
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell, RAOF ... I have a programming question about Pulse that I bet one of you guys can help with00:09
RAOFI'm moderately familiar with it, given my half-finished C# bindings :)00:09
rickspencer3I want to be able to pipe sound effects into "input"00:09
rickspencer3basically, I want to add sound effects when I am talking on the desktop00:10
rickspencer3someone suggested in #gstreamer that I would create a virtual input hook00:10
rickspencer3but google is not giving up the goods00:10
rickspencer3(just something to get me going in Google would be great)00:10
rickspencer3robert_ancell, btw, I totally ripped off your simple-* naming convention00:11
rickspencer3I have simpel-cam and simple-sounds already in my PPA00:11
RAOFSo, you basically want to stick a filter in the input path, right?  Or mix two separate sound sources into one input stream?00:11
rickspencer3sorry dude00:11
rickspencer3RAOF, I think I want to mix the sound sources00:11
rickspencer3so imagine we are on mumble, and you tell a joke00:12
rickspencer3I want to hit my "rimshot" sound effect, and have everyone in the channel hear it00:12
robert_ancellrickspencer3, heh, it's the new trend!00:12
robert_ancellrickspencer3, sorry, no pulse knowledge here00:13
RAOFI think you want to set up a virtual source, in a mirror-image to the virtual sink that paprefs gives you.00:13
RAOFOne of the pa* apps has a checkbox to set up a virtual sink that combines all your outputs into a single virtual soundcard; you should be able to do the same, but for input.00:14
rickspencer3this seems really unnecessarily complex00:15
rickspencer3thanks RAOF, I00:15
rickspencer3'll see what Google turns up00:15
RAOFIt's possible there's an easier way to do it; that's just what I'd look at off the top of my head.00:16
TheMusorickspencer3: I think RAOF is on the right track. I must admit I haven't delved into Pulse that deeply. For such tasks I usually turn to jack.01:10
rickspencer3TheMuso, how would you suggest I solve the problem?01:15
rickspencer3I guess Pulse is really just a means to an end01:15
rickspencer3should I go through alsa or such?01:16
TheMusoYeah, I'd have to research the pulse method, because jack stuff can get complex.01:16
rickspencer3it may shock you to hear that I can find no documentation or sample code for this01:16
TheMusoRight. So far as I can tell after a quick look, one has to use ocmmand-line utilities to set up virtual streams.01:17
RAOFOr link to libpulse.01:18
RAOFBut you're probably writing python, and manually generating bindings for pulse is not going to be a barell of laughs.01:19
TheMusoThe other method I have in mind requires either manual intervention using pavucontrol, or more pulse library calls.01:20
rickspencer3geez, I guess I could write a little c-wrapper01:20
rickspencer3but it seems a bit over the top01:20
TheMusoThe method is using the monitor stream to record, the monitor stream is basically whatever you hear from your speakers.01:20
RAOFUsing python ctypes and binding just enough to do what you want wouldn't be abominably hard, I guess.01:21
rickspencer3but stupid01:21
rickspencer3I mean, geez01:21
rickspencer3I guess I can just shell out to cli toos01:21
RAOFThe cli tools aren't terrible; I used them for my unittests.01:22
* TheMuso is trying to find stuff he remembers seeing about virtual streams, and creating them.01:24
crimsunwhy wouldn't you be using libcanberra?01:25
TheMusoActually, thats a good point.01:25
RAOFBecause it hasn't got python bindings?  And does it actually cover this?01:26
RAOFYeah, it's all about the event sounds.  Different domain.01:26
crimsunas it stands *now*, yes.  As it was intended, no.01:27
RAOFIt was also intended to be able to insert event sounds into the input stream?01:28
RAOFOr as a general audio connection library?01:28
crimsunthe latter moreso01:30
