BUGa_2h2bday | W00T midnight.... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY YAY FOR ME | 00:01 |
charlie-tca | BUGa_2h2bday: Happy birthday | 00:01 |
BUGa_2h2bday | :DDDDDD | 00:01 |
BUGa_2h2bday | an year older and non wiser | 00:02 |
charlie-tca | heh | 00:05 |
charlie-tca | I like to think I get wiser each day now, but there are those who would argue that | 00:06 |
BUGa_2h2bday | ahaha | 00:12 |
drew212 | bah, 10.10 killed eclipse =X | 00:48 |
hggdh | hum. Mine is running | 00:58 |
micahg | drew212: you running eclipse.org version? | 01:03 |
moldy | jibel: yeah, but that was not my problem | 01:12 |
moldy | my problem was the "incompatibility" of launchpad + w3m | 01:12 |
micahg | moldy: try lynx | 01:14 |
moldy | micahg: will try next time, took the hassle to go through a gui for now | 01:17 |
moldy | but i already installed lynx, links and elinks for next time ;) | 01:18 |
micahg | moldy: bug 628755 | 01:18 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 628755 in w3m (Debian) (and 4 other projects) "Impossible to log in in Launchpad using apport from a tty console with w3m (affects: 6) (dups: 3) (heat: 125)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628755 | 01:18 |
moldy | micahg: ah, thx | 01:21 |
=== BUGa_2h2bday is now known as BUGa_BDAY | ||
drizzle | is there a way to add a regression tag? | 02:21 |
drizzle | if there is - i think that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/660240 should be marked as a regression based on the submitters comments | 02:22 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 660240 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (Ubuntu) "[P4M800Pro] xserver-xorg-video-openchrome freeze ubuntu 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 02:22 |
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rusivi | Regarding bug 614008 I have confirmed this Fix Released and thought this was settled, however Balaji toggled all the projects w/ no comments... something mailing list I'm not reading? | 03:43 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 614008 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "lshw causes laptop to freeze up (affects: 42) (dups: 20) (heat: 260)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/614008 | 03:43 |
micahg | rusivi: no, it's called a random user doing things they shouldn't. feel free to reset the statuses | 03:44 |
rusivi | micahg: Ok. | 03:45 |
hggdh | rusivi: will you set the bug back as it should be? | 04:06 |
rusivi | hggdh Yes | 04:06 |
rusivi | I'm just about to | 04:06 |
hggdh | OK, thank you | 04:06 |
rusivi | done | 04:07 |
hggdh | thank you. At least balaji did not mess around a lot ;-) | 04:08 |
Gryllida | next meeting 12 oct? it's the past | 04:52 |
AHemlocksLie | okay, so as I was saying in #ubuntu, I have the patch I need, I just gotta figure out how to apply it | 04:52 |
AHemlocksLie | any ideas on that, maco? | 04:52 |
maco | yes i know how to apply patches | 04:52 |
AHemlocksLie | do you need to see the patch I have? | 04:52 |
maco | yes | 04:53 |
maco | im looking for a bug report on this because thats something that REALLY ought to be fixed | 04:53 |
AHemlocksLie | one sec, I'll pastebin it | 04:53 |
AHemlocksLie | maco http://pastebin.com/e3BwQzvX | 04:54 |
persia | Gryllida, Next one will probably be scheduled sometime around 8th September, but needs confirmation first. | 04:54 |
Gryllida | ok | 04:54 |
AHemlocksLie | wasn't entirely sure what syntax highlighting to use since it's C++ code but looks like it has some bash in it, so I left it unhighlighted | 04:54 |
Gryllida | persia: er, you mean 8th September 2011, or 8th November 2010? :) | 04:55 |
maco | Gryllida: i think persia was making a joke | 04:55 |
Gryllida | Haha. | 04:56 |
AHemlocksLie | maco, I don't wanna rush you, especially since you're helping me and all, but I'm at McDonalds, and they close in about 3 minutes | 04:57 |
maco | apt-get source ndiswrapper ; cd ndiswrapper-1.56 ; patch --dry-run -p1 < ../foo.patch <-- if that works, repeat the last command without the "--dry-run" then: debuild | 04:58 |
maco | you need to install devscripts to run debuild | 04:58 |
maco | thatd make you a new deb of it | 04:58 |
AHemlocksLie | I already have the source for ndiswrapper, so just cd to that folder? | 04:58 |
maco | yep | 04:59 |
