
doctormoUpgrade to Maverick from Lucid: Failed, after reboot all I get is a flashing screen.00:16
akgranerjono_, when you get a chance I wanted to update you on the Fridge stuff00:33
jcastroakgraner: did you get the new SE script I sent you?00:37
nhandlerjcastro: Is it the one chosen as an answer on SE?00:38
jcastroit's mostly a domain fix00:38
nhandlerjcastro: Yeah, she saw it. I added it to lp:uwn00:38
akgraner:-) what nhandler said00:38
akgranerjcastro, it works for me too :-)00:39
* akgraner is loving scripts00:39
jcastroI wonder if it would be cooler if we did the flair of the users instead00:39
jcastroor too noisy00:39
nhandlerjcastro: I setup #ubuntu-stack (and am working on #ubuntu-stackexchange)00:40
jcastroON IT00:40
jcastrocjohnston: are you HoF guy?00:44
nhandlerjcastro: dholbach has done most of that stuff00:45
jcastroalso, I love milo as much as the next guy, but he's been up there like all cycle. :)00:46
jono_akgraner, can you give me a few mins and then we can have a call00:47
akgranerjono_, sure whenever - just wanted to keep you in the loop00:49
akgranerjcastro, I told someone  about you, "He's great ! He's like Nike  - 'Just Do It!'"00:51
akgranerI like the expression - it's better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission :-)00:52
doctormoakgraner: Did you know that jcastro is the only person I follow on twitter? true story.00:52
jcastrohey, you added the last part. :p00:52
akgranerI know00:52
akgranerthat was all me there00:52
akgranerthat's why there was no quotes on it00:53
akgranershould have clarified  - sorry00:53
akgranerdoctormo, :-)00:53
jcastro"hey jorge said I could just do what I want so I reorganized the entire wiki one night ...."00:54
jcastro"oh I'm sorry did I punch you in the face? You said just do it!"00:55
doctormoJDI - CoC00:56
doctormopaultag: Hello there are you up?01:04
jono_akgraner, quick call?01:25
cjohnstonjcastro: still have no code01:41
jcastroI figured it out01:51
nhandlerHey nigelb02:53
nigelbhola nhandler02:53
paultagdoctormo, heyya03:09
paultagdoctormo, what's up my friend03:09
paultaghey jcastro, have a second?03:50
paultagjcastro, I need to whine about how much Mutter is getting in my way to someone03:50
nhandlerLet me pull on my shrink hat..."And how does that make you feel?" ;)03:51
paultagIt can't run visual effects ( so it's using software rendering and really really slow )03:52
paultagIt bugs out all the time ( if I had a fullscreen'ed app ( F11) and close it, it will break Mutter ( the menus will be slid off screen )03:52
paultagand I really don't want to use it03:52
nigelbpaultag: sudo apt-get installl kubuntu-netbook03:53
paultagand I'm a pretty patient guy. It seems cool as a concept, but it's not really fully implemented, I think03:53
paultagI think I'm going to install the old netbook-launcher from 10.04. That worked great, and honestly works orders of magnitude better03:55
jcastrore. mutter, I know dude, I know. :(04:04
jcastroI am in the same boat04:04
paultagjcastro, it looked so legit when it first got mocked up04:05
paultagjcastro, what happened, dude?04:05
jcastrodunno, I haven't talked to an intel guy in a while04:05
jcastrobut don't worry, it's on my todo at UDS04:05
paultagjcastro, killer, thanks man.04:06
JanCI think the old netbook-launcher was removed?04:29
JanConly the 2D netbook launcher still there?04:29
paultagJanC, if that's the case, I'm so backporting it to my PPA04:46
paultagThere's no way I can stick with Mutter, it's really cutting back my work efficiency04:47
doctormoHey everyone, can I get some review of Ubunchu chapter 07? http://divajutta.com/doctormo/ubunchu/ubunchu-07-ltr.pdf05:11
doctormoIt's awesome and is about installfests.05:11
doctormoNo one? jcastro, JanC, pleia2? All in bed?05:37
doctormopopey or jono_: you guys would like to read manga right?05:38
* doctormo taps the microphone, is this thing on.05:48
dholbachGood morning! :-)07:43
dholbachhey popey07:50
nigelbmorning dholbach , popey :)07:56
nigelbmorning dpm07:56
dholbachhi nigelb07:56
dholbachhey dpm07:56
dpmmorning dholbach, morning nigelb!07:57
dpmgood morning everyone!07:57
dpmhey kim0, good morning!07:57
kim0dpm: morning man :)07:58
nigelbkim0: heya!07:58