* mclasen recommends https://tango.0pointer.de/pipermail/pulseaudio-discuss as good place to gain pulseaudio knowledge01:32
* TheMuso is on that list, and searching archives for info.01:33
Cimikenvandine: ping01:34
TheMusoHrm, can't seem to find what I thought I remember seeing, how to set up a virtual device etc. No commands/modules stand out as being needed to do this...01:50
kenvandinehey Cimi02:38
Cimihi kenvandine02:44
Cimikenvandine: I was wondering why murrine doesn't build in the PPA with dh_gtkmodules02:44
kenvandinegot a build log?02:45
CimiI had to upload a version without it02:45
Cimimake: dh_gtkmodules: Command not found02:46
Cimimake: *** [binary-arch] Error 12702:46
Cimikenvandine: ^^02:46
Cimianyway here's the blog post: :) http://www.cimitan.com/blog/2010/10/14/murrine-and-ubuntus-light-themes-ported-to-gtk-30-with-a-ppa/02:46
kenvandinebuild depends02:47
kenvandinelibgtk2.0-dev contains that02:47
kenvandinethe 3.0 version must not02:47
Cimiit's something for seb12802:47
kenvandinelet him know02:47
Cimiwill do tomorrow02:47
Cimieven though02:47
kenvandinelibgtk2.0-dev: /usr/bin/dh_gtkmodules02:47
CimiI'm not sure it is needed for murrine02:48
kenvandineso i assume it is just missing in the new package02:48
kenvandineor maybe it is /usr/bin/dh_gtk3modules or something02:48
Cimikenvandine: thank you, going to bed02:50
Cimi4am here :)02:50
kenvandinegood night!02:56
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pittiGood morning07:20
TheMusoMorning pitti.07:31
pittirobert_ancell: would you mind reuploading simple-scan with -v to include the previous changelog?07:50
pittiTheMuso: can you please reupload pulseaudio with a fixed bug reference in the changelog? It's missing the #08:00
TheMusopitti: Whoops, thanks, will do.08:00
pittiTheMuso: thanks08:00
TheMusopitti: Done.08:02
TheMusoI really should have caught that earlier, due to not receiving an email stating that a branch for maverick had been linked. Oh well.08:03
pittino problem :)08:03
didrocksgood morning08:05
TheMusoMorning didrocks.08:05
didrockshey TheMuso, how are you?08:06
TheMusodidrocks: Not too bad thanks. Starting to get a small taste of summer, and not really being ready for it. Yourself?08:06
didrocksTheMuso: starting to get a small taste of winter here :)08:06
robert_ancellpitti, just dput -v the previous .changes file?08:18
geserrobert_ancell: debuild -v to get the previous changelog entries into the .changes file and then dput08:20
didrockshey robert_ancell, did you have some good vacation?08:20
robert_ancelldidrocks, sure did08:21
robert_ancellgeser, thanks08:22
robert_ancellgeser, -v 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick) or -v 2.32.0-0ubuntu2 (maverick-proposed) ?08:22
geserwhich version are you going to upload?08:23
seb128hey didrocks robert_ancell08:23
seb128hey geser08:24
didrockssalut seb12808:24
robert_ancellgeser, I'm uploading 2.32.0-0ubuntu308:24
seb128didrocks, ca va ?08:24
robert_ancellseb128, hey08:24
geserseb128: Hi08:24
seb128robert_ancell, how are you? got my email?08:24
robert_ancellseb128, good, sure did08:24
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, merci, et toi ? :)08:24
seb128didrocks, ca va ;-)08:24
seb128robert_ancell, ok, great, welcome back btw ;-)08:24
robert_ancellseb128, thanks, UDS is rushing up fast :)08:25
seb128robert_ancell, don't forget the register blueprints!08:25
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I'll have them done this week... :)08:25
geserrobert_ancell: -v2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (the last changelog entry is there by default and pitti wanted the previous one too)08:25
seb128robert_ancell, only one day left this week ;-)08:25
pittirobert_ancell: debuild -S -v<maverick version>08:26
pittirobert_ancell: so that the source.changes will include the last two records08:26
robert_ancellso -v means, report all changelog entries after the one specified?08:26
