
bjfogasawara, still around? can you ssh to tangerine? I'm getting: shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory00:02
bjfogasawara, wasn't getting this 5 minutes ago00:02
ogasawarabjf: yah, lemme try00:02
ogasawarabjf: was able to ssh just fine, no errors00:03
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vanhoofbjf: /me is in too01:28
bjfvanhoof, good to know, it's strange though01:28
lucentI'm not usually so impatient :/04:26
lucent"ieee1394: remove the old IEEE 1394 driver stack" makes me nervous04:26
AceLan_lucent: could you file a bug to describe your problem more detail?04:31
lucentAceLan_: bug 657081  - what more can I do?05:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 657081 in linux (Ubuntu) "New firewire stack unreliable with Texas Instruments TSB82AA2 IEEE-1394b (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65708105:31
lucentfound a regression between 2.6.32-24-generic and 2.6.35-22-generic with a usb serial converter06:34
lucentworks in 2.6.32-24-generic, broken in 2.6.35-22-generic06:34
lucentreported bug 66031507:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 660315 in linux (Ubuntu) "U232-P9 USB Serial adapter not working in Ubuntu 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66031507:25
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smbmorning .*08:07
lucentgreetings :)08:09
smbapw, still can't hear you. :)08:42
lucentshould I wait for Manoj to triage my firewire bug report, or is it approrpiate for me to ask Stefan Richter?  08:53
lucentknowing full well that I am impatient, I also want to do everything I am expected to do in follow up08:53
smblucent, Why not asking him directly. Though sometimes a bit of patience is needed there. :)08:53
smbMaybe asks you to open an upstream bugzilla report which then could get linked to the lp report08:53
lucentI'm glad to have your opinion, thank you08:54
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smbI would think so (but must admit not to have used oprofile recently). 10:00
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jendapok, thanks!10:07
ckingapw, hibernate on hpmini, 18.2 seconds with swap in first 8MB, 25.5 seconds with swap in last 8MB10:30
apwcking, significant support to your other figures10:31
TeTeTapw+smb: I've tested the patch for bug 586325 the last couple of days and the customer also reports that it is working. Can it be applied to the next lucid kernel?11:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 586325 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "[i965q] Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E: changing resolution results in non working X (affects: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58632511:26
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JFoI slept at the proper time last night! \o/13:23
apwJFo, yay!!13:26
JFomay go offline in a bit. There was a wreck in front of my house that took out 2 telephone poles.13:27
JFothey will likely drop power as they fix/replace them13:28
JFoyeah, you should've seen the car13:28
apwi probabally will on one of those 'police video' shows13:28
JFothe officer outside that I spoke with said the girl driving was unhurt13:28
JFoshe was lucky13:28
JFoyou may indeed :)13:28
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apwTeTeT, proposed for SRU15:55
apwsmb, i've just dropped that backport patch (for the resolution issue) onto the kernel-team@ list, you might consider it for 2.6.32.x.y15:55
smbapw, I was just about to as. :)15:56
TeTeTapw: thanks a lot15:56
apwsmb, where can i find the sru template, my local copy has gone awol15:57
smbapw, Actually I might have already considered... I will know as soon as I see15:57
smbmail seems to be slow for me recently15:57
smbapw, Hm a template not sure there is something written down cleanly15:58
lagsmb: apw: Can you have a look at he patches I've submitted to the ML please?15:58
lagThey need to be in by Monday apparently15:58
lagIf they're okay, I'll submit an SRU15:59
lagDoes each patch need the SRU description, or can it be in [0/016:00
lagi.e. the cover letter16:00
apwthe SRU description is normally in the 0/0 and at the top of the description of the bug16:01
smblag, in 0/0 is sufficient16:01
lagShould I re-submit? 16:01
smbactually the patches should preferably be exactly like they could be applied16:01
smblag, had not yet time to look at them, so I don't know16:02
apwlag, how come the submitter has not signed them off16:02
lagI guess he would16:02
lagHe just emailed me the patches16:03
lagI can get him to16:03
apwyou can't guess, either he has or he hasn't and if he hasn't then they arn't safe to apply16:03
Q-FUNKit seems that bug #396286 is magically solved as of kernel 2.6.36-generic 0.216:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 396286 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Geode LX] [ION603] kernels >= 2.6.31 fail to boot [initramfs] (affects: 2) (heat: 26)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39628616:03