nigelbkim0: how did the first IRC session feel?07:58
kim0nigelb: howdy nigel07:58
kim0it went very smooth actually07:58
kim0I was thinking I'd finish in 30mins or so07:58
kim0and I was glad it took me the full hour07:58
kim0some people attending told me they liked it a lot07:59
kim0so very cool :)07:59
dholbachkim0, did you get lots of questions?07:59
kim0well I guess yeah08:00
kim0I answered like 8 .. and there was more08:00
dholbachkim0, nice08:00
dholbachhola ara!08:00
aragood morning dholbach, all08:01
nigelbkim0: that is awesome :)08:01
nigelbmorning ara :)08:01
kim0hhowdy ara08:01
aramorning nigelb, kim0 :)08:01
aradholbach, 0ºC already!08:02
dholbachara, I was out for a run this morning - I noticed :-P08:03
dholbachara, now let's go for the next 20 degrees down from 0°C :)08:03
kim037ºC in Cairo08:03
kim0I need to get into exporting heat business08:04
dpmmorning ara08:05
aramorning dpm08:06
jussi01_we had snow tuesday and today08:09
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
jono_dholbach, what is the current progress on the stats?08:32
dholbachjono_, I'm working on it08:32
jono_I am going to bed09:38
jono_night all!09:38
dpmeveryone's back!10:04
nigelbI wonder which server is down10:05
dpmhola randa10:10
randahi dpm10:10
nigelbgood morning randa :)10:10
dholbachhola randa10:11
randahi dholbach hi nigelb :)10:11
doctormoMorning all10:56
Pendulumhiya doctormo10:58
doctormoPendulum: Did you see my post last night about Ubunchu 07?10:58
Pendulumdoctormo: that it's almost out?11:01
doctormoPendulum: Under review, I need reviewers: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/ubunchu/ubunchu-07-ltr.pdf11:03
nigelbdoctormo: It is awesome :)11:03
nigelbBy the time I could say that, you got depressed and left :p11:03
doctormonigelb: No I didn't, I got itching to fix my computer and needed to reboot... which I'm still trying to do.11:04
doctormoPoor computer.11:04
nigelbYou're still trying to reboot? :p11:05
jussiummm, where do we put community blueprints this uds? jcastro's email doesnt mention community as a category... ?11:06
popeyhullo doctormo11:07
popey05:38:17 < doctormo> popey or jono_: you guys would like to read manga right?11:07
popeynope :)11:07
dpmjussi, I think you can put them in the same categories as others. So if it's Ubuntu community-related, they'd go to ubuntutheproject-community-n-*, but I'd wait for jcastro to wake up and confirm11:36
jussidpm: ok, thanks. I just got a bit confuzzled....11:37
doctormonigelb: I'm still trying to burn a cd of 10.10 that doesn't fail.11:50
doctormopopey: Thanks for mentioning me twice on your podcast, much obliged.11:51
doctormopopey: Besides, you'd have a read of Ubunchu for either a) your podcast b) because it's about installfests or c) for a scooby snack.11:54
popeydoctormo: np :)11:56
nigelbscooby snack ahaha!11:56
popeyScooby snacks!11:56
popeyRuh Roh!11:56
* doctormo gets the box and gets one and gives to popey11:57
* nigelb looks at doctormo with a dad face11:57
* doctormo gives nigelb a scrappy-snack11:58
jussi!opsnack | doctormo11:58
ubot2doctormo: Chocolate! And Raisins! And ICE CREAM! ooo! and 60 minutes +m!11:58
ubot2Yum! Err, I mean, APT!11:58
ubot2Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:58
nigelb!pmthebot | jussi11:59
ubot2Factoid 'pmthebot' not found11:59
jussi!botabuse | nigelb11:59
ubot2nigelb: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:59
nigelbRight !11:59
jussiI win...11:59
doctormojussi: Please add scooby snack to ubot211:59
jussi!search scooby12:00
ubot2Found: scoobysnack-#ubuntuforums, scoobysnacks12:00
ubot2I prefer botsnacks, but thanks for the thought.12:00
nigelbjussi: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play12:00
jussidoctormo: its there!12:00
jussilol, I just tried to refresh (f5) irc....12:03
* nigelb hugs jussi 12:03
nigelbjussi: I did that on code earlier today12:04
doctormoTime to reboot for maverick attempt 612:10
duanedesignmorning all12:50
nigelbmorning duanedesign12:51
nigelbglad to see you awake after sunrise12:52
duanedesignnigelb: yeah trying to keep a little more sane hours12:52
duanedesignwe had an earthquake yesterday12:53
duanedesignfirst earthquake i have ever been in.12:54
nigelbeverything all right?12:54