robert_ancellpitti, ok, uploaded08:26
pittirobert_ancell: right08:27
pittirobert_ancell: thanks08:27
geserrobert_ancell: see "man dpkg-genchanges" for the meaning of -v08:27
robert_ancellseb128, how are things in Maverick generally?  I've fixed the annoying bugs in gcalctool and simple-scan, haven't heard of any other stuff needing much sru work08:27
robert_ancellgeser, ah, thanks08:27
seb128robert_ancell, the maverick desktop is solid, let's not spend lot of time on srus but start rather on the new unstable08:28
seb128robert_ancell, did you see I got gtk3 builds running?08:28
robert_ancellI read that, haven't tried it yet08:28
seb128though the amd64 buildds don't like it for some reason08:28
seb128robert_ancell, I want to settle the gtk3 platform early in maverick08:29
seb128ups, natty08:29
seb128so we can do gradual updates08:29
robert_ancellseb128, yes, better to be broken early rather than later08:29
seb128speaking of which08:29
robert_ancellseb128, what about firefox and GTK+?08:29
TheMusoI remember seeing a spec for UDS about moving to firefox 4.08:30
seb128the gobject-introspection upstream broke abi again08:30
robert_ancellseb128, yes, I saw that just before I left.  Wasn't impressed....08:30
seb128robert_ancell, you mean? what about those?08:30
robert_ancellseb128, will FF work with GTK3?08:30
seb128robert_ancell, well since we will rebuild a lot when the new distro open08:30
seb128we should maybe land the new gobject-introspection this week08:30
seb128or early next week08:30
robert_ancell+1, I can do that08:31
seb128so we start on the new abi and avoid another transition08:31
seb128robert_ancell, that would be great08:31
seb128I will keep on gtk3 then08:31
seb128Cimi got a murrine build for it08:31
seb128I will do some other libs today08:31
seb128robert_ancell, not sure about firefox but I doubt we will get ride of gtk2 in one cycle08:31
seb128we will need both versions on the CD08:32
seb128would it only be for pygtk08:32
seb128we will probably not port software-center etc to pygi in one cycle08:32
robert_ancellyeah, I thought so08:32
seb128not to mention that there is no bindings to port tomboy or banshee08:32
seb128robert_ancell, btw read query08:33
robert_ancellseb128, read query?08:34
seb128robert_ancell, what IRC client do you use? ;-)08:35
bilalakhtarrobert_ancell: Welcome back :D08:35
robert_ancellbilalakhtar, hi, thanks08:35
seb128robert_ancell, you should have a entry on the left with me name :p08:35
robert_ancellseb128, ? I'm confused08:36
seb128with *my* name08:36
seb128robert_ancell, I opened a query on the other IRC and I've been writting to you08:36
seb128I'm wondering now if that's my client having issues08:36
robert_ancellseb128, private message?  I'm not seeing one08:36
seb128robert_ancell, seems my IRC client was having issues08:40
seb128it showed me connected but I was getting nothing from the server since I connected08:40
bilalakhtarseb128: xchat is having issues?08:41
seb128dunno that's the first time that happens08:42
Cimiseb128: I've created a ppa08:42
seb128anyway after a reconnect it works08:42
seb128hey Cimi08:43
bilalakhtarnow my client faced issues :D08:43
Cimiseb128: http://www.cimitan.com/blog/2010/10/14/murrine-and-ubuntus-light-themes-ported-to-gtk-30-with-a-ppa/08:44
Cimiseb128: also, I guess your libgtk3.0-dev lacks of /usr/bin/dh_gtkmodules08:45
Cimior /usr/bin/dh_gtk3modules08:45
seb128slomo, ^ do you know about that?08:45
CimiI had to disavle it in order to compile murrine in the PPA08:45
Cimiseb128: it's a debian helper script related to gtk+ modules08:46
Cimias long as I know it's installed with libgtk2.0-dev08:46
Cimiit was used in gtk2-engines-murrine, but I removed it from 3.0 because it was not building08:47
slomoseb128: there should be no need for that anymore08:56
seb128Cimi, ^08:56
seb128Cimi, what error did you get without it?08:57
Cimihttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/57576195/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1%2Bgit20101013-0ubuntu1~build1 │ chaotic08:57
Cimiseb128: ^^08:58
seb128well seems you just need to update your rules to not call it08:58
Cimiseb128: that's exactly what I did for ~build208:59
seb128ok great08:59
Cimiseb128: not sure if you want to ship murrine in your ppa09:01
Cimiseb128: or leave it in mine09:01
seb128I will ship it in the gtk3 one09:01
seb128we want everything in one location09:01
Cimianyway that was a good training for me :-)09:02
Cimiivanka: I know you are at home, anyway you might be interested http://goo.gl/lUUR09:06
pittididrocks: eww, why does lp:ubuntu/lucid/indicator-sound have all the maverick bits? seems there's no proper lucid branch for indicator-sound now?09:42
didrockspitti: let me check09:42
didrockspitti: are you sure it's me, I don't think I dealt with 0.4.8-0ubuntu1?09:45
pittibzr lp-open lp:ubuntu/lucid/indicator-sound09:46
pittithis opens https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-sound/ubuntu09:46
pittiit seems that the ubuntu/lucid/indicator-sound pointer is wrong somehow09:46
pittiand no james_w around :/09:46
didrocksright, it souldn't open that one…09:47
pittiI'll try lp:ubuntu/lucid-updates/indicator-sound then09:47
didrocksoh, didn't know about that one. Was thinking we kept using ubuntu/<version>09:48
pittiright, that works fine09:48
pittiso something screwed up the lucid/indicator-sound link09:49
pittididrocks: nevermind then, thanks09:49
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* ari-tczew has done merge epiphany-browser from Debian unstable and it's ready to upload.10:26
pittiari-tczew: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=1 will gladly welcome it amongst its peers :)10:31
ari-tczewpitti: I'm not convinced to upload it right now. However, it built fine on my pbuilder-dist maverick.10:32
seb128why not uploading?10:45
ari-tczewseb128: apprehension to ftbfs10:49
ari-tczewanyway, small chances10:50
seb128it's early in the unstable cycle10:50
seb128if it fails to build somebody will fix it10:50
seb128otherwise if you don't upload it might be that somebody just redo your work10:50
ari-tczewseb128: right, I'll upload it soon.10:51
TheMusoWht the big amount of changes going in at the beginning of a cycle, packages FTBFS is almost 100% sure to happen.10:53
pittiright; we usually throw it all into the big pot, stir well, and see what falls out10:53
pittiand it usually works reasonably well10:54
davidbarthseb128: who's the X guy in this timezone? i have an annoying dri/radeon crasher with a stack trace11:04
seb128try #ubuntu-x11:04
seb128we have no assigned canonical staff working on X in this timezone11:04
davidbarthseb128: for filing a bug report, preferably mesa or is there something more specific to track it?11:04
pittior file a bug and subscribe RAOFG11:05
pittiRAOF, even11:05
seb128you should ask on #ubuntu-x11:05
seb128or what pitti said11:05
seb128they will reassign if required11:05
davidbarthright, i'll subscribe RAOF11:05
davidbarthcool thanks11:05
ari-tczewpitti: new development cycle always starts with merges in queue?11:17
pittiari-tczew: yes, we always start a new release in "frozen" state -- we need to settle the toolchain first11:18
pittiso that all builds happen against the new natty toolchain11:18
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
slomoseb128: saw what i've written about dh_gtkmodules?11:48
ari-tczewepiphany-browser uploaded to natty queue.11:55
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128slomo, yes, thanks, it was just a leftover in the theme rules12:16
Cimiseb128: ping12:23
seb128Cimi, hey12:23
CimiI have a small problem12:23
Cimithe file12:23
Cimiis contained in both gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk3-engines-murrine12:24
Cimithis produces a conflict at the install12:24