AHemlocksLie | is that -p1 as in the number 1? | 04:59 |
maco | yes | 04:59 |
maco | i see two bugs reported for failures to build | 04:59 |
AHemlocksLie | success! | 05:00 |
AHemlocksLie | maco, you are awesome, let's see if it compiles properly now... | 05:00 |
maco | if once its installed things all work nicely, lemme know and i'll try to poke appropriate people to get that SRU'd | 05:00 |
maco | er...to get an update uploaded to the repositories | 05:00 |
AHemlocksLie | mcdonalds is closing, so I gotta move out to the car, not sure if I'll have wifi out there | 05:01 |
AHemlocksLie | if not, I'll report back tomorrow night | 05:01 |
maco | alrighty | 05:01 |
maco | thanks for testing AND finding patches! | 05:01 |
drew212 | vish: are you around? | 05:07 |
AHemlocksLie | maco, debuild wouldn't work, but I'm running make, looks like it's gonna work | 05:07 |
AHemlocksLie | maco, no reported errors :D | 05:07 |
AHemlocksLie | oo, install errors, thouh | 05:08 |
AHemlocksLie | oh, I forgot to sudo | 05:08 |
AHemlocksLie | okay, I'm about to unload p54pci, I'll be back in a minute, hopefully | 05:09 |
drew212 | is it possible for apport to fail a retrace and not mark it? i have strace and threaded strace with no symbols | 05:13 |
micahg | drew212: hmm...what's the bug #? | 05:13 |
drew212 | bug 565548 | 05:13 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 565548 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __gxx_personality_v0() (affects: 2) (heat: 19)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/565548 | 05:13 |
drew212 | its tagged apport crash, but there's no symbols =X | 05:13 |
micahg | drew212: no retracer | 05:14 |
drew212 | micahg: ??? | 05:14 |
micahg | drew212: apport retracer was never subscribed since there's no core dump, it must have been a prtial upload | 05:15 |
micahg | *partial | 05:15 |
drew212 | micahg: ask for a resubmittal? | 05:15 |
drew212 | micahg: there isn't alot of information on what a retrace is or how to do it. | 05:17 |
micahg | drew212: yeah, I think so | 05:18 |
micahg | it was also prelucid | 05:18 |
persia | Gryllida, um, september | 05:20 |
drew212 | micahg: i've been busy with school, but i'm learning alot... i hope to be able to make patches in the future | 05:21 |
persia | maco, No, rather calender reform confuses me: this is october, which is obviously the 8th month, so the next month is the ninth, which is september. | 05:22 |
* micahg wonders what calendar reform is | 05:22 | |
maco | micahg: the months got renamed and retimed at some point...he's right latinally about octo being 8... | 05:25 |
persia | micahg, so, a little while ago, there was this war leader who took the dangerous step of leading troops over the rubicon rivier. This was unprecedented, and he was successful in his coup attempt. Later, he and his successor were honored by having their names added to the names of the months in the calendar. Unfortunately, the folks who added them couldn't count, so instead of replacing sevenmonth and eightmonth with the honoring months, they | 05:25 |
persia | inserted them, and since then, we end up having sevenmonth, eightmonth, ninemonth, and tenmonth be the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th months of the year. | 05:25 |
drew212 | micahg: O_o after a little bit of OO programming i can read the straces a bit now | 05:26 |
persia | More recently, a two different set of folks decided to skip about three weeks, but they did this something like 23 months apart, which gets confusing for anyone trying to navigate the 17th century. | 05:26 |
persia | (or maybe it was 23 years. I forget) | 05:26 |
maco | and gregory ditched 10 days in october | 05:26 |
maco | in..umm... 1524? something like that | 05:26 |
micahg | persia: hah, yeah, hmmm, makes sense | 05:27 |
persia | Anyway, generally, "Calendar Reform" is the umbrella description for governments monkeying with how nominal days relate to observed days. | 05:27 |
micahg | Gregorian vs Julian calendar | 05:27 |
micahg | drew212: that's good | 05:27 |
drew212 | micahg: maybe after i get more experience with C ill understand the traces even more... some of the syntax is, meh | 05:28 |
persia | micahg, Those are the common ones: if you want something awkward, look into the calendrier républicain | 05:29 |