duanedesignyes, thank you. I thinkit was small as far as earthquakes go, a 5.112:54
duanedesigntotally weeird because they never happen where i live12:55
duanedesignerr, never happened12:55
nigelbIsn't it the west coast where its more common?12:56
* nigelb thinks CA12:56
nigelbJFo: what did you do to distract that little girl into crashing into 2 telephone poles! :p13:28
JFoI didn't even know it had hapened13:29
nigelbgood morning btw13:29
JFosounded like my neighbor had slammed his trash can lid13:29
JFogood morning13:29
nigelbyou have fun neighbours13:29
JFoI slept last night at the proper time! \o/13:29
JFoI'm so happy13:29
JFowell, this guy is usually quiet13:29
JFoso I thought that was odd13:29
doctormonigelb: Installation 6 failed13:30
nigelbdoctormo: now you scare me13:30
nigelbI was plannin on upgrading tonight13:30
doctormoJFo: Our neighbours delight in frequent carnal sounds. You'd think they had a record.13:30
JFoheh, when I lived in my last apartment several years ago, there was a couple upstairs that did that every morning13:32
doctormonigelb: Do you have nvidia? those evil ahem CoC off: sniveling little toads with about as much sense as a neomode worm, I am put out and offended again by their product's instability and their lack of willingness to propperly enter into the  community on terms that ensure their priducts continued healthy support.13:32
JFoit was odd to be getting ready for work to a soundtrack like that13:32
nigelbdoctormo: I have worse.  ATI.13:33
nigelbJFo: heh, I worked nights and there was a hotel next door.13:33
nigelbWe had one night of fun with a couple arguing in their hotel room13:33
doctormonigelb: No, ATI have a future, even if their status is grim. nvidia's future is grim even if their status is ok.13:33
AlanBellJFo: nigelb: if you can't beat them, join them.13:33
JFoAlanBell, :)13:33
nigelbAlanBell: HAHA13:33
doctormoAlanBell: Did you read the Ubunchu 07 link I posted?13:34
Pendulumdoctormo: I did notice one thing in Ubunchu 07 that's incorrect punctuation/format for English13:35
doctormoThat's what I'm looking for13:36
AlanBelldoctormo: yeah, downloaded it, haven't read it yet13:39
akgranerhighvoltage, ping - will you be able to do the Ubuntu in Education session today?13:43
akgranerjcastro, I need to get offline for a few changing locations - bbiab - not sure about the last session for today dinda is in Hong Kong today and can't do her session13:43
popeyAlanBell: where from?13:44
AlanBelldoctormo: s/Did you set up the PE environment/Did you set up the PXE environment/ I think13:44
AlanBelland whut?? you can netboot windows 7?13:46
nigelbakgraner: ah, so I person to hunt down today13:52
nigelbduanedesign: all good for today's session?13:52
kim0wow that ubunchu mag is so awesome!13:55
kim0love the graphics13:55
* dpm lunches after having written the longest e-mail reply in months13:56
kim0dpm: finger pain huh ;)13:56
highvoltageakgraner: hmm, I haven't prepared anythin14:01
nigelbhighvoltage: you've got close to 5 hours, can you take over? :)14:02
highvoltagenigelb: so that's at 18:00 UTC right?14:02
duanedesignnigelb: yep yep, thank you14:03
nigelbhighvoltage: ^^14:03
nigelbBST != UTC :D14:03
nigelbduanedesign: thanks, just checking for less heartbreaks/running around later14:04
highvoltagethat gives me close to 4 hours then :)14:05
nigelbyeah, I need to learn to add/subtract14:05
highvoltagenigelb: ok, I can do it, I can't promise fireworks though :)14:05
nigelbhighvoltage: \o/14:05
nigelbhighvoltage: I'm still not sure if dinda will turn up14:05
nigelbthe time zone is bound to be awful, so less likely14:06
highvoltageyeah it's just after lunch for me so I'll have to keep it to a small lunch :)14:08
nigelbI hope i stay awake till then14:08
doctormoAlanBell: I don't think you can netboot windows 7, I think it's a plot fantasy.14:21
doctormothanks guys.14:21
highvoltageyou can netbook LTSP and connect to a windows 7 session at least14:22
dpmkim0, rather mental pain :)14:36
jcastro_akgraner: we doing our skype thing this time?14:41
=== nisshh_linux is now known as nisshh
akgranerjcastro_, I can't not at my house at the moment :-(14:45
doctormohighvoltage: You can also image machines using Linux PXE, but it's still one of those heyhoos.15:35