Cimiseb128: ^^12:24
Cimiso, what do I need to do? :( renaming the xml to a different name, or simply don't care when dpkg will overwrite? (and how can I tell apt to ignore the overwrite error)?12:25
seb128Cimi, dpkg will not ignore the overwrite12:26
kenvandineCimi, you have to rename it12:26
seb128did you try to see what the gtk-engines guy did?12:26
seb128not sure if you should change the directory or the xml12:26
Cimiseb128: no12:26
Cimilet me see12:26
seb128but you need to rename it in some way12:27
Cimiseb128: they place them in /usr/share/gtk-engines/3.0/12:27
Cimilet me update the engine12:28
Cimiseb128: source uploaded to my PPA :)12:35
seb128Cimi, great12:35
Cimiseb128: it's easy to play with PPAs ;)12:35
TheMusoseb128: So is bonbo definitely going away in natty, i.e demoted to universe?12:43
seb128dunno yet, would be nice to get there though12:43
seb128do you know if the accessibility stack will stop using it?12:43
seb128it's probably one of the few remaining things depending on it12:45
Cimiseb128: launchpad told me it built the package, but there's no deb here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/cimi/theming/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gtk3-engines-murrine/12:46
seb128Cimi, could be that it's not published yet12:47
seb128wait a few minutes12:48
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Cimiseb128: is the versioning wrong?13:29
Cimiit doesn't update13:29
Cimi0.98.1.1+git20101014-0ubuntu1~build1 should be newer than
Cimioh no it works13:30
Cimithe problem is with the previous broken installation13:30
seb128Cimi, https://edge.launchpad.net/~cimi/+archive/theming/+build/199718813:30
seb128it worked13:30
nigelbha, future of blueprint, in tomby and synced :D13:38
ronocpitti, here is a fix for that regression -> https://launchpad.net/indicator-sound/sound-menu-v2/0.4.913:39
ronoclunch time13:39
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
mterryseb128, what's with https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds/+build/1996029 taking so long?  I saw it building last night, around the same step (looked like configure being run)13:53
seb128mterry, that I would like to know13:53
seb128it did built in less than 20 minutes on intel13:53
mterryThat's fast.  :)13:54
ari-tczewhey cyphermox14:08
* kenvandine runs out for a few, be back in about 30m14:19
seb128Cimi, one issue with your git snapshot, you don't have an orig tarball14:29
seb128Cimi, you should name the make dist tarball gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git20101014.orig.tar.gz14:30
mptmvo, do you have a few minutes to talk about this --add-on CD/DVD stuff?14:43
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Cimiseb128: isn't the source tarball obtained with debuild -S?14:50
Cimiseb128: but I'm sending source.changes14:51
Cimiseb128: with dput14:51
Cimiand debuild -S produces the tarball14:51
seb128but instead of having an upstream tarball and a diff.gz with the ubuntu diff you get one tarball14:52
seb128it means you are reuploading the source at each revision14:52
seb128rather than just uploading a new diff.gz14:52
mvompt: now is not ideal, I'm currently working on something different, later or maybe tomorrow morning?14:52
Cimiso how can I make this?14:52
seb128git clone ...14:52
seb128cd source14:52
seb128do make dist there14:53
Cimias I'm doing now14:53
seb128and rename the tarball there as indicated before14:53
Cimiok, but later I'll have to add the debian dir14:53
Cimiacquallt what I'm doing is:14:53
seb128run debuild -S14:53
Cimimaking dist14:53
seb128it will do the diff between your dir and the tarball14:54
Cimilet me try14:54
mptmvo, ok, how about 0830-0900 UTC?14:56
mpttomorrow morning14:56
Cimiseb128: I have gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git20101014.orig.tar.gz14:57
mptmvo, so 1030 your time14:57
