
bioterroryou can have files "diamond" and "Diamond" and even "DiaMonD" and every file is different from each other, LeMoiLib17:42
LeMoiLibyes understand17:42
LeMoiLibafter that the prompt is showing now17:43
hobgoblincool then the file has been copied17:44
LeMoiLibdon't I need the chmod +x thing????17:45
LeMoiLibgoing to check....17:45
hobgoblinyes you will need that17:46
johnny77Can ubuntu (setup on a dual boot with windows) write to the windows partition? Is there a way to automatically mount said partition.17:46
LeMoiLibhodgoblin the file is not there17:47
LeMoiLibis the yes for me?17:47
LeMoiLibChmod +x???????17:47
hobgoblinjohnny77: do you want a GUI method or an edit a file by hand solution ?17:48
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: the yes was not for you but the yes you will need that was17:48
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: do this in the terminal17:49
johnny77hobgoblin: Being new to ubuntu I'd feel better with a GUI if possible.17:49
hobgoblinjohnny77: ok - try the software centre first - look for pysdm and install - if it is not in software centre then use synaptic17:50
hobgoblinjohnny77: I'll get a link too17:50
hobgoblinjohnny77: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87219717:51
LeMoiLibThobgoblin thiss is the output: cp: cannot stat `chmod': No such file or directory17:51
LeMoiLibcp: cannot stat `+x': No such file or directory17:51
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: have you changed to the directory ?17:52
LeMoiLibwhat do yu mean?17:52
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: try cd /urs/local/bin then do the chmod17:52
LeMoiLibthis is after /home/....17:53
LeMoiLibthen follows with what you are suggesting??17:53
hobgoblinif you have n17:53
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: what does you prompt say please? mine is ~$17:54
LeMoiLibmine also17:55
johnny77hobgoblin: the link had this disclaimer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513258/  Isn't that all I want?17:55
hobgoblinjohnny77: you can use that if you wish17:56
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: cd /usr/local/bin17:56
hobgoblinthen do the chmod17:56
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: please read lines addressed to you - I have already told you this17:56
LeMoiLibsorry, you know it not easy to follow while trying also!!!!!17:57
johnny77hobgoblin: It doesn't matter to me. If I do something I like to understand why. If one is better I want to use that. I'm just new and am questioning a lot of things... hope I'm not too frustrating.  pysdm is installed.17:58
paultagjohnny77, yeah, just a while more. I have to rewrite a bit of code to make it work17:58
LeMoiLibis there a space between +x and /usr/loca...17:58
johnny77paultag: NP. hobgoblin here is helping me with another issue.17:59
JoeMaverickSettLeMoiLib: yes18:00
LeMoiLibchmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/bin': Operation not permitted18:00
LeMoiLibthe output!!!18:00
JoeMaverickSettLeMoiLib: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh18:01
JoeMaverickSettnot the /usr/local/bin18:01
LeMoiLibchmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh': Operation not permitted18:02
BizurkeLeMoiLib, make sure you're putting "sudo" before the command18:02
LeMoiLibno problem this time, the cp is pointing18:03
LeMoiLibis the file copied?18:03
hobgoblinjohnny77: yea I understand - I will always answer - they bioth do the same thing - as does editing the file by hand - if you want to know what happens when either do their job - look at the file that gets edited - cat /etc/fstab - it also does the creating of the necessary folders for the drive to be mounted to18:04
LeMoiLibNo file in bin named Sweave.sh18:05
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: use the up arrow to back track through your commands and see where it was sent to18:05
hobgoblinLeMoiLib: if you still can't see it do this    sudo updatedb &&locate Sweave.sh18:06
LeMoiLibThank guys it show it there in usr/local/bin18:09