maco | drew212: i was surprised to find last time i straced a broken program of mine that i could make sense of the output | 05:30 |
drew212 | maco: yeah? lol, i'm just getting into CS, so we haven't done much debugging with straces, i'm not sure what class we'll learn that in... | 05:31 |
drew212 | all we've done is used some debugging tools in eclipse | 05:31 |
maco | drew212: probably none of them | 05:31 |
maco | my school did not teach anything about debugging | 05:31 |
micahg | drew212: so, are you using the distro eclipse or from eclipse.org? | 05:31 |
drew212 | maco: where did you go? | 05:31 |
drew212 | micahg: distro | 05:31 |
maco | i go to george washington university | 05:31 |
drew212 | micahg: its broken on 10.10 =X | 05:32 |
drew212 | maco: University of Illinois here =) | 05:32 |
micahg | drew212: shouldn't be crashing unless you have xulrunner-1.9.1 installed for some reason | 05:32 |
maco | drew212: debuggers arent part of computer science theory, so i wouldnt expect them to teach it | 05:32 |
drew212 | micahg: its not totally broken, just the subversion plugin | 05:32 |
maco | the difference between CS curricula and "Software Engineering" seems to be how they balance theory and practice | 05:32 |
micahg | drew212: hmm, weird | 05:32 |
drew212 | maco: its a relavant part of what we're being taught, i had to use a debugger to reverse engineer the test cases =X | 05:33 |
maco | even in a practice-heavy curriculum id be surprised by much "how to use tools" -- itd be like them teaching how to use a text editor when they want to be teaching you to code | 05:34 |
maco | learn it on your own time in advance and you'll be in much better shape than the other students who will spend hours adding printf() all over, compiling, running, etc. (like i still do...) | 05:34 |
drew212 | maco: there is side reading on most of the tools | 05:34 |
* maco needs to get around to reading The Art of Debugging | 05:35 | |
drew212 | some of it is required, some of it is not | 05:35 |
* micahg wants to learn more about TDD | 05:35 | |
drew212 | idk, the CS track here is pretty rigorous, but i dont know because i haven't had any of the advanced courses | 05:35 |
maco | ...which would make me expect them to simply expect you to know it | 05:36 |
maco | dunno....thats how my profs are. they wont teach things in class that are "just play with it a bit and you'll get it" type stuff. they teach theory and then go make you implement it for practice | 05:37 |
maco | unfortunately means its possible to graduate without knowing much about linux, but when our acm chapter said this to a professor he said "how to use your computer" isnt academic enough to warrant being taught in a classroom | 05:38 |
drew212 | maco: yeah, i guess thats kindof what it is, but prof's here give us reference material if we actually are required to use tools to complete the MP | 05:38 |
drew212 | maco: all of our workstations in siebel center(CS "headquarters") are linux based | 05:38 |
drew212 | and linux is encouraged because most tutorials referenced are given from a linux standpoint | 05:39 |
maco | nobody's "required" to use a debugger though ;-) most get along just fine for years without learning (hi!) | 05:39 |
drew212 | maco: i want to be more efficient though =P | 05:39 |
drew212 | i'm tired of spending hours just because i misplaced a j with an i in one of my for loops =X | 05:39 |
maco | yes, so learn it now! save yourself hours and hours of printf() | 05:40 |
drew212 | true story, i spend 3 hours debugging my logic because i misplaced an i =X, when my logic was spot on | 05:40 |
maco | also: and i say this from the voice of horribly painful experience, use version control on your homework | 05:40 |
drew212 | we're required to use subversion to submit our homework | 05:40 |
maco | commit often then | 05:41 |
maco | i started using bzr on my homework after that time i cp'd a blank file over a done file when i was making two similar .java files 15 minutes before it was due :( | 05:41 |
drew212 | maco: well noted, i lost 2 good hours of work once, but it was easy because i already knew what i was doing | 05:41 |
drew212 | s/easy/easier | 05:42 |
drew212 | maco: i have to make packman for this MP =X | 05:43 |
maco | pacman the game? | 05:43 |
drew212 | maco: yes... its not very graphical, its boxes running around, and alot of the game logic is missing, but yes | 05:43 |