highvoltageI don't see how that's relevant to me.15:35
highvoltage(well, I've imaged lots of machines using PXE in the past, but I didn't ask anything about that :) )15:36
nigelbhaha, I love sabdfl's last response :p15:37
doctormonigelb: oh in the session?15:37
nigelbdoctormo: yep, heh15:38
doctormonigelb: I missed it, can you put it in backroom?15:38
nigelbdoctormo: I shall PM15:38
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
jonohey all16:02
nigelbthat was one fun session16:03
* duanedesign nods16:03
doctormoyep nigelb16:03
doctormoHey jono,16:03
nigelbhats off to jorge for dealing with questions16:04
jcastrothat guy16:04
* nigelb hugs jcastro 16:04
jcastrohe's one of jono's friends or something16:04
nigelboh? /me looks at jono16:04
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
dholbachhey jono16:13
jonojcastro, who is one of my friends?16:13
jcastroyou know, one of your boycottnovell buddies16:13
nigelbthe guy who just bugged jorge for like 1 hour16:14
jcastrohighvoltage: thanks for your help there16:14
nigelbgah, I should leave and I don't feel like it16:14
* nigelb feels for charlie16:15
highvoltagenigelb: +1, jcastro did a really good job with those questions!16:15
nigelbthat guy is bugging him16:15
jcastroisn't there some irc dude who can talk to him16:15
jcastrooh, I know the perfect man for this16:15
jcastrojussi: ping.16:15
nigelbheh, I was just about to ping jussi16:16
* nigelb goes back home, later all!16:16
highvoltagebye nigelb16:17
doctormojcastro: In what kind of a fight, he doesn't seem much of an irc fighter.16:17
jcastroI just don't get his motivation16:27
jcastrojono: have you accepted any more bp's?16:34
jcastrothe more you accept before EOD today the less work you'll have next week16:35
dpmjcastro, don't teach jono managing tricks, he might end up using them against us!16:36
doctormodpm: Rememeber the motto: We ARE a herd of cats! If only we believe we can be!16:39
jonojcastro, sebsebseb is not a buddy :)16:50
Tm_Thi alll16:52
jcastroI hope everyone saw mark talking about this this morning16:58
kim0really cool indeed :)16:59
jonodpm, wrapping a call, will be a few mins17:00
dpmjono, no worries, I'm in mumble, just ping me when ready17:00
Technovikingis there a way to Ubuntu StackExchange?17:08
dholbachok, I'm calling it a day17:09
dholbachhave a good one everyone and see you tomorrow17:10
* dholbach hugs you all17:10
jonodpm, ok, wrapped, grabbing headphones and then getting into the call17:10
* jono still jet lagged17:10
jonono sleep last night again17:10
dpmjono, ok, just (literally) give me a shout!17:10
jcastroeveryone is having insomnia!17:10
jcastrodholbach: ^^ one more17:10
dholbachjcastro, hall-of-no-sleep.ubuntu.com17:12
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!17:13
dholbachand go to bed!17:13
nisshhout of the 14 channels i am in, this is the ONLY active one and has been the only active one for the last 3 hours :)17:14
nisshhthat just shows how awesome you all are :)17:14
TechnovikingWTF! users with less than 150 reputation can't create new tags. The tag 'macbookpro' is new. Try using an existing tag instead.17:17
nigelbjcastro: you want to step in to -backstage for feedback re:bot ?17:45
paultagjcastro, I'm backporting netbook-launcher as we speak ( ssshhh, don't tell anyone )17:51
paultagI had an off FTBFS, so who knows if I can actually do it or not17:52
paultagan odd *17:52
dpmok everyone, time to call it a day. See you tomorrow!18:04
jcastroakgraner: hah, jill at lunch was like "how was your date with amber this morning?"18:29
akgranershe must have talked to Pete - he mumbled something similar18:29
jussijcastro: pong18:30
nigelbok, bed time for real!18:31
nigelblater all18:31
akgranerjcastro, you should have only gotten 2 emails from me this morning :-)18:31
akgranernigelb, thanks!18:31
jussijcastro: is this re: sebsebseb ?:(18:32
jcastrojussi: yeah what's up with that guy18:32
jussijcastro: I dont know, but he has a record... so to speak...18:32
jcastroyeah I am aware of that18:33
jcastrojono: can we mumbles later today, it's nothing urgent18:35
jussijcastro: can you clarify for me? [13:06:45] <jussi> ummm, where do we put community blueprints this uds? jcastro's email doesnt mention community as a category... ?18:38