LeMoiLibThank very much all for your time and dedication18:10
LeMoiLibHope I become *nix proficient very soon18:10
LeMoiLibTake care all18:10
johnny77hobgoblin: I followed the guide. Thank you. I got it set as it said, but have not tested it because I don't want to reboot right now.18:13
hobgoblinjohnny77: you can see if it works with sudo mount -a   unless the drive is already mounted18:13
johnny77hobgoblin: It's mounted. does that mean it worked? And it will auto mount at startup right?18:14
hobgoblinif it was not mounted and is now then yes :)18:16
johnny77hobgoblin: ok thanks. Is there a way to autoconnect to a network?18:17
hobgoblinno idea - mine connects to ethernet and I never use wireless - I expect so though18:18
paultagjohnny77, backporting this is a bitch. There are a lot of bits I'm having to rewrite18:19
johnny77paultag: NP. I just really glad you can write them. I guess I could eventually get used to Unity, but wow it's messed up.18:20
paultagjohnny77, Give it some time18:20
paultagjohnny77, I need to head to class, I'll hack on this later. Follow my blog, I'll post there. That or email me or something18:21
johnny77paultag: ok, np18:21
=== bioterror is now known as Mongoose
=== Mongoose is now known as bioterror
jurgenquestion, if I update my xubuntu distro (have 9.10 now on server) do i need to save any files from the OS before in order for my data array to still build/work in the new distro (os isnt on array)19:14
jurgenusing mdadm for array19:14
tronyxdid you do any special OS configs for the array to work?19:16
tronyxor configuration files, etc19:16
jurgeni think i once edited /etc/mdadm.conf19:18
tronyxi'd save that file just ot be safe19:18
tronyxand after the update, diff the file that's there against the one you saved19:18
tronyxlook for changes, effects of changes, etc.19:18
tronyxand of course, make sure anything critical is already backed up :)19:19
jurgenalright, does new distro have mdadm on it or will i need to apt-get it19:19
tronyxjesus this channel has a lot of people in it19:19
jurgeni cant backup 4TB thats why T.T19:19
tronyxyea that could be tricky19:19
tronyxis it RAID 5 or what?19:19
jurgenive partitioned it and put ext3 on em19:20
tronyxi'd back up the configs or changes you made pertaining to the RAID setup and diff the configs before you reboot19:20
jurgenonly config I can think of is /etc/mdadm19:21
tronyxworst case scenario ( i think )_ is that even if the box comes up and the array is broken, your data will sitll be on the disks19:21
tronyxassuming the integrity of the disks is ok19:21
tronyxdrives, etc.19:21
tronyxdone any research to see if your raid stuff has known issues under the new version?19:22
jurgenno all those technical logs make me dizzy19:23
tronyxthen update and hope for the best :)19:23
tronyxand back up your configs19:23
jurgendoes mdadm have a HQ I can suicide bomb if it goes bad?19:24
jurgenor look for help maybe :p19:24
tronyxlooks like you would need to suicide bomb a dude named neil brown19:25
tronyxbeyond that i can't help you much19:25
jurgenthanks m8 ill look into mdadm bugs on 10.4 first then19:25
tronyxnp np19:28
tronyxspeaking of aussies....ping ajmorris19:28
tronyx<3 paultag19:32
paultagtronyx, <3 <319:32
tronyxoh yay19:32
tronyxat least i can trust you to never leave your computer19:32
tronyxhow goes man19:32
paultagtronyx, you spamming d19:32
tronyxlol little bit19:32
tronyxslow day at the office19:32
paultagtronyx, aye aye19:32
paultagtronyx, s'new?19:32
paultaghey ajmorris19:32
paultagOh he's not here19:32
tronyxoh not much, work and stuff19:32
tronyxdisappointed about medal of honor, anticipating black ops19:33
paultagtronyx, not much, not much. Working on packaging up the fastest app I've ever written19:33
tronyxwhat does it do paultag?19:33
paultagtronyx, 4 hours to write it from scratch. 6 to release the first stable. 24 to package into a deb.19:34
paultagtronyx, it's an XDG compatible autostart daemon for Fluxbox19:34
tronyxvery cool19:34
tronyxwhat did you write it in?19:34
ubot2Factoid 'tronyx' not found19:34
tronyxdoes that bot still work? guess not19:34