drew212 | maco: all that has to happen is the ghosts randomly wander around and eat the pacman character, no walls, dots, points, or anything are in it yet... | 05:44 |
drew212 | its not too bad... just really long | 05:44 |
micahg | !info pacman | 05:45 |
ubot2 | micahg: pacman (source: pacman): Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-17ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB | 05:45 |
nigelb | there is pacman in ubuntu? | 05:45 |
drew212 | micahg: it has to be formatted specificially so the autograder can read it... but yeah | 05:45 |
nigelb | ok, my work hours for today is lost with pacman :p | 05:45 |
drew212 | micahg: i thought 4.0 was supposed to be in 10.10, what happened to that? | 05:46 |
micahg | nigelb: with >15k packages, wouldn't you expect it? | 05:46 |
micahg | drew212: who said that? | 05:46 |
nigelb | micahg: haha, good point | 05:46 |
drew212 | micahg: idk, maybe i just assumed it incorrectly | 05:46 |
nigelb | there's even a supermario clone, what was I thinking | 05:46 |
micahg | drew212: we decided at UDS we *weren't* going to put 4.0 in 10.10 | 05:46 |
drew212 | micahg: why's that? | 05:47 |
micahg | drew212: timetable didn't line up | 05:47 |
drew212 | micahg: ahhh | 05:47 |
maco | nigelb: there's a super mario brothers clone too.. | 05:47 |
micahg | drew212: 4.0 will land in natty probably shortly after UDS | 05:47 |
nigelb | maco: and who said there were no games on ubuntu :p | 05:47 |
drew212 | micahg: kk, nice =) | 05:47 |
nigelb | all those console video games of the old | 05:48 |
micahg | drew212: I already have a beta PPA | 05:48 |
persia | maco, Don't discount the power of a well-placed print statement, even with step-through debuggers, call tracers, etc. available. | 05:51 |
drew212 | micahg: there are alot of bugs that didn't provide a good stacktrace =X | 05:51 |
maco | persia: well...mine were generally all over the place printing lots of vars trying to find where it goes wrong because i didnt know how to step through | 05:51 |
drew212 | micahg: that seems to be a bug in apport, no? | 05:52 |
micahg | drew212: probably, just make sure there's no private info anywhere in the attachments | 05:52 |
micahg | drew212: no | 05:52 |
persia | Ah, yeah, that's less ideal. For those cases, I usually add something to make it crash and check the stacktrace. | 05:52 |
drew212 | micahg: shouldn't apport know if its not getting any debugging symbols? | 05:53 |
micahg | drew212: huh? | 05:53 |
persia | drew212, The issue is architectural: so apport reports a bug that needs retracing, and it gets downloaded by a daemon that runs apport-retrace that installs all the right debugging packages, theoretically, but it's not guaranteed that versions haven't changed, etc. | 05:53 |
drew212 | micahg: if the correct information isn't being uploaded, shouldn't apport know that? | 05:53 |
persia | It's better to end up with a partially retraced issue to aid in reproduction than nothing. | 05:54 |
micahg | drew212: no | 05:54 |
drew212 | micahg: why not? | 05:54 |
micahg | drew212: it only retraces if there's a coredump | 05:54 |
drew212 | micahg: so whats happening with these? | 05:55 |
micahg | drew212: which? | 05:55 |
drew212 | bug 555666 | 05:55 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 555666 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in start_thread() (affects: 7) (heat: 23)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555666 | 05:55 |
drew212 | for example | 05:55 |
micahg | drew212: right, no coredump, also, that's a flash crash, we can't do anything about it, and flash crashing Firefox was fixed in 3.6.4 | 05:57 |
micahg | drew212: in addition, maverick users can now submit crashes directly to mozilla | 05:57 |
drew212 | micahg: so no more debugging firefox in LP? | 05:57 |
drew212 | well, once 10.04 hits EOL | 05:57 |
micahg | drew212: just crashes, still plenty of bugs ;) | 05:57 |
micahg | drew212: no, 10.04 will have it soon as well (might be in 3.6.11 | 05:58 |
drew212 | nice | 05:58 |
micahg | and the apport retracers probably aren't running for anything earlier | 05:58 |
drew212 | mark 555666 as fix released then? | 06:01 |
micahg | drew212: no, invalid like the other one | 06:02 |
drew212 | with what response? ask him to test in current development release? | 06:02 |
