
kim0weird networking troubles: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159538400:04
ablertsmoser, thanks! 10.04 (lucid) is what i was seeking00:08
smoserablert, so, when that bug is fixed, you'll be able to get it in backports00:26
smoserand, in the future, that is the eventual landing place for such things00:26
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maruqhi guys01:44
maruqI'm getting high load issues on 10.04, running on EC201:44
maruqI get the lovely " System information disabled due to load higher than 1" message01:44
maruqand it shows up as load of ~1.20 in Ganglia01:45
maruqbut nothing really running in top01:45
flaccidmaruq: known bug in kernel01:56
flaccidsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/57491001:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress]01:56
maruqah okay, thanks01:56
maruqI Googled & saw a few things, but no real answer01:57
maruqmost people seemed to restart & fix, but doesn't work in my case01:57
flaccidyeah its an accounting bug01:57
maruqso no fixes at the moment?01:58
flaccidsee end of ticket, there are kernels published01:59
maruqflaccid: thanks, just reading through things now ;p02:14
maruqflaccid: there's a lot of random in that thread, but made it through02:36
flaccidpretty typical of these kind of bugs :)02:37
maruqso using one of the test kernels should fix my load issue for now?02:37
maruqus-east-1 aki-84b75ded02:37
maruqand then just update to the latest AMI when it comes out - hopefully a couple of weeks, judging by date of post02:38
maruqwhich should hopefully fix the t1.micro issue I was having as well ;p02:38
maruq(Java = death)02:38
flaccidhopefully maverick will fix all this, and there is daily maverick you can test already02:42
maruqyeah I tested with Maverick, but unfortunately chef server doesn't install on it (rabbitmq config issue)02:43
maruqso I guess I wait until the Chef guys fix their boot stuff, then jump to Maverick ;p02:43
flaccidor just use debian squeeze :p02:44
maruqokay, booted a node with that kernel & now it's running all the chef stuff02:54
maruqI'll give it a little while to idle & let you know how things go02:54
flaccidcool np02:58
maruqflaccid: just checked the top on that kernel, it's still looking high06:15
maruqtop - 05:16:08 up  3:25,  1 user,  load average: 1.10, 1.05, 1.0006:16
maruqTasks:  61 total,   2 running,  59 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie06:16
flaccidwhat percent cpu?06:17
maruqmountall seems to be running at 42%, everything else is 0%06:18
flaccidthat could by one. you'd wanna check top under root06:19
flaccidonce you have it idle, see if you still get the high load06:19
maruqwhat would be the best way to get it to idle... I'm assuming mountall is probably fairly important process, so best not to kill?06:22
flaccidquestion is why is mountall running and what called it?06:23
maruqsorry, what's the best way to find that out?06:25
flaccidcould be in an rc script06:25
maruqit's being ran by root06:25
flaccidyou might want to check that the fstab entries are correct06:26
flaccidand work out which is having the mount problem06:26
maruqan ps aux shows it's ran as "mountall --daemon"06:26
flaccidoh right06:26
flaccidmaybe ubuntu does this thing as a daemon06:26
flaccidsee man mountall06:26
flaccidand see if there is such a service06:27
maruqthere seems to be stuff in /etc/init06:31
maruqmountall.conf, mountall-net.conf, mountall-reboot.conf, mountall-shell.conf06:31
maruqmountall.conf has "start on startup", "stop on starting rcS"06:32
flaccidyou'll need to research that. its bad that it is taking resources like that06:32
maruqand "expect daemon"06:32
maruqruns a script block containing "exec mountall --daemon $force_fsck $fsck_fix"06:33
flaccidi don't agree with implementing such a daemon, but this is what ubuntu obviously has done06:33
maruqfrom Googling, it looks as though erichammond may have similar thing06:35
maruqtesting if that's the case now06:37
maruqyep, that seems to have fixed it06:38
maruqmountall is no longer stealing cpu06:38
maruqtop - 05:44:34 up 7 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.31, 0.1806:44
maruq^^ looking a bit better there ;p06:44
uvirtbotmaruq: Error: "^" is not a valid command.06:44
maruqlooking a bit better there06:45