paultagtronyx, c++19:35
paultagtronyx, it's not votebot anymore :(19:35
tronyxvotebot was my homeboy19:35
tronyxor homebot i guess one would say19:35
tronyxi wish steam ran on linux19:40
mathaytronyx: does it not run well in wine?19:46
tronyxeh you take big performance hits when you run games like that in wine19:49
aveilleuxmathay, tronyx: Which game?19:49
tronyxbad company 219:50
mathaytronyx: gotchya. What game are you trying to run?19:50
mathayI never played that. I keep forgetting Steam incorporates more games than just Half-Life mods.19:50
tronyxi'm hooked on BC2 lately19:50
tronyxMoH was a huge letdown apparently so i didn't even bother getting it19:51
tronyxand now black ops looks amazing19:51
tronyxbut modern warfare 2 had a lot of flaws, so we'll see what they do with black ops19:51
mathayThat stinks that they don't run well in wine.19:52
aveilleuxmathay: Well, it's to be expected if it uses a lot of processing power, especially on the GPU. Linux graphics drivers tend to be, sadly, subpar.19:53
tronyxvery true19:53
paultagmathay, tell bridie to play better20:00
aveilleuxdimbos_: Why do you want to recompile the kernel?20:07
dimbos_i made some changes and i want to test them20:08
aveilleuxdimbos_: I assume you're a developer, then, and you know what you're doing. In that case, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile20:09
dimbos_<aveilleux>, thanx a lot!20:11
aveilleuxdimbos_: No problem20:11
lockeso, i just started in linux today, and my amarok won't play anything20:48
lockeany advice, anyone?20:48
ehcahDoes anyone if know if there is a PST import tool for either Evolution or Thunderbird?20:48
aveilleuxlocke: Define "anything". Also I assume you're using Kubuntu.20:49
hobgoblinlocke: if you are in ubuntu install libxine1-ffmpeg20:50
lockeyeah, it won't play anything, streams from the internet, music from my flashdrive, etc20:50
locketried that guy already20:50
hobgoblinlocke: what version of buntu ?20:50
locke10.04, i think20:51
hobgoblinis it kubuntu or ubuntu?20:52
hobgoblinbut you could run it from the terminal and see what you get there - might well show an error20:53
lockehow do i do that?20:53
bioterrorlocke, alt+f2 and type "konsole" without ""20:56
bioterrorand when it opens you a terminal, you can type "amarok"20:56
bioterrorwithout"" ;)20:56
lockeit opens alright, no errors or anything20:58
lockestill won't play though20:58
aveilleuxlocke: Is it echoing any errors to the console?20:59
lockei wish i knew what that meant, how do i check?20:59
lockefeel free to bail when my ineptitude starts to irritate you haha20:59
aveilleuxlocke: Look at the terminal you opened Amarok from..?21:00
hobgoblintry and play something and see if the konsole says anything21:01
lockedemux_wavpack: (open_wv_file:127) open_wv_file: non-seekable inputs aren't supported yet.21:02
tronyxand there you have your problem21:03
tronyxstrange question, but have you tried using VLC locke?21:03
tronyxi believe that it can repair and play items that might be non-seekable21:04
lockeahhh yeah, i thought it sounded familiar21:04
tronyxsudo apt-get install vlc21:04
lockei'm trying to get my amarok to play music though21:04
tronyxall MP3s?21:05
tronyxsounds like it's a problem with the file itself rather than the player, but i say that based solely on the verbose error21:05
tronyxamarok is claiming that the track is non-seekable, and amarok itself doesn't support that type of file21:05
lockeyeah, i was just doing something dumb, all better21:06
lockethanks for the VLC though, that'll come in handy21:06
tronyxhappens all the time, glad it's fixed21:06
lockethanks to you too, hobgoblin21:06
kosaidpohello guys is there a trick to get the pasword if  i forgot it ??21:17
tronyxsingle user the machine or boot from a live CD and chroot into the OS21:18
kosaidposingle machne ??21:18
aveilleuxkosaidpo: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword21:19
kosaidpookay thanks guys21:19
kosaidpoguys in my ecovery mode i dont have that laste line21:22
aveilleuxkosaidpo: Root login?21:25
aveilleuxkosaidpo: That's odd21:25