micahg | nah, just the standard response for a Firefox crash that doesn't provide the results | 06:02 |
drew212 | micahg: alright, well im off to bed, i have to work tomorrow, peace | 06:05 |
micahg | drew212: night | 06:06 |
seidos | maverick just failed to install from a live usb, what package should i create the bug against? | 06:53 |
micahg | seidos: ubiquity? | 06:54 |
seidos | well, here's more info: there was a kernel panic once. and a glib-warning **: error | 06:55 |
seidos | micahg, ^ | 06:56 |
micahg | seidos: idk, file against ubiquity and add whatever information you have, whoever triages can move it if necessary | 06:56 |
* micahg looks for more info | 06:56 | |
seidos | hm, maybe i should just apply it to usb-creator | 06:57 |
seidos | !ubiquity | seidos | 06:57 |
ubot2 | Factoid 'ubiquity' not found | 06:57 |
micahg | seidos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity | 06:57 |
micahg | hmmm..that's really out of date | 06:57 |
seidos | yeah i saw this | 06:59 |
seidos | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity | 06:59 |
seidos | well, the kernel panic i'll apply to the kernel | 06:59 |
micahg | seidos: k, I guess that makes sense | 07:00 |
micahg | ubuntu-bug linux from the live cd if you can | 07:01 |
seidos | hmmm, i'll create it from my karmic install, then try it from the live cd | 07:09 |
micahg | seidos: newer hardware? | 07:09 |
seidos | just in case. hopefully install works though. not sure what i'll do if the live usb fails | 07:09 |
seidos | 2 year old notebook | 07:09 |
seidos | micahg, ^ | 07:09 |
micahg | seidos: might be better with Lucid | 07:09 |
seidos | maybe i should leave karmic you think? | 07:09 |
seidos | hmmm... | 07:10 |
micahg | seidos: what type of video card? | 07:10 |
seidos | it's unfortunate, live usb was working great yesterday, just had a slight hiccup with syslinux 3.6.3 | 07:10 |
seidos | micahg, integrated intel gm960/965 | 07:10 |
micahg | seidos: yeah, should be fine with Lucid or Maverick | 07:10 |
seidos | micahg, i'm worried it's my live usb stick | 07:11 |
micahg | seidos: oh, hmmm, have a Live CD? | 07:11 |
seidos | micahg, no, but i just found another usb stick | 07:12 |
micahg | seidos: ah, ok | 07:12 |
YokoZar | What video driver package is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine1.2/+bug/659994 ? (Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) ) | 07:57 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 659994 in wine1.2 (Ubuntu) "wine (and crossover) kill X on maverick box upgraded from lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 07:57 |
persia | I'd suggest getting an Xorg.log for the initilisation strings. Most of the 4500s are -intel, but the "Mobile" ones, especially with only "500" would end up -vesa because they are PSB. | 08:02 |
persia | I suspect it's a Q45, but that's guessing. | 08:03 |
danage | before i file a bug, could someone try the following: install a printer, then change the driver that it selected by default later on? for me it doesn't work and that's :( | 10:17 |
persia | danage, Generally we file bugs and then confirm the behaviour, because so often someone who has the ability to reproduce isn't present at the time someone with a bug notices it. | 10:22 |
persia | Go ahead and file the bug. | 10:22 |
danage | thanks persia | 10:22 |
danage | persia: what's the appropriate package to file this bug against | 10:56 |
danage | it's really bad, i can't print with this system | 10:56 |
persia | No idea offhand. I'd probably use lsw (from suckless-tools) to try to determine which program was running for the selection window that had issues, and then dpkg -S to track down which package supplies it. | 10:58 |
algnod | Hi all, I have a small bug 660372 could someone please set this to triaged? thanks | 11:01 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 660372 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Doesn't appear when searching Ubuntu Software Center for "torrent" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/660372 | 11:01 |
jibel | algnod, done | 11:12 |
jibel | hm, he's gone :/ | 11:13 |
persia | Learning to stay on IRC without the windows in the way takes a while sometimes. | 11:19 |