smbapw, bjf Just thinking on the tagging. Probably we could go for UBUNTU: ARM: for those changes we do for arm...16:04
bjfsmb, that's what I did for the ones i did yesterday for maverick (after your email)16:05
smbbjf, right, it seems to be a good idea to me (though we had not yet written something down on that wiki page we collect them). But those are special in the sense of usually not upstream which would otherwise be a requirement16:07
smblag, The patches are a bit hard to understand, but on the good side only affect the omap soc, so as long as they do not break compilation somewhere else any other problems do not affect the main distro. ;) If you resubmit them to sru don't forget to tell which release. The educated guess is Maverick but things get confusing for those who look after all releases.16:14
lagThat's no problem16:15
lagI will also put the branch name, as they are to be applied to the ti-omap4 branch only16:16
smblag, Good point, as some of the arm stuff goes to master and some not it is really hard to tell otherwise16:16
ogra_acsmb, would be good to have them uploaded today, we're a bit under time pressure with that fix16:17
smbapw, Your patch has been queued already16:17
ogra_ac(guessing its your duty now that maverick is released)16:17
smbogra_ac, You know that sru and quick are contradicting things. No, I am passing all pain to sconklin and bjf 16:18
ogra_achmm, k16:18
apwsmb, cool16:19
apwogra_ac, are you referring to the audio fixes ?16:20
smbI would assume so16:20
apwand are those ti-omap4 ?16:20
apwwe need to get the originator to sign them off16:20
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bjfapw, it's just an arm branch, we'll put anything in one of those16:34
ogra_achey !16:35
smblag, ogra_ac So as bjf had been acking them, I would go forward and apply them and initiate a test build upload16:36
ogra_acTHAT WOULD BE COOL16:36
* ogra_ac hates that the caps control led doesnt work here16:36
lagThanks smb16:37
lagThanks bjf 16:38
ckingogra, w/o a caps LED it's hard to debug the kernel :-)16:46
ogra_accking, you wouldnt want   to debug *that* kernel :)16:47
* ogra_ac is typing on an ac100 ... nvidia tegra 2.6.2916:47
ogra_acpatches from nvidia on top of .29 .... patches from toshiba on top of that16:48
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Matthew_Oh hello17:34
Matthew_Can somebody please help me on a particular issue17:35
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jjohansenbjf: ping, is there anything I can do to speedup moving the EC2 kernel through -proposed and into updates?18:58
bjfjjohansen, the only thing i can think of is for you and the server guys talk to pitti about it19:01
jjohansenbjf: okay thanks19:01
hermesJFo: ping, I was being told that you could help me around with starting some work on the Linux kernel. I am fairly a beginner so would appreciate if someone could team to help19:02
JFohi hermes 19:03
JFoindeed I can19:03
JFowhat specifically are you interested in?19:03
hermesIf you could direct me I could contribute and get some job done19:03
JFook cool :)19:03
bjfjjohansen, once a kernel is in -proposed it's out of our control (mostly)19:03
hermesJFo: I have loved system programming and have a lot of inclination towards it, would love to get my hands dirty with whatever your experienced self would feel is best to get started 19:04
JFowell, if you are looking to begin in the code, I recommend having a look at the bugs with patches and seeing if they already exist in the current kernel, if they are upstream (in Linus' tree) and not in the kernel and working them as appropriate. Sound interesting?19:06
hermesJFo: Surely mostly definately19:08
hermesJFo: I could begin with that, Great19:09
JFonow, let me get you a link to those19:09
JFohermes, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on19:09
hermesJFo: most definately, please I appreciate that very much. Anymore tips and guidelines plz19:09
JFothat ^^ is the link to all kernel bugs with patches19:09
JFoif you like, give them a look and see which ones are actually patches and which have mistakenly been set as patches19:10
JFothen we can begin looking at the ones that are legit19:10
JFosound ok?19:10
JFothat way we are starting a bit slowly19:10
JFoI don't want to over whelm you19:10
sbeattiejjohansen: looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html the linux-ec2 kernel seems to have a lot of bugs marked verification-failed.19:12
sbeattie(that's the red bug numbers)19:12
hermesJFo: sounds great19:12
jjohansensbeattie: okay thanks19:12
hermesJFo: I will have a look19:12
JFolet me know any questions you have and we will move forward when you are ready :)19:13
sbeattiejjohansen: the ones in blue need verification as well. A package (particularly the kernel) doesn't need to be all green to make it out of proposed, but being able to explain why things haven't been verified or are tagged verification-failed is helpful.19:13
hermesJFo: sure I have a few things to ask you19:13
sbeattiejjohansen: so sic the server team on those bugs.19:14