maruqI'll let it play out for the 15mins or so, but looking good so far06:45
maruqtop - 05:59:28 up 21 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0506:59
maruqokay, think that's fixed my issues06:59
maruqthanks flaccid & erichammond06:59
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dakerkim0, anything about c.u.c ?15:37
kim0daker: yeah indeed .. we got some more refinements to do15:38
smosererichammond, do you know (or anyone)16:48
smoserec2-run-instances; ec2-stop-instances ; ec2-start-instances16:48
smoseri'm guessing each stop-start cycle is a new full hour charge16:48
erichammondsmoser: I am under the same assumption that each stop/start begins a new hour.  I don't remember if I got that from a reliable source or just made it up.  I might test it with a spare, unused account if I have a few minutes.17:32
smosertestable after lag of account updates17:33
smosercould even use ap-southeast-1 (or some other region you dont really use for that account)17:33
erichammondI have any number of accounts that I created for test purposes and don't use at all :)17:33
smoseri just did several start-stop cycles and thought "hey, this is costing me"17:33
smosererichammond, do you use consolidated billing ?17:33
smoseri've considered doing that for my multiple accounts17:34
erichammondsmoser: No consolidated billing.  I only have a few accounts that get charged reguarly, and one of those is like a penny a month.17:34
smosererichammond, one more question17:36
smoserwith IAM, i'm under the impression there is no way to differenciate who launched an instance, right  ?17:37
smoserie, i can't really see that one account did 95% of the launches and another did 5 or something17:37
erichammondsmoser: correct17:38
smoserthey've got some work to do on IAM still17:38
erichammondRightScale has been able to track and report that for years.17:39
erichammondAs long as you don't give people the AWS keys and make them use RightScale accounts to create resources.17:39
erichammondI imagine it's a commonly requested feature of AWS.17:39
erichammondsince there are so many big companies using it now.17:39
smoseryeah. but then you're either a.) interfacing with rightscale's api or b.) not interfacing with an api17:40
erichammondWith a few tweaks to rules and triggers, it might be possible to use tags to identify user ownership and only let users control instances they created.17:41
erichammondAmazon will probably come up with a more comprehensive approach, though it may take another year or two :)17:41
erichammond(when I say "tweaks" I mean AWS enabling new features, not things we can do today)17:42
smosererichammond, are you thinking you'll be able to attend (i'm assuming remotely) any UDS-N ?17:42
smoserother than you being a grumpy stick in the mud, your voice is appreciated :)17:42
erichammondI'm not traveling to Florida, but I should be able to attend afternoon sessions given the time zone.17:43
smoserhttp://ubuntu-smoser.blogspot.com/2010/09/using-policies-in-aws-identity-and.html outlines my failed attempt at sharing a ec2 account with naming conventions17:44
smoseri didn't think of doing it based on tags17:44
erichammondSeems like tags would help reduce mistakes even if they can't yet be used to enforce rules.17:46
erichammondsmoser: stop/start charge test is in progress.  Waiting for results to show up on the activity page.18:04
erichammondblog post written and waiting for the results :)18:08
timwoodHi.  Does anyone know how to download an Amazon AMI image from S3 for use/conversion with a local UEC cloud?19:20
timwoodOr if it's even possible?  I'd love to use a public AMI that someone has created.19:23
timwoodin our local cloud19:23
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smosertimwood, its not really possible.19:51
smoseryou can launch the instance, then rebundle it19:51
smoserand then take your rebundled image19:51
smoserbut you dont have access to the pristine images on ec2 that you do not own19:51
smoserfor ubuntu images, we make pristine images available to the public19:51
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timwoodsmoser: thanks for the response.  It's a shame, I'd really like to get this particular image.  Maybe I'll contact the developer and see if they are willing to let me download it.20:02
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