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mikedep333 | Hey guys, my Lucid GNOME Ubuntu system is stuck during the (graphical) upgrade to 10.10. It's stuck in the middle of configuring grub-common. How do I report an upgrade bug like this? I report bugs on apps all the time, but what package should I report it on (with apport-bug). Is there a special way to report upgrade bugs? | 16:38 |
TeTeT | mikedep333: I think you can report it against update-manager | 16:54 |
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mikedep333 | TeTeT: thanks | 17:10 |
mikedep333 | It's doing a CLI dist-upgrade right now | 17:10 |
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charlie-tca | BUGa_bday: not yet | 17:52 |
devildante | BUGa_bday: is it your birthday? | 17:52 |
BUGa_bday | its today, yes | 17:53 |
devildante | happy birthday! | 17:54 |
devildante | :) | 17:54 |
BUGa_bday | thank you devildante | 17:56 |
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BUGa_bday | bye guys. bday party | 18:30 |
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njin | can someone triage ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cpufrequtils/+bug/364514 thanks | 18:55 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 364514 in cpufrequtils (Ubuntu) "cpu frequency is reset to maximum after resume from suspend if governor is userspace (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:55 |
charlie-tca | done | 18:57 |
xteejx | charlie-tca: Did he not mean to triage the bug? :S | 18:58 |
charlie-tca | bug has enough information; needed to be marked triaged | 18:59 |
xteejx | I did see almost too much info to be honest :) | 18:59 |
njin | can take a look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-keyboard/+bug/645842 thanks | 18:59 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 645842 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Sometimes CTRL key becomes logically stuck (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:59 |
xteejx | njin: Is there any reason why you aren't doing these? | 18:59 |
xteejx | You partially triaged them, do you need help with how to triage so you can do it? | 19:00 |
njin | xteejx: i'm under mentoring | 19:00 |
njin | Actually i cannot triage | 19:00 |
xteejx | You can't triage? | 19:00 |
njin | yes | 19:01 |
njin | i can't | 19:01 |
charlie-tca | njin is not bug-control | 19:01 |
charlie-tca | njin: importance for 645842? | 19:01 |
xteejx | Does he mean set importance or triage? | 19:01 |
* njin is control-bug ;-) | 19:01 | |
charlie-tca | xteejx: he means set the bug triaged and set importance | 19:01 |
xteejx | ohhh language barrier :) | 19:02 |
njin | thanks charliue | 19:02 |
charlie-tca | njin: what importance do you want on the bug? | 19:02 |
njin | ops charlie | 19:02 |
xteejx | sorry was really confused there | 19:02 |
njin | low | 19:02 |
charlie-tca | yup, language | 19:02 |
charlie-tca | done, njin | 19:03 |
njin | thanks charlie | 19:03 |
charlie-tca | no problem | 19:03 |
charlie-tca | Keep up the good work | 19:03 |
xteejx | njin: Sorry about the confusion I hope you're not offended :) | 19:04 |
njin | xteejx: no, why ? :-) | 19:05 |
xteejx | Don't worry :) | 19:05 |
njin | pedro_: are you reproducible ? | 19:06 |
njin | ;-) | 19:07 |
pedro_ | njin, what? | 19:07 |
njin | pedro_: hello big mentor | 19:07 |
pedro_ | hello | 19:07 |
xteejx | pedro_: Hello Mr V :) | 19:22 |
njin | pedro_: hello again, just to said that i'm experiencing too much trouble with this, then i'm going to format | 19:22 |
pedro_ | hello xteejx! | 19:23 |
pedro_ | njin, on Maverick? what kind of issues are you having? | 19:24 |
xteejx | How do I become a mentor? (I'm snot sure if i'm good enough yet?) | 19:24 |
njin | pedro_:i'm on lucid upgraded, i' some kind of instability, connection problem.... | 19:25 |
devildante | xteejx: only requirement is to be bug-control | 19:25 |
xteejx | Is that all? Oh ok, I'm in my 2nd year for b-c so I must be doing something right (or just haven't been noticed LOL) | 19:26 |
pedro_ | njin, ouch... | 19:26 |
pedro_ | xteejx, yeah, you need to be on the bugcontrol team and apply to the mentorship team | 19:26 |
pedro_ | also, add yourself to the wiki list of mentors and that's all | 19:26 |
njin | pedro_: if i open a terminal then press left arrow i've temprarily freeze | 19:26 |
pedro_ | from there on we can start to work on assigning students to you | 19:27 |
pedro_ | njin, !! | 19:27 |