Cimithen I do cd gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git2010101414:57
Cimihere, after editing the changelog bla bla14:57
CimiI run debuild -S14:57
mvompt: that is fine14:57
mvompt: thanks14:57
Cimiand it generates14:57
Cimiagain :(14:58
Cimino diff.gz14:58
seb128Cimi, can you pastebin the debuild -S log?14:58
seb128Cimi, the orig.tar.gz is in the same directory right?14:59
Cimiseb128: http://pastebin.com/zaNar55a15:00
Cimiseb128: in the parent dir15:00
Cimiseb128: where it puts the dsc etc etc15:00
seb128Cimi, can you pastebin a ls from the dir?15:01
Cimiseb128: parent?15:02
Cimiseb128: ^15:03
seb128Cimi, you did a typo15:04
seb128you need a "_"15:04
seb128between the name and version15:04
seb128not a "-"15:04
seb128-> gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git20101014.orig.tar.gz15:04
Cimioh ok15:04
seb128"-" can be part of the name, "_" is the char to use to split name and version15:05
didrockspitti: hey, can you please reject my e-d-s upload? I'll have another fix to backport to it15:08
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, cyphermox, didrocks, kenvandine, mterry, pitti, Riddell, TheMuso: I just got confirmation that the new Engineer Manager, Desktop will start on Monday!15:08
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)15:08
didrocksawesome \o/15:08
pittiTAKE THAT, EDS!15:08
* pitti swings slashaxe15:08
didrockspitti: :-)15:08
pittirickspencer3: /me does the desktop team dance15:09
Riddellrickspencer3: anyone nice?15:09
rickspencer3Riddell, yeah, I think so15:09
pittithe last desktop team manager who started his first day on a DX sprint did awesomely well15:09
rickspencer3he seems very nice, indeed15:09
mterry:)  I hope you think so15:09
rickspencer3pitti, that's because he was sitting next to you15:09
Cimiseb128: http://pastebin.com/qUMdqE5f15:10
* didrocks writes down. the new manager has to sit down next to pitti to be awesome :)15:10
seb128Cimi, great, it works ;-)15:10
didrockslet's write the 10 desktop team manager rules :)15:10
pitti1. must supply Seb and Didier with coffee and cookies15:10
Cimiseb128: mm15:11
Cimiseb128: I pastebin it because I'm not satisfied15:11
Cimidpkg-source: warning: source directory 'gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git20101014' is not <sourcepackage>-<upstreamversion> 'gtk3-engines-murrine-'15:11
Cimidpkg-source: warning: .orig directory name gtk3-engines-murrine_0.98.1.1+git20101014.orig is not <package>-<upstreamversion> (wanted gtk3-engines-murrine-
seb128Cimi, you should not rename the dir15:11
seb128only the tarball15:12
seb128Cimi, the dir should have a "-"15:12
Cimiseb128: and the tarball, should contain?15:12
seb128we don't repack tarballs15:13
seb128we usually take the upstream one15:13
seb128just rename it source_version.orig.tar.gz15:13
Cimilet me try15:13
didrockspitti: nice one :-)15:13
pittididrocks: if you tell him that Rick used to, I'll vouch for you15:13
rickspencer3pitti, I know you meant that as a joke, but I told him that his first priority is to do whatever it takes to get you guys through UDS efficiently15:14
didrocksok, let's not tell if it then :p15:14
pittiof course he'll then claim cookie/coffee supply rights from Rick, but we'll let that be SEP :)15:14
rickspencer3and I specifically mentioned "fetching coffee" if that's what is needed ;)15:14
seb128ok, doing a small work break, be back in a bit15:16
Cimiseb128: seems to work, but dput didn't send the tarball15:16
seb128Cimi, use debuild -S -sa15:16
seb128it usually send it only once15:17
seb128it does magic on the revision for that15:17
seb128you need to force it if you are not on -0ubuntu1 or -115:17
Cimiseb128: that worked!15:21
tremoluxhowdy seb128, I'm setting up this blueprint to track USC version 4.0 UI Enhancements:15:55
tremoluxand I'm wondering what I have not yet set up correctly there..15:55
tremoluxto make it show up for uds-n15:56