kosaidpobtw im on lubuntu : ) not ubuntu21:26
aveilleuxkosaidpo: That doesn't matter21:26
kosaidpowell i jst said it cus it might be since i dont kno21:26
kosaidpoaveilleux: and if itype in my console passwd username it wont ask me for the old psw right ??21:27
aveilleuxkosaidpo: Yes21:27
aveilleuxkosaidpo: Since you are root it will simply let you change the password21:27
kosaidpobut if my machine is off21:27
kosaidpoill have no way to21:27
aveilleuxkosaidpo: Um, generally you can't access a machine that's turned off....21:28
kosaidponoo im not tlkin about that root mode21:28
kosaidpoLOL no as in now my mchine im using now but i dont rmber my psw you got me21:28
kosaidpoas in if i turn it off i better rember my psw or find a way to skip it you got me21:28
kosaidpoits okay nvm21:29
channel9newshey anybody know anything about conky, and desktop modification?22:09
bioterrorI know something about conky22:09
channel9newswell, i found a good how-to on lifehacker.com, but i'm running kubuntu off of a tiny partition of my harddrive22:10
channel9newsand i don't think it installed, cuz i don't have one of the files22:10
bioterrorhttp://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/59/my-conky-config/ that discussion is full of conky.cfg's22:12
bioterrorjust for your pleasure22:12
bioterrorbut I warn you, more you put stuff on your conky, more it will eat CPU22:12
bioterrormy 1.6GHz Pentium M laptop went from fast to slow when I added different kind of bars22:12
channel9newsawesome, thanks  man22:13
slimhey anybody know where i can get the kubuntu compiler file? my didn't install correctly22:23
bioterrorcould you be more specific22:23
slimi tried sudo apt-get install gcc22:23
slimand got22:23
slimPackage gcc is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source22:23
bioterrorwhat does it say?22:24
slimE: Package gcc has no installation candidate22:24
bioterrorsudo apt-get install gcc-4.522:24
slimit couldn't find it22:25
bioterrorI bet you have done sudo apt-get update22:25
bioterrorGet:2 http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main gcc-4.4 i386 4.4.4-14ubuntu5 [3,074kB]22:26
bioterrorI got it22:26
bioterrorjust by typing sudo apt-get install gcc22:27
bioterroris your repository okay?22:27
slimits running now22:28
slimi hadn't updated haha22:28
slimhence, my presence in this particular forum22:28
bioterroryou made me to install gcc, maybe I should compile something now :D22:28
slimabsolutely! i'm trying conky22:28
bioterrorFri00:12 <bioterror> http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/59/my-conky-config/ that discussion is full of conky.cfg's22:29
slimgot it bookmarked already haha22:29
bioterrorI bet you're interested in those22:29
slimalright, thanks man!22:29
bioterrornp mate, glad to help you out22:30
bioterrorhi Silver_Fox_23:02
Silver_Fox_Hello bioterror ,  how are you ?23:03
bioterrorfine thanks, about to hit the bed23:03
Silver_Fox_Do not hit it too hard :)23:04
bioterrorI have a futon bed :D23:04
bioterrorso, :D23:04
Silver_Fox_Okay, enjoy23:05
bioterrorevery night, I can suggest one for you too if you have problems with back :-)23:05
|friTTe|well well, finally finished with schoolstuff23:06
|friTTe|sent and everything23:06
Silver_Fox_bioterror:  I use to have a bad back but i changed to memory foam. Now i have no more back problems23:10
|friTTe|tried one pillow with that foam, awesome23:10
james102hi all, I'm currently on my buddy's computer because I am installing ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop, and it won't let me proceed with the installation past the "Who Are You" page23:13
james102I have filled out every field, but the Forward button is still greyed out23:13
bioterrorcould the installer be crashed23:13
bioterrorI've heard it might happen23:13
james102I don't think so, because I can go back all the way to the time zone selection and edit those pages23:13
james102At the bottom it says "Getting the time from a network time server"23:15
ElvisTheKingHi i am new in Ubuntu. Kdevelop is the place to start?23:15

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