xteejx | Oh ok, it's just a thought that's all, I *think* I'm at a stage now where I can triage pretty much anything, obviously I still check on unsure ones on here | 19:27 |
pedro_ | xteejx, if you're on the bugcontrol that's enough, really | 19:27 |
pedro_ | xteejx, yup, the channel is always open for questions ;-) | 19:28 |
xteejx | Ok, well I'll have a look at the wiki pages for Mentoring and see if there's any specifics I need to provide or know. | 19:30 |
xteejx | pedro_: Oh, Pedro I almost forgot, the really long AR5007 connection issues metabug, is that fixed now I can't seem to find it at all and the laptop still has a problem | 19:31 |
xteejx | I think it was one of yours :) | 19:31 |
pedro_ | xteejx, do you have the bug number ? | 19:31 |
xteejx | I don't I can't find it lol | 19:31 |
pedro_ | I've too many bugs in my mind :-P | 19:32 |
xteejx | lol ;) | 19:32 |
xteejx | I'll see if I can find it | 19:32 |
xteejx | pedro_: Found it... bug 461419 (Fixed it seems) | 19:34 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 461419 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Karmic Lucid Maverick] Atheros AR5211 - ath5k driver connection and performance issues (affects: 55) (dups: 6) (heat: 224)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/461419 | 19:34 |
xteejx | I'll be damned if anything even comes up in nm-applet :( | 19:34 |
pedro_ | aah! that bug with the atheros driver | 19:35 |
xteejx | although iwconfig shows the wifi adapter so it might not be the kernel? | 19:35 |
xteejx | pedro_: Yeah that one :( lol | 19:35 |
* xteejx has a really bad headache | 19:35 | |
xteejx | If an access point is WEP and assigns IPs by DHCP, is there any way to get it to connect manually using iwconfig? | 19:36 |
xteejx | pedro_: Oops, it was Leann dealing with it :) | 19:38 |
pedro_ | xteejx, iwconfig device key blah ? | 19:38 |
pedro_ | xteejx, i was affected though, so thanks for ping me about it ;-) | 19:38 |
xteejx | pedro_: That's cool :) Is that all it is to connect? That seems easy will try that in a bit (on desktop at the mo) | 19:39 |
pedro_ | xteejx, well you need to execute dhclient on the device as well | 19:39 |
pedro_ | dhclient dev | 19:39 |
devildante | ah, the good old days of dhclient on arch linux :p | 19:39 |
pedro_ | but i guess that's all for wep keys | 19:39 |
xteejx | pedro_: Lifesaver :D thanks hehe | 19:39 |
pedro_ | you're welcome xteejx | 19:42 |
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micahg | does anyone else have an issue with the gnome keyring not showing which app is requesting access? | 20:11 |
devildante | it shows it normally? :p | 20:11 |
xteejx | micahg: Haven't seen it to be honest? | 20:11 |
* devildante never noticed | 20:11 | |
xteejx | s/./? | 20:11 |
micahg | devildante: I see a bug that implies it does | 20:11 |
micahg | devildante: ah, known issue upstream, gnome 616801 | 20:12 |
ubot2 | Gnome bug 616801 in ask dialog ""Enter password to unlock your login keyring" doesn't tell you why" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=616801 | 20:12 |
xteejx | Isn't that subject to security issues? | 20:13 |
micahg | xteejx: I would think so :P | 20:13 |
xteejx | Maybe not CVE but still :) | 20:13 |
devildante | micahg: it seems that it never did show the app | 20:14 |
micahg | devildante: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/SecurityPhilosophy | 20:15 |
devildante | micahg, what is the relation with this? | 20:21 |
micahg | devildante: oops, should've given that to xteejx, it's says it's not in their charter basically | 20:22 |
devildante | ah | 20:22 |
xteejx | micahg: What isn't in their charter? Security? | 20:22 |
micahg | xteejx: active attack security | 20:22 |
xteejx | micahg: You're kidding me? That's a bit of a reckless statement :O bloody hell I'm surprised at that | 20:23 |
micahg | xteejx: well, I'm summarizing, please read the link for their official position | 20:23 |
xteejx | micahg: I will | 20:24 |
* xteejx is a bit worried now | 20:24 | |
xteejx | Quote: "While it'd be nice for gnome-keyring to someday be hardened against active attacks originating from the user's session, the reality is that the free software "desktop" today just isn't architected with those things in mind." | 20:25 |
xteejx | They do realise that they code for the linux desktop right? | 20:25 |