jcastrodepends what track it falls under18:38
jcastrowhat's the subject?18:38
jussiI want to put something into what was the community track last uds18:38
jussiIRC things18:38
jcastroubuntutheproject-community-n-blah then18:38
jussiok, that helps. thanks!18:39
jcastroakgraner: O M G.18:39
jcastroakgraner: how long have we had GOOGLE DOCS for UBUNTU.COM domains?18:40
akgranersince it's easier for me to build stuff there :-)18:40
jcastrono I mean, how long has that been available18:40
jcastroakgraner: is it possible to embed stuff in the wiki? like the calendar and or a spreadsheet?18:41
jcastro|| I || think we should || check it out || don't you? ||18:42
akgranerhell yes18:42
akgraneropps I mean yes of course18:42
jcastroif we could use a real spreadsheet .... whoa18:42
jcastrobless your heart!18:42
AlanBelltechnically anything is possible with moin wiki plugins18:42
akgranerI know you can embed calendars  - but it's ugly18:42
akgranerand I know you can put html code into a wiki with the right mark up18:43
AlanBellno, most interesting markup gets stripped out18:43
AlanBellwithout a suitable plugin or macro to make sure you are embedding safe stuff18:44
AlanBellwhich I can write, but I can't deploy18:44
* jcastro wish we had more time to invest in our tools18:44
jcastrosome days, between the wiki and lp ....18:45
akgranerI read about a plugin in for moinmoin when I was adding the HTML version of the logs way back when18:45
AlanBellthe wiki is totally fixable18:45
AlanBellit is not a technical problem18:45
akgraneris that something different  - remember you said it felt like cheating or something b/c I was using those tags18:46
AlanBellyes akgraner that was using the HTML plugin, but it only allows certain markup like colours and fonts, it won't let you do javascript or iframes18:47
AlanBellfor good reason18:47
AlanBellbut what you want is a plugin that doesn't just create arbitary iframes, but one that will embed a specific google doc for example18:48
akgranerI hate creating those table that are long with those || UGH18:49
AlanBellit is only about 20 lines of python to do that (18 of which are copied from a template)18:49
AlanBellthe big issue for tables and embedding of spreadsheets is that my fluid width changes don't seem to have been accepted18:50
AlanBellalong with the aubergine headings :(18:50
akgranerI am a spreadsheet junkie18:54
akgranerlove them18:54
JFo"<akgraner> I am a spreadsheet junkie" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++118:55
akgranerJFo, no-one poked the peanut gallery :-P18:55
JFono one needed to18:56
JFoI smell truth from  a mile away :)18:56
sensegood evening19:30
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sensehello czajkowski!20:19
highvoltageıʞsʍoʞɾɐzɔ ɐɥoʃɐ20:26
czajkowskihighvoltage: :D20:26
kim0wow! how do you do that20:28
senseAbusing unicode! :P20:28
kim0indeed :)20:28
highvoltageoh I just hang upside down while typing20:28
* kim0 ties the rope20:29
AlanBellɯʇɥ˙uʍop-ǝpısdn/ʇxǝʇ/ʇɹǝʌuoɔ/oɟuı˙ʇɐɯɹoɟǝʃıɟ˙ʍʍʍ//:dʇʇɥ oʇ ƃuıoƃ ʎɹʇ '0ɯıʞ20:29
kim0w t h20:29
* Pici turns his monitor upside-down20:30
highvoltageɥ ʇ ʍ20:30
kim0uʍop ǝpısdn ɐɯ ʞooʃ20:32
kim0how do I actually type in unicode on my keyboard20:32
kim0wasn't there some way to press ALT and enter numeric keycode or something20:32
sensePress Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U and then type the numeral code.20:33
sensethen enter20:33
kim0does that work on gnome-terminal ?20:33
sensenot sure20:33
sensenot in Guake20:33
senses/numer code/unicode code20:34
kim0sense: can u gimme a valid code20:34
highvoltageon all terminals, it should work if you press ctrl+shift+u20:34
highvoltageotherwise you're just using a crappy terminal emulator :)20:34
highvoltage(it should work in all graphical applications too)20:34
duanedesignhighvoltage: aha, it does20:35
sense20AC is the code for €20:35
highvoltagepressing lift-alt + 5 should also give you that on most keyboards20:35
sense2014 for —, 2013 for –, 2012 for ‒ and 2011 for ‑20:35
highvoltageI mean, right-alt :)20:35
AlanBell20A8 is the new rupee ₹ which *just* made it into maverick20:36
senseAlt Gr + 5 = €20:36