seb128tremolux, hey15:56
tremoluxseb128: hiya!15:56
seb128nothing, it just needs to get accepted for uds15:56
tremoluxseb128: ah, ok cool15:57
tremoluxseb128: thanks  :)15:57
seb128kenvandine, ups, I forgot to ping you yesterday but the pitivi guys said you forgot to add the patch to the serie15:57
seb128the bug you fixed just before maverick, so the fix is not used15:58
seb128tremolux, you're welcome15:58
* kenvandine looks15:58
seb128kenvandine, I told them we would fix it in a SRU, if you can check that... ;-)15:58
seb128kenvandine, thanks15:58
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kenvandineseb128, uploaded :)16:05
seb128kenvandine, thanks!16:05
* kenvandine should use one branch per package :)16:05
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seb128mvo, do you know why synaptic recommends libgnome2-perl?17:07
mvoseb128: yes, for debconf17:20
mvoseb128: for the gnome frontend17:21
seb128mvo, why don't you let debconf recommends it?17:21
mvoseb128: ask the debconf maintainer ;)17:21
mvoseb128: but I can make softare-center/aptdaemon do that17:21
mvoseb128: they use it as well17:21
seb128mvo, no you can't!17:21
seb128mvo, cf #ubuntu-devel btw ;-)17:22
seb128having libgnome libgnomevfs and perl17:22
seb128it's adding insanity to madness I say :p17:22
seb128we want to clean those and use gtk ;-)17:22
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mvoseb128: what does that mean - no debconf?17:24
seb128mvo, no, basically https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/+bug/41503817:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 415038 in debconf (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "port GNOME frontend to GtkAssistant (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,New]17:25
seb128mvo, ie using gtk rather than libgnome17:25
mvoseb128: aha, ok. fine with me :)17:25
seb128mvo, cjwatson said he would work on that, I will ping you to clean your recommends once it's done ;-)17:25
mvolooking forward to it17:26
* seb128 hugs mvo17:26
* mvo hugs seb12817:27
seb128pedro_, you can probably clean several rhythmbox bugs17:28
seb128pedro_, bug #65859017:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 658590 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "[10.10] Rhythmbox will not minimize to sound-indicator if music is not playing (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65859017:28
seb128pedro_, I've seen several "exit on close" bugs recently17:28
pedro_seb128, indeed, i've seen some like those as well, will have a look today after finishing with nautilus clean up17:33
seb128pedro_, thanks17:36
seb128pedro_, I've tried to ping cosimoc about the crash on eject17:36
seb128it's getting annoying17:36
* kenvandine grabs lunch, bbiab17:38
seb128rodrigo_, bug #660648 and bug #660647 could be for you18:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 660648 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Non translated elements in the interface (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66064818:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 660647 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution will not load images in email from contacts in Ubuntu One (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66064718:05
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ftaslomo, fyi, /wrt libvpx: http://codereview.chromium.org/3461024/show  (last comment, #7)21:15
TheMusorickspencer3: Awesome to hear.21:50
highvoltagerickspencer3: ooh, are you around on IRC atm? I sent you an email via launchpad about a spec I need targeted for UDS21:50
rickspencer3highvoltage, otp21:51
rickspencer3but I'll look in a few minutes21:51
highvoltagerickspencer3: thanks!21:51
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=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann

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