* xteejx is gonna hide now in case anyone gets offended by what I said :P (not intentionally bitchy or anything by the way) :) | 20:28 | |
micahg | xteejx: as usual, with open source, the people writing the code, make the rules | 20:33 |
xteejx | micahg: Unfortunately it seems like a very "M$" way of seeing security...."sod it" :( | 20:34 |
charlie-tca | heh | 20:34 |
micahg | xteejx: except, you can go and offer patches to fix this ;) | 20:35 |
xteejx | Ooh charlie just woke up :D | 20:35 |
charlie-tca | That seems like a creative argument for them | 20:35 |
xteejx | micahg: Oh god no, not me! The last coding I did was on the C64 haha ;) | 20:35 |
charlie-tca | I been following the nonsense in #ubuntu-irc instead | 20:35 |
* micahg joins #ubuntu-irc to see nonsense | 20:36 | |
xteejx | charlie-tca: Anything interesting? | 20:36 |
* xteejx does too ;) | 20:36 | |
charlie-tca | lol | 20:36 |
charlie-tca | shh | 20:37 |
xteejx | :P | 20:37 |
charlie-tca | just listen to it | 20:37 |
xteejx | ok ok :) | 20:37 |
charlie-tca | he's been spouting off for over an hour already | 20:38 |
xteejx | Which one? | 20:38 |
xteejx | gpenguin? | 20:38 |
charlie-tca | yup | 20:38 |
xteejx | about what? (I love watching arguments) | 20:38 |
charlie-tca | how bad the german channel is | 20:39 |
charlie-tca | I think. It is kind of hard to tell though | 20:39 |
xteejx | haha you're just enjoying the bitching then? ;) | 20:39 |
charlie-tca | yeah | 20:39 |
micahg | !ohmy | xteejx | 20:40 |
ubot2 | xteejx: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 20:40 |
charlie-tca | I needed agood laugh today | 20:40 |
* micahg suspects it's not good to troll in an IRC admin channel | 20:40 | |
xteejx | micahg: why the ohmy? | 20:40 |
micahg | am I too sensitive? | 20:40 |
xteejx | micahg: No no, you're in the US aren't you? Over here that doesn't mean anything | 20:41 |
micahg | that second to last word, I would qualify as ohmy, maybe I'm too sensitive | 20:41 |
xteejx | I forget it's international :) | 20:41 |
micahg | xteejx: where are you? | 20:41 |
xteejx | Kent, UK | 20:41 |
micahg | hggdh: ^^^ am I too sensitive? | 20:41 |
xteejx | micahg: No, don't be silly :) | 20:42 |
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xteejx | micahg: I'm just a bit gobby that's all and forget that some things don't necessarily have the sam severity | 20:42 |
xteejx | or meaning, i.e. fag (here is slang for cigarette, America totally different) | 20:43 |
micahg | xteejx: that one you should be able to tell in context though | 20:43 |
xteejx | charlie-tca: You weren't wrong about that penguin guy! | 20:43 |
charlie-tca | heh | 20:43 |
hggdh | micahg: not really. But, OTOH, it is sometimes difficult to cater for different meanings, so it is, as a rule of thumb, better to be more conservative | 20:43 |
xteejx | micahg: True, but I've still seen raised eyebrows lol | 20:43 |
charlie-tca | I know. He did this in #ubuntu-classroom-chat the other day, too. | 20:44 |
hggdh | I seems I missed all the hooplah... | 20:44 |
* hggdh goes to the IRC logs | 20:44 | |
xteejx | hggdh, it's definitely worth a laugh :) | 20:44 |
xteejx | I think he *just* crossed the line | 20:45 |
charlie-tca | just? | 20:45 |
charlie-tca | crossed it a while back | 20:46 |
xteejx | the Asperger's statement/insult | 20:46 |
xteejx | I'm gonna "troll" the log | 20:46 |
xteejx | That's strange, do they normally snip the logs down to the past hour?? | 20:47 |
charlie-tca | Don't know | 20:49 |
xteejx | lmao @ "What's your full name please?" .. didn't realise that IRC was a call centre | 20:49 |
charlie-tca | kheh | 20:50 |
xteejx | I like the way 3 of our guy sin here just joined :P | 20:50 |
charlie-tca | Well, gotta do some work now | 20:50 |
xteejx | Ok mate :) | 20:50 |
xteejx | Anyone else noticed bug 641300? | 21:35 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 641300 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Text Entry Boxes in Firefox sometimes get stuck in an endless "Select-All" making typing in them impossible (affects: 5) (dups: 1) (heat: 32)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/641300 | 21:35 |
yofel | xteejx: I remember having seen this, but not recently | 21:58 |
xteejx | Ahh ok yofel, I just ran into it again - quite infuriating at times | 22:10 |
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