highvoltagewhoah, I'm not even using the ubuntu font in my terminal and it displays fine here20:36
highvoltagecool :)20:36
senseI get Rs in XChat.20:36
highvoltagetomboy also shows Rs20:37
highvoltageI'm using the DejaVu Sans Mono Book font in my terminal20:37
highvoltageso that font seems quite up to date then :)20:37
AlanBellhighvoltage: that is the magic of the font server20:38
AlanBellit will try very hard to find something it can display, even if it has to use a different font to do so20:38
sense₨ is still Rs with the Ubuntu font as well.20:38
AlanBellyes, it is a new codepoint20:39
AlanBellwhich isn't yet in charmap20:40
AlanBellor actually I think it might be now in the upstream as of Monday when Unicode 6 got released20:40
senseAlanBell: How come you have it? :)20:40
AlanBellbug 65535720:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 655357 in gucharmap (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Charmap does not know about U+20B9 (Indian Rupee Sign) (affects: 1) (heat: 579)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65535720:41
senseAh, another code for ₹20:42
senseBy the way, is it ₹20.50 or 20.50₹ ?20:43
akgranerI have to change from gmail to something else.  I'm trying to decide between Thunderbird or Evolution - thoughts?20:59
highvoltageit's weird in canada they say $4 or 4$20:59
senseakgraner: I've found Thunderbird to be more stable, cleaner and also powerful.21:01
akgranersense thanks - I am dreading setting up something new21:02
senseakgraner: Thunderbird has tabs! :) And you can integrate a calendar into if you want.21:02
akgranerand I really don't want to have to set them both up... (lazy uh?)21:02
senseYou care about your time. :)21:04
czajkowskiare the logs up or UOW ?21:04
akgranerczajkowski, nope working on them now21:05
akgranershould have all of them up soon21:05
czajkowskiakgraner: where is the link anways so I dont bug folks again21:05
czajkowskiI can F5 :)21:05
czajkowskihad a few emails about one of the sessions21:06
akgranerahh ok one sec let me grab the link for ya21:06
duanedesignsense: ₹20.5021:06
akgranerI'll also link to the table as well21:06
senseduanedesign: ok21:06
akgranerwoo hoo  now I can tell people - I have a job now :-)21:07
duanedesignthe design proposal for the new rupee symbol is very interesting, IMHO. http://www.idc.iitb.ac.in/events/Indian_Rupee_Symbol.pdf21:07
senseUnicode symbols are quite interesting when start to become aware of the many language-specific characters that are available. E.g. 'ij' is one unicode character used in Dutch words, and we use ' – ' in sentences, where English uses '—'.21:09
akgranerI'm working for Linux New Media starting Monday - http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Blogs/ROSE-Blog-Rikki-s-Open-Source-Exchange/Announcing-our-new-Associate-Web-Editor21:09
duanedesignakgraner: awesome21:10
duanedesigncongratulations \o/21:10
senseakgraner: grats!21:10
akgranerThanks - I am so excited...21:17
senseakgraner: The downside of all your experience is now that will never be able to say that you are 'just' a regular housewife with little computer knowledge. You're getting quite experienced with Ubuntu!21:18
Pendulumsense: we kinda told her she couldn't say that anymore a while ago21:18
akgranersense - :-) yep - and I appreciate every single new thing I learn each day21:18
senselearning new things is great21:21
akgranerbut you know there is something comforting in that 'just'21:22
highvoltagejono: is this specification name right? and if so, could you approve it for the UDS-n sprint? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-project-edubuntu-n-community21:36
senseI'm going offline, bye everyone!21:40
Technovikingakgraner: CONGRATS!!!21:51
popeycongrats akgraner !21:53
akgranerTechnoviking, and popey thanks!21:59
highvoltageakgraner: whohoo! well done :)22:01
akgranerhighvoltage, thanks22:02
jcastro<-- END O DAY - askubuntu.com time!22:12
akgraneraskubuntu.com is like crack to jcastro22:15
Pendulumakgraner: it's not "like cracK" it is jcastro's crack22:16
jcastropure, refined.22:18
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jcastroJFo: fo fo23:28

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