hermesJFo: I will have a look at these, what the best way to figure these registered bugs are already upstream on Linus' tree19:14
jjohansensbeattie: I plan to19:14
* sbeattie grins.19:14
jjohansenand thanks19:14
hermesJFo: I have not worked with the Kernel code so its a little difficult to understand at first19:15
JFohermes, you would need to have a local branch of Linus' tree so you can check them19:15
JFohermes, I see19:15
JFot may be a good idea for you to research and get familiar with git (the source management software) before you begin then19:15
JFothat way you can get the current branches of Linus' tree plus the Maverick tree to view and work from19:16
hermesJFo: great that elaborates much. I have used GIT , so I will be able to pull the branches. 19:17
JFoexcellent :)19:17
hermesJFo: Could give me small example for a hypothecial general conditon/bug. I mean how should I approach this19:18
JFoI keep a local copy of Linus' tree, the Maverick tree and the Lucid tree19:18
JFohermes, not sure what you mean?19:18
hermesJFo: U have done the same exercise right ? so suppose u found a bug X then how did u go about checking. Forgive me for a little abstract19:21
JFoso on the bugs with patches...19:22
JFoI take a look at the patch to see what it fixes and where19:23
apwjjohansen, picking the first red one at random, it doesn't seem to be ec219:23
JFothen I look in the current released source for Ubuntu to see if the patch is there19:23
JFoif it is not, I look in Linus' tree to see if it is there19:23
jjohansenapw: yeah, I have been going through them, none of them so far are19:24
JFoif it isn't there either, I send the patch to the kernel-team list for review19:24
JFothen, depending on what their remarks are, you may need to submit it upstream and CC stable19:24
JFoor there may be more needed in the patch19:24
JFoat which point you would go back to the writer of the patch with feedback19:25
JFoand have them submit the patch upstream and to stable19:25
JFois that what you were asking hermes?19:25
hermesJFo: precisely, bang on target..very clear19:26
JFoexcellent :)19:26
bjfjjohansen, those came in as part of the rebase of ec2, the regular kernel with those patches is in updates19:27
hermesJFo: I would have many questions or doubts as I progress with actual work..I will find you around19:27
JFosounds good :)19:28
jjohansenbjf: right, its just working through and seeing if any of them even apply to EC219:28
hermesJFo: thanks man, ok going step by step. I will first pull the code from both sources and then I will start looking at the bugs 19:29
hermesJFo: we can kick it off from there on, is that ok?19:29
JFosounds great hermes :)19:30
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hermesJFo: I am in INdia so its past midnight, I will hit the bed for now. Need to reach work early morning. thanks for the help. I appreciate it man19:33
JFosounds good, it is my pleasure hermes :)19:34
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vanhoofthanks JFo :)20:02
vanhoofJFo: totally not looking forward to a friday->wednesday trip :\20:02
JFoI can imagine :)20:03
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smagounapw: Hi, I see you worked on this for Lucid: "Investigate per device nomodeset override". What was the outcome of that work? Is there a mechanism for overriding nomodeset, or applying it on a per-device basis?20:29
smagoun(from https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms )20:29
apwsmagoun, there is a kernel blacklist for modeset yes20:31
smagounapw: Can it be configured via a file, or does it have to be compiled in? I know I can add something to /etc/modprobe.d, I don't think that helps in my particular case though - I need to use the same OS image on 2 systems w/ Intel gfx. One requires KMS, the other doesn't work with KMS. I'd like to blacklist one or the other20:34
smagounbut I'm not sure how to do that via /etc/modprobe.d/. Can I pass a PCI ID to the i915 options?20:35
apwsmagoun, its builtin20:35
apwthough we might be able to add a modprobe option list sort of thing20:36
smagounapw: ok, thanks. I need this for 9.10(!), so I'll see what's involved in modifying the builtin. Adding support for the options list sounds useful for the nebulous future, don't think it'll help my immediate need.20:38
smagouncome to think of it, supporting this in 9.10 is probably going to require a larger-than-I-want dkms package, or a backport....yuck20:41
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apwi wish we didn't change the name on release20:44
* ogra_ac is still called ogra over several releases :P20:44
apwsmagoun, in jaunty ?20:45
apwsmagoun, does that go off support in 2 weeks?20:46
ogra_ac9.10 was karmic 20:46
bjfheh, apw needs to go to bed20:46
smagounkarmic, yeah20:47
* jjohansen -> lunch20:47
bjfapw, sorry, thought it was later than it is :-)20:48
apwbah missread indeed20:48
jjohansenpfft its plenty late for apw, he needs to go party20:50
* apw caught something vile at release sprint and is going to no parties20:57
* ogasawara lunch21:10
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